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The power of manipulation

Adriana Demcenco C22323306

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Introduction-Jack Dinan

The power of manipulation is a very powerful tool and can easily be misused to benefit the
person who uses it, while harming the people who are subject to its effects. Manipulation is
a behaviour designed to exploit, control, or otherwise influence others to one’s
advantage .This can vary from day to day manipulation like advertising, to emotional
manipulation like gaslighting. In our presentation, we mainly focus on understanding why
manipulation happens, how it happens, the tactics when doing it and protecting yourself from
this. Throughout our presentation, we aim to illustrate the massive effect that manipulation can
have on a person.

Tactics-Alexander Devoy
Manipulation is one means by which environments are altered to correspond to characteristics
of individuals. We conducted research to identify the manipulation tactics that people use to
gain control and power. The main tactics that we found most eye-catching included
gaslighting, guilt-tripping and physical intimidation. Gaslighting is a form of psychological
manipulation in which a person attempts to imbed self-doubt and confusion in their victim's
mind. Typically, gas lighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by
forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition. Another tactic we mention is
guilt-tripping. Guilt trips involve an attempt to manipulate or control others by causing
feelings of guilt. Those who attempt to cause guilt in people may do so out of an urge to get
revenge. The final tactic that intrigued us was physical intimidation. This is the use of
physical force, the threat of physical force or mistreatment of one person by another which
may or may not result in actual physical harm or injury .In our presentation, we try to convey
how extremely damaging these tactics can be on an individual and inform people to be aware
if a person is using these tactics on you.

Recognition-Lily Downes
Being able to recognize manipulation, especially emotional manipulation, is extremely
challenging. We used part of our presentation to focus on observing signs, body language and
language throughout conversations that emotional manipulators may use. A massive sign that
someone is manipulating you is when they allow you to speak first. This can be to assess your
weaknesses. Body language can allow us to understand a persons intentions. The simple truth
is that using body language to identify manipulation takes time and study.  Manipulative
body language can include covering of the mouth. This can be to avoid reactions including
smiles or smirks. Another example is irritable behaviour including scratching the arm,
rubbing the nose or even moving the head from left to right multiple times. Another way to
recognise manipulation is through conversations. Some examples we included in our
presentation are ‘you made me do this’, ‘you’re overreacting’. This is used to try and
manipulate someone’s thoughts.

Why do we manipulate?-Adriana Demcenco

Manipulation is used mainly to cope with a challenging and competitive environment. There
are many reasons why manipulators choose to manipulate, for example they want to feel like
they're the ones in power, they want to feel accepted, or perhaps they struggle with past
experiences and insecurities and they choose this negative mechanism to cope with trauma.
Either way, this tactic brings them the feeling of power and control ,which gives them a
reason to play with an individuals emotions and feelings.

Is manipulation good or bad?- Adriana Demcenco

Despite all the negative feedback surrounding the topic of manipulation, after researching this
topic we came to the surprising realisation that manipulation isn't always bad.
We are being manipulated daily by the advertisements that pop up on our social media feeds ,
by these so called “influencers” or even by our managers, but these figures/people have the
power to change our lives in a much more positive way. For example, being manipulated or
“influenced” into quitting smoking or eating more vegetables isn't such a terrible thing after
all. Its the motive that indicates weather if this behaviour is good or bad.
Protection-Conor Gannon
When it comes to manipulation, its effects can be damaging and long lasting on an
individuals mental health, therefore we thought it would be equally important to talk about a
few different steps we can take to protect ourselves. Some examples that we have included
are imposing boundaries by learning how to say no and stick to your own beliefs and
opinions ,showing disinterest towards someone's manipulative tactics and also by
surrounding yourself with positive and trustworthy people that make you feel comfortable
around them and allow you to speak up your mind.

Manipulation is a very common, persistent and powerful way of influencing an
individual. There are many different tactics a manipulator uses to do this, and
sometimes we can identify this behaviour through body language or even
through the language they use.
People choose to manipulate because they want to feel important and in control,
or maybe they consider that what they're doing will help others. Either way, by
conducting our research on this topic we came to the conclusion that it is
important to be able to identify when we are being manipulated and as a result,
have the necessary knowledge and confidence to protect ourselves from it.

Choosing Therapy (2022) 17 manipulation tactics abusers use

 Web MD editorial contributors (2022)

Safeguarding Ireland (2021) news

Manipulation and relationships(2020)

Gilette.H (2022) Emotional manipulation

Thibodeaux.W (2019) Inc. Life

Myassertiveway (2021) 6 ways to disarm a manipulator

Dr. Julia Shaw (2022) Is it human nature to be manipulative?

Can Manipulation be used in a positive way?(2019)

Reasons why people become Manipulative (2022)

Examples of manipulative behaviour

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