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Flourenze Faye J. Sanin March 28, 2022

Grade 12- SJGP

1. Students will do a Google search using their own personal names.
2. They will show to the class the search result of their entry. (Attach the screenshot of your google
search b elow).

3. Students will identify if this information should be shown in public.

4. After the activity, answer the questions provided.
1. What did you observe about the activity?
- It requires us to search for a specific word using the internet.
2. Are the searches reliable? Why?
- Yes. BabyCentre UK is the web page I used to define my name “flourenze” or “florence”. It is a verified
web page used by upcoming parents to find unique names for a baby.
3. Does the search result affront your privacy?
- No. Due to the fact that I am not the only one who has the name “flourenze” and because the web
page used is a universal page, thus it uses a broad idea and concept to define names.

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