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A computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations.OR.An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it is called Computer

Characteristics of Computers:
Speed: A computer is a very fast and accurate device. It can process thousands of instructions within a few seconds for which a human being can take several days or months. Accuracy: Accuracy means to provide results without any error. Computers can process large amount of data and generate error-free results. Storage: A computer can store a large amount of data permanently such as Text, graphic, pictures, audio and video files can be stored easily. Long hour working: A computer can operate without failure for long period of time while a human has to be exhausted after a certain period of time. Decision Making Capability: Computer can take simple decisions, such as less than, greater than etc

History & Development of Computers OR Ages of Computer:

The history of computer is divided into three ages. Dark age - 300 BC to 1890 Middle age - 1890 AD to 1944 Modern age - since 1944 AD 1 - Dark Age: In this age numbers were discovered First calculating device ABACUS was designed Second calculating machine Napiers Rod were designed Logarithms were discovered Pascal calculator was designed that can only add and subtract Leibnizs calculator was designed that was improved version of Pascal calculator that can add ,subtract, divide and multiply Charles Babbage designed a machine called difference engine that could calculate power of numbers 2 Middle Age: Punch card was developed to hold data First electro-mechanical computer Mark-1 was designed that could multiply two, twenty digit numbers in 5 second 3 Modern Age: First computer ENIAC was made without memory EDSAC was made with store program capability First commercial computer UNIVAC was made

Classification of Computers:
(According to Purpose) General Purpose Computers: General purpose computers are designed to solve a large variety of problems.. Most digital computers are general purpose computers and used in business such as mini computer, microcomputer etc Special Purpose Computers: The special purpose computers are designed to solve specific problems. Most analog computers are special purpose computers. These special purpose computers are widely used in industrial robotics. (According to Function) Analog Computers: Analog computers are used to process continuous data. Analog computers are very much speedy. They produce their results very fast. But their results are approximately correct. All the analog computers are special purpose computers.


Digital Computers: Digital computer represents physical quantities with the help of digits or numbers. These numbers are used to perform Arithmetic calculations and also make logical decision. Hybrid Computers: Hybrid computers are with both digital and analog characteristics combining the advantages of analog and digital computers when working as a system. Hybrid computers are being used extensively in process control system. (According to Size) Super Computers: These are the largest and fastest machine used for complex calculations. It is used where large scientific laboratories as well as the government organizations have extra ordinary demand for processing data which required a lot of processing speed, memory and other services Therefore very large computers used are called Super Computers. These computers are extremely expensive. Main Frame Computers: The most expensive, largest and the most quickest or speedy computer are called mainframe computers. These computers are used in large companies, factories, etc.They have cost more than 20 million rupees. In this computer 150 users are able to work on one C.P.U. Mini Computers: Mini computers are smaller than mainframes, both in size and other facilities such as speed, storage capacity and other services. They are versatile that they can be fitted where ever they are needed. Their speeds are rated between one and fifty million instructions per second (MIPS). Micro Computers: These are the smallest range of computers. They have less storing space and speed. They are also called computer of a chip because its entire circuitry is contained in one tiny chip. The micro computers have a wide range of applications including uses as portable computer that can be plugged into any wall.

Generations of Computer:
First Generation (1946-1959) Major component was Vacuum Tubes Main Memory was Punch Cards Input Output Devices were Punch cards and papers Languages were Low level machine language No operating system, human operators to set switches Size - Main frame Second Generation (1959-1964) Transistors used as main component. Main Memory was RAM and ROM. External Storage was Magnetic tapes and Magnetic Disk. Input Output Devices were Magnetic tapes and Magnetic Disk. Languages was Assembly language, some high level languages for Example BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN Third Generation (1965-1970) Integrated circuit (ICs) used as basic electronic component. Main Memory was PROM and DRAM. External Storage was Improve disk (Floppy Disk) Input and Output Devices were Keyboard for input, monitor for output. Languages were more high level languages. Size - Mini


Fourth Generation (1971-1981) Major component was Micro Processor Main Memory was EPROM and SRAM. External Storage was Floppy Disk and Hard Disk. Output Devices were Monitor for output. Operating System was MS-DOS Size Micro computer Fifth Generation (1981-Onward) This generation is started from 1981 and still continued, new technologies are adopted to fabricate IC chips, such as electron beam, X-rays or laser rays. Major component was Ultra large scale integrated circuit Main Memory was EEPROM, SIMM and DIMM. External Storage was Modified magnetic and Optical disk Input/output Devices Keyboard & Scanner as input and Monitor as main output. Languages AI (Artificial Intelligence) Operating System was GUI based e.g. Windows 95, Windows NT. Size Very small in size example: Laptop, Note book, Digital Diary, Palm top etc

Generations First Second Third Forth Fifth Components Vacuum Tubes Transistors IC Microprocessor Artificial Intelligence Storage Media Punch Card Magnetic Tape Magnetic Disk Hard Disk Compact Disk(CD) Languages Machine,Assembly COBOL,FORTRAN BASIC PROLOG SQL Memory Access Time Milli Second Micro Second Nano Second 100 Nano Second More Than 4th Generation

Programming Language:
An artificial language used to write instructions that can be translated into machine language and then executed by a computer OR A programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs.

Computer Language:
A set or words, symbols, and commands that a computer can understand OR It is the medium of communication between user and computer.


Types of Computer Languages

1. Low-Level Language 2. High Level Language 1 - Low-Level Languages: Both the machine and assembly languages are called Low-Level Languages. A programming language which is near to machine language is called low level language It consists of complicated coding sentences They are difficult to understand and memorize for human beings These language are called assembler based language These are also called second generation language Low level language is further classified into two types 1. Machine Language 2. Assembly Language 1 - Machine Language Machine language is the only language that a compute understands directly without any translation, it is the binary language. It is the language of 0's and 1's . It consists of strings of binary numbers. The binary codes are very difficult to memorize for human beings that is why a machine language is Burden for a user. 2 - Assembly Language In assembly language, the statements are written in symbolic codes (termed as mnemonics) that are easier for human to read and write as compared to machine language. Each assembly language statement corresponds to one machine language statement. Advantages of Assembly Language 1. Operation codes of machine language are mnemonics, which are easy to remember. 2. An Assembly language program may be written easily as compared to machine language. 3. Revision of complete program is quite easy. 4. The insertion and deletion of the instructions in the program are quite easy. Disadvantages of Assembly Language 1. As compared to machine language assembly language is less efficient. 2. An assembly language program cannot be executed on small size computers 2 - High level language: High-Level language are more suitable for human use than machine languages and enable the programmer to write instructions easily using English words and familiar mathematical symbols. These symbolic languages are called High-Level languages. These high-level languages consist of simple English sentences, which are very easy to understand and memorize for human being. Example: FORTRAN(Formula Translation):It is oldest high level language. It was designed for the use of scientist, engineers and mathematician for solving mathematical and scientific problem BASIC (Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code):BASIC is a very simple language to use and understand. It uses simple English words. Even a person with a little knowledge of computer programming can learn it and utilize it for business and scientific purpose. The biggest problem with it is that it has no standard version and different manufacturers modified it into different versions

Various Terms
1 - Assembler: A program that translates programs from assembly language to machine language. 2 - Compiler: A compiler is a computer program that transforms human readable source code into the machine readable code that a CPU can execute. The name "compiler" is primarily used for programs that translate source code from a high-level programming language to a lower level language (e.g., assembly language or machine code) 3 - Interpreter: An interpreter is another type of translator that converts each statement of a program written in a high level language into machine code and executes it before translating the next statement of the source


program. It differs from a compiler that translates the entire source program into object program without undergoing its execution. 4 - Source program: The program which user writes in high level language is called source program. It is easily to understandable by human since high level language is close to human language. 5 - Object program: The program which is in machine language is called object program. it is made by compiler when it translates the source program. It is impossible to understand by human because it is in binary language 6 - Hardware: The physical components of a computer are called Hardware such as Keyboard, Mouse and Monitor etc. The storage devices and display devices are hardware. 7 - Software: Software is the set of instruction in a language which can be understood by the computer. Computer instructions or data. Anything that can be stored electronically is software.

Source Program It is written in any computer language It is always in high level language Computer can not execute source program directly, it needs translator High level Language It consists of simple English sentences It is near to human language They are easy to understand and memorize for human beings Analog Computer These includes measuring devices These are special purpose computers These are used to process continuous quantities Hardware These are physical components of computer It can be touched All input, storage & output devices are Hardware It can be moved physically Object program It is always written in machine language It is always in machine language Computer can execute source program directly Low level Language It consists of complicated coding sentences It is near to machine language They are difficult to understand and memorize for human beings Digital Computer These includes counting devices These are general purpose computers These are used to process discrete quantities Software These are set of programs It can not be touched All applications like operating system & Languages are softwares It can be moved logically

Impact of Computer and Internet on Society

The main facts regarding impact of computer and internet can be classified into 3 parts Internet: Internet is a type of wide area network in which thousand of computers are connected to other computers .It gives us number of facilities like browsing, downloading, searching, chatting and email etc. People use the Internet for game, internet advertising, online learning computers courses etc Education: In education too, computer is mostly used such as all universities and colleges have computer labs, Teachers use computers to keep track of grades or offer online instruction and in addition to books, video and other materials most of the students often use computers to continue their education Business:

Computers can be used in business from the stage of manufacturing till the stage of its sale. We cant think of a business without a computer. Computers have become a requirement in the business industry. Computers easily complete duties that are tedious and timely for humans. The business uses of computers are extensive

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