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Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6


Dear Parents, Welcome to CT Kids Preschool. We look forward to having your child in our program this year. At CT Kids Preschool we believe all children learn through play and we have created an environment to allow that. We use a thematic based curriculum for each age group. Our goal is to make learning fun, while also establishing an understanding of the Bible. The purpose of this handbook is to provide our parents with valuable information about our program and its guidelines. We sincerely hope that through working together, we can provide you and your child with a happy and rewarding experience. The CT Kids Preschool Staff appreciates you sharing this special time of your childs life with us. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if we can be of assistance to you. Sincerely, Rebekah Bullard CT Kids Preschool Global Coordinator 940-464-7364 Debbie Burchett CT Kids Preschool Coordinator 940-464-7396 Shannon Roberts CT Kids Preschool Assistant Coordinator 940-464-7335 2

Table of Contents
Welcome Letter General Information Program Information Tuition and Fees Extra Care Tuition Payments and Fees Late Charges Tuition Statements Withdrawals Bad Weather Closings Health and Illness Medications Accidents Arrival and Check In Late Pick Up Lunches and Snacks Birthdays Clothing Potty Training Behavior and Discipline Issues Causes for Termination Parental Agreement Page 2 4 5 6-7 6 6 7 7 7 7 8-9 9 9 10 10-11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14

Mailing Address
Cross Timbers Community Church Attn: CT Kids Preschool 1119 South U.S. Hwy 377 Argyle, TX 76226


CT Kids Preschool Office Hours:

Tuesday/Thursday 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Rebekah Bullard CT Kids Preschool Global Coordinator 940-464-7364

Debbie Burchett CT Kids Preschool Coordinator 940-464-7376

Shannon Roberts CT Kids Preschool Assistant Coordinator 940-464-7335 4

Program Information
Program Days Argyle September 6 - May 17 Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Ages 12 months to 5 years (year prior to kindergarten) Registration If you are enrolled with a permanent position in the current CTKP school year, you will have priority in enrolling for the next school year. If you withdraw your child before the next years enrollment period, or drop out before the end of the school year, you will not be eligible to enroll with currently enrolled. Our currently enrolled students are given an opportunity to register their children for the upcoming school year during March. At this time a new online registration form must be completed and a new registration and supply fee collected. Registration is then opened up to new families. After registration, any remaining spots are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. We will put a childs name on a class wait-list when a class has been filled. A registration fee is not collected for children on the wait-list until they secure a class spot. Registration Forms The following forms must be completed and turned into the CTKP office prior to your child attending CTKP: Online Registration Form Registration Fee Immunization Records Back page of this handbook signed by parent/guardian

CT Kids Preschool Tuition

Registration Fees A non-refundable fee is collected at the time of registration. A $50 fee is collected each school year. Supply Fees Per Semester (paid in September and January) 12 months - 4 years - $50 per semester Monthly Tuition Rates 12 months - 2 years - $165 per month 3 years - 4 years - $175 per month Please note: The tuition rate is the same each month regardless of how many school days are in that month. We do not adjust your tuition if your child does not attend, nor will refunds be given for missed days due to inclement weather or illness. Please remember that you are paying for the space reserved for you child, not for your childs attendance. Extra Care CTKP offers before and after care of 30 minutes each. You must pre-register for this service on a monthly basis for us to be able to safely staff during this time. The cost is $35 per month, per child for morning or afternoon, or $70 for both morning and afternoon. You may sign up your child at any time. The monthly charge will be added to your regular tuition each month. Parents can sign up to work the Extra Care and in return get a deduction in their childs tuition each month. You will need to fill out a form and complete a Criminal Background Check-this is mandatory for anyone who volunteers or works with children at Cross Timbers Community Church. If you have any questions about Extra Care, the Coordinators will be able to assist you. Please refer to page 4 for a list of names.

Tuition Payments
Tuition is due by the 7th of every month. Any payments received after the due date will be subject to a late fee. Pay Tuition Online We encourage you to pay your childs tuition online. Go to the preschool page at, click on Pay Tuition and follow the steps given. You will be able to pay with credit/debit cards or checks. You can also set up a recurring payment to be withdrawn from your bank account each month.

Late Payment Charges

Late payment charges will occur after the 7th day of each month. After the 7th of the month a charge of $15 will occur on your monthly tuition with exception of the months of September and January. Tuition after the 10th of September and January is considered late and a charge of $15 will be occurred.

Tuition Statements
We do not regularly mail our tuition statements each month. If you do require a statement for any reason, please call or e-mail and request a statement in advance.

Withdrawing a Child From the Program

If you need to withdraw a child from the CTKP program, please notify the Coordinator in writing. All withdraws require a 30-day written notification. All registration and supply fees are non-refundable.

Bad Weather Closings

For each preschool campus, CTKP Coordinators follow whatever decision the school district ISD makes for inclement weather, including closures and delayed opening. (Argyle Argyle ISD). Please watch local news stations or go online for information on closings and delays. The preschool will try to send out an e-mail as soon as possible.

Health and Illness

CTKP assumes and requires that responsible parents do not send a child to school if he/she shows any signs of illness. This is not only for the protection of your child, but also for the protection of other children and teachers. Sick children will not be accepted. If symptoms of illness are observed, the child will be sent home. Please be aware that the classroom teacher and coordinators are responsible for making the decision to accept or turn away children due to illness. Upon recommendation of the Committee on Control of Infectious Diseases of the American Academy of Pediatrics, a child should not be taken from the home when any of the following symptoms exist; nor will they be accepted in the school facilities: 1. Fever of 100 or more 2. Vomiting and/or diarrhea 3. Any symptoms of childhood diseases, such as Scarlet Fever, Measles, Chicken Pox, Strep Throat, Flu, etc. or any infectious contagious diseases 4.Chicken Pox - all sores must be completely scabbed over and dry underneath 5. Common cold - from onset through 1 week 6. Sore throat 7. Croup 8. Fifth Disease 9. Any unexplained rash 10. Any skin infection - boils, ringworm, impetigo, thrush, Hand-foot-mouth disease 11. Pinkeye or other eye infections. (All eye infections are contagious. The child must be on medication for 24 hours before returning to school) 12. Any communicable diseases 13. Cloudy, or green runny noses, persistent cough 14. Mononucleosis 15. Head Lice CTKP requires that a child be free of fever, vomiting, diarrhea or any other symptom for a minimum of 24 hours prior to returning to school. If there are any questionable symptoms of a contagious illness (i.e. fever, chicken pox, fifth disease, a cold, a cloudy nose, rash, etc., or a continuous allergy problem) observed by the classroom teacher or coordinators, the parent will be asked to take the child home. A medical release form, completed by the childs physician, will be required prior to the child being re-admitted to class. If your child becomes ill during the day, he/she will be isolated from the group and the parent will be notified to pick up their child as soon as possible. 8

Parents, it is very important that you keep CTKP updated with current contact numbers. Please notify the office if you need to update any information. If we are unable to contact a parent, then we will contact the person listed as an emergency contact. When to contact the CTKP office: If you have any changes in phone numbers, addresses, emergency contacts or doctor information. If your child contracts a contagious childhood disease following a session in the preschool, please contact the CTKP coordinators so we may inform the other parents in the classroom to take preventive care. Any new medical changes

The CTKP staff will not administer any kind of medication except in emergency situations. Teachers are never allowed to administer any kind of medication - including vitamins, cough drops, etc. Please do not send any medication in your childs backpack to school! The only exception made for medications to be administered would be in an emergency situation (i.e. severe allergic reaction, asthma, seizures, etc.). If your child has a history with any of these conditions, please see the coordinators.

We will notify parents of any bumps or bites that we are aware of that occurred while your child was at CTKP. Please contact the CTKP office if you have any concerns.

Entering the Building ARGYLE CAMPUS Please enter and exit the main entrance on the south side of the building. All other doors will be locked. We have plenty of parking for everyone. Please do not park in the handicap spaces unless you have a permit.

Arrival Time Children are to arrive at 9 a.m. and be picked up by 2 p.m. Our class activities start at 9 a.m. so when a child is late, he/she misses out. Late arrivals can be a disruption to the class. Doors will be locked at each campus by 9:30 a.m. if you arrive after 9:30 a.m. ARGYLE CAMPUS Please ring doorbell It is important for the teachers to focus their attention on the children. If you have something important to tell the teachers, please write a note or schedule a conference. Out of consideration, the teachers have been instructed not to discuss any personal issues about a child at the door with parents. Checking In Children All children will be signed in at the check-in computers. by entering your phone number. Please remove the name tags from the machine and place one tag on your childs back. That name tag will have your childs name and a number. For the first week, until the teachers get to know you, you will need to show the other printed sticker to the teacher in order to pick up your child. This will be especially important for those children going to afternoon extra care. Please note if someone else is picking up your child, they will need the other printed sticker as well as to be listed on your childs card as someone allowed to pick up your child. Remember that this persons name and D.L. # must be on file in the office for us to release your child to them. Always notify the teachers and the office if someone else is picking up your child. Leaving Your Child Parents, this can be an anxious time for some children. We have found that it is best if you leave and pick up your child at their classroom door. It is also less stressful on the child if you make your goodbyes brief. Please, do not go into the classroom or peek in the door or window, as this can be a distraction to the class. If you are concerned about how your child is doing after drop off or during the day, you may call or come by the office and we will gladly check on your child. Late Pick Up Children must be picked up from their classrooms by 2:05 p.m. After that, late fee charges will accrue at the rate of $1 per minute. If you have more than one child in the program, remember that they both have to be picked up by 2:05 p.m. If you are late, the classroom teacher will hand you a late slip. You are responsible for paying that teacher in cash by the end of the month. Late fee charges will also be charged for children left in Extra Care after 2:35 p.m. CTKP does not release a child to a person who, in the opinion of the coordinators, appears to be under the 10

influence of drugs or alcohol. In such instances the child will be kept under staff care while the following steps are taken: 1. The coordinators will contact the parent, spouse or alternate person listed on the childs emergency list. 2. The apparently intoxicated person will be asked to meet with a Pastoral Care staff member or one of The Healing Place counselors. If the person suspected of substance abuse becomes hostile, or there is more than one instance of such behavior, the police will be called.

Each child needs to bring a lunch to school each day. We suggest that the lunch be made up of primarily finger foods that can be served with little assistance. Please cut up all foods that could be a choking hazard (i.e. grapes, hot dogs, etc.). Pack any utensils needed in their lunch (i.e. spoon, fork). Please be sure your childs name is on his lunch box, cup and all other containers. We are unable to heat or refrigerate lunches. Please do not send any red or purple juices. Your childs teacher will assign a shining star once a week to who will bring a snack for the class to share. The Preschool will will provide a snack once a week of one of the following: goldfish, ritz crackers, animal crackers, or cheerios. Please see the calendar each month in your childs folder to know when he/she needs to bring a snack for the class. Occasionally, the teachers will ask for something specific to go with their curriculum. Childrens Birthdays We love to celebrate birthdays. Please check with your childs teacher to make prior arrangements. Remember, no red or purple juices. If you are having a party outside of school and want to send invitations home from school with the children, please make sure all children in the class are included. CTKP will not give out other childrens addresses without parental permission.


If your child can use the bathroom on their own, we request that you dress your child in clothing that will allow him/her to be able to go to the restroom with little assistance from the teacher. Select clothing that is free of complicated fastenings. Washable play clothes are recommended for school days. We tend to get messy in our play. Parents, please remember that your child might be painting at school. We do use washable paint, but stains can happen. Please pack a complete change of clothing (labeled with childs name) in their bag EVERYDAY. Please remember that accidents are not always potty training related. And, if we have to change your child, they are much happier in their own clothes. Tennis shoes are recommended. We play on the playground every day the weather permits. Tennis shoes eliminate a lot of injuries. Please pack a jacket or coat for cooler weather. We go outside every day the weather permits.


Potty Training
Please communicate with your childs teacher if you are in the process of potty training. We like to do whatever we can to help in the process. We do ask that your child not wear pull-ups unless they have velcro sides. To totally undress a child to change a pull-up takes too much time away from the class. Diapering If your child wears diapers, you are responsible for sending the appropriate supply of diapers each day in your childs bag labeled with their name. We do not have room to store extras. We do supply wipes.

Personal Toys
We recommend that you leave your childs toys at home or in the car with the exception of a security item. The other children find it too difficult to understand why the child who brought the toy does not have to share his/ her toy. Play guns and weapons of any kind are not allowed. We cannot be responsible for any personal toys, special blankets or irreplaceable items that could get lost, so please refrain from bringing these to school.


Behavior/Discipline Issues
Separation anxiety - It is common that some children may experience sadness and crying with separation from their parents, but most will calm down after a few weeks. For heavy crying that continues for more that 30 minutes, the coordinator will contact the parent to discuss the situation. We encourage you to leave your child in our loving care. If they are picked up, many children figure out that if they cry long enough, mom or dad will come get them. But, this is your decision as a parent. If your child is crying when you leave them at the door, we ask that you not stay at their class doorway. If they can see or hear you, then it can only make the crying last longer. Delaying your departure also gives your child the impression that you are not comfortable leaving them with us. If you are concerned about your childs crying, we suggest that you come to the CTKP office and ask one of us to go check on your child. Biting, scratching, hitting - If a child bites, hits, or scratches another child, the parents will be notified on the first occurrence. The approach in which teachers will correct the child depends upon their age. For younger children, the teacher will tell the child no biting and show them that the other child is hurt. The teachers will then carefully watch the child in order to redirect the behavior before it happens again. For an older child, he/she will be corrected and set in time-out for a short time. If there is a second occurrence, the parent will be required to come and stay with the child for the next school day in order to discipline the child and assist the teacher. If this behavior continues, the child will be released from CTKP. Please know that this is for the safety of all children in the program. CTKP will never release the name of the child who is biting, scratching or hitting.


1. Failure to pay tuition for 30 days. 2. Excessive use of foul or abusive language. Any threats made against the CTKP program, the coordinators, CTKP teachers, a child or the church. 3. Aggressive behavior such as hitting or biting that continues. A parent will be informed about the negative behavior. If the behavior continues, termination will occur.


I have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions stated in this document.
Signed: parent

childs name date



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