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1. Structure:
4 paragraphs (Intro, Overview, 2 detailed paragraphs)

2. Language of percentage:
20% = one fifth
19% = almost/ nearly one fifth
30% = Nearly a third/ a good proportion
33% = exactly one third
40% = two fifths
45% = almost half of …/ a half
60% = three fifths/ a large proportion/ the majority
75% = three quarters
80% = a large proportion/ the significant majority
Chiếm bao nhiêu %:
- Account for
- Amount to
- Comprise
- Make up
- Consist of
- Represent
- Reach

The male students account for

3. Sample 1:

The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy
production in France in two years.

Sources, figures, the proportion, slowly, decreased, accounted for, respectively, sharp, other,
went up, respectively
In 1995, energy produced by coal (4) _______the highest proportion, at 29.80% of the total
energy production in France. The (5) _______for Gas and Petro were slightly lower, at 29.63%
and 29.27% (6)_______. Meanwhile, only 6.40% of the total energy was generated by Nuclear
and the lowest figure can be seen in the percentage of energy produced by (7) _______ at nearly

In 2005, the percentage of energy from Coal (8) ____________insignificantly but remained
the highest figure in the chart, at 30.93%. The figure for Gas rose (9) to
30.31%, while that for Petrol experienced a dramatic fall of nearly 10%. There were (10)
increases to 10.10% and 9.10% in the figures for Nuclear and other sources_ ______(11).

There are 2 ways to report the pie charts

1st sample: details are written in terms of sections of the pie
The charts compare (1) ______ of energy produced by different sources in France in 1995 and
It is clear that the proportion of energy generated by petrol (2) , while
the reverse is true for the figures for the rest of energy sources. Also, coal and gas were
the most significant (3)_ _______of energy in both years.

Looking at the details, in 1995, energy produced by Coal accounted for the (4)
_______proportion, at 29.80% of the total energy production in France and this figure
experienced a very slight increase of about 1% to 30.9% in 2005. Similarly, in the first year, Gas
generated 29.63% of energy, which rose marginally to 30.1% 10 years later.
Regarding the remaining methods of energy, there was an approximate 5% growth in
the rate of energy production from Nuclear power and Other sources, to just over
(5)_____and___(6). ____respectively. Petrol, in (7)_____ experienced a decrease in its
figure, from 29.27% in 1995 to around (8) ________in 2005.

2nd sample: details are written regarding the years

(Same introduction & overview as the above)
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
Sources, figures, the proportion, slowly, decreased, accounted for, respectively, sharp, other,
went up, respectively
In 1995, energy produced by coal _______the highest proportion, at 29.80% of the total energy
production in France. The _______for Gas and Petro were slightly lower, at 29.63% and
29.27% _______. Meanwhile, only 6.40% of the total energy was generated by Nuclear and the
lowest figure can be seen in the percentage of energy produced by _______ at nearly 5%.

In 2005, the percentage of energy from Coal (7) ____________insignificantly but

remained the highest figure in the chart, at 30.93%. The figure for Gas rose (8) to
30.31%, while that for Petrol experienced a dramatic fall of nearly 10%. There were (9)
increases to 10.10% and 9.10% in the figures for Nuclear and other sources_ ______(10).

4. Analysis:
Just like a line graph, a report of a pie charts has 3 parts
a. Introduction
Paraphrase the introduction of the question
b. Overview
- What is the trend of the statistics over time?
- What are the biggest/ smallest figures?
c. Details
When we report a pie chart, there are two ways to describe the details: Time & Subjects
Time (essay 2)
Regarding time, we discuss the first year and compare different subjects in the first year.
Then we compare the last year with the first year.
+ In 1995,….
+ In 2005, …
Subjects (essay 1)
Regarding the subjects, we choose the two subjects with the biggest figures first and
compare with one another.
+ Coal...; Gas….
+ Regarding other methods of energy,…
Sample 2: The following pie charts show the results of a survey into the most popular
leisure activities in the United States of America in 1999 and 2009. Summarise the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where

Report: Fill in the blanks: accounting for,

changed, one in ten, half, swimming, identical, disappeared, changes, dropped
These two charts illustrate how the preferred leisure activities of Americans (1) _______between
1999 and 2009.
Generally speaking, while the list of activities remained almost (2) over the
decade, there were a number of_________(3) in their relative popularity.
It is immediately evident that walking was by some distance the most popular pastime in
both years, (4) _________just under a third of the preferences expressed. Notably,/ Of
equal note is that by 2009, yoga had(5) _ from the list of preferred
activities and had been replaced by weightlifting, which was chosen by (6)____ Americans.
Among the less popular activities, the most notable development was that the proportion of
people who went (7)_____ doubled, making it equal second in popularity with soccer at 18%.
In stark contrast, around as (8)____ as many Americans went cycling in 2009 as
compared to ten years earlier, with the result that it became less popular than camping, at 7% and
9% respectively. Likewise, the number of people who went jogging and did aerobics also
(9)____ significantly, with less than 5% of respondents to the survey choosing them.


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