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Government of Karnataka

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation

Limited (KUIDFC)

Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization Project (KUWSMP)

AGREEMENT NO. 114-Kti b FC- 9 q 7123- 00 -R . tat to-oe,zoo.


CONTRACT FOR Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer water

supply system in Kalaburagi city of Karnataka State, India for cost
effective and sustainable up-scaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water

IlAinegIng &in!
KSUSDFC1 Etangelore
Government of Karnataka

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation Limited


Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization Project (KUWSMP)

AGREEMENT NO. KU( b pc- 99 7)3 -00 -42 fig- bale 10-00042


CONTRACT FOR Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer water supply system in
Kalaburagi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable up-scaling
to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply.

Cc atiii
Managing Dtrectni



a. Form of Contract v.

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Government of Karnataka


Certificate No, IN-KA37612817014822S

Certificate Issued Date 28-Apr-2020 03:55 PM
Account Reference SHCIL (Fp/ Re-shell/ MALLESHWARAM1/ KA-BA
Unique Doc. Reference SUBIN-KAKA-SHCIL828151275209785
Description of Document Article 12 Bond
Consideration Price (Rs.) 0
First Party MD KUIDFC and Comm City Corp of Kalaburagi
Stamp Duty Amount(Rs.) 5,00,000
(Five Lakh only)

Plea;:e write or 140e titlow tyl!.. It ne .... ..... . .

Contract Agreement No: 04-Krotr Fe- q 72.5^Cra-P.P8 Date: /0- oC 2o 2O.

Contract Agreement

THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into this /615day of TiNg [Year] .20-20
(I) City Corporation of Kalburgi, a statutoiy Corporation established under the Karnataka
Municipal Corporations Act 1976, located near Jagat Circle, Main Road, Kalaburag1
585101 Karnataka (hereafter referred to as the "Corporation" which expression shall,
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its administrators, successors
and assigns), represented by its authoris gnatoiy Commissioner, and (hereinafter the
"Corporally ')
e•tV(c Managmg Directs
Statutory Al5V,--7—
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avAilabin 0,
2 I ee cit. Pçflhe leun, use+. ol 11,9.
;±CII ctsp, y rliRcrepailrv ale. eawrs.floil Aulhonly
Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation, a company duly
incmporated under the Companies Act 1956. having its registered office at
Nagarabhivriddi Bhavan, #22, 17th F Cross, Binnamangala, 2n4 Stage, Old Madras Road.
Indiranagar, Near BMTC Bus Depot, Bengaluru - 560 038 (hereafter referred to as
"KUIDFC" which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof
include its successors and permitted assigns and substitutes), represented by its authorized
signatcny Managing Director, KU1DFC and (hereafter the "Employer")
- and -
M/s Larsen ct Toubro Limited, a limited liability company established under the Companies
Act 2013 having its registered office at MT Howe, 1V.M.Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbal
400 001 and having its Construction Headquarters at Mount Poonamallee Road,
Manapakkam, Chennai 600 089 (hereafter for the purposes of this Agreement referred to
as the "Operator" which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof include its successors and permitted assigns and substitutes"): (hereafter the

The Employer has the jurisdiction to enter into the Contract, as defined in Section 1.1
below, pursuant to the Applicable Law;
The Employer has received all requisite approvals necessary and has conformed with all
requisite laws in accordance with the Applicable Law to permit the Employer to enter into
the Contract;
The Employer desires to engage the Operator for providing Design, build; operate and
maintain and transfer bulk supply, distribution systems of the existing water supply system
in Kalaburagi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to
continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply.
The Operator has represented to the Employer that it has the skills and ability for providing
Design, build; operate and maintain and transfer bulk supply, distribution systems of the
existing water supply system in Kalaburagi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective
and sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply and agrees to do
so upon and subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents;
The Operator responded to the Bidding Documents (IFB No.
KUIDFC/KOWSMPiDBOT/ICLB/2018-19/333 dt.12.07.2019) organized by the Employer
and was selected as the recommended Operator to fulfil the Design-Build and Operating
and maintaining Services set out in the Schedule 2;
f. The Operator has the corporate capacity and authority to enter into the Contract;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and Agreements hereinafter set
forth, the Employer and the Operator agree as follows;

Managing ecto.
K.U.I.D.F.C. Bangalore
1.1. Contract Documents
This Contract for providing Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer water supply
system in Kalaburagi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable
upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply between the Employer and the
Operator (the "Contract") consists of the following documents (collectively, the "Contract
Documents"), and each of the following shall be read and construed as an integral part of
the Contract:

Form of Contract
Letter of Acceptance
Corrigenda 08 Nos. and Addenda 03 Nos.
Section IX - Special Conditions of Contract (Schedule 1 to GCC)
Section VIII - General Conditions of Contract
"Schedule 2" - Obligations of Operator
"Schedule 3"- Obligations of Corporation
"Schedule 4" - Raw Water Supply Points and Service Area, and on-going
i, "Schedule 5" - Operator's Price Schedules
"Schedule 6"- Terms and conditions, Procedure of payment
"Schedule 7" - Conditions for commencement of Operations Service
I. "Schedule 8" - Operator Key Staff
"Schedule 9" - Performance and Advance Payment Security Bank Guarantees
"Schedule 10" - Technical Specifications
"Schedule 11" - Performance Standards
"Schedule 12"- Draft Rules and Procedures for the Functions of the Adjudicator
"Schedule 13" - Operations Escrow Account
"Schedule 14" - Threshold for Assessing Change of Scope
"Schedule 15 — Existing Staff
"Schedule 16— Role of Expert Reviewer
"Schedule 17 — Utility Systems
"Schedule 18 — Inventory of Borewells and Open Wells

1.2. Order of Precedence

In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract Documents listed in Section
1.1 of this Form of Contract, the order of precedence shall be the order in which the
Contract Documents are listed in Section 1.1 of this Form of Contract.
Notwithstanding Section 1.2(a) of this Form of Contract and any other term or condition in
the Contract Documents, if any statement or provision in Operator's Bid incorporated in
the Contract is not consistent with or conflicts with any other term or conditio

030 U. CianAalls
Managing threctoi
remainder of the Contract Documents, the remainder of the Contract Documents shall
1.3. Definitions
Capitalized words and phrases used herein shall have the same meanings as are
ascribed to them in the General Conditions of Contract and various Schedules
attached to the Contract.


2.1. Operator's Compensation
The Employer hereby agrees to pay to the Operator the Contract Price, in
consideration of the performance by the Operator of its obligations hereunder, and
the Contract Price is specified in Schedule 5 of the Contract (Operator's Price
2.2. Terms of Payment
The terms and procedures of payment by which the Employer will compensate the
Operator are set out in the General Conditions of the Contract.


3.1. Effective Date and Starting Date
The Effective Date, the Design-Build Starting Date and Operations Starting Date
for the Contract shall be determined in accordance with the General Conditions of
the Contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Employer and the Operator have caused this Form of
Contract to be duly executed by their duly authorized representatives.

EXECUTED as of the date first written above.

[The Corporation]





Managing Directly
K1LLD.F.C. Bangaiore
[The Employer]


Ol iankri-Vs
tillerieWN Directly
Title: i F C. Bangalore

Witness: .1V131‘rtt " A Ai


[The Operator]


Name: Vita President it Had
Water Supply & Distribution Business Unit
Water & Effluent Treatment IC

kA,"3 _
Witness: V.

--mi ir • -I•1 r m r .-I•M•



b. Letter of Acceptance A

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J I7
er7Bre3-4 Karnataka Urban Infrastructure
rZbt3 rsnr.o Development and Finance Corporation Ltd.,
(rud tater= tnitzteti) (Government of Karnataka Undertaking)

No , KUIDC(1Ko “MID1 D Go7 I K031161- 2-61 '3331(P2-- --.

Notification of Award

Letter of Acceptance


Mis. LARSEN & TOUBRO Limited
Water & Effluent Treatment IC
Mount Poonamallee Road
Tamil Nadu India.

This is to notify you that your Bid dated September30,2019 in response to IRS No.

K UlDFC/KU Vv'SMP/DBOTIK LB/2018-19/333 for execution of the Design, Build, Operate,

Maintain and Transfer water supply system in Kalaburagi city of Karnataka State. India for

cost effective and sustainable up scaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply is

hereby accepted by our Agency for the Contract Amount of 1NR 837,43,00,000.00 (Rupees

Eight Hundred Thirty Seven Crore Forty Three lakh only), as corrected and modified in

accordance with the Instructions to Bidders,

You are requested to furnish within 30 days of the receipt of this letter, Performance

Securityas per ITB 45.1read with Bid Data Sheetequal to 10(Ten) percent of the Total

Contract Price, i.e., INR 83,74,30,000.00 ( Rupees Eighty three Crore Seventy four Lakh

and thirty thousand only) which is inclusive of I (One) percent of Total Contract Price for

r FA.
0 cu
COq‘14 :1,PVISP1‘3" Managing Director
KU.I.D.EG, Bangalore
v 44;43:1%
gam:mon:4 resea : zp a 22, 17e eadiS zak thz d4 racE)crorici. 24e WoZ, dorte1p.cb-560 038
ciredamr',;" : 080-25196124-129 080-25196110 rd-d:r : &if kuidfo.corn PAN :AAACK6953F TAN:BLRK01111F
GIN, U85110KA1993SGC014869. GST No. 20AAACK6953F1ZO
Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESNS) Performance Security PLUS additional

Performance Security for the bid being a Front Loaded bids as per 1TB Clause 40.1 i.e., TNR

31,61,00,000.00 (Rupees Thirty one Crore Sixty one Lakh only). The Bank Guarantee for

Performance Security shall be as per formats included in Section X Contract Forms, or

another form acceptable to the Employer. The Bank Guarantee shall be valid till 180 days

after the end date of the Contract,

A draft of the Contract Agreement is attached with this letter. Within 30 days of the

receipt of this letter, please complete. get it typed on stamped paper of appropriate value as

per current Government of Karnataka Regulations, sign and date and return the Contract

Agreement to the Employer for its Signature after verification of the receipt of the Bank

Guarantees for Performance Security. Along with the Contract Agreement, please submit a

notarized affidavit affirming that the key staff as named in the Bid are available for

deployment on the Project site and that they will he deployed on the Project site within 7 days

of the receipt of the first instalment of mobilization advance.

Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory: CHARULATA SOMAL.

Managing Director

Name of Agency: Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation

Limited, Bengaluru

Attachment: Contract Agreement

°gado\ 6 \5
Managing °rector
K.U.LDP-C, Bangenore.

c. Corrigenda 1 to 8


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Corrigenda Details

1. E-portal Screenshot

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Corrigendum 1 dated 04-04-2019


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Corrigendum 2 dated 16-04-2019

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Corrigendum 3 dated 09-05-2019


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Maria Dirsostx
KU !DEC, BancaiewlE
Corrigendum No-4- 17-05-2019.


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Corrigendum No-5- 10-06-2019

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KU.LD.F C, Sancti/nip
Corrigendum No-6- 02-07-2019.


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Corrigendum No-7- 09-07-2019.


.064.4.1,.,••••••••••••114•4•-• ••• 4 ::.4 lei,
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Corrigendum No-8- 20-08-2019.


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KUID.F.G, Sangsiore


E-portal screenshot

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Addendum No-l-Dated 24-04-2019.

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Managing DIrwn
KUILLEC, Bangalore
Addendum No-1- Dated 25-04-2019
ePocepanen tvo?le X


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italaging °Nan
flaa‘ ctV

,F C, Steedore

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC)


(LOAN NO. 8601-IN, CREDIT NO.4955-IN)

File No: KUIDFC/KUWSMP/DBOVICLB/2018-19/333 & KUIDFC/2018-



Design, build, operate and maintain, and transfer water supply System in Kalaburgi city of
Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to continuous (240)
pressurized water supply.

ADEENTDUM No-1- FOR 10 b Particular Specifications of Electra Mechanical Works

arid SCADA through c-portal Ind 24-04-2019.

$1 No Uploaded as Addendum
I 10 b -Particular Specification for 10 b -Particular Specification for Civil
Civil works works, Electro Mechanical works and
SCADA shall be read as per Addendum. 1.1

C >1\ok 009
menu® Oirecn
KUIELF C, Blin901£0


Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC)


(LOAN NO. 8601 -IN, CREDIT NO.4955-IN)

File No: KUIDFOKUWSMP/DBOT/K1W2018-19/333 & KUIDFC/2018-

19/0W/WORK _INDENT-172


Design, build, operate and maintain, and transfer water supply system in Kalaburg,i city of
Karnmaka State, India for cost effective and sustainable unsealing to continuous (24x7)
pressurized water supply.

ADEENDUM No-1- FOR 10 b Particular Specifications of Electra Mechanical Works

and SC:ADA through e-portal [Rd 24-04-2019.

SI No Uploaded as Addendum
I 10 b -Particular Specification for 10 b -Particular Specification for Civil
Civil works works, Electra Mechanical works and
SCADA shall be read as per Addendum. 1.. I

cc. 4-*4c

Managing Careen
KULD.F.C, Bangatore
Addendum No-2- Dated 11-07-2019
orozionem - coso -



novas. to.a•


lb.GAIdnyet.“...s. 41.0,1105411 Joanna Lv.




It 0 Ti 4 a ft 4 4- 10 r

mane.. Dram(


Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC)


(LOAN NO. 8601-IN, CREDIT NO.4955-IN)



Design, build, operate and maintain, and transfer water supply system in Kalburgi city of
Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upset:ling to continuous (24x7)
pressurized water supply.

ADEENDUM No-2- For Bid Document Dtd 11-07-2019.

Si Contents uploaded in e-portal Contents in Addendum-2

No dated 07-03-2019 dtd 11-07-2019 shall be read along
with Addendum 1 dated 24-04-
I Bid Document with Bid Document with
Invitation for Bids (MB), Invitation for Bids (F13),

Instruction to Bidders (ITB) Section I: Instructions to Bidders,

including Bid Data Sheet, Section II: Bid Data Sheet,

3 Annexures A(a) to the Bidding Section III: Evaluation and

Document- Qualification Criteria,
Section IV: Bidding Forms
4 Forms for Techno-Commercial Section IV: Bidding Forms,
Bid and Financial Bid,

5 Form of Contract Section X: Contract Forms

6 Section VI: Fraud and Corruption,
Annexure C: Fraud and Corruption
7 General Conditions of Contract Section VIII: General Conditions of
8 Schedule I - Special Conditions Section IX: Schedule I:
of Contract Special Conditignsmi-Capntract

C1—) cok-1/2-3
MentOng Detaior
iCAUDFCi etangelom
Addendum 3- Dated 13-09-2019.
ePurwenent-GenieCnornve - X

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1,04,1141• Ml•

arneat aaleat..1•11

so-0# g.U.LD.F.C.Ikingeriore.

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC)


(LOAN NO. 8601-1N. CREDIT NOA955-IN)

File No: KUIDFC/KLIWSMMBOT/0.15)2018-19/333& KUIDFC/2018-


Design, build, operate and maintain, and transfer water supply system in Kalburgi city of
Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7)
pressurized water supply.

ADEENDUM No-3- For Bid Document and Related Documents

Dtd 13-09-2019.
Si Content Shan be read with
1 Contents uploaded in e-portal Addendum 3 dated 13-09-2019.
dated 07-03-2019 & Addendum 1
dated 24-04-2019 & Addendum-2
dtd 11-07-2019

tanager- KUWSMP

KUIDFC, Bengaluru

C(2 o cb ta +5
MinscOnc: Dimas
KULDJF C, Bangalore
Addendum No-3- Dated 15-09-2019.
— CP

te C•A, M. •-• 'a ^ V.

akalloa ime •abeha. neraanasavia. mad 1.401( Jan hamar. at,. .13104,01•101aI



Pal al+ tamp. F•var

lambk ma d pat lamas. ..aaaa gala rams .••• • ama el A ma • paralabee dons


Darold yam at. la Lela

0 a CI.

Addendum No-3-Dated 16-09-2019.

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World I •••• Ted IN am. man temp., p.m Rua loan in cm se a umaJal. • am per beam aPiarie•0•04



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r. 0 " 4 No a;iFp nrn 11

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, Immobile Gnaw
d. Addendum 2 (Bid Document)

a (IA Sk
ManagIng Proolor
coott \ix-e,c -"r KUJ.D.F.C, Bangaiont
-. % ao).00,0

•1 -- I ._...-1 -
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!Ell -11 i I, l ip;

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Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC)


(LOAN NO. 8601-IN, CREDIT NO.4955-IN)

File No: KUIDFC/KUWSMP/DBOT/KLB/2018-19/333 & KUIDFC/2018-


Design, build, operate and maintain, and transfer water supply system in Kalburgi city of
Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7)
pressurized water supply.

ADEENDUM No-2- For Bid Document Dtd 11-07-2019.

SI Contents uploaded in e-portal Contents in Addendum-2
No dated 07-03-2019 dtd 11-07-2019 shall be read along
with Addendum 1 dated 24-04-
I Bid Document with Bid Document with
Invitation for Bids (IFB), Invitation for Bids (IFB),

2 Instruction to Bidders (ITB) Section I: Instructions to Bidders,

including Bid Data Sheet, Section II: Bid Data Sheet,

3 Annexures A(a) to the Bidding Section III: Evaluation and

Document- Qualification Criteria,
Section IV: Bidding Forms
4 Forms for Tcchno-Commercial Section TV: Bidding Forms,
Bid and Financial Bid,

5 Form of Contract Section X: Contract Forms

6 Section VI: Fraud and Corruption,
Annexure C: Fraud and Corruption
7 General Conditions of Contract Section VIII: General Conditions of
8 Schedule 1- Special Conditions Section IX: Schedule 1:
of Contract Special Conditions-of-Contract

Managing °vector
KUID.F-C, Bansoilattn

Invitation for Bids

Works and Operation Service

Design, Build and Operation

Water Supply System

International Competitive Bidding

(Two-Envelope Bidding Processwith e-Procurement)

(Without Prequalification)

a qap(c49
Managing Director
KUIDS,C, Elangeiore

Bidding Document for Procurement of

Works and Operation Service

Design, Build and Operation

Water Supply System

International Competitive Bidding

(Two-Envelope Bidding Process with e-Procurement)

(Without Prequalification)

Procurement of:

Design, build, operate and maintain, and transfer water supply system in Kalaburgi
city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to
continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply

Employer: Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation

Project:Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization Project (KUWSMP)
Contract title: Design, build, operate and maintain, and transfer water supply system
in Kalaburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and
sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply
Country: India
Loan No. /Credit No.! Grant No.:LOAN NO. 8601-IN, CREDIT NO.4955-IN

Issued on: 12-03-2019.

‘4, , Marmara Director
Page 2 of 490

SI.No. Description Page Number

Invitation for Bids

Section I: Instructions to Bidders

Section II: Bid Data Sheet

Background: Note on Present Status of Water Supply in Kalaburgi

City andScope of the Contract

S. Section III: Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

Section IV: Bidding Forms

Section V: Eligible Countries

Section VI: Fraud and Corruption

Section VD- Works Requirements- Not included separately

Section X: Contract Forms

Section VIII: General Conditions of Contract

Section IX:Schedule 1:Special Conditions of Contract

Annexure C: Fraud and Corruption

Schedule 2: Obligations of Operator

Schedule 3: Obligations of Corporation

Schedule 4: Raw Water Supply Points, Service Area, and


Schedule 5: Operator's Price Schedules

Schedule 6: Terms and Conditions and Procedure of Payment

Schedule 7: Conditions for Commencement of Operation Services

Schedule 8: Operator's Key Staff

Schedule 9: Performance and Advance Payment Bank Guarantees

Schedule 10: Technical Specifications

Schedule 11: Performance Standards

Schedule 12: Draft Rules and Procedure for the Functions of the
Schedule 13: Operations Escrow Account Agreement

Schedule 14: Thresholds for Assessing Change of Scope

Schedule 15: Existing Staff

Schedule 16: Role of of Expert reviewer (ER)


askik ),3
Page 3 of 490

illanaging DiraCiOf
K.U.LIXEC, earviltore
Schedule 17: Utility Systems

Schedule 18: Inventory of Boreholes/Openwells with power pumps

and Bore wells with Hand pumps.

Other Contract Forms

a (1)(a-5
Managing Nolo(
140%1; Vs‘t KUID FA Banclaiera
cp- %.• , \ Page 4 o1490

, piP



Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer water supply system in

Kalburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable
upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply.

(Single-Stage Two-Envelope)

KILL.D.F C, Bangalore

Page 5 of 490

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation




(Loan No.8601-IN, Credit No.4955-IN)



No: KUIDFC/KUWSMP/DBOT/KLB/333 Dt: 12.03.2019

I. The invitation for Bid follows the General Procurement Notice for this
Project that appeared in UNDB No.WB 118-01/14 of January 2014 online.
The Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation
(KUIDFC) through Government of Karnataka has received financing from
the World Bank toward the cost of the Karnataka Urban Water Supply
Modernization Project (KUWSMP), and intends to apply part of the
proceeds toward payments under the contract for Design, build, operate,
maintain and transfer water supply system in Kalburgi city of Karnataka
State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7)
pressurized water supply.

The Bidders are advised to note the minimum qualification criteria specified in the
Bidding Documents. Some of the salient criteria are reproduced here under.
However, the Bidders are advised to refer to the detailed criteria as given in
Section III in the bidding document.
The Bidder shall have a:


Minimum Annual Turnover (in civil engineering works and/or water

related operations) of INR 3400Million or US$ 50.0 Million (at FY
2019-20 price level) in at least three (3) financial years out of last five
(5) years preceding the year of submission of bids@;

Minimum Net Worth of INR 1000Million or US$ 14.7Million in the

last financial year immediately preceding the year of submission of bids;

,c(ti" Minimum Cash Credit facility of INR 637 Million or US$ 9.4 Million;

Ciet (1) clA5

age 6 of 490
, Mane..D.."
KUIDRC. eang.kin

a) Should have operated and maintained for at least three consecutive years
in the last ten (10) years preceding the year of submission of bids:
one (1) drinking water distribution project servicing a minimum
of forty-one thousand (41000) house service connections in a
single physically integrated service area involving demonstrated
active leakage control- OR
at least two (2) drinking water distribution projects servicing a
minimum of twenty-four thousand (24000) house service
connections each in two different physically integrated service
areas with demonstrated active leakage control in any one of the
physically integrated area.,
b) Should have executed to completion (not less than 90% of contract
value) at least one water supply project of value not less than 1NR 3625
Million or US$ 53.5 Million (at FY 2019-20 price level) over the last
five (5) years preceding the year of submission of the bid@;
@ Financial turnover and value of completed works of previous years
shall be given a weigh atage of 5% per annum to bring them toFY
2019-20 price level.
c) Should have substantially completed the following components during
last ten (10) years
Supply, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning in one-year
time period of at least 2501ans length of pipe line networks with
Mild Steel or Ductile Iron, or High-Density Poly-Ethylene pipes
of not less than 63 mm outer dia (OD).
Substantially completed in three years time period a water
treatment plant of at least 44 MLD capacity with all necessary
components and allied works
d) The Bidder should demonstrate availability of Key Staff as per
minimum qualification and experience requirements provided in Bid
Data Sheet;
e) Should have designed at least one 24x7 urban drinking water
distribution project serving a minimum of 41,000 house service
connections during the last ten (10) years preceding the year of
submission of bids;
f) Should have implemented the following services for at least two utility
services having minimum 24000 connections in a physically integrated
service area of any of the following:
Geographic information system;
- Management information system;
- Computerised maintenance management system;
Customer call centres;
Billingtand collection system;

a) 645
490 17

, Managing Direct*
Waal C, Sangeinre
Note: The Bidder may propose a maximum of Four (4) nominated
specialized sub-contractors for the specialist works as given in (c-i),
(e) and (f) above. Bidder shall sign MOU with its sub-contractors for
specialist works and provide proof for considering the technical
credentials for evaluation of qualification requirements against (c-i),
(e) and (f) above.

Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding

Procedure as specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement of
Goods. Works and Non-consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA
Credits & Grants, January 2011, revised July, 2014 and is open to all eligible
bidders as defined in the Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs
1.6 and 1.7 of the Guidelines setting forth the World Bank's policy on
conflict of interest. Single Stage, Two Envelope system of Procurement
will be followed.
The Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation
(KUIDFC) in the State of Karnataka, India invites online bids from eligible
bidders for the works detailed in the table below. The bidders shall submit
bids for the following work as per Instructions to Bidders and the
Annexures thereto.

Name of the Contract Processing Period of Contract
As notified Total period of Contract:
Rs. 74
Design, build; operate, million or on the e- 12 years of which the
maintain and transfer water US $ 1.09 curement
pro Design and Build Period
supply system in Kalburgi city million or portal is five (5) years which
of Karnataka State, India for equivalent includes operation and
cost effective and sustainable amount in a maintenance of existing
upscaling to continuous (24x7) freely system and Sustaining
pressurized water supply. Period (operation and
maintenance) for seven
(7) years.

Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Karnataka Urban
Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KUIDFC), C.G. Suprasanna,
Task Manager, e-mail and inspect the Bidding document during
office hours 1100 to 1600 hours at the address given belowl.

'The office for inquiry, for opening of bids and for submission of original documents may or may
not be the same..
G(1) \I&
Page 8 of 490
Managing Deem(
The bidding documents (in English only) will be available online on the
procurement portal ( w.e.f. 12-07-2019 and it
can be downloaded free of cost by logging on to the e-procurement portal.
Aspiring Bidders which are not registered already on the e-procurement
portal or do not have valid registration are required to register by payment
of a nominal fee of INR 500 before downloading the bidding documents.
Details in this regard are available on the portal. The bids are to be
submitted online through the e-procurement portal only. Bids submitted in
any other manner will not be accepted.
For electronic submission of the bids, the bidders are required to have
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for signing and encryption, issued by
one of the Certifying Authorities authorized by Government of India for
issuing DSC. The list of authorized Certifying Authorities is available on
the website
Foreign bidders may obtain the DSC from any Licensed Certifying
Authority which has been recognized by the Controller of Certifying
Authorities, Govt. of India as per the details available at
A pre-bid meeting will be held on 29-07-2019 at 1100 hours in the Office
of the Managing Director, KUIDFC, Bengaluru to clarify any issues and to
answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage as stated in
Clause 7.5 of the Instructions to Bidders. Bidders are advised to download
the bidding document prior to the pre-bid meeting in order for bidders to have
a good understanding of the scope of work under this contract for discussion
and clarification at the pre-bid meeting.
Bidders are required to provide bid security in the manner as detailed in Clause 19
of the Instructions to Bidders and pay bid processing fee of the amount, as per
details available on the e-procurement portal using any of the following payment
modes (i) Credit Card; or (ii) Direct Debit; or (iii) National Electronic Funds Transfer
(NEFT); or (iv) Over the Counter payment (OTC). The OTC payment facility shall be
available at the designated ICICI Bank branches for making payment from the date
of notification of the IFB in the e-procurement portal

The bidders are required to submit the following original documents in

accordance with ITB 21.4, so as to reach the office of KUIDFC at the address
given below before the deadline for submission of bids i.e. before 1500 hours
(1ST) on 29-08-2019, either by registered post/speed post/courier or by hand,
failing which the bids will be declared non-responsive and will not be opened:
original Bid security (if it is in the form of bank guarantee);
JV Agreement in case of a JV Bidder or Letter of Intent to form JV;
original power of attorney as per provisions of ITB 20.2; and

Page 9 otainaging
(d) original Affidavit regarding correctness of documents/information
submitted/uploaded with the Bid.
12. Bids, comprising Techno-CommerciaP Bid and Financial Bid', along with
necessary information/documents must be uploaded simultaneously to the e-
procurement portal as per the bid document on or
before 1600 hours (1ST) on 29-08-2019 in accordance with the instructions given
in the Bidding Documents. The Techno-Commercial bids will be opened at the
specified venue at 1630 hours (1ST) on 30-08-2019 in the presence of the
bidders or their authorized representatives and anyone who wish to attend. The
Financial Bid shall remain unopened in the e-procurement system until the
second public Bid opening for the Financial Bid which will be notified later after
evaluation of the Techno-Commercial Bids and determination of the technically
qualified Bidders. Any Bid or modifications to Bid (including discount) received
outside e-procurement system will not be considered. If the Office happens to be
closed on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on
the next working day at the same time and venue.
Other details can be seen in the bidding document. The bidders are requested to
ensure browser compatibility of the computer well in advance (at least one week
before the last date and time of submission of the bids and bring to the notice
of KUIDFC the details of the technical glitches if any to enable KUIDFC to
take corrective measures.
The Employer shall not be liable for any delays due to system failure beyond its control.
Even though the system will attempt to notify the bidders of any bid updates, the
Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the bidder. It is the
bidders' responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to this bid.

The Managing Director,

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation
Nagarabhivruddi Bhavan, if 22, 17th F Cross, Binnamangala, 2nd Stage,
Old Madras Road, Indiranagar, Near BMTC Bus Depot, Bangalore — 560
Telephone: +91 080 25196124 Email: info®

2`Techno-Commercial Bid' is also interchangeably referred to as 'Technical Part', 'Bid —

Technical Part', 'Technical Section of the Bid', and 'Technical Proposal'.
3'Financial Bid' is also interchangeably referred to as 'Financial Part' and 'Bid —

Page 10 of 490
st... _ &reap(


21 ) a RAG (f4'
Managing Lawn
MUD, C eangetore
Section I. Instructions to Bidders

Table of Clauses
1. Scope of Bid 14
2. Source of Funds 14
3. Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices 15
4. Eligible Bidders 15
5. Eligible Materials, Equipment, and Services 18
6. Sections of Bidding Documents 19
7. Clarification of Bidding Documents, Site Visit, Pre-Bid Meeting 20
8. Amendment of Bidding Documents 21
9. Cost of Bidding 21
10. Language of Bid 21
11. Documents Comprising the Bid 22
12. Letter of Bid and Schedules 23
13. Alternative Bids 23
14. Bid Prices and Discounts 24
15. Currencies of Bid and Payment 25
16. Documents Comprising the Technical Proposal 25
17. Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder 26
18. Period of Validity of Bids 26
19. Bid Security 27
20. Format and Signing of Bid 29
21. Sealing and Marking of Bids 30
22. Deadline for Submission of Bids 31
23. Late Bids 31

c l(i*:013
Page 12 of 490
24 Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids 31
E. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bid

25. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids 32


26. Confidentiality 33

27. Clarification of Bids 34

28. Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions 35
29. Nonmaterial Nonconformities 35
G. Evaluation of Technical Parts of Bids

30. Evaluation of Technical Parts 35

31. Determination of Responsiveness 36

32. Qualifications of the Bidder 36

33. Subcontractors 37
H Public Opening of Financial Parts of Bids:

34. Public Opening of Financial Parts 37

I Evaluation of Financial Parts of Bids:

35. Evaluation of Financial Parts 39

36. Correction of Arithmetical Errors 40

37. Conversion to Single Currency 41

38. Margin of Preference 41

39. Comparison of Financial Parts 41

40. Unbalanced or Front Loaded Bids 41
41. Employer's Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids 42

42. Award Criteria 42

43. Notification of Award 42

44. Signing of Contract 43

45. Performance Security 43
46 Adjudicator

(ID (01--5
Managing Director
'WIDE C, Bangalore
Page 13 o1490
Section I. Instructions to Bidders

A. General

Scope of Bid
1.1 In connection with the Invitation for Bids specified in
the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the Employer, as specified
in the BDS, issues these Bidding Documents for the
procurement of Works as specified in Section VII,
Works Requirements. The name, identification, and
number of lots (contracts) of thisInternational
Competitive Bidding (ICB) process are specified in the

1.2 Throughout these Bidding Documents:

the term "in writing" means communicated in

written form and delivered against receipt;

except where the context requires otherwise, words

indicating the singular also include the plural and
words indicating the plural also include the

"day" means calendar day; and

"ESHS" means environmental, social (including

sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and gender
based violence (GBV)), health and safety.

Source of Funds
2.1 The Borrower or Recipient (hereinafter called
"Borrower") specified in the BDS has received or has
applied for financing (hereinafter called "Rinds") from
the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development or the International Development
Association (hereinafter called "the Bank") in an
amount specified in the BDS, toward the project named
in the BDS. The Borrower intends to apply a portion of
the funds to eligible payments under the contract(s) for
which these Bidding Documents are issued.

2.2 Payment by the Bank will be made only at the request

of the Borrower and upon approval by the Bank, and
will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and

e ,
'1 /4
conditions of the Loan (or other financing) Agreement.

Managing Obng
The Loan (or other financing) Agreement prohibits a
withdrawal from the Loan (or other financing) account
for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or
for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to
the knowledge of the Bank, is prohibited by a decision
of the United Nations Security Council taken under
Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No
party other than the Borrower shall derive any rights
from the Loan (or other financing) Agreement or have
any claim to the proceeds of the Loan (or other

Corrupt and
3.1 The Bank requires compliance with its policy in regard
tices to corrupt and fraudulent practices as set forth in
Section VI.

3.2 In fiirther pursuance of this policy, Bidders shall permit

and shall cause its agents (whether declared or not),
sub-contractors, sub-consultants, service providers, or
suppliers and any personnel thereof, to permit the Bank
to inspect all accounts, records and other documents
relating to any prequalification process, bid submission,
and contract performance (in the case of award), and to
have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.

Eligible Bidders
4.1 A Bidder may be a firm that is a private entity, a
government-owned entity—subject to ITB 4.5—or any
combination of such entities in the form of a joint
venture (JV) under an existing agreement or with the
intent to enter into such an agreement supported by a
letter of intent. In the case of a joint venture, all
members shall be jointly and severally liable for the
execution of the Contract in accordance with the
Contract terms. The JV shall nominate a Representative
who shall have the authority to conduct all business for
and on behalf of any and all the members of the JV
during the bidding process and, in the event the N is
awarded the Contract, during contract execution.Unless
specifiedin the BDS, there is no limit on the number of
members in a TV.

4.2 A Bidder shall not have a conflict of


Managing Diewolor
KUIDEC, Bangitions
Bidder found to have a conflict of interest shall be
disqualified. A Bidder may be considered to have a
conflict of interest for the purpose of this bidding
process, if the Bidder:

directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is

under common control with another Bidder; or

receives or has received any direct or indirect

subsidy from another Bidder; or

has the same legal representative as another Bidder;


has a relationship with another Bidder, directly or

through common third parties, that puts it in a
position to influence the bid of another Bidder, or
influence the decisions of the Employer regarding
this bidding process; or
participates in more than one bid in this bidding
process. Participation by a Bidder in more than one
Bid will result in the disqualification of all Bids in
which such Bidder is involved. However, this does
not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor in
more than one bid; or

(0 any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in ,

the preparation of the design or technical
specifications of the works that are the subject of
the bid; or

any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to

be hired) by the Employer or Borrower as Engineer
for the Contract implementation; or
would be providing goods, works, or non-
consulting services resulting from or directly
related to consulting services for the preparation or
implementation of the project specified in the BDS
ITB 2.1 that it provided or were provided by any
affiliate that directly or indirectly controls, is
controlled by, or is under common control with that
firm; or

(0 has a close business or family relationship with a

professional staff of the Borrower (or of the project
implementing agency, or of a recipient of a part of
the loan) who: (i) are directly or indirectly involved
in the preparation of the bidding documents or
specifications of the contract e bid

tk (1)\ a
Page 16 of 490
Managing Moot«
VALDP-C., empiont

evaluation process of such contract; or (ii) would be

involved in the implementation or supervision of
such contract unlessthe conflict stemming from
such relationship has been resolved in a
manneracceptable to the Bank throughout the
procurement process and execution of the contract.

4.3 A Bidder may have the nationality of any country,

subject to the restrictions pursuant to ITB 4.7. A Bidder
shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if
the Bidder is constituted, incorporated or registered in
and operates in conformity with the provisions of the
laws of that country, as evidenced by its articles of
incorporation (or equivalent documents of constitution
or association) and its registration documents, as the
case may be. This criterion also shall apply to the
determination of the nationality of proposed sub-
contractors or sub-consultants for any part of the
Contract including related Services.

4.4 A Bidder that has been sanctioned by the Bank in

accordance with the above ITB 3.1, including in
accordance with the Bank's Guidelines on Preventing
and Combating Corruption in Projects Financed by
IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants ("Anti-
Corruption Guidelines"), shall be ineligible to be
prequalified for, bid for, or be awarded a Bank-financed
contract or benefit from a Bank-financed contract,
financially or otherwise, during such period of time as
the Bank shall have determined. The list of debarred
firms and individuals is available asspeeified in the

4.5 Bidders that are Government-owned enterprises or

institutions in the Employer's Country may participate
only if they can establish that they (i) are legally and
financially autonomous (ii) operate under commercial
law, and (iii) are not dependent agencies of the Employer.
To be eligible, a government-owned enterprise or
institution shall establish to the Bank's satisfaction,
through all relevant documents, including its harter and
other information the Bank may request, th a

17a co tctis
legal entity separate from the government (ii) does not
currently receive substantial subsidies or budget support;
(iii) operates like any commercial enterprise, and, inter
alia, is not obliged to pass on its surplus to the
government, can acquire rights and liabilities, borrow
fiinds and be liable for repayment of its debts, and can be
declared bankrupt; and (iv) is not bidding for a contract to
be awarded by the department or agency of the
government which under their applicable laws or
regulations is the reporting or supervisory authority of the
enterprise or has the ability to exercise influence or control
over the enterprise or institution.

4.6 A Bidder shall not be under suspension from bidding

by the Employer as the result of the operation of a Bid—
Securing Declaration.

4.7 Firms and individuals may be ineligible if so indicated

in Section V and (a) as a matter of law or official
regulations, the Borrower's country prohibits
commercial relations with that country, provided that
the Bank is satisfied that such exclusion does not
preclude effective competition for the supply of goods
or the contracting of works or services required; or (b)
by an act of compliance with a decision of the United
Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of
the Charter of the United Nations, the Borrower's
country prohibits any import of goods or contracting of
works or services from that country, or any payments to
any country, person, or entity in that country.

4.8 This bidding is open only to prequalified Bidders

unless specified in the BPS.

4.9 A Bidder shall provide such evidence of eligibility

satisfactory to the Employer, as the Employer shall
reasonably request.

S. Eligible 5.1 The materials, equipment and services to be supplied

Equipment, and under the Contract and financed by the Bank may have
Services their origin in any country subject to the restrictions
specified in Section V, Eligible Countries, and all
expenditures under the Contract will e.:.—. 'ntravene

Page 18 of 490
Managing Meats

such restrictions. At the Employer's request, Bidders

may be required to provide evidence of the origin of
materials, equipment and services.

B. Contents of Bidding Documents

6. Sections of 6.1 The Bidding Documents consist of Parts 1, 2, and 3,
Bidding which include all the Sections specified below, and which
Documents should be read in conjunction with any Addenda issued in
accordance with ITB 8.

PART 1 Bidding Procedures

Section I. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

Section II. Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
Section IV. Bidding Forms
Section V. Eligible Countries

Section VI. Bank Policy-Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices

PART 2 Works Requirements

Section VII. Works Requirements

PART 3 Conditions of Contract and Contract
Section VIII. General Conditions (GC)

Section IX. Particular Conditions (PC)

Section X. Contract Forms

6.2 The Invitation for Bids issued by the Employer is not

part of the Bidding Documents.

6.3 Unless obtained directly from the Employer, the

Employer is not responsible for the completeness of the
Bidding Documents, responses to requests for
clarification, the minutes of the pre-Bid meeting (if
any), or Addenda to the Bidding Documents in
accordance with ITB 8. In case of any contradiction,
documents obtaineddirectly from the Employer shall

6.4 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions,

forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding
Documentsand to furnish with its bid all information
and documentation as is required It e Bidding

(247 OfllIc06
Page 19 of 490
Margielng thralls
KUADRA Bangalore
7. Clarification of 7.1 A Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding
Bidding Documents shall contact the Employer in writing at the
Documents, Site Employer's address specified in the BDS or raise its
Visit, Pre-Bid enquiries during the pre-bid meeting if provided for in
Meeting accordance with ITB 7.4. The Employer will respond
in writing to any request for clarification, provided that
such request is received no later than fourteen (14) days
prior to the deadline for submission of bids. The
Employer shall forward copies of its response to all
Bidders who have acquired the Bidding Documents in
accordance with ITB 6.3, including a description of the
inquiry but without identifying its source. If so
specified in the BDS, the Employer shall also promptly
publish its response at the web page identified in the
BDS. Should the clarification result in changes to the
essential elements of the Bidding Documents, the
Employer shall amend the Bidding Documents
following the procedure under ITB 8 and ITB 22.2.
7.2 The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the Site of
Works and its surroundings and obtain for itself on its
own responsibility all information that may be
necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a
contract for construction of the Works. The costs of
visiting the Site shall be at the Bidder's own expense.

7.3 The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be

granted permission by the Employer to enter upon its
premises and lands for the purpose of such visit, but
only upon the express condition that the Bidder, its
personnel, and agents will release and indemnify the
Employer and its personnel and agents from and against
all liability in respect thereof, and will be responsible
for death or personal injury, loss of or damage to
property, and any other loss, damage, costs, and
expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.

7.4 If so specified in the BDS, the Bidder's designated

representative is invited to attend a pre-bid meeting.
The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and
to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at
that stage.

7.5 The Bidder is requestedto submit any questions in

writing, to reach the Employer not later than one week
before the meeting.
p-c) CA naCt\ak3

LIALLDEA gang sic% e

7.6 Minutes of the pre-bid meeting, if applicable, including
the text of the questions asked by Bidders, without
identifying the source, and the responses given, together
with any responses prepared after the meeting, will be
transmitted promptly to all Bidders who have acquired
the Bidding Documents in accordance with ITB 6.3.
Any modification to the Bidding Documents that may
become necessary as a result of the pre-bid meeting
shall be made by the Employer exclusively through the
issue of an Addendum pursuant to ITB 8 and not
through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting.
Nonattendance at the pre-bid meeting will not be a
cause for disqualification of a Bidder.

Amendment of
8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids,
Documents the Employer may amend the Bidding Documents by
issuing addenda.

8.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding

Documents and shall be communicated in writing to all
who have obtained the Bidding Documents from the
Employerin accordance with ITB 6.3. The Employer
shall also promptly publish the addendum on the
Employer's web page in accordance with ITB 7.1.

8.3 To give Bidders reasonable time in which to take an

addendum into account in preparing their bids, the
Employer should extend the deadline for the submission
of bids, pursuant to ITB 22.2

C. Preparation of Bids

Cost of Bidding 9.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the
preparation and submission of its Bid, and the
Employer shall not be responsible or liable for those
costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
bidding process.

10. Language of
10.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and uments
relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidde

Page 21 of 4

Managing Director
IC.U141FC, Bangerore
Employer, shall be written in the language specified in
the BDS. Supporting documents and printed literature
that are part of the Bid may be in another language
provided they are accompanied by an accurate
translation of the relevant passages in the language
specified in the BDS, in which case, for purposes of
interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.

11. Documents
11.1 The Bid shall comprise two Parts, namely the
Comprising the
Bid Technical Part and the Financial Part. These two Parts
shall be submitted simultaneously in two separate sealed
envelopes (two-envelope Bidding process). One envelope
shall contain only information relating to the Technical
Part and the other, only information relating to the
Financial Part. These two envelopes shall be enclosed in a
separate sealed outer envelope marked "Original Bid".
11.2 The Technical Part shall contain the following:

'Letter of Bid— Technical Part and Appendix to

Bid, in accordance with ITB 12;
Bid Security or Bid-Securing Declaration, in
accordance with ITB 19.1;
alternative bids, if permissible, in accordance with
ITB 13;
written confirmation authorizing the signatory of
the Bid to commit the Bidder, in accordance with
ITB 20.2;
documentary evidence in accordance with ITB 17
establishing the Bidder's qualifications to perform
the contract if its Bid is accepted;
(0 Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB 16;
(g) any other document required in the BDS.
11.3 TheFinancialPartshallcontainthefollowing:

Letter of Bid — Financial Part: prepared in

accordance with ITB 12 and ITB 14;

Price Schedules including priced Bill of

Quantities, completed in accordance with ITB 12
and ITB 14;

2. 'Letter of Bid' is also interchangeabily referred to as 'Bid Form'

(----tift,k CO6
Page 22 of 490
Managing Om=
IMAM iiinaaletti

Alternative Bid - Financial Part: if permissible

in accordance with ITB 13, the Financial Part of
any Alternative Bid; and

any other documentrequired in the BPS.

11.4 Technical Part shall not include any information related

to the Bid price. Where material financial information
related to the Bid Price is contained in theTechnical
Part the Bid shall be declared non-responsive.

11.5 In addition to the requirements under ITB 11.1, bids

submitted by a JV shall include a copy of the Joint
Venture Agreement entered into by all members.
Alternatively, a letter of intent to execute a Joint
Venture Agreement in the event of a successful bid
shall be signed by all members and submitted with the
bid, together with a copy of the proposed Agreement.

11.6 The Bidder shall furnish in the Letter of Bid— Financial

Part information on commissions and gratuities, if any,
paid or to be paid to agents or any other party relating to
this Bid.

Letter of Bid
12.1 The Letter of Bid— Technical Part, Letter of Bid —
and Schedules
Financial Part and Price Schedules, including the Bill of
Quantities, shall be prepared using the relevant forms
furnished in Section IV, Bidding Forms. The forms
must be completed without any alterations to the text,
and no substitutes shall be accepted except as provided
under ITB 20.2. All blank spaces shall be filled in with
the information requested.

Alternative Bids
13.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BPS, alternative
bids shall not be considered.

13.2 When alternative times for completion are explicitly

invited, a statement to that effect will be included in
the BDS, as will the method of evaluating different
times for completion.

13.3 Except as provided under ITB 13.4 below, Bidders

wishing to offer technical altemati to the
requirements of the Bidding Documents mu ce

Page 23 c; • 490
thilrieging Director
KU.1.D.F C, Etangetiore
the Employer's design as described in the Bidding
Documents and shall further provide all information
necessary for a complete evaluation of the alternative
by the Employer, including drawings, design
calculations, technical specifications, breakdown of
prices, and proposed construction methodology and
other relevant details. Only the technical alternatives, if
any, of the lowest evaluated Bidder conforming to the
basic technical requirements shall be considered by the

13.4 When specified in the BDS, Bidders are permitted to

submit alternative technical solutions for specified parts
of the Works, and such parts will beidentified in the
BDS, as will the method for their evaluating, and
described in Section VII, Works Requirements.

14. Bid Prices and

14.1 The prices and discounts (including any price
reduction) quoted by the Bidder in the Letter of Bid—
Financial Part and in the Bill of Quantities shall
conform to the requirements specified below.

14.2 The Bidder shall fill in rates and prices for all items of
the Works described in the Bill of Quantities. Items
against which no rate or price is entered by the Bidder
shall be deemed covered by the rates for other items in
the Bill of Quantities and will not be paid for separately
by the Employer.An item not listed in the priced Bill of
Quantities shall be assumed to be not included in the
Bid, and provided that the Bid is determined
substantially responsive notwithstanding this omission,
the average price of the item quoted by substantially
responsive bidders will be added to the bid price and the
equivalent total cost of the bid so determined will be
used for price comparison.

14.3 The price to be quoted in the Letter of Bid— Financial

Part, in accordance with ITB 12.1, shall be the total
price of the Bid, excluding any discounts offered.

14.4 The Bidder shall quote any discounts and the

methodolo y for their application in f Bid-
24 c490
Marbeging Director
SWAM ilanosont
Financial Part, in accordance with ITB 12.1.

14.5 Unless otherwise specified in the BPS and the

Contract, the rates and prices quoted by the Bidder are
subject to adjustment during the performance of the
Contract in accordance with the provisions of the
Conditions of Contract. In such a case, the Bidder shall
furnish the indices and weightings for the price
adjustment formulae in the Schedule of Adjustment
Data and the Employer may require the Bidder to
justify its proposed indices and weightings.

14.6 If sospecified in ITB 1.1, bids are being invited for

individual lots (contracts)or for any combination of lots
(packages). Bidders wishing to offer discounts for the
award of more than one Contract shall specify in their
bid the price reductions applicable to each package, or
alternatively, to individual Contracts within the
package. Discounts shall be submitted in accordance
with ITB 14.4, provided the bids for all lots (contracts)
are opened at the same time.

14.7 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the

Contractor under the Contract, or for any other cause, as
of the date 28 days prior to the deadline for submission
of bids, shall be included in the rates and prices and the
total Bid Price submitted by the Bidder.

15. Currencies of
15.1 The currency(ies) of the bid and the currency(ies) of
Bid and
Payment payments shall be as specified in the BPS.

15.2 Bidders may be required by the Employer to justify, to

the Employer's satisfaction, their local and foreign
currency requirements, and to substantiate that the
amounts included in the unit rates and prices and shown
in the Schedule of Adjustment Data in the Appendixto
Bid— Financial Part are reasonable, in which case a
detailed breakdown of the foreign currency
requirements shall be provided by Bidders.

16. Documents 16.1 The Bidder shall furnish a Technical Pro

Comprising the
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Managing Director
KIALD,F.C, Sangetere
Technical Technical Part of the Bid including a statement of work
Proposal methods, equipment, personnel, schedule and any other
information as stipulated in Section IV — Bidding
Forms, in sufficient detail to demonstrate the adequacy
of the Bidder's proposal to meet the work requirements
and the completion time.

17.1 In accordance with Section III, Evaluation and
Establishing the
Qualifications Qualification Criteria, to establish itsqualification to
of the Bidder perform the contract, the Bidder shall provide the
information requested in the corresponding information
sheets included in Section IV, Bidding Forms.

17.2 If a margin of preference applies as specified in

accordance with ITB 38.1, domestic Bidders,
individually or in joint ventures, applying for eligibility
for domestic preference shall supply all information
required to satisfy the criteria for eligibility specified in
accordance with ITB 38.1.

Period of
18.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the
Validity of Bids
BPS after the bid submission deadline date prescribed
by the Employer in accordance with ITB 22.1. A bid
valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the
Employer as non responsive.

18.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of

the bid validity period, the Employer may request
Bidders to extend the period of validity of their bids.
The request and the responses shall be made in writing.
If a bid security is requested in accordance with ITB 19,
it shall also be extended for twenty-eight (28) days
beyond the deadline of the extended validity period. A
Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its bid
security. A Bidder granting the request shall not be
required or permitted to modify its bid, except as
provided in ITB 18.3.

18.3 If the award is delayed by a period exceeding fifty-six

(56) days beyond the expiry of the initial bid validity,
the Contract price shall be determined as follows:

2cel t
ca( akta
Page 26 of 490
Managing Orem(

In the case of fixed price contracts, the Contract

price shall be the bid price adjusted by the factor
specified in theBDS.

In the case of adjustable price contracts, no

adjustment shall be made.

In any case, bid evaluation shall be based on the

bid price without taking into consideration the
applicable correction from those indicated above.

19. Bid Security

19.1 The Bidder shall furnish as part of Technical Part of its
bid, either a Bid-Securing Declaration or a bid security
as specified in the BPS, in original form and, in the
case of a bid security, in the amount and currency
specified in the BPS.

19.2 A Bid-Securing Declaration shall use the form included

in Section IV, Bidding Forms.

19.3 If a bid security is specified pursuant to ITB 19.1, the

bid security shall be a demand guarantee in any of the
following forms at the Bidder's option:

an unconditional guarantee issued by a bank or

fmancial institution (such as an insurance, bonding
or surety company);

an irrevocable letter of credit;

a cashier's or certified check; or

another security specified in the BPS,

from a reputable sourcefroman eligible country. If the

unconditional guarantee is issued by a financial institution
located outside the Employer's Country, the issuing financial
institution shall have a correspondent financial institution
located in the Employer's Country to make it enforceable. In
the case of a bank guarantee, the bid security shall be
submitted either using the Bid Security Form included in
Section IV, Bidding Forms, or in another substantially
similar format approved by the Employer prior to bid
submission. The bid security shall be valid for twenty-eight
(28) days beyond the original validity period of the bid, or
beyond any period of extension if requested under ITB 18.2.

( 2 (0 n) (
Page 27 of 490
Managing Director
K.U.LIXEC, flangeiore
19.4 If a bid security or Bid Securing Declarationis specified
pursuant to ITB 19.1, any bid not accompanied by a
substantially responsive bid security or Bid-Securing
Declaration shall be rejected by the Employer as non

19.5 If a bid security is specified pursuant to ITB 19.1, the

bid security of unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned as
promptly as possible upon the successful Bidder's
signing the Contract and furnishing the performance
security and if required in the BDS, the Environmental,
Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) Performance Security
pursuant to ITB 45.

19.6 The bid security of the successful Bidder shall be

returned as promptly as possible once the successful
Bidder has signed the Contract and furnished the
required performance security, and if required in the
BDS, the Environmental, Social, Health and Safety
(ESHS) Performance Security.

19.7 The bid security may be forfeited or the Bid-Securing

Declaration executed:

if a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of

bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter
of Bid — Technical Part and repeated in the Letter
of Bid — Financial Part, or any extension thereto
provided by the Bidder; or

if the successful Bidder fails to:

sign the Contract in accordance with ITB 44; or
furnish a performance security and if required in
the BDS, the Environmental, Social, Health and
Safety (ESHS) Performance Security in
accordance with ITB 45.

19.8 The bid security or the Bid-Securing Declaration of a JV

shall be in the name of the N that submits the bid. If the
JV has not been legally constituted into a legally
enforceable N at the time of bidding, the bid security or
the Bid-Securing Declaration shall be in the names of all
future members as named in the letter o ed to

Pag 8 of 490
, Managing Director
1,11111F4t liangettore

in ITB 4.1 and ITB 11.5.

19.9 If a bid security is not required in the BDS pursuant

to ITB 19.1, and

if a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of

bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letters of
Bid, or
if the successful Bidder fails to sign the Contract
in accordance with ITB 44; or furnish a
performance security and if required in the BDS,
the Environmental, Social, Health and Safety
(ESHS) Performance Security in accordance with
ITB 45;

the Borrowermay, if provided for in the BDS, declare

theBidderineligibleto be awarded a contractby the
Employer for a periodof time as stated in the BDS.

20. Format and

20.1 The Bidder shall prepare the Bid, in accordance with
Signing of Bid
this instruction, ITB 11 and ITB 21.

20.2 The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or
written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person
duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. This
authorization shall consist of a written confirmation as
specified in the BDS and shall be attached to the bid. The
name and position held by each person signing the
authorization must be typed or printed below the
signature. All pages of the bid where entries or
amendments have been made shall be signed or initialed
by the person signing the bid.

20.3 In case the Bidder is a JV, the Bid shall be signed by an

authorized representative of the JV on behalf of the JV,
and so as to be legally binding on all the members as
evidenced by a power of attorney signed by their legally
authorized representatives.

20.4 Any inter-lineation, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid

only if they are signed or initialed by the person signing
the bid.

/ 4
a (ct
Marieging °tractor
Kya.RM), &IV aiore
D. Submission of Bids

21. Sealing and 21.1 The Bidder shall deliver the Bid in two separate sealed
Marking of envelopes, the Technical Part and the Financial Part (two-
Bids envelope Bidding process). These two envelopes shall be
enclosed in a separate sealed outer envelope marked
21.2 In addition, the Bidder shall submit copies of the Bid in
the number specified in the BDS. Copies of the Technical
Part shall be placed in a separate sealed envelope marked
"COPIES: TECHNICAL PART". Copies of the Financial
Part shall be placed in a separate sealed envelope marked
"COPIES: FINANCIAL PART". The Bidder shall place
both of these envelopes in a separate, sealed outer envelope
marked "BID COPIES". In the event of any discrepancy
between the original and the copies, the original shall
prevail. If alternative Bids are permitted in accordance with
FIB 13, the alternative Bids shall be submitted as follows:
the original of the alternative Bid Technical Part shall be
placed in a sealed envelope marked "ALTERNATIVE BID
TECHNICAL PART" and the Financial Part shall be
placed in a sealed envelope marked "ALTERNATIVE BID
FINANCIAL PART' and these two separate sealed
envelopes then enclosed within a sealed outer envelope
marked "ALTERNATIVE BID — ORIGINAL", the copies
of the alternative Bid will be placed in separate sealed
envelopes marked "ALTERNATIVE BID — COPIES OF
COPIES OF FINANCIAL PART" and enclosed in a
separate sealed outer envelope marked "ALTERNATIVE
21.3 The envelopes marked "ORIGINAL BID" and "BID
COPIES" (and, if appropriate, a third envelope marked
"ALTERNATIVE BID") shall be enclosed in a separate
sealed outer envelope for submission to the Employer.

21.4 The inner and outer envelopes shall:

bear the name and address of the Bidder;

be addressed to the Employer in accordance with

ITB 22.1;

bear the specific identification of this bidding

process specified in the BDS 1.1; and

bear a warning not to open before the time and date

for bid opening.
/ 2cc\A
Page 30 of 490
Managang Disc=
VAIDgErs, Eleiniore
21.5 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required,
the Employer will assume no responsibility for the
misplacement or premature opening of the bid.

Deadline for
22.1 Bids must be received by the Employer at the address
Submission of
Bids and no later than the date and time specified in the
BPS. When so specified in the BPS, bidders shall
have the option of submitting their bids electronically.
Bidders submitting bids electronically shall follow the
electronic bid submission proceduresspecified in the

22.2 The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the

deadline for the submission of bids by amending the
Bidding Documents in accordance with ITB 8, in which
case all rights and obligations of the Employer and
Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall
thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

Late Bids 23.1 The Employer shall not consider any bid that arrives
after the deadline for submission of bids, in accordance
with ITB 22. My bid received by the Employer after
the deadline for submission of bids shall be declared
late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Bidder.

Withdrawal, 24.1 A Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its bid after
and it has been submitted by sending a written notice, duly
Modification of signed by an authorized representative, and shall include a
Bids copy of the authorization in accordance with ITB 20.2,
(except that withdrawal notices do not require copies).
The corresponding substitution or modification of the bid
must accompany the respective written notice. All notices
must be:

prepared and submitted in accordance with ITB 20

and ITB 21 (except that withdrawals notices do not
require copies), and in addition, the respective
envelopes shall be clearly marked "WITHDRAWAL,"
received by the Employer prior to the deadline
prescribed for submission of bids, in ordance
with ITB 22.

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off IR>
Managing Drat"
ILUIDEC. Bartgaiore
24.2 Bids requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITB
24.1 shall be returned unopened to the Bidders.

24.3 No bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in

the interval between the deadline for submission of bids
and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified
by the Bidder on the Letter of Bid or any extension

E. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bid

25. Public
25.1 Except in the cases specified in ITB 23 and 24, the
Technical Parts Employer shall publicly open and read outall bids
of Bids received by the deadline, at the date, time and place
specified in the EDS, in the presence of Bidders'
designated representatives and anyone who choose to
attend. Any specific electronic bid opening procedures
required if electronic bidding is permitted in accordance
with ITB 22.1, shall be asspecified in the BDS.

25.2 First, the written notice of withdrawal in theenvelopes

marked "WITHDRAWAL" shall be opened and read out
and the envelope with the corresponding bid shall not
be opened, but returned to the Bidder. No bid
withdrawal shall be permitted unless the corresponding
withdrawal notice contains a valid authorization to
request the withdrawal and is read out at bid opening.
Next, envelopes marked "SUBSTITUTION" shall be
opened and read out and exchanged with the
corresponding bid being substituted, and the substituted
bid shall not be opened, but returned to the Bidder. No
bid substitution shall be permitted unless the
corresponding substitution notice contains a valid
authorization to request the substitution and is read out
at bid opening. Envelopes marked "MODIFICATION"
shall be opened and read out with the corresponding
bid. No bid modification shall be permitted unless the
corresponding modification notice contains a valid
authorization to request the modification and is read out
at bid opening. Only bids that are opened and read out

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Managing Oro°
gulp 8111111001.6
at bid opening shall be considered further.

25.3 All other envelopes marked "TECHNICAL PART" shall be

opened one at a time.All envelopes marked "SECOND
ENVELOPE: FINANCIAL PART" shall remain sealed, and
kept by the Employer in safe custody until they are
opened, at a later public opening, following the
evaluation of the Technical Part parts of the Bids. On
opening the envelopes marked "TECHNICAL PART", the
Employer shallread out: the name of the Bidder; the
presence or absence of a bid security, if one was
required, and whether there is a modification; and
Alternative Bid - Technical Part; and any other details
as the Employer may consider appropriate.
OnlyTechnical Parts of Bids and Alternative Bid —
Technical Partsthat are read out at bid opening shall be
considered for evaluation. The Letter of Bid —
Technical Partsandthe separate sealed envelopes
initialed by representatives of the Employer attending
bid opening in the manner specified in the BDS.The
Employer shall neither discuss the merits of any bid nor
reject any bid (except for late bids, in accordance with
ITB 23.1).

25.4 The Employer shall prepare a record of the bid opening

that shall include, as a minimum: the name of the
Bidder and whether there is a withdrawal, substitution,
or modification; the receipt of envelopes marked
anyAlternative Bid — Technical Part; and the presence
or absence of a bid security, if one was required. The
Bidders' representatives who are present shall be
requested to sign the record. The omission of a
Bidder's signature on the record shall not invalidate the
contents and effect of the record. A copy of the record
shall be distributed to all Bidders.

F. Evaluation of Bids — General Provisions

26. Confidentiality 26.1 Information relating to the evaluation of bids and

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Maneb91013 threCliOf
KU.LDFIC, Bangslont
recommendation of contract award shall not be
disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially
concerned with the bidding process until information on
Contract award is communicated to all Bidders in
accordance with ITB 43.

26.2 Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Employer in

the evaluation of the bids or Contract award decisions
may result in the rejection of its bid.

26.3 Notwithstanding ITB 26.2, from the time of bid opening

to the time of Contract award, if a Bidder wishes to
contact the Employer on any matter related to the
bidding process, it shall do so in writing.

27. Clarification of
27.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and
comparison of the bids, and qualification of the Bidders,
the Employer may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for
a clarification of its bid, given a reasonable time for a
response. Any clarification submitted by a Bidder that
is not in response to a request by the Employer shall not
be considered. The Employer's request for clarification
and the response shall be in writing. No change,
including any voluntary increase or decrease, in the
prices or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered,
or permitted, except to confirm the correction of
arithmetic errors discovered by the Employer in the
evaluation of the bids, in accordance with ITB 36.

27.2 If a Bidder does not provide clarifications of its bid by

the date and time set in the Employer's request for
clarification, its bid may be rejected.

Page 34 of 499,
Managing LareCith
Deviations, 28.1 During the evaluation of bids, the following definitions
and Omissions apply:

'Deviation" is a departure from the requirements

specified in the Bidding Documents;
"Reservation" is the setting of limiting conditions
or withholding from complete acceptance of the
requirements specified in the Bidding Documents;
"Omission" is the failure to submit part or all of the
information or documentation required in the
Bidding Documents.
Nonmaterial 29.1 Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the
conformities Employer may waive any nonconformities in the Bid.

29.2 Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the

Employer may request that the Bidder submit the
necessary information or documentation, within a
reasonable period of time, to rectify nonmaterial
nonconformities in the Bid related to documentation
requirements. Requesting information or documentation
on such nonconformities shall not be related to any
aspect of the price of the Bid. Failure of the Bidder to
comply with the request may result in the rejection of
its Bid.

29.3 Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the

Employer shall rectify quantifiable nonmaterial
nonconformities related to the Bid Price. To this effect,
the Bid Price shall be adjusted, for comparison purposes
only, to reflect the price of a missing or non-conforming
item or component.The adjustment shall be made using
the method specified in the BDS.

G. Evaluation of Technical Parts of Bids

Evaluation of 30.1 In evaluating the Technical Parts of each Bid, the

Technical Parts
Employer shall use the criteria and methodologies listed
in this Clause. No other evaluation criteria or
methodologies shall be permitted.

n eo.4045
KUSDF.C, Bangaiore
31.1 The Employer's determination of a bid's responsiveness
Responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the bid itself, as
defined in ITB11.

31.2 A substantially responsive bid is one that meets the

requirements of the Bidding Documents without
material deviation, reservation, or omission. A material
deviation, reservation, or omission is one that,

(a) if accepted, would:

affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or

performance of the Works specified in the Contract; or
limit in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding
Documents, the Employer's rights or the Bidder's obligations
under the proposed Contract; or
(b) if rectified, would unfairly affect the competitive
position of other Bidders presenting substantially
responsive bids.

31.3 The Employer shall examine the technical aspects of the

bid submitted in accordance with ITB 16, Technical
Proposal, in particular, to confirm that all requirements
of Section VII, Works Requirements have been met
without any material deviation, reservation or omission.

31.4 If a bid is not substantially responsive to the

requirements of the Bidding Documents, it shall be
rejected by the Employer and may not subsequently be
made responsive by correction of the material deviation,
reservation, or omission.

32.1 The Employer shall determine to its satisfaction whether
of the Bidder
the eligible Bidders that have submitted substantially
responsive Bid — Technical Parts meet the qualifying
criteria specified in Section III, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria.

32.2 The determination shall be based upon an examination of

the documentary evidence of the Bidder's qualifications
submitted by the Bidder, pursuant to ITB 17.The
determination shall not take into the

c36 of 490
Managing thrector
SALLD.F.C. Sarigtore

qualifications of other firms such as the Bidder's

subsidiaries, parent entities, affiliates, subcontractors
(other than Specialized Subcontractors if permitted in
the Bidding document), or any other firm(s) different
from the Bidder.

32.3If a Bidder does not meet the qualifying criteria specified

in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, its
Bid shall be rejected by the Employer and may not
subsequently be made responsive by correction of the
material deviation, reservation, or omission.

32.4 Only Bids that are both substantially responsive to the

bidding document, and meet all Qualification Criteria
shall have their envelopes marked "SECOND ENVELOPE:
FINANCIAL PART" opened at the second public opening.
33.1 Unless otherwise stated in theBDS, the Employer does
not intend to execute any specific elements of the
Works by sub-contractors selected in advance by the

33.2The Employer may permit subcontracting for certain

specialized works as indicated in Section III 4.2. When
subcontracting is permitted by the Employer, the
specialized sub-contractor's experience shall be
considered for evaluation. Section III describes the
qualification criteria for sub-contractors.

33.3 Bidders may propose subcontracting up to the percentage

of total value of contracts or the volume of works as
specified in theBDS.

H. Public Opening of Financial Parts of Bids

Public Opening
34.1 Following the completion of the evaluation of the
of Financial
Parts Technical Parts of the Bids, and the Bank has issued its
no objection (if applicable), the Employer shall notify
in writing those Bidders whose Bids were considered
non-responsive to the bidding document or failed to
meet the Qualification Criteria, advising them of the
following information:

(a) the gro ds on which their Tec Bid

aruk aP3
Page 37 of 490

Mane.% Director
KU.LD.F.C, Bangelort,
failed to meet the requirements of the bidding

their envelopes marked "SECOND ENVELOPE:

FINANCIAL PART" will be returned to them unopened
after the completion of the selection process and the
signing of the Contract; and

notify them of the date, time and location of the

public opening of the envelopes marked "SECOND

34.2 The Employer shall, simultaneously, notify in writing

those Bidders whose Bids - Technical Part have been
evaluated as substantially responsive to the bidding
document and met all Qualifying Criteria, advising them
of the following information:
their Bid — Technical Part has been evaluated as
substantially responsive to the bidding document and
met the Qualification Criteria;

their envelope marked "SECOND ENVELOPE:

FINANCIAL PART" will be opened at the public
opening of the Financial Parts; and

notify them of the date, time and location of the

second public opening of the envelopes marked
in the BDS.

34.3 The opening date should allow Bidders sufficient time to

make arrangements for attending the opening. The
Financial Part of the Bid shall be opened publicly in the
presence of Bidders' designated representatives and
anyone who chooses to attend.

34.4 At this public opening, the Financial Parts will be

opened by the Employer in the presence of Bidders, or
their designated representatives and anyone else who
chooses to attend. Bidders who met the Qualification
Criteria and whose bids — technical parts were evaluated
as substantially responsive will have their envelopes
opened at the second public opening. Each of these
envelopes marked "SECOND ENVELOPE:
FINANCIAL PART" shall be inspected to confirm that
they have ained sealed and un These
04‘4,0\1‘ Page 38 of 490

Managing Direcwr
,0%\ KU.L.D.F.C, Bangalore
envelopes shall then be opened by the Employer. The
Employer shall read out the names of each Bidder, and
the total Bid prices, per lot (contract) if applicable,
including any discounts and Alternative Bid - Financial
Part, and any other details as the Employer may
consider appropriate.

34.5 Only envelopes of Financial Parts of Bids, Financial

Parts of Alternative Bids and discounts that are opened
and read out at Bid opening shall be considered further
for evaluation. The Letter of Bid — Financial Part
andtheBill of Quantitiesare to be initialed by
representatives of the Employer attending Bid opening
in the manner specified in the BDS.

34.6 The Employer shallneither discuss the merits of any Bid

nor reject any envelopes marked "SECOND ENVELOPE:

34.7 The Employer shall prepare a record of the Financial

Part of the Bid opening that shall include, as a

the name of the Bidder whose Financial Part of Bid

was opened;
the Bid price, per lot (contract) if applicable,
including any discounts; and
(c) if applicable, any Alternative Bid — Financial Part.

34.8 The Bidders' whose envelopes marked "SECOND

ENVELOPE: FINANCIAL FART" have been opened or their
representatives who are present shall be requested to
sign the record. The omission of a Bidder's signature
on the record shall not invalidate the contents and effect
of the record. A copy of the record shall be distributed
to all Bidders.

I. Evaluation of Financial Parts of Bids

35. Evaluation of
35.1 To evaluate the Financial Part of a bid, the Employer
Financial Parts
shall consider the following:

catAD (ccls
imeaaig Dram,

KALLIXF-C, Bangewage
the bid price, excluding Provisional Sums and the
provision, if any, for contingencies in the Summary
Bill of Quantities, but including Daywork items,
where priced competitively;

price adjustment for correction of arithmetic errors

in accordance with ITB 36.1;

price adjustment due to discounts offered in

accordance with ITB 14.4;

converting the amount resulting from applying (a)

to (c) above, if relevant, to a single currency in
accordance with ITB 37;

price adjustment due to quantifiable nonmaterial

nonconformities in accordance with ITB 29.3; and

(0 the additional evaluation factors are specified in


35.2 The estimated effect of the price adjustment provisions

of the Conditions of Contract, applied over the period of
execution of the Contract, shall not be taken into
account in bid evaluation.

35.3 If these Bidding Documents allows Bidders to quote

separate prices for different lots (contracts), the
methodology to determine the lowest evaluated price of
the lot (contract) combinations, including any discounts
offered in the Letter of Bid Form — Financial Part, is
specified in BPS.

36. Correction of
36.1 In evaluating the Financial Part of each Bid, the
Errors Employer shall correct arithmetical errors on the
following basis:

(a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and

the total price that is obtained by multiplying the
unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail
and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the
opinion of theEmployer there is an obvious
misplacement of the decimal poin in the unit price,

(lick (IAA \
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Managing Dinal:20(
PLI.D.FA Bangs:et
in which case the total price as quoted shall govern
and the unit price shall be corrected;

if there is an error in a total corresponding to the

addition or subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals
shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and

if there is a discrepancy between words and figures,

the amount in words shall prevail, unless the
amount expressed in words is related to an
arithmetic error, in which case the amount in
figures shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above.

36.2 Bidders shall be requested to accept correction of

arithmetical errors. Failure to accept the correction in
accordance with ITB 36.1, shall result in the rejection
of the Bid.

Conversion to
37.1 For evaluation and comparison purposes, the
Single Currency
currency(ies) of the Bid shall be converted into a single
currency as specified in the BPS.

Margin of
38.1 Unless otherwise specified in theBDS, a margin of
preference for domestic bidders3 shall not apply.

Comparison of
39.1 The Employer shall compare the evaluated prices of all
Financial Parts
substantially responsive bids established in accordance
with ITB 35.1to determine the lowest evaluated bid.

Unbalanced or
40.1 If the bid, which results in the lowest Evaluated Bid
Front Loaded
Bids Price, is seriously unbalanced or front loaded in the
opinion of the Employer, the Employer may require the
Bidder to produce detailed price analyses for any or all
items of the Bill of Quantities, to demonstrate the
internal consistency of those prices with the

3M individual firm is considered a domestic bidder for purposes of the margin of preference if it is
registered in the country of the Employer, has more than 50 percent ownership by nationals of the
country of the Employer, and if it does not subcontract more than 10 percent of the contract price,
excluding provisional sums, to foreign contractors. JVs are considered as domestic bidders and eligible
for domestic preference only if the individual member firms are registered in the country of the
Employer or have more than 50 percent ownership by nationals of the country of the Employer, and
the JV shall be registered in the country of the Borrower. The JV shall not subcontract more than 10
percent of the contract price, excluding provisional sums, to foreign firms. lVs betwe foreign and
national firms will not be eligible for domestic preference.

Page 41 of 490

PAarieging Director
construction methods and schedule proposed. After
evaluation of the price analyses, taking into
consideration the schedule of estimated Contract
payments, theEmployermay require that the amount of
the performance security be increased at the expense of
the Bidder to a level sufficient to protect
theEmployeragainstfinancial loss in the event of default
of the successful Bidder under the Contract.

41. Employer's
41.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any
Right to Accept
Any Bid, and to bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids
Reject Any or at any time prior to contract award, without thereby
All Bids incurring any liability to Bidders. In case of annulment,
all bids submitted and specifically, bid securities, shall
be promptly returned to the Bidders.

J. Award of Contract
Award Criteria
42.1 Subject to ITB 38.1, the Employer shall award the
Contract to the Bidder who has been determined to be
the lowest evaluated bid and is substantially responsive
to the Bidding Documents, provided further that the
Bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the
Contract satisfactorily.

Notification of
43.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the
Employer shall notify the successful Bidder, in writing,
that its bid has been accepted. The notification letter
(hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract and
Contract Forms called the "Letter of Acceptance") shall
specify the sum that the Employer will pay the
Contractor in consideration of the execution and
completion of the Works (hereinafter and in the
Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms called "the
Contract Price"). At the same time, the Employer shall
also notify all other Bidders of the results of the bidding
and shall publish in UNDB online the results identifying
the bid and lot (contract) numbers and the following

oft) k
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Managing DireCiOt

0 name of each Bidder who submitted a Bid;

bid prices as read out at Bid Opening;

name and evaluated prices of each Bid that was


name of bidders whose bids were rejected and the

reasons for their rejection; and

name of the successful Bidder, and the Price it

offered, as well as the duration and summary scope
of the contract awarded.

43.2 Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, the

notification of award shall constitute a binding

43.3 The Employer shall promptly respond in writing to any

unsuccessful Bidder who, after notification of award in
accordance with ITB 43.1, requests in writing the
grounds on which its bid was not selected.

Signing of
44.1 Promptly upon notification, the Employer shall send the
successful Bidder the Contract Agreement.

44.2 Within twenty-eight (28) days of receipt of the Contract

Agreement, the successful Bidder shall sign, date, and
return it to the Employer.

Within twenty-eight (28) days of the receipt of
notification of award from the Employer, the successful
Bidder shall furnish the performance security and, if
required in the BDS, the Environmental, Social,
Health and Safety (ESHS) Performance Security in
accordance with the General Conditions of Contract,
subject to ITB 40.1, using for that purpose the
Performance Security and ESHS Performance Security
Forms included in Section X, Contract Forms, or
another form acceptable to the Employer. If the
performance security furnished by the successful Bidder
is in the form of a bond, it shall be issued by a bonding
or insurance company that has been determined by the
successful Bidder to be acceptable to the Employer. A
foreign institution providing a bond shall have a
correspondent financial institut at located in the

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Managing Director
NNW-EC, Barroom ittfuction •
Employer's Country.

45.2 Failure of the successfill Bidder to submit the above-

mentioned Performance Security and, if required in the
BDS, the Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS)
Performance Security or sign the Contract shall constitute
sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and
forfeiture of the bid security. In that event the Employer may
award the Contract to the next lowest evaluated Bidder whose
offer is substantially responsive and is determined by the
Employer to be qualified to perform the Contract

46. Adjudicator 46.1 The Employer proposes that the person named in theBid
Data sheet be appointed as Adjudicator under the
Contract, at a fee stated in theBid Data Sheet.A resume
of the named person is attached to the Bid Data Sheet,
as well as a description of the expenses that would be
considered reimbursable. If a Bidder does not accept the
Adjudicator proposed by the Employer, it should so state
in its LetterofBid- Techno-CommercialBid and make a
counter proposal of an Adjudicator and fixed fee on
daily basis. I fon the day the Formo f Contract is signed
The Employer and Operator have not agreed on the
appointment of the Adjudicator, the Adjudicator shall be
appointed at the request of either Party, by the
Appointing Authority specified in the Special Conditions
of Contract.

(Iwo) ko1)
Managing Canner
gulp F C, liangaiore
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Section II. Bid Data Sheet

The following specific data for the Works to be procured shall complement, supplement, or
amend the provisions in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB). Whenever there is a conflict, the
provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB.

[Where an e-procurement system is used, modify the relevant parts of the BDS accordingly to
reflect the e-procurement process. E-procurement clauses currently included in this BDS are
model clauses only, and these should be fine-tuned/ modified for the specific e-
procurement system being used by the Borrower]

[Instructions for completing the Bid Data Sheet are provided, as needed, in the
notes in italics mentioned for the relevant !TB.]

ITB 1.1 The number of the Invitation for Bid is:
!TB 1.1 The Employer is: Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance
Corporation (KUIDFC), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
!TB 1.1 In ITB 1.1, delete the words'in Section VII, Works Requirements'.
ITB 1.1 The name of the ICB is: Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer water supply
system in Kalaburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and
sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply.
The identification numberof the ICB is: KUIDFC/KUWSMP/DBOT/KLB/2018-
The number and identification of lots (contracts)comprising this ICB is: Nil. There
are no lots.
ITB 2.1 The Borrower is: Government of India;
The sub-Borrower is: Government of Karnataka
ITB 2.1 Loan or Financing Agreement amount: US$ 100 million(Credit No4955-1N and
Loan No 8601-IN) out of which US $ 43.98 million will be expected WB share
(67%) and GoK share US $ 4.59 million (7%) and Kalaburgi City Corporation
share will be US $ 17.06 million (26%) (As per Government Order No. UDD 279
PRJ 2018,Bengaluru dated 22-10-2018 ) towards Capital Investment and operation
and maintenance cost will be borne by concerned ULB.

ITB 2.1 The name of the Project is: Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization
The existing water supply infrastructure, systems, and all related services in
Kalaburgi City, forms a part of the above mentioned Project being undertaken by
Government of Karnataka.
ITB 2.3 to Add the following new sub-clauses ITB 2.3, ITB 2.4 and ITB

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Mangling Director
KUID.FC, Bangalore.
2.5 "2.3 The Karnataka State and Kalaburgi City Corporation (Urban Local Body -
ULB) shall, provide a portion of the Capital Cost and Operation and Maintenance
Cost for the Operation and Maintenance Phase as per the provisions of this

"2.4 Scope of work: The bidder's scope of work shall include (i) design and build
existing water supply system of Kalburgi City Corporatin, Karnataka State,
and all appurtenant structures and allied works; and (ii) operation & maintenance
before and after successful commissioning and testing of the complete works
("Project") of bulk and distribution systems total for the period of 12 (Twelve)
years . A background Note on the present status of water supply in Kalburgi City
is attached at the end of BDS."

"2.5The Employer shall make available (i) the Right of Way and the land area for
the Bulk System and all appurtenant structures ;and (ii) the Right of Way for the
Distribution System, and the land area allocated for setting up the Water Pumping
Station(s) and all appurtenant structures; Details of the maximum area of land
available and allocated for Bulk and Distribution system i.e. for 55 MLD
WTP and new GLSRs/ELSRs are given in the Data Room of KUIDFC."The
Project funding pattern as per Government Order No-UDD 244 PRJ
2013,Bangalore dated 07.11.2013:

Expected World Bank share will be 67% and i.e., around US $ 43.98 million

The Stet Government share will be 7% and i.e., around US $ 4.59 million

The ULB-Kalaburgi City Corporation share will be 26% and i.e., around US $
17.06 million.

The City Corporation Kalaburgi to adopt the following financial arrangement:

a)Earmarking of 35% of untied SFC grant for a period 2014-2041 towars loan
repayment relating to Phase I & execution of Phase II works.

b)Payment of a contribution of Rs.40 Crores out of CM's special grant

(Nagarothana Phase III) of Rs.100 crores.

c)Opening of an "Escrew Account " for depositing amount to meet their

contribution, repayment of loan & towards Phase II investment.

d)keeping Escrew Account in operation for the period 2014-2041

ITB 4.1 Add the following at the end of ITB 4.1:

"(a) A statement to the effect that all members of the joint venture (i) shall be
jointly and severally liable for the execution of the entire Contract in accordance
with the Contract terms; and (ii)are willing to provide a joint and several
guarantee to the Employer to underwrite the performance of the joint venture in
respect of the Contract, shall be included in the authorization nominating a
Re esentative or member charge, as well as ii e Bid e Agreement

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K.U 011,
[in case of a successful bid]. This authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a
power of attorney signed by legally authorized sigmatories of all members.

The joint venture agreement should define preciselyobjectives of the joint

venture, the proposed management structure, the division of assignments to
each member of JV, recourse or sanctions within the joint venture in the event
of default or withdrawal of any participant, and arrangements for providing the
required indemnities. All members of JV should have active participation in
the execution during the currency of the contract. This should not be varied/
modified subsequently without prior approval of the Employer.

For the purpose of making Bid, members of Joint Ventures shall enter into a
binding Joint Bidding Agreement, in the form specified in Section IV Bidding
Forms, and shall appoint one of the members to represent it, and all members shall
be jointly and severally liable for the entire Contract till the end of the Concession
Period under and in accordance with the Concession Agreement.
ITB 4.1 Maximum number of members in the iv shall be: 3 (three).
ITB 4.4 A list of debarred firms and individuals is available on the Bank's external
ITB 4.8 This Bidding Process is notsubject to prequalification.
B. Bidding Documents
1TB 6.1 Replace ITB 6.1 with the following:
"The nature of the services, the site and the plant that are to be designed, built,
operated and maintained by the Bidder, the procedures that are to be followed
during the bidding process and the contract terms and technical requirements
are prescribed in the Bidding Documents. The Bidding Documents consist of:

Section 1. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

Section II. Bid Data Sheet
Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
Section IV. Bidding Forms
Section V. Eligible Countries
Section VI. Fraud and Corruption
Section VII- Works Requirements — Not included
Section VIII. General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section IX. Schedule 1. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
Section X. Contract Forms

, Managing Director
PCUSDFC Bangeiore
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ITB 6.3 Replace ITB 6.3 with the following:
"Unless obtained directly from the Employer or downloaded from the official
website specified in the `E-Procurement Notice', the Employer is not responsible
for the completeness of the Bidding document, responses to requests for
clarification, the Minutes of the pre-Bid meeting (if any), or Addenda to the
bidding document in accordance with ITB 8. In case of any contradiction,
documents obtained directly from the Employer or downloaded from the official
website specified in the 'E-Procurement Notice' shall prevail."
ITB 7.1 Replace ITB 7.1 with the following:
"7.1. The electronic bidding system specified below provides for online
clarifications. A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification on the Bidding
Document may notify the Employer online or raise his inquiries during the pre-
bid meeting in accordance with ITB 7.4. Clarifications requested through any
other mode shall not be considered by the Employer. The Employer will respond
to any request for clarification, provided that such request is received not later
than14 days prior to the deadline for submission of bids, Description of
clarification sought and the response of the Employer shall be uploaded for
information of all Bidders without identifying the source of request for
clarification. Should the clarification result in changes to the essential elements of
the Bidding Document, the Employer shall amend the Bidding Document
following the procedure under ITB 8 and ITB 22.2. It is the bidder's responsibility
to check on the e-procurement system, for any addendum/ amendment/
corrigendum to the bidding document."
"The Employer shall use the following electronic-procurement system to manage
this Bidding process:"
Requests for clarification should be received by the Employer no later than 14
days prior to deadline for submission of bids."
ITB 7.2 Replace ITB 7.2 with the following:

Each Bidder is advised to visit and inspect the site/alignment of
existing/proposed (a) the Bulk System; and (b) the Distribution System (the "Site
Visit") and their surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility, all
information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into the
Contract. The Employer will schedule a time on or after the date set out in the
timetable specified in the Bid Data Sheet and develop a procedure for Bidders to
conduct a Site Visit. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder's own
ITB 74 Add the following at the end of sub-clause ITB 7.4:
"While attendance at the pre-bid meeting is not mandatory, Bidders are strongly
encouraged to attend. The purpose of the pre-bid meeting is to provide a technical
presentation and to clarify issues and answer questions on any matter that may be
raised at the meeting."
irni ici.

Meraging oar
KUIDF-C, earwasore
Page 48 of 490
HE 7.4 A Pre-Bid meetingshall take place at the following date, time and place:
Date: 29-07-2019 Time: 1100 hours

Place: Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation

(KUIDFC), Nagarabhivriddi Bhawan, # 22, 17th F Cross, Binnamangala 2"Stage,
Old Madras Road, Indiranagar, Near BMTC Bus Depot, Bengaluru,560038;
Telephone: +91 080 25196124;; Email:
A site visit conducted by the Employer shall be organized.

ITB 7.5 Replace ITB 7.5 with the following:

"The Bidder is requested, to submit any questions only through the e-procurement
portalusing the Form for Clarification Questions contained in Section IV, not later
than one week before the meeting. Clarifications requested through any other
mode shall not be considered by the Employer"
ITB 7.6 Replace the first sentence of ITB 7.6 with the following:
"Minutes of the pre-Bid meeting, if applicable, including the text of the questions
asked by Bidders, without identifying the source, and the responses given,
together with any responses prepared after the meeting, will be uploaded on the e-
procurement system for information of all Bidders. All responses to questions
raised at the pre-bid meeting will be included in the Response to Questions

ITB 7.7 Add the following new sub-clause ITB 7.7:

"7.7 Data Room and Background Information
Employer has established a data room (the "Data Room") at the location projects kuwsmp with a collection of available data to be
accessible to Bidders or their representatives from the date set out in the timetable
specified in the BDSITB 7.9until the deadline for submission of Bids (the
"Submission Deadline"), in accordance with a schedule established by the
"Data Room: is at the following location: projects lcuwsmp"
ITB 7.8 Add the following new sub-clause ITB 7.8:
"Information Provided by the Employer/Bidders Due Diligence
Each Bidder is solely responsible for conducting its own independent
research, due diligence, and any other work or investigations and for seeking
any other independent advice necessary for the preparation of Bids,
negotiation of agreements, and the subsequent delivery of all services to be
provided by the Bidder that has been successful in the bidding process (the
"Successful Bidder").
No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made and no
responsibility of any kind is accepted by the Employer or its advisors,
employees, consultants or agents, for the completeness or accuracy of any
information contained in the Bidding Documents or the Res onse to
' Questions document,or provided dpring the biddinfg-Rro 00 the

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Managing on
term of the Contract. The Employer and its advisors, employees, consultants
and agents shall not be liable to any person or entity as a result of the use of
any information contained in the Bidding Documents or the Response to
Questions Document,or provided during the bidding process or during the
term of the Contract.
c. Bidders shall not rely on any oral statements made by the Employer or its
advisors, employees, consultants or agents.
d.All Bidders shall, prior to submitting their Bid, review all requirements with
respect to corporate registration and all other requirements that apply to
companies that wish to conduct business in the Employer's country. The Bidders
are solely responsible for all matters relating to their legal capacity to operate in
the jurisdiction to which this bidding process applies."

al3 7.9 Add the following new sub-clause ITB 7.9:

a. The estimated timetable, from the availability of the Bidding Documents on
the e-procurement portal, to the identification by the Employer of the
Successful Bidder and the execution of the Contract, isset out below.
b. The Employer may, in its sole discretion and without prior notice to the
Bidders, amend the estimated timetable. Bidders shall not rely in any way
whatsoever on the estimated timetable, and the Employer shall not incur any
liability whatsoever arising out of amendments to the estimated timetable.
The Employer shall give notice of timetable changes, if any, by addenda
which will be uploaded on the e-procurement portal."
Availability of Bidding Documents on
e-procurement portal: Date: 12-07-2019
Availability of Date Data Room: Date 12-07-2019
Site Visit: Date:18-07-2019 & 19-07-2019
Pre-Bid Meeting: Date: 29-07-2019 Time 1100 hours
Last Day for Bidders to Submit
Questions on BiddingDocuments:22-07-2019
(0 Last Day for Bidders to Submit Supplementary
Questions (arising out of Site Visits only):23-07-2019
Deadline for Submission of Bids (Bid Submission Date) 29-08-2019
Date of Opening of Techno-Commercial Bids: 30-08-2019 1630 Hours
Date of Publication of the list of qualified Bidders:01-10-2019
Date of opening of the Financial Bids: 09-10-2019
Notification of Award of Contract;! 1-11-2019
(I) Date of signing of the Contract:10-12-2019
(m) Date of completion of the Contract: 09-12-2031

e i0

- Managing Dawn

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ITB 8.1 Add the following at the end of sub-clause ITB 8.1:
"No other communications of any kind whatsoever, including, without
limitation, the minutes of the pre-bid meeting or the Response to Questions
Document, shall modify the Bidding Documents."

ITB 8.2 Replace ITB 8.2 with the following:

"8.2. Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and shall be
deemed to have been communicated to all bidders. The addenda will appear on
the e-procurement system under "Latest Corrigendum". Email notification is
also automatically sent to those bidders who have started working on the tender. 1
The Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the bidder. It I
is the bidders' responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related 1
to this bid".

ITB 8.3 Replace ITB 8.3 with the following:

"To give Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in
preparing their Bids, the Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for
the submission of Bids, pursuant to ITB 22.2."

C. Preparation of Bids
ITB 10.1 The language of the bid is: English.

All correspondence exchange shall be in English language.

Language for translation of supporting documents and printed literature is English.

ITB 11.1 Replace ITB 11.1 with the following:

"The Bid shall comprise two Parts, namely the Technical Part and the Financial
Part. These two Parts shall be submitted simultaneously."

ITB 11.2 (d) Replace ITB 11.2 (d) with the following:

"Authorization: written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Bid to

commit the Bidder, in accordance with ITB 20.2, and in accordance with ITB
20.3 in case of a JV;"

Managing Casaba
KUID.F.C, Bangalore
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ITB 11.2(g) The Bidder shall submit the following additional documents in its Bid:
Contractor Registration certificate on e-procurement system (as per IFB), if
Details of Payment of Bid Security and Bid Processing fee (as per IFB),
Form of Contract and Draft Contract, with each page initialled by the person
authorized to sign the Bid.
Scanned copy of a duly notarized affidavit vouching correctness of
Information and documentsuploaded on the e-procurement portal.
List of nominatedsub-contractors and sub-consultants, in accordance with
ITB 33.2and Section IV Bidding Forms.
Code of Conduct (ESHS)
The Bidder shall submit its Code of Conduct that will apply to Contractor's
Personnel (as defined Appendix 1 to Schedule 2), to ensure compliance with its
Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) obligations under the contract.
[Note: Complete and include the risks to be addressed by the Code in
accordance with the Works' Requirements, e.g. risks associated with: labor
influx, spread of communicable diseases, sexual harassment, gender based
violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, illicit behavior and crime, and
maintaining a safe environment etc.]
In addition, the Bidder shall detail how this Code of Conduct will be
implemented. This will include: how it will be introduced into conditions of
employment/engagement, what training will be provided, how it will be
monitored and how the Contractor proposes to deal with any breaches.
The Contractor shall implement the agreed Code of Conduct.
Management Strategies and Implementation Plans (MSIP) to manage the
(ESHS) risks
The Bidder shall submit Management Strategies and Implementation Plans
(MSIP) to manage the following key Environmental, Social, Health and Safety
(ESHS) risks.
[Nate: insert name of plan and specific risk/s];
[e.g. Traffic Management Plan to ensure safety of local communities
from construction traffic];
[e.g. Water Resource Protection Plan to prevent contamination of
drinking water];
[e.g. Boundary Marking and Protection Strategy for mobilization and
construction to prevent offsite adverse impacts];
[e.g. Strategy for obtaining Consents/Permits prior to the start of
relevant works such as opening a quarry or borrow pit];
[e.g. Gender based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse (GBV/SEA)
prevention and response action plan].
The Contractor shall submit for approval, and subsequently implement, the
Contractor's Environment and Social Management Plan (C-ESMP), in
accordance with the Appendix I Schedule 2, that includes the agreed
Management Strategies and Implementation Plans described here.

t%' s z4

C.,\ (A
% ..(\\C' 'Ct.
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. PS'
0G‘. ,Managing Director
ILUIDIA Bang/sow
ITB 13.1 Replace ITB 13.1 with the following:

"Bidding of alternatives not to be considered

a. The Bidders shall base their Bids on the terms and conditions of the Bidding
Documents and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall,
I. Submit their prices based on the terms and conditions in the
Bidding Documents;
Submit their Bids based on the assumption that the final Contract
will be the same as the Draft Contract and shall not base their Bids
on the premise that they may be able to change the Draft Contract;
Include in their Bids a Form of Contract and Draft Contract
initialled on each page in accordance with ITB Section 11.2 (g).
b. A Bidder shall not submit a Bid that proposes an arrangement between the
Employer and the Bidder which, in the discretion of the Employer, is
different than the arrangement set out in the Bidding Documents (an
"Alternative Bid").The Employer intends to enter into a contract to design,
build and operate a water supply system based on the terms and conditions of
the Bidding Documents. If a Bidder submits an Alternative Bid it will be
rejected and will not be considered, in any way, by the Employer."
ITB 13.2 Alternative times for completion shall not be permitted.
ITB 13.3 Deleted
ITB 13.4 Not Applicable

ITB 14.1 Add the following at the beginning of ITB 14.1:

"Bidders shall quote their Bid Price covering the total cost of (i) design, construction,
testing, commissioning of the Bulk and Distribution Systems including survey, review of
design, redesign where necessary, construction, testing and commissioning of Bulk and
Distribution System(including pumping stations), and all appurtenant structures and
allied works within the period of Five(5) years, and of (ii) operation and maintenance of
the complete works of Bulk and Distribution System for a period of 11.5 years on a
"single responsibility" basis such that the total Bid Price covers all of the Operator's
obligations mentioned in or to be reasonably inferred from the Bidding Documents in
respect of the design/redesign, construction, commissioning, installation, testing,
operation and maintenance and provisions mandated in Environmental Management Plan
(attached as Appendix 1 to Schedule 2 of SCC) etc. of The Bulk and Distribution
Systems(induding pumping stations) as set out in the Contract."

ITB 14.5 The prices quoted by the bidder shall be:Subject to adjustment

ITB 14.8 Add the following as sub-clause ITB 14.8:

"14.8 Bidders may like to ascertain availability of tax/duty exemption benefits
available in India:71'56 are solely responsible for sigliiningi_ucia_Lrefits which
CJ *10

KILLDF C, Bangalore
they have considered in their bid and in case of failure to receive such benefits
for reasons whatsoever, the Employer will not compensate the bidder
(contractor). The bidder shall furnish along with his bid a declaration to this
effect in the Declaration Format provided in Section IV Bidding Forms.
Where the bidder has quoted taking into account such benefits, it must give all
information required for issue of certificates in terms of the Government of
India's relevant Notification as per form stipulated in Section IV Bidding Forms.
In case the bidder has not provided the required information or has indicated to
be furnished later on in the Declaration Format, the same shall be construed that
the goods/construction equipment for which certificate is required is Nil.
To the extent the Employer determines the quantity indicated therein are
reasonable keeping in view the quantities in the bill of quantities, construction
program and methodology, the certificates will be issued within 60 days of
signing of the contract and no subsequent changes will be permitted. In case of
materials pertaining to Variation items and quantities, the certificate shall be
issued only on request from the contractor when in need and duly certified by the
No certificate will be issued for items where no quantity/capacity of equipment
is indicated in the statement.
If the bidder has considered the tax/duty exemption for materials/construction
equipment to be bought for the work, the bidder shall confirm and certify that the
Employer will not be required to undertake any responsibilities of the
Government of India Scheme or the said exemptions being available during the
contract execution, except issuing the required certificate. The bids which do not
conform to the above provisions or any condition by the bidder which makes the
bid subject to availability of tax/duty exemption for materials/construction
equipment or compensation on withdrawal of any variations to the said
exemptions will be treated as non-responsive and rejected.
Any delay in procurement of the construction equipment/ machinery/goods as a result of
the above shall not be a cause for granting any extension of time"

ITB 14.9 Add the following as sub-clause 14.9:

"Bidders are strongly encouraged to review GCC, SCC, Terms and Procedures of
Payment Schedule (Schedule 6 of the Contract) and Price Adjustment Schedule
(Schedule 6 of the Contract) prior to completing theirBid Price Tables and submitting
their Bid Prices."

Managing Director

KUIDPA Bangatore
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ITB 15.1 The currency(ies) of the bid and the payment currency(ies) shall be in
accordance with Alternative _A as described below:
Alternative A (Bidders to quote entirely in local currency):
The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the Bidder in the Bill of
Quantities, entirely in Indian Rupees (INR), the name of the currency of
the Employer's country, and further referred to as "the local currency". A
Bidder expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies for inputs to the
Works supplied from outside the Employer's country (referred to as "the
foreign currency requirements") shall indicate in the Appendix to Bid -
Table C, the percentage(s) of the Bid Price (excluding Provisional Sums),
needed by the Bidder for the payment of such foreign currency
requirements, limited to no more than three foreign currencies.

The rates of exchange to be used by the Bidder in arriving at the local

currency equivalent and the percentage(s) mentioned in (a) above shall be
specified by the Bidder in the Appendix to Bid - Table C, and shall apply
for all payments under the Contract so that no exchange risk will be borne
by the successful Bidder.

ITB 16.2 Add the following new sub-clause ITB 16.2:

"16.2.1 The Technical Submission shall be prepared in sub-parts namely, Water
Treatment Plants (WTP), Networks, Plant and Equipment, Operating Plan
including Staffing Plan and the related Environmental, Social and Safety (ESHS)
measures. The Technical Submission will have an
Executive Summary covering all the parts; and
A detailed "Design -Build Work Plan" for each of the sub-part setting out the
manner in which the Bidder proposes to carry out the design-build services
defined in the draft contract (Design-Build Services) to achieve the project
outcomes in accordance with the Technical Standards included in the Contract.
Separate sectional submissions shall be prepared for each sub part.
1.Sub part 1: Water Treatment Plants (WTP):
(i)The bidders will be free to offer WTP based on a technology of their choice. It
addition if it is adopted in the Bid. The Bidder shall indicate in their bid the
actual land requirement for setting up treatment facility as offered by them. The
Bidder should aim at optimizing the land requirement;
(ii)Backwash water shall be de-sludged and reused in Aerator;
The details of process for disposal of sludge from WTP shall be give.;
The Technical submission for WTP shall include
(a)a section entitled "Drawings" which consists of conceptual drawings that are su
A.a site plan showing the location of the WTP area, alignment and limits to the
of power transformer, switch room, control room and switchgear, Power
wiring and underground cable layout, Relative location of administrative
office, lab and control centre, Internal roads and parking provisions,
Landscaping and reservations for future expansion, possible future treatment
and Any other features for safe and efficient wort d y,ons and
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Managing °sector
itN) Kt/1Di C, Bangaiore
B.a site plan showing the location of the WTP area, alignment and limits to the
C.a site plan showing all proposed works as detailed hereunder:;
I. Intake arrangements for receiving the raw water into the WTP;
2.Pumping Stations (PS);
3.Various components of Water Treatment Plant, etc;
4.Wash Water recovery systems for WTP;
5.Sludge disposalarrangements;
6.Arrangements fror pure water storage;
7.0utlet arrangements for pure water;
Online testing facility for parameters mentioned in Schedule 2 of SCC;
Any other facility as required to conform to treatment standards.
D.a detailed narrative in support of the conceptual drawings setting out the Bid
E.a detailed program and schedule setting out the proposed sequence of works
documents, the Design-Build Documents and the commissioning of
individual units of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP); and
F.the principal codes of practice and standards proposed to be used for the Des
G.a section specifying the power consumption for Operations and Maintenan
consumption in kWh per day with full load up to the installed capacity of the
WTP, estimated power factor, any proposals for improving efficiency in
terms of lower power consumption.
2.Sub-Part 2: Networks:
(i)A detailed work plan for conducting field survey, reviewing the designs, redes
Design-Build Work plan in respect of Networks shall be divided into the
following sections:
(ii)A well-defined proposal for the configuration of transmission and distribution r
(iii)a section entitled "Drawings" which consists of conceptual drawings that are si
The site plan / layout for Intake, Transmission Lines, WTP, Pumping
Stations, Layout of piping between various units and compound wall and
gate house, etc. Location of power transformer, if applicable, location of
administrative office and control centre, and any other features for safe and
efficient working during operations and maintenance.
A layout plan showing all proposed works as given hereunder:.
I .Pure water mains and ELSRs/GLSRs;
2.Mains distribution network;
3.Water pumping station(s);
4.Valve and pressure gauge chambers;
5.Any other infrastructure as required.
A detailed narrative in support of the conceptual drawings setting out the
Bidder's plan for compliance with the Design-Build Services Schedule and
the technical standards set out in the Technical Standards Schedule, to

r es
0 ‘,..,4• ManaØflg
Killagres barlreore
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include construction quality assurance and control;

a detailed program and schedule setting out the proposed sequence of
works to be undertaken, including estimated start date, finish date and time
allocations for individual units of the works, proposed resources to be
allocated and the identification of all major milestones, including the
submission of schematic design documents, design development documents,
the Design-Build Documents and the commissioning of individual units of
the Water Pumping Station;
an itemized list of the principal codes of practice and standards proposed
to be used for the Design-Build Services;
F.a section specifying the Power Consumption for Operations and Maintenanc
any proposals for improving efficiency in terms of lower power consumption
3.For Plant and Equipment and materials for WTP and Networks:
A. a section entitled "Plant and Equipment and Operator's Equipment"
which consists of a list of proposed suppliers of major Plant and Equipment and
Operator's Equipment (Design-Build) and Operator's Equipment (Operations),
i.plant and equipment;
ii.materials including pipe work and principal construction materials.
For all items listed in ITB Section 16.2.1 (3) (A), the Bidders shall provide either
catalogues or detailed information with respect to manufacturer and source,
model Designation, primary specifications, and year of manufacture, as
16.2.2a detailed work plan (the "Operations Work Plan") setting out the manner i
Work Plan shall contain a section entitled "Operation and Maintenance Plan"
which provides an outline contents and overview of the Bidder's proposed plans
and programs for Operations and Maintenance of Facilities;
16.2.3a detailed description of the Bidder's plans and methodologies to ensure tha:
16.2.4detailed staffing plan (the "Staffing Plan") setting out the Bidder's proposed
i.two sub-sections, (one for the Design-Build Services and one for the O&M)
assignment to carry out the Design-Build and O&M;
ii.a section entitled "Summary of Staff Qualifications" which consists of a sum
a.for the Operator Key Staff positions, the names of the Bidder's employees
b.all proposed positions for the Operator's Key Staff and the qualifications,
during the period of the contract. In case if the successful Bidder, intends
to change the Operator Key Stag such change will be subject to approval
from the Employer on justification provided by the successful Bidder. The
replaced Operator Key Staff shall possess equivalent or higher
qualification and experience.
iii.a section entitled, "Curriculum Vitae" which contains the signed curriculum
16.2.5For the purpose of ITB Section 16.2.4, "Key Operator Staff' means those in
i. General Manager;
Operrations Manager;

cs net RD/Q,Is
Age 57 of 490 oireosof
KILLD.EC. Bangatere
iii.Capital Works Manager;
Finance Manager;
DMA/Leakage Manager;
Customer Service Managervii.Environmental Specialist, Health and Safety
Specialist, Social Specialist

Apart from the above Key Staff the Operator shall deploy (i) Environment,
Health and Safety Engineer and (ii) Social Expert for the full period of the
Contract (at least 275 days in any given year)

The detailed qualification and experience requirements are provided at SCC

GCC 8.3(1).

CVs of Operator Key Staff listed above shall be submitted along with the bid
and shall be subject to evaluation of Employer.

The mandatory minimum period of deployment of the above Key Staff shall be
as under

Position Minimum period of deployment

Design, build period Sustaining Period
General Manager 200 (Two hundred) 125 (One hundred
days in any given year twenty-five) days in any
given year
Operations Manager 275 (Two hundred 275 (Two hundred
seventy-five) days in seventy-five) days in any
any given year given year
Capital Works Manager 250 (Two hundred NE
fifty) days in any given
DMA/Leakage Manager 200 (Two hundred) 200 (Two hundred) days
days in any given year in any given year
Finance Manager 250 (Two hundred and 250 (Two hundred) days
fifty) days in any given in any given year
Customer Service Manager 275 (Two hundred 275(Two hundred
seventy-five) days in seventy-five) days in any
any given year given year
Environmental Specialist, 275 (Two hundred 275(Two hundred
Health and Safety Specialist, seventy-five) days in seventy-five) days in any
Social Specialist any given year given year
It is mandatory that at any given point of time during the entire Contract Period,
either the General Manager or the Operations Manager shall be present at the Project
Site without fail.
Non-deployment of the Key Staff for the periods as given in the table above (unless
supported by satisfactory explanation by the Operator and agreed to by the
Employer) shall attract a penalty of say the equivalent of US$50,000/-for each case
of default in any given year of the contract period.

( to 4
Managing Director
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ITB 17.2 Not Applicable.

ITB 18.1 The bid validity period shall be 120 days

ITB 18.3 (a) Not Applicable.

ITB 19.1 The bidders shall furnish the requisite bid processing fee (as per details
available on the e-procurement portal)denominated in Indian Rupees (INR)
using any of the following payment modes:
- Credit Card;
- Direct Debit;
- National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT);
- Over the ounter payment (OTC)
The OTC Payment facility will be available at the designated ICICI Bank
branches for making payment from the date of notification of the IFB in the e-
procurement portal

A Bid Securityshall be required.The amount of the Bid Security shall be

Indian Rupees. 74 millionor US$ 1.09 millionor an equivalent amount in a freely
convertible currency of which a minimum of Indian Rupees.100,000/- (One
hundred thousand) shall be paid on the e-procurement portal using any of the
payment modes as given in (a) above. The balance amount of the bid security
shall be paid through a Bank Guarantee as detailed in ITB 19.3 given below.

ITB 19.2 Bid -Security Declaration is not acceptable.

ITB 19.3
Replace the existing ITB Sub-clause 19.3 with the following:
" The balanceamount of the bid security after deduction of the amount paid in
cash shall be in the form of a unconditional Bank Guarantee issued by Public
Sector Banks/Scheduled Banks of India or by reputed Banks located in any
eligible country.. The Form of Bank Guarantee should be substantially in
accordance withtheBid Security Form included in Section IV, Bidding Forms or
in another substantially similar format approved by the Employer prior to bid
submission. The bid security shall be valid for Twnety Eight (28) days beyond
the original valid period of the bid or beyond any period of extension if
requested under ITB 18.2. The details of payment of bid processing fee and bid
security shall be filled in the Form included in Section IV, Bidding Forms and
uploaded in the Technical Proposals-Techno-Commercial bid.

Managing Direosor
KIALD.F.C. aangeiore
Page 59 of 490
ITB 19.9 Deleted.
ITB 20.2 Replace ITB 20.2 with the following:
"The bid shall be signed by a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the
Bidder. The authorization shall be uploaded along with the bid, and shall consist
of a written confirmation as specified below. The name and position held by
each person signing the authorization must be typed or printed below the signature.
All pages of the Bid where entries or amendments have been made shall be signed
or initialled by the person signing the Bid.

"The written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder shall

consist of:(a) Legally valid and duly notarized Power ofAttorney is required
to demonstrate the authority of the signatory to sign the Bid; and
(b) In the case of Bids submitted by an existing or intended iv, U. permitted as
per ITB 4.1, the authorization shall be evidenced by a duly notarized Power of
Attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the members.r

D.Submission of Bids
rni 21 Replace ITB 21 with the following:
"21.1. Detailed guidelines for viewing bids and for online submission are
given on the website. The Invitation for Bids under this Project is
published on this website. Anyone can logon to this website and view the
Invitation for Bids and can view the details of Works for which bids are
invited. However, bidder is required to have enrolment/registration in the
website, and should have valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in the
form of smart card/e-token obtained from any authorised certifying
agency of Government of India for class of DSC as given in the e-
procurement portal. The bidder should register in the website using the
relevant option available. Then the Digital Signature registration has to be
done with the e-token, after logging into the website. The bidder can then
login the website through the secured login by entering the password of
the e-token & the user id/ password chosen during registration. After
getting the bid price schedules, the Bidder should go through them
carefully and submit the specified documents, along with the bid,
otherwise the bid will be rejected.
21.2. The completed bid, both Technical and Financial Parts, comprising of
documents indicated in ITB 11 and 12, including the Letter of Bid —
Technical Part, Letter of Bid — Financial Part and filled-up Price
Schedules including priced Bill of Quantities, should be uploaded on the e-
procurement portal specified in ITB 7.1, along with scanned copies of
requisite certificates as are mentioned in different sections in the bidding
document and scanned copy of the bid security.
(Note for Bidders: For online submission of bids, the bidders shall fill up
online, the forms that are available for online filling on the e-portaL The
rest of the forms shall be download by the bidders and filled up. The filled-
up pages shall then be scanned and uploaded on the e-procurement portal

44 Page 60 of 45irectot
ItUID.F.C. Bangalore.
along with the scanned copies of the supporting documents.]
21.3. All the documents are required to be signed digitally by the bidder. After
electronic online bid submission, the system generates a unique bid identification
number which is time stamped as per server time. This shall be treated as
acknowledgement of bid submission."
21.4. Submission ofOriginal Documents: The bidders are required to separately
submit (i) original payment documents towards the cost of bid document; and
registration on e-procurement website (if applicable); (ii) original bid security in
approved form; (iii) original .11/ Agreement or Letter of Intent (in case of J.V.
Bidder);(iv) Original Power of Attorney as per provisions of ITB 20.2;and (v) original
affidavit regarding correctness of information furnished with bidding document, with the
office specified in the BDS 21.4, before the Bid submission deadline, either by
registered/speed post/courier or by hand, failing which such bids will be declared non-
responsive and will not be opened. Hard copy of rest of the bid or any other document is
not to be submitted.

ITB 21.4 For submission of original documents, the Employer's address is:
Attention: C. G. Suprasanna, Task Manager, KUWSMP, KUIDFC,
Nagarabhivriddi Bha van,
Street Address:#22, IT' F Cross, Ninnatnangala, 2"dStage,Old Madras Road,
Indiranagar, Near BMTC Bus Depot
City: Bengaluru
PIN/Postal Code: 560038
Country: INDIA

ITB 22.1 Replace ITB 22.1 with the following:

"22.1 Bids must be uploaded online no later than the date 29-08-2019..and time
1600 Hours. Physical, Email, Telex, Cable or Facsimile bids will be

ITB 22.3 Add a new sub-clause ITB 22.3 as follows:

"Employer or the Service Provider entrusted with the responsibilities in respect of e-
procurement portal is not responsible for any failure outside their control. The bidder is
responsible to ensure that it has sufficient time to submit the electronic bid prior to the
deadline for bid submission. In case of any fault or failure in the e-procurement system
occurring around the deadline for submission time that may affect the bid process, the
Employer may at its sole discretion extend the deadline for bid submission for at least 24
hours from the time the e-procurement system is restored, to allow bidders enough time
to upload their bids."

ITB 23.1 Replace ITB 23.1 with the following:

"23.1 The electronic bidding system would not allow any late submission of bids after
due date & time as per server time."

Managing Oinalor
KUIDY C. Salvatore
Page 61 of 490
ITB 24 Replace ITB 24.1 with the following:
"24.1 Bidders may modify their bids by using appropriate option for bid modification on
the e-procurement portal, before the deadline for submission of bids. For this the bidder
need not make any additional payment towards the cost of bid document. For bid
modification and consequential re-submission, the bidder is not required to withdraw his
bid submitted earlier. The last modified bid submitted by the bidder within the bid
submission time shall be considered as the Bid. For this purpose,
modification/withdrawal by other means will not be accepted. In online system of bid
submission, the modification and consequential re-submission of bids is allowed any
number of times. A bidder may withdraw his bid by using appropriate option for bid
withdrawal, before the deadline for submission of bids, however, if the bid is withdrawn,
re-submission of the bid is not allowed.."
ITB 24.2 Replace ITB 24.2 with the following:
"24.2 Bids requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 24.1 shall not
be opened."

E. Public Opening of Technical Parts of Bids

ITB 25.1 Replace ITB 25.1 with the following:
"25.1. The Employer shall publicly open online Technical Parts of all bids
received, by the deadline at the date, time and place given hereunder:
Time: 1630 Hours

Place: Office of KUIDFC,NagarabhivruddiBhavan,#22, 17thF Cross,

Binnamangala 2nd Stage, Old Madras Road, Indiranagar, Near BMTC Bus
Depot, Bengaluru-560038
in the presence of Bidders' designated representatives and anyone who chooses
to attend, and this could also be viewed by the bidders online. The Financial
Parts of the bids shall remain unopened in the e-procurement system, until the
subsequent public opening, following the evaluation of the Technical Parts of the
Bids. In all cases, original documents submitted as specified in ITB 21.4 shall be
first scrutinized,. There after the bidder's names, Alternative Bids — Technical
Parts, the presence or absence of a Bid Security, if one was required; and such
other details as the Employer may consider appropriate will be notified online by
the Employer at the time of bid opening.

In the event of the specified date of the bid opening being declared a holiday for the
Employer, the bids shall be opened at the appointed time and location on the next
working day."
Replace ITB 25.2 with the following:
"25.2. The electronic summary of the opening of Technical Part of the Bids will
be generated and uploaded online. The Employer will also prepare minutes of the Bid
opening, including the information disclosed and upload the same for viewing online.
Only Bids — Technical Parts, and Alternative Bids — Technical Parts if permitted in ITB
13, that are opened at Bid opening shall be considered further for evaluation."

)C\ rid6fh90
filanagsng LArentor
IritU1).F C, Bangalore.
ITB 25-3 ITB 25.3 Deleted.

ITB 25-4 Replace ITB 25.4 with the following:

The Bidder's names, presence or absence of Bid Security (amount,
format and validity), the submission of qualification information as the
Employer may consider t as appropriate will be announced by the
Employer at the Bid Opening. No bids shall be rejected at the bid
The withdrawn bid(s) will not be available in the system and therefore
such bid(s) will not be read. In case a bid was modified by the bidder
prior to submission deadline, only the last modified bid will be available
in the system which shall be opened and read along with other bids.
The Employer shall prepare minutes of the Bid Opening including the information
disclosd to those present in accordance with (a) above and the same shall be uploaded on i
the e-procurement portal. The Bidders' representatives who are present shall be
requested to sign the attendance sheet.

ITB 26.2 In ITB 26.2 replace the word 'Employer' with 'Employer, its advisors, employees,
consultants or agents'

F. Evaluation of Bids — General Provisions

ITB 29.3 The adjustment shall be based on the highest price of the item or component as quoted in
other substantially responsive Bids, subject to a maximum of the estimated price of the
item. If the price of the item or component cannot be derived from the price of other
substantially responsive Bids, the Employer shall use its best estimate.

G. Evaluation of Technical Partsof Bids

ITB 30.2 Add the following new sub-clause ITB 30.2:
"The Employer will examine each Bid to determine whether it is complete, meets
eligibility criteria, whether the required securities have been furnished, whether the
documents have been properly signed and whether the bid is generally in order. Prior to
the detailed evaluation, the Employer will determine whether each Bid is of acceptable
quality, is complete and is substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents."

/60 pca (-3

Managing Oink**
0. 1,3 r Pig PPInG
1.91, • ifr%Pl. KUM.F.C. erg slots
Page 63 of 490
I'M 30.3 Add the following new sub-clause ITB 30.3:
"The Employer will carry out a detailed evaluation of the Technical Bids in
order to determine whether the technical aspects are in accordance with the
requirements set forth in the Bidding Documents. Bidders acknowledge that, in
order to reach such a determination, the Employer will examine and analyse the
technical aspects of each Bid on the basis of the information supplied by
Bidders, taking into account the completeness, consistency and level of detail of
the following, and anyother relevant, factors:
1. with respect to the Design-Build construction plan,
the Bidder's ability to demonstrate how it will meet the Employer's
project objective and requirements, the technical standards and the
Environmental Management Plan;
the soundness of the proposed methodology and approach, and the
extent to which the Design-Build Work plan demonstrates an
understanding of the local conditions and specific Project requirements;
2. with respect to the Operation and Maintenance Work plan,
the extent to which the Operations Work plan addresses all of the
Operations Services that are to be provided in accordance with the
the soundness of the proposed methodology and approach, and the
extent to which the Operations Work plan demonstrates an
understanding of the local conditions and specific Project requirements;
and the Bidder's ability to demonstrate how it will meet the technical
standards; and
3. with respect to the Staffing Plan,
the qualifications and competence of the Key Staff; and
the overall quality of the Staffing Plan, including the depth and
organisational strength demonstrated by the Plan and the extent to
which it meets the expertise requirements set out in the BDS under ITB
Section 16.2.5.
a. For ITB Section 16.2.5, the evaluation of the overall quality of the
Staffing Plan shall be based on,
I. the clarity, comprehensiveness and level of detail of the Staffing Plan;
2. the extent to which the expertise required by the Operator's Key Staff
as specified in the BDS under ITB Section 16.2.5 is included in the
Staffing Plan; and
the extent to which the Staffing Plan addresses the specific Services that are required by
the Design-Build and Operations and Maintenance Services Schedules to the General

ITB 31.3 In ITB 31.3 replace the words 'of Section VII, Works Requirements' with 'set forth in
Bidding Documents'.

n (\DI QV)
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Managing NW=

ITB 32.4 Replace ITB 32.4 with the following:

"Only Bids that are both substantially responsive to the bidding document, and meet all
Qualification Criteria shall have the Financial Parts of their Bids opened at the second
public opening."
ITB 33.1 At this time the Employer does not intend to execute certain specific parts of the Works by
sub-contractors selected in advance.
ITB 33.2 Replace ITB 33.2 with the following:
"A list of all nominated specialized sub-contractor and sub- consultants and a detailed
description of the services to be carried out or the Plant and Equipment to be provided by
the nominated sub-Contractor and sub-consultants. The Bidder shall provide the name
and nationality of all nominated sub-contractors and sub-consultantsas per Schedule of
Subcontractors and Sub-consultantsin Section IV Bidding Forms. The Bidder shall
ensure that all nominated sub-contractors and sub-consultants also comply with the
bidding requirements."
ITB 33.3 Maximum percentage of sub-contracting the design-build-operator services
is 40%. However, the specialist sub-contractor or sub-consultant whose
experience and qualification have been claimed for meeting the qualification
criteria in accordance with stipulations in Section III Evaluation and
Qualification Criteriashall be excluded while applying the ceiling of 40%.

Bidders planning to subcontract more than 10% of total volume of work shall
specify, in the Letter of Bid, the activity (ies) or parts of the works to be
subcontracted along with complete details of the sub-contractors and their
qualification and experience. The qualification and experience of the sub-
contractors must meet the minimum criteria for the relevant work to be sub-
contracted failing which such sub-contractors will not be permitted to participate.

Sub-contractors' qualification and experience will not be considered for evaluation of the
Bidder. The Bidder on its own (without taking into account the qualification and experience
of the sub-contractor) should meet the qualification criteria.

H. Public Opening of Financial Parts of Bids

ITB 34.1 Replace ITB 34.1 with the following:
Following the completion of the evaluation of the Technical Parts of the Bids, and
the Bank has issued No objection, the Employer will notify all Bidders, and on the
e-procurement portal, the location, date and time of the online public opening of
Financial Parts. The Financial Parts of the bids shall not be opened earlier than seven
(7) days from the communication of technical evaluation results to the bidders, to
allow time during which a bidder may submit complaint, which shall be
considered for resolution before opening of Financial Bids. The Employer shall
notify in e-procurement portal those Bidders whose Bids were considered non-
responsive to the bidding document or failed to meet the Qualification Criteria,
advising them of the following information
(a) the grounds on which their Technical Part of Bid failed to meet the
requirements of the bidding document

Maniging three:tor
KULDE C, Banosore
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ITB 34.1(b) Replace ITB 34.1(b) and 34.1(c) with the following:
and 34.1(c) "(b) their Financial Part of the Bid will not be opened; and
(c) notify them of the date, time and location of the online public opening of the
Financial Parts of the Bids on the e-procurement portal."
ITB 34.2(b) Replace ITB 34.2(b) and 34.2(c) with the following:
and 34.2(c) "(b) their Financial Part of the Bid will be opened at the public opening of the
Financial Parts; and
(c) notify them of the date, time and location of the online public opening of the
Financial Parts of the Bidson the e-procurement portal"
ITB 34.3 Replace ITB 34.3 with the following:
"34.3 The opening date should allow Bidders sufficient time to make arrangements
for attending the opening. The Financial Part of the Bids shall be publicly opened
online in the presence of Bidders' designated representatives and anyone who
chooses to attend, and this could also be viewed by the bidders online. The bidder's
names, the Bid prices, the total amount of each bid, per lot (contract) if applicable,
including any discounts and Alternative Bid — Financial Part, and such other details
as the Employer may consider appropriate, will be notified online by the Employer
at the time of bid opening.No Bids shall be rejected at Bid opening.
In the event of the specified date of bid opening being declared a holiday for the Employer,
the bids will be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day."
ITB 34.4 Replace ITS 34.4 with the following:
"34.4 The electronic summary of the bid opening will be generated and uploaded online. The
Employer will also prepare minutes of the Bid opening, including the information disclosed
and upload the same for viewing online. Only Financial Parts of Bids, Financial Parts of
Alternative Bids, if permitted, and discounts that are opened at Bid opening shall be
considered further for evaluation."
ITB 34.5 to ITB 34.5 to ITB 34.8 Deleted.
I. Evaluation of Financial Parts of Bids
ITB 35.1 (1) Deleted
ITB 35.3 Not applicable
ffB 37.1 The currency that shall be used for bid evaluation and comparison purposes to
convert all bid prices expressed in various currencies into a single currency is:
Indian Rs.
The source of exchange rate shall be. Reference Rate published by Financial
Benchmark India Pvt. Ltd (FBIL) available at
The date for the exchange rate shall be: the deadline for submission of bids.
The currency(ies) of the Bid shall be converted into a single currency in
accordance with the procedure under Alternative A that follows:
Alternative A: Bidden quote entirely in local currency
For comparison of bids, the Bid Price, corrected pursuant to Clause 36, shall first
be broken down into the respective amounts payable in various currencies by
at using the exchange rates specified by the biddeece with Sub-Clause

ct. •
tr<O\ QA
Page 66 of 490
Managing Direcuy

In the second step, the Employer will convert the amounts in various currencies
in which the Bid Price is payable (excluding Provisional Sums but including
Daywork where priced competitively) to the single currency identified above at
the selling rates established for similar transactions by the authority specified and
on the date stipulated above.

ITB 38.1 A margin of domestic preference shall not apply.

ITB 39.1 Add the following in the beginning of sub-clause ITB 39.1:
"The Employer shall evaluate the bid prices (after conversion of the quoted
prices to a single currency by determining and adding various components of
cost and prices.

Bid Price Schedule 1: General Items and Provisional Sums

Bid Price Schedule 2: Operation and Maintenance Services (O&M) Fees
Bid Price Schedule 3: Plant and equipment (pumping machinery,
networks and connections, SCADA and all other components including
Bid Price Schedule 4: New Water treatment plant
Bid Price Schedule 5: New service reservoirs
Bid Price Schedule 6: Road Restorations"
ITB 39.2 Add the following new sub-clause ITB 39.2:
"In case of any discrepancy between (i) online excel sheets which are required to be
filled in online by the bidder and (ii) price schedules/BOQ included in the bidding
documents, the data in the online excel sheets shall prevail over that stipulated in the
price schedules/BOQ in the bidding documents."
ITB 41.1 In ITB 41.1 replace the words 'all Bids submitted' with 'all documents submitted' in the
fourth line.

J. Award of Contract
ITB 43.1 Delete from first paragraph of sub-clause ITB 43.1 the words 'in UNDB online'
ITB 43.2 Add the following at the end of sub-clause ITB 43.2:
"The Contract Award Notice shall be published on a National website (Government of
India (GoI) website or Gol Central Public Procurement Portal
httos:// or on the Employer's website with free access. The
Employer shall also promptly publish the contract award notice in UNDB online."
ITB 44.2 Replace ITB 44.2 with the following:
"Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Contract Agreement, the successful
Bidder shall (i) sign, date, and return the Contract Agreement and other Contract
Documents to the Employer; and (ii) submit to the Employer a Notarized
Affidavit affirming that the Key Staff as named in its Bid are available for
deployment on the Project Site and that they will be deployed on the Project site
within 7 days of the receipt of first instalment of mobilization advance.
If the Successful Bidder is a Joint Venture to whom the contract is awarded, each partner
of the Joint Venture shall sign and execute the contract with the Employer, and shall be
jointly and severally responsible to the Employer for the performance of the Contract."

Page 67 of 4911Agniging Dun%

C, Bangalore
ITB 45.1 Replace ITB 45.1 with the following:

"45.1 Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the Letter of Acceptance from the
Employer, the successful Bidder shall furnish the Performance Security equal to
10(Ten) percent of the Total Contract Price, which is inclusive of i(One) percent
of Total Contract Price for Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS)
Performance Security PLUS additional Performance Security for unbalanced
bids (as per ITB Clause 40.1).The Performance Security and ESHS Performance
Security shall be in the form of a Bank Guarantee as per formatsincluded in
Section X Contract Forms, or another form acceptable to the Employer valid till
180 days after the end date The performance security and the ESHS performance
security, of a Joint Venture shall be in the name of the Joint Venture specifying
the names of all members.
A portion of the Performance Security could be released after completion of one
year after the completion of Design and Build period and upon submission of a
fresh Bank Guarantee for a reduced amount covering the contracted price for the
remaining Sustaining period valid till 180 days after the End Date.
Total Contract Price= Total of Price Schedules Ito 6 including Provisional Sums
The successful Bidder shall be required to submit an Environmental, Social,
Health and Safety (ESHS) Performance Security.
ITB 46 Name of the Adjudicator proposed y the Employer: Dr.G.Ashwatha Narayan
Daily fee for the Adjudicator: INR10,000/- per day
(Details including CV ofDr.G.Ashwatha Narayan
is attached)

On at, VASA VIII • ANNA% A AA Winn 4 Servant vali

u.E. mov(AUST),Nvo, Oa R.). F.I.E. Nava. man) a.. AMA n4. a 290,42t NAM/TM scla IPA TO CM3SS
Morimir Socametry two. IrrIvialtert. Dort or lormatstice 94.14GALwite.-U60 085. NANA.
Ammo rantaoing Ototetov warnetesw Manor Corpeardon Urn Phut. : (0130) 13491262
Wen. . 443445.1 42212,
E-mail : ameath19154151TIN Wm
Updated C.v.nn on Jana..., — 29 19
Or. G. Aivwdllsonoseaum235
I. 1414 - Netytiorettinvemity 1953. 14' Clew Sectutd Raids.
1. NI 1 t Ittivorsite of New South Wales 1943-65 niatininion
3. MID.U.Iii
a Lecturer avii limn rmerind. Mycore Unwensity for 3 Yearn
5 .ra,„„„eart„,„erae. syerary ere 5 Year,
4 Teacher. Common wealth of EkluatfiCIII for I Year
7. Pail time ProtOmot, Administrative TrssinistA lion WW In 1•Wittre rot 2 Yenta
It At.. AEU, 71). SE.. CE. linginees in Chief in Kurnool/se own,' Yearn
9 Was Him tittermarv, Institution of Engineer.. Mimosa Comm tn / 071-1973.
10 Head 17ositurs. CND. 15/1-0 for 4 Verow.
II ChielAnaincer El NW. KIM. 13174.. (CAB. PWD).- IS Yeas
12 ringincer in Chief 01(1.6). Administrasur Kradme CAIVA s I Year
IS. neoretnn- Poet) 41 Irrigari0A eADA to, 2 Yuan
14. Managing 1Nrector Karnataka PoweeCorportaimn for) Venst
45 Study Tema of Imernational I about Oritaniotrion (11.0-4.1N) liar 1 t's Years.
in. Coast/Mon Common wealth, London on Imitensint I smelopment.
17 Comm/sew World LINA on Dams.
It Conatillant. Siemens on Pomo 19•99c9
19 Ropreasented India us Risectufve Council of International temmiwion on Lunge Dano.
(14:01..14) in 1992.
20, Pubtivbad 40 l'echnimd papers iss National • IlllerIlliliOnAl Foremtp.
21 Proromminul llodLear inetirtnas ,.r Ensinc..5 (rm. CE. Pli). /WAS. Al.
14/St 1AC. 91N.
22 Awards Iltssur BIMPAIIPTC .11124, 1J• (Aveurn t CtITP. Power Adincery Institute or eassifiumns
Cho ernmetil at India. Builders; alsocianon of India, TN 1.- I. um,
23, Chief Tech Advisor 4114/1, BOA.

24 rIlechnWel Committee Mouthy . nnsra KVICA. AreheolvitY nal linniatos OM.

in Author cd"Cueltinenl Report on Trarowlemmiton of Tipp,, SuItan'a Armoury I Wattage
monument w ri,notnn Ran., to donning or Railway Undo frurn Bangtilose to MIFF.,,.
through Nil
27 Al prwern. Adviwary Hoard Member ors. Dliamwsahata ManjUnlithel,WYM Laharinewhana
Trost (SOCADT) am/ Ailment in conservation of ancient templee. Jain Austin). etc
Al nitwits. Twihnical Committee Menthe( ofilept of Arelmeolodv MIII.C14110, and 14antestu t
(I r )1C. in wovenmg and rewiring ancient 11,4i111,g, monuntengs. in Kainntoka state.
As Arbitrator; (lletalIa a UO MS below).

atil ill‘....

7 cAq\-,
IA Page 68 of &wog
A. Empanelment:is Arbitrator.
1. Indian Road Congress New Delhi -Date: 06-09-1995 Employment number EA - 056,94

2 Institution of engineers (India) Kolkam -700020, Empanelment NuSDGISECTI7631/Panel

Date: 0-04-2012

11 law Course Taken:

1 Passed "General law" in Departmental Ificamitunion of Public Service Commission

Conducted in June 1977. He has also undergone Training in National Law Schaal of India
University. mans hhatathi Campus, Bangalore. on "Law Orientation Course for Executives' in
May 1991.

C. Arbitration Cases handled, Completed & Running as on January 2019.

March 1983 to October 1984: 1. On 30 - 03 - 1963, the Government of Karnataka appointed

him vide 0 0. No. BUDS& KHB 83 as competent authority under see 7 of Karnataka
ownership Flats (Regulation of the Pmmotion of Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer)
Act 1972 (Kanuttaka Art No. 16 of 1973), to decide on the disputes between Jayanthi
Apartments owners Association No I. 13th Cross. Malleswaram, Bangalore- 03 petitioners and
the Buildefigromoter Mr. K.V Narayim, Respondent as G. Astvathanarayana C.F. BCC. The
Dispute went on with bearings Inspections with the parties and settled with his lodgement on I 1-
I 0-1984. with 26 judgement pages.

1983 to 1985: 2. Wax appointed by the Commission Enquiry as Technical Advisor to Justice.
Damn Enquiry commission firr judicial probe on the collapse on 12th Sept. 1983 of 7 storied
(Sang:tram Building complex at (Satulbinagar. Subedar chatram Road, adjoining 1Capali Talkies
He assisted the commission technically along with Mr. N. Thippanna, Senior Advocate of High
Coon throughout, during deliberations, proceedings, public hearing and drafting the judgement,
until 1985 when Report was sulmiitted to Gusts-moan of Karnataka for implemenmtion of its
findings. Follo‘vinu this, the Government and BCC appointed a team of experts TATA to
inspect all the' ugh rise buildings under construction with photographs and submit its findings to
BCC, which was also surprised by G. Aswatbanarayamt. Thereafter for the first time, the building
byelaws oft984-35 were drafted and published under the guidance of Cl Astsathanarayana

2001 to 2003: 3. Did Arbitration with 3 Members: pi). Justice It Suresh. Bombay High Court
(Umpire). oil. Cl. Aswathanarayano. Sinha Dispute between Kudrcmukh Iron Ore
Onird Vs United Precision Engineers Pvt. Ltd contractors, arising out or Contract of
les,6,93,30,287 (663.3 lakhs) dated 06/03/1992 for re-location of Crusher Ill SPEC. No.
1917/132. With r Meeting from 10' May 2001 at 4 P.M, IN Kudremukh Iron ore Co. Ltd
Koramangala ended - till 03-02-2001 When there was difference between the 2 Arbitrations, this
Went to Justice K. Shivashankar Rhat aS sole Arbitrator, who wive the award on 31-05-2007.

cl ork
Managing Director
K.U1.135 C, Bangalore
Page 69 of 490
2002 to 2003: 4. Was Appinted by_High Court ais Sole Arbitrator on 04-01-2002 on OAP
No.108 or zool. Communidited vide RDC No, A - 6.48/0BI on 11-92-2002, under World Bank
aided Contract of Its 1, IS, 98,0470. The Arbitration was settlement of disputes between
Karnataka Health Systems Development Project represented by Chief Engineer, PILL Building,
Shcshadri Road, Bangalore - 91 with Contractors - Itajalakshmi Engineers & Contractors
Hyderabad. regarding Hospital Building at Hirekerur in Dbantatd District, and award of claims
of contractors The Arbitration slatted on March 2002 & concluded and award was made on 30-

Was also appointed byilish Court as sole Arbitrator to settle disputes in respect of
construction work of Wiiiksitop Building in W & C Hospital at Gadag under World Prank aided
Project between KIISDP & Contractor The award was given on 29-08-2003.

Was Appointed by Hon. Juane° R.V. Ravindran of Karnataka High Court as Sole Arbitrator to
adjudicate upon the disputes between KliSOP & the contractor vide order No.CMP 108 of 2001,
dined 04411-2002. as per communication RDC No. A64847M dated 11-02-2002 on "Disputes
regarding Construction of equipment workshop building in the mortises of W&C Hospital at
Cathie, pertaining to Contract amount of Its. I 3,392201- as per Agreement No:
CE/KILSDIVI 91/99-2000.

2008 to 2010: 7, Assisted JusticeSirmaitekharit Commission of enquiry appointed by

Government In find out and report the allegations of church building damages etc. throughout
Karnataka. As Engineer I prepared the required plans, drawings, photographs and estimated cost
or damages done and attended all the hearings conducted by him in Balabroot Building in
Bangalore and at 13.0 Office Court Hall in Mangalore.

Sept. 2012 to Nov 2013: & Was Arbitration Sole Arbitrator between Ravi Construction
and Government of Karnataka Dept_ of !picric-p.A-4110001, ggaggrah Training on (DSERT) on
Contract ot Construction work of DIET Building at Munirahad, Kopp& District. Arbitration
started On 04-09-2012 and after 29 Arbitration Meetings. Award of Hal, 42, 82,521?- was given
on 28-11.2011

Dec 2011 - April 2012: 9. He was Appointed as Court Commissioner in the case of MS.
No. 3993 of 2011 in the court of Additional Session City Civil Judge.Bangalore an case between
I Rukmangadachar Vs H.K. Raja Rao & others in do Property No.1412 Krishna Shastry Road,
Basavanaguch, Bangalore belonging to Laic Smt. K. Savitramtna Appointed vide Summons
No.625341 dated 2442-2011. Between 9" Feb 2012 aside April 2012.

2013 to 2016: 10. On 15-07-2013 He was Appointed as chairman Member (3 Judges

Bench) of Dispute Board (I) B) in World Bank aided Molnar or Highway Package AEP-8,
I frgoadation of Road from Mudgui (Km 0.000) to Gangavathi (Km 74.20) of Length 74.2 Kan. in
S11.29 on a Coninict value of Rai, 526,263,146 (Its. 152,63 Crorcsk between Project Director
KSH1P and Mrs K.N14. Construction Ltd. contractors, Hyderabad - 500034. Construction work

( ow takr,
Managing Ovecox
K.U.LD.F C, Baigatore
Page 70 of 490
commenced on 26-03-2012 by Contractor and is in Completion stage. The DR commenced its
work on 15.07.2013 and coingleted in May 2016.

2014 to 2016: II. Wm:Appointed as Chainnan Member (3 Judge Bench) lbr Dispute
Adjudication Board (DAB) between IMM. WE BilifillOria 84 Company Mumbai & Chennai and
Ws. Menai Castles (PVT)Ltd, Bangalore on Construction Contract of Residential Project at
Bangalore for Contract Sum of Rs. 464.17 Crete& Appointed by both parties with the consent of
2 judges for settlement of dispute on April 2014, DAB has given Os Judgement Report on ri
May 2016.

July-August 2015 onwards: 12. The Principal City Civil Sessions Court Bangalore has
appointed mess Conn Commissioner to settle the disputes under money suit no.6614 tl I filed on
27-7-2015 between Anish Scaffolding Systems and NIMAlupro Building Systems (1') Ltd
and is in the Court of Additional City Civil Sessions JudgeXL1V.

Aug to Sept 2016: 13. Completed on 10-09-2016 Technical Investigation Report through
Institutions of Engineers on the Accident on 8th August 2016, causing death of 2 workers at
Bharathi se City, Bangalore, referred by Police 1)epartmcnt.

14. Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project, Cowt of Karnataka has appointed inc as
Dispute Board Member 17.12.2016 for construction of ROB with approaches at Railway Km
316/200-300 on Davanagere-Channagia Road on Ilubli-Chickiajur of Mysore Division. This
assignment is miming and not completed

2017 to 2019: 15. He was appointed as one of the Arbitrators of) Judge Bench on the matter
of Arbitration of disputes for the Work of widening to 2 lane and improvement of N.11.110,
Bihar Shariff-Jahanabad-Anval Road from K13136 to 0$.1 in Bihar Under IAVE Scheme between
MiS J.S.R. Construction Pm Ltd (Contractor)and National Highway Division,OayaCroverinnamt
AilBihar ono contract of lts.65.87,41,632/- started in 2017 and it - ending in February 2019 with



Ctiartered Engineet079431
Prolesani enplivar (PE:300)
Formar Engirser Mb &
Scarelag Govegratml of 1<sitattaka
2(4.13, 11th Cross. an WW1
kb.Vgathri is,s,t Ekrsekre• SalCM

t fic' Managing Director


Page 71 of 490
Background Note on Present Status of Water Supply in Kalburgi City and
Summary of Contract

Kalburgi is an important business centre in the Hyderabad- Karnataka region and is

also the divisional headquarters of the six districts: Bidar, Kalburgi, Yadgir,Raichur,
Koppal and Bellary. It is the major district and the 6th largest city of Karnataka. The
unique confluence of Hindu and Muslim culture has turned the city into an important
pilgrim centre as well. The local City Corporation provides the water supply and
sanitation services in which water supply services are currently outsourced to
the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board (KUWS&DB).


Kalburgi city is located in the latitude 170° - 2' North and longitude 260° C 51 East at
an average altitude of 458 meters above the mean sea level. The city is located in the
northern plains of Karnataka in the Krishna River basin. The city and its hinterland
drain south towards Bheema River (25 Km away), a major tributary to the river


The city experiences a hot climate. The mean annual maximum and minimum humidity
of the city are 60 percent (morning) and 40 percent (evening) respectively. The most
prominent wind directions are from west and south west in rainy season and from east
and north east during winters. Kalburgi experiences a maximum of 46-degree C in May
and a minimum of 14.8-degree C in December. The annual mean monthly maximum
and minimum temperatures are 33.7-degree C and 20.7-degree C respectively. The
average annual rainfall experienced by the city is about 730 mm.

Linkages and Accessibility

Kalburgi city is linked by Mumbai / Delhi to Chennai / Bangalore broad-gauge railway

line to the state capital and other towns and cities of the country. The Bangalore-
Humnabad State highway passes through the city. The other important state highways,
which link the city, are Kalburgi - Sedam, Kalburgi- Aland and Kalburgi- Afzalpur. It
is situated at a distance of 225 km west of Hyderabad, 550 km South of Mumbai and
625 km North of Bangalore. Kalburgi has its own Air port located Approximately 27
Km away from the city (On Sedam road). The nearest international airport is located at
Hyderabad, which is at a distance of 225 Km; the nearest River is Bheema which is at a
distance of 25 km.

Managing Director
0:0 Ofr KALLDRC, Bilfl9ai0C0
Page 72 of 490

Industries and Commercial Activities

Textile, Oil and Dal industries are the major industries of the city. Kalburgi district is
known for a huge reserve of limestone and gypsum, the basic raw materials for cement
production as a result; some of the biggest cement industries of the country are located
here like ACC, Birla, Ultra tech are few to be named. The district is also known for
land stone deposits, the famous Shahabad stone - a well known building material is
from this district. As a result, stone polishing industry is also prominent here. Dal
industries are mainly located on the Kapnoor industrial area on the Humnabad road.

Area and Development

The project area covers the entire corporation limits of existing 55 wards. The total
project area of the city is considered about 68.68 Sq km.


Historical census data in Kalburgi city is given in table below.

Census year Population

1971 145588
1981 221325
1991 310920
2001 430265
2011 533587
Water Demand

Demand (MLD)
2023 2031 2038 2041 2053
Population , 693499 807232 913118 960318 1160034
135 LPCD
Domestic (including 10%
104.02 121.08 136.97 144.05 174.01
Demand ' distribution
Bulk demand (which includes
17.65 17.65 17.65 17.65 17.65
- Clear Water 10% losses)
Sub Total 121.67 138.73 154.62 161.70 191.66
& Station 6.40 7.30 8.14 8.51 10.09 5% losses
128.1 146.0 162.8 170.2 201.7Q‘
4U8 \

Aso Page 73 of 490(

rob k-
Maneging Nectar
K.U111F C, Bengal**
Water Resources

At present water supply to Kalburgi City is from: Surface source and Ground Water source.

Ground Water Source

There are 1541 number bore-wells drilled at different location in and around the city.
1166 bore-wells are fitted with power pumps (single phase - submersible pumps) and
about 375 bore-wells are with hand pumps and about 22 open well are present.

Surface Water Source

There are three water sources, (Figure 1.0), namely- a) Bheema River, b) Bennethora
Reservoir and c) Bhosga Reservoir water supply scheme executed under Kalburgi
Water Supply Scheme (GWSS) I, 11, III respectively.

P PP104,

Figure 1.0: Sources of Kalburgi

Bheema Riv er
Bheema River, a tributary of Krishna River, flows at a distance of about 26 Km from
Kalburgi City. This source is created (in 1993) by constructing a barrage across the
river near Saradagi village. City gets 55.0 MLD of water from this source.
Bennithora Reservoir:
(i) Existing Scheme: There is an existing scheme which was completed during 1978

and olitisecitosaly renovated during 2012-13. Pipeline carrying design
of this

iviansg4 lifica
a (o:
. 00
MILD.F.C, Empalme. 0,
'Cction- Gtet
1 0 (

project is 21 MLD it comprises of Head works near to Kurikota village with pumping
machinery. MS rising main of 615 mm OD of 10.5 km laid from Head works to Break
Pressure Tank at Salam Tekdi , and then water is drawn to old Filter bed WTP by
gravity main of 500 mm diameter 8.2 km long Prestressed Concrete pipeline. This
gravity main is being replaced with 660 mm OD MS pipeline by KUWSDB under
linked investment and will be completed in next 12 months as per agreement.
(ii) Proposed Scheme: In addition to the above scheme, new head works has been
proposed in this project, inside the Bennithora reservoir of the Harasur &Sathked
village at about 19.20 Km North East of Salam Tekdi BPT (Proposed WTP). After the
completion of the works, both the water supply schemes will be used for supplying
water to the city.
(c) Bhosga Reservoir: This reservoir is situated at a distance of 9.6Km from Kalburgi
city. It has a catchment area of 90.13 Sq.lcm and a capacity is 11.85 million cubic
meters (Mcum). This source is not reliable and hence not considered in the present
The Demand table for the city is as follows:

Demand (MLD)
2023 2031 2038 2041 2053

Total Raw Water

128.1 146 162.8 170.2 201.7
Source Capacity
Bheerna 60.5 60.5 60.5 _60.5 60.5
Bennithora 20.86 20.86 20.86 20.86 20.86
Surplus/Deficit -46.74 -64.64 -81.44 -88.84 -120.34
Water Treatment
Clear Water Demand 121.7 138.7 154.6 161.7 191.7
Existing WTP capacity
56.4 56.4 56.4 56.4 56.4
from Bheema Scheme
Existing WTP capacity
from Bennithora 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.9
Total existing WTP
88.3 88.3 88.3 88.3 88.3
Surplus/Deficit -33.3 -50.4 -66.3 -73.4 -103.3

(1 a NOLL,

Managing OlfttiOr
KUID-F-C, Etandaare
(POWs Stit NAV
04.00000p:OtapP. Page 75 of 490



7 %TS OF itxt MC if TS pcow:, 'AI
ttntor, ISinc:FR Zan, rn
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Whiff it,. oan L.. X-77177:‘,

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is, I
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FEW tran
“*.t1110 Pit .101.EIC
iit I XNNUNNTINInt sNIF I•wporrasoar
am remit
r: 7 •
" EX5410.111L.Ota

'sOftWS*iSitt, E;r1PACITY


Water Distribution

The city is provided with water supply feeder mains and distribution network of about 883
Km and the residents are supplied through 49,898 connections. The existing service
storage comprises of 34 no of elevated and 5 no of ground level service reservoirs totalling
to 54 ML capacity. The residents are provided with average 2 to 4 hours of water supply
on alternate days except in the demo-zone area as explained below.

Existing Demo Zone Area

KU1DFC had implemented 24x7 water supply demonstration project commissioned

during the year 2008 servicing a small service area (demo-zone) covering 11 wards (4 Full
ward & 7 Partial Ward) of Kalburgi city (Demo Zone) & is well accepted by the public.
The demo-zone continues to be provided with operations and maintenance services
outsourced to a private agency, contract is scheduled to be completed by January 2019. A
copy of the contract is available with Employer as part of project data. The details of the
demo-zone are shown in the table below.

Page 76 of 490

Managing Cmeao,
( 03

Particulars Demo Zone

Month and year of commissioning April 2008

4 (Full), 7 partial
Selected wards
7 (Part)

House service connections

(Up to December2018)

Total Deman d since inception to

November - 2018 in Lakhs

Total Collection since inception to

December - 2018 in Lakhs

Collection Efficiency since inception 96.47

Monthly Average Demand in Lakhs 09.20
Monthly Average Collection Lakhs_ 08.87

Average per capita supply/Consumption in LPCD


Scope of Present Contract

With the success of demo-zone project, the Corporation had planned to up-scale the service
improvements to cover the entire city and the Employer with assistance of project
consultants has developed infrastructure and utility improvement proposals which
constitute the present contract. The scope of the contract essentially comprises of the key
components listed below.

Construction of New Jacicwell Pumping station, Civil works for Ultimate demand
of 2053 and Electro-mechanical works and Instrumentation (pumping machinery
and allied works) for 65.03 ML in 22 hours at Bennithora Reservoir at Harasur &
Sathked Village.
Laying of new pumping/rising main of 1342 mm outer dia. of 10 thick of 19.20 km
from Bennithora Jackwell pumping station to Salam Tekdi WTP.
Construction of new water treatment plant at Salam Tekdi BPT location with a
capacity of 55mId output (Design capacity of 51 ML in 22 Hours).
Rehabilitation and optimizing the capacity and performance of
treatment works of Kotnoor, Shor Gumbaz and Old filter Bed campus.

c ac-,
Page 77 of 49

ManagIng Often
C, Bangabre
Rehabilitation and optimizing the performance of raw water pumping stations of
Bheema existing pumping stations.
Rehabilitation and optimizing the performance of clear water pumping stations of
Bheema and Bennithora existing distribution system.
Construction of new clear water distribution pumping stations at Basavanagar and
Rehabilitation and augmentation of existing storage infrastructure.
Enhancing the capacity and optimizing the performance of existing water
transmission and feeder networks.
Expansion and optimizing of the performance of existing water distribution
Replacement and provision of new metered connections.
Installation of new Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for
improving efficacy and efficiency of operations and service delivery monitoring
Utility systems development including integrated information management systems
Operations and maintenance of existing system and the proposed new infrastructure
including all related activities routine operations, maintenance management and
non-revenue water control.
Service delivery to customers including all related commercial services of provision
of connections, meter reading, billing, delivery of bills, collection of revenue, debt
management, disconnections, reconnections, customer contact management and
related services.
Necessary trainings for capacity building and hand back of all assets for further

Structure of Contract

The Contract is structured as a hybrid of design-build-operate (DBO) contract

with specific activities to be undertaken during each period.

Design-Build Period

The Design-Build Period commences from the Effective Date and to be

completed in the subsequent 60months time period. The key activities comprise

To be completed within 180 days from the Effective Date

Establishing operating offices and mobilization of Operator Key Staff

Comprehensive Assessment of existing infrastructure and service
delivery arrangements
Preparation of Take-Over Plan
ireparOon of Service Delivery Improvement Plan including validation
jt,-of,-proposed bulk-supply infrastructure works included in Bill of
— • 'Quantities
Page 78 of 490

Managing Director
gUIDAGe Banoaxe.

Taking over of operations and maintenance of all existing infrastructure

and service delivery arrangements with existing staff
Training of the staff
Establishing operating offices
Procurement of materials, equipment, tools and plants for
implementation of bulk-supply infrastructure works included in Bill of
Procurement of materials, equipment and tools and plants for effective
operations and maintenance

To be completed in 1825 days from the Effective Date

Construction, commissioning and testing of all infrastructure

improvement works agreed as part of the approved Infrastructure
Improvement Plan and Service Delivery Improvement Plan.
Progressive delivery of continuous pressurized (24x7) water supply
services conforming to the Technical Standards

Operation Services

The Operator shall provide Operation Services commencing from the 181 day
and ends at End Date on completion of 12 years or 144 months from Effective
Date. During this Period, the Operator is responsible for all operations,
maintenance and service delivery activities in the entire Service Area more so
described in Schedule 2 — Operator Obligations. He will also be responsible for
Operation and maintenance of Borewells/ Open wells fitted with power pumps
as well as maintenance of Borewells fitted with hand pumps.

Sustaining Period

The Sustaining Period commences on completion of Design-Build Period or

from 1826th day after Effective Date whichever is earlier during which the
Operator shall continue to provide Operation Services and further improving the
efficiency of services confirming to the Performance Standards.

Operator Remuneration

The Operator remuneration include the following key components.

Mobilization advance against bank guarantee to be recovered in future

payments within 54 months from the Effective Date.
Design-Build payments for all the infrastructure improvement works
agreed as part of Service Improvement Plan in accordance to the agreed
prices in Bill of Quantities
Fee for Operation Services comprising of fixed and performance
components. Fixed fee shall be 80% of agreed fee during Design-Build
Period or 60 months from the Effective D te and reduced to 70% during

Page 79 of
410) tangoing
K.UJ.D.F.C, Bangsore
Sustaining Period that is from the 61 to 144month. Payment of balance
fee shall be linked to performance on demonstrated achievement of
Performance Standards. The fee shall be inclusive of all Operator costs
for routine operations, minor maintenance, all consumables, spares etc
complete but excludes electricity charges and the Major Maintenance
Reimbursable costs for Major Maintenance activities to be agreed for
each item of work and met from Annual Capital Maintenance Fund to be
established by the Corporation
A Utility Systems Fee for design, development, procurement and
contract management of utility management systems
All Operator remuneration shall be subjected to Price Adjustment in
accordance to provisions in Schedule 6

Contract Supervision

The Employer together with the Corporation is responsible for all Contract
management, supervision and Operator payments. The Employer is assisted by
(i) DBO Engineer and (ii) an Expert Reviewer.

The key responsibilities of DBO Engineer are:

Proof check of Operator designs and review of Service Improvement

Plan and all other updated plans
Contract supervision and quality control
Assisting Employer in measurements and payment certification
Monitoring the Operator performance
Progress reporting to the Employer
Assisting Employer in determining Variations and payments for
All other assigned duties of cognitive nature

The key responsibilities of Expert Reviewer are:

Review of Service Delivery Improvement Plan and Utility Systems

Evaluating the efficacy and cost effectiveness of Operator's strategy and
implementation of progressive deliver of continuous pressurized water
Initial adjudication of matters relating to variations or adjustments to
Operator's scope of services.

( a CD \ c1)9
Plienegirva Director
Page 80 of 490
Section III - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
This section contains all the criteria that the Employer shall use to evaluate Bids and
qualify Bidders through post-qualification. No other factors, methods or criteria shall
be used other than those specified in this Bidding document. The Bidder shall provide
all the information requested in the forms included in Section IV, Bidding Forms.

Wherever a Bidder is required to state a monetary amount, Bidders should indicate the
Indian Rupee equivalent using the rate of exchange determined as follows:

For construction turnover or financial data required for each year - Exchange
rate prevailing on the last day of the respective calendar year (in which the
amounts for that year is to be converted) was originally established.
Value of single contract - Exchange rate prevailing on the date of the contract.

Exchange rates shall be taken from the publicly available source identified in the ITB
37.1. Any error in determining the exchange rates in the Bid may be corrected by the

Table of Criteria



Managing Oirsoiar
ICU.LD.F.G. Bangaiont.

Page 81 of 490
1. Technical Part
1.1 Assessment of Adequacy of Technical Proposal with
In evaluating the Technical Parts of each Bid, the Employer shall use the criteria and
methodologies listed in the ITB and Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.
No other evaluation criteria or methodologies shall be permitted.

Evaluation of the Bidder's Technical Proposal will include:

an assessment of the Bidder's eligibility and qualifications criteria prescribed in this

Bidding Document (The "Bidder", which expression shall, unless repugnant to the
context, include the members of the Joint Venture), technical capacity, general
design, build,O&M experienceof water distribution systems, personnel and
management capabilities, conformance to technical and commercial conditions,
compliance of any environmental, or social (including sexual exploitation and abuse
(SEA) and gender based violence (GBV)), or health or safety requirementsetc. in
accordance with the specified requirements.

For this purpose, the Bidder should also submit:

a detailed 'Design -Build Work Plan' for each sub-partnamely, Water Treatment Plants
(VVTP), Networks, Plant and Equipment, Operating Plan including Staffing, and the
related Environmental, Social and Safety (ESFIS) obligations under this contract,
justifying its capability of execution and completion of the work and services as per
stipulated technical requirementsand implementation schedule.

Prior to evaluation of a Bid, the Employer shall determine whether the Bid isof
acceptable quality, is complete andis responsive to the specified requirementse.g.:

it is received as per the format for 'Letter ofBid'in Section IV, Bidding Forms;
it complies substantially with the requirements for preparation, signing,
submission, sealing and marking;
it is accompanied by Bid Security;
it includes Power(s) of Attorney;
it does not contain material deviations, reservations or omissions;
is received in time;
it contains all the information and documents (complete in all respects) in formats as requested in the
bidding document;
it contains certzficates from its statutory auditors in the specified formats for each eligible project;
(: iris accompanied by .1t. Bidding Agreement Tor Joint Ventures) specific to this Project;
0) it does not contain material price information, etc.

, Managing Oirecey
KULD.F.C, lienginore
Page 82 of 490

1.2 Alternative Technical Solutions for specified parts of the

Works — Not Applicable
1.3 Specialized Subcontractors (ITB 33.1)
If permitted under ITB 33.1, only the specific experience of subcontractors for
specialized works permitted by the Employer will be considered. The general
experience and financial resources of the specialized subcontractors shall not be
added to those of the Bidder for purposes of qualification of the Bidder.

The Operator under the Contract shall be prohibited from entering into a contract or
contracts that will result in the Operator exceeding the maximum percentage of
subcontracting and sub-consulting permitted by the Employer, as set out in the BDS
ITB 33.3.

After award of the Contract, the subcontracting of any part of the work, except for
those Sub-Contractors and Sub-Consultants nominated in the Bid, shall require the
prior written consent of the Employer. Notwithstanding such consent, the Operator
shall remain responsible for the acts, defaults, and neglects of all Sub-Contractors and
Sub-Consultants during Contract implementation.

1.4 Nominated Specialized Subcontractors and Subconsultants

(ITB 33.2)

a. Bidders will be evaluated based on the qualifications of,

the Bidder; and

nominated Sub-Contractors and Sub-Consultants only with

respect to the experience evaluation as set out in this Section III,
and only if the Sub-Contractors and Sub-Consultants have been
nominated by the Bidder for the purpose of this bid.

For the purposes of ITB 16.2.5, Bidders may nominate personnel of

the nominated Sub-Contractors and Sub-Consultants to fill the key
positions, during the Design-Build Period and O&M period, as
listed/referred to in the BDS — ITB Section 16.2.5.

b. The Bidder shall provide a detailed list of all nominated Sub-

Contractors and Sub-Consultants and a record of their experience and
qualifications in the applicable Schedule of Subcontractors and Sub-
consultants along with the MOU with them.

c. Bidders will not be permitted to change the Sub-Contractors and Sub-

Consultants nominated in their Bid.

d. The, nominated sub-contractors and sub-consultants proposed with

reference to ITB 33.2 shall be fully qualified for their w

Pa e 83 of 490
ICUIDP.C, Bangalore.
and shall be considered only if they meet with the qualification

e. The Bidder may propose a maximum of Four (4) nominated sub-

contractors for the specialist works as given in Qualification Criteria
sub-section 2 below. Bidder shall sign MOU with its sub-contractors
for specialist works and provide proof for considering the technical
credentials for evaluation of qualification requirements for the
specialist works.

2. Qualification Criteria
Pursuant to ITB 32.1, the Employer shall assess each Bid against the following
Qualification Criteria. Requirements not included in the text below shall not be used in
the evaluation of the Bidder's qualifications.

CCIo \ al"
, Nara Ow"'
)(MD FC, Bengatore
Page 84 of 490

Eligibility and Qi aliflcation Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation

No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
' All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
1.1 Nationality Nationality in accordance Must meet Must meet Must meet N/A Forms ELI — 1.1
with ITB 4.4 requirement requirement requirement and 1.2, with
1.2 Conflict of No conflicts of interest in Must meet Must meet Must meet N/A Letter of Bid
Interest accordance with ITB 4.2 requirement requirement requirement _ _
1.3 Bank Eligibility Not having been declared Must meet Must meet Must meet N/A Letter of Bid
ineligible by the Bank, as requirement requirement requirement
described in ITB 4.5.
1.4 State- owned Meets conditions of ITB Must meet Must meet Must meet N/A Forms ELI — 1.1
Enterprise or 4.6 requirement requirement requirement and 1.2, with
Institution of the attachments
Borrower country
1.5 United Nations Not having been excluded Must meet Must meet Must meet N/A Forms ELI — 1.1
resolution or as a result of prohibition in requirement requirement requirement and 1.2, with
Borrower's the Borrower's country attachments
country law laws or official regulations
against commercial
relations with the Bidder's
country, or by an act of

Managing Director
KULD.F.C. Etangain.
Eligibility and Qt alitication Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation
No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
• All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
compliance with UN
Security Council
resolution, both in
accordance with ITS 4.8
and Section V.

2.1 Historv of Non- Non-performance ctit a Must meet Must meet Must mon Form CON-2
Performing contracti did not occur as a requirement requirements requirement'
Contracts result of contractor default
since lsl January 2009.
2.2 Suspension Based Not under suspension Must meet Must meet Must meet N/A Letter of Bid
on Execution of based on-execution of a requirement requirement requirement
Bid/Proposal Bid/Proposal Securing
Securing Declaration pursuant to
Declaration by ITB 4.7 and ITS 19.9
the Employer

6 Non-performance, as decided by the Employer, shall include all contracts where (a) non-performance was not challenged by the contractor, including through referral to the
dispute resolution mechanism under the respective contract, and (b) contracts that were so challenged but fully settled against the contractor. Non-performance shall not
include contracts where Employers decision was overruled by the dispute resolution mechanism. Non-performance must be based on all information on fully settled disputes
or litigation, i.e. dispute or litigation that has been resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution mechanism under the respective contract and where all appeal instances
available to the Bidder have been exhausted.
5 This requirement also applies to contracts executed by the Bidder as .TV member.

aru (0 4,
g ,Mansging tAnnOf
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation
No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
23 Pending Bid's financial position Must meet N/A Must meet N/A Form CON —2
Litigation and prospective long-term requirement requirement
profitability still sound
according to criteria
established in 3.1 below
and assuming that all
pending litigation will be
resolved against the Bidder
2.4 Litigation History No consistent history of Must meet Must meet Must meet N/A Form CON— 2
court/arbitral award requirement requirement requirement
decisions against the
Bidder' since 1 January
2014 to cover last five
23 Declaration: Declare any civil work Must make the Each must
Environmental, contracts that have been declaration. Where make the Form CON-3
Social, Health, suspended or terminated there are declaration. ESHS
and Safety and/or performance Specialized Sub- Where there Performance
(ESHS) past security called by an contractor/sand are Declaration
performance employer for reasons nominatedSub- SpecializedSu

'The Bidder shall provide accurate information on the Letter of Bid about any litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts completed or ongoing under its execution over
the last five years. A consistent history of awards against the Bidder or any member of a joint venture may result in failure of the Bid.

c1/4 4A al,

Eligibility anti Qt alification Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation
No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
• All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
related to the non- contractor/s and b-
compliance of any Sub-consultants, contractor/san
environmental, or social these Sub- d nominated
(including sexual contractor/s and Sub-
exploitation and abuse Sub-consultants, contractor/s
(SEA) and gender-based must also make the and Sub-
violence (GBV)), or declaration, consultants,
health or safety theseSub-
requirements or safeguard contractor/s
in the past five years.' and Sub-
must also
make the
I nancial Situation andierformance
3.1 Financial (i) The Bidders shall Must meet Must meet Must meet at Must meet at Forms FIN —3.1,
Capabilities demonstrate that it has requirement requirement least 25% of the least 40% of the and Fin - 3.3
access to, or has available, requirement as requirement as a
along with
a minimum minimum
li.uid assets

'The Employer may use this information to seek further information or clarifications in carrying out its due diligence.

Managing Director
Coccr Page 88 of 490

Eligibility and Qualification Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation
No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
' All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
unencumbered real assets, attachments
lines of credit, and other
financial means I
(independent of any
contractual advance
payment) sufficient to
meet the construction cash
flow requirements
estimated as Rs.637
million or US$ 9.40
millionas on 28 days
before the date of
submission of bidsfor the
subject contract(s)
(ii) The Bidders shall also Must meet Must meet N/A N/A
demonstrate, to the requirement requirement
satisfaction of the
Employer, that it has
adequate sources of
finance to meet the cash
flow requirements on
works currently in progress
and for future contract

1.\4 cuoloF
KUIDE C, Bangalore
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation
No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
' All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
The audited balance Must meet N/A Must meet N/A
sheets or, if not required requirement requirement
by the laws of the Bidder's
country, other financial
statements acceptable to
the Employer, for the last 5
(five) years shall be
submitted and must
demonstrate the current
soundness of the Bidder's
financial position and
indicate its prospective
long-term profitability.
Minimum Net Worth Must meet Must meet Must meet at Must meet at
of1NR 1000 Million or requirement requirement least 25% of the least4r/D of the
US$ 14.7 Million in last requirement as requirement as a
financial year preceding a minimum minimum
the year of submission of

t.1 c

ittmonG Managing Director

C, Bangaiere.
Page 90 of 490
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation
Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
3.2 Average Annual Minimum average annual Must meet Must meet Must meet Must meet Form FIN — 3.2
Construction turnover 9(in civil requirement requirement 25% of the 40%of the
Turnover engineering works and/or requirement requirement
water related operations)of
INR 3400 Million or US$
50 Million, calculated as
total certified payments
received for contracts in
progress and/or completed
within the last 5
(five)years (preceding the
year of submission of
bids). divided by 5 (five)

4.1 General Design, Experience under desig n, Must meet N/A Must meet
Build, Operation build, operation and requirement requirement
and Management management contrac4s In
Experience of a the role of prime
water supply eoqctor V member,

9At FY 2019-20price level. Financial turnover of previous years shall be given weightage @5% per year based on rupee value to bring them to the price level of the financial
year in which bids are received.

e n\ Nlak
Managing Cain
Page 91 of 490
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria Com pliance Requirements Documentation
No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
• All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined 'Member
infrastructure sub-contractor, or
i facilities management contractor
for at least the lastfive
(5)years preceding the
year of submission of the
4.2 specific Experience Should have L \ e L u red to Must meet N\ N/A \ iu.t ni:. [nL I oim 1 \ P I
(a) in Design, Build, completion (not less requirement requirement
Operation and than 90% of contract Lead Member
Management Cont value) at least one water
racts of Water supply project of value
Supply Facilities not less than INR 3625
similar to the Million or US$ 53.50
project The Million 11) (at FY 2019-
similarity of the 20 price level) over the
contracts shall be last five (5) years
based on Section preceding the year of
VII, Scope of Works submission of the bid

°Financial turnover and value of completed works of previous years shall be given a weightage of 5% per annum to bring them to FY 2019-20 price level

Marieging Director
COMWSStri *- K.U.I.D F C, Bowdon,
00,BUOG‘Mi\" Page 92 of 490
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation
No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
• All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
4.2 Specific Experience Should have operated Form EXP 2
(a) in Design, Build, and maintained for at
Operation and least three consecutive
Management Con years in the last ten (10)
tracts of 1) years preceding the year
water supply of submission of bids:
facilities and or
2) drinking Water one (1) drinking Must meet N/A N/A Must meet
Supply Facilities water distribution requirement 100% of the
experience similar Project servicing a i requirement
to the project minimum of forty-one
thousand Eve hundred
(41000) house service
connections in a single
physically integrated
service area involving
demonstrated active
leakage control; OR
at least two (2) Must meet N/A , N/A Must meet
drinking water requirement 100% of the
distribution projects requirement
servicing a minimum of
twenty-four thousand (7

Page 93 oftioanong ovedor

KUM F C, Bangalore
Eligibility and Qt alitication Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation
No I Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
• All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
(24000) house service
connections each in two
different physically
integrated service
demonstrated active
leakage control in any
one of the physically
integrated area.
4.2 Successful Should have Form EXP 3
(b) experience in substantially completed
Operating and the following
Maintaining Bulk components during last
and Distribution ten (10) years
System Activities
(i) Supply, laying, Must meet N/A N/A Must meet
jointing, testing and requirement 100% of the
commissioning in one- requirement
year time period of at
least 2501cms length of
pipe line networks with
Mild Steel or Ductile
Iron, or High-Density

KALI 9a149A§Prigiaa
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation
No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
. All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
Poly-Ethylene pipes of
not less than 63 mm
outer dia. (OD).
Substantially Must meet N/A N/A Must meet
completed in three requirement 100% of the
years' time period a requirement[m
water treatment plant of ay be
at least 44 MLD completed by a
capacity with all
necessary components
and allied works
Should have Must meet N/A N/A Must meet
designed at least one requirement 100% of the
24x7 urban drinking requirement[m
water distribution ay be
project serving a completed by a
minimum of 41,000
house service
connections during the
last ten (10) years
preceding the year of
submission of bids; —

0, CalakC%
Page 95 lanai/ft Onon
K.U.LDE-C, Seingsort

Eligibility and Ot alification Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation

No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
(iv) Should have
implemented the
following services for at
least two utility services
having minimum 24000
connections in a
physically integrated
service area of any of
the following:
Must meet
100% of the
Geographic requirement[m
Must meet Must meet
N/A ay be
information system; requirement requirement
completed by a
Must meet
100% of the
Management Must meet requirement[m
Must meet
€ N/A ay be
information system; requirement requirement
q'A completed by a
0 Specialized
ti co sub-contractor]


e fru)

MaNigibit eck,
KU11).F.C, 8angeions
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria Compliance Requirements Documentation
No Subject Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission
' All Members Each One Member Requirements
Combined Member
Must meet
100% of the
Computerized requirement[m
Must meet Must meet
maintenance N/A ay be
requirement requirement
management system; completed by a
Must meet
100% of the
Customer call Must meet Must meet
N/A ay be
centers; requirement requirement
completed by a
Must meet
100% of the
I requirement[m
Billing and collection Must meet Must meet
N/A ay be
system; requirement requirement
completed by a

(7(14ruk ct
Managing Directs
KILLD.EC, Bangsore
Page 97 of 490
2.2 Contractor's Representative andKey Personnel

The Bidder shall supply general information on the management structure of the firm
and shall make provision for suitably qualified personnel to fill the key positions
listed/referred to in the BDS — ITB 16.2.5and described in the table below, as required
during Contract implementation. The Bidder may nominate personnel of the
nominated sub-contractors and sub-consultants to fill the key positions.

The Bidder shall provide details of the Contractor's Representative and Key Personnel
and such other Key Personnel that the Bidder considers appropriate to perform the
Contract, together with their academic qualifications and work experience. The Bidder
shall complete the relevant Forms in Section IV, Bidding Forms.

The Contractor shall require the Employer's consent to substitute or replace the
Contractor's Representative and any of the Key Personnel (reference GCC Clauses 8.3

Contractor's Representative andKey Personnel

Position Minimum Minimum Minimum Practical Experience

Academic/Profess Years'
ional (Specific
Qualifications Experience)

General Manager of at least one water

supply system having not less than 41000
house connections. Proven experience
managing a water utility which provides
continuous water supply including all
Graduate in managerial, technical, financial and
Business commercial matters covering planning,
Management or operation and maintenance of water supply
Finance or 15(5)
Manager services as well as management and
Engineering or implementation of major water supply
Equivalent service improvement capital program. Prior
experience of at least two (2) years in
managing/operations of any water supply
system converting from intermittent to
continuous water supply and experience of
working in water supply sector of any
developing country is preferred
Operations Manager of at least one system
Graduate in of having not less than 41000 connections.
Operations Engineering or
10(5) Proven experience in operations and
Manager Equivalent
maintenance of water supply service
delivery from source to tap. Prior experience
_ st of at least two (2) years in Rpcialgelk1/4and

Manacang Doctor
gial.D.F C. Bangalore
maintenance of any water supply system
converting from intermittent to continuous
water supply and experience of working in
water supply sector of any developing
country preferred.
Proven skills and experience in the
following areas are required:
Water production planning and demand
Water distribution planning and service
Non-revenue water control
Customer management and public
Human resource management
Management information systems
Standard Operating Procedures and
Emergency response
Finance manager with preferred experience
in water or any other utility fmancial
management with demonstrated experience
CA or ICWA or Financial planning and preparation of
Finance ACS or MBA budgets
Manager (F) Business planning, forecasting and
regular financial monitoring
Procurement and investment planning
Financial management and cost control
Tax planning and compliance
Public finance and statutory compliance
Network/Leakage Manager of at least one
system of similar size to that presented in the
Qualification Criteria. Demonstrated
experience in the design and implementation
of leakage reduction schemes. Experience of
working in water supply sector of any
developing country preferred.
DMA/Leak Graduate in Proven experience and skills in the
age Engineering or 10(3) following is important:
Manager Equivalent Continuous water audit program
Development and implementation of
non-revenue water reduction program
IWA methodologies of assessing water
losses and economic level of leakage
Developing and updating water loss
reduction strategy qt.
Flow and pressure management
•ie. Data logging and

Page 99 of 490

Minaging Director
KULDIA Bangetiore
management and monitoring
Appropriate technologies for leak
Robust leak repair practices and
response time
As Capital Works Manager implementing an
annual capital works program of at least the
size of the program presented in the
Qualification Criteria especially in water
Capital Graduate in supply infrastructure improvement works
Works Engineering or 15(5) including organization and management of
Manager Equivalent the site supervision team, contract
administration, cost control, quality
assurance and quality control, approval of
construction procedures and materials.
Experience of working in water supply
sector of any developing country preferred.
Commercial Manager of any public utility
services preferably water supply or
electricity or gas or similar services at least
one system of similar size to that presented
in the Qualification Criteria with
demonstrated experience in customer service
Graduate in management
Customer Engineering or Providing new connections, managing
Service Management or 10(3) existing connections
Manager Communications Meter reading, data management,
or Equivalent
Preparation and delivery of bills
Revenue collection and debt
Customer call and complaint
Public relations and communications
Target Setting and Forecasting
Environme Bachelor's degree As a ESH Specialist, he should have worked
10(3) .....
ntai in occupational in the similar kind of infrastructure project
safety, healthy or
preferably drinking water supply project and
other related
andposess proven experience in all aspects
Health and
but not limited to EIA, Electrical safety '
Safety management , Emergency Plan &
disciplines with
Specialist( Evacuation. Hazard & Risk Assessment
EHS etc
organizations i

Avast Graduate As a Social Expert he should have executed

ta,lr similar kind of infrastructure project
A.Cr-3fiqr in Sociology or
—.- ..C.P. -....W' preferably water supply projeeven

14 100 oc 492 _
°co ct
"anal$119 it:Satoh:1
twarecit Banc;Foci; t

Social Social Works 10(3) experience in Social mobilizing, IEC

Specialist activities and public related operations to
smoothen the project implementation by
ensuring timely intervention.

The Bidder must not have in his employment: ---

the near relations (defined as first blood relations, and their spouses,
of the bidder or the bidder's spouse) of persons of the following
Government Departments.

Urban Development Department, Govt of Karnataka.

Public Works Department, Govt of Karnataka

Irrigation Department, Govt of Karnataka

without Government permission, any person who retired as gazetted

officer within the last two years.

2.3 Equipment

The Bidder shall provide its strategy for acquiring and maintaining the key equipment
that may be needed to execute the Works in accordance with the Work Program.

The Bidder must demonstrate that it has the key equipment listed hereafter:

No. Equipment Type and Characteristics Minimum Number required

1 Large Excavators — 02
2 Mini Excavators 04
3 Tippers/Dumpers/Tractors 05
4 Road Rollers, Levellers and Machine mounted 03
Compactors etc
5 Dewatering Pumps and Sludge removal pumps 06

6 Leak Detectors 02

7 Welding Machines for MS, DI and HDPE pipes 08

8 Concrete Vibrators 10

9 Gen Sets 06

10 Pipe Hoists and Cranes 02

11 Water Tankers for Curing Small capacity 06

12 Asphalt Paving Machine for Road Restoration 01

[NOTE: Based on the studies, carried out by the Employer the minimum suggested
major equipment to attain the completion of works in accordance with the prescribed
construction schedule is shown in the above list. The bidders should, however

\01°- Page 101 of 407a a) ter1-5
jimtp.OSS CINY'k
' gab Managing Din,
KUID.F4, Elangaiore
undertake their own studies and furnish with their bid, a detailed construction
planning and methodology supported with layout and necessary drawings and
calculations (detailed) as stated in Section IV to allow the employee to review their
proposals. The numbers, types and capacities of each plant/equipment shall be shown
in the proposals along with the cycle time for each operation for the given production
capacity to match the requirements.]

The Bidder shall provide further details of proposed items of equipment using Form
EQU in Section IV, Bidding Forms.

2.4 Multiple Contracts- Not Applicable

2.5 Right to Waive

The Employer reserves the right to waive minor deviations in the qualification criteria,
if they do not materially affect the capability of a Bidder to perform the Contract.

,.AS OtSit'S
ac )act) (cc \-2
Managing Dinictor
"...„ Ottr KUID.F.C. Bangaiore
v. • )
Page 102 of 490
3. Financial Part

3.1 Margin of Preference — Not Applicable

3.2 Evaluation (ITB 35)

In addition to the criteria listed in ITB 35.1 (a) — (e) the following criteria shall apply:

3.3 Multiple Contracts — Not Applicable

3.4 Sustainable Procurement - Not Applicable

3.5 Alternative Completion Times- Not Applicable

3.6 Alternative Technical Solutions — Not Applicable

3.7 Other Criteria

If permitted under ITB 35.1(0: None

2ri a (ott34-s
ra ensiling °Thant
pMW KIALDFC, Bang/sons
Page 103 of 490
Section IV - Bidding Forms

Managing Dew=
KUID.F.C. Bangalore
co citt ‘v Page 104 of 490


Table of Forms
Letter of Bid — Techno-Commercial Bid
Letter of Bid — Financial Bid

Appendix to Bid

Table A (Design Build component) - Local Currency

Table B (Design Build Component) - Foreign Currency (FC)

Table C - Summary of Payment Currencies (Design Build component)

Bidder s Price Schedules

Bid Price Schedule 1: General Items and Provisional Sums

Bid Price Schedule 2:Operation Services during the Contract Term

Bid Price Schedule 3.1: Design Build Works- Plant and Equipment DBW-1
Bid Price Schedule 3.2: Design Build Works- Plant and Equipment DBW-2

Bid Price Schedule 3.3: Design Build Works- Plant and Equipment DBW-3

Bid Price Schedule 3.4: Design Build Works- Plant and Equipment DBW-4

Bid Price Schedule 3.5: Design Build Works- Plant and Equipment DBW-5

Bid Price Schedule 3.6: Design Build Works- Plant and Equipment DBW-6

Summary of Bid Price Schedule 3

Bid Price Schedule 4: New Water Treatment Plant DBW-7

Bid Price Schedule 5: New Service Reservoirs DBW-8

Bid Price Schedule 5: New Service Reservoirs DBW-9

Bid Price Schedule 6: Road Restoration DBW-10

Summary of Bid Prices (Total)

Technical Proposal
Design Criteria and Methodology
Construction Management Strategy
Method Statements for key construction activities
ESHS Management Strategies and Implementation Plans

Code of Conduct (ESHS)

Design Build Work Program

Design Build Personnel Organization Chart
Operation Service Strategy and Proposals

Operator Organisation Chart

Operator's Equipment - Form EQU: Equipment

OperaitOr Key Staff - Form PER -1, Form PE.W

Page J05 of 490

managing Dittmar
KU1D.F C, Sangain
Risk Assessment.
Bidders Qualification

Form ELI - I. I

Form ELI -1.2

Form ELI -1.2A Specialized Subcontractors

Form Details of Participation in IV

Form ELI-1.3 Structure and Organization of Bidder

Exp I - Form General Design, Build, Operation and Management Experience Information

Form CON-2

Form CON —3
Form FIN — 3.1:
Form FIN-3.2:

Form JV Member Annual Turnover

Form FIN — 3.3:

Form FIN — 3.4:

Form Exp 2: Design, Development, Improvement/Construction, Testing& Commissioning of Bulk and

Distribution System

Form Exp 3: Successful Experience in Operating and Maintaining Bulk and Distribution System
Schedule of Subcontractors and Sub-consultants
Form for Clarification Questions

Form of Power of Attorney for JV

Form of Undertaking by the Joint Venture Partners

Form of Letter of Intent by JV Partners to enter into IV Agreement

Affidavit Regarding Correctness of Information Furnished and Documents Submitted

Details of Payment of Tender Processing Fees and Bid Security
Form Tax/Duty Exemption Declaration

Bid Security
Form of Bid Security - Demand Guarantee

dC 10.040)
Managing DtrectQf
KU.LIAFA, BanGeee.
000 ‘0 Page 106 of 490

( 31

Letter of Bid — Techno-Commercial Bid



The Bidder must prepare the Letter of Bid on stationery with its letterhead clearly
showing the Bidder's complete name and business address.
Note: All italicized text is to help Bidders in preparing this form, and Bidders shall
delete it from the final document

Date of this Bid submission: [insert date (as day, month and year) of Bid
Loan/Credit No: 8601-IN
Contract No:
[Name of Contract]: Design, build; operate, maintain and transfer water supply
system in Kalburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and
sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply.

Dear Sir or Madam:

We, the undersigned, hereby submit our Bid, in two parts, namely:

Techno-Commercial Bid, and

Financial Bid
In submitting our Bid, we make the following declarations:
No reservations: We have examined and have no reservations to the
bidding document, including Addenda issued in accordance with ITB 8;
Eligibility: We hereby certify that we, including any subcontractors, meet
the eligibility requirements and have no conflict of interest in accordance
with ITS;
Conformity: We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to provide the following
Works and Operation Services to the Employer in full conformity with the
said Bidding documents, and achieve Completion within the respective
times stated in the Bidding documents; [insert
a brief description of the Works]
Bid Validity Period: Our Bid shall be valid for a period specified in BDS
ITB 18.1 (or as amended if applicable) from the Bid submission deadline
specified in BDS ITB 22.1 (or as amended if applicable), and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the
expiration of that period;
co k
n109 lfe Pm 107 of 490

, ,
G • KALLPI C, Bancsore.
(e) Performance Security: If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a
Performance Security including Environmental,Social,Health and Safety
(ESHS) Performance Security and additional performance security for
unbalanced bids in accordance with the bidding document;
(0 One Bid Per Bidder: We are not submitting any other Bid(s) as an
individual Bidder or as a subcontractor, and we are not participating in any
other Bid(s) as a Joint Venture member, and meet the requirements of ITB
Suspension and Debarment: We, along with any of our subcontractors,
suppliers, consultants, manufacturers, or service providers for any part of
the contract, are not subject to, and not controlled by any entity or
individual that is subject to, a temporary suspension or a debarment
imposed by the World Bank Group or a debarment imposed by the World
Bank Group in accordance with the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of
Debarment Decisions between the World Bank and other development
banks. Further, we are not ineligible under the Employer's Country laws or
official regulations or pursuant to a decision of the United Nations Security
Government-owned enterprise or institution: We are not a Government-
owned enterprise, or institution/ We are a Government-owned enterprise or
institution but meet the requirements of ITB 4.511 ;
(0 Binding Contract: We understand that this Bid, together with your written
acceptance thereof included in your Letter of Acceptance, shall constitute a
binding contract between us, until a formal contract is prepared and
Not Bound to Accept: We understand that you are not bound to accept the
lowest evaluated cost Bid, or any other Bid that you may receive; and
Fraud and Corruption: We hereby certify that we have taken steps to
ensure that no person acting for us or on our behalf engages in any type of
Fraud and Corruption;
(1) Adjudicator: We accept the appointment of [insert name proposed in Bid
Data Sheet] as the Adjudicator.

We do not accept the appointment of [insert name proposed in Bid Data

Sheet] as the Adjudicator and propose instead that [insert name] be
appointed as Adjudicator, whose daily fees and biographical data are

tisk one of the two options as appropriate

Page 108 of 490

Managing Director
&UMW% avaiiihore-
Name of the Bidder: *[insert complete name of person signing the Bid]

Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder:
** [insert complete name of person duly authorized to sign the Bid]

Title of the person signing the Bid: [insert complete title of the person signing
the Bid]

Signature of the person named above: [insert signature of person whose

name and capacity are shown above]

Date signed [insert date of signing] day of [insert month], [insert year]
*: In the case of the Bid submitted by a Joint Venture specify the name of the
Joint Venture as Bidder.
**: Person signing the Bid shall have the power of attorney given by the Bidder.
and to be attached with the Bid.

Note: This Form must be duly completed, signed and uploaded on

the e-procurement portal in the Technical Proposals — Techno
Commercial Bid

6 > laprt)(511-,
Managing Dream
SALLDY C, Bangalore
Page 109 of 490
Letter of Bid — Financial Bid


The Bidder must prepare the Letter of Bid on stationery with its letterhead clearly
showing the Bidder's complete name and business address.

Note: All italicized text is to help Bidders in preparing this form, and Bidders shall
delete it from the final document.

(to be filled online on e-procurement portal only)


Loan/Credit No: 8601-IN
Contract No:
[Name of Contract]: Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer water supply
system in Kalburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and
sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply.

To: [Name and address of Employer]

Having examined the Bidding Documents, including Addendum Numbers
[insert numbers], the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, we, the
undersigned, hereby submit the Financial Bid for Design, build, operate
maintain and transfer water supply system in Kalburgi city of Karnataka State,
India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7)
pressurized water supply.

Bid Price: The Bid is being submitted in full conformity with the said Bidding
Documents for the Total Bid Price summarised from the Bidder's Price
Schedules attached herewith which are made part of this Bid:

Total Bid Price in figures (INR)

Total Bid Price in words (INR)

Discounts: The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are:
The discounts offered are: [Specify in detail each discount offered]

tThe exact method of calculations to determine the net price after

rt,":, 'application of discounts is shown below: [Specify in detail the method

that shall be used to apply the discounts];

Page 110 of 490
Managing Director
43? SALLI)Act. earbeeiont
Bid Validity Period: Our Bid shall be valid for a period specified in BDS ITB
18.1 (or as amended if applicable) from the Bid submission deadline specified
in BDS ITB 22.1 (or as amended if applicable), and it shall remain binding
upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.

Completion Time: We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to commence all the

activities included in the Contract and to achieve Completion within the
respective times stated in the Bidding Documents.

Performance Security: If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to provide the

Performance Security [including the Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS)
Performance Security,and additional performance security for unbalanced bids in the
form, in the amounts, and within the times specified in the Bidding Documents..

Commissions, gratuities and fees: We have paid, or will pay the following
commissions, gratuities, or fees with respect to the bidding process or execution
of the Contract: :[insert complete name of each Recipient, its full address, the reason
for which each commission or gratuity was paid and the amount and currency of each
such commission or gratuity].

Name of Recipient Address Reason Amount

(If none has been paid or is to be paid, indicate "none.")

Until a formal contract is prepared and executed between us, this Bid, together
with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall
constitute a binding contract between us.

:[insert complete name of each Recipient, its full address, the reason for which each
commission or gratuity was paid and the amount and currency of each such
commission or gratuity].

j( co (Not 1-•
Managing Oirealat
NALLIXEG, Bangsiore
Page 111 of 490
Appendix to Financial Bid

Schedule of Adjustment Data

Bidders' attention is drawn to the following definitions:

Base Date: For the purpose of Price Adjustment Clause, 'Base Date' shall be
the date to the deadline for submission of bids original or
In Tables "A, B, and C (applicable for Design Build component only)", below, the
Bidder shall (a) indicate its amount of local currency payment, (b) indicate its
proposed source and base values of indices for the different foreign currency
elements of cost, (c)derive its proposed weightings for local and foreign currency
payment, and (d) list the exchange rates used in the currency conversion

Table A (Design Build component) - Local Currency

Index Index Source of index Base Bidder's Bidder's

code* description* value
related proposed
and date* currency
amount weighting

1 Non-Adjustable 0.15

Labor - Consumer CPI published by

price index for Labour Bureau,
2 industrial workers Ministry of Labour & 0.20 to 0.25
for Kalburgi centre Employment,
Government of India

Wholesale Price
DI Pipes,- Pig Iron Index published by
(Item 455 of 2011- Economic Advisor to
3 12 series) the Government of 0.05 to 0.07
applicable for steel India, Ministry of
pipes and DI pipes Commerce and

Wholesale Price
Index published by
MS Wire rods Economic Advisor to
4 (Item 459 of 2011- the Government of 0.15 to 0.18
12 series) India, Ministry of
Commerce and


Ma e 112 of 490 Otrectoi


Wholesale Price
Index published by
Ordinary Portland Economic Advisor to
5 Cement (Item 436 the Government of 0.06 to 0.09
of 2011-12 series) India, Ministry of
Commerce and

Wholesale Price
Manufacture of
Index published by
Economic Advisor to
Compressors and
6 the Government of 0.01 to 0.03
valves (Items 589 .
India, Ministry of
to 597 of 2011-12
Commerce and

Wholesale Price
IIndex published by
Polyethylene (Item
Economic Advisor to
323 of 2011-12
7 the Government of 0.17 to 0.25
series) for HDPE
India, Ministry of
Commerce and

Wholesale Price
Index published by
Construction steel
Economic Advisor to
— HR Coils/Bars
8 the Government of 0.01 to 0.03
(Item 463 of 2011-
India, Ministry of
12 series)
Commerce and

Wholesale Price
Index published by
Economic Advisor to
All commodities
9 the Government of 0.1 to 0.2
(2011-12 series)
India, Ministry of
Commerce and

Total 1.00

The Bidder shall specify a value in the last column of the Table within the range
indicated therein such that the total weighting = 1.0 [Note#: this value of 0.15 shall no
be changed]

Managing Daeolat
K. tilikE C, ficangaion,
Page 113 o1490
Table B (Design Build Component). Foreign Currency (FC)
State type: [If the Bidder is allowed to receive payment in foreign currencies this
table shall be used. [ If Bidder wishes to quote in more than one
foreign currency (up to three currencies permitted) then this table should be repeated
for each foreign currency.]

Index Index Source of index Base Bidder's Bidder's

code* description* value
related proposed
and date* currency
amount weighting

1 Non-Adjustable 0.15

2 0.2 to 0.25

DI pipes, steel
3 0.05 to 0.07

4 MS wire rods 0.21 to 0.27

Manufacture of
5 0.01 to 0.03
compressors and

Polyethylene for
6 0.17 to 0.25
HDPE Pipes

Construction steel-
7 0.01 to 0.03
HR Coils/Bars

8 All commodities 0.1 to 0.2

Total 1.00

The Bidder shall specify the Source of Indices in the Table above and also specify a
value in the last column of the Table such that the total weighting = 1.00. [Note#: this
valwf 01)1frshall not be changed]

Pa e 114 of 49oseacg

EALLDIA Liangsioce,
Table C - Summary of Payment

Table: Alternative A

For [insert name of Section of the Works]

Name of Amount of Rate of Local currency Percentage of
payment currency exchange equivalent Total Bid Price
currency (local currency C=AxB (TBP)
per unit of 100xC
foreign) TBP

Local currency 1.00

currency #1

currency #2

currency #

Total Bid Price 100.00

sums expressed
[To be entered ENTERED BY
in local currency by the THE

PRICE (including

Note: This Form must be duly completed, signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Itemwise Bid Financial Offer — Financial Bid

ca n30-)
margieirilB oterector
KIALDLCa aangaiore
1.1 The Price Schedules do not give a full description of the Bulk System,
Distribution System and 0 & M (12 year contract) and other services, to be
supplied and the Services to be performed under each item. Bidders are
deemed to have read the Draft Contract, including the Technical Specifications
Schedule, consisting of the Design-Build Services Schedule & Operations
Services Schedule (Schedule 2) and Technical Standards Schedule (Schedule
10), and other sections of the Bidding Documents to ascertain the full scope of
the requirements of the Contract included in each item prior to filling in the
prices. The entered prices are deemed to include the full scope as aforesaid,
including overheads and profit.

1.2 If Bidders are unclear or uncertain as to the scope of any item, they shall seek
clarification in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders in the Bidding
Documents prior to submitting their Bid.

1.3 The Bidders shall consider the requirements/components of ESHS as stated in

Form CON- 3 and further detailed elsewhere in the Bd Document, while
quoting the bid prices for the various items of Price Schedules.

1.4 Price Schedules shall be filled online on the e-portal only, as specified in the
Bid Data Sheet, prices shall be fixed and firm for the duration of the Contract,
except as per adjustment provisions in accordance with the Contract.

1.5 The Bid Price shall be quoted in the manner indicated and, in the currencies,
specified in the Instructions to Bidders in the Bidding Documents.

1.6 Bidder shall submit with its bid details evidencing that the cost claimed for the
payment is based on a realistic assessment of setting up the Bulk and
Distribution System. The Employer shall have the option to seek further details
including details of costs of similar contracts executed by the Bidder in the

1.7 The cost of full requirements of Electricity supply for operation and
maintenance of Bulk system and Distribution system shall be met by the
Employer and hence the Bidders should not include this cost in their quoted

1.8 Prices given in the Schedules 1 to 6 against each item shall be for the scope
covered by that item as detailed in the Draft Contract or elsewhere in the
Bidding Documents.

1.9 The Employer will make payments in the currency or currencies quoted by the
bidder . However, for expenditures incurred in local currency (INR) the
payment will be made in local currency (INR) only.

age 116 of 490
cso Managing Director
Atiu'iSs Sangatom

1.10 The Bidders are advised to carefully go through Schedule 6-Terms and
Conditions of Payment as well as Schedule 11- Operational Standards before
quoting their Bid Prices.

1.11. The Bidders should carefully go through the Notes below each Price Schedule

1.12 Wherever the unit is specified as 'kb' it shall mean 'job works' and include all
works as contained in the description of the item and the corresponding

Bid Price Schedule 1:

Component: General Items and Provisional Sums:

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

I Conduct detailed topographical and Km 1075
infrastructure survey as detailed in Para
1.2.1 of Schedule 2 and submission and
approval of survey report
2 Conduct Customer Survey as detailed in Conn 82000
Para 1.2.2 of Schedule 2 and submission ectio
and approval of customer survey report ns
3 Provisional Sum for rehabilitation of water Lum Not to Bid 65000000
treatment plants, service reservoirs (ELSRs psum
and GLSRs), Pumping stations
4 Provisional Sum for estimated cost of Lum Not to Bid 80000000
establishing Utility Systems in accordance psum
to Schedule 17
5 Provisional Sum for Statutory Payments to Lum Not to Bid 50000000
other Statutory Authorities like NHAI, psum
Railways, Electricity, Forests, Pollution
Control Board and other similar statutory
6 All additional items of work, goods and Lum 1
services to comply with compliance to the psum
applicable Laws/ Rules/ Regulations for
protection of environment, public health and
safety, and the applicable parts of the
ESHS-MSIP of the project, unless already
covered by except the items already covered
under Bid Price Schedules 2 to 6.
Sub-Total Bid Price Schedule 1

Note - payments under Price Schedule I will not be subject to any price

(.7 rob in
P.1.1Y;L: IVIztiung Owebetto.
NtnPbubv ALD.FC, fiatit)4018
Pagel 1Tof 490
Bid Price Schedule 2:

Component: Operation Services during the Contract Term from the Initial
Takeover date and until the End Date:

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Average O&M Fee for provision of
Operation Services during 11.5
(138months) years of Design-Build Period Lump
and Sustaining Period for producing and Sum
distributing potable water conforming to the per
relevant Service Levels including all quarter
necessary tasks, activities and Obligations
under the Contract.
2 Average Maintenance charges of Borewells
(375) for a total period of 4.5 years (54
months) harnessed with hand pumps which
includes the works such as satisfactory
maintenance of the pump, necessary repair per
of the pumps including lifting, attending the each
necessary repairs, servicing with grease, hand 6750
reho i sting and commissioning as per pump
specifications given in Schedule 10 B of quarter
the Contact with all materials, labour,
conveyance, tests, leads and lifts complete.
Inventory of wells with hand pumps given
in Schedule18 of the Contract
3 Average Operation and maintenance of
Borewells/ open wells (1188) for a total
period of 4.5 years (54 months) harnessed
with submersible/centrifugal power pumps
which includes the works such as operation
and satisfactory maintenance of the power
pumps and allied components of the
required capacity, necessary repair of per
borewells including lifting over hauling, each
attending all the necessary repairs, borew
rewinding, replacement of pump parts, ell/ope
servicing of all mechanical and electrical n well
components, painting, re-hoisting and quarter
commissioning as per specification given in
Schedule 10 B of the Contract with all
materials, labour, conveyance, tests, leads
and lifts etc. complete.
Inventory of Borewell/ Open wells with
pumps is given in Schedule 18 to the
4 Lump
Utility Systems Fee for conceptual design,
procurement, contract management,
for Job
installation, commissioning of utility 1
On a -(0 EvriN,
systems costing a provisional cost of Rs.8 cr
- as detailed in Schedule 17

Page 118 of 490

Managing Ditto(

cost of
5 Conducting environmental monitoring in
accordance with the ESHS-MSIP of the
Project, if not covered fully under items of
Price Bid Schedule 2 above:
Air quality monitoring 20
Water quality monitoring 0
Noise monitoring 20
Dust Mitigation with water tankers of Numb
minimum 5000 litres capacity er
Sub-Total Bid Price Schedule 2


The Bidder shall quote his rates based on the costs of inputs prevailing
28 days prior to the deadline for submission of bids original or
Price Schedule (Items I, 2 and 3) shall be Price Adjusted using the
Consumer Price Index of Industrial workers for Kalaburgi city for the
wages component (estimated as 60%) and using Wholesale Price Index
for all commodities for the material component (estimated as: 40%)
CPI Index is published by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour and
Employment, Government f India and WPI published by Economic
Advisor to the Government of India. Ministry of Commerce and
Industry as detailed in St No. 5 of Schedule 6 of SCC;
The cost of full requirements of electricity supply for operation and
maintenance of water supply system including operation of the power
pumps for Borewells /Open wells shall be met by the Employer or
Corporation and hence should not be included in the quoted price.
The payment of O&M Fee shall be in two components of Fixed Fee
and Performance Fee as detailed in Schedule 6 — Terms and
Conditions of Payment for Item I. For Items 2 and 3, payment shall be
made as per quoted rates.
The O&M fee shall be payable only Wier the Operator takes over the
Water Supply System as. well as the borewells and open wells

Managing Nano(
C, Bangalore

Page 119 of 490

Bid Price Schedule 3.1: Design Build Works- Plant and Equipment (Pumping
Machinery) Networks and Connections, SCADA and all other components

Component: Raw Water Intake System and its Auxiliary Works - BenneThora
Reservoir - DBW — 1

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Survey, investigate, design, construction of
Jackwell cum Pump house with all allied
works, constructon of Canal Intake
Structure,Canal Head Regulator,office
building,switch gear room, Transformer Sub
Station,SCADA Room,compound
wall,chain link fencing,internal roads and
drains,etc., by providing all labour and Lum
1 materials . Construction includes earth work psum 1
excavation in all kinds of strata, barricading /Job
back filling, painting, water proofing, trial
run,with necessary number of ventillators
and entry and exit with all lead and lifts etc.
complete including dewatering and
disposal of surplus earth as per Schedule
I 0(Technical Specifications) at Bennethora
Conducting environmental monitoring in
accordance with the ESHS-MSIP of the
Project, if not covered fully under items of
Price Bid Schedule 3-DBW I above:
a) Air quality monitoring 3
Water quality monitoring 0
Noise monitoring 4
Compensatory Aforestration 300
Dust Mitigation with water tankers of Num
minimum 5000 litres capacity her
Total Bid Price Schedule 3.1-DBW-1 -
Raw Water Intake System and its
Auxiliary Works - BenneThora Reservoir

(_ tivki)
Managing Direa04

Page 120 of 490

Bid Price Schedule 3.2: Design Build Works- Plant and Equipment (Pumping
Machinery) Networks and Connections, SCADA and all other components

Component: Plant and Equipment (Pumping Machinery)-DBW —2

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Supply, delivery, installation, testing and
commissioning of Brand new,best efficient
approved make by the End User,Enclosed
impeller and non pull out type,Surface
discharge,Radial Flow water lubricated type
vertical turbine pumps,conforming to IS 1710
and IS 5120 with latest amendments and the
following.with all allied works at Bennithora
Jackwell pumping station capable of
discharging 1478 cum/hr against total head of
109 m (the bidder shall verify the actual head)
and Minimum 85% pump efficiency for raw
water. The two pump sets when parallelly
operated shall be capable of delivering
combined discharge of 2956 cum/hr against a
total head of 109 M(the bidder shall verify the
actual head required as per site conditions) and
when operated the third pump parallely in
emergency, three pump parallel operation
should supply 4000 cum/hr against a total head
of 116 M(the bidder shall verify the actual
head required as per site conditions) during
parallel operation for both HFL and low water
1 conditions, for drawl of raw water from Job 4
Bennithora reservoir, including solid shaft
squirrel cage induction motor of minimum 710
KW (950 HP), Maximum 1500 rpm (Nominal)
with a supply voltage level of 6.6 kV and all
allied works and materials and manpower such
as necessary 15 Ton Double girder EOT
Crane,Ventilation systetn,Air Conditioning
system,DI Butterfly valves, DI check valves,
DI Air valves, (All Valves shall be of PN 25
Rating) delivery side connections, manifold,
Electrical works-Installation of brand new 4
Nos. 710 KW (950 HP) soft starters, Providing
11 kV Express feeder main with metering and
protection works, Installation of 4 Nos. 1250
kVA, 11/6.6 kV & 2 Nos. 100 WA, 11/0.433
kV or suitable rated transformers, HT & LT
Switchboard panels, Switch gears, breakers
and battery units, laying of HT & LT
Interconnecting Cables and terminations,
Neutral Earthing Resistors, LED Lighting
system, Instrumentation and control
automation system, HT & LT suitable rated
Capacitor Banks, Distribution Bowl?. for 01.18/i)

- NS,St1,3; dal')
Y et- Page 121 of 490

Managing Nett
KUID,Fee, fiangain
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
power and lighting, Earthing and lightening
Protection works, construction of foundations,
electrical safety procedures, all other works
required for the supply, erection & successful
commissioning but not limited to this shall be
considered. The bidders shall refer detailed
specifications and other relevant informations
with all lead and lifts, etc, complete as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications) for the
total job . (Two working and two stand by -
Pump with Motor)
Supply, Delivery, installation, testing and
commissioning of Express Feeder Main along
with necessary civil works with all lead and
lifts,etc,complete as per Schedule
2 Kim 26
10(Technical Specifications)
From Belur Sub Station to Bennethora
Head Works and
From Belur Sub Station to Salam Thekadi
Replacing of Existing Pumpsets with all valves
and piping on individual delivery of Rising
main and Electrical system in the Bheema
Jackwell pump house along with increasing the
pump floor level above the HFL , with Brand
new,best efficient approved make by the End
User,Enclosed impeller and non pull out
type,Surface discharge,Deep well water
lubricated type vertical turbine pumps
,conforming to IS 1710 and IS 5120 with latest
amendments and the following with all allied
works at Bheema Jackwell pumping station
capable of discharging 2750 cum/hr against
total head of 86 m (the bidder shall verify the
actual head) for both HFL and low water
conditions with minimum 85% pump
3 efficiency for raw water from Saradgi Barrage, Job 2
including solid shaft squirrel cage induction
motor of minimum 900 KW (1200 HP),
Maximum 1000 rpm ( Nominal ) and all allied
worIcs,materials and manpower such as
necessary DI Butterfly Valves, DI Check
Valves, DI Air valves,DI Scour Valves
delivery side connections, manifold, Electrical
works-Installation of Brand new 2 Nos. 1200
HP( 900 kW) soft starters, Neutral Farthing
Resistors for 11/3.3 kV 1250 kVA
Transformers, LED Lighting system, Multi-
function meters, Dismantling of 11 kV Drop
out fuses, electrical safety procedures, all other
works required for the supply, erection & -coUBRO
successful commissioning but not limited to itcy-------.\‘c
this shall be considered. The biddenshall refer (-----... tof inc" ion
Page 122 of 490

Managing Director
SinalEge eangen
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
detailed specifications and other relevant
informations along with necessary civil works
like pump foundations, pipe supports, thrust
blocks with all lead and lifts, etc, complete as
per Schedule 10(Technical Specifications) for
the total job. (One working one stand by -
Pump with Motor)
Replacing of Existing Pumpsets with all valves
and piping on individual delivery of Rising
main and Electrical system in the Kotnoor
Raw water Intermediate pumping Station, with
Brand new,best efficient approved make by the
End User, Horizontal Split Case Centrifugal
Pumpset with all allied works capable of
discharging 2100 cum/hr against total head of
85 m (the bidder shall verify the actual head)
and minimum 85% Pump efficiency, including
solid shaft squirrel cage induction motor of
minimum 750 kW (1000 HP), Maximum 1000
rpm (Nominal) with a supply volatge level of
3.3 kV. The quoted rate shall include all allied
worIcs,materials and manpower such as
necessary DI Butterfly valves, DI check Valves
of individual delivery side of Rising main,
4 Suction side connections, delivery side Job 2
connections, manifold, fire fighting system,
maintenance tools, Electrical works-
Installation of Neutral Earthing Resistors for
11/3.3 kV, 1000 kVA Transformers, LED
Lighting system, Multi-function meters,
Dismantling of 11 kV Drop out fuses,
electrical safety procedures all other works
required for the supply, erection & successful
commissioning but not limited to this shall be
considered. The bidders shall refer detailed
specifications and other relevant informations
along with necessary civil works like pump
foundations, pipe supports, thrust blocks with
all lead and lifts, etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications) for the total job.
(One working One stand by - Pump with
Supply, delivery, installation, testing and
commissioning with Brand new,best efficient
approved make by the End User, Horizontal
Split Case Centrifugal Pumpset at
Basavanagar clear water distribution Pumping
5 Job 2
Station with all allied works capable of
discharging 200 cum/hr capacity against total
head of 30 m, Maximum 1500 Nominal RPM Ilk
(the bidder shall verify the actual head) and oUS.F?
minimum 75% Pump efficiency, including , 1.- G

OtiEft Page 123 of 4 a oloin

nAMISSi Managing Oneir
KAILD.F C, Barvalors
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
solid shaft squirrel cage induction motor of
suitable HP with 415 V power supply. The
quoted rate shall include all allied
worIcs,materials and manpower such as
necessary DI Sluice Valves, DI Check Valve,
Suction side connections, delivery side
connections, manifold, Ventilation system,
Hoisting arrangement, fire fighting system,
maintenance tools, Electrical Works- Providing
EB LT Supply with metering and protection
works, LT interconnecting cables and
terminations, I No. 50 kVA or suitably rated
DG set, Main LT Panel, Star-Delta starter
panels, suitable rated capacitor panels,
distribution box for power and lighting, LED
Lighting system, Earthing arrangements,
electrical safety procedures, all other works
required for the supply, erection & successful
commissioning but not limited to this shall be
considered. The bidders shall refer detailed
specifications and other relevant informations
with all lead and lifts, etc, complete as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications) for the
total job. (One working One stand by - Pump
with Motor)
Supply, delivery, installation, testing and
commissioning with Brand new,best efficient
approved make by the End User, Horizontal
Split Case Centrifugal Pumpset at
Dhangarwada clear water distribution
Pumping Station with all allied works capable
of discharging 210 cum/hr capacity against
total head of 30 m, Maximum 1500 Nominal
RPM (the bidder shall verify the actual head)
and minimum 75% Pump efficiency, including
solid shaft squirrel cage induction motor of
suitable HP with 415 V power supply. The
quoted rate shall include all allied
6 works,materials and manpower such as Job 2
necessary DI Sluice Valves, DI Check Valves,
Suction side connections, delivery side
connections, manifold, Ventilation system,
Hoisting arrangement, fire fighting system,
maintenance tools, Electrical Works- Providing
EB LT Supply with metering and protection
works, LT interconnecting cables and
terminations, 1 No. 50 WA or suitably rated
DG set, Main LT Panel, Star-Delta starter
panels, suitable rated capacitor panels,
distribution box for power and lighting, LED blOUBRO
Lighting system, Earthing arrangements,
eleical safety procedures, all other works Pt - \ ---.4

CD\ a \)
Page 124 of 490

, managing Dovecot

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

required for the supply, erection & successful
commissioning but not limited to this shall be
considered. The bidder shall refer detailed
specifications and other relevant informations
along with necessary civil works like pump
house, pump pits, pump foundations,pipe
supports and thrust blocks with all lead and
lifts, etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications) for the total job.
(One working One stand by - Pump with
Replacing of Existing Pumpsets with all valves
and piping on individual delivery of Rising
main and Electrical system in HSR Tank clear
water distribution Pumping Station with Brand
new,best efficient approved make by the End
User, Horizontal Split Case Centrifugal
Pumpset with all allied works capable of
discharging 330 cum/hr capacity against total
head of 30 m, Maximum 1500 Nominal RPM
(the bidder shall verify the actual head) and
minimum 78% Pump efficiency, including
solid shaft squirrel cage induction motor of
suitable HP with 415 V power supply. The
quoted rate shall include all allied
worIcs,materials and manpower such as
necessary DI Sluice Valves, DI Check Valves,
Suction side connections, delivery side
7 Job 2
connections, manifold,Ventilation system,
Hoisting arrangement, fire fighting system,
maintenance tools, Electrical Works- LT
interconnecting cables and terminations, Star-
Delta starter panels, suitable rated capacitor
panels, LED Lighting system, Earthing
arrangements, electrical safety procedures, all
other works required for the supply, erection
& successful commissioning but not limited to
this shall be considered. The bidder shall refer
detailed specifications and other relevant
informations along with necessary civil works
like pipe supports and thrust blocks with all
lead and lifts, etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications) for the total
job(One working and one standby - Pump with
Replacing of Existing One Pumpset with all
valves and piping on individual delivery of
Rising main and Electrical system in SB
8 College clear water distribution Pumping Job 1
Station with Brand new,best efficient approved
make by the End User, Horizontal Split Case U13/3
IS 0
Centrifugal Pumpset with all allied „works 4 ,

Page 125 of 490
Managing Donor
KALLD.F.C, laangaions.
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
capable of discharging 234 cum/hr capacity
against total head of 25 m, Maximum 1500
Nominal RPM (the bidder shall verify the
actual head) and minimum 76% Pump
efficiency, including solid shaft squirrel cage
induction motor of suitable HP with 415 V
power supply. The quoted rate shall include all
allied worIcs,materials and manpower such as
necessary DI Sluice Valves, DI Check Valves,
Suction side connections, delivery side
connections, manifold,Ventilation system,
Hoisting arrangement, fire fighting system,
maintenance tools, Electrical Works- LT
interconnecting cables and terminations, Star-
Delta starter panel, suitable rated capacitor
panels, LED Lighting system, Earthing
arrangements, electrical safety procedures, all
other works required for the supply, erection
& successful commissioning but not limited to
this shall be considered. The bidder shall refer
detailed specifications and other relevant
informations along with necessary civil works
like pipe supports and thrust blocks with all
lead and lifts, etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications) for the total job
(One working Pumpset with Motor shall be
installed next to the existing pumpset)
Replacing of Existing Pumpsets and Electrical
system in 20 RP Clear water distribution
Pumping Station at Old Filter Bed with Brand
new,best efficient approved make by the End
User, Horizontal Split Case Centrifugal
Pumpset with all allied works capable of
discharging 411 cum/hr capacity against total
head of 25 m, Maximum 1500 Nominal RPM
(the bidder shall verify the actual head) and
minimum 80% Pump efficiency, including
solid shaft squirrel cage induction motor of
suitable HP with 415 V power supply. The
9 quoted rate shall include all allied Job 2
works,materials,manpower and all other works
required for the supply, erection & successful
commissioning but not limited to this shall be
considered. The bidder shall refer detailed
specifications and other relevant informations
along with necessary civil works like pipe
supports and thrust blocks with all lead and
lifts, etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications) for the total job.
(One working One stand by - Pump with 1 0 us,i,>,

• 4
y ler -3 ,1/40-::-•
e 0 ut t•Cr 2LrAo1
Page 126 of 46/ /4)

r Many% latvaiii
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Replacing of Existing Pumpsets and Electrical
system in 51 HP Clear water distribution
Pumping Station at Old Filter Bed with Brand
new,best efficient approved make by the End
User, Horizontal Split Case Centrifugal
Pumpset with all allied works capable of
discharging 684 cum/hr capacity against total
head of 15 m, Maximum 1500 Nominal RPM
(the bidder shall verify the actual head) and
minimum 80% Pump efficiency, including
solid shaft squirrel cage induction motor of
suitable HP with 415 V power supply. The
quoted rate shall include all allied
worIcs,materials and manpower, Electrical
Works in Old Filter Bed Area- Installation of 1
No.315 kVA standby transformer, expansion
of existing two pole structure to four pole
10 Job 2
structure, LT PCC & MCC Switch board
panels, Switch gears, breakers, laying of LT
Interconnecting Cables and terminations, LED
Lighting system, suitable rated LT Capacitor
Banks, Street Lighting distribution board,
Earthing Protection works, construction of
foundations, electrical safety procedures, all
other works required for the supply, erection
& successful commissioning but not limited to
this shall be considered. The bidder shall refer
detailed specifications and other relevant
informations along with necessary civil works
like pipe supports and thrust blocks with all
lead and lifts, etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications) for the total job.
(One working One stand by - Pump with
Conducting environmental monitoring in
accordance with the ESHS-MSIP of the
Project, if not covered fully under items of
Price Bid Schedule 3-DBW 2 above:
a) Air quality monitoring ber
b)._ Water quality monitoring ber
c) Noise monitoring ber
Total Bid Price Schedule 3.2-DEW-2 — Plant
and Equipment (Pumping Machinery)

Managing Director
Page 127 of 490
Bid Price Schedule: 3.3 — Design Build Works - Plant and Equipment (Pumping
Machinery), Networks and connections, SCADA and all other components

Component: Raw Water Supply Transmission-DBW-3

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Manufacturing, providing, transporting,
rolling, lowering, layingjointing, testing
and commissioning of ERW (Electric
Resistance Welded) / SAW (Submerged
Arc Welded) MS pipes (Fe-410 grade)
conforming to IS 3589-2001 with latest
amendments includuing perfect linking and
welding of joints to correct position
including cost and conveyance of pipes,
specials( conforming to IS 7322-1985 with
latest amendments) and materials, cost of
all labour and giving satisfactory hydraulic
test as per IS 3589-2001 with latest
amendments for test pressure and working
pressure both at factory and site,etc
complete as per detailed specifications with
inside CM 1:1.5 lining of minimum 10 mm
thick upto 610 mm OD & minimum 12mm
thick beyond 610 mm OD and out side
minimum 25 mm thick coating in CM 1:3
I Mete 19200
over 50 x50 mm weld mesh of 13 gauge,
including loading and unloading of pipes for
the following diameters and specified
thickness of plate as noted below, including
bailing out of water wherever necessary.
(Contractor will make his own arrangement
for procuring water for testing) - 1342mm
dia OD 10 mm pipe wall thickness( No
negative tolerance in respect of thickness is
permissible).The work includes excavation
in all strata,road cutting, bedding,
backfilling,barricading for safety, shoring,
strutting if necessary and construction of
anchor blocks, thrust blocks , pipe supports
etc complete, disposal of road cutting
material waste, surplus excavated material
and other waste to the designated dump
areas,dewatering with all lead and lifts, etc,
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
Supply and laying of blue plastic sheet to
be laid in the pipe trenches as per Schedule i0Utio
Mete (:)
2 10(Technical Specifications) with all lead 19200
and lifts ICe .-
IC\ 0

Page lan-ker)
Managing Dream
SUIDIA liangsionb,

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Supply & fixing of DI double flanged
ecentrically disc, Butterfly Valves (PN 16)
conforming to DIN 335/ IS 13095 with
renewable soft seal on dise & body seat face
of nickel weld overlay micro finished/
Integral seat with power or liquid epoxy
coating with mimnimum thickness of 250
micro applied on both body & disc inside &
outside. Face to face dimensions as per EN
558-1 basic series 14 ( DIN 3203 F4 ) OR
AWWA C 504: 80 or BS 5155 or IS 13095.
3 The valves shall be supplied along with the 3
required number of standard make
galvanized Bolts & nuts. The flange drilling
standard is IS 1538. Hence, drilling of hole
in the valves shall match with the pipe
flange drilling standard. The valves are to
be suitable for buried opration with gear
box sealed & lubricated for life time
i operation - 1200 mm dia with all lead and
' lifts,etc, complete including
dewatering,disposal of surplus earth as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
Supply,delivery & fixing of Resilient soft
Sluice Valves (PN 16) for isolation and
scouring, with body, bonnet of ductile iron
of grade 00G50, wedge fully rubber lined
with EPDM & seals of NBR & the valves
should be of vaccum tight & 100% leak
proof with face dimensions as per BS 5163-
89/1S 14846-2000 / DIN 3202 F4/F5.The
stem sealing should be with Toroidal
sealing rings (minimum 2 to rings).All the
valves should be with electrostatic powder
coating both inside 8c outside with pocket
less body passage. The valves shall be
supplied with suitable size galvanized bolts
& nuts of required numbers with all lead
and lifts,etc, complete including
dewatering,disposal of surplus earth as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
300mm dia Nos 8
200mm dia-Air valve Isolation Nos 21)
150mm dia as bypass valve Nos
Supply & fixing of single chamber triple
function tamper proof (Both the orifces to
the housed in the single chamber ) Air
Valves (PN 16) with Body & cover in
Ductile cast iron of grade GGG 50. All
internal parts such as shell etc., all cover
bolts of austenitic alloy steel, Dn 50 float of
HOSTAFLON & gaskers & seals of EPDM. oUessia

Page 129 of 4

Managing Lads
ICUID.F C. Ballasiont
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Epoxy powder coating (EP-P) inside &
outside colour blue RAL5005. The valves
should be designed for all the three
function i.e.,
Large orifice for venting of large air
volumes on startup.
Large orifice for intake of large air
Small orifice for discharge of pressurized
air during operation .
with all lead and lifts,etc, complete
including dewatering,disposal of surplus
earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
Specifications) - 200mm dia
200mm dia Nos 20
Providing and laying in position Reinforced
Cement Concrete (RCC) Valve chamber of
Grade M25 (Design mix)with 20mm and
downsize graded granite metal machine
mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding
15 cm thick, vibrated including cost
6 of excavation, PCC, backfilling, formwork,
reinforcement steel and painting all
materials, labour, HOM of machinery,
curing, with all lead and lifts,etc, complete
including dewatering,disposal of surplus
earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
For Air Valve Chamber - Internal size Num
-1.5 m X 2.0 m and depth 2.5 m. ber
For Sluice & Butterfly Valve
Chambers - Internal size - 2.4 m X 2.4 m 11
and depth 2.5 m.
Survey, investigate, design, procuring,
supplying and installation of Surge/Water
Hammer Control Device with all allied
works (including civil items) with cost of
7psum 1
all labour and material with all lead and
lifts,etc, complete including
dewatering,disposal of surplus earth as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
Utility Shifting/Protection and Lum
8 Miscellaneous as per Schedule 10(Technical psum 1
Specifications) with all lead and lifts /Job
NH Crossing near Salam tekadi -
Installation of main pipe by manual pipe
jacking method including making of
entry and exit pits, all related civil works,
9 psurn 1
like excavation, shoring/strutting, etc.,
manual shielded excavation, lowering of
pipe, gments in the jacking pipe, laying
it Oa) ointing of pipeline through jacking n

Managing Director
KAUAI:, Bangalore
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
process from the jacking pit as per the
instruction of the Engineer all complete
except the cost of the pipe for 1342 mm
(OD) MS pipe lines with all lead and
lifts,etc, complete including
dewatering,disposal of surplus earth as
per Schedule 10(Technical
Conducting environmental monitoring and
implementation in accordance with the
10 ESHS-MSIP of the Project, if not covered
fully under items of Price Bid Schedule 3-
DBW 3 above:
Air quality monitoring 2
Water quality monitoring 5
Noise monitoring 4
Compensatory Afforestation 1500
Dust Mitigation with water tankers of Num
minimum 5000 litres capacity ber
Total Bid Price Schedule 3.3- DBW- 3 -Raw Water
Supply Transmission

&( 4(‘)Ca
Managing Dream
?WAD, C, Bangalore
Page 131 of 490
Bid Price Schedule 3.4: Network

Component: Clear Water Transmission Main-DBW-4

Item Description of Item Unit Quantit Rate Amount

Code y INR min
Supplying HDPE PN 10 PE 100 pipes
conforming to IS 4984:1995 with latest
amendments and conveying to work site
including loading and unloading at both
destination and rolling, lowering into
trenches ,laying true to line and jointing of
pipes and specials by electrofusion welding
,including encasing the pipe around to a
depth not less than 15cms with soft gravel
or selected earth available from the
excavation etc giving hydraulic test as per
relevant ISS including testing and
commissioning .The rate is inclusive of
required specials and fittings and all allied
works such as excavation, backfilling,
anchor blocks, thrust blocks , pipe
supports,etc (Contractor will make his own
arrangement for procuring water for testing
) with all lead and lifts,etc, complete
including dewatering,disposal of surplus
earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
HDPE - IW 10 PE 100
110 mm dia Meter 3337
160 mm dia Meter 3034
250 mm dia Meter 1274
315 mm dia Meter 1958
Supplying Ductile Iron K 7 Class pipes
conforming to IS 8329:2000 with latest
amendments & conveying to worlcsite,
rolling and lowering into trenches, laying
true to line, level and perfect linking at
joints, testing and commissioning, including
loading and unloading at both destinations
and cuts of pipes wherever necessary
including jointing of DI pipes & specials (
As per IS 9523-2000 with latest
amendments) with rubber gaskets including
cleaning the socket & spigot ends with soap
solution & applying soft soap to the spigot
& socket ends before insertion of rubber
gaskets, jacking in perfect condition
including cost of soap solution, soft soap,
waste etc. & giving necessary hydraulic test
to the required pressure as per ISS including OUBitkx
cost of jointing materials ,all allied works
such as excavation in all strata,road cutting, rx ciati:/V

05506, Page 13 of 490 arLA tk\r)
C.0 0
0110 Managing Oinaciot
4.0, P.U1D.F.G. Baresion1
Item Description of Item Unit Quantit Rate Amount
Code y DM INR
bedding, backfilling,barricading for safety,
shoring, strutting wherever necessary and
construction of anchor blocks, thrust blocks
, pipe supports etc, disposal of road cutting
material waste and other waste to the
designated dump areas ( contarctor will
make his own arrangements for procuring
water for testing) with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete including dewatering,disposal of
surplus earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
DI- K7 Class
200 mm dia Meter 512
350 mm dia Meter 2787
400 mm dia Meter 2282
Manufacturing, providing, transporting,
rolling, lowering, laying,jointing, testing
and commissioning of ERW (Electric
Resistance Welded) / SAW (Submerged
Arc Welded) MS pipes (Fe-410 grade)
conforming to IS 3589-2001 with latest
amendments includuing perfect linking and
welding of joints to correct position
including cost and conveyance of pipes,
specials conforming to IS 7322-1985 with
latest amendments ( No negative tolerance
in respect of thickness of pipes and specials
is permissible) and materials, cost of all
labour and giving satisfactory hydraulic test
as per IS 3589-2001 with latest amendments
for test pressure and working pressure both
at factory and site,etc as per detailed
specifications with inside CM 1:1.5 lining
3 of minimum 10 mm thick upto 610 mm OD
& minimum 12mm thick beyond 610 mm
OD and outside minimum 25 mm thick
coating in CM 1:3 over 50 x 50 mm weld
mesh of 13 gauge, including loading and
unloading of pipes for the following
diameters and specified thickness of plate as
noted below, including bailing out of water
wherever necessary. (Contractor will make
his own arrangement for procuring water for
testing) - .The work includes excavation in
all strata,road cutting, bedding,
backfilling,barricading for safety, shoring,
strutting if necessary and construction of
anchor blocks, thrust blocks , pipe supports
etc, disposal of road cutting material
waste,other waste to the designated dump caleito
areas with all lead and lifts,etc, complete b. c"....
including disposal of surplus earth as per cn Si
Page 133 of

Managing 0110011N
KU.I.D.F C, Bangatore.
Item Description of Item Unit Quantit Rate Amount
Code y INR INR
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)

MS Pipe
610 mm dia, 7.1 mm thk Meter 3523
711 mm dia, 7.1 mm thk Meter 288
813 mm dia, 7.9 mm thk Meter 2831
1219 mm dia 10 mm thk Meter 7611
Supply and installation of blue plastic sheet
in the pipe trenches as per Schedule
4 Meter 31244
10(Technical Specifications) with all lead
and lifts
Supply,delivery and fixing of Resilient soft
Sluice Valves (PN 16) for isolation &
scouring, with body, bonnet of ductile iron
of grade GGG50, wedge fully rubber lined
with EPDM & seals of NBR & the valves
should be of vaccum tight & 100% leak
proof with face dimensions as per BS 5163-
89/I5 14846-2000 / DIN 3202 F4/F5.The
stem sealing should be with toroidal sealing
rings (minimum 2 'o' rings).All the valves
should be with electrostatic powder coating
both inside & outside with pocket less body
passage. The valves shall be supplied with
suitable size galvanized bolts & nuts of
required numbers with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete including dewatering,disposal of
surplus earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
50 mm for Air valve isolation Numb
er 5
80 mm for Air valve isolation Numb
100 mm for Air valve isolation Numb
150 mm for line isolation and air valve Numb
isolation er
200 mm Numb
250 mm Numb
300 mm Numb
350 mm Numb
400 mm Numb
450 mm Numb
500 mm Numb

Page leb
Managing Orem(
KU.LDEC. Sangaicie

Item Description of Item Unit Quantit Rate Amount

Code y INR INR
Supply & fixing of DI double flanged
ecentrically disc, Butterfly Valves
conforming to DIN 335/ IS 13095 with
renewable soft seal on dise & body seat face
of nickel weld overlay micro finished with
power or liquid epoxy coating with
mimnimum thickness of 250 micro applied
on both body & disc inside & outside. Face
to face dimensions as per EN 558-1 basic
series 14 ( DIN 3203 F4 ) OR AWVVA C
504: 80 or BS 5155 or IS 13095. The valves
6 shall be supplied along with the required
number of standard make galvanized Bolts
& nuts. The flange drilling standard is IS
1538. Hence, drilling of hole in the valves
shall match with the pipe flange drilling
standard. The valves are to be suitable for
buried oepration with gear box sealed &
lubricated for life time operating(PN-10
rating) with all lead and lifts,etc, complete
including dewatering,disposal of surplus
earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
600 mm dia Numb
700 mm dia Numb
800 mm dia Numb
900 mm dia Numb
1000 mm dia Numb
1200 mm dia Numb
. er
Supply & fixing of single chamber triple
function tamper proof (Both the orifces to
the housed in the single chamber ) Air
Valves (PN 16) with Body & cover in
Ductile cast iron of grade GGG 50. All
internal parts such as shell etc., all cover
bolts of austenitic alloy steel, Dn 50 float of
HOSTAFLON & gaskers & seals of EPDM.
7 Epoxy powder coating (EP-P) inside &
outside colour blue RAL5005. The valves
should be designed for all the three
function Le.,I. Large orifice for venting of
large air volumes on startup.2. Large orifice
for intake of large air volumes3. Small 4
orifice for discharge of pressurized air 't
during operation .
.2 ., C..
With all lead and lifts,etc, complete en g.
Page 135 of 490
L_( _ (11,96)

Marmeing Dimon
K.U.LDEC. 840444004
Item Description of Item Unit Quantit Rate Amount
Code 3' INR INR
including dewatering,disposal of surplus
earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
50 mm Numb
80 mm Numb
100 mm Numb
150 mm Numb
Providing and laying in position Reinforced
Cement Concrete (RCC) Valve chamber of
Grade M25 (Design mix)with 20mm and
downsize graded granite metal machine
mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding
15 cm thick, vibrated including cost
8 of excavation, PCC, backfilling, formwork,
reinforcement steel and painting all
materials, labour, HOM of machinery,
curing with all lead and lifts,etc, complete
including dewatering,disposal of surplus
earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
Specifications) for
Air Valve Chamber - Internal size - 1.2 m X Numb
1.2 m x1.7 m er
Sluice & Scour Valve Chambers - Internal Numb
size - 1.65 m X 1.65 m x 1.5 m er
Air Valve Chamber (Internal Size: 1.5 m x Numb
2.0 m x 2.5 m) er -
Sluice & Scour Valve Chambers (Internal Numb
Size: 2.4 m x 2.4 m x 2.5 m) er
Installation of main pipe by manual pipe
jacking method including making of entry
and exit pits, all related civil works, like
excavation, shoring/strutting, etc., manual
shielded excavation, lowering of pipe
segments in the jacking pipe, laying and
9 jointing of pipeline through jacking process
from the jacking pit as per the instruction of
the Engineer all complete except the cost of
the pipe. (upto 100 m installation length) for
the following with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete including dewatering,disposal of
surplus earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
Railway Crossing by Horizontal Duct
Drilling(HDD) for Clear Water <
Transmission mains near Mahaveer Meter 100 rs•Uapi30
Nagar Garden in New Jevargi Road (350 b c
0./ C
.,„ nundia DI Pipe) f--. E9. -.:A

O nfiCO\ c•L")
Page 136 of 490

Mingine on
ICALLD.F.C. eingsiors,
I ‘1
Item Description of Item Unit Quantit Rate Amount
Code 3' INR INR
SH crossing near Sundar Nagar cross bus
Meter 30
stop (450mm DI)
Railway crossing near Koranti (400mm
Meter 80
Integration of Existing Pipes- Feeder
System: Making Cross Connection to
existing pipes of any type including
excavation, breaking and removing existing
10 pipes, lowering, laying of specials and pipes
in their position etc for the following with
all lead and lifts,etc, complete including
dewatering,disposal of surplus earth as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
MS Pipes Meter 15886
DI Pipes Meter 5741
HDPE Pipes Meter 29947
Utility Shifting/Protection and Lumps
11 Miscellaneous as per Schedule 10(Technical um/ 1
Specifications) with all lead and lifts Job
Conducting environmental implementation
and monitoring in accordance with the
12 ESIS-MSIP of the Project, if not covered
fully under items of Price Bid Schedule 3-
DEW 4 above:
Numb i
Air quality monitoring er
Water quality monitoring er
8 i
Noise monitoring er
Compensatory Afforestation er
Dust Mitigation with water tankers of Numb
minimum 5000 litres capacity er
Total Bid Price Schedule 3.4 -Network
DBW-4- Clear Water Transmission Main

Managing Director
K.U.LD f C. Bangaions
Page 137 of 490

ittaA910)‘G‘ -
Bid Price Schedule 3.5: Network

Component: Clear Water Distribution Network-DEW-5

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Code INR IN14
Supplying HDPE PN 10 PE 100 pipes
conforming to IS 4984:1995 with latest
amendments and conveying to work site
including loading and unloading at both
destination and rolling, lowering into
trenches ,laying true to line and jointing of
pipes and specials by electrofusion welding
,including encasing the pipe around to a
depth not less than 15cms with soft gravel
or selected earth available from the
excavation etc giving hydraulic test as per
relevant ISS including testing and
commissioning .The rate is inclusive of
required specials and fittings and all allied
works such as excavation, backfilling,
anchor blocks, thrust blocks , pipe
supports,etc (Contractor will make his own
arrangement for procuring water for testing
) with all lead and lifts,etc, complete
including dewatering,disposal of surplus
earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
63 mm Mete
90 mm Mete
110 mm Mete
160 mm Mete
200 mm Mete
250 mm Mete
315 mm Mete
Supplying Ductile Iron K 7 Class pipes
conforming to IS 8329:2000 with latest
amendments & conveying to worksite,
rolling and lowering into trenches, laying
true to line, level and perfect linking at
2 joints, testing and commissioning, including
loading and unloading at both destinations
and cuts of pipes wherever necessary
.S including jointing of DI pipes & specials ( b.-scDUSE:‘
As per IS 9523-2000 with latest
,-- amendments) with rubber gaskets including I ik 64Kir -.N


RUM Ers* amosions

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

cleaning the socket & spigot ends with soap
solution & applying soft soap to the spigot
& socket ends before insertion of rubber
gaskets, jacking in perfect condition
including cost of soap solution, soft soap,
waste etc. & giving necessary hydraulic test
to the required pressure as per ISS including
cost of jointing materials ,all allied works
such as excavation in all strata,road cutting,
bedding, backfilling,barricading for safety,
shoring, strutting wherever necessary and
construction of anchor blocks, thrust blocks
, pipe supports etc, disposal of road cutting
material waste and other waste to the 1
designated dump areas ( contarctor will
make his own arrangements for procuring
water for testing) with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete including dewatering,disposal of
surplus earth as per Schedule 10(Tecluncal
350 mm Mete
400 mm Mete
450 mm Mete
500 mm Mete
600 mm Mete
Supply and installation of blue plastic sheet
in the pipe trenches as per Schedule Mete
3 638100
10(Technical Specifications) with all lead r
and lifts
Isolation Valves- Double flanged DI
Sluice valves
Supply,delivery and fixing of Resilient
soft Sluice Valves (PN 16) for isolation,
with body, bonnet of ductile iron of grade
GGG50, wedge fully rubber lined with
EPDM & seals of NBR & the valves
should be of vaccum tight & 100% leak
proof with face dimensions as per BS
5163-89/IS 14846-2000 / DIN 3202
F4/F5.The stem sealing should be with
toroidal sealing rings (minimum 2 'o'
rings).All the valves should be with
electrostatic powder coating both inside Ilk
& outside with pocket less body passage.
The valves shall be supplied with suitable .. AUB .0
size galvanized bolts & nuts of required ? '•••••3.
co CA
numbers with all lead and lifts, x m

Page 139 of dan ooz,e,

Managing Ogionlor
ICIALD.F C. Samoan
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
etc,complete including dewatering and
disposal of surplus earth as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
50 mm dia - for line isolation and Air Num
Valve isolation her
80 mm dia for line isolation and Air valve Num
isolation her
100 mm dia Num
• ber
150 mm dia Num
200mm dia Num
250 mm dia Num
300 mm dia Num
350 mm dia Num
400 mm dia Num
450 mm dia Num
500 mm dia Num
Supply & fixing of DI double flanged
ecentrically disc, Butterfly Valves
conforming to DIN 335/ IS 13095 with
renewable soft seal on disc & body seat face
of nickel weld over lay micro finished with
power or liquid epoxy coating with
mimnimum thickness of 250 micro applied
on both body & disc inside & outside. Face
to face dimensions as per EN 558-1 basic
series 14 ( DIN 3203 F4 ) OR AWWA C
504:80 or BS 5155 or IS 13095. The valves
5 shall be supplied along with the required
number of standard make galvanized Bolts
.8c. nuts. The flange drilling standard is IS
1538. Hence, drilling of hole in the valves
shall match with the pipe flange drilling
standard. The valves are to be suitable for
buried oepration with gear box sealed &
lubricated for life time operating PN-16
rating with all lead and lifts, etc,complete
including dewatering and disposal of
surplus earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
400 mm dia Num
450 mm dia Num 10 _ /470U9Aitc‘
C01 Page 140
11,00.110,01010 NO.?, WO act,
= lionsole OnS
KULD.FA Songerare
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
500 mm dia Num
Manufacture,supply,delivery and fixing of
DI D/F Diaphragm type own medium
Controlled Valve with cast body of ductile
iron Grade GGG 40 or equivalent grade or
as per IS 3896-Part-2-1985 customized
control cylinder for linear control
behaviour, preformed diaphragm and pull-
out safe profile sealing ring of EPDM,
threaded inserts (CORFIX) to prevent the
coating from coming off in the connections
area as well as corrosion and encrustations
in the control circuit or equivalent. Pilot
valve system having SS/ Brass fittings as
per Standard parts according to DIN
2353/EN ISO 8434/ EN 12164, all external
tubing parts of SS 1.4571, Tightness to DIN
EN 12 266-1, leakage rate A (or)
equivalent. 2 pressure gauges for operator-
friendly control to determine the actual inlet
and outlet pressure connected directly to the
valve. Flange connection dimensions
according to EN 1092, Part 2/ ISO
7005[DIN]/, all parts (Epoxy coating, and
diaphragm) in contact with medium are as
per KTW and DVGW certified
(harmless)/WRAS & NSF approved. The
EPDM rubber & Epoxy coating (EP-P)
should be approved by W270.(EP-P)/
WRAS & NSF with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete including dewatering,disposal of
surplus earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
100 mm dia Num
150 mm dia Num
200 mm dia Num
250 mm dia Num
300 mm dia Num
Supply & fixing of single chamber triple
function tamper proof (Both the orifces to
the housed in the single chamber ) Air di
7 valves (PN 16) with Body & cover in
Ductile cast iron of grade GGG 40. All ....40-
.'..f, Sts• (..- ,
internal parts such as shell etc., with all iv
cover bolts of austenitic alloy steel, Dn 50 3 rm

Page 141 of 490 L4.
---- 1 4‘42,crion

0p,1603,,GpApt,Si, Meneging on
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
gloat of HOSTAFLON & gaskers 84 seals
of EPDM. Epoxy powder coating (EP-P)
inside & outside colour blue RAL5005. The
valves should be designed for all the three
function i.e.,
Large orifice for venting of large air
volumes on startup.
Large orifice for intake of large air
Small orifice for discharge of pressurized
air during operation.
with all lead and lifts, etc,complete
including dewatering and disposal of
surplus earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
50 mm Num
80 mm Num
100 mm Num
150 mm Num
200 mm Num
Providing and laying in position Reinforced
Cement Concrete (RCC) Valve Chamber of
Grade M25 (Design mix)with 20mm and
downsize graded granite metal machine
mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding
15 cm thick, vibrated including cost
8 of excavation, PCC, backfilling, formwork,
reinforcement steel and painting all
materials, labour, HOM of machinery,
curing with all lead and lifts, etc,complete
including dewatering and disposal of
surplus earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
Air Valve Chamber - Internal size - 1.2 m Num
X 1.2 m x1.7 m her
Sluice and Scour Valve Chambers - Num
Internal size - 1.65 m X 1.65 m x 1.5 m her
HOPE valve box for sluice/scour valves as
per Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
with all lead and lifts, etc,complete Num
including dewatering and disposal of ber
surplus earth as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
Supply,delivery and fixing of Resilient soft metr cOUB,Ic>\
9 Sluice Valves (PN 16) for scouring, with
body, bonnet of ductile iron of grade
es 150
C\ el-//"N't
co t
‘SS‘ ,tate,Gtria.c.
aw\ ay)
out9 Page 142 of 490
Manes Oreasor

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

00050, wedge fully rubber lined with .
EPDM & seals of NBR & the valves should
be of vaccum tight & 100% leak proof with
face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/IS
14846-2000 / DIN 3202 F4/F5.The stem
sealing should be with toroidal sealing rings
(minimum 2 'o rings).All the valves should
be with electrostatic powder coating both
inside & outside with pocket less body
passage. The valves shall be supplied with
suitable size galvanized bolts & nuts of
required numbers with all lead and lifts,
etc,complete including dewatering and
disposal of surplus earth as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
50 mm Num
100 mm Num
150 mm Num
200 mm Num
250 mm Num
Construction of RCC Fire filling points
including excavation in all strata, back
filling including Supplying, laying, jointing,
testing and commissioning of GI pipes
conforming to IS 1239: with latest
amendments including fixing collars, elbow,
tees, bends, gland cocks and other fittings
(excluding cost of specials) with cust and
threads wherever necessary including Metr
10 300
conveying the materials to worIcspot es
including testing for water tightness, with
all lead (contractor will make his own
arrangements for procuring water for
testing) and lifts with GI heavy duty 80mm
dia pipes with all lead and lifts,
etc,complete including dewatering and
disposal of surplus earth as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
Supply,delivery and fixing of Resilient soft
Sluice Valves (PN 16) with body, bonnet of
ductile iron of grade 0G050, wedge fully
rubber lined with EPDM & seals of NBR &
11 the valves should be of vaccum tight & 20
100% leak proof with face dimensions as alk
per BS 5163-89/IS 14846-2000 /DIN 3202 1 —
F4/F5.The stem sealing should be with .,,,,...._ dr(
toroidal sealing rings (minimum 2 'o' 740 r

411a r-
Page 143 of 491 to-"
otitigt “5.5 Monsoing Orresor
0 8-1-1
1 1 SS\ p.Gis?-
C,Ot titp,i‘01 KULP' C, Bangalore
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
rings) All the valves should be with
electrostatic powder coating both inside &
outside with pocket less body passage. The
valves shall be supplied with suitable size
galvanized bolts & nuts of required numbers
with all lead and lifts,etc, complete
including dewatering,disposal of surplus
earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
Specifications) - PN16,80 mm dia
Supply, installation, testing, commissioning
of emergency Vacuum type chlorination
unit in each Service Reservoir Location as
per the specifications and the directions of
12 Engineer in Charge including supply of 1 34
no. of 1.0 MT capacity empty chlorine
cylinder with all lead and lifts,etc,complete
as per Schedule 10(Technical
Utility Shifting/Protection and Lum
13 Miscellaneous as per Schedule 10(Technical psum 1
Specifications) with all lead and lifts /Job
Conducting environmental implementation
and monitoring in accordance with the
14 ESHS-MSIP of the Project, if not covered
fully under items of Price Bid Schedule 3-
DBW 5 above:
(a) Air quality monitoring 48
(b) Water quality monitoring 45
(c) Noise monitoring 35
(d) Compensatory Afforestation 1500
(e) Dust Mitigation with water tankers of Num
minimum 5000 litres capacity ber
Total Bid Price Schedule 3.5 - Network-DBW-5- Clear
Water Distribution Network

Maritgling Director
Kilanit 88110"
Page 144 of 490
Bid Price Schedule-3.6 — House Service Connections

Component: House Service Connections-DBW-6

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Code 1NR INR
(HSCs) : Providing property (house service
connections -HSCs) service connections
during Contract period for water supply,
including earth work excavation for pipe
line trenches in all kinds of strata, providing
50mm HDPE sleeve pipe,supplying and
1 laying PE-80 PN-12.5/DN20 pipes
conforming to IS 4984:1995 including all
specials as per design, drawing, technical
specifications and direction of Engineer in
charge with all lead and lifts, etc,complete
including dewatering and disposal of
surplus earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
15 mm 81718
20 min 231
25 mm 51
Total Bid Price Schedule 3.6-Network-
DBW-6 — House Service Connections

414anaging Oversaw
MLIDLG, aortae:tore
Page 145 o 9
Bid Price Schedule 3.7- SCADA

Component: SCADA room and Equipment - DBW-7

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Design and construction of SCADA Room
with all lead and lifts,etc, complete
1 including dewatering, disposal of surplus
earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
Central SCADA room of carpet area 10 m x
10 m including all allied works including Num
electrical works, Water supply and ber
sanitation facilities
Small SCADA room near GLSRs of carpet
area 3 m x 3m including all allied works Num
including electrical works, Water supply her
and sanitation facilities
Customer are Centre of carpet area 10 m x
5.25 m including all allied works including
electrical works,Water supply and sanitation
facilities with all lead and lifts,etc, complete 5
including dewatering, disposal of surplus
earth as per Schedule 10(Technical
Pressure Measurement Points (One point
near outlet of DMA and one point for Avg.
Zonal Pressure and one point for Critical
Pressure Point measurement for each DMA)
Supply, delivery, testing and commissioning
at site and fixing of Pressure Transmitter
with necessary instrumentation cabling, Num
2 345
glands and conduit with suitable stub and her
flange and bolting arrangement for hook-up,
as applicable and necessary (1 - 10 Bar)
with Wireless Transmission GSM/GPRS
Datalogger with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
Supply, delivery, testing and commissioning
at site and fixing of Battery Operated
Electromagnetic Flow Meter with Indicating
Transmitter with GSM/GPRS data logger
with flange Ends, rates shall be inclusive of
mating flanges with necessary fasteners and
gaskets, as applicable and necessary with all
lead and lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
a) Outlet of each OHT & GLSR
100 mm Num 1 4it sOUOta
.._. (2 --,
„. 400 Mac Num 7 r\ < m

Pagir 146 o 490

L-- OCIA4‘.-1
KEZT41 oriaof
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
250 mm Num
300 mm Num
350 mm Num
her 7
400 mm Num
500 mm Num
Supply, delivery, testing and commissioning
at site and fixing of AC mains Operated
Electromagnetic Flow Meter with
Indicating Transmitter with flange Ends,
rates shall be inclusive of mating flanges
with necessary fasteners and gaskets, as
applicable and necessary with all lead and
lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
1 0(Technical Specifications)

Inlet and Outlet of each WTP

Backwash Pump Discharge line in WTP
Raw Water & Clear Water Pumping
Station Common Discharge Header
200 mm Num
300 mm Num
450 mm Num
500 mm Num
700 mm Num
1000 mm Num
Supply, delivery,testing and commissioning
at site and fixing of Pressure Transmitter
(Battery Operated) with necessary suitable
stub and flange and bolting arrangement for
hook-up, as applicable and necessary (1.0 -
5 10 Bar) with Wireless Transmission 48
GSM/GPRS Datalogger with all lead and
lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
1 0(Techni cal Specifications)
a) Pressure Transmitter at Outlet of each It
OHT & GLSR(Existing and Proposed) \ /
Supply, delivery, testing and commissioning (Attfro
Num ..-
6 at site and fixing of Pressure Transmitter 36
ber 0to -4
(compatible with respective PLC) with cc

managing ommoirx
OP page 147 of 490
%MSDF Ban"en
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
necessary instrumentation cabling, glands
and conduit with suitable stub and flange
and bolting arrangement for hook-up, as
applicable and necessary (1.0 - 10 Bar) with
all lead and lifts,etc, complete as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
Pressure Transmitter at inlet and outlet of
each WTP
Pressure Transmitter in common
discharge of Pumping Stations.
Supply, delivery, testing and commissioning
at site and fixing of Ultrasonic type Level
Indicating Transmitter (compatible with
respective PLC) with suitable stub and
flange and bolting arrangement for hook-up,
7 as applicable and necessary with all lead 30
and lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications) (Range of
Instrument 0 - 8 m)
a) In Filter Beds, Sump and Major Process
Tanks of WTP (Existing & Proposed)
Supply, delivery, testing and commissioning
at site and fixing of Battery Operated
Ultrasonic type Level Indicating
Transmitter with necessary wireless
transmission GSM/ GPRS data logger, with
suitable stub and flange and bolting Num
8 48
arrangement for hook-up , as applicable and her
necessary with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
Specifications) (Range of Instrument 0 - 8
a) Level Transmitter at each OHT & GLSR
Supply, delivery, testing and commissioning
at site and fixing of Parshall Flume
Ultrasonic type Flow Indicating Transmitter
with suitable stub and flange and bolting
arrangement for hook-up , as applicable and Num
9 necessary with all lead and lifts,etc, 1
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
Specifications) (Range of Instrument 0 - 8
a) Parshall Flume Ultrasonic type Flow
Indicating Transmitter at Salem tekdi WTP
Supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of pH Analyzer with
Transmitter with all mounting accessories,
hardware, etc. complete in all respects and Num
10 6 0 ice
as per specs and application with all lead her
and lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
v) pH-analyzer at outlet of each, WTP Ci"-.
' ca et
krion -CC'e
Pag(e'T48 of 490
Managing Olmotor
KUSAFA Benrisioret
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Code INR 11MR
(Existing & Proposed)
Supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of Residual Chlorine
Analyzer with Transmitter with all
mounting accessories, hardware, etc.
complete in all respects and as per specs and Num
11 12
application with all lead and lifts,etc, ber
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
a) Residual Chlorine Analyzer at outlet of
each WTP (Existing & Proposed)
Supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of Turbidity Analyzer with
Transmitter with all mounting accessories,
hardware, etc. complete in all respects and
12 as per specs and application with all lead 12
and lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
1 0(Technical Specifications)
a) Turbidty Analyzer at inlet and outlet of
each WTP (Existing & Proposed)
Master SCADA Control Room
Master SCADA with workstations
(Minimum 4 nos.), Portable Laptop,
SCADA Software package (unlimited tag
version), Master PLC with GSM / GPRS
Modem Receiver, UPS panel (Minimum 20
kVA - 2 nos.), Industrial Router (Redundant
GPRS wireless Gateway), Alarm
Annunciator Panel, A3/A4 Multifunction
Printer, LED video wall (62") - 2 Nos., Lum
CCTV Surveillance System for SCADA psum 1
Room and Proposed WTP, Fire Detection Job
and Alarm System (FDAS) with
Workstation, Public Address System (PAS),
EPABX System and miscellaneous items at
Proposed New 55 MLD WTP as per
directions of Engineer including necessary
air conditioners as per specs and application
with all lead and lifts,etc, complete as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS 8c GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Bheema Raw Water Pumping Station with Num
necessary accessories including cabling ber
works with all lead and lifts,etc, complete as
per Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Bennethora Reservoir Raw Water Pumping
1 4
Station with necessary accessories including
cabling works with all lead and lifts,etc, /z, l' 1.1.-
Page 149 of 490 - factt1
Managing Oinalor -ruction
K.U.LD.F-C, Samoan
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Benethora Kurikota Raw Water Pumping
Station with necessary accessories including 1
cabling works with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Kotnoor Raw Water Pumping Station with Num
necessary accessories including cabling ber
works with all lead and lifts,etc, complete as
per Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Existing Kotnoor WTP with necessary Lum
accessories for SCADA room expansion psum 1
including cabling works with all lead and Job
lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Existing Shorgumbaz WTP 1 with Lum
necessary accessories for SCADA room psum
expansion including cabling works with all Job
lead and lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Existing Shorgumbaz WTP 2 with Lum
necessary accessories for SCADA room psum 1
expansion including cabling works with all Job
lead and lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
1 0(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Existing Old Filter Bed WTP 1 with Lum
necessary accessories for SCADA room psum 1
expansion including cabling works with all Job
lead and lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Existing Old Filter Bed WTP 2 with Lum
necessary accessories for SCADA room psum
expansion including cabling works with all Job
lead and lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications) ct,
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS Num co cry, -_-4
1 m
,t‘tr.itWirittgiX Communication ,Mpdem at ber r\ ,-,,,
WatbIU" I
'Pie 150 of 490
Managing Lan
KUIDIA flingebs.
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Kotnoor Clear Water Pumping Station
with necessary accessories including
cabling works with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at High
Court Clear Water Pumping Station with Num
necessary accessories including cabling ber
works with all lead and lifts,etc, complete as
_per Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Dhangarwada Clear Water Pumping
Station with necessary accessories 1
including cabling works with all lead and ,
lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
Basavanagar Clear Water Pumping ,,
Num ,
Station with necessary accessories 1
including cabling works with all lead and
lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at Old
filter bed Clear Water Pumping Station 1 Num
with necessary accessories including 1
cabling works with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at Old
filter bed Clear Water Pumping Station 2 Num
with necessary accessories including 1
cabling works with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete as per Schedule 10(Teclutical
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at HSR
Tank Clear Water Pumping Station with Num
necessary accessories including cabling ber
works with all lead and lifts,etc, complete as
per Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at SB
College Clear Water Pumping Station
with necessary accessories including 1
cabling works with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
Specifications) . /11t r —1
(4 f0Q06)
VS_ Page 151 of
Managing Data
ICU.LaF C Bangalana. %/won ce
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at Old
filter bed Clear Water Pumping Station 3
with necessary accessories including 1
cabling works with all lead and lifts,etc,
complete as per Schedule 10(Technical
PLC panel with UPS & GSM/GPRS
Wireless Communication Modem at
GLSR's with necessary accessories Num
including cabling works with all lead and ber
lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
Instrumentation Miscellaneous items for
Proposed WTP at Salam Tekdi with all lead
and lifts,etc, complete as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications), the operator
is expected to study and propose all the
necessary items for satisfactory working of
instrumentation including the following
Analog Junction Box, Digital Junction
Box, Power Junction Box
Metallic Enclosure Type for all field
Instruments and Analyzers
Earth Pits along with earthing bus bar
Instrumentation Cables & Perforated type
14 psum
Cable Trays for Instrumentation Signal &
Control Cables
Cable Glands & Plugs
Fiber Optic Communication Cable & RS
485 Cable
Structural Steel for I&C work (Trays
Support, Instruments, Analyzers & Junction
Box Supports)
Commissioning Equipments
Temperature Scanner
I&C Hookup accessories
Laboratory Instruments & Equipments
1) Surge Protection Devices
m) RIO Panels
Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning at site brand new any other
Board approved make resilient sealed soft
sealing sluice valves with body, bonnet of
ductile iron of Grade GGG40, wedge fully
14 rubber lined with EPDM and seals of NBR
and the valves should be of Vacuum tight
and 100% leak proof with face dimensions
as per BS 5163-89/ IS 14846-2000/ ficOUB,$)
DIN3202 F4 \f5 . The stem Sealing should
be with Torodial sealing rings ( Minimum 2 — iS
5 r--ci
1eSk Page t
i ct nAS5

Q Ono"
kt.t. NAUSEA !Sit

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

0-rings). All the valves should be with
electrostatic powder coating both inside and
outside with pocket less body passage. The
Valves shall be supplied with suitable size
galvanised bolts and nuts of required
numbers etc., complete. The valve shall be
electrically actuated. The actuators shall be
suitable for operation with DOL setting on
415 volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC power supply.
The valve shall geneally conform to IS
14846 / relevant I.S. standards PN 1.6 as
per Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
with all lead and lifts.
100 mm PN 1.6 Rating
ber 2
150 mm PN 1.6 Rating
ber 15
200 mm PN 1.6 Rating
ber 6
250 mm PN 1.6 Rating
ber 7
300 mm PN 1.6 Rating
ber 18
Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning at site brand new any other
Board approved make resilient sealed soft
sealing sluice valves with body, bonnet of
ductile iron of Grade GGG40, wedge fully
rubber lined with EPDM and seals of NBR
and the valves should be of Vacuum tight
and 100% leak proof with face dimensions
as per BS 5163-89/ IS 14846-2000/
DIN3202 F4 \ f5 . The stem Sealing should
be with Torodial sealing rings ( Minimum 2
0-rings). All the valves should be with
15 electrostatic powder coating both inside and
outside with pocket less body passage. The
Valves shall be supplied with suitable size
galvanised bolts and nuts of required
numbers etc. The valve shall be electrically
actuated. The actuators shall be suitable for
operation with DOL setting on 415 volts, 3
phase, 50 Hz AC power supply. The valve
shall geneally conform to IS 14846 /
relevant I.S. standards PN 1.6 with all lead
and lifts, etc,complete including dewatering
and disposal of surplus earth as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
150 mm PN 16 Rating Num Ilk
200 mm PN 16 Rating Num 4;fripp. l,
ber 0 --k

Page 153 of 490 ( — CO6 L

Msnagirc On cc,
KILL.D.F C, Bargain.
Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount
250 mm PN 16 Rating Num
300 mm PIN 16 Rating Num
Supply & fixing of DI double flanged
ecentrically dise, butterfly valves
conforming to DIN 335/ IS 13095 with
renewable soft seal on dise & body seat face
of nickel weld overlay micro finished with
power or liquid epoxy coating with
mimnimum thickness of 250 micro applied
on both body & disc inside & outside. Face
to face dimensions as per EN 558-1 basic
series 14 ( DIN 3203 F4 ) OR AWWA C
504: 80 or BS 5155 or IS 13095. The valves
shall be supplied along with the required
number of standard make gavIvanized Bolts
& nuts. The flange drilling standard is IS
1538. Hence, drilling of hole in the valves
shall match with the pipe flange drilling
standard. The valves are to be suitable for
buried oepration with gear box sealed &
lubricated for life time operatin.The valve
shall be electrically actuated. The actuators
shall be suitable for operation with DOL
setting on 415 volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC
power supply with all lead and lifts,
etc,complete including dewatering and
disposal of surplus earth as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
350 mm PN 10 Rating Num
400 mm PIN 10 Rating Num
450 mm PN 10 Rating Num
500 mm PN 10 Rating Num
Manufacturing, providing, transporting,
rolling, lowering, laying & Jointing, testing,
commissioning of MS specials confirming
to IS 7322 : 1985 with latest amendments,
perfect linking and welding of joints to
correct position including cost and
conveyance of materials with all lead and
lifts, cost of all labour and giving
satisfactory hydraulic test as per IS 3589
:2001 with latest amendments for test
pressure and working pressure both at
factory and site etc., as per detailed Wit
clik spectiAcations with inside & outside lining b:S O t110
+7- --'t
Adtt, 'coats of food grade epoxy painting of 4/

P el49(92 H

Managing Onion

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

approved make with minimum 250 micron,
thick over one coat of food grade epoxy
primer of approved make with minimum of
50 micron thick or only for outside 25 mm
thick coating in CM 1:3 by providing 50
x50 mm weld mesh including loading and
unloading of pipes for the following
category to suit PSC/MS/Cl/AC/DI/PVC
pipes. The rates are inclusive of all taxes
and duties. The weight of the MS shell only
be considered before lining and coating for
arriving at the rate. The thickness of plate
will be specified by the engineer
(Contractor will make his own
arrangements for procuring water for
testing). For bends, Tee pieces,Reducers &
Flanges & Blank Flanges with all lead and
lifts, etc,complete including dewatering and
disposal of surplus earth as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
upto & inclusive of 500mm dia of pipe kgs 6000
Conducting environmental implementation
and monitoring in accordance with the
18 ESHS-MSIP of the Project, if not covered
fully under items of Price Bid Schedule 3-
DBW 7 above:
Air quality monitoring 2
Water quality monitoring 10
Noise monitoring 2
Compensatory Afforestation 100
Total Bid Price Schedule 3.7- SCADA-DBW- 7 - SCADA
Room and Equipment

Meineiglic LAOS'
0,0 Page 155 of 490
Summary of Bid Price Schedule 3: Plant and Equipment (Pumping Machinery),
Networks and Connections, SCADA

SI.No. Description Amount of Bid Price

DBW-1 Raw Water Intake System
DBW-2 New Pumping Machinery
DBW-3 Raw water Main
DBW-4 Clear water Main
DBW-5 Distribution Network
DBW-6 House connections
DBW-7 SCADA room and equipment
Total of Bid Price Schedule 3

kOkYtOtsc-,F9:74,,,, Marweing Direasor
t.1\ K.U.U3ACP. Babes"
ON.P.000 Page 156 of 490
Bid Price Schedule 4: New Water Treatment Plant

Component: New Treatment Plant — DBW-8

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Design, Construct New WTP of 51 ML in
22 Hours capacity at Salam Tekdi, Kalburgi
city adjacent to existing Break Pressure
Tank including supply,erection, testing and
commissioning of all electro mechanical
equipments, instruments and allied works
with all piping,allied works(Construction
includes Cascade aerator, raw water channel
to be sized for Ultimate demand, Clarifier
and Filter Bed units shall be designed to suit
modular expansion of the plant for the
Ultimate demand, Clarification Unit -
Clariflocculator/Lamella Plate
Clarifier/Tube settlers/any other proven
technology, Filteration unit - Dual Filter
Media bed/any proven alternative
technologies which provides the space
saving, with necessary upwashing facilities,
Under drainage system, DI Control Valve
arrangements compatible with SCADA with
each individual filter console arrangement,
5 LL capacity Wash water storage tank
facility and Backwash Recovery with
pumping arrangement to cascade aerator Lum
and sludge collection sump. Construction psum
also includes inter connection of all pipes
and Mechanical feeding of Coagulating
Agent and Vaccum feed Chlorine Dosage
with booster pumping arrangement along
with Chlorine scrubber arrangement,
Platforms, Sludge Drying beds to both
existing and proposed plant and earth work
excavation in all strata, backfilling,
painting, water proofing, hydraulic
testing,trial run and all water retaining
structures shall be M30 Grade of concrete,
internal plastering 1:3 of 20 mm thick with
all admixtures and external plastering of 1:4
of 12 mm thick ,Electrical worIcs,protection
works, Installation of 2 Nos. 100 WA,
11/0.433 kV or suitable rated transformers,
Switchboard panels, Switch gears, breakers,
laying of HT & LT Interconnecting Cables
and terminations, LED Lighting system,
Instrumentation and control automation
system, Motor Starter Panels, HT & LT
suitable rated Capacitor Banks, Distribution
Boards for power and lighting, Earthing and -çOUF1 R

Ntvo Page 157 of 490

Singing dreelor
KALLIXF C, Bengisom
lightening Protection works, construction of
foundations, electrical safety procedures, all
other works required for the supply,
erection & successful commissioning but
not limited to this shall be considered with
all lead and lifts,etc,complete including
dewatering,disposal of excess earth as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
Conducting environmental implementation
and monitoring in accordance with the
ESHS-MSIP of the Project, if not covered
fully under items of Price Bid Schedule 4-
DBW 8 above:
Air quality monitoring 5
2 ber
Water quality monitoring 20
Noise monitoring 3
Compensatory Afforestation 200
Dust Mitigation with water tankers of Num
minimum 5000 litres capacity bet
Total Bid Price Schedule 4- DBW-7 — New Water treatment Plant i

Marty% Desoto(
Page 158 of 490
Bid Price Schedule: 5.1 — New Service Reservoirs
Component: New Service Reservoirs - DBW - 9 — ELSRs

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

I Survey, investigate, design, construction of
Shaft Type ELSRs including inlet, outlet,
scour, overflow control arrangements,
lightning arrestors ladder arrangements,
gauging arrangements, control arrangements
with DI valves of minimum PN 16
including water tightness chemicals, testing,
commissioining, with all allied works by
providing all labour and materials .
Construction includes earth work
excavation in all kinds of strata, back
filling, painting, water proofing, hydraulic
testing and trial run,all water retaining
structures shall be of M30 Grade concrete
and other structures shall be of M25 grade
concrete, internal plastering of 1:3 20 mm
thick with all admixtures and external
plastering of 1:4 of 12 mm thickness with
necessary number of ventillators and entry
and exit MS doors to approach ladder with
all lead and lifts,etc,complete including
dewatering and disposal of surplus earth as
per Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
0.5 ML capacity ELSA of 12 m staging Num
1.0 ML capacity ELSR of 12 meter staging Num
2.0 ML capacity of 15 meter staging Num
2 Conducting environmental monitoring and
implementaion in accordance with the
ESHS-MSIP of the Project, if not covered
fully under items of Price Bid Schedule 5-
DBW 9 above:
Air quality monitoring 3
Water quality monitoring 35
Noise monitoring 3
Compensatory Afforestation 200
Dust Mitigation with water tankers of Num
minimum 5000 litres capacity her
Total Bid Price Schedule 5.1: DBW-9 -New Service
Reservoirs — ELSRs --,:i-iii IR-rIXN.

Page 1 alliging
WIDE C, Bangsare
Bid Price Schedule 5.2 : New Service Reservoirs
Component: New Service Reservoirs - DEW-10 — GLSRs

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Code INR 1NR
Survey, Investigate, design, construct, test,
commission, new RCC GLR at Salam Tekadi of
50 LL, Demozone of 5 LL, University 5
LL,Basava Nagar 5 LL and Dhangarvada 5 LL
capacity each by providing all labour and
materials. Construct includes earthwork excavation
in all strata, back filling, painting, waterproofing,
hydraulic testing, trial run.The structure shall be of Per
1 7000000
M30 Grade concrete, internal plastering 1:3 , 20 litre
mm thick with all admixtures and external
plastering of 1:4 of 12 mm thick, necessary
numbers of ventillators and entry and exit MS
doors to approach ladder with all lead and
lifts,etc,complete including dewatering and
disposal of surplus earth as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
2 Conducting environmental monitoring and
implementation in accordance with the ESHS-
MSIP of the Project, if not covered fully under
items of Price Bid Schedule 5-DBW 10 above:
Air quality monitoring 2
Water quality monitoring 15
Noise monitoring 2
Compensatory Afforestation 200
Dust Mitigation with water tankers of Num
minimum 5000 litres capacity ber
Total Bid Price Schedule 5.2: DBW-10 New
Service Reservoirs- GLSRs
Total Bid Price Schedule 5: (5.1+ 5.2) New
Service Reservoirs (ELSRs and GLSRs)


Managing Orman
K.USAFAC• 8.101" 11
Page 160 of 490
1 0-

Bid Price Schedule 6: Road Restoration:

Component: Road Restoration - DBW —11

Item Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Macadam road restoration: Providing,
laying, spreading and compacting graded
stone aggregate to wet mix macadam
specifications including pre-mixing the
material with water at OMC in mechanical
mix plant carriae of mixed method tipper to
site, laying in uniform layers with paver in
sub-base/base course on well prepared
surface and compacting with vibratory
roller to achieve the desired density with all
lead and lifts,etc, complete including
disposal of waste,surplus earth as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)

Raw water transmission main

Rtnt 0
Clear water transmission
Rmt 3124
Distribution system
Rint 88300
Asphalt road restoration: Providing and
applying Prime Coat With Bitumen
emulsion on prepared surface of granular
base including clearing of road surface and
spraying primer at the rate of 0.60kg/sqm
using mechanical means complete and
providing and applying Tack Coat coat with
bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure
distributor at the rate of 0.25kg/sqm on the
prepared bitumenous/granular surface
cleaned with mechanical broom. complete
and Providing and laying single coat surface
2 dressing or first coat of the two surface
dressing with 0.15 cum crushed stone
chippings and bitumen 12kg/10 sqm as
wearing course consisting of a layer of
bituminous binder laid on the prepared
surface followed by cover of crushed stone
chippings of specified size (may be pre-
coated also) and rolling with power roller 8-
10 tonne capacity including cost of all
material, labour, HOM of machineries with
all lead and lifts,etc, complete including
disposal of waste,surplus earth as per
Schedule 10(Technical Specifications)
Raw water transmission
Clear water transmission
Distribution system

Marimging Clescior
cj; KUJJXF-C, Bergaiore
Concrete road restoration: Providing and
laying in position plain cement concrete of
mix 1:4:8 with OPC cement @ 180kgs,
with 40mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.85cum and fine
aggregates @0.57cum machine mixed
concrete laid in layers not exceding 15ems.,
thick, well compected in foundation and
plinth, including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machinery, curing
complete and providing and laying in
3 position plain cement concrete of mix
1:2:4 with cement @ 240kgs, with 201nm
and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.878cum and fine aggregates
@0.459cum machine mixed concrete laid in
layers not exceding 15cms., thick, well
compected in foundation and plinth,
including cost of all materials, labour, HOM
of machinery, curing with all lead and
lifts,etc, complete including disposal of
waste,surplus earth as per Schedule
10(Technical Specifications)
Raw water transmission main Rmt 100
Clear water transmission Rmt 1562
Distribution system Rmt 132450
Conducting environmental monitoring and
implementation in accordance with the
4 ESHS-MSIP of the Project, if not covered
fully under items of Price Bid Schedule 6-
DBW 10 above:
Air quality monitoring 10
Water quality monitoring 50
Noise monitoring 15
Compensatory Afforestation 0
Dust Mitigation with water tankers of Num
minimum 5000 litres capacity ber
TOTAL Bid Price Schedule 6: Road restoration - DBW-

(;(1/4 r"r)
Managing Director
Page 162 of 490
03.,Or #1;g1\'‘
Summary of Bid Prices:

Bid Price Amount of Bid

Schedule INR
General Items and Provisional
2 Operational Fees
Plant and Equipment (Pumping
3 Machinery), Networks and
4 New water treatment plant
New service reservoirs (ELSRs
and GLSRs)
6 Road restoration
Total Bid Price

(Signature, Name and Designation of the Bidder)

Notes: (Applicable for Bid Price Schedules 3 to 6 DBW Ito 10)

Bidder shall quote his rates for the various Items included in this Schedule based on
the rates of inputs prevailing 28 days before the date of deadline for submission of the
bids Original or extended.

The items in this Bid Schedule shall be Price Adjusted using applicable indices as
quoted by the Bidder in Appendix to Bid- Schedule of Adjustment Data Table A and B
for local and Foreign Currency for Design Build Works and finally agreed by the
Employer and Incorporated in the Schedule 6 to SCC- Terms and Conditions of

The Bidder is advised to refer to Schedule 6 of the Contract — Terms and procedure
of payment and price Adjustment.

Item(s) against which no amount is entered by the Bidder shall be considered as zero
and shall be deemed to be covered by prices of other Items

Managing Dement
ILUJJ).F.C. Bangalore
• Page 163 of 490

Technical Proposal

Mangey Mean
KUICLEG, liengsiore.

Page 164 of 490

Design Methodology

The Bidder shall submit a design methodologyincorporating requirements of ESHS

Code of Conduct and which addresses as a minimum the following:

(a) organizational arrangements for the design including: team structure, roles and
responsibilities, interface arrangements, design review and approval procedures
and quality assurance arrangements;

(b) Proposed design deliverables for each component of infrastructure that is (i)
conceptual design; (ii) techno-economic comparison of solution options; (iii)
detailed engineering design for selection option; (iv) Drawings comprising of
general alignment, Process and Instrumentation, Single Line Electrical Drawings,
Good for Construction etc.

(c) design statement setting out how the Employers Requirements will be achieved;

(d) Any added value the Bidder will bring including examples of innovative aspects
of the design;

(e) comments on the Employer's Requirements, including:

status of the information available and relevant design issues for the
comments on any errors, defects or ambiguities noted in the
Employer's Requirements; and
details of any exceptions in the conceptual design taken to the
Employer's Requirements;

(f) Sustainable Services: sustainability aspects (e.g. energy efficiency, reduction of

water losses, optimizing performance of existing assets, new technologies,
sources of materials etc.) demonstrating the Bidder's approach and commitment
to sustainable design and construction practices;

(g) strategy for gathering baseline ESHS information in time to inform design

(h) details of how the ESHS requirements and any proposal to enhance ESHS
outcomes or avoid/minimize/mitigate the outcomes will be incorporated into all
design stages and how the implications for the construction phase has been
considered and included in the ESHS - MSIP

details of the approach to managing risks, stakeholder engagement, consultation

and environmental permits/consents;

(j) value engineering (value management) arrangements, including consideration of

ESHS issues; and

Note: The design methodology submission shall comprise no more than 20 sides of A4

11 0 (k)(ok
_Assx tor Page 165 Kehmong onrce
KU.LD F C, Bangeiore
Construction Management Strategy

The Bidder shall submit a construction management strategy incorporating

requirements of ESHS code of conduct and which addresses as a minimum:

organizational arrangements for the construction management including: team

structure, roles and responsibilities, interface arrangements, approval procedures
and quality assurance arrangements;
subcontractor selection and management;
proposals for training all personnel attending site;
stakeholder engagement;
obtaining and managing consents, permits and approvals;
site setup proposals including access, accommodation, welfare facilities,
arrangement for plant and material storage;
construction phasing proposals including sequence of work and management of
conflicting activities;
ensuring that all investigations including geotechnical investigations or other
advance works meet the ESHS requirements;
risk management approach for geotechnical and subsurface aspects of the Works;
quality management system including a draft of the quality management plan;
sustainability aspects demonstrating the Bidder's approach and commitment to
sustainable construction practices (e.g. energy efficiency, reduction of wastages,
material reduction and sources of materials etc.);
(I) preparation, approval and implementation of ESHS- MSIP incorporating how
construction related ESHS outcomes will be
grievance redress mechanisms;
reporting arrangements, including topics (that include ESHS) and timescales in
accordance with the Appendix 2 of Schedule 2 of SCC;
arrangements for testing upon completion of the works; QC inhouse & 3rd party
arrangements for site handover, including completion of as-built drawings,
preparation of operation and maintenance manuals, and any other relevant aspects;
insert any other relevant information as may be appropriate

,s? t, +4; ecc\Dc1r)
,t)C- •
Wringing On°112(
ce_A.,0• ICUID.F 81111012111.
Page 166 of 490

Method Statements for key construction activities

The Bidder shall provide typical method statements for the following key construction
activities. Each method statement shall describe the proposed approach to the
construction activity, the level of staffing and experience, the safe system of work, and
the construction equipment to be used while incorporating requirement of ESHS code
of conduct and ESHS — MSIP..

Procurement and storage of materials

Construction of Water Treatment Plant
Construction of Reservoirs
House Service connections
Setting out and installation of networks
Hydraulic testing
Active Leakage Control
Road restoration
Quality assurance
Commissioning of assets

[ 4 sides A4]

Managing Dreamt
K.UIDJF-Cs Baniaalas

Page 167 of 490

ESHS Management Strategies and Implementation Plans

[Refer Appendix I Schedule 2]

oro c4,
C - Mangey threctot
C° 001.
Page 168 of 490
Code of Conduct (ESNS)

[Refer Appendix 1 Schedule 2]

nia L
Managing Director
ICALD.F.G. Elenpiore

Page 169 of 490

Design Build Work Program

The Bidder shall set out a work program for design and construction of the Works to be
undertaken, including identification of major milestones and critical path. The
proposed work program shall be developed based on the Employer's Requirements
and incorporating requirements of ESHS code of conduct and ESHS- MSIP and shall
describe the:

design of the Works, including the submission of the design deliverables, review
and approval of the design by the Employer's Representative

processes and deliverables needed to commence the Works;

execution of the Works within the Time for Completion, highlighting activities
imposing constraints on the construction sequence;

testing, commissioning and handing over of the completed Works; and

insert any other relevant information, as may be appropriate.

Illianeging Onion
01/4 Page 170 of 490
Design Build Personnel Organization Chart

The Bidder shall provide an organization chart illustrating the proposed management
structure and reporting lines for delivery of the Design Build. The organization chart
shall include the names of all Key Staff.

) 666
Managing Director
KUID, C. Senortore

%OS'S\ 010,S. or 490

OLISJOG9W.VigiP, ?Sts3.1‘CE
Page 171
Operation Service Strategy and Proposals

The Bidder shall set out a detailed strategy and plan for the Operation Service
incorporating requirements of ESHS code of conduct and ESHS- MSIP and which shall
address the following:

Organization and Key Staff

Operation strategy
Preventative and reactive maintenance
Monitoring water/wastewater quality, pressure and flows
The operational systems to be developed, including details of any standards
to be adopted or followed for example with respect to managing
environmental, social and health and safety risks during operation
(0 Training of Operator's Personnel
Asset Management
Preparation of required documents and manuals
Quality assurance
Hand-back arrangements
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
(I) Reporting arrangements, including the appropriate topics (that include
ESHS) and timescales in accordance with the Appendix 1 of Schedule 2 of
Utility systems development
Strategy for taking over existing staff

Managing Oinainr
ow-a,-- ICUIDE-G„ Singignet
dir Page 172 of 490

Operator Organisation Chart

(2 L nictl
Mwiereig /*actor
KU.LD.F.C, Sangebre

Page 173 of 490

Operator's Equipment

Form EQU: Equipment

The Bidder shall provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that it has the capability
to meet the requirements for the key equipment listed in Section III, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria. A separate Form shall be prepared for each item of equipment listed, or
for alternative equipment proposed by the Bidder.Item of equipment

Equipment Name of manufacturer Model and power rating

Capacity Year of manufacture

Current Current location

Details of current commitments

Source Indicate source of the equipment

0 Owned 0 Rented • Leased • Specially

Omit the following information for equipment owned by the Bidder.

Owner Name of owner

Address of owner

Telephone Contact name and title

Fax Telex
Agreements Details of rental / lease / manufacture agreements specific to the project

--- ---- -------------------


Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on thee-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

t.t1S-3 (:2C„Adn
cs\ manse Ian
Wm. ICUIVAMplesort
Operator Key Staff

Operator's Representative and Key PersonnelSchedule

Form PER-1

Personnel Capabilities

Name of Bidder or participant of a joint venture

Bidders should provide the names and details of the suitably qualified Operator's
Representative and Key Staff to perform the Contract. The data on their experience
should be supplied using the Form 5(A) below for each candidate.

Operator' Representative and Key Staff *

Title of position: General Manager

Name of candidate:

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and Expiry Dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]

Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been

commitment: scheduled for this position]
for this

Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for high level Gantt chart]
this position:

Title of position: [Capital Works Manager]

Name of candidate:

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and Expiry Dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]

KU-WPC, Bangswore
age 175 of 490
Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been
commitment: scheduled for this position]
for this

Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for high level Gantt chart]
this position:

Title of position: [Operations Manager]

Name of candidate:

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and Expiry Dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]

Time [insert the number of dayslweek/months/ that has been

commitment: scheduled for this position]
for this

Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for high level Gantt chart]
this position:

Title of position: [DMALeakage Manager]

Name of candidate:

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and Expiry Dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]

Time [insert the number of dayslweek/months/ that has been

commitment: scheduled for this position]
for this

Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g attach
schedule for high level Gantt chart]
this position:

Title of position: [Finance Manager]

Name of candidate

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and Expiry Dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]

C\ CA raCt-tr)
' Mania;Oven
SS\0Z K.U.LD.FA filiteatons
0:11,-007 Page 176 of 490

,1/4.0) 3‘
c)- 03

Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been

commitment: scheduled for this position]
for this

Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for high level Gantt chart]
this position:

Title of position: [Customer Service Manager]

Name of candidate

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and Expiry Dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]

Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been

commitment: scheduled for this position]
for this

Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for high level Gantt chart]
this position:

Title of position: [Environmental Specialist, Health and Safety Specialist, Social


Name of candidate

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and Expiry Dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]

Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been

commitment: scheduled for this position]
for this

Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for high level Gantt chart]
this position:

Title of position: [insert title]

Name of candidate

Duration of [insert the whole period (start and Expiry Dates) for which this
appointment: position will be engaged]

6a1a (tip In
r 00\ OM
•rt‘s cOte" &motor
Time [insert the number of days/week/months/ that has been

commitment: scheduled for this position]

for this

Expected time [insert the expected time schedule for this position (e.g. attach
schedule for high level Gantt chart]
this position:

*As listed in BDS - ITB 16.2.5 in respect of Operator Key Staff (Section IV).

Note: This Form has to be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

Marvel OnS

Page 178 of 490

Name of the Bidder or Participant of a Joint Venture

Form Form PER-2

Resume and Declaration

Operator's Representative and Key Staff

Name of Bidder

Position pi]: [tide of position from Form PER-1]

Personnel Name: Date of birth:


i Address: E-mail:

Professional qualifications:

Academic qualifications:

Language proficiencyllanguage and levels of speaking, reading and writing



Address of employer: a



Telephone: Contact (manager! personnel


Job title: Years with present employer:

Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order. Indicate particular technical

and managerial experience relevant to the project.

Duration of
Project Role Relevant experience

[main [role and

[describe the experience relevant to this
project responsibilities on the [time in role]
details] project]


I, the undersigned [insert either "Operator's Representative" or "Key Staff" as

applicable], certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information
contained in this Form PER-2 correctly describes myself, my qualifications and my

I confirm that I am available as certified in the following table and throughout the
expected time schedule for this position as provided in the Bid:

Commitment Details

Commitment to duration of [insert period (start and Expity Dates) for which this
contract: Operator's Representative or Key Staff is available to
work on this contract]

Time commitment: [insert period (start and &pity Dates) for which this
Operator's Representative or Key Stcff are available
to work on this contract]

I understand that any misrepresentation or omission in this Form may:

e(C1/41Nk OP)
Pa e 180 of 490

KAMM. 8019.113re-
be taken into consideration during Bid evaluation;

result in my disqualification from participating in the Bid;

result in my dismissal from the contract.

Name of Operator's Representative or Key Staff: [insert name]


Date: (day month year):

Countersignature of authorized representative of the Bidder:


Date: (day month year):

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on thee-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

Managing Mot
Page 181 of 490
Risk Assessment

al* . Managing Direasor

5-te, -
KWDPA thingsdons.
r O
d3 \ kl \ Page 182 of 490
Ot* P9)-

Form-ELI -1.1: Bidder Information Form

Date: (insert day, month, year]

ICB No. and title: [insert ICB number and title]

Page (insert page number] of (insert total number]


1.1 Bidder Information

Bidder's legal name

In case of .1y, legal name of

each member

Bidder's country of

Bidder's year of constitution

Bidder's legal address in

country of constitution

Bidder's authorized

(name, address, telephone il

numbers, fax numbers, e-mail (,..,
address) _
cc rr

L4 nrol6t--)
4sum0n9 Oarector
Page 183 of
112/Ctiort • e#rb

KUSDFC Soneatore
Attached are copies of the following original documents.

In case of single entity, articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity

names above, in accordance with ITB 4.1 and 4.3.
Authorization to represent the firm or JV named in above, in accordance with ITB
In case of 1V, letter of intent to form JV or JV agreement: in accordance with ITB
4.1read with BDS
In case of government-owned entity, documents establishing legal and financial
authority and compliance with the principles of commercial law in accordance with
ITB 4.5 read with Sub-clause 2.1.4 of Qualification Criteria.
Included are the organizational chart, a list of Board of Directors, and the beneficial

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the
e-procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.


Managing Clisca
KLISDFA fliinjoiont
Pagc. 184 of 490
Form-ELI -1.2: JV Information Form
(Where permitted as per BDS ITB 4.1)

Each member of a iv must fill in this form

Date:[insert day, month, year]

ICB No. and title:[insert ICB number and title]

Page [insert page number] offinsert total number]


N Information

Bidder's legal name

JV Member's legal name

JV Member's country of

JV Member's year of

JV Member's legal address in

country of constitution
-sous 0

I, \

CC m
Zn r tT) 0

JV Member's authorized
representative information

(name, address, telephone

numbers, fax numbers, e-mail

Attached are copies of the following original documents.

Articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named above, in

accordance with ITB 4.1 read with BDS.
Authorization to represent the firm names above, in accordance with ITB 20.2.
In the case of government-owned entity, documents establishing legal and financial
autonomy and compliance with commercial law, in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause
4.5 read with Sub-Clause 2.1.4 of Qualification Criteria.
Included are the organizational chart, a list of Board of Directors, and the beneficial

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the
e-procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

Meneeing Lan
suaD,FA salesila
Page 186 of 490
Form ELI -1.2 A
Specialized Subcontractor'sI2 Information Form
(to be completed for each Specialized Subcontractor)

Date: [insert day, month, year]

ICB No. and title: [insert ICB number and
Page [insert page numberlof [insert total

Bidder's legal name:

Specialized Subcontractor's legal name:

Specialized Subcontractor's country of registration:

Specialized Subcontractor's year of constitution:

Specialized Subcontractor's legal address in country of constitution:

Specialized Subcontractor's authorized representative information

Telephone/Fax numbers:
E-mail address:
Attached are copies of original documents of
Articles of Incorporation (or equivalent documents of constitution or association), and/or
registration documents of the legal entity named above, in accordance with ITB 4.4.

Authorization to represent the Specialized Subcontractor.

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

12 Reference ITB 33.2, Bidder shall fumish information for each subcontractor an

tcc t#
( 7( raCgL

‘55‘r7.1:5" Not
Page 187 Mignac011110
K U.LarCs StIrlOttS.



(Lead Member)


Name of the Banker(s)


Construction Equipment

Key Personnel

) \

\ WNW-)
Page 18 490

mantung Uuector
ILUADIA Bangelarek
Execution of Work and O&M
(Give details on proposed
contribution of each)

The Joint Venture should indicate the details of participation as above.

Note: This Form has to be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals-Techno-Commercial Bid.

L 1-10(0(0
Amozt Bengthc"
Page 189 of 490
A Form ELI-1.3
Structure and Organization

1. The Bidder is

an individual

a proprietary firm

a firm in partnership

a Limited Company or Corporation

a group of firms/joint venture

(If yes, give completion information

in respect of each partner)

2. Attach the organization Chart showing the

structure of the Organization, including the

names of the directors and position of officers.

3. Number of years of experience

[a] as a Prime Contractor (Contractor

shouldering major responsibility)

[I] in own country

[ii] in other countries (specify countries)

[b] as a Management Contractor

DI in own country

gtt‘ 2L k1

Managing DitiCtif
K.U.LD.F.C, banosort
Page 190 of 490
in other countries (specify countries)

in a Joint Venture

in own country

[ii] in other countries (specify countries)

as sub-contractor (specify main contractor)

in own country

[ii] in other countries (specify countries)

4. Name and address of any associates the bidder

has in India (in case the bidder happens to be

from foreign country) who are knowledgeable in

the procedure of customs, immigration, taxes and

other information necessary to do the work.

5. For how many years has your organization been in

business of similar work under its present name?

What were your fields when your organization was

established? Whether any new fields were added in

your organization? And if so, when?

6. Were you ever required to suspend construction


_ Likru(cit,
omenegereg Oteaor
Page 191
KALLDEA Baneolus
for a period of more than six months continuously

after your started? If so, give the name of project

and give reasons therefor.

Have you ever left the work awarded to you

incomplete? (If so, give name of project and

reasons for not completing work.)

In which fields of civil engineering construction

do your claim specialization and interest?

Give details of your experience in mechanized

cement concrete lining and in modern concrete

technology for manufacture and quality control.e

Give details of your experience in using heavy

earthmoving equipment and quality control in

compaction of soils. e

Give details of your soil and material testing

laboratory, if any. e

Give details of your experience in Operation and

Maintenance of drinking water treatment plant
distribution system, service reservoirs for )oot e

Give details of your experience in

commissioning pipe line networks with Mild
Steel or Ductile Iron, or High-Density Poly-
Ethylene pipes of not less than xxxx outer dia
(OD). e

Give.glifails of your experience in construction of

M ura onca"
vanwpt,. Banisols
Water Treatment Plant of at least xxxx MLD@

Give details of your experience in monitoring Air,

Water and Noise Quality Monitoring @

Give details of your experience in trenchless

technology for installation of main pipes'

Employer to modify these as appropriate for the works and services for
which qualification of the Bidders are to be checked. This should be furnished by
bidder as well as each member of M.

(20 ct '-

wars 0"c°'

Page 193 of 490

Exp 1: General Design, Build, Operation and Management
Experience InformationEach member of a JV must fill in this form

Date:[insert day, month, year]

ICB No. and title:[insert103 number and title]

Page [insert page number] offinsert total number]


Name of Bidder or participant of a joint venture

All individual firms and all participants of a joint venture are requested to
complete the information in this form with regard to their experience in
Designing, improving/building, operating, managing and maintaining Bulk and
Distribution Systems

Description of Contract/ Bulk and

Distribution System along with its Capacity
and appurtenant structures

Name of Joint Venture Participant

Name of City
Population served
Contract Role (joint venture participant, sub-
contractor, sub consultant, lead, etc.) and
percentage share in the total contract

Nature, role and extent of participation (describe fully)

Date of contract commencement

Date ockflaract termination

Page 194 of 4900wedar

KusaFA Boson

Contract value (INRor US$ equivalent)

Individual for reference

Fax for reference

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on thee-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

ek et vt)(cot--
Meragtrea Oils°
ICUIDP G. filengaiore

Page 195 of 490

Form CON — 2
Historical Contract Non-Performance

[The following table shall be filled in for the Bidder and for each partner of a Joint

Bidder's Legal Name: [insert full name]

Date: [insert day, month, year]
Joint Venture Party Legal Name: [insert full name]
ICB No. and title: [insert ICB number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Non-Performing Contracts in accordance with Section III, Evaluation Criteria


Contract non-performance did not occur during the [number] years specified in
Section III, Evaluation Criteria and Qualifications, Sub-Factor2.1.
Contract(s) not performed during the [number] years specified in Section III, Evaluation
Criteria and Qualifications requirement 2.1.

Year Non Contract Identification Total Contract

performed Amount
portion of (current value,
contract currency,
exchange rate
and INR or

[insert [insert Contract Identification: [indicate complete [insert

year] amount and contract name/number, and any other amount]
percentage] identification]
Name of Employer: [insert full name]
Address of Employer: [insert
Reason(s) for non-performance: [indicate
main reason(s)]

Pending Litigation, in accordance with Section III, Evaluation Criteria and Qualifications.

No pending litigation in accordance with Section III, Evaluation Criteria and

Qualifications, Sub-Factor2.3.
PeRdi igation n
i accordance with Section III, Evaluation Criteria and it-coUB/td
alifiat1ons,Sub-Factor2.3 as'indicated below.

Page 196 f 490

Manson Director
Year of Amount in Contract Identification Total
dispute dispute Contract
(currency) Amount
INR or US$

[insert [insert Contract Identification: [indicate complete [insert

year] amount) contract name, number, and any other amount)

Name of Employer: (insert full name)

Address of Employer: [insert
Matter in dispute: [indicate main issues in
Party who initiated the dispute: [indicate
"Employer" or "Contractor")
Status of dispute: [Indicate if it is being
treated by the Adjudicator, under
Arbitration or being dealt with by the

[insert [insert Contract Identification: [indicate complete [insert

year] amount) contract name, number, and any other amount]

Name of Employer: [insert full name)

Address of Employer: [insert
Matter in dispute: (indicate main issues in
Party who initiated the dispute: (indicate
"Employer" or "Contractor")
Status of dispute:[lndicate if it is being
treated by the Adjudicator, under
Arbitration or being dealt with by the
Litigation History in accordance with Section III, Evaluation Criteria and Qualifications.

No Litigation History in accordance with Section III, Evaluation Criteria and

Qualifications, Sub-Factor2.4.

ID Litigation Historyin accocclance

A with Section III, Evaluation Criteria and in

("\ Page 197 of 90
el4 CD(Cd-
ccrce Managing Oisosor
\e` KU.LIDY C, Bengesore.
Qualifications, Sub-Factor2.4 as indicated below.

Year of Outcome as Contract Identification Total

award percentage of Net Contract
Worth Amount

INR or US$


[insert year] [insert percentage] Contract Identification: [insert

[indicate complete contract amount]
name, number, and any other

Name of Employer: [insert full


Address of Employer: [insert


Matter in dispute: [indicate

main issues in dispute]

Party who initiated the

dispute: [indicate "Employer"
or "Contractor"]

Reason(s) for Litigation and

award decision [indicate main

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on thee-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals-Techno-Commercial Bid.

Cvk co \ a))
Manerg Onc"
Page 198 or 490
02,2 St

FormCON -3
Environmental, Social, Health, and Safety
Performance Declaration
[The following table shall be filled in for the Bidder, each member of a Joint Venture and
each Specialized Subcontractor/ and each nominated Subcontractor and Subconsultant]

Bidder's Name: [insert full name]

Date: [insert day, month, year]
Joint Venture Member's or Specialized Subcontractor's Name: [insertfull name]
IFB No. and title: [insert IFB number and title]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Environmental, Social, Health, and Safety Performance Declaration

in accordance with Section 3, Qualification Criteria, and Requirements

No suspension or termination of contract: An employer has not suspended or

terminated a contract and/or called the performance security for a contract for
reasons related to Environmental, Social, Health, or Safety (ESHS) performance since
the date spedfied in Section III, Qualification Criteria, and Requirements, Sub-Factor

Declaration of suspension or termination of contract: The following contract(s)

has/have been suspended or terminated and/or Performance Security called by an
employer(s) for reasons related to Environmental, Social, Health, or Safety (ESHS)
performance since the date specified in Section III, Quarrfiartion Criteria, and
Requirements, Sub-Factor 2.5. Details are described below:

Year Suspended Contract Identification Total Contract

or Amount
terminated (current value,
portion of currency,
contract exchange rate
and INR or US$

[insert [insert Contract Identification: [indicate complete [insert

year] amount and contract name/ number, and any other amount]
percentage] identification]

Name of Employer: [insert full name]

Address of Employer: [insert


Reason(s) for suspension or termination:

Terse, 0
‘ 3 4 Page 199 of 490 (
0-901- tTh

coGe Marrone Osier

tstr K.U.LaRG. egnielont
[indicate main reason(s)e g. for GBV/ SEA

[insert [insert amount Contract Identification: [indicate complete [insert amount]

year] and contract name/ number, and any other
percentage] identification]

Name of Employer: [insert full name]

Address of Employer: [insert street/city/country]

Reason(s) for suspension or termination:

[indicate main reason(s)]

... [list all applicable contracts] ..

Performance Security called by an employer(s) for reasons related to ESHS performance

Year Contract Identification Total Contract

(current value,
exchange rate
and INR orUS$

[insert Contract Identification: [indicate complete contract name/ [insert amount]

year] number, and any other identbrication]

Name of Employer: [insert full name]

Address of Employer: [insert street/city/country]

Reason(s) for calling of performance security: [indicate main

reason(s)e.g. for GBV/ SEA breaches]

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on thee-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.


Page 200 of 490

Form FIN —3.1:
Financial Situation and Performance
[To be completed by the Bidder and by each member of a Joint Venture]

Bidder's Legal Name:

JV Member's Legal Name
IFB No. and title:
Page of pages

1. Financial data

Type of Financial information in Historic information for previous years,

(currency) (amount in currency, currency, exchange rate*, millions or

US$ equivalednt)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5

Statement of Financial Position (Information from Balance Sheet)

Total Assets (TA)

Total Liabilities au

Total Equity/Net Worth (NW)

Current Assets (CA)

Current Liabilities (CL)

Working Capital (WC)

Information from Income Statement

Total Revenue (TR)

Profits Before Taxes (PBT)

Cash Flow Information 111k,

Cash Flow from Operating .i.0,..

Activities 4/
nc9 .4-1 -1

Page 201 of 490

This information should be extracted from the Annual Financial Statements/ Balance sheets, which
should be enclosed. Year lwill be the latest year for which audited financial statements are available.
Year 2 shall be the yearimmediately preceding year 1, and year 3 shall be the year immediately
preceding Year 2.

*Refer to ITB 15 for the exchange rate

2. Sources of Finance

Specify sources of finance to meet the cash flow requirements on works currently
in progress and for future contract commitments.

Source of finance Amount (Rs. in millions or US$


2. Financial documents

The Bidder and its parties shall provide copies of financial statements for years
pursuant Section III, Evaluation and Qualifications Criteria, Sub-factor 3.1. The financial
statements shall:

reflect the financial situation of the Bidder or in case of JV member, and

not an affiliated entity (such as parent company or group member).

be independently audited or certified in accordance with local legislation.

In case of Indian bidders, the financial statements shall be audited by a
certified chartered accountant.

be complete, including all notes to the financial statements.

correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited.

0 Attached are copies of financial statements13(balance sheets, induding all related notes,
and income statements) for the years required above; and complying
with the requirements.

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on thee-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

13 If the most recent set of financial statements is for a period earlier than 12 months from the
date of Bid, the reason for this should be justified.

\ a Cb kok
Page 202 of 490

Form FIN —3.2:

Average Annual Construction Turnover
[To be completed by the Bidder and by each member of a Joint Venture]

Bidder's Legal Name:

JV Member's Legal Name
IFB No. and title:
Page of pages

Annual turnover data (construction only)

Year Amount Exchange rate millionsor US$

. Currency equivalent

(indicate year] [insert amount and

indicate currency]


* See Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Sub-Factor 3.2.Annual

construction turnover calculated as total certified payments received for work in
progress or completed, for 5 years. This should be certified by a Chartered
Accountantin case of Indian bidders, and in accordance with local legislation for
other bidders.

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.


Win" (MPS

Page 203 of 490

Form JV Member Annual Turnover
Joint Venture Summary
Names of all participants of a joint venture
Lead Participant



Annual turnover data (in the area of infrastructure development and engineering

Form (2A)
Participant page no. [Year] [Year] [Year] [Year] [Year]




Bidders shall append to Form 2B:

A document confirming the percentage shareholding of each joint venture

participant in the company to be established including the financial stake of each
partner in the JV partnership; and

A description of the role and responsibility of each joint venture participant.

(Bidders shall make the precise role of each joint venture participant clear in this

Bidders are reminded to submit the appropriate powers of attorney as required by ITB
20.2. The Joint Venture Bidders may also note the requirements mentioned in ITB 4.1
for compliance while submitting the Bid.

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Technical Prposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

nte- iStht
tor Lexcuka

cotisSA :' Mane.. ons

IlUALDIA goviss.
0No#'‘ Page 204 of 490
FIN —3.3:

Financial Resources

Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real

assets, lines of credit, and other financial means, net of current commitments,
available to meet the total construction cash flow demands of the subject contract or
contracts as specified in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

Financial Resources
Source of financing Amount ( millions or US$

[Bidders from India shall provide evidence of access to or availability of

cash flow in the following format]

[To be given from a Nationalized or Scheduled Bank in India.)

Clause 3.100 of Section III — Qualification Criteria


This is to certify that M/s. is a reputed company

with a good financial standing.

If the contract for the works, namely [funded

by the World Bank] is awarded to the above firm, we shall be able to provide
overdraft/credit facilities to the extent of Rs. to meet their capital
requirements for executing the above contract.

Name of Bank Manager

Senior Bank Manager &La,

Address of the Bank ' Manure Ovearnor
Page 205 of 490
* Change the text as follows for Joint venture:

This is to certify that M/s. who has formed a 11/ with M/s.
and M/s. for participating in this bid, is
areputed company with a good financial standing.

If the contract for the work, namely [funded

by the World Bank] is awarded to the above Joint Venture, we shall be able to
provide overdraft/credit facilities to the extent of Rs. to meet the working
capital requirements for executing the above contract

[This should be given by the .11.1 members in proportion to their financial


Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on thee-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

r. -kyr'? mauve °mecum

c04* KALLDIA eangsa
Page 206 of 490
Form FIN —3.4:

Current Contract Commitments /Works in Progress

Bidders and each member to a N should provide information on their current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which
a letter of intent or acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full completion
certificate has yet to be issued.

Existing commitments and on-going works:

Description of Place & State Contract No. Name and Value of Stipulated Value of works' Anticipated Average Monthly
Work & Date Address of Contract (Rs. period of remaining to be completed date of Invoicing Over Last Six
Employer in million or completion (Rs. in million or US$ completion Months
US$ equivalent) (Rs./month) in
equivalent) millionsor US$

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Works for which bids already submitted:

Attach certificate(s) from the Engineer(s)-in-Charge.

IliatifogIng Direceor
ctIVSS.‘014.1-:,51 Ktal/F-C, florv sore
Description of Place & State Name and Address Estimated value of Stipulated period of Date when decision Remarks, if any
Work of Employer Works (Rs. completion is expected
equivalent in

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

Ch el id it fk

(AC: 03.0
Manarg Director
CO' 0 KUIDY G, Bangsiote
cLP Page 208 of 490
Design, Development, Improvement/Construction, Testing
& Commissioning of Bulk and Distribution System
Name of Bidder or participant of a joint venture

Description of Contract/ Bulk and Distribution


Name of Joint Venture Participant Responsible

Name of City


Capacity of Bulk and Distribution System

Population served

Contract Role (joint venture participant, sub-

contractor, sub consultant, lead, etc.) and
percentage share in the total contract

Nature, role and extent of participation (describe fully)

Date of contract commencement

Date of contract termination

Contract value in INR or equivalent US$

Individual for reference

Address, Telephone,
Fax for reference

Provide a complete description of the services provided under this contract

demonstrating that the definition of a Bulk and Distribution Systemin Section III
Evaluation and Qualification Criteria has been met.

Note: This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.


KULDIF-C, Bangaiore
Form Exp 3:

Successful experience in Operating and Maintaining Bulk

and Distribution System

Name of Bidder or participant of a joint venture

Description of Contract/Bulk and Distribution


Name of Joint Venture Participant Responsible

Name of City/Urban area


Capacity of Bulk and Distribution System

Number of years operated (with period)

Population served

Contract Role (joint venture participant, sub-

contractor, sub consultant, lead, etc.) and
percentage share in the total contract

Nature, role and extent of participation (describe fully)

Date of contract commencement

Date of contract termination

Contract value in INR or equivalent US$

Individual for reference

Fax for reference

Provide a complete description of the services provided under this contract

demonstrating that the definition of a Bulk and Distribution System in Section III Evaluation
and Qualification Criteria has been met.

Note: This Form has to be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal,i41 the Technical Proposals-Techno-Commercial Bid.

WieNOM Din


Item Element of Name and Qualification and

Work address of experience of sub-contractor
sub- or sub-consultant on similar
contractor or works of the elements
sub-consultant executed

The capability of the subcontractor and sub-consultant will also be assessed (on
the same lines as for the main Contractor).

'Reference ITB 33.2, Bidder shall furnish information for each subcontractor and sub-consul

Page 211 of 490
Ilitanagine Caen
KUi&FC, Banalgore
Form for Clarification Questions
(e-portal also can be used for clarifications)
Bidder's Name:

Bidder's Address: Date Submitted:

Item No. Section Reference Page No. Section or Question / Query /
Article No. Clarification /

Managing Owen&
Page 212 of 490
Form of Power of Attorney for Joint Venture

(OnNon-judicial Stamp Paper of Appropriate value, if required as per laws of

the country of the bidder, to be purchased in the Name of JointVenture)

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, the Partners whose details are given
hereunder have formed a Joint
Venture under the lawsof (*)/ intend to form a
Joint Venture (*) [(*) delete whichever is not applicable] and having Our
Registered Office(s)/HeadOffice(s) at (hereinafter called
the'loint Venture'which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or
meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators and
assigns)acting through M/s being the
Partner in-chargedo hereby constitute, nominate and appoint
M/s a Company incorporated under the laws
of and having its Registered/Head Office
at as our duly constituted lawful Attorney (hereinafter
called"Attorney"or"AuthorizedRepresentative"orPartner In-charge") to exercise all
or any of the powers for and on behalf of the JointVenture in regard to work for
the bids for which have been invited
by (hereinafter called the 'Employer') to
undertake thefollowing acts:

To sign and submit Bid and participate in the aforesaid Bid Specification of
the Employer on behalf of the"JointVenture".

To negotiate with the Employer the terms and conditions for award of the
Contract pursuant to the aforesaid Bid and to sign the Contract with the
Employer for and on behalf of the"JointVenture".

To do any other act or submit any document related to the above.

To receive, accept and execute the Contract for and on behalf of the"Joint

For the above purpose, the person(s) authorized by the Partnerin-charge shall be
the person(s) authorized to act on behalf of the"JointVenture"as

0100,C.,4;0:1;i13,11 Page 213 of 490

C.00 Managing Dinaolor

030 KUSCA.F.G.
ofAttorney given to him/her/them by the Partner In-Charge,

It is dearly understood that all the partners of the joint venture shall be liable
jointly and severally for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the
Contract terms and thePartner In-charge (LeadPartner) shall ensure performance of
the Contract(s) and if one or more Partner fail to perform their respective portions
of the Contract(s), the same shall be deemed to be a default by all the Partners.

It is expressly understood that this Power of Attorney shall remain valid binding and
irrevocable till completion of the Design-Build as well as the Sustaining Period
interms of the Contract.

The Joint Venture hereby agrees and undertakes to ratify and confirm all the
whatsoever the said Attorney/AuthorizedRepresentatives/Partner in-charge quotes
in the bid, negotiates and signs the Contract with the Employer and/or proposes to
act on behalf of the JointVenture by virtue of this PowerofAttorney and the same
shall bind the JointVenture as if done by itself.

IN WITNESS THERE OF the Partners Constituting the Joint Venture as aforesaid have
executed these presents on this day of under the Common
Seal(s) of their Companies.

For and on behalf of the

Partners of Joint Venture

The Common Seal of the above Partners of the JointVenture:

The Common Seal has been affixed there unto in the presence of: WITNESS

1. Signature



OC. -

2LD. (t7°)
(5)%tTl. poem(
t l,"serve‘oce
00# Lc
2. Signature




Notes: (i) This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed
in accordance with the required procedure.

Wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the
charter documents and documents such as a board or shareholder's resolution/ power
of attorney in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation
of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.

For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have
to be legalised by the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where the Power
of Attorney is being issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Bidders from
countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention 1961 are not required to
be legalised by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Appostille certificate.

C 7(r)orukti-N

Manacling °nen
KUID,F G, Bangaiore
Page 215 of 490

(On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of AppropriateValue, if required as per laws of the

country of the bidder, to be purchased in the Name ofJointVenture)

THIS JOINT DEED OF UNDERTAKING executed on this dayof Two Thousand

and by a company incorporated under the laws of and
having its Registered Office at (hereinaftercalled the"PartyNo.l.which
expression shall include its successors, executors and permitted assigns) and M/s
a company incorporated under the lawsof and having its
Registered Office at (hereinafter called the "PartyNo.2"which expression shall
include its successors, executors and permitted assigns) andM/s
a Company incorporated under the laws of and
having its Registered Office at (hereinafter called the"PartyNo.3"which
expression shall include its successors, executors and permitted assigns) for the purpose
of making a bid and entering into a contract [hereinafter called the"Contract" (in case of
award) against Design, build; operate, maintain and transfer water supply system in
Kalaburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to
continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply. with (hereinafter called
the "Employer").

WHERE AS the PartyNo.1, PartyNo.2 and PartyNo.3 have entered into an Agreement

AND WHERE AS the Employer invited bids as per the above mentioned Specification to

AND WHEREAS ITB 4.1 and Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
forming part of the bidding documents, inter-alia, stipulate that an undertaking of two or
more qualified partners, meeting the requirements of 'Qualification Criteria of the
Bidder', as applicable may bid, provided, the Joint Venture fulfils all other requirements as
specified,and in such a case, the Letter of Bid (BidForm) shall be signed by the Partner-
In-Charge so as to legally bind all the Partners of the Joint Venture, who will be jointly
and severally liable to perform the Contract and all obligations hereunder.

The above Section further states that this Undertaking shall be attached to the bid and
the Contract performance guarantee will be as per the format enclosed with the
bidding document without any restrictions or liability for either party.

AND WHEREAS the bid is being submitted to the Employer vide Bid No dated by
Party Nol
l based on this Undertaking between all the parties; under these presents and
Atte A04 accordance with the requirements of ITB 4.1and Section ion and
+b. 0
Page 216 of 490
Mantong °erector
IWSAFA Beingeho(e 1%Jc/ion in\

Qualification Criteria, has been signed by all the parties.


In consideration of the above premises and agreements all the parties of this Deed of
Undertaking do hereby declare and undertake:

In requirement of the award of the Contract by the Employer to the Joint Venture
Partners, we, the Parties do hereby undertake that M/s the Party No.1, shall
act as Lead Partner and further declare and confirm that we the parties to the Joint
Venture shall jointly and severally be bound unto the Employer for the successful
performance of the Contract and shall be fully responsible to Design, build, operate,
maintain and transfer water supply system in Kalburgi city of Karnataka State, India
for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water
supply in accordance with the Contract.
In case of any breach or default of the said Contract by any of the parties to the Joint
Venture, the parties do hereby undertake to be fully responsible for the successful
performance of the Contract and to carry out all the obligations and responsibilities
under the Contract in accordance with the requirements of the Contract.
Further, if the Employer suffers any loss or damage on account of any breach in the
Contract or any shortfall in the performance of the equipment in meeting the
performances guaranteed as per the specification in terms of the Contract, the
Party(s) of these presents undertake to promptly make good such loss or
damages caused to the Employer, on its demand without any demur. It shall not be
necessary or obligatory for the Employer to proceed against Lead Partner to these
presents before proceeding against or dealing with the other Party(s), the Employer
can proceed against any of the parties who shall be jointly and severally liable
for the performance and all other liabilities/obligations under the Contract to the
The financial liability of the Parties of this Deed of Undertaking to the Employer, with
respect to any of the claims arising out of the performance or non-performance
of the obligations set forth in this Deed of Undertaking, read in conjunction with the
relevant conditions of the Contract shall, however not be limited in any way so as to
restrict or limit the liabilities or obligations of any of the Parties of this Deed of
It is expressly understood and agreed between the Parties to this Undertaking that the
responsibilities and obligations of each of the Parties shall be as delineated in
Appendix - I (to be suitably appended by the Parties along with this undertaking in its
bid). It is further undertaken by the parties that the above sharing of responsibilities
and obligations shall not in any way be a limitation of joint and several responsibilities
of the Parties under the Contract.
It is also understood that this Undertaking is provided for the purposes of
undertaking joint and several liabilities of the partners to the Joint Venture for
submission of the bid and performance of the Contract if awarded and that this
Undertaking shall not be deemed to give rise to any additi liabilities or
obligations, in any manner or any law, on any of the Parties to this Unde

ekk o'CLAak
Page 217 of 490

WhiriagIng Director
WADY. C, Bangalore 4•6 z
the Joint Venture, other than the express provisions of the Contract.
This Undertaking shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the
provisions of the Contract.
In case of an award of a Contract, we the parties to this Deed of Undertaking do
hereby agree that we shall be jointly and severally responsible for furnishing a
Contract Performance Security from a bank in favour of the Employer in the
currency/currencies of the Contract.
It is further agreed that this Deed of Undertaking shall be irrevocable and shall form
an integral part of the bid and shall continue to be enforceable till the Employer
discharges the same or upon the completion of the Contract in accordance with its
provisions, whichever is earlier. It shall be effective from the date first mentioned
above for all purposes and intents.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF, the Parties to this Deed of Undertaking have through their
authorized representatives executed these presents and affixed Common Seals of their
companies, on the day, month and year first mentioned above.

Common Seal of has For Lead Partner (PartyNo.-1) For and on

been affixed in my/ our presence behalf ofM/s
pursuant to Board of Director's
Resolution dated



Signature Signature of the authorized


For Party No.-2

For and/on behalf of



I........ ............................


/ kaaAdn
Monopole Dreamt
)(USD erigaiore
Page 218 of 490
Common Seal of has For Party No.-2 For and on behalf of M/s
been affixed in my/ our presence
pursuant to Board of Director's
Resolution dated



Signature Signature of the authorized



Common Seal of has For Party No.-3 For and on behalf of M/s
been affixed in my/ our presence
pursuant to Board of Director's
Resolution dated



Signature Signature of the authorized



Notes: (i) This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals-Techno-Commercial Bid.

(ii) The mode of the execution of the Joint Bidding Agreement should be in accordance
with the Procedure, if any, laid down by the Applicable Law and the charter documents
of the executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be un..- ommon seal
affixed in accordance with the required procedure.

Page 21todifle2_m. Directly

Each Joint Bidding Agreement should attach a copy of the extract of the charter
documents and documents such as resolution / power of attorney in favour of the
person executing this Agreement for the delegation of power and authority to execute
this Agreement on behalf of the Joint Venture Member.

For a Joint Bidding Agreement executed and issued overseas, the document shall
be legalised by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power
of Attorney has been executed.

All members constituting the Joint Venture shall be parties to this Agreement.

MangenG Ovean

Pace 220 01490




THIS LETTER OF INTENT signed on this day of Two Thousand and

by a company incorporated under the laws of and
having its Registered Office at (hereinafter called the "Party No.1" which
expression shall include its successors, executors and permitted assigns) and M/s a
company incorporated under the laws of and having its Registered Office at
(hereinafter called the "Party No.2" which expression shall include its successors,
executors and permitted assigns) and M/s.. . a Company
incorporated under the laws of and having its Registered Office at
(hereinafter called the "Party No.3" which expression shall include its successors,
executors and permitted assigns) for the purpose of making a bid and entering into a
contract (hereinafter called the "Contract" (in case of award) against Design, build,
operate,maintain and transfer water supply system in Kalaburgi city of Karnataka State,
India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water
supplyassociated with (hereinafter called the "Employer").

WHEREAS the Party No.1, Party No.2 and Party No.3 intend to enter into a Joint Venture

AND WHEREAS the Employer invited bids as per the above mentioned Specification to
design and build water supply bulk and distribution Systems and all Appurtenant Structures
and Allied Works, and 0 & M of Complete Works stipulated in the bidding documents.

AND WHEREAS ITB 4.1 and Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteriaforming part of
the bidding documents, inter-alia, stipulate that two or more qualified partners, meeting
the requirements of 'Qualification Requirement of the Bidder', as applicable may bid,
provided, they submit a Letter of Intent to enter into Joint Venture Agreement and the
Joint Venture Partners fulfill all other specified requirements and in such a case, the Letter
of Bid (Bid Form) shall be signed by the Partner — In-Charge so as to legally bind all the
Partners of the Joint Venture, who will be jointly and severally liable to perform the
Contract by entering into Joint Venture Agreement as per proforma submitted with the Bid
in accordance with ITB 4.1 which will be legally binding on all partners and all obligations

The above clause further states that this Letter of Intent shall be attached to the bid and
the Contract performance guarantee will be as per the format enclosed with the bidding
document without any restrictions or liability for either party.

AND WHEREAS the bid is being submitted to the Employer vide Bid No dated by
Party No.1 based on this letter of Intent between all the parties; under these nts and
the bid has been signed by all the parties.
\ actik ak

Page nilatagIng Dimon


In consideration of the above premises and agreements all the parties of this letter of
Intent do hereby declare and undertake:

In requirement of the award of the Contract by the Employer to the Joint

Venture Partners, we, the Parties do hereby undertake that M/s the
PartyNo.1, shall act as lead Partner and further declare and confirm that we the
parties to the JointVenture shall jointly and severally be bound unto the Employer
for the successful performance of the Contract and shall be fully responsible for
the Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer water supply system in Kalaburgi
city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to
continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply. Accordance with the Contract for
which we shall enter into Joint Venture Agreement as per proforma submitted
with the Bid which will be legally binding on all partners:
If the Contract is awarded to Joint Venture then in case of any breach or default
of the said Contract by any of the parties to the Joint Venture, the party(s) will be
fully responsible for the successful performance of the Contract and to carry out
all the obligations and responsibilities under the Contract in accordance with the
requirements of the Contract.
Further, if the Employer suffers any loss or damage on account of any breach in
the Contract or any shortfall in the performance of the equipment in meeting the
performances guaranteed as per the specification interms of the Contract, the
Party(s) of these presents will promptly make good such loss or damages caused
to the Employer, on its demand without any demur. It shall not be necessary or
obligatory for the Employer to proceed against lead Partner to these presents
before proceeding against or dealing with the other Party(s), the Employer can
proceed against any of the parties who shall be jointly and severally liable for the
performance and all other liabilities/obligations under the Contract to the
The financial liability of the Parties of the Deed of Undertaking to the Employer
in the event of award of Contract on the Joint Venture, with respect to any of the
claims a rising out of the performance or non-performance of the obligations set
forth in the Deed of Undertaking, read in conjunction with the relevant
conditions of the Contract shall, however not be limited in anyway so as to
restrict or limit the liabilities or obligations of any of the Parties of the Deed of
It is expressly understood and agreed between the Parties to this Letter of Intent
that the responsibilities and obligations of each of the Parties shall be as
delineated in Appendix-I (to be suitably appended by the Parties along with this
Letter of Intent in its bid). It is further undertaken by the parties that the above
sharing of responsibilities and obligations shall not in any way be a limitation of
joint and several responsibilities of the Parties under the Contract in the event of
avkaarrd on Joint Venture.
It is also understood that this Letter of Intent is provided for the purposes of
undertaking joint and several liabilities of the partners to the Joint
Page 22 of 90
Managing UtrectS
1-‘) SIAM Seneitelat
submission of the bid and performance of the Contract if awarded and that this
Letter of Intent shall not be deemed to give rise to any additional liabilities or
obligations, in any manner or any law, on any of the Parties to this Letter of
Intent or on the Joint Venture, other than the express provisions of the Contract.
This Letter of Intent shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with
the provisions of the Contract.
In case of an award of a Contract, we the parties to this Letter of Intent do
hereby agree that we shall enter into Joint Venture Agreement as per
proforma submitted with the Bid which will be legally binding on all partners
and we shall be jointly and severally responsible for furnishing a Contract
performance security from a bank in favor of the Employer in the
currency/currencies of the Contract.
It is further agreed that this Letter of Intent shall be irrevocable and shall form an
integral part of the bid. It shall be effective from the date first mentioned above
for all purposes and intents.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF, the Parties to this Letter of Intent have through their authorized
representatives executed these presents and affixed Common Seals of their companies,
on the day, month and year first mentioned above.

Common Seal of has For LeadPartner (Party No.-1) For and on

been affixed in my/ our presence behalf of M/s
pursuant to Board of Director's
Resolution dated



Signature Signature of the authorized




Common Seal of has For Party No.-2 For and on behalf of M/s
been affixed in my/ our presence
pursuant to Board of Director's
Resolution dated


\ a‘

Mansging L)lecacif
of Cs,ea" scirs
Page 223 of 490

Signature Signature of the authorized




Common Seal of has For Party No.-3 For and on behalf of M/s
been affixed in my/ our presence
pursuant to Board of Director's
Resolution dated



Signature Signature of the authorized




Note: (i) This Form must be duly completed and signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals-Techno-Commercial Bid.

The mode of the execution of the Joint Bidding Agreement should be in accordance
with the Procedure, if any, laid down by the Applicable Law and the charter documents
of the executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal
affixed in accordance with the required procedure.

Each Joint Bidding Agreement should attach a copy of the extract of the charter
documents and documents such as resolution / power of attorney in favour of the
person executing this Agreement for the delegation of power and authority to execute
this Agreement on behalf of the Joint Venture Member.

(iv) For a Joint Bidding Agreement executed and issued overseas, the document shall
be legalised In the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power
ofAttorpifyiiac s been executed.
\ov.i- .:Y: '
00 00
00-11 members constituting the Joint Venture shall be parties to this Agreemen

\so Page 22‘14790 'fbk
Manaspng Oirsciot
KUIDIA Sanniott

Son/daughter of residing
at (Addresss) Authorized
Signatory/Proprietor /Partner/ Director of M/s situated at
(Address) hereby
solemnly declare as under:

That I have submitted my Bid forDesign, build,operate,maintain and transferwater supply

system in Kalaburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable
upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply.

in response to
Invitation to Bid No. issued by
on the e-
procurement portal https://eproc.karnataka.govin.

That I have uploaded the scanned copies/copies of the following documents as

required by the Bid document and in support of my meeting the stipulated
eligibility and qualification requirements as stipulated in the Bid document:

That the information furnished by me in the format are correct to the best of my
knowledge and the documents/ certificates uploaded are true to the originals;

That I am in possession of the original documents and ready to produce the

original documents and the original documents in support of the qualification
information furnished for verification by the Employer o authorized

(-DI G 1-5
Page 225 of 490
managing Daman
Ku LOP SelPin
representative within 5 days of receiving the request from the Employer or his
authorized representative;

That I have not made misleading or false representation in the Forms, Statements
and Attachments submitted/uploaded in proof of qualification requirements;

That I do not have record of poor performance such as abandoning the works, not
properly completing the contracts, inordinate delays in completion in completion,
litigation history or financial failures etc,;

That I have not participated in the previous bids for the same work and could not
furnish rational justification for the prices quoted by me when requested by the

I am aware of the provision of ITB 11.2 (g) and agree that I am subject to be
disqualified on the above accounts and also aware that the KUIDFC can take
administrative action against me.



Verified at On this month Year that

contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief and nothing is false or fabricated or has been concealed there from.


Note: This Form must be duly completed, signed and uploaded on thee-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals —Techno Commercial Bid

c-ko rlAck\r)
mansilinG onc.°I

Page 226 of 490


Form: Details of Payment of Bid Processing Fees and Bid


From: (Tenderer)


The Managing Director

KUIDFC, Bengaluru


I/We have made the payment of the Bid processing fees of INR. /-
only(in words) through Credit Card/Direct Debit/
National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)/ over the counter in
branch of ICICI bank on (Strike the modes not used)

I/We have made the payment of the Bid Security of INR or US$
only (in words) through Credit Card/Direct
Debit/National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)/ over the counter in
branch of ICICI bank on (Strike the modes not used)

I/We have made the payment of the Bid Security of INR or US$
Only(in words) through the following:

Bank Guarantee No dated issued by Valid up to

for an amount of Only (in words);

We agree that the Bid Security deposited by us as detailed above may be

forfeited by the Employer if we:

Withdraw our bid during the period of validity specified in the bidding

Do not sign the Agreement within the specified time limit in case we
are successful, and letter of acceptance has been communicated;

(c) Do not furnish the required Performance Security dep

in ITB 45.

Page 227 of 490 Dans

IcAnaEGI banigne
(Signature and Name of Bidder)


Note: This Form must be duly completed, signed and uploaded on the e-procurement
portal in the Technical Proposals — Techno Commercial Bid

L curb kct
AisnegIng Orson
K.0 .LD.F.C. Bangalore.
Page 228 of 490

Declaration regarding tax/duty exemption for materials/ construction equipment to be

purchased for use in setting up the facility"

(Bidder's Name and Address)


(Name of the Employer& address)

Dear Sir:

Ref: Setting up the Bulk and Distribution System in Kalaburgi— Certificate for
Import/Procurement of Goods and materials/Construction Equipment.

Government Order/Circular Number under which tax/duty Exemption is being

sought ....

We confirm that we are solely responsible for obtaining tax/duty waivers which we
have considered in our bid and in case of failure to receive such waivers for reasons
whatsoever, the Employer will not compensate us.

We are furnishing below the information required by the Employer for issue of the
necessary certificates in terms of the Government of India's relevant Notifications.

The goods, equipment and materials for which certificates are required are as under:

"The Bidders are requested to check the current provisions under Applicable nd use and
upload the information in the appropriate Format.

Page 221Aragong °non

Ki jiam Begvie10111
Items Make/ Capacity Quantity Value State whether it Remarks
Brand [where will be procured regarding
Name/ applicable] locally or justification for
Class imported [if so the quantity and
from which their usage in
country] setting up Bulk
and Distribution


Construction Equipment



4. We agree that no modification to the above list is permitted after bids are opened.

S. We agree that the certificate will be issued only to the extent considered reasonable by
the Employer for the work, based on the bid submitted by us, construction programme
and methodology furnished along with the bid.

6. We confirm that the above goods and construction equipment will be exclusively used
for the construction of the above work and the construction equipment will not be
sold or otherwise disposed of in any manner for a period of five years from the date of

Date: (Signature)

Place: (Printed Name)

- • (Designation)

(Common Seal)

L OD"11 )

K.U1JD.F.C. Savain
Note: This Form or any other relevant Form prescribed by GOI, as current of date of
bidding,must be duly completed, signed and uploaded on the e-procurement portal in
the Item Wise Bid Price Offer — Financial Bid.

[This certificate will be issued within 60 days of signing of contract and no subsequent
changes will be permitted.]

Managing on
K.Usi.D.Er" Bercskire
Page 231 of 490
Form of Bid Security (Bank Guarantee)

[Guarantor letterhead or SWIFT identifier code]

Beneficiary: [Employer to insert its name and address]

IFB No.: [Employer to insert reference number for the Invitation for Bids]

Date: [Insert date of issue]

BID GUARANTEE No. :[Insert guarantee reference number]

Guarantor: [Insert name and address of place of issue, unless indicated in the

We have been informed that [insert name of the Bidder, which in the case
of a joint venture shall be the name of the joint venture (whether legally constituted
or prospective) or the names of all members thereof] (hereinafter called "the
Applicant") has submitted or will submit to the Beneficiary its bid (hereinafter
called "the Bid") for the execution of under Invitation for Bids
No. ("the IFB").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the Beneficiary's conditions, bids

must be supported by a bid guarantee.

At the request of the Applicant, we, as Guarantor, hereby irrevocably undertake to

pay the Beneficiary any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of
17 ( upon receipt by us of the Beneficiary's

complying demand,supported by the Beneficiary's statement, whether in the

demand itself or a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the
demand, stating that either the Applicant:

haswithdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity set forth in the
Applicant's Letter of Bid ("the Bid Validity Period"), or any
extension thereto provided by the Applicant; or

having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Beneficiary during the
Bid Validity Period or any extension thereto provided by the Applicant, (i)
has failed to execute the contract agreement, or (ii) has failed to furnish the
performance securityand, if required, the Environmental, Social, Health and
Safety (ESHS) Performance Security, in accordance with the Instructions to
Bidders ("ITB") of the Beneficiary's bidding document.

This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Applicant is the successful bidder, upon our
receipt of copies of the contract agreement signed by the Applicant and the

eAp,lieSS should insert the amount of the guarantee in words and figures. This figure should
k.01.2Y tme as shdwn in Clause 19.1 of the Instructions to Bidders.

(- oaDcak
Page 232 of 490

Managing Unapt
SALLOSA Baneekn-

performance securityand, if required, the Environmental, Social, Health and Safety

(ESHS) Performance Security,issued to the Beneficiary in relation to such contract
agreement; or (b) if the Applicant is not the successful bidder, upon the earlier of (i)
our receipt of a copy of the Beneficiary's notification to the Applicant of the results
of the bidding process; or (ii) sixty days alter the end of theBid Validity Period.

Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by
us at the office indicated above on or before that date.

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG)
2010 Revision, ICC Publication No. 758.

[Signature(s) and seal of the guarantor]

Note: All italicized text is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the
final product.

Note: Scanned copy of the bid security must be signed and uploaded on the e-
procurement portal in the Technical Proposals -Techno-Commercial Bid.

14 qukol-)
sibmistro onsx
KU ._-0AF.G. Bogs"
sS0t 4 P PIO )age 233 of 490
Section V - Eligible Countries

Eligibility for the Provision of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services in Bank-
Financed Procurement

In reference to ITB Section 4.7 and ITB Section 5.1, for the information of the
Bidders, at the present time firms, goods and services from the following countries are
excluded from this bidding process:

Under ITB Sections 4.7 (a) and 5.1: None

Under ITB Sections 4.7(b) and 5.1: None

e -A-\GRol-L

Iterrone Unit

Page 234 of 490


Section VI - Fraud and Corruption

(Section Vishall not be modified)

1.1 The Bank's Anti-Corruption Guidelines and this annex apply with respect to
procurement under Bank Investment Project Financing operations.


2.1 The Bank requires that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank financing); bidders
(applicants/proposers), consultants, contractors and suppliers; any sub-contractors,
sub-consultants, service providers or suppliers; any agents (whether declared or not);
and any of their personnel, observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement process, selection and contract execution of Bank-financed contracts,
and refrain from Fraud and Corruption.

2.2 To this end, the Bank:

a. Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

"corrupt practice" is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or

indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another

"fraudulent practice" is any act or omission, including misrepresentation, that

knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain
financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;

"collusive practice" is an arrangement between two or more parties designed

to achieve an improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions
of another party;

"coercive practice" is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm,

directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence
improperly the actions of a party;

"obstructive practice" is:

deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering, or concealing of evidence

material to the investigation or making false statements to
investigators in order to materially impede a Bank investigation into
allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, or collusive practice;
and/or threatening, harassing, or intimidating any party to prevent it
from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation
or from pursuing the investigation; or

acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank's

inspection and audit rights provided for under paragraph 2.2 e.

b. Rejects a proposal for award if the Bank determines that the fir individual
recommended for award, any of its personnel, or its agent its sb

r7k, Page 235 of 490 L_ Ort)(5-41

Mans.% apes
KUM" C. Barehiore
consultants, sub-contractors, service providers, suppliers and/ or their employees,
has, directly or indirectly, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent collusive, coercive, or
obstructive practices in competing for the contract in question;

In addition to the legal remedies set out in the relevant Legal Agreement, may
take other appropriate actions, including declaring misprocurement, if the Bank
determines at any time that representatives of the Borrower or of a recipient of
any part of the proceeds of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent collusive,
coercive, or obstructive practices during the procurement process, selection
and/or execution of the contract in question, without the Borrower having taken
timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to address such practices
when they occur, including by failing to inform the Bank in a timely manner at the
time they knew of the practices;

Pursuant to the Banks Anti-Corruption Guidelines and in accordance with the

Bank's prevailing sanctions policies and procedures, may sanction a firm or
individual, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, including by publicly
declaring such firm or individual ineligible (i) to be awarded or otherwise benefit
from a Bank-financed contract, financially or in any other manner;18 (ii) to be a
nominated19 sub-contractor, consultant manufacturer or supplier, or service
provider of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded a Bank-financed contract;
and (iii) to receive the proceeds of any loan made by the Bank or otherwise to
participate further in the preparation or implementation of any Bank-financed

Requires that a clause be included in bidding/request for proposals documents

and in contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring (i) bidders
(applicants/proposers), consultants, contractors, and suppliers: and their sub-
contractors, sub-consultants, service providers, suppliers, agents, personnel,
permit the Bank to inspect' all accounts, records and other documents relating to
the procurement process, selection and/or contract execution, and to have them
audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.

For the avoidance of doubt, a sanctioned party's ineligibility to be awarded a contract shall include, without
limitation, (i) applying for pre-qualification, expressing interest in a consultancy, and bidding, either
directly or as a nominated sub-contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or
nominated service provider, in respect of such contract, and (ii) entering into an addendum or amendment
introducing a material modification to any existing contract.
19 A nominated sub-contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated
service provider (different names are used depending on the particular bidding document) is one which has
been: (i) included by the bidder in its pre-qualification application or bid because it brings specific and
critical experience and know-how that allow the bidder to meet the qualification requirements for the
particular bid; or (ii) appointed by the Borrower.
29 Inspections in this context usually are investigative (i.e., forensic) in nature. They involve fact-finding
activities undertaken by the Bank or persons appointed by the Bank to address specific matters related to
investigations/audits, such as evaluating the veracity of an allegation of possible Fraud and Corruption,
through the appropriate mechanisms. Such activity includes but is not limited to: accessing and examining
a firm's or individual's financial records and information, and making copies thereof as relevant; accessing
and examining any other documents, data and information (whether in hard copy or electronic format)
deemed relevant for the investigation/audit, and making copies thereof as relevant; interviewing staff and
other relevnt individuals; performing physical inspections and site visits; and ob third party
,tkII.94,....fictlikgeOr information.

(0,4,0„. clAce„\-
Page 236 of 490
• . Mwisping Dareotor
KU-LI:LEG. Sangetiont
Annex B to the Bidding Documents

The Draft Contract

Section X - Form of Contract and other Contract Forms

Section VIII - General Conditions of the Contract (GCC)

Section IX —Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

Schedules attached to the Contract

Other Contract Forms

Managing Lain
KUID.Fro, Bangalore.

Page 237 of 490

Section X — Form of Contract

Government of Karnataka

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation (KUIDFC)



Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer water supply system in Kalaburgi city of
Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7)
pressurized water supply.

The Managing Director,

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation (KUIDFC),

Nagarabhivruddi Bhavan, #22, 17th F Cross, Binnamangala, 2nd Stage, Old Madras Rood,
Indiranagar, Near BMTC Bus Depot, Bangalore - 560 038. Telephone: +91 080 25196124

Q ((VC
Managing Directx
ss‘ KUIDIA Berialsons
t ow ofe‘

43).‘PN' Page 238 of 490

CONTRACT FOR Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer water supply system in
Kalaburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to
continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply.


THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into this day of , [Year]


City Corporation of Kalburgi, a statutory corporation established under the

Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act 1976, located near Jagat Circle, Main
Road, Kalburgi, 585101 Karnataka (hereafter referred to as the "Corporation" which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its
administrators, successors and assigns), represented by its authorised signatory
Commissioner, and (herein after the "Corporation"

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation, a

company duly incorporated under the Companies Act 1956, having its registered office at
Nagarabhivriddi Bhavan, #22, 17th F Cross, Binnamangala, 2nd Stage, Old Madras Road,
Indiranagar, Near BMTC Bus Depot, Bengalzeu —560 038.

(hereafter referred to as "KUIDFC" which expression shall, unless repugnant to the

context or meaning thereof include its successors and permitted assigns and substitutes),
represented by its authorized signatory Managing Director, KUIDFC and (hereafter the

— and —
[Operator] a [joint venture of (i) [ off ] ('Lead Member") and (ii) [ ] of[ ]
("Member"), who have together formed a joint venture under a joint venture agreement
("IVA') dated [ ], attached herewith, the terms of which shall not be modified without the
prior written permission of the Corporation. The joint venture shall be represented by the
Lead Member, designated as such under the terms of the JVA] [a limited liability company
established under the Companies Act 2013 having its registered office at [ ] (hereafter
for the purposes of this Agreement referred to as the "Operator" which expression shall,
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors and permitted
assigns and substitutes'); (hereafter the "Operator")

_ rb
Mensong Motor

Page 239 of 490

blkt 510tAff::v4.

101.01.100 IWO gi AO. 211,1%


The Employer has the jurisdiction to enter into the Contract, as defined in Section 1.1
below, pursuant to the Applicable Law;

The Employer has received all requisite approvals necessary and has conformed with
all requisite laws in accordance with the Applicable Law to permit theEmployer to
enter into the Contract;

The Employer desires to engage the Operator for providing Design, build; operate and
maintain and transfer bulk supply, distribution systems of the existing water supply
system in Kalaburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable
upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply.

The Operator has represented to the Employer that it has the skills and ability for
providing Design, build; operate and maintain and transfer bulk supply, distribution
systems of the existing water supply system in Kalaburgi city of Karnataka State, India
for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water
supply.and agrees to do so upon and subject to the terms and conditions of the
Contract Documents;

The Operator responded to the Bidding Documents dated........ [xx.xx.xx] organized by

the Employer and was selected as the recommended Operator to fulfil the Design-
Build and Operating and maintaining Services set out in the Schedule 2;

The Operator has the corporate capacity and authority to enter into the Contract;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and Agreements hereinafter

set forth, the Employer and the Operator wee as follows:


1.1. Contract Documents
This Contract for providing Design, build,operate,maintain and transfer water supply
system in Kalaburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable
upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supplybetween the Employer and
the Operator (the "Contract") consists of the following documents (collectively, the
"Contract Documents"), and each of the following shall be read and construed as an
integral part of the Contract:

Form of Contract
Letter of Acceptance
Corrigenda and Addenda Nos.
Section IX - Special Conditions of Contract (Schedule 1 to GCC)
obts .9$0.$6tction vim - General Conditions of Contract
os c.c.s:1M: "Schedule 2" - Obligations of Operator
Page 240 of 490
Munsalng Oirector
KUID.F.G, Bangaiore.
"Schedule 3"- Obligations of Corporation
"Schedule 4" - Raw Water Supply Points and Service Area, and on-going
"Schedule 5"- Operator's Price Schedules
"Schedule 6"- Terms and conditions, Procedure of payment
"Schedule 7"- Conditions for commencement of Operations Service
I. "Schedule 8"- Operator Key Staff
"Schedule 9" - Performance and Advance Payment Security Bank
"Schedule 10"- Technical Specifications
"Schedule 11"- Performance Standards
P. "Schedule 12" - Draft Rules and Procedures for the Functions of the
"Schedule 13" - Operations Escrow Account
"Schedule 14" - Threshold for Assessing Change of Scope
"Schedule 15— Existing Staff
"Schedule 16— Role of Expert Reviewer
"Schedule 17 — Utility Systems
"Schedule 18— Inventory of Borewells and Open Wells

1.2. Order of Precedence

In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract

Documents listed in Section 1.1 of this Form of Contract, the order of
precedence shall be the order in which the Contract Documents are listed
in Section 1.1 of this Form of Contract.

Notwithstanding Section 1.2(a) of this Form of Contract and any other

term or condition in the Contract Documents, if any statement or
provision in Operator's Bid incorporated in the Contract is not consistent
with or conflicts with any other term or condition in the remainder of the
Contract Documents, the remainder of the Contract Documents shall

1.3. Definitions
Capitalized words and phrases used herein shall have the same meanings as
are ascribed to them in the General Conditions of Contract and various
Schedules attached to the Contract.

- (a ru k.L3
Managing Director

Page 241 of 490

2.1. Operator's Compensation
The Employer hereby agrees to pay to the Operator the Contract Price, in
consideration of the performance by the Operator of its obligations
hereunder, and the Contract Price is specified in Schedules of the Contract
(Operator's Price Schedule).

2.2. Terms of Payment

The terms and procedures of payment by which the Employer will
compensate the Operator are set out in the General Conditions of the


3.1. Effective Date and Starting Date
The Effective Date, the Design-Build Starting Date and Operations Starting
Date for the Contract shall be determined in accordance with the General
Conditions of the Contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Employer and the Operator have caused this
Form of Contract to be duly executed by their duly authorized representatives.

EXECUTED as of the date first written above.

[The Corporation]





/The Employer]




Page 242 of 490 -

Marrogin9 Direcn
WWI G. Bangalore.

[The Operator]





1.418Inaging Dinnor
Page 243 of 490
Annex B to the bidding document

The Draft Contract




General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

Managing Dimon{
KLUD.E.C., Sareseore

Page 244 of 490



Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer water supply system in Kalburgi
city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling
to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply.


Section Description Pages

1.1 Definitions

1.2 Contract Documents

1.3 Interpretation

1.4 Notice

1.5 Governing Law

1.6 Settlement of Disputes

1.7 Assignment

1.8 Contract Records, Accounting and Auditing

1.9 Operator's Claims during the Design-Build Period

2.1 General

2.2 Design-Build Period and Operations Period

2.3 Design- Build Period- Commencement, Delays

and Suspension

2.4 Operations Period

3.1 General — Services and Standards of Performance

3.2 Law Governing Services

3.3 Conflict of Interest

_ .coUE

( 7.-7
Page 245 or 49a-
Wierwrocrig airecild 41/2/clion •
3.4 Plant and Equipment, Operator's equipment
(Design-Build) and Operations Equipment

3.5 Site Information and Investigation

3.6 Access to the site and Project Facility

3.7 Safety Procedures

3.8 Fossils

4.1 Employers assistance to the Operator

4.2 Access to the site and Project Facility

4.3 Reviews and approvals of submissions

5.1 Contract Price

5.2 Terms of Payment

5.3 Performance Incentive Compensation

5.4 Liquidated damages- Operations

5.5 Securities

5.6 Taxes and Duties

6.1 Copyright: Design- Build Documents

6.2 Confidentiality

7.1 General

7.2 Design-Build Supervision

7.3 Operations Supervision

8.1 Representative

8.2 Operator's Superintendence

8.3 Operator's Personnel

Page 2 f

KU.LELEC, Benno%
8.4 Replacement of Operator's Personnel

8.5 Existing Staff

8.6 Sub-Contractors

9.1 Defect Liability

9.2 Limitation of Liability

9.3 Transfer of Ownership and Existing Equipment

and materials

9.4 Care of the Site and Project Facility

9.5 Indemnification

9.6 Insurance

9.7 Unforeseen Physical Conditions

9.8 Force Majeure

9.9 War Risks

9.10 Change in Laws and Regulations

9.11 Patent Indemnity

9.12 Functional Guarantees

10.1 Change to the Design-Build Services

10.2 Change in the Operations Services

11.1 Suspension

11.2 Termination

qu kt)tt

Mrierg Cada
C, Baniaaeoret

Page 247 of 490



1.1 Definitions
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms wherever used in this
Contract have the following meanings:

"Adjudicator" means the person that is named in the SCC;

"Applicable Law" means the laws and any other instruments having the force of
law in the Country specified in the SCC, as they may be issued and in force from
time to time, including any decree of the President or Government of the Country;

"Appointing Authority" is the authority specified in the SCC;

"Authorities" means the Employer, ULB and the Country as specified in the SCC;

"Background Information Document" means the Background Information

Document provided to the Operator by the Employer during the bidding process
that preceded this Contract;

"Bank" means the World Bank;

"Bidding Documents" means the documents issued by the Employer in respect of

the bidding process for the selection of an operator to Design, build and operate the
Project Facility and to perform the Services;

"Change" is defined in GC Section 10.1.1(1);

"Change Order" is defined in GC Section 10.1.2(4);

"Completion" means that the Project Facility and all Design-Build Services have
been completed operationally and structurally and put in a tight and clean condition
in accordance with the Technical Standards Schedule, and the Operator is entitled
to have an Operational Acceptance Certificate issued in respect of the Project
Facility, or part thereof, in accordance with Schedule 7 (vii) (a) ;

"Contract" means the agreement between the Employer and the Operator which
consists of the Contract Documents;

"Contract Documents" means the Form of Contract, General Conditions, and all
appendices to the General Conditions as set out in GC Section 1.2;

"Contract Price" is defined in GC Section 5.1;

21 The GCC is a copy of the GCC of Ganga Project with minor modifications and has been
appropriry modified in the SCC to suit this Contract
Page 248 of 490
Managing threats
"Contract Records" is defined in GC Section 1.8.1(1);

"Contract Term" means the term of the Contract, including any renewals
approved by theEmployer, commencing on the Effective Date and continuing to,
and including, the End Date;

"Costs" means all expenditures reasonably incurred, or to be incurred, by the

Operator including overhead but excluding profit;

"Country" means the country specified in the SCC;

"Country of Origin" means the countries and territories eligible under the rules of
the World Bank as defined under the Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans
and IDA Credits& Grants 2011, revised 2014;

"Customers" mean all persons to which the Operator provides services, including
those customers in existence as of the Operations Starting Date and persons who
become customers after the Operations Starting Date;
"Data Room" means the data room which may be established by the Employer in
the bidding process as set out in the Bidding Documents;

"Design-Build Documents" means the plans, specifications, designs, models,

electronic models and other documents and materials relating to the design and
construction of the Site and Project Facility as may be set out or contemplated in
the Design-Build Services Schedule or agreed to by the Parties from time to time
during the Contract Term;

"Design-Build-Operations Engineer or DBO Engineer" means the Engineer,

Consultant or Employer's representative retained by the Employer to supervise the
Operator, in accordance with the Contract Documents, in carrying out the Design-
Build and Operations Services;

"Design-Build Period" is defined in GC Section 2.2(a);

"Design-Build Services" means the Design-build services to be performed by the

Operator as contemplated by the General Conditions and the Design-Build Services

"Design-Build Starting Date" is defined in GC Section 2.1.3(1);

"Design-Build Completion Date" is defined in GC Section 2.1.3(1);

"Effective Date" means the date on which this Contract comes into force and effect
pursuant to GC Section 2.1.1;

"Employer" means the Party named as Employer in the Form of Contract;

"Employer's Representative" is defined in GC Section 8.1.1(1);

Page 2oragong oireolor
K.USD,FC, Sanesiore
"End Date" is defined in GC Section 2.1.2;

"Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)" means the set of

environmental and social mitigation measures developed by the Operator in
preparation of ESHS-MSIP and implemented by the Operator as provided in
Appendix 1 Schedule 2 (Obligations of Operator);

"Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) Code of Conduct" means

the code of conduct as detailed in Appendix 1, Schedule 2;

"Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Management Strategies

Implementation Plan ESTIS-MS1P" means the plan comprising of set of
environmental, social, health and safety mitigation and management measures to be
implemented by the Operator as indicated in Appendix 1 Schedule 2 (Obligations
of Operator);

"Existing Network" shall mean the existing water transmission and distribution
network including all the pipe lines, fittings, connections, reservoirs, pumping
stations etc complete in location specified in SCC and of length indicated in SCC
that is included in the scope of work for operations, repair and refurbishment/
integration with proposed network as a part of the Contract.
"Extension Date" is defined in GC Section 2.4.3;

"Force Majeure" is defined in GC Section 9.8(1);

"GC Section" means General Conditions of Contract Section;

"IBRD" means International Bank for Reconstruction and Development;

"IDA" means the International Development Agency;

"including" means including without limitation and 'includes" means includes

without limitation, unless expressly stated otherwise;

"Liquidated Damages — Delay" is defined in GC Section 2.3.6(2);

"Liquidated Damages — Operations" is as defined in GCC Clause 5.4 read with

SCC Clause 5.4;

"Manager" is defined in GC Section 8.2(3);

"Monthly Operations Payment" is defined in Para 3of Schedule 6 of the Contract;

"New Network" shall mean the new water transmission and distribution network
including all pipelines, fittings, connections, pumping stations, reservoirs,
appurtenances etc completeof specified capacity and all appurtenant structures
which shall be designed and built by the Operator as a part of the Contract.

"Network" shall mean the pipe line network laid for transmission and distribution
of water supply including water lifting and pumping stations and all a ances
b:\ ousrfr,
,iiiS;:Ct, 2 1.
Pa 250 o 90 coto
Marteging Director 0m
R.U.Lann Sanilaiore

and its structures forming a part of both the New Network and the Existing
"Operations Starting Date" is defined in GC Section 2.1.3(2);

"Operational Acceptance" means the acceptance by the Employer of the Project

Facility, or part thereof, in accordance with Schedule 7 (vi) (a) ;

"Operational Acceptance Certificate" means a certificate issued by the

Corporation in accordance with Schedule 7 (vi) (a) ;

"Operations Services" means the Operations Services to be performed by the

Operator as contemplated by the General Conditions and the Operations Services
Schedule 2;

"Operator" means the water treatment plant and network Operator, and retained by
the Employer to carry out the Services and is the Party named as the Operator in the
Form of Contract;

"Operator's Equipment (Design-Build)" means all machinery, apparatus,

vehicles and other equipment required for the execution and completion of the
Design-Build Services and the remedying of any defects, but does not include
material, machinery, apparatus and other equipment forming part of the Plant and
Equipment of the Project Facility;

"Operator's Equipment (Operations)" means all things of any kind whatsoever,

including the equipment, materials, supplies, vehicles and consumables required to
operate, maintain and repair the Site and Project Facility;

"Operator's Personnel" is defined in GC Section 8.3(1);

"Operator's Representative" is defined in GC Section 8.1.2(1);

"OSS Section" means Operations Services Schedule Section 2;

"Party" means the Employer or the Corporation or the Operator, as the case may
be, and "Parties" means all of them;

"Performance Security" is defmed in GC Section 5.5.1(1);

"Plant and Equipment" means the permanent plant, equipment, machinery,

apparatus, articles and things of all kinds to be provided and intended to
permanently form or forming part of the Project Facility;

"Project Facility" means the head works, water treatment plants, service
reservoirs, transmission and distribution network and pumping stations and related
machineries and allied appurtances Designed, Built, refurbished Operated and
Maintained by the Operator pursuant to this Contract;

oc ) (Qin
Paltifinligng Dreamt
F1.7 !WWI G., Sensate.
"Service Area" means the perimeter boundary as provided in Section 4 and Section
5 in Schedule 4 and as agreed from time to tome by the Parties where-in the
Operator is responsible to provide the water supply services to all customers;

"Services" means the Design-Build Services and the Operations Services to be

performed by the Operator as set out in the General Conditions and the Appendices
to the General Conditions;

"Site" means the physical area as set out in the Site Schedule identified for the
location of the Project Facility;

"Site Information" is defined in GC Section 3.5(1);

"Subcontract" means any contract, whether written or verbal, entered into by the
Operator and a Sub-contractor for the performance of any part of the Services;

"Sub-contractor" means any person or entity to which the Operator subcontracts

or sub-consults any part of the Services in accordance with the provisions of GC
Section 8.6, including any person or entity engaged for the supply of any Plant and
Equipment, Operator's Equipment (Design-Build) or Operator's Equipment
(Operations) or for the provision of any Services;

"Submission Deadline" means the last date for the submission of bids, as stated in
the Bidding Documents;

"Subsequent Operator" means the operator that is to assume the provision of the
Services upon termination or completion of the Contract and may include one of the

"Sustaining Period" is defined in GC Section 2.2(b);

"Taxes" is defined in GC Section 5.6;

"Technical Standards" is defined in the Technical Standards Schedule 10.;

"Tests on Completion" means those tests set out in Attachment 1 to the Technical
Standards Schedule as conducted pursuant to GCC 2.3.2;

"Testing, Trial and Commissioning Period" shall have the meaning as defined in
Clause 2.3.2 of Special Conditions of Contract, Schedule 1;
"Third Party" means any person or entity other than the Parties;

"Threshold Water Flow Rate" means the expected quanitity of raw water flow
available for treatment immediately on completion of the WTP facility.

"Time for Completion" is defined in GC Section 2.3.2;

"Time Schedule" is defined in GC Section 2.3.3(1);

Page 252 of 490

kiera009 DireaGit

"Transition Assistance" is defined in GC Section 2.4.2;

"TSS Section" means Technical Standards Schedule Section;

"Unforeseeable" means not reasonably foreseeable on the Submission Deadline by

an experienced operator that conducted or should have conducted the inspections
and examinations or who knew or should have known the information described in
GC Section 3.5;

"War Risks" is defined in GC Section 9.9(1).

1.2 Contract Documents

Subject to the Form of Contract provisions, all documents forming part of the
Contract, and all parts thereof, are intended to be correlative, complementary and
mutually explanatory. The Contract shall be read as a whole. The following
schedules which are incorporated by reference into the Contract shall be referred to
as follows:

Schedule "1"— Special Conditions of Contract (the "SCC")

Schedule "2" — Obligations of Operator
Schedule "3" — Obligations of Corporation)
Schedule "4"— Raw water supply points and Service area, and on-going
Schedule "5" — Operator's Price Schedules
Schedule "6" — Terms and conditions, Procedure of Payment
Schedule "7" —Conditions for commencement of Operator's services
Schedule "8" — Operator Key staff
Schedule "9" - Performance & Advance Payment Bank guarantees
Schedule "10"— Technical Specifications

Schedule "11"— Performance Standards

Schedule "12" —Draft rules and procedures for the functions of Adjudicator
Schedule "13"— Operations Escrow account
Schdule "14"— Thresholds for assessing changes of scope;
Schedule :15" — Existing Staff
Schedule "16"— Role of Expert Reviewer
Schedule "17"— Utility Systems
Schedule "18"— Inventory of Borewells/Open wells/Open wells fitted with
power pumps and Bore wells fitted with hnad pumps
1.3 Interpretation
1.3.1 Language
( 0(k
Mina On
Page 253 of 490

(I) All Contract Documents, all correspondence and communications to
be given, and all other documentation to be prepared and supplied
under the Contract shall be written in the language specified in the
SCC and the Contract shall be construed and interpreted in
accordance with that language.

(2) If any of the Contract Documents, correspondence or

communications are prepared in any language other than the
governing language under GC Section 1.3.10), the translation of
such documents, correspondence or communications into the
governing language shall prevail in matters of interpretation.

1.3.2 Singular or Plural

The singular shall include the plural and the plural shall include the
singular except where the context otherwise requires.

1.3.3 Headings
The headings in the Contract Documents are included for ease of
reference and shall neither constitute a part of the Contract nor affect its

1.3.4 Persons
Words importing persons or entities shall include firms, corporations
and government entities.

1.3.5 Incoterms
Unless inconsistent with any provision of the Contract, the meaning of
any trade term and the rights and obligations of the Parties there under
shall be prescribed by lncoterms 2010. 1ncoterms means international
rules for interpreting trade terms published by the International Chamber
of Commerce, 38 Cours Albert 1 er, 75008 Paris, France.

1.3.6 Entire Agreement

This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Employer
and the Operator with respect to the subject matter of the Contract and
supersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements, whether
written or oral, made by the Parties with respect thereto made prior to
the date of the Contract.

1.3.7 Amendment
No amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be effective
unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly refers to the Contract and is
:40:0Ified by a dilly authorised representative of each Party to the
r.r ) (LA )
C(0 - Page 254 o 0


1.3.8 Number of Days

Except as expressly stated to the contrary elsewhere herein, in
computing the number of days for the purposes of the Contract all days
shall be counted, including Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays in the
Country, provided, however, that if the final day of any period shall fall
on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday in the Country, then the final
day shall be deemed to be the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday
or legal holiday in the Country.

1.3.9 Independent Operator

The Operator shall be an independent Operator in its performance of
the Contract. The Contract does not create any agency, partnership,
joint venture or other joint relationship between the Employer and
the Operator or its Shareholders.

Subject to the provisions of the Contract, the Operator shall be solely

responsible for the manner in which the Contract is performed. All
employees, agents, representatives or Sub-contractors engaged by
the Operator in connection with the performance of the Contract
shall be under the complete control of the Operator and shall not be
deemed to be employees of the Employer, and nothing contained in
the Contract, or in any Subcontract awarded by the Operator, shall
be construed to create any contractual relationship or legal obligation
between the Operator's employees, agents, representatives or Sub-
contractors and the Employer.

1.3.10 Joint Venture

(I) If the Operator consists of a joint venture of more than one person,
all the Partners hereby authorise the representative named in the
SCC to act on their behalf in exercising all the Partner's and
Operator's rights and obligations toward the Employer under this
Contract, including the receiving of approvals, consents, orders,
certificates, instructions and payments from the Employer,
amendment of the Contract and in all other matters under the
Contract, including the settlement of disputes.

(2) If the Operator is a joint venture of two or more Partners, each

Partner of the joint venture, shall be jointly and severally bound to
theEmployer for the fulfilment of the provisions of the Contract by
the Operator.

The composition, control or constitution of the Operator shall be in

accordance with the Operator's Bid and shall not be altered without
the prior consent of the Employer.

( Catulak
managing Onicior
Page 255 of 490
1.3.11 Non-waiver
Subject to GC Section 1.3.11(2), no relaxation, waiver, forbearance,
delay or indulgence by either Party in enforcing any of the terms and
conditions of the Contract or the granting of time by either Party to
the other shall prejudice, affect or restrict the rights of that Party
under the Contract, nor shall any waiver by either Party of any
breach of Contract operate as waiver of any subsequent or
continuing breach of Contract.

To be a valid waiver, any waiver of a Party's rights, powers or

remedies under the Contract shall,

be in writing;

be dated and signed by the Employer's or Operator's

Representative, whichever is granting such waiver; and

specify the right, power or remedy being waived and the extent
to which it is being waived.

1.3.12 Severability
If any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or rendered
invalid or unenforceable, such prohibition, invalidity or unenforceability
shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions and
conditions of the Contract.

1.3.13 Country of Origin

"Origin" means the place where the materials, equipment and other

for the Project Facility are mined, grown, produced or manufactured,

and from which the services are provided.

1.3.14 Survival of Obligations

Upon the termination or expiration of the Contract pursuant to the
Contract, all rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall cease,
except those noted in the SCC.

1.4 Notice
(1) All notices to be given under the Contract shall be in writing and
shall be sent by personal delivery, courier or facsimile to the address
for notice of the relevant Party as set out in the SCC and the
following provisions apply:

-(a) Any notice sent by facsimile shall be confirmed by the sender no

later than two days after dispatch by a notice sent by cour

Page 256 of 490 afl)k4h

Managing Du et.10(
110,W,F. Bangsionl.
Any notice sent by courier shall be deemed to have been
delivered 10 days after dispatch. In proving the fact of dispatch,
it shall be sufficient to show that the envelope containing such
notice was properly addressed, with proper payment for the
courier, and conveyed to the courier service for transmission;

Any notice delivered personally or sent by facsimile shall be

deemed to have been delivered on the date of dispatch.

A Party may change its address for notice pursuant to this Contract
by giving the other Party notice of change in accordance with this
GC Section 1.4.

The Operator's address for the purpose of giving notice pursuant to

this GC Section 1.4 shall be in the Country named in the SCC.

Notices shall be deemed to include any approvals, consents,

instructions, orders, certificates and similar communications to be
given under the Contract.

1.5 Governing Law

This Contract, its meaning and interpretation, and the relation between
the Parties shall be governed by the Applicable Law.

1.6 Settlement of Disputes

1.6.1 Adjudicator
(I) If any dispute of any kind whatsoever arises between the Employer
and the Operator in connection with or arising out of the Contract

any question regarding the existence, validity or termination of

the Contract; and

any matter related to the performance of the Services,

the Parties shall seek to resolve any such dispute or difference by mutual
consultation. If the Parties fail to resolve such a dispute or difference by
mutual consultation, the dispute shall be referred in writing, by either the
Operator or the Employer, to the Adjudicator with a copy to the other
Party or Parties.

(2) GC Section 1.6.1(1) shall apply,

(a) during the execution of the Services and after the completion of
the Services; and

Minung Orson
16111411.4, Sanpiore
(b) before and after the termination, abandonment or breach of the

The Adjudicator shall give its decision in writing to both Parties no

later than 30 days after the referral of a dispute. If the Adjudicator
has rendered its decision within the 30 day time limit, and no notice
of intention to commence arbitration has been given by either the
Employer or the Operator prior to the expiration of 60 days after the
reference of the dispute to the Adjudicator, the Adjudicator's
decision shall become final and binding upon the Employer and the
Operator. Any decision that has become final and binding shall be
implemented by the Parties forthwith.

The Adjudicator shall be paid a fee at the rate specified in the SCC
plus reasonable expenditures incurred in the execution of its duties
as Adjudicator, and these costs shall be divided equally between the
Employer and the Operator.

If the Adjudicator resigns or dies, or the Employer and the Operator

agree that the Adjudicator is not fulfilling its functions in accordance
with the provisions of the Contract, a new Adjudicator shall be
jointly appointed by the Employer and the Operator. If the
Employer and the Operator cannot agree on a new Adjudicator
within 30 days after the resignation, death or removal of the existing
Adjudicator, the new Adjudicator shall be appointed at the request of
either Party by the Appointing Authority specified in the SCC.

1.6.2 Arbitration
) If either the Employer or the Operator is dissatisfied with the
Adjudicator's decision, or if the Adjudicator fails to give a decision
within 30 days after a dispute being referred to it, then either the
Employer or the Operator may, within 60 days after such reference,
give notice to the other Party, with a copy for information to the
Adjudicator, of its intention to commence arbitration, as hereinafter
provided, as to the matter in dispute, and no arbitration in respect of
this matter may be commenced unless such notice is given.

Any dispute in respect of which a notice of intention to commence

arbitration has been given, in accordance with GC Section 1.6.20),
shall be finally settled by arbitration.

Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the

rules of procedure Designated in the SCC.

1.6.3 Obligations during Arbitration

Notwithstanding any reference to the Adjudicator or arbitration herein,

(a) the Parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations

wynder the Contract unless they otherwise agreed; and
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Page 258 of 490
Managing 1)1.C.36

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(b) the Employer shall pay the Operator any monies due to the

1.7 Assignment
The Operator shall not assign to any Third Party the Contract, or any
part thereof, or any right, benefit, obligation or interest therein or
thereunder without the prior consent of the Employer, which consent
may not be unreasonably withheld.

The Operator may assign, absolutely or by way of charge, any

monies due and payable to it or that may become due and payable to
it under the Contract.

To be a valid assignment which has been approved by the Employer

pursuant to GC Section 1.7(1), the assignment must,

be in writing;

be dated and signed by the Employer's Representative; and

state the specific details of the assignment.

1.8 Contract Records, Accounting and Auditing

1.8.1 Contract Records
(I) Except as provided in GC Section 6.1, all data, information,
documentation, account, plans, programs, reports, surveys and
guidelines of any kind whatsoever (the "Contract Records")
prepared by the Operator in performing the Services shall become
and remain the property of the Employer and the Operator shall
deliver all Contract Records and a detailed inventory of those
Contract Records to the Employer no later than the date of
termination or expiration of the Contract, except in respect of such
Contract Records that are required to be delivered at an earlier date.

(2) The Contract Records shall include,

information of any kind whatsoever related to the finances,

revenues or expenditures of the Employer's operations;

all files, documents, plans, drawings, specifications, notes,

minutes of meetings and minutes of conversations;

all the plans, programs, reports, surveys and guidelines prepared

by the Operator in carrying out the Operations Services;

the accounts of the operations and maintenance at the Project


Managing *nolo,
KAWAlito Elargeiora.
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all manuals, reports, condition surveys, safety records, audit
records, inventories, laboratory test results, procurement records,
customer information, financial information, financial
statements, invoices, accounting records, subcontracts and
personnel records; and

the Design-Build Documents, whether stored in hard copy or


The Operator shall provide the Employer with unrestricted access to

the Contract Records during the term of the Contract, including the
right to make and retain copies.

The Operator may retain a copy of the Contract Records but shall
not use them for purposes unrelated to this Contract without the prior
approval of the Employer. This GC Section 1.8.1(4) does not in any
way relieve the Operator of its obligation of confidentiality pursuant
to GC Section 6.2.

Except as provided in GC Section 6.1, the Operator acknowledges

that the Employer, as Owner of the Contract Records, may deal with
the Contract Records in any way it determines, including making the
Contract Records publicly available and making them available to
prospective Bidders who may be involved in the process to select a
Subsequent Operator.

1.8.2 Accounting
The Operator shall keep accurate and systematic accounts in respect of
the Services and the Contract in accordance with internationally
accepted accounting principles.

1.8.3 Auditing the Operator's Own Accounts and the Contract Records

(1 ) The Employer may, in its sole discretion, audit,

the Operator's own accounts, financial information, financial

statements and technical information at any reasonable time and
with 24 hours' notice to the Operator; and

the Contract Records and Design-Build Documents at any

reasonable time and without notice to the Operator,

in respect of any matters related to the Contract.

(2) The Employer may complete the audit or audits itself or may retain
an independent auditor, at the Employer's expense, to complete the
audit or audits.

Managing Danoior
KAJA.D.F.C, Sampson,
Page 260 o1490

1.8.4 Operator's Audited Accounts

The Operator shall submit to the Employer, no later than 90 days after
the end of the Operator's fiscal year, the annual audited accounts of its
own fmances for each of the Operator's fiscal years that occur during
the Contract Term.
1.8.5 Inspections and Audit by the Bank
The Operator shall permit the Bank and/or persons appointed by the
Bank to inspect the Site and/or the Employer's accounts and records
relating to the performance of the Contract and to have such accounts
and records audited by auditors appointed by the Bank if required by the
1.9 Operator's Claims during the Design-Build Period
If the Operator considers itself to be entitled to any extension of the Time
for Completion or any additional payment, under any section related to the
Design-Build Services of these General Conditions, the Operator shall
give notice to the DBO Engineer, describing the event or circumstance
giving rise to the claim. The notice shall be given as soon as practicable,
and no later than 30 days, after the Operator became aware, or should
have become aware, of the event or circumstance.

If the Operator fails to give notice of a claim within such period of 30

days, the Time for Completion shall not be extended, the Operator shall
not be entitled to additional payment, and the Employer shall be
discharged from all liability in connection with the claim. Otherwise, the
following provisions of this GC Section 1.9 shall apply.

The Operator shall also submit any other notices related to the Design-
Build Services which are required by the Contract, and supporting
particulars for the claim, that are relevant to such event or circumstance.

The Operator shall keep such contemporary records as may be necessary

to substantiate any claim related to the Design-Build Services, either on
the Site or at another location acceptable to the DBO Engineer. Without
admitting the Employer's liability, the DBO Engineer may, after receiving
any notice under this GC Section 1.9, monitor the record-keeping or
instruct the Operator to keep further contemporary records. The Operator
shall permit the DBO Engineer to inspect all these records, and shall, if
instructed, submit copies to the DBO Engineer.

(5) No later than 42 days after the Operator became aware, or should have
become aware, of the event or circumstance giving rise to the claim, or
within such other period as may be proposed by the Operator and
approved by the DBO Engineer, the Operator shall send to the DBO
Engineer a fully detailed claim which includes full supporting particulars
of the basis of the claim and of the extension of time or additional
payment claimed. If the event or circumstance giving ri e to the claim has
a continuing effect,
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this fully detailed claim shall be considered as interim;

the Operator shall send further interim claims at monthly

intervals, giving the accumulated delay or amount claimed, and
such further particulars as the DBO Engineer may reasonable
require; and

the Operator shall send a final claim no later than 30 days after
the end of the effects resulting from the event or circumstance, or
within such other period as may be proposed by the Operator and
approved by the DBO Engineer.

(6) No later than 42 days after receiving a claim or any further particulars
supporting a previous claim, or within such other period as may be
proposed by the DBO Engineer and approved by the Operator, the
DBO Engineer shall respond with approval, or with disapproval and
detailed comments. The DBO Engineer may also request any
necessary further particulars but shall nevertheless give his response
on the principles of the claim within such time.

(7) Each invoice sent by the Operator shall include such amounts for any
claim as have been reasonably substantiated as due under the relevant
provision of the Contract. Unless and until the particulars supplied
are sufficient to substantiate the whole of the claim, the Operator
shall only be entitled to payment for such part of the claim as it has
been able to substantiate.

(8) The Operator shall proceed in accordance with GC Section 7.2.6 to


an extension, if any, of the Time for Completion before or after

its expiry in accordance with GC Section 2.3.4; or

an additional payment, if any, to which the Operator believes it is

entitled under the Contract.

(9) The requirements of this GC Section 1.9 are in addition to those of

any other provision which may apply to a claim. If the Operator
fails to comply with this or another provision in relation to any
claim, any extension of or additional payment shall take account of
the extent, if any, to which the failure has prevented or prejudiced
proper investigation of the claim, unless the claim is excluded under
GC Section 1.9(2).

(10) This GC Section 1.9 shall apply only in respect of the Design-Build
Services excluding the Existing Operations Services.

Manacling Otrec"
ILUAD,Ect searscire-
Page 262 of 490


2.1 General
2.1.1 Effectiveness of Contract
The Form of Contract shall be signed by the Operator, and all partners, if
the Operator is a joint venture company, prior to its signing by the
Employer. The Contract shall come into force and effect on the date the
Form of Contract is signed by the Employer (the "Effective Date"),
contingent on final approval by the Bank.

2.1.2 Expiration of Contract

This Contract shall terminate on either,

the specified number of months after the Operations Starting Date

named in the SCC;

the Extension Date pursuant to GC Section 2.4.3; or

the date of Contract termination pursuant to GC Section 11.2,

(the "End Date"), whichever is applicable.

2.1.3 Commencement of Services

Unless otherwise stated in the SCC, the Design-Build Starting
Date shall be no later than 30 days after the Effective Date and the
Employer shall give the Operator at least seven days prior notice
of the Design-Build Starting Date.

Unless otherwise stated in the SCC, the "Operations Starting Date"

shall be the date not later than 180 days from the Effective Date
from which the Operator shall be responsible for operations,
maintenance of Facilities and service delivery in the Serviec Area
and is eligible for payment of Operating Fee for Operating

2.2 Design-Build Period and Sustaining Period

The Contract Term of 12 years shall be divided into two periods as

(a) the period commencing on the Effective Date and ending on the
Design-Build Period Completion Date (the 'Design-Build
Period") spread over 5 years or 60 months or 1825days; and

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Manspng Damao(
JUL .A Bangebre
Page 263 of 490

(b) the Sustaining Period commencing on the Date of issue of
Certificate for completion of Design-Build Period and ending on
the End Date (the "Sustaining Period"), namely the date of
completion of the Sustaining Period spread over 7 years or 28
quarters or 84 months or 2555days.

2.3 Design-Build Period — Commencement, Delays and Suspension

2.3.1 Commencement of the Design-Build Services
The Operator shall commence the Design-Build Services no later than
the Design-Build Starting Date and shall then proceed with the Design-
Build Services with due expedition and without delay.

2.3.2 Time for Completion

The Operator shall complete the whole of the Design-Build Services in
accordance with the time for completion set out in the SCC ("Time for
Completion") for the Design-Build Services including,

(a) successfully completing the Tests on Commissioning; and

completing all of the Design-Build Services such that the

completed Project Facility can be used as a fully operational
Project Facility in accordance with the Contract.

2.3.3 Design-Build Time Schedule

(1) The Operator shall submit a detailed time programme (the "Time
Schedule") to the DBO Engineer no later than 30 days after the
Design-Build Starting Date. The Operator shall also submit a
revised Time Schedule whenever the previous Time Schedule is
inconsistent with actual progress or with the Operator's obligations.
Each Time Schedule shall include a description of

the order in which the Operator intends to carry out the Design-
Build Services, including the anticipated timing of each stage of
Design, Design-Build Documents, procurement, manufacture,
inspection, delivery to the Site, construction, erection, testing
and commissioning;

the periods for review and any other submissions, approvals and
consents specified in the Contract;

the sequence and timing of inspections and tests specified in the


the scheduled Time for Completion, the planned Time for

Completion and the planned Operations Starting Date;

( (\DUN
Manegm9 pireCAC4
(e) all major events and activities in the production of Design-Build
Documents; and

(0 all major phases and milestones of the Design-Build Services.

The DBO Engineer shall review each Time Schedule and provide
comments to the Operator as to whether the Time Schedule
complies with the Contract. If the DBO Engineer fails to provide
such comments prior to the expiration of 21 days after receiving a
Time Schedule, the Operator shall proceed in accordance with the
Time Schedule, subject to its other obligations under the Contract.
The Operator shall be entitled to rely upon the Time Schedule
when planning its activities.

The Operator shall promptly give notice to the DBO Engineer of

specific probable future events or circumstances which may
adversely affect the Design-Build Services or delay the execution
of the Design-Build Services. The DBO Engineer may require the
Operator to submit an estimate of the anticipated effect of the
future event or circumstances, or a proposal under GC Section

g at any time, the DBO Engineer gives notice to the Operator that
a Time Schedule fails, to the extent stated, to comply with the
Contract or to be consistent with actual progress and the
Operator's stated intentions, the Operator shall submit a revised
Time Schedule to the DBO Engineer in accordance with this GC
Section 2.3.3.

2.3.4 Extension of the Time for Completion

(1) The Time for Completion shall be extended if the Operator is delayed
or impeded in the performance of the Design-Build Services by
reason of any of the following:

a Change, unless the Parties have already agreed to an

adjustment to the Time for Completion as part of the applicable

an occurrence of Force Majeure as provided in GC Section 9.8,

Unforeseeable physical conditions as provided for in GC Section
9.7, or loss or damage as a result of the occurrences set out in
GC Section 9.4(2);

any suspension order given by the Employer pursuant to GC

Section 1 1 . 1 .1 ;

(d) any change in the Applicable Law in accordance with GC

Section 9.10;


Managing pinion'
KU.LaFc, sanesiort
Page 265 of 490
any default or breach of the Contract by the Employer or any
activity, act or omission of any other Operators employed by the
Employer; or

any other matter specifically mentioned in the Contract.

by such period as shall be fair and reasonable in all the circumstances

and as shall fairly reflect the actual delay or impediment sustained by
the Operator.

The Operator shall submit, to the DBO Engineer, any notice of a

claim for an extension of the Time for Completion in accordance
with GC Section 10.13.

The Operator shall, at all times, use reasonable efforts to minimize

any delay in the performance of its obligations under the Contract.

2.3.5 Rate of Progress

(1) If, at any time, the Operator's progress in respect of the Design-
Build Services,

is too slow to complete the Design-Build Services in accordance

with the Time for Completion; or

has fallen, or will fall, behind the current Time Schedule

other than as a result of a cause listed in GC Section 2.3.4, then the DBO
Engineer may instruct the Operator to submit a revised Time Schedule
and supporting report describing the revised methods which the
Operator proposes to adopt in order to expedite progress and complete
the Design-Build Services.

(2) Unless the DBO Engineer notifies otherwise, the Operator shall
adopt the revised methods referred to in GC Section 2.3.5(2), which
may require increases in,

the working hours or in the numbers of Operator's Personnel, or

both; or

Plant and Equipment,

and shall be at the risk and cost of the Operator. If these revised
methods cause the Employer to incur additional costs, the Operator
shall, subject to GC Section 1.9, pay these costs to the Employer, in
addition to delay damages, if any, under GC Section 2.3.6.

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KIALD.F.G. Belvisore
Page 266 of 490
2.3.6 Delay of Completion — Liquidated Damages - Delay
The Operator guarantees that it shall attain Completion of the
Project Facility in accordance with the Time for Completion
specified in the SCC and GC Section 2.3.2 or in accordance with
an extension of the Time for Completion granted to the Operator
in accordance with GC Section 2.3.4.

If the Operator fails to attain Completion of the Project Facility

within the Time for Completion, or any extension thereof in
accordance with GC Section 2.3.4, the Operator shall pay to the
Employer liquidated damages in the amount specified in the SCC
("Liquidated Damages-Delay").The aggregate amount of
Liquidated Damages - Delay shall in no event exceed the amount
specified as "Maximum" in the SCC. The Employer may
terminate the Contract pursuant to GC Section 11.2.3 if the
Operator reaches the "Maximum" level for Liquidated Damages
— Delay.

The payment or payments by the Operator of Liquidated

Damages — Delay shall completely satisfy the Operator's
obligation to attain Completion of the Project Facility within the
Time for Completion or any extension thereof pursuant to GC
Section 2.3.4.

The payment or payments by the Operator of Liquidated

Damages — Delay shall not in any way relieve the Operator of its
obligations to complete the Project Facility or any other
obligations and liabilities of the Operator under the Contract.

If the Operator attains Completion of the Project Facility before

the Time for Completion or any extension thereof pursuant to
GC Section 2.3.4, and if the Employer intends to pay a bonus to
the Operator for early completion, the amount of the bonus is as
set out in the SCC. The aggregate amount of such bonus shall in
no event succeed the amount specified as "Maximum" in the

2.3.7 Operations during Design-Build Period

The Operator shall commence the Operations Services no later than the Operations
Starting Date and shall then proceed with the Operations Services with due
exception and without delay.
2.4 Operations during Sustaining Period
2.4.1 Commencement of the Sustaining Period
The Operator shall commence the Sustaining Period no later than the
Sustaining Period Starting Date and shall then proc d with the
Operations Services with due exception and without delay.

Page 267 of 490

Misili1SSI OZg.11 Managing Olealar

2.4.2 Services after the End Date
The Operator, upon written request by the Employer no later than 60
days prior to the End Date, shall provide assistance to the Employer, at
no cost to the Employer, during a transitional period of up to 60 days
after the End Date (the "Transition Assistance"). The purpose of the
Transition Assistance is to ensure a smooth transition between the
Operator and a Subsequent Operator of the Project Facility. The
Transition Assistance shall be related to only transition services and
shall not be the full range of Services as set out in the Operations
Services Schedule.

2.4.3 Extension of the Contract

If both Parties agree, this Contract may be extended for a period of up to
5 years after the End Date. The Employer shall notify the Operator no
later than 6 months prior to the End Date if it wishes to enter into
negotiations in order to extend the duration of the Contract. The date on
which the Contract is to expire as a result of an extension shall be the
Extension Date.


Managing Dream
KUIDirds fitangsians.

Page 268 of 490

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3.1 General—Services and Standards of Performance
The Operator shall,

perform the Design-Build Services set out in the Design-Build

Services Schedule;

perform the Operations Services set out in the Operations

Services Schedule; and

perform the Services in accordance with the Technical Standards

set out in the Technical Standards Schedule,

3.2 Law Governing Services

The Operator shall comply with the Applicable Law and shall ensure
that the Operator's Personnel and Sub-contractors comply with the
Applicable Law. The Operator shall indemnify and hold harmless the
Employer from and against any and all liabilities, damages, claims,
fines, penalties and expenses of whatever nature arising or resulting
from violation of the Applicable Law by the Operator, the Operator's
Personnel the Sub-contractors and the Sub-contractors' personnel.

3.3 Conflict of Interest

The compensation of the Operator pursuant to GC Article 5 shall
constitute the Operator's sole compensation in connection with this
Contract and, except as provided in GC Article 5, the Operator shall
not accept for its own benefit any trade commission, discount or
similar payment in connection with activities pursuant to this
Contract or in the discharge of its obligations hereunder, and the
Operator shall use its best efforts to ensure that the Operator's
Personnel, Sub-contractors, and the Sub-contractors' employees and
agents, similarly shall not receive any such additional remuneration.

The Operator, Sub-contractors and any entity affiliated with the

Operator or the Sub-contractors, shall be disqualified, during the
Contract Term from providing goods, works or services, other than
the Services, with respect to,

the goods, works and services purchased from the Contingency

Fund; and

the Capital Investment Program.

Page 269 of 490
(3) The Operator, Operator's Personnel, Sub-contractors and the
employees and affiliates of the Sub-contractors shall not engage,
either directly or indirectly, in any business or professional activities
which would conflict with the activities assigned to them under this

(4) The Operator and its Shareholders shall not participate in any
discussions or work and shall not provide any services or advice to
the Employer related to,

except with respect to their responsibilities as set out in the

Operations Services Schedule, institutional restructuring or
reorganisation of the Employer or a utility or department of the

the development or review of bidding documents to retain any

Subsequent Operator; or

the preparations for the procurement process to retain any

Subsequent Operator.

(5) Failure of the Operator or the Shareholders to comply with this GC

Section 3.3, in addition to constituting a breach of this Contract, may
result in the disqualification of the Operator and the Shareholders
from bidding in the procurement process to retain any Subsequent

3.4 Plant and Equipment, Operator's Equipment (Design-Build) and

Operations Equipment (Operations)
Any Plant and Equipment, Operator's Equipment (Design-Build) and
Operator's Equipment (Operations) that will be incorporated in or be
required for the Site and Project Facility or the Operation Services
shall have their origin as specified under GC Section 1.1 ("Country
of Origin").

The Operator shall prepare a list of all Operator's Equipment

(Design-Build) and Operator's Equipment (Operations) (the
"Operator's Equipment Lists"). The Operator shall update the
Operator's Equipment Lists on an annual basis and shall provide the
updated Operator's Equipment Lists to the Employer no later than
30 days after the end of each of the Operator's fiscal years during the
Contract Term.

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KUIDEC, Bangalore.
00% Page 270 of 490

3.5 Site Information and Investigation

(I) The Operator acknowledges that the Employer made available to the
Operator, during the bidding process, either directly or by placing
the data in the Data Room and Background Information Document,
all available data on hydrological and sub-surface conditions of the
Site, and studies on environmental and social impact that had been
obtained by or on behalf of the Employer from investigations in
anticipation of the Design-Build and Operations Services (the "Site
Information"). The Operator shall be responsible for interpreting all
data about the Site that is provided to it by the Employer.

(2) The Operator shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the
Site, its surroundings, the Site Information and other available
information, and to have satisfied itself before entering into the
Contract, as to,

the form and nature of the Site, including the sub-surface


the applicable hydrological, hydro-geological and climatic


the extent and nature of the work, Plant and Equipment,

Operator's Equipment (Design-Build) and Operator's Equipment
(Operations) necessary for the execution and completion of the
Services, and the remedying of any defects;

Potential environmental and social impacts, their management,

clearances/permits required from line departments etc. from the
base line information collected by the Operator; and

the Operator's requirements for access to the Site,

accommodation, personnel, power, transport, water and other

(3) The Operator shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary

information as to risks, contingencies and all other circumstances
that may influence or affect the performance of its obligations under
the Contract.

Manor; Owes
ItUILLC. Benlisont

Page 271 of 490

"The Operator shall not commence any Works, including
mobilization and/or pre-construction activities (e.g. limited clearance
for haul roads, she accesses and work site establishment,
geotechnical investigations or investigations to select ancillary
features such as quarries and borrow pits), unless the DBO Engineer
is satisfied that appropriate measures are in place to address
environmental, social, health and safety risks and impacts. At a
minimum, the Operator shall apply the management strategies and
implementation plans and Code of Conduct, submitted as part of the
documents after the Contract is signed and agreed as part of the
Contract. The Operator shall submit„ for the DBO Engineer's prior
approval, management strategies and implementation plans as are
necessary to manage the ESHS risks and impacts of ongoing works..
The ESHS-MSIP shall be approved prior to the commencement of
Works . The approved ESIS-MSIP shall be reviewed, periodically
(but not less than every six (6) months), and updated in a timely
manner, as required, by the Operator to ensure that it contains
measures appropriate to the Works activities to be undertaken. The
updated ESHS-MSIP shall be subject to prior approval by the DBO

To the extent the Operator did not make any of the interpretations,
investigations or examinations, or did not satisfy itself, or did not
obtain such information as called for in this GC Section 3.5, the
Operator represents and warrants that it is willing to assume and
does hereby assume responsibility for any and all loss and damage
from any cause whatsoever which the Operator's interpretations,
investigations, examinations and obtaining of information may have
avoided and agrees to indemnify the Employer from all risk thereof
and from conditions arising or developing in the course of
performing the Services which may make the performance of the
Services more onerous and more expensive to fulfil or perform than
was contemplated on the Effective Date. Notwithstanding anything
in the Contract to the contrary, the Operator acknowledges and
declares that in entering into the Contract it did not and does not rely
upon any information or report provided by or on behalf of the
Employer or its agents, representatives or employees.

3.6 Access to the Site and Project Facility

(1) The Operator shall, during both the Design-Build Period and the
Operations Period, provide free and open access to the Site and the
Project Facility at the Employer's request. The Employer shall make
reasonable efforts to provide reasonable notice to the Operator prior
to the Employer's access but such notice is not mandatory. The
Employer's representative on the Site, or at the Project Facility shall
observe all safety and health regulations and reasonable instructions
of the Operator.
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Managing Director
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Page 272 of 490
The Operator shall give all reasonable access to any other Operators
employed by the Employer on or near the Site to carry out their

If the Operator makes available to other Operators any roads or ways

the maintenance for which the Operator is responsible, permits the
use by such other Operators of the Operator's Equipment (Design-
Build) and Operator's Equipment (Operations), or provides any other
service of whatsoever nature for such other Operators, the Employer
shall fully compensate the Operator for any loss or damage caused or
occasioned by such other Operators in respect of any such use or
service, and shall pay to the Operator reasonable remuneration for
the use of such equipment or the provision of such services.

The Operator shall also arrange to perform its work so as to

minimize, to the extent possible, interference with the work of other
Operators. The DBO Engineer shall determine the resolution of any
difference or conflict that may arise between the Operator and other
Operators and the workers of the Employer in regard to their work.

The Operator shall notify the DBO Engineer, as applicable, promptly

of any defects in the other Operators' work that come to its notice,
and that could affect the performance of the Services by the
Operator. The DBO Engineer, as applicable, shall determine the
corrective measures, if any, required to rectify the situation after
inspection of the Site, the WTP and the pipeline etc facilities.
Decisions made by the DBO Engineer, as applicable, shall be
binding on the Operator.

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Managing Director
K.U.LaF Bareations

Page 273 of 490

3.7 Safety The Operator shall:
comply with all applicable safety regulations,
take care for the safety of all persons entitled to be on the Site,
use reasonable efforts to keep the Site and Works clear of
unnecessary obstruction so as to avoid danger to these persons,
provide fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the Works
until completion and taking over under Clause 10 [Employer's
Taking Over], and
provide any Temporary Works (including roadways, footways,
guards and fences) which may be necessary, because of the
execution of the Works, for the use and protection of the public
and of Employers and occupiers of adjacent land.
Provide and ensure all workers use personal protection
equipment at all times during work on site;
Inform Employer and DBO Engineer of any accidents and
fatalities at site at site within 24 hours of incident and actions
taken towards the incident within the next 48 hours depending on
the severity of the situation.
Do Shoring, strutting,barricading, danger lighting, Caution
Boards, diversions,safety nets
During dewatering,sludge removal of all work sites of all
3.8 Fossils All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, and structures and
other remains or items of geological or archaeological interest found
on the Site shall be placed under the care and authority of the
Employer. The Operator shall take reasonable precautions to prevent
Operator's Personnel or other persons from removing or damaging
any of these findings.

The Operator shall, upon discovery of any such finding, promptly

give notice to the DBO Engineer, who shall issue instructions for
dealing with it. If the Operator suffers delay and/or incurs Cost from
complying with the instructions, the Operator shall give a further
notice to the DBO Engineer and shall be entitled subject to Sub-
Clause 1.9 [Contractor's Claims] to:

an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will

be delayed, under GCC clause 2.3.4 [Extension of Time for
Completion], and

payment of any such Cost, which shall be included in the

Contract Price.

After receiving this further notice, the DBO Engineer shall proceed in
accordance with GC Section 7.2.6 to agree or determine these
Managing Diracaor
KUILLEG, smack
Page 274 of 490
30 \


4.1 Employer's Assistance to the Operator
Employer shall obtain consent from the respective pollution control
board/authority and all other requisite clearances to establish and
operate the Project Facilities unless the same have been obtained
The Employer shall use reasonable efforts to,

provide the Operator, Sub-contractors and Operator's Personnel

with work permits and such other documents as shall be
necessary to enable the Operator, Sub-contractors or Operator's
Personnel to perform the Services;

arrange for Operator's Personnel and, if appropriate, their

eligible dependants to obtain promptly all necessary entry and
exit visas, residence permits, exchange permits and any other
documents required for their stay in the Country;

facilitate the prompt clearance through customs of any property

required for the Services and of the personal effects of the
Operator's Personnel and their eligible dependants; and

issue to officials, agents and representatives of theEmployer all

such instructions as may be necessary or appropriate for the
prompt and effective implementation of the Services.

4.2 Access to the Site and Project Facility

the Employer shall be responsible for acquiring and providing legal and
physical possession of the Site and access thereto and for providing
possession and access to all other areas reasonably required for the proper
execution of the Contract including all requisite rights of way. The
Employer shall provide the Operator, free of charge, full possession of the
Site and the Project Facility during the term of the Contract.

4.3 Reviews and Approvals of Submissions

(I) Except as otherwise provided in the Contract, if the Operator submits a plan,
report or other documentation to the Employer in writing, and the Employer,
or the DBO Engineer, is required to approve that submission, the DBO
Engineer as applicable, shall review and either approve or provide written
comment on the Operator's submission no later than 14 days after the day of
submission by the Operator to the DBO Engineer.

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Managing Dreamt
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Page 275 of 490
If the DBO Engineer, as applicable, fails to approve or refuses to approve
the Operator's submission in accordance with GC Section 4.3(1), the
Operator shall notify the Employer in writing that it has not received a
response to its submission.

If the DBO Engineer, fails to respond to the Operator's written notification

pursuant to GC Section 4.3(2) within 14 days after the receipt by the DBO
Engineer,of the Operator's written notification, the Operator's submission
shall be deemed to be approved.


5.1 Contract Price
The Contract Price shall be as specified in the Price Schedules offered by
the Operator and accepted by the Employer while awarding the Contract.
These prices have been incorporated in Schedule 5 of the Contract.

Subject to GC Section 9.7, the Operator shall be deemed to have satisfied

itself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the Contract Price, which
shall, except as otherwise provided for in the Contract, cover all its
obligations under the Contract, including all costs and expenses for the
Design, Building, Testing, Successful Commissioning, Operation &
Maintenance of the Project Facility in accordance with the provisions of
this Contract.

Unless indicted in the SCC, the contract price shall not be subject to any
alteration except in the event of a change to the design build services in
accordance with GC section 10.1 or a change to the operations services in
accordance with GC Section 10.2

5.2 Terms of Payment

(I) The Contract Price shall be paid as specified in the SCC.

No payment made by the Employer herein shall be deemed to constitute

acceptance by the Employer of the Project Facility or any part thereof

In the event that the Employer fails to make any payment by its respective
due date or within the period of 60 days, the Employer shall pay to the
Operator interest on the amount of such delayed payment at the rate
shown in the SCC and as specified in the SCC for the period of delay until
payment has been made in full.

The currency or currencies in which payments are made to the Operator

under this Contract shall be specified in the SCC, subject to the general
principle that payments will be made in the currency or currencies in
which the Contract Price has been stated in the Operator's Bid.

All payments shall be made in the currency or currencies specifie n the

t(rticle 2 of the Contract.


(6) if the Operator was, or is, failing to perform any ESHS obligations or
work under the Contract, the value of this work or obligation, as
determined by the DBO Engineer, may be withheld until the work or
obligation has been performed, and/or the cost of rectification or
replacement, as determined by the DBO Engineer, may be withheld until
rectification or replacement has been completed. Failure to perform
includes, but is not limited to the following:

(0 failure to comply with any ESHS obligations or work described in the

Works' Requirements which may include: working outside site
boundaries, excessive dust, failure to keep public roads in a safe usable
condition, damage to offsite vegetation, pollution of water courses from
oils or sedimentation, contamination of land e.g. from oils, human
waste, damage to archeology or cultural heritage features, air pollution
as a result of unauthorized and/or inefficient combustion;

failure to regularly review ESHS -MSIP and/or update it in a timely

manner to address emerging ESHS issues, or anticipated risks or

failure to implement the ESHS- MSIP;

failing to have appropriate consents/permits prior to undertaking Works

or related activities;

failure to submit ESHS report/s (as described in Appendix 1 of Schedule

2 (Design Build Services), or failure to submit such reports in a timely

failure to implement remediation as instructed by the DBO Engineer

within the specified timeframe (e.g. remediation addressing non-
co mpl iance/s).
5.3 Performance Incentive Compensation
If the Employer intends to pay the Operator performance incentive
compensation, the Employer will pay such compensation at the end of
the Operations Period and in accordance with the Performance Incentive
Compensation Schedule.

5.4 Liquidated Damages

The Operator shall pay the Employer liquidated damages for failure to
meet Contract Milestones during the Design-Build Period and for failure
of maintaining Performance Standards as set out in SCC.

5.5 Securities
5.5.1 Performance Security
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Managing Donor
Page 277 of 490
(I) The Operator shall provide a security for the Operator's proper
performance of the Contract to the Employer no later than the date
specified in the Bidding Documents (the "Performance Security").

(2) The Performance Security shall be,

in the amount specified in the SCC;

denominated in the currency or currencies of the Contract, or in a

freely convertible currency acceptable to the Employer; and

shall be in the form specified in the Bidding Documents or in

another form approved by the Employer.

(3) The Performance Security is a bank guarantee and shall be issued by


a bank or insurance company located in the Country; or

a foreign bank or insurance company through a correspondent

bank or insurance company located in the Country.

(4) The Performance Security shall be valid until 180 days after the End
Date, or any extension to the End Date.

(5) The Employer shall return the Performance Security no later than 14 days
after its expiration.

(6) The cost of complying with this GC Section 5.5.1 shall be borne by the

5.5.2 Advance Payment Security

The Operator shall provide a security in an amount equal to the advance
payment calculated in accordance with the Terms and Procedures of
Payment Schedule and in the same currency or currencies.

The mobilization advance paid to the Operator by the Employer shall be

recovered commencing from the date on which the payment to the
Operator has reached 25% of the Design-Build price and shall be fully
recovered by completion of 90% of the time for completing the works
under Design-Build Period.

5.6 Taxes and Duties

5.6.1 The rates quoted by the Bidder (Operator) shall be deemed to be inclusive
of all taxes, duties, levies and other charges that Bidder (Opeartor) will
have to pay for the performance of this Contract after considering the
available taxes, duties, levies and exmptions and benefits, if any, in India.

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Page 278 of 490
5.6.2 Except as otherwise specifically provided in the Contract, the Operator
shall bear and pay all taxes, duties, levies and charges (the "Taxes")
assessed on the Operator, its Sub-contractors or their employees by all
municipal, state or national government authorities in connection with the
Services in and outside of the Country.

5.6.3 The Employer (Employer) will perform such duties with regard to
deduction of such taxes at source (TDS) as per applicable law e.g. TDS
under Income Tax and GST Act. etc.

5.6.4 The Employer (Employer) shall adjust the Contract Price if taxes, duties,
and other levies are changed between the deadline for the submission of
bids for the Contract and the date of the last Completion certificate. The
adjustment shall be the change in the amount of tax payable by the
Contractor, provided such changes are not already reflected in the Contract

5.6.5 If any tax/duty exemptions, reductions, allowances or privileges and

benefits accrue or available to the Operator due to changes in law,
regulation, ordinance between the deadline for the submission of bids for
the Contract and the date of the last Completion certificate the same shall be
passed on by the operator to the Employer.


6.1 Copyright — Design-Build Documents

(I) As between the Parties, the Operator shall retain the copyright and
other intellectual property rights in the Design-Build Documents
made by or on behalf of the Operator.

(2) The Operator shall be deemed, by signing the Contract, to give the
Employer a non-terminable, transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free
licence to copy, use and communicate the Design-Build Documents,
including making and using modifications of them. This licence

apply throughout the actual or intended working life, whichever

is longer, of the relevant parts of the Site or Project Facility;

entitle any person in proper possession of the relevant part of the

Site or Project Facility to copy, use and communicate the
Design-Build Documents for the purposes of completing,
managing, operating, maintaining, altering, adjusting, and
repairing the Project Facility;

in the case of Design-Build Documents which are in the form of

computer programs and other software, permit their use on any
computer on the Site or at the Project Facility and other places as
envisaged by the Contract, including replacements of any
computers supplied by the Operator; and

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entitle the Employer to make the Design-Build Documents
available for inspection by a prospective Bidder who may be
involved in the process to select a Subsequent Operator.

(3) The Employer shall not, without the Operator's consent, use, copy or
communicate the Design-Build Documents to a Third Party by, or on
behalf of, the Employer for purposes other than those permitted
under GC Section 6.1(2).

6.2 Confidentiality
(I) The Operator shall keep confidential and shall not, without the written
consent of the Employer, divulge to any Third Party any documents,
data or other information arising directly or indirectly from the
performance of Services under the Contract, whether such information
has been furnished prior to, during or following termination of the
Contract. Notwithstanding this GC Section 6.2(1), the Operator may
furnish to its Sub-contractors such documents, data and other
information to the extent required for the Sub-contractors to perform
their work under the Contract, in which event the Operator shall obtain
from such Sub-contractors an undertaking of confidentiality similar to
that imposed on the Operator under this GC Section 6.20).

The Operator shall not use such documents, data and other information
received from the Employer for any purpose other than the Services as
are required for the performance of the Contract. The Operator shall not
publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the
Services, Site or Project Facility in any trade or technical paper or
advertising materials without the prior written consent of the Employer.

The obligations of the Operator under GC Sections 6.20) and 6.2(2),

shall not apply to that information which,

now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault of the


can be proven to have been possessed by the Operator at the time

of disclosure and which was not previously obtained, directly or
indirectly, from the Employer; or

otherwise lawfully becomes available to the Operator from a

Third Party that has no obligation of confidentiality.

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Page 280 of 490


7.1 General
The Parties acknowledge that two separate approaches to contract
administration and supervision will be in place during the Contract Term
as follows:

from the Effective Date until the Design-Build Completion Date,

the Design-Build Supervision approach will be put in place by
the Employer; and

from the Sustaining Period Starting Date until the End Date, the
Sustaining Supervision approach will be put in place by the

7.2 Design-Build Supervision

7.2.1 Supervision during the Design-Build Period
GC Section 7.2 shall apply only during the Design-Build Period.

7.2.2 DBO Engineer's Duties and Authority (Design-Build Period)

The Employer shall appoint the DBO Engineer who shall be
responsible for day to day contract management and supervision
during the Design-Build Period. The DBO Engineer's staff shall
include suitably qualified engineers and other professionals who are
competent to carry out these duties.

The DBO Engineer shall have no authority to amend the Contract.

Except, as specifically provided otherwise in the Contract, the DBO

Engineer may exercise the authority attributable to the DBO
Engineer as specified in or necessarily to be implied from the
Contract. The Employer undertakes not to impose further
constraints on the DBO Engineer's authority, except as agreed with
the Operator.

If the DBO Engineer is obligated to obtain the approval of the

Employer before exercising a specific authority, these restrictions
shall be set out in the SCC. If the DBO Engineer exercises a
specified authority for which the Employer's approval is required
then, for the purposes of the Contract, the Employer shall be deemed
to have given approval.

(5) Except as otherwise stated in the Contract,

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Minvging DVecilot
Page 281 of 490
if the DBO Engineer carries out duties or exercises authority,
specified in or implied by the Contract, the DBO Engineer shall
be deemed to act for the Employer;

the DBO Engineer has no authority to relieve any Party of any

duties, obligations or responsibilities under the Contract; and

any approval, check, certificate, consent, examination,

inspection, instruction, notice, proposal, request, test or similar
act by the DBO Engineer, including absence of disapproval, shall
not relieve the Operator from any responsibility it has under the
Contract, including responsibility for errors, omissions,
discrepancies and non-compliances.

7.2.3 Delegation by the DBO Engineer

(I) The DBO Engineer may from time to time assign duties and delegate
authority to assistants and may also revoke such assignment or
delegation. These assistants may include a resident engineer, or
independent inspectors appointed to inspect or test items of Plant or
Equipment facilities. The assignment, delegation or revocation shall
be in writing and shall not take effect until copies have been
received by both Parties. Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties,
the DBO Engineer shall not delegate the authority to determine any
matter in accordance with GC Section 7.2.6.

Assistants shall be suitably qualified persons, who are competent to

carry out these duties and exercise this authority, and who are fluent
in the language for communications defined in GC Section 1.3.1.

Each assistant, to whom duties have been assigned or authority has

been delegated, shall only be authorized to issue instructions to the
Operator to the extent defined by the delegation. Any approval,
check, certificate, consent, examination, inspection, instruction,
notice, proposal, request, test, or similar act by an assistant, in
accordance with the delegation, shall have the same effect as though
the act had been an act of the DBO Engineer. However,

any failure to disapprove any work or Plant and Equipment shall

not constitute approval, and shall therefore not prejudice the
right of the DBO Engineer to reject the work or the Plant and
Equipment; and

if the Operator questions any determination or instruction of an

assistant, the Operator may refer the matter to the DBO
Engineer, who shall promptly confirm, reverse or vary the
determination or instruction.

7.2.4 Instructions of the DBO Engineer

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age 282 of 490Sensescire-

The DBO Engineer may issue to the Operator, at any time during the
Design-Build Period, instructions which may be necessary for the
execution of the Design-Build Services and the remedying of any
defects, all in accordance with the Contract. The Operator shall only
take instructions from the DBO Engineer, or from an assistant to
whom the appropriate authority has been delegated under GC
Section 10.1.

The Operator shall comply with the instructions given by the DBO
Engineer or delegated assistant, on any matter related to the
Contract. These instructions shall be given in writing.

7.2.5 Replacement of the DBO Engineer

If the Employer intends to replace the DBO Engineer, the Employer
shall, not less than 42 days before the intended date of replacement, give
notice to the Operator of the name, address and relevant experience of
the intended replacement DBO Engineer. The Employer shall not
replace the DBO Engineer with a person against whom the Operator
raises reasonable objection by notice to the Employer, with supporting

7.2.6 Determinations by the DBO Engineer

Whenever the Contract provides that the DBO Engineer shall
proceed in accordance with this GC Section 7.2.6 to agree or
determine any matter, the DBO Engineer shall consult with each
Party in an endeavour to reach agreement. If agreement is not
achieved, the DBO Engineer shall make a fair determination in
accordance with the Contract, taking due regard of all relevant

The DBO Engineer shall give notice to the Parties of each agreement
or determination, with supporting particulars. Each Party shall give
effect to each agreement or determination unless and until revised
under GC Section 1.9.

7.3 Sustaining Period Supervision

7.3.1 Supervision during the Sustaining Period
This GC Section 7.3 shall apply only during the Sustaining Period and
the period of time immediately after the End Date solely for the purpose
of resolving transition issues and any outstanding issues arising during
the Sustaining Period.

7.3.2 The Employer shall appoint its Representative for supervision of the
"Operation Services' during the Sustaining period of 7 (Seven) years in
accordance with SCC clause 8.1.1 (1) (b).
Page 283 of 490

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8.1 Representatives
8.1.1 Employer's Representative
(1) The Employer's representative (the "Employer's Representative")
shall be as follows:

during the Design-Build Period, the Employer's Representative

shall be the DBO Engineer; and

during the Sustaining Period, the Employer's Representative

shall be the the DBO Engineer or any agency so designated

(2) The Employer shall name its representative,

(a) no later than 14 days after the Effective Date for the DBO
Engineer; and

(3) The Employer may change its representative from time to time and
shall give notice of the change without delay. The Employer shall
not change its representative at a time and in such a manner as to
impede the progress of either the Design-Build Services or the
Sustaining Period Services.

(4) The Employer's Representative shall represent and act for the
Employer at all times during the performance of the Contract. All
notices, instructions, orders, certificates, approvals and all other
communications under the Contract by the Employer shall be given
by the DBO Engineer as applicable, except as herein otherwise

(5) All notices, instructions, information and other communications

given by the Operator to the Employer under the Contract shall be
given to the DBO Engineer as applicable, except as herein otherwise

8.1.2 Operator's Representative

(1) If the Operator's representative is not named in the SCC, the
Operator shall name its representative (the "Operator's
Representative") no later than 14 days after the Effective Date and
shall request the Employer to approve the proposed Operator's
Representative. If the Employer makes no objection to the proposed
Operator's Representative, the Operator's Representative shall be
deemed to have been approved.

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3) 1

If the Employer objects to the proposed Operator's Representative

before the expiration of 14 days after the proposal, the Operator shall
propose a replacement no later than 14 days after receiving the
Employer's objection and reasons for the objection and
GC Section 8.1.2(1) shall apply to the proposed replacement.

The Operator's Representative shall represent and act for the

Operator at all times during the performance of the Contract. All
notices, instructions, orders, certificates, approvals and all other
communications under the Contract by the Operator shall be given
by the Operator's Representative, except as herein otherwise

All notices, instructions, information, and other communications

given by the Employer to the Operator under the Contract shall be
given to the Operator's Representative as established pursuant to this
GC Section 8.1.2.

The Operator shall not revoke the appointment of the Operator's

Representative without the Employer's prior written consent, which
shall not be unreasonably withheld. If the Employer consents
thereto, the Operator shall appoint some other person as the
Operator's Representative, pursuant to the procedure set out in this
GC Section 8.1.2.

The Operator's Representative may, subject to the approval of the

Employer, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, at any time
delegate to any person any of the powers, functions and authorities
vested in him or her. Any such delegation may be revoked at any
time. Any such delegation or revocation shall be subject to a prior
notice signed by the Operator's Representative, and shall specify the
powers, functions and authorities thereby delegated or revoked. No
such delegation or revocation shall take effect unless and until a
copy thereof has been delivered to the Employer and the DBO

Any act or exercise by any person of powers, functions and

authorities so delegated to him or her in accordance with GC Section
8.1.2(6) shall be deemed to be an act or exercise by the Operator's

8.2 Operator's Superintendence

(1) Throughout the term of the Contract, the Operator shall provide all
necessary superintendence to plan, arrange, direct, manage, inspect
and test the Services.

Mansiong Orector
Page 285 of. 490

Superintendence shall be given by a sufficient number of persons
having adequate knowledge of the language for communications as
set out in the SCC and of the operations to be carried out, including
the methods and techniques required, the hazards likely to be
encountered and methods of preventing accidents, for the
satisfactory and safe execution of the Services.

The Operator's Representative shall appoint a suitable person as

construction or operations manager as applicable (the "Manager").
The Manager shall supervise all work done at the Site and Project
Facility by the Operator and shall be present at the Site or Project
Facility through normal working hours except when on leave, sick or
absence connected with the proper performance of the Contract.
Whenever the Manager is absent from the Site Project Facility, a
suitable person shall be appointed to act as his or her deputy.

8.3 Operator's Personnel

The Operator shall provide and employ on the Site for the
performance of the Services such skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled
labour as is necessary for the proper and timely execution of the
Contract (the "Operator's Personnel"). The Operator is encouraged
to use local labour that has the necessary skills. The Operator shall
provide all expertise needed to carry out the Services including the
Key Staff with the expertise specified in the SCC for the design
build services.

Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the Operator shall be

responsible for the recruitment, employment, transportation,
accommodation and catering of all labour, local or expatriate,
required for the execution of the Contract and for all payments in
connection therewith.

The Operator shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits

and visas from the appropriate authorities for the entry of all labour
and personnel to be employed on the Site into the Country.

The Operator shall at its own expense provide the means of

repatriation to all of its and its Sub-contractor's personnel employed
on the Contract at the Site to their various home countries. It shall
also provide suitable temporary maintenance of all such persons
from the cessation of their employment on the Contract to the date
programmed for their departure. In the event that the Operator
defaults in providing such means of transportation and temporary
maintenance, the Employer may provide the same to such personnel
and recover the cost of doing so from the Operator.

The Operator shall at all times during the progress of the Contract
use its best endeavours to prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly
conduct or behaviour by or amongst its employees and the lab ur of
its Sub-contractors. 2( '<Ws%c
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(6) The Operator shall, in all dealings with its labour and the labour of
its Sub-contractors currently employed on or connected with the
Contract, pay due regard to all recognized festivals, official holidays,
religious or other customs and all local laws and regulations
pertaining to the employment of labour.

8.4 Replacement of Operator's Personnel

The Employer or DBO Engineer may require the Operator to remove
and replace any member of the Operator's Personnel who,

persists in any misconduct or lack of care;

carries out duties incompetently or negligently;

fails to comply with any provision of the Contract; or

persists in any conduct which gives the Employer reasonable

cause to be dissatisfied with him or her; or undertakes behavior
which breaches the Code of Conduct (ESHS) (e.g. spreading
communicable diseases, sexual harassment, gender based
violence, illicit activity or crime)."

"If appropriate, the Opearator shall then appoint (or cause to

be appointed) a suitable replacement person."
"The Operator's Personnel includes Key Staff. If the Operator
intends to replace a Key Stag the Operator shall, not less than
30 days before the intended date of replacement, give notice to
the DBO Engineer, the name, address, academic qualifications
and relevant experience of the intended replacement Key Staff.
The Operator shall not, without the prior consent of the DBO
Engineer, revoke the appointment of the Key Staff or appoint a

8.5 Existing Staff

If the Operator is obliged to retain staff employed by the Employer as
stated in the SCC, it shall do so in accordance with the Existing Staff

8.6 Sub-contractors
(1) The Operator shall not enter into any contract or contracts that will
result in the Operator exceeding the maximum percentage of
subcontracting permitted by the Employer in respect of the Design-
Build Services and the Operations Services, as set out in the Bidding
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14. Atli meat ivli6.1-1ANAGe..
Except with respect to the Sub-contractors named in the Operator's
Bid, the Operator shall not enter into a contract with any Sub-
contractor without the prior consent of the Employer.

The Operator shall be responsible for the observance by Sub-

contractors of the terms and conditions of the Contract and shall
ensure that all relevant terms of the Contract are included in the
Operator's contracts with Sub-contractors.

Subcontracting by the Operator shall not relieve the Operator of any

of its obligations under the Contract and the Operator shall be
responsible for the acts, omissions and defaults of all Sub-
contractors, and the Sub-contractors, employees, agents and sub-sub-
contractors, as fully as if they were acts, omissions or defaults of the
Operator or the Operator's Personnel.


9.1 Defect Liability
The Operator warrants that the Site and Project Facility or any part
thereof shall be free from defects in the Design, engineering,
materials and workmanship of the Plant and Equipment supplied
and of the work executed.

The Defect Liability Period shall be 24 months after the date of

successful completion of three months trial run of the Project
Facility, unless specified otherwise in the SCC.

If during the Defect Liability Period any defect should be found in

the Design, engineering, materials and workmanship of the Site,
Project Facility or Plant and Equipment supplied or of the work
executed by the Operator, the Operator shall promptly, in
consultation and agreement with the Employer regarding
appropriate remedying of the defects, and at its cost, repair, replace
or otherwise make good, as the Operator shall, at its discretion,
determine, such defect as well as any damage to the Project Facility
caused by such defect. The Operator shall not be responsible for
the repair, replacement or making good of any defect or of any
damage to the Project Facility arising out of or resulting from
normal wear and tear.

The Operator's obligations under this GC Section 9.1 shall not

apply to,

(a) any Designs, specifications or other data Designed, supplied or

specified by or on behalf of the Employer; and

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(b) any other materials supplied or any other work executed by or

on behalf of the Employer, except for the work executed by the
Employer under GC Section 9.1(10).

The Employer shall give the Operator a notice stating the nature of
any such defect together with all available evidence thereof
promptly following the discovery thereof The Employer shall give
all reasonable opportunity for the Operator to inspect any such

The Employer shall give the Operator all necessary access to the
Project Facility and the Site to enable the Operator to perform its
obligations under this GC Section 9.1.

The Operator may, with the consent of the Employer, remove from
the Site any Plant and Equipment, Operator's Equipment (Design-
Build) and Operator's Equipment (Operations) or any part of the
Project Facility that are defective if the nature of the defect, or any
damage to the Project Facility caused by the defect, is such that
repairs cannot be expeditiously carried out at the Site.

If the repair, replacement or making good is of such a character that

it may affect the efficiency of the Project Facility or any part
thereof, the Employer may give to the Operator a notice requiring
that tests of the defective part of the Project Facility shall be made
by the Operator immediately upon completion of such remedial
work, whereupon the Operator shall carry out such tests.

If such part fails the tests, the Operator shall carry out further
repair, replacement or making good, as the case may be, until that
part of the Project Facility passes such tests. The tests shall be
agreed upon by the Employer and the Operator.

If the Operator fails to commence the work necessary to remedy

such defect or any damage to the Project Facility caused by such
defect within a reasonable time, which shall in no event be
considered to be less than 15 days, the Employer may, following
notice to the Operator, proceed to do such work, and the reasonable
costs incurred by the Employer in connection therewith shall be
paid to the Employer by the Operator or may be deducted by the
Employer from any monies due the Operator or claimed under the
Performance Security.

If the Project Facility or any part thereof cannot be used by reason

of such defect or making good of such defect, the Defect Liability
Period of the Project Facility or such part, as the case may be, shall
be extended by a period equal to the period during which the
Project Facility or such part cannot be used by the Employer
because of any of the aforesaid reasons.


fissionu taw
Except as provided in GC Sections 9.1 and 9.5, the Operator shall
be under no liability whatsoever and howsoever arising, and
whether under the Contract or at law, in respect of defects in the
Project Facility or any part thereof, the Plant and Equipment,
Design or engineering or work executed that appear after
Completion of the Site, the Project Facility or any part thereof,
except where such defects are the result of the gross negligence,
fraud, criminal or wilful action of the Operator.

The Operator shall also provide an extended warranty for any such
component of the Project Facility and during the period of time as
may be specified in the SCC. Such obligation shall be in addition
to the Defect Liability Period specified under GC Section 9.1(2).

9.2 Limitation of Liability

Except in cases of criminal negligence or wilful misconduct,

the Operator shall not be liable to the Employer in contract, tort,

or otherwise, for any indirect or consequential loss or damage,
loss of use, loss of production, or loss of profits of interest costs,
provided that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of
the Operator to pay liquidated damages to the Employer; and

the aggregate liability of the Operator to the Employer, whether

under the Contract, in tort or otherwise, shall not exceed the
aggregate of the total Contract Price (including the Monthly
payment during the Operations Period) and the total available
Performance Incentive Compensation, provided that this
limitation shall not apply to any obligation of the Operator to
indemnify the Employer with respect to patent infringement.

9.3 Transfer of Ownership and Existing Equipment and Materials

9.3.1 Transfer of Ownership
Ownership of the Plant and Equipment, including spare parts, to be
imported into the Country shall be transferred to the Employer upon
delivery at the Site.

Ownership of the Plant and Equipment procured in the Country shall be

transferred to the Employer when the Plant and Equipment are brought
on to the Site.

Ownership of any Plant and Equipment in excess of the requirements of

the Project Facility shall revert to the Operator upon Completion of the
Project Facility or such earlier time if the Employer and the Operator

agree that the Plant and Equipment in question are no longer required
ff the Project Facility.
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Subject to GC Section 9.3.1(5), Ownership of the Operator's Equipment
(Design-Build) and Operator's Equipment (Operations), including spare
parts, shall remain with the Operator or its Sub-contractors.

The Employer may, in its sole discretion, purchase as of the End Date
any of the Operator's Equipment (Operations), including spare parts, at
the fair market value of such Operator's Equipment (Operations) as
determined by an independent valuator and the Operator shall transfer
Ownership and possession of such Operator's Equipment (Operations)
to the Employer as of the End Date.

Notwithstanding the transfer of Ownership of the Plant and Equipment,

the responsibility for care and custody of the Plant and Equipment,
Operator's Equipment (Design-Build) and Operator's Equipment
(Operations), together with the risk of loss or damage thereto, shall
remain with the Operator pursuant to GC Section 9.4 until the End

9.3.2 (Existing Equipment and Materials) Deleted

9.4 Care of the Site and Project Facility
Except as provided in GC Sections 9.9 and 9.4(2), the Operator shall be
responsible for the care and custody of the Site and Project Facility or any
part thereof until the End Date and shall make good at its own cost any loss
or damage that may occur to the Site or Project Facility from any cause
whatsoever during such period. The Operator shall also be responsible for
any loss or damage to the Site or Project Facility caused by the Operator or
its Sub-contractors in the course of any work carried out, pursuant to GC
Section 9.1.

If any loss or damage occurs to the Site or Project Facility or any part
thereof by reason of,

insofar as they relate to the Country, nuclear reaction, nuclear

radiation, radioactive contamination, pressure wave caused by aircraft
or other aerial objects, or any other occurrences that an experienced
Operator or operator could not reasonably foresee, or if reasonably
foreseeable could not reasonably make provision for or insure against,
insofar as such risks are not normally insurable on the insurance
market and are mentioned in the general exclusions of the policy of
insurance, including War Risks, taken out under GC Section 9.6;

any use or occupation by the Employer or any Third Party, other than
a Sub-contractor, authorized by the Employer of any part of the Site or
Project Facility; or

any use of or reliance upon any Design, data or specification provided

or Designated by or on behalf of the Employer, or any such matter for
which the Operator has disclaimed responsibility herein,

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the Employer shall pay to the Operator all sums payable in respect of
the Site executed, notwithstanding that the same be lost, destroyed or
damaged. If the Employer requests the Operator in writing to make
good any loss or damage to the Plant thereby occasioned, the Operator
shall make good the same at the cost of the Employer in accordance
with GC Section 10.1.If the Employer does not request the Operator in
writing to make good any loss or damage to the Project Facility
thereby occasioned, the Employer shall either request a change in
accordance with GC Section 10.1, excluding the performance of that
part of the Project Facility thereby lost, destroyed or damaged, or,
where the loss or damage affects a substantial part of the Project
Facility, the Employer shall terminate the Contract pursuant to GC
Section 11.2.1.

The Operator shall be liable for any loss of or damage to any Operator's
Equipment (Design-Build), Operator's Equipment (Operations) or any
other property of the Operator used or intended to be used for purposes of
the Site or the Project Facility, except where such loss or damage arises by
reason of any of the matters specified in GC Sections 9.4(2)(b) and 9.9.

With respect to any loss or damage caused to the Project Facility or any
part thereof, the Operator's Equipment (Design-Build) or the Operator's
Equipment (Operations) by reason of any of the matters specified in GC
Section 9.9(1), the provisions of GC Section 9.9(3) shall apply.

9.5 Indemnification
Subject to GC Section 9.5(5), the Operator shall indemnify and hold
harmless the Employer and its employees and officers from and against
any and all suits, actions or administrative proceedings, claims, demands,
losses, damages, costs, and expenses of whatsoever nature, including
attorney's fees and expenses, in respect of the death or injury of any
person or loss of or damage to any property, arising in connection with
the Operator's performance of the Services and by reason of the
negligence of the Operator or its Sub-contractors, or their employees,
officers or agents, except any injury, death or property damage caused by
the negligence of the Employer, its Operators, employees, officers or

If any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the

Employer that might subject the Operator to liability under GC Section
9.5(1), the Employer shall promptly give the Operator a notice thereof
and the Operator may at its own expense and in the Employer's name
conduct such proceedings or claim and any negotiations for the
settlement of any such proceedings or claim.

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If the Operator fails to notify the Employer prior to the expiration of 30
days after receipt of a notice given pursuant to GC Section 9.5(2) that it
intends to conduct any such proceedings or claim, then the Employer
shall be free to conduct the same on its own behalf Unless the Operator
has so failed to notify the Employer within the 30 day period, the
Employer shall make no admission that may be prejudicial to the defence
of any such proceedings or claim.

The Employer shall, at the Operator's request, provide all available

assistance to the Operator in conducting such proceedings or claim, and
shall be reimbursed by the Operator for all reasonable expenses incurred
in so doing.

The Employer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Operator and its
employees, officers and Sub-contractors from any liability for loss of or
damage to property of the Employer that is caused by fire, explosion or
any other perils, in excess of the amount recoverable from insurances
procured under GC Section 9.6, provided that such fire, explosion or
other perils were not caused by any act or omission of the Operator.

The Party entitled to the benefit of an indemnity under this GC Section

9.5 shall take all reasonable measures to mitigate any loss or damage
which has occurred. If the Party fails to take such measures, the other
Party's liabilities shall be correspondingly reduced.

9.6 Insurance
The Insurance to be provided by the operator during his entire duration
of Contract Term has been specified in SCC.

9.7 Unforeseeable Physical Conditions

In this GC Section 9.7, "physical conditions" means natural physical
conditions and man-made and other physical obstructions and
pollutants, which the Operator encounters at the Site when performing
of the Design-Build Services, including sub-surface and hydrological
conditions but excluding climatic conditions.

If the Operator encounters adverse physical conditions which it

considers to have been unforeseeable, the Operator shall give notice to
the DBO Engineer as soon as practicable.

The Operator's Notice pursuant to GC Section 9.7(2) shall describe the

physical conditions, so that they can be inspected by the DBO
Engineer, and shall set out the reasons why the Operator considers
them to be Unforeseeable. The Operator shall continue performing the
Design-Build Services, using such proper and reasonable measures as
are appropriate for the physical conditions, and shall comply with any
instructions which the DBO Engineer may give. If an instruction
constitutes a Change GC Section 10.1.3 shall apply.

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(4) If and to the extent that the Operator encounters physical conditions
which are Unforeseeable, gives the notice required by GC Section
9.7(2), and suffers delay or incurs Cost due to these conditions, the
Operator shall be entitled subject to GC Section 1.9 to,

an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or will

be delayed, under GC Section 2.3.4; and

payment of any such Cost, which shall be included in the

Contract Price.

(5) After receiving such notice and inspecting or investigating these

physical conditions, the DBO Engineer shall proceed in accordance
with GC Section 7.2.6 to agree or determine,

whether and to what extent these physical conditions were

Unforeseeable; and

the amount of delay or Cost, if any, pursuant to GC Section


(6) Before additional Cost is finally agreed or determined under GC

Section 9.7(5), the DBO Engineer, pursuant to GC Section 7.2.6,
may also review whether other physical conditions were more
favourable than could reasonably have been foreseen when the
Operator submitted the Bid. If and to the extent that these more
favourable conditions were encountered, the DBO Engineer may
proceed in accordance with GC Section 7.2.6 to agree or determine
the reductions in Cost which were due to these conditions, which
may be included, as deductions, in the Contract Price. The net
effect of all adjustments under GC Section 9.7(4)(6) and all these
reductions, for all the physical conditions encountered on the Site,
shall not result in a net reduction in the Contract Price.

(7) The DBO Engineer may take account of any evidence of the
physical conditions foreseen by the Operator when submitting the
Bid, which may be made available by the Operator, but shall not be
bound by any such evidence.

9.8 Force Majeure

(I) "Force Majeure" shall mean any event,

beyond the reasonable control of the Employer or of the

Operator, as the case may be; and

which is unavoidable notwithstanding the reasonable care of the

Party affected.

,(2) Force Majeure shall include the events listed below in this GC
Section 9.8(2) if the conditions set out in GC Secti 1)(a) and
(b) are satisfied:

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war, hostilities or warlike operations, whether a state of war be
declared or not, invasion, act of foreign enemy and civil war;

rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, usurpation of civil or

military government, conspiracy, riot, civil commotion and
terrorist acts;

confiscation, nationalization, mobilization, commandeering or

requisition by or under the order of any government or de jure
or de facto authority or ruler or any other act or failure to act of
any local state or national government authority;

strike, sabotage, lockout, embargo, import restriction, port

congestion, lack of usual means of public transportation and
communication, industrial dispute, shipwreck, shortage or
restriction of power supply, epidemics, quarantine and plague;

earthquake, landslide, volcanic activity, fire, flood or

inundation, tidal wave, typhoon or cyclone, hurricane, storm,
lightning, or other inclement weather condition, nuclear and
pressure waves or other natural or physical disaster; and

shortage of labour, materials or utilities where caused by

circumstances that are themselves Force Majeure.

If the Parties are prevented, hindered or delayed from or in

performing any of their obligations under the Contract by an event of
Force Majeure, then it shall notify the other in writing of the
occurrence of such event and the circumstances thereof within 14
days after the occurrence of such event.

The Party who has given such notice shall be excused from the
performance or punctual performance of its obligations under the
Contract for so long as the relevant event of Force Majeure
continues and to the extent that such Party's performance is
prevented, hindered or delayed. The Time for Completion shall be
extended in accordance with GC Section 2.3.4(1) for events of Force
Majeure during the Design-Build Period. If the Time for
Completion is extended in accordance with GC Section 2.3.4(1), the
End Date shall be extended for a period of time equal to the period
of time during which the relevant event of Force Majeure continued.

The Party or Parties affected by the event of Force Majeure shall use
reasonable efforts to mitigate the effect thereof upon its or their
performance of the Contract and to fulfil its or their obligations
under the Contract, but without prejudice to either Party's right to
terminate the Contract under GC Sections 9.8(7) and 9.9(6).

No delay or non-performance by either Party hereto caused by the

occurrence of any event of Force Majeure shall,

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constitute a default or breach of the Contract; or

subject to GC Sections 9.4(2), 9.9(3) and 9.9(5), give rise to any

claim for damages or additional Cost occasioned thereby,

if and to the extent that such delay or non-performance is caused by the

occurrence of an event of Force Majeure.

If the performance of the Contract is substantially prevented,

hindered or delayed for a single period of more than 60 days or an
aggregate period of more than 120 days on account of one or more
events of Force Majeure during the term of the Contract, the Parties
will attempt to develop a mutually satisfactory solution, failing
which either Party may terminate the Contract by giving a notice to
the other, but without prejudice to either Party's right to terminate
the Contract under GC Section 9.9(6).

In the event of termination pursuant to GC Section 9.8(7), the rights

and obligations of the Employer and the Operator shall be as
specified in GC Sections 11.2.1(2) and 11.2.2(1).

Notwithstanding GC Section 9.8(6), Force Majeure shall not apply

to any obligation of the Employer to make payments to the Operator

9.9 War Risks

"War Risks" shall mean any event specified in GC Section 9.8(2)(a)
and (b) and any explosion or impact of any mine, bomb, shell,
grenade or other Projectile, missile, munitions or explosive of war,
occurring or existing in or near the Country.

Notwithstanding anything contained in the Contract, the Operator

shall have no liability whatsoever for or with respect to,

destruction of or damage to the Site and Plant and Equipment or

any part thereof;

destruction of or damage to property of the Employer or any

Third Party; or

injury or loss of life,

if such destruction, damage, injury or loss of life is caused by any War

Risks, and the Employer shall indemnify and hold the Operator harmless
from and against any and all claims, liabilities, actions, lawsuits,
damages, costs, charges or expenses arising in consequence of or in
connection with the same.

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3.2 3

(3) If the Site, Project Facility or any Plant and Equipment, Operator's
Equipment (Design-Build), Operator's Equipment (Operations) or
any other property of the Operator used or intended to be used for
the purposes of the Services sustains destruction or damage by
reason of any War Risks, the Employer shall pay the Operator for,

any part of the Project Facility or the Plant and Equipment so

destroyed or damaged, to the extent not already paid for by the

replacing or making good any Operator's Equipment (Design-

Build), Operator's Equipment (Operations) or other property of
the Operator so destroyed or damaged; and

so far as may be required by the Employer, and as may be

necessary for completion of the Services, replacing or making
good any such destruction or damage to the Site, Project
Facility or the Plant and Equipment or any part thereof

(4) If the Employer does not require the Operator to replace or make
good any such destruction or damage to the Site or Project Facility,
the Employer shall either request a Change in accordance with GC
Section 10.1 excluding the performance of that part of the Project
Facility thereby destroyed or damaged or, where the loss,
destruction or damage affects a substantial part of the She or
Project Facility, shall terminate the Contract, pursuant to GC
Section 11.2.1.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Contract, the Employer

shall pay the Operator for any increased Costs that are in any way
attributable to, consequent on, resulting from, or in any way
connected with any War Risks, if the Operator notifies the
Employer in writing of any such increased Cost as soon as

(6) If, during the term of the Contract, any War Risks occur that
financially or otherwise materially affect the execution of the
Contract by the Operator, the Operator shall use its reasonable
efforts to execute the Contract with due and proper consideration
given to the safety of its and its Sub-contractors' personnel engaged
in the work on the Services. If the execution of the Services
becomes impossible or is substantially prevented for a single period
of more than 60 days or an aggregate period of more than 120 days
on account of any War Risks, the Parties will attempt to develop a
mutually satisfactory solution, failing which either Party may
terminate the Contract by giving a notice to the other.

(7) In the event of termination pursuant to GC Section 9.9(4) or 9.9(6),

the rights and obligations of the Employer and the Operator shall be
as specified in GC Section 11.2.1(2) and 11.2.2(1).

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9.10 Change in Laws and Regulations
If, after a date which is 28 days prior to the Submission Deadline in the
Bidding Documents, in the Country, any law, regulation, ordinance,
order or by-law having the force of law is enacted, promulgated,
abrogated or changed, which shall be deemed to include any change in
interpretation or application by the competent authorities, that
subsequently affects the costs and expenses of the Operator or the Time
for Completion, the Contract Price shall be correspondingly increased or
decreased, or the Time for Completion shall be reasonably adjusted to
the extent that the Operator has thereby been affected in the performance
of any of its obligations under the Contract. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, such additional or reduced costs shall not be separately paid
or credited if the same has already been accounted for in the Contract
Price adjustment provisions where applicable, in accordance with the
SCC if so provided.

9.11 Patent Indemnity

9.11.1 Indemnity by Operator
The Operator shall indemnify and hold harmless the Employer and its
employees and officers from and against any and all suits, actions or
administrative proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs,
and expenses of whatsoever nature, including attorney's fees and
expenses, which the Employer may suffer as a result of any
infringement or alleged infringement by the Operator, Sub-contractors,
or their employees, agents, or representatives, of any patent, utility
model, registered Design, trademark, copyright or other intellectual
property right registered or otherwise existing.

9.11.2 Notice of Claim

If any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the
Employer arising out of the matters referred to in GC Section
9.11.1, the Employer shall promptly give the Operator a notice
thereof, and the Operator may at its own expense and in the
Employer's name conduct such proceedings or claim and any
negotiations for the settlement of any such proceedings or claim.

If the Operator fails to notify the Employer no later than 30 days

after receipt of such notice that it intends to conduct any such
proceedings or claim, then the Employer shall be free to conduct
the same on its own behalf Unless the Operator has so failed to
notify the Employer no later than the 30 day period, the Employer
shall make no admission that may be prejudicial to the defence of
any such proceedings or claim.

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(3) The Employer shall, at the Operator's request, give all available
assistance to the Operator in conducting such proceedings or claim,
and shall be reimbursed by the Operator for all reasonable expenses
incurred in so doing.

9.11.3 Indemnity by Employer

The Employer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Operator and its
employees, officers and Sub-contractors from and against any and all
suits, actions or administrative proceedings, claims, demands, losses,
damages, costs, and expenses of whatsoever nature, including attorney's
fees and expenses, which the Operator may suffer as a result of any
infringement or alleged infringement by the Employer of any patent,
utility model, registered Design, trademark, copyright or other
intellectual property right registered or otherwise existing at the
Effective Date arising out of or in connection with any Design, data,
drawing, specification, or other documents or materials provided or
Designed by or on behalf of the Employer.

9.12 Functional Guarantees

The Operator guarantees that during the Tests and Inspection set
out in DBSS Article 5, the Project Facility and all parts thereof shall
attain the Functional Guarantees as required.

If, for reasons attributable to the Operator, the minimum level of the
Functional Guarantees are not met either in whole or in part, the
Operator shall at its cost and expense make any such changes,
modifications or additions to the Project Facility or any part thereof
as may be necessary to meet at least the minimum level of the
Functional Guarantees. The Operator shall notify the Employer
upon completion of the necessary changes, modifications or
additions, and shall request the Employer to repeat the applicable
Tests and Inspection until the minimum level of the Functional
Guarantees has been met. If the Operator eventually fails to meet
the minimum level of Functional Guarantees, the Employer may
consider termination of the Contract, pursuant to GC Section

If, for any reasons attributable to the Operator, the Functional

Guarantees are not attained either in whole or in part, but the
minimum level of the Functional Guarantees is met, the Operator
shall, at the Operator's option, either

(a) make such changes, modifications or additions to the Project

Facility or any part thereof that are necessary to attain the
Functional Guarantees at its cost and expense, • shall request
the Employer to repeat the Tests and Inspection,

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Marten Oen'
KILLD F G, Baniesiont
(b) pay liquidated damages to the Employer in respect of the failure
to meet the Functional Guarantees in accordance with the
provisions of the Liquidated Damages.

The payment of liquidated damages under GC Section 9.12(3) up to the

limitation of liability specified in the SCC, shall completely satisfy the
Operator's guarantees under GC Section 9.12(3), and the Operator shall
have no further liability whatsoever to the Employer in respect thereof

0\55‘°0si' Maregwv Ottani
coto' K.U.Lare, Baniadions-

.03S1. Page 300 of 490

10.1Change to the Design-Build Services
10.1.1 Introducing a Change
Subject to GC Sections 10.1.2(6) and 10.1.2(10), the Employer
shall have the right to propose, and subsequently require, that the
DBO Engineer order the Operator from time to time during the
performance of the Contract to make any change, modification,
addition or deletion to, in or from the Design-Build Services (the
"Change"), provided that such Change falls within the general
scope of the Design-Build Services and does not constitute
unrelated work and that it is technically practicable, taking into
account both the state of advancement of the Design-Build Services
and the technical compatibility of the Change envisaged with the
nature of the Design-Build Services as specified in the Contract and
any changes suggested by the statutory authority while giving
consent to establish or operate the WTP..

The Operator may from time to time during its performance of the
Contract propose to the Employer, with a copy to the DBO
Engineer, any Change that the Operator considers necessary or
desirable to improve the quality, efficiency or safety of the Design-
Build Services. The Employer may at its discretion approve or
reject any Change proposed by the Operator.

Notwithstanding GC Section 10.1.1(1) and 10.1.1(2), no change

made necessary because of any default of the Operator in the
performance of its obligations under the Contract shall be deemed
to be a Change, and such change shall not result in any adjustment
of the Contract Price or the Time for Completion.

The procedure on how to proceed with and execute Changes is

specified in GC Section 10.1.2 and 10.1.3, and the DBO Engineer
shall provide Operator with further details and sample forms on the
Change procedures prior to the Design-Build Starting Date.

10.1.2 Changes Originating from Employer

(1) If the Employer proposes a Change pursuant to GC Section
10.1.1(1), it shall send to the Operator a "Request for Change
Proposal," requiring the Operator to prepare and furnish to the DBO
Engineer as soon as reasonably practicable a "Change Proposal,"
which shall include the following:

brief description of the Change;

effect on the Time for Completion;

estimated cost of the Change; and

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(d) effect on any other provisions of the Contract.

(2) Prior to preparing and submitting the Change Proposal, the

Operator shall submit to the DBO Engineer an "Estimate for
Change Proposal," which shall be an estimate of the cost of
preparing and submitting the Change Proposal.

(3) Upon receipt of the Operator's Estimate for Change Proposal, the
Employer shall,

accept the Operator's estimate with instructions to the Operator

to proceed with the preparation of the Change Proposal;

advise the Operator of any part of its Estimate for Change

Proposal that is unacceptable and request the Operator to review
its estimate; or

advise the Operator that the Employer does not intend to

proceed with the Change.

(4) Upon receipt of the Employer's instruction to proceed under GC

Section 10.1.2(3)(a) (the "Change Order"), the Operator shall, with
proper expedition, proceed with the preparation of the Change
Proposal, in accordance with GC Section 10.1.20).

(5) The pricing of any Change shall, as far as practicable, be calculated

in accordance with the prices included in the Contract. If such
prices are inequitable, the Parties thereto shall agree on specific
rates for the valuation of the Change.

(6) If, before or during the preparation of the Change Proposal, it

becomes apparent that the aggregate effect of compliance therewith
and with all other Change Orders that have already become binding
upon the Operator under this GC Section 10.1 would be to increase
or decrease the Contract Price by more than 20 per cent, the
Operator may give a written notice of objection thereto prior to
furnishing the Change Proposal. If the Employer accepts the
Operator's objection, the Employer shall withdraw the proposed
Change and shall notify the Operator in writing thereof

(7) The Operator's failure to object pursuant to GC Section 10.1.2(6)

shall neither affect its right to object to any subsequent requested
Changes or Change Orders herein, nor affect its right to take into
account, when making such subsequent objection, the percentage
increase or decrease in the Contract Price that any Change not
objected to by the Operator represents.

Ci tlivrk&V,
10)1.11F.G• s'inemin
Page 302 of 490
Upon receipt of the Change Proposal, the Employer and the
Operator shall mutually agree upon all matters therein contained.
No later than 14 days after such agreement, the Employer shall, if it
intends to proceed with the Change, issue the Operator with a
Change Order.

If the Employer decides not to proceed with the Change for

whatever reason, it shall notify the Operator prior to the expiration
of 14 days after the agreement on the Change. Under such
circumstances, the Operator shall be entitled to reimbursement of
all costs reasonably incurred by it in the preparation of the Change
Proposal, provided that these do not exceed the amount given by
the Operator in its Estimate for Change Proposal submitted in
accordance with GC Section 10.1.2(2).

If the Employer and the Operator cannot reach agreement on the

price for the Change, an equitable adjustment to the Time for
Completion, or any other matters identified in the Change
Proposal, the Employer may nevertheless instruct the Operator to
proceed with the Change by issue of a "Pending Agreement
Change Order."

Upon receipt of a Pending Agreement Change Order, the Operator

shall immediately proceed with effecting the Changes covered by
such Order. The parties shall thereafter attempt to reach
agreement on the outstanding issues under the Change Proposal.

If the Parties cannot reach agreement prior to the expiration of 60

days after the date of issue of the Pending Agreement Change
Order, then the matter may be referred to the Adjudicator in
accordance with the provisions of GC Section 1.6.1.

10.1.3 Changes Originating from Operator

If the Operator proposes a Change pursuant to GC Section
10.1.1(2), the Operator shall submit to the DBO Engineer a written
"Application for Change Proposal," giving reasons for the
proposed Change and including the information specified in GC
Section 10.1.2(1).

Upon receipt of the Application for Change Proposal, the Parties

shall follow the procedures outlined in GC Sections 10.1.2(8) and
10.1.2(10). If the Employer chooses not to proceed, the Operator
shall not be entitled to recover the costs of preparing the
Application for Change Proposal.

10.1.4 Payment in Applicable Currencies

If the Contract provides for payment of the Contract Price in more than
one currency, then whenever f.a Change is agreed, approved or
determined pursuant to GC Section 10.1.2 or 10.1.3, th

n (u(
Pagb3Ot& 490
tylanegifig LfleCtOi
PLUID•Fn Bangaiere
in each of the applicable currencies shall be specified. For this purpose,
reference shall be made to the actual or expected currency proportions of
the Cost of the Change, and to the proportions of various currencies
specified for payment of the Contract Price.

10.1.5 Design-Build Period

GC Sections 10.1.1 to 10.1.4 shall apply during only the Design-Build

10.2Change to the Operations Services

Except as specifically provided in GC Section 10.2(2) or elsewhere
in the Contract, the Operator shall make no claim whatsoever for
any adjustment to the Contract Price during the Operations Period.

The Operator or the Employer may request an adjustment to the

Monthly 0 & M Payment if the quantity of treated water delivered
to the Site changes in accordance with the SCC. In the event of
such a change to the volume of water, the Operator or the
Employer, as applicable, shall be entitled to receive an increase or
decrease equal to the actual increase or decrease in Cost
demonstrated by the Operator.

The Operator or the Employer may request an adjustment to the

Monthly 0 & M Payment if the total water distribution pipe length
to be maintained exceeds by more than 2% of the total water
distribution pipe length included originally in accordance with the

A4gt ( (lc
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Page 304 i,1490


11.1.1 Suspension by the Employer
The Employer may request the DBO Engineer, as applicable, by
notice to the Operator, to order the Operator to suspend
performance of any or all of its obligations under the Contract.
Such notice shall specify the obligation of which performance is to
be suspended, the effective date of the suspension and the reasons
therefore. The Operator shall thereupon suspend performance of
such obligation, except those obligations necessary for the care or
preservation of the Site or Project Facility, until ordered in writing
to resume such performance by the DBO Engineer as applicable.

If, by virtue of a suspension order given by the DBO Engineer, as

applicable, other than by reason of the Operator's default or breach
of the Contract, the Operator's performance of any of its
obligations is suspended for an aggregate period of more than 90
days, then at any time thereafter and provided that at that time such
performance is still suspended, the Operator may give a notice to
the DBO Engineer as applicable, requiring that the Employer shall,
no later than 30 days after the Employer's receipt of the notice,
order the resumption of such performance or request and
subsequently order a Change in accordance with GC Section 10.1,
excluding the performance of the suspended obligations from the

If the Employer fails to order the resumption of performance in

accordance with GC Section 11.1.1(2), the Operator may, by a
further notice to the DBO Engineer, elect to treat the suspension,
where it affects a part only of the Services, as a deletion of such
part in accordance with GC Section 10.1 or, where it affects the
whole of the Services, as termination of the Contract pursuant to
GC Section 11.2.1.

11.1.2 Suspension by the Operator

(1) If, the Employer has,

failed to pay the Operator any sum due under the Contract
within the period specified in the Contract;

failed to approve any invoice or supporting documents without

just cause under the Contract; or

has committed a substantial breach of the Contract,

the Operator may give a notice to the Employer that requires payment of
such sum, with interest thereon as stipulated in C Sect n 5.2(3)

Page 305 of 490
SI,t- o,otogtth.
o 114.1801n9 Derinar
gOADIP C, Bangaeore
requires approval of an invoice or supporting documents or specifies a
breach & requires the Employer to remedy the same, as the case may be.

If the Employer fails to pay the sums required by the Operator in

accordance with GC Section 11.1.20) or fails to remedy the
breach or take steps to remedy the breach no later than 14 days
after receipt of the Operator's notice, then the Operator may, upon
giving 14 days' notice to the Employer, suspend performance of
all or any of its obligations under the Contract, or, in the case of
the Design-Build Services, reduce the Operator's rate of progress.

If the Operator is unable to carry out any of its obligations under

the Contract for any reason attributable to the Employer, including
the Employer's failure to provide possession of or access to the
Site or other areas in accordance with GC Section 4.2, then the
Operator may, upon giving 14 days' notice to the Employer,
suspend performance of all or any of its obligations under the
Contract, or, in the case of the Design-Build Services, reduce the
Operator's rate of progress.

If the Operator's performance of its obligations is suspended or the

rate of progress is reduced pursuant to this GC Section 11.1.2, then
the Time for Completion shall be extended in accordance with GC
Section 2.3.4, and additional Costs incurred by the Operator as a
result of such suspension or reduction shall be paid by the
Employer to the Operator in addition to the Contract Price, except
in the case of suspension order or reduction in the rate of progress
by reason of the Operator's default or breach of the Contract.

During the period of suspension, the Operator shall not remove

from the Site or Project Facility any Plant and Equipment,
Operator's Equipment (Design-Build), Operator's Equipment
(Operations), or any part of the Project Facility, without the prior
written consent of the Employer.

11.2.1 Termination for Employer's Convenience
The Employer may at any time terminate the Contract for any
reason by giving the Operator a notice of termination that refers to
this GC Section 11.2.1(1).

Upon receipt of the notice of termination under GC Section


(a) the Operator shall, either immediately or upon the date

specified in the notice of termination,

(i) cease all further work, except for such work as the
Employer may s ecify in the notice of e for the
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Page 306 of 490 CC fri
KALWEG. atiarne°65. 11/24W/on -Olt

sole purpose of protecting that part of the Facility already

executed, or any work required to leave the Site in a clean
and safe condition;

terminate all Subcontracts; and

remove all Operator's Equipment (Design-Build) and,

except if the Employer asserts its rights pursuant to GC
Section 9.3.1(5), Operator's Equipment (Operations) from
the Site, repatriate the Operator's Personnel and its Sub-
contractors' personnel from the Site, remove from the Site
any wreckage, rubbish and debris of any kind, and leave
the whole of the Site in a clean and safe condition; and

(b) the Operator, subject to the payment specified in GC Section

11.2.2, shall,

deliver to the Employer the parts of the Project Facility

executed by the Operator and all materials which have been
paid for by the Employer up to the date of termination; and

deliver to the Employer all the Contract Records, including

the Design-Build Documents, prepared by the Operator or
its Sub-contractors as at the date of termination.

11.2.2 Payment upon Termination by the Employer for Convenience

(1) Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to GC Section 11.2.1,

the Employer shall make only the following payments to the

any portion of the Contract Price payable to the Operator for

Services satisfactorily performed prior to the date of
termination and calculated as set out in GC Section 5.2;

the Costs reasonably incurred by the Operator in the removal

of the Operator's Equipment (Design-Build) and, except if the
Employer asserts its rights pursuant to GC Section 9.3.1(5),
Operator's Equipment (Operations) from the Site and in the
repatriation of the Operator's Personnel and its Sub-
contractors' personnel;

any amounts required to be paid by the Operator to its Sub-

contractors in connection with the termination of any
Subcontracts, including any reasonable cancellation charges;

(d) the reasonable Costs incurred by the Operator in protecting the

Site, Existing Facility and Project Facility and leaving the Site
in a clean and safe condition pursuant to GC Section
11.2.1(2)(a)(i); and

Page 307 of 490

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tAGI MAHANAGfa P ft! ivc KAALDIc, Renomeon,
(e) the reasonable Cost of satisfying all other obligations,
commitments and claims that the Operator may in good faith
have undertaken with Third Parties in connection with the
Contract and that are not covered by GC Section 11.2.2(1).

(2) The Operator acknowledges that the only payments to be made to

the Operator on termination by the Employer are set out in this GC
Section 11.2.2. The Operator shall not make a claim for lost or
foregone profits, revenues, consequential damages or any other
costs, damages, expenses or losses of any kind as a result of or in
connection with the termination of this Contract.

11.2.3 Termination for Operator's Default

(1) The Employer, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it

may possess, may terminate the Contract forthwith in the
following circumstances, by giving a notice of termination and its
reasons therefore to the Operator, referring to this GC Section

If the Operator becomes bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiving

order issued against it, compounds with its creditors, or, if the
Operator is a corporation, a resolution is passed or order is
made for its winding up, other than a voluntary liquidation for
the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction, a receiver is
appointed over any part of its undertaking or assets, or if the
Operator takes or suffers any other analogous action in
consequence of debt;

If the Operator assigns or transfers the Contract or any right or

interest therein in violation of the provision of GC Section 1.7;

(2) If the Operator,

has abandoned or repudiated the Contract;

has without valid reason failed to commence work on the Site

or Project Facility promptly or has suspended, other than
pursuant to GC Section 11.1.1(2), the progress of Contract
performance for more than 30 days after receiving a written
instruction from the Employer to proceed;

persistently fails to carry out the Services in accordance with

the Contract or persistently neglects to carry out its obligations
under the Contract without just cause; or

refuses or is unable to provide sufficient materials, services,

labour or personnel to perform the Services,

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K.UagA Plingskx13
then the Employer may, without prejudice to any other rights it may
possess under the Contract, give a notice to the Operator stating the
nature of the default and requiring the Operator to remedy the same. If
the Operator fails to remedy or to take steps to remedy the same within
14 days after its receipt of such notice, then the Employer may terminate
the Contract forthwith by giving a notice of termination to the Operator
that refers to this GC Section 11.2.3(2).

(3) Upon receipt of the notice of termination under GC Sections

11.2.30) or 11.2.3(2) the Operator shall, either immediately or
upon such date as is specified in the notice of termination,

cease all fiirther work, except for such work as the Employer
may specify in the notice of termination for the sole purpose of
protecting that part of the Site and Project Facility already
executed, or any work required to leave the Site and Project
Facility in a clean and safe condition;

terminate all Subcontracts;

deliver to the Employer the parts of the Project Facility

executed by the Operator up to the date of termination; and

(d) deliver to the Employer all Contract Records, including the

Design-Build Documents, prepared by the Operator or its Sub-
contractors as of the date of termination.
(4) The Employer may enter the Project Facility and upon the Site,
expel the Operator, and, if the Project Facility is not completed, the
Employer may complete the Facility itself or by employing any
Third Party. The Employer may, to the exclusion of any right of the
Operator over the same, take over and use with the payment of a fair
rental rate to the Operator, with all the maintenance costs to the
account of the Employer and with an indemnification by the
Employer for all liability including damage or injury to persons
arising out of the Employer's use of such equipment, any Operator's
Equipment (Design-Build) and Operator's Equipment (Operations)
owned by the Operator and on the Site in connection with the Project
Facility for such reasonable period as the Employer considers
expedient for the completion of the Project Facility. Upon
completion of the Project Facility or at such earlier date as the
Employer thinks appropriate, the Employer shall give notice to the
Operator that such Operator's Equipment (Design-Build) and, except
if the Employer asserts its rights pursuant to GC Section 9.3.1(5),
Operator's Equipment (Operations) will be returned to the Operator
at or near the Site and shall return such Operator's Equipment
(Design-Build) and Operator's Equipment (Operations) to the
Operator in accordance with such notice. The Operator shall
thereafter without delay and at its cost remove or ange removal of
the same from the Site. OU
(4 ()Tut k

C .
Page 309 of 490

Mandlaile Ornialiot
K.U.LD f-G, Bangsiont

II .2.3.1 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices
If the Employer determines, based on reasonable evidence, that the
Operator has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices, in competing for or in executing the Contract, then the
Employer may, after giving 14 days' notice to the Operator, terminate
the Contract and expel him from the Site, and the provisions of Section
11.2 shall apply as if such termination had been made under Section
11.2.3 [Termination for Operator's Default].

Should any employee of the Operator be determined, based on

reasonable evidence, to have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent or coercive
practice during the execution of the work, then that employee shall be
removed in accordance with Section 8.4 [Replacement of Operator's

11.2.4 Payment upon Termination for Operator's Default

(I) If the Contract is terminated pursuant to GC Section 11.2.3 and,
subject to GC Section 11.2.4(2), the Operator shall be entitled to
be paid,

any portion of the Contract Price payable to the Operator for

Services satisfactorily performed prior to the date of

the value of any unused or partially used Plant and Equipment

on the Site, except to the extent that such Plant and Equipment
have already been paid for by the Employer; and

the Costs, if any, incurred by the Operator in protecting the

Site and Project Facility and in leaving the Site in a clean and
safe condition pursuant to GC Section I I.2.3(3)(a).

Any sums due the Employer from the Operator accruing prior to the date
of termination shall be deducted from the amount to be paid to the
Operator under this Contract.

(2) If the Employer completes the Project Facility pursuant to GC

Section 11 .2.3(4), the cost of completing the Project Facility by the
Employer shall be determined, and, if the sum that the Operator is
entitled to be paid, pursuant to GC Section 11.2.4(1), plus the
reasonable costs incurred by the Employer in completing the
Project Facility, exceeds the Contract Price, the Operator shall be
liable for such excess as follows;

(a) if such excess is greater than the sums due the Operator under
GC Section 11.2.4(1), the Operator shall pay the balance to the
Employer; or

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(b) if such excess is less than the sums due the Operator under GC
Section 11.2.4(1), the Employer shall pay the balance to the

(3) The Parties shall agree in writing on the computation described in

GC Section 11.2.4(2) and the manner in which any sums shall be

11.2.5 Termination by Operator

(I) If,

(a) the Employer has,

failed to pay the Operator any sum due under the Contract
within the specified period, has failed to approve any
invoice or supporting documents without just cause
pursuant to the corresponding Terms and Procedures of
Payment Schedule, or commits a substantial breach of the
Contract, the Operator may give a notice to the Employer
that requires payment of such sum, with interest thereon as
stipulated in GC Section 5.2(3), requires approval of such
invoice or supporting documents, or specifies the breach
and requires the Employer to remedy the same, as the case
may be; and

failed to pay such sum together with such interest, failed to

approve such invoice or supporting documents or give its
reasons for withholding such approval, failed to remedy the
breach or take steps to remedy the breach no later than 14
days after receipt of the Operator's notice; or

(b) the Operator is unable to carry out any of its obligations under
the Contract for any reason attributable to the Employer,
including the Employer's failure to provide possession of or
access to the Site or other areas,

then the Operator may give a notice to the Employer thereof, and if the
Employer has failed to pay the outstanding sum, to approve the invoice
or supporting documents, to give its reasons for withholding such
approval, or to remedy the breach no later than 30 days after receipt of
such notice, or if the Operator is still unable to carry out any of its
obligations under the Contract for any reason attributable to the
Employer no later than 30 days after receipt of the notice, the Operator
may, by a further notice to the Employer referring to this GC Section
11.2.5(1), forthwith terminate the Contract.

10 ))
Managing Ciremar
K.U.LIXEC. Samairote
Page 311 of 490

(2) The Operator may terminate the Contract forthwith by giving a
notice to the Employer to that effect, referring to this GC Section

if the Employer becomes bankrupt or insolvent;

has a receiving order issued against it, or compounds with its


being a corporation, if a resolution is passed or order is made

for its winding up, other than a voluntary liquidation for the
purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction; or

a receiver is appointed over any part of its undertaking or

assets, or if the Employer takes or suffers any other analogous
action in consequence of debt.

(3) If the Contract is terminated under GC Section 11.2.5(1) or

11.2.5(2), then,

(a) the Operator shall immediately,

cease all further work, except for such work as may be

necessary for the purpose of protecting that part of the Site
and Project Facility already executed, or any work required
to leave the Site in a clean and safe condition; and

terminate all Subcontracts; and

(b) the Operator, subject to the payment specified in GC Section

11.2.6, shall

deliver to the Employer the parts of the Project Facility

executed by the Operator up to the date of termination; and

deliver to the Employer all Contract Records, including the

Design-Build Documents, in existence as of the date of

(4) Termination by the Operator pursuant to this GC Section 11.2.5 is

without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Operator
that may be exercised in lieu of or in addition to rights conferred
by this GC Section 11.2.5.

11.2.6 Payment upon Termination by Operator

If the Contract is terminated under GC Sections 11.2.5(1) or 11.2.5(2),
the Employer shall pay to the Operator all payments specified in GC
Section 11.2.2(1), and reasonable compensation for all loss, except for
loss of profit, or damage sustained by the Operator arising out of, in
connection with or in consequence of such termination.

apLt WINVINI1/‘4 :' Page 312 oejlatstActin

Managing Dant
ICUILLF bangs/ant

11.2.7 General Provisions - Termination

In this GC Section 11.2, the expression "Project Facility executed"
shall include all work executed, Services provided, and all Plant
and Equipment acquired, or subject to a legally binding obligation
to purchase by the Operator and used or intended to be used for the
purpose of the performing the Services, up to and including the
date of termination.

In this GC Section 11.2, in calculating any monies due from the

Employer to the Operator, account shall be taken of,

any sum previously paid by the Employer to the Operator

under the Contract, including any advance payment paid
pursuant to the Terms and Procedures of Payment Schedule;

any sum owing by the Operator to the Employer under the

Contract, including Liquidated Damages — Delay or liquidated
damages calculated pursuant to GC Section 5.4.

Managing Director
K.U.LDE C. Bengston,
Page 313 of 490
K ALA t •
Section IX

SCHEDULE 1 - Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement the General
Conditions. Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over
those in the General Conditions of Contract (GCC). The corresponding article and
section numbers of the General Conditions are indicated in parentheses.

Article 1: Contract and interpretation

1. Definitions (GC Section 1.1)

Add the following Definitions:

"Annual Capital Maintenance Fund" means the budget allocated by the

Corporation each year on completion of Design-Build Period for the purpose of
financing Major Maintenance activities, minor expansions of the networks (less
than 100m of continuous pipe installation) and on-going end-of-life replacement of
computer systems, tools and equipment all proposed by the Operator in the annual
SIP and approved by the Employer and Corporation, in an amount of Rs 2 crores
per annum, as indexed in accordance with Schedule 6;

"Applicable Laws" means any statute, decree, ordinance, regulation or by law or

any rule, code or direction including applicable technical, safety or environmental
standards or any licenses, consent, permit authorization or other approval or
interpretation thereof in force and effect during the subsistence of this Agreement in
India and/or Karnataka and issued by any executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory
or administrative entity of the country, including by the GoK;

"Board" means the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board
constituted under the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Act 1973
having its head office at "Jal Bhawan" No.6, First Phase, First Stage, BTM Layout,
Banneraghatta Main Road, Bengaluru 560029;

"Bulk system" means the water system covering all facilities, pipeline and
appurtenances from intake to Service Reservoirs up to and including DMA valves.;

"Corporation" means the City Corporation constituted under KMC Act in the city
of Kalburgi

"Country" means India.

"CPHEEO Manual" means the Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, published
by Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation,
Page 31
001A\ N.
manspnii Oyez"
KAiLD.F.C. Benosiort
Urban Development, Government of India, Third Edition, May 1999, as updated
from time to time;

"Customer Service Centre" or CSC means the service centres to be established by

the Operator to provide commercial and public relation services to customers under
this Contract.

"Design-Build Payments" means the eligible payments for the investigations,

survyes, construction, installation, erection, testing and commissioning of Design-
Build works due to the Operator during the Design-Build Period under the

"District Metered Area" or DMA means each hydraulically isolated district

metered area to be established by the Operator in the Service Area.

"Environmental Assessment" means the assessment to be carried out by the

Operator in compliance with the Environmental Code of Practice set out in
Appendix 1 attached to Schedule 2 of this Agreement

"Environmental Code of Practice" means the guidelines to be followed by the

Operator as set out in Appendix 1 attached to Schedule 2, towards environmental
management in performing the Services under the Agreement,

"Environment Management Plan" means the environment management plan to

be developed by the Operator set out in Appendix 1 attached to Schedule 2;

"Expert Reviewer" An Entity to independently assess the efficacy and

reasonableness of the proposed Service Improvement Plan including the Operating
Plan and the Utility Capacity Building Plans and their annual updates to ensure that
the proposed investment is cost-effective and efficient to achieve and sustain the
Project outcomes in line with Good Industry Practice.

"Fixed Fee" means the fixed fees to be paid to Operator for Operation Services
more described in Schedule 6.

"Good Industry Practice" means the practices, methods, techniques, designed,

standards, skills, diligence, efficiency, reliability and prudence which are generally
and reasonably expected from a reasonably skilled and experienced Operator
engaged in the same type of undertaking as envisaged under this Contract and
which would be expected to result in the performance of its obligations by the
relevant party in accordance with this Contract, Applicable laws and Operator
Permits in a reliable, safe, economical and efficient manner

"Infrastructure Improvement Plan or IIP" means detailed plan comprising of all

those infrastructure improvement works included under the Contract designed or
design validated and implemented by the Operator;

Page 315 of 490

ER Map!" Director
"IWA Methodology" means the standard best practice of water balancing as
detailed in "Best Practice Performance Indicators: a Practical Approach Ronnie
McKenzie and Alan Lambert, IWA Water Loss Task Force 2004

"KMC Act" means the Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act 1976

Lumpsum -LS works — is a price amount of an entire component or scope of work where
no-breakdown is given for individual items, and is paid in one large amount on one
occasion. No variation is applicable other than price adjustment. The work includes Design,
Build, test and trial running with a Defect Liability period of project period.

. It includes survey, geo technical investigation, design, drawings, proposal for Design,
Build, testing inclusive of cost of labour, machineries, soil foundation strengthening
required for the work, tests to be carried out and all required materials, chemicals,
addetives, water proof compounds etc complete as required for strengthening and water
proofing of structures. The construction process includes the required earthwork
excavation, shoring , strutting, formwork, scaffolding, centering danger lighting,
barricading, complete dewatering of any magnitude, necessary coffer dam, removal of silt,
clay, soil, soft rock, hard rock with all lead and lift and refilling after foundation, pipeline
work, curing, testing, commissioning, trial run etc complete. The work shall be carried out
in accordance with the specifications as per Schedule 10 with the approval of the employer.
The successful utilisation of the facilities constructed is with the Defects liability period of
project period. The size, capacity, staging and deliverables shall be in accordance with the

"Major Maintenance" shall include replacement of pumps, motors, transformers, express

electrical feeder mains, all replacement and repair of pipe lines and valves of size 400mm
and higher complete including labour, material for successful restoring of the system and
any other item not covered under minor maintenance or DLP and expressly agreed and
approved by the Employer;

"Minor Maintenance" means any activity required to maintain the serviceability

of an asset over its economic life including:

Routine maintenance of mechanical, electrical, electronic and

instrumentation equipment, motorized transport, whether undertaken by
Operator or contracted out, including provision of spare parts, all in
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and subject to following
the Standard Operating Procedures
Repair or replacement of dosing pumps, drive-in motors less than 3Icw
Fixing leaks in pipes and fittings below 400 mm dia including cost of
associated works such as road cutting, earthwork excavation, refilling the
trenches and restoring surfaces
Repair, maintenance or replacement of valves and meters below 400 mm dia
to ensure functionality
‘.0 Islam.% Director
wAtaNG Kalal-Ca Banesin
ooN Page 316 of 490

Regular painting, patching and protection of wooden and metallic surfaces

and structures
Maintaining water tightness, functionality and appearance of buildings,
yards, depots, other structures and surrounding grounds
Software upgrades, hardware maintenance including spares and
"NRW or Non-Revenue Water" means the cumulative input supply volume
measured at the outlet of WTP less the volume of authorized consumption, as
measured by meter readings, divided by the cumulative input supply volume
measured at the outlet of WTP expressed as percentage.

"Performance Fee" means the fees payable to the Operator on demonstrated

achievement of Performance Standards more described in Schedule 6.

"Performance Standards" means the standards of performance to be achieved and

maintained by the Operator during the Design-Build Period and Sustaining Period
more described in Schedule 11.

"Pollution Event" means an event when the Raw Water quality at any intake is
beyond the range of raw water quality characteristics that the existing and improved
water treatment works is capable of treating which is determined by the Operator
during the Design-Build Period and agreed by the Parties in the Service Delivery
Improvement Plan;

"Provisional Sum" means a sum included in the Contract and so designated in the
Bill of Quantities for the execution of any part of the infrastructure improvement
works or for the supply of goods, materials, Plant or services, or for contingencies,
which sum may be used, in whole or in part, or not at all, on the instructions of the
DBO Engineer. The Operator shall be entitled to only such amounts in respect of
the work, supply or contingencies to which such Provisional Sums relate as
determined by the DBO Engineer.

"SCADA" means Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

"Service Connection" means the service pipe as lies between the main and the
boundary of the street in which the main is laid and includes the ferrule at the
junction of the service pipe with the main, and also stopcock on the pipe up to and
including water meter if any.

"Service Delivery Improvement Plan or SDIP" means the detailed operations

and maintenance plan prepared by the Operator and approved by the Employer as
further described in Schedule 2;

"Service Improvement Plan or SIP" means the detailed plan as further described
in Schedule 2 which is inclusive of Infrastructure Improvemt Plan and the
Service Delivery Improvement Plan.

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"Service Levels" means the service levels to be achieved and maintained during
Design-Build Period and Sustaining Period more described in Schedule 11 of SCC.

"Utility Systems" means the components of utility systems to be proposed under

the Service Delivery Improvement Plan and as detailed in Schedule 17;

"Utility Systems Supplier" means a supplier of utility systems or equipment or

procedures procured in respect of Service Delivery Improvement Plan in the SIP;

"Utility Systems Contract" means a contract for a utility system, equipment or

procedure to be supplied by a Utility Systems Supplier to be entered into between
the Utility Systems Supplier and the Corporation or the Operator, as the case may

"Utility Systems Fee" means the fee payable to the Operator in respect of project
management services for implementing the Service Delivery Improvement Plan
under the Agreed SIP;

"Water Treatment Plant" or "WTP" means the plant for treatment and
processing of raw water to produce safe treated water confirming to Potable Water
Specifications including all civil, mechanical, process, electrical, instrumentation
equipment, structures etc complete either existing rehabilitated or new plant
designed, built, operated and maintained by the Operator in accordance with the
provisions of this Contract;

GCC Section 1.3.1 — Language

The language shall be "English"

(3) GCC Section 1.3.14 — Survival of Obligations

Upon termination or expiration of the Contract, the following rights and
obligations of the Parties survive:

Such rights and obligations as may have accrued or to which the Parties
may be entitled on the date of termination, and any rights which a Party
may have under Applicable Law;
On termination or expiration of the contract, the rights and obligations
of the parties towards settlement of disputes through arbitration in the
form of an arbitration clause / agreement.
The Operator's obligations with respect to Contract Records, accounting
and auditing set out in GC Section 1.8;
The Operator's obligations with respect to Transition Assistance set out
in GC Section 2.4.2;

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The Parties' rights and obligations with respect to copyright set out in
GC Section 6.1;
The Operator's obligations of confidentiality as set out in GC Section
The Parties' rights and obligations with respect to defect liability set out
in GC Section 9.1; and
The Parties' rights and obligations with respect to indemnification set
out in GC Section 9.5
(4) GCC Section 1.4— Notice
All notices to the relevant party shall be sent to the following address:

a. Operator
Attn [ [
Fax No. [[
With copy to [ [Employer
If to the Corporation
Fax No.
With copy to

If to the KUIDFC
Fax No.

(5) GCC Section 1.5— Governing Law

The Applicable Law will be the Laws of India as well as the laws prevailing in the
State of Karnataka.

(6) GCC Section1.6.1 (4) - Adjudicator

The Adjudicator is:

[Dr.G.Ashwatha Narayanal

The adjudicator shall be paid a fee @ INR. 10000/- per day of effective hearing
plus actual expenditure towards travel, transportation, lodging, and boarding. The
fees and expenditure shall be shared equally by the operator and the Employer.

(7) GCC Section 1.6.1 (5) - Adjudicator

The authority to appoint new adjudicator shall be Chairman, The Institution of

Engineers (India), Karnataka State Centre, Bengaluru. Karnataka.

Page 319 of 490

ONER Managing orecior
GCC Section 1.6.2 — Arbitration

All disputes arising in connection with this contract (in respect of Foreign Operator)
shall be finally settled under the arbitration rules of the United Nations Commission
on International Trade Law (UNICITRAL) by one or more arbitrators appointed in
accordance with the rules. However, if the contract is with the domestic Operator
arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration & Conciliation
Act 1996 as amended from time to time and current as on the effective date.

The place of arbitration in case of Contract with the domestic Operator shall be the
location from where the Contract has been issued. In case of Contract with the
foreign Operator, the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in a neutral venue,
namely. [to be agreed with the Operator at the time of signing of the
contract.] The arbitration shall be conducted in English Language.

Add the GCC Section 1.6.4 — Amicable Settlement

The Parties agree to use their best efforts for resolving all Disputes arising under or
in respect of this Contract promptly, equitably and in good faith, in consultation
with the DBO Engineer, and further agree to provide each other with reasonable
access during normal business hours to all non-privileged records, information and
data pertaining to any Dispute. Failing Amicable Settlement, the dispute shall be
referred to the Adjudicator in accordance with GCC Clause 1.6.1.

GCC Section 1.7— Assignment

Delete the existing sub- clauses (1) and (2) and replace it with the following clause:

No Party shall assign or otherwise transfer all or any of their rights or

obligations under this Agreement without prior written consent of the other
Parties to this Agreement.

The Operator may (with the consent of the Corporation and KUIDFC) delegate
and / or sub-contract its rights or obligations under this Agreement to the extent
permitted under Section 8.6 of GCC but without relieving the Operator of its
obligations under the Agreement; or

The Corporation may assign or delegate such fiinctions, responsibilities and

powers as it deems appropriate to the Water Utility SPV from time to time (with
notification to the Operator).

3.1. The Corporation intends to form a special purpose vehicle (the Water
Utility SPV) to take over certain functions of the Corporation for water
supply services for the City, including but not limited to monitoring of
performance of the Operator and the financial management & planning
functions for water supply to the City.

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Page 320 of 49bnociot

3 t-14

3.2. The Corporation may, to the extent permitted under Applicable Laws,
delegate or transfer to the Water Utility SPV such functions and
responsibilities of the Corporation in respect of water supply services as it
deems appropriate and the Water Utility SPV will act as agent and on
behalf of the Corporation in executing such activities and functions,
provided that the Corporation shall not be relieved from any liability or
obligation under this Agreement and the Corporation shall continue to be
responsible for the proper performance of its obligations under this
Agreement that have been so delegated or transferred and also for the
negligent acts, omissions or defaults of the Water Utility SPV as if they
were the negligent acts, omissions or defaults of the Corporation, its
officers, employees or agents.

3.3. When that the Corporation delegates or transfers any of its responsibilities
under this Agreement to the Water Utility SPV, it will promptly notify the
Operator in writing thereof and will provide the Operator with the contact
details and name of the representative of the Water Utility SPV that will be
representing the Corporation.

3.4. Notwithstanding anything under this Agreement, the Corporation has the
right to assign and novate this Agreement, in favour of the Water Utility
SPV, and the Operator hereby consents to such novation. Upon such
novation, the Corporation shall duly notify the Operator of such novation
and the Operator agrees to execute any documents, as required by the
Corporation or the Water Utility SPV to give effect to such novation.

GCC Section 1.8.2— Accounting (Amend this clause as)

The Operator shall keep accurate and systematic accounts in respect of the Services
and the Contract in accordance with internationally accepted accounting principles.

The account shall be a dedicated account into which all contractual payments
including advances if any shall be remitted for the purpose of usage for the Project.
Under no-circumstance, the Mobilisation Advances or Secured Advances provided
to the Operator shall be diverted or used for any other purpose except for
mobilisation and procurement services under the Contract and for the purpose of
implementation of Project.
GCC Section 1.10 Inspections and Audit by the Bank (insert a new sub-clause as)

"Pursuant to paragraph 2.2 e. of AnnexureC to the General Conditions, the

Contractor shall permit and shall cause its subcontractors and subconsultants to
permit, the Bank and/or persons appointed by the Bank to inspect the Site
and/or the accounts and records relating to the procurement process, selection
and/or contract execution, and to have such accounts and records audited by
auditors appointed by the Bank if requested by the BS. The Contractor's and

Pa of 490

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its Subcontractors' and subconsultants' attention is drawn to Sub-Clause 12
(Fraud and Corruption) which provides, inter alia, that acts intended to materially
impede the exercise of the Bank's inspection and audit rights constitute a
prohibited practice subject to contract termination (as well as to a determination
of ineligibility pursuant to the Bank's prevailing sanctions procedures)]

GCC Sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.6(1)-Time for Completion

Time for completion of the Design — Build Services shall be 60 months

from the Effective Date.

Section 2.3.6 (2) Delay in Completion - Liquidated Damages

The Operator shall be liable to pay Liquidated Damages to the Employer in

accordance with GCC Section 2.3.6 (2) if the Operator fails to achieve
various activities/milestones as tabulated in hereunder.

S.N Activity/Milestone Unit of Target Liquidated damages

Measurement Completion per day for delay in
Time completion of
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Submission of Event 100% INR 10000 (Ten
Infrastructure within one Thousand only) Or
Improvement Plan hundred and US$130 (One hundred
fifty (150) and thirty only) to be
days from recovered from any
the eligible payments
2 Take over of Event 100% INR 72000 ( Seven
Project Facilities within one twenty thousand only)
for Operations and hundred Or US$ 960 (Nine
maintenance eighty (180) hundred sixty only) to be
days from recovered from any
the eligible payments
3 Submission of Event 100% INR 10000 (Ten
Service Delivery within three Thousand only) Or
Improvement Plan hundred US$130 (One hundred
(300) days and thirty only) to be
from the rwivIerkkom any

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Page 322 of 490

Effective eligible payments

4 Establishment and Job 100% INR 10000 (Ten
Operation of within 18 thousand only) Or US$
Integrated (Eighteen) 130 (One hundred and
Management months thirty only) to be
Information from recovered from any
System including Effective eligible payments
GIS, Performance Date
Customer Service
etc complete
5. Completion of
commissioning and
testing of all
works comprising
of intakes,
pumping stations,
water treatment
plants, booster
pumping stations,
transmission and
storage including
all civil,
electrical and
works but
distribution III
1 ousi?
networks . • ...--"N•ri

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Page 323 of 490

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NGINt 141/4
4.1 25% of works as Financial Within 12 INR300000 (Three
detailed above Progress months hundred thousand only)
from Or US$4000 (Four
Effective thousand only) to be
date recovered from any
eligible payments
4.2 60% of works as Financial Within 24 INR 675000 (Six
detailed above Progress months hundred seventy-five
from thousand only) Or
Effective US$9000 (Nine thousand
date only) to be recovered
from any eligible
4.3 100% of works as Financial Within 36 INR 1125000 (Eleven
detailed above Progress months twenty-five thousand
from only) Or US$15000
Effective (Fifteen thousand only)
date to be recovered from any
eligible payments
5. Completion of
commissioning and
testing of all
works comprising
of distribution
networks including
connections with
Pressurized water
5.1 25% of works as Financial Within 24 INR 187000 (One
detailed above Progress months hundred eighty seven
from the thousand only) Or
Effective US$2500 (Two thousand
Date five hundred only) to be
recovered from any
eligible payments;

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Page 324 of 490

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3s 1

5.2 50% of works as Financial Within 36 INR380000 (Three

detailed above Progress months hundred eighty thousand
from the only) Or US$5000 (Five
Effective thousand only) to be
Date recovered from any
eligible payments
5.3 80% of works as Financial Within 48 INR600000 (Six hudred
detailed above Progress months thousand only) Or
from US$8000 (Eight
Effective thousand only) to be
Date recovered from any
eligible payments
5.4 100% of works as Financial Within 60 INR750000 (Seven
detailed above Progress months hundred fifty thousand
from only) Or US$10000 (Ten
Effective thousand only) to be
Date recovered from any
eligible payments

The target time for completion stipulated in column 3 will be subject to revision, if
justified. in the event of extension of time for completion.
Liquidated Damages recovered on account of delay in completion of an
activity/activities, will qualify for refund to the Operator, if the contracted works
of the Design-Build services part of the contract are completed in all respects
within the stipulated period or the revised completion period if so agreed to by the
parties in accordance GCC Section 2.3.4.
GCC Section 2.3.6 (2) — Maximum Liquidated Damages — Delay

The Maximum Liquidated Damages — Delay shall be 10 % of the Design-

Build price of the Contract.

GCC Section 2.3.6 (5)

This sub-paragraph is deleted.

GCC 3.1 (c)

Add the following sub-clauses:

Except as otherwise specified in the Contract, the Operator shall provide all
apparatus, assistance, documents and other information, electricity,
equipment, fuel, consumables, instruments, labour, materials and suitably
qualified and experienced staff as are necessary to carry out the specified
tests efficiently. The Operator shall agree with the P :0 Engineer the time

Page 325 of 490

KALABURAGI MAHANAGAR Minn Managing 0630101,
KUID.F C, Seaga/ore
and place for the specified testing of any plant, materials and other parts of
the works.

The DBO Engineer may vary the location or details of specified tests or
instruct the Operator to carry out additional tests. If these varied or
additional tests show that the tested plant, materials or workmanship is not
in accordance with the Contract, the cost of carrying out this variation shall
be borne by the Operator, notwithstanding other provisions of the Contract.

The DBO Engineer shall give the Operator not less than 24 hours notice of
the Engineer's intention to attend the tests. If the DBO Engineer does not
attend at the time and place agreed, the Operator may proceed with the tests,
unless otherwise instructed by the DBO Engineer, and the tests shall then be
deemed to have been made in the DBO Engineer's presence.
The Operator shall promptly forward to the DBO Engineer duly certified
reports of the tests. When the specified tests have been passed, the DBO
Engineer shall endorse the Operator's test certificate or issue a certificate to
him to that effect. If the DBO Engineer has not attended the tests, it shall be
deemed to have accepted the readings aas acuurate.

Rejection: If as a result of an examination, inspection, measurement or

testing, any plant, materials, or workmanship is found to be defective or
otherwise not in accordance with the Contract, the DBO Engineer may
reject the plant, materials, or workmanship by giving notice to the Operator
with reasons. The Operator shall then promptly make good the defect and
ensure that the rejected item complies with the Contract.
If the DBO Engineer requires this plant, materials or workmanship to be
retested, the tests shall be repeated under the same terms and conditions. If
the rejection and retesting cause the Employer to incur additional costs, the
Operator shall pay these costs to the Employer.
(18) GCC 3.2 Law Governing Services
Add the following at the end of this Clause
"Salient features of (i) major labour and other laws that are applicable to
construction industry; and (ii) major lawsthat are applicable for protection of
environment,in India are given as Appendix A to these General Conditions of
(19) GCC Section 4.2— Access to the Site and Project Facility

Add the following

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Page 326 of 490
(I) The Employer shall be responsible for acquiring and providing legal and
physical possession of land as per requirement indicated by the Operator
during preparation of IIP and SDIP or earlier (as required in Schedule 2 of
the Contract), and shall provide access thereto and all other areas
reasonably required for the proper execution of the contract including all
rights of way.

The Employer shall provide the operator free of charge possession and
access of the above-mentioned sites and right of way for the bulk and
distribution System during the Contract Period, so as to ensure that the
Operator shall achieve progress of work consistent with the milestones,
laid down in SCC and Schedule 11.

The Operator shall complete the work on the sites handed over to him from
time to time within in the specified time, as and when so instructed by the
DBO Engineer or advised by the Employer, so as to minimize the
inconvenience to the households and the public over prolonged durations
of time.

(20) GCC Section 5.1 (3)— Contract Price

Price Adjustment for Design Build Price:

Price Adjustment for the Design Build works shall be determined in

accordance to Schedule 6.

Price Adjustment for O&M Price

Price adjustment for the O&M price payable during the O&M period will be
determined in accordance with Schedule 6.

(21) GCC Section 5.2 — Terms of Payment

The following sub-clauses shall be added:
1. Works to be measured: The works shall be measured and valued for
payment. The Operator shall show in each invoice (or request for
payment) the quantities and other particulars detailing the amounts which
he considers to e entitled under the Contract.

Whenever the DBO Engineer requires any part of the works to be

measured, reasonable notice shall be given to the Operator's
representative, who shall:
Promptly either attend or send another qualified representative to assist
the DBO Engineer in making the measurement, and

supply any particulars requested by the DBO Engineer;

If the Operator fails to attend or send a representive, the measurement made

by (or on behalf of) the DBO Engineer shall be accepted as ace

Pa e 327 of 49 DNS

crr SSI 0 N ER Soneet

Except as otherwise stated in the Contract, whenever any Permanent works
are to be measured from records, these shall be prepared by the Engineer.
The Operator shall as and when requested, attend to examine and agree the
records with the DBO Engineer and shall sign the same when agreed. If the
Operator does not attend, the records shall be accepted as acuurate. If the
Operator examines and disagrees the records, and/or does not sign them as
agreed, then the Operator shall give notice to the Engineer of the respects in
which the records are asserted to be inaccurate. After receiving this notice,
The DBO Engineer shall review the records and either confirm or vary them
and certify the payment of the undisputed part. If the Operator does not so
give notice to the DBO Engineer within 14 days after being requested to
examine the records, they shall be accepted as accurate.

Method of Measurement: Except as otherwise stated in the Contract and

not withstanding local practice:

measurement shall be made of the actual net quantity of each item of the
Bill of quantities;
The method of measurement shall be in accordance with the Bill of
Quantities or as per Specifications

Evaluation: Except as otherwise stated in the Contract, The DBO Engineer

shall procede to each evaluate each item of work, applying the measurement
agreed or determined and the appropriate rate or price for the item. For each
item of work, the appropriate rate or price for the item shall be the rate or
price specified for such item in the Contract. Any item of work included in
the Bill of Quantities for which no rate or price was specified shall be
considered as included in other rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities and
will not be paid for separately.

However, a new rate or price shall be appropriate for an item of work if:


the measured quantity of the item is changed by more than 25% from the
quantity of this item in the Bill of Quantities or other Schedule;

this change in quantity multiplied by such specified rate for this item
exceeds 0.25% of the accepted contract amount

this change in quantity directly changes the cost per unit quantity of this
item by more than 1% and

this item is not specified in the contract as a fixed rate item


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The work is instructed change of scope

no rate or price is specified in the Contract for this item, and

(iii)No specified rate or price is appropriate because the item of work is not
of similar character, or is not executed under similar conditions as any
item in the Contract

Each new rate or price shall be derived from any relevant rates or prices
in the Contract, with reasonable adjustments to take account of the
matters described in the sub-paragraph (a) ancUor (b) as applicable. If
no rates or prices are relevant for the derivation of anew rate or price, it
shall be derived from the reasonable Cost of executing the work,
together with profit, takin account of any other relevant matters.

Until such time as an appropriate rate or price is agreed or determined,

the DBO Engineer shall determine a provisional rate or price for the
purposes of Interim Payment Certificates as soon as the concerned
work commences.

Omissions: Whenever the omission of any work forms part (or all) of a
Variation, the value of which has not been agreed to, if:

The Operator will incur (or has incurred) cost which,

if the work had not been omitted, would have been
deemed to be covered by a sum forming part of
Accepted Contract Amount;
The omission of the work will result (or has resulted)
in this sum not forming part of the Contract Price;
This cost is not deemed to be included in the
evaluation of any substituted work:

then the Operator shall give notice to the DBO Engineer with
supporting particulars. Upon receiving this notice, the DBO Engineer
shall proceed in accordance with variation clause to agree or determine
this cost which shall be included in the Contract Price.

Provisions in Section 5.2 (1), (3) and (4) shall be replaced with the following

(I) The Contract Price shall be paid in accordance with the provisions in
Schedule 5 — Operator's Price Schedule and Schedule 6 — Terms and
procedures of Payment of the Contract.

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KALLELF C, Bervasorek
In the event that the Employer fails to make any payment by its respective
due date or within the period of 60 days from the date of submission of
monthly statement of claim submitted in accordance with Schedule 6, the
Employer shall pay to the Operator interest on the amount of such delayed
payment at the rate of 5% per annum for local currency and 2% per annum
for foreign currency-, for the period of delay until payment has been made

The currency or currencies in which payments are made to the Operator

under this Contract shall be as per Operator's Price Schedule incorporated
in Schedule 5 of the Contract. However, payments made in local currency
shall be paid in local currency only.

GCC Section 5.3- Performance Incentive Compensation

This clause is deleted.

(23) GCC Section 5.4 — Liquidated Damages - Operations

Liquidated Damages are levied as Performance Damages for failure in

maintaining certain Performance Standards related to water quality, residual
chlorine and delay in installing new customer connections in additional to
loss of Performance Fee.

GCC Section 5.5.1 (2) (a) — Performance Security

The Operator shall provide a Performance Security equal to 10% (Ten
percent) of the Total Contract Price which is inclusive of 1% of Total
Contract Price for ESHS Performance Security PLUS Additional
Performance Security for unbalanced bids. The Performance Security shall
be in the Form of Bank Guarantee as per format given in Section X, Contract
Formsand valid till 180 days after the End Date.
A portion of the Performance Security could be released on successful
completion of one year after the Design-Build Period and upon submission
of a fresh Bank Guarantee for a reduced amount covering the Contract price
for the remaining Sustaining Period and valid till 180 days after the End
Total Contract Price = Total of Bid Price Schedules 1 to 6 including the
Provisional Sums..

(22A) GCC Section 5.5.1(3) (a) and (b) : Delete the words "or insurance
company" in both (a) and (b)

GCC Sectiop 5.5.2 (2) — Advance Payment Security

Provisions in Section 5.5.2 (2) shall be replaced with the following Section

5.5.2 The Mobilization Advance paid to the Operator by the Employer shall be
recovered commencing from the date on which the payme
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c• Page 330 of 490 :4

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has reached 20% of the value of Design, Build and Commissioning Services
and shall be recovered at the rate of 15% from each bill submitted by the
Operator for the payment. The entire amount of mobilization advance shall
be recovered latest by the time 90% of the value of Design Build and
Commissioning services has been claimed by the Operator.

(23A) GCC Section 5.6: Taxes and Duties:

Provisions of Sub-Sections 5.6.3 shall be replaced with the following Sub-


5.6.3 As per Guidelines for Deductions and Deposits of TDS by the DDO
— Drawing & Disbursing Officer under GST, the Employer being the
Government Agency (Department) shall deduct GST at the
applicable rate and issue the required TDS Certificate to that effect.

(26) GCC Section 7.1 General and GCC Section 7.2 - Design-Build
Supervision and GCC Section 7.3 Sustaining Period Supervision.

Provisions in Section 7.2 shall be replaced with the following clauses.

7.2 General
The Parties acknowledge that a DBO Engineer shall be appointed to
assist the Employer in contract administration including supervising the
implementation of all Design-Build works undertaken by the Operator
and all activities undertaken as part of Operation Service during the
Contract Term.

7.2.1 Supervision during the Design-Build and Sustaining Periods

GC Section 7.2 shall apply during the Design-Build and Sustaining
Periods and immediately after the End date solely for the purpose of
resolving transition issues and any outstanding issues arising during the
Sustaining Period.

7.2.2 DBO Engineer's Duties and Authority (Design-Build and Sustaining

(I) The Employer shall appoint the DBO Engineer who shall be
responsible for day to day contract management and supervision
during the Design-Build Period and the Sustaining Periods. The
DBO Engineer's staff shall include suitably qualified engineers and
other professionals who are competent to carry out these duties.

(2) The DBO Engineer shall have no authority to a

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Except, as specifically provided otherwise in the Contract, the DBO
Engineer may exercise the authority attributable to the DBO
Engineer as specified in or necessarily to be implied from the
Contract. The Employer undertakes not to impose further
constraints on the DBO Engineer's authority, except as agreed with
the Operator.

The DBO Engineer is obligated to obtain the approval of the

Employerfor matters specified in the sub-clause 7.2.2 (5) (d) of the
SCC. If the DBO Engineer exercises a specified authority for which
the Employer's approval is required then, for the purposes of the
Contract, the Employer shall be deemed to have given approval.

Except as otherwise stated in the Contract,

if the DBO Engineer carries out duties or exercises authority,

specified in or implied by the Contract, the DBO Engineer shall
be deemed to act for the Employer;

the DBO Engineer has no authority to relieve any Party of any

duties, obligations or responsibilities under the Contract; and

any approval, check, certificate, consent, examination,

inspection, instruction, notice, proposal, request, test or similar
act by the DBO Engineer, including absence of disapproval, shall
not relieve the Operator from any responsibility it has under the
Contract, including responsibility for errors, omissions,
discrepancies and non-compliances.

The DBO Engineer shall obtain the approval of the Employer

before exercising its authority in the following circumstances:

approving assignment of the Contract, or any part thereof;

determining an extension of the Time for Completion;
certifying additional costs determined under GCC
1.9(8)(b); and
issuing a Change Order, except:
in an emergency situation, as reasonably determined by
the DBO Engineer; or
if such Change Order would not increase the Contract
Price and does not result in any revision in Performance
7.2.3 Delegation by the DBO Engineer

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Page 332 of 490
(I) The DBO Engineer may from time to time assign duties and delegate
authority to assistants and may also revoke such assignment or
delegation. These assistants may include a resident engineer, or
independent inspectors appointed to inspect or test items of Plant or
Equipment. The assignment, delegation or revocation shall be in
writing and shall not take effect until copies have been received by
both Parties. Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, the DBO
Engineer shall not delegate the authority to determine any matter in
accordance with GC Section 7.2.6.

Assistants shall be suitably qualified persons, who are competent to

carry out these duties and exercise this authority, and who are fluent
in the language for communications defined in GC Section 1.3.1.

Each assistant, to whom duties have been assigned or authority has

been delegated, shall only be authorized to issue instructions to the
Operator to the extent defined by the delegation. Any approval,
check, certificate, consent, examination, inspection, instruction,
notice, proposal, request, test, or similar act by an assistant, in
accordance with the delegation, shall have the same effect as though
the act had been an act of the DBO Engineer. However,

any failure to disapprove any work or Plant and Equipment shall

not constitute approval, and shall therefore not prejudice the
right of the DBO Engineer to reject the work or the Plant and
Equipment; and

if the Operator questions any determination or instruction of an

assistant, the Operator may refer the matter to the DBO
Engineer, who shall promptly confirm, reverse or vary the
determination or instruction.

7.2.4 Instructions of the DBO Engineer

(I) The DBO Engineer may issue to the Operator, at any time during the
Design-Build Period, instructions which may be necessary for the
execution of the Design-Build Services and Operating Services and
the remedying of any defects, all in accordance with the Contract.
The Operator shall only take instructions from the DBO Engineer, or
from an assistant to whom the appropriate authority has been
delegated under GC Section 7.2.3. If an instruction constitutes a
Change, GC Section 10.1 shall apply.

(2) The Operator shall comply with the instructions given by the DBO
Engineer or delegated assistant, on any matter related to the
Contract. These instructions shall be given in writing.

7.2.5 Replacement of the DBO Engineer

If the Employer intends to replace the DBO Engineer, the Employer
shall, not less than 42 days before the intended date eplace u give

,NER Manson') Den
notice to the Operator of the name, address and relevant experience of
the intended replacement DBO Engineer. The Employer shall not
replace the DBO Engineer with a person against whom the Operator
raises reasonable objection by notice to the Employer, with supporting

7.2.6 Determinations by the DBO Engineer

(1) Whenever the Contract provides that the DBO Engineer shall
proceed in accordance with this GC Section 7.2.6 to agree or
determine any matter, the DBO Engineer shall consult with each
Party in an endeavour to reach agreement. If agreement is not
achieved, the DBO Engineer shall make a fair determination in
accordance with the Contract, taking due regard of all relevant

The DBO Engineer shall give notice to the Parties of each agreement
or determination, with supporting particulars. Each Party shall give
effect to each agreement or determination unless and until revised
under GCC Section 1.9. GCC Section 8.1.1 (1) Employer's Representative

For the purpose of GCC 8.1.1, DBO Engineer will be the Employer's
Representative during entire Contract Term. The Employer's representative
shall be appointed no later than 14 days from the effective date. GCC Section 8.1.2 (1)- Operator's Representative

The Operator's Representative is: (Eligible person to be defined

by the Operator) GCC Section 8.3. (1)- Operator's Personnel:

The Operator's Key Staff employed for the Design Build Operate and
Maintenance services shall have the expertise and qualifications specified in
the Table below.

Position Minimum Minimum Minimum Practical Experience

Academic/Pr Years'
ofessional (Specific
Qualification Expereinc
s e)
Graduate in General Manager of at least one water supply
General Business system having not less than 41000 house
Manager Management connections. Proven experience managing a
or Finance or water utility which provides continuous water

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Engineering supply including all managerial, technical,

or Equivalent financial and commercial matters covering
planning, operation and maintenance of water
supply services as well as management and
implementation of major water supply service
improvement capital program. Prior experience
of at least two (2) years in managing/operations
of any water supply system converting from
intermittent to continuous water supply and
experience of working in water supply sector of
any developing country is preferred

Operations Manager of at least one system of

having not less than 41000 connections. Proven
experience in operations and maintenance of
water supply service delivery from source to
tap. Prior experience of at least two (2) years in
operations and maintenance of any water
supply system converting from intermittent to
continuous water supply and experience of
working in water supply sector of any
developing country preferred.
Operation Graduate in Proven skills and experience in the following
Engineering areas are required:
al 10(5)
or Equivalent Water production planning and demand
Water distribution planning and service
Non-revenue water control
Customer management and public
Human resource management
Management information systems
Standard Operating Procedures and
Emergency response
Finance manager with preferred experience in
water or any other utility financial management
with demonstrated experience in:
Financial planning and preparation of
CA or ICWA budgets
Finance or ACS or
5(2) Business planning, forecasting and
Manager MBA (F)
regular financial monitoring
Procurement and investment planning
Financial management and cost control
Tax planning and compliance
Public finance and statutory compliance
DMA/Lea Graduate in Network/Leakage Manager of at least one
10(3) system of similar size to that presented in the
kage Engineering
Qualification Criitaria. ,Z%rcbtliaaktistrated

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Manager or Equivalent experience in the design and implementation of
leakage reduction schemes. Experience of
working in water supply sector of any
developing country preferred.
Proven experience and skills in the following is
Continuous water audit program
Development and implementation of
non-revenue water reduction program
IWA methodologies of assessing water
losses and economic level of leakage
Developing and updating water loss
reduction strategy
Flow and pressure management
Data logging and processing,
management and monitoring
Appropriate technologies for leak
Robust leak repair practices and
response time

As Capital Works Manager implementing an

annual capital works program of at least the
size of the program presented in the
Qualifcation Criteria especially in water supply
infrastructure improvement works including
Capital Graduate in organization and management of the site
Works Engineering 15(5) supervision team, contract administration, cost
Manager or Equivalent control, quality assurance and quality control,
approval of construction procedures and
materials. Experience of working in water
supply sector of any developing country

Commercial Manager of any public utility

services preferably water supply or electricity
or gas or similar services at least one system of
Graduate in similar size to that presented in the
Engineering Qualification Criteria with demonstrated
or experience in customer service management
Management Providing new connections, managing
Service 10(3)
or existing connections
Manager Meter reading, data management,
ons or processing
Equivalent Preparation and delivery of bills
Revenue collection and debt
Customer call and complaint

Page 336 of Ogrt) Cie)

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Managing that
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Public relations and communications
Target Setting and Forecasting

As a ESH Specialist, he should have worked in

the similar kind of infrastructure project
10(3) preferably drinking water supply project and
Bachelor's andposess proven experience in all aspects but
Environmen degree in not limited to EIA, Electrical safety
tal occupational management , Emergency Plan & Evacuation.
Specialist, safety, healthy Hazard & Risk Assessment etc
Health and or other
Safety related
Specialist, scientific

A post As a Social Expert he should have executed

Graduate in similar kind of infrastructure project preferably
Sociology or water supply project with proven experience in
Social Works Social mobilizing, IEC activities and public
10(3 )
related operations to smoothen the project
implementation by ensuring timely intervention.

The mandatory minimum period of deployment of the above Key Staff shall be as
Position Minimum period of deployment
Design, build Sustaining Period
General Manager 200 (Two hundred) 125 (One hundred
days in any given twenty-five) days
year in any given year
Operations Manager 275 (Two hundred 275 (Two hundred
seventy-five) days seventy-five) days
in any given year in any given year
Capital Works Manager 250 (Two hundred NIL
fifty) days in any
given year
DMA/Leakage Manager 200 (Two hundred) 200 (Two hundred)
days in any given days in any given
year _ year

Page 337 of 490 110 (j)

NER Mumeging Dint

Finance Manager 250 (Two hundred 250 (Two hundred)
and fifty) days in days in any given
any given year year
Customer Service 275 (Two hundred 275 (Two hundred
Manager seventy-five) days seventy-five) days
in any given year in any given year
Environmental Specialist, 275 (Two hundred 275 (Two hundred
Health and Safety Specialist, seventy-five) days in seventy-five) days in
Social Specialist any given year any given year

It is mandatory that at any given point of time during the entire Contract Period,
either the General Manager or the Operations Manager shall be present at the
Project Site without fail.
Non-deployment of the Key Staff for the periods as given in the table above (unless
supported by satisfactory explanation by the Operator and agreed to by the
Employer) shall attract a penalty of say the equivalent of US$50,000/-for each case
of default in any given year of the contract period.

In addition to the key staff as given above the Operator shall deploy:

Environment, Health and Safety Engineer: Qualification: Graduate in

Civil or Environmental Engineering with specialization and/or additional
qualification in Occupational Health and Safety with minimum 10 years
Social Expert: Qualification: Graduate in Social Welfare or Social Work
with minimuml 0 years experience.

The above two personnel should be available for a period of 275 days in
any given year.
Add the following sub-clauses:
8.3.2 Engagement of Staff and Labour: Except as otherwise stated in
the Specifications, the Operator shall make arrangements for the
engagement of all staff and labour, local or otherwise and for their
payment, feeding, transport and when appropriate, housing

The Operator is encouraged to the extent practicable and reasonable, to employ

staff and labour with appropriate qualification and experience from sources within
the Country.
8.3.3 Rates and wages and conditions of labour: The Operator shall pay rates of
wages and observe conditions of labour, which are not lower than those established
for the trade or industry where the Dedign, Build works are carried out. If no
established rates or conditions are applicable, the Operator shall pay rates of wages
and observe conditions which are not lower than the general level of wages and

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conditions observed locally by employers whose trade or industry is similar to that
of the Operator.
The Operator shall inform the Operator's personnel about their liability to pay
personal income taxes in the country in respect of their salaries, wages, and
allowances and benefits as are subject to tax under the Laws of the Country for the
time being in force, and the Operator shall perform such duties in regard to such
deductions thereof as may be imposed on him by such Laws.
8.3.4: Labour Laws: The Operator shall comply with all the relevant labour Laws
applicale to the Operator's personnel, including Laws relating to their employment,
health, safety, welfare, immigration and emigration, and shall allow them all their
legal rights. The Operator shall require his employees to obey all applicable Laws,
including those concerning safety at work.
"Salient features of major labour and other laws that are applicable to construction
industry in India are given as Appendix A to these General Conditions of Contract"

8.3.6: Working hours: No work shall be carried out on the Site on locally
recognized days of rest, Statutory holidays, or outside the normal working hours

otherwise stated in the Contract;'

the DBO Engineer gives consent, or
the work is unavoidable, or necessary for the protection of life or
property or for the safety of the works in which case the Operator shall
immediately advise the DBO Engineer.

8.3.7 Facilities for staff and labour: Except as otherwise stated in the
Specifications, the Operator shall provide and maintain necessary accommodation
and welfare facilities for the Operator's personnel. The Operator shall also provide
facilities for the Employer's personnel if so stated in the specifications.
The Operator shall not permit any of the Operator's personnel to maintain any
temporary or permanent living quarters within the structures forming part of the
Permamnant Works under the Contract.
8.3.8: Health and Safety: The Operator shall at all times take all reasonable
precautions to maintain the health and safety of the Opeaator's personnel. In
collaboration with local health authorities, the Operator shall ensure that medical
stag first aid facilities, sick bay and ambulance service are available at all times at
the Site and at any accommodation for Operator's perso 1 and that suitable

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arrangements are made for all necessary welfare and hygiene requirements and for
the revention of epidemics.
The Operator shall appoint EHS officer at the Site, responsible for maintaining
safety and protection against accidents. The person shall be qualified for this
responsibility and shall have the authority to issue instructions and take protective
measures to prevent accidents, Throughout the execution of the works, the Operator
shall provide whatever is required by this person to exercise this responsibility and
The Operator shall send to the DBO Engineer and Employer, details of any accident
as soon as practicable after its occurrence.
8.3.9 Operator's Personnel: The Operator's Personnel shall be appropriately
qualified, skilled and experienced in their respective trades or occupations. The
Employer or DBO Engineer may require the Operator to remove (or cause to be
removed) any person employed employed on the Site or Works, including the
Operator's representative if applicable, who:
persists in any misconduct or lack of care;
carries out duties incompetently or negligently;
fails to conform with any provisions of the Contract or
persists in any conduct which is prejudicial to safety, health or the
protection of the environment
If appropriate, the Operator shall then appoint a suitable replacement person. GCC Section 8.4 (e)

Add the new Section as under:

(e) is determined, based on reasonable evidence to have engaged or be
engaging in corrupt, or coercive practice, as defined in GCC of this
Contract, during the Contract. GCC Section 8.5- Existing Staff

The Existing Staff shall be managed as per provisions contained in Schedule

15- Existing Staff Section 8.6 (1) Maximum Percentage of Sub contracting

Sub-contracting shall not exceed 40% percent. However, the nominated Sub-
contractor or Sub-consultant whose experience and qualification have been claimed
for meeting the qualification criteria in accordance with stipulations in Section III
Evaluation and Qualification Criteria shall be excluded while applying the ceiling of 40

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Add the following sub clauses:

8.6.2: Objections to Nomination:

The Operator shall not be under any obligation to employ a nominated
Subcontractor against whom the Operator raises reasonable objection by
notice to the DBO Engineer as soon as practicable, with supporting
particulars. An objection shall be deemed reasonable if it arises from
(among other things) any of the following matters, unless the Employer
agrees in writing to indemnify the Contractor against and from the
consequences of the matter:
there are reasons to believe that the Subcontractor does not have
sufficient competence, resources or financial strength,

the nominated Subcontractor does not accept to indemnify the Operator

against and from any negligence or misuse of Goods by the nominated
Subcontractor, his agents and employees; or

the nominated Subcontractor does not accept to enter into a subcontract

which specifies that, for the subcontracted work (including design, if
any), the nominated Subcontractor shall:
undertake to the Operator such obligations and liabilities as will
enable the Operator to discharge his obligations and liabilities
under the Contract;

indemnify the Operator against and from all obligations and

liabilities arising under or in connection with the Contract and
from the consequences of any failure by the Subcontractor to
perform these obligations or to fulfil these liabilities, and

be paid only if and when the Operator has received from the
Employer payments for sums due under the Subcontract.

8.6.3 Payments to Nominated sub-contractors:

The Operator shall pay to the nominated Subcontractor the amounts shown on the
nominated Subcontractor's invoices approved by the Operator which the Engineer
certifies to be due in accordance with the subcontract.

8.6.4 Evidence of Payments:

Before issuing a Payment, Certificate which includes an amount payable to a nominated

Subcontractor, the DBO Engineer may request the Operator to supply reasonable
evidence that the nominated Subcontractor has received all amounts due in accordance
with previous Payment Certificates, less applicable deductions for retention or otherwise.
Unless the Operator:
(a) submits this reasonable evidence to the DBO Engineer, or


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(0 satisfies the Engineer in writing that the Operator is reasonably entitled
to withhold or refuse to pay these amounts, and

(ii) submits to the DBO Engineer reasonable evidence that the nominated
Subcontractor has been notified of the Operator's entitlement,
then the Employer may (at his sole discretion) pay, direct to the
nominated Subcontractor, part or all of such amounts previously
certified (less applicable deductions) as are due to the nominated
Subcontractor and for which the Operator has failed to submit the
evidence described in sub-paragraphs (a) or (b) above. The Operator
shall then repay, to the Employer, the amount which the nominated
Subcontractor was directly paid by the Employer.

GCC Section 8.7 Health and Safety

Add the following GCC Sections 8.7; 8.8; 8.9; 8.10; 8.11; 8.12; 8.13 and

The Operator shall comply with the Environmental Code of Practice and
ESHS - MSIP set out in Schedule Appendix 1 of Schedule 2 of this
Agreement. Precautions, no less onerous than that already in existence and
being maintained by the Corporation prior to the Transition Commencement
Date, shall be taken by the Operator to ensure the health and safety of the
Operator's Employees and contractors whilst performing duties required by
the Operator under this Agreement.

GCC Section 8.8-Policies

The Operator shall establish policies in relation to the Operator's Employees

that will allow the Services to be performed safely, reliably in accordance
with the provisions of this Agreement and consistent with Good Industry
Practice and Applicable Laws.

GCC Section 8.9- Disorderly Conduct

The Operator shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any
unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst the Employees, and
to preserve peace and protection of persons and property in the
neighborhood of the City against such conduct.

GCC Section 8.10-Safety Precautions

The Operator shall:

comply with the Environmental Code of Practice set out in Appendix

Ito Schedule 2 of this Agreement and applicable safety regulations
and Applicable Law;

take care for the safety of all persons entitled to be on the Facilities,
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Page 342 of 490
Manegtng Uirectol
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use reasonable efforts to keep the Facilities, and ensure that

contractors keep construction sites clear of unnecessary obstruction
so as to avoid danger to these persons;

require the contractors to provide fencing, lighting, guarding and

watching of the Design-Build works until completion and taking
over thereof;

require the contractors to provide any temporary works (including

roadways, footways, guards and fences) which may be necessary,
because of the execution of the Design-Build works, for the use and
protection of the public and of Employers and occupiers of adjacent
land; and

conduct annual safety audits of all its obligations under this

Agreement and implement all measures to address any safety issues
that may arise in delivering its obligations under this Agreement.

GCC Section 8.11-Uniforms and Logos

The Operator will ensure that all uniforms worn by Operator's Employees
and all vehicles used by the Operator in the course of exercising its duties
under this Agreement carry the Water Utility SPV logo (as and when
established) and Operator's logo, in a format to be agreed between the
Operator and the Corporation;

GCC Section 8.12-Indemnity regarding Employees

The Operator shall not be liable for, and the Corporation shall
indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Operator from any and all
claims of whatever kind or nature from the Corporation Employees,
including all related legal costs and expenses, in respect of
employment, termination or change in terms of employment of such
employees and any other accrued benefits including pension
benefits, personal injury to, or death of, Corporation's Employees
whilst on duty on behalf of the Corporation.

Neither the Corporation nor Employer shall be liable for, and the
Operator shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Corporation
and Employer from any and all claims of whatever kind or nature
from the Employees of the Operator or Sub-contractors„ including
all related legal costs and expenses, in respect of employment,
termination or change in terms of employment of such employees
and any other accrued benefits including pension benefits, personal
injury to, or death of, Operator's Employees whilst on duty on behalf
of the Operator.

(39) GCC Section 8.13 — Expert Reviewer and DBO Engineer

To support oversight of the duties and responsibilities of the Operator, the

Employer will appoint the following two Consultants with the

Page 343 of 490
ER Managing Dierior
responsibilities as under. The Operator shall co-operate fully with them and
provide timely information as and when requested by the Consultants.

Expert Reviewer: An entity to independently assess the efficacy and

reasonableness of the proposed Service Improvement Plan including the
Operating Plan and the Utility Systems Plans and their annual updates to
ensure that the proposed investment is cost-effective and efficient to achieve
and sustain the Project outcomes in line with Good Industry Practice.

DBO Engineer: An entity to assist the Employer in the aspects of

contract management, proof check of designs, site supervision, quality
control and monitoring performance of Operator in achieving the project
outcomes in accordance to the Technical Standards.

GCC Section 9.1 (2) Defect Liability Period

The Defect Liability Period shall be 24 months on completion of 3 months

post commissioning trial run for each of new or rehabilitated Project
Facility constructed or installed by the Operator. Any Major Maintenance
requirements for such Project Facility arising during Defect Liability shall
be at Operator own cost and Operator shall not be eligible for such Major
Maintenance requirements until completion of Defects Liability Period for
each of such new Project Facility.

GCC Section 9.6 - Insurance

Provisions in Section 9.6 shall be replaced with the following Sections.

9.6.1General Requirements for Insurances:

In this Section, "insuring Party" means, for each type of insurance, the Party
responsible for effecting and maintaining the insurance specified in the
relevant Section. Wherever the Operator is the insuring Party, each
insurance shall be affected with insurers and in terms approved by the
Employer. These terms shall be consistent with any terms agreed by both
Parties before the date of the Letter of Acceptance. This agreement of terms
shall take precedence over the provisions of this Section.

Wherever the Employer is the insuring Party, eachinsurance shall be

affected with insurers and in terms consistent with the details contained
under this contract. If a policy is required to indemnify joint insured, the
cover shall apply separately to each insured as though a separate policy had
been issued for each of the joint insured. If a policy indemnifies additional
joint insured, namely in addition to the insured specified in this Clause, (i)
the Operator shall act under the policy on behalf of these additional joint
insured except that the Employer shall act for Employer's Personnel, (ii)
additional joint insured shall not be entitled to receive payme

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from the insurer or to have any other direct dealings with the insurer, and
(iii) the insuring Party shall require all additional joint insured to comply
with the conditions stipulated in the policy.

Each policy insuring against loss or damage shall provide for payments to
be made in the currencies required to rectify the loss or damage. Payments
received from insurers shall be used for the rectification of the loss or

The relevant insuring Party shall, within28 days from the Effective Date
submit to the other Party:

evidence that the insurances described in this Section have been

affected, and
copies of the policies for the insurances described in Section 9.6.2
(Insurance for works and Operator's Equipment) and Section 9.6.3
(Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property).
When each premium is paid, the insuring Party shall submit evidence of
payment to the other Party. Whenever evidence or policies are submitted,
the insuring Party shall also give notice to the DBO Engineer.

Each Party shall comply with the conditions stipulated in each of the
insurance policies. The insuring Party shall keep the insurers informed of
any relevant changes to the execution of the Project and ensure that
insurance is maintained in accordance with this Clause. Neither Party shall
make any material alteration to the terms of any insurance without the prior
approval of the other Party. If an insurer makes (or attempts to make) any
alteration, the Party first notified by the insurer shall promptly give notice to
the other Party.

If the insuring Party fails to effect and keep in force any of the insurances it
is required to effect and maintain under the Contract, or fails to provide
satisfactory evidence and copies of policies in accordance with this Sub-
Clause, the other Party may (at its option and without prejudice to any other
right or remedy) effect insurance for the relevant coverage and pay the
premiums due. The insuring Party shall pay the amount of these premiums
to the other Party, and the Contract Price shall be adjusted accordingly.

Nothing in this Section limits the obligations, liabilities or responsibilities of

the Operator or the Employer, under the other terms of the Contract or
otherwise. Any amounts not insured or not recovered from the insurers shall
be borne by the Operator and/or the Employer in accordance with these
obligations, liabilities or responsibilities. However, if the insuring Party fails
to effect and keep in force an insurance which is available and which it is
required to effect and maintain under the Contract, d the r Party

page 45 of 49,1
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neither approves the omission nor effects insurance for the coverage
relevant to this default, any moneys which should have been recoverable
under this insurance shall be paid by the insuring Party.

Payments by one Party to the other Party shall be subject to the provisions
of GCC & SCC as contained in this contract as applicable. The Operator
shall be entitled to place all insurance relating to the Contract (including, but
not limited to the insurance referred to Section 9.6) with insurers from any
eligible source country.

9.6.2 Insurance for Facilities and Operator's Equipment

The insuring Party shall insure the Works, Plant, Materials and Operator's
Equipment for not less than the full reinstatement cost including the costs of
demolition, removal of debris and professional fees and prat. This
insurance shall be effective from the date by which the evidence is to be
submitted under sub-paragraph (a) of Section 9.6.1 (General Requirements
for Insurances), until the End Date.

The insuring Party shall maintain this insurance to provide cover until the
End Date, for loss or damage for which the Operator is liable arising from a
cause occurring prior to the End Date, and for loss or damage caused by the
Operator in the course of any other operations.

The insuring Party shall insure the Operator's Equipment for not less than
the full replacement value, including delivery to Site. For each item of
Operator's Equipment, the insurance shall be effective while it is being
transported to the Site and until it is no longer required as Operator's

Unless otherwise stated in the Special/Particular Conditions, insurances

under this Section:

shall be affected and maintained by the Operator as insuring

shall be in the joint names of the Parties, who shall be jointly
entitled to receive payments from the insurers, payments being
held or allocated between the Parties for the sole purpose of
rectifying the loss or damage,
shall cover all loss and damage from any cause not listed in the
GCC / SCC of this contract.
shall also cover loss or damage to a part of the Projects which is
attributable to the use or occupation by the Employer of another
part of the Works, and loss or damage from the Employer's risks

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Page 346 of 490

IONER ManVng Orem(

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listed in the GCC / SCC excluding (in each case) risks which are
not insurable at commercially reasonable terms, with deductibles
per occurrence of not more than the amount stated in the
Contract Data (if an amount is not so stated, this sub-paragraph
(d) shall not apply), and
e) may however exclude loss of, damage to, and reinstatement of
(i) a part of the Works which is in a defective condition due to a
defect in its design, materials or workmanship (but cover shall
include any other parts which are lost or damaged as a direct
result of this defective condition and not as described in sub-
paragraph (ii) below), (ii) a part of the Works which is lost or
damaged in order to reinstate any other part of the Works if this
other part is in a defective condition due to a defect in its design,
materials or workmanship, (iii) a part of the Works which has
been taken over by the Employer, except to the extent that the
Operator is liable for the loss or damage, and (iv) Goods while
they are not in the Country, subject to the provisions of GCC /
SCC contained in this contract as applicable.
If, more than one year after the Base Date, the cover described in
sub-paragraph (d) above ceases to be available at commercially
reasonable terms, the Operator shall (as insuring Party) give notice
to the Employer, with supporting particulars. The Employer shall
then (i) be entitled subject to provisions of GCC / SCC contained in
this contract as applicable, to payment of an amount equivalent to
such commercially reasonable terms as the Operator should have
expected to have paid for such cover, and (ii) be deemed, unless he
obtains the cover at commercially reasonable terms, to have
approved the omission under Sub-Clause 9.6.1 [General
Requirements for Insurances].

9.6.3 Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property

The insuring Party shall insure against each Party's liability for any
loss, damage, death or bodily injury which may occur to any
physical property (except things insured under Section
9.6.2[Insurance for Facilities and Operator's Equipment]) or to any
person {except persons insured under Section 9.6.(2) [Insurance for
Operator's Personnel]), which may arise out of the Operator's
performance of the Contract and occurring before the issue of the
Performance Certificate.

The Insurance cover under this clause shall be as under and to be

borne by the Operator:

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Page 347 of 490
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Loss of human life — Rs.10 (Ten) million or equivalent amount in
convertible currency and to be recouped as and when it is used.
Permanent Disability of human beings - Rs.5 (Five) million or
equivalent amount in convertible currency and to be recouped as and
when it is used.
Human Body Injury not resulting into permanent disability -Rs. 1
(One) million or equivalent amount in convertible currency and to be
recouped as and when it is used.
Unless otherwise stated in the Special/Particular Conditions, the
insurances specified in this Section:

shall be affected and maintained by the Operator as insuring Party,

shall be in the joint names of the Parties,
shall be extended to cover liability for all loss and damage to the
Employer's property (except things insured under Sub-Clause 18.2)
arising out of the Operator's performance of the Contract, and
may however exclude liability to the extent that it arises from:
the Employer's right to have the Project executed on, over,
under, in or through any land, and to occupy this land for the
damage which is an unavoidable result of the Operator's
obligations to execute the Works and remedy any defects, and
a cause listed as Employer's Risks as contained in GCC / SCC,
except to the extent that cover is available at commercially
reasonable terms.
9.6.4 Insurance for Operator's Personnel

The Operator shall effect and maintain insurance against liability for
claims, damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and
expenses) arising from injury, sickness, disease or death of any
person employed by the Operator or any other of the Operator's
Personnel. The Employer and the Design Build Operations Engineer
shall also be indemnified under the policy of insurance, except that
this insurance may exclude losses and claims to the extent that they
arise from any act or neglect of the Employer or of the Employer's

The insurance shall be maintained in full force and effect during the
whole time that these personnel are assisting in the execution of the
Works. For Sub-contractor's employees, the insu ay be
poo pa.116

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affected by the Sub-contractors, but the Operator shall be
responsible for compliance with this Clause

9.6.5 Insurance of Cash on Transit and Fidelity by the Operator

The Operator shall insure during the Design-Build Period and

Sustaining Period against liability to the Corporation, for any loss of
cash on transit by procuring a Money Insurance Policy providing
cover for loss of money in transit between the insured's premises and
bank, or other specified places, occasioned by robbery, theft or any
other fortuitous cause. The policy shall also cover loss by burglary
or housebreaking whilst money is retained at Insured's premises in
safe(s) or strong room. The insured amount of policy shall not be
less than INR. 2 (Two) millions or equivalent amount in convertible

9.6.6 The Operator's Failure to Maintain Insurances

If the Operator fails to effect and keep in force or to ensure sub-

contractors have effected and kept in force, any of the insurances
required under the Agreement, or fails to provide satisfactory
evidence, policies and receipts in accordance with this Clause, the
Employer may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy,
effect insurance for the coverage relevant to such default, and pay
the premiums due. Such payments shall be recoverable from the
Operator by the Employer and may be deducted by the Employer
from any monies due, or to become due, to the Operator.
(43) GCC Clause 10.1 - Change to the Design-Build Services

GCC Clause 10.1 — Change to the Design- Build Services:

Add the sub-clauses:

Right to Vary: Variations may be initiated by the DBO Engineer at

any time prior to completion of Works, either by an instruction or by
a request for the Operator to submit a proposal.

The Operator shall execute and be bound by each variation, unless

the Operator promptly gives notice to the DBO Engineer stating
(with supporting particulars) that (i) the Operator cannot readily
obtain the Goods required for the variation or (ii) such variation
triggers a substantial change in the sequence or progress of the
works. Upon receiving this notice, the DBO Engineer shall cancel,
confirm or vay the instruction.

Each variation may include:

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(a) Changes to the quantities of any item of work included in the
Contract (however, such changes do not necessarily
constitute a variation)

(b) Changes to the quality and other characteristics of any items of


(c)Changes to the levels, positions and/or dimensions of any part of

the works;

Omission of any work unless it is to be carried out by others;

Any additional work,plant, matrials, or dervices necessary for

the permanent works, including any associated tests on
completion, boreholes and other testing and exploratory
works, or

(0 Changes to the sequence or timing of the execution of the works.

The Operator shall not make any alteration and or

modifications of the permanent works, unless and until the
DBO Engineer instructs or approves a variation.

(44) GCC Clause 12 —Fraud and Corruption

Add a new Clause as follows:

"The Bank requires compliance with the Bank's Anti-Corruption

Guidelines and its prevailing sanctions policies and procedures as set forth
in the WBG's Sanctions Framework, as set forth in Annexure Cto these
General Conditions."

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Page 350 of 490
Annexure C

Fraud and Corruption

(Text in this Annexure shall not be modified)


1.1 The Bank's Anti-Corruption Guidelines and this annex apply with respect to
procurement under Bank Investment Project Financing operations.


2.1 The Bank requires that Borrowers (including beneficiaries of Bank financing); bidders
(applicants/proposers), consultants, contractors and suppliers; any sub-contractors,
sub-consultants, service providers or suppliers; any agents (whether declared or not);
and any of their personnel, observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement process, selection and contract execution of Bank-financed contracts,
and refrain from Fraud and Corruption.

2.2 To this end, the Bank:

a. Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

"corrupt practice" is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or

indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of
another party;

"fraudulent practice" is any act or omission, including misrepresentation,

that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to
obtain financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;

"collusive practice" is an arrangement between two or more parties

designed to achieve an improper purpose, including to influence
improperly the actions of another party;

"coercive practice" is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or

harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to
influence improperly the actions of a party;

"obstructive practice" is:

deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering, or concealing of evidence

material to the investigation or making false statements to
investigators in order to materially impede a Bank investigation into
allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, or collusive practice;
and/or threatening, harassing, or intimidating any party to prevent it
from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation
or from pursuing the investigation; or

acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Bank's

inspection and audit rights provided for under paragraph 2.2 e.

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Page 351 of 490
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Rejects a proposal for award if the Bank determines that the firm or individual
recommended for award, any of its personnel, or its agents, or its sub-
consultants, sub-contractors, service providers, suppliers and/ or their
employees, has, directly or indirectly, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive,
coercive, or obstructive practices in competing for the contract in question;

In addition to the legal remedies set out in the relevant Legal Agreement, may
take other appropriate actions, including declaring misprocurement, if the Bank
determines at any time that representatives of the Borrower or of a recipient of
any part of the proceeds of the loan engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive,
coercive, or obstructive practices during the procurement process, selection
and/or execution of the contract in question, without the Borrower having taken
timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to address such practices
when they occur, including by failing to inform the Bank in a timely manner at
the time they knew of the practices;

Pursuant to the Bank's Anti- Corruption Guidelines and in accordance with the
Bank's prevailing sanctions policies and procedures, may sanction a firm or
individual, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, including by publicly
declaring such firm or individual ineligible (i) to be awarded or otherwise benefit
from a Bank-financed contract, financially or in any other manner;ll (ii) to be a
nominated' sub-contractor, consultant, manufacturer or supplier, or service
provider of an otherwise eligible firm being awarded a Bank-financed contract;
and (iii) to receive the proceeds of any loan made by the Bank or otherwise to
participate further in the preparation or implementation of any Bank-financed

Requires that a clause be included in bidding/request for proposals documents

and in contracts financed by a Bank loan, requiring (i) bidders
(applicants/proposers), consultants, contractors, and suppliers; and their sub-
contractors, sub-consultants, service providers, suppliers, agents, personnel,
permit the Bank to inspect' all accounts, records and other documents relating
to the procurement process, selection and/or contract execution, and to have
them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank.

For the avoidance of doubt, a sanctioned party's ineligibility to be awarded a contract shall include, without
limitation, (i) applying for pre-qualification, expressing interest in a consultancy, and bidding, either
directly or as a nominated sub-contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or
nominated service provider, in respect of such contract, and (ii) entering into an addendum or amendment
introducing a material modification to any existing contract.
A nominated sub-contractor, nominated consultant, nominated manufacturer or supplier, or nominated
service provider (different names are used depending on the particular bidding document) is one which has
been: (i) included by the bidder in its pre-qualification application or bid because it brings specific and
critical experience and know-how that allow the bidder to meet the qualification requirements for the
particular bid; or (ii) appointed by the Borrower.
Inspections in this context usually are investigative (i.e., forensic) in nature. They involve fact-finding
activities undertaken by the Bank or persons appointed by the Bank to address specific matters related to
investigations/audits, such as evaluating the veracity of an allegation of possible Fraud and Corruption,
through the appropriate mechanisms. Such activity includes but is not limited to: accessing and examining
a firm's or individual's financial records and information, and making copies thereof as relevant; accessing
and examining any other documents, data and information (whether in hard copy or electronic format)
deemed relevant for the investigation/audit, and making copies thereof as relevant; interviewing staff and
other relevant individuals; performing physical inspections and site visits; and obtaining third party
verification of information.
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Appendix A

1.1. Salient Features of Labour& Environment Protection





(a) Employees Compensation Act 1923: The Act provides for compensation in case of
injury, disease or death arising out of and during the course of employment.

(b) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972: gratuity is payable to an employee under the Act on
satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if an employee has completed 5 years'
service or more or on death at the rate of 15 days wages for every completed year of
service. The Act is applicable to all establishments employing 10 or more employees.

(c) Employees P.F. and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952 (since amended): The Act
provides for monthly contribution by the employer plus workers @ 10% or 8.33%. The
benefits payable under the Act are:

Pension or family pension on retirement or death, as the case may be.

Deposit linked insurance on the death in harness of the worker.

(iii)Payment of P.F. accumulation on retirement/death etc.

(d) Maternity Benefit Act 1961: The Act provides for leave and some other benefits to
women employees in case of confinement or miscarriage etc.

(e) Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention Prohibition and

25 This list is only illustrative and not exhaustive. Bidders and Contractors are responsible for
checking the correctness and completeness of the list. The law as curr the
opening will apply.

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Redressal) Act, 2013: This Act defines sexual harassment in the workplace, provides for
an enquiry procedure in case of complaints and mandates the setting up of an Internal
Complaints Committee or a Local Complaints Committee

Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970: The Act provides for certain welfare
measures to be provided by the Contractor to contract labour and in case the
Contractor fails to provide, the same are required to be provided, by the Principal
Employer by law. The Principal Employer is required to take Certificate of Registration
and the Contractor is required to take license from the designated Officer. The Act is
applicable to the establishments or Contractor of Principal Employer if they employ 20
or more contract labour.

Minimum Wages Act 1948: The Employer is supposed to pay not less than the
Minimum Wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provisions of the Act if the
employment is a scheduled employment. Construction of Buildings, Roads, Runways
are scheduled employments.

Payment of Wages Act 1936: It lays down the mode, manner and by what date the
wages are to be paid, what deductions can be made from the wages of the workers.

(I) Equal Remuneration Act 1976: The Act provides for payment of equal wages for work
of equal nature to male and female workers and for not making discrimination against
Female employees in the matters of transfers, training and promotions etc.

(I) Payment of Bonus Act 1965: The Act is applicable to all establishments employing 20
or more employees. Some of the State Governments have reduced this requirement
from 20 to 10. The Act provides for payments of annual bonus subject to a minimum of
8.33% of the wages drawn in the relevant year. It applies to skilled or unskilled
manual, supervisory, managerial, administrative, technical or clerical work
for hire or reward to employees who draw a salary of Rs. 10,000/- per month or
less. To be eligible for bonus, the employee should have worked in the establishment
for not less than 30 working days in the relevant year. The Act does not apply to
certain establishments.

(k) Industrial Disputes Act 1947: the Act lays down the machinery and procedure for
resolution of Industrial disputes, in what situations, a strike or lock-out becomes illegal
and what are the requirements for laying off or retrenching the employees or closing
down the establishment.

(I) Trade Unions Act 1926: The Act lays down the procedure for registration of trade
unions of workmen and employers. The Trade Unions registered under the Act have
been given certain immunities from civil and criminal liabilities.

(m) Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986: The Act pro s employment of

(Ackg, kct
age 354 of 490

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children below 14 years of age in certain occupations and processes and provides for
regulation of employment of children in all other occupations and processes.
Employment of Child Labour is prohibited in the Building and Construction Industry.

Inter-State Migrant workmen's (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act

1979: The Act is applicable to an establishment which employs 5 or more inter-state
migrant workmen through an intermediary (who has recruited workmen in one state
for employment in the establishment situated in another state). The Inter-State
migrant workmen, in an establishment to which this Act becomes applicable, are
required to be provided certain facilities such as housing, medical aid, traveling
expenses from home upto the establishment and back,etc.

The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and

Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and the Building and Other Construction Workers
Welfare Cess Act, 1996 (BOCWW Cess Act): All the establishments who carry on any
building or other construction work and employ 10 or more workers are covered under
these Acts. All such establishments are required to pay cess at the rate not exceeding
2% of the cost of construction as may be notified by the Government. The Employer of
the establishment is required to provide safety measures at the building or
construction work and other welfare measures, such as Canteens, First —Aid facilities,
Ambulance, Housing accommodations for workers near the work place etc. The
Employer to whom the Act applies has to obtain a registration certificate from the
Registering Officer appointed by the Government.

(P) Factories Act 1948: the Act lays down the procedure for approval of plans before
setting up a factory engaged in manufacturing processes, health and safety provisions,
welfare provisions, working hours, annual earned leave and rendering information
regarding accidents or dangerous occurrences to designated authorities. It is
applicable to premises employing 10 persons or more with aid of power or 20 or more
persons without the aid of power.

(q) Weekly Holidays Act -1942

Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976: The Act provides for the abolition of
bonded labour system with a view to preventing the economic and physical
exploitation of weaker sections of society. Bonded labour covers all forms of forced
labour, including that arising out of a loan, debt or advance.

Employer's Liability Act, 1938: This Act protects workmen who bring suits for damages
against employers in case of injuries endured in the course of employment. Such
injuries could be on account of negligence on the part of the employer or persons
employed by them in maintenance of all machinery, equipment etc. in healthy and
sound condition.

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CO ER K.UirDf C. BanOsioni
Employees State Insurance Act 1948: The Act provides for certain benefits to insured
employees and their families in case of sickness, maternity and disablement arising out
of an employment injury. The Act applies to all employees in factories (as defined) or
establishments which may be so notified by the appropriate Government. The Act
provides for the setting up of an Employees' State Insurance Fund, which is to be
administered by the Employees State Insurance Corporation. Contributions to the Fund
are paid by the employer and the employee at rates as prescribed by the Central
Government. The Act also provides for benefits to dependents of insured persons in
case of death as a result of an employment injury.

The Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act, 1963: This Act provides for the
employer's liability and responsibility to pay compensation to employees where
workmen sustain personal injuries in the course of employment.

Industrial Emplovment(Standing Order) Act 1946: It is applicable to all establishments

employing 100 or more workmen (employment size reduced by some of the States and
Central Government to 50). The Act provides for laying down rules governing the
conditions of employment by the Employer on matters provided in the Act and get the
same certified by the designated Authority.



The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and as amended: This provides for the protection and
improvement of environment and for matters connected therewith, and the prevention of
hazards to human beings, other living creatures, plants and property. 'Environment' includes
water, air and land and the inter-relationship which exists among and between water, air and
land, and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and property.

The Forest Conservation Act, 1980, as amended, and Forest (Conservation) Rules, 1981 as
amended: These provides for protection of forests by restricting conversion of forested areas
into non- forested areas and prevention of deforestation, and stipulates the procedures for
cutting any trees that might be required by the applicable rules. Permissions under the Act also
stipulates the norms and compliance requirements of the employer and any contractor on
behalf of the employer.

State Tree Preservation Acts as may be in force: These provide for protection of trees of

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important species. Contractors will be required to obtain prior permission for full or partial
cutting, uprooting, or pruning of any such trees.

The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, and as amended: This provides for protection of wildlife
through notifying National Parks and Sanctuaries and buffer areas around these zones; and to
protect individuals of nationally important species listed in the Annex of the Act.

The Biological Diversity Act, 2002: This provides for conservation of biological diversity,
sustainable use of components of biological diversity, and fair and equitable sharing of the
benefits arising out of the use of biological resources, knowledge and for matters connected
therewith or incidental thereto.

The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 as amended and The Public Liability Insurance Rules,
1991 as amended: These provide for public liability insurance for the purpose of providing
immediate relief to the persons affected by accident occurring while handling hazardous
substances and for mattes connected herewith or incidental thereto. Hazardous substance
means any substance or preparation which is defined as hazardous substance under the
Environment (Protection) Act 1986, and exceeding such quantity as may be specified by
notification by the Central Government.

The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 and the Ancient
Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment and Validation) Act, 2010, the
Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Rules, 1959 amended 2011, the
National Monuments Authority Rules, 2011 and the similar State Acts: These provide for
conservation of cultural and historical remains found in India. Accordingly, area within the radii
of 100m and 300m from the "protected property" are designated as "protected area" and
"controlled area" respectively. No development activity (including building, mining, excavating,
blasting) is permitted in the "protected area" and development activities likely to damage the
protected property is not permitted in the "controlled area" without prior permission of the
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or the State Departments of Art and Culture or Archaeology
as applicable.

The Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 and as amended: This provides for
prior environmental clearance for new, modernization and expansion projects listed in
Schedule 1 of the Notification. Contractors will be required to ensure that no work starts until
applicable clearances under the Notification is not available. Contractors will be responsible for
implementation of any environmental management plan stipulated as per the permission
under this Notification; and will be required to prepare and submit to the employer and
compliance report stipulated in the permission under the Notification.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as amended, and the Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1975 as amended: These provide for the
prevention and control of water pollution and the maintaining and restoring of wholesomeness
of water. 'Pollution' means such contamination of water or such alteration of the physical,
chemical or biological properties of water or such discharge of any sewage or trade effluent or
of any other liquid, gaseous or solid substance into water(whether directly or indirectly) as
may, or is likely to, create a nuisance or render such water hatreful or japublic health

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or safety, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other legitimate uses, or to the
life and health of animals or plants or of aquatic organisms. Contractors will need to obtain
consent for establishment and consent for operation of any item of work or installation of
equipment that generates waste water, and observe the required standards of establishment
and operation of these items of work or installations; as well as install and operate all required
waste water treatment facilities.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 and The Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Cess Rules, 1978: These provide for the levy and collection of a cess on
water consumed by persons carrying on certain industries and by local authorities, with a view
to augment the resources of the Central Board and the State Boards for the prevention and
control of water pollution under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.

The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 as amended, and the Air (Prevention
and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1982: These provides for prevention, control and abatement of
air pollution. 'Air Pollution' means the presence in the atmosphere of any 'air pollutant', which
means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance (including noise) present in the atmosphere in
such concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to human beings or other living creatures
or plants or *property or environment. Contractors will need to obtain consent for
establishment and consent for operation of any item of work or installation of equipment that
generates air pollution such as batching plants, hot mix plants, power generators, backup
power generation, material handling processes, and observe the required standards of
establishment and operation of these items of work or installations.

Noise Pollution (Control and Regulation) Rules, 2000, and as amended: This provides for
standards for noise for day and night for various land uses and specifies special standards in
and around sensitive receptors of noise such as schools and hospitals. Contractors will need to
ensure compliance to the applicable standards, and install and operate all required noise
control devices as may be required for all plants and work processes.

Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996: This
provides for Requirement of preparation of on-site and off-site Disaster Management Plans for
accident-prone areas.

The Explosives Act 1884 and the Explosives Rules, 2008: These provide for safe manufacture,
possession, sale, use, transportation and import of explosive materials such as diesel, Oil and
lubricants etc.; and also for regulating the use of any explosives used in blasting and/or
demolition. All applicable provisions will need compliance by the contractors.

The Petroleum Rules, 2002: This provides for safe use and storage of petroleum products, and
will need to be complied by the contractors.

The Gas Cylinder Rules 2004 and amendments: This provides for regulations related to storage
of gas, and possession of gas cylinder more than the exempted quantity. Contractors should
comply with all the requirements of this Rule.

Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules of 1989 and as amended: These
provide for use and storage of hazardous material such as highly inflammable liquids like
HSD/LPG. Contractors will need to ensure compliance to the Rules; and in the event where the
storage quantity exceeds the regulated threshold limit, the contractors will be responsible for

Page Wdf 490
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regular safety audits and other reporting requirements as prescribed in the Rules.

Hazardous & Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016: These
provide for protection of general public from improper handling storage and disposal of
hazardous waste. The rules prescribe the management requirement of hazardous wastes from
its generation to final disposal. Contractors will need to obtain permission from the State
Pollution Control Boards and other designated authorities for storage and handling of any
hazardous material; and will to ensure full compliance to these rules and any conditions
imposed in the permit.

The Bio Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016: This provides for control, storage,
transportation and disposal of bio-medical wastes. As and where the contractor has any first
aid facility and dispensaries, established in either temporary or permanent manner, compliance
to these Rules are mandatory.

Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016: This provides for management
of construction and demolition waste (such as building materials possible to be reused, rubble
and debris or the like); and applies to all those waste resulting from construction, re-modelling,
repair or demolition of any civil structure. Contractor will need to prepare a waste disposal plan
and obtain required approval from local authorities, if waste generation is more than 20 tons in
any day or 300 tons in any month during the contract period; and ensure full compliance to
these rules and any conditions imposed in the regulatory approval.

The E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016: This provides for management of [-wastes (but not
covering lead acid batteries and radio-active wastes) aiming to enable the recovery and/or
reuse of useful material from e-waste, thereby reducing the hazardous wastes destined for
disposal and to ensure the environmentally sound management of all types of waste of
electrical and electronic equipment. This Rule applies to every manufacturer, producer,
consumer, bulk consumer, collection centers, dealers, e-retailer, refurbisher, dismantler and
recycler involved in manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, collection, storage and processing of
e-waste or electrical and electronic equipment listed in Schedule I, including their components,
consumables, parts and spares which make the product operational.

Plastic waste Management Rules, 2016: This provides for control and management of the
plastic waste generated from any activity. Contractors will ensure compliance to this Rule.

The Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules 2001: This provides for ensuring safe disposal
and recycling of discarded lead add batteries likely to be used in any equipment during
construction and operation stage. Rules require proper control and record keeping on the sale
or import of lead acid batteries and recollection of the used batteries by registered recyclers to
ensure environmentally sound recycling of used batteries. Contractors will ensure compliance
to this Rule.

The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 and as amended: This
provides for regulation of production and consumption of ozone depleting substances in the
country, and specifically prohibits export to or import from countries not specified in the Rules,
and prohibits unless specifically permitted, any use of ozone depleting substance.

The Coastal Regulation Zone Notifications, 1991 and as amended: This provides for regulation

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of development activities within the 500m of high tide line in coastal zone and 100m of
stretches of rivers and estuaries influenced by tides. Contractors will be required to ensure that
no work starts until applicable clearances under the Notification is not available. Contractors
will be responsible for implementation of any plan stipulated as per the permission under this
Notification; and will be required to prepare and submit to the employer and compliance
report stipulated in the permission under the Notification.

The Motor Vehicle Act 1988 as amended (and State Motor Vehicle Acts as may be in force) and
the Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989, and as amended (and State Motor Vehicle Rules as may be in
force): To minimize the road accidents, penalizing the guilty, provision of compensation to
victim and family and check vehicular air and noise pollution. Contractors will be required to
ensure full compliance to these rules.

Easement Act, 1882: This provides for the rights of landowners on groundwater. Contractors
will need to ensure that other landowners' rights under the Act is not affected by any
groundwater abstraction by the contractors.

State Groundwater Ads and Rules as may be in force and the Guidelines for Groundwater
Abstraction for drinking and domestic purposes in Notified Areas and Industry/Infrastructure
project proposals in Non-Notified areas, 2012: These provide for regulating extraction of
ground water for construction/industrial and drinking and domestic purposes. Contractors will
need to obtain permission from Central/State Groundwater Boards prior to groundwater
abstraction through digging any bore well or through any other means; and will to ensure full
compliance to these rules and any conditions imposed in the permit.

The Mines Act, 1952 as amended; the Minor Mineral and concession Rules as amended; and
the State Mineral (Rights and Taxation) Acts as may be in force: These provide for for safe and
sound mining activity. The contractors will procure aggregates and other building materials
from quarries and borrow areas approved under such Acts. In the event the contractors open
any new quarry and/or borrow areas, appropriate prior permission from the State Departments
of Minerals and Geology will need to be obtained. Contractors will also need to ensure full
compliance to these rules and any conditions imposed in the permit.

The Insecticides Act, 1968 and Insecticides Rules, 1971 and as amended: These provide for
regulates the manufacture, sale, transport, distribution, export, import and use of pesticides to
prevent risk to human beings or animals, and for matters connected therewith. No one should
import or manufacture; sell, stock or exhibit foe sale; distribute, transport, use: (i) any
misbranded insecticides, (ii) any insecticide the sale, distribution or use of which is for the time
being prohibited under the Act; and (iii) any insecticide except in accordance with the condition
on which it was registered under the Act.

National Building Codes of India, 2005 and as amended: This provides guidelines for regulating
the building construction activities in India. The code mainly contains administrative
regulations, development control rules and general building requirements; stipulations
regarding materials, structural design and construction; and building and plumbing services.
Contractors will be required to comply with all Bureau of Indian Standards Codes dealing with:
(i) use and disposal of asbestos containing materials in construction; (ii) paints containing lead;
(iii) permanent and temporary ventilations in workplace; (iv) safety, and hygiene at the
workplace; (v) prevention of fire; (vi) prevention of accidents from faulty electrical gadgets,
equipment and accessories; and all other such codes incidental to the Contri9 s.

Page 3 o 4 0 0 CO et-C1

Managing Oninfor
KALLD.F Barosium
Obligations of the Operator

1. Introduction

The activities to be performed by the Operator as detailed in this Schedule are

indicative and not exhaustive. The Operator should perform all activities as are
required for design, build and operation services under the Contract for providing
continuous pressurised (24x7) and sustainable water supply services in Kalburgi
city of Karnataka State, India.

The activities to be performed by the Operator are grouped into (i) Design Build
Period and (ii) Sustaining Period including the overlap of Operation Services during
both the periods of Contract.

Design Build Period

The Design Build Period is spread over initial 60 months from the Effective Date of
the Contract. During this period the Operator shall undertake the following key

Effective Date to 180' Day

2.1. Familiarize with on-going activities and arrangements:

Within 7 business days of the Effective date, provide the Employer
with the list of the names of Key Operator Personnel who are
mobilized and commenced the obligations under the Contract.
Establish contact with all relevant stakeholders, including
consultants under the KUWSMP, and become familiar with the
water supply system in the Service Area, and the applicable
standards and guidelines for water supply design, and with current
on-going works in the Service Area.
Familiarize itself with, and understand the relevant institutional
arrangements and Applicable Laws to determine in detail which
roles the Corporation, as the asset holding and operating entity, plays
in the following: (i) sanction of water connections, (ii) installation of
water connections, (iii) disconnections and reconnections, and (iv)
services to urban poor areas as applicable, so that the SDIP conforms
with them.
2.2. Review all available reports commissioned during project preparation
including the Project Report, the Report on Outline Specifications for
Utility Systems, Procedures and Equipment as well as other relevant
documents such as the City Development Plan and the Comp we
Master Plan for the City if any.

e st

Page 361 of 490

Managing on
ICALID F c,Bangs/ore
KALt.bli r
2.3. Identify any changes that have taken place in the water supply Service Area
since those reports were prepared as a result of on-going or recently
completed activities by the Corporation, Board or KUIDFC.
2.4. Familiarize themselves with any other recent, on-going or programmed
development activities including but not limited to AMRUT, InNURM,
UIDSSMT, Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY), Swarna Jayanti SahakarRojgar
Yojana (SJSRY) and other programs being implemented by the
Corporation and GoK as the case may be.
2.5. Satisfy themselves as to the nature and scope of work and the prevailing
site conditions.
3. Comprehensive Assessment
The Operator shall undertake comprehensive assessment of the Service Area and
the existing water supply system which shall comprise of but not limited to

3.1. Topographical and infrastructure survey

Operator shall through an experienced and competent survey agency

shall conduct topographical and infrastructure survey covering the entire
Service Area and existing infrastructure from the source to the Customer
including those areas within the Service Area that are not provided with
water supply. The survey data shall be sufficient to develop the Service
Improvement Plan and provide input for development of a
comprehensive Geographical Information System (GIS).
The survey shall be by deploying Total Station survey equipment to
obtain all key elevations with geo-reference and all physical features
such as roads, culverts, drains, nalas, electrical transformers, trees,
existing pipelines and valve chambers, sewer manholes, and any other
relevant features which would affect installation and maintenance of
existing and/or new pipe lines, pumping stations, service reservoirs and
all other relevant assets. The survey output shall be captured in at least
1:2000 scale and to produce a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in Im
contour interval covering the entire Service Area. The output from the
survey shall be based on real on-ground fresh survey using Total Station
equipment and DGPS etc. and shall not be by mere updating of available
maps by desktop digitization methods.
3.2. Customer Survey:
(i) undertake a door-to-door survey of all Customers whether connected to
the network or un-connected and obtain the details in regard to location,
name, address, mobile and landline telephone numbers, number of
resident members, status of billing and metering. Also, economic status
would presumably economic status (including socio-economic
jeassification of household (e.g. SC, ST, BPL, slum/ n
IOntikr: coo°
Page 362 of 490
ttPA 4r
ManeginQ Dream
)UMM BanitilOVII,
availability of water connection, water supply schedule and actual
timing, estimated consumption levels, alternate water supply
arrangements, method of disposal of wastewater. The Survey shall also
include key details of all Customers whether connected or un-connected
in the categories of general residential households (independent housing,
group housing connections and apartments), urban poor households,
government housing, non-domestic, commercial, institutional, religious
places, industrial and fire services and any other category of Customers
resident in the Service Area. The output from the survey shall be
sufficient to validate and improve existing billing data and for
integrating the customer data into the GIS based customer management
system for both Demo Zone and Non- Demo Zone.
3.3. Review of Water Resources:

Review available data on the volumes of water historically abstracted from

existing water sources and prepare a summary of volumes, by month, over
the last ten (10) years identifying key variabilities.

Study the Project Report(s) propose the development of additional

production capacity for the Service Area and identify and inform on any
issues in regard to sufficiency of water resource allocations for this project
and other projects and uses.
Identify any critical water resource issues that may, periodically, affect the
ability of the Operator to meet the Performance Standards.
3.4. Water Quality Assessment

The Service area at the Effective Date is supplied with water sourced from a
combination of surface water and ground water from tube wells in addition
to hand pumps, wells and other sources. The Operator shall:

Collect the required number of samples each of the raw water and
treated water from all the Water Treatment Plants existing at the
Effective Date and the required number of samples from each of the
tube wells, open wells in operation at the Effective Date and samples
from a representative number of locations around the distribution
Analyze the samples collected for all the physical, chemical and
bacteriological Characteristics in a recognized / accredited lab as
approved by the DBO Engineer. The results of the water quality analysis
shall be evaluated by the Operator for determining whether any
emergency measures are required such as closure of tube wells due to
Fluoride, Nitrates, Arsenic or any other harmful chemical constituents or
ensuring robust disinfection in case of bacteriological contamination as


Pitaihrta Ono"
CO ONER • ILUID5 c, Banos«.
the case may be. The results of such tests shall be notified to the
Corporation within one (1) days of receipt of the results.
3.5. Assessment of the existing Water Treatment Plants
(i) Undertake a detailed study of the water treatment plants existing at the
Effective Date which shall include a condition and performance
assessment of all civil, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation
infrastructure, efficiency of treatment process, output capability of the
plant and the treated water pumping system for delivering product water
conforming to the water quality standards set out in the Performance
Standards. The Operator shall propose additional works such as wash
water recovery units for minimizing the losses in the treatment.The
results of these studies shall form the basis of a list of works or activities
for optimizing the efficiency of the existing production capacity of the
Facilities to be implemented under the designated Provisional Sum
provided in the Bill of Quantities.
3.6. Assessment of the Pumping Systems
(i) Undertake a detailed condition and performance assessment of the
existing pumping systems for raw water transmission, treated water
transmission and boosters if any and assess the efficiency of the existing
pumping regime. It shall review the available energy audit reports and
assess the overall pumping regime and storage arrangements. This will
allow the Operator to develop a plan for optimizing the performance of
the pumping units and system in the SIP so as to save energy
consumption and extend the life of the units to a reasonable minimum
period of 5 years.
3.7. Assessment of the Networks:
Undertake a study of the condition of the existing water transmission
and distribution network within and outside the Service Area through
Flow and Pressure Measurement (FPM) and review of historical repairs
data if available and through detailed interactions with the Corporation
Employees in order to assess the strength and capacity of the networks
for provision of Continuous Pressurized Water Supply services to the
customers in accordance with the Performance Standards.
Review the present raw water transmission main from Bhima head
works,Kotanur IPS, Shorgumbaz WTP and examine the improvement
in efficiency so as to optimize the operating cost.
(iii)Undertake studies to determine the hydraulic capacity of the existing
networks so as to assess the hydraulic carrying capacity for ensuring
continuous pressurized water supply, determine the residual life of the
networks, and assess what strengthening and extensions are needed to
meet the Performance Standards. The hydraulic capacity assessment will
require at least the following:

t1C-T1 !are
VtXt; hivolailing
It IItAfa'jiltP113.
K.U.LIDE-G, Banosona.

Develop a robust city level demand model (based on the

findings of the customer survey) by establishing both the current
water account and the projected annual demand growth duly
taking into consideration the differential and dynamic zonal
growth patterns, progressive reduction in treatment and network
losses and the price elasticity of water consumption pattern.
Develop a Hydraulic Network Model (HNM) which includes
all pipelines down to 63mm diameter based on the available
information and by undertaking site investigations as required.
The HNM shall be in two parts the first part being the strategic
mains model (SMM) and the second being the All Mains Model
(AMM). The HNM shall be built on a Digital Elevation Model
(DEM) of the city depicting lm elevation contours. The data
pertaining to reservoirs, pipes, valves, pumping stations, open
wells, tube wells and demand allocations shall be obtained
through field study and captured on the network model.
AutoCAD or equivalent shall be the drawing latest software and
WATERGEMS/ or equivalent shall be the modeling software for
building the network model.
The results from the Hydraulic Network Model shall be
sufficient to validate the proposed bulk-supply improvement
works included in the Bill of Quantities and also propose
detailed works for improving the distribution system including
the service connections and operational monitoring of entire
Service Area.

(iii) Prepare a Water Balance, following the TWA Methodology, for the
hydraulically separable areas, and for the system as a whole.

Taken together these tasks will allow the Operator to develop a plan for
rehabilitation, replacement, reinforcement and expansion of the pipe
networks as part of the SDIP and in order to meet the Performance

3.8. Make an Assessment of the Service Storages:

(i) Undertake a detailed assessment of the structural condition, capacity
and hydraulic performance of the existing service reservoirs. This will
allow the Operator to identify those that could be used in a Continuous
Pressurized Water Supply system, validate the proposed rehabilitation
works included in the Bill of Quantities, and confirm the capacity and
locations of the proposed reservoirs included in the Bill of Quantities.
Efforts shall be made to ensure optimum use of the available storage
capacity and land area so as to minimize or avoid requirement of
additional land acquisition.

biafl) (ct F
Page 65 of 490

Magi% On
C.011/I —ONER •
KALABira MAHANP.GAR phi In KII1054 Banosore
3.9. Assessment of Current levels of Service:
(0 Assess, by distinct hydraulic areas, the existing intermittent water
supply situation including timing (during day), quantity, quality,
availability (hours) and pressure of water delivery to customers. The
assessment will be based on observation, historic operating procedures,
and inputs from consumers resident in the areas. The assessment will
highlight seasonal variations as appropriate.
3.10. Assessment of the Service Delivery Arrangements:
Undertake an assessment of the current service delivery arrangements
in the Service Areas including, but not limited to:

Organizational structure and workforce numbers and capacity;

O& M practices in the Service Area;
Computer systems, equipment and operating procedures;
Customer Service arrangements;
Commercial practices including billing and collections; and
Service provision to urban poor.
3.11. Assessment of the Service Delivery Costs/Revenues:
(i) Collect and record the data on historical (at least for three continuous
years in the immediate past from the Effective Date) financial
performance of revenues and the existing operations, maintenance and
service delivery costs with sufficient detail covering the broad headings
of energy, staffing, repairs, routine maintenance, capital expansion,
administration, outsourced contract services and others. The revenues
and costs shall be analyzed, and the baseline cost trend established for
the prevailing intermittent water supply regime.
3.12. Establish Baseline Service Level Benchmarks:
(i) Establish the baseline service level benchmarks for both a) the
Government of India Service Level Benchmark program and b) the
Performance Standards of this contract, from the investigations and the
historical performance data.
3.13. Strategy, design and action plan for introducing continuous
pressurized water supply

A strategy supported by design and a detailed action plan with timelines

shall be prepared for introducing and sustaining continuous pressurised
water supply in the entire Service Area.

3.14. Assessment of the Current Sanitation Arrangements:

(0 Assess the current sanitation arrangements through the customer survey

to determine the number of households where there is (a) a toilet with
septic tank; (b) a toilet connecting to a leach pit; (c) a toilet

4W\ CI°
Page 36 of 490
ItALPS'i°\ GI I'm MarisOng Ores'
K.U.LaEla BaniSsonl

an open drain and (d) no toilet. Where communities rely on the use of
community toilets the Operator will include these to provide water
supply facility as part of SD1P.

3.15. Prepare a Comprehensive Assessment Report:

Consolidating the above, the report describing the various assessments and
their evaluation shall be prepared, which would include a summary section
not exceeding 30 (Thirty) pages supported by Annexes for each of the
assessments. This report shall form the basis for validating the proposed
works included in the Bill of Quantities and the new works if any to
implemented and before completion of Design-Build Period.

3.16. Preparation of Implementation Plans

The Operator shall prepare the following implementation plans.

Take over Plan

Infrastructure Improvement Plan
Service Delivery Improvement Plan
Operating Plan
4. Take Over Plan:
(a) Prepare within 90 days from the Effective Date, a Take Over Plan for
taking over the responsibility of Operation and maintenance of the entire
water supply system comprising of all Project Facilities from 181 day
from the Effective Date;

(b) The Take Over Plan shall (i) outline the steps that will be taken by
the Operator to familiarize it with its employees on the O&M of the
facilities to ensure a seamless transition at the end of the specified
periods; (b) set out the expected obligations of the Employer and
Corporation during the take over period; (c) consider what equipment
and consumables are to be made available by the Corporation; (d) will
address the issue of Operator's response to emergency such as to how
water services continue to be provided to customers, in a limited form, if
warranted and the roles and responsibilities of Parties in such a situation;
(e) will identify all existing contracts related to the provision of water to
the Service Area and suggest whether they are to be continued or
terminated, if so, on what terms.

(c)The plan would be reviewed, adjusted, and agreed by the Employer and
Corporation within 120 (One hundred and Twenty) days from the
Effective Date.
(d) The above plan would be implemented jointly by the Parties in
consultation with each other. Representations if a ashall be made in

Page 367 of 490
Managing Orem(
C .ISSIONER KALLAF-c, sancomore
writing to the Employer which will seek to find a solution to such a
5. Infrastructure Improvement Plan (lIP):
5.1. Within 150 days from Effective date, prepare Infrastructure Improvement
Plan (based on the Comprehensive Assessment Report) for the activities to
be carried out during the Design-Build Period in accordance with
Applicable Laws and Good Industry Practices.
5.2. The objectives of the activities presented in the IIP include but are not
limited to the following:
Ensure safe, potable, wholesome and efficient, Continuous Pressurized
Water Supply services to the Customers in the Service Area to meet the
growing demand needs of the City;
Ensure availability of sufficient volume of Bulk Raw or Treated Water
to meet the growing demands of Customers, taking into account the
permissible levels of losses in treatment, transmission and distribution;
Ensure optimization of performance of existing pumping machinery for
energy consumption in the transmission of treated water from source to
Ensure an effective program of non-revenue water control including
active leakage control by applying continuous and vigilant monitoring,
leak detection and good quality and long-lasting leak repair techniques;
Ensure efficient and effective commercial and customer services in
management of the water utility for providing un-interrupted water
supply to the customers, duly redressing and resolving complaints and
problems from existing Customers and providing network connectivity
to new Customers and ensuring timely expansion of networks and
system capacities;
0 Ensure establishment of robust, proven commercialy management
systems and processes including standard operating procedures for
ensuring sustainable water services capable of forward planning, timely
decision making, attending to emergencies and ensuring cost recovery;
Ensure establishment of performance monitoring systems so as to enable
monitoring of Performance Standards as per Schedule 11 and overall
collection and disclosure of data related to water supply services in the
Service Area.
Validate or confirm the efficacy of the works included in the Bill of
Quantities and suggest sparingly any revisions or variations with
sufficient techno-economic justification.
Where interventions proposed in the IIP are not part of the Project
Report or are part of the Project Report but require substantial
modification, or not in conformity with the general guidelines in the
CPHEEO Manual, the Operator shall provide in the SDIP sufficient
explanation and justification as to how implementing such interventions

(14 lb LI)
Page 3;;;:ntlawig ottecirg

would benefit the Corporation in terms of, for example, the costs, speed,
inconvenience to residents, or sustainability of the Technical Standards.
j) In preparing the IIP the following design horizons will be adopted for
any investments in physical infrastructure required to meet the Technical
Standards. No additional investment in bulk supply augmentation is
expected beyond the Design-Build Period except for investments to
meet network growth beyond that included in the IIP, and for routine
replacement of plant, equipment, and computer systems at the end of
their design life.
Raw Water Intakes and Transmission Pipelines — 2041/2053
Water Treatment - 2031
Pump Stations —2041
Pumping Machinery - 2031
Treated Water Transmission and Feeder Pipelines — 2053
Storage Reservoirs -2041
Water Distribution Systems — 2053

k) The Operator shall first assess the residual life of the existing assets and
plan progressive investment to meet the design horizon years mentioned
above. The related costs including new items of works if any shall be
assessed using the agreed prices included in the Bill of Quantities and
procedure detailed in GCC Change Orders.
The elements constituting the SDIP should include, but not be limited to, as
outlined below:

(i) Raw water intakes, pumping stations and transmission mains

improve the existing raw water intake, pumping machinery and transmission
mains with a view to increasing security of supply, optimizing the energy
input in service delivery, and utilizing existing assets to the extent possible.

(ii) Rehabilitation of existing WTP and Construction of new WTP

Infrastructure improvement works to rehabilitate the existing WTP

at Kotnur, Shorgumbaz and Old Filtre Bed the costs of which to be
met out of the designated Provisional Sum included in the Bill of
New 51 ML in 22 hours WTP at SalamTekdi

(ii) Rehabilitation of Water Supply Transmission and Feeder

(a) Review the capacity of the network required using the hydraulic
model and simulating both present and future conditions, from a

0 - 14roktil
646 Dream

'cusp BaNain
continuous water service perspective and propose network
strengthening measures in a cost-effective manner.

An essential objective of the treated water feeder main

improvements shall be to ensure availability of sufficient supply
volume in all neighborhoods of the Service Area so as to ensure
equity and rapid service improvements across the Service Area
pending conversion to continuous pressurized water supply.
Identify existing feeders that are in good operational condition and
could be utilized to enable the Operator to meet the Performance
Standards. Deteriorated feeders will be identified and replaced or
rehabilitated in a cost-effective manner. The Operator will assess
options for any new feeder mains to serve existing or new storage
reservoirs and propose the optimum solution. The works for such
new feeders may be considered for inclusion in the Advanced Works
Plan to ensure completion and commissioning of the works by the
end of the 24th month of the DB Period.
(iii) Optimizing Service Storage
Infrastructure improvement works to rehabilitate existing service
storages, the cost of which is to be met out of the provisional sum
included in the Bill of Quantities
Ensure that the proposals are for adequate service storage capacity
for the Service Area and shall use existing reservoirs to the extent
possible with abandonment only in the event that a reservoir is
structurally unsafe. A key factor to be taken into account is the
highly restrictive availability of land for installation of new
reservoirs and hence the proposals should focus on expanding the
utilizable storage through improved hydraulics and assigned demand
patterns with necessary structural strenghthening.

(e) Plan the rehabilitation works for the existing service reservoirs so
that works will begin in month I of the DB Period and completed by
the end of the 12th month of the DB Period. The construction of the
new reservoirs should be planned so as to be completed by the end
of the 24th month of the DB Period. Such works can be considered
for inclusion in the Advanced Works Plan.

(iv) Plans for setting up District Metered Areas:

Based on the results of the HNM, review the present distribution zones and
design for setting up hydraulically isolated district metered areas ("DMA"
s) within the Service Area with each DMA comprising of about 2,000 to
3,000 Customer connections. Each DMA shall preferably have
sAotalt "tun
Page 37 of 490 ()cot U:lit.‘
Maneging Deem(
IWA,DEC, Bangalore
point and be isolated by installing boundary isolation valves. The inflow
shall be fitted with a pressure reducing valve and an electro-magnetic bulk
flow meter of reputable brand synchronized with a sufficient capacity data
logger with the facility to record, store, monitor and analyze the
consumption and pressure pattern in the respective DMA. The Operator
shall identify and propose at least three Critical Measurement Points
("CMP" s) in each DMA for continuous logging of pressure, and the CIV1Ps
shall be such that one point shall be at the inlet of DMA, second at the
highest elevation within the DMA boundary and the third shall be the
farthest point from the DMA inlet. The Operator shall propose necessary
actions/tasks for periodical calibration of the flow and pressure monitoring
equipment and capture the data generated by the respective equipment,
analyze and monitor the consumption and level of losses in the DMAs and
take remedial actions as necessary to meet the Performance Standards. It is
envisaged that the DMA chambers will be standardized in size and type of
equipment to be housed inside (including flow control valve, pressure
reducing valve/Pressure cum Flow Regulating Valves, flow meter and
pressure transducer and the data loggers for speed and efficiency of

(v) Rehabilitation and expansion of distribution networks

Propose a plan for new networks to currently unserved areas of the
Service Area and for the optimal mix of rehabilitation, repair, and
replacement of the existing distribution network in currently served
areas. In the latter case the Operator should optimize capital and
operational solutions to develop the most cost-effective solutions
and using the existing assets to the extent possible.

The proposals shall be in two parts (i) to provide new infrastructure

in the areas which are not provided with network access; and (ii) the
improvements which shall be a structured, continuous program of
rehabilitation, repair and replacement of existing networks to ensure,
by the end of the Design Build eriod Period, sufficient network
capacity and levels of water losses to achieve the Performance
Standards to the end of the Term.
The proposed network improvements shall be on the basis of a
carefully planned progressive DMA-wise transformation to
continuous pressurized supply taking into account possible increased
leakage in the short term and the need to minimize supply
deterioration in other DMAs serviced with intermittent water supply.
Shall be responsible for temporary road reinstatement s well as
permanent road reinstatement to the original f

Page 371 of 4R capita h


specifications in all network improvements or expansions, or
replacement or construction of new house connections,
Identify the relevant specifications, standards on all materials,
equipment and goods proposed to be used in SDIP. The SDIP shall
also include a plan for establishing the quality of materials, pipes
and fittings to be used, as well as setting workmanship protocols and
The improved network shall exhibit increased hydraulic carrying
capacity to meet the demand at the required design horizon and shall
deliver water at a minimum pressure of seven (7) meters measured at
the Critical Measurement Points during peak hour flow conditions in
accordance with the Performance Standards. The network shall be
fitted with isolation valves such that any intervention for
maintenance such as extensions, connections, and leak repair shall
not affect more than one hundred (100) Customer connections.
Include in its rehabilitation and expansion plan for replacing house
connections and Customer meters as needed, installing customer
meters in non-metered connections, and installing new house
connections with meters to unconnected households and those with
illegal connections. By the end of the DB Period all properties will
have house connections and individual meters financed out of the
project cost.
Major Maintenance Items

In addition to all infrastructure improvement works, the Plan shall include

all Major Maintenance activities and items of work to be implemented
during the Design-Build Period.
Investment Plan

prepare a detailed investment plan for the Design-Build Period (the

"Investment Plan") based on the Infrastructure Improvement Plan. This will
be based on detailed bottom up cost estimation with summary information
provided by asset category with timelines. In preparing the Investment Plan
the Operator shall take into account the quality and availability of data on
system condition and performance, on customer numbers and types, on
other elements of the Plan. The Operator shall include an assessment of the
key risks in the implemnetation and their proposed mitigation measures.

Financial Model

Prepare a detailed, eleven (II) year, financial forecast for delivery of water
services to the City based on the activities proposed in the IIP, assumptions
Onariffs, and using the borrowing costs incurred by the City. The fo ast

Page 372 of 4ekq h

Managing Dream
will include detailed operating costs (based on the Operators accepted Bid
price), capital costs for the rehabilitation and expansion works, operating
cash flows, projected revenues and resultant operating subsidy requirements
if any.

Works Plan

Prepare a four-year rolling works plan (the "Works Plan") with a detailed
plan for the first twelve (12) months of the Design-Build Period. The Works
Plan shall include the details of work schedule, costs, sub-contractors and
contract awards, and the planned work method.

Implementation Schedule

Prepare a detailed project management program showing the all activities to

be undertaken during the DB Period including start and end dates and
dependencies between the activities. The critical path items will be clearly
identified. Where the implementation plan requires action to be taken by the
Corporation or KUIDFC these activities will be highlighted and separately
identified with a clear description of the activity, the projected start date,
and the time allowed for the Corporation or KUIDFC to undertake said

6. Service Delivery Improvement Plans

Upon taking over the operations and maintenance of the existing water supply
system and within 365days from the Effective Date, the Operator shall study the
existing O&M practices and facilities and prepare a "Service Delivery
Improvement Plan" which shall detail the institutional and operational strategy to
deliver continuous water supply and the investments needed in systems, tools and
equipment to support that strategy including at least the following key components:

Operations and Maintenance Plan

Migration Plan for progressive introduction of Continuous Pressurised
Water Supply services
Improving Customer Service Arrangements
Standard Operating Procedures
Water Quality Survielliance Program
Monitoring Plan
Financial Model
Utility Systems Plan comprising of:
Integrated Information Management system
Tools and
page Plan

Page 373
gene0M9 Oniciot
SS101•1.ER r KALLIXF C, Sigreiote.
100+61.111A.G1MA1-1ANP,WAR P aliv
Office Development Plan
Water quality laboratory
Geographical Information System (GIS) comprising of all
infrastructure assets from source to Customer connection point;
Water resource monitoring, water quality surveillance system
Continuous data logging of water quality, flow and pressure
Consumption of energy, chemicals and other consumables
The billing and collection systems;
Customer services, including data bases relating to complaints
and questions, response times and resolution;
Financial management, including accounting systems;
1. Computerized Maintenance Management System;
Asset registers from the perspective of maintaining a prudent
GIS based or computerized maintenance management system
(CMMS) linked to financial and inventory systems;
Stores and Inventory Management;
Human resources management system;

6.1. Operation and Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan)

Prepare an annual operation and maintenance plan for the Facilities (the
"Operation and Maintenance Plan") with sufficient detail of all critical and
routine operating tasks at each unit of water supply chain with the objective
of achieving and maintaining the Required Service Levels. To this effect the
Operator shall be required to propose with sufficient justification any
adjustment to the performance standards found necessary during the Design-
Build Period and Sustaining Period. The 0 & M Plan shall:

(a) comprise the operating and maintenance strategy for improving

the operating efficiency, methodology, organization structure,
human resource plan, equipment deployment plan,
environmental management measures, responsibilities for unit
operations, monitoring and emergency response, related
processes, systems, protocols, procedures including detailed
costs for each activity of operations and maintenance etc.
differentiate between those areas with intermittent water supply
and those with Continuous Pressurized Water Supply.
present in detail the monitoring protocol for water quality
measurement around the system. This protocol will cover the
whole process from designing the sampling regime, taking
samples, testing samples, and reporting samples.
Also present the on-line water quality reporting system required
to meet the Operator's obligations under Schedule 2.

Page 374 of 490 a co koain

Managing Oirecaor
'NAJD" C. Banoisiors
(e) Non-Revenue Water Control
propose a detailed program of activities for
effective reduction and long-term control of Non-
Revenue Water (NRW) in the entire water supply
chain from source to Customers. This will include
detailed system pressure and flow control &
monitoring, preparation of water balances,
appropriate SCADA systems, pressure
management, and active leakage control methods.

Base the network and service pipe repair,

rehabilitation and replacement program covering
transmission, feeder and distribution networks on
an effective NRW monitoring activity and active
leakage control. Timely and high-quality leak
repair shall be supplemented by network and
service pipe replacement as needed.
Include specific proposals of the Operator's on
the organization, human resources, equipment,
spares, and draw down for repair activities,
leakage monitoring systems and procedures. The
Operator shall propose necessary parts of this
package of activities under the Advance Work
Plan (1&2).
(0 Communications: The Operator shall:
Participate in the major communication and outreach
activities events organized by the Corporation to
introduce themselves to provide / supplement inputs
related to the project;
Develop in the first 4 weeks following the Effective Date
a Communication Action Plan the first section of which
will be a campaign for introducing themselves to
Customers and informing them that they will be carrying
out the initial Customer Survey and collecting data of
existing water service provision in the Service Area.
Set up within 4 weeks following the Effective Date an
appropriately staffed Community Liaison Cell (CLC) to
coordinate all communication and outreach activities and
to work in collaboration with the Communications &
Social Intermediation Cell of the Corporation as well as
the NGO retained by the Corporation to facilitate
Stakeholder Outreach.

(r1 ro(a
eet, Page 375 of 490

flit manors Prealcg
no,m4 K.U.L0 F C, Ganglions
Ensure that its Employees and all vehicles used by it
carry the logo of SPY (as and when established) and the
Operator's logo. All communications sent out by the
Operator should make it clear whether these are being
sent out on its own behalf or on behalf of the
Explain that their role is to professionalize services for
improvement of water supply and not to privatize.
Coordinate with the Corporation and with the NGO
retained by the Corporation to facilitate Stakeholder
Outreach regarding notification and sensitization of
Customers to the transition to Continuous Pressurized
Water Supply and agree a timeline for notification to
Customers in DMAs in accordance with the transition
schedule in the Agreed SIP.
be aware of the Communications and Stakeholders
Intermediation Strategy (CSIS) that has been designed to
inform the general public, commerce, industry, the
municipal administration and other stakeholders about
the content, rationale, and objectives of the project. The
Operator will be expected to co-operate with Government
and the Corporation in the implementation of the CSIS to
foster Ownership of the Project by the local stakeholders
and encourage their support for the work. The Operator
shall disseminate to the customers within each DMA the
communication materials prepared under CSIS through
their inclusion with water bills' and their availability at
the Customer Service Centers and CLCs established.

6.2. Migration Plan from Intermittent to Continuous Water Supply

(a) Present their overall strategy for transforming the existing

intermittent water supply to Continuous Pressurized Water Supply
outlining the approach to infrastructure improvements, improving
service delivery arrangements, compliance with social and
environmental safeguards and communications. In this respect the
Operator, to the extent possible, should sequence DMA chamber
construction in order to bring as many DMAs to Continuous
Pressurized Water Supply as early as possible. The migration plan

should meet or exceed the Milestones given in SCC and Technical
Standards set out in Schedule 10
Page 376 o

Managing Ornialor
K.U.LaF C, Sangaions.
4 '3

(b) Set out a zone- based plan to improve the hours of supply and
pressure in till the zones are converted to Continuous Pressurized
Water Supply. The Operator will propose zone-based targets for
increased hours of supply and pressure which will form part of
Technical Standards during Design-Build Period.
6.3. Improving Customer Service Arrangements
Customer Service Centres:

Design, and propose setting up of customer service centers ("CSC") of at

least one CSC for every 20,000 connections and part thereof including
one central control center to facilitate receiving and resolving Customer
requests, complaints, and grievances in the areas of new connections,
service deficiencies, resolution of billing disputes, inappropriate actions
by staff, etc. While doing so the Operator shall take into consideration the
existing Customer Service Centers and propose an optimal solution. The
CSCs shall function between Sam to 8pm during business days including
Saturdays and between Sam to Ipm during public holidays including
Sundays. The CSC shall have reasonable space and furniture for the
Customers to wait, interact and represent their requirements. During the
other off-peak times of 8pm to 8am, the Operator shall have a facility to
receive Customer complaints and grievances through telephone, fax, text
message, email and any other reasonable electronic means. The CSC
shall be equipped with sufficient human resources with proficiency in
local language, hardware and software to facilitate continuous record of
Customer requests, monitoring the resolution, and reporting completion
of necessary actions and tasks. There shall be an exclusive desk for
servicing the urban poor customers preferably serviced by an efficient
lady customer representative.

Customer Connections

Prepare a detailed programme to support the Corporation to design its

connection policy ("Connection Policy") for undertaking sanction and
installation of Customer connections. The Connection Policy shall
include but not be limited to:

ensuring the policy principle of universal access that assures

provision of connections to all categories of Customers especially
to urban poor and other vulnerable communities in accordance to
the principles of the Karnataka Urban Water Policy;
provision of individual or shared metered connections to the
urban poor and other vulnerable communities irrespective of
possession of legal tenure for the property;

11 0 ft) (0.4
Page 377 of 490
Managing Delniar
C K.UAD.F Saillina
provision of customer meter to unmetered connections and
rehabilitation of existing connections, where required, by
replacing the existing connections with better and higher standard
of pipe material, good network connecting practice, installation of
right size ferrules / saddles, installation of a consumption
measurement meter, accessories and meter chamber at the nearest
point inside the Customer property boundary;
simplified procedures for receipt, processing, sanction and
installation of new connections to the new Customers; procedures
and timelines for disconnecting defaulting customer connections,
illegal connections and procedures for re-instatement of
connection on payment of due arrears / connection fees.
simplified procedures for change of name, splitting of connections
at times of division of properties etc;
template Customer Service Agreement stipulating the obligations
of service provision standards especially regarding continuous
pressurized water supply assured by the Corporation and
responsibilities of Customers on receipt of Services, particularly
regarding safety of connection and meter, access to meter reader
or any authorized representative of Corporation to verify the
consumption, timely payment of bills, use of water for the
intended purpose, prevention of backflow or pollution; and
proposal of necessary revisions to existing water byelaws or in the
absence, preparation of new water byelaws to enable
implementation of the proposed Connection Policy, which will
need to be instituted by the Corporation within 90 days from date
of submission of Policy.
provisions making it mandatory for the customer installing at its
own cost the following optional improvements:
Service pipe after the customer meter connected to a faucet
(tap) at a convenient point; and
a ball-cock valve on an existing ground storage tank after the
meter for prevention of overflow or back flow.

(c) Bulk Water supply Connections

In the case of Bulk Water Supply (Treated or Raw Water) with

connections of 25mm diameter or higher, such as apartments, housing
societies, private layouts, institutions and industries within the Service
Area, the Operator shall propose installation of a suitably sized, accurate
e cOttsumption meter with the automatic meter reading ability co le
Sk Ii•Ce
014‘001)° Page 378 of 490
t56 '.0' Managing Uireaks
:„ Bangalore.
to smart meter technologies. The Operator as part of the revision of water
byelaws should examine and propose necessary amendments for
installation of individual customer meters for all new apartment or
community housing complexes to facilitate any future legal requirements
of billing individual apartment as a separate connection.

Illegal Connections

The Operator, based on the findings from the Customer Survey, and in
accordance to the proposed connections policy, shall lay out a plan for
identification of illegal or un-authorized connections and necessary
obligations of the Corporation to permit regularization of such illegal
connections. In the case of a property with an illegal connection where
the property Employer accepts the option to legitimise the connection, to
facilitate regularization of connection; and if the property Employer does
not opt to legalise the connection, to facilitate disconnection of such
illegal connections by the Corporation.

Commercial practices including billing and collections

Develop procedures consistent with the Connection Policy for:

sanctioning new service connections, (ii) change of Ownership for
existing connections (iii) division of existing connections
consequent to division of property, (iv) disconnections in case of
defaulting Customers and (v) reconnections and (vi) dealing with
the un-authorized or illegal connections;
preparing, issuing, and collecting a bill for water service for every
customer, and dealing with under-payment or non-payment;
including repotting all outstanding accounts to the Corporation bi
the issuance of dummy volumetric bills for a period of [three (3)]
months after conversion to continuous pressurized water supply to
allow consumers to understand the implications of volumetric
charging and to undertake improvements to internal plumbing for
prevention of leakage or overflows or wastage; and
meter reading procedures and arrangements, (ii) meter reader
control (iii) efficient and accurate meter reading practices (iii)
respond to reports of malfunctioning meters from customers (iv)
testing and calibrating meters as required (v) replacing old,
malfunctioning or low accuracy meters (vi) replacing all meters
older than ten (10) years and of metrologica ass lowe than

Page 379 of 490

Managing Orolar
K.U4.0 5 G. Bang 31t
Class B; and (iv) how water consumption is estimated for un-
metered Customers.
Develop plan to undertake spot billing at the customer property
through a portable, battery powered, hand-held, electronic meter
reading collection and data storage device, complete with the
interface to the proposed billing software.
Develop detailed revenue collection procedures and plans for
establishing facilities for achieving the prescribed level of revenue
collection efficiency such as billing offices or through Banks and
electronic transfers.
Prepare a plan to set up a well-functioning water meter workshop
for testing and calibrating water meters, fully accredited if possible
and train staff in meter testing & calibration, selection,
replacement and repair of domestic and commercial water meters.
Develop a plan to install a water meter at every stand-post or other
service connection supplying water public and municipal buildings
or property directly connected to the public network or fed from a
storage tank filled from the public network and to replace all
faucets on stand-posts with self-closing taps.
Develop standard designs for installing approved water meters in a
lockable box on the connection pipe to every connected property at
the external side of the wall of the main building (within the
compound, if a compound wall exists, or at a safe and convenient
location if there is no compound wall) where the connection enters
the building.
Service provision to Urban Poor
plan and propose necessary works for provision of house
service connections in accordance with the Connection
Policy of the Corporation in the case of urban poor areas in
the Service Area (where there are households);
Establish a Community Liaison Cell ("CLC") to focus on
issues related to Services to urban poor households and
facilitate community outreach activities. The CLC should
also facilitate interactions with households in urban poor
communities to address their genuine concerns relating to
service delivery arrangements, payment terms, grievance
redressal and gender issues, and ensure monitoring of service
delivery in urban poor areas. For this purpose, it will work in
close coordination with the City level CSI cell. The Operator
shall propose necessary systems for tracking of performance
differentiated by economic status for project Performance
Standards relating to new connections, access • a
1'01° Continuous Pressurized Water Supply, disruptio
coo‘ ss' Page 380 of e
0-P-PS,OkKCI IlAsnerli Diver
KALLDF Sonoma*.
revenue collections and Customer complaints. The CLC shall
coordinate with various agencies/ program dealing with the
urban poor including the slum improvement programs. This
cell shall ensure convergence between multiple programs
dealing with urban poor with specific reference to water and

6.4. Integrated Management Information System

Undertake conceptual design of a comprehensive integrated management

information system (IMIS) in respect of all matters including but not limited to:
Geographical Information System (GIS) comprising of all
infrastructure assets from source to Customer connection point
including Transmission Main and water distribution system;
Water resource monitoring, water quality surveillance system;
Continuous data logging of water quality, flow and pressure;
Consumption of energy, chemicals and other consumables;
The billing and collection systems;
Customer services, including data bases relating to complaints
and questions, response times and resolution;
Financial management, including accounting systems;
Computerized Maintenance Management System;
Asset registers from the perspective of maintaining a prudent
GIS based or computerized maintenance management system
(CMMS) linked to financial and inventory systems;
Stores and Inventory Management;
Human resources management system;
Operational performance information and monitoring systems;
Work processes including sub-contracts using MS
Project/Primavera/Barchart etc.
Detail a methodology for measurement of performance as per
the Performance Standards in Schedule 11 as well as the
method for recording of data, method of compilation, reporting
formats, and methods for cross verification and frequency of
reporting.The Operator will also detail the interim
arrangements for measurement of performance and reporting
that will be followed, including manual record keeping, till the
setting up of the Management Information Systems as per the
Milestones in SCC.
6.5. Tools and Equipment Plan

Page 381 of 490

Managing anaalat
ctlitABtJOGI MANc\ci-;AGIkticiall(f Kti.LD F C, Bangsiore
Prepare a plan outlining all the tools and equipment required during the DB
Period to support the normal fiinctioning of management, operations and
maintenance of the system. The tools and equipment plan is likely to
include, but not be limited to:
Motorized transport;
Workshop equipment, including meter test bed if required;
(iii)Mobile maintenance equipment; if required welding machine
with DG set, 1-1DPE welding machine with DG set.
(iv)Meter reading equipment; and
(v) All the Tools & Plants required for O&M during DB Period.
(vi)Specialist operational equipment such as electronic leak
detection listening sticks, leak noise correlators, pigs for pipe
swabbing, sonde for leak detection in large pipelines, potable
flow and pressure measurement instruments, hot-tapping
tools, leak repair kits, mobile water quality analysis kits,
standard safety apparatus including personal protective
equipment etc.
An indicative requirement is proposed in Annex 3 of the Report on
Outline Specifications for Utility Systems, Procedures and Equipment
available in the Data Room. The Operator shall review the proposals
and suggest any additions or deletions and develop a detailed program
of implementation through service providers including identifying the
external resources required, works plan and timelines for
implementation during the Design-Build Period.

6.6. Office Development Plan

Prepare a plan for providing office accommodation to the Corporation

Employees or their agents tasked with supervising the Operator. The plan
will include an option for such office accommodation to be sufficient to
house the staff of the Operator. This plan is for the information of the
Corporation only and is not part of the Utility Systems Price.

6.7. Standard Operating Procedures

For the purposes of this scope of work the term Standard Operating
Procedures constitutes a suite of activities as outlined below and financed by
the Standard Operating Procedure Price:

(i) Prepare a set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the

management and operation of the water system in the City. A list of
SOPs identified for this purpose are available at Annex 1 of the
n ,
Page 382 of 490

Mareging Last
'WADI C, Santjairle.
report titled "Outline Specifications for Utility Systems, Procedures
and Equipment - Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization
Project" available in the Data Room.

(ii) Policies and Procedures: Develop various policies and procedures

for effective and efficient service delivery which shall include but
not be limited to, the following:

Emergency Response Plan (ERP);

Customer Management and Communications Plan;
Energy optimization program;
Environmental Management Plan, Code of Conduct and ESHS-
Connections policy for all types of connections including services
to the urban poor and regularising of illegal connections;
Network expansion policy;
Stores and inventory management policy; and
Human resource management and training policy.

6.8. Water Quality Survielliance Program

6.8.1. Develop a comprehensive Water Quality Surveillance Program
covering source, treatment and distribution systems. The program shall
be based on statutory requirements if any as per the Applicable Law
and shall comprise of following minimum sampling and testing

Minimum requirements for sampling and analysis of Raw and Treated Water

Sample location Parameters Frequency

Raw water at river / Dam source Complete Physical, chemical Once in a month
and biological parameters
listed in Appendix 15.3 of
CPHEEO Manual, May 1999
Page No.702 or as per latest

Raw water at the inlet of each pH, Turbidity Continuously

water treatment works electronically logged
r\ ae at an hourly

ig rola k
Page 383 of 490

Managing Orsaior
AISS10 HER Aiwa KU.LD.F.C, Bangaions 6Zictro


Raw water at the inlet of each All physical and chemical Once daily
water treatment works characteristics listed in
Appendix 15.3 of CPHEEO
Manual May 1999 Page 702
or as per latest amendment

Treated water at the inlet and Residual Chlorine, turbidity Continuously

outlet of each water treatment and pH, electronically logged
works online at an hourly

Treated water at the inlet and All physical and chemical Once daily
outlet of each water treatment characteristics listed in
works Appendix 15.3 of CPHEEO
Manual, May 1999 page 702
or as per latest amendment

Treated water at the inlet and Bacteriological analysis listed Once daily
outlet of each water treatment in Appendix 15.5 of CPHEEO
works Manual, May 1999 page 702
or as per latest amendment

Treated water in distribution

networksand service reservoirs

At a customer tap randomly All physical and chemical Once in a month

selected parameters listed in Appendix
15.3 of CPHEEO Manual,
May 1999 page 702 or as per
latest amendment

At the outlet of each service Residual Chlorine Continuously

reservoir electronically logged
online at an hourly

At the customer taps Residual Chlorine, turbidity 600 samples per year
randomly selected and rotated and p1-1
One sample per month in
to cover entire Service Area
Bacteriological testing alternative DMA's

6.8.2. Failure to maintain Water Quality

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At time of emergencies of failure in maintaining water quality the Operator

shall stop the supply of water and inform the affected Customers through
an effective communication regime. The Operator shall be responsible to
communicate to Employer, DBO Engineer as well as Customers regarding
any disruption of service due to compromised water quality immediately
along with expected time of restoring the supply. Immediate Emergency
Response actions shall be taken to restore the water quality complaint to
Performance Standards. In the meantime, alternative source of water to be
provided by Operator. Once regular supply restored, the Employer and
Customers to be informed about the same.

6.9. Environmental and Social Safeguards Plan

The Operator shall explain how the project's environmental and social
safeguards requirements including ESHS as required by Appendix 1 of
Schedule 2 will be incorporated into the different stages of the project
activities, how they will be monitored, and what information will be
reported as part of the monitoring plan.

6.10. Monitoring Plan

The Operator, based on the implementation schedule, the works plan, the
investment plan, the Performance Standards, the Milestones, and any other
relevant material, shall prepare a detailed plan for monitoring and reporting
the implementation of the SIP.

6.11. Timeframe for submission and approval of Plans

The Operator shall provide to the Employer and the Expert Reviewer
the draft Infrastructure Improvement Plan (TIP) within 150days from
the Effective Date. The Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP)
shall be submitted within 365days from the Effective Date.
The Expert Reviewer shall review the draft TIP and SDIP and
provide to the Employer with a copy to the Operator any comments
and suggested amendments to the drafts as it considers appropriate
within 21 days of receipt of the drafts from the Operator.
Within 45 days of the date on which the Employer receives the draft
IIP and SDIP from the Operator, the Employer shall with
Corporation jointly review and, in consultation with the Expert
Reviewer, approve or suggest revisions to the draft IIP and SDIP. In
the event that the Employer fail to approve the draft TIP and SDIP or
suggest any revisions thereto in writing to the Operator within the
stipulated period, the draft LIP and SDIP submitted by the Operator
shall be deemed to be approved.
In the event the Operator agrees with the changes proposed by the
Employer to the draft IIP and SDIP the Operator sh resub the

Page 3 o 490
miniging 0114063t
SSIONER A t on MILD F C, Bangs It
draft IIP and SDIP within 14 days of the receipt of the changes
proposed by the Employer, and Employer shall subject to due
incorporation of its comments and suggestions, approve the IIP and
SDIP, within 14 business days of receipt of the revised drafts of IIP
and SDIP.
If the Operator does not agree with the changes proposed by the
Employer to the draft IIP or SDIP as the case may be it shall meet
with the Employer and the Expert Reviewer to seek to resolve the
areas of disagreement. In the event that the Parties are unable to
agree on the changes to the draft IIP and SDIP within two weeks of
receipt by the Operator of the Employer's suggested revisions, and
the Expert Reviewer confirms that the areas of dispute are substantial
and could reasonably have a materially adverse effect on the
Operator's ability to achieve the Technical Standards in accordance
with this Agreement, then the Operator views shall prevail provided
the Operator again re-confirms the technical standards.
If the Operator is unable to deliver the draft IIP or SDIP within the
time frame set out, the Employer with the agreement of Corporation
may, at its sole discretion (on the certification from Expert
Reviewer), agree to provide additional time to the Operator to
complete these obligations, If the Operator can reasonably
demonstrate that the delay in submission is due to a failure on the
part of the Employer or Corporation or its agents to make Facilities
or information requested by the Operator available to the Operator in
a timely manner or due to an event of Force Majeure, then the
Operator will be granted such extension of time for delivery of the
draft IIP and or SDIP.
The Operator will use its best endeavors to mitigate any delay in
delivery of the IIP and SDIP and achievement of the objectives of
Design-Build Period;
If the delay is attributable to the Operator, extension of time shall not
be granted, and liquidated damages shall be payable as per contract.
if such delay is for 60 days or more, then the Employer on the
recommendations of Corporation and DBO Engineer, may terminate
the Contract and none of the Parties hereto shall be liable to another
Party for any damages or losses in respect thereof under Applicable
Law or otherwise,
Once the Employer, Corporation and the Operator reach an
agreement with regard to the draft TIP and SDIP, the Employer and
the Operator shall sign off on the finalized version of the draft IIP
and SDIP (the "Agreed IIP or SDIP") and the Operator shall proceed
to implement the Agreed IIP and SDIP.


Page 386 of

Managing Unapt
KU1D.F Benesons.
(xi) Within 270 (two hundred and seventy) days of beginning of every
year during the Design-Build Period, the Operator shall update the
Agreed TIP and similarly update the Agreed SDIP during the entire
Contract Term. Copy of the updated Agreed IIP and SDIP shall be
submitted to the Employer along with a copy to Corporation and
Expert Reviewer and the DBO Engineer, as the case may be. The
content of the updated IIP and SDIP shall meet the requirements set
out in the procedure for approval of TIP and SDIP as set out under
previous clauses for the initial TIP and SDIP shall apply mutadis /
mutandis for approval of the updated HP and SDIP.

7. Implementation of TIP and SDIP

The key activities to be undertaken by the Operator in implementing the Agreed IIP
comprise the following:

Implement the approved TIP and SDIP in accordance to Good Industry

Practice and by taking reasonable care to minimize supply interruptions,
traffic disruptions and ensure good and timely communications with
Customers in the Service Area.
All the works and interventions proposed as part of the IIP and SDIP shall
be in conformity with the relevant industry standards and the Environmental
Code of Practice.
Manage works processes pursuant to the Agreed TIP and SDIP;
Execute the Utility Systems through sub-contractors and/or Service
providers all in accordance with Good Industry Practice and relevant
industry standards.
Be responsible for the testing, quality assurance and maintenance of
supplies of all goods and services necessary for the performance of the
Services and ensure that all equipment, materials, services and supplies
required for carrying out of the Agreed IIP will be in accordance with the
standard specifications applicable as well as the national standards.
Ensure that all GIS and asset registers are updated to capture the results of
the works completed and will compile as-built drawings within the
appropriate system.
Implement the Standard Operating Procedures and Policy in accordance
with Good Industry Practice duly identifying gaps if any for further
improvement of service delivery.
Carry out road restoration on completion of laying of pipes and refilling of
the trench as per Technical Specifications.
The Operator shall permit, and shall cause its suppliers, contractors, and
their sub-contractors, agents, personnel, consultants, service providers, or
suppliers, to permit, and the Operator and the Corporatio hall cause the

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Page 38

Managmg Oman
ION ER ICULD F C, Banismore
P C" In
Works Contractors Utility Systems Suppliers to permit, the World Bank
and/or persons appointed by the World Bank to inspect the Site and
Facilities and all accounts and records relating to the performance of the
Agreement including safeguard management practices and the Works
Contracts/Utility Systems Supply Contracts and the submissions of bids
relating thereto, and to have such accounts and records audited by auditors
appointed by the World Bank if requested by the World Bank. The
attention of the Operator, the Corporation and their respective employees,
agents and sub-contractors is drawn to Clause 22 [Fraud and Corrupt
Practices] which provides, inter alia, that acts intended to materially impede
the exercise of the World Bank's inspection and audit rights provided for
under this sub-clause constitute a prohibited practice subject to contract
termination (as well as to a determination of ineligibility pursuant to the
World Bank's prevailing sanctions procedures).

7.1. Operation Services

Provide the Services which shall include, but not be limited to: a)
continued provision of intermittent water supplies in areas not
converted to continuous pressurized water supply and in the event of
no water supply to any zones, potable water for drinking purposes
shall be provided by the Operator through alternative arrangements b)
provision of continuous water supplies on those areas converted. The
quality of service provided will be in accordance with the Technical
Standards in Scdule 10 and performance levels in Schedule 11 and,
for intermittent supplies, at a service level no worse than recorded in
the IIP or SDIP.
Provide the Services which shall include planning and implementing
routine operations and maintenance activities and attending to
emergencies as they arise as laid out in the agreed Emergency
Response Plan and the Environmental Code of Practice.
Fulfill at least the following operational requirements, obligations
and commitments during the Design-Build Period and set firm
foundation for the efficient and effective operation of the water
supply system on completion of Design-Build:
(a) Abstracting Raw Water from the existing and proposed sources of
water, managing the water abstraction points by maintaining
required water levels and level instrumentation, de-weeding and de-
silting the intake location and monitoring river flow levels including
coordination with the water resource authorities, pumping and
transmitting the abstracted raw water to the different treatment

acv\ek \O
10"?1,7#5‘ Mellecteng La .,

C.Z:G\ gualltart,
Page 388
388 of 490

Treating the Raw Water to the stipulated national water quality
standards at discharge from the treatment plants, including the safe
disposal of any by-products of the treatment process;
Pumping or conveying the treated water from the treatment works
through the feeder mains via the treated water pumping stations or
directly to the service reservoirs;
Distributing the water from the service reservoirs to the Customers
addressing leakage in the networks, to the extent required to meet
the Technical Standards, through leakage repair, pipe rehabilitation,
pipe replacement, pressure management and active leakage control;
Operationalizing the DMAs as proposed in the agreed SIP including
for on-going pressure and flow monitoring, establishment of
telemetry system, and data analysis;
(0 Preparation of annual water balance for those DMAs converted to
Continuous Pressurized Water Supply;
Providing new connections, and regularizing illegal connections in
conformity with standards agreed in the IIP and SDIP;
Operating the Customer Service Centers and grievance redressal
system as set out in the agreed IIP and SDIP;
Sampling Raw Water at the point it enters the intake to check the
Raw Water Quality characteristics;
Sampling treated water as it leaves the water treatment works to
ensure that it meets the Potable Water Specification;
Sampling treated water at Customer taps to check for residual
chlorine levels;
(1) Updating the Standard Operating Procedures to reflect experience
gained during the Design-Build Period; and
(m) Preparing an annual Operation and Maintenance Plan for
incorporation into the annual update of the SDIP.
(iv) Fulfill, as a minimum, the following maintenance requirements,
obligations and commitments during the Design-Build Period and
set a firm foundation for the efficient and effective operation of the
Facilities during the remaining period of Contract in accordance with
Good Industry Practice:
Operational izat ion of the Computerized Maintenance
Management System;
Planned maintenance of all electro-mechanical equipment &
other devices existing, supplied, installed / erected and
commissioned by the Operator;
Planned maintenance (including routine preventive maintenance)
of all valves and pipeline / appurtenances / electro-mechanical
equipment and other devices supplied, ins
commissioned by the Operator.

Page 3 1- 1 q mint"

Sit R. Managing Oant

- ita
RAG% 1"4101AT4 AGAR OM KULD F C. Berwasiore
Planned maintenance activities of all other assets in accordance
with Good Industry Practices; and
Provision of chemicals, consumables, spares
(v) Implement data capture systems to ensure that the various operational
and maintenance activities, including leakage management activities,
are recorded for analysis and to facilitate improved operations and
maintenance performance by the Operator. Asset registers and GIS
information will be updated to reflect any changes to the Facilities
during the Design-Build Period.
7.2. Billing and Revenue Collection
(i) The Operator shall, amongst others:
Read all Customer water meters in accordance with the general
instructions of Employer/Corporation;
Register all Customer water meter readings in the appropriate
computer data base;
Update customer database by house to house surveys and checks;
Maintain and updated customer database and link to the GIS;
Rotate regularly the meter readers and meter reading routes;
Introduce handheld meter reading devices to minimize meter reading
and transfer errors;
Set up a thorough illegal connections detection program including
prevention of misuse of fire hydrants;
Conduct regular surveys for meter tampering and by-passes; and
Introduce a public awareness programme and request the assistance
of the customers in reducing fraudulent actions.
(ii) Be fully responsible, from the Initial Takeover Date for billing and
collection of Customers in the Service Area for, and on behalf of, the
Corporation, which will be on a monthly basis unless agreed otherwise
with the Corporation.
(iii) Implement the revenue collection procedures and directly deposit all of
the collected Customer Charges, whether in the form of cash, cheques or
other form, into the Operations Account. The Operator can propose as
part of the draft SDIP, any other form or mode of bill payment methods
such as partnering with banks or other utility bill payment such as
telephones, mobile money, electricity companies, Kalburgi one network
(iv) Identify and record all outstanding accounts and take all necessary
measures to collect outstanding accounts and submit to the Corporation
a summary and analysis of unpaid accounts once in every three months;
(v) Replace illegal service connections with legal connections where the
property Employer or resident applies to the Corporation for the
provision for a new connection and the Corporation authorizes the same.

Page 390 of 490

Managmg Oen"
K.U.I.D.F.G. Seat
If the Employer or the resident does not apply for a new connection or if
the Corporation does not approve such application, the Operator will
disconnect such illegal connections after providing the Employer or
resident fifteen days' notice with copy to Corporation; and
(vi) Manage all aspects of customer services with the Customers.
7.3. Annual updating of the SDIP: The Operator shall:
Update the SDIP each year to capture improved data on asset condition
and performance, experience from operation of the Facilities, actual
progress in implementing the SDIP and from any other information that
will improve the quality of the SDIP.The annual update will include a
section on progress made in the previous year in implementing the
Agreed SDIP, identifying any reasons for delays or lower than expected
performance, and outlining the actions to be taken to a) eliminate such
occurrences reoccurring and b) recover from the delays and lower
performance identified.
(ii) Propose revisions to the Agreed SDIP to reflect the more up to date
information, including a revised rolling works plan for the next four-
year period of which the first eighteen (18) months will be fixed and the
remaining period indicative.

7.4. Progress Reporting

The Operator will prepare progress reports as laid out in the Agreed IIP
and SDIP reporting on physical progress, costs, service levels and other
critical matters.
7.5. Communications and Outreach: The Operator shall:

in consultation with the Corporation and its Communications 8c Social

Intermediation Cell, notify the communities and Customers in each
DMA well in advance regarding the plans and time lines of conversion
to Continuous Pressurized Water Supply, including the procedures that
will be followed and actions that will need to be taken by the
consumers / households, billing related issues, type of supported /
guidance available from the Operator.

Cooperate and collaborate with the NGO retained by the Corporation

for facilitating Stakeholder Outreach.

In consultation with the Corporation, provide clear information to

households on connection policy for existing connection holders, new
connections, regularization of illegal connection, collection of arrears,
and settlement of disputes.

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Page 391 of 490
ketenerg on
Issue dummy bills to Customers to test the billing system and to make
Customers aware of the new procedures, payment facilities and
Customer complaint and information mechanisms.
Provide information on the importance of safe storage and handling of
water atter the conversion to Continuous Water Supply and on the
opportunities for householders to manage their demand for water
Provide advance warning to Customers of planned maintenance that
will affect such Customers.
Ensure that its Employees and all vehicles used by it carry the
Operator's logo. All communications sent out by the Operator should
make it clear whether these are being sent out on its own behalf or on
behalf of the Corporation

8. General Obligations for Operation Services applicable during the Sustaining

8.1. General:

The Operator shall:

(i) Be responsible for providing continuous water supplies city-wide in

accordance with the performance standards and performance levels in
Schedule 11.
Plan and implement routine operations and maintenance activities and
attending to emergencies as they arise as laid out in the agreed
Emergency Response Plan.
In preparing the SDIP the Operator will estimate the levels of leakage
in terms of L / Conn / D / M using accepted international practice as
set out by the International Water Association and agreed with the
Expert Reviewer
Report leakage on this basis for each DMA and shall prepare a
summary report every quarter comparing the actual and the planned
leakage levels with a commentary on any differences.
Fulfill at least the following operational requirements, obligations and
commitments during this Period:
(a) Abstract Raw Water from the existing and proposed sources of
water, manage the water abstraction points by maintaining
required water levels and level instrumentation, de-weed and de-
silt the intake location and monitor river flow levels including
coordination with the water resource authorities, pumping and
,transmitting the abstracted raw water to the different treatment
' units;
Page 392 of 490
managing oinvaar
MELD Esarean
Treat the Raw Water to the stipulated national water quality
standards at discharge from the treatment plants, including the
safe disposal of any by-products of the treatment process;
Pump or convey the treated water from the treatment works
through the feeder mains via the treated water pumping stations
or directly to the service reservoirs;
Distribute the water from the service reservoirs to the Customers
addressing leakage in the networks, to the extent required to
meet the Performance Standards, through leakage repair, pipe
rehabilitation, pipe replacement, pressure management and
active leakage control;
Implement the Environmental Management Plan and ESHS-
MSIP prepared for the Service Improvement Plan in accordance
with the Environmental Code of Practice;
Ensure 95% of all property connections, public stand posts and
faucets to street storage tanks are metered and computerized
records of readings are maintained;
Prepare annual water balance for those DMAs converted to
Continuous Pressurized Water Supply;
Provide new connections, and regularize illegal connections in
conformity with standards agreed in the SIP;
Operate the customer service centers and grievance redressal
system as set out in the agreed SIP;
Sampling raw water at the point it enters the intake to check the
raw water quality characteristics;
Sampling treated water as it leaves the water treatment works to
ensure that it meets the Potable Water Specification;

(0 Sampling treated water at customer taps to check for residual

chlorine levels;

(m) Update the Standard Operating Procedures to reflect experience

gained during the DB Period; and
(n) Prepare annual Operation and Maintenance Plan for
incorporation into the annual update of the SIP.
(vi) Fulfill at least the following maintenance requirements, obligations
and commitments in accordance with Good Industry Practice during
the Sustaining Period:
(a) Maintain and upgrade the Compute Maintenance
Management Syste
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PiNSIVAirg Bangalore
Execute planned maintenance of all valves and pipeline, electro-
mechanical equipment & other devices existing, supplied,
installed / erected and commissioned by the Operator;
Execute planned maintenance activities of all other assets in
accordance with Good Industry Practice.
Provide chemicals, consumables, stationaries and spares for
minor maintenance.
Implement data capture systems to ensure that the various operational
and maintenance activities, including leakage management activities,
are recorded for analysis and to facilitate improved operations and
maintenance performance by the Operator.
Update Asset registers and GIS information to reflect any changes to
the Facilities during the Sustaining Period.
Be fully responsible for all costs associated with minor maintenance
activities of the Facilities. The Operator's proposals for major
maintenance will be included in the annual update of the SDIP and
will be financed from the Annual Capital Maintenance Fund provided
by the Corporation.
(x) be responsible for billing and collection in the Service Area for, and
on behalf of, the Corporation, which will be on a monthly basis unless
agreed otherwise with the Corporation.The Amongst others:
Read all Customer water meters in accordance with the
general instructions of Corporation;
Register all Customer water meter readings in the appropriate
computer data base;
Update customer database by house to house surveys and
Maintain and updated customer database and link to the GIS;
Rotate regularly the meter readers and meter reading routes;
Continue to use handheld meter reading devices, or others as
applicable, to minimize meter reading and transfer errors;
Continue to implement illegal connections detection program
including misuse of fire hydrants;
FI. Conduct regular surveys for meter tampering and by-passes;
I. Continue the public awareness program and request the
assistance of the customers in reducing fraudulent actions.
(xi) Implement the revenue collection procedures and directly deposit all of
the collected Customer Charges, whether in the form of cash, cheques
or other form, into the Operations Account. The Operator can propose
as part of the annual update of the SDIP, any other form or mode of bill
cc, poinents such as partnering with banks or other utility bi ment
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Pag 4 of 490

Managing Director
Bangelone. °flow -01°
methods such as telephones, mobile money, electricity companies.
Identify and record all outstanding accounts and take all necessary
measures to collect outstanding accounts and submit to the Corporation
a summary and analysis of unpaid accounts once in every three months.
Replace illegal service connections with legal connections where the
property Employer or resident applies to the Corporation for the
provision for a new connection and the Corporation authorizes the
same. If the Employer or the resident does not opt to legalize, or if the
Corporation does not approve such application, the Operator will
facilitate disconnection of such illegal connections by the Corporation.
Provide new connections to new Customers.
Manage all aspects of customer services with the Customers.

8.2. Annual update of SDIP

Update the SDIP each year to capture improved data on asset condition and
performance, experience from operation of the Facilities, actual progress in
implementing the SDIP and from any other information that will improve
the quality of the SDIP.
Implement by following the procedures in the update each year and
approved by the Employer, which is likely to be minimal but might include
system extensions, major maintenance activities, and the on-going
replacement of computer systems and equipment.
For Major Maintenance activities, minor expansions (less than 100m of
continuous pipe installation) and for on-going replacement of computer
systems and equipment, the Corporation will budget a fixed amount of
money each year (the "Annual Capital Maintenance Fund"). The Operator
will make proposals for use of the Annual Capital Maintenance Fund as part
of the SDIP update for review and approval by the Corporation. In the
event that the budgeted funds are not utilized in any one year the unused
amount will be rolled over and added into the following year's budget. It is
expressly clarified that from the date of completion of Design-Build Period,
any Operator costs associated with undertaking Major Maintenance
activities except that the cost of the works or systems or equipment or
consulting services related thereto are paid on behalf of the Corporation out
of the Annual Capital Maintenance Fund.
For all expansions of network beyond 100 meters, not covered under
Annual Capital Maintenance Fund, the costs would be met out of Pro-rata
charges to be collected from the beneficiaries. Prorata charges shall be
calculated taking into account additional cost for production, transmission,
storage & distribution of additional quantum of water and the cost is to be
certified by the DBO Engineer. The pro rata charges on

Page 395 of 490

(4)411:4 0 10
NER Managing °sector
KAELD.f-C, Bangalore
Corporation shall be collected by the Operator and deposited to the Works
Special Account.
The annual update will include a section on progress made in the previous
year in implementing the Agreed SDIP, identifying any reasons for delays
or lower than expected performance, and outlining the actions to be taken to
a) eliminate such occurrences reoccurring and b) recover from the delays
and lower performance identified.
Propose revisions to the Agreed SDIP to reflect the more up to date
information, including a revised rolling works plan for the next four-year
period of which the first eighteen (18) months will be fixed and the
remaining period indicative.

8.3. Pollution Event

If there is a Pollution Event at any Raw Water intake, the Corporation shall
hold the Operator harmless of any legal and financial consequences arising
from the Pollution Event provided that the Operator has:

informed the Corporation of the Pollution Event within 2 hours of it

being triggered;
initiated the Emergency Response in accordance with the Agreed
Emergency Response Plan; and
exercised due care in the operation and maintenance of the Facilities
and used all reasonable efforts to mitigate the impact of the Pollution

A Pollution Event will be considered as an Allowable Exclusion in any

related Performance Requirement under the Agreement.

8.3.1. Early warning on likely Pollution Events

The Operator shall warn the DBO Engineer at the earliest opportunity of
specific likely future Pollution Event or circumstances that may adversely
affect the quality of the work, increase the risk of non-compliance to
Applicable Laws or Rules or Regulations with respect to protection of
environment and public health and safety, resulting in increase the Contract
Price, or delay the execution of the Works. The DBO Engineer may require
the Operator to provide an estimate of the expected effect of such future
Pollution Event or circumstance on the Contract Price and Completion Date.
The estimate shall be provided by the Operator as soon as reasonably

The Operator shall cooperate with the DBO Engineer in making and
considering proposals on how the effect of such a future Pollution Event or

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Page 396 of 490
Mare" Dreasor
KU.LD-F G. Bovisiors
circumstance can be avoided or reduced by anyone involved in the work and
in carrying out any resulting instruction of the DBO Engineer.

8.4. Progress Reporting

The Operator will prepare progress reports as laid out in the Agreed SDIP
reporting on physical progress, costs, service levels and other critical

8.5. I landback of Facilities

a. The Operator, upon written request by the Corporation no later than
2 years prior to the Expiry Date, shall provide assistance to the
Corporation during a transitional period of up to ninety (90) days
prior to the Expiry Date ("Transition Assistance"). The purpose is to
ensure a smooth transition between Operator and a subsequent
manager of the Facilities. The scope of the Transition Assistance
shall be determined by Corporation provided that the assistance shall
be related to only transition services and shall not be the full range of
Services as set out under Operator Obligations under the Agreement.
If the Corporation makes a request for assistance, the Transition
Assistance shall be provided by those staff of the Operator identified
by the Corporation and the identified staff shall be resident in India
until the completion of the Transition Assistance.
At least twenty-four (24) months before the scheduled Expiry Date a joint
inspection of the Project Facilities shall be undertaken by Corporation and
the Operator. The Corporation shall, within forty-five (45) days of such
inspection prepare and furnish to the Operator a list of works / jobs
("Handback Requirements"), if any, to be carried out so as to conform to the
Performance Standards and Maintenance Requirements applicable to the
year in which the handing over is contemplated. The Operator shall
promptly undertake and complete such works /jobs at least three (3) months
prior to the Expiry Date and ensure that the Facilities continue to meet such
requirements until the same are handed back to the Corporation.
The Handback of Distribution System (DMA wise) shall be planned by the
Operator in 4 equal parts in the last two years of sustaining period. Whereas,
the Handback of the Bulk System shall be planed along with the handback
of last part of the Distribution System.
iv. Thirty (30) days prior to the Expiry Date, the Corporation and the Operator
shall undertake a joint inspection of the Facilities so as to ensure that
Handback Requirements are met. The release of the final payment of the
O&M Prices, the Performance Security and other outstanding payments, if
any, shall be subject to the Handback Requirements being fully met to the
satisfaction of Corporation.
MansOn9 Owes"
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v. The Operator shall on the End Date (whether due to early termination or
lapse of time), hand back free of charge the Facilities all vehicles,
equipment, materials and supplies made available to the Operator pursuant
to this Agreement or purchased by the Operator using funds provided by the
Corporation under this Agreement, in at least the same condition, normal
wear and tear excepted, as they were when made available to or purchased
by the Operator. For the purpose of clarity, the Operator shall leave behind
all assets in good and operable condition including tools, spares, inventory,
machinery and all other movables required for provision of continuous
water supply for at least one hundred and eighty (180) days period from the
date of handing over. The Operator shall also deliver in accordance with
GCC Section 6.1(2) to the Corporation all plans, designs, reports programs,
surveys and guidelines of any kind whatsoever prepared by the Operator in
performing the Services no later than the End Date.

8.6. Communications and Outreach

The Operator shall:

( Proactively identify the issues related to the communities that might

come directly to their notice or via the NGO retained by the
Corporation for facilitating Stakeholder Outreach and inform the
Corporation on a regular basis and work to address the issues within
stipulated time; a regular mechanism to feedback between the Operator
and the Corporation on these issues needs to be established.
Ensure that any communications from him to the communities and
other stakeholders be consistent with the messages / information
provided under Communication & Social Intermediation Strategy of
the Corporation;
Continue to ensure that the Community Liaison Cell is staffed and
functioning. It's scope shall be expanded to the entire City instead of
only low income areas; and that information and outreach to
communities is maintained on an ongoing basis;
Undertake random surveys / quality checks on the functioning of
meters and billing by an independent team;
Provide advance notice to Customers in respect of planned maintenance
that is likely to affect such Customers.
Ensure that its Employees and all vehicles used by it carry the
Operator's logo. All communications sent out by the Operator should
make it clear whether these are being sent out on its own behalf
t,t01,00,beehalf of the Corporation. 69( 0 ( G.En

Page 398 yf 490 Dopes


8.7. Other Obligations

Notwithstanding its specific obligations under this Scope of work, the

Operator shall have the following general obligations as they may be
applicable during the Contract Term:
perform the Services in accordance with this Scope of work, and carry
out its obligations with all due diligence, efficiency, and economy, in
accordance with generally accepted professional techniques and
practices, and shall observe sound management practices, and employ
appropriate advanced technology and safe methods. The Operator shall
always act, in respect of any matter relating to this Scope of work or to
the Services, as faithful service provider to the Corporation, and shall at
all times support and safeguard the Corporation's legitimate interests in
any dealings with sub-contractors or third parties;
Carry out day-to-day management and operation of the water supply
production, transmission and distribution system within the Service
(iii)Be responsible for maintaining all Permits to perform the Services
throughout the Transition and Sustaining Periods;
(iv)Ensure that all materials and workmanship used in the course of the
Scope of work shall be in accordance with relevant standards of Bureau
of Indian Standards and in the absence of which to the relevant
standards of International Standards Organization;
(v) Maintain all records and data in up to date format on the various
information systems;
(vi)Fully co-operate with the DBO Engineer in the discharge of his duties
and Functions;
Permit the DBO Engineer to conduct quarterly and annual audits to
regularly review the performance of the Operator under the Contract.
Permit the Expert Reviewer, from the Effective Date onwards, to
review the data, analysis, and design computations which support the
Operator's proposals in the IIP and SDIP, and shall fully cooperate with
the Expert Reviewer in the conduct of any such review;
(ix)Update on a periodic basis the GIS system and all relevant maps and
drawings of the Service Area at a scale of 1:2000 and list of every
connection and property connected to the public water distribution
(x) Update on a periodic basis the Customer data on any additions to the
property, addition or reduction in number of residents, usage of water
for intended use etc;

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Page 399 of 490 Dimon

(xi)Ensure that it and its Employees do not engage, either directly or
indirectly, in any business or professional activities in India which
would conflict with the provisions under this Scope of work;
Set-up website dedicated to the project which shall provide
information regarding plan maintenance, approved quarterly
performance reports, tariff etc. it should also have a link to online
registration of complaints.
Update the Standard Operating Procedures periodically to reflect
latest practices;
Follow the safeguards requirements for the Contract; and
Undertake all those cognitive tasks required in accordance to prudent
industrial practice.

Manageng thireasot
!LUSO finniwaeors.
Page 400 al 490
Appendix 1 to Schedule 2

Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Environmental, Social, Health

and Safety Management Implementation Plan (ESHS-MSIP)

Environmental and ESHS Code of Practice

Environmental Code of Practice:

The Operator and his employees and sub-contractors shall carry out its obligations
under the Agreement in full compliance with the 'Environmental Code of Practice
(ECoP)' developed for the Project, a copy of which is annexed hereto.

The ECoP refers to specific guide lines to be followed by the Operator in delivering
the Services under the Agreement, complying with the regulatory requirements of
Gol, Safeguard Policies of The World Bank and Environment, Health and Safety
Guidelines of the World Bank Group. As set out in the ECoP, the Operator and
Works Contractors/Utility System Suppliers / sub-contractors shall:

carry out a 'detailed Environmental and Social Assessment including

developing Environmental and Social Management Plan for 'Category A'
investments under the SIP;
develop 'an investment specific Environmental and Social Management Plan'
for 'Category B' investments and
develop and implement an 'Environmental and Social Management Plan'
during the 'Sustaining Period'. The categorization of projects is provided in
table 1 below.
Table 1 Environmental Categorisation of Water Supply Projects

Sub Project Name of the Sub Project Category

New activities
N1 Source Development A
N2 Water Treatment Plants A
N3 Water Transmission Mains A
N4 Intermediate / Booster Pumping Station A
N5 Storage Reservoirs A
N6 Elevated Storage Reservoirs A
N7 Under Ground Storage Reservoirs A
N8 Distribution Network A
N9 Unaccounted for Water / Leak Detection Studies A
N 10 Operation & Maintenance of Water Supply A
Up Gradation Activities
UG 1. Source Augmentation B
UG 2. Water Treatment Plants B
UG 3. Water Transmission Mains &.ce ..-cous
%N. B

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Page 401 of 490
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KALABU Gi &USD C -• Saneei°411
Intermediate / Booster Pumping Station B
Storage Reservoirs B
Elevated Storage Reservoir B
Underground Storage Reservoir B
Distribution Net Work B
Operation and Maintenance of Water Supply B
Procurement & Installation of Network Analysis B
Software (including GIS)

Code of Conduct: Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) : The Operator
shall submit the Code of Conduct that will apply to the Operator's employees and
subcontractors as required by provisions of this Agreement and such Plans shall be
a part of the SIP. Further, no works shall be taken up until such plans have been
reviewed by expert reviewer and approved by the Corporation and KUIDFC. The
Code of Conduct shall ensure compliance with the provisions of the contract,
including those as may be more fully described in the following:

I. Compliance of applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the jurisdiction.

Service Development Improvement Plan (SDIP) for bulk and distribution;
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA);
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Social Management Pan
Consent Conditions (regulatory authority conditions attached to any permits
or approvals for the project);

In addition, the operator shall submit an outline of how this Code of Conduct will
be implemented. This will include: how it will be introduced into conditions of
contracting / employment/engagement, what training will be provided, how it will
be monitored and how the Contractor proposes to deal with any breaches.

Minimum Requirements of Code of Conduct:

A satisfactory code of conduct will contain obligations on all project staff

(including sub-contractors and day workers) that are suitable to address the
following issues, as a minimum. Additional obligations may be added to respond to
particular concerns of the region, the location and the project sector or to specific
project requirements. The issues to be addressed include:

Compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the jurisdiction

Compliance with applicable health and safety requirements (including wearing
prescribed personal protective equipment, preventing avoidable accidents and a

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Page 402 of 490
• Maneging DireCtji
KALIDEZe "Peanit
duty to report conditions or practices that pose a safety hazard or threaten the
The use of illegal substances
Non-Discrimination (for example on the basis offamily status, ethnicity, race,
gender, religion, language, marital status, birth, age, disability, or political
Interactions with community members (for example to convey an attitude of
respect and non-discrimination)
Sexual harassment (for example to prohibit use of language or behavior, in
particular towards women or children, that is inappropriate, harassing, abusive,
sexually provocative, demeaning or culturally inappropriate)
Labour influx and spread of communicable diseases
Violence or exploitation (for example the prohibition of the exchange of money,
employment, goods, or services for sex, including sexual favors or other forms
of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behavior) and protection from gender
based violence
Protection of children (including prohibitions against abuse, defilement, or
otherwise unacceptable behavior with children, limiting interactions with
children, and ensuring their safety in project areas)
Sanitation requirements (for example, to ensure workers use specified sanitary
facilities provided by their employer and not open areas)
Avoidance of conflicts of interest (such that benefits, contracts, or employment,
or any sort of preferential treatment or favors, are not provided to any person
with whom there is a financial, family, or personal connection)
Respecting reasonable work instructions (including regarding environmental
and social norms)
Protection and proper use of property (for example, to prohibit theft,
carelessness or waste)
Duty to report violations of this Code
Non-retaliation against workers who report violations of the Code, if that report
is made in good faith.

The Code of Conduct should be written in plain language and signed by each
contractor and worker to indicate that they have:

received a copy of the code;

had the code explained to them;
acknowledged that adherence to this Code of Conduct is a condition of
employment; and
understood that violations of the Code can result in serious consequences, up to
and including dismissal, or referral to legal authorities.

Managing Uttooscx
KALLD.F.C, Sanisiore.
Page 403 of 490

g MARL' AGI iviAti AN P.C.;AR PM we
ESHS Management Strategies and Implementation Plans(ESHS-MSIP): The
Operator should ensure that all his contractors / sub-contractors shall submit
comprehensive and concise Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Management
Strategies and Implementation Plans (ESHS-MSIP) as required by provisions of
this Agreement. Further, no works shall be taken up until such plans have been
reviewed by expert reviewer and approved by the Corporation and KUIDFC. These
strategies and plans shall describe in detail the actions, materials, equipment,
management processes etc. that will be implemented by the Contractor, and its

In developing these strategies and plans, the contractor / sub-contractor shall have
regard to the ESHS provisions of the contract including those as may be more fully
described in the following:

I. Compliance of applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the jurisdiction.

Some of National labor laws are mentioned in Appendix 1 of this schedule;
Service Development Improvement Plan (SDIP) of bulk and distribution
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA);
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Social Management Plan
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP);
Consent Conditions (regulatory authority conditions attached to any permits
or approvals for the project);
Selection and award of works contract (of which the ESHS-MSIP will be a part) to
any Sub-Contractor does not absolve the Operator any obligation under this
Contract to comply with the applicable Laws/ Rules/ Regulations for protection of
environment, public health and safety, and the applicable parts of the Environment
Management Plan of the project should such compliance be not expressly included
in the ESHS-MSIP.

Part 1: Environmental Management Plan

Attached separately (As a Part of the Bid)Part 2: Environmental, Social,
Health and Safety Management Implementation Plan (ESHS-MSIP)
The operator shall submit Management Strategies and Implementation Plans
(MSIP) to manage the following key Environmental, Social, Health and Safety
(ESHS) risks, specific to the detailed design of the contract.

The plan should integrate environmental protection, occupational and community

health and safety, gender, equality, child protection, vulnerable people (including
those with disabilities), gender-based violence (GB V), HIV/AIDS awareness and
prevention and specific to the activities involved in the execution of the Works. The
plan should also include mechanisms for monitoring, continuously improving
processes and activities and for reporting on the compliance with the policy.
1 4
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Mara Lan
K.U.LOf C, Beresiort
As a minimum, the plan should, include:

I. ESHS-MSIP for eah sub-project

traffic management plan to ensure safety of local communities from
construction traffic];
water resource protection plan to prevent contamination of drinking
boundary marking and protection strategy for mobilization and
construction to prevent offsite adverse impacts];
strategy for obtaining Consents/Permits prior to the start of relevant
works such as opening a quarry or borrow pit].
apply good international industry practice to protect and conserve the
natural environment and to minimize unavoidable impacts;
provide and maintain a healthy and safe work environment and safe
systems of work;
protect the health and safety of local communities and users, with
particular concern for those who are disabled, elderly, or otherwise
ensure that terms of employment and working conditions of all workers
engaged in the Works meet the requirements of the ILO labour
conventions to which the host country is a signatory;
10 be intolerant of and enforce disciplinary measures for illegal activities. To
be intolerant of and enforce disciplinary measures for GBV, child
sacrifice, child defilement, and sexual harassment;
11 incorporate a gender perspective and provide an enabling environment
where women and men have equal opportunity to participate in, and
benefit from, planning and development of the Works;
12. work co-operatively, including with end users of the Works, relevant
authorities, contractors and local communities;
13 engage with and listen to affected persons and organizations and be
responsive to their concerns, with special regard for vulnerable, disabled,
and elderly people;
14 provide an environment that fosters the exchange of information, views,
and ideas that is free of any fear of retaliation;
15 minimize the risk of HIV transmission and to mitigate the effects of
HIV/AIDS associated with the execution of the Works;

Mangling on
KALLD.F.C. Sangsiore
Page 405 of 490

IONE R tn.
Part 3: Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) - Content of Progress

Contents for regular reporting but not limited to :

a. compliance of ESMP for each sub-project;
b. environmental incidents or non-compliances with contract requirements,
including contamination, pollution or damage to ground or water supplies;
c. health and safety incidents, accidents, injuries and all fatalities that require
d. interactions with regulators: identify agency, dates, subjects, outcomes
(report the negative if none);
e. status of all permits and agreements:
work permits: number required, number received, actions taken for those
not received;
status of permits and consents:
- list areas/facilities with permits required (quarries, asphalt & batch
plants), dates of application, dates issued (actions to follow up if not
issued), dates submitted to resident engineer (or equivalent), status
of area (waiting for permits, working, abandoned without
reclamation, decommissioning plan being implemented, etc.);
list areas with landEmployer agreements required (borrow and spoil
areas, camp sites), dates of agreements, dates submitted to resident
engineer (or equivalent);
identify major activities undertaken in each area this month and
highlights of environmental and social protection (land clearing,
boundary marking, topsoil salvage, traffic management,
decommissioning planning, decommissioning implementation);
for quarries: status of relocation and compensation (completed, or
details of monthly activities and current status).
f. health and safety supervision:
safety officer: number days worked, number of full inspections & partial
inspections, reports to construction/project management;
number of workers, work hours, metric of PPE use (percentage of
workers with full personal protection equipment (PPE), partial, etc.),
worker violations observed (by type of violation, PPE or otherwise),
warnings given, repeat warnings given, follow-up actions taken (if any);
g. worker accommodations:
number of expats housed in accommodations, number of locals;
date of last inspection, and highlights of inspection including status of
a accommodations' compliance with national and local law and good
Cis9-_9 or
0 practice, including-sanitation, space, etc.;
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tuiDy C. Bangain.
v. actions taken to recommend/require improved conditions, or to improve
h. HIV/AIDS: provider of health services, information and/or training, location
of clinic, number of non-safety disease or illness treatments and diagnoses
(no names to be provided);
i. gender (for expats and locals separately): number of female workers,
percentage of workforce, gender issues raised and dealt with (cross-
reference grievances or other sections as needed);
j. training:
number of new workers, number receiving induction training, dates of
induction training;
number and dates of toolbox talks, number of workers receiving
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), environmental and social
number and dates of HIV/AIDS sensitization training, no. workers
receiving training (this month and in the past); same questions for
gender sensitization, flaglady/flagman training.
k. environmental and social supervision:
environmentalist: days worked, areas inspected and numbers of
inspections of each (road section, work camp, accommodations,
quarries, borrow areas, spoil areas, swamps, forest crossings, etc.),
highlights of activities/findings (including violations of environmental
and/or social best practices, actions taken), reports to environmental
and/or social specialist/construction/site management;
sociologist: days worked, number of partial and full site inspections (by
area: road section, work camp, accommodations, quarries, borrow areas,
spoil areas, clinic, HIV/AIDS center, community centers, etc.),
highlights of activities (including violations of environmental and/or
social requirements observed, actions taken), reports to environmental
and/or social specialist/construction/site management; and
community liaison person(s): days worked (hours community center
open), number of people met, highlights of activities (issues raised, etc.),
reports to environmental and/or social specialist /construction/site
I. Grievances: list this month's and unresolved past grievances by date
received, complainant, how received, to whom referred to for action,
resolution and date (if completed), data resolution reported to complainant,
any required follow-up(Cross-reference other sections as needed):
xii. Worker grievances;
xiii. Community grievances(//9 f
ke aqqab

• 400,terma:
m. Traffic and vehicles/equipment:
traffic accidents involving project vehicles & equipment: provide
date, location, damage, cause, follow-up;
accidents involving non-project vehicles or property (also reported
under immediate metrics): provide date, location, damage, cause,
overall condition of vehicles/equipment (subjective judgment by
environmentalist); non-routine repairs and maintenance needed to
improve safety and/or environmental performance (to control smoke,
n. Environmental mitigations and issues (what has been done):
dust: number of working bowsers, number of waterings/day, number
of complaints, warnings given by environmentalist, actions taken to
resolve; highlights of quarry dust control (covers, sprays, operational
status); % of rock/muram/spoil lorries with covers, actions taken for
uncovered vehicles;
erosion control: controls implemented by location, status of water
crossings, environmentalist inspections and results, actions taken to
resolve issues, emergency repairs needed to control
quarries, borrow areas, spoil areas, asphalt plants, batch plants:
identify major activities undertaken this month at each, and highlights of
environmental and social protection: land clearing, boundary marking,
topsoil salvage, traffic management, decommissioning planning,
decommissioning implementation;
blasting: number of blasts (and locations), status of implementation of
blasting plan (including notices, evacuations, etc.), incidents of off-site
damage or complaints (cross-reference other sections as needed);
spill cleanups, if any: material spilled, location, amount, actions
taken, material disposal (report all spills that result in water or soil
waste management: types and quantities generated and managed,
including amount taken offsite (and by whom) or
reused/recycled/disposed on-site;
details of tree plantings and other mitigations required undertaken
this month;
details of water and swamp protection mitigations required
undertaken this month.
o. compliance:
n VS 0"ft
Manor° Okreca"
Page 408 of 490
compliance status for conditions of all relevant consents/permits, for
the Work, including quarries, etc.): statement of compliance or listing of
issues and actions taken (or to be taken) to reach compliance;
compliance status of ESMP/ESIP requirements: statement of
compliance or listing of issues and actions taken (or to be taken) to reach
other unresolved issues from previous months related to
environmental and social: continued violations, continued failure of
equipment, continued lack of vehicle covers, spills not dealt with,
continued compensation or blasting issues, etc. Cross-reference other
sections as needed.

rota 1/7

Page 409 of 490

Appendix 2 to Schedule 2

Reporting Requirements and Timelines

1. Reports
In addition to the reports listed elsewhere in the Contract, the Operator shall
submit to the Corporation the following reports duly verified by the Expert
Reviewer / DBO Engineer, as the case may be, on operations:

Deliverable Frequency Content

Annual To be submitted To update the Agreed SDIP as per

updated SDIP within [9th month] requirements of Schedule 2.
of each year

Quarterly To be submitted To be submitted as per requirements of

Progress within 15 days of Schedule 5 covering cumulative progress
Report end of the Quarter since Effective Date on all components and
progress in the current quarter including
EMP and ESHS-MSIP implementation.
This will also cover achievement of
Performance Standards for adjusting
Operator's performance Price payments.

Monthly To be submitted To be submitted as per requirements of

Operational within 7 days of end Schedule 5 including monthly water
Performance of the month account with details of production,
Report distribution and sales; flow and pressure
logs, water consumption, NRW, leakage,
revenue collection; energy consumption,
new customers, Technical Standards
achieved or maintained during the month;
exceptional reports on emergencies; etc.;

The report shall include a separate section

on the performance of each DMA with the
assessment of physical and commercial
losses in liters per connection per day
including minimum night flows, customer
complaints on no-water, low pressure and
poor water quality

I.:-,• ., , ove The report will provide for tracking of

Page of 490

Ge• Barel.n.
Deliverable Frequency Content

performance differentiated by economic

status for project Performance Standards
relating to new connections, access to
Continuous Pressurized Water Supply,
disruptions in supply, revenue collections
and Customer complaints.

1.1. In addition, the Operator shall keep complete record of:

Monthly compilation of complaint redressal performance
Annual fitness certificate of the transport vehicles and loading
Disagreements / disputes, if any and proposed measures to be taken
Brief report of any accident / incident related to the Project, injury /
fatality, property damage, cause of accident and actions taken to avoid
Copies of any reports submitted for purposes of regulatory compliance
and of notices received or reports or notices submitted to any competent
authority or otherwise
Any other report that may be reasonably required by the Corporation for
itself or to fulfil any regulatory compliance.
The frequency and formats for the reports to be submitted shall be
finalised in consultation with the DBO Engineer and shall form part of
the agreed SDIP.
2. Records
2.1. The Operator shall keep the following records:
log book showing flows, pressure & discharge in the production,
transmission, storage, distribution system, levels in storage reservoirs,
and interruption of power if any, to be recorded;
history sheet of overhauling / maintenance / replacement of consumable
/ non-consumable related to all the important mechanical equipment;
manual indicating the location, type, and operation of all
electromechanical equipment; and
Operation and Maintenance management plan including, inter alia,
maintenance management, work scheduling, inspections, preventive
maintenance, monitoring and control, operations management.
2.2. The Operator shall maintain and keep all O&M records (the "Records") for
the Facilities at the location decided in consultation wist e Co oration inter
alia including:

ro 66
2.2.1 records for regulatory compliance; and
2.2.2 records of health and safety management.
2.3. The Operator shall finalize the formats for the records in consultation with the
DBO Engineer and document the same.
2.4. The Operator would keep the Records for a period as per the statutory
requirements or for at least ten (10) years, whichever is higher.
The Records shall be made available upon the request of the DBO Engineer, Expert
Reviewer or the Corporation and Employer.

3. Timelines
The Operator shall adhere to the timlines as provided in the table below.

Deliverable Days from Effective Date

Mobilize at Kalburgi of key Operator Within 30 days

Personnel and Establish adequate key staff
Takeover Plan Within 90 days

Approval of Takeover Plan Within 120 days

Comprehensive Assessment Report Within 150 days

Infrastructure Improvement Plan (IIP) Within 150 days

Approval of TIP Within 180 days

Take over of existing Facilities for operations Within 180 days

and maintenance
Establishment of CLC Within 180 days

Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) Within 300 days

Approval of SDIP Within 335days

actil \ r)
Managing Dreasor
X3J4LD,FC, Bangalara.
Page 412 of 490
Obligations of Corporation

During the Term of the Contract, in addition to the obligations set out in Section 4.2 of GCC
and SCC and elsewhere in the Contract, the Corporation shall have the following obligations:

Bear all liabilities, including contingent liabilities related to any payable accounts,
environmental contamination and other environmental liabilities arising out of or in
connection with the operation of the Facilities prior to and during the Contract;
Continue to be responsible to provide water supply services and collect Charges in the
Service Area and operate, maintain and repair the Facilities in accordance with
Applicable Laws and with the performance standards and requirements in force and
effect prior to the Effective Date. Where the Corporation has delegated any of these
functions and activities to the Board, the Corporation shall ensure that the water supply
services and Facilities are maintained until the Takeover Date at existing supply level to
the best possible level.
Provide access, and ensure that access is provided, to the Facilities and information
regarding the water supply services in the City as requested to the Key Operator
Personnel for enabling Operator's study, surveys and investigations, carry out
Comprehensive Assessment of the Facilities in order to prepare draft IIP and SDIP
including but not limited to the historical technical, operational, financial and revenue
Handover/ensure handover of the entire water supply system to the Operator in the
Service Area without encumbrance in accordance with Takeover Plan within 180days
from the Effective Date;
Assist the Operator in obtaining relevant Operator Permits;
Appoint a Senior Officer as Transition coordinator on the Effective Date, who shall be
point of contact for the Operator for day to day matters including but not limited to
granting access to sites and managing interfaces with other local government agencies
such as Revenue, Irrigation, Police and others. ;
Review and provide comments on / approving draft documents and the draft HP and
SDIP and sign such agreed plans;
Continue to provide water supply services in the Service Area until Takeover Date;
Set up a Communications & Social Intermediation Cell;
Retain an NGO to help facilitate stakeholder outreach, especially with communities.
Carry out a communications campaign relating to the Operator Contract and the
Operator's responsibilities, timelines and anticipated outputs of the Scope of work in
accordance with the Communications & Stakeholder Intermediation Strategy Plan;
I) Establish and maintain a website dedicated to the Project
m) Coordinate with the Operator on a systematic Communications Action Plan to give
reasonable advance notice to the communities about the schedule for implementation of
the transition to Continuous Pressurized Water Supply (start date and expected end
date) by ward and by street so that communities are aware about the program and in a
position to cooperate with the implementing agencies;


P411 Pagealkan Dna°

St•thpfsGfr. egi".°4
Establish a system for receiving complaints/suggestions from the communities/ civil
societies and to address the same on a regular basis;
Establish a mechanism of payment of a nominal charge for water consumed by
authorized unbilled connections such as parks, fire-fighting, fares and pay the Charges
based on the invoiced raised by the Operator for such authorized uses to ensure
effective monitoring and control of non-revenue water;
Facilitate timely coordination and assistance in obtaining relevant information or
permissions from water resources, electricity and traffic authorities;
Review and comment on / approve the Takeover Plan within 30 days and facilitate and
implement the timely handover of the Facilities to the Operator;
Establish an office for the Special Purpose Vehicle independent of the Corporation's
Work with communities as they are moved to Continuous Pressurized Water Supply to
eliminate open defecation and ensure ward-wide coverage of properly constructed
household toilets and / or community toilets where appropriate; and
Take such action as is necessary to set up the Operations Account, along with the
Operator and Escrow Account.
Provide possession, and secure that its agents provide possession, of the Facilities to the
Operator free of encumbrances and allow the Operator to carry out operation of the
Grant to the Operator within a reasonable period from the time of the request of the
Operator such authority, possession, permit, rights of way or easements in any property
to enable the Operator to exercise any of this right and perform its obligations under the
Scope of work, including for the operation of the Facilities, the laying of pipes, the
establishment of new water treatment and other facilities;
Ensure that all contracts between the Corporation and other Agencies and contractors in
respect of the Facilities and/or Water supply services in the Service Area other than
those set out in Schedule 4 shall terminate on or prior to the Takeover Date
Use its powers and best endeavours to make available Raw Water to the Operator at the
Raw Water Supply Points in accordance with Schedule 4;
Use its powers and best endeavours to make available electricity to the Operator for the
Provide to the Operator on the Takeover Date all information, records, accounts,
invoices, statements. demands, notices, insurance demands and other correspondence in
relation to the Facilities as may be reasonably requested by the Operator and are
necessary for the Operator to perform its functions under this Scope of work;
aa) Transfer (at Takevoer Date) to the Works Special Account any payments by potential
Customers in respect of new connections, that have not yet been implemented;
bb) Transfer to the Works Special Account payments by Customers in respect of new
cc) Maintain the Operations Account in accordance with the Escrow Agreement;
dd) Make payments of electricity bills of the Facilities incurred for providing water supply
ee) Mali payrivts for raw water abstraction to GoI or GoK authorities;
ex rea'
‘,sne r
5-2 03 .(zt‘l)
if) Assist the Operator in extending and renewing relevant Permits and the Corporation to
obtain and maintain the Corporation Permits;
gg) Review and provide comments on/ approving draft annual updates of the SDIP and
other draft documents and reports;
hh) Pay the Operator the O&M Price in accordance with Schedule 6;
ii) Monitor performance of the Operator in accordance with the Performance Standards
and the Scope of work;
jj) Provide support to the Operator as to give reasonable advance notice to the
communities about the schedule for implementation of the transition to Continuous
Pressurized Water Supply (start date and expected end date) by ward and by street so
that communities are aware about the program and in a position to cooperate with the
implementing agencies;
kk) Assist the Operator to give reasonable advance notice to Customers in each relevant
DMA of transfer over to volumetric billing due to the commencement of a Continuous
Pressurized Water Supply to their property;
11) Maintain the website dedicated to the Project which would disclose documents as per
the norms of the Right to Information Act 2005, as amended;
mm) Maintain a system for receiving complaints/suggestions from the communities/ civil
societies and to address the same on a regular basis;
nn) Ensure Communications & Social Intermediation activities precede technical activities/
construction works;
oo) Provide necessary authorization to the Operator (on receipt of report from the Operator
on defaulting customers) for disconnection or pay the outstanding dues of such
defaulting customers as Shortfall Amounts;
pp) Take follow up action as issue of notices under the relevant water byelaws and revenue
recovery acts in respect of defaulting customers who have not paid the bills as reported
by the Operator;
qq) Take timely decisions for disconnecting the water supplies in respect of Customers
using water for other than for intended purpose or causing pollution
rr) Be present while the Operator staff is undertaking the disconnection procedure on
behalf of the Corporation;
ss) Provide necessary authorization to the Operator to provide new connections or
reconnections or regularize illegal connections and authorize the Operator to collect
such amounts as prescribed in the Tariff Schedule or Bye Laws;
tt) Carry out a sampling survey of Customers once a year from the completion of one year
from the Takeover Date of satisfaction of Customers and publish the results thereof on
the website referred to in para (s) above;
uu) Ensure timely payments are made on invoices submitted by the Operator and certified
by DBO Engineer in respect of the Works and the Utility Supply;
vv) Maintain an office for the Special Purpose Vehicle independent of the Corporation's
ww) Provide storage facilities to receive recovered materials from the Operator; and
xx) Undertake the road reinstatement after the Operator has completed road restoration
following works related to laying of pipes and house connection The ent
will be undertaken at a time convenient to the prporation.

114 YOlkih
Page 415 of 490
T4tik " nit Wiraling Saini
t•JIANkr,-; fir.:?, ct
A 1. MUM Pkg
yy) Ensure that Annual Capital Maintenance Fund is established within 4 weeks before
completion of Design-Build Period
zz) Approve Expansions of network beyond 30 meters and to determine and approve the
prorata charges to be paid by the consumers.

Managing pima
Page 416 of 490
Lk- 4-3

Raw Water Supply Points and Service Area, and Continuing Contracts

Section 1: Raw Water Supply

SI. Raw Water

No. Supply (MLD)

1 Bennethora 20.43

2 Bheema 51.20

maniong otrec"Sanosona

Page 417 of 490

Section 2: Raw Water Quality Test Reports

Date of collection of samples: 19-11-2018

Date of Report: 22-11-2018 / 23-11-2018

Test conducted by Nichrome Testing Laboratory and Research Private Limited, Dharwad,


Bheema Location
Parameters 0
SL (Physio — o a 0
Units Test Method
No. Chemical 0 rd
g 0
Properties) z
02 1-40

Hazen APHA 23"

I Colour BDL BDL
Units Edition2120 B
2 Odour IS:3025(Part-5) Unobjectionable Unobjectionable
Ag reeab
3 Taste IS:3025(Part-8) Agreeable Agreeable
APHA 23"
4 Conductivity p.S/cm 576.80 980.9
Edition 2510 B
A25-degree C
APHA 23"
5 Dissolved mg/L 360.00 610.00
Edition 2540 C
Solids (TDS)
APHA 23'
6 P1125 Edition 4500H+, 8.35 8.47
degree C
Total Hardness
APHA 23rd
7 (TB) as mg/L 120.00 180.00
Edition 2340 C
APHA 23"
Chloride (as
8 mg/L Edition 4500- Cl, 28.37 76.32
Sulphate (as
9 mg/L IS:3025 (Part 24) 20.59 61.31
APHA 23'd
Calcium (as
10 mg/L Edition 3500- 26.43 36.84
Ca, B
APHA 23"
11 mg/L Edition 3500- 13.12 21.38
(as Mg)
Mg, B
APHA 23"
12 Flouride (as F) mg/L Edition 4500- 0.7 0.72
APHA 23"
13 Iron as Fe mg/L Edition 3500-Fe, 0.16 0.50
14 mg/L I8:3025 (Part 38) 6.20 7.2
Oxygen at,
1 5-, Sitorlagir Irigil- APHA 23" ....--, BDL A

Page 418 of 49
, AO le Oil
. a r 41.6°413
t* C

Edition 4500-B,
APHA 23rd
16 Copper mg/L 0.015 0.033
Edition 3111 B
APHA 23'd
17 Manganese mg/L BDL BDL
Edition 3111 B
Cadmium as APHA 23'd
18 mg/L 0.015 0.023
Cd Edition 3111 B
APHA 23'd
19 Cyanide* mgIL BDL BDL
Edition 3111 B
APHA 23'd
20 Zinc mg/L BDL BDL
Edition 3111 B
APHA 23'd
21 Lead as Pb mg/L BDL BDL
Edition 3111 B
Mercury as APHA 23'd
22 mg/L BDL BDL
Hg* Edition 3111 B
IS: 3025 (Part -
23 Total Arsenic mg/L BDL BDL
Total i I5:3025 (Part -
Chromium ingt 52)
IS: 3025 (part-
25 Demand mg/L 7.00 8.00
(BOD) 3 days
at 27-degree C
IS:3025 (Part-
26 Oil and Grease mg/L BDL BDL
1S:3025 (Part -
27 Mineral Oil* mg/L BDL BDL
I5:3025 (Part-
28 Nitrate mg/L 1.80 1.16
Acid Method)
APHA 2314
29 Free CO2 0.98 0.87
nigTh Edition 4500-0
30 Free NH3 mg/L IS 3025 (Part-34) BDL BDL
Annex F of IS:
31 Barium* mg/L BDL BDL
Annex J of IS:
32 Silver* mg/L BDL BDL
IS 3025 (Part —
33 Selenium* mg/L BDL BDL
IS: 3025 (Part —
34 Phenols* mg/L BDL BDL
Anionic Annexure K of
35 mg/L BDL BDL
Detergent* IS 13248
APHA 23rd
36 PAH* mg/L BDL BDL
Edition 6440
37 SAR Issue No.1 of BDL 2.90
38 % Sodium % Issue No.1 of 33.54 51.43
1 ce per IS: 1622 Absent/100 ml Absent/100 ml
100 ml
sample ,---Tht CI\ ri0Ups.

R we
BDL — Below Detectable Limit, BDL (Colour - <1 Hazen Units, Chloride — 10.00 mg/L ,
Fluoride —0.1 mg/L, Iron —0.05 mg/L, Boron -0.2 mg/L, Manganese - )0.01 mg/L, Cyanide —
0.04 mg/L, Zinc- 0.005 mg/L, Lead — 0.01 mg, Mercury — 0.001 mg/L Total Arsenic- 0.009
mg/L, Total Chromium — 0.03 mg/L, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) — 2.0 mg/L' Oil
and Grease — 10.0 mg/L, Mineral Oil — 0.01 mg/L, Free NH3 — 0.01 mg/, Barium - )0.01
mg/L, Silver — 0.01 mg/L. Silver — 0.01 mg /L, Selinium — 0.001 mg/L, Phenols — 0.001
mg/L, Anionic Detergent- 0.01 mg/L, PAH - ).0001mg/L, SAR- 2)

Note: The tests marked with an * are not accredited by NABL.


..s\ es9-‘

4.11`‘iga. Page 420 of 490


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Page 421 of 490
Section 4: Service Area

Map of Service Area





manacling Cas
itu.uo cfr.
Page 422 of 490

Ward Area Area

Ward Name Ward No. Ward Name
No. (HA) (HA)

1 Kapnoor 237.20 29 Ma ktam pu r 155.12

2 Roza 135.44 30 Jagat 191.00

3 Nehru Ganj 61.50 31 Gajipur 19.20

4 Mominpura 58.85 32 Kapnoor 320.74

5 Roza 50.87 33 Brahmapur 121.18

6 Shah Bazar 180.70 34 Brahmapur 16.74

7 Nehru Ganj 44.51 35 Brahmapur 27.28

8 Nehru Ganj 31.73 36 Brahmapur 32.84

9 Mominpura 43.89 37 Brahmapur 52.30

Mominpura (Naya
10 18.40 38 Heerapur 444.25

11 Roza 28.87 39 Brahmapur 37.15

12 Roza 9.31 40 Brahmapur 15.07

Roza (Mehaboob
13 116.03 41 Brahmapur 23.88
Nagar Area)

14 42.24 42 Brahmapur 30.98
(Darga Area)

Mominpura (Naya
15 50.65 43 Jagat 39.11

16 Mominpura 73.12 44 Gajipur 63.66

17 Asif Ganj 44.24 45 Jagat 83.18

18 Shah Bazar 96.52 46 Jagat 329.94

19 Shah Bazar 33.56 47 Jagat 318.95

20 Brahmapur 185.08 48 Station 234.80

21 Brahmapur . 32.11 49 Station _____71.23

_ tr\

• Page 423 of 490

L tdOla t l

„gnu n „, nee Wag" eariOSQ(e


A.Gt kel °-1N1\111 FC
« mfistl
22 Shah Bazar 201.65 50 Station 110.61

23 Shah Bazar 196.86 51 Station 65.59

24 Mominpura 34.13 52 Station 60.68

25 Mominpura 23.33 53 Station 147.98

26 i Mominpura 11.69 54 Station 172.75

27 Muktampur 15.75 55 Station 280.30

28 Muktampur 60.47 Total 5585.21


SI.No. Name of work and brief description Status of work

Replacement of existing 600mm dia PSC Work under progress and
gravity pipeline by 660mm MS pipeline for expected to be completed by
a length of 9.7km from Salam Tekdi to Old January 2020
filter bed
2 Construction of 1OLL capacity ELSR at Cylindrical portion 6 lift
C1B colony under CM package. completed and work will be
completed by November 2019
3 Construction of 1OLL capacity ELSR at Work yet to be started after
Haft Gumbaz colony under CM package handing over the site by KMP
Construction of 1OLL capacity ELSR at SB Fabrication for own portion and
college under HKRDB grants bottom is in progress work will
be completed by March 2019
5 Construction of 5LL capacity ELSR at Sai Work completed and
Nagar Sedam road under SCP Grants hydraulically tested the feeder
line and gravity main work yet
to be taken up
Construction of 5LL capacity ELSR at Work completed and
OLD WTP premises under SCP grants hydraulically tested the feeder
line and gravity main work yet
to be taken up.
7 Construction of 5LL capacity ELSR at Work completed and
Veternary college premises on Sedam Road hydraulically tested the feeder
under SCP grants line and gravity main work yet
to be taken up
Repairs and renovation to Old existing SB Work completed and
college GLSR under HKRDB grants hydraulically tested feeder line
and gravity main work yet to be
taken up

0 10-Ack-v)
Page 424 of 490 ones%

Operator's Price Schedules

1. The copy of the Operator's Price Schedules as entered in the e-procurement portal
shall be copied into this Schedule.

Winn Offeconi
ag.) lqh

KALLDIX0. Bangalore

a ,• Page 425 of 490

NER tin

Terms and Conditions, Procedure of Payment

I. Contract Price

The Contract Price includes following components

Design-Build Payments for Design-Build Services

Fee for Operation Services
Utility Systems Fee

2. Design-Build Payments
Operator is eligible for Design-Build payments for all Design-Build Services in
accordance to the Bidder's Price Schedules.
The Operator shall submit to the Employer with a copy to the DBO Engineer monthly
statements of the estimated value of the work executed less the cumulative amount
certified previously along with details of measurement of the quantity of works
executed in a tabular form approved by the Employer.
The Employer with assistance from the DBO Engineer shall check the details given in
the Operator's monthly statement and within 14 days certify the amounts to be paid to
the Operator after taking into account any credit or debit for the month in question in
respect of materials for the works in the relevant amount and under conditions set
forth in 5.5.2 (2) GCC.
The value of work executed shall be determined by the Employer assisted by the DBO
Engineer after due check measurement of the quantities claimed as executed by the
The value of work executed shall comprise of the value of the quantities of work in
the Bill of Quantities that have been completed;
The value of work executed shall include the valuation of approved Change Orders.
The Employer may exclude any item certified in a previous certificate or reduce the
proportion of any item previously certified in any certificate in the light of later
Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payments, retention, other
recoveries in terms of contract & taxes to be deducted at source [TDS] as per
applicable law. The Employer shall pay the Operator the amounts certified by the
DBO Engineer within 28 days of the date of each certificate. If the Employer makes a
late payment, the Operator shall be paid interest on the late payment in the next
payment. Interest shall be calculated from the date by which the payment should have
been made up to the date when the late payment is made at the rate provided at SCC
5.2 (3).
If an amount certified is increased in a later certificate or as a result of an award by
the AtlitdicIts and Arbitrator, the Operator shall be paid interest upon the delayed
01c>s t"9"1‘
„coo- Page 426 of 490 0.0004
inelitsa 560303fei

payment as set out in this clause. Interest shall be calculated at the rate stated in SCC
5.2(3), from the date upon which the increased amount would have been certified in
the absence of dispute.
Items of the Design-Build works for which no rate or price has been entered in shall
not be paid for by the Employer and shall be deemed covered by other rates and prices
in the Contract and provisions of this clause shall exclude all those works approved as
Change Order.
The progressive payment schedule is provided in Table below.

Table 1: Payment Schedule for Design-Build Services:

Code Schedule Deliverable
Topographical Survey and Customer Surveys
Upon submission and approval of Infrastructure
Al First and Final Stage 100% Improvement Plan evidenced by DBO Engineer and
or approved by Employer
Plant and Equipment (Pumping Machinery, Networks and Connections, SCADA and all
other components including Variations
40% of
quoted price
or 75% of
Upon supply of materials at site and stock
131 l Stage verification done by the DBO Engineer and approved
cost of
by the Employer
is less
On satisfactory installation, successful hydraulic
testing and refill in trenches by temporary road
B2 2st Stage 75%
restoration as per specifications as evidenced by the
DBO Engineer and or approved by Employer
upon issue of the Operations Acceptance Certificate
83 3rd Stage 95%
for the component
after receipt of invoice, upon completion of 730 days
B4 4th Stage 100%
after issue of Operations Acceptance Certificate
Build Service - Rehabilitation Water Treatment Plants, Pumping Stations and Service
total amount of civil works completed at pro rata
based on measured/assessed value of work performed
Cl 1st Stage 25%
the Operator as evidenced and certified by the DBO
Engineer and or approved by the Employer
total amount of civil works completed at pro rata
based on measured/assessed value of work performed
C2 2nd Stage 40%
the Operator as evidenced and certified by the DBO
Engineer and or apprRed by....thr-knployer

Page 427 of 490 0101011P1
SER we
v 4p,G -1 OOP f•G•
Code Schedule Deliverable
total amount of civil works completed at pro rata
based on measured/assessed value of work performed
C3 3rd Stage 50%
the Operator as evidenced and certified by the DBO
Engineer and or approved by the Employer
total amount of civil and electro-mechanical works
completed at pro rata based on measured/assessed
C4 4th Stage 75% value of work performed the Operator as evidenced
and certified by the DBO Engineer and or approved
by the Employer
One completion of construction, installation, testing
and commissioning and issue of Opertions
C5 5th Stage 95% Acceptance Certification as evidenced and certified
by the DBO Engineer and or approved by the

upon completion of 730 days after issue of

C6 6th Sta ge 100%
Operations Acceptance Certificate for the particular
component of work
D Build Service New Water Treatment Plants
On approval of detailed engineering design, GA and
Dl l Stage 15% PI drawings including all civil, process, structural,
mechanical, electrical and instrumentation drawings
on completion of foundation structures or total
amount at pro rata based on measured/assessed value
D2 2"d Stage 30% of work performed the Operator as evidenced and
certified by the DBO Engineer and or approved by
on completion of civil structures or total amount at
pro rata based on measured/assessed value of work
D3 3rd Stage 50%
performed the Operator as evidenced and certified by
the DBO Engineer and or approved by Employer
on supply, installation at site and testing of all
electro-mechanical equipment or total amount at pro
D4 4th Stage 80% rata based on measured/assessed value of work
performed the Operator as evidenced and certified by
the DBO Engineer and or approved by Employer
on completion of commissioning and testing and
demonstrated performance during a trial run of not
D5 5th Stage 95% less than 3months as evidenced by the DBO Engineer
and issue of Operations Acceptance Certification for
the Component

gc cuks\.,
th, woof e.
rliiir28 of 490
Code Schedule Deliverable

upon completion of 730 days after issue of

D6 6th St age 100%
Operatoins Acceptance Certificate for the particular
component of work
E Build Service New Service Reservoirs
On approval of detailed engineering design, GA and
El 1st Stage 15% PI drawings including all civil, process, structural,
mechanical, electrical and instrumentation drawings
on completion of foundation structures comprising of
foundations, staging or total amount at pro rata based
E2 rd Stage 30% on measured/assessed value of work performed the
Operator as evidenced and certified by the DBO
Engineer and or approved by Employer
on completion of civil structures comprising of
foundations, staging or total amount at pro rata based
E3 3RI Stage 40% on measured/assessed value of work performed the
Operator as evidenced and certified by the DBO
Engineer and or approved by Employer

on completion of construction and installation of all

civil structures, accessories, fittings, mechanical,
electrical and instrumentation equipment or total
E4 4th Stage 80% amount at pro rata based on measured/assessed value
of work performed the Operator as evidenced and
certified by the DBO Engineer and or approved by

on completion of commissioning and testing and

demonstrated performance during a trial run of not
E5 5th Stage 95% less than 3months as evidenced by the DBO Engineer
and issue of Operations Acceptance Certification for
the Component

upon completion of 730 days after issue of

E6 6th Stage 100% Operations Acceptance Certificate for the particular
component of work
F Build Service - Road Restoration
on completion of all civil construction of filling the
i trench and temporary restoration according to the
Specifications or total amount at pro rata based on
F1 I g Stage 30%
measured/assessed value of work performed the
Operator as evidenced and certified by the DBO
Engineer an or approved by Employer

1551,"•-- pm"'
tin A.‘
Code Schedule Deliverable
on completion of all civil construction including first
I phase road crust according to the Specifications or
total amount at pro rata based on measured/assessed
F2 21'd Stage 50%
value of work performed the Operator as evidenced
and certified by the DBO Engineer an or approved by
on completion of all civil construction according to
the Specifications or total amount at pro rata based
F3 3rd Stage 80% on measured/assessed value of work performed the
Operator as evidenced and certified by the DBO
Engineer an or approved by Employer
on repair or resurfacing if found necessary due to
natural settlement on completion of 180days at pro
F4 4th Stage 100% rata based on measured/assessed value of work
performed the Operator as evidenced and certified by
the DBO Engineer and or approved by Employer

3. Operation Service Payments

a) Payment for Operation Services constitute two components
Fixed Fee
Performance Fee
b) Fixed fee (Ffi) during the Design-Build period shall be 80% (Eighty Percent) of the
average fee per each quarter quoted in Bidder Price Schedue which is paid on equated
monthly installments subjected to Price Adjustment on quarterly basis in accordance
to provisions under this Schedule 6 for the Operation Services provided during any
preceding month as evidenced by DBO Engineer and or approved by the Employer
c) Performance fee (Pp) during the Design-Build period shall be 20% (Twenty Percent)
of the average fee quoted per each quarter in Bidder Price Schedue which is paid on
demonstrated achievement of Performance Standards provided under Schedule 11
subjected to Price Adjustment on quarterly basis for the Operation Services provided
during any preceding 3 (three) month period as evidenced by DBO Engineer and or
approved by the Employer
d) Fixed fee (Fj2) during Sustaining period and until End Date shall be 70% (Seventy
Percent) of the average fee quoted per each quarter in Bidder Price Schedue which is
paid on equated monthly installments subjected to Price Adjustment on quarterly
basis in accordance to provisions under this Schedule 6 for the Operation Services
provided during any preceding month as evidenced by DBO Engineer and or
approved by the Employer
e) Performance Fee (13/2) during the Sustaining Period and until End Date shall be 30%
(Thirty Percent) of the average fee quoted per each quarter in Bidder Price Schedue
which is paid on demonstrated achievement of Performance Standards provided under
(Klule Fle subjected to ce Adjustment on quarterly basis for eration
a orA.0 ,dript
Page 430 o 4;

Services provided during any preceding 3 (three) month period as evidenced by DBO
Engineer and or approved by the Employer.

Table 1: Performance Fee payable

Quarterly Performance Quarterly Performance

Performance Standard Price payable during Price payable during
Design-Build Period Sustaining Period

Achieved Service Level for a Quarterly Eligible O&M Fee Quarterly Eligible O&M
Performance Standard as per x 20% x Weightage for the Fee x 30% x Weightage
Schedule 11 Performance Indicator as set for the Performance
out in the table below Indicator as set out in the
table below

Table 2: Performance Standards during Design-Build Period

Performance Weightage Service Level

Standards (Share of

18 months from effective date 0%

21 months from effective date 0%

24 months from effective date 0%
27 months from effective date 0%
Connections 30 months from effective date 5%
converted to
continuous 80%
33 months from effective date 7.5%
pressurized 40% compliance
water supply 36 months from effective date 12.5%
from Effective
Date 39 months from effective date 22.5%
42 months from from effective date 32.5%

45 months from effective date 40%

48 months from effective date 50%

Cl montha from effective da
te 60%
Page 431 of 490 e?


03 NC)
Performance Weightage Service Level
Standards (Share of

54 months from effective date 70%

57 months from effective date 82.5%

60 months from effective date 95%

25% 70% compliance
of supply hours
Resolution of
Customer 20% 70% compliance

For DMAs with Continuous Pressurized Water

Revenue 80%
Collection Supply
efficiency 26 15%

For zones with intermittent supply


Note: For Resolution of Customer Complaints and Revenue Collection efficiency service
levels, Performance Standards to be agreed during the preparation of SIP based on the
baseline parameters to be established jointly by the Operator and ULB, subject to the
condition that the performance standards are progressive, evenly distributed and are
Where Milestones have been specified as a performance standard (for example number of
connection converted to Continuous Pressurized Water Supply), the service level will be
measured in the first quarter after the target date specified above.

Connections that are converted to continuous supply in a quarter, but which are certified in
the subsequent quarter by the Engineer as having been converted, after demonstration of
ninety days of maintaining Continuous Pressurized Supply shall be considered as having been
converted in the quarter in which the ninety-day demonstration period commenced.

Between the 13th month and 181h month from the Effective Date, the Service Levels would be
assumed to have been met provided the existing level of water supply is maintained.

Table 3: Key Performance Standards during Sustaining Period

26 The target and actual collection efficiency will be calculated as combined collection efficiency, which is the
weighted average of collection efficiency in DMAs with continuous pressurized water supply and zones with
intermittent supply. The billed revenue w91.ty •vsed as the weightage.


Performance Standard Weight (Share Service Level


Percentage of connections that

Continuity of pressurized are subject to 1 or 0 interruptions
40% during the quarter
water supply

NRW 20% 20%

Resolution of Customer
25% 90%

Revenue Collection with

15% 90%
Billing efficiency

1. Other deductions for shortfall in performance

In each quarter, the following deductions to the Performance Fee (notwithstanding the
liabilities of the Operator under other clauses in the Contract) will be made in the event that
performance of the Operator falls below the required Service Levels during the Contract
Period for the following performance parameters.
For each treated water quality sample at the outlet of water treatment works which is non-
conforming to the potable water quality standard, Rs. 10000/-, escalated at the rate of 8% per
annum from the 181' day after the Initial Takeover Date.
For each sample at consumer tap not confirming to residual chlorine standards, Rs.5000/-,
escalated at the rate of 8% per annum from the 181st day after the Initial Takeover Date.
For each day of delay in excess of the stipulated time period for providing new connections
or reconnection to a customer, Rs.50/- per connection per day, escalated at the rate of 8% per
annum from the Effective Date.
4. Utility Systems Fee
The Utility Systems Fee to the Operator will be payable in the amounts set out in
Bidder's Price Schedule. The cost of Utility Systems shall be met out of the dedicated
Provisional Sum towards the same.
The lump sum figure quoted shall be proportionately allocated to each Utility System
component/Equipment/Goods on its share in the estimated cost of all utility systems
and equipment in the approved SDIP (i.e. the Service Delivery Improvement Plan).


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The Utility Systems Fee will be paid based on progress in each of the components as
detailed in Table below:

Deliverable Percentage
Design, costing and approval of the respective 10%
utility system
Procurement and award of the utility system 10%
package to third party vendors
Project management, supervision and quality 60% proportionate to the release of
assurance payments for third party vendor's
Successful commissioning and deployment 20%

5. Payment of Advances
5.1. Mobilisation Advance

Advance payment(s) as an interest free loan for mobilization and cash flow support
for an amount equal to 10 % of the Contract Value pertaining to Design-Build Price
(to be spent in the Design-Build Period) shall be paid to the Operator against 'Bank
Guarantee for Advance Payment' for the same amount in two instalments as under
subject to the provisions of this Contract.
5% within 30 days of Effective date and receipt of Advance Bank
Guarantee on setting up of Operator's office and mobilisation of Operator
Key Staff at site in Kalburgi, ; and
Additional 5% on Operator taking over the Facilities for operations and
maintenance and receipt of Advance Bank Guarantee and issue of
Takevoer Certificate by DBO Engineer and or approval by Employer.

5.1.1.Repayment of Mobilisation Advance

i. The Mobilization Advance provided to the Operator by the Employer shall

be recovered commencing from the date on which the cumulative
progressive payments to the Operator for Design-Build services has
reached 20% of Contract Price for Design-Build Services.
The recovery towards repayment of Mobilisation Advance shall be at the
rate of 15 % from each bill for Design-Build Services submitted by the
Operator for payment. The entire amount of mobilization advance shall be
recovered before the cumulative payments for Design-Build Services does
not exceed 90 % of the Contract Price for Design-Build Services.

6. Gain Share for higher reduction in NRW

I,r in

C. -AIN' .
• osip

The Operator shall be eligible for efficiency gain share for higher performance for further
reduction in Non-Revenue Water when compared to the Minimum Service Levels stipulated
in Performance Standards.

From the date of completion of Design-Build Period, the Operator is eligible for payment of
Rs. 8 (Rupees Eight only) per every kilo-litre of water additionally saved over and above the
targeted Non-Revenue Water levels as provided in Performance Standards. It is expressly
clarified that the Efficiency Gain Share for NRW is one time annual payment only for each
year of measurement to be released on demonstrated sustenance of reduced water losses for at
least 180 days from the date of annual cumulative measurement. The computation of the
efficiency gain share for any particular year of Contract shall be as per methodology and
formula given below.

Cumulative annual production volume measured at outlets of all water treatment

plants — Vp
Cumulative annual sales volume measured at customer meters and billed - Vs
Actual Non-Revenue Water Volume — Vna = Vp — Vs
Target Non-Revenue Water Volume — Vnt = 20% x Vp
Efficiency Gain Share for reduction in water losses = (Vnt — Vna) x Rs.8

7. Price Adjustment:


4.1 (a) This Paragraph lays down the procedure for determining the price adjustment to be
applied to the following components of the contract price:

(i) Design-Build Price for theDesign Build Works (Bid Price Schedules 3 to 6)

(ii) Price for Operation & Maintenance of systems (Bid Price Schdule 2

(b) For the purpose of Price Adjustment, 'Base Date' shall be the date 28 days prior to
the deadline for submission of bids for the contract either Original or ExtendedThus
Base date for this contract is [The Employer should insert the date at the time
of signing the contract]

Weightings for labor and various materials to be used in the Price Adjustment
formulas laid down in the Tables under paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Schedule shall be
based on the figures quoted by the Operator as a part of its bid under the Scheduleof
Adjustment Data (in the Appendix to Bid), and as accepted by the Employer.

The Adjustment of Price is applicable during the period of completion of the

milestones of each activity or any extensions of time granted by the Engineer/Employer
for reasons attributable to the Employer or Force Majeure, It shall not be payable for
the period of delay for causes attributable to the Operator, unless specifically ordered
by the Employer.
Page 435 oC
4111 *tin


. ct lig‘e
4.2 Price Adjustment for Design-Build services

4.2.1 The amounts payable to the Operator shall be adjusted for rises or falls in the cost of
labour, Goods and other inputs to the Design-Build Services, by the addition or
deduction of the amounts determined by the formulae prescribed in this Clause. To the
extent that full compensation for any rise or fall in Costs is not covered by the
provisions of this or other Clauses, the Accepted Contract Amount shall be deemed to
have included amounts to cover the contingency of other rises and falls in costs.
4.2.2 The adjustment to be applied to the amount otherwise payable to the Operator, as
valued in accordance with the Contract prices incorporated in Schedule5 and certified
by the DBO Engineer Payment Certificates (referred to as 'Interim Payment
Certificates') after examining the statements of monthly claims, shall be determined
from formulae for each of the currencies in which the Contract Price is payable. No
adjustment is to be applied to work valued on the basis of Cost or current prices. The
formulae shall be of the following general type:

Pn = a + b Ln/ Lo + c En/Eo + d Mn/Mo + where:

"Pn" is the adjustment multiplier to be applied to the estimated contract value in the
relevant currency of the work carried out in period "n", this period being a month;
"a" is a fixed coefficient, stated in the relevant table of adjustment data, representing the
non-adjustable portion in contractual payments;
"b", "c", "d", ... are coefficients representing the estimated proportion of each cost
element related to the execution of the Design-Build Services, as stated in the relevant
table of adjustment data; such tabulated cost elements may be indicative of resources
such as labour, equipment and materials;
"Ln", "En", "Mn", are the current cost indices or reference prices for period "n",
expressed in the relevant currency of payment, each of which is applicable to the
relevant tabulated cost element on the date 49 days prior to the last day of the period (to
which the particular Payment Certificate relates); and
"Lo", "Eo", "Mo", ... are the base cost indices or reference prices, expressed in the
relevant currency of payment, each of which is applicable to the relevant tabulated cost
element on the Base Date.
4.2.3 The cost indices or reference prices stated in the table of adjustment data shall be used.
If their source is in doubt, it shall be determined by theEngineer.
4.2.4 Until such time as each current cost index is available, the Engineer shall determine a
provisional index for the issue of Interim Payment Certificates. When a current cost
index is available, the adjustment shall be recalculated accordingly.
fS 01°
PO1/64 1)Sk9

4.2.5 If the Operator fails to complete the Design-Build Services within the stipulated Time
for Completion, adjustment of prices thereafter shall be made using either (i) each
index or price applicable on the date 49 days prior to the expiry of the specified Time
for Completion, or (ii) the current index or price, whichever is more favorable to the
4.2.6 The weightings (coefficients) for each of the factors of cost stated in the table(s) of
adjustment data shall only be adjusted if they have been rendered unreasonable,
unbalanced or inapplicable, as a result of Variations.
4.3. Determination of Price Adjustment Multiplier for Design Build Works

4.3.1 The Price adjustment multiplier "Pn" to be applied to the estimated value of work done
in a month, as certified in the Interim Payment Certificates shall be determined using
the coefficients/weightings and cost indices etc. for local and foreign currencies as
provided in paragraphs 4.3.2 and 4.3.3.

4.3.2 Local currency:

V c 9-Ase
Page 437 of 490
ticifSS.w.53. 3

t,A fr PkG11.4°;1
Table A (Design, Build component) Local Currency

SI.No. Index description* Source of index Weighting

Non-Adjustable a= 0.15

2 Labor - Consumer CPI published by Labour Bureau, Ministry of b=

price index for Labour & Employment, Government of India
industrial workers for
Kalburgi centre

3 DI Pipes, Pig Iron Wholesale Price Index published by Economic C=

(Item 455 of 2011-12 Advisor to the Government of India, Ministry of
series) applicable for Commerce and Industry
steel pipes and DI
4 MS Wire rods (Item Wholesale Price Index published by Economic d =--
459 of 2011-12 series) Advisor to the Government of India, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry
5 Ordinary Portland Wholesale Price Index published by Economic C=
Cement (Item 436 of Advisor to the Government of India, Ministry of
2011-12 series) Commerce and Industry
6 Manufacture of Wholesale Price Index published by Economic f=
Pumps, Compressors Advisor to the Government of India, Ministry of
and valves (Items 589 Commerce and Industry
to 597 of 2011-12
7 Polyethylene (Item Wholesale Price Index published by Economic g=
323 of 2011-12 series) Advisor to the Government of India, Ministry of
for HDPE Pipes Commerce and Industry
8 Construction steel- HR Wholesale Price Index published by Economic h=
Coils/Bars (Item 463 Advisor to the Government of India, Ministry of
of 2011-12 series) Commerce and Industry
9 All commodities Wholesale Price Index published by Economic i—
(2011-12 series) Advisor to the Government of India, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry
Total weightings 1.00

Sk9 oth lov)

wrong =on
ono en
Page 438 of 490

4.3.3 Foreign Currency(ies)

Table B (Design, Build component). Foreign Currency (FC)

SLNo. Index description* Source of index Weighting

1 Non-Adjustable a = 0.15

2 Labor b=

3 DI pipes, c=

4 MS wire rods d=

5 Manufacture of pumps, f=
compressors and valves

6 Polyethylene for HDPE pipes g=

7 Construction steel — HR h=

8 All commodities i—

Total Weightings 1.00


I.The source of Indices will be inserted based on the relevant details provided by the
selected bidder in the Appendix to the Bid.

2.The weightings for various cost indices will be inserted based on the Employer's decision
on the relevant details provided by the selected bidder in the Appendix to the Bid.

5. Price Adjustment for Operation Services (Bid Price Schedule 2)

1,41.a° b
Page 09 of 490 tylieCal"

tin FC
5.1 Adjustment in Fixed Fee and Performance Fee payments for Operating Services.

The average quarterly fee quoted by the bidder for operation and maintenance (Bid
Price Schedules 2 ) shall be subjected to Price Adjustment for wages (60%) and
Materials (40%). The Wage component shall be adjusted on the basis of the
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers Kalburgicentre, published by Labour
Bureau, Ministry of Labour and Employment Government of India and the material
component shall be adjusted on the basis of Wholesale Price Index (All Commodities
2011-12 Series) published by Economic Advisor to the Government of India, Ministry
of Commerce and Industry. The Base index is the Wholesale Price Index (All
Commodities 2011-12 Series) and Consumer Price Index for Industrial workers
Kalburgicentre as on 28 days prior to the deadline for submission of Bids original or

The Price adjustment for the quarter for which the O&M fee are paid shall be
governed by the following formulae:

Pitt =En 1(0.15) + 0.85 x (0.6 x (CPL/CPI) + 0.4 x (WPIn/WPI1)}1


PM— Price Adjusted O&M Fee for nth quarter;

Er - Eligible O&M Fee in the nth Quarter;

CPI. - Average Consumer Price Index of Industrial workers for Kalburgi centre for
the nth quarter for which payment is being made;

CPL — Average Consumer Price Index of Industrial workers for Kalburgicentre on 28

days prior to the deadline for submission of bids original or extended.

WPI. - Average Wholesale Price Index (WPI for all commodities) for the nth quarter
for which payment is being made;

WPI; — Average Wholesale Price Index (WPI for all commodities) on 28 days prior to
the deadline for submission of bids original or extended.


Page 440 of 490


Conditions for Commencement of Operation Services

Conditions to be satisfied or waived for commencement of Operation Services:

I. Approval of the Take Over Plan;

Opening of the Operations Account in accordance with the Escrow Agreement;
Opening of the Works Special Account;
Termination by the Corporation and its agents of existing contracts in respect of water
supply services to the City other than those set out in Schedule 4;
Assignment by the Corporation or its agents of such existing contracts as the
Corporation and the Operator have mutually agreed, a list of which will be initialed by
both the Corporation and the Operator;
Obtaining all Operator Permits by the Operator;
Acquiring of rights by Corporation of all the land that is required for the
implementation of Agreed IIP;
Signing of the Agreed IIP and O&M Plan by the Employer and Corporation and the
Advance Payment has been made as per Contract Agreement.
Compliance to Conditions for Commencement of Operation Service:

Each of the Parties shall use its reasonable endeavours to procure the satisfaction
of compliance to conditions for commencement of Operation Service required to
be fulfilled by it as soon as practicable after the Effective Date and shall cooperate
in good faith with the other Parties for the satisfaction of the Conditions required
to be satisfied by any other Party. Each Party shall have fulfilled the conditions
no later than one hundred and eighty (180) days from the Effective Date or such
other date as may be mutually agreed by the Corporation and the Operator.
The Operator, Employer and / or the Corporation shall issue a notice to the other
Party confirming fulfillment or waiver of all of the conditions for commencement
required to be fulfilled by the other Party, with a copy to the DBO Engineer. The
DBO Engineer shall confirm in writing that the conditions have been met and
indicating, where relevant, which of any conditions have not been met but waived
on or before the 175th day following the Effective Date and give its
recommendation to the Corporation. Within seven (7) business days of the receipt
of DBO Engineer's recommendation and its acceptance by the Employer and
Corporation, the Corporation shall issue a Take Over Certificate. The

la tido
Page 4 5111001.16
commencement date shall be the date following the date of the Take Over
Certificate from the Corporation.
If the Engineer confirms that any of the conditions for commencement of
Operation Service are not fulfilled (or waived off by the non-defaulting Party that
is entitled to waive the conditions) by the date specified in (ii) above (as extended
under (iii) above) and that such non-fulfillment would lead to a material adverse
impact on the ability of the Operator to take over operation and maintenance of
the Facilities in accordance with Schedule 2, then the non-defaulting Party shall
have the right to extend the Agreement immediately and none of the Parties hereto
shall be liable to another Party for any damages or losses in respect thereof under
law or otherwise, except that the Operator may be liable to pay Liquidated
Damages or the Operator shall be entitled to payment reasonably incurred by the
Operator, as certified by the DBO Engineer.
To the extent that the Operator has failed to fulfill any of the conditions for
commencement of Operation Services for which it was responsible by the date
specified in (ii) above (as extended in accordance with (iii) above) and the
Employer and Corporation extend this Agreement under (iv) above, and the non-
fulfillment of a condition is caused by or is the result of the misconduct or gross
negligence of the Operator, the Employer and Corporation shall be entitled to
appropriate the part of Performance Security.
If the DBO Engineer confirms that any of the conditions has not been fulfilled or
waived by the date specified in (ii) above (as extended under (iii) as above, as the
case may be) but that such non-fulfillment will not have a material adverse impact
on the Operator to take over operation and maintenance of the Facilities in
accordance with Schedule 2, the Operator will be obliged to carry out its
responsibilities to the extent that this is possible and the DBO Engineer will
advise the Employer and Corporation as to whether any of the responsibilities of
the Operator during the Design-Build Period should be amended or waived until
the relevant condition has been achieved.
11. On the Initial Take Over Date, or as soon thereafter as possible:
(i) The Corporation shall hand over and ensure handover of the operations and
maintenance of the Facilities to the Operator, including the right to operate
and maintain the Facilities and provide the Services. The Corporation grants
the possession of and right to the Operator to use at no charge the Facilities
until the End Date for the purposes of delivering the Services. It is understood
by the Parties that the Ownership of the Facilities shall, throughout the Term
of the Agreement, remain with the Corporation and is neither intended to be
transferred, nor being transferred in any manner to the Operator by or under
this Agreement;
Tleperator shall obtain / ren and retain all Operator Permits;

0°Skt tt) ke:9

Page0/4104 tere
Li- 6

(iii)The Operator shall commence operation and maintenance of the Facilities and
provision of the Services in accordance with this Agreement and Applicable
Law; and
(iv) The Operator shall provide the Employer and Corporation with access at all
times to the Facilities and to view all data and reports held by the various
electronic information systems managed by the Operator on its behalf

12. If any Party/ies fail(s) to achieve at any time during Design-Build Period, any or all of
their respective obligations then GCC Clause 11.2 [Termination] of this Agreement will

Conditions to be satisfied or waived for commencement of Sustaining Period:

90% of house service connections included in Bill of Quantities have been certified by
the DBO Engineer as receiving a Continuous Pressurized Water Supply and have
demonstrated 30 days of maintaining Continuous Pressurized Water Supply;
20% NRW or lower, as has been certified by the DBO Engineer, in the Service Area;
Design-Build Period Milestones as set out in SCC Section 2.3.6 (2) have been
The Employer reserves its right to waive of the requirements either (2) or (3) above and
issue commencement certificate for the Sustaining Period.
It is expressly clarified that irrespective of achieving the requirements set out at 1, 2
and 3 above, the Performance Fee component shall be 30% from the date of issue of
commencement certificate for Sustaining Period or completion of I 825days from the
Effective Date whichever is earlier.
Sustaining Period:

The Sustaining Period shall commence from the day following the date the
Corporation issues the Certificate of Completion of Design-Build Period.

(ii) During the Sustaining Period, in addition to the obligations set out elsewhere
in this Agreement:

The Operator shall have the obligations as set forth in Schedules 2, 11 and
Appendix 1 to Schedule 2 and reporting requirements as set out in Appendix 2
to Schedule 2 [Reporting Requirements];

The Operator shall provide the Corporation and Employer with access at all
times to the Facilities and to view all d a and reports cludi held by
Page 443 of 490 0..4001

s 10WhElt to on
(74; qtrikt • ‘5•Ihietion -CP
the various electronic information systems managed by the Operator on its

The Operator shall obtain/renew and maintain all Operator Permits;

the Corporation shall have the obligations set forth in Schedule 3; and

The Employer shall have the obligations set forth in Schedule 3.

(iii) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, the Employer and

Corporation shall at all times have access to all the Facilities and the utility
systems (including the data therein) for the purpose of carrying out its statutory
obligations and duties.

(iv) Performance Standards during the Sustaining Period

During the Sustaining Period, the Operator shall meet the Performance
Standards set out in Schedule 11 and implement environmental management
practices and ESHS as per Appendix 1 to Schedule 2.

The Corporation shall, through the DBO Engineer, monitor achievement of

Performance Standards and environmental management practices and ESHS
as per Apprndix 1 to Schedule 2 by the Operator during the Sustaining Period
following the methodology for measurement and monitoring the Performance
Standards developed in the Agreed SIP in accordance with paragraph 1.2 of
Schedule 11.

In the event of reduction in the quality or quantity of water in the DMAs

outside the parameters set out in Schedule 11 for any reason, the Operator
shall within 24 hours from the time of disruption, at his own cost except in
case of Force Majeure Event or any reason not attributable to the Operator,
provide an alternative water supply of a minimum quantity of 40 Liters per
person per day for the duration of the reduced quality or quantity providing
through tankers.

In the event reduction in the quality or quantity of water available for any
reason other than Force Majeure and the Operator fails to ensure an alternative
water supply within 24 hours of such disruption, then the Corporation shall
provide alternate water supply through an independent party at the cost of the

(v) Major Maintenance Expenditure - During the Sustaining Period, the cost of
works or systems or equipment to be paid to sub-contractors for Major
Maintenance shall be met out of the Annual Capital Maintenance Fund
financed by the Corporation. Any Operator costs associated with Major
Maintenance such as planning, supervision, quality control and oversight are
,,At.Scustsitiltred as included in the ecic M Price and will not be met

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Page 444 of 490


Annual Capital Maintenance Fund. During Major Maintenance, any costs for
alternative supply to Customers affected by such works, including through
tankers with the approval of the Employer or Corporation, will be met from
the Annual Capital Maintenance Fund.

(a) The Operator shall have achieved the Sustaining Period Conditions by the end
of Design-Build Period. The Engineer shall confirm achievement of the
Sustaining Period Conditions and recommend to the Employer or
Corporation to issue a certificate that the Operator shall commence the
Sustaining Period (Certificate of Commencement of Sustaining Period).
Within three days from the receipt of Engineer's recommendation and its
acceptance by the Corporation, the Corporation shall issue the certificate.

(b) If the Operator anticipates that it is likely to fail to achieve any of the
Sustaining Period Conditions by end of Design-Build Period and in
accordance with Schedule 4, the Operator shall during the 5th year following
the Effective Date prepare and submit to the Engineer and the Corporation,
with a copy to Employer, a request for an extension of time for achievement
of the Sustaining Period Conditions and corresponding Milestones, setting
out the justification for seeking such extension of time. The request should
explain the cause of the delay, how this resulted in a delay by the Operator
achieving one or more of the Sustaining Period Conditions and the mitigation
steps that the Operator had taken to mitigate the impact of such an event.

(c) The Corporation may, after reviewing the request for extension of time
and based on the recommendations of the DBO Engineer and Employer
indicate whether it will allow an extension of time and, if so, the number of
days' extension it will allow for achievement of the Sustaining Period
Conditions and for achievement of the corresponding Milestone. In the event
that the failure to achieve all of the Sustaining Period Conditions by this date
and such failure is due to Force Majeure or the action or inaction of the
Corporation or Employer in breach of this Agreement, and the Operator can
demonstrate that it took reasonable steps to mitigate the impact of the delay,
the Operator will be entitled to such extension of time for such period
corresponding to the total delay caused due to such action, inaction and / or
Force Majeure on reaching the Sustaining Period Conditions as deemed
reasonable by the DBO Engineer.

(a) In the event that an extension of time is granted in accordance and the
Operator achieves the Sustaining Period Conditions, as certified by the DBO
Engineer, before the expiry of the extended period, the Engineer shall
confirm in writing and recommend to the Corporation to issue a Certificate of
Commencement of the Sustaining Period within three days from the receipt
of DBO Engineer's recommendation and its acceptance by the Corporation,
Page 445 of 490
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the Corporation shall issue the certificate. In such a case Adjustment of Price
is permitted.

(b) If the Operator fails to achieve its Sustaining Period Conditions within such
extended period, Corporation and Employer may, at their discretion, agree to
provide additional time to the Operator to complete these obligations, or may
allow the commencement of the Sustaining Period on the day following the
last day of the extended period and the Operator will be liable to a reduction
in Performance Fee and levy of Liquidated Damages for delay and other
adjustments for performance failure to the extent that it has not met any
Milestones in accordance with SCC . In such a event Price Adjustment will
not be payable for the extended period.

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Page 446 of 490



Operator Key Staff

I. The names, qualification and experience of the Key Operator Personnel proposed
by the Operator in his Techno- Commercial Bid- (Technical Proposal and Staffing
Plan) for Design-Build and Sustaining Periods shall be given in this Schedule in
the Format given here under.

Position Minimum Name and Qualifications Roles and Period of

Qualification Designation and Responsibilities Deployment
and of the Experience as (in months)
experience Incumbent per CV
prescribed proposed



Performance and Advance Payment Bank Guarantees

1. The copies of the Performance and Advance Payment Bank Guarantees provided
by the Operator after execution of the Agreement shall be included in this
Schedule. The Format of these Bank Guarantees are provided in Section X, Contract

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Page 448 o1490

Technical Specifications

The Supply of materials/equipment and execution of the various components of

work shall, conform to the Book of Specifications issued by KUIDFC and any
amendments issued 28 days prior to the date of submission of bids.

In case the specifications for any item of supply of materials/ equipment is not
covered by KUIDFC Book of Specifications, the relevant Standards issued by
Indian Bureau of Standards shall be applicable, failing which the International
Standards shall be applicable.
The Book of Specifications issued by KUIDFC is available in the Data Room.
The Book of Specifications is in two parts 10-A and 10-B. 10-A is Standard
Specifications and 10-B is Particular Specifications. In case of conflict between
the provisions of 10-A and 10-B, the provisions of 10-B shall prevail.
The 'Engineer' as referred to in 10-A Standard Specifications shall mean `DBO
Engineer' for purposes of this Contract Similarly, 'Contractor' as referred to in
10-A Standad Specification shall mean 'Operator' for purposes of this Contract

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Page 449 of 490

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Performance Standards
Performance Standards
1.1. The Operator's performance under the Scope of work is subject to two sets of
Performance Standards, (i) Milestones and (ii) Service Levels.
1.2. Methodology for Measurement: The Operator shall develop a robust methodology and
framework for measurement and monitoring of Performance Standards in line with this
Schedule and propose it as part of the IIP and SDIP. The Employer and Corporation
shall jointly review the framework in consultation with the Expert Reviewer/DBO
Engineer and provide comments/suggestions to the Operator. The Employer and the
Operator shall reach agreement on the IIP and SDIP. Upon agreement the agreed
methodology shall form the basis for monitoring the performance of the Operator and
shall be applied during the Contract for determination of Operator performance and for
payment of the Performance Fee and calculation deduction of the Non-Performance
Deductions from the O&M Fee.

Design-Build Period Milestones

2.1. The Operator shall implement the Infrastructure Improvement Plan and Service Delivery
Improvement Plan in accordance to the Milestones specified in SCC Section 2.3.6 (2)
Delay in Completion - Liquidated Damages. The purpose of the Design-Build Period
Milestones is to provide the Parties with measurable indicators of progress towards
achieving improvements to city-wide Continuous Pressurized_ Water Supply within 60
months of the Effective Date, and to ensure certain activities critical to the Corporation
are implemented in a timely manner.
2.2. Late or incomplete delivery of the Milestones shall be levied with Liquidated Damages
at the amount as specified in SCC.
Required Service Levels during the Design-Build Period
3.1. The Operator shall achieve and maintain the Service Levels stipulated in Table 1 below
during the Design-Build Period.
Table 1 - Service Levels to be maintained during Design-Build Period

SI. No. Description Details

1 Parameter Percentage of household connections converted to continuous

pressurized water supply

Required 18 months from effective date: 0%

21 months from effective date: 0%
24 months from effective date: 0%

27 months from effective date: 0%

-4 Z7 - -
Page 450 of


SI. No. Description Details

30 months from effective date: 5%

33 months from effective date: 7.5%

36 months from effective date: 12.5%

39 months from effective date: 22.5%

42 months from effective date: 32.5%

45 months from the effective date: 40%

48 months from the effective date: 50%

51 months from the effective date 60%

54 months from the effective date 70%

57 months from effective date 82.5%

60 months from effective date 95%

Measured by Number of connections that were certified as having been converted

to continuous (24x7) pressurized (minimum 7 m water head at all
times) water supply by DBO Engineer and have demonstrated thirty
days of maintaining continuous pressurerized water supply.

Monitored DBO Engineer based on supervision of testing of continuous

by pressurized supply and pressure logs in critical measurement points of

Allowable Any extension of time granted to the Operator for the milestone(s) for
exclusions achieving conversions;

Any incident in the 30 day period due to the following:

Interruption due to bursts of any feeder networks operated by the

Corporation or by the Board;
Shortage of bulk water from the source;
(iii)Third party causes such as power failure and fire fighting.

2 Parameter Predictability of Supply —Predictability of supply in the parts of the

Service Area where the network improvements have not been

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Si. No. Description Details

Service Under the SDIP the Operator will propose periodic improvements in
Level the intermittent supply zones so as to improve the supply regime to
increase reliability and convenience, until these zones are converted to
continuous pressurized supply.

During the Design-Build Period, in each quarter the Operator shall

ensure at least 80% compliance with agreed plan of improvements

Measured By To be agreed as part of the SDIP

Monitored To be agreed as part of the SDIP


Allowable Planned maintenance periods

Exclusions Interruption due to bursts of any retained feeder networks
operated by the Corporation or by the Board
Shortage of bulk water from the source
Third party causes such as power failure and fire fighting
Force majeure clauses
Failure of any retrivial components in Headworks, Transmission
mains, WTP etc. i
3 Parameter Resolution of Customer Complaints

Service 90% of complaints should be resolved within the time period provided
Level for respective category of complaint.

Complaints to be resolved within 24 hours: Complaints related to

water quality, no water

Complaints to be resolved within 48 hours: leakages in HSCs.

Complaints to be resolved within 7 days: Complaints related to delay

in providing connection, meter not working properly, delay / errors /
problems in billing and collection, change in customer database,
reconnection, temporary disconnection, arrears and other complaints
connected to customer database, billing or collection.

Complaints for which Redressal beyond the control of the Operator to

be listed separately and to be certified by the DBO Engineer. To be
agreed as part of the SDIP

Measured By Percentage of total number of customer requests resolved during the

quarter under review over the total number of customer requests
received and recorded during that quarter
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Page 452 of 49 D•1191011
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Sl. No. Description Details

Monitored Until electronic registry is established manual record to be

by established. An electronic registry maintained by the Operator, the
registry shall include detailed database and summary tables including:

Time and date

Complaint number
Customer name
Customer identification number
DMA number
Nature of complaint
Time and date at which Customer complaint is resolved
Action taken report
Allowable Redressal beyond the control of the Operator to be agreed as part of
exclusions the SDIP

4 Parameter Revenue Collection Efficiency in DMAs provided with Continuous

Pressurized Water Supply and in areas receiving intermittent supply

Service 90% of billed revenue collected in continuous supply DMAs (only to

Level apply to those DMAs that were filly billed on continuous supply in the

1 65% of the billed revenue collected in intermittent supply zones.

Measured by Percentage of revenue collected in any quarter over the amount billed
for the quarter of measurement.

Monitored Summary reports from the electronic registry of the billing and
by collection system.

Allowable Billings, and corresponding collections, if any, of defaulting

Exclusions Customers for the periodbeyond the permissible period of default if
disconnection of such customers was not permitted by the Corporation
or, if instruction to continue supply has been issued by the

Any zone that was converted into continuous supply during the
quarter will be considered as an intermittent supply zone and the
corresponding collection efficiency target will apply.

5 Parameter Quality at outlet of WTP

Physical, chemical characteristics shall be discussed and agreed

during SDIP.

Biological parameters non-negotiable.


Page 453 of 490 Ondirni

SI. No. Description Details

Residual chlorine 0.2 ppm at the consumer end respectively.

Note: For Resolution of Customer Complaints and Revenue Collection efficiency

service levels, Performance Standards to be agreed during the preparation of SIP
based on the baseline parameters to be established jointly by the Operator and ULB,
subject to the condition that the performance standards are progressive, evenly
distributed and are practical In case of disagreement the opinion of ER will be final.

4. Service Levels during the Sustaining Period

11.1. The Operator shall achieve and maintain the Service Levels stipulated in Table 2 during
the Sustaining Period.
Table 2-Service Levels to be maintained during Sustaining Period
St. Description Details

1. Parameter Continuity of Pressurised Water Supply in DMAs (24 X 7 Water


Service Level Percentage of DMAs with no more than one (1) incident or interruption, as
defined below, in the quarter under review shall be not less than 100%.

Water shall be supplied continuously at a minimum pressure of 7m 24

hours a day and for 365 days in a year. No more than one incident allowed
per quarter, in each DMA.

An incident occurs when either of the following two situations occurs:

I. Pressure at the measurement point is continuously between 2m and 7m

for a period exceeding 12 hours.
(If this situation continues beyond 24 hours it would be considered a
new incident, and similarly for every 24 hour period thereafter until
the incident is resolved).
2. Pressure at the measurement point is continuously below 2m for a
period exceeding 3 hours.
(If this situation continues beyond 12 hours it would be considered a
new incident, and similarly for every 12 hour period thereafter until
the incident is resolved).

Measured By Data derived from analysis of pressure data log recorded at the agreed
Critical Measurement Points (CMPs) in each during the quarter under

Monitored By An electronic registry maintained by the Operator shall include:

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Page 454 4490 DOICA°4
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SI. Description Details

Time, date and pressure

CMP identification number
Digital analytical output on number of incidents
Allowable Planned maintenance periods not exceeding 12 hours each with
Exclusions Customers notified in 48 hours in advance and not exceeding four
such interruptions per year
causes such as power failure, fire-fighting, shortage of source water,
force meajure clause.
2. Parameter Non-Revenue Water

Service Level 20% of aggregated system input volume measured at the outlet of each and
all water treatment plants

Measurement For the quarter under review,

(cumulative input supply volume measured at the outlet of WTP less (the
volume of authorized consumption, as measured by meter readings),
divided by the output of WTP expressed as percentage.

Monitored By An electronic registry maintained by the Operator; the registry shall

include detailed database and summary tables for supply input volume,
billed volume authorized unbilled consumption as measured by meter
readings. All supply points will be metered.

The database shall include:

Cumulative supply input volume
Cumulative DMA wise authorized consumption
Engineer will review select meter readings to verify the accuracy of billing
and working condition of meters. Respective meter shll be subjet to
verification on yearly basis.

Allowable Insufficient bulk supply and/or no capital investments to cater to the

Exclusions population after 2031, on recommendation of DBO Engineer if the
designed quantity is due to increase in population.

3. Parameter Resolution of Customer Complaints

Service Level 90% of complaints should be resolved within the time period provided for
respective category of complaint.

Complaints to be resolved within 12 hours: Complaints related to water

quality, no water
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SI. Description Details

Complaints to be resolved within 24 hours: Complaints related to low

pressure, leaks in HSCs

Complaints to be resolved within 7 days: Complaints related to delay in

providing connection meter not working properly, delay/errors/problems in
billing and collection, change in customer database, reconnection,
temporary disconnection, arrears and other complaints connected to
customer database, billing or collection.

Measured By Percentage of total number of complaints resolved within the respective

specified time period divided by the total number of complaints received
during the quarter under review.

Monitored By An electronic registry maintained by the Operator, the registry shall

include detailed database and summary tables including:

Time and date

Complaint number
Mode of receipt of complaint
Customer name
Customer identification number
DMA number
Nature of complaint
Action taken report
Time and date of resolution of complaint
Specified time period for resolution and actual time period for
Time and date at which Customer is provided with response
Status of resolution, if pending
Allowable None

4. Parameter Revenue Collection Efficiency

Service Level Target for the respective year 90%27

Measured by Percentage of revenue collected in the quarter under review divided by the
revenue billed for the quarter under review.

Monitored by Summary reports from the electronic registry of the billing and collection

27Increasing scale matched with financial model for each city and adjusted for Operator collection efficiency as
opposed to overall collection efficiency.
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SI. Description Details


Allowable Interest / overdue charges on late payment

Exclusions Rebate if any, for early payment
Billings and collection from defaulting customers for the period
beyond the permissible period of default if disconnection of such
customers was not permitted by the Corporation or if an instruction to
continue supply has been issued by the Corporation.
5 Parameter Treated water quality at the outlet of water treatment works

Service Level 100% samples collected at the outlet of treatment plants, immediately after
the process of disinfection shall conform to the standards prescribed in the
Potable Water Specification.

Measured By For the quarter under review, percentage of number of samples tested and
conforming to water quality standards prescribed divided by the total
number of samples collected and tested as per the agreed sampling

Uncollected samples shall be deemed to be non-conforming.

Monitored By An electronic registry maintained by the Operator; the registry shall

include detailed database and summary tables to be maintained as part of
the water quality surveillance protocols agreed as part of the Agreed SIP
which will conform to applicable water quality regulations.

The water quality testing database shall include:

Time and date

Samples to be collected as per protocol, samples actually collected
Sample location
Sample number
Details of water quality tests conducted
Details of remedial actions taken in case of water quality problem
Time and date of stoppage and resumption of service level
Allowable Deterioration in raw water quality in excess of historically observed values
Exclusions documented in the SIP which cannot be treated by the water treatment

Force majeure clause.

6 Parameter Treated water quality at Customer taps

Service Level 95% samples conforming to the permissible level of residual chlorine to be
maintained, other than where the Emergency Response Plan is triggered.

Measured By Percentage of number of samples from Cu Amer taps tested and

T4ER mive Page 457 of 490
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SI. Description Details

conforming to residual chlorine levels divided by the total number of

samples from Customer taps tested for residual chlorine as per the agreed
sampling protocol.

Monitored By An electronic registry maintained by the Operator; the registry shall

include detailed database and summary tables to be maintained as part of
the water quality surveillance protocols agreed as part of the Agreed SIP.

The water quality testing database shall include:

Time and date

Sample location (Customer Identification Number)
Sample number
Details of water quality tests conducted including the results of tests.
Details of remedial actions taken in case of water quality problem
Time and date of resumption of service level
Allowable Pollution event covered by Emergency procedures

7. Service Level New house connections to be provided within [7] days of notification of
approval of new connection application by the Corporation to the Operator.

Measured by Date of provision of new connection — date of notification of approval of

new connection by the Corporation to the Operator.

Monitored by Monthly new connection report by Operator

Exclusions Connections that are beyond 30 metres from the distribution network.

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Page 458 of 490
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Schedule 12
Draft Rules and Procedures for the Functions of the Adjudicator

I. Except for providing the services required hereunder, the Adjudicator shall not give any
advice to either party or to the DBO Engineer or to the Expert Reviewer concerning
conduct of the Services. The Adjudicator:
shall have no financial interest in any party to the Agreement, or the DBO
Engineer or to the Expert Reviewer, or a financial interest in the Agreement,
except for payment for his services;
shall have had no previous employment by, or financial ties to, any party to the
Agreement, or the DBO Engineer or the Expert Reviewer, except for fee-based
consulting services on other projects, all of which must be disclosed in writing to
both parties prior to selection as Adjudicator;
shall have disclosed in writing to both parties prior to selection as Adjudicator
any and all recent or close professional or personal relationships with any
director, officer, or employee of any party to the Agreement, or the DBO
Engineer or the Expert Reviewer, and any and all prior involvement in the project
to which the Agreement relates;
shall not, while serving as Adjudicator, be employed whether as a consultant or
otherwise by either party to the Agreement, or the DBO Engineer or the Expert
Reviewer, except as a Adjudicator, without the prior consent of the parties;
shall not, while serving as Adjudicator, engage in discussion or make any
agreement with any party to the Agreement, or with the DBO Engineer or with
the Expert Reviewer, regarding employment whether as a consultant or otherwise
either after the Agreement is completed or after service as Adjudicator is
1) shall be and remain impartial and independent of the parties and shall disclose in
writing to the Corporation, the Operator, and the DBO Engineer and the Expert
Reviewer, any fact or circumstance that might be such as to cause either the
Corporation or the Operator to question the continued existence of the
impartiality and independence required of a Adjudicator; and
g) shall be fluent in English.
Except for its participation in Adjudicator's activities as provided in the Operator
Contract and in this Agreement, none of the Corporation, the Operator, or the DBO
Engineer or the Expert Reviewer shall solicit advice or consultation from the
Adjudicator on matters dealing with the conduct of the Services.
The Operator shall:
furnish to the Adjudicator a copy of all documents that he may request including
Contract documents, progress reports, variation orders, and other documents
pertinent to the performance of the Operator Contract.
in cooperation with the Corporation, coordinate the City visits of the Adjudicator,
including conference facilities, and secretarial and copying service

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Page 459 of 490

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4. The Adjudicator shall begin his activities following the signing of an Adjudicator's
Declaration of Acceptance, and he shall terminate these activities as set forth below:
The Adjudicator shall terminate his regular activities when the Agreement has
expired or been terminated in accordance with the Agreement and when the
Adjudicator has communicated to the parties and the DBO Engineer and the
Expert Reviewer his recommendations on all disputes previously referred to him.
Once the Adjudicator has terminated his regular activities as provided by the
previous paragraph, the Adjudicator shall remain available to process any dispute
referred to him by either party. In case of such a referral, the Adjudicator shall
receive payments as provided in paragraphs 7 (a) (ii). (iii), and (iv).
5. The Adjudicator shall not assign or subcontract any of his work under these rules and
procedures. However, the Adjudicator may in his/her discretion decide to seek
independent expert advice on a particular specialized issue to assist in reaching a
recommendation, and the cost of obtaining any such expert opinion(s) shall be shared
equally by the Corporation, and the Operator in accordance with the procedure
specified in paragraph 7 (d) below.
6. The Adjudicator is an independent contractor and not an employee or agent of either
the Corporation, or the Operator.
7. Payments to the Adjudicator for his services shall be governed by the following
a) The Adjudicator will receive payments as follows:
i) A retainer fee per calendar month equivalent to three times the daily fee
established from time to time for arbitrators under the Administrative and
Financial Regulations of the International Centre for Settlement of
Investment Disputes (the ICSID Arbitrator's Daily Fee), or such other
retainer as the Corporation, Employer and Operator may agree in writing.
This retainer shall be considered as payment in full for:
Being available, on seven days' notice, for site visits requested by
either party.
Being conversant with all project developments and maintaining
relevant files.
All office and overhead expenses such as secretarial services,
photocopying, and office supplies (but not including telephone calls,
faxes, and telexes) incurred in connection with the duties as an
All services performed hereunder except those performed during the
days referred to in paragraph (ii) below.
ii) A daily fee equivalent to the ICSID Arbitrator's Daily Fee or such other
daily fee as the Corporation, and Operator may agree in writing. This daily
fee shall only be payable in respect of the following days and shall be
considered as payment in full for:
Each day up to a maximum of two days of travel time in each direction
for the journey between the Adjudicator's home and the City.
Each day on site.

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Expenses. In addition to the above, all reasonable and necessary travel
expenses (including less than first-class air fare, subsistence, and other
direct travel expenses) as well as the cost of telephone calls, faxes, and
telexes incurred in connection with the duties as Adjudicator shall be
reimbursed against invoices. Receipts for all expenses in excess of [ ]
shall be provided.
Reimbursement of any taxes that may be levied in India on payments made
to the Adjudicator (other than a national or permanent resident of India)
pursuant to this paragraph 8.
Escalation. The retainer and fees shall remain fixed for the period of the
Adjudicator's term.
Phasing out of monthly retainer fee. Beginning with the next month after the
commencement of the Sustaining Period, the Adjudicator shall receive only one-
third of the monthly retainer fee. Beginning with the next month after the Parties
have terminated its regular activities pursuant to paragraph 4 (a) above, the
Adjudicator shall no longer receive any monthly retainer fee.
Payments to the Adjudicator shall be shared equally by the Corporation and the
Operator. The Operator shall pay the Adjudicator's invoices within 30 calendar
days alter receipt of such invoices and shall invoice the Corporation (through the
monthly statements to be submitted in accordance with the Agreement) for one-
half of the amounts of such invoices. The Corporation shall pay such Operator's
invoices within the time period specified in the Construction Contract for other
payments to the Operator by the Corporation.
Failure of either the Corporation or the Operator to make payment in accordance
with this Agreement shall constitute an event of default under the Agreement.
0 Notwithstanding such event of default, and without waiver of rights there from, in
the event that either the Corporation or the Operator fails to make payment in
accordance with these Rules and Procedures, the other party may pay whatever
amount may be required to finance the activities of the Adjudicator. The party
making such payments, in addition to all other rights arising from such default
shall be entitled to reimbursement of all sums paid in excess of one-half of the
amount required to finance the activities of the Adjudicator, plus all costs of
obtaining such sums.
8. Adjudicator Site Visits:
The Adjudicator shall visit the City and Facilities and meet with representatives
of the Corporation and the Operator and the Engineer at regular intervals, at times
of critical construction events, at the written request of either party, and in any
case not less than three times in any period of 12 months. The timing of site visits
shall be as agreed among the Corporation, the Operator, and the Adjudicator, but
failing agreement shall be fixed by the Adjudicator.
Site visits shall include an informal discussion of the status of the construction of
the Services, an inspection of the Services, and the review of any Requests for
Recommendation made in accordance with paragraph 10 below. Site visits shall
be attended by personnel from the Corporation, the Operator, and the Engineer.

Page 461 of 490

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c) At the conclusion of each site visit, the Adjudicator shall prepare a report
covering his activities during the visit and shall send copies to the parties and to
the Engineer.



A Design- Build Operate Contract (the Contract) for the [name of Project] project
has been signed on [fill in date] between [name of Corporation] (the
Corporation) and [name of Operator] (the Operator);
GCC Clause 1.6.1 of the Contract provides for the selection of an Adjudicator;
the undersigned has been selected to serve as the Adjudicator;
NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned Adjudicator hereby declares as follows:

I accept the selection as an Adjudicator and agree to serve in this capacity and to be
bound by the provisions of GCC Clause 1.6.1 of the Agreement and the Adjudicator's
Rules and Procedures attached at Schedule 12 of the Agreement.
With respect to paragraph 1 of said Adjudicator's Rules and Procedures, I declare
that I have no financial interest of the kind referred to in subparagraph (a);
that I have had no previous employment nor financial ties of the kind referred to
in subparagraph (b); and
that I have made to both parties any disclosures that may be required by sub-
paragraphs (b) and (c).


[print name of Adjudicator]


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Page 462 of 490 oesolig


4 2/

Operations Escrow Account Agreement


on , by and amongst:

[.], [a company incorporated in India under the Companies Act, 1956 / a banking
company registered under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949], with its registered office
at [.] (hereinafter referred to as the "Escrow Bank" which expression shall, unless it be
repugnant to the subject or context thereof, include its successors and permitted assigns)
of the FIRST PART:

[.], a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered
office at [.] (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator", which expression shall, unless it
be repugnant to the subject or context thereof; include its successors and permitted
assigns) of the SECOND PART;

The Corporation, acting through the , acting through [Name of the

Officer and his official designation], (hereinafter referred to as "Corporation", which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, mean and include
its successors and assigns) of the THIRD PART; and

The Employer, KUIDFC, acting through the , acting through [Name of

the Officer and his official designation], (hereinafter referred to as "KUIDFC", which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof; mean and include
its successors and assigns) of the FOURTH PART.

The Escrow Bank, the Operator, the Corporation and KUIDFC are hereinafter collectively
referred to as the "Parties" and individually as the "Party".


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The Corporation is a statutory body which came into being under the provisions of the
[insert name of statute] and which carries out the obligatory and discretionary functions
as prescribed in the Act.
KUIDFC is a company duly incorporated under the Companies Act 1956, having its
registered office at Nagarabhivriddi Bhavan, #22, 17th F Cross, Binnamangala,
2ndStage, Old Madras Road, Indiranagar, Near BMTC Bus Depot, Bengaluru — 560
As part of the Corporation's efforts to achieve 24x7 water supply within the Service
Area, the Kalburgi Corporation and KUIDFC have entered into a Design-Build,
Operation and Maintenance and Transfer Contract dated [.] with the Operator and other
parties (the "Operator Contract") to undertake the Project, which includes amongst
other things:
the operation and maintenance of existing facilities and certain new assets; and
the implementation of an investment programme on behalf of the Corporation
(the "Project").
As consideration for undertaking the Project, the Operator shall be paid, amongst
other things, O&M Fee by the Corporation and KUIDFC pursuant to the provisions
ofparagraph 3 of Schedule 6 of the Operator Contract.
Under the terms of the Operator Contract, it has been stipulated that an account which
the Operator shall open and maintain with a bank in which all inflows and outflows of
all revenue receipts and payment to Operator and other approved withdrawals shall be
credited and debited, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of this
Agreement, and includes the sub-accounts of such Escrow Account;
0 The Operator is a company which has / have committed that it has / they have, or will
acquire and make available, the necessary financial and technical resources and the
technical and industrial competence and experience necessary for proper discharge
and / or performance of all obligations required to be performed under the Operator
This Agreement sets forth the detailed mandates, terms and conditions and operating
procedures for such operations escrow account.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises contained herein, the Parties hereto
agree as follows:

1. Definitions
1.1 For the purposes of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, capitalized
terms shall have the meaning set forth
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"Beneficial Parties" means collectively the Operator, Corporation and KUIDFC, and
"Beneficial Party" refers individually to each of them;

"Business day" means any day of the week (excluding [Saturdays], Sundays and public
holidays) on which banks in are generally open for business;

"Dispute" shall mean any dispute, difference, question or controversy between the
Parties arising out of, in connection with or in relation to this Agreement.

"Instructions" means, during the DB Period, instructions issued by KUIDFC and

during the Sustaining Period means, instructions issued by the Corporation.

"Month" shall mean a calendar month.

"Responsible Party" shall mean, during the DB Period, the KUIDFC, and during the
Sustaining Period, the Corporation.

Other capitalized terms used herein (and not defined herein) but defined under the Operator
Contractshall have the meaning ascribed to the term under the Operator Contract.

2. Establishment of Operations Escrow Account and Declaration of Trust

2.1. Appointment
The Corporation, KUIDFC and the Operator appoint the Escrow Bank to serve as the
escrow agent bank the purposes of this Agreement and, subject to the terms of this
Agreement, the Escrow Bank hereby accepts this appointment.

2.2. Establishment of the Account

The Corporation, KUIDFC and the Escrow Bank confirm that the Escrow Bank has
been established, in the name of at the Escrow Bank's branch, an
account titled the "Kalburgi24x7 Escrow Account".

2.3. Declaration of Trust

The Corporation and/or KUIDFC hereby settle in trust with the Escrow Bank a sum of
Rs 100/- (Rupees llundred) for the benefit or the Beneficial Parties. The Corporation
and KUIDFC further declare that all the legal right, title and interest in and to the
Escrow Account, including any document of title in relation thereto made from the
Escrow Account shall be vested in the Escrow Bank and held for the benefit of the
Beneficial Parties in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and their respective
interests are provided for herein. The Escrow Bank hereby accepts the above-
mentioned amount of Rs. 100 in the trust hereby declared upon the terms and
conditions set forth in this Agreement and acknowledges that any amounts deposited
in the Escrow Account from time to time shall be held in trust for the benefit of the
Beneficial Parties in accordance with the terms and condif s of this • reement. No

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Entity other than the Beneficial Parties shall have any rights hereunder as the
beneficiaries of or as third party 'beneficiaries under this Agreement.

2.4. General Right or Withdrawal

The Escrow Bank shall not make any transfer or withdrawal other than in accordance
with this Agreement, unless the Escrow Bank has received the prior written
Instructions of the Beneficial Parties authorizing such use.

3. Deposits into and Withdrawals from the Escrow Account

3.1. The Operator shall deposit all the revenues that it receives from Customer Charges,
provided that Water Charges and other non-water supply related charges, if any,
collected by the Operator from Customers along with the water bill shall upon being
deposited in the Escrow Account be transferred by the Escrow Bank to a separate
account as may be notified by the Corporation for this purpose and not be considered as
being available towards payment of the O&M Fee.
3.2. The Corporation and KUIDFC shall, at the time of opening the Escrow Account, give
irrevocable instructions, under the Escrow Agreement, to the Escrow Bank instructing,
inter alia, that deposits in the Escrow Account shall be appropriated in the following
order based on the receipt of relevant demand or Instructions:
the amount of Fixed Fee (after tax deduction at source) that has been duly
validated by the KUIDFC or Corporation in accordance with paragraph 3 of
Schedule 6 of the Operator Contract and if the Escrow Bank does not receive
such Instructions within 30 days of the Operator invoice, the Fixed Price as
validated by the DBO Engineer.
The amount of Performance Fee (after tax deduction at source) that has been duly
validated by the KUIDFC or Corporation in accordance with paragraph 3 of
Schedule 6 of the Operator Contract and if the Escrow Bank does not receive
such Instructions within 30 days of the Operator invoice, the Performance Fee as
validated by the DBO Engineer.
The 0 & M Fee shall be disbursed into the account notified by the Operator in
The tax deducted at source to be paid into the respective statutory account.

3.3. Within 15 (fifteen) days of the opening of the Escrow Account, the KUIDFC shall
transfer to the Escrow Account an amount equivalent to [three] months of the
[estimated 0 & M Fee, including both the Fixed and Performance Price] as the
"Reserve Fund". The Reserve Fund shall be maintained until the expiry of the
Operator Contract by the respective Responsible Party.
a) the amounts lying to the credit of the Reserve Fund shall, during the Term, be
duly enhanced / adjusted every month to ensure the payments due to the Operator
on the same principle of three months requirement in accordance with this
age 4 of 490

Agreement. In case the fund is utilized for meeting the payment obligations, the
same shall be replenished by the Responsible Party, within a maximum period of
15 (fifteen) days from intimation of such shortfall by the Escrow Bank / Operator;
b) all remaining amounts (after making the payment for the 0 & M Fees, remittance
of tax deducted at source and maintaining the Reserve Fund) shall be transferred
into an account of the Water Utility SPY, the details of which would be provided
by KUIDFC to the Escrow Bank.
3.4. Shortfall
In the event that the monthly collection amounts in any calendar month are less than
the aggregate of the amounts required to be paid to the Operator for such calendar
month in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Schedule 6 of the Operator
Contract , the Escrow Bank shall give a notice of the same to the Responsible Party,
with a copy to the Operator (the "Shortfall Notice"), and to the KUIDFC /
Corporation, as the case may be. Upon receipt of such Shortfall Notice, the
Responsible Party shall deposit in the Escrow Account the shortfall amount set forth
in the Shortfall (the "Shortfall Funds") promptly and in any event no later than thirty
(30) days from when such monies would first fall due to the Operator in accordance
with the provisions of paragraph 3 of the Schedule 6 of the Operator Contract

3.5. In the event, the Responsible Party fails to deposit the Shortfall Funds into the Escrow
Account within the time period specified in 3.3 above, the Escrow Bank shall transfer
the amounts from the amounts held as the Reserve Fund in the Escrow Account for the
purposes of making the payment. In the event that the Responsible Party fails to deposit
such Shortfall Funds or replenish the Escrow Account to maintain the Reserve Fund in
accordance with this clause, such failure of the Responsible Party shall constitute a
breach of the Notice to Correct as per GCC Clause 11.2.3 .
4. Escrow Bank Provisions
4.1. Escrow Bank and the Beneficial parties
The Beneficial Parties hereby appoint the Escrow Bank for benefit of the
Beneficial Parties in connection herewith, and authorize the Escrow Bank to
exercise such rights, powers, authorities and discretions as are specifically
delegated to the Escrow Bank by the terms hereof together with all such rights,
powers, authorities and discretions as are reasonably incidental hereto, and the
Escrow Bank accepts such appointment pursuant to the terms hereof
Each of the Responsible Parties hereby agrees to pay to the Escrow Bank, fees of
Rs. [ ] per [ ] consideration for acting as the Escrow Bank hereunder in respect of
the relevant period.
4.2. Obligation of the Escrow Bank
The Escrow Bank:

Page 467 of 490 0111.11°

undertakes to perform only such duties as are specifically set forth to be
performed in this Agreement. in accordance with the terms and conditions
contained herein, and further undertakes to act in good faith and without
may, in the absence of bad faith or gross negligence on its part. rely as to any
matters of fact which might reasonably be expected to be within the knowledge of
the Operator upon a certificate signed by or on behalf of the Operator;
may, in the absence of bad faith or gross negligence on its part, rely upon the
authenticity of any communication or documents believed by it to be authentic;
shall, within five (5) business days after receipt, deliver a copy to the Responsible
Party of any notice or document received by the Escrow Bank (in its capacity as
the Escrow Bank) from the Operator or any other entity; and
Shall, within five (5) business days after receipt, deliver a copy to the Operator of
any notice or document received by the Escrow Bank (in its capacity as the
Escrow Bank) from the Corporation or KUIDFC or any entity in connection
5. Term and Termination
5.1. This Agreement shall, unless terminated earlier by the mutual consent of the Parties or
otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this Clause by written notice from the
Beneficial Parties to the Escrow Bank, remain in full force and effect for the duration of
the Operator Contract.
5.2. The Responsible Parties may, after consultation with the Operator, at any time remove
the Escrow Bank, with or without cause, and appoint a successor Escrow Bank by
written notice of such action to the Operator, the Escrow Bank and the successor
Escrow Bank, Provided however that the Responsible Parties shall not be required to
consult with the Operator (as required above) if termination of the Operator Contract
has occurred in accordance with the terms contained therein.
5.3. If, at any time, the Escrow Bank or any of its associates, shall become a Beneficial
Party and after such time there is an Event of Default, the Escrow Bank shall resign as
Escrow Bank immediately upon the occurrence of such Event or Default, if in the sole
judgment of the other Beneficial Parties (which, for this purpose, shall not include the
Escrow Bank), there shall be, or be reasonably likely that there will arise, any conflict
in or impediment to the Escrow Bank's performance as Escrow Bank under this
5.4. The Escrow Bank shall be entitled to terminate its services under this Agreement if the
Operator, the Corporation or KUIDFC fails to comply with any of its material
obligations owed to the Escrow Bank under this Agreement and fails to remedy the
failure within sixty (60) days after receipt of notice thereof from the Escrow Bank in
relation thereof provided however that the Responsible Parties have arranged for the

8 of 490

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appointment of a successor Escrow Bank and arrangements are made for the transfer of
amounts deposited in the Escrow Account (including any sub-accounts thereof) to new
accounts established with successor Escrow Bank.
5.5. Successor Escrow Bank
Any successor Escrow Bank appointed as provided in accordance with this
Clause shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to, and for the benefit of, the
Beneficial Parties and to its predecessor Escrow Bank an instrument accepting
such appointment, and thereupon the resignation or removal of the predecessor
Escrow Bank shall become effective and such successor Escrow Bank, without
any further act, deed or conveyance, shall become vested with all the rights,
powers, duties and obligations of its predecessor hereunder, as if it was originally
named as Escrow Bank;
provided that on the written request of the Beneficial Parties or of the successor
Escrow Bank, the Escrow Bank ceasing to act shall take such steps or actions as
are required of it by the Beneficial Parties. Including without limitation the
execution and delivery of an instrument or instruments transferring and assigning
to such successor Escrow Bank (without obligation to indemnify such successor)
all the rights and powers of the Escrow Bank so ceasing to act, delivery to the
Beneficial Parties all documents, instruments, etc. relating to its obligations under
this Agreement.
Upon the reasonable request of any such successor Escrow Bank, the Beneficial
Parties shall execute any and all instruments in writing in order more fully and
certainly to vest in and confer to such successor Escrow Bank all such rights and
5.6. Any corporation into which the Escrow Bank may be merged or converted or with
which it may be consolidated or any corporation resulting from any merger, conversion
or consolidation to which the Escrow Bank shall be a party, or any corporation
succeeding to the corporate Escrow Bank's rights or business or either, shall, subject to
approval of the Responsible Parties, be the successor of the Escrow Bank with all
rights, benefits, obligations and duties as were originally available and provided for to
the transferor Escrow Bank in relation to the merger, conversion or consolidation
proceedings or process.
5.7. Books and records
5.7.1.The Escrow Bank shall be responsible for maintaining a correct and complete
record of all transactions, deposits, withdrawals or transfer of funds relating to the
Escrow Account (and all sub-accounts thereof).
5.7.2. The Responsible Parties shall have unrestricted access to review such books and
records of the Escrow Bank in relation to the Escrow Account subject to
restrictions in law. The Operator irr)
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access to review the books and records of the Escrow Account and irrevocably
waives any right of confidentiality, which may exist in respect or such books and
5.8. Statement of Authorized Investments
Upon the request of the Operator, Corporation or KUIDFC and in any event, not later
than five (5) Business Days after the end of any calendar month, the Escrow Bank
shall deliver to the Beneficial Parties a schedule of investments acquired or disposed
of during that Month in such detail as may be reasonably required.

5.9. Confidentiality
The Escrow Bank agrees to keep all information ("Information") (including the terms
and conditions of this Agreement and the Operator Contract) made available (whether
before or after the date of this Agreement) by any of the Parties to the Escrow Bank
concerning the Operator confidential, and hereby undertakes and covenants not to
communicate any Information, or allow any Information to be communicated to any
third party unless:

in connection with any proceedings arising out of or in connection with this

Agreement to the extent that such party may consider it necessary to protect its
interest or the interests of the Escrow Bank;
required to do so by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction whether or not
ill pursuance of any procedure for discovering documents; or
pursuant to any Applicable Laws in accordance with which such party is required
to act;
to its auditors for the purposes of enabling the auditors to complete an audit of the
Escrow Bank or to its legal advisers when seeking bona fide legal advice in
connection with this Agreement;
in circumstances where the relevant Information has been published or announced
by the Operator and / or any other Beneficial Party in conditions free from
confidentiality or has otherwise entered the public domain without default on the
part of the relevant Party; or
0 the Information was obtained by such Escrow Bank from an independent or third
party source who was not in breach of any confidentiality obligations with the
Beneficial Parties.
5.10. Not Acting in Individual Capacity
In accepting the trusts hereby created, the Escrow Bank acts solely in its capacity as
an Escrow Bank and not in its individual capacity and all Entities having any claim
against the Escrow Bank by reason of the transactions contemplated by the Operator
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Contract shall look only to the Operator for payment or satisfaction therecA save and
except as provided in this Agreement, other than as a result of its willful misconduct
or gross negligence.

5.11. Indemnity
The Corporation shall indemnify the Escrow Bank for any and all liabilities,
obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, costs, expenses,
claims or disbursements or any kind or nature whatsoever which may be imposed
upon, incurred by or asserted against the Escrow Bank in any way in connection with
or arising out of the negotiation, preservation or enforcement of any rights under, or in
carrying out its duties under this Agreement (other than those incurred on account of
gross negligence or willful default on the part of the Escrow Bank).

Representation and warranties of the Escrow bank and the Operator

Each of the Escrow Bank, the Corporation, KUIDFC and the Operator represent and
warrant that it is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of India with power
to enter into this Agreement and to exercise its rights and perform its obligations
hereunder and has taken all corporate and other actions required for the execution of
this Agreement and the performance of its obligations hereunder. The Escrow Bank
represents and warrants that it shall hold all funds in the Escrow Account in trust for the
benefit of the Beneficial Parties in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement
and further represents and warrants that it has obtained all approvals, permits and other
clearances required for the execution of this Agreement and the performance of its
obligations hereunder.

7.1. Restriction on Assignment
Save as provided in Clause 5.2 of this Agreement, the Operator and the Escrow Bank,
shall not assign or transfer any part or their respective rights or obligations under this
Agreement without the prior consent of the Responsible Parties. It is expressly agreed
between the Parties that nothing in this Clause shall prevent the Responsible Parties
from assigning, novating or transferring the rights, benefits and obligations of the
Corporation or KUIDFC under this Agreement to any entity.

7.2. Notices
7.2.I.A11 notices shall be sent to a Party hereto at its address and contact number
specified in Schedule A appended hereto, or at such other address and contact
number as in designated by such Party in a written notice to the other Parties
7.2.2.All such notices and communications shall be effective (i) if sent by telex, when
sent (with the correct answerback), (ii) if sent by telecopier, when sent (on receipt
of a confirmation to the correct telecopier number), (jk sent on, when

delivered, (iv) if sent by courier, (a) one business day after deposit with an
overnight courier if for inland delivery and (b) five business days after deposit
with an international courier if for overseas delivery and (c) if sent by registered
letter when the registered letter would, in the ordinary course of post, be delivered
whether actually delivered or not.
7.2.3.An original of each notice and communication sent by telex or telecopy shall be
dispatched by person, overnight courier (if for inland delivery) or international
courier (if for overseas delivery) and, if such person or courier service is not
available; by registered airmail (or. if for inland delivery, registered first class
mail) with postage prepaid, provided that the effective date of any such notice
shall be determined in accordance with Clause 7.2.2, as the case may he, without
regard to the dispatch of such original.
7.3 No Waivers, Remedies

No failure on the part of any Party to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right,
power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof or a consent thereto;
nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or privilege preclude
any other of further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or
privilege. The remedies herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any
remedies provided by Applicable Law.

7.4 Severability

Any provision of this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in any

jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of prohibition or
unenforceability but that shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of this
Agreement or a affect such provision in any other jurisdiction.

7.5 Amendments or Waiver

No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement, nor consent to any

departure by any of the Parties there from, shall in any event be effective unless the
same shall be in writing and signed by the Parties hereto and then such waiver or
consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for
which given.

7.6 Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of

7.7 Dispute Settlement

7.7.1. Any dispute, difference or claim arising out of or in connection with this
Agreement, which is not resolved amicably, shall be decided fin reference

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to arbitration to a Board of Arbitrators comprising three nominees, being one
nominee of the Responsible Parties and one nominee of the Operator to the
dispute, and the third member being elected by the two nominees. Such
arbitration shall be held in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the
International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, New Delhi (the "Rules")
or such other rules as may be mutually agreed by the Parties, and shall be subject
to the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended from
time to time and current as on the Effective Date.
7.7.2. The Arbitrators shall issue a reasoned award and such award shall be final and
binding on the Parties. The venue of arbitration shall be Bengaluru and the
language of arbitration shall be English.
7.7.3. This Article 7.7 shall survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
7.8 Regulatory Approvals

The Operator shall supply and shall thereafter maintain and comply with all
regulatory approvals required for it to establish and operate the Escrow Account.

7.9 Additional Rights

Any rights conferred on the Parties pursuant to this Agreement shall be in addition to
and not in substitution for or in derogation of any other rights and remedies which the
Parties may at any time have under the Operator Contractor otherwise.



SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the OPERATOR by the hand of its

authorized official.

SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the ESCROW BANK by the hand of its

authorized official.


its authorized official.

SIGNED AND DELIVERED by KUTDFC by t hand of its authorized official.

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Threshold for Assessing Change of Scope
Threshold for Assessing Change of Scope for Design-Build Works
1. The prices applicable for Design-Build Works would be subjected to adjustment on a
mutually agreed basis in the following events.
1.1. Increase or decrease in bill of quantities executed in excess of [+/- 25%] twenty-
five percent to the the Agreement
1.2. New works which are not included in the Agreement and approved by DBO
Engineer and Employer as a variation or Change of Scope Order

Threshold for assessing Change of Scope for O&M Fee

As per agreed Definition of i

TIP or SDIP material
Parameter To be filled after change from Likely impact
IIP and SDIP the agreed
are approved SDIP

House Connections Change in costs related to

(Nos.) +/- 15% billing and collection,
customer service centre's

Production Volume +/- 10% Consumables

Pipe length +/- 15% Maintenance expenditure

Any change in any particular year beyond the materially threshold mentioned above shall
constitute a change in scope, provided the DBO Engineer determines that such change is not
temporary and is unlikely to be reversed in the immediate future.

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Page 474 of 490
Existing Staff

15.1 The list of the existing Staff skilled /unskilled (Corporation's own and outsorced) who
are responsible for the Operation and Maintenance of the Water supply system in
Kalburgi City Corporation is available in the Data Room. The Bidders are requested to
go through the same.:
15.2The existing technical staff such as Assistant Executive Engineer or Assistant Engineer
and others would be transferred and posted to other ULBs or other KUWS&DB offices
in the State. The Operator will make his own arrangements for recruitment of technical
personnel as per his requirement given in Operator Key Staff and other Operator staff
and be responsible for the payment of remuneration etc. for the recruited personnel.
15.3However, If the Operator wishes the services of any of the existing technical stag it may
make a request to the Employer who will consider the request and if the concerned staff
is willing to work with the Operator, the concerned staff could be retained. In such a case
the Operator shall have to negotiate the terms and conditions of appointment and bear the
full negotiated remuneration and perks
15.4 It will be obligatory on the part of the Operator to utilize all the remaining skilled and
unskilled staff (whether Corporation's own or outsourced) for a minimum period of two
(2) years from the Effective Date. The total costs of remuneration and allowances if any
of such skilled and unskilled staff shall be reimbursed by the Corporation/KUIDFC to the
Operator during the initial 2 years from the Effective Date
15.5The Operator may conduct its own assessment duly interviewing and obtain willingness
of those skilled and unskilled staff who are willing to work with Operator on its terms
and conditions and prepare a list of those existing staff, whom it wants to retain and
make payment on Operator rolls. After apprval by the Employer or Corporation and
subject to willingness by the concerned stag the Operator will be free to hire the
services of those staff willing to migrate to Operator rolls and the Operator shall make
payment for those and utilize their services at the rates, terms and conditions mutually
agreed between the the Staff and the Operator.
15.6The balance existing skilled and unskilled staff who are not willing to migrate to
Operator rolls, will be to the extent possible redeployed in the Corporation if such
possibility exists or accommodated in other ULBs. The remaining employees (other than
already migrated to Operator rolls and redeployed in Corporation or other ULBs) will be
provided with an option to continue to work with the Operator or Corporation as the case
may be. Their wages shall continue to be paid by the Corporation as per existing service
conditions. As and when they retire or choose to go back to the Corporation or other
places, the Employer either the Corporation or the Board as the case may be shall not fill
the vacancies. The Operator will be free to make appointments on the terms and
conditions as may be determined by the Operator.
15.7 It is expressly understood between the Parties that the Operator's Employees including
its Sub-Contractors and their employees shall not have any employment relationship with


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the Employer and that the Operator's performance under this Contract does not entitle
such Operator's Employees to claim employment or continuation of employment with
the Corporation at any time before or after the Expiry Date. The Operator shall at all
times assume full legal and social responsibility towards the Operator's Employees as
employer and shall not by its acts or omission provide any direct or indirect indication to
the employees regarding their employment or chances of employment directly with the
15.8 If there is any disobedience/unlawful activities by the Corpooration or Board own or
outsourced employees, such of the employees shll be returned to the respective employer
by the Operator with a intimation and substantiation.
15.9The Operator shall remit the necessary ESI/PF/Pesion contribution fee/statutory fees to
the respective departments to the eligible employees. This will be reimbursed by
15.10 The Operator shall provide necessary clothing and safety equipment to the
Corporation's employees/outsourced employees at its cost on yearly basis.
15.11 The Corporation/KUIDFC shall reimburse the expenditure/cost incurred on account
of Corporation's employees/outsourced by Corporation from Annual Maintenance Fund
till the end date regulating within 30 days of operator submits the bill.
15.12 The Operator shall recover such costs/advances due to Corporation from the
Corporation's employee till it is agreed by Corporation on a monthly basis and no due
certificate certificate shall be issued by operator.
15.13 If any other acts/deeds by Operator or Corporation's employees or outsourced
employees are determintal to the efficient/successful operation action shall be taken by
Owner/Corporation with the notice to operator as per the Laws of the Land.

Schedule 16

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Role of Expert Reviewer (ER)

1. Role of the Expert Reviewer

1.1 The transition from intermittent to continuous water supply in a cost effective and time
bound manner requires a deep understanding of international and national good
practices for the various capital and operating solutions that need to be deployed to
deliver the required improvements in service. It requires making decisions using the
best available information at the time, identifying risks, and determining the most
appropriate mitigation measures. It requires a strategy that will adapt over time as new
information is obtained — whether from better data, or results from works/activities
being implemented.
1.2 The role of the Expert Reviewer (ER) is to provide independent expert review services
to all the Parties under the Operations Agreement during the Design-Build Period in
relation to the approved TIP and SDIP and Initial Takeover Plans and the environmental
management plan (EMP).
1.3 The ER will review the draft TIP, SDIP including EMP and provide a professional
assessment of their reasonableness in terms of meeting the Contract objectives. The
assessments would cover all aspects of the draft IIP, SDIP and EMP in terms of overall
strategy, timing, evaluation of options, prioritization of interventions, the costs, O&M
Plans, utility building activities, risks and mitigation measures, and the procurement
plans. The assessment will include advice on how the plan could be improved and what
actions could be taken to further mitigate risks, if any.
1.4 In preparing the assessment the ER will work collaboratively with the Operator and the
Employer to help all parties converge to agreed IIP and SDIP.

Schedule 17

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Utility Systems

1. Integrated Management Information System

1.1. The Operator, shall undertake conceptual design of a comprehensive integrated
management information system (IMIS) in respect of all matters including but not
limited to:
Customer Service Centres at a minimum of one per every 20000 customer
connections to be located in the designated land provided by the Corporation
Geographical Information System (GIS) comprising of all infrastructure assets
from source to Customer connection point;
Water resource monitoring, water quality surveillance
Continuous data logging of water quality, flow and pressure
Consumption of energy, chemicals and other consumables
(0 The billing and collection systems;
Customer services, including data bases relating to complaints and questions,
response times and resolution;
Financial management, including accounting systems; h) Computerized
Maintenance Management System;
Asset registers from the perspective of maintaining a prudent GIS based or
computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) linked to financial and
inventory systems;
Stores and Inventory Management;
Human resources management system;
(1) Operational performance information and monitoring systems; and
(m)Procurement processes including third-party utility systems contracts.
2. An indicative requirement is proposed in Annex 2 of the Report on Outline Specifications
for Utility Systems, Procedures and Equipment available in the Data Room. The Operator
shall review the proposals and suggest any additions or deletions and develop a detailed
program of implementation through third party service providers including identifying the
external resources required, procurement plan and timelines for implementation during
the Design-Build Period.
3. Procurement of Utility Systems
3.1. The Operator shall ensure that all tools, equipment and systems required for setting
up Utility Systems will be procured and contracted by the Operator as contract
manager from third party Utility Systems Suppliers in accordance with the World
Bank Procurement Guidelines and the approved SDIP during Design-Build Period
and Sustaining Period. For the avoidance of doubt, the Operator, shareholders of the
Operator and Related Parties of the Operator shall not be eligible to bid for the Utility
Systems Supply Contracts. The term Related Parties shall for the purposes this clause
have the meaning assigned to this term in the definition of the Companies Act 2013.
3.2. The Operator shall ensure and cause its third party Utility Systems Suppliers to
ensure that all materials and workmanship used in the course of the Agreement will
be in accordance with the relevant standards of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
and, in the absence of which, the relevant standards of the International Standards
Organisation (ISO) or the relevant standards to be used as per the Agreed SDIP.

Page 478 49



s ors

3.3. The Operator shall not be relieved from any liability or obligation under this
Agreement by entering into the Utility Systems Supply Contracts other than as
specified in this Agreement and the Operator shall continue to be responsible for the
negligent acts, omissions or defaults of any Utility Systems Supplier as fully as if
they were the negligent acts, omissions or defaults of the Operator, its officers,
employees or agents.
3.4. In the event that the Operator has had to terminate any Utility Systems Supply
Contract early for cause and after following due process, the Employer or
Corporation may direct the Operator to appoint another contractor(s) following due
process to complete the said Utility Systems Supply Contract; or the Employer or
Corporation at its discretion may ask the Operator to carry out such works or utility
building. If the Operator undertakes to complete the Utility Building, then it shall do
so at the same rates for which the work had been contracted under the Utility
Systems Supply Contract.
3.5. In the event that prices received from bidders for a Utility Systems Supply Contract
exceeds the estimated cost for such contract specified in the agreed SDIP then the
Operator will notify the DBO Engineer, with a copy to Employer and the
Corporation. The DBO Engineer will discuss the options available to the Operator
and make a recommendation to the Employer or Corporation whether the bid price
seems reasonable within 07 business days of receipt of the notification from the
Operator. The Employer or Corporation will then respond with directions to the
Operator on how to proceed within 10 business days of receipt of the DBO
Engineer's report. In the event that there is a delay by Employer and the Corporation
in notifying the Operator under this clause and such delay is reasonably likely to
affect the performance milestones set out in Schedule 11 then the Operator shall be
entitled to an extension of time in achieving such milestones.
4. Third Party Contracts Special Account in respect of Utility Systems Supply Contracts
4.1. The Operator shall establish the Third-Party Contracts Special Account with a
scheduled bank within 10 days of approval of the SDIP and shall maintain the
account until the End Date. Upon the date of opening the Third Party Contract
Special Account, the Operator will deliver an Advance Payment Security/bank
guarantee in favour of Employer as security against amounts received from the
Employer in the amount of Rs 8 crore, substantially in the form attached at Schedule
9 from one of the nationalized/scheduled commercial banks located in India, and
maintain such advance payment security until the Sustaining Period Commencement
Date. From the Sustaining Period Commencement Date until the End Date, the
Operator shall deliver and maintain such an advance payment security in favour of
the Corporation as security against amounts received from the Corporation in an
amount of Rs.2crore.
4.2. Disbursements from the Third-Party Contracts Special Account
Payments to Utility Systems Suppliers shall be eligible disbursements from the Third-
Party Contracts Special Account during the Design-Build Period and during the
Sustaining Period, payments to third party contractors and suppliers for eligible
payments from the Annual Capital Maintenance Fund.
The Operator will certify for payment, invoices of:

Page 9 rapkek)

ISSION 01000, reg
WIRP.GIT,r,11,9 04P.(it.P• 0 owl
during the Design-Build Period, Utility Systems Suppliers, and forward a copy
of such certified invoice to the Employer or Corporation, and the DBO
Engineer; and
during the Sustaining Period, eligible third-party contractors or suppliers, and
forward a copy of such certified invoice to the Employer or Corporation and
the DBO Engineer.
The DBO Engineer will review the invoices and within 15 days of receipt of the
invoice recommend to the Employer or Corporation the amount of the invoice which
it deems reasonable. Within seven (7) business days of receipt of invoices duly
recommended by the DBO Engineer, the Employer or Corporation, on acceptance of
DBO Engineer's recommendation, shall communicate approval to the Operator to pay
the certified amount from the Third-Party Contracts Special Account. If the DBO
Engineer certifies partial payment, the DBO Engineer shall provide a written
explanation to the Employer, Corporation and the Operator.
On recommendation by the DBO Engineer for payment or partial payment (stating
reasons for disputed claim) and approval by the Employer or Corporation, the
Operator shall make payment as per the instruction on the due date of payment.
If on expiry of date on which such amount falls due or thirty days from receipt of
certified invoice, whichever is later, the Operator has not received any instruction to
pay, 60% of the invoiced amount certified by the Operator shall be deemed as the
undisputed amount and shall be payable immediately to the third party contractor or
supplier by the Operator from the Third Party Contracts Special Account. The
Employer or Corporation shall, within 45 days from the date of receipt of the certified
invoice from the Operator, approve the balance payment of 40%.
4.3. Any diversion of funds from the Third-Party Contracts Special Account to purposes
other than to Utility Systems, as determined by the Employer and given in writing
shall be promptly refunded and re-deposited into the Third Party Contracts Special
Account by the Operator. This does not preclude the Employer or Corporation from
taking other actions including termination of the Agreement if required.
4.4. The Operator shall make timely payments to the third parties under the third party
contracts and any undue delays due the act or omission of the Operator shall be its
sole responsibility and it shall not be entitled to seek reimbursement or payment for
any extra liability for late payment so caused under the third party contracts from the
Employer or the Corporation.
5. Deposits into the Third-Party Contracts Special Account during the Design-Build Period
A fixed advance in the amount of Rs 8 crore shall be provided by the Employer,
against the advance payment security and this advance shall be maintained until the
end of the Design-Build Period.
During the Design-Build Period, on the first day of every month, or such more
frequent period as the Parties may agree, the Operator will submit to the Employer
and the Corporation, the anticipated payments to third party Utility Systems Suppliers
for that month.
The DBO Engineer shall review the forecast for the present month and disbursements
from previous months and issue a confirmation to the Employer and the Corporation
(with a copy to the Operator) that:
Page 480 of 490
the forecast is a reasonable estimate of disbursements to be paid out under the
Utility Systems Supply Contracts during that month; and
disbursements in previous months (duly supported by relevant bank
statements) have been made in accordance with invoices as certified as
reasonable by the DBO Engineer.
(d) If the available funds in the Third-Party Special Account are less than the actual bills
payable, the Operator will issue a notice of shortfall funds to the Employer and the
Corporation, along with the original bills certified by the DBO Engineer. Within
fifteen business days of receipt of such shortfall notice, the Employer shall deposit in
the Third-Party Contracts Special Account the shortfall amount.
6. Deposits into the Third-Party Contracts Special Account during the Sustaining Period
Subject to confirmation by the DBO Engineer in accordance with clause (c) below,
during the Sustaining Period, on the first day of every six-month period, the
Corporation shall pay Rs 1 crore into the Third-Party Contracts Special Account.
From 6 months following the Sustaining Period Commencement Date the Operator
will submit to the Corporation payments to third party Utility System Suppliers and
service providers for the previous 6 months.
The DBO Engineer shall review the disbursements from previous months and issue a
confirmation to the Corporation (with a copy to the Operator) that disbursements have
been made in accordance with invoices as certified as reasonable by the DBO
In accordance with Paragraph 6.3 of Schedule 2the Operator shall pay into the Third-
Party Contracts Special Account any connection fees and other connection charges
collected for sanctioned new connections.
Pro rata charges collected for network expansions beyond 100 metres, not covered
under Annual Capital Maintenance Fund, shall be deposited into the Third-Party
Contracts Special Account.
In accordance with Paragraph 6.3 of Schedule 2 the Operator shall pay into the Third-
Party Contracts Special Account any pro rata charges collected for sanctioned
network expansions beyond 100 metres.
7. Delayed payments
If the Employer (during the Design-Build Period) or the Corporation (during the
Sustaining Period) unreasonably delays the payment of shortfall amounts due under
this clause 6 for a period in excess of 15 business days from the date on which such
amount falls due, the Employer or the Corporation, as appropriate, shall be liable to
pay interest on the said amount for each day of delay at the latest base rate of State
Bank of India, calculated weekly.
The interest on delayed payments shall be deposited into the Third Party Contracts
Special Account on submission of proof of payment of interest, due by the Operator,
to the relevant third party contractor.
8. Interest on the Third-Party Contracts Special Account
(a) Any interest accruing to the Third-Party Contracts Special Account shall remain in the
Third Party Contracts Special Account and can only be used towards disbursements
under third party contracts. Such interest cannot be repatriated by the Operator and on
the End Date, all such unadjusted interest Id be payable to the Corporatio

Page 0 490 aka ItS

C .1.3143
9. Return of balance of Third-Party Contracts Special Account on End Date
(a) After a final reconciliation of payments received and payments due, any balance
outstanding on the Third-Party Contracts Special Account on the End Date shall be returned
by the Operator to the Corporation on such date.

Schedule 18

Inventory of Borewells/Openwells fitted

L with
po 9 pumps and Bore wells fitted with hand

Pag 82 f 490 ci*kkr)

0040 :.";-:661

Survey was undertaken from 28-12-2018 to 5-1-2019 to find out the total number of
boreholes/open wells fitted with power pumps and hand pumps. The findinings of the survey
are as follows:

Survey reveals that the existing borewells in the city is catering to the water demands of.
households approximately. The survey team found:

Total number of borewells — 1541

Number of borewells functional - 1109;
Number of borewells with power pumps functional - 1066;
Number of borewells with hand pumps functional - 43;
Number of borewells with power pumps non-functional - 142
Number of open wells — 22
Number of open wells with power pumps functional —4
Number of open wells with power pumps non-functional — 18

The complete survey report with all details is aviable in the Data room.

Other Contract Forms

Page 483 of 490 ono
fit lore
1 WW1Sae
Demand Guarantee

Ota 'including
t• Additional Performance Security for unbalanced bids]
Page 484 490
0 0.4(11-

10014441 $6:11(445-


[Guarantor letterhead or SWIFT identifier code]

[Bank's Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office]

Beneficiary: [Name and Address of Employer]

Date: [Insert date of issue]

PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE NO.: [Insert guarantee reference number]

We have been informed that [name and address of Operator's] (hereinafter called "the Operator")
has entered into Contract No. [reference number of the contract] dated with the
Beneficiary, for execution ofthe contract to Design, build; operate and maintain and transfer bulk
supply, distribution systems of the existing water supply system in Kalaburgi city of Karnataka State,
India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply
(hereinafter called "the Contract").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performance

guarantee is required.

At the request of the Operator, we [name of Bongos Guarantor,hereby irrevocably undertake to pay
the Beneficiary any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of (_ )(amount in figures] (
E[amount in words], such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which
the Contract Price is payable,upon receipt by us of the Beneficiary's complying demand supported
by the Beneficiary's statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed document
accompanying or identifying the demand, stating that the Operator is in breach of its obligations

28 In the case of a JV, insert the name of the Joint Venture.

The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the percentage of the Accepted Contract Amount
specified in the Letter of Acceptance, less provisional sums, if any,plus additional performance security for
unbalanced bids if any, and denominated either in the currency(cies) of the Contract or a freely c rtible
currency acceptable to the Beneficiary.

Page as of 49 Liptak
PLIZIPikPO is.4 P1/4% Nik 9
under the Contract, without the Beneficiary needing to prove or to show grounds for your demand
or the sum specified therein.

This guarantee shall expire no later than .... Day of , 2 2.Consequently, any demand for payment
under this guarantee must be received by us at this office indicated above on or before that date.

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 Revision, ICC
Publication No. 758, except that the supporting statement under Article 15(a) is hereby excluded.

tsignature(s)and seal of the guarantor]

Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted
from the final product

Note: This Form is for the information of the Bidder. It is not to be completed and uploaded on the
e-procurement portal.

Form of Bank Guarantee for Environmental, Social, Health and

Safety (ESHS) Performance Security

ESHS Demand Guarantee

[Guarantor letterhead or SWIFT identifier code]

Insert the date six months after the End Date as defined in the Contract. The Employer should note that in
the event of an extension of thisdate for completion of the Contract, the Employer would need to request an
extension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must be in writing and must be made prior to
the expiration date established in the guarantee. In preparing this guarantee, the Employer might consider
adding the following text to the form, at the end of the penultimate paragraph: "The Guarantor agrees to a
one-time extension of this guarantee for a period not to exceed [six monthsffone year], in response to the
Beneficiary's written request for such extension, such request to be presented to the Guarantor before the
expiry of the guarantee."

Page 486 L Q(0 takt)

itio t eareCe
Tar f'

[Bank's Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office]

Beneficiary: [Name and Address of Employer)

Date: _ [Insert date of issue]

ESHS PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No.: [Insert guarantee reference numbed

We have been informed that [name and address of Operator"' (hereinafter

called "the Operator") has entered into Contract No. [reference number of the
contract] dated with the Beneficiary, for execution of the contract to Design, build;
operate and maintain and transfer bulk supply, distribution systems of the existing water supply
system in Kalabburgi city of Karnataka State, India for cost effective and sustainable upscaling to
continuous (24x7) pressurized water supply (hereinafter called "the Contract").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performance

guarantee is required.

At the request of the Operator, we [name of Banklas Guarantor, hereby irrevocably undertake to
pay the Beneficiary any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of ( ) [amount in figures] (
2i-ft:mount in word.stsuch sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the
Contract Price is payable, upon receipt by us of the Beneficiary's complying demand supported by
the Beneficiary's statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed document
accompanying or identifying the demand, stating that the Operator is in breach of its Environmental,
Social, Health and/or Safety (ESHS) obligations under the Contract, without the Beneficiary needing to
prove or to show grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This guarantee shall expire, no later than .... Day of 2 2 Consequently any demand for payment
under this guarantee must be received by us at this office indicated above on or before that date.

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) 2010 Revision, ICC
Publication No. 758, except that the supporting statement under Article 15(a) is hereby excluded.

In the case of a ..IV, insert the name of the Joint Venture.
The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the percentage of the Accepted Contract Amount
specified in the Letter of Acceptance, less provisional sums, if any and denominated either in the
currency(cies) of the Contract or a freely convertible currency acceptable to the Beneficiary.
Insert the date six months after the End Date as defined in the Contract. The Employer should note that in
the event of an extension of this date for completion of the Contract, the Employer would need to request an
extension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must be in writing and must be made prior to
the expiration date established in the guarantee. In preparing this guarantee, the Employer might consider
adding the following text to the form, at the end of the penultimate paragraph: "The Guarantor agrees to a
one-time extension of this guarantee for a period not to exceed [six months] [one year], in response tothe
Beneficiaiy's written request for such extension, such request to be presented to the Guarantor
before the expiry of the guarantee."

Page 487 CI LWOW—)

NER 010.
MtSSIO RI lin Oa°Sereide
[signature(s)and seal of the guarantor]

Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted
from the final product.

Note: This Form is for the information of the Bidder. It is not to be completed and uploaded on the
e-procurement portal.

CCID \at()
Page 488 of 490
Wirtaing eangilk0113-
5 c


Demand Guarantee

[Guarantor letterhead or SWIFT identifier code]

[Bank's Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office]

Beneficiary: [Name and Address ofEmployer]



We have been informed that 32(hereinafter called "the Applicant") has

entered into Contract No. dated with the Beneficiary for the
execution of (hereinafter called "the Contract").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, an advance

payment in the sum [amount(s) and currency(iesllo is to be made against an
advance payment guarantee.

At the request of the Applicant, we as Guarantor hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the
Beneficiary any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of 01 upon
receipt by us of the Beneficiary's complying demand supported by the Beneficiary's
statement, whether in the demand itself or in a separate signed document accompanying or
identifying the demand, stating either that the Applicant:

has used the advance payment for purposes other than the costs of mobilization in
respect of the Works; or
has failed to repay the advance payment in accordance with the Contract conditions,
specifying the amount which the Applicant has failed to repay.

A demand under this guarantee may be presented as from the presentation to the Guarantor of
a certificate from the Beneficiary's bank stating that the advance payment referred to above
has been credited to the Applicant on its account number at [insert
name and address of Applicant's bank]

In the case of a JV, insert the name of the Joint Venture
The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the advance payment and denominated
either in the currency(ies) of the advance payment as specified in the Contract, or in a freely convenible
currency acceptable to the Employer.

Page 489 o rolo

. tsnire
The maximum amount of this guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amount of the
advance payment repaid by the Applicant as specified in copies of interim statements or
payment certificates which shall be presented to us. This guarantee shall expire, at the latest,
upon our receipt of a copy of the interim payment certificate indicating that ninety (90) p
percent of the Accepted Contract Amountless provisional sums, has been certified for
payment, or on the day of ,2 ,2 whichever is earlier.Consequently, any demand
for payment under thisguarantee must be received by us at this office on or before that date..

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, (URDG)2010
Revision ICC Publication No. 758 except that the supporting statement under Article 15(a) is
hereby excluded.

[Signature(s)and seal of the guarantor]

Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted
from the final product.

Note: This Form is for the information of the Bidder. It is not be completed and uploaded on thee-
procurement portal.

2 Insert the expected expiration date of the Time for Completion, The Employer should note that in the event
of an extension of the time for completion of the Contract, the Employer would need to request an extension
of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must be in writing and must be made prior to the
expiration date established in the guarantee. In preparing this guarantee, the Employer might consider
adding the following text to the form, at the end of the penultimate paragraph: "The Guarantor agrees to a
one-time extension of this guarantee for a period not to exceed [six months][one year], in response to the
Employer's written request for such extension, such request to be presented to the antor before the
expiry of the guarantee."
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4 d. Addendum 2 (ESA/PAR)


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Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi


Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

AE Assistant Engineer
AEE Assistant Executive Engineer
CMC City Municipal Corporation
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CPHEEO Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organisation
DBOE Design Build Operate Engineer
DoEE Department of Ecology & Environment (DoEE)
DPR Detailed Project Report
DRIP Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project
EA Environmental Assessment
EAC Expert Appraisal Committee
EC Empowered Committee
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMP Environmental Management Plan
EP Environment Protection
ER Expert Reviewer
ESA Sectoral Environmental and Social Assessment
ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan
FGD Focused Group Discussions
GLSR Ground Level Storage Reservoir
Gol Government of India
GoK Government of Karnataka
JE Junior Engineer
Km Kilometer
KSPCB Karnataka State Pollution control Board
KUIDFC Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation
KUWASIP Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project
KUWSSDB Karnataka Urban Water Supply Sewerage and Drainage Board
KUWSMP Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization Project
LPCD Litres per capita per day
mg/I Milligrams per liter
MoEF Ministry of Environment & Forests
NH National Highway
NRRP National Rehabilitation & Resettlement Policy (NRRP
O&M Operation & Management
OD Operational Directives
OHT Over Head Tank
OP Operational Policy
PAF Project Affected Families (PAFs)
PIU Project Implementation Units
PPP Public Private Partnership
PSP Private Sector Participation
PPE Personnel Protective Equipment
R&R Rehabilitation & Resettlement
RAP Resettlement Action Plans
RPM Respirable Particulate Matter
SEAC State's Environmental Appraisal Committee and°
SH State Highway
SIP Service Improvement Plan


SP M Suspended Particulate Matter

Spy Special Purpose Vehicle
STP Sewerage Treatment Plant
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
ToR Terms of Reference
UDD Urban Development Department
UGD Underground drainage
ULB Urban Local Body
UWS Urban Water Supply
11WSS Urban Water Supply Sanitation
WB World Bank
WSS Water Supply and Sanitation

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Table of Contents
1.1 Project Background 1
1.2 Kalaburgi City and the proposed project 3
1.3 Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) 4
1.4 ESA Objectives 4
1.5 Methodology and Approach to ESA 5
1.6 Scope of ESA 5
1.7 Structure of the report 8
2.1 Kalaburgi City and its characteristics 9
2.2 Current Water Supply System 11
2.3 Water Treatment Plant 13
2.4 Clear Water Pumping Stations 13
2.5 Water Distribution Pumping Station 13
2.6 Service Reservoirs 13
2.7 Distribution System 13
2.8 Distribution Pattern 13
2.9 Consumer Connections 13
2.10 Existing Sewerage System 14
2.11 Existing Sewage Treatment Plant 14
2.12 Proposed Sewerage System For the City 14
2.13 Sanitation Facilities Kalaburgi 14
2.14 Existing Storm Water Drainage System 15
2.15 Study of Alternatives 15
2.15.1 Reduced Per-capita Supply 16
2.15.2 Improved Operational Duration 16
2.15.3 Distribution System Integration 16
2.15.4 Conclusions on alternative studies: 16
2.15.5 Demand Projection 17
2.15.6 Source Studies 17
2.15.7 Water Treatment Plant 18
2.15.8 Storage Capacity 18
2.15.9 Pumping System 18
2.15.10 Clear water Transmission System 19
2.15.11 Local Distribution System 20
2.15.13 SCADA 20
3.1 Introduction 21

3.2 Applicable Policy, Rules & Regulation to project interventions / activities: Environmental 21
3.2.1 EIA Notification 21
3.2.2 Legal Framework of Government of India for Environmental Complianc .. 21
3.2.3 Key Environmental Laws and otherarelated R ions 4., 2
pplicable Policy, Rules & Regulation to proje 4
ro 'Pt



3.3.1 National Policies and Acts 24

3.3.2 Other legislations in the social domain applicable to construction projects 25
3.3 Applicable Policy, Rules & Regulation at State level 27
3.4 World Bank Policies 27
3.5 Legal Monitoring Agency for Environmental Safeguards 30
3.6 Other Line Agencies Involved 30
3.7. Legal Approvals! Clearances Required 31
4.1 Environment Profile 33
4.2 Land Environment 33
4.2.1 Geology and Topography 33
4.2.2 Soil Characteristics 33
4.2.3 Land Use 33
4.3 Climate and Air Environment 34
4.3.1 Climate and Rainfall 34
4.3.2 Wind Speed and Direction 34
4.3.3 Air Quality 34
4.4 Water Environment 36
4.4.1 Surface Water Resources 36
4.4.2 Surface Water Quality 37
4.4.3 Hydrogeology & Ground Water Resources 37
4.4.4 Ground Water Quality 39
4.5 Forest & Biodiversity Aspect 40
4.5.1 Protected Areas 40
4.6 Wetlands 40
4.7 Heritage 41
4.8 Baseline Water Sample Survey 42
4.8.1 Water Quality at Source 42
4.8.2 Microbiological tests 44
4.8.3 Water Quality at Consumer End 44
4.8.4 Soil Quality 45
4.9 Major findings from secondary data analysis 45
4.10 Social Profile 46
4.10.1 Sex Ratio 46
4.10.2 Literacy Rate 46
4.10.3 Average Household Size 46
4.10.4 Workforce Participation 46
4.10.5 Ward wise Analysis 46
4.10.11 Slum location, Spread & Details 47
4.11 Findings of the Primary Survey 48
4.11.1 Socio-economic features 48
4.11.2 Economic Profile 49
4.11.3 Supply of Water 49
4.11.4 Hours of supply 49
4.11. Per sefita Water Consumption 50
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_th 3s1t.7 Fetching Water
cr 51
:11.8 Coping With Intermittent Supply 1On.* 51
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-• v,.C1:‘ 4.11.9 Water Quality cficisoe 51

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

4.11.10 Household Level Water Treatment 52

4.11.11 Reasons for not having house connections 52
4.11.12 Satisfaction Levels in Demo and Non-Demo Zones 53
4.11.13 Satisfaction Levels in Demo Zones 53
4.12 Water Charges 54
4.12.1 Payments in Demo zone 54
4.12.2 Willingness to Pay by Volumetric Billing 54
4.12.3 Health Profile 56
4.13 Conclusion- 57
5.1 Major Findings from ESA Stakeholders Consultation 58
5.2 Discussions on gender related issues 59
5.3 CSIS Stakeholders Consultation 60
5.4 Conclusion 60
6.1 Introduction 62
6.2 Associated and Potential Environmental Impacts 62
6.2.1 Rating of Impacts 62
6.2.2 Determining the Magnitude of Impact 62
6.2.3 Associated and Potential Impacts 63
6.2.4 Land Environment 64
6.2.5 Water Environment 64
6.2.6 Climatic and Air Environment 65
6.2.7 Noise Environment 66
6.3 Construction Phase Specific Impacts and their Rating 66
6.4 Conclusion 71
7.1 Introduction 73
7.1.1 Social set up of the ESR Sites 73
7.1.2 Land Required / Availability Status 76
7.2 Process for Social Impact Assessment 77
7.2.1 Baseline survey and stakeholder feedback 78
7.2.2 Scoping to identify full range of social impacts 79
7.3 Potential Social Impacts in different implementation phases 80
7.3.1 Activity specific impacts in Sensitive Areas 83
7.4 Conclusion 85
8.1 Introduction 86
8.2 Environmental Mitigation Measures 86
8.3 Environmental Management Plan 87
8.4 Environmental Monitoring Plan 96
8.4.1 Monitoring Indicators 97
8.5 Capacity Building and Training 102
8.5.1 Objectives z;Z)6? rarth 102
8.5.2 Training Approach 102
8.5.3 Training Resources 102
8.5.4 raining Programmes 103



8.6 Cost Estimates for EMP 105

9.1 Resettlement and Rehabilitation issues Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.2 Social Mitigation Plan Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.3 Consultations Strategy and Participation Framework Error! Bookmark not defined.
9.4 Grievance Redress Mechanism Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.5 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) at Project and Sub-project Level Error! Bookmark not defined.

Annexure I: ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES (TECHNOLOGY & SITE) Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annexure III: NRRP 2007 AND LAND KEY TENETS OF THE ACQUISITION AND R&R ACT 2013 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annexure IV: WARD WISE AREA, POPULATION AND HOUSEHOLDS Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annexure V: PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annexure VI: WATER QUALITY TEST RESULTS Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annexure VIII: Employees engaged in Water Supply System Error! Bookmark not defined.


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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

List of Tables

Table 2.1: Fact File 9

Table 2.2: Population growth trends and density-Kalaburgi 10
Table 2.3: Demand Estimation 17
Table 2.4: Treated Water Demand for the Kalaburgi City 18
Table 2.5: Storage Requirements of Kalaburgi City Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2.6: Details of Clear Water Pump Stations 19
Table 2.7: Summary of Distribution Network 20
Table 3.1: Applicable Environmental Laws and Regulations 22
Table 3.2: Legislations applicable to construction projects 25
Table 3.3: Rules and regulations at State Level 27
Table 3.4: Application of Bank Safeguard Policies 28
Table 3.5: Line Departments and their Key Roles and Responsibilities 30
Table 3.6: Legal Approvals and Clearances 31
Table 4.1: Land use Pattern 33
Table 4.2: Forest Cover in Project Area (Area in km2) 40
Table 4.3: Number and Types of Wetland in Kalaburgi 40
Table 4.4: Raw and Treated Water Results (Physical and Chemical) 42
Table 4.5: Water Quality at Consumers End (Tap Water) 44
Table 4.6: Major Social Issues/Findings based on Secondary Data Related to Proposed Project 45
Table 4.7: Gender Relation 47
Table 4.8: Physical location 47
Table 4.9: Hours of supply 49
Table 4.10: Per Capita Water Consumption in Kalaburgi 50
Table 4.11: Per Capita Water Consumption in Kalaburgi 50
Table 4.12: Methods Used to Get Water from HH Connections 50
Table 4.13: HH Members involved in getting water from stand post 51
Table 4.14: Social Category wise HH level water treatment practices 52
Table 4.15: Reasons for not having HH Water Connection 52
Table 4.16: Satisfaction Levels in Demo Zone (% HH) 53
Table 4.17: Satisfaction Levels in Non Demo Zone Areas (% HH) 53
Table 4.18: Willingness to Pay by Different Facility Users 55
Table 4.19: Willingness to Pay across Income Categories 55
Table 4.20: Respondents reporting water borne diseases 56
Table 4.21: Average household Monthly Medical Expenditure 57
Table 4.22: Knowledge of Water-borne diseases 57
Table 4.23: Source of Medical treatment 57
Table 6.1: : Summary of Social and Environmental Impacts 66
Table 7.1: Land Required / Availability Details - Kalaburgi City 76
Table 7.2: Identified Potential Impacts by phases 80
Table 8.1: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) 87
Table 8.2: Environmental Monitoring Indicators 97
Table 8.3: Environmental Monitoring Plan 99
Table 8.4: Training Programs 104
Table 8.5: Cost Estimates for EMP 105
Table 9.1: Social Mitigation Plan (SMP) Error! Bookmark not defined.

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List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Methodology and Approach of ESA 5
Figure 2.1: Area of Kalaburgi City Municipal Corporation 9
Figure 2.2 : Bennithora Reservoir 12
Figure 2.3: Flow Diagram of Water Supply - Existing and proposed 20
Figure 3.1: Legal and institutional framework for environmental safeguards 30
Figure 4.1: Change in Landuse Pattern of City 34
Figure 4.2: Rainfall Pattern in Kalaburgi 34
Figure 4.3: 502 and NO2 Concentration 35
Figure 4.4: Particulate Matter 2.5 Concentration 35
Figure 4.5: Hydrological Map of Kalaburgi District 38
Figure 4.6: Pre-monsoon water level Kalaburgi 38
Figure 4.7: Post-monsoon water level Kalaburgi 39
Figure 4.8: Ground water Quality Map of Kalaburgi District 39
Figure 4.9: Wetland Map of Kalaburgi 41
Figure 4.10: Residual Chlorine at Consumer End 44
Figure 4.11: Source of HH Water Supply 49
Figure 4.12: Type of Storage by Slum Households 51
Figure 4.13: Water Charges in Demo Zone 54
Figure 4.14: Willingness to Pay by Non Slum HH 54
Figure 4.15: Willingness to Pay by Slum HR 54
Figure 6.1: Rating Impacts 62
Figure 6.2: Proposed Alignment 64
Figure 10.1: Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 10.2: Environmental and Social Organizational Cell Structure Error! Bookmark not defined.


Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi


The World Bank assisted Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project (KUWASIP) aimed at
providing continuous water supply on a 24X7 basis in the urban towns and cities in Karnataka.
Initially, the project was piloted in selected five demonstration zones in the three project cities of
Hubballi-Dharwad, Belagavi, and Kalaburagi which ended in 2011. Following the success of the pilot
initiatives, city-wise scale up, "Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization Project" (KUWSMP)
commenced in 2016 with a financial outlay of US $ 279 million. As a part of the project preparation,
an Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) had been carried out in 2014 to integrate
environmental and social concerns with project design, identify potential adverse environment and
social impacts during different phases of the project implementation (pre-construction, during
construction and post construction) and draw management measures thereof Additionally, a
Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) had also been prepared to address the land related issues.
The ESA and RPF had been approved by the World Bank as well as Government of Karnataka and
disclosed. However, initially, the project covered only one city, Hubballi -Dharwad, as the other two
cities were still under preparation. Now, the other two cities — Belagavi and Kalaburagi- are being
taken up with restructuring of project. Hence, the ESA and RFP are updated. While the issues and
the management measures remain more or less the same, implementation lessons learnt so far
from Hubbaffi — Dharwad are incorporated.

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Finance Corporation (KUIDFC) on behalf of the Government

of Karnataka is preparing the Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernisation Project (KUWSMP).
The project involves modernizing water supply systems and capacity for providing continuous piped
water supply in the three cities of Hubballi-Dharwad, Kalaburgi and Belagavi.
The Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) had been carried out to integrate
environmental and social concerns with project design, identify potential adverse environment and
social impacts during different phases of the project implementation (pre-construction, during
construction and post construction) and recommend mitigation measures, complying with
environmental and social safeguard policies of the World Bank, Government of India, and
Government of Karnataka. This report describes the ESA conducted in respect of Kalaburgi City is
updated in Feb, 2019.
Project Area Profile
Kalaburgi city is the divisional headquarters of Kalaburgi revenue division having
jurisdiction over the five districts of Bellary, Bidar, Kalaburgi, Raichur and Koppal. The city is
located in North Karnataka, 625 km north of Bangalore. With a population of 533,587 (2011
Census), the conurbation is among the largest municipal corporations in the State, after
Bangalore, Hubballi-Dharwad and Mysore. The city is divided into 55 administrative wards
to manage urban services delivered by Kalaburgi City Corporation (GCC). The total number
of households in slums is 12084 according to 2011 census, with household size of 4.98.
A summary profile of the city is presented in Table I below.

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Table 1: Fact File

Population 2011 533,587
2 Total Households 1028301
Area Kalaburgi Municipal Corporation 56 sq. km
No. of Wards 55
Population Decadal Growth rate (2001- 23 %
Population Density (2011) 9875 persons per
Literacy Rate 72%
Sex Ratio 953
Economy Regional Market and Service

1.2. Project Description

KUWSMP will support the Government of Karnataka (GoK) and the
participating urban local body to achieve the project development objective to "Improve
water service quality to a continuous supply (24x7) across Kalaburgi city through the
establishment of institutionally and financially sustainable service delivery arrangements at
ULB level". The key project activities include financing goods and services to improve water
supply systems in the entire city to 24X7 by investing in improved capacity to meet water
demand, reduced non-revenue water, network expansion, setting up of city level water
utility (SPV) and hiring an Operator to strengthen and manage the systems for a duration
(12 years). The operator will also strengthen the city level institutions.
The Project period would be 12 years consisting of a design & implementation
period of 4 years (the "Design Build phase" to convert the system to continuous pressurized
supply and operate & maintain the existing system) and sustain the operation &
management period of 12 years — comprising the 5 year Design Build phase and a further 7
years when the supply is continuous and pressurized.

As part of project preparation, detailed studies were carried out by M/s Tata
Consulting Engineers in Sept 2012 (Updated in Jan 2019) to understand the physical and
capital investments required for providing continuous water supply to Kalaburgi. However,
the hired Operator shall study the existing system, measure performance and carry out
assessments of the system and propose and implement investments that will ensure
delivery of continuous water supply in the project cities. The activities of the Operator will
include the following.
• Augmentation / development of water sources
• Whabipation of existing or laying of new transmission line(s),
tinitation or expansion or new water treatment plant(s)
Development and / or expansio pumping station(s)

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Renovation or rehabilitation or construction of new service reservoirs

(underground or over-ground)
Replacement and /or extension of distribution network
Replacement and/ or provision new house service connections.
1.3. Environmental and Social Assessment
The Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) was carried out with the objectives of:

Identifying key social and environmental issues associated with the proposed water
supply augmentation (24x7 water supply) such as rehabilitation works to be
implemented at the pre-construction, construction and operation phases of project.
Identifying the positive and adverse impacts of sub project activities on physical and
social environments.
Proposing suitable mitigation measures for potentially adverse environmental and
social impacts, and measures for enhancement of positive impacts and preparing
specific Environmental and Social Management Plans.
Detailing out roles and responsibilities of various agencies involved in carrying out
the proposed action plans.
The scope of work carried out under this study comprised of —
Reviewing all applicable policies including operational policies of the World Bank and
environmental laws / regulations in India within which KUWSMP is to be
Detailed analysis of Environmental Profile of the project city including assessing and
establishing baseline water quality.
Socio-economic profiling of the cities through primary survey, stakeholder
consultations, focus group discussions and analysis of secondary information.
1.3.1. Review of Environmental Policies and Institutions
The review of the environmental policies concluded that as the activities currently
contemplated in this project fall under the rehabilitation & modernization project, these will
not necessitate any detailed environmental impact assessment (EIA) studies. This project is
identified as category B and the Operational Policy 4.01 will be applicable to assess the
impacts however marginal or temporary it might be. Due to the dependence on
multipurpose dams that share water for the drinking water needs of the city, Safety of Dams
(OP 4.37) is triggered. OP 4.11 for Cultural Properties will be triggered, in cases of 'chance
find' of cultural properties during the construction phase of the project.
The review reveals that various legal approvals and clearances on social and
environmental aspects will have to be obtained during Design Build and Sustaining stages.
During construction, the project would require consent from the state pollution control
board to operate the DG set under Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and also
attract Noise Control Regulations under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
Permissions/Approvals from Railways and State and National Highway Authorities is
envisaged during Design Build Phase. The storage and handling of chlorine for disinfecting
the water, during Design Build and Sustaining Periods, will necessitate consent from the
Pollution Control Board as per the proyisiis of Mianufa Handling of
H r s Chemicals Rules, 1989. 0 roWil./
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1.3.2. Baseline Environmental Profile

The detailed baseline environmental profiles do not indicate any sensitive
environmental features that could be affected by the proposed activities under KUWSMP.
Kalaburgi, with its rich historic back ground has a few heritage structures like the Gulbarga
Fort and Haft Gumbaz. The project activities are not expected to impact these structures.
However, necessary approval shall have to be obtained from National Monuments
Authority, for carrying out construction within 300 m of the monument. In addition
construction activities need to consider precautionary measures to avoid damages of
archaeological structures during excavation works.
The entire Kalaburgi city has been divided in five sewerage zones viz. 2D1 (AA1), 2D2
(B), 2D3 (C), 1D1 (D) & 1D2 (E) and 3D1 (F) except sewerage district 3D1, all sewerage
districts are drainable by gravity to the existing Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) near Kotnoor
village. The STP is designed as waste stabilization ponds with a capacity of 27.24 MLD. Also
a sewerage scheme comprising 67.23 km of additional network and a STP of 40 MLD is being
implemented at a cost of INR 579 million (USD 10 million), as part of the ADB supported
North Karnataka Urban Sector Improvement Project (NKUSIP). This project is expected cover
53% of the households and increase the sewage treatment capacity to 67 MLD. While this
would be sufficient for the current sewerage generation of about 60 MLD (80% of 75 MLD),
the sewage generation is expected to increase to 120 MLD in 2026 and 160 MLD by 2041
and would require augmentation of treatment capacities by 53 and 100 MLD in the
respective years. Baseline Sample Surveys
In 2014, water quality 10 samples were collected and bacteriological &
physiochemical analysis was conducted to analyze water quality as below:

Raw water from source river intake at Harasur Village on Bennithora.

Treated Water from ShorGumbaz WTP
Eight water samples from Public Taps.
These samples surveys indicated that the quality of treated water meets the
organoleptic and physical standards of IS 10500. Coliforms and E.coli were found in both
raw and treated water sample. Residual Chlorine was observed high in the water samples
taken at public taps which confirms the protocol.
Further, 2 raw water samples were taken (Nov 2018) at Beema intake pumping
station & Bennithora source. Treated water samples collected in Jan 2018 to Jan 2019
and was found to be potable.
1.3.3. Socio-Economic Profile
Given the urban setting, characteristically, socio-economic features are highly
diverse and heterogeneous. People with different social affiliations — caste, tribes, religion-
inhabit across the city. Economic endowments too vary substantially across the wards/
settlements as well as households. The city houses a variety of professional and higher
educational institutions. The city has a population of more than 5 lakhs with 17% belonging
to SC/STs. The city has its share of 'slum' dwellers as well (11% of t m and
squatter population has been risin er years due to increas and

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

commercial activities. Formal water supplies are received by about 71% of the households
and as many as 20% depend on public stand posts. Intermittent and erratic supplies have
meant different coping methods --of tapping as well as storage of water. Women and
children being the major water managers, they bear a large burden of the coping. Given this
situation, the households across the sections welcome the project of providing 24X7 water
supplies and are willing to bear incremental costs of delivery, if any.

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1.4. Impacts and Environmental Management Plan

Kalaburgi is not located near any eco-sensitive area. The proposed project activities
will have environmental impact on the adjoining settlement in terms of dust and noise
during construction. Soil pollution and impact on water quality and hydrology will be
marginal and temporary. The critical issues will be to ensure adequate safety and
precautionary measures to minimise impacts during construction and provision of sanitation
facilities in the construction area to avoid contamination surface / sub-surface sources
during operation. (If asbestos cement (AC) pipes are present and being replaced, then the
AC pipes shall be excavated and disposed properly at a suitable landfill site as per the
guidelines of the World Bank/GoK/Gol). While the impacts are not very severe and
permanent, care has to be taken to ensure that the ambient environmental conditions do
not deteriorate. The negative impacts that are likely due to construction activities in narrow
and congested roads need critical attention. Table 3 presents the summary of major impacts
of the project and recommended mitigation measures.

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social A essment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Table 3: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the proposed Project

Site Supervision
Project Activities Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibilit Responsibilit

( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Design Phase
1 Delivery of The pre-construction phase will • Air pollution control measure like water sprinkling Operator ULB/
equipment and give rise to fugitive dusts and (ECop 9.0) SPV(Water
construction frequent exhaust emissions into • Limit hours of operation (ECop 10.0) Utility)/DBOE
material to site the atmosphere as equipment is • Use of barriers to reduce exposure (ECop 2.0) /ER /KUIDFC
delivered to the work site. • Plants, machinery and equipment may be handled so as
to minimize generation of dust. (Ecop 1.0)
• Low emission construction equipment generator sets
and pollution free certified vehicles may be used (Ecop
• Obtain required permits and clearances for the works
(Ecop 2.0)
2. Setting up of Poor provisions and arrangement for • Obtaining of labour license and other licenses/permits Operator ULB/
construction labour needed for the project. and NoCs for installation of equipments and initiating SPV(Water
camp (if Poor compliance with legislative civil works, as required. (ECop 1.0) Utility)/DBOE
required)/ work requirements and NoCs • Ensure compliance with Labour license (ECop 10.0 & /ER /KUIDFC
zone/ and requirements leading to stopping 13.0)
installation of of works by regulatory authorities • Ensure compliance with conditions laid in NoCs and
machines and with or without penal actions. Permits (Ecop 13.0)
stacking of
3. Preparation of Identification of additional impact • Joint verification by Operator representative/contractor Operator ULB/
construction on structures/crops/land/trees (ECop 8.0) SPV(Water
schedule and etc.., vide detailed topographic and • Verification and updation of ESA and prepare impact Utility)/DBOE
demarcation of infrastructure survey during statement as per ESMF and RPF, if applicable (ECop /ER /KUIDFC
construction preparation of SIP.. 13.0) n I 7::
:c -N,

otteopc VII

awn" Barlow)

Site Supervision
Project Activities Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibilit Responsibilit
V y

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

zone Disbursement of entitlements as per RPF, if applicable.
Preparation of Afforestation Compensation Plan
Construction/Design Build Phase
Construction of Increase water pollution during Use of barriers to reduce water pollution Operator ULB/
New Intake construction Plants, machinery and equipment may be handled SPv(Water
structure near Deterioration of water quality so as to minimize generation of dust. Utility)/DBOE
Harasur Village /ER /KUIDFC
Dump solid waste in specified place to minimize
contamination of water
Ensure implementation of Waste Management
Plan) for environmentally sound management of
Ensure implementation of Project Planning and
Design Plan before planning of activity
Site preparation should be as per Site Preparation
Plan for site clearance
Laying of Raw Increase in Dust levels due to - Air pollution control measure like water sprinkling Operator ULB/
Water pumping construction - Use of barriers to reduce exposure SPV(Water
main of 1342 . Soil pollution or soil erosion - Plants, machinery and equipment may be Utility)/DBOE
mm dia. for a handled so as to minimize generation of dust. /ER /KUIDFC
Increase noise levels due to
length of 19.2 - Low emission construction equipment generator
km. sets and pollution free certified vehicles may be
Landscape degradation used
Pressure on local resources - Quarterly Yearly Air/Noise quality monitoring may
Distruption of fertile top soil of be conducted at construction sites. -coUBii,

the agriculture land along the Dump solid waste in specified place to minimize
alignment contamination of water `4 Oa It m
Ensure implementation of Waste Management Plan . Arnwr
_ etcslosevi ..„.•nrcAccumulation of Excess Earth %
for 9.ffi4onmeptally sound management
.c 'k . '4''
i asardiews
m. 70
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social .ssment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Site Supervision
Project Activities Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibilit Responsibilit
V y

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Damage to standing crops Ensure implementation of Construction Plants &
during break down of the Equipments Management Plan for construction
transmission main or equipments
maintenance operations Ensure implementation of Water bodies
Emissions from use of Management Plan during laying of pipeline near to
construction equipments/DG water bodies
sets for construction activities Midterm environment audit should be carried out
for performance of ESMP implementation
Temporary Disruption of
natural drainage pattern
Construction of Increase dust or other gaseous Air pollution control measure like water sprinkling Operator ULB/
WTP (55 MLD (502 & NO2) levels due to the Use of barriers to reduce exposure SPV(Water
at Salam Tekdi) movement of construction Utility)/DBOE
Plants, machinery and equipment may be handled
vehicles and equipments /ER /KUIDFC
so as to minimize generation of dust.
Accumulation of construction Low emission construction equipment generator
waste sets and pollution free certified vehicles may be
Accumulation of earth material
Quarterly Yearly Air/Noise quality monitoring may
Construction of Increase dust or other gaseous be conducted at construction sites. Operator ULB/
New Clear (502 & NO2) levels due to the . Dump solid waste in specified place to minimize SPV(Water
Water Pumping movement of construction Utility)/DBOE
contamination of water
station (2 nos) vehicles and equipments /ER /KUIDFC
Discharge wastewater at authorized locations and
Increase health risk in nearby after treatment
areas Ensure implementation of Waste Management Plan
Increase health risk in for environmentally sound management of waste
construction Labour Measures to prevent accidental spills
Accumulation of construction . Ensure implementation of Construction Plants &
waste Equipments Mfritagg.ment Plan for management of


Site Supervision
Project Activities Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibilit Responsibilit
V y
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
construction equipments
Ensure implementation of water for construction
plan for water management
Alternate material or material should be reused for
construction of WTP to reduce construction cost
Using low noise generating equipment such as
pneumatic hammers / drills, provision of encasings
around generators and avoiding construction during
Rehabilitation Increase in Dust levels due to Air pollution control measure like water Operator ULB/
' of existing earth work or demolition sprinkling (ECop 9.0) SPV(Water
WTPs, ELSRS, Increase noise levels due to Limit hours of operation in populated areas Utility)/DBOE
GLSRs and Clear movement /ER /KUIDFC
of machinery, (ECop 10.0)
water pumping equipment and vehicles Use of barriers to reduce exposure, if required
Stations Landscape degradation (ECop 10.0)
Temporary disruption of water Plants, machinery and equipment may be
supply to city handled so as to minimize generation of dust.
(ECop 9.0)
Low emission construction equipment generator
sets and pollution free certified vehicles may be
used (Ecop 9.0)
Ensure implementation of Waste Management
Plan (ECoP) for environmentally sound
management (ECop 6.0)
Avoid aggregate stockpile on site. (ECop 13.0)
Compact earthworks, road base, etc. (ECop 9.0) ÷ -a<

Measures to prevent accidental spills (ECop 9.0)
Dflp solid waste in specified place to minimize e crn;
;.. i
a Tv
WON (an
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social I ssment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Site Supervision
Project Activities Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibilit Responsibilit
V y

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

contamination of water (ECoP 6.0)
Ensure implementation of water management
plan for environmentally sound management
.(ECop 6.0)
Check leakages and prevent (ECoP 8.0)
Cross contamination of water should be avoided
(ECoP 8.0)
Child labour must be strictly prohibited
Ensure implementation of Health and Safety
Management plan for public and workers safety
(ECoP 10.0)

Laying of Clear • Pressure on local resources • Air pollution control measure like water sprinkling Operator ULB/
• Water • Increase in Dust Levels to due • Plants, machinery and equipment may be handled SPV(Water
Transmission to earth work and other so as to minimize generation of dust. Utility)/DBOE
System (31.2 /ER /KUIDFC
construction activities • Low emission construction equipment generator
km) • Accumulation of Excess Earth sets and pollution free certified vehicles may be
• Damage to trees/standing crops used
during break down of the • Quarterly Yearly Air/Noise quality monitoring may
transmission main Or be conducted at construction sites.
maintenance operations • Dump solid waste in specified place to minimize
contamination of water
• Ensure implementation of Waste Management Plan
for environmentally sound management
• Ensure implementation of Construction Plants & A
Equipments Manftgetnent Plan (ECoP 9.0, for ,

Site Supervision
Project Activities Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibilit Responsibilit
V y

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

construction equipments
Ensure implementation of Water bodies
Management Plan (ECoP 7.0,) during laying of
pipeline near to water bodies
Midterm environment audit should be carried out
for performance of ESMP implementation
Refilling and replacement the excavated topsoil
back in the same field and provision of soil barriers
with the excavated earth to avoid spillage on the
adjoining land.
Dismantling of Increase in Dust Level due to > Use of barriers to reduce exposure Operator ULB/
existing dismantling SPV(Water
> Low emission construction equipment generator
Elevated Utility)/DBOE
Accumulation of demolition sets and pollution free certified vehicles may be
Service /ER /KUIDFC
waste used
Reservoir (4
Temporary disruption of water > Dump solid waste in specified place to minimize
Increase noise levels due to contamination of water
demolition and movement of > Ensure implementation of Waste Management Plan
vehicles for environmentally sound management of waste
Safety concern to nearby > Ensure implementation of Construction Plants &
residents and visitors to the Equipments Management Plan for management of
premises construction equipments
> Provision of sprinkling of water & scaffolding.
Sprinkling method is used for refilling of trenches so •
< •Ulii
that shrinking should be minimized >
/ c
> There should be proper covering of excavated or
0.9 ER 0
.--4•41.3 11a dismantled material while transportation of these 'S WAP 1 1:7
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social I. .ssment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Site Supervision
Project Activities Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibilit Responsibilit
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
waste materials
Increase dust levels due to > Air pollution control measure Operator ULB/
8. Construction of
construction of reservoirs > Limit hours of operation in populated areas SPV(Water
new overhead
(7 nos) and Soil pollution due to leakages > Use of barriers to reduce exposure
ground from vehicles and equipments > Low emission construction equipment generator
reservoirs (2 Accumulation of earth material sets and pollution free certified vehicles may be
nos) used
Accumulation of construction
> Half Yearly Air/Noise quality monitoring may be
conducted at construction sites.
Impact on trees, if any > Dump solid waste in specified place to minimize
contamination of water
> Ensure implementation of Waste Management Plan
for environmentally sound management of waste
> Ensure implementation of Construction Plants &
Equipments Management Plan for management of
construction equipments
> Ensure implementation of Project Planning and
Design Plan before planning of activity
> Site preparation should be as per Site Preparation
Plan for site clearance
> Alternate material or material should be reused for
construction of WTP to reduce construction cost
> Ensure implementation of Construction Camp Plan
for labour camps
Laying of about Increase dust levels due to > Use of barriers to reduce exposure Opera tA, ULB/
883 km of excavation of earth. SPV(Water
> Refilling and replacement the excavated topsoil back -cif-'1Wt\
additional Utility)/DBOE
Water pollution due to leakages in the same fielOfifir provision of soil barriers with 1/2 .4'

Ingot/ ER 6,11--sy
aliefterg woof •

Site Supervision
Project Activities Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibilit Responsibilit
V y

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

distribution line or damages of existing the excavated earth to avoid spillage on the /ER /KUIDFc
with 82000 distribution lines adjoining land.
connections • Soil pollution due to leakages > Ensure implementation of Waste Management Plan
from vehicles and equipments for environmentally sound management of waste
• Soil erosion and accumulation > Ensure implementation of Construction Plants &
of excavated materials Equipments Management Plan for management of
• Accumulation of construction construction equipments.
waste D Ensure implementation of Water bodies
• Impact on city drainage system Management Plan during laying of pipeline near to
water bodies
• Damage to roadside
> Ensure implementation of Cultural Properties Plan if
any cultural property is being impacted due to
• Temporary loss of livelihood for interventions
occupiers of the public
D Ensure implementation of water for construction
plan for water management
D Preparation of traffic diversion plans and prior
intimation of the construction schedule to the
people in the areas of construction
> Preparation of utility shifting plans, procuring
appropriate approvals / permissions in advance and
completion of activities in the earliest possible time
> Using low noise generating equipment such as
pneumatic hammers / drills, provision of encasings
around generators and avoiding construction during er,
co t--4
SER > Prior,ei_Consultation should be carried out for 4 0
et trL.,1G
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social I 2ssment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Site Supervision
Project Activities Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibilit Responsibilit
y y

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) • (6)

implementation or laying of pipe line in private land
and habitat
Operation Phase ,• ,
10 24X7 Operation Failure of Before implementation of project an water Operator/ ULB/SPV(W
. Continuous Transmission Lines- due to connections census should taken to reduce extra ULB ater Utility)
Supply of mechanical failure or third party use of water
Water During interference. Illegal water tapping source should be identified
Operation Bursting or breakage of Ground water should be kept a backup supply
(including distribution mains- as a result of source in system failure
intermittent increased pressure or Ensure Indian Drinking Water Standards (BIS:10500)
supply during aggressiveness of pumping. Alternate supply arrangements such as supply
Design Build Power outages, which may through tankers should be provided if Leakages,
Period) disrupt water supply. Contamination and shortage of Water
Air quality impacts that would Check leakages and prevent
arise during the operation of Cross contamination of water should be avoided
the pumping stations would . Plan and cost for adequate centralised /
include emissions from decentralized / individual sanitation facilities in the
generators city
Generation of Additional . Plan and cost for augmentation and strengthening
Quantity of Wastewater from the storm water drainage network in the city
the Zones leading to . Ensure environmentally sound and safe storage and
contamination of surface / sub- containment of oil and diesel for DG Sets qi
surface sources Ensure proper/efficient treatment of sludge before
Flooding of Low Lying Areas due disposal. cs
to overflow of storm water . Ensure routine maintenance practices; it 1-11.'
drains Wastes should be collected, stored and managed
Deficiencies in Storage and Ci
on-site. Measuresjp[ensure that wastes do not
Handling of Chlorine at the I lie
5 K— 9cY

NER is,Wwigng °nen
MAHANAGARPAillef t)argiDre

Site Supervision
Project Activities Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsibilit Responsibilit
V y

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

water treatment plant enter municipal water courses way must be ensured
Occurrence of chlorine at all times during operations and maintenance in
intoxication if water is over WTPs/Pumping stations.
chlorinated during treatment Procure diesel generators with soundproofing.
Generation of sludge from WTP Ensure environmentally sound and safe storage and
Leading to contamination of containment of oil and diesel
surface and sub surface sources Ensure implementation of Water bodies
Generation of Waste Water Management Plan (ECoP 7.0, during laying of
pipeline near to water bodies
Ensure implementation of water quality
Management (EcoP 8.0,) for better water quality
Proper sludge management has to be prepared and
followed by SPV / Operator
The untapped waste water component of 17% will
be undertaken under the UGD program in a long
term strategy and the cleaning of the existing
sewerage network on continuous basis for smooth


o laiii)43(

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

ID\ '
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1.5. Impacts and Social Management Plan

Project's interventions are unlikely to have any adverse impacts, rather, expected to result in
positive health and hygiene benefits. Social impacts relate to: lands required for construction of the
facilities; lands for laying of transmission of lines, occupational health and safety (H&S), gender and
project's communication outreach to the general public. Apart from these, there could be some
temporary disturbances due to construction activities in the dense and narrow pockets of the city.
Mitigation measures have been drawn to address these impacts (Table-4).

Table 4: Social Management Plan (SMP) for the proposed Project

Sr. Project Impacts Mitigation Measures Site Supervisio

No Activities Responsibility n
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Generic-through the scheme cycle
1. Private People )- Awareness generation and SO/Operator KUIDFC/
Operators apprehension of people's confidence building ULB
participatio reduced role of the and Seeking participation of
n in the government stakeholders
project Increased tariff > Meetings with stakeholders
People's threat of ), Loud speaker
inconvenience announcements on
upcoming project seeking
participation of people
D Insertions in cable TV on
upcoming project and its
> Hoardings indicating the
temporary nature of
> Design of socially acceptable,
environmentally sensitive
and technically feasible
project engaging a team of

.010t ptt smed Bare
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Sr. Project Impacts Mitigation Measures Site Supervisio

No Activities Responsibility n
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
2. Constructio Lands are to be Se As of now, public lands have ULB SO/ULB/
n of secured. been identified for most SPV(Wat
facilitieis While public lands construction. However, to er
like VVTP, are available in address any foreseen Utility)/D
OHT and most places, private circumstances, entailing BOE/ER/
ELSR etc lands may have to involuntary land acquisition, KUIDFC/
be secured in a RPF has been prepared. Operator
certain pockets. > Provision of direct purchases
of lands on a wiling buyer-
willing seller basis at
negotiated rate is also made.
> Implement the ECOP

3. Laying of Pipelines may be Se RIP provides for the Operator SO/ULB/

Transmissio have to be laid on framework to address laying SPV(Wat
n Lines the private lands. of pipelines. er
while lands need > Built compliance of health Utility)/D
not be acquired, and safety into the contracts BOE/ER/
arrangements will Se Implement IEC Campaign as KUIDFC
have to be worked suggested CSIS to improve
out to ease laying. stakeholder participation
> Implementation of ECOP

(2 LeDIGP-5
MiolOng ragar


Sr. Project Impacts Mitigation Measures Site Supervisio

No Activities Responsibility n
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
4. Civil works Women and > Separate consultations will Operator SO/ULB/
and women children are the be held with women in sub SPV(Wat
major water groups and alternates er
managers. So, any drawn to mitigate the Utility)/D
disruptions will difficulties BOE/ER/
affect them D Built compliance of health KUIDFC
adversely, and safety into the
> Implement IEC Campaign as
suggested CSIS to improve
stakeholder participation
3> Implement the ECOP

.Changes in During SIP, changes > Update the estimates as Operator SO/ULB/
impacts in impacts per the agreed SIP SPV(Wat
during > Update the ESA er
preparation Utility)/D
of BOE/ER/
finalization KUIDFC
of SIP
Construction /Design Build Phase
6 Replacement
Disruption of water r Alternate supply Operator SO/ULB/S
of existing
supply to the arrangements such as supply PV(Water
PSC pipe and
consumers during through tankers should be Utility)/DB
laying of
implementation provided. OE/ER/KUI
new pipe Water conflicts due > Awareness generation DFC
to shortage of water indicting temporary nature of
Unhygienic disruption — targeting
condition in awareness more toward
construction camp women who are the
Increase Health household water managers.
problems among > Install speed breaker and sign
labourers and ages near settlements
Populace in > Prepare traffic management
general. plan. and prior intimation of
the construction schedule to
the people in the areas of
' > crossings/ bridges to avoi. co ,
.. -3---$10 Olt Ulff accidents and other 1. (P4 m
COMN"5. tINGNr'n or
construction hazards \Ns #
plookk ). Provide safety measures ea c
onstAlIsk gloves, hat etc.) to

Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Sr. Project Impacts Mitigation Measures Site Supervisio

No Activities Responsibility n
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
minimize exposure
> Provide sirens in vehicles to
avoid any collision with
3%. Child labour must be strictly
> Provision of temporary
> Ensure implementation of
Construction Camp Plan
(ECOP) for labour camps
D Ensure implementation of
Health & Safety Management
Plan (ECOP) for public and
workers safety
7. Construction • Noise pollution Limit hours of operation in Operator SO/ULB/5
of WTP • Increase health risk populated areas PV(Water
in nearby areas Use of barriers to reduce Utility)/DB
• Increase health risk noise pollution OE/ER/KUI
in construction Plants, machinery and DFC
Labour equipment may be handled in
such a way so as to minimize
generation of dust.
Dump solid waste in specified
place to minimize
contamination of water
Organize awareness programs
on environmental resource
Child labour must be strictly
Ensure implementation of
Construction Camp Plan
(ECOP,) for labour camps
Ensure implementation of
Health & Safety Management
Plan (ECOP 10,) for public and
workers safety
Preparation of traffic
diversion plans and prior
intimation of the construction
schedule to the people in the
areas of construction
Provision of temporary cOUS
crossings/ bridges to avoid
accidents and other rn

% -4
e N-O. ore
construction hazards
Using low noise generating •
- I .r.
altor, - % tequipment such as pneumatic

Sr. Project Impacts Mitigation Measures Site Supervisio

No Activities Responsibility n
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
hammers / drills, provision of
encasings around generators
and avoiding construction
during nights
8. Rehabilitatio Noise pollution Ensure implementation of Operator SO/ULB/S
n of existing 0 Increase health risk Health & Safety Management PV(Water
\ATTPs in nearby areas Plan (ECOP) for public and Utility)/DB
Occupational Hazard workers safety. OE/ER/KUI
leading to Health DEC
risk in construction
9. Dismantling Accumulation of Limit hours of operation in Operator SO/ULB/S
of existing demolition waste populated areas PV(Water
Elevated Increase health risk Prepare traffic management Utility)/DB
Service in Construction plan and people movement OE/ER/KUI
Reservoir labour plan DFC
Temporary Provide safety measures
disruption of water (mask, gloves, hat etc.) to
Increase noise levels minimize exposure
due to demolition Child labour must be strictly
and movement of prohibited
vehicles Ensure implementation of
Temporary Health & Safety Management
disruption of traffic Plan (ECOP) for public and
due to movement of workers safety.
vehicles Ensure implementation of
Cultural Properties Plan
(ECOP,) if any cultural
property is being impacted
due to interventions
Preparation of traffic
diversion plans and prior
intimation of the construction
schedule to the people in the
areas of construction
First aid facilities to be
provided at the construction
camps. Any case of disease
outbreak may be immediately
subjected to medical
treatment. Mosquito
repellent to be provided to
the labours such as odomas,

coil and sprays. The camps to
maintain cleanliness and
,- - •
ek I otS,nr Off
hygienic condition.
• • MIA • t rai
II P.11
klp‘n Provision of scaffolding. e
_nisi 011•Caltficse should be proper 4-oction • Cf

Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Sr. Project Impacts Mitigation Measures Site Supervisio

No Activities Responsibility n
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
covering of excavated or
dismantled material while
transportation of these waste
10. Construction • Increase noise levels Limit hours of operation in Operator SO/ULB/S
of new due to movement of populated areas PV(Water
overhead heavy vehicles and Cross contamination of water Utility)/DB
reservoirs construction should be avoided OF/ER/KUI
equipment Prepare traffic management DEC
• Disruption of traffic plan
due to movement of Preparation of traffic
vehicles and diversion plans and prior
equipments intimation of the construction
• Increase health risk schedule to the people in the
in nearby area areas of construction
• Increase Provide safety measures
occupational health (mask, gloves, hat etc.) to
risk of construction minimize exposure
labourers Organize awareness programs
• Increase sanitation on environmental resource
problems due to management
construction camp Child labour must be strictly
• Accumulation of prohibited
construction waste Ensure implementation of
Health & Safety Management
Plan for public and workers
Ensure implementation of
Cultural Properties Plan
(ECOP) if any cultural
property is being impacted
due to interventions
Ensure implementation of
Construction Camp Plan
(ECOP) for labour camps
11. Laying of •
Increase noise levels Priority work planning in
pipeline and due to movement of sensitive location
construction heavy vehicles and Limit hours of operation in
of ESR in construction sensitive zones during peak
sensitive equipment service hours.
locations like • There will be Hospitals need special
schools, disruption to the planning for emergency
hospitals, movement of management
religious, vehicles Laying of pipeline in alternate IL 10u8
cultural and c Increase in Dust street, if possible, to avoid
tourist levels due to earth traffic disruptions and
locations work or replacement commuting problems 0
a otepipe .„.......
1 1,Install - peed breaker and , e)


Sr. Project Impacts Mitigation Measures Site Supervisio

No Activities Responsibility n
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
There will be noise signages near settlements
pollution hampering Hoardings and signboards
classes and lectures. intimating the temporary
Landscape nature of inconvenience
degradation and Construction activities to be
uneven dug surface scheduled carefully to
will have possibility minimize the impact of noise
of accidents. from construction machinery
Disruption of water during school hours.
supply to the Barricades, temporary noise
consumers during control measures and dust
implementation suppression measures
through watering
12. Laying of Loss of livelihood for Adequate provision for space Operator SO/ULB/S
pipeline and vendors shall be left so that the PV(Water
construction Limited access to pedestrians have access to Utility)/DB
of ESR in small shop and low shops and local service OE/ER/KUI
commercial sales providers DFC
areas Immediate cleaning up of
debris as part of planned
Alternative livelihood
planning to compensate or
the temporary loss of
13. Construction Safety hazards and Fencing of the excavation site Operator SO/ULB/S
of any accidents and providing proper caution PV(Water
nature and Occupational sign boards Utility)/DB
in any Hazards in all Protective measures to OE/ER/KUI
location construction sites workers as per occupational DFC
including health and safety norms
impacts due to Develop women sensitive
absence of proper work conditions with toilets
housing and blocks catering to women's
sanitation facilities needs
in labour camps Include creches in worksites.
Develop and implement site-
specific Health and Safety
(H&S) Plan which will include
measures such as:
excluding public from the
ensuring all workers are
provided with and use S
Personal Protective \
*act Equipment (PPE); lit.• t ili, 0 m
,,,O.,• _ r extAP \ n
1 health and safety it
COW N? r-‘:t . t
,e,tx.:,1•Itr, 'r CV\o, -
:nt ver --- eaciakiningfor all site personnel;
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Sr. Project Impacts Mitigation Measures Site Superyisio

No Activities Responsibility n
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
documented procedures
to be followed for all site
activities; and
documentation of work-
related accidents;
Ensure that qualified
first-aid can be provided at all
times. Equipped first-aid
stations shall be easily
accessible throughout the
Provide medical insurance
coverage for workers;
Secure all installations from
unauthorized intrusion and
accident risks;
Provide supplies of potable
drinking water;
Provide clean eating areas
where workers are not
exposed to hazardous or
noxious substances;
Training of workers on safety
and health and set down rules
and regulations of all new
workers at the site, personal
protective protection and
preventing injuring to fellow
Ensure the visibility of
workers through their use of
high visibility vests when
working in or walking through
heavy equipment operating
Ensure moving equipment is
outfitted with audible back-up
Mark and provide sign boards
for hazardous areas such as
energized electrical devices
and lines, service rooms
a, U8
housing high voltage 'IS ‘
-‘;CCI (...
equipment, and areas for I.
storage and disposal. Signage m
shall be in accordance with .,
international standards and et c
atitISSI Rio aflAa b Ile wrainown to, and easily

Ito f Senciele ix

Sr. Project Impacts Mitigation Measures Site Supervisio

No Activities Responsibility n
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
understood by workers,
visitors, and the general
public as appropriate; and
14. Focus on Access to any of the Immediately after completion Operator SO/ULB/S
cultural cultural properties is of construction, the PV(Water
properties severed during Contractor will affect Utility)/DB
construction; clearance of the precincts of OE/ER/KUI
cultural properties. DEC
Access needs to be restored
at the Contractor's cost.
Operations/Sustaining Phase
15. 24X7 Disruption in water Ensure alternate drinking Operator ULB/SPV/
Continuous supply leading to water supply through tankers. KUIDFC
Supply of inadequacy In case of Contamination
Water Generation of and/or shortage of Water
During Additional Quantity Involve ward level women's
Operation of Wastewater from groups like SHGs and
(including the Zones leading to Neighborhood Groups in
intermittent contamination of monitoring.
supply surface / sub-surface Measures for water removal
during sources though pumping in case of
Design Build Flooding of Low flooding
period) Lying Areas due to Ensure implementation of
overflow of storm Health & Safety Management
water drains Plan (ECOP for public and
Occurrence of workers safety.
chlorine intoxication Ensure implementation of
if water is over water quality Management
chlorinated during (Eco for better water quality
treatment Create awareness on
measures to be taken up in
case of over chlorination.

1.6. Institutional and Implementation Arrangement

The project's institutional and implementation arrangements are anchored with KUIDFC at the state
level and ULB at the city level. While the apex functions, including overall safeguards management, rests
with the latter, field level overseeing is done by ULB. The actual field level implementation will be entrusted
to an 'operator'. In addition, a SPV will be set up under the ULB to function as 'utility'. The operator with
due approvals from KUIDFC and ULB enlists contractors to do the civil works. Safeguard requirements and
the plans accordingly form an obligation on the part of the contractor as well. An Environmental and Social
Cell shall be integrated under the PMU at KUIDFC and PIU at ULB/ SPV level and serve for mainstreaming
social and environmental safeguards for the project. The cell will look after the ESMP planning,
implementation and monitoring, base management, training and capacity building sensitation
and grievance redressal.

4.frtiction "C
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

1.7. Grievance Redress Mechanism

The GRC will be constituted by the Project Authority with the aim to settle disputes and grievances, if any,
by the local community and other stakeholders through consultations and negotiations. There will be one
GRC for each city. Efforts will be made to resolve the issues at the field level itself. Else, it can be escalated
up and and the GRC will respond to the grievance within 15 days. Broad functions of GRC are as under:
Record the grievances, categorize and prioritize them and provide solution to their grievances related
to the nature of the problem.
The GRC may undertake site visit, ask for relevant information from Project Authority and other
government and non-government agencies, etc in order to resolve the grievances.
Fix a time frame within the stipulated time period of 30 days for resolving the grievance.
Inform the complainants through implementation agency about the status of their case and their
decision to complainant(s) and Project Authority for compliance.

1.8. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

M&E would be carried out for regular assessment of both process followed and progress of the
implementation plans. The Plans will contain indicators and benchmarks for achievement of the objectives.

The internal monitoring will be carried out by the KUIDFC/PMU. The Project Authority will engage services
of an external agency (third party), which will undertake independent concurrent impact evaluations at
least twice during the project implementation period. Such independent evaluation will focus on assessing
whether the overall objectives of the project have been met and will use the defined impact indicators as a
basis for evaluation. Specifically, the evaluation will assess the level of success (including the constraints
and barriers).

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi


The World Bank assisted Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project (KUWASIP)
aimed at providing continuous water supply on a 24X7 basis in the urban towns and cities in
Karnataka. Initially, the project was piloted in selected five demonstration zones in the three project
cities of Hubballi-Dharwad, Belagavi, and Kalaburagi which ended in 2011. Following the success of
the pilot initiatives, city-wise scale up, "Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization Project"
(KUWSMP) commenced in 2016 with a financial outlay of US $ 279 million. As a part of the project
preparation, an Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) had been carried out in 2014 to
integrate environmental and social concerns with project design, identify potential adverse
environment and social impacts during different phases of the project implementation (pre-
construction, during construction and post construction) and draw management measures thereof
Additionally, a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) had also been prepared to address the land
related issues. The ESA and RPF had been approved by the World Bank as well as Government of
Karnataka and disclosed. However, initially, the project covered only one city, Hubballi -Dharwad, as
the other two cities were still under preparation. Now, the other two cities - Bela gavi and
Kalaburagi- are being taken up with restructuring of project. Hence, the ESA and RFP are updated.
While the issues and the management measures remain more or less the same, implementation
lessons learnt so far from Hubballi - Dharwad are incorporated.

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Finance Corporation (KUIDFC) on behalf of the Government

of Karnataka is preparing the Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernisation Project (KUWSMP).
The project involves modernizing water supply systems and capacity for providing continuous piped
water supply in the three cities of Hubballi-Dharwad, Kalaburgi and Belagavi.

The Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) had been carried out to integrate
environmental and social concerns with project design, identify potential adverse environment and
social impacts during different phases of the project implementation (pre-construction, during
construction and post construction) and recommend mitigation measures, complying with
environmental and social safeguard policies of the World Bank, Government of India, and
Government of Karnataka. This report describes the ESA conducted and updated once again in Feb
2019 in respect of Kalaburgi City.

1.1 Project Background

In 2003, Government of Karnataka (GoK) with assistance from the World Bank launched
Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project (KUWASIP) for providing a continuous
water supply (24X7) to address issues of poor quality, intermittent supply, illegal connection
and supply of contaminated ground water. The State Government selected five
demonstration zones in three project towns of Hubballi Dharwad, Belgaum, and Gulbarga to
pilot the 24X7 urban water supply (UWS). The project envisaged setting a policy,
institutional and regulatory environment in the urban water sector, enabling service
improvements, sustainable investments and coverage expansion. The project was
successfully implemented and closed on 31st March 2011.

Based on the success of the project and with the support from the local communities, City
wise scale up has been proposed through World Bank funding. The total project cost is for
all the three cities and is estimated at about 1809 crores in INR or $ 279 million in US. This
up scaling project for the identified cities known as "Karnataka Water Supply
Modernization Project" (KUWSMP) has been approved by the K a tting up of
44i11.4,ittizfroger utility (SPV) hiring of an Operator plement
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investments that will ensure delivery of continuous water supply in the project cities. The
activities of the operator will include the following.

Augmentation / development of water sources

Rehabilitation of existing or laying of new transmission line(s),

Rehabilitation or expansion or new water treatment plant(s)

Development and / or expansion of pumping station(s)

Renovation or rehabilitation or construction of new service reservoirs (underground or


Replacement and /or extension of distribution network

Replacement and/ or provision new house service connections.

The project will finance, amongst others, physical investments in the water supply system to
facilitate continuous water supplies (Component 1) along with the systems, procedures and
equipment that will build the institutions to sustainably deliver those improved services
(Component 2).

Component 1 - Capital Investment Program

Capital Works: These include bulk capacity augmentation; enhancing capacity or resilience
of transmission/feeder mains; treatment plant renovations/capacity enhancement; pump
station upgrades; service reservoir improvements; distribution network sectorization,
pipeline rehabilitation/replacement; water meters for bulk supplies and consumer
consumption; replacement of house connections; and new connections to low income

Service Improvement Plan: The Operator will prepare and implement a Service
Improvement Plan (SIP), approved by the Client, which will set out the needed investments
for capital works and utility systems & equipment. The initial SIP will be prepared during the
Design Build Period and will be updated annually to capture new and better quality data. An
Expert Reviewer will advise on the suitability of, and any amendments required to, the SIP.

Operator cum Contractor: The Operator will act as the Client's Contractor for implementing
the SIP and will contract with third party contractors for delivery of the agreed capital works
and the systems & equipment. A DBOE will certify payments to be made to the Operator.

Component 2— Institution Building

SPV (Water Utility) set up and operations: This will finance costs associated with
operationalizing the SPV (Water Utility) including (i) preparation of institutional staffing,
training and delegation plan; (ii) office equipment (iii) staff training costs and (iv)
incremental operating costs during the project period.

Systems and Equipment for Service Delivery: This will finance all the systems and equipment
needed to establish well-run service delivery arrangements at the city level including
computer systems (MIS, GIS, Billing and Collection, Call Center, CMMS), preparation of
Standard Operating Procedures, and purchase of operational equipment and vehicles.

Partial payment of Operator Fees during the Design Build period: The project will finance
45% of the operator fee during the Design Build period as a result of the additional costs
incurred at this time due to intensive staff training, capacity building, and heavier operating
c (espoially for leakage control). These important activities will allow t
tetiOSS,Ir;kaMariln d and stabilize serv
Bt elivery in readiness for the Sustaining Perio
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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Component 3 — Technical Assistance for Sector Development

The project will support activities aimed at further developing the urban water sector in the

Preparing a State Urban and Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy: The study would
cover policy, service delivery arrangements, performance standards, regulatory
requirements, investment needs and sector financing.

Developing Low Cost Sanitation approach in project cities: The study would look at national,
regional and international experiences and would include preparation of detailed designs
for pilot implementation in each city.

Project Impact Evaluation: This would assess the impact of providing continuous water
supplies at both the household level and the city level.
Improving Social Accountability: This would support implementation and routine capture of
consumer feedback on the quality of WSS services in each city and make it available on line
for easy access by all stakeholders.

Improved dam management: Preparation of Operation and Maintenance Plans and

Emergency Preparedness Plans for the five dams providing water to the three cities and
considered Large Dams under the Bank's policy "Safety of Dams" (0P4.37).

Component 4- Project Management

This component finances activities to ensure efficient and effective project implementation.
This includes, among others, equipment to establish PMU/PIU offices, consultants to
support technical evaluations, third party monitoring, expert reviewer, DBOE, safeguards
and fiduciary auditing, construction quality assurance, communications and others.

1.2 Kalaburgi City and the proposed project

Kalaburgi city is the divisional headquarters of Kalaburgi revenue division having jurisdiction
over the five districts of Bellary, Bidar, Kalaburgi, Raichur and Koppal. The city is located in
the latitude 170 - 2' North and longitude 260- 51' East at an average altitude of 458 meters
above the mean sea level and comprises in 55 Municipal administrative wards with a total
area of 56.0

Water to the Kalaburgi City is supplied from three surface water sources: 9 MLD of water is
supplied from Bhogsa Reservoir (presently dry), 20 MLD water can be supplied from
Bennithora Reservoir (under renovation) and around 55 MLD of water is supplied from the
Bheema river located at around 20 kms. There are a number of working bore-wells
accounting to about 1166 numbers, and about 375 bore-wells are with hand pumps having
supply capacity of about 8.00 MLD of water2. The physical features along the proposed
alignment in each of the project cities are described below.

Detailed studies were carried out to understand the physical and capital investments
required for providing continuous water supply to Kalaburgi in Oct 2018 and the study has
identified the following key activities for the city.

1 Surface water source Bennithora River scheme: A new intake structure near Harasur
Village, a raw Water pumping main of 1342 mm dia. for a length of 19.2 km and a new
Water Treatment plant of 55 MLD at Salam Tekdi has been pr with
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Rehabilitation of WTPs, upgradation in terms of the alum dosing plant, laboratory up-
gradation etc has been proposed for the existing Water Treatment plants at Old Filter
Bed Treatment Plant on Sultanpur Road, Shorgumbaz Water Treatment Plant; Kotnoor
IPS Water Treatment Plant and old filter bed Water Treatment Plant.

Rehabilitation of Raw Water Pumping Stations at Saradagi, Kurikott and Kotnur

I Five Clear Water Pumping Stations at SB Tank, HSR Tank, Hirapur and Old Filter Bed (51
HP & 20 HP) needs minor repairs like painting, plastering etc.

Two new clear water pumping station has been proposed at Dhangarwada and

Laying of about 31.2 km of additional lines of different diameters from 110 mm to 1219
mm is proposed. This is in addition to the existing 51.5 km length.

I Upgradation / replacement of about 883 km of additional distribution line is newly

proposed with 82000 HSCs.

Dismantling of 4 elevated service reservoirs, rehabilitation of 1 GLSR and 9 ELSRs and

construction of 2 GLSRs and 11 ELSRs are proposed. Apart from this all the exiting
elevated and ground reservoirs shall be integrated into the system is also proposed with
SCADA. DMA meters valves, etc.

1.3 Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA)

An Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) has been carried out to integrate
environmental and social concerns with project design, identify potential adverse
environment and social impacts during different phases of the project implementation (pre-
construction, during construction and post construction) and recommend mitigation
measures, complying with environmental and social safeguard policies of the World Bank,
Government of India, and Government of Karnataka.

1.4 ESA Objectives

Within the broad framework of mitigation of the adverse influences in the environmental
and social domains of the ensuing water supply project influences through ESA, the broad
objectives are:

Identification of key social and environmental issues associated with the proposed water
supply augmentation (24x7 water supply) such as rehabilitation works to be
implemented at the pre-construction, construction and operation phases of project.

Identification of the positive and adverse impacts of sub project activities on physical and
social environments.

Propose suitable mitigation measures for potentially adverse environmental and social
impacts, and measures for enhancement of positive impacts. This will be attained
through a comprehensive Environmental and Social Assessment Studies and preparing (a)
ECoP and (b) Resettlement Policy and Framework.

Detail out roles and responsibilities of various agencies involved in updating ESA and
implementing out the proposed Environmental and Social Management plans.

In addition to the above mentioned objectives, ESA will also suggest additional detailed
environmental and social studies / activities that may be required to be ut to
osure%usIAigAbility and monitoring of ES P.
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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

1.5 Methodology and Approach to this ESA

The approach in carrying out the ESA has been a mix of technical as well as participatory
exercise. A comprehensive approach and methodology, with a step-wise approach, has been
adopted to develop the Environmental and Social Management Plan for project area which
is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Methodology and Approach of ESA

Secondary Research Field Survey and Stakeholder Consultation

Project Description & Analysis
Social Survey and Discussion with Local Population

Environment Details of Project Environmental & Social Impact

Area Assessment

Preparing Monitoring Developing
and Evaluation Plan Mitigation Plan

The steps have been elaborated as follows:

Step 1: A comprehensive policy & regulatory review at national & state level has been
carried out by summarizing the applicable policies and regulations. Applicable Safeguard
policies of the World Bank have also been reviewed and summarized.
Step 2: Secondary and Primary data collection and analysis. All the relevant data from
secondary sources has been presented geographically & in database format. Identification
of issues with different attributes has been further confirmed through stakeholder
consultations. This leads to identification of issues, causes and impacts on a broad level.
Step 3: Extent and level of impacts are assessed based on the feasibility report, preliminary
field investigations and stakeholder consultations.
Step 4: Based on the impact analysis of adaptive and mitigation, activities has been
formulated and the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) has been devised.
Step 5: A monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan including a list of key environmental and
social indicators for monitoring at various levels has been prepared.
Step 6: An institutional assessment has been carried out and outputs of steps 4 and 5 have
been mapped with respective institutions so that 'roles' and "responsibilities" for
implementation are assigned during implementation.
1.6 Scope of ESA
A. Environmental Assessment will encompass the following:
Review of the key activities to be undertaken in pre-construction, construction and post
construction phase based on the initial design of proposed 24x7 Water Supply Systems.
The study includes review and analysis of available feasibility reports. T me is
0110 eithened by discussions with various stakeholders (KUIDF nd
cotttoeRta consultants) and is inter-linked various environmental aspects.
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Detailed Environmental Profile of the project city: The available secondary information and
primary monitoring / investigations with regards to the physical, biological and socio-
economic conditions are collected and analyzed. The outcome includes basic demographic
and socio-economic characteristics, existing water supply situation, status of other related
infrastructure (wastewater, solid waste, drainage, roads, ground water, etc.). It also
describes physical environmental profiling considering air, water, noise, soil quality,
attributes at different locations; ecological profiling in terms of aquatic / terrestrial flora and
fauna and other environmental features in project areas. This section also entails mapping
of physical feature and environment attributes.
Assess baseline water quality and health profile of project city: This section includes
primary sample survey to assess water quality at critical locations of water supply network
like source, treatment plant, service reservoirs and consumer points especially in slums and
determining associated health impacts of water quality. It also entails soil sampling and
inventory of possible locations of cross contamination or leakages duly correlated with
existing drainage network.
The health profile and other household information of project city: from available
secondary information and adequate primary household surveys, collected and analyzed.
Stakeholder consultations (jointly carried out along with other activities of social
assessment) to understand the key environmental, social and health issues associated with
current water supply systems and proposed project interventions to guide formulation of
EMP and ECoP. Stakeholder Consultation was conducted in the city for identification of
issues, impacts and their mitigation (Chapter 6).
Policy, Regulatory and Institutional Framework: the environment and social management
plan, its implementation and monitoring is to be reinforced by incorporating all applicable
operational policies of the World Bank and environmental laws / regulations in India. It
includes review policies, laws and acts regarding environment and analysis of institutional
framework in terms of agencies involved in planning, designing, operating and maintaining
the project activities and the relevant regulatory agencies, so as to assess
the capacity,
willingness and
resource requirement of the institutions for effective integration / management of
environmental aspects
Identification and analysis of key environmental issues: this includes analysis of the
Baseline environmental data collected from various departments in terms of changes in the
physical, biological or socio-economic environment and other negative and positive impacts
likely to result from the proposed project improvements. It also covers provision of broad
alternatives for various sub-components, choices of sites and identify issues of particular
concern for each such alternative / intervention regarding augmentation of water sources,
its reliability and sustainability, location and; operation of water treatment plants, pumping
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP): The environmental and social
management plan included (a) the recommended mitigation actions and management plan
for the potential negative impacts identified; (b) the measures (prevention, mitigation and
compensation) complying with the nature, scale and potential of the anticipated
environmental impacts; (c) monitoring and supervision plan; and (d) defining roles and
resptbilitie of all agencies involved (contractors, the project implementatios .nd
orirriagencies). ousi?

‘‘Not,,,aare .measures to be included are t s

F i\a?a\fid non-structural measures.

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

The structural measures could comprise

Appropriate changes in the designs,
Protection of physical entities to minimize impacts on ecology and hydrology.
The Non-structural approaches could include
Construction schedules designed to minimize conflicts
Communications plan include traffic management, people's movement plan, informing
concerned authorities, etc., and
Training agencies in principles and methods of environmental protection.
B. Social Assessment included the following
The scope of work for social assessment included the following
Review of the experiences from the predecessor project in the demo zones through
stakeholder's consultations involving communities and other stakeholders. Experience
sharing consultation with ULB staff and officials, elected members - past and present- of the
ULBs, staff of Urban Water Supply Board, media, prominent institutions, NG0s, health
institutions/service providers etc.
Review of reports on demo zone including a) Project Appraisal document; b)
Implementation Completion Report; c) Rapid social assessment and communications
strategy; d) M&E reports; e) impact assessment study; f) IEC materials; g) land acquisition
framework; and h) resettlement action plans.
Socio Economic Profiling: Socio-economic profile includes different caste/religious groups
(the dominant and marginal groups), socio-economic profile, occupational categories,
gender relations, etc. It also covers analysis of geographical spread of the ULB and its
relationship with socio-economic composition of the society with special emphasis on
gender analysis.
Baseline survey of sample households for key parameters socio-economic profile, current
service levels, coping costs, health parameters, an assessment of willingness to pay, ability
to pay, hardship faced in terms of distance travelled, time and money spent for water, etc.
Indigenous people: Identify any indigenous people; examine the applicability or otherwise
of the Bank's Operational Directive on Indigenous Peoples (OP 4.10). If the policy is found
applicable on indigenous group, prepare a tribal development plan that meets the
requirements of Bank policy.
Land Acquisition Requirements: It covers review exiting R&R framework and update in
consultation with KUIDFC. Identification of land acquisition requirements and develop the
process and framework for land acquisition, compliance with provisions of the Bank's OP/BP
4.12 on involuntary resettlement. For land acquisition which may take place in the first
eighteen months, the consultant will prepare Resettlement Plan, following the
Resettlement Policy Framework, OP 4.12 and new LA and R&R Act 2013.
Stakeholder Consultations: It covers primary stakeholders, NG0s, CB0s, elected
representatives, ULB officials, other Government departments, eminent citizens, other
opinion makers and the general public. Stakeholder Consultation includes: a) semi
structured interviews, b) PRA methods, c) direct observation, d) focus group discussions, e)
sample surveys of households and f) secondary literature review.
Resettlement Policy Framework:
Outlines Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) addressing key social issue *tlement
a Or thseproject, poverty / gender / tribal development fra - . for
oSSA me e s pecific
pecific social Assessme d Rehabilitation Action Plan ti si ; ,•
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activities. This has been brought out as a separate standalone document as Resettlement
Policy Framework (RPF) under KUWSMP.
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP): This includes Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) addressing
key social issues, land acquisition; entitlements as per RPF and also poverty/gender/tribal
development plans as required for the project.
C. Environmental Code of Practice (ECoP) 24x7 Water Supply Systems
ECoP provides guidance in integration of environmental concerns during design,
implementation and operation of water supply project (KUWSMP).The ECoP essentially
covers code of practice for each activity and sub activity in project development cycle. It
recommends mitigation measures for negative environmental impacts; provides specific
guidance for good practices (with support information on type designs / drawings / lay outs,
etc.) with examples; and specific environmental enhancement opportunities in terms of
selection of suitable designs, technologies (for WTPs), opportunities for energy efficiency,
conservation of water resources (including reuse / recycling).
It provides details of reference and resource materials; training and capacity building
requirements; and general codes of practice for planning and design, construction,
supervision and monitoring and operation of 24x7 water supply projects.
1.7 Structure of the report
The present report is the Draft on the Environmental and Social Assessment Study carried
out by the consultant for the project.

Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi


2.1 Kalaburgi City and its characteristics

Kalaburgi city is the divisional headquarters of Kalaburgi revenue division having jurisdiction
over the five districts of Bellary, Bidar, Kalaburgi, Raichur and Koppal. The city is located in
North Karnataka, 625 km north of Bangalore. With a population of 543,147 (2011 Census),
the conurbation is among the largest municipal corporations in the State, after Bangalore,
Hubballi-Dharwad and Mysore. The city is divided into 55 administrative wards to manage
urban services delivered by Kalaburgi City Corporation (GCC).

The territorial jurisdiction of the Municipal Corporation covers 55 sq. km, which is shown in
Figure 2.1. The area under the jurisdiction of City Corporation has increased by 22 sq kms in
the 1995, with variations due to inclusion of some villages and extension area into the CC
limits to sustain growth of city.

Socio-economic profile of Kalaburgi city is summarized in following sections.

Gulbarga District

Table 2.1: Fact File

Population 2011 533,587
2 Total Households 102830
Area Kalaburgi Municipal Corporation 55 sq. km
No. of Wards 55
Population Decadal Growth rate (2001- 23 %
Population Density (2011) 9875 persons per
Literacy Rate 72%
Sex Ratio 953
Economy Regional Market and Service
fSource:Lensus of India 2011 and ULB records)
°tint ataive
GPar Figure 2.1: Area of Kalaburgi City Municipal Corporation

hlos *61"\"‘"P'SP1/4
t Air 2011, Census




Kalaburgi has grown rapidly with an annual growth rate of 3 percent since 1971 to 2001,
however has declined to 2.0 percent in 2011. The population of the city, which was 1,45,558
in 1951, has increased to 5,43,147 by 2011, which is almost four folds. The decadal growth
of the city is found to be highest during 1961-71 and 1971-81.
Table 2.2: Population growth trends and density-Kalaburgi

Decadal Growth
Years Population
(in %age)
1951 77,189 -
1961 97,069 20.48
1971 145,588 33.33
1981 221,325 34.22
1991 310,920 28.82
2001 430,265 27.74
2011 543147 20.78
Source: Census of India 2011
The population density for the city has increased from 7,378 persons per sq. km during 1981
to 9422 persons per sq. km during 1991 and declined to 7823 persons per sq. km during
2001, due to the expansion of the municipal area. Population density of the city in 2011 was
recorded as 9875 persons per sq. km.
As per Census 2011, total work force of the city was 32.95 percent comprising of 178207
persons. Total main workers (147199 persons) constituted 82.6 percent of the total work
force. Total main workers in all the wards ranged from 25-50 percent. About 93.67 percent
of main workers are engaged in other services, 3.39 percent main workers are engaged in
agriculture sector and remaining 2.92 percent are engaged in household industries.
Slum area of Kalaburgi is 1.48 sq. km which is 2.7% of the total area of the city. 60 slums
litre 420e notified and rest 18 are Non-notified. Over 70% of slums have existed more

,1301eYears in the city due to the fact that Kalaburgi has been one of the sly
.abited cities in India. The populati for this slum is 60190 (11.13%)
Economy and Industry kovmsests
a as
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Kalaburgi is primarily a regional market and service center. Textile, Oil and Dal industries are
the major industries of the city. Kalaburgi district is known for a huge reserve of limestone
and gypsum the basic raw materials for cement production, as a result; some of the biggest
cement industries of the country are located here. ACC, Birla, Ultra tech are few to be
named. The district is also known for land stone deposits, the famous Shahabad stone - a
well-known building material is from this district. As a result, stone polishing industry is also
prominent here. Dal industries are mainly located on the Kapnoor industrial area on the
Humnabad road.
Kalaburgi has been a prominent trade and commerce centre since Nizam's time. Larger
concentration of functions like health, education, trade, commerce industry and banking
have all extended the service catchment of the city to the entire region. However, for higher
order functions like airport, advanced health and educational services, trade and industry,
the city looks up to Hyderabad, the capital city of Andhra Pradesh. As a result, Kalaburgi's
dependence on the state capital is restricted to the mandatory functions like "political and
administrative activities" only.
History & Monuments
Historically, Kalaburgi distinguishes itself as the first capital of "Bahamani Dynasty" whose
glory lasted till 1874. Later, until reorganization, of the states in 1956, the city was under the
control of the Nizam of Hyderabad. The influence of Muslim rule for a longer period on the
city is very much evident through several well-known monuments like fort, mosques (Shaha
Bazaar, Masjid, Jama Masjid) several royal tombs and a holy tomb of a Muslim saint "Khwaja
Banda Nawaz". However, the city also came under the influence of the great social reformer
"Basavanna" which is indicated in the holy temple "Sharana Basaveshwara" in the heart of
the city. These monuments have enhanced the historical importance of the city.
Transportation Services
Kalaburgi city is linked by Mumbai / Delhi to Chennai / Bangalore broad-gauge railway line
to the state capital and other towns and cities of the country. The Bangalore-Humnabad
State highway passes through the city. The other important state highways, which link the
city, are Kalaburgi - Sedam, Kalaburgi- Aland and Kalaburgi- Afzalpur. It is situated at a
distance of 225 km west of Hyderabad, 550 km South of Mumbai and 625 km North of
Bangalore. The nearest airport is located at Hyderabad, which is at a distance of 225 Km; the
nearest River is Bheema which is at a distance of 25 km. The length of the type of roads is
Cement Concrete 128 km, Black Topped 397 km, Kacha Roads 298 km and total length of
the road is 823 km.

2.2 Current Water Supply System

This section reviews and highlights the key activities and design parameters of the proposed
24x7 water supply systems in the city, based on the available Feasibility report (Project
Report- Final, Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project- Upscaling 24x7 Water
Supply To Cover Entire Corporation — Kalaburgi; Tata Consulting Engineers) prepared in Jan
Currently about 75 MLD4' at 135 Ipcd is supplied to Kalaburgi City mainly from three sources
namely, Bhosga Reservoir (no water presently), Bennithora Reservoir and Bheema river.
Numbers of interventions are proposed within the city in place of existing water supply
all pipe lines will be relayed at the old pipe line pla alabur
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0,01-‘3%k As per TCE report

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2.2.1 Source of Water Supply and sanitation Statuss

At present Kalaburgi City receives water mainly from three sources namely, Bhosga
Reservoir, Bennithora River and Bheema River executed under Kalaburgi Water supply
scheme I, II, Ill respectively.
Bhosga Water Supply System:
Bhosga Reservoir is located on the western part of the city. Due to frequent drying up of
reservoir due to less rainfall in the catchment area this is not considered as a reliable source
of water. Earlier, 10MLD of water is drawn from this source and is treated at the old Filter
bed area. RCC pipe of 750mm dia exists which was laid back during 1970's.
Bennithora Water Supply Schemes:
Bennithora River flows on the northern part of the city at about 15 Km from the city. An
intake structure along with a 615mm dia Cl raw water transmission system constitutes the
pumping main system up to BPT at Salam Tekdi which is around 10Km in length. This system
is presently under rehabilitation under the ongoing PI works of KUIDFC consultant. The old
Cl pipe of 600mm dia is being replaced by 660 mm dia MS pipes with internal Cement
mortar lining and external guiniting. On commissioning of this scheme the city can draw
upto 30 MLD of water.
Figure 2.2 : Bennithora Reservoir

Bheema Water Supply scheme:

Bheema River flows on the Southern part of the city at about 20 Km from the city out skirts.
New Rising main of 1118 mm dia MS pipe for a length of 19.20 Km from the intake point to
the IPS station at Kotnoor is put into operation in 2007. The system has been designed for
the intermediate stage of 2016 for the discharge of 55 MLD and upgradeable for the
ultimate design discharge of 105 MLD. The MS pipes are lined with cement mortar lining
internally and guiniting externally.
Around 12.0 MLD raw water is supplied to WTP at Kotnoor and from the IPS station at
Kotnoor, 43 MLD of water is pumped to the existing treatment plant at Shorgumbaz throu h
914 mal dia IV:k8 pipes with internal cemen mortar lining and external guiniting.
re Ground Water Source

ott Page 11. 12 and 13, Project Report- Final, Kamataka Urban Water Sector! eat- Upscaling 24x7 Water Sup
timix, Cover Entire Corporation — Gulbarga; Tata Consulting Engineers In astructure Finance Ltd

Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

There are a number of bore-wells accounting to about 1541 numbers. 1166 bore-wells are
fitted with power pumps (1 phase - submersible pumps) and about 375 bore-wells are with
hand pumps and supplying 8.0 MLD water to the city. Due to scanty rainfall during last few
years, the ground water is dwindling and is causing failure of hand pumps. Ground water is
available at a depth of 300ft to 400ft and is slightly fluoride affected in some of the areas
(more than 3ppm). Also these bore well water are generally found to be hard in nature with
calcium and magnesium contents present above prescribed limits in some areas. These bore
wells are also presently under service and are operated daily for around 2 hours a day as per
the requirement. Separate dedicated lines have been laid where pumps have been installed
which generally feeds the nearby local areas.
Separate tanks have been constructed near the bore-wells where single phase pumps have
been installed. This pump lifts the water to the nearby tank (common tank) from where
water is collected by the individuals.
2.3 Water Treatment Plant
Kalaburgi City has three number of Water Treatment Plants of capacities varying from 9
MLD to 44 MLD located at Old Filter Bed Area, Kotnoor IPS and Shor Gumbaz. These Water
Treatment plants are within 10 km from the City Centre.
2.4 Clear Water Pumping Stations
At present there are 18 Clearwater pumping station under operation. In the final
reorientation design it is proposed to retain only 7 clear water pumping stations. The
remaining eleven stations are proposed to be abandoned.
23 Water Distribution Pumping Station
The town is divided into two zones — North and South zones with 18 Water Distribution
Pumping Stations.
2.6 Service Reservoirs
There are 34 numbers of Elevated Service Reservoirs and 5 Ground level service reservoirs in
the city.
2.7 Distribution System
About 75 MLD of water is supplied to the city population. The city is divided into 55
Municipal administrative wards and the existing distribution of water is done through 5
GLSR's and 34 ESR's. Totally 32 water supply distribution zones have been formed for the
equitable distribution of water during the city remodeling period in early 2000, tapping the
feeder mains is carried for feeding the system near KBN Engineering College. New Zones are
formed due to creation of new reservoirs one each in the High court Area, Biddapur colony,
Sainagar area, Hirapur area, Islamabad colony and Buland Parvez (Next to Mecca colony
tank) colony. Some new areas are also being covered.
2.8 Distribution Pattern
The distribution supply to the city is carried out on alternate day basis for a period of 1-2
hours. This has resulted in operation of many valves during supply day. It was observed that
in areas such as Mecca colony, Roza colony, Billalabad area, Old SP office area, Market area,
etc online pumps are used by the residents for drawing water during
non-availability of adequate pressurditi the network.
urgi city was having 49298 no's of domestic water supply connec
C.0'0* domestic and 240 no's of commercial ections as on Feb 2019. The City has a er
4- Nt
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Managing Dna"
a Sereane

supply system for a portion of the area executed by KUIDFC and being operated by a Private
operator. Connections in this demonstration zone are by 100% metering system.

2.10 Existing Sewerage System

Karnataka Urban Water Supply & Drainage Board (KUWSDB) has implemented sewerage
scheme in Kalaburgi city in two stages. Stage I was completed in year 1975 and stage II
works were completed in year 2002. Stage III works are presently under implementation

The entire Kalaburgi city has been divided in five sewerage zones viz. 2D1 (AA1), 2D2 (B),
2D3 (C), 1D1 (D) & 1D2 (E) and 3D1 (F) except sewerage district 3D1, all sewerage districts
are drainable by gravity to the existing sewage treatment plant near Kotnoor village.

The total length of existing sewerage network including the private layout, implemented by
corporation, KUWSDB is approximately 280 km with about 44476 HH connected to sewer
lines with capacity of STP is 27.24 MLD.

In addition to the above facilities, the city population has individual sanitation facilities such
as septic tanks (21,483 households) and other sanitation arrangements. It is estimated that
about 79,182 households (79.73 %) of the total 99,312 households have sanitation facilities.
The remaining 20,130 households hence would require sanitation facilities.

2.11 Existing Sewage Treatment Plant

The existing sewage treatment plant in Kalaburgi City is located to the south of the city near
Kotnoor village area, behind Kendriya Vidyalaya and is designed as waste stabilization
ponds. The sewage treatment plant was designed to serve a population of 3, 00,000. The
capacity of the plant is 27.24 MLD.

2.12 Proposed Sewerage System For the City

In order to improve the sewerage facilities in the city, a sewerage scheme comprising 67.23
km of additional network and a STP of 40 MLD is being implemented at a cost of INR 579
million (USD 10 million), as part of the ADB supported North Karnataka Urban Sector
Improvement Project (NKUSIP). This project is expected cover 53% of the households and
increase the sewage treatment capacity to 67 MLD.

While this would be sufficient for the current sewerage generation of about 60 MLD (80% of
75 MLD), the sewage generation is expected to increase to 120 MLD in 2026 and 160 MLD
by 2041 and would require augmentation of treatment capacities by 53 and 100 MLD in the
respective years.

2.13 Sanitation Facilities Kalaburgi

Sanitation facilities in Kalaburgi as per 2011 census data indicate that 53.29% households
are having individual toilets which are connected to sewer lines and 33.18% toilets are not
connected to sewer lines. It also reveals that 13.5% households are practicing open

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6 Ref note on sanitation options under KUWSMP

Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Household Access to Toilets

Households with individual toilet

connected to sewer

Households with individual toilets

connected to septic tank

La Households with individual toilets

connected to other systems

Households with individual toilets

connected to pit

Household toilets to open drain

Households with Service Latrines

2.14 Existing Storm Water Drainage System

Kalaburgi at present has around 90km of the storm water drains which is about 10% of the
existing road network. The existing storm water drains are not maintained periodically. Silts
and debris are a common sight in many of the existing drains.
Kalaburgi in past few years is experiencing rainfall exceeding the average rain fall in the
region. Due to undulating terrain, non-availability of proper drainage system supported by
heavy rains, the city has witnessed floods in the past few years. Water logging is a common
sight in the low lying areas. These low lying areas are generally occupied by slum dwellers
which add to the woes of the hygiene conditions. Water borne diseases are commonly
reported during these periods.
By the implementation of 24x7 system water is supplied to the consumer in pressurized
system. The distribution system is expected to be free from contamination and ingress of
external water. Due to water logging in these low line areas during rainy season the region
may pose serious threat to the quality of the water being delivered in the event of pipe
burst. Hence it is recommended that the concerned authorities to provide a scientific means
of collection and disposal of drainage for the city.
2.15 Study of Alternatives
Various alternatives have been assessed by the design consultants' to design a least cost
viable project aimed at 24X7 water supply to the residents of Kalaburgi Corporation.
The Project Report addressed many technical issues pertaining to the Water supply
component with respect to the Existing system, its conditions, and rehabilitation
requirements, necessity of additional infrastructure requirements, Project area, and water
demands for various consumers like residential, non-residential and industrial users.
The existing piping system in the distribution and Transmission system was analyzed with
respect to the existing field conditions, present O&M practices through interactions with the
concerned line-man / section officers, Laboratory test reports and its probable impact with
respect to the 24x7 up-scaling was analyzed. Based on the above aspects, its probable
integration with the proposed system was analyzed and accordin ly conclusions were
drawn. rief swmary of the design alternatives is provided below.

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2.15.1 Reduced Per-capita Supply

Reduction in per capita supply from normative 135 LPCD to 100LPCD including the bulk
supply System
2.15.2 Improved Operational Duration
The present operational duration of pumping stations and treatment plants is about 20
hours a day. Analysis was carried out to assess the quantity improvements by increasing the
operational durations of pumping stations to 22 hours and 24 hours a day respectively.
Bulk Quantity enhancement of the transmission main was analyzed by replacing the existing
pumping machinery to higher capacity pumps. The impacts on the initial capital investments
and the increased O&M expenses were also analyzed.
2.15.3 Distribution System Integration
It is observed that about 50% approx. of the project cost is estimated for the distribution
network improvements only. Almost all distribution pipe is proposed for replacement that
was arrived based on the analysis carried out both in the site and at the laboratory. The
consultants have also analyzed other available options for project improvements in the
Distribution system. The technology availability on pipe rehabilitation and its usage for the
present scenarios were explored.
Option-1: Complete replacement of the distribution network
Option-2: 25% replacement of the existing distribution network

Option-3: 50% replacement of the existing distribution network

Option-4: 75% replacement of the existing distribution network

Emphasis was mainly on the UFW reductions, DMA formations, Pipe leakage repairs and
rehabilitation etc. (Detailed analysis report for alternatives is provided in Annexure 1)
2.15.4 Conclusions on alternative studies:
Various possible alternatives have been analyzed for the improvements in the system both
in terms of the Bulk water supply and distribution system our conclusions and
recommendations are as follows:
Per-capita consumption analysis: Considering increasing economic standards of the city and
community demand for adequate water supply, a per capita supply level of 135LPCD was
considered for Kalaburgi up-scaling the water supply in Kalaburgi.
Bulk water supply: Various viable options of bulk improvements have been analysed with
respect to the increase in hours of operation for Pumping stations and treatment plants. The
possibility of overloading the treatment plants, replacements of existing pumping machinery
was also analysed. Upon careful analysis of the system, it is observed that source reliability,
power reliability along with the probable O&M expenses plays a major role in accepting the
preferred alternative.
Under the given circumstances, the consultants feel that 20 hours operational durations of
Pumping stations and treatment plants, along with equal extraction of water from both the
sources would be the ideal situation for Kalaburgi city. This can also help in addressing the
minimum needs of the city in the event of failure of any one of the sources.
Distribution system: Various alternatives for the existing distribution system integration
have been analysed by the consultants. Techniques for UFW reduction, pipe rehabilitation
works were also studied. Upon careful analysis of the alternatives, the consultants
wiffesnapickshat complete replace nt of the existing distribution system f ng

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Rehabilitation of the existing system has constraints such as minimum diameters, straight
stretches of pipe lines, etc. apart from time consuming process and may not be an
economical option. This also requires details of underground assets mapping of various
The behavioural characteristics of the pipes when subjected to 24x7 water pressure are
unknown. This may have serious impact when 24x7 system is implemented.
The end results of the pipe network after rehabilitation depends on the quality of the
work man ship and the technology involved. There are every chances of compromise with
quality when implemented to such a large extent.
The residents of the area would be severely affected due to stoppage of water supply,
blocking and digging of roads during the rehabilitation works.
UFW reduction programs is a time consuming process involving formation of DMA,
carrying out water balance analysis, leak detection studies, repair of leaks. This is an
iterative and continuous process to be carried out until the desired levels are achieved.
The time factor plays a critical role in the overall process.
This aspect will be further analysed by the operator and distribution system will be re-
designed with optimum use / replacement of the distribution system.
2.15.5 Demand Projection
Water has become a very important commodity for the growth of the cities. Identification of
feasible and perennial source is imperative to meet the ever-increasing demand owing to
increasing population and improved standards of living. The population of Kalaburgi city is
expected to reach 8.07 Lakhs by the year 2031 and 9.60 Lakhs by the year 2041 as per
population projections. The present treated water requirement is about 75 MLD and this
demand will be 138 MLD by the year 2031 and 161 MLD by the year 2041. The present
supply is about 75 MLD from surface sources and about 8 MLD from ground water source.
There is a need for augmentation of present water supply system to take care of immediate
as well as future water demand of the city. Considering transmission and treatment plant
losses of 5% the raw water requirement to meet the water demand by the year 2041 is 170
MLD (62.0 Mcum per year).

Table 2.3: Demand Estimation

SI. Demand (MLD)

No. 2023 2031 2038 2041 2053
1 Population 693499 807232 913118 960318 1160034
2 Domestic 104.02 121.08 136.97 144.05 174.01
3 Industries! Bulk 17.65 17.65 17.65 17.65 17.65
Total Clear
4 121.67 138.73 154.62 161.70 191.66
Water Demand
Transmission &
5 6.40 7.30 8.14 8.51 10.09
WTP losses
Total Raw Water
6 128.1 146.0 162.8 170.2 201.7
Source: Project Report by TCE, 2019

Thi0Silscglit4te water supply system based on the TCE Desi

;40,6 Source Studies
t eitge

The project proposes to utilize 142 MLD of water from Bennithora reservoir and 59.4 MLD
from Bheema reservoir to meet future water requirements of the city. Availability of water
in these reservoirs was analysed and as presented in Annexure V, 202 MLD of water is
available to meet the requirements of Kalaburgi upto 2053.
2.15.7 Water Treatment Plant
The water treatment plant requirements are worked out based on the demand estimation.
The existing treatment facility available has been reviewed and phase wise requirements of
WTP has been worked out and the details are given below.
Table 2.4: Treated Water Demand for the Kalaburgi City

S. Water Years
No. Treatment Plant 2023 2031 2038 2041 2053
1 Salam Tekdi 33.3 50.4 66.3 73.4 103.3
2 Shorgumbaz 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0
3 Kotnoor 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4
4 Old Filter Bed 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.9
A Total 121.6 138.7 154.6 161.7 191.6
Existing Water Treatment capacity in MLD
1 Salam Tekdi - - -
2 Shorgumbaz 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0
3 Kotnoor 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4
4 Old Filter Bed 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.9
B Total 88.3 88.3 88.3 88.3 88.3
Propose Water Treatment capacity in MLD
1 Salam Tekdi 33.3 50.4 66.3 73.4 103.3
Total 33.3 50.4 66.3 73.4 103.3
Source: Project Report of TCE, 2019
2.15.8 Storage Capacity
Reliability on availability of water is the most important aspect of the 24x7 system. Hence it
is suggested to provide about 50% of the daily requirements as the storage to be provided in
the reservoirs at various locations in the system to cater to the fluctuating needs of the
As suggested earlier about 35% of the demand requirements are proposed to be stored in
the Service reservoirs. The balance 15% is proposed to be stored in Ground level tanks near
the Treatment plant areas.
The above approach can take care of the following fluctuations.
Minor Disruption in the Raw water Pumping stations, treatment plants
Fluctuations in demand
2.15.9 Pumping System IJ

The following clear water pumping stations is identified for the Kalaburgi city. Many of the
-4°3611151:iing stations have be,
pciysed. The details f the observations for
ns are provided below. anka`n
NOV Biarit's
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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Clear water pumping station at Kotnoor is found to be in good condition apart from small
maintenance issues like the plastering and painting, rehabilitation of the pump pits etc.
Hence, the pump station has been integrated with minor rehabilitation works into the
proposed scheme.
The existing old 40HP pump house in old Filter bed area is found to be in bad condition.
Hence, has been suggested for complete replacement, whereas the existing 20HP pump
house in old Filter bed area is found to be in good condition. Hence, has been suggested for
integration with minor rehabilitation works.
Table 2.5: Details of Clear Water Pump Stations
SI. No. location Remarks
1 Kotnoor Pumping station - Existing being integrated
with the proposed system
2 Old Filter bed Pumping station-1 (To nearby ESR) Existing being integrated
with the proposed system
3 Old Filter bed Pumping station-2 ( to Demo Zone-to Existing being integrated
nearby ESR) with the proposed system
4 Old Filter bed Pumping station-3 (Not in use) Existing
5 Old Filter bed Pumping station-3 (for HSR tank) Existing being integrated
with the proposed system
6 SB college Pumping station (to nearby ESR) Existing
7 Sheikh Roza Pumping station (to nearby ESR) Existing
8 Mominpura Pumping station (to nearby ESR) Existing
9 Old SP office pumping station (to nearby ESR) Existing
10 HSR pumping station (to nearby ESR) Existing being integrated
with the proposed system
11 TV station pumping station (to nearby ESR) Existing
12 Roza pumping station (to nearby ESR) Existing
13 Makka Colony Pumping station (to nearby ESR) Existing
14 Billalabad Pumping station (to nearby ESR) Existing
15 High Court complex (to nearby ESR) Existing
16 Hirapur Pumping station Existing being integrated
with the proposed system
17 Islamabad Pumping station Existing
18 20 MLD VVTP Pumping station Existing being integrated
with the proposed system
19 Basavnagar clear water distribution pumping Proposed
station-Proposed (40 HP)
20 Dhangarawada clear water distribution pumping Proposed
station-Proposed (40 HP)
Source: Project Report of TCE, 2019
2.15.10 Clear water Transmission System
The entire project area has been further divided into different command area of the
treatment plants based on the topography; physical boundaries and other man made
features such that the system flows by gravity and feed the service reservoirs.
The existing clear water transmission main was re-modelled during early 2003 and is found
to be in good condition and has been integrated into the proposed network. H wever, due
oicdemand and formation vw zones, addition
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et pipe are
r"sed as per the requirement. S
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2.15.11 Local Distribution System

The distribution system network is divided into 42 zones for the equitable distribution of
water. The command of the existing ESR and its pressure at the tail end points has been
analysed, New reservoirs under constructions have been considered and accordingly the
requirement of additional Reservoirs have been worked out. Accordingly, 42 zones have
been formed for the equitable distribution of water. Each zone is planned to be fed with a
service reservoir. Interlinking of the zones has been done at the boundary with valves which
shall be operated during emergency only. The summary of the distribution pipe network is
provided in table given below.
Table 2.6: Summary of Distribution Network
S. No. Summary Length (KM}
1 Total Road Length 1074
2 Total Pipe Length (suggested) 1134 (8838)
Source: Project Report of TCE, 2019
Figure 2.3: Flow Diagram of Water Supply - Existing and proposed

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2.15.13 SCADA
The SCADA system shall be used for effective monitoring of water supplied and consumed.
In this contest flow meters are proposed to be installed at inlet and outlet of WTP, pumping
station, reservoirs and DMA. Flow and pressure information measured at these locations
will be transferred through GPRS/GSM wireless technology and will be stored at a central
location. It is proposed to set up a SCADA unit at the corporation office/SPV(Water Utility).
This would help in monitoring the water supplied and consumed at various stages of

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi


3.1 Introduction
The chapter reviews various policies, regulations and administrative framework within
Which "Karnataka Urban Water Supply Modernization Project" (KUWSMP) is to be
implemented. It includes operational policies / directives of the World Bank, sector-specific
Environmental Policies & Regulations of the Government of India and the institutional
profile of various agencies such as KUIDFC, KUWSDB, Project Local Bodies, KSPCB and other
bodies associated with the project.
Policy and regulatory frameworks at national and state level have been formulated to
provide for social and environmental safeguards in the last two decades. The policy
framework includes in particular water sector related policies and policies related to
environmental safeguards, both at the national and state level. Sector policies include
Constitutional Provisions, National Water Policy and State Water Policy. Environmental &
Social Safeguard related policies include National Environment Policy, National Forest Policy,
State's Forest Policy & National Policy on Resettlement & Rehabilitation, State Resettlement
& Rehabilitation and Karnataka Urban Drinking Water and Sanitation Policy. The EIA
notification of 2006 forms the basis of environmental & social assessment of water
resources project in Country as well in State of Karnataka. Detailed review on various
applicable policies and legislative framework has been discussed in the inception report and
this section would just highlight the necessary protective measures.
3.2 Applicable Policy, Rules & Regulation to project interventions / activities: Environmental
3.2.1 EM Notification
EIA is Guidelines for environmental impact assessment governing all development
interventions that take place within the boundaries of India provided by the Government of
India. EIA notification was first issued by Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) in
1994 and later amended in 2002 and 2006. Under the latest EIA Notification, 14th
September 2006, all projects listed in Schedule -1 of the Notification require prior
environmental clearance. The objective of the notification is to formulate a transparent,
decentralized and efficient regulatory mechanism to:
Incorporate necessary environmental safeguards at planning stage
Involve stakeholders in the public consultation process
Identify developmental projects based on impact potential instead of the investment
As per new notification, Category A projects require submission of EIA report as per issued
Terms of Reference (ToR) by national environmental appraisal committee and public
consultation before getting environmental clearance from Expert Appraisal Committee
(EAC), MoEF while Category B projects require clearance from State's Environmental
Appraisal Committee (SEAC)/SEIAA. Since the activities currently contemplated in this
project fall under the rehabilitation & modernization project, this notification appears not to
be applicable. However, environmental and social due diligence needs to be carried out,
while preparing detailed project report for rehabilitation and modernization sub
3.2.2 Legal Framework of Government of India for Environmental Compliance
TOGOernment of India has laid out various policy guideliney-1rz; z1 regulations
fining to environment. The Environment (Protection) *le, 17;- ii . legislation
or the protection of environment. As per this Act, the re mister the

s 21

legislation has been jointly entrusted to the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF),
Government of India and the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)/ State Pollution Control
Boards (SPCBs).
3.2.3 Key Environmental Laws and other related Regulations
The key environmental laws and regulations as relevant to the investments under the
project are given in the table below. The key environmental regulations can also be
accessed at
Table 3.1: Applicable Environmental Laws and Regulations
Rules & Regulation Major Provisions Remarks
The Environmental Chapter 1, Item 2 Umbrella act applicable for all
Protection Act, 1986 Chapter II, Item 3 (1), (2) activities. No specific approvals
Chapter III, Items 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, / clearances required.
Environment (Protection) Rules
1986, Item 3
The Water Chapter 1, Item 2, Chapter V, Applicable for the construction
(Prevention and Item 24, 25, 26, 28, 31, 32, 33, facilities such as labour camps,
Control of Pollution) Chapter VII, Item 42, 43, 44, 45, concrete batching plants, etc.
Act, 1974 46, 48, 49
Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Rules 1975, Schedule
Forest Conservation Item 2, 3 (A), 3(B) Not Applicable, as no forest
Act 1980, and 1988 Forest Conservation Rules, Item land would be acquired.
amendment 2, 6,7, 8, 9
Wildlife Protection Item (24), (14), (15), (16), (17), Not applicable; No protected
Act (1972) (as (23), (24), (25), (26), (27), (28), area is close to present activity.
amended up to (36), (37), Chapter 3, Chapter 4,
1993) (Part I, Part II, Part III, Schedule
I, Part IV), Schedule II (Part I,
Part II), Schedule III, (Part IV,
Part V& Part VI)
The Air (Prevention Chapter I, Item 2, Chapter IV, Applicable during the
and Control of Item 19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 29 construction phase e.g.
Pollution) Act, 1981 National Ambient Air Quality operation of batching plant if
Standards Schedule VII of EPA required.
EIA notification Rule 2, Rule 3, Rule 4, Rule 5, Not applicable
dated September 14, Rule 7, Schedule 1 (c)
Noise Pollution Sections 3, 4, 5, & 5A Applicable for construction
(Regulation and activities
Control Act) 1990
The Municipal Solid Item 3, 5, 7, 9, Schedule 2, It will be applicable during the
Wastes Schedule 3, Schedule 4 construction phase e.g. from

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Construction Camp, disposal of
construction debris and
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rtv0 22
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Rules & Regulation Major Provisions Remarks

2000 superceded by operation phase for the WTP
Solid Waste sediments
Management Rules,
Construction and Clause 4, Sand 6 Storage of construction and
Demolition Waste demolition waste, as and when
Management Rules, generated and transport of the
2016 same.
Hazardous Wastes Chapter 1, Item 2 Applicable during both
(Management & Chapter II, Item 4 (1) construction and operation
Handling) Rules, phase.
2008 superceded by
Hazardous and
Other Wastes
(Management and
Movement) Rules,
National Water Clause 1.3 (iv & ix), 3.1,3.2, 3.6, Applicable in both construction
Policy,2012 5 (5.1 to 5.4), 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7 and operation phase
(7.1, 7.2, 7.3 & 7.4), 8,2, 8.3, 9.6,
10, 11.3 & 11.5
National Sub-Section 5.2.5 (i & ii), 5.2.8, Application is restricted for
Environment Policy, 5.2.9, 5.2.10, 5.6 & 5.7 mainstreaming and not
2006 required for clearance from
Competent Authority.
National Forest Clause 4.4.1 & 4.8.1 (Clause 2.7, Applicable only if forest land
Policy, 1988 (Draft 4.1.1) involved; unlikely as both
National Forest Policy, existing and proposed water
2018) supply pipeline are part of
project, which do not pass
through any forest areas
National Policy on Chapter 1, Item 1 (1.1), (1.4), The proposed project
Resettlement & (1.6) and (1.7) rehabilitation and
Rehabilitation, 2007; Chapter II, Item 2 (2.1) modernization is unlikely to
Right to Fair Chapter III, Item 3 (3.1) involve any need of
Compensation and Chapter IV, Item 4 (4.1 4.2.1, resettlement and rehabilitation
Transparency in Land 4.2.2, 4.3.1, 4.3.2 and 4.4.1) (R&R).
Acquisition, Chapter VI (6)
Rehabilitation and
Chapter VII (7)
Resettlement Act,
Chapter VIII (8.1 & 8.2)
2013; Right to Fair
Compensation and
Transparency in Land
Rehabilitation and el a ni \ark : i far -in
Resettlement DireCipi
_ „Inv
Melee 0
(Karnataka) Rules, elic on ci
, Sere-
S entitglina Chapter 1 & 5 Compensatory action as per

4 IV1 23
Rules & Regulation Major Provisions Remarks
Preservation Tree the act shall be done
Act, 1976
Manufacture, Part I, II The Rules provide indicative
Storage and Import Column 2, 3, 4 criteria for hazardous
of Hazardous Schedule I, II, Ill, IV, V, VI, VII, chemicals and require
Chemicals Rules VIII, IX, X occupiers to identify major
1989, amended 1994 accident hazards and prepare
and 2000 on-site and off-site emergency
3.3 Applicable Policy, Rules & Regulation to project interventions / activities: Social
All strategic interventions on human development, spread across all social issues, need
directives of policies and legal support to operationalize the appropriate actions. These
policies and legislations help to overcome the constraints and support administrator,
implementer, community and individual in delivery of justice. This section includes the
National policies and Acts as detailed under
3.3.1 National Policies and Acts
The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Act, 2013.
The Act is applicable to the whole of India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The
provisions of this Act relating to land acquisition, compensation, rehabilitation and
resettlement, shall apply, when:
Government acquires land for its own use, hold and control, including land for Public
sector undertakings.

Government acquires land with the ultimate purpose to transfer it for the use of private
companies for stated public purpose
Government acquires land for Public Private Partnership Projects.
Only Rehabilitation & Resettlement provisions will apply when:
Private companies purchase land for a project, and the same exceeds the area thresholds
set by the State Governments for such purchase.
Schedule I outlines the proposed minimum compensation based on a multiple of market

Schedule II through VI outlines the resettlement and rehabilitation entitlements to land

owners and livelihood losers, which shall be in addition to the minimum compensation
per Schedule I.
The Government of Karnataka has brought out the rules - "The Right to Fair Compensation and
Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Karnataka) Rules, 2015" -, in
exercise of the powers conferred by section 109 of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency
in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation (Central Act 30 of 2013).

The National Tribal Policy (2006), The Policy has the following objectives:
Providing an environment conducive to the preservation of traditional and customary systems
and regime of rights and concessions enjoyed by different ST communities, and reconciliation of
modes of socio-economic development with these.

esoliaeppitifirg alienation of land own d by STs and restoring possession of vvrong

P 000101
On 5°.#941
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Protection and vesting of rights of STs on forestlands and other forest rights including ownership
over minor forest produce (MEP), minerals and water bodies through appropriate legislations
and conversion of all forest villages into revenue villages.
Providing a legislative frame for rehabilitation and resettlement in order to minimize
displacement, ensure that affected persons are partners in the growth in the zone of influence,
provide for compensation of social and opportunity cost in addition to market value of the land
and rights over common property (NPV).
Empowerment of tribal communities to promote self-governance and self-rule as per the
provisions and spirit of the Pa nchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996.
Protection of political rights to ensure greater and active participation of tribal peoples in political
bodies at all levels.

National Women Policy

This policy aims to create an effective framework to enable the process of developing policies,
programmes and practices which will ensure equal rights and opportunities for women in the family,
community, workplace and in governance.
Mainstreaming gender in all-round development processes/programmes/projects/ actions is an
objective. A holistic and life-cycle approach to women's health for appropriate, affordable and
quality health care is adopted. Stress is laid on improving and incentivizing access of women/ girls to
universal and quality education, increasing and incentivising work force participation of women in
the economy.

74th Amendment
The Constitution (74th Amendment) Act, 1992 provisions, provides a basis for the State Legislatures
to guide the State Governments in the assignment of various responsibilities to municipalities and to
strengthen municipal governance. The 74th amendment requires the state governments to amend
their municipal laws in order to empower ULBs "with such powers and authority as may be
necessary to enable them to function as institutions of self-governance".
Accordingly, several state governments have amended their Municipal Laws by bringing them in conformity
with the Constitutional provisions. A new Twelfth Schedule to the Constitution provides recommended list
of local functions to be performed by municipalities.
3.3.2 Other legislations in the social domain applicable to construction projects
Construction stage generally involves equity, safety and public health issues. The
construction agencies therefore will be required to comply with laws of the land, which
include the following legislation presented in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2: Legislations applicable to construction projects
S. No. Act Provisions under the Act
1 Contract Labor The Act provides for certain welfare measures to be provided
(Regulation and by the contractor to contract labour
Abolition) Act, 1970
2 Minimum Wages Act, The employer is supposed to pay not less than the Minimum
1948 Wages fixed by the Government as per provisions of the Act.
3 Payment of Wages Act, The Act lays down as to by what date the wages are to be paid,
1936 and the Payment when it will be paid and what deductions can be made from the
of Wages (Amendment) wages of the workers. All payments are to be made to the bank
Act, 2017 account.
4 Equal Remuneration The Act provides for payment of equal wages for work of equal
6.,,argieLat979 nature to Male and Female worker nd --Teaking
, tatit .Wt
re; discrimination against Female employees
ra a k oupscoal
tAtooky' 25

S. No. Act Provisions under the Act

5 Workmen's The Act provides for compensation in case of injury by accident
Compensation Act arising out of and during the course of employment
6 Payment of Gratuity The gratuity is payable to an employee under the Act on
Act, 1972 satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if an employee
has completed 5 years
7 Employees PF and The Act provides for monthly contributions by the employer
Miscellaneous plus workers
Provision Act 1952
8 Maternity Benefit Act, The Act provides for leave and some other benefits to women
1951 employees in case of confinement or miscarriage, etc.
9 Payment of Bonus Act, The Act provides for payments of annual bonus subject to a
1965 minimum of 83.3% of wages and maximum of 20% of wages
10 Industrial Disputes Act, The Act lays down the machinery and procedure for resolution
1947 of industrial disputes, in what situations a strike or lock-out
becomes illegal and what are the requirements for laying off or
retrenching the employees or closing down the establishment
11 Industrial Employment The Act provides for laying down rules governing the conditions
(Standing Orders) Act; of employment
12 Trade Unions Act, 1926 The Act lays down the procedure for registration of trade
unions of workers and employers. The trade unions registered
under the Act have been given certain immunities from civil and
criminal liabilities
13 Child Labour The Act prohibits employment of children below 14 years of age
(Prohibition and in certain occupations and processes and provides for
Regulation) Act, 1986 regulation of employment of children in all other occupations
and processes. Employment of child labour is prohibited in
Building and Construction Industry
14 Inter-State Migrant The inter-state migrant workers, in an establishment to which
Workmen's this Act becomes applicable, are required to be provided certain
(Regulation of facilities such as housing, medical aid, travelling expenses from
Employment and home to the establishment and back, etc.;
Conditions of Service)
Act, 1979
15 The Building and Other The employer of the establishment is required to provide safety
Construction Workers measures at the building or construction work and other
(Regulation of welfare measures, such as canteens, first-aid facilities,
Employment and ambulance, housing accommodation for Workers near the
Conditions of Service) workplace, etc
Act, 1996 and the Cess
Act of 1996
16 The Factories Act, 1948 The Act lays down the procedure for approval of plans before
setting up a factory, health and safety provisions, welfare
provisions, working 4-6 hours and rendering information-
regarding accidents or dangerous occurrences to ignated
authgrfil)s . , -cOUB
b. 0
2------ -.etl - (-\
4" "4 a
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

3.3 Applicable Policy, Rules & Regulation at State level

Policy and regulatory frameworks at national and state level have been formulated to
provide social and environmental safeguards in the last two decades as presented in Table
Table 3.3: Rules and regulations at State Level
S. N Act Provisions under the Act
1. Karnataka Forest This Act restricts the powers of the state in respect of de-reservation of
Act, 1963 forests, use of forestland for non-forest purposes and cutting of trees.
Karnataka Urban To undertake the investigation, preparation and execution of schemes
Water Supply & for the regulation and development of drinking water and drainage
Drainage Board facilities in the urban areas, it is considered necessary to have a
Act, 1973 statutory board at the State level which will help in bringing about co-
ordination in the activities relating to the implementation of such
State Water Under this act, there should be an integrated and multi-disciplinary
Policy, 2002 approach to the planning, formulation, clearance and implementation
of projects, including catchment area treatment and management,
environmental and ecological aspects, the rehabilitation of affected
people and command area development.
Karnataka To give priority for drinking water and for protection of drinking water
Ground Water sources in the State
Act, 2011
Karnataka Urban The policy focuses on raising the levels of efficiency in the management
Drinking Water of drinking water systems in urban areas so as to give satisfactory
and Sanitation service to the citizens while at the same time discouraging over
Policy, 2002 exploitation of resources and preventing wastage.
Karnataka Town Applicable in both construction and operation phase. As per this act,
and Country the obligatory duties of the Municipal Corporation limits its role to
Planning Act, construction and maintenance of such facilities as roads, water supply,
1961 sewerage, solid waste management, firefighting, schools & public
places, markets etc. The law also specifies certain discretionary duties
of urban local bodies like promotional activities such as welfare
programmes for citizens, housing and provision of services (transport,
promoting companies, co-operative societies to provide services in the
city, acquisition of land, its development and management of facilities)
Karnataka Applicable in both construction and operation phase. As per this act,
Municipal the obligatory duties of the Municipal Corporation limits its role to
Corporations construction and maintenance of such facilities as roads, water supply,
Act, 1976 sewerage, solid waste management, firefighting, schools & public
places, markets etc.
Karnataka To provide preservation of trees in the state by regulating the felling of trees
Preservation of and for the planting of adequate number of trees to restore ecological
Trees Act, 1976 balance
3.4 World Bank Policies
The operational guidelines under which World Bank (WB) projects are appraised are based
on EAs in the "project cycle". WB's EA source book, directives, policies, drafts terms of
refe ence ojtcl technical updates have guided the preparation of this EA. All c d state
ftions and conventions referred were dealt in accordance'th t , , V res
‘ that all issues raised have been identified and satisfactoril 1 .4.
eiv,c,Dka, ......904-0 kr1

classify Category "A" projects as those "likely to have significant environmental impacts that
are diverse and unprecedented". On the other hand Category "B" projects are those whose
"potential adverse environmental impacts on human populations or environmentally
important areas-including wetlands, forests, grasslands, and other natural habitats are less
adverse than those of Category A projects9. The applications of World Bank Safeguard
Policies in project are summarized in the Table 3.4.
Table 3.4: Application of Bank Safeguard Policies
WB Safeguard Application to the Project and Compliance
Policy Mechanisms
Environmental This is an umbrella policy to This project is identified as category B and the
Assessment address environmental Operational Policy 4.01 will be applicable to
(OP/BP 4.01) management issues in the assess the impacts however marginal or
project. The environmental temporary it might be.
consequences of the project The proposed investments could have adverse
are taken in to consideration but geographically limited environmental
during the project cycle and impacts. Physical/civil works are of
are taken into account in rehabilitation nature on existing canal system
selection, siting, planning and and are unlikely to cause any significant
designing of projects. It adverse environmental or social impacts. Most
emphasizes upon the impacts are likely to be limited to the
mitigation measures so as to rehabilitation phase of the infrastructure and
reduce the adverse no long-term adverse impacts are expected.
environmental consequences. The social and environmental assessment has
been carried out and a range of preventive and
mitigation measures are proposed as part of
the Environmental and Social Management
Plan (ESMP). Wherever required,
Environmental Management Plans (EMP) is
also prepared.
Natural This policy emphasizes upon This OP is not applicable to the project. The
habitats (OP the conservation of the project investments would not convert any
4.04, BP 4.04) natural habitats like land, critical or non-critical natural habitats. Any
water, etc. It focuses upon the identified adverse impact is limited in nature
natural resource management and scope, both spatially and temporally.
SO as to ensure Further, any unlikely adverse impact on natural
environmentally sustainable habitats would be addressed through the
development. It aims to screening criteria included in the ESMP and an
support the protection EMP has been prepared to deal with such
maintenance and possibilities. Finally, support for management
rehabilitation of the natural of wetland and waterlogged areas will be
habitats and critical and semi- enhanced in the project.
critical ecosystems.
Forestry (OP This policy emphasizes upon No forestry activities or activities on forest land
4.36, BP 4.36) the management, are envisaged. Additionally, there are no
conservation, and sustainable forests in the projects areas. This OP is not
development of forest applicable to the project
ig.----:,7captit". DM 'Ico syst e m s and their (\
ok . --

ti co be' is
orld Bank Operational Policy, 4.01, Environmental Assessment, pap1p5d999 0
28 arp
l ler),.!beriassese•
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

WB Safeguard Application to the Project and Compliance

Policy Mechanisms
associated resources.
Safety of Dams This policy is concerned with This OP is applicable to the project, due to the
(OP 4.37, BP the safety of new and existing dependence on multipurpose dams that share
4.37) dams on which Bank financed water for the drinking water needs of the
projects are directly project cities. Hence, no significant impacts are
dependent. The policy anticipated due to the project activities. To
distinguishes between ensure compliance to the policy, an
construction of new dams and assessment was carried out the measures are
existing dams / dams under being implemented under the World Bank
construction. financed Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement
Project (DRIP) and also through KUWSMP. The
Dam Safety Panel and Unit in the State of
Karnataka would be responsible under the
DRIP to ensure issues of dam safety are
Cultural The policy ensures avoidance No archaeological or other cultural sites of
Properties (OP of impacts on cultural significance are impacted by the proposed
4.11) properties and supports project. This OP however is triggered,
development of mitigation considering the historical back ground of the
and enhancement measures project cities and to address the instances of
through projects. 'chance find' of cultural properties during the
construction and operation phase of the
Indigenous This policy asserts that the A detailed spatial census analysis does not
Peoples (OP adverse impacts of the indicate any tribal population in the proposed
4.10, BP 4.10) development projects on the project area. Therefore, no impact (adverse or
indigenous people should be positive) is expected by project on tribal. This
mitigated or avoided and the OP is not applicable to the project.
benefits of the project should
be accrued to them.
Involuntary This policy aims at avoiding, if The system rehabilitation and modernization
Resettlement not minimizing adverse involves very minimal land acquisition. This OP
(OP 4.12) impacts on the local is applicable to the project.
population due to project and
where unavoidable it ensures
that those affected improve or
at least restore their
Projects in This policy is concerned with The project is not in a disputed area and the OP
Disputed Areas the disputed area in project is not applicable to the project.
(OP 7.60, BP
The analys's of the above policy, legal and regulatory framework indicated that a number of

01P lit
mechanism for overall development of the water sector in the s
• la
4.41 iSS
aggliiittiplementatiorAflKarnataka Urban Water S d. *it
acts, regulations and agencies are involved at national, state and district level. All the
agencies are functioning as per their mandate while there appears to be tegrating
ard to,
4 alt.%
1— I • vAr
se 29
Wed.* WOW°

(KUWSMP) is involved to provide drinking water and sanitation facilities in all urban areas.
An institutional structure is also proposed for the overall execution of project.
3.5 Legal Monitoring Agency for Environmental Safeguards
The legal and institutional framework with respect to the environment is shown in Fig 3.1
Figure 3.1: Legal and institutional framework for environmental safeguards

Ofintil n or

International AC15 of Parliaments

Agleamants •-n••••
Infer fife

Central Goveanment

taintsAEY of
Env if ontnern and nen* a
I oinn Ponoes Guideline*

The Karnataka Department of Ecology & Environment (DoEE) is primarily responsible for
protecting and preserving environmental quality in the state. The Karnataka State Pol ution
Control Board (KSPCB) is responsible for enforcing the regulations, and has a wider role in
environmental governance than any other government body in the state and it reports both
to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in Delhi and the DoEE. In addition to
monitoring and enforcing industrial environmental standards, the KSPCB also monitors
other environmental issues, such as municipal solid waste, and biomedical waste. The
supervisory powers exercised by Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) are not vested
with the DoE as per the regulatory framework but instead lie with KSPCB. DoEE is
dependent on the state government for resources, whereas, KSPCB raises most of its
financial resources through consent fee and water cess.
3.6 Other Line Agencies Involved
Table 3.5 shows the relevant departments and agencies and their roles and responsibilities.
Table 3.5: Line Departments and their Key Roles and Responsibilities
Department Key Activities
Forest The main function of the Forest Department is to protect, conserve and
Department manage the forest. In the recent years, it has been noticed that the forest
reserves have been decreasing. Henceforth, Joint Forest Management has
been initiated so as to ensure protection of forest against encroachers,
04, grazing and also to increase the vegetation cover. In addition -- • has
014.0 RI' also pioneered research and development for improvin .: u. f
NO% o•fln"
NAPYININ seedlings. Green belt can be deysloped in the waste lanlks j s .0 re. ..
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Department Key Activities

vegetation cover. Further, plants which are of ecological and economic
importance can be encouraged on the waste lands. Cooperation with the
Forest Department should be encouraged in relation to natural habitats.
Department of The main responsibility of the Water Resource Department is to supply,
Water Resource conserve and manage the water resources in the State.
Department of The main functions of the Urban Development Department is to plan,
Urban regulate, control and facilitate urban development for creating major
Development infrastructure facilities, development of residential layouts, construction of
houses for under privileged citizens. To facilitate and finance creation of
infrastructure to provide adequate water supply from assured and safe
sources of supply and proper sanitation to all the Urban Local Bodies
through Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board (KUWSDB).
Social Welfare The main objective of this department is to bring the target groups into the
Department main stream of development by making them self-reliant. Various laws and
policies are being implemented for the upliftment of the SCs/STs under
protective discrimination basis.
Karnataka The main function of KSPCB is to prevent, control or abate pollution. It
Pollution advises the State Government on the matters concerning the prevention,
Control Board control and abatement of pollution. Further, it disseminates information
relating to pollution
Revenue Confirm land ownership and competent authority for land purchase, as required
Labour Enforce labor legislations, issue liscences and labour protection and welfare.
In general, there is little available expertise/ functional position in the agencies with respect
to environment and social sector to address various social and environmental issues.
However, activities under the project will support greater attention to environmental and
social issues.

3.7. Legal Approvals / Clearances Required

The following are the various legal approvals and clearances on social and environmental
aspects that the GoK may require before initiating site work.
Table 3.6: Legal Approvals and Clearances

Responsible Agency
Project Activity Compliances/Clearances
Primary Overall

Use of Diesel Consent from KSPCB under Air Act SPV(Water

Generator sets at Operator/P Utility)/PIU
any stage during IU
project cycle.

Replacement of Approvals / authorization from State Forest Operator/P SPV(Water

Old Pipe line, Department in case of land appropriation of IU Utility)/PIU
laying new pipe forest land (if any other than the identified
line, construction proposed sites.) and cutting of trees
of WT andon, Kalaburgi: None as per the proposed design


Responsible Agency
Project Activity Compliances/Clearances
Primary Overall
Reservoirs Permissions from Railways for crossing Operator/P SPV(Water
railway lines IU Utility)/PIU
Kalaburgi: Central Railway at locations
Zone land 2 (Ward no : 48, 531 55)

Permissions from PWD/NHAI /RDPR/Village Operator/P SPV(Water

Panchayat Local Authority for road cutting. IU Utility)/PIU

Permissions from Irrigation Department for Operator/P SPV(Water

drawing water from irrigation canals for IU Utility)/PIU
water supply.

Permission from Central Ground Water Operator/P SPV(Water

Board for withdrawing Ground Water (if IU Utility)/PIU
required at any stage of project)

Permission from Traffic Police Commissioner Operator/P SPV(Water

office for traffic management. IU Utility)/PIU

Storage and Permission from KSPCB under MS&H Rules, Operator/P SPV(Water
Handling of 1989 for Storage and Handling of Chlorine IU Utility)/PIU
Chlorine for Water

Archeological Permission from National Monuments Operator/P SPV(Water

Clearances Authorities to carry out augmentation works IU Utility)/PIU
around heritage structures in the city

Labour License Obtain from the Labour Department Operator ULB/

Cutting of Trees Permission from local forest department PIU/Operat ULB/SPV(W
Or ater Utility)
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi


4.1 Environment Profile

An analysis of environmental characteristics and issues has been carried out for Project. The
baseline environmental conditions are described in terms of Land Environment, Climate &
Air Environment, Water Environment, Forest & Biodiversity and public health.
4.2 Land Environment
Land environment is described in terms of Geology, Topography, Soil and land use.
4.2.1 Geology and Topography II
The northern part of Kalaburgi district represents a plateau, typical of Deccan Trap terrain
and is deeply indented with ravines. The southern part represents undulating terrain with
sparsely distributed knolls & tors. The ground elevation varies significantly from 340 m msl
in southeast to 620 m msl in the north. The regional slope is towards south and southeast.
4.2.2 Soil Characteristics
The soil characteristics of Kalaburgi comprise medium black varieties that can support
pulses, jowar and paddy as main crops. This soils vary in depth and texture, depending on
the parent rock type, physiographic settings and climatic conditions.
4.2.3 Land Use
Land has remained as an important factor for economic activities in Project area. With the
rising population, increasing pressures are being felt on the finite land resources, to meet
the demands of food and fodder. As per Project Report on KUWSMP-Up scaling 24x7 Water
Supply, 59.44 percent of the area was under residential use, 8.88 percent area in Industrial
followed by 4.96 percent in commercial, 8.99 percent in Transportation and 0.88 percent in
Public Utilities.
Table 4.1: Land use Pattern

Land Use Pattern Area (ha) % of total area
1 Residential 4082.35 59.44
2 Commercial 340.67 4.96
3 Industrial 610.23 8.88
4 Public & Semi Public 685.54 0.88
Park, Open Space and Play
5 446.56 6.50
6 Utilities and Services 23.76 0.34
Transportation and
7 617.43 8.99
TOTAL 6806.54 89.99
8 Water Sheet 37.51 0.54
9 Agriculture 23.97 0.37
GRAND TOTAL 6868.02 100
There has been substantial increase in area under residential use from1997 to 2011, to cater
to the growing population and to balance the growth and enhance economic development in
the area. There has been proportionate increase in share of area under transportation use,
public and semi-public, and for parks and open spaces. The folio tab s the land

ntiktelaburgi City in 1997 and 2011 (Figure 4.1)

%AID FCIISerirce

Figure 4.1: Change in Landuse Pattern of City

Water Bodies
Transportation & Communication
Public Utilities
Recreational/Open space

Public & Semi Public



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

4.3 Climate and Air Environment

4.3.1 Climate and Rainfall
Kalaburgi district lies in the northern plains of Karnataka and has semi - arid type of climate.
Dry climate prevails for most part of the year. December is the coldest month with mean
daily maximum and minimum temperatures being 29.5°C & 15° to 10°C respectively. During
peak summer, temperature shoots up to 45°C. Relative humidity varies from 26% in summer
to 62% in winter.
The southwest monsoon sets in the middle of June and extends till the end of September.
Bulk of the annual rainfall occurs during this season, which constitutes over 78% of the
annual rainfall. Significant rainfall occurs during the winter monsoon owing to northeastern
monsoon, which constitutes 9% of the annual rainfall. Normal Rainfall of the district is 7738
mm (2001 - 2010) and actual rainfall is 674 mm (2011). Season wise rainfall in the district
during the decade 2004 to 2010 is shown in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2: Rainfall Pattern in Kalaburgi

—764.2 744
goo 652.1
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

4.3.2 Wind Speed and Direction

The predominant wind direction in Kalaburgi is from west to south-west in the monsoon
season and from east to north east during winter seasons.
4.3.3 Air Quality
The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) monitors ambient air quality in the
State. The ambient air quality data was collected form Karnataka State Pollution Control
Board (KSPCB) from April to December, 2013. The parameters wise air q arized
^ CIO nkci)
ek 60Ar

Vir WF
WI c eartriCife
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi
502 and NO2: Both 502 and NO2 concentration was observed within the limit which is shown
in Figure 4.3. Highest NO2 was recorded in November while lowest in June, 2013.
Figure 4.3: SO2 and NO2 Concentration

Government hospital, Gulbarga






1.r/13 Jun/13 Jul/13 Aug/13 Sep/13 Oct/13 Nciv/13 Dec/13

SO2 STANDARDS(502) auto NO2

STANDARDS(NO2)• • • Linear (502) • • linear (NO2)

Particulate Mater2.5 (PM2.5): The PM 2.5 was found within the permissible limit except April,
May, October, November and December months of 2013. Highest PM 2.5 was observed in
April while lowest in August (Shown in Figure 4.4).
Figure 4.4: Particulate Matter 2.5 Concentration

Government hospital, Gulbarga

0 I Ii ....1illiih
Apr/13 May/13 Jun/13 Jul/13 Aug/13 Sep/13 Oct/13 Nov/13 Dec/13


The ambient air quality can be changed during construction phase due to movement of
vehicles and construction activities.

The following figure gives the average 502, NO2, PM10 and SPM over the years 2005 to
2014 measured over a 24 hr period. The SO2 and NO2 are within the standards prescribed,
whereas the PM10 and SPM are found to be slight above the standards.


mans901,1.9 mag as.


Yearly Averages of 502, NO2, PM10 AND 5PM

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


But over the last year, the values of So2, NO2, RSPM and PM2.5 are found to be around the
standards prescribed for residential areas.

Average 24 hr values



A , r 4, Ng' `‘.
\.‘61 ' (.•
(4219 P

oxim•••••502 —.--NO2 niSPM MiS

4.4 Water Environment

Water environment of the study area is described in terms of surface & ground water
resource and surface & ground water quality.
4.4.1 Surface Water Resources
Kagina and Bhima are the major rivers of Kalaburgi. Kagina river originates in Andhra
Pradesh and joins Bhima in the district. Bennithora, a tributary of Bhima, flows through the
The present sources, a) Bhosga Reservoir, b) Bennithora Reservoir and c) Bheema River has
been studied in detail to estimate dependability as a source for water supply for the horizon
year 2041.
Bhosga Reservoir
This reservoir is situated at a distance of 9.6Km from Kalaburgi city. It has a catchment area
of 90.13 Under the above scheme the capacity of the Bhosga Reservoir was
increased from 289Mcft to 418Mcft.
The gross storage of 11.85 Mcum was ensuring an average supply of 18 MLD during normal
average rainfall year and at least 7 MLD in the scanty rainfall year. The full tank level has
been reduced to 493.36 m during the year 1990 because of structural stab of earthen
dam. For the reduced FRL the gross storage available is 9.28 Mcum as Mcum
at 494.38 m level.
Bennithora River / Reservoir
(f\ „Ipso
S orfTM416
ograt %se'.
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Irrigation Department of Government of Karnataka has constructed Dam across Bennithora

River at Khurj village in Chittapur Taluka in order to irrigate an area of 20234 Ha. The total
water requirement for Khariff and Rabi crops is 120.10 Mcum.
The total catchment of area of the reservoirs is 2204 Out of total catchment area,
1266 is in Karnataka and balance 938 is in Maharastra state. Average annual
weighted rainfall is 629 mm. The upper reaches of catchment consist of hilly terrain with
forest cover and the lower reach is moderately flat.
Bheema River
Bheema River is a tributary to Krishna River and flows at a distance of about 26 Km from
Kalaburgi City. An impounding reservoir has been created by constructing a vented barrage
across the river near Saradagi village to store water for non monsoon period and
commissioned during 1993. The operation and maintenance of barrage is with Karnataka
Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board. This barrage is exclusively for water supply
purpose. The catchment area at the barrage site is 21600 sq. miles (55944 sq. km) and the
maximum discharge is 151.40 Cumecs.
4.4.2 Surface Water Quality
The proposed alignment of main does not encroach / pollute any surface water bodies in
the city. Hence no significant impacts are anticipated on the surface water quality due to the
proposed alignment. Although Kootnur Nala carries wastewater from various parts of city
and joins Bhima river at about 1 km upstream of the intake well for water supply to the city.
The Jagat Tank (Basaveswara Tank) located in the heart of the city adjacent to the Fort also
receives wastewater from the old city area of Kalaburgi.
Activities involving replacement of existing distribution pipeline in the close proximity of
households will have an adverse impact due to waterlogging and leakages. This impact is
temporary and limited to the construction phase.
Improvement in the distribution system will not have any direct impact on the surface water
quality. With the increase of population, the water demand would increase which in turn
will lead to higher generation of sewage. As such proper sewerage system needs to be put
in place along with the water supply scheme to ensure that the surface water quality is not
adversely affected.
4.4.3 Hydrogeology & Ground Water Resources
The southern part of the district comprises the Peninsular Gneiss and granites. Central,
north-eastern and south-western part comprises of sedimentary formations viz, sandstone,
quartzite, shale, slate, limestone and dolomite (Figure 4.5). Deccan Trap basalts cover
northern and north-western parts. A small portion in the north is covered by alluvium and in
the north-eastern part by laterite.
Annual ground water recharge of the district is in the most of the area ranged in 0.025-.10m
category and only in Jevargi taluk it falls in 0.1 to 0.15m category. The net annual ground
water availability is 63789 ham. The total annual ground water draft is 25382 ham. The net
ground water availability for future irrigation development is 37591 ham. As per CGWB
data, Considering total command and non- command area, almost entire district is
categorized as Safe for future ground water development. The average stage of ground
water development in the district is 57%.

misstestrit Al WC
13 Visiciaaing 1)."°1°.

Figure 4.5: Hydrological Map of Kalaburgi District



lll Low Yield

Hy 'I Roe k gneiss.
Medium 11010 seonotivel
Basalt v•Ia or
k Imertrappeuu

Depth to Water Level: Pre & Post Monsoon 2011, depth to water table of the district is
given in Figure 4.6 & Figure 4.7. Depth to water level in 24 NHS piezometers in the district
during pre — monsoon (May 2011) and post — monsoon (Nov. 2011) periods were in the
range of 1.20 to 15.70 mbgl and 1.01 to 13.36 mbgl respectively. Seasonal water level
fluctuation (May & November 2011) as observed in 60 NHS dug wells indicate that in 85% of
NHS there is rise in ground water level in the range of 0.032 to 1.309 m, whereas in 14% of
NHS there is fall in ground water level in the range of 0.024 to1.602 m. Seasonal water level
fluctuation as observed in 12 NHS piezometers indicate that there is rise in ground water
level in the range of 0.060 to 1.630 m and fall in the range of 0.151 to 0.181 m.
Figure 4.6: Pre-monsoon water level Kalaburgi
Gulbarga District, Karnataka

01W Imball
Miro 2011



- Takla/out-4aq
0 -no
MIS Locations

L .vocoQ\
owl?? Boni'
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Figure 4.7: Post-monsoon water level Kalaburgi

Guibargo !MUM. Karnataka


Source: Ground Water Brochure of Gulbarqa District, Karnataka (2012)

4,4.4 Ground Water Quality
Quality of ground water of the Kalaburgi district, in general is good and potable (Figure 4.8).
It is suitable for domestic and irrigation purposes. Water samples collected from NHS (dug
wells) were analyzed by CGWB to decipher the quality of shallow aquifer. All-important
parameters viz. EC, pH & TDS are within permissible limit, whereas fluoride concentration
beyond permissible limit has been found to occur in a few samples collected by Central
Ground Water Board from Kalaburgi. Nitrate content beyond permissible limit has been
found to occur in a few samples collected from Kalaburgi. Specific conductance ranges from
427 to 3550 micro mhos per cm. at 25°C and chloride is in the range of 28 to 652 ppm, thus
rendering it suitable for irrigation.
As per Central Ground Water Board, the no. of Groundwater Monitoring Wells (as on 31st
March 2011) is 73 Dug wells and 24 Piezometer. Pre-Monsoon depth to water level during
May 2011 is 1.87-16.75 mbgl whereas during Post-Monsoon, the depth to water level during
Nov 2011 is 0.68-11.98 mbgl. Long term water level trend in 10 years (2002-2011):
The water level fluctuation during May 2011 shows 0.005-1.034 m/year of wells rise in
water level & 0.002-0.944 m/year of wells shows fall in water level whereas during Nov
2011, the water level fluctuation shows 0.010-1.230 m/year of wells rise in water level &
0.025-0.391 m/year wells shows fall in water level.
Figure 4.8: Ground water Quality Map of Kalaburgi District
NO NA/P1/4 1- ER COAL Ire


- 1 orria(c1=7:=—

tivirvacriva ----

(Source: Ground Water Brochure of Gulborqa District, Karnataka, 2012)

4.5 Forest & Biodiversity Aspect
As per the Forest Survey of India (FSI), the land classified under forests is only 1.82% in
entire district in 2011. Open forest cover is showing decreasing trend from 2005-2011 in
district (Table 4.2). The proposed project is rehabilitation and modernization of existing
water supply infrastructure which do not pass through any forest area. Therefore, there is
no impact anticipated on forest land. The details of FSI 2017 are also given in the table of
reference as it should be noted that the district has got bifurcated into 2 districts (namely
Kalaburagi and Yadgir given in parenthesis).
Table 4.2: Forest Cover in Project Area (Area in km2)

Very Moderate
Distric Geographical Open % of
Year Dense Dense Total Change Scrub
t Area (GA) Forest GA
Forest Forest

Kalabu 2017 10954 0 92( 100 192 1.75 22(20) 29

(5270) (131)
rgi 17) (130) (147) (2'79)

2011 16224 0 87 209 296 1.82 0 46

2007 16224 0 87 209 296 1.82 0 46

2005 16224 0 84 215 299 1.84 0 50

Source: Forest Survey of India Report 2007 2009, 2011 & 2017
4.5.1 Protected Areas
There is one wildlife sanctuary in project area i.e. Chincholi wildlife sanctuary in Kalaburgi
located at a distance of 60 km from the city. The proposed project is rehabilitation and
modernization of existing water supply infrastructure and project does not come under any
protected areas. Therefore, no impact is anticipated due to proposed project.
4.6 Wetlands
As per the National Wetland Atlas of Karnataka (2010), Area estimates of various wetland
categories for Kalaburgi district shows that there were 646 wetlands, which include 232
wetlands smaller than 2.25 ha and shown in Figure 4.9. Total wetland area estimated to be
34741 ha (Table 4.3). The only types of wetlands observed in the district area River/Stream
(22653 ha), Tanks/Ponds (8471 ha) and Reservoirs/Barrages (3385 ha). River/Barrage (65 %)
singularly dominated the extent under wetlands. Analysis of wetland status in terms of
aquatic vegetation, it is estimated to be 2791 ha and 1890 ha of wetland area was under
vegetation in post-monsoon and pre-monsoon respectively. The open water extent (24484
ha) accounted for 71 percent of wetland in post-monsoon, which had decreased to 20125
ha in pre-monsoon season. Moderate turbidity dominated the open water in post-monsoon
(24373 ha) as well as pre-monsoon (15766 ha).
Table 4.3: Number and Types of Wetland in Kalaburgi
Open Water
Total % of
S. Wet No of Post- Pre-
Wetland Category Wetland wetland
No. code wetlands monsoon monsoon
area area
area area
1106 River/Stream 30 9936 29.74 8333 6619
. 1201 Reservoirs/ 3 19213 57.50 11176--a-i
i, 393
Barrages rk
int4 ore
es svu
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Open Water
Total % of
S. Wet No of Post- Pre-
Wetland Category Wetland wetland
No. code wetlands monsoon monsoon
area area
area area
3. 1202 Tanks/ Ponds 255 3832 11.47 2567 1627

Sub-Total 288 32981 98.71 22090 13639

4 Wetlands (<2.25 431 431 1.29
ha), mainly Tanks
Total 719 33412 100.0 22090 13639
Source: National Wetland Atlas, Karnataka, 2010
Figure 4.9: Wetland Map of Kalaburgi
WETLANO. MAP 0.1•11e.e.

— -



3 sown.,

Source: National Wetland Atlas, Karnataka, 2010

4.7 Heritage
List of monuments and heritage sites as per Archeological Survey of India:

Name of the monument/site Location

Gulbarga fort and great Kalaburgi

mosque in it

Haft Gumbaz (Tombs of Kalaburgi


The fort has an area of 0.5 acres (0.20 ha) and periphery length of 3 kilometers (1.9 mi). It is
well fortified with double fortification. A 30 feet (9.1 m) wide moat surrounds the fort. The
fort is a monumental structure highly fortified with 15 towers mounted with 26 guns; each
un located inside the fort is 8 meters (26 ft.) long and is still well p
0 10510140,
tsvp,stivfist. iflura frBeingeboir, 41

The mosque is unique in India, with a huge dome Haft Gumbaz covering the whole area,
four smaller ones at the corners, and 75 smaller still all the way around. The tomb building
measures 158' X 78' and its walls are 42' high including the parapet, above which rise two
hemispherical domes to a further 30'. Kalaburgi's old moated fort is in a much deteriorated
state, but it has a number of interesting buildings inside including the Jama Masjid, reputed
to have been built by a Moorish architect during the late 14th or early 15th century who
imitated the great mosque in Cordoba, Spain. The project activities are not expected to
impact these structures. However, necessary approval shall be obtained from National
Monuments Authority, for carrying out construction within 300 m of the monument. In
addition Construction activities need to consider precautionary measures to avoid damages
of archaeological structures during excavation works since the fort is the old city area of

4.8 Baseline Water Sample Survey

Quality of water supplied to consumers is very critical in assessing the impacts of proposed
improvements under the project. The present practice of intermittent water supply to the
project cities is expected to deliver bad quality of water due to systemic problems such as
illegal connections, cross contamination due to soil, wastewater inflows and various other
means adopted by the consumer to cope with the low pressure problems.
A reconnaissance survey of the entire supply and distribution system was carried out before
finalising the number and locations of the samples in project city and the operation and flow
sequence of the system was studied. Based on the survey, 10 samples were collected at the
following locations on 16 May, 2014 and bacteriological & physiochemical analysis were
conducted to analyze water quality at supply end.
Raw water from source river intake at Harasur Village on Bennithora Scheme
Treated Water from Shor Gumbaz WTP
Eight water samples from public Public Taps and locations are given below.
S. No Location WARD NO.
3 Lal Hanuman Gudi 18
4 Devi Nagar 23
5 Basaveshwar Colony 29
6 Heera Pura 38
7 Raja Pura 45
8 Sai Nagar 55
The water samples were analysed with National Drinking Water Standards (IS: 10500). The
water sampling results are at Annexure VI.

4.8.1 Water Quality at Source

Both raw and treated water samples were collected for quality assessment and results are
given in Table 4.4. Recently raw water samples from both the sources i.e. Beema and
Bennithora Reservoirs in 2018 and the same is presented in Annexure IX. Also, the treated
water results over the last one year are also presented in the same Annexure and the results
indicate the water is potable.
Table 4.4: Raw and Treated Water Results (Physical and Chemical)
Result Acceptable
S. No Parameters Limits as per
Raw Water Treat
IS 10500
spop /CP
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Result Acceptable
S. No Parameters Limits as per
Raw Water Treated Water
IS 10500
1 Colour, Hazen Unit 16.2 6.9 MAX.5
2 Odour Agreeable Agreeable Agreebale
3 Taste Not Agreeable Not Agreeable Agreebale
4 Turbidity,NTU 38 12.1 MAX.1
7.76 @24 DEG
5 Ph 8.36 @24 DEG C 6.50 TO 8.50
6 Total Dissolved Solids, mg/I 342 336 Max.500
7 Aluminium, mg/I 0.026 0.07 Max. 0.03
8 Ammonia, mg/I <0.05 <0.05 Max. 0.5
9 Anionic, mg/I <0.2 <0.2 Max. 0.2
10 Barium, mg/I <0.1 <0.1 Max. 0.7
11 Boron, mg/I <0.1 <0.1 Max. 0.5
12 Calcium, mg/I 22.9 24.5 Max. 75
13 Chloramines, mg/I <0.05 <0.05 Max. 4.0
14 Chlorides, mg/I 29.9 34.3 Max. 250
15 Copper, mg/I <0.05 <0.05 Max. 0.05
16 Fluorides, mg/I 0.5 0.05 Max. 1.0
17 *Free Residual Chlorine, mg/I <0.05 0.1 Min. 0.2
18 Iron, mg/I 2.1 0.89 Max. 0.3
19 Magnesium, mg/I 18.9 20.8 Max. 30
20 Manganese, mg/I <0.1 <0.1 Max. 0.1
21 Nitrates, mg/I 1.7 1.7 Max. 45
22 Phenolic Compounds, mg/I Absent Absent Max. 0.001
23 Selenium, mg/I <0.01 <0.01 Max.0.01
24 Silver, mg/I <0.01 <0.01 Max. 0.1
25 Sulphates, mg/I 25.5 45 Max. 200
26 Sulphide, mg/I <0.05 <0.05 Max. 0.05
27 Total Alkalinity, mg/I 210.7 189.2 Max. 200
28 Zinc, mg/I 0.02 0.01 Max. 5
29 Total Hardness 134.6 146.9 Max. 200
30 Cadmium, mg/I <0.003 <0.003 Max 0.003
31 Cyanide, mg/I Absent Absent Max 0.05
32 Lead, mg/I <0.01 <0.01 Max 0.01
33 Mercury, mg/I <0.001 <0.001 Max 0.001
34 Molybdenum, mg/I <0.01 <0.01 Max 0.07
35 Nickel, mg/I <0.01 <0.01 Max 0.02
36 Total Arsenic, mg/I <0.01 <0.0a Max 0.01
It. iousek
ax 0.05
37 Total Chromium, mg/I <0.01 <0.01
a t
%SW'I IMO. ow' o
_ent.a.I.SS‘7,,r,mo n & koflka ‘.)--. 5
DIP 43


4.8.2 Microbiological tests

S. No Parameters Raw Water Treated Water Protocol
Sample Sample
1 Coliform Organisms/100 ml 920, 000 1400 Less Than 1
2 E.Coli Bacteria/100ml Present Present Absent

From the Table 4.4, Turbidity was observed high (38) in raw water and low (1.4) in treated
water. The pH was recorded slight alkaline in raw water sample and neutral in treated water
sample. All heavy metals were found within the permissible limit in both Raw and Treated
water sample. Coliforms were found in both raw and treated water sample. Highest
coliform numbers was counted in raw water sample as compared to treated water sample.
E.Coli was present in both raw and treated water samples.
4.8.3 Water Quality at Consumer End
Water quality sampling at consumer end was conducted and results are shown in Figure
4.10 and given in Table 4.5.
Residual Chlorine was observed high (1) at Heera Pur water sampling location followed by
Devi Nagar, Basaveshwar Colony and Raja pura which may be due to chlorine dose. While
other site just confirm norms.
Figure 4.10: Residual Chlorine at Consumer End
• Residual Chlorine
Residual Chlorine


0 Lift- — 11114— — a

+ PS R
C& 0 S-
s'i- dm (4.4 4.• 4
, Locations
Table 4.5: Water Quality at Consumers End (Tap Water)

1 us
n 8 SMIAGAR, 55 ., 0 •1 MIN 0.2 LESS TI-10
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

4.8.4 Soil Quality

In order to assess possibility of cross contamination in the demonstration zones in the
project city; soil samples were collected at the distribution network and analyzed for its
bacteriological and physiochemical characteristics.
Soil was black cotton and poor to medium porosity which indicates deficient moisture and
low water holding capacity. All samples were found alkaline in nature. Nitrate levels in the
samples were found medium to high due to accumulation. The bacterial content count
showed varying results with higher count due to which contamination of water cannot be
ruled out.

S1 S2 S3
pH 8.4 7.7 8.1
TDS, mg/I 360 340 390
TOC, %l 0.5 0.6 0.5
Porosity 37.29 40.44 43.99
Nitrate rig/gm 1120 400 2000
Total Coliform, MPM 5 45 45
Fecal Coliform, count 10 8 6
Source: KWASIP, Demo-project report
4.9 Major findings from secondary data analysis
The issues identified from the secondary data are summarized below (Table 4.6).
Table 4.6: Major Social Issues/Findings based on Secondary Data Related to Proposed Project
Major Social Issues Cause Major findings in district
Water Supply Poor Rainfall and Inadequate Decreased Water supply and storage
infrastructure water storage infrastructure capacity
Changes in land use Forest cover is going to reduce Forest Exists only 1.82% in project
particularly area
Limited availability of Lower forest cover, insufficient Limited water supply
Surface Water natural surface water resources,
topography of the local area.
'imited availability of Overuse of ground water, 57% Ground water development of
Ground Water topography and geological the district. Increasing use of ground
conditions of the area. water
Surface & Ground Kootnur Nala carries wastewater Surface and Ground water quality is
Water Quality from various parts of city and of concern.
joins Bhima river at about 1 km Drinking water quality was observed
upstream of the intake well for above permissible limit in some part
water supply to the city. of project area due to lower strata
The Jagat Tank (Basaveswara and geological conditions of the
Tank) located in the heart of the region. It may also be due to
city adjacent to the Fort also unscientific practices such as
receives wastewater from the old improper management of sewage
city area of Kalaburgi. and solid waste.
Ground Water Level Increased withdrawal of ground Increased dependence on ground
water water resources due to limited
,---.. n 7-Tht availabt. if sin/WA1/41t er
00.`it amta
„Ina own
CO^#16 VANIISAGI-000 e-
czttat'Suitp.Gi 10)A-05'

4.10 Social Profile

Social profile Kalaburgi City was analysed based on secondary source information primarily
drawing from the Census Report 2011
4.10.1 Sex Ratio
Sex ratio in 2011 (female population per 1,000 male populations) in Kalaburgi is 964, which
is more or less same as that of the State urban average of 963 as well as district urban sex
ratio of 968 as per census 2011. Although the sex ratio from last decade has shown drastic
improvements, (920 sex ratio as per census 2001), but the region remains among the most
vulnerable to pre-natal sex determination and selection.
4.10.2 Literacy Rate
Literacy rate (percentage of literate population to the total population above six years of
age) in the city is average 72 percent in (the male literacy rate is 76 percent and the female
literacy rate is 67 percent) —much lower the State urban average of 87.58 percent and
National urban average of 84.11 percent (census 2011). This is in spite of, the significance
attributed to the city as a regional educational centre and the home to Kalaburgi University.
Of the total slum population, 86% are literates and the remaining 14% are illiterates in
which 45% are male and 55% are females.
Source: MoUD, GO!, 2014; Report on Slum free city plan of action, Kalaburqi
4.10.3 Average Household Size
The total number of households in City according to the 2011 census was 102830, with
household size of 5.25. There has been decrease in household size from 6 in 2001 to 5.25 in
Slum: The total number of households in slums is 12084 according to 2011 census, with
household size of 4.98.
4.10.4 Workforce Participation
The percentage of workers to the population in the city is 32.95 percent comprising of
178207 persons. It is further interesting to note that a significant percentage of the workers
i.e. 76 percent are men. Thus, the women were not found to be gainfully employed in a big
way. 3.39 percent main workers were engaged in agriculture sector and remaining 2.92
percent were engaged in house hold industries (census 2011). About 93.67 per cent of the
total workers in the city are engaged in other services, that is those who were neither
agricultural labourers nor household workers.
The employees engaged in the water supply system in the city are presented in Annexure VIII.

4.10.5 Ward wise Analysis

Population: The total population of the city is 533587 in 2011. Population ranged from 434
in ward number 57 and 58 to 19993 in ward number 23. Analysis of population distribution
(ward wise) showed that ward numbers 23, 55, 13, 54, 20, 38, and 22 were most populated,
while ward number 57, 58, 9, 51 and 48 were least populated.
Child Population: The child population [0-6 years] is reported to be 69,325 comprising 13
percent of the total population. The child population in the wards is found to vary
significantly. While ward 13 had the highest number of children (2832 i.e. 4.1 percent of
total hild ppulation), wards 57 (51) and 58 (51) had the least number of
a I
Witt , sValtty6toth decrease in the percentage of child population in the ward i
sg of households, the social composition of the ulation and so
408- 46
CCM SC) Ittal° SOWilleas
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

SC/ST Population: The percentage of the scheduled caste and schedule tribe population in
the town is 15.07 percent and 1.88 percent respectively. The concentration of the scheduled
caste and schedule tribe population is found to vary in the different wards in the city. While
wards number 10 and 5 had minimal representation from the community, the highest
concentration of population (more than 40 percent) is in ward numbers 40, 16, 45, 50, 53,
58, 57, 39 and 46.
The percentage of the scheduled caste and schedule tribe population in the slum is 49.5
percent and 7.9 percent respectively.
Literate Population: The percentage of literate population to the total population is about
72 percent in the town. The male and female literates accounts for 76 per cent and 67 per
cent of the literates respectively. Thus, there is significant variation among male and female
literates. The percentage of literate population is found to vary across the wards. The
proportion of illiterate population in wards vary from 12 percent (ward number 51) to 43.58
percent (ward no.6). Wards with more than 35 percent population illiterate were 6, 7, 1, 16,
10, 40, 45 and 37.
Gender Relation: Out of the total population 50.9% are male whereas 49% are females. The
minority group has 51% of males and rest as females. For literates 46% are females. Female
workers contribute 24% of the total workers, whereas main female workers forms 21% and
marginal female workers forms 39%.
Of the total slum households, 29% forms the minority group with a BPL population of 49880
persons. For women headed category, 16% of the households belong to the women headed
households while 15% of the minority population belongs to child labourers.
Table 4.7: Gender Relation
Population Total Male Female
Total 540717 275291 265426
Scheduled Castes (Sc) 81467 41341 40126
Scheduled Tribes (ST) 10146 5115 5031
Literates 387663 210204 177459
Total Worker 178207 135212 42995
Main Worker 147199 116323 30876
Marginal Worker 31008 18889 12119
Source: MoUD, GO!, 2014; Report on Slum free city p an of action, Gulbarga

4.10.11 Slum location, Spread & Details

Slum and squatter settlements in Kalaburgi are growing at alarming rates due to increased
construction activities and industrial activities. The general composition of majority of slums
comprises of scheduled tribes, scheduled caste, and other backward classes, forming the
weaker section of the society. The Regional Centre for Urban and Environment Studies,
Hyderabad was analyzed existing housing scenario in terms of the structures, its type, access
to electricity and other related issues which are summarized below.
Table 4.8: Physical location

Area(Sq. Meters)
Below 10,000 to 20,000 to 40,000- 60,000- 80000- 1,00,000
No. of
10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 1,00,000 Above
18 12 19 8 2 1
Whether slum is Located


Core Fringe
No. of Slums
50 10
Physical location of slum
Along Along Along Along Along On Others Others (Non-
Nallah Other Railway Major River! River/ (Hazardous or Hazardous /
No. (Major Drains Line Transport Water Water Objectionable) Non -
of Storm Alignment Body Body objectionable)
Slums water Bank Bed
0 12 8 8 0 4 4 24
Whether the Slum is prone to flooding due to rains?
No. of Not prone Upto 15 days 15-30 Days More than a Month
Slums 4 56 0 0
Type of Area surrounding Slum
No. of Residential Industrial Commercial Institutional Other
Slums 53 3 2 0 2
Source: MoUD, GO!, 2014; Report on Slum free city plan of action, Gulbarqa

4.11 Findings of the Primary Survey

The Communications and Social Intermediation Strategy (CSIS) study, 2014 was undertaken
in the Kalaburgi city by Samaj Vikas, a Development Support Organisation with a 2.7%
sample size. The household survey covered all wards and slum /non-slum households. The
sample size for Gulberga has been as follows:

City Population Total Households Actual Sample Size %

Kalaburgi 5,43,000 1,02830 2770 2.7

4.11.1 Socio-economic features
rvportvealed that majorit %) of the households in the city
S hr4-1% joint families. Averag ly size isi4 in Kalaburgi.
a) to \triD
CO (ps
0,00?1• 48 vjamso eartion-
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

The study on house ownership of the sampled households shows that 84% of the
households own houses in Kalaburgi while only 16% have rented houses.
In case of slums, 85% households own houses while 12% live in rented accommodations. 3%
live in government quarters.
4.11.2 Economic Profile
Income data of the sample population indicates that 15.9% of slum households in Kalaburgi
respectively, have an average monthly income of less than Rs. 5000. The non-slum
households having an average monthly income of less than Rs. 5000/- are 12.4%. Having an
average monthly income of more than Rs. 20,000/- in slum and non-slum areas are 16% and
26.1% respectively.
4.11.3 Supply of Water
Drinking Water Supply is a basic facility provided by the Municipal Corporation. The study
collected information regarding water supply in Kalaburgi; in both slum and non-slum
households. This categorization helped in understanding the issues faced by the slum
households. Figure 1 shows that Municipal Household Connection is the major source of
water supply in the city with 71% having the same. People do depend on other sources as
well. In Kalaburgi, 20% households respectively use either stand posts or hand pumps for
drinking water. 1% household use dug well (open well) water in Kalaburgi. However, in and
around Kalaburgi, 16% of households use bore well respectively.
Figure 4.11: Source of HH Water Supply

80 -


40 -

20 I

Municipal Stand post Bo ewell Dugwell

4.11.4 Hours of supply

Every urban household desires assured water supply at convenient timings. As reported by
the users, 72% of the households are supplied water for one hour in Kalaburgi. 21% of the
households report water supply up to two hours and the balance households report water
supply from two to above four hours and above. This kind of supply is causing hardship to
users, in particular to employed women and low income households. This unassured
irregular supply at inconvenient timings propels users to look forward to safe and assured
24/7 water supply as in the demo zones.
Table 4.9: Hours of supply

Hours of supply
In hrs %of Households
1 72 (

2 21
WSSIO 1)101 3 3
DAfikekiikAGI \ NAPA AGAR 4&above 7---I 51 t


Total 100
4.11.5 Per Capita Water Consumption
The field survey attempted to understand water consumption pattern in the ULB at the
household level. There is no major difference in water use in demo zone and non demo
zone houses as seen from the data
Table 4.10: Per Capita Water Consumption in Kalaburgi

Per Capita Water Consumption in Kalaburgi

Consumption In % of Respondents
Liters/capita /day Non Demo Demo
Less than 40 20 16
40 — 70 64 57
70 — 100 14 21
100 — 135 1 5
Above 135 0 1
Total 100 100
Consumption of 40-70 Ipcd by majority of the households in demo and non-demo zones is
revealed from the table above. 21% and 5% consume 70-100 Ipcd and 100-135 Ipcd
respectively. There is also a specific need of creating awareness among stakeholders on the
fact that poor and slum dwellers use and can use water judiciously if better access to quality
supply is provided to them.
Table 4.11: Per Capita Water Consumption in Kalaburgi

Per Capita Water Consumption in Kalaburgi (%HH)

Consumption In Litres / % of Respondents
capita /day Non Slum Slum
Less than 40 18 22
40 — 70 65 63
70 — 100 15 14
100 — 135 2 1
Above 135 0 1
Total 100 100
Comparisons between slum and non-slum indicates that there is hardly any difference in
consumption with non-slum dwellers consuming marginally more in the 40-70Ipcd, 70-
100Ipcd and above 100Ipcd categories.
4.11.6 User Adoptions
As the households are provided with irregular unassured water supply, some of them have
adopted several means to tap water from their connections. The survey findings indicate
that in Kalaburgi, 12% of the sample households resort to pit-tapping (dug pits) to get water
and most of them use booster motor pumps as well.
Table 4.12: Methods Used to Get Water from HH Connections
Methods Used to Get Water from HH Connections
Methods % of Respondents
No of HH Connection Users 1958
Nc1.24 HH having Pits Dug
_.. 306
No of HH Using Motor Pumpnr , 167
0 own
to c, stiNina
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

% HH having Pits Dug 16

% HH Using Motor Pump 9
4://.7 Fetching Water
No distinct gender bias is visible in fetching water in case of stand post. Although in 39.7 %
cases the wife (or the leading female) fetches water, head of the family's and the son's
involvement in this activity is app 24% and 30 % respectively. Daughters and daughter-in-
laws are seldom sent to collect water
Table 4.13: HH Members involved in getting water from stand post
HH member involved in getting water from stand post % HH
Family member fetching % of Respondents
Wife 39.7
Daughter 3.9
Daughter-in-law 2.1
Granddaughter 0.3
Head 23.7
Son 29.5
Others 0.8
The study finds that each sample household on an average spends about half an hour to two
hours to fetch water from stand post. This is primarily due to the fact that frequency of
water supply is poor in the three cities. The Table above shows that women are the primary
group who are engaged in fetching water However, in Kalaburgi, in almost 40% of the
households, fetching water is taken up by only one family member.
4.11.8 Coping With Intermittent Supply
Figure 4.12: Type of Storage by Slum Households

Type of Storage by Slum Households


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The intermittent supply with low frequency has compelled citizens to adopt coping
mechanisms by creating household level storage. All types of households, across income
ranges, in the Kalaburgi city depend on storage facilities. It can be observed that more than
79% of sample households in slums in the Kalaburgi use drums, buckets and vessels for
storing the water. Some of them do use overhead tanks and underground sumps as well for
storage of water.
4.11.9 Water Quality millili
The survey collected users perceptions regarding water quality in demo zones and non-demo
zones. Demo zone households reported no water quality probl This he fact that
hey re saN024/7 treated waty ply. Only 31% househ perceive
erRn "

.1"+timail Cr,

water quality problems. The survey went further to understand type of problems perceived
by the users. Out of 31% households, who reported water quality problems in Kalaburgi, 56%
had reported bad smell followed by taste as a major problem.
The enquiry was furthered with type of home level treatment by users to make the water
potable. This analysis is done on slum and non-slum households to understand variations in
practices if any.
Fne!5°4 5°,14 ^

4.11.10 Household Level Water Treatment

Though water quality is perceived as a problem by users, more than 40-60% households; both
slum and non-slum, do not take up any further treatment. Filtering by cloth is a common
practice for 32% the households; both slum and non-slum. Candle filters are used by about 3-
9 % of the households. About 2-5 % households use other electric/ non-electric purifiers for
improving water quality. This is another reason for switching over to safe 24/7 water supply.
There is a definite need of creating awareness on the water quality assurance and benefits
under 24/7 water supply regime.
The survey listed the water treatment practices across social categories. It can be seen from
the table below that 51% of the SC/ST households are not treating water at household level.
Another 32% SC/ST households just filter by cloth and only 3% treat water using various
means. The water treatment practices followed by other households from other social
categories are not significantly different. This further strengthens the need for good quality
water supply requiring no further treatment at household level. There is a need to create
awareness among these households on safe water handling practices at household level.
Table 4.14: Social Category wise HH level water treatment practices
Social Category wise HH level water treatment practices (% HH)
Type of Treatment % of Respondents
SC/ST Others
No further treatment 51 40
Filtration by cloth 32 32
Use candle filters 3 9
Boiling 8 8
Water purifiers & other gadget (electric) 2 5
Water purifiers & other gadget (non electric) 2 5
Others 1 1
Total 100 100
4.11.11 Reasons for not having house connections
The survey also aimed at understanding reasons for households not having municipal house
service connection. The table 30 gives the Households' Source of Water Supply. According
to this data 70.7% (Kalaburgi) households have Municipal Household Connection. This
means the remaining 29.3% (Kalaburgi), households; both slum and non-slum have no
Municipal Household Connection. The following table provides reasons as enumerated by
these households for not having Municipal Household Connection.
Table 4.15: Reasons for not having HH Water Connection
Reasons for not having HH Water Connection
% of Respondents
Non Slum Slum l
CSt affria 33 12

. - Per records ri er,vx ....." 183 93

Draft Final
Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supp yin Kalaburgi

No distribution in the area 129 56

No pressure/technical not possible 45 16
Lengthy process getting one 14 2
Others 0 0
Total 404 179
Total No of Survey Households 1790 980
% HH not having HH connections 22.6 18.3
The technical reasons such as low/no pressure are cited by 61% in Kalaburgi.
Surprisingly affordability as an issue was raised by 12% slum households and 33% non —slum
4.11.12 Satisfaction Levels in Demo and Non-Demo Zones
The field survey aimed at understanding water supply services and also satisfaction level of
domestic users. The data is segregated in users from demo zone and users from non-demo
zone. The below tables present the satisfaction levels in each of these areas. Some
parameters vary due to the very nature and features of 24x7 water supply; these include,
hours of supply, timing and access to water. In Demo zone areas of the city, every household
is given water supply. It can be seen that there is extremely wide variation in satisfaction
levels of demo zone and non-demo zone.
4.11.13 Satisfaction Levels in Demo Zones
Users of 24x7 water supply in demo zone expressed that they have received continuous
water supply with adequate pressure where they are not required to store water. The below
table shows that households in demo zone do receive good quality water. Further, grievance
redressal and fault repair services are efficient and users are satisfied. The overall
satisfaction level crosses 92% in Kalaburgi in demo zone. However, the picture is completely
different in non-demo zone areas.
Table 4.16: Satisfaction Levels in Demo Zone (% HH)
Indicators % of Respondents
Pressure of water supply 92
Quality of water supply 91
Access to water supply 95
Grievance redressal & Fault repair 90
Overall level of satisfaction 92
The findings indicate half of the user households are not satisfied with current water supply
services in Kalaburgi. This can be seen from the analysis satisfaction is 55% whereas in
Table 4.17: Satisfaction Levels in Non Demo Zone Areas (% HH)
Indicators % of Respondents
No. of hours of water supply 66
Pressure of water supply 65
Quality of water supply 73 C
Access to water supply 68
Grievance redressal & Fault repair 56
Timing of water supply from municipality 66
- of satisfaction 55

ookoh V3-10
4 ISX 53

4.12 Water Charges

4.12.1 Payments in Demo zone
The data shows that about 55% and 40% of the users in slum and non-slum areas of
Kalaburgi demo zone receive a monthly bill in the range of Rs. 100 to Rs. 200. As there is no
subsidy on water charge payment, the water bills are based on usage.
Figure 4.13: Water Charges in Demo Zone

Gulbarga Demo Zone Water Charges

77 24
4 6 13 15
- ,411111111 , NMI
Rs 50 - 75 Rs 75 -100 Rs 100 - 200 More than Rs
Sluin Slum 2
. 00

4.12.2 Willingness to Pay by Volumetric Billing

The primary survey data indicates that above 63% of the sample non-slum households are
willing to pay up to Rs. 250/- per month for 24/7 water supply. This was the response of the
households when asked 'if the present water supply is improved to 24/7, then how much
they would be willing to pay'. On the other hand 73% of the sample slum households are
ready to pay Rs250 per month for 24X7 water supply. This indicates that the slum
households which include poor suffer from the intermittent water supply and are willing to
pay more for an assured safe 24/7 water supply. 2% non-slum & slum dwelling respondents
are willing to pay as per bill.
Figure 4.14: Willingness to Pay by Non Slum HH

Willingness to Pay - Non-slum





Figure 4.15: Willingness to Pay by Slum HH

Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

30 19
3 4 2
MP CP 1111ll
%oc) 4)


The field survey reveals majority of the stand post users are willing to pay more for
continuous water supply than the households with house service connections. The below
table shows that a large section of households using stand posts (83%) are willing to pay Rs
250 per month for assured water supply. This indicates that stand post users are put to
hardship under intermittent water supply regime are craving for more assured and reliable
water supply and area willing to pay more for the same.
Table 4.18: Willingness to Pay by Different Facility Users
Willingness To Pay by Different Facility Users (% HH)
% of Respondents
Monthly Water Charges
Stand posts FIN Connection
Rs 100 1 3
Rs 150 4 5
Rs 200 12 29
Rs 250 83 60
As per meter 1 2
Total 100 100
Table 4.19: Willingness to Pay across Income Categories

Willingness to Pay Across Income Categories (% HH in non slum areas— all cities together)
Monthly Water Less than Rs Rs 5000 — Rs 10000 - More than Rs
Charges 1 5000 10000 20000 20000
Non Slu Non Non Non Slu
Slum Slum
Slum m Slum Slum Slum m
Rs 100 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 6
Rs 150 8 4 7 4 7 6 7 7
Rs 200 16 9 19 13 20 14 23 15
Rs 250 56 63 55 64 53 64 48 63
As per meter 16 19 15 15 16 30 17 10
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
The above tae reveals that there is willingness to pay for assured water supply across
isteSme categories; both among slum and non slum households. This indicates that
çAbMs, irrespective of their income category are looking forw.-n. ..':ving assured
continuous water supply are willi g to pay more for t It c that more

number of slum households are willing to pay up to Rs. 250/- per month. This reminds us of
the need for a project pro-poor policy to encourage such behavior among the poor and
vulnerable and for making sure they access the services.
4.12.3 Health Profile
As per the household survey conducted for a sample size of 2270 households in Kalaburgi,
around 80% of the respondents were aware of the water borne diseases such as typhoid,
diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, cholera and others. The monthly medical expenditure reported
by the respondents ranged between Rs. 20 to Rs. 3, 000 per month, with more than 89% of
the respondents spending less than Rs. 500 per month. During the last six months, the
medical expenditure incurred by the respondents ranged between Rs. 400 to Rs. 65, 000.
Around 86% of the respondents visited private health centres and the balance visited
government health centres for treatment.
Table 4.20: Respondents reporting water borne diseases.

Diseases % of Respondents

Typhoid 33.22
Diarrhoea 18.98
Gastroenteritis 37.97
Cholera 9.83

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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Table 4.21: Average household Monthly Medical Expenditure

Range of Monthly expenditure % of Respondents

Less than 0 20.44

0-100 14.46
100-1000 61.41
More than 1000 3.69

Table 4.22: Knowledge of Water-borne diseases

Knowledge about Water-borne % of
diseases Respondents
No 19.64
Yes 80.36

Table 4.23: Source of Medical treatment

Treatment Source Kalaburgi

Non-Government 86.48
Government Hospital 13.52
Source: Household (Primary) survey conducted by CSIS consultants
4.13 Conclusion:
The baseline environmental profile has been completed in terms of land, air, water,
heritage, etc. Also the social profile of the population is documented with the highlights
from the CSIS report with classification of slum and non-slum population and also demo and
non-demo zones. This baseline can be used to understand the impact of project intervention
in the future..

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Consultation with relevant stakeholders has been an important component of the social and
environmental baseline assessment and to obtain perceptions and views of the stakeholders
on social and environmental concerns pertaining to the local area. The objective of
stakeholder consultation was to identify environmental & social issues, impacts, and options
to minimize potential negative impacts. The views held by the stakeholders were analyzed
and are presented in this section.
First, the Stakeholder Analysis was conducted in terms of interest, importance and influence
and then Stakeholder consultations were conducted by M/s Samaj Vikas Development
Support Organisation as part of Communication and Social Intermediation Strategy (CSIS)
study and City wide Consultations held by KUIDFC have also provided a forum for the
Stakeholders to provide their opinions/suggestions.

(The stakeholder analysis was done along with assessment, as this is a dynamic and iterative
process. This analysis took place during the Focus Group Discussions, meetings and public
consultation meets. After identification of stakeholder groups and after each interaction
with them their status was mapped using a "three I model" i.e, interest, Importance and

5.1 Major Findings from ESA Stakeholders Consultation

The methodology followed in focus group discussion and stakeholder meeting is given
Meeting various line department officials and other stakeholders
Motivating and encouraging interactions and deliberations on pertinent issues
Eliciting feedback and responses from the participants and recording them
Identification of ways and means to identify Environmental & Social issues, options &
resolve conflicts, if any, between stakeholder groups.
Consultations at the demo and non-demo level were carried out through a checklist.
The stakeholder consultation was conducted with various groups involving officials,
professionals and city population from various areas of the project towns. The in-depth
discussion on various water supply and related subjects brought forth some key issues
which are as mentioned below:
Highlights of the Stakeholder Consultations with domestic users
Willingness to accommodate the escalated cost
Reduction/almost negligible incidence of water borne diseases.
Customers expressed satisfaction with water quality, volume, mode of supply, supply
frequency, supply time in demo zones
They also expressed satisfaction with the water supply department in terms of the
charged tariff, consumer redressal, maintenance and repairs in demo zones
They have expressed the need to improve the water supply through the proposed 24 X
7 plan in non demo zones
AtsKnyadge of on-going efforts to bring in the 24 X 7 supply in all regions
Westomersialso suggested alternatives and other solutions for anticipated problems and
conflicts that could arise through the design, implementation, supply, distribution,
maintenance and tariff related issues
Discussions were held with va • us industrial, commercial an insti holders
the following issues : Ao ca(r-
tv, f bee
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Industrial consumer profile — Type and size of the industry, types of water consuming
industrial activities, usage of corporation water supply for industry, use of corporation
water for industry workers colony, etc.
Type of access to water — Exclusive industry connection, Shared with other industries
Current sources used for water (common or separate for drinking and other uses?)
Satisfaction with water quality, volume, mode of supply, supply frequency, supply time
Current water consumption for drinking and other uses
Type of infrastructure available for water storage — Syntex, cemented (overhead,
ground level or underground)
Average cost incurred for water connection and operationalization
Average water bill paid with billing frequency
Defaults in bill payment
Satisfaction with the water supply department in terms of the charged tariff, consumer
redressal, maintenance and repairs
Observed instances of water wastage
Coping mechanisms to face supply problems - Purchase of water from commercial
sources (bottled water, tanker supply, etc.), Use of filters and other purifiers
Local conflicts on water usage and methods used for conflict resolution
Overall perception on the need to improve the water supply through the proposed 24 X
7 plan
Knowledge of on-going efforts to bring in the 24 X 7 supply
If aware, satisfaction with the feasibility of the new scheme
Anticipated problems and conflicts that could arise through the design, implementation,
supply, distribution, maintenance and tariff related issues with suggested alternatives
and other solutions
Expected expenditure at the industry level to accommodate required changes in plumbing,
meter replacement and storage — willingness to accommodate the escalated cost and if not
willing, who should bear it?
5.2 Discussions on gender related issues
At the outset it was deemed necessary to understand the prevalent gender issues in the
project cities. A series of stakeholder consultation in different project cities have been
conducted at this stage of social assessment to find out women's concerns regarding the
24x7 water supply project to be taken up. The consultation was carried out in local language
to establish the comfort level. Consultation team was present to initiate this process where
their primary role was to facilitate discussions and analysis with the women. Initial selection
of women's groups for consultation was done in a manner that they represented women
from demo zones, non-demozones. Women stakeholders of various categories, including
women office bearers in local bodies and line agencies, self-help groups, women headed
households, NGO representatives, working women and teachers of local schools / colleges
were considered for gender consultation and situational analyses. The issues are highlighted
Cut across caste/class/color women's lives revolve around the water availability in the
In the 24*7 supply demo zones the women members were hassle free from fetching and
storing water.
Their families are enjoying a good health status with n•goade water borne
diseases and adoption of hygienic practices.
he omen olk are getting ampl
me to take up gain full Li,;ay sulting in
Now 59


economic upliftment of their families. They get time to even indulge in other household
chores/recreation etc.
In the non-demo zones the women are most of the time involved in fetching water and
storing it.
They are experiencing a lot of physical discomfort in fetching water from far/near
The spurt of water borne diseases is affecting their health and they have to spend both
time and money in tending to those who are ill in the family.
Personal hygiene becomes difficult to practice when each and every drop of water
Adding on to all the other woes is the community fights which occur due to lack of water.
Many a times it takes a violent turn with the male members getting involved as well.
The detailed stakeholder consultation is provided in Annexure II and Annexure X. It is to be
noted that specific consultants were held in Dec 2018 and Jan 2019 are also added in
Annexure X to get a perception of the stakeholders.

5.3 CSIS Stakeholders Consultation

This was arranged in coordination with Kalaburgi Municipal Corporation. The list of invitees
included users from the demonstration zones, representatives of various institutions such as
educational institutions, Lions Club, Rotary Club, Resident Welfare Associations, student
groups, Local NG0s, eminent persons like teachers, professors, former corporators, Industry
Leaders, academicians, professional such as architects, entrepreneurs, media representative
and officials of Municipal Corporation, Water Board, Operator, etc. The session was open to
share their concerns, opinion, feedback and suggestions. Key points raised were:
The city NGO representative stressed on the need of introducing continuous 24x7 supply
to the entire city. He said presently the people of Gulbarga town is facing problems
related to water supply and demo zone experience has created impact that 24X7 supply
is possible and affordable.
A woman participant from demo zone, an SHG member, shared her experience and said
that 24X7 supply to her house have reduced their work burden, timing and she is using
the same for other household activities. This demo zone experience to be expanded to
complete Gulbarga.
One of the participants said that due to bad water quality they incidence of people falling
ill and vomiting due to jaundice, etc. He has urged corporation to supply clean water to
the town.
Users of Demo Zone expressed satisfaction about 24X7 supply in their area and
requested up-scaling for entire city.
Another participant reported about water contamination through mixing of drainage
water. He asked the concerned authorities to take immediate action so that at least they
get water without contamination. In reply the Commissioner assured that the water
contamination due to underground drainage will be solved.
5.4 Conclusion
ticOilttholder Consultations revealed that there is clear support for the project and
le are in fact impatient for the arrival of 24x7 water. The stakeholders are aware of the
benefits of continuous water supply specifically health benefits to the family. Women, who
play a key role in ensuring water fOr the family, are eagerly waiting for t ect. In
addition to health benefits, they/fiicated tOt time saved can be ed and
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

social activities. The environmental and social aspects/concerns will be included under the
project and during communication campaigns to increase awareness among stakeholders.

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6.1 Introduction
This chapter presents an overview of the key environmental issues related to the proposed
project. An analysis of the baseline environmental situation, observations during site visits,
discussions with state, district and village level functionaries as well as the public
consultations have clearly brought out the following key social and environmental issues
that need to be addressed in the project design and implementation of project.
6.2 Associated and Potential Environmental Impacts
For the identification and rating of key issues and impacts that are likely to occur during the
phases of this project and the significance of the associated impacts, a "5-Step-Tool" was
6.2.1 Rating of Impacts
Five steps were followed sequentially in order to rate the impacts of the various activities of
the project as shown below:

Figure 6.1: Rating Impacts

St a ge4 I mpace able Sta gel): Qu,rniirronof

it I mpacm sources and impacts
rating pnsitivelnereativefdirectdndi

Tage4: Degree of ritp errs Stage3: Ratingof Impacts

grtifin ce I ikelihood
In 7
Major, Moderate High and
. . „
rately low

622 Determining the Magnitude of Impact

For the identification and rating of key issues and impacts the "5-Step-Tool" has been
adopted on environmental impact and the impact assessment matrix has been prepared.
Impact Assessment Matrix

Likelihood Negative Consequence

Hardly any Little Considerable Great I Extreme

Hi Moderate Moderate
, ,:..,re edium High


Moderate Moderate

Minor Moderate Moderate

Medium Low Negligible Minor Minor Moderate

Low Negligible Negligiliolev Minor Minor

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4 earliOthe
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

LOW Consequences High

Hardly any Little Considerable Great Extreme„
Local, small-scale, Short-term Medium-term Long-term Irreversible
easily reversible recoverable recoverable recoverable changes to social
change on social changes to social changes to social changes to social characteristics
characteristics or characteristics characteristics characteristics and values of the
values of the and values of the and values of the and values of the communities of
communities of community of communities of communities of interest or
interest or interest or interest or interest or community has
communities can community has community has community has no capacity to
easily adapt or substantial some capacity to limited capacity adapt and cope
cope with capacity to adapt adapt and cope to adapt and cope with change
change. and cope with with change. with change.
6.2.3 Associated and Potential Impacts
Activities during lying of new trunk main will involve
excavation, transportation & lying of pipe and
reinstating excavated farm land, road and stream
sections. Replacement and strengthening of the feeder
mains will include digging of roads in the areas where
replacement and strengthening is planned and
reinstating the roads and drains thus disturbed.
The alignment of the proposed new main transmission
line are proposed in such a way that the main runs
principally along public roads and that, there will be no
land acquisition. (The details are presented in
Annexure XI )
The project proposes dismantling of four (4) OHT/ELSR/GLSRs and construct OHTs in its
place. It is proposed to dismantle overhead reservoirs and construct the new ones in its
place. Extra care needs to be taken during the dismantling of the structures like caution
board and prior information to nearby community. Dismantling and new construction may
lead to air pollution and health & safety problems to nearby habitation. It is strongly
recommended during construction of both EISR and GLSR a detailed geotechnical/ soil
study should be carried out.
An environment management plan or mitigation measures have been suggested in Chapter
7 and environmental code of practices are also prepared for this project.
Since the distribution network in the city is to be re-laid, extra precaution needs to be taken
in areas which are congested. Proper barricading needs to be provided on such trenched.
Proper "Caution" tapes and signboards need to be put in place in both local and English
language to highlight the working area.
Before the work is undertaken in the city, a proper traffic flow management plan should be
prepared and implemented to ensure that the public and good movement is not adversely
effected due to the construction activity.
There should be proper parking facilities at nearby houses, parks, playgrounds. Alternate

C (I
lanes should be taken for pipeline laying so that access can be provided
Sii:Seist6fdate for the implementation and lying of pipeli
Al\ which are written in both local and English language.
or 4 #02
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,tirei \ •

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6.2.4 Land Environment

A new intake of 100 MLD is planned on the downstream of the Harasur village at about
13Km N-E of Salam Tekdi BPT. The entire stretch of this new alignment as presented in
figure 5.2 passes along public roads and there will be no land acquisition. Laying the trunk
pipelines will involve excavating a trench. The width of the trench would depend on the
pipeline diameter and in no case would exceed 2.5 m. for the entire length of alignment.
These earthwork activities will be localised and will have temporary impact on the
topography of the area. Similarly, excavation of roads to replace the distribution pipeline
will not have a significant impact on the topography
Figure 6.2: Proposed Alignment

6.2.5 Water Environment

1. Water Availability
There are no major rivers or reservoirs in the near vicinity of the city other than present
surface sources. This project may increase pressure on the available water sources. The
present sources, a) Bhogsa Reservoir b) Bennithora Dam and c) Bheema River have been
studied in detail to estimate the available quantity and dependability as a source for water
supply to city for the horizon year 2041.
In the absence of above data Bhogsa reservoir operation simulation studies was not possible
and hence could not assess the reliability of the source. However based on the past
experience of the Corporation it is proposed to disregard Bhosga reservoir yield (Source
Project Report, Kalaburagi, 2019 TCE).
Irrigation Department of GoK has constructed Dam across Bennithora River at Khurj village
in Chittapur Taluka in order to irrigate an area of 20234 Ha. The total water requirement for
Khariff and Rabi crops is 120.10 Mcum. In order to assess the dependability of the
littsiSriffailcservoir for supplying water to Kalaburgi City, the simulation studies have been
skS 'fa out for 15 years for different quantity of water supply from this source to City
keeping the ultimate irrigation demand (120 Mcum per annum) and drinking water needs of
1.35 Mcum (3.7 MLD) for villagers nearby unaltered. The City demand was superimposed on
the demand of the present users and the dependability of the reservoir is out
(Source Project Report, Gulbarga, TCE). 6004:1743c„,is03:01.01,
1w) c"
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

The dependability of Bennithora Reservoir for supplying water to Kalaburgi City for different
quantities of 20 MLD (7.3 Mcum per year) was 82% and for the 55 MLD (20.07 Mcum per
year) and 110 MLD (40.15 Mcum per year) was 67% and 60 % respectively (Source Project
Report, Kalaburgi, ICE). While dependability on Bheema River was worked as 73% for
present demand of 55 MLD (20.07 Mcum per year) and 72% for the future demand of 110
MLD (40.15 Mcum) from this source. The summary of the dependability are presented

Dependability of source for the demand of

Water Source 7 MLD (2.56 Mcum per 55 MLD (20.07 110 MLD (40.15
year) Mcum per year) Mcum per year)

Bhosga Reservoir 100% --- ---

Bennithora Reservoir 100% 67% 60%

Vented Barrage across 100% 73% 72%

Bheema river
Bhosga and ground water source could be considered as supplementary source for
Bennithora and Bheema river sources.
Surface Water Quality
The proposed alignment of main passes agriculture fields which does not encroach / pollute
any surface water bodies in the city. Hence no significant impacts are anticipated on the
surface water quality due to the proposed alignment. Although Kootnur Nala carries
wastewater from various parts of city and joins Bhima river at about 1 km upstream of the
intake well for water supply to the city. The Jagat Tank (Basaveswara Tank) located in the
heart of the city adjacent to the Fort also receives wastewater from the old city area of
Activities involving replacement of existing distribution pipeline in the close proximity of
households will have an adverse impact due to waterlogging and leakages. This impact is
temporary and limited to the construction phase.
Improvement in the distribution system will not have any direct impact on the surface water
quality. With the increase of population, the water demand would increase which in turn
will lead to higher generation of sewage. As such proper sewerage system needs to be put
in place along with the water supply scheme to ensure that the surface water quality is not
adversely affected.
Ground Water Quality
Since alignment of the pipeline is on a fairly flat terrain, no activities of the project
construction or operations are expected to interfere with the ground water characteristic of
the region. Hence major impacts on ground water quality are not anticipated. Also, it is
recommended that some water harvesting schemes be implemented in the city to recharge
the depleting ground water.
L6.2.6 Climatic and Air Environment
Impacts on Climate
No changes in climatic conditions are anticipated due to the project execution.
4. Air Quality
Suspended particulate matter and dust are major sources of air quality impacts during the
excavation Ind construction process. As the project envisages lying of the pipeline in
Iterland and rigid road etwork, the impact of . ' pollu t be very
S lik (
ACS ant :La
coeo 65
IOLL° f Cf.

However, on site the impact on air quality due to the project is likely to be higher. Adequate
dust suppression measures and protective measures to the work force will significantly
reduce impacts. AWS (Automatic Weather Station) technique should be use for the
monitoring of air pollution.
Considering the size of the pipe material being laid, transportation and lifting machinery will
be required during the construction phase. The movement of these vehicles on these
temporary roads will contribute to the deterioration of air quality. No air quality impacts are
anticipated during the operation phase of the project.
6.2.7 Noise Environment
Construction Phase: Movement of vehicles, transporting construction material and noise
generating activities at the construction site, are major sources of noise pollution during
construction. Material movement and associated laying work are primary noise generating
activities on site and will be distributed over the entire construction period. Proper safety
measures as mentioned in the management plan need to be adopted, to mitigate any
adverse impact of the noise generated by such equipment.
Activities involving replacement of existing pipeline, dismantling and construction of
reservoirs in the close proximity of households will have an adverse impact due to noise
pollution. This impact is temporary and limited to the construction phase.
However, selection of construction equipment and timing of activities, as envisaged in the
management plan, will mitigate the impact.
Operation Phase: Except during regular maintenance activities, no noise generating
activities (expect pumping station (generating 80 DB noise) which are away from the nearest
road and habitation) are envisaged during the project operation phase and hence no noise
impacts are predicted then.
Ecological Resources
The project activity does not involve encroachment of sensitive environmental features or
cutting of trees /vegetation. Hence no impacts are predicted on the ecological resources of
the project area.
Archaeological / Cultural Properties
No structures of archaeological or historical importance lie along the main alignment route
and hence there would be no impact on the Archaeological / Cultural properties. While in
city, Fort, Masjid and Tombs of Firozshah are found as historical monuments under the
central protection category. Construction activities around these structures need to include
adequate precautionary measures and clearances from NMA.
Other Issues
It is understood that the right of way for the proposed alignment will be in understanding
with landowners. The pipeline will be laid one meter below ground level and as such no
existing activity will be affected.
6.3 Construction Phase Specific Impacts and their Rating
Impacts idepified for various project activities are summarized in Table 5.1 below.
EY' isto
,039 Table 6.1: : Summary of Social and Environmental Impacts

Project Activity Environmental Impact

trstPs' No.
I. Construction Stage
1 Construction of New • Increase dust levels in the area due to 15.161,0
Intake structure near activit 1 r cp (fl zo
Harasur Village • Accu u atValtruction waste
cr FA f;
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Project Activity Environmental Impact
Increase water pollution during construction
Deterioration of water quality
Temporary Disruption of water supply
2. Laying of Raw Water Increase in Dust levels due to construction
pumping main of 1342 Soil pollution or soil erosion
mm dia. for a length of Increase noise levels due to excavation
19.2 km. Disruption of traffic flow during transportation of
construction materials
Landscape degradation
Pressure on local resources
Disruption of fertile top soil of the agriculture land along
the alignment
Accumulation of Excess Earth
Damage to standing crops during break down of the
transmission main or maintenance operations
Unhygienic condition in construction camp
Emissions from use of construction equipments/DG sets for
construction activities
Temporary Disruption of natural drainage pattern
3. Construction of WTP (55 Increase dust or other gaseous (502 & NO2) levels due to
MLD) the movement of construction vehicles and equipments
Increase health risk in nearby areas
Increase health risk in construction Labour
Accumulation of construction waste
Accumulation of earth material
4. Rehabilitation of existing No major impact anticipated
WTPs in terms of the alum
dosing plant, laboratory
up-gradation etc
5. Rehabilitation of Raw and Increase dust levels
Clear water pumping Safety of labour during painting and plastering
6. Construction of New Clear Increase dust or other gaseous (SO2 & NO2) levels due to
Water Pumping station the movement of construction vehicles and equipments
Increase health risk in nearby areas
Increase health risk in construction Labour
Accumulation of construction waste
7. Laying of Clear Water Increase in Dust levels due to construction
Transmission System Soil pollution or soil erosion
(31.2 km) Increase noise levels due to excavation
Disruption of traffic flow during transportation of
construction materials
Accumulation of Excess Earth
0 nee Unhygienic condition in construction camp
V Emissions from use of constr tn equ ,7•"";71.11-.- sets for
-0 • t constrqction activities

Project Activity Environmental Impact
Temporary Disruption of natural drainage pattern
8. Dismantling of existing Increase in Dust Level due to dismantling
Elevated Service Reservoir Increase health risk in nearby areas especially Sheikh Roza,
(4 nos) HSR ESR, Old Filter bed, Old PWD quarters, Mahaveer
Nagar, Dariyapur, Basavanagar and SB College Tank.
Accumulation of demolition waste
Increase health risk in Construction labour
Temporary disruption of water
Increase noise levels due to demolition and movement of
Temporary disruption of traffic due to movement of
9. Construction of new Increase dust levels due to construction of reservoirs
overhead (11 nos) and Increase noise levels due to movement of heavy vehicles
ground reservoirs (2 nos) and construction equipments
Disruption of traffic due to movement of vehicles and
Soil pollution due to leakages from vehicles and equipments
Accumulation of earth material
Increase health risk in nearby area
Increase occupational health risk of construction labours
Increase sanitation problems due to construction camp
Accumulation of construction waste
Impact on city drainage system
10. Laying of about 883 km of Increase dust levels due to excavation of earth.
additional distribution line Increase noise levels due to movement of heavy vehicles
with 82000 HSCs There may be cases of destruction of underlying
cables(Telephones and internet)
Water pollution due to leakages or damages of existing
distribution lines
Disruption of water supply to the consumers during
Water conflicts due to shortage of water
Soil pollution due to leakages from vehicles and equipments
Soil erosion and accumulation of excavated materials
Increase occupational health risk of construction labours
Increase sanitation problems due to excavation
Increase risk on ground water contamination
Impact on city drainage system
There will be an increase in traffic congestion on major
e roads and streets as a result of intermittent movement of
.c: 7------eptItSscol
,,,,,s6J ,iscsix equipment and materials. This will impact on travel time,
Cti',IN OD' and may result in negative perception about the project,
amongst road users, residents and commercial
If project impleRgEttsabn will require tr pg,treme•bt

68 N
6 -2&
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Project Activity Environmental Impact
more than one contractor, the possibility of conflicts and
workplace violence occurring may arise. This may hinder or
slow down project activities. Impediment to the work
schedule will pose a negative social impact as successful
project management and monitoring will be thwarted
II Operation Stage
24X7 Continuous Supply Operation Failure of Transmission Lines- due to mechanical
of Water During failure or third party interference.
Operation (including Bursting or breakage of distribution mains- as a result of
Intermittent Supply) increased pressure or aggressiveness of pumping.
Power outages, which may disrupt water supply.
Air quality impacts that would arise during the operation of
the pumping stations would include emissions from
Generation of Additional Quantity of Wastewater from the
Zones leading to contamination of surface / sub-surface
Occurrence of chlorine intoxication if water is over
chlorinated during treatment
Based on 5 step tool and Impact Assessment Matrix as described in sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2
above, a conclusive rating has been done and presented below:
Sub- Degree of
Project Phase Potential Impact Rating
component Consequence
Pre - construction Air Fugitive dust and exhaust Considerable Moderate
fumes from vehicles
Soil Soil compaction and soil Little Minor
structure changes due to
influx and stationary
positioning of heavy duty
equipment and vehicles
Leakages from stacked Considerable Moderate
equipment and subsequent
seeping through of
contaminated oils and
Noise Increase above permissible Considerable Moderate
noise level, (55Db in
residential, 65 in 92;c0U8

commercial and 75 in
industrial area) due to '
movement of vehicles, 0
equipment and machines to %,,,.
the pumping stations
Ground Saltwater Intrusion Considerable Moderate
water Increase of groundwater Considerable Moderate
_ -satt41011"- awe" vulnerability r t I

fit AV Mcke tr wwiThre, sengeos 69


Sub- Degree of
Project Phase Potential Impact Rating
component Consequence
Construction Introduction of turbid waste Considerable Moderate
water into surface water
during cleaning
Air Cement, dust (during Considerable
demolition), other dusts,
exhaust fumes, hazardous
gases (N0x,CO, S0x, PM 2.5,
Demolition works releasing Great
asbestos dust into the
GHG Emissions Considerable
Water Contamination from (oils, Great Moderate
quality / fuel, chemicals substances
hydrology etc)
Contamination by human Considerable Moderate
faecal wastes
Water contamination by Considerable Moderate
Soil / Creation of pathways for Considerable Moderate
Geology contaminants as a result of
borehole/well drilling
Impact or compaction of top Considerable Minor
soil due to movement of
heavy vehicles and
Contamination of soil by oil Considerable Minor
spills, fuel etc
Noise Extensive noise pollution as Considerable Moderate
a result of on-going
construction works.
Waste Social and health concerns Considerable Moderate
arising due to poor waste
management practices
Traffic Increase in travel time due Considerable Moderate
to works.
Post Construction Air Exhaust fumes from Little
equipment and diesel
generator plant.
Soil Groundwater contamination Considerable
sson con
,ii::-= from accidental spills.

140‘,,v0301/64 114; 3 Noise Nuisance due to increase in Little Negligible
6041"— noise levels
Water Cross Contamination/ Considerable Moderate
quality and Leakages cQUBNg()
hydrology n,

,...e• tinteC‘
ta ..... P- --- "-4 ) ,
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

6.4 Conclusion
Kalaburgi is not located near any eco-sensitive area. The construction of proposed units will
have environmental impact on the adjoining settlement in terms of dust and noise during
construction. Soil pollution and impact on water quality and hydrology will be marginal and
temporary. The impact on the air quality due to the operation of construction machineries
in the site is found to be considerable due to digging of trenches and demolition activities.
The negative impacts that are likely due to construction activities in narrow and congested
roads need critical attention. For mitigation of these impacts following measures are
suggested: Compliance with Air Act 1981 and Noise Rules, EP Act 1986 will be mandatory for
contractors. There will be no significant adverse impacts in terms of flooding, gas emission,
waste discharge, health risks etc. Hence no Environmental Clearances are required for the

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006 MOOG Barehicre


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Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi


7.1 Introduction
The proposed project will generate some social impacts in the project area. A good number
of these impacts will be beneficial, especially the improvement of availability of potable
water in city, reduction of water borne diseases, reduction in man- hours spent (especially
women and children) in sourcing for water, and the establishment of an environmentally
sound, safe and sustainable water sanitation system. However there will be some negative
impacts in the project which although will be in the form of temporary inconveniences, will
have to be mitigated.
Social Impact are social ramifications and it is imperative that decision-makers understand
the consequences of their decisions before they act and people get negatively affected
Social assessment helps to make the project responsive to social development concerns.
This social impact assessment has been undertaken to ensure social sustainability relating to
equity, empowerment and security.
In simple words, social impact component seeks to understand the community as it is now
as understood from the baseline, and seeks to determine:
What will change as a result of this project?
What social implications will it have as a result of these changes?
How can those social impacts be assessed?
What can be done to reduce the impacts of this project?
What can be done to maximise the benefits of this project?
This chapter presents a summary of the identified potential impacts associated with the
Kalaburgi water supply project in the social domain.
7.1.1 Social set up of the ESR Sites
As evident from the design, major
components of WS Project will be
constructed within the existing
component locations as there will be
alterations and rehabilitations of the
existing structures. The new WTP will be
located in a barren land. However,
construction of the ESR will involve
dismantling of the existing structures (4
nos) and constructing new structures.
The locational features of the proposed
ESR have been provided below.
Proposed ESR is near All India Radio
Station compound. There is no dense
Flora and Fauna concentration near the
site. Therst are sparse settlements in
prcemitt9 to the proposed ESR. The surroundings mainly consist of residential plots. The
t• ing Station is located within a km from the proposed lo 'on. ed site has
0,45 undary walls hence no direct impact t hp residential area.
CIB Colony: kacukcch
______s „corankor
, jtictryZeisresoce 73

ESR Site

Proposed [SR is in CIB Colony. There are moderately dense settlements in close proximity to
the proposed [SR. The surroundings mainly consist of residential plots.
C. PWD Quarters

Proposed [SR

Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi

Proposed ESR is near railways lines area. The surrounding of site is vacant. There is no flora
and fauna concentration in the site. There are sparse settlements in close proximity to the
proposed ESR.
D. University:

Proposed ESR

µteeeQw hriore
P cstar ESR is next to existing Badepur GDA tank. There is no Flora and Fauna
oct carkentration in the site. There are sparse settlements in proximity to the proposed ESR.
04 ,0the surroundings mainly consist of residential plots.
h‘ 75

E. Ganesh Nagar:

ESR Site

Proposed ESR is near Shastri Nagar road. The surrounding of site is vacant. There is no Flora
and Fauna concentration in the site. There are sparse settlements in close proximity to the
proposed ESR.
The locational attributes indicate that the components are not located in eco-socially
sensitive locations and thus would not create major impacts.
Preliminary land availability has been checked for the proposed water treatment plants,
clear water reservoirs and clear water pumping stations and Service reservoirs.
7.1.2 Land Required /Availability Status
City Corporation possess most of the proposed land, whereas in Salam Tekdi, 1 area is
available with the City Corporation out of required 4 Acres. It is to be mentioned that 3 Acres
of land is in possession for VVTP cum Clear Water Reservoir. Details of the land required /
Availability status is given below:
Table 7.1: Land Required! Availability Details — Kalaburgi City
Location GLSR / Current Land AREA
ELSR ownership REQUIRED/

Old jewargi road, under

bridge near PWD quarte se.
SB tank ELSR Near SB college, SB coil KUWS & D

Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi 132
SI. Area Location GLSR / Current Land AREA
No. ELSR ownership REQUIRED/
3 Basavanagar Near Primery Health center ELSR KUWS & DB 40X30
MSK mill road
4 Ganesh Nagar Bar hills road, Near opp. ELSR KMP 50X25
GDA Govt. Primary School

5 Old SP Office Super market KUWS & DB ELSR KUWS & DB 39X38
office, Divission-2 AEE
6 Dhangarwada Samata colony main road ELSR KUWS & DB 100X100

7 Roza Hagarga joining road, ELSR KUWS & DB 3200

connection to the KG
Engineering college
8 Dubai Colony Leprosy old Hospital, near ELSR KMP 50X50
GDA ring road

9 HSR ELSR Oppsite sanjagandhi ELSR KUWS & DB 80X70

colonly, Ganj area
10 Old Filter Bed Bamboo bazar, sultanpur ELSR KUWS & DB 8 Acres 89
ELSR road gunta

11 TV station Behind TV Station, ELSR KUWS & DB 900

Humnabad ring road
12 University GLSR Badepur GDA, near GLSR KUWS & DB 100x100
veerenda patil Badavane
13 Demo Zone Old filter bed, Bamboo GLSR KUWS & DB 8 Acres 89
GLSR bazar road gunta

7.2 Process for Social Impact Assessment

The Social Impact assessment and mitigation process is a multi-stage progression involving
participative and technical approaches. The process has been presented below

Scopinp, to identify the full
range of probable social

Assessment of Potential social
impact in different
implementation phases

ermining the magnitude ci rOkcJr)

of social impact Cady
LP. 77

Develop Mitigation

7.2.1 Baseline survey and stakeholder feedback

The detailed baseline analysis has been presented in chapter 4. Kalaburgi has a population
of 543,147 as per the 2011 Census. The area of the city is with a density of 9831
persons per sq. km. Slum population is about 11.13% of the total city population. Location
wise, around 50 slums which are located in the core area are characterized by closely bound
clusters while in fringe areas, the settlements are found scattered all over the city. The
population density for slum is 40669 persons per sq. km in 2011. Sample survey indicates
that Municipal Household Connection (71%) is the major source of water supply among the
sample population. People do depend on other sources as well. In Kalaburgi, 20%
households respectively use either stand posts or hand pumps for drinking water. On the
other hand 1% households use dug well (open well) water. Kalaburgi has different durations
of water supply in different parts of the city; 72% of the households report water supply up
to one hour and the balance 28% households report water supply from more than one hour
to above four hours and more. Every urban household desires assured water supply at
convenient timings and are ready to pay for it.
Stakeholder interactions revealed the limited water supply situation and its mitigation
through water tanker coupled with low maintenance of existing infrastructure in non-demo
zones. Women are worst affected as this kind of supply is causing hardship to users, in
particular to employed women and low-income households. This un-assured irregular
supply at inconvenient timings propels users to look forward to safe and assured 24/7 water
supply as in the demo zones.
Prevalence of water borne diseases arising out of unhygienic conditions was mentioned by
participants in stakeholders consultations. On the other hand demo zones depict a picture
of positivity where consumers are satisfied with the services in terms of quantity and
quality. Disease incidence is low. The positive impacts for people in general and women, in
specific has been indicated below;
All Users
Positive • Availability of quality water for a duration required and at a time wanted by
• Health and Environmental improvements
• Reduced health expenses and thereby increasing savings
• Productive use of time
• Less suffering during monsoons and adverse climatic conditions
• Improved public safety
• Better infrastructure facilities
• Improved access to services
• Improvements in quality of life
11% :,
SS% ve • Availability of quality water for a duration required and at a time wanted by
• Reduced drudgery of carrying water from long distances
. -cousre
• Reduced disease bur ‘ due to reduction in water borne di... a e
diseases ' coaM,— A (ce4., ----4
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi
Productive use of time directing towards gainful employment
Women have leisure
Less suffering during monsoons and adverse climatic conditions
Improved safety
Hence the water supply project will induce a major positive impact touching upon the
quality of life of people and in addressing the Millennium Development Goals.
However along with the overarching positive impact of improvement in quality of life, a full
range of other social impacts — negative and positive — needs to be determined which will
call for focused intervention. This has been attempted in the following section.
7.2.2 Scoping to identify full range of social impacts
The potential social impacts associated with any construction activity are as follows
Negative perception about the project
Considering that Kalaburgi is already impacted by heavy traffic jams, further increase in
traffic congestions as a result of movement of equipment and materials along the road and
streets where works will be conducted is envisaged. This will impact on travel time, and may
result in negative perception about the project, amongst residents and road users. It will
also disrupt movement of inhabitants to places of work, business and schools, resulting in
loss in man-hours. Traffic in city is already heavy and will be highly affected by this.
Air pollution and Impact on human health
One of the potential impacts of the proposed sub-projects will be on the air quality due to
the dust generated during excavation. The amount of dust generated will be depend upon
the level of digging and the prevailing weather conditions. Thus, it is expected to lead to
marginal impact on ambient air quality. Air pollution will may lead to bronchial disorders.
Elevated Noise Levels
Increased noise pollution from construction equipment will disturb residences, and
especially schools and institutions in area. For elderly and students, noise is disturbing and
affects their comfort. This could be a problem especially in sensitive areas like schools and
hospitals located in vicinity of the construction sites.
Traffic Congestion
The construction activities could lead to inconvenience to public during water supply
pipeline laying along thick commercial areas and narrow streets, or where public facilities
are located. This could lead to inconvenience to access business, residential and other
immediate facilities for the public and impact on livelihood due to loss of access to business.
Resident may not be able to take out their vehicles from their house premises and space for
parking may also be reduced. However, such impacts are likely to last for a short duration
Impact on livelihood
The excavation and alignment of pipeline work may lead to road blockage and as a result
the commercial establishments and vendors will have some inconvenience in operating
their business on daily basis. But loss of livelihood, if any, will be assessed by the Operator.
However, the vendors can move to nearby places as and when required. As per anecdotal
evidence gathered during field visit, most shop-owners and mobile vendors are welcoming
the water supply project implementation as they see a direct benefit of improved living and
working conditions. They are aware of, and prepared to face temporary inconveniences
cau bcxanstruction if the project is implemented in a timely manner. Further on the
side, about 100 persons are likely to be employed during co ase. Some
"Nile locals will also get employment. This will margin loyment

ro\ vristairecalt 79
KUID.F C. iftenspiefe

scenario during project construction phase.

Impact on existing utility services
The road opening activities may damage the underground water pipelines or electricity
poles in the vicinity of the site for the proposed sub-projects. This will lead to water supply
interruptions, disruption in electricity supply and will involve expensive repair costs. Hence,
it is recommended that adequate precautions be taken during construction phase to
minimize such impacts.
Occupational Health and Safety hazards
There are potential hazards like falling in the trenches and excavated area for the workers as
well as for the pedestrians. Further labour camps may not be safe and secure with adequate
facilities and security arrangements. The issue of security and healthy environment is
particularly relevant for women. There is also the possibility of engaging children violating
the Child Labour Law.
Failure to Restore Temporary Construction Sites
Excessive debris, trash or construction remnants (e.g. dirt piles) would create problems
related to drainage, unhygienic conditions and poor aesthetics.
7.3 Potential Social Impacts in different implementation phases
Social impacts are linked with different phases of implementation and thus such impacts
during pre-construction, construction and operation were identified. Operationally there
will be minimal social impacts and these can be addressed through good management
practice and good local communication by the Executing Agency. The construction phase
impinges the maximum primarily because of the multiplicity of activities at different project
sites linked with different components like
Laying of pipe
Rehabilitation of Existing WTP
Dismantling of existing Elevated Service Reservoir
Construction of new overhead reservoirs
Relaying of complete Water Distribution Network
The local community is directly impacted due to the high influx of construction workers for
extended periods of time and also due to access issues, dust, noise, increased traffic on site.
On the other hand from workers perspective occupational hazards are significant during this
stage where women especially remain vulnerable from security, privacy and health and
hygiene aspects.
The implementation phase specific impacts with special reference to varied construction
activities have been identified below:
Table 7.2: Identified Potential Impacts by phases
Pre-construction phase
Social Impacts ,
Positive 1 The project will undertake a stakeholders/public consultation exercise to
sensitize the inhabitants of Kalaburgi on the social safeguards components
of the project. The public consultation process is seen to be a positive
impact, as it will form a basis for project concept decision-making and
0°NCaPO implementation.
2 The implementing agency (KUIDFC/ULB) may also help establish j_..-_ - t
.....--- „, -
supervision committees at the community levels to enable pa? or V •
monitoring and evaluation when rehabilitation works comut. ' 44,
1 ../ ,iik
/2/2 . .. Corecri__ E lia a wiS i
""thiction -C9
Draft Final Report: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) for Continuous Water Supply in Kalaburgi 6as"
Negative 1 Land acquisition is an inevitable activity in the preconstruction stage. While
government to government transfers involves official notifications and
subsequent transfer, acquiring private land calls for compliance with the
Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013. Land
acquisition as a process is lengthy involving a series of stages from
identification of Project Affected Persons to preparation of RP and its
implementation. This often comes with hitches between the PAP and the
donor and delays.
2 Considering that Kalaburgi is already impacted by heavy traffic jams,
further increase in traffic congestions as a result of movement of
equipment and materials along the road and streets where works will be
conducted is envisaged. This will impact on travel time, and may result in
negative perception about the project, amongst residents and road users. It
will also disrupt movement of inhabitants to places of work, business and
schools, resulting in loss in man-hours. Traffic in city is already heavy and
will be highly affected by this.
3 Noise from heavy-duty project vehicles and equipment may exceed the
MoEF/CPCB acceptable noise level limits, resulting in nuisance.
4 Properties may be accidentally damaged or destroyed during the
movement of heavy duty vehicles and equipment
5 Inconvenience to vehicles or pedestrians are likely to occur during vehicle
and equipment movement to pumping stations/Water Treatment Plant and
work areas within the city. This may occur in areas where many schools are
located close to the working areas

Occupational Health and Safety

Positive 1 During the pre-construction phase, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
awareness programs will be conducted. Awareness programs and
interactive sessions will benefit primarily the contractors' personnel, ULB
and KUIDFC staff. Guidelines on safe practices and safe behaviours will be
made available to these groups in order to minimize the occurrence of
occupational incidents or accidents in the course of implementing project
activities. This is especially in the areas where major construction works will
take place.
Negative 2 During the pre-construction phase air pollution from exhaust fumes of
vehicles and equipment moving to the pumping stations and work areas
may occur. This will pose an occupational health risk (respiratory infections
and diseases), especially for people living in and carrying out activities
around the neighbourhoods and also, personnel conveying equipment to
the construction site
3 Exposure to noise pollution, injuries and accidents during movement of
equipment to the work areas.

&A7 allk
Construction Phase
— liffre
i J
Soc 0c t S

Employment of sjJ1leçf and unskilled labour will be promo }

isans and

ak Ontel
9N* 81
4 t
i LOG' S.14114fila

Construction Phase
professionals from the Kalaburgi will be provided contractual employment
during this phase. This will help promote community goodwill.

2 The construction phase will see to the implementation of a viable waste

management plan for project activities
Negative 1 Laying of pipe
Increase dust levels due to excavation of earth causing respiratory
Increase noise levels due to movement of heavy vehicles cause health
There may be cases of destruction of underlying cables (Telephones and
There may be cases of destruction of underlying existing water supply line
which leads to leakages and shortage of water nearby locality.
Disruption of Fertile Top Soil of the Agriculture Land along the
alignment affecting productivity.
Disruption of vegetative cover leading to air pollution affecting health.
Damage to standing crops during break down of the transmission main or
maintenance operations affecting income of people.
Accumulation of Excess Earth causing respiratory problems.
Disruption of traffic flow in the roads.
Disruption of Utilities such as electricity, telephone and other services.
Disruption of water supply to the consumers during implementation.
Water conflicts due to shortage of water
2 Rehabilitation of existing WTPs in terms of the alum dosing plant, laboratory
up-gradation etc.
Noise pollution
Contamination of water
3 Construction of VVTPs at Salam Tekdi and Kotnoor
Increase dust or other gaseous (502 & NO2) levels due to the movement
of construction vehicles and equipment
Increase health risk in construction Labour
4 Dismantling of existing 15 Elevated Service Reservoir
(KHB colony, Dariyapur, Mahaveer Nagar, SB Tank ELSR, CIB Colony Tank,
Basavanagar, Badepur GDA, Ganesh Nagar GDA, DC Tank, Old SP Office,
Sheikh Roza, Dubai Colony GDA, HSR ESR, Old Filter bed and Old PWD
quarters tank)
Increase in Dust Level due to dismantling
Accumulation of demolished waste
Temporary disruption of water
Increase noise levels due to demolition and movement of vehicles
5 Construction of new overhead and ground reservoirs
Increase dust levels due to construction of reservoirs
ee Incifinse noise levels due to movement of heavy v-hicles a
ru ction eq b:cou .0
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ito ' kG tag ist uipment
otAGA Accumulation of construction waste .4
und water contamjiotion
Increase risk on armi 0,


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