Ramadan Project

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Ramadan is a time of im-

mense blessings. It’s the holi-
est month of the year where
Muslims increase their wor-
ship, good deeds and make
plenty of dua, or supplica-
tion. Dua is often referred to
as the weapon of the believer
because of its power and abil-
ity to protect us and grant us
RAMZAN I intend to keep this fast for tomorrow in the holy month of Ramad


Ramadan being the most important religious month in Islam, presents countless opportunities to connect Oh Allah! You are hihgly forgiving, and you love to forgive people, so please forgive me.
with the almighty Allah. Therefore, it becomes essential to offer appropriate Ramadan dua along with fast-
ing for the whole month from sunrise to sunset. Muslims can take help of prayer guides to perform step-
by-step dua for each day of the Ramadan. The purpose of these guides is to properly utilize the month of
Ramadan dua for the first Ashra
The first Ashra represents the mercy of Allah which is bestowed in many small ways in this month. Impor-
Ramadan and fetch great rewards and blessings from Allah. The guides assist in maintaining a smooth
tant Dua for first Ashara is as follows:
Ramadan dua routine while getting through the daily activities amidst fasting. Ramadan is the ninth
month according to the Islamic calendar. This month is quite unique for Muslims as the month is known
for doing charity, seeking forgiveness, and Allah’s mercy. Ramadan offers a great opportunity for every end of ramdzan
Muslim to mend their ways and connect spiritually with Allah. In this month, Muslims around the world O Allah, on this day, make my fasts worthy of appreciation and acceptance, according to what pleases You,
fast from dawn to dusk making up for the five pillars of Islam. To increase the effects of fasting, Muslims and pleases the Messenger, the branches being strengthened by the roots, for the sake of our leader, Mu-
offer Ramadan dua and prayers in a strict schedule. Ramadan dua for Fasting hammad, and his purified family. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Ramadan provides an excellent
DUA BEFORE IFTAR opportunity to make amends with self and seek forgiveness from almighty Allah. Additionally, Muslims
perform good deeds like the acts of charity, prayer, fasting and more to harvest higher levels of blessings
and rewards. Ramadan dua bring closer to Allah and help in focusing on the daily activities.
O Allah! I fast for You, I trust You, I put my faith in You, and I break the fast with Your sustenance.
One must recite the dua for breaking the fast for making the meal blessed.
Sehri Dua or Sehri ki
Dua is a pray by Mus- AFTER
lims when they start
fasting specially in the What After Ramadan?
month of Ramadan.
In this Roza Rakh- We leave the blessed month of Ramadan, its
ne ki Dua or Sehri ki beautiful days and its fragrant nights. We leave
Dua, Muslims pray the month of the Qur’an, Taqwa, patience, jihad,
and make intension mercy, forgiveness and freedom from hellfire…
to keep the fast for the Have we fulfilled the requirements of Taqwa and
month of Ramadan graduated from the Ramadan school with the
for this day. diploma of the god-fearing? Have we fought our
souls and desires and defeated them, or have we
been overtaken by our customs and blind imita-
Zakat is a mandatory charitable donation that applies to all adult Muslims who meet the Nisab threshold.
Allah (SWT) permits Zakat to be spent in eight sep-
It is the Third Pillar of Islam and refers to the obligatory donation to charity expected of every qualifying
arate ways, including:
Muslim, as opposed to an act of voluntary generosity through Sadaqah. There are certain regulations sur-
rounding who is allowed to benefit from Zakat donations.
The wayfarer – those who are travelling and/or
stranded with limited supplies
With this being said, Zakat isn’t to be confused with Zakat al-Fitr; Zakat al-Fitr is a mandatory donation
For the cause of Allah (SWT)
that must be made ahead of Eid al-Fitr.
Those in debt
Those in bondage – such as captives and slaves
Here, we will cover the primary concerns of Zakat that are queried by Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
New Muslims and friends of the Islamic community
Zakat administrators – such as charities
The Definition Of Zakat The needy (al-masakin) – someone in hardship
Zakat refers to an annual donation to charity that is required by Islamic law. The grounds of this donation The poor (al-fuqara) – someone with little to Allah
apply to all disposable income, qualifying property, and other assets. Within the Five Pillars of Islam, Zakat (SWT) permits Zakat to be spent in eight separate
is the third. ways, including:

Zakat Meaning
Zakat directly translates to “that which purifies”. This refers to the notion that Zakat cleanses one’s wealth.


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