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8:55 AM

MILITARY Published March 24, 2023 12:36am EDT

US retaliates with airstrikes in Syria

after Iranian drone strike kills US
U.S. intelligence assessed the UAV and determined it to be of Iranian origin before carrying out airstrikes in

By Lawrence Richard | Fox News Print Email

Russia flying more armed aircraft over US bases in Syria, US CENTCOM commander says
U.S. CENTCOM Commander General Michael Kurilla told senators Thursday that the Pentagon has seen an "increase recently in the unprofessional and
unsafe behavior of the Russian air force."

The U.S. military carried out several precision airstrikes in Syria on Thursday, reportedly
killing eight Iranians, in retaliation for a drone strike Iranian forces conducted earlier in the
day on a coalition base that killed one American.

The Defense Department said Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps crashed a UAV
into a building near Hasakah in northeast Syria at approximately 1:38 p.m. local time,
leaving one U.S. contractor dead. The attack also wounded five U.S. service members and
another U.S. contractor.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, two of
the American strikes killed at least eight Iranian fighters.

A U.S. airstrike at an arms depot in Harabesh, in the eastern city of Deir el-Zour left six
Iranian-backed fighters dead. A second U.S. bombing at a post near the town of Mayadeen
killed another two fighters, according to the Observatory, whose reporting relies on local
Syrian contacts.


Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, speaks during a briefing with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Mark Milley at the
Pentagon in Washington, Wednesday, March 15, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

U.S. intelligence assessed the UAV that crashed into a coalition base, which killed the U.S.
contractor, was of Iranian origin — so President Biden authorized the military to retaliate,
the Pentagon said.

"At the direction of President Biden, I authorized U.S. Central Command forces to conduct
precision airstrikes tonight in eastern Syria against facilities used by groups affiliated with
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)," said Secretary of Defense Lloyd J.
Austin III. "The airstrikes were conducted in response to today’s attack as well as a series
of recent attacks against Coalition forces in Syria by groups affiliated with the IRGC."

The Observatory reported another American strike on a military post near the town of
Boukamal, near the border with Iraq. Their report has not been independently verified.


Three service members and the U.S. contractor who were wounded in the initial attack
were medically evacuated to Coalition medical facilities in Iraq while the other two
wounded service members were treated on-site.

"As President Biden has made clear, we will take all necessary measures to defend our
people and will always respond at a time and place of our choosing," Secretary Austin
continued. "No group will strike our troops with impunity."

He added: "Our thoughts are with the family and colleagues of the contractor who was
killed and with those who were wounded in the attack earlier today."

General Michael Kurilla, the CENTCOM Commander, said the U.S. stands ready to retaliate
against any such attacks on U.S. personnel.

"This evening, we responded to an attack on our forces that killed an American contractor
and wounded our troops and another American contractor by striking facilities used by
groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. This was another in a
series of attacks on our troops and partner forces," Kurilla said.

Kurilla added: "We will always take all necessary measures to defend our people and will
always respond at a time and place of our choosing. We are postured for scalable options
in the face of any additional Iranian attacks."

"The thoughts and prayers of US Central Command are with the Family of our contractor
killed and with our wounded servicemembers and contractor," the CENTCOM Commander
also said.

And: "Our troops remain in Syria to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS, which benefits the
security and stability of not only Syria but the entire region."


The Pentagon said the U.S. took "proportionate and deliberate action" that limited the risk
of escalation in its targeted response.

The U.S. has roughly 900 troops stationed in Syria.

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42 People typing

Y Yourkiddingright067
2 hours ago
"As President Biden has made clear, we will take all necessary measures to defend our people and will
lways respond at a time and place of our choosing," Really now how about those left behind in
I see no reason to believe this administration to be reliable in this and many other

See more
Reply 153 2 Share

2 replying

T TRoberts574
2 minutes ago
I just got here. I assume MAGA is attacking our military and supporting Syria?
Reply Share

S SpaceMonkey568
2 minutes ago
Yet he attacks us everyday.
Reply Share

3 minutes ago
Here’s some whataboutism for ya:
There was more military members killed under Trump in Afghanistan 63 than Biden because he got the
Trumps Great exit plan included lowering US troops from 13,000 to 2500 while releasing 4800 Taliban

EVERYONE had plenty of opportunity to leave Afg...

See more
Reply Share

m mjdloc157731
2 minutes ago
How about those at the border
Reply Share
Show 17 more replies

7 hours ago
The Pentagon said the U.S. took "proportionate and deliberate action" that limited the risk of escalation in
ts targeted response. In other words we didn't do anything that would discourage an attack like this in
Reply 760 40 Share

6 minutes ago
A new definition of our government would help reduce the frustrations of the weak among us that still
etain the old definition. A deceiving, self-enriching, death dabbling, self-preserving tax confiscating
that wastes the taxes taken so to justify taking more taxes to waste.
If the wea...

See more
Reply Share

M MagaMayonnaiseMob
14 minutes ago
So now you are calling for war with Iran?
Reply 1 3 Share

2 minutes ago
When you slept through your indoctrination classes, they never informed you that Iran has been at
with the US since 1979?
Reply Share
Show 70 more replies

W Wreck-Less
7 hours ago
If it is Iranian in origin, then we should be striking in Iran. Not in Syria, not here in the U.S., in Iran. As
as they do not actually feel the consequences it will continue.
Reply 387 20 Share

S Safemoon140
2 minutes ago
We need our president with a set back!!! MAGA
Reply Share

9 minutes ago
Great idea, now than Biden has allowed (who knows how many) terrorists to station themselves in the
by flooding through our open southern border.
Reply 1 1 Share
Show 34 more replies

j johnn707
2 hours ago
Unfortunately for Democrats - inflation is a constant reminder of their failures. Every day we are
No amount of divisive rhetoric will make us forget.
Reply 41 1 Share

1 replying

9 minutes ago
War will make a great distraction don't you think.
Reply 1 1 Share

m madeincanada099
20 minutes ago
The US Syria for the “security” of Syria and the region. Well
is in I hope they are doing a better job than
is being done on the US border.
Reply 6 Share
Show 1 more reply

2 hours ago
We are all passive and helpless observers under a government that has been hijacked. We have no say
government actions. Lets hope future elections are more legit.
Reply 118 4 Share

0 06231963
8 minutes ago
--- Communism is what we are getting a taste of
Reply Share

M MagaMayonnaiseMob
13 minutes ago
We the people have never had a say so on government actions. Why do expect things to be different in

Reply 2 Share
Show 4 more replies

O Orsonwasright2
7 hours ago
The pentagon said the U.S took propositionate and deilberate action that limited the risk of escalation in
ts targeted response. In other words, they likely wasted thousands of tax dollars blowing up an

Reply 177 13 Share

c canyonoflight
1 minute ago
You forgot about spending a million to take down a $120 hobby balloon, while letting a Chinese Spy
complete its mission.
Reply Share

c chuck69
28 minutes ago
Appropriate action would of been several air strikes directed in Iran's Capitol city with no regard for
damage. If we dealt with our enemies like we did in WWII all of them would think twice.
Reply Share
Show 11 more replies

h honest2god
7 hours ago
I’d prefer new officials in our military. Proactive rather than reactive. As a mother of a military son, I’m
by those in “Charge.”
Reply 309 9 Share

20 minutes ago
You mean you'd prefer someone proactive rather than reactive like G.W. Bush who proactively invaded
and Iraq?
Reply 1 Share
1 reply

d dirtypollytishann
47 minutes ago
You are not alone....there are consequences to wokeism, vax mandates, and poor leadership.
"Every branch of the U.S. military is struggling to meet its fiscal year 2022 recruiting goals, say multiple
military and defense officials, and numbers show both a record low percentage of young American...
See more
Reply 2 Share
1 reply
Show 10 more replies

c copslivesmatter852
7 hours ago
Biden does not know what day of the week it is you really think he gave a command to strike back. And
fter 13 we’re blown up in the afghan withdrawal we did absolutely nothing. No I’m sorry we left them
in weapons
Reply 279 13 Share

d democratsarenotamerican
47 minutes ago
Reply 1 Share
1 reply

M Mr.HappyPants
1 hour ago
All they have to do to get him to sign off on an attack is tell him his old nemesis Corn Pop is holed up
that building over there.
Reply 4 Share
Show 14 more replies

7 hours ago
The response should be 10x fold if you really want to deter this from happening again.
Reply 170 7 Share

d democratsarenotamerican
45 minutes ago
Right on!! ! Make them REMEMBER PAIN for what they did for 1,000 years.
Reply Share

W Whodunit600
1 hour ago
The Israelis do it right.
Reply 6 Share
Show 7 more replies

a americanordemocrat
7 hours ago
interesting. we took lethal action in response here. But if some thug commits a violent crime in our
treets, they are given no bail or reduced cash bail, low ball sentencing, early release, only to reoffend
and again. Can we try an eye for an eye like we do with our military please ?
Reply 208 6 Share

S SmarterThanLibbies
23 minutes ago
Oh, good point.
Reply Share

c ceejay123
3 hours ago
3 liberal sheep gave you thumbs down.
Reply 6 Share
Show 5 more replies

7 hours ago
What's proportionate to the fentanyl 100,000+ dead annually?
Reply 76 Share

r rygby
6 minutes ago
And when did Jill have time to order the strike?
Reply Share

1 hour ago
Reply 15 Share
2 replies
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1 hour ago
This is in response to Biden' plummeting favorability numbers more than it is to defend Americans. This
dministration will send our entire Nation to all out war before they will give up power. They have
themselves they are America not we the people. We are a commodity.
Reply 15 Share

N November_8th_RED_TSUNAMI!
3 hours ago
Real Clear Politics- May 13 2019 - Gates Stands By Statement That Biden Has Been Wrong On Nearly
Major Foreign Policy
On the question Robert Gates, who served as defense secretary for the Obama administration, paused
a moment and said "I don't know" in an interview Sunday when asked if he...
See more
Reply 14 1 Share

7 hours ago
With Ukraine-Russia, China, Iran, North Korea... it seems as though the Biden administration is leading
s into a perfect storm scenario for some kind of world war. Is this what our country really wants and
A lot of America seems oblivious to what is going on, but Biden is making me real n...
See more
Reply 26 1 Share

2 hours ago
"At the direction of President Biden” … makes me nervous too
Reply 16 Share

j jrglenn1
50 minutes ago
Remind me again what retaliation was taken by this current administration when the withdrawal from
resulted in the death of over 10 or 12 US service personnel over 18 months ago?
Asking for a friend.
Reply 15 Share

n notjosh
42 minutes ago
BTW at least 3x more personnel died under Trump than under Biden
Reply 1 Share

n notjosh
43 minutes ago
Guess who signed the surrender to the Taliban, ordered the release of all 5000 Taliban terrorists and
out 85% of troops? You guessed it: DJT
Reply 2 Share
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