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Road lighting Part 2. Code of practice for lighting for traffic routes Eclairage routier StraSenbeleuchtung, Partie 2. Code de bonne pratique pour ‘Tell 2. Leitfaden zur Beleuchtung von éclairage des routes a grande elreulation Verkehrswegen ISTE ATRL REE B7#0Ba 22 9947120 Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword 2 Code of practice 1 Scope 3 2 Definitions 3 3 Mounting height 4 4 Limitation of glare 4 8 Choice of lamps 5 6 Lighting of surrounds 5 7 Lighting of road surface 5 8 Design spacings 6 9 Spacings for roads with bends uu 10 Planning 16 11_ Maintenance and operation 18 Appendices - A. Step by step illustration of the use of this code 19 B__ Determination of photometric quantities and luminaire classification 23 C__ Production of templates used in designing for bends 29 ‘Tables — 1 Lighting requirements for traffic routes 5 2 Design table: standard presentation 7 3 r-table for representative British road surface CIE type C2 8 4 Luminaire maintenance factors 9 5 Evaluation of 10 (L/Mp)8 22 6 — Ftable for luminaire 27 7 Terms, abbreviations and symbols 28 Figures 1 Geometry in elevation of a road lighting system 3 2 Staggered arrangement of luminaires 9 3 Opposite arrangement of luminaires 9 4 Single side arrangement of luminaires 10 5 Twin central on dual carriageway arrangement of luminaires 10 6 _Isoluminance templates 12 7 Inadequate coverage of road 13 8 Dark area removed by closer spacing 13 9 Additional luminaire covering two dark areas 4 10 Spacing set for inside carriageway “4 11 Additional luminaire covering dark area on outside carriageway 16 12 Typical layout at T junction with pedestrian crossing a7 13 Typical layout at crossroads with pedestrian crossing 7 14 Typical luminaire positions adjacent to a pedestrian crossing 18 15 Relationship of angles a, f, y and C 24 16 Position of calculation points in relation to the luminaire and observer 25 17 Relationship of angle @ to line of sight and luminaire position 26 Foreword ‘This Part of BS 5489 has been prepared under the direction of the Electrical Ilumination Standards Policy Committee and is a new edition of BS 5489 : Part 2 : 1987 which is withdrawn. In the 1987 edition a new design procedure was formulated to calculate specific standards of uniformity and levels of luminance on the dry road surface. Disability and discomfort glare were controlled by limiting threshold increment rather than by limiting luminaire intensities. These concepts are discussed in BS 5489 : Part 1, the reading of which is essential for the understanding of this Part 2. Furthermore, a new method was introduced for designing installations on. bends in the 1987 edition. ‘The lighting levels and glare control achieved by the 1987 edition were similar to those of the 1974 edition to ensure continuity of practice, ‘This edition introduces a revised definition of maintenance factor and incorporates editorial improvements but it does not reflect a full review or revision of the standard, which will be undertaken in due course. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Code of practice 1 Scope This Part of BS 5489 gives recommendations for the lighting of all-purpose traffic routes up to 15 m in width for single carriageways and up to 2 x 11 m in width for dual carriageways. Motorways are not included. A step by step illustration of the use of this code is given in appendix A. NOTE. The titles of the publications referred to in tis standard are ised on the inside back cover. 2 Definitions NOTE. A checklist of abbreviations and symbols used in this Part of BS 5480 is given in table 7. For the purposes of this Part of BS 5489 the definitions given in BS 5489 : Part 1, BS 6100 : Subsection 2.4.1 and BS 5225 : Part 1 apply, together with the following. [Bracket projection [Photometric centre overhang (A) ‘Set-back [| Edge of carriageway Width of carriageway hy Figure 1. Geometry in elevation of a road lighting system 2.1 bracket projection The horizontal distance from the point of entry to the luminaire to a vertical line passing through the centre of the cross section of the column at the ground level. NOTE. See figure 1. 2.2 spacing index (SI) The product of the calculated average road luminance (in cd/m?) produced by an installation of luminaires in their clean state and the spacing (in m) divided by the lamp flux (in kim). 2.3 veil factor (VF) ‘The equivalent veiling luminance per kilolumen of lamp output, multiplied by 650. 2.4 width of carriageway (WK) The distance between kerb lines, measured at right angles to the length of the carriageway. NOTE. See figure 1 Design attitude Horizontal | Mounting | height (4) Edge of carriageway, 3 Mounting height 3.1 General The mounting heights to be adopted should be 8 m, 10 m or 12 m, except in special situations, e.g. where the appearance of the installation is particularly important. In these circumstances consideration may be given to other systems and mounting heights but it is essential to ensure that the lighting performance is not inferior to that recommended in this standard. 3.2 8 m mounting height 8 m is the recommended mounting height for: (a) urban traffic routes where, owing to the multiplicity of road junctions, ‘no reduction in the number of lighting points is to be gained by the use of a higher mounting height; (b) traffic routes where higher mounting heights would be out of scale with the adjacent buildings (©) relatively narrow roads such as local Aistributor and access roads to residential areas in which a mounting height between 10 m or 12 m and 5 m or 6 m is desirable. 3.3.10 m mounting height 10 mis the recommended mounting height for lighting for: (a) the majority of urban traffic routes; (b) lighting for traffic routes in which a mounting height of 12 m would be of an undesirable appearance; (0) lighting for wide heavily used routes where a large number of intersections, bends, etc., could lead to a short spacing making the use of 12 m mounting height uneconomical. 3.4 12 m mounting height 12 m is the recommended mounting height for lighting for wide or heavily used routes where advantage can be taken of a longer spacing of luminaires. 4 Limitation of glare 4.1 Disability glare Disability glare, defined and discussed in BS 5489 Part 1, reduces the contrast between objects and their background, so that their visibility is decreased. An object that is just visible (that is at the threshold of visibility) when there is no disability glare will, in the presence of disability glare, merge into the background. The percentage hy which the background Iuminance has to be increased to fender the object just visible again is, known as the threshold increment (TI). This provides a notional measure of disability glare from installations, . The value of the TI depends on the light distribution from the lantern between 70° and 90° in elevation in the vertical plane at which the Tuminance is observed, usually within 10° of azimuth of the transverse axis of the luminaire. It also depends on the road luminance, the layout of, the luminaires, the mounting height and the observer position. 4.2 Discomfort glare Control of the TI within the limits recommended in 4.3 will generally ensure that discomfort glare, defined in BS 5489 : Part 1, will be adequately controlled. 4.3 Recommended threshold increment Recommended limits for the TI are for the luminaire operated in a clean state with a lamp ‘emitting its initial luminous flux, as in this state the maximum disability glare will be produced. A value of the TI not exceeding 15 % is recommended where is is necessary to minimize glare, e.g. on high speed roads. It is of particular advantage in rural areas, where the absence of a reflecting background, such as buildings bordering the road, may increase the effect of glare. In all other installations the value of the TI should not exceed 30 %. The light distribution for this less stringent glare control generally permits more scope for the siting of individual columns and longer spacing between luminaires, leading to lower capital and running costs. NOTE. Other special requirements may be imposed in the neighbourhood of aerodromes, where the luminous intensity above the horizontal may need to he limited (see BS 5489 Part 8) and in environmentally sensitive areas, where spill light ray be regarded as heing visually intrusive (see BS 5489 Part 4.4 Selection of luminaires As an aid to their selection according to the recommendations in 4.3, luminaires are divided into two classes: low threshold increment (LTD) and moderate threshold increment (MT1). An LTI luminaire will generally be capable of meeting the recommendation for the TI being not more than 15 % and an MT! luminaire will generally meet the recommendation for the TI being not more than 30 %. On straight roads, the TI should be checked in the manner described in 8.2(g), when the luminaire has been selected. This is necessary because in certain installations the TI may exceed the recommended limits, even though the luminaire classification may indicate otherwise. In practice this will occur rarely. On bends it may be assumed that the limits hold according to the class of the luminaire. NOTE, The classification of a luminaire will depend. 10 a small extent, on the luminous flux of the lam used for calculating the TI. For increases (or decreases) of Ux ip 10 5", the TL will ncrease (or decrease) by approximatels 0.2" fr every 1% increase (or decrease) in flux. For larger changtes of 8X ‘the equation for the TH given in 8.268) may be used! 5 Choice of lamps 5.1 Preferred sources The preferred sources, on grounds of efficacy and life, are low pressure sodium and high pressure sodium lamps. The low pressure sodium lamp has the greater efficacy and emits a monochromatic yellow light. The high pressure sodium lamp has a longer life and renders colours. The use of other sources may be considered for special applications. 5.2 Use of lamps giving light of different colour ‘A change of colour of the light of the installation, by the use of different types of lamps, may be advantageous if used with discretion, the change being intentional and consistent; haphazard changes are distracting. There may be an advantage (where, for example, low pressure sodium lamps are used on the approach roads) in using high pressure sodium lamps in shopping areas, civic centres and other areas where better colour rendering is desirable. 6 Lighting of surrounds Adequate lighting of the surrounds to the carriageway is necessary to serve the needs of the driver and the pedestrian. For the driver, it helps to reveal objects on the carriageway that are only partly seen against the background of the carriageway, as is often the case ‘on bends, or where there are stationary vehicles or bicycles near the margin of the carriageway. Moreover, it is needed to reveal pedestrians about to step into the carriageway and vehicles emerging from side roads. For the pedestrian, it reveals the footway surface, obstructions and other pedestrians. ‘The surround lighting is quantified by the surround ratio (SR), defined in BS 5489 : Part 1. For the chosen arrangement, the luminaire should give a value of the SR which is not less than 0. otherwise the surround lighting may be inadequate. 7 Lighting of road surface ‘To be visually satisfactory, the value and uniformity of road luminance should be in accordance with the recommendations given in table 1. ‘The recommended maintained average luminance ensures that the road is sufficiently bright to reveal objects adequately. The recommended overall uniformity ratio (UO) ensures that no part of the Toad surface is so dark that it becomes ineffective as a background for revealing objects, whilst the recommended longitudinal uniformity ratio (UL) ensures that pronounced visual patchiness of the lighted road surface is avoided. The geometry required to obtain these recommended values can be found by interrelating the light distribution from the luminaire and the reflection properties of the road surface, as described in clause 8 for straight roads and in clause 9 for bends. The results are valid for the assumed photometric conditions, e.g. no atmospheric attenuation, road surface of the stated reflection properties, clean luminaires correctly mounted, etc. In practice there will be departures from these conditions and, therefore, it may be difficult to substantiate the values in the actual installation by measurement. Nevertheless, the mathematical procedures described will provide a good representation of the absolute installation performance, as well as enabling valid comparisons between luminaires to be made. ‘Table 1. Lighting requirements for traffic routes Category Overall Tongitudinal | Exaraples | uniformity ratio | uniformity ratlo | vo a [aa 04 07 High speed roads, Dual carriageway roads 22 04 05 Important rural and urban traffie routes. | | Radial roads. | District distributor roads (see BS 6100) 23 105 joa 05 Connecting, less important roads. ! Local distributor roads (see BS 6100). Residential area major access roads 8 Design spacings 8.1 For day-to-day installation design, spacings are determined from design tables prepared from the photometric quantities determined in accordance with appendix B for each luminaire, and normally available from the manufacturer. ‘An example is shown in table 2 for a mounting height of 10 m. If the luminaire can be used at 8 m or 12 m, tables for these mounting heights can be produced as appropriate. NOTE. On some computers itis not possible to print the second letter ofa syimbol asa subscript. In these eases itis recommended that the corresponding abbreviation is used, €.. VP for Vp ‘As well as enabling the user to determine the design spacing needed to achieve a desired maintained average luminance, the design table enables the UO, UL and SR to be checked, and the TI to be calculated. Data for four arrangements are tabulated: (a) staggered (see figure 2); (b) opposite (see figure 3); (©) single side (see figure 4); (d) twin central on dual carriageway (see figure 5). These tables are calculated for zero overhang (A = 0) but they may be used to a good accuracy for a positive or negative overhang not exceeding 1 m by applying the following rules (1) Find the WE by using the appropriate relationships in figures 2 to 5. (2) Find the SR, SI, UL, and VF corresponding to the WE. (8) Use the isoluminance templates described in clause 9 to check the UO and adjust the spacing as necessary. Designs for geometries not included in the table can be calculated by following the methods given in appendix B. The road surface for which the design tables are prepared is designated the ‘representative British road surface’, and is typical of the great majority of road surfaces used in Great Britain. The average luminance coefficient for this surface is 0.07 and the full reflection data are given in table 3 (see B.2,). 8.2. The calculation procedure using the design tables is as follows. (a) Consult table 1 to establish photometric requirements. (b) Decide on mounting height and degree of gare imitation ene = (c) Consult design tables for the chosen luminaires at their design attitude and for the mounting height to be used. (4) For the luminaire arrangement to be used, and the WE, check that the SR is equal to or greater than 0.5. (e) Calculate the design spacing, S (in m), required to give the desired maintained average luminance. This is done by using the spacing index, Sj, obtained from the design table, in the following equation: sg = SOME L where @ isthe initial luminous flux of the lamp (in kim) as quoted by the manufacturer; ‘Mr is the maintenance factor, which is the product of the lamp flux maintenance factor and the luminance maintenance factor. Values for the latter are given in table 4; Tis the maintained average road luminance (in cd/m?) as selected from table 1 (£) Use the calculated value of Sto enter the design table and check whether the UL and UO recommendations given in table 1 are satisfied. If they are not, select the maximum spacing at which they are satisfied and determine the new average road luminance, I. (in ed/m2), from the equation: p= So Me where the symbols are as defined in 8.2(e) (g) Check that the design limit for the threshold increment 7; (expressed as a percentage) is not exceeded. This is done by substituting the appropriate value of the veil factor, Vp from the design table into the equation: 7 - —e 10 (imps where ° is as defined in 8.2(e): 10 (Z/Mj)" can be evaluated by using table 5. If the design limit is exceeded it will be necessary to select a different luminaire, or a different installation geometry. [able 2 Design table: standard presentation ‘aaminaire: Pull ght Ta se EW) WONT Desig ates Spigot enn elevaned 3° Mounting heights 10m Luminaire classification: MTL a Staggered 7 Weim [Wyrm [Wem [hom [Ny low [W_lim Weim [W_ldm [We lem Is, 3.78 sass |s;aa9 [sao Is271 |sacz [52.48 54 0.83 $085 [50.85 _ |sy0.86 Si0.90 [spose [sy0.95 [seo Tow ty Ge Ve [Us UL Vy [ta Uy Uy Vp [Uo Uy Ve Uo Uy Ve Bo [a “t 8) 27 [65 (5 82 B |.05 2 24 [08 ‘6 15 80 26 [65 65 (8295 [165 (ke re 65 (81 23 [65 5 os co 3 (81 24 66 “Bt ‘6 65 (83 21 |.66 ‘8 6 “2 637323 [103 74 “2 OL 3421 [or fos fa 62 3 71 22 |.64 20 22 |.63 62 60.69 19 |.60 60 18 fan 3 8 8 6 771 20 (58 58 58 169 18 {57 “68 18 2 | 163.65 20 61 58.2 19 [37 38 31 (61 18 |.50 162 17 fay | “67 a9 {60 6s Yo [58 36.38 18 | 54 31 48-156 17 [48 56.16 jae 41.67 18 |.56 63 18 |.54 50.56 18 |.49 dM 45-54 16 |.44 54 16 | 44.53 16 a8 3964 18 G1 18 |.54 }.a9 (5617 [47 53 4 43°50 16 |.41 49 16 |.40 49 16 ny S817 [33 ‘30 17 {51 30 38 15016 fag a8 16 faz cas 16 [a0 “a7 15 {40 45.15 2 Ba 17 [52 laa a7 [3 Sy a0 16 [at a 16 [ASAT 6 [93 “a0 a5 ]42 “a5 a5 [an as 15 44 36 16 38M |S) 49 49 16 46 AS ET 15 )43 45 15 [42 44 14 |.40 43 14 bis 5 aa 16 (52 [32 16 [0 gs an 15 [a6 ag ENaMaD 1 [a5 a5 14-40 ad a [a0 ae sas ae [a0 can as [ar gear 15 [as NG Ng way ig [ar ae a [a7 ae a3 fio 32 S50 1s [gn a6 15 [6 35 13 | SDs Ss ta as 3813 [54 38 1 Opposite - co Weim [Wplom [We ltm [iyi oy Ne sims sare Isiaan |S 5 {Seuss [Seas [5@ te Gets G Welt Oe Te : 7a 99 36 [7108 a0 [0h ERG N Te f2 a4 [71 2 33 (TO, SN II aA fam a2 [72 on 32 |g ‘i 1 lan at FT 80 ay By [5 Ai 90 20 |.G7 8, i: 26 |.63 | 71 * GP 95 26 | 03 70 ‘an Mr 87 24 |.05 ‘a 8s WENT ci 85 25 [63 ai | 2 |.00 38 $1 as (8 3 |S 8 i 21 lao. 8 22 |.62 61 |.60 86 20. He | 87 2 1.63.86 20 [61's 20 lay | os 67 86 21 64.87 19 [63 st aM ie fa 44 sd 21 GL 8h 18 [60h 18 | wt 13 (85.20 GL 85 18 [au oss 18 re 2 76.19 Go 7718 [50 7s 18 Single sided “Twin central on dual carriageway | Wim [ion Wim [teem [hom [MT sm | om sa20 |s208 |s27e |sjnnr (saan (sar2 (saan [54.24 syo7s _|[spo8s [sass [Seas [sons [Seu.n0 _|sy0.61 [Sy 0.61 Sm) G_Ve lls Oy Ve Uo Uy Welty Ge We [GG Ve Gy UL Ve [Ue cn 20 So 24 [as AN Bs [as WO 2s [aL AO Bs [a5 133 [40-02 31 ].B6 8B 2 2 SP a6 aa las 26 [45 (80 26 [a2 80 26 [35 a1 ao [oar (92 29 | 38 92 2 2 So 24 [a7 86 24 [44 Br a5 (41 87 25 fae cor 29 [a1 91 27 |.37 92 35 245 S524 [46 (86 23 | 45 87 23 | 42 88 4691 43.92 26 |.38 92 24 28 sx 22 [a5 80 23 [a3 oo 29 [a1 sw 23 [43.88 26 |40 86 25 ].98 85 23 | 0 Bo 21 [ar 88 21 [a5 ose 27 [40 mn 2b Jag “8 26 at 37m 23 ij MSU (SS Sh 3 Se St [as A [a5 ae [oa to 3 a4 8420 [46 (85 20 [lad st 20 [41 87 15 [44 37 86 21 | 36 a6 [a3 8719 [40 as a9 | 37 90 9 | at |.33 3 BO 18 [44 82 18 [31 se is [38 (85 16 an 21 35 ry 3318 [43 a5 18 [40 “To 18 [38 78 16 | 20 [36 2 72.17 [43.7317 {40.75 17 |.38 7617 | 48 19 |.37 iss 7116 faa ee fan 78 6 [38 75.16 [a9 19 |.35 46 To 16 faz to 16 [a0 34 a6 |'ae 75. a6 [a1 18 | 35 48 ai ie [aa ol te [a aa ae [30 ta as 18 [35 {0 (6016 [34 ot te (4) 3 5 [ss 65 5 is [35 aoueuruinyt pue aoweuyuiny yo quowaunseour pue uo 2s “10 1 eI #1 8% 8% w 9 u 6 821 out gee 182 626. ost 8 or aa at 1% 62 eh 821 sur 28 zee, 628, 8 on al #1 Iz 2% w Ig 99 6 621 oot 18, 882 626. 8 aot 1 a 61 8¢ uy 99 16 rat gut id vez 6ze. or al gt 9% 8¢ or 99 16 zt our Le or or 8% ov Ig 19 9 or at 61 6% og 89 € 6 watt tn ae 2 6 oe 08 G@_ O_O Le Z z 1) 0d) AID Bo¥JANS wos YSHLAG oarEMOSoAdod 40) OTqED-~ o od Table 4, Luminaire maintenance factors Tngress protection number of lamp housing (IP? minimum’? IPS minimum" 16 minimum Pollution category [ottution category Pollution category snontng [iG Meaium [law [High [Median [tow [ign [Medium tow 12 053 oer [osz [089 [090 0.92 Jor [oor [0.93 18 o4s [oss [oso |os7 |o88 |o.o1 |o90 Jo.s1 |0.92 24 045 [0.56 {0.79 [0.84 0.86 |0.90 0.88 | 0.89 | 0.91 36 042 [0.53 j0.78 |o.76 jose joss [0.83 [0.87 _|0.90 ‘NOTE 1. High pollution occurs in the centre of large urban areas and in heavy industrial areas, NOTE 2, Medium pollution occurs in semi-urban, residential, and light industria areas, [NOTE 3. Low pollution occurs in rural areas. D See BS 5490. i Kerb NOTE. Effective width (1g) is WK - 24 for luminaires over the carriageway and Wk + 24 for Juminaires behind the edge of the carriageway. Figure 2. Staggered arrangement of luminaires NOTE. Effective width (Wg) is Wx - 24 for luminaires over the carriageway and Wy + 24 for luminaires behind the edge of the carriageway. Figure 3. Opposite arrangement of luminaires NOTE, Effective width (Wg) is Wx — A for luminaires over the carriageway and Wk + A for luminaires behind the edge of the carriageway. Figure 4, Single side arrangement of luminaires Kerb == Oo NOTE, Effective width (Wp) is 1K. Figure 5. Twin central on dual carriageway arrangement of luminaires 9 Spacings for roads with bends 9.1 General The method described in clause 8 should be used to determine the maximum spacings between luminaires as though the road were straight. This spacing, which is the design spacing and which is not to be exceeded, is then used to plan the installation around the bend. ‘Transferring the straight road spacing to a bend is unlikely to reduce the values of longitudinal uniformity of luminance and average luminance. However, it is necessary to check that the overall uniformity of luminance does not fall below the value of 0.4, recommended in table 1. This is done by means of isoluminance templates for the luminaire concerned (see figure 6). There are three of these (A, B and C) for each mounting height. The use of these templates is described in 9.2 Figure 6 is in the preferred format, which has a scale of 1:500. For use with maps to other scales, it will be necessary to redraw the templates. The orientation of the luminaire is as indicated. The observer is located at (0,0) and an observer circle with a radius equivalent to one quarter of a mounting height is drawn around this point. The circle facilitates spacing the observer one quarter of a mounting height from the kerb. A method of producing the templates is described in appendix C. 9.2 Use of isoluminance templates 9.2.1 Orientation of luminaire As indicated by the orientation of the luminaire in figure 6, the template is drawn for columns positioned on the nearside. For columns on the offside, a mirror image of the template is required with the designation ‘nearside’ changed to ‘offside’, 9.2.2 Positioning the template The luminaire position marked on the template is placed over the luminaire on the scale plan, except in the case of the twin central arrangement, when it is placed over the columns. The observer circle is placed tangential to the nearside kerb edge and the template shape transferred onto the plan. The process is repeated for adjacent luminaires. If a gap occurs between two contours, as shown in figure 7, then the luminaire spacing should be decreased until the road surface is fully covered by the outlines of the template as shown in figure 8. Alternatively, it may be necessary to use extra luminaires. The check should be carried out for both vehicle directions. 9.2.3 Staggered arrangement Where the staggered arrangement is in use on straight sections of the road, a change to a row of luminaires on the outside of the curve may be required where the radius of curvature is less than 80 times the mounting height. The number of luminaires per unit length of curved road should be not less than that for the staggered installation, and the location of the luminaires in the single row is determined by. isoluminance template A. For wide roads it may be necessary also to position luminaires on the inside of the bend to ensure adequate coverage (see figure 9). Some adjustment of the spacing may be necessary on the adjacent straight sections of road. This may be determined also by using the isoluminance template A. 9.2.4 Opposite arrangement ‘Where the opposite arrangement is in use on straight sections of the road, the spacing adopted for the straight section of the road may be preserved on the inside of the curve and the spacing on the outside of the curve determined by means of isoluminance template A. 9.2.5 Single side arrangement Where the single side arrangement is in use on straight sections of the road, the luminaires should be sited on the outside of bends having a radius of less than 80 times the mounting height. The spacing is determined by means of isoluminance template A. 9.2.6 Twin central arrangement on dual carriageways Where the twin central arrangement is in use on straight sections of the road on dual carriageways, fone row of luminaires should be moved to the outside of bends on which the radius of curvature is less than 80 times the mounting height. Where the twin central arrangement is arranged around a bend, isoluminance template B should be used to determine the coverage achieved (see figure 10). If this is not adequate, the spacing may have to be reduced. Adequate coverage should be checked for both vehicle directions. This may reveal inadequate coverage on the outside of the bend which can be overcome by the addition of a single luminaire. In this case isoluminance template C should be used for a single luminaire as shown in figure 11 Some adjustment may be necessary on the adjacent Straight sections of road, which may be determined by using the isoluminance templates. ul Metres 40 Luminaire: Fatlight Design attitude: Spigot enry elevated 5° 4 30 Luminaire classification: MTL Lamp: 150 W SON/T Mounting height: 10 m 20 ' 10 -— learsise a 20 10 Figure 6. Isoluminance templates 10 20 Metres AwmoSepires opisuy 105 39s Supsedg “OT anBy @ svare yzep omy Suprorod agywuTUMN] [EUOPIPPY "6 BT T AemoSvpzzeo apisimo wo ware rep BupraA09 asyeupUIN] [EUOPPPY “TT AMBLY 10 Planning 10.1 Bracket projection and overhang Bracket projection should be as small as possible, and it is essential that it does not exceed one quarter of the mounting height, to limit vibration. Consult 5.4 of BS 5489 : Part 1': 1992 for recommendations regarding the form of the bracket 10.2 Design attitude Luminaires should be mounted in the design attitude recommended by the manufacturer. 10.3 Choice of luminaire arrangement 10.3.1 Single carriageways For single carriageways there is a choice of three arrangements: (a) staggered (see figure 2), suitable for roads of medium width: (b) opposite (see figure 3), for the widest roads; (0) single side (see figure 4), for the narrowest roads. For certain road widths, depending on the luminaire and lamp type, two or all of the three arrangements will be in accordance with the photometric recommendations of table 1. Choice may then be made on grounds of economy. 10.3.2 Dual carriageways Where dual carriageway are separated by a wide reserve, the carriageways should be lighted separately, When the distance between outer kerbs is not excessive, dual carriageways can be lighted as a single wide road. For example, dual carriageways can be satisfactorily lighted by the use of luminaires on the nearside only (see figures 2 and 3) or twin luminaires on the central reserve only (see figure 5), provided that little pedestrian traffic is expected 10.3.3 Junctions and roundabouts Junctions and roundabouts are dealt with in BS 5489 : Parts 4 and 5. 10.3.4 Gradients and crests of hills On gradients, each luminaire should be set with its plane of symmetry normal to the road surface. Ata dip there is no special lighting problem. At a crest, however, it is necessary to limit glare from luminaires beyond the crest; these can be viewed at angles where the intensity is high, and the more distant luminaires may appear low in the scene. At such situations there is an advantage in using LTL lanterns. Similar considerations apply to some bridges and for the lighting of these, and other bridges, BS 5489 : Part 6 should be consulted. 10.3.5 Pedestrian crossings Although this Part of BS 5489 is not concerned ‘with any special lighting provided for pedestrian crossings, it is necessary to make some reference to the siting of columns in their vicinity. Itis desirable to ensure that the normal road lighting installation gives the optimum visibility in these situations, and that the footway and kerb are revealed. At crossings in the immediate vicinity of junctions, the arrangement should be on the principles shown in figures 12 and 13, although individual junction dimensions will vary widely. Lighting is most effective in revealing pedestrians using the crossings when it is symmetrical from both directions along the road. The lighting, therefore, should be so arranged that the crossing is at the mid-point of a span. This may involve the use of one span of shorter spacing than that calculated. Particularly, a column should not be placed adjacent to a pedestrian crossing Ina staggered arrangement, the optimum is to provide two columns at equal distances of not more than 10 m from the centre of the crossing. The column on the left-hand side of the road should be beyond the crossing as seen by an approaching driver (see figure 14(a)) In an opposite arrangement, there should be two pairs of columns at equal distances of not more than 15 m from the centre of the crossing. These distances should be measured parallel to the centre line of the road in the usual way and for very wide roads they may need to be reduced (see figure 14(b)). 10.4 Siting of columns Intersections, pedestrian crossings, bends, gradients, and crests of hills occur frequently and their particular lighting requirements may require compromise. Also there are constraints on the siting of columns caused by overground and underground obstructions as well as the effects on the occupation and maintenance of properties. Siting of columns adjacent to overbridges should be such that the main beam from any of the luminaires is not obstructed. Asa general rule, the pattern of luminaires for special requirements such as the intersections and bends should be laid out first. The pattern necessary for uninterrupted sections of road can then be added to the layout. Care is needed to effect the compromises which are necessary for an installation to be both cost effective and visually acceptable. In rural areas, there are fewer constraints but the same principles apply. 16 ‘The layout should be examined in perspective to ensure that the array of luminaires forms a pattern giving guidance to traffic, and that misleading patterns are avoided. The guidance is significant particularly on winding roads and at complex junctions, and in fog is one of the most useful contributions of a lighting system. ‘The appearance of the layout by day also should be considered, particularly on winding roads, where certain types of bracket and luminaire may combine to form an unpleasing interlaced pattern. See BS 5489 : Part 1 for further guidance on appearance and the siting of columns. 10.5 Set back of columns ‘The required set back of columns should be indicated on the working drawings, with the bracket projection. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of adjacent street furniture, so that an adequate footway width is maintained to meet the needs of blind persons, perambulators and wheelchairs. Very often on footways up to 3 m wide, columns are best sited at the back of the footway to minimize the likelihood of collision and provide the maximum usable width, BS 5489 : Part 1 should be consulted for the clearances from the edge of the carriageway to the face of a column, which are the minima recommended in all cases. Figure 12. Typical layout at T junction with pedestrian crossing Pedestrian crossing Pedestrian crossing —) I Figure 13. Typics crossing layout at crossroads with pedestrian 7 pias crossing Equal distances of not more than 10m (2) staggered Pedestrian crossing My ° i} L 0 “ Equal distances of | not more than 15m | (0) opposite Figure 14. Typical luminaire positions adjacent to a pedestrian crossing 11 Maintenance and operation In the design of a lighting system to the principles of this Part of BS 5489 the spacing between lanterns is directly related to the MF as in the ‘equation in 8.2(e). The values of the luminaire maintenance factor given in table 4 are typical and take into account the quality of the sealing (IP. number) of the lamp housing of the luminaire, the environmental pollution and the frequency of leaning. Luminaire maintenance factors established by local testing may be used. The reduction in lamp output with age is allowed for by multiplying the initial luminous flux of the lamp by the appropriate lamp flux maintenance factor. Further guidance both on maintenance and hours oof operation is given in BS 5489 : Part 1. 18 Appendices Appendix A. Step by step illustration of the use of this code A.1 General ‘The purpose of this example is to provide a step by step illustration of the use of this Part of BS 5489 in designing a lighting installation for the situation described in A.2. A.2 Description of the road The road is a single carriageway with a distance between kerbs of 10 m. On either side there are footways, which vary in width between 1.5 m and 2.0 m. Low voltage electricity cables are available on both sides of the road. The road, which is a traffic route, passes through a shopping area on the outskirts of an industrial town and is not in an environmentally sensitive area. The existing installation is considered inadequate for present needs and is nearing the end of its economic life. A 30 miles/h speed limit is in force on the length of road concerned. A.8 The design process A.3.1 General ‘The design process consists of five main parts: (a) the gathering of preliminary data (see A.3.2); (b) the calculation of design spacing (see A.3.3); (0) the plotting of luminaire positions taking into account the individual features of the road (see A.3.4); (d) the determination of column positions taking into acocunt the individual features of the environment (see A.3.5); (e) the finalization of the installation specification (see A.3.6). A.3.2 Preliminary data The following steps give an example of the preliminary data to be acquired. 19 Step no, Data required Reference clause, figure or table no. 1 Is the road within the scope of this code? 1 2 Mounting height (H) 3 3 Glare limitation 4 4 Lamp type 5 5 Surround ratio (Sp) 6 6 Width of carriageway (Wx) 8.1, figure 1 7 Overhang (A) 10.1 8 Effective width (Wp) 8 9 Luminaire arrangement 10. 10 Cleaning interval 8.2(e), table 4 ul Pollution category Table 4 12 Photometric requirements for the road Table 1 Category ‘Maintained average luminance level (L) Overall uniformity ratio (Uo) Longitudinal uniformity ratio (U,) 13 Choice of luminaire from manufacturer's literature iM Initial flux of 150 W SON/T lamp See 8.2 and manufacturer's data 15 Lamp flux maintenance factor for a projected See manufacturer's lamp life of 12 000 h data 16 International protect code of lamp housing See manufacturer's for Fullight 150 W SON/T luminaire data lv Design attitude of Fullight 150 W SON’T 10.2 luminaire A.3.3 Calculation of design spacing A.3.3.1 Consult the luminaire manufacturer's design tables for the chosen luminaire (see table 2: Example: FULLIGHT 150 W SON/T). A.3.3.2 Select tables for chosen mounting height Ui = 10 m) A.3.3.3. Select table for chosen luminaire arrangement (staggered), Select column for chosen effective wi Example Yes 10m MTI High pressure sodium 05 10m Zero 10m Staggered 18 months Medium Pullight, 150 W SON/T, MTL 17.0 kim 0.92 IP54 Spigot entry elevated = A.3.3.5 Check that the surround ratio is equal to or greater than 0.5 (Sp 0.86). A.3.3.6 Read the spacing index from head of column (S; = 3.02) A.3.3.7 From a knowledge of reference cleaning interval (18 months), IP rating (IP5), and pollution category (medium) obtain the luminaire maintenance factor from table 4 A.3.3.8 Calculate the design spacing, S, (in m) required to give the desired maintained average luminance (see 8.2(e)) using the equation: 5 = SMe L where ‘S,__ is the spacing index; @ _ is the initial luminous flux of the lamp (in kim) as quoted by the manufacturer; Mg _ is the maintenance factor which is the product of the lamp flux maintenance factor and the luminaire maintenance factor, that is Mp = 0.92 x 0.88 0.81; is the maintained average luminance (in cd’), 3.02 x 17 x 0.81 and S = a = 42 approx. ‘A.3.3.9 Consult design table for the chosen luminaire and select appropriate column as in A.8.3.1 to A.3.3.6, A.3.3.10 In the design table read values Uo, Ut, and Ve set against calculated design spacing(s).. (Up = 0.47 Up 0.48 Vp = 16) A.3.3.11 Check that Uo, and Uj, values are not less than those given by table 1 for the category of road (see step no. 12), and 7; is not greater than 30 % (see step no. 3). Recommended Up :0.4 Uj :0.5 71:30 % values Design table Uo Ye Te values 0.47 0.48 Defer calculation U, is below the recommended limits, and reference to the design table shows that the design spacing has to be decreased to 40 m. It is now necessary to recalculate the maintained average luminance, (in cd/m?) Sig Me bn"s 3,02 x 17.0 x 0.81 40, 1.04 where the symbols are as defined in A.3.3.8. The threshold increment, 7; (expressed as a percentage), is checked by using the equation in 8.2(g), where V¢ is the veil factor, as follows: Veo y= Fe To @Mps _ 16x 17.0 10 x (1.04/0.81)78 = 22 where the symbols are as defined in 8.2(g). (Table 5 can be used in the evaluation of this expression.) As 22 % is below the recommended limit of 30 %, all the photometric requirements are now met, and 40 m is confirmed as the design spacing. A.3.4 Plotting of luminaire positions A.3.4.1 First, the luminaire patterns to meet the requirements of the special features of the road such as junctions and pedestrian crossings are established and then the luminaire layout is developed (see clause 10). Next, the layout of the uninterrupted straights and bends is fitted into that of the special features with an element of compromise (see clause 9 and 10.4). ‘A.3.4.3. Last, the whole layout is viewed in perspective to reveal misleading night-time arrays and a check made on its daytime appearance (see 10.4). A.3.5 Determination of column positions A.3.5.1 Individual luminaire positions are checked on site to ensure that it is possible to erect columns in accordance with clause 10 when underground and overground obstructions (see 10.4 and 10.5) are taken into account. A.3.5.2 Minor adjustments may have to be made toa number of positions to ensure visual acceptability (see 10.4). 4.3.6 Installation specification A.8.6.1. The maintenance plan to be applied to the installation is determined (see clause 11 of this Part of BS 5489 and 11.1 of BS 5489 : Part 1 : 1992). ‘ The hours of operation required for the installation are established (‘all night’ in this example). 'A.3.6.3. Values of set back and bracket projection are calculated and noted for individual columns on the scheme working drawings as is the design attitude of the luminaire (see clause 10). 21 Table 5. Evaluation of 10 (L/Mp)°:5 [eae aocanp® [hare [roy rod Mp) [Lap Jiobapy'* [ip | 1ocapy™ /0.50 1.00 [10.0 13.8 2.00 [174 20.8 051 1.01 |10.1 13.9 2.01 |17.5 20.9 0.52 }1.02 10.2 140 2.02 |17.5 21.0 1.03 ]10.2 141 2.03 |17.6 21.0 1.04 |10.3 14.1 2.04 17.7 211 1.05 |10.4 14.2 2.03 |17.8 | 211 1.06 10.5 2.06 |17.8 | 21.2 1.07 10.6 207 17.9 | 21:3 1.08 10.6 2.08 21.3 109 10.7 2.08 110 |10.8 2.10 Lu | 10.9 211 Liz |10.9 2.12 113 |11.0 2.13 14 ALT 214 | ris {11.2 | 2.15 1.16 | 11.3 | 1.6 2.16 17 [11.3 1.67 217 as [114 68 218 Lig | 11.5 69 2.19 3 120 | 11.6 70 2.20 6 121 71 221 7 1.22 72 2.22 8 1.23 73 2.23 9 1.24 74 2.24 9 1.25 75 5 | /8.0 1.26 76 2.26 | O77 8.1 127 ‘7 2.27 0.78 [83 1.28 78 2.28 o79 [83 1.29 79 2.29 0.80 | 8.4 1.30 80, 2.30 os [8.4 1.31 “81 231 0.82 [8.5 1.32 82 2.32 083/86 1.33 83 2:33 0.84 [8.7 1.34 84 2.34 0.85 [8.8 1.3 85 2.35 0.86 |8.9 1.36 86 2:36 os7 [8.9 1.37 (87 2.37 (0.88 9.0 1.38 88. 8 | 9.1 1:39 89 2:30 j0.90 [9.2 1.40 90 2.40 om 93 14l 91 241 Jom 9.4 1.42 92 2.42 0.93 94 1.43 93 2.43 }2 joo |95 1.44 94 2.44 2 10.95 | 9.6 1.45 95 2.45 | lo.96 9.7 1.46 96 2.46 los7 |98 LAT 97 2.47 0.98 [9.8 1.48 98, 2.48 0.99 | 9/9 1.49 99 2.49 Appendix B. Determination of photometric quantities and luminaire classification B.1 General ‘The procedures for calculating road luminance, spacing indices, and surround ratios given in this appendix should be followed to ensure the results are consistent. B.2 Reflection properties of the road surface In general, the reflection properties of a point on the road surface (shown as P in figure 15) depend on the three angles, @, f and y marked in figure 15. ‘The near and far limits of the part of the road on which the luminance pattern is determined are 60 m and 160 m ahead of the observer. For this area the reflection properties of the road are substantially independent of a, and, therefore, are tabulated in terms of f and y only. ‘The luminance coefficient, g, at a point on the given by: where Lis the luminance at that point (in cd/m”); Eis the illuminance at the same point (in lux). ‘The reduced luminance coefficient, 7; at a point on the road surface is given by the equation: r= qeost y since E = 1} cos? y where Icy _ is the intensity of the luminaire J, at the angle of azimuth C and elevation y (see figure 15), and H isthe mounting height of the luminaire, then =! go cost L = Bq cos? y ‘The first term in this equation is dependent on the light distribution from the luminaire and its mounting height. The second term, which is the reduced luminance coefficient, 7, is dependent on the reflection characteristics of the road. It is more convenient to use this than the luminance. coefficient because it incorporates the cos? y term. The expression for luminance thus becom: -la Leapr Values of r for the representative British road surface are given in table 3. This table should be used unless measurements on site indicate that another table of values would be suitable. B.3 Intensity table The recommended format for an intensity table is shown in table 6. This should be derived in accordance with BS 5225 : Part 1 and the values expressed in candelas per 1000 lamp lumens for a range of azimuth and elevation angles C and respectively (see figure 15). B.4 Luminance at a point The luminance at a point is calculated by applying the equation in B.2 to each luminaire in turn and summing the results. In each instance it will generally be necessary to interpolate both for luminous intensity, J, and the reduced luminance coefficient, 7. A linear interpolation procedure is adequate for the calculation so long as the point densities of the r-table (see table 3) and the I-table (see table 6) are no less than those recommended. B.5 Field of calculation for luminance The field of calculation should be contained within the area bounded by the transverse lines 60 m and 160 m ahead of the observer as this is the area over which the table applies. Within this the field of calculation should cover a section between two luminaires in the same row Transversely, the field of calculation should cover the area enclosed by the lines demarcating the roa: width indicated in figures 2 to 5. It should be noted that for the purpose of generating design tables the effective width, Wp, is equal to the width of carriageway, W, that is the overhang, A, is taken to be zero. B.6 Position of calculation points and observer ‘The calculation points should be evenly spaced in the field of calculation and located as indicated in figure 16, NOTE. In a staggered installation the field of calculation should Tie between two luminaires ina row; its length is 25 (where Sis the design spacing in metres). Longitudinally, the number of calculation points, N, should be 10 for S less than or equal to 50 m (S less than 25 m for staggered installations). For greater spacings the smallest value of N should be chosen to give a distance, d, between points that is equal to or less than 5 m. Transversely, 10 points should be taken, spaced 1/10 m apart (where Wx. is the width of carriageway in m), the boundary points being spaced W/20 m from the edge of the field of calculation. In staggered and single side installations the first luminaire in the field of calculation should be on the side remote from the observer. In twin central installations the observer should be on the nearside, and the central reserve taken as 3.6 m wide. In’all installations the observer's distance towards the centre of the road should be W7x'4 m from the nearside kerb. 23. Observer Figure 15. Relationship of angles a, f, y, and C B.7 Number of luminaires included in calculation This is limited by the extent of the r-table. Any points on the road lying outside this area can be regarded as having zero luminance. B.8 Determination of photometric quantities and luminaire classification B.8.1 Spacing index _ The average luminance, E, of the road surface is calculated from all the values at the specified calculation points and, since the values have been deduced from the table intensities (see table 6), they relate to luminance (in ed/m?) per 1000 lamp lumens. The spacing index, Sj, is then found from the equation SL ° where Sis the design spacing (in m); © is the initial luminous flux of the lamp (in kim which in this case is unity). Av a given effective width, this calculation is carried out for all the quoted values of S, and the results averaged. B.8.2 Overall uniformity ratio The overall uniformity is calculated as the ratio of the minimum calculated luminance to the average luminance: B.8.3 Longitudinal uniformity ratio The longitudinal uniformity is calculated as the ratio of the minimum to the maximum luminance ‘on the longitudinal line in front of the observer. B.8.4 Surround ratio The surround ratio as defined in Part 1 of BS 5489 is calculated for both sides of the carriageway and the smaller of the 1wo figures quoted. For dual carriageways, only the nearside needs to be considered unless the central reserve is greater than 5 m in width, The calculation can be carried out either by using utilization factors or by the determination of the illuminance on a grid of points in each strip and averaging the result B.8.5 Veil factor The veil factor is calculated from the veiling luminance, Ly, (in ed'm? per 1000 lamp lumens) of the installation, For a single luminaire this is obtained from the version of the Stiles-Holladay equation: Ly = 10 (E'6) where Fis the illuminance (in lux per 1000 lamp lumens) produced at the observer's eye on a plane normal to the line of sight; NOTE 1. The observer, eye height 1.5 m above road level, is positioned laterally 1", 4 m from the nearside Kerb line and ongitudinally ata distance in metres of 2.75 (If ~ 1.5), where Tis the mounting height (in m), from the first luminaire or luminaires (on the nearside for staggered and single side installations). The line of sight of the observer is 1 ® below the horizontal and in a vertical plane parallel to the road axis. 4 is the angular displacement in degrees between the line of sight and the centre of each luminaire (see figure 17), [NOTE 2. This equation is valid for values of O between 1.5° and 60° only. Jy is summed for the first luminaire and luminaires beyond, up to a distance of 500 m. The summation is stopped when a luminaire gives a contribution which is less than 2 % of the total veiling luminance of the preceding luminaires in the row. ‘The veil factor, Vp, is evaluated from the equation: Vp = 650 x summed Ly 25 zaasasqo puv apeupumny 942 04 uOTWVTeX UT syuTOd VOT EMITED Jo UONISOg “9T ANIL mFuo| suod uoRE|NaqeD Jo zaquuTUE (ur uy siutod fea uosmaq aout sp “(ut UH) SOUT GION MaasnOg ABMARELLED Jo IppIA st %4y “(ur UH) Sued usp sg voieinajea 40 platy io = pray wowernaye> aseuwny 4315 Observer Line of sight Luminaire Figure 17. Relationship of angle 0 to line of sight and luminaire position B.8.6 Classification of luminaires Ir is necessary to classify luminaires according to the definitions of LTT and MTT. ‘The threshold increment is calculated for all the cometries to be used in the design table or tables, For this purpose the initial luminous flux of the lamp as quoted by the manufacturer is used. ‘The following equations are used to determine the threshold increment, 7; (expressed as a percentage) 7 -—_ te = om where 1e Ss Mp is unity and the other symbols are as defined in 8.2(e) and (f). io 26 In both equations the initial luminous flux of the lamp as quoted by the manufacturer is used. The determination of 7; allows the luminaire to be assigned to its proper class. B.9 Format of design tables Where possible the format shown in table 2 should be used to facilitate comparison of luminaires by the user x x x x ost 1 (sdais 9 $1) 1 x sot 1 (sdans ¢ ¢°Z) ssa. gz. = (silans » ¢) — O8T oat or 06 se 09 os = (sdaw o 4) — O18 008 982 0% = 09 ‘oayeuTUIny 40} B19" “9 OTAEL| 27 | Table 7. Terms, abbreviations and symbols [Term ‘Abbreviation ‘Symbol Angles - a, By, 8,0 Average road luminance = L | Design spacing - s Distance between calculation points - a (as in figure 16) Equivalent veiling luminance = Ly | uminance a a point = 5 Lamp flux - ° Longitudinal uniformity ratio UL U Low threshold increment LT - Luminance at a point - L Luminance coefficient a 4 | Luminous intensity of luminaire - I | Maintenance factor MF Mp Moderate threshold increment MT! - Mounting height - un Number of calculation points = N Overall uniformity ratio vo Uo Overhang = A Reduced luminance coefficient - r Spacing index si Si Surround ratio SR Sp | Threshold increment TI y | Nei factor VF Ve Width, effective WE We | Width of carriageway WK We Appendix C. Production of templates used in designing for bends ‘To construct templates for use on bends, isoluminance contours have to be produced at 12.5 % and 25 % of the maximum luminance from a single luminaire at mounting heights, H, of 8 m, 10 mand 12 m. A third contour is produced at 12.5 % of the maximum luminance from an intensity table which is the average of two tables, ‘one of which is rotated in azimuth by 180 °. This contour then represents the combined distribution of two luminaires in a twin central arrangement. ‘The positions of the contours are determined by linear interpolation from a grid of luminance values obtained as in B.6. The observer is positioned at, 90 m from the luminaire and in line with it. Luminance values should be calculated over a large ‘enough area to allow each contour to be drawn completely. In most instances an area 40 m by 135 m will be sufficient. It should be noted that in determining the position of the contours, linear interpolation in two directions generally will be required. When all the points have been determined, two smooth curves are drawn through, them to create the contours required for the template. In the preferred format (see figure 6), contours should be drawn to a scale of 1:500 (i.e. 10 m is represented by 20 mm on the drawing). The luminaire position should be marked at (0,90) and an observer circle with a diameter 0.5 centred on the grid origin (0,0). The contours should be labelled as shown in the figures, ‘A’ being the 12.5 % contour for a single luminaire, ‘B' the 12.5 % contour for back to back luminaires, and °C’ the 25 % contour for a single luminaire.

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