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Meepo Coaching.

- 60 last hits on the 10 min mark,

- 200 last hits on the 20 min mark.
- Always farm with your main meepo, gank with the clone or go to the next farming camp with
the clone, or go to the next lane where there’s farm with your clone, Main meepo should always
take the EXP as the clones only get 30% of the EXP.
- Ethereal first, if you have a farming core, dagger first and create space for that farming safe lane
- After you get dagger, immediately smoke, and kill the safe lane of the enemy, smoke to the safe
lane of the enemy and kill him. Priority is the safe lane enemy hero. And then take the enemy
safe lane tower. (Dead lane)
- After taking the tower, you should play on the enemies jungle. Remember to place wards so you
can see the movements of the enemies, specially if you can solo kill enemies. So your rotations
and ganks will be more successful and more worth it.
- Put the ward on the high ground and camp that high ground with one of your meepo.

Lack of AOE, Lack of single target and lack of crowd control on the enemy team,

Buy 3 wraith bands, Treads, and E-Blade and finish it by 14 mins.

NOTE: Until you get these items, do not engage on fights, only engage when enemies overextend or
dive your team under your tower.

Same concept after getting the E-Blade, first is if you cant get rosh, (need vlads or medallion by allies)
you should walk to the enemy safe lane, try to kill the enemy safe lane and then take their tower. If you
get 4 meepos, you can solo roshan.

How you do this,

1 Meepo in the enemy safe lane, and 2 other meepos farming jungle.

If enemy defends the tower, poof the 1 meepo to the jungle, if enemies don’t defend the tower. Its
most likely theyre on the jungle, so poof your 2 meepo to the one taking the tower. As soon as you get
to lvl 18, take roshan. Make sure there’s 2 lanes shoved, preparing to go high ground, E-blade and Aegis
is enough to end the game.

Playing against Counters

Tinker – You want to have E-Blade and Dagger before you fight.

ES, Wyvern – You want to have Hex and E- Blade before you fight. And remember to always target that
counter before you anyone else.

Do not Look fights too early on meepo,


- Enemies with crowd control, Stack E-Blades. You get the extra armor and the attack speed
better than skadi.
- Enemies with single target DPS, Get a blink and a Hex
- Against Heavy AOE dmg. You want to stack Skadi’s
- If you think you have an easy match up mid, stack wraith bands If you think you can’t be killed if
you lane.
- If you think you can’t lane because you’ll get killed, then go jungle and buy slippers instead, only
go to the lane to defend your tower.

You can Bully Ember, Void Spirit. You want to stand in front of the creep wave, continuously cancel your
poofs so as they go for the CS you punish them for it by poofing and hitting them. If they hit you, you hit
back it’s a good trade because as soon as you get lvl 4, you can TP back and poof back to lane.

Against an SF or a Monkey King, Full time Jungle.


Do not drop below 70 mana, so when you are level 4, you have mana for TP, to heal back to base and
poof back to lane,

You Don’t always need to finish the neutral camp, you can weaken it then go lane, to not miss creeps,
then go back and finish the neutral camp.

Once you buy treads, or rush treads, Its Jungle time!.

Stat wise, 3 wraith is better than treads, but walking from camp to camp, get treads,


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