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Maths Chapter 1 Practice Test

Building Understanding

*when it shows (x+1)/4, it's x+1 over 4*


1. Which of the following is an equation?

a) 3x − 1 b) (x + 1)/4

c) 7x + 2 = 5 d) 3x²y

2. Which expression contains a term with a coefficient of −9?

a) 8 + 9x b) 2x + 9x2y

c) 9a − 2ab d) b − 9a2

3. State the coefficient of a² in these expressions.

a) a + a² b) 3/2 - 4a²

c) 1 − a²/5 d) −7a²/3 − 1

4. Decide whether the following pairs of terms are like terms.

a) xy and 2yx b) 7a2b and −7ba2

c) −4abc2 and 8ab2c

5. Evaluate:

a) (−3)² b) (−2)³ c) −2³ d) −3²


6. Simplify to find the answer in simplest form.

a) 2/3×6/4 b) 3/4×10/9

c) 4/7÷2/7 d) 3/6÷6/9

7. What is the reciprocal of each fraction?

a) 3/2 b) 7a/3 c) −4xy/7t d) −8x²a/b²c

8. Simplify by cancelling common factors.

a) 10x/2 b) 24x/6 c) 5a/20 d) 7/21a


9. Expand the following.

a) 2(x − 2) b) −(x + 6) c) −6(x − 2)

10. Simplify these by firstly finding the lowest common denominator (LCD).

a) 1/2+1/3 b) 4/3 − 1/5 c) 3/7 − 1/14 d) 5/3+7/6

11. State the lowest common denominator for these pairs of fractions.

a) a/3 , 7a/4 b) x/2 , 4xy/6

c) 3xy/7 , −3x/14 d) 2/x , 3/2x

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