Admin Manual

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TXP Administration Manual For Siemens internal use only PG L1

Prepared by: G. Eichstädt / R. Kutscher

Project-Administration TXP
ES680 ............................................................................................................................. 7

Installation ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Checklist for TXP installation................................................................................................................................... 7
Build up the terminal bus ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Preparing remote login for the TXP system ............................................................................................................ 11
Create the ES680 data base ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Prepare OM at ES680 ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Conform the topology diagram to the present infrastructure .................................................................................. 13
LAN Generation...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Connection between AS and ES ............................................................................................................................. 14
Transfer LAN and Transfer AS to the AP .............................................................................................................. 14
Data for the ASR (automation system representation)............................................................................................ 15
Configure login for the OT ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Configure horn signals for the OT .......................................................................................................................... 16
Transferring MMI data to OT ................................................................................................................................. 17
Install ES network printer ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Printing pages of a FUP in a correct order .............................................................................................................. 17
Saving and checking the data base in the night ("Nachtlauf") ................................................................................ 17
Dynamic FUP for OM ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Make EPROMs at AS for communication with ET200 cabinets ............................................................................ 19
Installing modem for teleservice ............................................................................................................................. 19

TXP ES680 Problem solutions ................................................................................................................................. 21

Dynamizing FUPs ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Add string for checking in FUP-Editor ("Prüfmuster") .......................................................................................... 23
FUP Editor does not open any diagram .................................................................................................................. 24
Multiple start of the FUP-editor (HP machines) ..................................................................................................... 25
Wrong name of the powerstation ............................................................................................................................ 25
OM Pictures not activated ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Hardware generation failed ..................................................................................................................................... 25
DX140 for L1 bus connection................................................................................................................................. 26
Duplicate instances ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Duplicate records .................................................................................................................................................... 27
Problem with File Links .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Remove locking of diagrams .................................................................................................................................. 28
Troubles after sudden power off ............................................................................................................................. 28
Error messages of dbrepair ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Starting dbrepair manually ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Problems when generating SW ............................................................................................................................... 31
Problem with Online-Handler ................................................................................................................................. 33
Error message when generating MC ....................................................................................................................... 33
Problem accessing plant bus ................................................................................................................................... 33
Problem when transferring AS code ....................................................................................................................... 34
User error when generating LAN ........................................................................................................................... 35
System error when generating LAN ....................................................................................................................... 36
Transferring LAN code ........................................................................................................................................... 36
Ingres problems ....................................................................................................................................................... 37

EXAMPLE: ................................................................................................................... 40
Ingres problems at SCO-PC .................................................................................................................................... 40
Cannot start FUP-Editor ......................................................................................................................................... 40
Automatically saved data missing ........................................................................................................................... 40
Cannot start MMI-Editor ........................................................................................................................................ 40
Dynavis X trouble ................................................................................................................................................... 41

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MMI locked or in wrong mode ............................................................................................................................... 42

Error when transferring MMI ................................................................................................................................. 42
Error messages from the OM components at the OT .............................................................................................. 43
Changing the name of a FC..................................................................................................................................... 44
Error when generating BDM .................................................................................................................................. 44
Error when generating Processing Functions and BDM ......................................................................................... 45
Error when transferring BDM ................................................................................................................................. 45
Error when transferring processing functions ......................................................................................................... 46
Problem when creating ET200 Memory Card Data Files ....................................................................................... 47
Problems with dynamic FUP for OM ..................................................................................................................... 47
Refresh dynamic FUP at OT ................................................................................................................................... 48
Error when starting ES ............................................................................................................................................ 48
Wrong font in FUP Editor ...................................................................................................................................... 48
Printer Problems...................................................................................................................................................... 49
Addresses for Simulator .......................................................................................................................................... 50
Modify DX in AS directly ...................................................................................................................................... 50
Searching for communication errors in AS directly................................................................................................ 51
AP-AP connection fault .......................................................................................................................................... 51
Problem with sub-system (NA) connection after modifying .................................................................................. 52

Upgrades / Extensions ............................................................................................................................................... 53

Installation of an additional ES workstation (coming from a different project) ..................................................... 53
Incorporating an ES master as slave ....................................................................................................................... 55
Installing NIS master server .................................................................................................................................... 55
Restore master boot disk ......................................................................................................................................... 55
Translating to English ............................................................................................................................................. 56
Project adapting is locked ....................................................................................................................................... 56
Making a project to a multiple block project .......................................................................................................... 56
Upgrading ES680 V6.3.43 to V7.4.01 .................................................................................................................... 57
AP license file ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Modifying AS assignment ...................................................................................................................................... 58
Install second LAN card in ES workstation for plant bus ....................................................................................... 59
Configuration of OSI Transport Services ............................................................................................................... 61
Changing the ES680 master .................................................................................................................................... 61
Install a new Project ................................................................................................................................................ 62
Install a new project at ES680 PC ........................................................................................................................... 63
More than one projects using the same DBSERVER ............................................................................................. 64
Modify print options ............................................................................................................................................... 64
Using sub-systems ('Nebenanlagen') via L2 bus ..................................................................................................... 65

I&C ............................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Time estimation for TXP processes ........................................................................................................................ 66
Script for generating code ....................................................................................................................................... 66
Permitting concurrent processes controlled by semaphores ................................................................................... 67
Configuring multiple units ...................................................................................................................................... 67
Modifying title block data ....................................................................................................................................... 69
Delete FC, which is not used .................................................................................................................................. 69
Rename FC.............................................................................................................................................................. 69
FGC-change for certain function-charts in the database ......................................................................................... 70
Delete FUP-Editor diagram .................................................................................................................................... 70
Building connections for FUP diagrams ................................................................................................................. 70
FUP-Editor: Move Modules with the contents of zuli ............................................................................................ 70

SOLUTION: .................................................................................................................. 71
List documentation.................................................................................................................................................. 71
Printing to postscript file ......................................................................................................................................... 72
Copy FUP diagrams to a different data base ........................................................................................................... 72
Transferring ES680 data base from HP workstation to SCO Unix PC ................................................................... 72
Copy diagrams and pictures to an already existing project ..................................................................................... 73
Transferring ES680 data base back from SCO Unix PC to HP workstation .......................................................... 73

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Modify module in topology diagram ...................................................................................................................... 75

Projecting message processing................................................................................................................................ 75
Creating OM picture hierarchy ............................................................................................................................... 76
Changing the color from MC-Dye (liliac) to signal green .................................................................................. 76
Generate signal files per usage YP60 ..................................................................................................................... 77
Managing OT user names in ES680 release 7 ........................................................................................................ 77
Error-messages of the TXP-Generators ................................................................................................................. 77
CP5431 parameterisation ........................................................................................................................................ 78

Support / Tools .......................................................................................................................................................... 82

INGRES direct database manipulation ................................................................................................................... 82
Find not closed connections for MMI pictures ....................................................................................................... 82
Find the last modified diagrams .............................................................................................................................. 82
Modify ZULI entries by SQL ................................................................................................................................. 82
List of Sub-system ( Nebenanlagen ) information ................................................................................................. 83
List of MMI container numbers .............................................................................................................................. 83
Print out on color printer the MMI pictures for show to client ............................................................................... 83
Modifying module parameters by script ................................................................................................................. 84
Get data base selections with SQL .......................................................................................................................... 84
Produce list file within SQL.................................................................................................................................... 86
Data base selection with SQL script ....................................................................................................................... 86
Define unique name for measurement unit ............................................................................................................. 86
Produce parameter lists (PaLi) with perl script ....................................................................................................... 86
Setting the Revision Data in FUP diagrams of a whole project .............................................................................. 88
Set picture parameters ............................................................................................................................................. 88
Set cycle time by script ........................................................................................................................................... 88
Control the real cycle times..................................................................................................................................... 89
Save AS memory .................................................................................................................................................... 89
DB addresses visible in function chart .................................................................................................................... 90


UPDATE_ADRE_SICHT AND UPDATE_ADRE_UNSICHT ............................................... 90
Documentation of process implentation for OM pictures ....................................................................................... 90
Checking consistency of the AP-AP signals ........................................................................................................... 90
Ingres special advices .......................................................................................................................................... 90
SITOPP ................................................................................................................................................................... 91

UNIX Solutions (HP-UX) ......................................................................................................................................... 92

Shutdown a ES workstation .................................................................................................................................... 92
Boot single user mode ............................................................................................................................................. 92
Get Hardware information, IDs and HP-UX software release ................................................................................ 92
Hard disk information ............................................................................................................................................. 92


ES not handable ...................................................................................................................................................... 92
ES master crash ....................................................................................................................................................... 93
Installing second hard disk...................................................................................................................................... 93
Hard disk error ........................................................................................................................................................ 94
Kill ES680 session .................................................................................................................................................. 94
File-link for TXP-ES680 if you use more than one software-release ..................................................................... 95
Project Home Session ............................................................................................................................................. 95
Bad performance ..................................................................................................................................................... 95
ES master will not react .......................................................................................................................................... 95
Inode table is full .................................................................................................................................................... 95
No operation possible ............................................................................................................................................. 96
hpterm with white background ............................................................................................................................... 96
Configuring keyboard ............................................................................................................................................. 96
Filetransfer (TCP-FTP) ........................................................................................................................................... 96
Using floppy disk drive ........................................................................................................................................... 97

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Changing the IP address.......................................................................................................................................... 97

Solving LAN problem............................................................................................................................................. 97
Install Hardcopy in the front panel ......................................................................................................................... 97
Printing with prfps .................................................................................................................................................. 98
Avoid banner page .................................................................................................................................................. 98
File system full ........................................................................................................................................................ 99
Export file system ................................................................................................................................................... 99
Changing Mouse and Keyboard at ES workstation ................................................................................................ 99
Append files to DAT tape ....................................................................................................................................... 99
External Streamer.................................................................................................................................................... 99
Saving ES hard disks ............................................................................................................................................ 100
Restoring ES hard disk at HP B2000 .................................................................................................................... 101
Restore ES on a new boot disk ............................................................................................................................. 101
Time controlled cron jobs ..................................................................................................................................... 102
Time controlled at jobs ......................................................................................................................................... 103
Mail ....................................................................................................................................................................... 103

OM650 ........................................................................................................................ 104

Installation ............................................................................................................................................................... 104

OT with one monitor ............................................................................................................................................. 104
OT monitor connected to PC and graphic server .................................................................................................. 104
Installing a Linux barco graphic server................................................................................................................. 104
Using mMT graphic server ................................................................................................................................... 105
System Console ..................................................................................................................................................... 106
Preparing remote login for the TXP system .......................................................................................................... 106
Checking /etc/hosts ............................................................................................................................................... 107
FB in the OM system ............................................................................................................................................ 107
Create the OM infrastructure files ........................................................................................................................ 107
Distributing files in the OM network .................................................................................................................... 108
Provide OM files ................................................................................................................................................... 108
Controlling connection between OM and AS ....................................................................................................... 109
Console use at the OM .......................................................................................................................................... 109
PU without existing AS ........................................................................................................................................ 109
OM Hardcopy color printer .................................................................................................................................. 109
Installing Line printer ........................................................................................................................................... 111
Color plotter (Lexmark) for curves ....................................................................................................................... 112
Install message handling with ladmv .................................................................................................................... 112
Automatic Start of OM software ........................................................................................................................... 112
Installing horn board ............................................................................................................................................. 112
CU-OM/ES ........................................................................................................................................................... 113
Using two CU ....................................................................................................................................................... 114
Installing XU......................................................................................................................................................... 115
Installing XU as MMI gateway ............................................................................................................................. 116
Large OT screen .................................................................................................................................................... 116

TXP OM650 Problem Solutions............................................................................................................................. 117

OM object manager identification ........................................................................................................................ 117
Inspecting diagnosis message file (DiagMld) ....................................................................................................... 117
Problems in communication between OM and AS ............................................................................................... 117
Problem with Simulator ........................................................................................................................................ 119
PU doesn t work correctly .................................................................................................................................... 119
Starting MAC manually ........................................................................................................................................ 119
No execution in sub window at OT ...................................................................................................................... 120
Multiple access to messages.................................................................................................................................. 120
Messages will not vanish ...................................................................................................................................... 120
Messages without text ........................................................................................................................................... 121
Messages coming into the OM system.................................................................................................................. 122
Reset messages in ASD......................................................................................................................................... 122
Reset the LZA Archive ......................................................................................................................................... 122

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Problems with ASD Counter................................................................................................................................. 122

Problem with processing functions ....................................................................................................................... 123
OM Line Printer .................................................................................................................................................... 123
OT unable to print Log ......................................................................................................................................... 124
Problems with hardcopy ....................................................................................................................................... 125
Plotter problem...................................................................................................................................................... 126
Changing the color ................................................................................................................................................ 126
Problems with curves ............................................................................................................................................ 126
Changing online-trends to white background ....................................................................................................... 127
Serializing and deserializing MMI pictures .......................................................................................................... 128
Time synchronisation ............................................................................................................................................ 128
Summer time handling .......................................................................................................................................... 128
Wrong time on Red Hat OT .................................................................................................................................. 129
Wrong summer time display in curves.................................................................................................................. 129
Diagnosis of system error ..................................................................................................................................... 129
Enabling OT login................................................................................................................................................. 129
OT windows fixed ................................................................................................................................................ 130
Problem when stopping OM ................................................................................................................................. 130
LZA is stopped...................................................................................................................................................... 130
H1 data base missing ........................................................................................................................................... 130
No access to plant bus by CU-OM/ES .................................................................................................................. 131
Problem when booting CU-OM/ES with scologin enabled .................................................................................. 131
Conflict when starting TXP computer .................................................................................................................. 131
OM650 at XU will be cancelled ........................................................................................................................... 131
No space on hard disk left ..................................................................................................................................... 132

Upgrades / Extensions ............................................................................................................................................. 133

Upgrading OM650 release 4.00.52 to release 4.00.61 .......................................................................................... 133
Upgrading OM V4.0.61 --> V4.1.22 .................................................................................................................... 134
Upgrading Linux COT .......................................................................................................................................... 135
Changing SU to PUSU.......................................................................................................................................... 135
Configure returning to previous pictures .............................................................................................................. 135
Re-install the OT ................................................................................................................................................... 135
Install an additional monitor at an OT .................................................................................................................. 136
Temporary installation of an OT ........................................................................................................................... 136
Change OTs .......................................................................................................................................................... 137
Shift an OT from one project to another ............................................................................................................... 138
Change an OT from one block to another ............................................................................................................. 139
Change language to English for OT...................................................................................................................... 139
Add additional OT function .................................................................................................................................. 139
Modify rights for OT user levels........................................................................................................................... 139
Change CU from using mX-Terminal to using graphic card ................................................................................ 140
Extend OT spool for hardcopy .............................................................................................................................. 141
Distribute MMI from one OT to another .............................................................................................................. 141
Configure international keyboard settings ............................................................................................................ 141
Implement serial interface to line printer .............................................................................................................. 141

Support / Tools ........................................................................................................................................................ 142

RDB ...................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Diagnosis messages with rdb ................................................................................................................................ 145
Monitor ................................................................................................................................................................. 145
Diagnosis tool at PU ............................................................................................................................................. 145
Reset the time ........................................................................................................................................................ 145
Delete MOD .......................................................................................................................................................... 146
Copy of MOD ....................................................................................................................................................... 146

UNIX Solutions (SCO Unix) ................................................................................................................................... 148

Copy files to DOS diskette.................................................................................................................................... 148
Read DAT tapes .................................................................................................................................................... 148
Changing host name .............................................................................................................................................. 148
Duplicate SCO License ......................................................................................................................................... 148

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Modifying resolution ............................................................................................................................................ 149

TCP/IP Not licensed ............................................................................................................................................. 149
UPS shutdown....................................................................................................................................................... 149
Saving and restoring OM hard disk ...................................................................................................................... 150
Create Emergency Boot-Floppies for Celsius C442 ............................................................................................. 150

LAN ............................................................................................................................ 152

LAN connection ....................................................................................................................................................... 152

DIP switch on star coupler board .......................................................................................................................... 152
HUB ...................................................................................................................................................................... 152
Loading of the CP at the AP with the MAC addresses ( Knotentaufe ) .............................................................. 152

Clock ......................................................................................................................................................................... 153

Installing time sender ............................................................................................................................................ 153
Installing HOPF clock........................................................................................................................................... 153
Time synchronization without clock ..................................................................................................................... 153
Connection GPS Receiver in CCR to GPS Clock in Fault Recorder .................................................................... 154
Using time senders with bridge ............................................................................................................................. 155

Problem solutions .................................................................................................................................................... 156

Cutting the network connection ............................................................................................................................ 156
OM component going down ................................................................................................................................. 156
Modifying the time................................................................................................................................................ 157

DS670 ......................................................................................................................... 158

Installation ............................................................................................................................................................... 158

Installing DS670 ................................................................................................................................................... 158
Install DS670 Hardcopies ..................................................................................................................................... 159
LAN diagnosis by DS670 via MIKE .................................................................................................................... 159

Problem solutions .................................................................................................................................................... 161

Error when starting OM ........................................................................................................................................ 161
No access ES master ............................................................................................................................................. 161
No access to ES data base ..................................................................................................................................... 161
Error when reading topology ................................................................................................................................ 161
DS client does not start ......................................................................................................................................... 162
Log Files ............................................................................................................................................................... 162

Upgrades / Extensions ............................................................................................................................................. 163

DS670 Update V4.1.10 ......................................................................................................................................... 163
Getting the OT screen as Diagnostic Terminal (OT/DT) ...................................................................................... 163

WEB4TXP .................................................................................................................. 164

Installation ............................................................................................................................................................... 164

Preparation of the OM-Components for using Web4TXP .................................................................................... 164
First call of the ES680-Application over web4txp................................................................................................ 165
Configuration file w4.Install.Para including the IP-addresses of the Thin Clients ............................................... 165

Upgrades / Extensions ............................................................................................................................................. 166

Change the TCP-/IP-address of HMI server ......................................................................................................... 166
Downgrade of OM-version on the web4txp-server .............................................................................................. 166
Modify monitor settings on the HMI server (for local OT) .................................................................................. 167

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Checklist for TXP installation

The installation depends on the AC level you ordered. If you ordered AC level 3 some of the
following steps are only checking actions.

1) TXP computer hardware

place and connect all TXP computers with equipment and peripherals
all hardware is established as projected (mouse, keyboard, monitor, UPS, printer, )
2) Terminal bus hardware
connect all ES and OM components to the star couplers
all terminal bus components are connected, LEDs are on at star coupler/OSM
3) Terminal bus software
configure /etc/hosts, NIS
access all terminal bus components (incl. test and commissioning equipment)
4) Remote login without password
configure /etc/hosts.equiv, .rhosts
login txpproj/txpom without password (incl. test and commissioning equipment)
5) Login and start ES680
login as project and as user
login works and ES680 version is like ordered
6) Printing in operating system
establish print service for all ES workstations in the network (sam, scoadmin)
printing with lp and hardcopies
7) Creating the ES680 project data base
destroydb, createdb, and copy directory om
ES680 data base is loaded (see FUP-Editor and MMI-Editor)
8) Printing in ES680
Laser printer is defined (Administration Printer Configuration)
printing FUP diagrams
9) Confirm the function complexes and assign to PU
inspect FbList.txt and DB Defaults FC Data
10) Confirm the topology diagram
OM components, ES with cable to plant bus, host names, IP addresses (if DS670 exists)
topology diagram with correct and complete data
11) Generate HW, SW and LAN
generate suitable code for all AP
protocols without essential error messages
12) Project files for OM components at ES
create OmKompList.dat, OmDomain.dat
correct and complete files
13) Generate OM System Data
start the ES menu function Administration OM System Data Generate
correct and complete OM infrastructure, Asr.proj, Arc.proj, Lza.proj
14) Complete OM650 infrastructure
configure InfDevInst.proj and check OM infrastructure (OmProj.Check)
correct and complete OM infrastructure

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15) Transfer OM System Data

start the ES menu function Administration OM System data Transfer
OM infrastructure, ASR, ARC, LZA is correct and complete on OM components
16) License for OM functions
ES680 V7.4: OPT.conf ordered, Administration Transfer OM License information
all required OM functions are accessable (e.g. dynamic FUP at OT)
17) Generate BDM
generate BDM at ES for getting the text
protocols without essential error messages
18) Transfer BDM
transfer BDM to all SU
BDM loaded on both SU
19) Generate Protocols
generate OM protocols at ES for getting the standard protocols
protocol with successful generation
20) Transfer Protocols
transfer OM Protocols to all SU
protocols successfully transferred to both SU
21) Generate MMI
check plant and process hierarchy and generate MMI
protocols without essential error messages
22) Logins and passwords for OT
Administration OT-Usernames - Edit/Change and Transfer
OT-Usernames are defined and known to all OT
23) Horn signals
define FC and message classes in Ot.hrn
all horn signals are defined
24) Leading OT and Transfer MMI
define leading OT and transfer MMI first to leading OT, then to the other
all OTs are loaded with actual pictures in $OmProjData/mmi/cnt
25) Plant bus hardware
connect ES, PU, (DS670), AP (and clock) to the plant star couplers
all plant bus components are connected
26) LAN (MAC) addresses for plant bus communication
Knotentaufe at all CP with PG
MAC addresses are given to all CP
27) Transfer LAN code to AP
Transfer LAN to all AP
LAN code is loaded to all AP
28) Transfer LAN code to PU
Transfer LAN OM to all PU and reboot PUs
LAN code is loaded to all PU
29) Transfer AP code
transfer correct code to all AP
APs are successfully loaded and running
30) Dynamization of FUP diagrams at ES
Start dyn.function in FUP Editor
getting values in FUP diagrams at ES
31) Correct time for plant bus
give correct time to AP with the lowest number (and configure SINEC clock)
AS has correct winter time
32) Start PU
touch SET_TIME and Om.Start, start PL t und rdb
all object managers are running and communication OM-AS is okay

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33) FUP diagrams for processing functions

create YOM and YOR diagrams for message handling
for every function area YOM and YOR diagrams exist
34) Generate processing functions
generate at ES OM processing functions
protocols without essential error messages
35) Transfer processing functions
Transfer OM processing functions to leading and redundant PU
protocols without essential error messages
36) Start SU
start with Om.Start
start PL t: all object managers are running
37) Start OT and login
start with Om.Start
after login you see colors and values
38) OM messages at OT
MAC is running at PU and processing functions are transferred
you see messages in ASD and IC ASD
39) OM internal messages
provide bpr_LTK.dat at ES, generate and transfer BDM
after stopping OM component you see OM messages
40) OM hardcopy printer
IP address, /etc/hosts, Ot.conf, Ot.frappl
hard copies will be printed at color printer
41) Project line printer
edit PrtProj at SU, transfer it to the redundant SU and restart SU
SU is prepared for managing log printing
42) Print logs and protocols
activate log and protocols at OT
logs will be printed at line printer
43) Time service in OM650
time server (PU) is started
correct time at all OTs and time matches at all OM components (Poll date)
44) OM archive functions
object manager ARC is running at PU and object manager LZA is running at SU
control by Arc.Moni (ARC) and Read.HD (LZA)
45) Night run / saving ES68o data in the night
txpes.cron and cron_nachtlauf.cfg are configured
data are saved (save/save ) and dbrepair will be started (check View/Print)

46) Redundancy of PU and SU

both PU and SU are running completely, stop (Om.Stop) the leading one
the stand by component (akt) will become the leading one
47) Redundancy of network
network (terminal bus, plant bus) is built and configured redundantly
communication remains active, when a cable is disconnected
48) Modem for teleservice
connect to analogue line and serial line to ES worstation, getty process at ES
calling the line you get connection
49) Dynamic FUP for OT
select FUP diagrams to be dynamized at OT, generate and transfer them to OT
function diagrams are offered in operating windows at OT

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50) Notice book at OT

in licence file OPT.conf the function for notice book is activated
you can type text to notice book
51) Calculator at OT
in licence file OPT.conf the function for calculator is activated
you can type calculations
52) Horn signal at OT
OT is running, Ot.hrn is configured and transferred to OT
function diagrams are offered in operating windows at OT
53) Handling MOD
insert, initialize and activate MOD at OT
archiving data to MOD (ReadMOD)
54) Automatic OM650 start
activate automatic OM start in /etc/inittab
init 6 will stop and start OM650
55) Controlled termination of UNIX by UPS
power off UPS and observe OM component
after two minutes the OM computer will go done with messages every half minute
56) UPS message at ASD
InfDevInst.proj and bpr_LTK.dat are provided, disconnect serial cable
message at ASD, after connecting the cable and reset UPS the message will go
57) Start XU
start with Om.Start, start PL -t
the object manager OXU will run (fue)
58) DS670
DS670 is loaded by ES680 (Engineering Module Tag, Topology, All AS)
starting DS server and DS client you will see the topology with green elements
59) Printing hardcopies at DS670
printer is defined in DS server installation (db_inst)
print hardcopy as DS client
60) Diagnosis of network components at DS670
IP addresses of network components are defined in topology diagram
network components will become green at DS client
61) OT as DS670 client
the function is activated at OT in Ot.frappl
DS client will be started as System function at OT
62) ES680 at CU-OM/ES
OM650 is started and the System function ES680 is activated
ES680 will be started
63) OM650 at Web4TXP
select OT
you get the OT screen
64) ES680 at Web4TXP
select ES
ES680 will be started

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Build up the terminal bus

The components of the terminal bus (ES, PU, SU, OT, DS, XU) must know each other.
Complete the file /etc/hosts at the ES master with the IP addresses of the OM computers.
The first line must be localhost loopback (the entry loopback is optional)

If this line is not correct (e.g. unknown) you will get many troubles (e.g. Can not
start IPC !! or Dynavis ist noch nicht initialisiert )

Then the computer names and addresses must be published to the NIS (Network
Information System): /usr/etc/yp/ypmake.

Now you can communicate with all computers of the terminal bus by using the host name,
check, e.g.: /etc/ping ro_ot3 (from ES to OT) or ping ibs1 (from PU/SU to ES)

Preparing remote login for the TXP system

It is neccessary that within the TXP network the components can communicate without the use
of a password. The TXP software requires this remote login without password communication.

To enable this communication, the file /etc/hosts.equiv at all ES workstations should contain
the host names of all ES workstations in the network.

Create the ES680 data base

Transferring the data base from the office to the testing place, you must first copy the data in
the office to a DAT tape. You have to copy the files, which correspond with the ES680 data
base tables. These files will be created by a cron script every night, e.g. to the path
/net/zz419/sicherung/rousch1/rousch1. Or you have to create these files yourself in the
following way:
1. everybody should stop working in the ES680 data base
2. stop all processes accessing the TXP data base.
Stop the data base processes like this:
cd $HOME/config/esMonitor
esMonitorClt disable ALL or shut
3. make a temporary directory for getting the data files
4. log in at the ingres server (e.g. rlogin nhp183) as project (e.g. rousch1) with stopping the data
base processes
5. change directory to the temporary directory (e.g. cd /net/zz563/tmp/rousch1)
6. start unloaddb (e.g. unloaddb -c rousch1) and start the created file for
creating the data files corresponding with the ES680 data base tables.
(If you work with unloaddb, don't forget to copy directory om to the temporary directory and if
necessary the directory listen/as.)
From there or from the directory created in the night you copy the data files to the DAT tape:
tar cv *

Creating the ES680 data base named 'rousch' at the testing place, you must do the reverse
procedure (from the files to the data base):

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- login with your project login (e.g. rousch)

- copy the contents of the DAT tape to a separate directory for data transfer
(e.g. $HOME/dattransfer: cd $HOME, mkdir dattransfer): tar xv
- modify the scripts for reloading and copying the ES data base by vi or text editor.
Use 'substitute' or 'Replace All'' change the data base (e.g. 'rousch') and the path where to get the
scripts for copying (e.g. '/win/txpes/data/rousch/dattransfer') change the path where to get the ingres scripts (/install/r6/ingres/files),
the data base (e.g. location=(rousch)) and the path where to get the data to
be copied (e.g. '/win/txpes/data/rousch/dattransfer') change the data base (e.g. location=(rousch)) and the path where to
get the data to be copied (e.g. '/win/txpes/data/rousch/dattransfer') change the data base (e.g. location=(rousch)) and the path where to get
the scripts for copying (e.g. '/win/txpes/data/rousch')
Before using sql to create the data base rousch, all ingres processes must be stopped.
cd $HOME/config/esMonitor
esMonitorClt disable ALL or shut
Only after this you should proceed in the following way:
- delete the old data base: destroydb rousch
- create the new, but still empty data base: createdb -drousch rousch
- start ( | tee protocol), this script calls the copying files.
The data base will be filled by sql.
Now you can start ES680.

Before starting to work with the data base you should run Then you have a clear
initial state and no remainders from the office.

Prepare OM at ES680

a) Copy OM files at HP workstation

The tape created in the office should also contain the om path.
For getting the OM system from the office, copy the path om to the home directory, if the target
ES is also a HP workstation.
You cannot take Dynavis containers from HP-UX to SCO.
You should not overwrite standard containers ODY... in SCO with those from HP-UX!
But if you transfer from HP to HP workstation, you can copy the whole path om (e.g.):
cd /win/txpes/data/rousch/dattransfer
cp r om $HOME

b) Copy OM pictures from HP workstation to ES680 at SCO PC

You cannot take Dynavis containers from HP-UX to SCO. You must
1. serialize at HP-UX all non project specific containers (*EJ* and ODY_MMI_PRO),
e.g. by script:
for i in *.cnt
name= echo $i | cut f1 d.
echo $name
$DYX/etc/serialize $name $name.xdr 8000
2. transfer *.xdr
(copy only xdr files for all pictures and ODY_MMI_PRO.xdr !) and

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3. deserialize them at SCO: (e.g.)

e.g. by script:
for i in *.xdr
name= echo $i | cut f1 d.
echo $name
$DYX/etc/deserialize $name $name.xdr 1024
You must do so for all project specific containers (all pictures and ODY_MMI_PRO), but only for
them. All other standard containers at SCO must remain unmodified!

It is also possible to copy pictures by FUP Editor function Read out Diagrams -> File into the
directory $HOME/listen/edit/dbkopie. This directory can be written to tape.

When reading in the pictures in the target system, pictures with the same identification should
not exist. They must be deleted before in the MMI Editor with Delete display.
If afterwards the picture containers *.cnt and mount points still exist, they must be deleted by
UNIX command or in DynavisX/Organizer respectively.

After copying the tape to the directory $HOME/listen/edit/dbkopie in the target system, the
pictures will be read by FUP Editor function Read in Diagrams -> File from the directory.

c) Generate first basic TXP files

At the ES:
cd $HOME/om/mmi
(If doesn t work (fb.dat: cannot open), you can get the FB-IDs by sql:
select fb_id,fb,name from fb_d\g)
There will be generated the file FbList.txt
This text file is a list of all functional complexes (FC, FB), which are mentioned in the data base,
and the corresponding FB-IDs. Internal the TXP system uses the FB ID codes.
In the same path you have to create the file OmKompList.dat with the host names of all
components, where MAC should run, normally PU and SU/PU.

Conform the topology diagram to the present infrastructure

The function complexes, which will be processed by a PU, are defined by the ES680 menu DB -
Defaults - FC data. For each function complex define the corresponding PU-No. The PU-No.
you find in the topology diagram as module parameter number of the PU.
The maximum number of APs processed at a PU (Primergy P170, TXP release 6) are 11 AP.
for SU/PU at maximum 5 AP
Celsius 442 (TXP release 7) are able to process more APs.

LAN Generation

Start in the ES680 menu Generators LAN.

Generating the LAN Code, ES680 creates some files in the directory $HOME/listen/lan,
especially for the LAN addresses, e.g. NET_ADR_35.ASC. For each ES, which is mentioned in
the topology diagram connected to the plant bus, a file NET_ADR_nn.ASC will be created (nn

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is the index of the TXP component given by LAN generation). For every LAN component you
see one line with the index, which is assigned to the component.
In this list you see the MAC (Ethernet) addresses for the plant bus.
In front of the MAC addresses of the AS stations there should be a R. If there is a H then
something is wrong in the topology diagram, e.g. this AS has open connections or redundant
AS systems are not connected.

Connection between AS and ES

Before transferring Code from the ES to the AS, the connection must be built.
After "Knotentaufe" the AS systems have the addresses, which are known in the ES system.
Now you must put the AS into the RUN mode. The first time or in an error case do it in the
following way
(at the CPU card there are to switches, the upper one for switching between STOP and RUN,
the lower one for RESET and OVERALL RESET):
- for AP-A lower switch down (OVERALL RESET) and with the other hand upper switch to
- for AP-B lower switch down (OVERALL RESET) and with the other hand upper switch to
- start CPU AP-A: lower switch up (RESET), upper switch STOP, RUN
- start CPU AP-A: lower switch up (RESET), upper switch STOP, RUN
Now at processor AP-A the green RUN light must be on permanently and at the processor AP-B
it must be blinking. It doesn't matter, if it is opposite. But both green lights must be on.
If you have not been successful, you should repeat the last two steps.
When you have still not the green lights, you should do in the following way:
- set both processors to STOP
- power off at AP-A and AP-B
- pull both CPU cards
- wait about 10 minutes
- fix again both CPU cards
- power on at AP-A and AP-B
- the same procedure as described above.
You can test the connection with the tool pgmaster, e.g.: pgmaster p bugok. Try to create
a connection ('1. Connect ). If it's successful, the data transfer can be done.
If you have identical AS systems (hardware and software), then you can physically use an other
AS as wrote in your software, when you change the address when making "Knotentaufe".

Transfer LAN and Transfer AS to the AP

You start the LAN transfer from the ES menu for one AS.
When transferring LAN to the AS, the CP1430 will be loaded. For both coupling processors
there should be the messages "with MAC-Addr ... loaded and started"
Now the AS should be in RUN mode (green lights).

Then you can transfer the AS code from the ES menu for one AS with load AS (offline). Select
'Complete (with reset)' in the menu. There should be the messages "The AS has been loaded

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Data for the ASR (automation system representation)

a) Create data

cd $HOME/om/asr will generate the file Asr.proj with information for all AS and its instance numbers
and function complexes.
Before in the FUP Editor DB function Default FC data must be defined, which function complex
should be processed by which PU.
If you have more than one of these OM computers, e.g. PU and SU/PU, then you must split the
Asr.proj. You will transfer to the PU an Asr.proj with the corresponding AS entries and another
one to the SU/PU with those AS entries, which correspond with the SU/PU.
In Asr.proj set 'IBS 1'. The IBS mode will be set and this permits more tolerance.

If there are data comming from one AS concerning more than one PU, this AS must be
mentioned in Asr.proj for each PU. Only at one PU (FC) the AS will be processed. It will we the
FC, where the hardware is projected. You will find this FC (FB_ID) in the line IKZ_FB. At the
PU, where the hardware of the AS is projected, there the AS should be controlled
(AS_ueberwacht 1). At the other PUs it will not be controlled (AS_ueberwacht 0).
To each PU Asr.proj should be transferred, where for all FC, which are processed at the PU,
AS_FB is activated (without comment mark #) and LT_FB is deactivated (with comment mark
#). For the other FC, from where the PU receives data but which data are not processed at the
PU, it is vice versa (#AS_FB and LT_FB).
So you have to prepare Asr.proj and transfer it to the PUs.

Since ES680 release 7 the the ASR data will be generated by the ES680 menu function
Administration OM System Data Generate.
This generation includes separating Asr.proj according to FC-PU attachment defined in the FUP

b) Tranfer data to OM in ES680 release 7

Since ES680 release 7 also the transfer of ASR data can be done by the ES680 menu function
Administration OM System Data Transfer.
An advantage of this function is, that automatically the suitable file Asr.proj will be transferred to
every PU.

c) Tranfer data to OM in ES680 release 6

Before ES680 release 7 you must do the transfer in the following way.
Stop OM software at PU.
Copy files Asr.proj and (first time) R_BstTypen from ES (lcd $HOME/om/asr) to the
corresponding PU
(cd /txpproj/proj_std/asr).
Transfer LAN from the ES680 menu: Transfer OM LAN hostname of PU.

Start OM software at PU.

Transfer ASR from the ES680 menu: Transfer OM ASR hostname of PU.

Do Transfer OM LAN and ASR only by ES680 menu: Don t mix it by doing it manually!

The infrastructure file (InfFb.proj, ...) you should not transfer from the ES680 menu.
Do it by hand.

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Configure login for the OT

a) Handling OT usernames and passwords in ES680 release 7

Since ES680 release 7 the logins and passwords will be defined in the ES680 menu
Administration OT Usernames Edit/Change.
You also define the user rights. They depend of the user type. Most rights has the supervisor.
These access rights for user types is defined in the file $HOME/config/rights.level.

The menu function creates the file rights.usr with all definitions. It will not be transferred to the
OT by MMI Transfer. It must be transferred by the ES680 menu function Administration OT
Usernames Transfer

b) Handling OT usernames and passwords in ES680 release 6

Using the OT, you must log on there. For this purpose a code word (password) must be defined.
It will be defined in the file Ot.pwd in the directory $HOME/om/mmi. This file you should create
at the ES workstation. It will be transferred to the OT by MMI Transfer.
The password is to be encoded by $TXP_HOME/$Sw/bin/getPasswd, e.g.:
getPasswd OP
You type in your chosen character string (e.g. ROUSCH) and you get back the code.
This code you insert in the file ot.pwd. For each FB (FC) you give one line with FB-ID (not FB!)
and access rights.
In this file you can specify several passwords for different purposes and responsibilities (e.g.
user OM-OP and OM-LT).
You should accept some conventions: Use Quittierinsel 1 for OP (e.g. OM-
OP:WS4JRSTANUk6:1:1) Quittierinsel 8 for LT (e.g. OM-LT:GNvVcMZ1810:8:8)
Now you are able to log on at the OT with the character string, you chose.

Configure horn signals for the OT

The horn signals must be configured in the file $HOME/om/mmi/Ot.hrn. This file should be
created at the ES workstation and transferred to the OT by MMI Transfer.
If the horn signals are used, you can specify in the file Ot.hrn, which message classes will be
processed. You will specify this information with a hex decimal value. Each message class will
be selected by a hex decimal digit:
S 0001 Signaländerung
A 0002 Alarm
W 0004 Warnung
T 0008 Toleranz
B 0010 Bedienaufforderung
L 0020 Lokale Stoerung
F 0040 Funktionsfehler
WS 0080 Wartung & Service
I 0100 Indirekter Geraetefehler
P 0200 Bedienereignis
SM 0400 Sammelmeldung
Z 0800 Zustandsmeldung
STAD 1000 STAD-Ereignis
V 2000 Verdichtete Werte
UE 4000 Uebergeordneter Leittechnikfehler
G 8000 Geraetefehler

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Transferring MMI data to OT

Since ES680 Release 5 you must first transfer the MMI data to the leading OT.
You define the leading OT in the ES680 menu Transfer OM - Leading OT.
When the leading OT is loaded, you can transfer the MMI data to the other OTs. Then the MMI
data are copied from the loading one to the other OTs.

Install ES network printer

1. Leave ES at all workstations and kill all gmf processes at the ES master
2. At the workstation, where the printer is connected physically, define the printer with sam as
Local Printer for interface postscript
3. At all other workstations define the printer with sam as Remote Printer
4. Define in ES680 menu with Server=hostname of the database master with Paste.
The function for pasting and deleting a printer you will find in the menu window
Administration Printer Configuration activating the arrow at the left side beside the Printer

The printer name should not be longer than 10 characters.

Printing pages of a FUP in a correct order

Printing of FUP is configured in the file $HOME/config/.drconfigxpstartmen.

Supposing you want the pages of a FUP to be printed in accending order, e.g. the chart has 3
pages, called B001, B002 and B003 and you want to have printed B001 first and B003 last, but
B003 is printed first. Then you must modify the file .drconfigxpstartmen.
Add the option 1 , e.g.
EsPrint A4 ps xxx d01es1 1
Pay attention, that each of the parameters must exist and in one line. You can add further
printers in the next lines.
The parameters must be separated by space, not by TAB!
Leave ES680, kill all gmf processes and start ES680 again.
Then the print processes will be started with the new configuration. B001 will be printed as first
sheet and B003 as last sheet.

Saving and checking the data base in the night ("Nachtlauf")

Every night the ES680 data base will be saved and checked.
This is controlled by the time daemon cron. In the home directory of each project there is a
sample file txpes.cron for starting the time daemon.
Edit this file for your project. The first two numbers specify the minute and the hour, when to
start the automatic job.
Then install the cron service: crontab txpes.cron
With 'crontab -l' you can control, what is established.
(With 'crontab -r' you can remove the cron service.)
The cron service will start the script, which will check the data base and save
it. The protocol files will be placed in the directory $HOME/dba.
There is also the configuration file cron_nachtlauf.cfg. It's a sample file, which you have to edit
for your project. You have to specify the project name, the host name of the ingres server,

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activating the update mode for dbrepair and the names of the directories, where the data should
be saved at Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Saving the data base in the night will be made by unloaddb -c. You can use the produced
files for rebuilding or transferring the data base.

You should copy the saved data at least every week from hard disk to tape.
You can insert this task into the cron job which will run during the night.
As default the night saving cron job will start at midnight. For example, you may modify the job
to start at 4 o clock in the morning. You may insert a DAT tape and start copying to tape at 6
c clock.
Add in the file txpes.cron the line:
0 6 * * 2,3,4,5,6 cd /save;tar cvh
The h in cvh means: following soft links.

For Manual copy to a tape use in HPUX:

cd /;tar cvh save;mt offl
and in SCO Unix:
tar cvf /dev/rStp0 save
or to copy a file to tape use
tar cvf target.tar source;dd if=target.tar of=/dev/rStp0 bs=64

Dynamic FUP for OM

a) Generating Dynamic FUP at OT

In dynamic FUP binary values will be actually shown.

You have to define the FUP with binary DMZ, which should be dynamically shown at the OT.
This will be done in the FUP-Editor menu Edit - Title block data .
Normally you will need it for a lot of diagrams. So you must do it by script in some steps.
1. The script searchs in the data base for all diagrams with modules
handling DMZ and writes the result to the file $HOME/om/dynFup/list/DynFup.lis
(e.g. d01es1::demi -create)
2. In this file you can delete the lines for the diagrams, you don t need at the OT.
The most important diagrams need with dynamic values at the OT have identification like
...AA... digital control module DCM for actuators
...AN... digital control module DCM for fan
...AP... digital control module DCM for pumps
...EC... sub group control SGC
...EE... sub loop control SLC
...EU... protection logic

3. This file is input for the script marking the diagrams ready for transferring to the OT.
With option update all marks in the FUP diagrams will be reset and they will be set according
to DynFup.lis. Option append will add the marks, e.g.: d01es1::demi -update d01es1::demi -append
4. Generate these diagrams from the ES680 menu (Generators - OM - Dynamic FUP All )
Generating Dynamic FUP will take much time.
The Generator creates the file VNS_TXP.lis in $HOME/om/vns. It contains of the KKS of all
generated dynamic FUP. At every generation it will be created again. So if you generate a
single dynamic FUP, in VNS_TXP.lis there is only this single KKS.
It is not possible to generate all FUP symbols to be shown as dynamic FUP at the OT.

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For these symbols you get the error message (e.g.) Symbol 7103 gehoert nicht zum
Symbolumfang, ...
5. Transfer OM FUP to all OTs.
This will also take some time.
6. For indicating signal values RASMerker must be created.
This will be done by BDM generation.
The RASMerker must be transferred to the PUs in ES680 release 7 by
Transfer OM MMI FUP AS addresses
In ES680 release 6 the RASMerker will be transferred to the PUs by Transfer OM - ASR

Make EPROMs at AS for communication with ET200 cabinets

a) Create ET200 Memory Cards

For IM308C in Release 5 there is a function in the ES680 menu to create data:
Generators - AP - Create ET200 Memory Card Data Files
Activating this function (e.g. for AP 41) there will be created a directory
$HOME/listen/as/ag0041/transfer with data files (e.g.) A0041_01.pbp.
These files must be transferred via floppy disk to the PG for burning the EPROMs.

At the end of each line in the file there is the character <CTRL>M. You must delete it before
transferring, otherwise you will get troubles at the PG.
You can delete it with the translate command converting (e.g.) the input file A0041_01.pbp to
the translated/corrected output file A041_01.pbp:
tr d \15 <A0041_01.pbp> A041_01.pbp

b) ET200M

For ET200M you need files of the TXP system at the PG.
In the directory $TXP_HOME/$Sw/config/com_profibus/gsd you find 14 files
(Auma0732.gsd, Emgd050a.gsd, Siem8096.gsd, siem80... with extension gsd, gse, gsg)
Transfer these files via floppy disk to the PG.

Installing modem for teleservice

For correct operation of the modem 3 conditions must be confirmed:

1. correct hardware connection
2. correctly installed ( parametriert )
3. getty process correctly working

(1) For german modem (Ltg) you must use the suitable cable using the outer two of the four
lines. For the international modem (OH) this doesn t matter.
Connect the serial line to 1 or 2.
At the HP workstation B180L the marked line numbers are not correct, com1 is below, com2
is above!
(2) call in the directory /usr/tmp/MASTER_KUNDE.telebit or
There should be the answer Connected and after you typed Tilde . the hostname.
The script will activate the getty process with the entry in /etc/inittab:
t1:34:respawn:/etc/getty -h ttyd01 38400
(Be very careful modifying /etc/inittab!)

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(3) If connection and installation are correct and the getty process is working correctly, you can
test the modem line. Call the modem number and you hear a whistling sound.
There should be 3 LEDs on: M1 S1 M2 (german) or MR DTR CTS (international)

If you get no modem line and the hardware line is okay, the problem is normally caused by the
getty process. You must reset the getty process, i.e. you must kill it and start it again.
Because getty is a respawn process it will be automatically restarted after you killed it (kill
-9). If it is not possible to kill the getty process and start it again, the computer must be

If there are 4 LEDs at the modem and the modem does not work, you can reactivate it in this
1. kill the getty process
Because getty is a respawn process, it will be automatically restarted, when the entry in
/etc/inittab is in effect. Kill it like this:
Insert a command mark (#) in /etc/inittab at the beginning of the line t1:34:respawn ...
Now you can kill the getty process (kill -9)
2. modem power off, power on
(do not switch off the modem, when the getty process is working!)
3. as root: cu -x9 telebitx38
after Connected type at <Return>
after OK type Tilde .
the computer responds with the hostname of the master
4. restart the getty process:
Delete the command mark (#) in /etc/inittab at the beginning of the line t1:34: ...
Start getty process from inittab by: kill -1 1

You may also try resetting the modem by doing the following:
switch off the modem
push the button T/D, keep it pushed, switch the modem on and keep it pushed until the LEDs
are blinking
after some seconds: push again the button T/D, keep it pushed until the LEDs are blinking

To assure, that the phone line is okay, you should test the light Ltg (german modem) or OH
(international modem):
after cu -x9 telebitx38 test a phone number, e.g.: atdt 7504012
Or when you call the modem number from a telephone the light should switch on.

If the modem line is okay (you here the sound and the teleservice partner gets connection to the
modem), but you have no connection to the ES, you have a problem with the serial line:
Connection failed: line problem
Control and fix the serial cable. If this has no effect, change the serial line, e.g. from 1 to 2 .

Also the modem of Robotics is used, provided as usrobot.

You will find the installation scripts in the directory /usr/tmp/MODEM_SOFT.
Connect the modem line to the socket JACK (see bottom of the box). If the Robotics modem is
ready, 4 LEDs should be on: AA TR MR CS
The baud rate for Robotics modem should be 57600. Check it by ps ef|grep getty

An error in the file /etc/uucp/Dialers must be corrected:

In the line usrobot-setup ... you must find the string &C1&D2&S1&I0s13 with I0 instead
of I3.
After correcting you must start cu x9 usrobot and terminate with ~.

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TXP ES680 Problem solutions

Dynamizing FUPs

a) Requirements

For any AS dynamization is running at only one ES at the same time, and no cleanas and
no LAN generation should be running at any ES
The ES is inserted in the topology diagram. Toped is finished without error.
LAN generation was once started at this workstation.

b) Conflict with LAN generation

You cannot generate LAN, when dynamisation is running on any AP.

On the other hand, you should not start dynamisation, when LAN generation is running.

c) You don t get the dynamisation for a FUP diagram because of incorrect software

Manifestation: Starting dynamisation for FUP, you get the error message
... already started & ended with errors
Reason: The transferred code must be without errors, see protocol
Solution: Close the FUP-Editor, correct the wrong diagrams and repeat the SW generation

d) You don t get the dynamisation for a FUP because of missing generation or transfer

Manifestation: Starting dynamisation for FUP, you get the error message
... already started & ended with errors
Reason: perhaps the FUP editor is broken, when the diagram was opened with dynamisation
You can control the error in SQL with (e.g.)
select * from proc_queue where plan_id=1003\g
When there is codegen=1, it means that the Code must be generated.
Also as_trans must be 0.
Solution: You must generate or transfer the diagram once more with Online handler.

e) You don t get the dynamisation for a FUP diagram because of connected PG

Manifestation: Starting dynamisation for FUP, you get the error message
... already started & ended with errors
you started Transfer AS with correct code, but you get still an error message:
After the start of the cpu a new connection was not possible!
Check the mode of the cpu.
Reason: A PG was connected to the concerning AP. There will be conflicts in accessing
the AS SW.
Never connect a PG to a AP, when you use dynamic FUPs at this AP!
Solution: After disconnection of the PG, Stop Dynamisation and closing the FUP
transfer again the code to the AP (Load AS),
then you can again Start Dynamisation

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f) Problems because of another user

Manifestation: Starting dynamisation for FUP, you get the error message
AS is locked by user ... on ...
Search for the reason and solution like this:
1. Has anybody else opened the same diagram?
2. Has anybody started online generation or transferring for the same AS?
3. Did anybody start dynamisation of the same AS?
4. Is a semaphore set in $HOME/semaphore for the AS (e.g. GenAS41)?

g) Problems because of bad connection

Manifestation: Starting dynamisation for FUP, you get the error message no connection Test
as root with tool lanscan : The LAN card for connection to the plant bus is DOWN
Reason: The LAN card is defect or the connection is broken.
Solution: Hoping that the LAN card is not defect, check the plant bus cable. When there is no
result, reboot the workstation: shutdown -r -y 0

h) Problems because of bad LAN data

Manifestation: Starting dynamisation for FUP, you get the error message Not possible to start
OTS and lan1 are running.
Reason: LAN data must be refreshed.
Solution: Transfer LAN data to the required AP. If this have no effect, you must reboot the
workstation: shutdown -r -y 0

i) MAC file incorrect

Manifestation: You don t get dynamization for FUP at a slave, e.g. slave hpwkf.
And when generating LAN at hpwkf, you get the error message
Can not read a MAC-File. NET_ADR_00.ASC
Reason: In the file $HOME/listen/lan/ES_INFO.ASC there are two lines for hpwkf.
Solution: Delete the line for NET_ADR_00.ASC, repeat generating LAN.
Now you can start dynamisation for FUP.

In file $HOME/listen/lan/ES_INFO.ASC are further entries for the slave-es

after LAN-Generation which have to be erased for FUP dynemisation.

j) AS-manager does not work correctly

Manifestation: You cannot dynamization FUP and you get the error message
Got the following message from as_manager:
Error, see logfile errlog in directory ../data/project/as_serv
In the file .../data/project/as_serv/errlog you find the error message (e.g):
Reason for abort: connect failed
cannot communicate with as_server as_nr :21
Reason: The AS-manager is not enabled.
Inspect with esMonitor: $HOME/config/esMonitor/esMonitorClt
In the line for as_manager you must find as state checking : enabled yes
If there is only init yes , the as_manager is not started correctly.

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Solution: In the file $HOME/config/as_server.conf there should exist one and only one port
number for the AS-Manager (e.g.)
manager_net_addr 24720
This port number you should find one and only one time in the list generated by
netstat a|grep LISTEN
The AS-manager needs the directories log and tmp in the home directory of the

k) ES680 slave makes problems in the plant bus

Manifestation: You dynamize FUP diagrams at an ES680 slave. But after a while dynami-zation
stopps and you get the message Cannot establish connection to AS
For futher information see logfiles /quick_para_trace
In the files (e.g.) $HOME/log/as0035/err.log and
$HOME/listen/as/as0035/quick_para_trace/err.log you read again:
No connection
Can not establish connection to the AP
After dynamization is broken down at the ES680 slave, you cannot dynamize at any
other ES680 workstation for this AP.
Reason: The ES680 slave has not connection to the plant bus permanently.
Solution: If the ES680 slave is slowly, you can raise the timing for AS timeout (e.g.):
vi $HOME/config/as_server.conf

timing 500

After modifying the timing, you should restart esMonitor:

Terminate using AS manager and
cd $HOME/config/esMonitor shut start

If you still have problems connecting the plant bus, eliminate the ES680 slave from the
file $HOME/listen/lan/ES_INFO.ASC
When LAN generation generates again a line in the file ES_INFO.ASC for the ES680
slave, which makes trouble, delete this line again.

l) as_manager crashed

Manifestation: You cannot dynamize FUP diagrams for one AP and you get the error
message Got the following message from as_manager:
It is not allowed to use more than one dynamic function for the same as
Reason: If the AP is working correctly and you cannot find an accessing conflict, the AS-
Manager is crashed.
Solution: Reset the AS-Manager.
Logout at all ES workstations.
Login as root.
cd /sbin/rc4.d
./S903txpes stop
./S903txpes start

Add string for checking in FUP-Editor ("Prüfmuster")

There is the data base table pr_m for checking strings. The characters in the strings represent

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& A-Z or blank

aA1 the same character
blank blank
# 0-9
@ A-Z
% 0-9 or blank

The table pr_m is very big. You should select by identification pr_m_id, e.g.:
1001 KKS (e.g. &&@@@##@@###)
1002 Signal
1003 FKZ
1004 FB / FK
1006 Ortskennzeichen (location)
1026 Vkennzeichen (zuli)
1039 Planzeichen (destination ID-code in YDR)
1041 Vkennzeichen
For example if there should be allowed to use FB names with two capital letters, there must
exist the entry "@@" in the data base table pr_m.
Call sql and control, if it exists:
select * from pr_m where pr_m_id=1004\g
If not you must insert it:
insert into pr_m values (1004,'FB / FK','@@')\g

Or you can replace an entry in the table pr_m.

For example the control mask # (one numeric character) is not needed. Then you can replace it
by @@ (two capital letters):
update pr_m set pr_st= @@ where pr_m_id=1004 and pr_st= # \g

In the office you must call sql logged in as project at the Ingres master.
Otherwise you get the Ingres error message: "no GRANT or no GRANT permit exists"

FUP Editor does not open any diagram

a) Wrong project name

Manifestation: With SQL you see, that in the project data base there are diagrams. But if you
want to open them, nothing will be opened.
Reason: There is no entry in the data base table pro_d
Solution: Fill the table with, e.g.:
insert into pro_d values (1, Siemens , Kohlegas , Kohlegas','Siemens ,0,0,0)\g

b) Disk is full

Manifestation: You start FUP-Editor with the error message "could not put a record".
Reason: It is caused by the logical volume, on which the project is installed:
The hard-disk is full. (bdf shows used: 100%).
Solution: In this case run du -s * to see, what caused this. You have to remove temporary
files and possible user files, which caused it. If you have enough space on the disk, you
can start ES680 again and it will work. You should also talk with the user not to write or
backup on the project disk.

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Multiple start of the FUP-editor (HP machines)

If there is a multiple start of the FUP-editor you can resolve this as follows:
Klick to the Setup-Area: Startup ==> click Key-symbol ==> double-click SET HOME Session
==> confirm with OK ==> Set "AT Login"- Button to "Return to Home Session".
(Important: close first all windows with ES-680 and Hpterms)

Wrong name of the powerstation

Manifestation: After loading a data base to another project, there is still the name of the original
power station in the FUP diagrams and in the OM system, e.g. in the log table.
Reason: There is the old powerstation name in the data base table pro_d
Solution: Update the powerstation name in the table by SQL, e.g.:
update pro_d set anl= PORTO CORSINI where pro_id=1\g
After modification in the ES680 data base you must generate and transfer BDM to SU for
the OM system.

OM Pictures not activated

Manifestation: The connection OM - AS seems to be okay (see rdb). The AS is okay (all lights
green). At SU/PU the OM-SW is running. LAN data is again transferred from ES to OM.
MMI is again (correctly) generated and transferred to the OT. But the pictures are not
activated; this indicates, that there is no process connection.
Error messages in /txptest/asr/DiagMld (e.g. tail -f D*.0):
Keine leittechnische Hierarchie für AS34 aufgebaut (no I&C hierarchy on upper
level exists) and ... Besonderheit bei Instanzlistenübernahme!!
At the ES you can check the instances:
Go into the path of the AS, which will not be connected: (e.g.)
cd $HOME/listen/as/ag0034
ikzcheck -A 34
You get the error message: übergeordnete Leittechnikkomponente nicht
Error reason: The Hardware generation said: 0 hardware association error detected
but at the beginning after Assignment of Instanznumbers started there was the error
message: User error: ... 10CJJ03/38 has no valid FB-assignment
correct YDH-plan and generate again
In the topology diagram in the module parameters of the sub-systems (Nebenanlage)
the name of the FB was missing.
Solution: Correcting the topology diagram, generating LAN and Transfer LAN.

Hardware generation failed

Hardware generation is stopped with errors:

Fehler Instanznummern-Verarbeitung
Keine Bausteine vorhanden
!! Fehler bei Instanznummernvergabe
You must use and after this
Cleanbm will clean the field fb_id in the data base table ag_tmp. It will be filled when generating
hardware and when toped was successful.
You will get again the error messages, if toped did not work without errors.
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For example if there are designing errors ( Projektierungsfehler ) recognized by toped, you will
get the same errors when generating hardware.

DX140 for L1 bus connection

a) Standard entries in DX140

Default standard data for L1 bus connection (WARTEZEIT, LOESCHZEIT) are placed at AS0 in
the table dx_140. Control with:
select * from dx_140 where as_nr=0 and w_adr between 100 and 200\g
Compare with the entries in $TXP_HOME/$Sw/bin/
Especially addresses 112, 113, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126 and 127 must be provided. At
address 123 should not be the value 0.
(Very helpful is, to number the lines in the inspected file. You can give all lines of a file a number
with the command nummer, e.g. nummer dx140_0026_0_a0.seq
A file will be created with the extension .num .
You can also create the line number within vi by the command :set nu)

For AP>0 correct with the script

b) Problem with link to SIMADYN

If there is a wrong APT number in the data base for SIMADYN you will get a problem.
First check (e.g. for head station AP63):
select * from dx_140 where as_nr=63 and w_adr between 142 and 144\g
select * from dx_140 where as_nr=63 and w_adr between 1664 and 1680\g
If at address 1669 (APT-Nr) there is the value 2, then it is wrong. APT-Nr 2 should be placed, if
it exists, at address 1682.

You can also inspect the file $HOME/listen/as/ag0063/dx140*.

In line number 1671 there should not be placed the value 2 for APT-Nr. 2.
And in the file $HOME/listen/as/ag0063/dx053* at the beginning you should see the
entries for APT 1 not later for APT 2.

In error case you must clean:

delete from dx_140 where as_nr=63 and w_adr between 142 and 144\g
delete from dx_140 where as_nr=63 and w_adr between 1664 and 1680\g p taweelah a 63 m 0
resetResource P taweelah A 63 M a N 1 (-N 1 means APT-Nr. 1) p taweelah a 63
Generate HW, SW, LAN.
Before transferring LAN and AS code, check cg_config_h1 for APT AP65:
select * from cg_config_h1 where cpu1=63 and p_cpu1=65\g
In the field fehler you must find the value 32.

Duplicate instances

Assume you get no connection between OM and AS, and you see the diagnosis message, that
instances already exist:
Instanzen (FktBer=2 Inr=71) existiert bereits . You can solve this problem only at ES.
First check with ikzcheck, where these duplicate instances exist, e.g. after
ikzcheck F 2 U P oakey1

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you a table with beginning text: Mehrfachvergebene Instanz-Nummern (multiple instance

To reset the instance numbers, you use the tool ikz, e.g. for AP5 and FC G1 (FC-ID 2) in the
data base oakey1:
ikz A 5 F 5A R D oakey1
A script for resetting instances for one FC (e.g. FB_ID 2) is also p oakey1 2

Duplicate records

a) records when generating HW

Manifestation: When generating HW, you get the Ingres message "... Duplicate records were
found",but HW code was generated with the message no hardware association error(s)
Also SW can be generated. But when you want to transfer AS code to AP, you get again
the Ingres message.
Reason: There is the incorrect Ingres data base table geraete
The AS code will not be transferred, because there is the Ingres error file ingres.error
Solution: Delete the Ingres data base table geraete: delete from geraete\g
start cleanas, e.g.: p hamma a 13
remove the Ingres error file, e.g.: rm $HOME/listen/as/ag0013/ingres.error
Now you can generate HW and SW correctly, and transfer to AP.

b) Duplicate records when generating LAN

If you get the Ingres message "... Duplicate records were found", when generating LAN, you
can repair it only with cleanbm, (e.g. -p nehu).
All AS information will be lost. You have to generate all again, starting with HW generation.

Problem with File Links

a) Can't open shared library

At a ES slave workstation no LAN generation and no printing is possible. There is the error
"/lib/ Can't open shared library: /usr/lib/
/lib/ No such file or directory"
First repeat starting install_txpes680 point 6.1 ("File Links legen")
If this has no effect, there is still something missing.
Copy the whole path /usr/lib from a ES slave, which is working correctly
(e.g. cp -R /net/hpa6036/usr/lib /usr)

b) No remote directory

When setting File Links (install_txpes680 point 6.1) you get the error message
remshd: No remote directory
But remote login is possible.
Perhaps you have a problem in the graphic interface X11.
Delete /etc/X0.hosts and start
/usr/bin/X11/xhosts +
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Remove locking of diagrams

FUP diagrams are locked, when they are in use (zust_fl=1) or when dbrepair detected an error
in the data base (zust_fl=3)
When editing of a diagram is finished, the FUP-Editor resets zust_fl=0.
You should remove locking only, if you intend to correct a diagram by the FUP-Editor!
The removing must be done by sql in the data base directly, e.g.:

sql rousch1
set autocommit on\g
update obj_f set zust_fl=0 where zust_fl=3\g

If the FUP-Editor is broken down, a crash file will be created with information of the opened
diagram. The diagram file itself is damaged. So the program dbrepair in the night will set
zust_fl=3 for this diagram. But when the FUP-Editor is started next morning, the FUP-Editor will
reconstruct the damaged diagram with the information of the crash file. After reconstruction of
the diagram the FUP-Editor resets zust_fl=0.

Suppose zust_fl=1 for a diagram, but nobody has opened it.

Reason: FUP-Editor was broken down, but no crash file is created. There will remain
zust_fl=1, even when the FUP-Editor is restarted, because no diagram will be
reconstructed by a crash file.
Solution: zust_fl must be set to 0, e.g.:
update obj_f set zust_fl=0 where plan_id=3470\g

zust_fl=5, when a generator is using the diagram. It remains, when the generator is still working
or it s broken down. In the last case you must reset zust_fl by sql.

Troubles after sudden power off

a) A process is still running

When the power is suddenly switched off, not all processes are closed.
For example a process for FUP editor is still running and locking data base and LAN operations.
Find out this process and kill it:
ps -ef | grep plan
kill -9 <process ID>

b) A semaphore is still set

There is the directory semaphore in $HOME. If power off happened during generation or
dynamisation, some semaphores are set.
Be sure that no generation or dynamisation is working. Then delete all files in the directory

c) Diagrams are locked

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If a FUP diagram was opened or generation was working, diagrams are locked (zust_fl=1 or
zust_fl=5 respectively).
Before start working with the FUP-Editor or generator, zust_fl must be set to 0.

d) Domain name lost

Sometimes a slave will loose the domain name. So NIS will not work.
Control with the command domainname. If no do
main name will be responded, you have to set again the domain name explicitely:
domainname esnis

Some ES slaves loose their NIS information, when going down. When booting again, you can
see, that ypbind will not work. Then you cannot login, because the connection to the NIS
master is lost. The easiest way to repair is to boot again:
shutdown -r -y 0

Error messages of dbrepair

a) Deleting wrong data base table entries

The following message may appear in the protocol file after the program dbrepair has run
and behind the line "Check of consistency between table ZULI and table VER_B (check 99) :
"missing table entry in ver_b (source)".
Check ZULI for the entries, which are mentioned in the protocol, e.g.:
select * from zuli where q_kks like 'B1GCB_0CF001' and sig='XQ21'\g
There is an additional wrong entry line with e.g. q_cpu1=0.
You can delete this entry line:
delete from zuli where q_kks like 'B1GCB_0CF001' and sig='XQ21' and q_cpu1=0\g

b) Deleting wrong entries in data base table obj_f

In the protocol of the program dbrepair in the night there are error messages
"ZULI, nicht in ver_b vorhanden (Quellseite)"
This means, there are entries in the data base table zuli without correct correspondance to table
entries in table ver_b. Inspect table zuli and check the diagram in the FUP-Editor.
The diagram is really empty. You can delete it. Check the tables obj_f, obj_d, obj_g.
Ensure that you can delete incorrect entries: e.g.
delete from obj_f where plan_id=5480\g

c) Deleting wrong entries in data base table ver_b

In the protocol of the program dbrepair in the night there are error messages
"Baustein in ver_b, jedoch nicht in obj_g (q_lid)".
This means, there are entries in the data base table ver_b without correct correspondance to
table entries in table obj_g. Inspect table ver_b.
Ensure that you can delete them: e.g.
delete from ver_b where plan_id=796 and se=5 and q_lid=244\g

d) dbrepair repairs itself

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In the protocol of the program dbrepair in the night there are after
"Strings with errors while checking 004 in ZULI:" messages
"zuli.q/z_fkz <> fkz_d.fkz; fill zuli.q/z_fkz with fkz_d.fkz", where the column z_fkz is empty.
This is only a message; dbrepair itself filled z_fks (control zuli).

e) different cpu3 within cpu1/2/4

There are very many messages different cpu3 within cpu1/2/4 for the pic_id 24904.
Mr.Rost wrote a script for correcting the data base with sql. It contains the sql command:
update obj_g from lt_f set cpu3=lt_f.cpu3 where
lt_f.plan_id=obj_g.plan_id and obj_g.pic_id=24904 and

f) double usage of addresses

For example you get the error messages double usage of adresses (source) . In the column
q_cpu1 you see, that all diagrams belong to AP 13. You should clean AP13, e.g.: p peter01 a 13

g) check 200: incorrect entries

Manifestation: For diagrams YFM or YFR you get by dbrepair in the night run messages like
link3 entry not correct or typ entry not correct
Reason: Probably diagrams are copied from a project with a lower version of ES680. For
modules or parameters there might exist an incompatibility.
Solution: If the assumption above is correct, there are two possibilities for correcting.
1. one of the parameters of the mentioned module (plan_id, loc_id) does not match
with the checking strings ( Prüfmuster ) in the project data base (pr_m). Then add the
suitable checking string to pr_m.
2. the used module is not compatible with corresponding module in the actual ES680
version. Then you must disconnect and cut the module in the function diagram and
insert the actual one from the offered library.

h) dbrepair was not possible

In the dbrepair protocol you read: cannot lock project for dbrepair ... It is possible that other
checkprograms will run, which are working with dbrepair0.perl
The best precaution will be to logout at all workstations in the evening.

Starting dbrepair manually

You can start directly dbrepair, not only automatically in th night.

dbrepair you will find in the normal TXP software path $TXP_HOME/$Sw/bin.
dbrepair needs 5 parameters: the database name, the name of the protocol file, n or j for
update, n or j for code generator check, check number, e.g.:
dbrepair w01es1::wkc protocol.txt upd j code n nr -1
The script will spend some time, e.g. for Swentibold about 70 minutes.

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Problems when generating SW

a) AP-Resources for S5-DB's

Manifestation: "No more DB s are available ... not enough datawords are available"
Reason: You have to provide more space. With the tool viewResource you can get information
about the used and free data areas, e.g.:
viewResource -p nehu -a 21 -d
The usage of the S5 data areas is stored in three tables in the ES680 data base:
cg_config_ag, cg_config_tz-bau, cg_config_ag_db_inter.
The ES680 system will reserve automatically data areas at the AP s, e.g. for each AP the data
blocks 100-105 for SIM. Normally this will be not enough.
The message !!!! ATTENTION FULLY USED !!!! for table cg_config_pb (DB 176-179) and for
DB 255 Modus S you can ignore.
To get more space, you have to modify the tables above. For example to extend the space for
SIM at AP1, you can modify the table cg_config_ag in the following way:
sql rousch1
set autocommit on\g
(e.g. for AP33) insert into cg_config_ag values (33,0,'D',106,0,255,1,'')\g
(e.g. for AP33) insert into cg_config_ag values (33,0,'D',107,0,255,1,'')\g
For normal usage of SIM in the office a script is prepared: /users/humpert/tools/

b) Missing resources for sending and receiving data

If there is the error message "No more Receive-DB's are available" when generating SW, you
have to extend the data blocks for sending and receiving data.
Normally the data blocks 180 - 189 are reserved for receiving, the data blocks 190 - 199 for
sending. But the area from DB 180 to DB 199 can be used by both at one time (receiving and
sending). Therefore you can extend the resources for (e.g.) AS21 like this:
update cg_config_tz_bau set anf_nr=180 where cpu1=21 and modus='S' and anf_nr=190\g
update cg_config_tz_bau set end_nr=199 where cpu1=21 and modus='E' and end_nr=189\g,

After modifying the area for receiving and sending DB, you should start
(e.g. -p nehu -i n -a 21 -b and -p nehu -i n -a 21 -n) and
(e.g. -p nehu -a 21).

c) Wrong AP number assigned

If there is the error message "No more Send-DB's are available", following the message (e.g.)
No data for cpu1 13 , look first for AP 13. Perhaps it is no resource problem, but there is a
diagram assigned to AP 13, which does not exist.
select * from obj_g where cpu1=13\g

d) Building packages

Manifestation: error message during GENERATION of PROGRAM BLOCK ORGANIZATION:

System error: error occurred filling DX73 - please check number of
Reason: Buiding packages is not suitable.
Solution: Build greater and less packages in the topology diagram for this AS. Modify module
parameters for the AS in the topology diagram.

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e) Problem of UNIX memory resources

Situation: Dynavis X (MMI-Editor) is open, when SW generation is started M

Manifestation: "UNIX error: not enough space"
Reason: Dynavis X plus SW generation need too much working space
Solution: stop Dynavis X (MMI-Editor) before starting SW generation

f) Repairing data base with SQL

Manifestation: When generating SW offline you get (e.g.) a

System error: table ZULI: q_pid 9792: q_lid 11 as loc_id not in table ver_b
Reason: inconsistency in the data base. A connection is deleted in ver_b but the ZULI entry is
left in the table.
Solution: There is no chance to delete the ZULI entry by the FUP editor. You have to do it by
delete from zuli where q_pid=9792 and q_lid=11\g

g) Incorrect connection in FUP

Problem: error message when generating SW: User error: connection has neither
source nor target (loc_id= ... , plan=id= , page ...)
Reason: There is an incorrect remainder in ver_b (e.g. z_pn_y=-26231)
Solution: You can delete connection from ver_b
(delete from ver_b where plan_id= ... and loc_id= ...\g)

h) cleanna and garbage collection

Problem: When generating SW you get the error message (e.g.)

User error: connection to Sub-system already exists APT (remote Cpu 3) for AP1
... Hint: Please start garbage collection for AP2, ...
Solution: For already existing connection to Sub-system you should start the script cleanna,
e.g.: -p poolbeg -n 3 -a 1
For garbage collection go to the TXP menu: Generators AP - Resource capacity

i) cleanh1 and cleanas

Problem: When generating SW you get the error message

!0 (E_) Ingres Error: apend in cg_config_h1 not possible: duplicate keys
detected for ....
Solution: You must clean the H1 information followed by cleanas, e.g.: -p taweelah a 10 i n -b

j) pic_id=0

Problem: When generating SW you get a warning pointing to parpruef prototol,

where you see the error message
Error while accessing database ....
Reason: In the tables obj_g and / or obj_d there is an entry with pic_id=0.
Solution: Find the wrong entry and delete it with SQL, e.g.:
delete from obj_g where plan_id=208 and pic_id=0\g

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k) Multiple plant data blocks not enabled

Problem: When generating SW you get the user error

Receive-datablock DB 248 not enabled
Reason: The datablocks for sending and receiving must be enabled in the topology diagram.
For receiving it is not done yet.
Solution: Open the topology diagram and select the AP.
Then select AP Resources. There you choose the suitable type of resource and the
action seize. If the data block is not enabled, it is free. Then you have to select it in the
following list of free APs.

Problem with Online-Handler

a) Problem when transferring AS code

Manifestation: When transferring AS code online, you get the error message
"AP not prepared for closed loop control. ODAT does not exist in AP."
Reason: This AS code cannot be transferred online
Solution: generate the code for this AS offline and transfer it offline.

b) Locking online handler after error

Manifestation: You can dynamize FUP diagrams, but you cannot modify module parameters in
any FUP diagrams of an AP.
Reason: Times ago modifying diagrams had been broken and not correctly finished.
Solution: In the directory listen/as/ag00.. there is a file as_not_online_handable indicating, that
online handler is not correctly finished for this AP. In the file the reason and the time is
mentioned. Look for the modification, which was perhaps not successful.
Then you can remove the file. Now modification is possible.

Error message when generating MC

Manifestation: After starting Generators AP Create ET200 Memory Card Data Files, you got
the error message Error opening message file. Check II_MSGDIR and II_LANGUAGE
logical variables.
Reason: The error message, caused by ingres, doesn t matter.
It is not necessary to set environment variables for ingres. The protocol file you will find
in the directory transfer for the corresponding AP.

Problem accessing plant bus

Manifestation: When transferring to AP or accessing AP (pgmaster) you get the error message
No connection .
Reason: At the ES workstation the line to the plan bus is not activated.
When the workstation was booted, it was not yet connected to the plant bus, lan1 failed.
Solution: Reboot the workstation, LAN configuration (lan1) should be OK.

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Problem when transferring AS code

a) Resetting the AP is necessary

Manifestation: Tranferring LAN to the AS worked, but when transferring AS there is the error
Can not communicate with the plc about H1 .
Solution: 1. CPU and CPs set to Stop
2. Power off and power on for the AS
3. CPU and CPs set to RUN

b) Incorrect LAN code loaded

Manifestation: The code will be loaded, but at the very end there is an error message
I N T E R R U P T S T A C K / U N T E R B R E C H U N G S S T A C K with a table
of informations and the message, that the AS could not be loaded correctly ( Das AS
konnte nicht korrekt geladen werden. )
Reason: The DX-Nr. 148 is not correctly loaded in the AS.
1. Generate LAN again
2. Reset the AS ( Urlöschen )
3. Transfer LAN to AS
4. Transfer AS code offline

c) Incorrect LAN code loaded

Manifestation: The code will be loaded, but at the very end there is an error message I N T E R
R U P T S T A C K in the table of informations you see DB-NO.: 255 and DBL-REG:
1 This means, that DB255 is empty.
Reason: In FB70 values PAAD and PAAW are invalid, while contact supply (KONV 1) is set.
1. Search for PB files with FB70 in AS directory:
grep FB70 *.seq > FB70.lst
2. Inspect PB files searching for FB70 with KF -1 INVALID, PAAD and
3. In these diagrams set the parameter CONV from 1 to 0 in the module BT
4. Genetrate SW offline
5. Transfer AS offline

d) Marker Byte 2

Manifestation: You transfer AS code to AP online, but it stoppes with the error message:
The state of the AP does not allow to load it.
MB 2 is showing, that a prior download has not been finished by AP system
Reason: Previous AS code transfer is not correctly completed.
Solution: You must reset marker byte MB 2 manually, e.g.:
pgmaster p baiji
1 connect to AP
23 Scan memory
BstTyp: m 0
Offset: 2
Laenge: 128
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If the marker byte is set, you see at the beginning of the memory the value ff01.
TAB to define a new value ( Neuer Wert: )
0 to reset the marker byte

User error when generating LAN

a) Concerning an AP which does not exist

Manifestation: You get the error message: !! User error: no AS symbol with AS-No 21 found
Reason 1: In this case the topology diagram is assigned to AP21, which really does not exist.
Solution 1: You cannot correct it in the FUP editor. You must do it in the data base with SQL.
You will find the wrong entry 21 in the data base table lt_f.
Change cpu1 to a AP number which exists and repeat generating LAN.

Reason 2: There is an AP remainder in the ES data base for an AP, which does not exist (e.g.
Solution 2: You have to find out the diagrams, which concerns to AP99.
You will get them with the sql command:
select * from lt_f where cpu1=99\g

b) Concerning an AP which is not present

Manifestation: You get the error message: !! User error: ASNAH1R ... with name has no valid
Reason: There is an AP in the topology diagram with existing software, but this AP is not
present. Therefore it was not generated. But LAN generation recognizes some
Solution: Generate this not present AP and repeat LAN generation.

c) Connection between AS and APT (Simadyn)

Manifestation: You get the error message: !! User error: connection between AS 61 and APT
64 requires signals in both directions.
Reason: The message tells the reason. But it is not enough, that diagrams in both directions
exist. Also in the data base ther must exist valid receive and send information.
Solution: Perhaps you must delete and reconstruct the receive and send diagrams. Even
dummy diagrams would be sufficient.
Check in the data base:
select * from cg_config_h1 where cpu1=61 and p_cpu1=64\g
The data base table field richtung (direction) must be e (empfangen = receive) and s
(send) respectively.
For AP-AP connections you can see field entries E and S.

d) DB remainder for substation

Manifestation: You get the error message: !! User error AGF ... length Send/Receive Block
<6> is smaller than length of signals <28>
But the realized function diagrams are checked and correct

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Reason: There are left some wrong information in the data base.
Solution: Delete the information for the substation by, e.g.: p h01es1::huntstwn a 35 m 0

System error when generating LAN

Manifestation: SW generation did not indicate any error, but when generating LAN you get:
System error: table cg_config_tz_bau: no more T -resources available => please
run garbage collection
But garbage collection (Resource capacity) alone does not solve the problem.
Reason: Too many S5 timers.
There are two types of timers: S5 timers and AP timers.
For S5 timers are organized in the data base table cg_config_tz_bau for the data blocks
220-254 in every AP. This area is not extenable!
The maximum number of S5 timers is 255 totally. But there are included the step timers
for SGC. So the maximum number of S5 timers is about 230.
(The AP timers are marked in the FUP diagrams. Their maximum number is about 500).
Solution: 1. Replace S5 timers by AP timers in the FUP diagrams.
2. start garbage collection (Resource capacity)
3. start for the AP
4. generate HW, SW, LAN.

Transferring LAN code

a) When to transfer ?

At the end of LAN generation the system will tell you to which systems the LAN data must be
You must not transfer to all systems which are mentioned. If to be sure, check the DX140 for
this AS in $HOME/listen/lan, $HOME/listen/as/ag000x and
Check the difference, e.g.:
cd $HOME/listen/as/ag0002
diff dx140_0002_0_a0.seq ueb/ap/dx140_0002_0_a0.seq
diff dx140_0002_0_a0.seq ../../lan/dx140_0002_0_a0.seq
Only if not all three files are equal, you must transfer LAN code. Then transfer also AS code.

b) Problems because of missing or incorrect LAN generation

You should have generated LAN at all ES workstations from where you want to have access
to the plant bus.
Inspect the file ES_INFO.ASC in the directory listen/lan.
In this file for all ES680 workstations, which should have access to the plant bus, there should
exist one line and only one file in the directory.

c) Wrong SSNR

Manifestation: You can transfer LAN code to CP1 but not to CP2.
The profram says, that ...MACAddr...fehlerhaft (MAC addresse wrong).
But Knotentaufe is done correctly and both MAC addresses are correct. But CP1 has
Base SSNR=232 and CP2 has Base SSNR=228!
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Reason: There had been modifications in the topology diagram, so that the system generated
SSNR (228 and 224) for a new AP.
Solution: Cut the symbol for CP1430 in the topology diagram and replace a new symbol.
Login as root and start otsupdate:
otsupdate should be started by LAN generation, but sometimes it will not be done.

d) Transferring LAN to gateway AS not necessary

Manifestation: You use a gateway. And it s connected to AS 99. If try to transfer LAN code to
AS 99, you get the error message It was not possible to determine any MAC-Addr.
But you generated LAN code and you already put the MAC address into the AS.
Reason: ES680 does not accept transferring LAN code to a gateway AS.
Solution: Transfer CM to AS 99.

e) PU going down when transferring LAN

Manifestation: You transfer LAN code to all APs and the PUs are going down.
Reason: When you transfer LAN code to all APs nearly at the same time, the PU has
connection to no AP. If in this situation the IBS mode is not switched on, the PU will go
Solution: Switch on the IBS mode in Asr.proj or transfer LAN code to PU one AP after another.

Ingres problems

a) Cannot start ES680

Manifestation: When starting ES680 the protocol windows vanishes immediately.

In the protocol file xp_startmenue there are ingres error messages
Reason: Ingres at this workstation does not work
Solution: Terminate ingres and start it again:
login ingres
iishutdown -s

If iishutdown fails with the message

IIMONITOR> Server will stop. 2. sessions remaining
an igres job is still running.
Kill gmf and msr processes and start iishutdown again.

If this has no effect, you must terminate and start ingres at the master:
1. Logout at all Ingres slaves
2. Stop all Ingres processes
3. Login as ingres at the master and shutdown and restart ingres:
iishutdown s

b) ES Slave with ingres toolbox installation

When starting SQL at a ES slave, which is installed by IEZ in Karlsruhe, only by giving the data
data base name (e.g. lujan), you will get the error message "GCA protocol service failure"

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You must call the ingres master: (e.g.) sql lu_es1::lujan

c) Ingres installation at the master is defect

Manifestation: Cannot start ingres at the master (sql iidbdb). Even iishutdown -s and
iistartup at the master does not have any effect.
Reason: When installing an ingres slave, iibuild was done at the slave
Solution: You must build again the ingres installation at the master:
iibuild (without any option)

d) Install a second INGRES/NET server

Manifestation: When processing the ingres data base, you get the error message
GCC server exceed max inbound connections..
Reason: When installing ingres, an INGRES/NET server iigcc will be created for 11 inbound
sessions and 11 outbound sessions. When using several slaves without ingres toolbox,
the ingres communication via network will be used intensively.
Solution: You must install a second INGRES/NET server like this:
1. Leave all ingres applications and logout at any slave
2. At the Ingres master kill all ingres processes and shutdown ingres (iishutdown -s)
3. At the ingres master: iistartup -init
some questions and messages you acknowledge with no or RETURN respectively,
concerning INGRES/NET server you answer with yes ,
following sw automatically the name sw1 will be given by the system.

A short, preliminary solution will be, not to modify the ingres configuration (-init) but only to start
ingres again: step 3: iistartup (without -init)
Now you will see two times the processes iigcc in the process list (ps -ef | grep ii).
If the error message still remains, there are other error reasons left, e.g. in the network or in the
ingres application.

e) Ingres communication error

Manifestation: You got the error message ... Network connection lost: ... Failed to connect
You checked the directory /install/r6/ingres/files/name
There are files for some hostnames with length > 744 bytes, e.g.:
IICOMSVR_hu1es1 and IIINGRES_hu1es1
Reason: With multiple entries the Ingres communication files are damaged.
1. Logout at all Ingres slaves and shutdown all workstations (shutdown h y 0)
2. Stop all Ingres processes: kill at the master gmf and msr processes
3. Login as ingres at the master and shutdown ingres:
iishutdown s
4. cd files/name
> IICOMSVR_hu1es1
> IIINGRES_hu1es1 (the files will be made empty by redirection)
5. Check with the program ipcs:
There should not be used any shared memory or semaphores.
6. Reboot the Ingres master: shutdown r -y 0
7. Boot again all slaves.

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f) Database is inconsistent

Manifestation: When starting ES680, it will immediately finished with the Ingres error message
Database is inconsistent.
Reason: Hope that the data base is not completely damaged, but can be repaired.
Solution: Call hotline. They will try to enable data base access.

g) Client installation fails

Manifestation: You cannot stop ingres at the client. Even at shutdown stopping ingres cannot
be done.
Reason: The client can not run in the ingres environment. Using the ingres environment is not
possible. Therefore you cannot stop ingres.
Solution: You must do power off.
Start the processor in single user mode. Disable starting of ingres:
cd /sbin/rc4.d
mv S100ingres S100ingres.old
Then you can reboot the client (without starting ingres).
Now you should activate starting ingres again:
cd /sbin/rc4.d
cp S100ingres.old S100ingres
When rebooting ingres will be started

h) Restore a data base table

If one database table (e.g. cg_bgsitopp) is wrong, it is possible to restore this table from the
saved data ( Nachtsicherung ).
Create a SQL input file by extracting the SQL commands from the input file created in the night
(e.g., e.g.
Insert drop table cg_bgsitopp
Extract create table cg_bgsitopp( ..... )
... copy cg_bgsitopp () from /.....
perhaps modify cg_bgsitopp ...
grant all on cg_bgsitopp to public
After starting SQL with the command input file you should check the SQL output for ingres
errors (searching for E_).

i) Ingres network server doesn't start

Possible causes:
-INGRES-License over time or invalid License-string
-II_....._RMT_VNODE has wrong machine (always INGRES-Server)
Solution: (INGRES-LOGIN)-put in a valid license-string with ingsetauth.
delete with ingunset <VARIABLE>
and set the Ingres-Server with ingsetenv II_....._RMT_VNODE <SERVER> .

j) INGRES-Shutdown (Shared-Memory and Semaphors still active)

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If you get a message at iishutdown that ingres couldn't shutdown, because there are still
activities, it is caused by ingres-processes at client-machines or there are activities in Shared
Memory or Semaphors from old processes before a crash:
Use ipcs to show activities. If ingres is not down, there are id-numbers with the owner ingres. If
you are sure that nobody is working in the database anymore you can delete all id's with the
owner ingres:
ipcrm -m(Shared Mem.) or -s(Semaphor) ID .
ipcrm -s 1244
try iishutdown again after deleting.
If a database messages: internal error, no database-access, it might be necessary to set two
files to 0-Byte: $IISYSTEM/ingres/listen/ the two files IINGRES.n70743 und IICOMSRV.n70743
with echo > file. (n70743=Ingres-Server Offenbach)

Ingres problems at SCO-PC

Manifestation: When you login as user esuser1, ES680 will begin to start, but it will be finished
with the error message in xp_startprotokoll: ... User authorization check failed ...
Reason: The user esuser1 is not declared in the ingres system.
Solution: Login as ingres

Cannot start FUP-Editor

Manifestation: If you start the FUP-Editor, in the protocol you will see Starting the FUP-Editor ,
but nothing will happen
Reason: The job, saving in the night ( Nachtlauf ) is still running.
In $HOME/dba you will see the files <project>_sperrdatei and nachtlauf.lock (not
Solution: Wait for the end of the job.

Automatically saved data missing

Manifestation: You see, that there had not been saved data in the night (/save/...)
Reason: Some error appeared in the cron job at night ( Nachtlauf ) and in $HOME/dba the not
empty file nachtlauf.lock will be created
Solution: Search for the error reason (perhaps conflict with late generation job) ald
remove nachtlauf.lock

Cannot start MMI-Editor

a) No license

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Manifestation: You will start the MMI-Editor, but you get no picture
Reason: For this workstation you have no Dynavis X license.
You see the license strings DYNAVISX.LIC.<hostname> in the directory $DYX/etc
Solution: buy a license or use a workstation with license

b) Color conflict with Netscape

Manifestation: You cannot start MMI-Editor

Reason: A html document is opened, i.e. a generation protocol.
Solution: Substitute color or more easy: Do not use MMI Editor and opening html
document at the same time.

Dynavis X trouble

a) No resources

Supposing you cannot open an OM diagram with the MMI-Editor.

You get the message Die Dynavis-X Betriebsmittel sind belegt. This means, that MMI-
Editor was stopped unnormally and resources are still occupied and locked. You can only
remove locking, by logging in as user, who has occupied the resources.
With the command ipcs the resources (shared memory and semaphores) are listed.
Then you login as user, who is mentioned.
Give the command $DYX/etc/cleanup
You should cleanup two times, until the system will not reply with a message.

b) License problem

Manifestation: When starting MMI editor or MMI generation you get the message:
... Domain: 0 Mod: 1000 Msg: 6 f A1: ...
and the starting process will be aborted.
Reason: An explanation of the messages you find in the file $DYX/src/messages.txt.
Messages 1000 6 f (fault) means:
DynavisX license is missing or wrong.
Solution: Check the license file (e.g.) $DYX/etc/DYNAVISX.LIC.x02c1b
If you don t see any error, search for blanks or not printable characters:
vi DYNAVISX.LIC.x02c1b set list
If you have a CU-OM-ES, you would have two DynavisX licenses, one for OM and one
for ES. You should not change them by mistake. The license for ES you recognize by:
... # Edit_Hardc_Direct_Internat_DYXID1

c) Dynavis version

In the directory $DYX/include you find a file: version.h.

In this file you will find the version of installed DYX.

d) Configure Dynavis swap file

In $DYX/etc/ you have to add two lines, if there is a change in the DYX-version.
(add location and size of the DYX-Swapfile.):

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Add at end of file these two lines: /tmp/Swapfile
swap.size 40000

MMI locked or in wrong mode

Manifestation: There is an error message, when opreating MMI (generating or transferring), e.g.
... locked ... or ... in graphic mode ...
Reason: Some MMI operations are failed
Solution: Look in directory $HOME/om/mmi/cnt for files MmiLock or MmiCtrl. and in the
directory $HOME/om/mmi for files OmLock or OmCrtl.
These files should be empty, when no MMI opreation is running.
Remove the file, if it is not empty.

Error when transferring MMI

a) caused by wrong generation

Manifestation: Transferring MMI there is the error message error in

Reason: When generating MMI there was an error, perhaps even a small one, e.g. unknown
color .
Solution: Look into the protocol file of MMI generation. Correct MMI and repeat generating and
transferring MMI

b) MMI Transfer from ES slave

For transferring MMI from ES to OT the ES must be allowed to access writing and logging in as
user txpproj at the OT. For this purpose at the OT for user txpproj the hostname of the ES with
the login name of the project must exist in the file .rhosts.
To get the possibility to transfer MMI from all ES slaves, you should insert all ES slaves in the
files .rhosts at all OT.

c) warnings at the end

Manifestation: At the end of Transfer MMI all message modules fbx.mel will be copied to all
corresponding PUs. For some transfers there will appear messages:
Fehler beim Parametrieren des Bausteins. _Merrno=0x5000115
Reason: The message modules fbx.mel does not belong to the PU, which will be transferred to,
or OM is not running at the PU (abg).

d) caused by uncomplete projecting

Manifestation: Transferring MMI there is additional to the error message error in
the message hcomp: FF 0EB makeHierarchy 9 lines; no root found
Reason: The hierarchy must be complete, i.e. in every hierarchy level there must exist at least
one picture.

e) wrong module parameter in MMI picture

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Manifestation: Transferring MMI there is the error message error in and later we
see in the protocol error messages and and at the end, e.g.:
OESpic: failed PicFiles:
Reason: In the MMI picture related to this PicFile there is a module with wrong parameters,
e.g. floating variable defined with integer value.
Solution: Correct module parameters, generate MMI again and repeat transferring MMI

T 2000 Problems with dynamisation

Manifestation:Impossible to dynamize a FUP and in Protocol you can read

As-Server : ok
SpaServer: fail
get_gmf: Fail
fd-Server: ail

log in as PRojektadmin on Server stop shut start
if needed repeat after 1 minute start

Error messages from the OM components at the OT

You have to build up correctly the file bpr_LTK.dat in the path $HOME/om/bdm.
There is a sample file bpr_LTK.dat.ex, you have to modify in the following way:
column 1: FB-ID of function complex OM
column 2: LTK-Inst of PU (e.g. 11000) or SU or OT1 ... according to InfOmk.proj
column 3: 0
column 4: OMK-Inst of P1a (e.g. 11001) or P1b or OT1 (e.g. 1001) according to
InfOmk.proj or device code of MOD at S1a (e.g. 800) or printer ... according to
InfDevInst.dat ...
The entry must be an unique entry. Otherwise you will get the error message
... duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column , when transferring BDM
column 5: device type of MOD at S1a (e.g. 20500) or printer ... according to InfDevInst.dat
or 20101 or 20201
column 6: 0
column 7: v
column 8: KKS of the component. If you mention a component twice you must and you are
allowed to create a small difference (e.g. B1CRU01GJ601 and B1CRU01GJ601_)
column 13: message text, which will appear in the ASD message at the OT
(e.g. MOD drive s1a )
At the very end, behind the last column, there is not allowed any blank!
Otherwise you will get the error message Number of values in load file is not equal to number
of columns , when transferring BDM.

For example you get an error message, when at the line printer the paper is out.
But you get no error message, when the power is switched off.

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When transferring the file bpr_LTK.dat from ES to SU (by Transfer BDM), the file will be
appended at the SU to the file $OmProjData/bdm/bpr_om_instanz.dat

If you modify bpr_LTK.dat and you want to see the modification at the OT screen, all old
messages must be acknowledged and the messages must be deleted at both PU:
Om.Stop for the redundant (akt) PU, for the leading (fue) PU:
Mv.Reset -sync OM or Transfer-OM-Processing functions- BF Reset.

Changing the name of a FC

For the name of a FC the name in the data base is decisive. If it mismatches with the name in
the infrastructure files (e.g. DT instead of ST), you have to modify them.
Create a new file FbList.txt and modify
InfFb.proj (at all OM components), Ot.hrn (for OT), Lza.proj (at the SU), Arc.proj (at PU),
Ot.pwd (for OT in release 6) and rights.usr (for OT in release 7 by Administration OT

Error when generating BDM

a) Signal name is already projected

Manifestation: bdmInst ERROR: Cannot generate type oriented signal. Signal name is
already projected. SIG = XB01
Reason: In the diagram there are not duplicate signals, but there is a DCM module. It creates
internally the signals XB01 and XB02
Solution: Change the name of the signals XB01 and XB02.

b) The same signal name is used by different instances

Manifestation: bdmInst ERROR: Cannot generate type oriented signal. The same name is
used by different instances. SIG = XC37
Reason: In one diagram there are two control modules. This is not allowed in release 5.
Solution: Modify the diagram.

c) pic_id=0

Manifestation: internal error: table index -1 out of range .... Abort(coredump)

Reason: In the tables obj_g and / or obj_d there is an entry with pic_id=0.
Solution: Find the wrong entry and delete it with SQL, e.g.:
delete from obj_g where plan_id=208 and pic_id=0\g

d) Duplicate key when generating BDM

Manifestation: Ingres error message when generating BDM: "E_US1194

Duplicate key on INSERT detected
Reason: There are remainders in the ES data base concerning BDM
Solution: Delete the Ingres data base tables

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delete from bpr_instanz\g
They will be created again, when generating BDM

e) Duplicate key when generating BDM

Manifestation: There is the error message Cannot generate type oriented signal. The same
signal name is used by different instances. SIG = XC36 XC37 follwed by
ingres error
Reason: There are two modules with pic_id=2905 in one FUP diagram
Solution: Divide this FUP diagram into two diagrams, so that only one module with pic_id=2905
exist in one diagram.

f) OM locked

Manifestation: You got the error message Cannot execute action because user: peter01 on
host: p01es1 generates Descriptive Data .
Reason: The previous BDM generation was not finished correctly.
Since Release 5 also for such actions markers OmCtrl and OmLock in the directory
$HOME/om are set.
Solution: Make sure, that no BDM generation is running. Then you may delete both marker files.

Error when generating Processing Functions and BDM

Manifestation: When generating processing functions you the warning: Referenced page does
not exist or contains no instances
When generating BDM you get the error message: ... table index ... out of range
Reason: Instance numbers are 0
Solution: You can get detailled information when generating BDM, if you set BdmGen.v:
touch BdmGen.v
When you start BDM generation after setting BdmGen.v, you see at the end of the
BDM protocol plan_id, loc_id, pic_id for the diagrams, where instanz_nr=0.
Try to correct these diagrams and repeat generating processing functions and BDM.

Error when transferring BDM

a) Column delimiter in ZULI

Manifestation: Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns

Reason: In a ZULI there is a character | . In the table bpr_signal.dat ES680 interpretes it as a
delimiter of a table value (ES680 mistake)
Solution: Eliminate the character from the ZULI entry.

b) A load process is still running

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Manifestation: When transferring BDM to SU, you get the error message: A load process of
the BDM database is still running . And the current load process is canceled.
Reason: A load process is not finished correctly. The locking flag bdm.lock is set.
Solution: Login as txpom at SU.
cd $OmProjData/bdm
rm bdm.lock

c) Duplicate FC for multiple blocks

Manifestation: You will be asked: There are duplicate FC from different blocks in OM ...
Continue the loading of the BDM data nevertheless ?
After transferring nevertheless you get wrong messages at the OT.
Reason: There are duplicate FC data in the Informix data base of the SU.
Solution: Delete all messages, then drop the data base txpom at the SU and transfer BDM
1. Mv.Reset (e.g. Mv.Reset sync G1) for all concerning FC at the PUs. Because message
handling first look into the message buffer for the signal text before accessing the data
base. Therefore to get no wrong messages, these must be deleted first in the message
2. Login as txpom at SU
3. Om.Stop
4. dbaccess
txpom y(es)
5. You must create again the data base for bdm:
cd /txpsys/bdm
sh ./install.bdm ivl engl 2>&1 | tee protocol
6. Repeat it for the redundant SU
7. Transfer OM BDM from ES680 first for the block the SU belongs to
8. Transfer OM BDM from ES680 then for the second block

d) Character to numeric conversion error

Manifestation: Transferring BDM to SU you get the error message above and e.g. Error in load
file line 98. Error in line 10
Near charakter position 54
Reason: There is forgotten to define a numeric value.
Solution: Inspect the data file mentioned before the error message, e.g. bpr_gru_sig.dat.
There you will find in the mentioned line the instance number. With Descr.Read you will
find the uncomplete described diagram.

Error when transferring processing functions

Manifestation: When transferring processing functions, you get the error message
Error while loading the MAC!
Please check the following line in file
Reason: Probably there are too many audit processes (see Bugfix OM-051).
Solution: Delete on all OM components the following file:
rm /tcb/files/audit/audit_dmninfo

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Problem when creating ET200 Memory Card Data Files

a) Problems in ES680 release 5

Since ES680 release 5 you can create ET200 Memory Card Data Files from the ES menu as
Generator function for every AP.
The created files (e.g. A0014_02.pbp) will be placed in the path transfer. You should bring it via
OM computer and floppy disk to the PG.
The lines in these are not allowed to end with <Crtl>M. Otherwise the program COM Profibus
at the PG will stop with an error message.
You must delete <Crtl>M in all files. You can do it translating to a corrected file, e.g.
A0014_02.pbp to A014_02.pbp:
tr d \015 <A0014_02.pbp> A014_02.pbp

b) MC generator does not support some AP boards

Manifestation: In the protocol of MC generation you see messages:

expected entry not found in table mc_gen for pic_id %d MLFB:%s
Reason: In the YDR hardware diagram there is defined an order no., which is not supported by
the MC generator.
Solution: Select for the module parameter of the board in the YDR diagram an order no. of a
compatible board, which is offered by the system (click V with middle mouse).

c) MC generator creates incorrect data

Manifestation: At the PG you get problems creating the Flash PROMs.

Reason: In the data file created by the MC generator we see an uncomplete value at the end:
0x0 instead of 0x00
Solution: Correct with vi.

Problems with dynamic FUP for OM

a) Problem when transferring dynamic FUP to OT

Manifestation: Transferring dynamic FUP to OT works for a long time, but you cannot activate
dynamic FUP at the OT.
The log file $OmProjData/mmi/es/ifc/command.log is without any error message.
You get a long protocol file at the ES. Deserialization and transferring look to be
successful, but there are two small error indicators:
"error in" at the beginning of the protocol and when transferring pic files:
"OESpic: failed PicFiles: ...". There is following a list of pic files with KKS.
Reason: The KKS, which are mentioned (e.g. B1VOR00EC040) does not have a corresponding
element in the OM.
Solution: Delete the KKS following the message "OESpic: failed PicFiles:" in the file
VNS_TXP.lis and remove the switch with the FUP Editor for these diagrams.
Repeat Transfer OM FUP and the transferring will be successful.
b) Bad dynamic FUP at OT

Manifestation: There is a dynamic FUP at the OT with missing modules.

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Reason: At this diagram there are also analogue signals.

Solution: Erase this diagram from the OT.

c) The function is not licensed

Manifestation: In the subwindows at OT there is no dynamic FUP offered, although dynamic

FUPs are generated and transferred.
Reason: In ES680 since release 7.4 functions like dynamic FUPs at OT are licensed.
In the file $HOME/config/OPT.conf the function om.mmi.dfup must be activated by
Solution: The file OPT.conf must be transferred to OT by ES680 menu function Administration
Transfer OM License information

Refresh dynamic FUP at OT

Manifestation: For some modules in the OT pictures dynamic FUP are missing.
Reason: The FUP diagrams are modified, but no RAS data are transferred to the OT.
Solution: Start OM at PU,
Transfer OM MMI FUP AS addresses to both PU (release 7)
Transfer - OM - ASR to both PU (relaese 6)

Error when starting ES

a) Too many processes

Manifestation: At the very beginning after Please wait!! you get the error message:
sh: fork failed - too many processes
Reason: ps -ef will show that there are really too many processes;
probably you will see processes <defunct>
Also look at the table of processes top
Solution: kill these processes (kill -9). If this is not possible, look for the parent processes
(PPID). If it is allowed (not PPID=1 !), kill the parent process.

b) Problem with graphic interface

Manifestation: When starting graphic interface, for example when logging in as project, the
process will be stopped and you will get again the login menu.
Reason: There is a conflict with graphic interface in the network.
Solution: Delete the file X0.hosts at all ES workstations. Some times ago the file was
neccessary, but now it may cause confusion.

Wrong font in FUP Editor

Manifestation: At FUP Editor display (not print out) there is a font, which is too big.
Reason: If the correct font for FUP Editor display (Helvetica medium) is missing on the ES
workstation, a font for compensation is taken.
You see the existing fonts with the command xlsfonts
Solution: Copy from another workstation, which is working correctly, the directory
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Printer Problems

a) caused by ES680 process

Manifestation: You cannot print in ES680

Reason: There is a print process of ES680 (gmf), which is not working but occupying the
printer. There are print processes, which will not be terminated, when leaving
Solution: Kill the print processes (ps -ef | grep gmf and kill -9 PID), logout
and login again

b) solvable by SQL

Your are waiting for ES680 print out since a long time. Probably there is a conflict in the SQL
printer queue. You can look into this printer queue pr_queue by SQL:
select * from pr_queue
Old ES680 print out you should delete in the printer queue by SQL.

c) solvable by UNIX

Manifestation: You cannot print in ES680 and not with lp as well

Solution: 1. Check the printer cable and the printer (online and Ready PS )
2. Check the scheduler with lpstat -t
There should be the message scheduler is running ,
you will see the print devices (e.g. system default destination: EsPrint ,
the printer device you will correct with sam)
the printer, e.g. EsPrint, should be enabled,
if it is disabled, try to enable it: enable EsPrint
and you should see the print requests
3. Check the ES680 print processes: ps -ef|grep gmf
Two gmf processes should be working, one for the printer and one for each
data base
4. Look for ES print requests in the data base: select * from pr_queue\g
5. If all looks like to be okay, stop and restart the scheduler:
you can cancel print requests, e.g.: cancel EsPrint-446
6. If all doesn t have any effect switch off and on the printer
7. The last action will be to shutdown the workstation where the printer is connected:
shutdown -h -y 0 and power off and on.

d) solvable by esMonitor

Manifestation: You can print with lp but you cannot print in ES680.
The gmf process is not okay, and you cannot activate it by logout and login at the print

In T2000 you have in Protocol the Message some of the Server are in fail

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Reason: You see an error at server for print_gmf when checking esMonitor:
cd $HOME/config/esMonitor
Solution: Stop and restart the esMonitor:
cd $HOME/config/esMonitor stop shut start

e) caused by Ingres

Manifestation: The esMonitor process is not started at the print server client.
Reason: Usually this is caused by the client ingres processes. When the machine was started,
there was no connection to the data base.
Solution: Run netu at the client.
If necessary kill the esMonitor processes at the data base server and start ES680 again.
Don t forget to modify $PROJECT/config/esMonitor/esMonitor.conf (server and port

Addresses for Simulator

a) addresses for SIMADYN in the topology diagram

In the CP of the APT (SIMADYN) you must specify the MAC address for simulation.
Before you can specify it in the topology diagram with the FUP editor, you have to set the
release flag frg to 0 with SQL:
for MAC-add (1):
update pic_d set frg=0 where pic_id=32244 and param_nr=2\g
for MAC-add (2):
update pic_d set frg=0 where pic_id=32244 and param_nr=9\g
After specifying with the FUP editor you set frg to the original value.

b) TSAP addresses

For the simulator (e.g. AFU) you need Ethernet address and TSAP for APT Write connection
and APT Read connection.
The Ethernet addresses you get from NET_ADR_x.ASC (AS) or from the topology diagram
The TSAP you get from the file generated by LAN generation for the AS which is connected to
the APT, e.g. listen/lan/c0012_1_1430.asc, where 12 is the AS number.
In this file you find under APT-WRITE-Verbindung the TSAP in line LTSEL (for AS) and
RTSEL (for APT) and in the same way under APT-READ-Verbindung
The local address is the address of the AP (STEP 5), the remote address is the address of the
APT cabinet, e.g. SIMADYN.

Modify DX in AS directly

Note, that modifying AS directly is very dangerous. Be careful!

You can modify data in a AS directy with the progam pgmaster,
e.g. you want to write the value 0000 to the location 1539 in dx140:
pgmaster p poolbeg
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Select function 1. to connect

select AS no.
Select function 23. to scan memory
1536<Return> (starting location)
128<Return> (length)
position cursor to location 1539
0000<Return> (new value)
Select function 2. to disconnect

Searching for communication errors in AS directly

There are diagnostics in AS itself you can read with the progam pgmaster.
pgmaster p peter01
Select function 1. to connect
select AS no.
Select function 21 <Return> for Diagnostic H-Error block
Select function 22 <Return> for Diagnostic DX 4
Select function 2. to disconnect

In the actual directory there are created two files, hdberror.txt and dx4.txt respectively.
There you will see the communication errors for this AS recognized by the system starting with
the newest one.

You can control, if there was a redundancy error, also with pgmaster.
pgmaster p peter01
Select function 1. to connect
select AS no.
Select function 23. to scan memory
85<Return> (starting location)
128<Return> (length)
Select function 2. to disconnect

AP-AP connection fault

Manifestation: You see at the OT permanently coming the message (e.g.):

A0 AP02 / AUTOMATIS AUX Rec. 5 AP-AP conn. Flt
Reason: In the function area A0 in AP 2 there is a fault in the 5th AP-AP connection.
Look into the DX140 file dx140_0002_0_0a.seq.
You find the AP-AP connections beginning in line 1024.

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If two connections have the same mission number ( Auftr-Nr ), the H1 connections
must be generated again.
Solution: Clean the H1 connections and generate them again (e.g.): -p hamma i n -a 31 -b
With the parameter i you can control the information mode. If you switch it on (-i y),
you get only information, no cleaning will be done. If you really want to clean, you must
give the option i n.
Then generate SW and LAN and transfer it to AP.

Problem with sub-system (NA) connection after modifying

Manifestation: You lost connection to a sub-system ( Nebenanlage ) (e.g. APT 34). There are
no parameters for the connection: see LAN parameters for this sub-system in the
topology diagram.
Solution: Clean the connection for the sub-system (e.g. APT 34, connected to AP 31) with the
script -p cottam -a 31 -n 34 (cottam is the project)
rebuild the connection data with the ES680 menu Generators : Resource capacity.
generate again: cleanas, HW generation, SW generation, LAN generation

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Upgrades / Extensions

Installation of an additional ES workstation (coming from a different project)

a) Define the new workstation

If you want to change the name of the workstation in the network, i.e. the host name, then you
have to do it as root with the program set_parms.
The IP address must start with 142.124. (convention). If it is different, you must change it
in the files /etc/hosts and /etc/rc.config.d/netconf and with set_parms as root.
set_parms hostname
set_parms ip_address
Good is if you insert the values for netmask and Broadcast too.
If you cannot login, even not as root, you must boot in single user mode (interrupt booting with
ESC). Then you must delete the root password in /etc/passwd

Perhaps you must activate starting HP-VUE automatically:

init:3:initdefault in /etc/inittab

b) Define the new workstation in the network and for NIS

Login as root.
Add the IP address of the new workstation at the master in the file /etc/hosts.
Now can call the machine by its host name.
Also at the master add the new client in /etc/hosts.equiv, /etc/exports and .rhosts
If alias names are used, make: cd /usr/lib and touch aliases.
In order to make it known in the network information service (NIS) start ypmake at the master
The system responds with updated hosts and pushed hosts .

At the client add the master in /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.equiv.

/etc/exports should exist and should contain at least / , better the hostnames of all ES
workstations. To export the file systems call /usr/etc/exportfs -av.

Modify in the file /etc/rc.config.d/namesvrs the NIS domain name (esnis) and set

If you changed IP addresse, modify IP addresse also in /etc/rc.config.d/netconf

The NFS configuration you find in the file /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf

The C shell the system will find in the path /usr/bin.

Delete at the client in the file /etc/passwd the entry for ingres and txpes and add at the end the
entry +::0:0:::.
/etc/group must end with the line +:::
So if there will be a login, which is not mentioned in /etc/passwd, the login will be controlled by
Reboot the new client: shutdown -r -y 0

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Call ypbind and two times ypwhich (because it spends some seconds the binding will effect).
Control it with ypcat passwd and ypcat hosts:

c) Put the new client into the ingres network

Set at the client the file links for /install/txpes, /install/dyx and /users
(e.g. ln -s /net/x01es1/install/txpes txpes),
If the slave is coming from the office, delete all links, which are used only there, e.g. for passwd,
users2, ingres.
You can use the ingres client as NFS client using links to the ingres master or as toolbox
installation at the client (the ingres path exists at the client physically, not as link!).
Note that the link for ingres is not set at workstations, which are installed with ingres toolbox in

If the client will be used as NFS client, you have to do the following steps:

- Set at the client the file link for /install/r6/ingres:

e.g. ln -s /net/x01es1/install/r6/ingres ingres
- Before building the ingres configuration for the client at the ingres master, you should stop
the running ingres processes at the client: iishutdown -s

- Login at the master as user ingres and call

iibuild -n ibs4 (host name of the client).
You must answer two times the ingres path /install/r6. Take care about the TCP_IP
Port ID! It's a short name for the project data base (in netu it's the Listen address), e.g. r1.

- Login at the client as user ingres. Here you must start iistartup

Then call netu at the client: modify node entry (parameter n) - add - global (g) :
define as remote v_node name the host name of the master (e.g. ibs1) and
as remote node address the host name of the master (e.g. ibs1) too
as Ingres/Net Server Listen address define the corresponding entry of the master (e.g. r1).
You can control these entries with the operation 'show' (function 'n', 's', 'g' and 4 times '*').
And declare with netu the authorization (parameter a) - add - global (g)
define as remote v_node name the host name of the master (e.g. ibs1) and as user *
The requested password is the password for ingres.

In the file /etc/rc there must be set II_SYSTEM=/install/r6

d) Install TXP ES680

The directory /usr/local/lib/perl should exist with owner root and group sys.
Before generating the file links the file /usr/lib/ must be removed. Only then the link to
the TXP ES680 system path can be generated.

Login as txpes. Call at the master (or at the client) the ES680 installation program
install_txpes680 in the directory /install/txpes/install3.1.25/install.
Select function 6.1 (File Links). There declare the host name of the new ES680 client (e.g.
e) Edit license files

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You can use ES680 and Dynavis X only with valid license for the workstation. You have to put
the license string into the license file at the master
The license file for ES680 is $TXP_HOME/$Sw/config/lizenz/STARTMENU (e.g.
Note that not only the license string and the Ethernet address is important for a correct license
but also the date, the license is limited.
The license file for Dynavis X is $DYX/etc/DYNAVISX.LIC.<hostname>.

f) Declare the printer of the new environment

If you print in UNIX, the default printer is still the old one, used in the project before.
You must now tell UNIX, which is the default printer in the actual environment:
Login as root at the new workstation,
call sam - Print/Plotters LP Spooler Printers and Plotters - Actions - Add remote printer (e.g.
lw) as default

Incorporating an ES master as slave

At the ES master there is a full installation of ingres, ES680 and NIS. Normally this expensive
installation should be kept to be used later. Therefore make a full backup of the system disk
Then make the NIS master to a NIS client. Modify /etc/rc.config.d/namesvrs, set:
NIS_MASTER_SERVER=0 (instead of 1).

Installing NIS master server

In the TXP ES680 network there must exist a NIS master server. Normally this is the same
workstation, which is also the ingres master and the ES680 master. If the NIS master is not
installed by IEZ, do it in the following way:
Login as root
Define the NIS domain:
domainname esnis
/usr/sbin/ypinit -m DOM=esnis
In /etc/rc.config.d/namesvrs there must be set:
shutdown -r -y 0

For the NIS clients using the NIS service of the NIS master, you must start at the NIS master:

Restore master boot disk

First the system will be loaded from Install Tape or by the Service Technican from CD.
In /dev/update.src the SCSI address of the tape must be 3:
mknod /dev/update.src c 121 0x201307

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Read the backup of the boot disk: tar xvf /dev/update.src

After restauration of the master boot disk, you must copy from the old boot disk or rebuild:
check the environment env (setenv DBSERVER w01es1)
iibuild -n <slave> for all slaves
at all slaves, not installed by IEZ (no toolbox installation):
shutdown -r -y 0
iishutdown -s
netu n (Node Entry)
a (Authorization)
set File Links (install_txpes680 point 6.1) for all slaves

Translating to English

Login as project administrator (e.g. demiswen) and stop all database processes.
Modify "german" to "english" in .language in $HOME and in $HOME/config.
Insert in .login: setenv LANG english.iso88591

Login as txpes.
cd install /install
Use install_txpes680 point 2.4.

You must reset BDM before transferring BDM data to SU.

You should reset BDM at SU by
cd /txpsys/bdm/tool

Project adapting is locked

When the upgrading/adapting of the project failed or abnormal ended, you will get at the next try
the message: Project adapting in progress ... Please logout
You have to remove the indicator file for locking $TXP_HOME/installProt<hostname>
Then you can repeat upgrading.

Making a project to a multiple block project

If there is more than one line in the file $HOME/config/project.ini ES680 recognizes the project
as a multiple block project, e.g.:
1 Unit 10 Pulau Seraya pulau1
2 Unit 20 Pulau Seraya pulau2
There must be two TABs between the three columns.
ES680 will configure ist menu with the option Multiple Plants .

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The script $TXP_HOME/$Sw/tool/ will adapt fb_id and fkz_id for multiple block in the
data base.

Upgrading ES680 V6.3.43 to V7.4.01

a) Read installation software

Login txpes
mkdir install_7.4.01
cd install_7.4.01
tar xovf /dev/rmt/0m install
cd install
mkdir protokoll
chmod 777 protokoll

Save the ES license:

cp $TXP_HOME/sw/sw6.3.HP800/config/lizenz/STARTMENU $TXP_HOME/data/demi/config

b) Install product ES680 V7.4.01

Installing software will set a flag file installProt<hostname> in $TXP_HOME, e.g.

If installation failed you have to remove this file first.

Installing a new release is always a new installation (Neuinstallation) !

If there is enough space, save the old software: mv sw6.3.HP800 sw6.3.43.HP800
Stop all Ingres processes:
$HOME/config/esMonitor/ shut
cd install_V7.4.01/install
install_txpes680 point 1.1
Insert DAT tape at master
answer $TXP_HOME/sw and /dev/rmt/0m
Installation spends about half an hour.

c) Set File Links

Before setting the file links the file /usr/lib/ must be removed.
Set file links to all ES workstations (e.g. d01es1 and hpa6041)
install_txpes680 point 6.1

d) Adapt project data to V7.4.01

Before adapting check, that $HOME/config/version is 6.3. This means that release 6.3 is
expected to be upgraded. If the version is set to 7.4, ES680 will expect the data structure of
release 7.4 and SQL will get troubles.
install_txpes680 point 2.2
NETU is not needed; answer with e(xit)
Adapting spends about one and a half hour.

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When upgrading ES680 need temporary areas for building up the new data base. If ES680
works correctly with the new release, you should delete $HOME/dba/objdTrans.

e) Adapting the Login

install_txpes680 point 5.2

If you adapt the project login, perhaps some project specific installations will be lost.
They must be re-installed afterwards:
Again set the accending order for print.
Add /install/txpes/sw/sw7.4.HP800/bin in the path command in .login
In .login you must set again the environment variables MELDPATH, NLSPATH and LANG:
setenv MELDPATH $TXP_HOME/sw/sw7.4.HP800/config
setenv NLSPATH $TXP_HOME/sw/sw7.4.HP800/nls/%L/
setenv LANG english.iso88591
If you made crontab modifications, you must must repeat modifying txpes.cron and activating

f) Restore ES680 license

cp $TXP_HOME/data/demi/config/STARTMENU $TXP_HOME/sw/sw7.4.HP800/config/lizenz

g) Configure OSI Transport Services

see below

h) Translate to English

Login as project
Insert in .login: setenv LANG english.iso88591
Start translation with translation.perl (e.g. translation.perl demi)

AP license file

You must own a license for the number of AS you use in your project. If you use more AS, you
need a new license string for the new number of AS. The project and the number of AS is coded
in a license string in the file

The license string will be checked, if you modify and save the topology diagram and toped is
If the license file does not exist or has a wrong name or if the string does not match, toped gives
you the error message "Lizenzdatei fehlt !" (license file is missing).
To control the license string, call vi for the license file with command ":set list".

Modifying AS assignment

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If you want to modify the assignment of sub stations to AS, don t forget Resource capacity for
the original assigned AS.
The script should do garbage collection but does not do it completely. There
Resource capacity must be done by hand.

Install second LAN card in ES workstation for plant bus

a) Hardware

Build in the LAN card. Plug the network cable.

b) Network link entry for booting

Login as root at the workstation with the new second LAN card
Check if the LAN Card is installed in Kernel otherway the the LAN Card doesn´t start.
You need this drivers in kernel:
btlan3 networkcard on mainboard
btlan5 PCI networkcard
fcmod Otsam Module
lan2 LAN interface Module
lba local PCI Bus Module
ni Network Interface subsystem
oscltpi OTS Streams driver
osipi OTS IPI Driver
ositmr OTS Timeout driver
ositpi OTS TPI driver
ostam OTS Subsystem
strlan LAN Streams Driver
tpiso TPI to sockets subsystem
If any of thir drivers is mssing your Ieee Access won´t function properly.
Also you need following subsystems:

Add them if not content in kernel and kompilate

open file /etc/rc.config.d/netconf

add lines for second LAN card lan1:


In the file /sbin/inet.d/net nearly as line 172 there must exist the line
if [[ -n $NAME ]]; then
but not if [[ -n $NAME && -n $IP ]]; then

c) Install OTS software

Copy OTS depot software and OTS patches to a depot directory.

The OTS patches you need for HP workstation B180L or B132L.

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You can install the OTS software with sam:

Software Management
Install Software to Local Host
define depot path
select OSI Transport Services
After analysis and installation the Kernel will be rebuilt and the system will be rebooted.

The other possibility to install software is with swcopy and swinstall:

swcopy s /dev/rmt/0m \* @ <depot_path>
mkdir /depot
swcopy s /dev/rmt/0m \* @ /depot
/dev/rmt/0m is the default path for the DAT drive. If it is different, you have to modify.

Installation will be done by:

swinstall s <system_with_dat>:<depot_path> -x autoreboot=true \*
swinstall s ve_es1:/depot -x autoreboot=true \*

d) Configure the OSI Transport Services

The cable between star coupler and ES is plugged for the plant bus.
Login as root.
/etc/lanscan gives you the Local network addresses for the two LAN cards,
remember the address for lan1 (or let the window stand beside),
both cards must be UP
You configure OTS with the program osiadmin:
select "OTS" and "Select Item"
select "Configure OTS" and "Select Item"
select "Done" in the configuration mode for default
for Subnet Configuration select "Configure" with Return and "Add" for CLNS over 802.3
(acknowledge with Return)
CLNP subnet: 0 - Perform Task and finish OSIADMIN by Previous Menu ...
Subnetwork Name: (TXP:) anlbus1
Network-ID must not be provided
Local network address: Ethernet address of lan1 (see lanscan above,
e.g. 0800093D7C34)
Device interface name: lan1

If there are any errors, check the OSI configuration:


reboot the system: shutdown -r -y 0

when the system is up again, login as root and call /opt/ots/bin/otsstat; the system
should reply:
OTS running and lan1 running

chown root $TXP_HOME/$Sw/bin/ots_netaddr_up

chmod 4555 $TXP_HOME/$Sw/bin/ots_netaddr_up
chmod 666 /etc/opt/ots/conf/ots_dests
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start otsupdate:

e) Updating the topology diagram

The ES workstation you must insert into the topology diagram as new member of the plant bus.
When saving the diagram, the program toped will be started.

g) LAN generation

The real integration into the plant bus will be done, when ots_netaddr_up will be processed.
The easiest way to get this effect is to start the LAN generation at this ES workstation. All files
you prepared for OTS will be provided.

Configuration of OSI Transport Services

After every upgrading of a project to a higher release, you have to configure the OSI Transport
Services (OTS). Otherwise you will not get a connection between ES and AS.

chown root $TXP_HOME/$Sw/bin/ots_netaddr_up

chmod 4555 $TXP_HOME/$Sw/bin/ots_netaddr_up
chmod 666 /etc/opt/ots/conf/ots_dests

login as root and start otsupdate:


After this start LAN-Generation. So ots_netaddr_up will be started.

Start LAN-Generation at every ES workstation, where you want to use dynamic FUPs.

Changing the ES680 master

a) save data

1. save the data base with unloaddb -c and copy to DAT tape
2. save the directory $HOME/om
3. save the directory $HOME/listen
4. save the license file for the APs $HOME/AP.license,
for the DYNAVIS slave, e.g. $DYX/etc/DYNAVISX.LIC.w01es6, and
$TXP_HOME/$Sw/config/lizenz/STARTMENU for the ES slaves
5. save /etc/hosts, /etc/passwd, /etc/X0.hosts, /etc/hosts.equiv,

b) restore data

1. read DAT tape, prepare input files and reload project data base with | tee
2. restore $HOME/om
3. restore $HOME/listen

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4. restore license file $HOME/AP.license and $DYX/etc/DYNAVISX.LIC.w01es6,

insert DYNAVIS license file for the new master, build ES license file
$TXP_HOME/$Sw/config/lizenz/STARTMENU for slaves and new master
5. restore /etc/hosts, /etc/passwd, /etc/X0.hosts, /etc/hosts.equiv,
6. take care, that NIS is correctly installed at the master, i.e.:
in the file /etc/netnfsrs must be set at the master:
7. ypmake
8. The slaves should be down at this time.
iibuild -n for all slaves at the master
9. All ES slaves, which are not installed with ingres toolbox, should be switched on now:
netu n (Node Entry)
a (Authorisation)
10. set File Links (install_txpes680 point 6.1) for all slaves
11. install printer (sam and ES680 Administration)
12. control and perhaps modify Nachtlauf (cron_nachtlauf.cfg and directory /save)

Install a new Project

a) Create a new user

If the master has got two disks, create a directory at the second disk /win1 for the project data
and set the link (e.g.):
cd /install/txpes/data
ln -s /net/w01es1/win1/data/rouschpr rouschpr

Login as root at the master.

Call sam - Users and Groups - Users - Actions - Add:
Login Name: e.g. rouschpr
UID (user ID): number >500 (e.g. next free number, here: 3004)
Home Directory: e.g. /install/txpes/data/rouschpr as ES680 project login
Primary Group: txpes
Start-up Program: /usr/bin/csh
Now you must declare the new user in the network, so that it can be used at all workstations:
/usr/etc/yp/ypmake passwd

b) Install the new ES680 project

Login at the master as txpes.

change to the install directory (e.g. /install/txpes/install3.1.25/install)
select function 2.1 ("ein Projekt neu einrichten")
You will be asked for the home path of the new project (usually standard /install/txpes/data/...)
If it is a multiple block project the file project.ini must already be created.
accessdb will be called; you have to enter:
l (location Name): e.g. rouschpr
location used for
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Area (home directory): e.g. /install/txpes/data/rouschpr
acknowledge with <ESC> and s(ave)
u (user): e.g. rouschpr
acknowledge with <ESC> and s(ave)
now netu will be called. Select function a (Remote Authorization Entry):
a (add)
p (private)
remote v_node name (ingres master): e.g. ibs1
remote User Name: e.g. rouschpr
remote Password: the password you already chose.
Then you will be asked for the language (here Englisch).
After this the printer will be configured (e.g. Name: lw and TXP-Print-Server: ibs1)
At last you will be asked for the data base location: e.g. rouschpr

c) Install ES680 Login

The login for ES680 you install with the installation program install_txpes680 function 5.1
("Login einrichten").
In accessdb create the new login as user.

d) Login adapting

The next step in the installation program install_txpes680 is the function 5.2 ("Login
If you now log in as a user you just defined, ES680 will be started automatically and you get the
ES680 environment.

Install a new project at ES680 PC

The process under SCO is similar to installing at HP workstation under HP-UX, see above.
Here only the differences are described.

a) Create a new user

Create the new user in the SCO operating system with scoadmin.

In the home directory of the new user (e.g. esti) at the ES680 PC (e.g. e08es1) the file .rhosts
must be provided, e.g.:
Login as esti
vi .rhosts
vi .rhosts
e08es1 esti

b) Install the new ES680 project

Login at the master as txpes.

change to the install directory (e.g. /install/txpes/install3.1.25/install)
select function 2.1 ("ein Projekt neu einrichten")

c) Install ES680 Login

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The login for ES680 you install with the installation program install_txpes680 function 5.1
("Login einrichten").

d) Login adapting

The next step in the installation program install_txpes680 is the function 5.2 ("Login

e) Delete the old project

The Es680 PC is assign to handle only one ES680 project. Therefore when logging in as

ES680 project the processes for esMonitor, e.g. the gmf processes for printing, will be assigned
to the first installed project ES680 finds.
Therefore if you want to print in the new project and the old project (e.g. esti8) will be used no
more, you have to delete it.
First delete the old data base, e.g.:
Login as esti8
esMonitorClt disable ALL
destroydb esti8

Then you should delete the user esti8 in the Account Manager of scoadmin and kill all gmf
processes belonging to esti8.
Now you can also delete all directories, files and file systems belonging to the old user esti8.

More than one projects using the same DBSERVER

If you install (e.g.) two projects using the same DBSERVER, you have to configure the following
Login as project administrator and stop all TXP processes for all projects:
cd $HOME/config/esMonitor shut
Provide the file $TXP_HOME/projects with one line for every login.
For every login you have to configure the hostname of the server and the port addresses for
AsManager, SpaServer and esMonitor:
in the file $HOME/config/as_server.conf:
e.g.: manager_net_addr 24711 (and manager_net_addr 24811 for the other project,
AsManagerHost abces1 (2xTAB)
in the file $HOME/config/SpaServerES.conf:
e.g.: SpaServerES_Port 4711 (and SpaServerES_Port 4811 for the other project, )
in the file $HOME/config/esMonitor/esMonitor.conf:
e.g.: esMonitor_Host abces1
esMonitor_Port 6030 (and esMonitor_Port 6040 for the other project, )
Then you can start TXP.
cd $HOME/config/esMonitor start

Modify print options

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If you print diagrams in the FUP Editor, you can select options. The default options you cannot
modify in any ES680 menu. You must do it with SQL and update the data base table pic_d.
You must modify at two locations, pic_id=-1004 and pic_id=-1014.

The standard defaults are:

Menu-Text default entry pic_id/param_nr
(data entry dek in table pic_d) (data entry def in table pic_d)

D: Geschl. Verb. ZULI_Q/Z mark. N -1014/9

E: mark closed connectors N -1004/6

D: Konnektor-Verweise drucken J -1014/10

E: print connector references J -1004/7

D: CPU-Zuordnung drucken N -1014/11

E: print CPU reference N -1004/8

D: Orientierunglinien drucken N -1014/23

E: print grid N -1004/9

D: SIGDEF-Unterdrückung N -1014/24
E: print no SIGDEF N -1004/10

(D = if language German / E = if language English)

For example you want to print the orientation grid as default.

update pic_d set def= J where pic_id=-1004 and param_nr=9\g
update pic_d set def= J where pic_id=-1014 and param_nr=23\g

Using sub-systems ('Nebenanlagen') via L2 bus

Situation: You have to couple sub-systems ('Nebenanlagen') with AS via L2 bus.

With PG you specify at the AS interface number (SS-Nr.) 208 - 211 as Typ-Nr. 25
(not redundant) and SS-Nr. 214 - 215 as Typ-Nr. 24 (redundant).
You generate the software code with tolerating open connections, because the
software is not finished. You transfer the code to the AS offline, because the online
handler is not so tolerant.
Problem: The offline handler overwrites the information you gave to the AS with the PG.
Every time you transfer offline, you have to repeat the procedure below. Only when
the code is complete, you can transfer online and the information will not been
Procedure: Plug the PG to the AS. Call the S5 software COM_155H.
F5 (CP/IP)
F1 (Search)
F3 (Select)
SS-Nr. 214 and Typ-Nr. 24 for AG A
SS-Nr. 215 and Typ-Nr. 24 for AG B and
SS-Nr. 208 - 211 and Typ-Nr. 25 (not redundant) for L2 bus.

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Time estimation for TXP processes

The estimated values depend on the amount of data and the performance of the ES680
workstation. The following values refer to HP workstation B2600.
Older workstations HP 9000/7xx or ES-PCs need much more time.

cleanbm 10 - 20 min.
toped ca. 1
HW generation ca. 4
LAN generation ca. 5
SW generation 10 - 20
MMI generation 10 - 20
BDM generation 15 - 30
Dyn. FUP generation 20 - 30
Process. Function generation ca. 2
MMI transfer to leading OT 5 - 15
MMI transfer from leading OT ca. 2
BDM transfer ca. 2
Dyn. FUP transfer 15 - 30
Process. Function transfer ca. 2

Script for generating code

Jobs spending much we use to start in the evening or in the night. For example we use scripts
for generating code, e.g.
In the very early state of the test we tolerate open signals. For this purpose we use the option
z : (e.g.) -p poolbeg -a $asnr -z | tee $HOME/listen/as/ag00$ii/SWprot

Pay attention that at all ES computers no data base processes are working (no open diagram,
no dynamisation !)

The program will wait for acknowledging with y . Be aware, that toped is only
necessary after cleanbm or cleanh1.

Also the script MmiGen.perl for generating MMI will wait for acknowledging with y . Generating
MMI should not be done by script or it should be the last action in the script

Since ES680 Release 5 you can generate BDM and MMI not only totally but also partly, i.e. all
modified diagrams and pictures. So if you want to generate BDM totally you should give the
following command in the script: -name *

If you want to know script, which is used by the TXP system, look into the file
$HOME/listen/logfile.es680. There the script calles from the ES menue are listed,
e.g. for generating Memory Card files for AS 1 in project peter01: p peter01 a 1
or for generating AS 99 for the gateway: p peter01 a 99 0

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Permitting concurrent processes controlled by semaphores

TXP ES680 uses semaphores controlling concurrent processes, which are handling ES data.
The usage of the semaphores is described in the file
First there is written, which scripts use the same semaphores. A matrix indicates, which
semaphores are set when processes can be used parallelly (incl) at the same time and when
semaphores are set exclusively (excl), so that no other process, setting this semaphore, is
allowed to run at the same time.

Perhaps the following table is more easy to handle for a TXP user:

proc procGenAs ProcGenAsAg

HW generation incl. incl. excl.
SW generation incl. incl. excl.
Online generation incl. incl. excl.
Simulation incl. incl. excl.
Dynamization incl. incl. excl.
Transfer AP incl. incl. excl.
Transfer LAN to AP incl. incl. excl.
LAN generation incl. excl.
clean script (cleanas ...) excl.

Modifying FUP diagrams in the required AP you should not / cannot do during one of these
semaphore controlled processes.

Cleanas should be necessary only when the AP resoerces or cycle times are changed.

Configuring multiple units

AP-AP connection must be engineered properly (signals, data blocks, data words)
Bridge symbol exists in topology diagram.

$HOME/config/project.ini is correctly adjusted.

In every unit the file project.ini contains one line for every unit (TAB is the delimiter),
1 Unit10 ... palos11
2 Unit20 ... palos21
3 Unit30 ... palos31

In every unit the project is installed as multiple plants project (install_txpes680 point

In every unit pro_id in the data base table pro_d is correct, corresponding to project.ini,
e.g. pro_id=2 for Unit20.

Correct scripts and are installed in


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Open topology plan, open one pictograph and "Save and Close". So will be
Directory $HOME/listen/bx will be created, depending on which unit executed. (e.g. b2
on unit2)
The file lan_block.dat will be inside directory bx.
In every unit the file lan_block.dat contains all members of the plant bus in this unit with
its addresses:
LANBLOCK | 1 | 11160 | 299 | 32202 | 111 | 1 | 1 | 080006132111
LANBLOCK | 1 | 11160 | 299 | 32202 | 111 | 2 | 1 | 080006132112
LANBLOCK | 1 | 11160 | 300 | 32202 | 113 | 1 | 1 | 080006142111
LANBLOCK | 1 | 11160 | 300 | 32202 | 113 | 2 | 1 | 080006142112
LANBLOCK | 1 | 11160 | 301 | 32202 | 112 | 1 | 1 | 080006152111
LANBLOCK | 1 | 11160 | 301 | 32202 | 112 | 2 | 1 | 080006152112

For plant bus communication every unit needs all directories bx with its file
lan_block.dat for all units.
So copy lan_block.dat properly to all other units.

The addresses of all members of the plant bus for all units must also exist in the data
base table lan_block.
For this take the ES680 menu function Multiple plants Read reference data.
In this function take the mode None. Then the LAN data will not be copied via network,
but the information will be taken locally from the file lan_block.dat,
e.g. at p02es1 (Hostname) in project/data base palos21 (Username) the data for Unit30
(Plant) will be taken from the file $HOME/listen/b3/lan_block.dat

Start LAN generation.

Load LAN code (Note: load LAN code using OnlineHandler or AP Offline transfer. Do
not use menu Transfer -> LAN -> AP, since this will not load DX140).

For plant bus communication also OSM must be able to communicate:

Prepare PG for communication with OSM (install hypertrm.exe properly -> 115200-8-N-
Insert IP address on every OSM of plant bus (Note: every IP address should be unique
in whole plant).
Block timestamp from one unit (10 or 20).
Prepare OSM Master-Standby configuration (DIP-switch and crossed ITP cable).
Connect the OSM.

IP Addressing.
- Start hypertrm.exe
- Configure one *.trm file.
- Run this .trm file.
- login as admin (login: admin and password: admin).
- type in "agent" to go into "agent" sub area.
- type in "ip ###.###.###.###" to set IP address.
- type in "subnet" -> this is standard subnet of TXP.

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- type in "/" to go back to root.

Block timestamp.
- Start hypertrm as per above.
- type in "switch" to go to swtch sub area.
- type 'lt' to see learn table of each port -> check MAC address of time clock telegram.
- type 'macmulti ##-##-##-##-##-## 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 (assuming port 1 is connection to other
- type 'lt' again to check that port 1 will not transfer telegram of time clock.

Modifying title block data

Title block data are defined in the ES menue DB functions - Defaults for FGC (FKZ). Manually
done modifications in title block data are stored in the data base table schr_d.
If you want to put a unique name into title block data (e.g. Drawn and Check ) for one FGC,
modify the default entries, check the data base entries and delete the old entries, e.g.:
select f.nam,f.fkz_id,s.param_nr,s.inhalt from obj_f f,schr_d s where
f.fkz_id=76 and f.plan_id=s.plan_id and (s.param_nr=17 or
delete from schr_d where plan_id in (select plan_id from obj_f where
fkz_id=76) and f.plan_id=s.plan_id and (s.param_nr=17 or

Delete FC, which is not used

You have to do it in 3 steps within the FUP-Editor by DB functions.

First delete all diagrams of the FC:
diagram - delete - * where (e.g.) FC=S2
Then delete the FGCs:
Default - FGC-Data - search * where (e.g.) FC=S2 - mark all FGC as del - save
Now you can delete the FC:
Default - FC-Data - search * (all) - mark FC (e.g. S2) as del - save

Rename FC

1. Create FC with new name and assign to PU (PU-No).

2. Modify for all FGC belonging to the old FC the new FC name.
Now also all diagrams belong to the new FC
3. Delete the old FC
4. and print FbList.txt; the FC-ID has changed!
Therefore you must modify all files using the FC-ID
5. Modify all texts containing the FC name
6. generate and transfer AS-Code (HW, SW), LAN, MMI, BDM, Protocols, Dynamic OT-FUPs,
Processing functions
7. Stop all OM components: Om.Stop
8. Modify InfFb.proj, Arc.proj, Lza.proj, Asr.proj, Ot.hrn, rights.usr (release 7) or Ot.pwd
(release 6) and perhaps bpr_LTK.proj (if FC=OM):
Administration OM System Data Generate,

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Administration OT Usernames Edit and Ot.hrn manually (release 7)

or start and modify all manually (release 6)
9. Transfer projecting data to OM components:
Administration OM System Data Transfer (INF, ARC, LZA, ASR)
Administration OT Usernames Transfer (release 7)
or transfer Asr.proj manually (release 6)
10. Start OM components one after another
11. DS670 should be loaded completely and restarted (Engineering Module Tag ...)

FGC-change for certain function-charts in the database

If you have to change a FGC in a project for certain function-charts, you can do it like this:
1. Insert the new FGC (FUP DB Defaults FGC) and put it to the desired FC.
2. You have to find out the FKZ-ID for the new FGC:
sql DB select fkz,fkz_id from fkz_d\g
3. Make an update to the table obj_f as desired:
update obj_f set fkz_id=NNN where nam like ´11LBA1*´\g
(NNN= the fkz_id you found out under point 2)
In this case all function-charts that begin with '11LBA1' will have the new FGC after the update.
The dbrepair in the following night will update the table zuli with the new FGC for all lines with
these function-charts.

Delete FUP-Editor diagram

Always try to delete a FUP-Editor diagram by the FUP-Editor, not by SQL!

One diagram produces data base entries in several tables. When deleting by FUP-Editor, the
program will ensure, that all the relevant entries in the appropriate tables are erased. It will not
be enough to delete the plan_id in obj_f by sql. You have also to deal with ver_b, zuli and so on.
This requires very advanced knowledge of the data base.
Therefore delete the diagram by DB-function of the FUP-Editor.
If it is not possible, e.g. diagram is locked, unlock diagram as previously described.
Only if it is not possible to process with the FUP-Editor, delete by sql with assistance of a data
base specialist.

Building connections for FUP diagrams

If it is possible, the system will close itself open signals. This function you can start in the ES
Edit Generate Diagrams Generate Destinations
For the diagrams, the system says generating ... building ... saving ... ready , the generation of
the connections is successfully done.
The protocol file will be placed in the directory $HOME/listen/edit/gen. Or you can the protocol
from the ES menu with Edit View/Print Generate Destinations .

FUP-Editor: Move Modules with the contents of zuli

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If you move modules in the FUP-editor with the contents of zuli (sources and targets) it happens
sometimes (with all known versions) that the editor crashes or the module is outside of the
Before moving: menu Defaults limits: off. Important: just after moving switch it on

List documentation

a) Listendocumentation

If you want to get a list of diagrams, select in the ES menu:

Edit - Documentation - List of Function Diagrams
You can here select criteria.
Probably you will prefer the short list
The list you will find in the path $HOME/listen/edit/doku
For print out it is suggested to print the list file like this:
prfps -landscape -point 10 <list file>

b) List selecting the ES680 data base

Since ES680 release 5 you can get several lists by selection in the data base from the ES680
menu: Edit Documentation.
For example you can get a list of signals for Auxiliary plant unit.
The result can be put into an output file. The directory where it will be written is listen/edit/doku

c) Print the whole project

Login in ES with project account

go to Edit
in Print Function Diagrams
activate Identify close connection
activate Connector references
activate AP Reference
give as Selection FC=* FGC=* DTC=* Identification=* AP and Date open
you will find the result under /tmp/get_gmf/
best you use
cd /tmp/get_gmf;tar cvf doku.tar

to print needs up to 1 hour!

If you want to print a whole project and you order it with UAS="*" you will get trouble as soon as
the process tries to print the first diagram with UAS="YOA" or "YOV" (MMI-pictures)
Help: Before you order the printing, stop the EsMonitor and print-process (on DBA-server as
well as on print-server). Then order with UAS="*" and delete in table pr_queue all with
UAS="YOA" and "YOV". Start ES680 again and all diagrams (without MMI-pictures) will be

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Printing to postscript file

For printing not only to printer but also to postscript file, you must create the directory for the
print files and you must install the printer in the ES680 system at the ES master
(e.g. s112es01):
1. cd /tmp/get_gmf
2. Install the printer in the ES680 menu Administration Printer Configuration, so that
the file $HOME/config/.drconfigxpstartmen looks like: A4 ps printPS s112es01 1
Don´t install this printer in OS.

Copy FUP diagrams to a different data base

E.g. copy a complete FC to a new data base:

First make sure, that there is enough space for the temporary copy file. And make sure, that
both data bases are the same release. Otherwise you should not copy.
ES680 will write this file to $HOME/listen/edit/dbkopie
It's useful to link this output to a path at the hard disk of the local workstation, e.g. /tmp/dbkopie.
So you spare space in the network. From this path at the local workstation the new project can
get the data. You can work like this:
cd $HOME/listen/edit
rm -r dbkopie
ln -s /tmp/dbkopie dbkopie
cd /tmp
mkdir dbkopie
FUP-Editor --> DB --> Diagram --> Copy --> database -> file
Here you can select (e.g. a complete FC or single diagrams), whatever you want to copy.

To access the data in the temporary file by the new owner, you have to change the access
chmod 777 /tmp/dbkopie
chown -R <destination owner> /tmp/dbkopie

Now for copying into the new data base, you have to go the opposite way as above.
login <destination owner>
cd /users/sw/txpes/data/<project name>/listen/edit
rm -r dbkopie
ln -s /tmp/dbkopie dbkopie
FUP-Editor --> DB --> Diagram --> Copy --> file -> database
Now you can copy all diagrams (*) from file to the new data base.
But watch the protocol file. Perhaps diagrams already exist.

Transferring ES680 data base from HP workstation to SCO Unix PC

To copy a database (ES680) from a HP-workstation to a SCO-UNIX-PC, you need a normal

night-backup from the database.
The Dynavis-Container must be serialized (.xdr). A MMI-generation will create them. (The
generation has to be error-free). Or call $DYX/etc/serialize under Unix.
But not the MMI standard containers should be transferred, because they contains operating
system specific information! The MMI standard containers at SCO PC should not be overwritten!
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We offer the following sequence of actions:

1. Delete all not project specific containers in the saved directory /save/.../om/mmi/cnt.
Project specific are all containers *EJ*.* und ODY_MMI_PRO.*.
2. Serialize all project specific containers, if it is not done by MMI generation, do it by
script, e.g.:
for i in *.cnt
name= echo $i | cut f1 d.
echo $name
$DYX/etc/serialize $name $name.xdr 8000
3. Delete all files *.cnt in the saved directory /save/.../om/mmi/cnt.
No standard container ODY* exept ODY_MMI_PRO should be transferred to the SCO
4. Write the at night saved data at HP workstation to DAT tape.
5. Read saved data at SCO PC from DAT tape.
6. Load the data base at SCO PC ( and copy path om to the home directory
of the project, e.g.
cd /save/save1/imerese
cp r om $HOME
7. Deserialze in the directory om/mmi/cnt the serialized containers (*.xdr), obviously by
for i in *.xdr
name= echo $i | cut f1 d.
echo $name
$DYX/etc/deserialize $name $name.xdr 1024
8. Generate HW, SW, LAN (after modifying host names in the topology diagram), BDM,

Copy diagrams and pictures to an already existing project

FUP diagrams as well as MMI pictures can be copied by the FUP-Editor with the data base
function Read out Diagrams -> File into the directory $HOME/listen/edit/dbkopie.
This directory can be written to DAT tape and read from DAT tape at the SCO PC.

Before copying to the ES680 data base all entries with already existing identification must be
deleted, the FUP diagrams by FUP-Editor with data base function Diagram Delete, the MMI
pictures by MMI-Editor with Delete display.
If then picture containers and MountPoints still exist, delete them with UNIX command and in
DynavisX Organizer.

Then copy the FUP diagrams and MMI pictures by the FUP-Editor with the data base function
Read in File -> Diagrams to the ES680 data base.

Transferring ES680 data base back from SCO Unix PC to HP workstation

Tranferring backwards from PC to HP-workstation it is not possible to use a night-backup,

because the SCO-Unix-PC uses a later version of ingres-database-system.
In this case you have to do the following: Open FUP Editor, Database, Diagram, read in/out

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From FUP-editor copy to file: DTK: "*" and id-code: "*". Afterwards the dbkopie-directory
contents all function-charts and the MMI-pictures. Write dbkopie-directory to tape and give it to
the back-office.
If the project already exists, you have to delete all diagrams via FUP-editor and delete all
pictures via MMI-editor before reading in file to diagram.
to save this files use
tar cvf /dev/rStp0 dbkopie
or to copy a file to tape use
tar cvf target.tar source;dd if=target.tar of=/dev/rStp0 bs=64

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Modify module in topology diagram

You must first cut the module for the single one.
Then save the diagram and close. So toped will be processed.
Insert the new module.
Then save again the diagram and close. Toped will be processed again.
Generate LAN and transfer it.
Load AS offline.
If you changed the module representing a single CP530 to anotherone which represents a
redundant CP530, then you must run at least cleanverb (or cleanbm).

Projecting message processing

a) Create FUP diagrams for message processing

For each FC (FB) you need 2 diagrams, one for BF ( Bearbeitungsfolge , e.g.
10BEF10S1000), one for the message module (MELD, e.g. 10MEL10S1000).
Assume the FGC (FKZ) YCKYS1 for steam turbine S1 already exists.

Create the diagram: DTK YOM

(e.g.) Id 10BEF10S1000
select Symbols - Process 2 - BF-START (at the very right side of the menu)
define module parameter Unit second
Value 1
select and connect BF-SCHR with Cascade 10MEL10S1000

Create the diagram: DTK YOR

(e.g.) Id 10MEL10S1000
select Symbols - Process 2 - BER_XE (at last but one menu from the right edge
BER_XE includes XE range for external connector)
select Symbols - Process 1 - WS_KAP (at last but one menu from the right edge)
and connect
define module parameter No. of data elements 2000
select Symbols - Process 2 - MELD and connect with q_MELDUNG

In contrast to PROBOS you can copy and modify the diagrams in the FUP Editor:
Diagram - Copy - DB internal with edit rules for FGC and identifiers

b) Generate OM processing functions

Before starting the message handling at the OM the diagrams must be generated and
transferred to the OM system.
Generating will be done by the ES680 menu:
Generators - OM - Processing functions - All modified diagrams
The program vfgen will be started.

c) Transfer OM processing functions to the PU

Transferring will be done by the ES680 menu. It must be done for the PU, where the FC will be
processed, respectively (according to MAC):
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Transfer - OM - Processing functions - Load projecting data

To the redundant PU the data will be transferred by the ES680 menu, too:
Transfer - OM - Processing functions - Load redundancy

d) Reset Execution sequence

Since release 5 you can reset from ES680 menu:

Transfer - OM - Processing functions BF reset
here you define the requested KKS, e.g. 10BEF10S1000, and you select the related PU.

The MAC data at the PU must be equal to the VF data at the ES. If it is different, you must
Transfer - OM - Processing functions Synchronize
Select the requested PU. At the PU OM must be running.
After synchronization resetting BF will be possible.
Then you should load redundancy. OM at the redundant PU will be stopped. You must start
again OM at the redundant PU, before resetting BF there.

Creating OM picture hierarchy

Start the MMI Editor.

Select Process
Hier. Process display
select (Kurven Übersicht)
Hier. Plant display
PASTE if no plant overview picture is installed
select ....EJ001
select ...GT...EJ101
select GT Overview
select all Pictures
select ST Overview

Changing the color from MC-Dye (liliac) to signal green

Start the MMI Editor.

=> Create graphic

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=> DeskEdit
=> Desktops
=> select MMIKD10 (MMIKD20, MMIDESK)
=> Properties with right mouse key, hold and select function
=> Colours
=> copy signal green (6th column, last but one line) to MC-Dye
with Copy and Paste
and save (Save Colour) for color panels 1, 2, 3, 4
=> Select with right mouse key, hold and select function
=> Close
=> Terminate step

Generate signal files per usage YP60

When generating BDM the ES system can produce separate files per usage. You induce the
BDM generator to create these files (e.g. bpr_signal_YP60.dat) by existence of the file
BdmGen_signalfiles_per_usage in the directory config:
cd config
touch BdmGen_signalfiles_per_usage

Managing OT user names in ES680 release 7

Til ES680 release 6 the OT user names specifications were defined in the file Ot.pwd. They
must be defined outside ES680 menu by UNIX tools (Text Editor or vi).
Since ES680 release 7 the OT user names should be defined in the ES680 menu
When you start this function, a Java process will be started. Opening the window for the
specification data will spend some time.
When the window will not be opened, there is no Java process running (ps ef|grep java),
in the protocol file xp_startprotokoll you will see many Java messages and exit code 134. Then
logout and login again and don t start any other application.

In the ES680 menu you can specify the user type. As Supervisor you have all rights and you
get ASD and IC-ASD at OT at one monitor.

After editing the OT user data you must transfer the data to OT:

Error-messages of the TXP-Generators

The number of the error messages of the ES680-generators are explained in the file
$TXP_HOME/sw/sw2(3)(4).0.HP800/nls/english.iso88591 (or german.iso88591 / depends on
language-settings). You can view them with dumpmsg
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CP5431 parameterisation

Pro CP muß eine Datenbasis erstellt bzw. vorhanden sein
Alle Datenbasen müssen in einem gemeinsamen Verzeichnis liegen
Sollte eine Netzdatei vorhanden sein, so muß sie ebenfalls im selben Verzeichnis liegen
Die CPU des Simulatorrahmens muß geladen sein
Parameterdaten aus der ES680 holen: DX 140, Wort 1665 und 1666 oder Wort 1681 und
1682. Diese Parameter sind auch im Topologieplan in den jeweiligen Masken der APs
hinterlegt. (siehe auch Anhang)

S5 im MS-DOS Modus starten
Im Menüpunkt FILE PROJECT - SET Projektpfad auf das Verzeichnis mit den
Datenbasen einstellen
Paket CP5431 (NCM) unter Menüpunkt OTHERS starten

a) Netz-Datei

Es gibt zwei Netz-Dateien die zusammen gehören:

?????NCM.BPB und ?????NCM.NET
Die Datei *NCM.BPB enthält die globalen Netzwerkparameter. (anzuschauen mit "GLOBAL
Die Datei *NCM.NET enthält die Übersicht über das Netzwerk (anzuschauen mit "NETWORK
Die *NCM.BPB erhält automatisch den Namen der *NCM.NET Datei.
Falls man auf die GLOBAL NETWORS PARAMETER zugreifen möchte obwohl keine
*.NCM.BPB Datei vorhanden ist dann kommt die Meldung file too long .

In der Maske "CP INIT" wird man nach dem Namen der *.NET Datei gefragt. Besteht noch
keine Netzdatei so steht hier der zuletzt verwendete Name. Sonst steht hier der Name der
zugehörigen Netzdatei. (d.h. wenn ein Name da steht, muß die Datei noch nicht vorhanden
Die Netzdatei wir automatisch erstellt, wenn ein Netzabgleich stattgefunden hat, aber auch
wenn die globalen Netzparameter editiert wurden.

Vorsicht beim Herauslesen von Daten aus dem CP. Sobald ein Parameter geändert wird,
werden die globalen und lokalen Netzwerkparameter auf Default-Werte zurückgesetzt. Sollte im
selben Verzeichnis keine Netzdatei vorhanden sein, so wird sie (mit Default-Werte) automatisch
erstellt. Falls man das nicht beachtet und die Daten auf den CP zurückschreibt, dann kann das
zu Absturz des Netzwerkes und somit der Anlage führen.

b) Simulator-Datenbasis

Im Menü INIT EDIT anwählen

STATUS auf OFFLINE stellen
Datenbasis entweder mit F8 auswählen oder neuen Namen vergeben; sollte noch keine
Datenbasis vorhanden sein so steht als Dateiname der zuletzt verwendete. Wollte man jetzt
(mit F8) eine Auswahl machen, dann greift das Programm auf das Verzeichnis S5_HOME
Mit F7 übernehmen
Im Menü EDIT CP INIT anwählen
Parameter eintragen oder überprüfen:
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L2-Adr.: 4
Basis-SSNR: 4
Unter COMMUNICATION REFERENCE: 2 Parameter eintragen:
ANR: 2
LOCAL LSAP: 3 (genau umgekehrt zu TXP-Seite)
REMOTE LSAP: 2 (genau umgekehrt zu TXP-Seite)
REMOTE L2 ADDRESS: 2 (genau umgekehrt zu TXP-Seite)
Mit F1 zu COMMUNICATION REFERENCE: 3 wechseln und Parameter eintragen:
ANR: 4

Die Parameter für die Simulator-Datenbasis bleiben immer gleich, wenn eine Kopplung zu
AEG simuliert wird.
Nach dem Laden des CP sollte man überprüfen ob unter Menüpunkt EDIT VFD
VARIABLES EDITOR die FMS Variablen folgende Parameter haben:


5209 AR 40 RA DB 100 0 FW 150 0
UN 16
5208 AR 24 WA DB 100 40 FW 160 0
UN 16

c) TXP-Datenbasis

Die Parameter, Basis SSNR und ANr, für die TXP-Datenbasis sind immer projektspezifisch
und müssen aus der ES680 im Topologieplan (CP-Symbol ist angewählt) CP
PROPERTIES abgelesen werden. Die Angaben sind auch im DX140 Wort 1666/1682
enthalten (siehe auch Anhang). Wenn die Basis SSNr bei Wort 1665 liegt, dann liegen die
ANr Werte bei Wort 1666.
Im Menü INIT EDIT anwählen
STATUS auf OFFLINE stellen
Datenbasis entweder mit F8 auswählen oder neuen Namen vergeben
Mit F7 übernehmen
Im Menü EDIT CP INIT anwählen
Parameter eintragen oder überprüfen:
L2-Adr.: 2
Basis-SSNR: 216 (aus ES680)
Hier muß man noch unterscheiden ob der CP für Simulatorbetrieb oder Baustellenbetrieb
parametriert werden soll
Unter COMMUNICATION REFERENCE: 2 (read- Verbind.) Parameter eintragen:
TYPE OF APPL. ASSOC.: für Simulatorbetrieb: MMAC
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TYPE OF APPL. ASSOC.: für Baustellenbetrieb: MSAC

ANR: 1 (aus ES680)

ANZW: DX 52 93
Mit F1 zu COMMUNICATION REFERENCE: 3 (write- Verbind.) wechseln :
TYPE OF APPL. ASSOC.: für Simulatorbetrieb: MMAC
TYPE OF APPL. ASSOC.: für Baustellenbetrieb: MSAC
ANR: 3 (aus ES680)
ANZW: DX 52 93
Zum Erstellen des EPROMS für die Baustelle (im Test) einfach die LOKAL NETWOR
beschrieben parametrieren und auf das Eprom übertragen.

d) FMS Variablen

Im DX53 Wort 105 und Wort 142 müssen die Bezeichnungen der FMS Variablen stehen. Diese
sind festgelegt:
read- Variable 5209 (Wort 105)
write- Variable 5208 (Wort 142)
Diese Parameter werden im Topologieplan unter (AS Symbol angewählt) MODULE
PROPERTIES- SIMADYN festgelegt. (siehe Anhang)

e) Netzparameter

Im Menü EDIT GLOBAL NETWORS PARAMETER anwählen und Parameter eintragen.

Beim Erstellen oder Ändern einer Datenbasis müssen die Netzparameter neu eingegeben
ANZAHL FREMDER AKT. STATIONEN: 1 (bei einer Punkt zu Punkt Kopplung)
Die folgenden Werte müssen eingehalten werden
HSA: 10
DATA RATE: 500000 bps
SLOT TIME: 2000 bit times
TARGET ROTATION TIME: 30000 bit times
Nun auf keinen Fall F1 ( BERECHNEN ) drücken, da sonst die Werte verändert werden
Mit F7 übernehmen
Prüfen ob die richtige Netzdatei eingestellt ist und dann mit F7 übernehmen. Nun müssen
hinter DEST. FILE die beiden Datenbasen kurz aufleuchten.
Jetzt ist das Netzwerk abgeglichen (die globalen Netzparameter wurden in die lokalen

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Nun muß man unbedingt überprüfen ob die lokalen Netzparameter laut oben genanten
Parametern übereinstimmen. Sie müssen den globalen Netzparametern gleich sein.
VORSICHT: sollten jetzt noch Änderungen in irgend welchen Parametern gemacht werden,
dann werden die globalen Netzwerk Parameter auf Defaultwerte zurückgeändert (diese
entsprechen aber nicht den Anforderungen)

f) Laden der CPs bzw. EPROMs


wählen. Damit wird die gerade eingestellt Datenbasis geladen.

g) Neustart der CPUs (APs)

nach dem Laden des CPs auf der TXP- Seite muß das entsprechende AP (AP-A und AP-B)
auf STOP genommen werden und anschließend wieder auf RUN . Anderenfalls wird der
CP 5431 nicht synchronisiert.
Auf der Simulatorseite muß die Spannungsversorgung kurz unterbrochen werden,
(vorausgesetzt die Batterie ist OK) weil die Synchronisierung durch den OB 22 (auto.
Anlauf) ausgelöst wird.

h) Testfunktionen

Im Menü TEST ALI TOTAL STATUS anwählen. Hier kann man sehen ob der CP die
Lese- und Schreibaufträge bearbeitet. (siehe auch Anhang) Mit F3 SING STAT kann man
sich noch mehr Informationen holen (LSAP, L2-Adr.)
Im Menü TEST - FMA TEST FUNCTIONS LOCAL LIFE LIST anwählen. Hier sollten die
beteiligten CPs mit ihren L2 Adressen aufgeführt sein.

i) Fehler

Manchmal sieht es so aus als ob die Kopplung intakt wäre. Beim Arbeiten auf der OM stellt
sich dann aber heraus, dass die Werte nicht ankommen (rot). Das kann zwei Ursachen
1. Im DX53/APT-Maske sind die Variablen nicht eingetragen; hierbei hilft das eintragen der
Variablen in den Topologieplan und erneutes HW- , SW- Generieren und Übertragen
2. APT-Nr im DX140 ist nicht gleich 1 (bei einem/erstem APT); Das ist ein Systemfehler.
Beheben dieses Fehlers erfordert einer längeren Prozedur (siehe Anhang)

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Support / Tools

INGRES direct database manipulation

If you work with sql Dbname directly in the database, you should use first
set autocommit on\g, because otherwise the database is blocked and all other users can't
work anymore.
Attention: you can't use rollback afterwards! (use delete and update in this case only, if you
know what you do!)

The wildcard signs under INGRES are different to UNIX / DOS:

Wildcard-UNIX Wildcard-INGRES Bedeutung
? _ (Underline) All signs at the position
* % All signs before /after
Examples: select kks from lt_f where kks like ´_ _ _ _ _ _ _D%´
Shows all lines where the kks has a 'D' at the 8th position.
select kks from lt_f where kks like `%D%´
shows all lines with a 'D' in kks at any position.

Find not closed connections for MMI pictures

You can get the not closed connections for MMI pictures in the data base by SQL:
select distinct z.q_kks, z.sig, z.z_kks, m.mtext, z.q_bea, z.z_bea,
o.po_x, o.po_y,
from zuli z, ver_b v, obj_g o, pic_b b, mmi_obj_f m
where (z.q_bea = XXX or z.z_bea = XXX )
and z.z_pid != 0 and z.z_cpu1 = -2
and z.z_pid = v.plan_id and z.z_pid = o.plan_id
and z.z_lid = v.loc_id and v.z_lid = o.loc_id
and o.pic_id = b.pic_id and o.plan_id = m.plan_id
order by q_kks, z_kks\g

Find the last modified diagrams

In the data base table obj_f there is stored the date and the time of the last modification.
Therefore you can find the modified diagrams with sql like this:
select nam,datum from obj_f where datum between 09-dec-1998 16:00:00
and 09-dec-1998 17:00:00 \g

Modify ZULI entries by SQL

a) Modify description text

In the parameters you get by zuli edit the entries for description ( BEZEICHNUNG ) and OM
designation ( OM-BEZEICHNUNG ) should be the same. If they do not match for very many
select q_kks,sig,q_bez,z_bez from zuli where z_kks= SIGDEF and
q_adr1= SIGDEF and q_adr2= SIGDEF and not q_bez=z_bez\g

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you will not do it by hand but you should do it by sql.

Start SQL without set autocommit on\g
update zuli set z_bez=q_bez where z_kks= SIGDEF and q_adr1= SIGDEF
and q_adr2= SIGDEF \g
Now you can control the update action with the select command (see above). If it is correct, you
activate the modification on the hard disk in the data base:

b) Convert text into capitals

After software-updates or for client-wishes it might be necessary to convert some rows in

capital-letters. Important for example for the table pic_tt in which you find the setting-text of the
*update pic_tt set einst=uppercase(einst) \g row 'einst' will be converted to
capital-letters (whole row)
If there is already text in small letters in the function-charts, you have to update the table zuli
also like this. (Attention: zuli has two rows, source and target.):
update zuli set q_ein=uppercase(q_ein)\g
update zuli set z_ein=uppercase(z_ein)\g

List of Sub-system ( Nebenanlagen ) information

Mr.Barczyk wrote a script with a complete set of information about Nebenanlagen .
For example you get a message, if addresses are provided twice:
Doppelbelegungen gefunden !!! ...

List of MMI container numbers

There is a table in the ES data base containing the MMI container numbers: mmi_obj_f
You can direct the sql output to a log file (>) and you can sort the output by container number
(order by cnt_nr).

Print out on color printer the MMI pictures for show to client

1. Login as administrator for project. (e.g. ghazu2)
2. Open required picture in MMI-Editor in mode Process Create graphic
3. Open xterminal
cd mmi_pic
xwd out 8X-PIC-007 (Don t press <ENTER> !!!)
4. Move xterminal window in place close to top or bottom border of screen, so that you are
able to see small piece of frame of Xterminal when you will maximize MMI window.
5. (the xterminal window should be behind MMI).
6. Move mouse pointer over the xterminal frame.
7. Press <ENTER>
8. The pointer will change shape for a cross.
9. Press mouse inside MMI window.
10. Open TOOLBOXES General Media Image
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a. File Open (open required picture mmi_pic/ )

b. File Save Current Page As
c. choose again required picture mmi_pic/ (but only choose, do not double click)
d. change format of the picture
e. File type: BMP
f. (than automatically you will get name with correct extension)
g. OK

On PC Siemens11 (Lugmayr)
Open DOS window
cd picture
cd u2_correct
ghazu2 (login)
/admin (password)
cd mmi_pic
get 8X-PIC-007.bmp

11. Double click in Explorer to open the picture and print.

Modifying module parameters by script

In every magnetic valves the module parameter BAV should be set to 1.

Mr.Hauss wrote a script for this purpose.
If the script is modified, it can be used not only for ESG module but also for other pic_id. And if
the index for BAV in the table obj_d will be modified, it can be used for other parameters.
For example: Set in all GA modules the parameter DELT to 250.
Then you have to change the pic_id to 2323.
Open a FUP diagram with the module GA. Note from the module properties the plan_id and the
loc_id (Nummer). Call selectObjdParams.perl with data base name, plan_id and loc_id. In the
table with the module parameters you will find the index of the parameter DELT as first entry in
the corresponding line. With this index and the value 250 you modify the echo line in the script.
You must call the script for all AS separately.

Get data base selections with SQL

a) List FKZ

Select all FKZ (FGC):

select fkz_id,fkz,fb_id from fkz_d order by fb_id\g

b) List KKS

You want to get a list of KKS selected by name:

select nam,bez from obj_f where nam like _______E% or nam like _______D% \g

If you want the selection only for some FKZ:

select nam,bez from obj_f where fkz_id in (45,7) and (nam like _______E% or nam like _______D% )\g

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c) List diagrams with special modules

You want to have a list of all FUP diagrams containing a simulation module (pic_id=1930).
The list will be produced by one sql command:
select distinct f.nam,,d.plan_id,d.pic_id,AP=d.cg_cpu1 from obj_f
f, obj_d d where f.plan_id=d.plan_id and (pic_id=1930 or
pic_id=1922) order by d.cg_cpu1\g

d) List diagrams using signals, which are defined but not connected

If you have many open signals in code generation, you want to get a list of diagrams, where you
should close only the connection.
The signals are defined (SIGDEF exists) and there is an open connection (q_bea= XXX ).
The list will be produced by one sql command:
select z_kks,z_se,q_kks,q_se,sig,z_cpu1 from zuli z
where q_bea= XXX and q_kks in (select q_kks from zuli
where z_kks= SIGDEF and sig=z.sig) order by q_kks\g
With this list you will close the connections with the FUP-Editor.

e) List cycle time and paket number

In the data base table lt_f there are importand information for packages and cycle times.
cpu1 is the AS number, cpu3 is the cycle time (100=base cycle, 101=Z1, 102=Z2, ...)
vt is the paket number, cpu4 is the PB number.
select kks, vt as pack, cpu3 as cycle, hw_cpu3, cpu4 as pb from lt_f
where cpu1=11 order by cycle, pack\g

f) Get shifting time

The shifting time is defined in the table pb_list.

You get diagram ID, AP, packet, PB, cycle, shifting time with the SQL command:
select l.kks, AP=l.cpu1, packet=l.vt, PB=l.cpu4, cycle=l.cpu3,
shift=p.vt from lt_f l, pb_list p where l.cpu4=p.cpu4\g

g) Get instance numbers

You want to get a list with all instances with KKS belonging to for a selection of function
select nam,instanz_nr from obj_inst i, obj_f f where
f.plan_id=i.plan_id and nam like B1% \g

h) Get a list of message signals

You want to get a list with all message signals with KKS belonging to for a FC. Here the steam
turbine has FC ID 1.
select distinct f.nam,k.fkz,z.z_verw from obj_f f, fkz_d k, zuli z
where k.fb_id=1 and f.fkz_id=k.fkz_id and f.nam=z.q_kks and (z.z_verw
like YP10 or z.z_verw like YP11 or z.z_verw like YP12 or z.z_verw like
YP13 or z.z_verw like YP14 )\g

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Produce list file within SQL

Within SQL you can define a file name for the list output, e.g. list file named log:
\script log

Data base selection with SQL script

a) signal list

You want to get a list with all signal by the script ALLSIG_SH.txt:
sql > allsig.prot $1 <<!
set autocommit on\g
select distinct f.nam,z.sig,z.q_bez,z.q_ein,k.fkz,b.fb,z.q_einheit
from zuli z, fb_d b, fkz_d k, obj_f f
where z.q_pid=f.plan_id and k.fkz_id=f.fkz_id and k.fb_id=b.fb_id
order by nam,sig\g
e.g. call ALLSIG_SH.txt cottam

b) Hardware allocation for selected KKS

From Michael Krueger we got the script

Define unique name for measurement unit

If you use different name for units in your I&C system (e.g. BAR, Bar, bar), you should unify the
names (e.g. only bar ).
select q_einheit from zuli where q_einheit like B% or q_einheit like b% \g
Perhaps you can unify with the only command:
update zuli set q_einheit= bar where q_einheit like B% \g
Special characters (e.g. for °C or the Greek character my ) you get in UNIX in this way:
° : <ALT> [
my : <ALT> \

Produce parameter lists (PaLi) with perl script

There are already prepared scripts to produce lists supported by perl

a) Hardware List

To produce a list of the contents of the ET200 stations there exists the shell script using
Every time you call the script, you will get a list for one AP: e.g. nehu 11
The list file will be written into et200.belegung.xxxx.lst
You should print the list file like this: prfps -point 9.5 ....lst

b) PaLi.perl

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The script PaLi.perl is prepared to produce lists from the data base. The script expects the
instructions, specifying which information should be listed, in the file
So put the data specifying the kind of list you want to
If you want a list of analogue values, you can use the prepared file
PaLi.perl nehu 11 12 > Analog.lst (analogue values of AS11 and AS12 in
project nehu to the file Analog.lst)
There is a lot of information; therefore print Analog.lst like this:
prfps -landscape -point 6 Analog.lst

c) hw.perl

The script hw.perl is prepared to produce a hardware list from the data base.
The list contains a well defined set of hardware information. You get the list for each AP
separately. The file must exist in the same path. You must define the data base name
and the AP number, e.g.:
hw.perl isab 11
For processing the information with EXCEL, you should write the data to a file:
hw.perl isab 11|tee hw11.txt

d) Producing new lists

You have to prepare a file (e.g., which will be used as
PaLi.perl will take the information, defined in, from the text field 'inhalt' in the data
base table obj_d.

1. First define the modules, for which you will get the parameters (e.g. for motors: DCM (ESG),
...). Note as example for one diagram the plan_id, loc_id (module parameter 'number') and
the port number (activate output zuli and note under Properties the port)
2. Define the module parameters you want to be listed;
make a hardcopy and let the customer decide.
3. Create the head line and columns of the list.
You define the headline of the list in the first two lines of exactly in the way, it
should be printed.
In the third line you define the columns: e.g. %-13s means: 13 characters left justified,
%4s means: 4 characters right justified
Pay attention that the first five columns in the list are fix. They are reserved for
- identification ( Kennzeichen KKS)
signal ( Sig )
module type for the signal ( Baustein )
configured value for the signal ( Einst_Z )
- unit of the signal ( Einh_Z )
4. Get the indexes of the parameters in the table obj_d for the plan_id and loc_id by e.g.:
selectObjdParams.perl taweelah
You terminate the script with \q
5. Create now the lines in with:
pic_id (module properties), port number, indexes of the parameters you want,
separated by one single blank!
The first selected parameter will be listed in the 6th column.
6. Start the script PaLi.perl, e.g.:
PaLi.perl baiji 11, 12, 13, 14

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Setting the Revision Data in FUP diagrams of a whole project

Reinhold Kutscher created a procedure for setting the text data ( Schriftfelddaten schr_d) all
over a whole project data base.
This procedure is sophistcated, because it not so easy to modify the data in all pages of all
diagrams. It includes a sequence of scripts:
3. replacing all R by R in the file Planupd.sql, e.g. by vi:
:1,$s/ R / R /g
4. Planupd.sql
5. define the text, which should be inserted in the text field of schr_d for change data in the file
7. replacing all TEXT by TEXT for text strings in the file Rev_eintrag.sql
8. Rev_eintrag.sql

The text string in the topology diagram you must modify manually.

Set picture parameters

a) setPicPar

In $TXP_HOME/$Sw/bin there is a script setPicPar for setting parameters of pictures, e.g. ESG
(pic_id= 2203, 2201, 2293, 2283, 2285, 2215, 2245 or 2774).
For example you want to set the parameters for releasing ( Freigabe ) F/EIN and F/AUS. Select
the param_nr in table pic_d for pic_id=2203
(select * from pic_d where pic_id=2203\g)
You get param_nr=124 for F/EIN and param_nr=127 for F/AUS.
You must provide the input file setPicPar.dat for setPicPar with lines containing:
pic_id param_nr value , e.g.
2203 124 1
or if you want to replace 0 with 1: 2203 124 1 0
Then you can call the script, e.g. for data base wkc:
setPicPar wkc < setPicPar.dat
The development employee is Hans Betz (Tel.: 85302)

b) setpar

In the silimar way you can use the scrip setpar. The script, started with database name, will ask
for the parameters:
plan_id loc_id pic_id param_nr Parameterwert (value), e.g.:
setpar pangli1

> 3949 44 2346 217 4

Or you can create and use a data file, e.g.:
setpar pangli1 < setpar.AWT

Set cycle time by script

In the TXP SW path there is a script for setting the cycle time for the
basic cycle.
For example setting the basic cycle in project salta in AP33 to 50 msec:

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TXP Administration Manual For Siemens internal use only PG L1 -p salta -a 33 -z 50

You will get troubles when for one AP two basic cycle times are defined. Check it and delete the
wrong cycle time if necessary: (e.g.)
select * from abtast where cpu1=33\g
delete from abtast where cpu1=33 and z1=0.1\g

In table abtast the character flag fl_rahmen must be set:

update abtast set fl_rahmen= s where cpu1=33\g

Control the real cycle times

With a PG you can check the real cycle times at the AP. But you can do it also at the ES with
the program pgmaster.(with SCO-ES use pgmaster.cp1613) If you want to know 4 values
(average time for basic cycle z0, maximum time for z0, average time z1, maximum time z1),
then use pgmaster like this, e.g.:
pgmaster p peter01
1 (Connect)
11 (AP number)

23 (Scan memory)
BstTyp: dx 68
Offset: 0
Laenge: 128

Changing the values to decimal type SHIFT d

When the maximum time is set to a default value (e.g. 2000 for maximum time z0), you can
reset it with pgmaster:
When scanning the memory (function 23) type TAB. Now you can define a new value ( Neuer
Wert ). Reset by defining 0.
After every offline transfer to AP the maximum values will be set to default again.

Save AS memory

For diagnosis purposes pgmaster can read memory data and write it to files, e.g.:
mkdir memory
cd memory

pgmaster p taweelah
1 (Connect)
51 (AP number)
18 (Image of memory)
Image of memory will be written to files abzug0.dat, abzug1.dat, abzug2.dat, ...
2 (Disconnect)

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When reading AP data, nobody should access the required AP. Otherwise you will get error
messages and the data reading process will spend very much time.

DB addresses visible in function chart

To make the DB-Addresses visible in the function charts, you must run the script
$TXP_HOME/$Sw/tool/ (Umschaltung von Darstellung Seite nach DB-
Since ES680 version V4: in the same directory you find: update_adre_sicht and
Syntax for run: quel [DBNAME] < update_adre_sicht or
quel [DBNAME] < update_adre_unsicht
With this you can switch the DB-addresses visible (update_adre_sicht) or the page
Hint: Addresses will be only visible if they are generated by code generation.
Changing the mode will take effect only after restarting the FUP Editor.

Documentation of process implentation for OM pictures

There is the tool dok_anbindungen for printing at the ES-Workstation the identification (KKS)
of the process implementation in OM pictures at the position where you will see it at the OT
cd $TXP_HOME/$Sw/tool
The following input you will be asked.
You can select single KKS or with wildcards.
Before starting the script, the environment variables DBSERVER and Proj must be provided.

Checking consistency of the AP-AP signals

There is the tool checking a complete project data base, e.g.: p taweelah

Ingres special advices

a) Ingres environment variables

ingprenv shows INGRES-Environment variables: (also license-string)

ingunset <VARIABLE> delete value of <VARIABLE>

b) Ingres tool iimonitor

With the tool iimonitor you can show the Ingres-Sessions and their users and delete them (as
INGRES). Further options with help .
Syntax: iimonitor <SERVER-NAME>
IIMONITOR>format all (show sessions)

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You get <SERVER-NAME> with iinamu show.


The program SITOPP creates a file, which is needed for simulation.

To deliver the file to the person, who will do the simulation, 8 steps must be done, the first three
steps only, when you use SITOPP the first time for this data base. For SITOPP two tables in the
data base must be prepared (cg_bgsitopp and cg_kks_sitopp). SITOPP generates data files
for two types of simulators (KWU L simulator PROSIM or GuD simulator). For both simulators
different versions of data base tables are needed.
1. Make directory for sitopp in the project path
2. The table cg_kks_sitopp_neu must exist. It indicates the type of simulator.
select distinct ebyte_off from cd_kks_sitopp_neu
where hw_pic_id=27754 and kanal=1\g
If the answer is 1 , the KWU L simulator is installed,
if the answer is 0 it s the GuD simulator
3. Look for the table cg_bgsitopp. There exist different versions of this table. If you don t
have the correct one, for example the column gsd_datei is missing), you can get it
from the directory $TXP_HOME/$Sw/db_sql,
e.g.: sql taweelah < $TXP_HOME/$Sw/db_sql/cg_bgsitopp.sql
4. set the NLS path for messages: setenv NLSPATH ./
5. delete old files of previous sitopp jobs: e.g. rm rousch1.sim and rm sitopp.error
6. start program sitopp, e.g. sitopp -p rousch1
Pay attention that the program file sitopp matches with the data base tables you
created! Perhaps in the TXP software path is an old program version.
Then use your own program: ./sitopp -p rousch1
7. check the error file sitopp.error, the result has been written into file rousch1.sim
8. You must write the result (rousch1.sim) to to floppy for the person, who simulates. First we
transfer the file from the HP workstation to the OM-PC by ftp.

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UNIX Solutions (HP-UX)

Shutdown a ES workstation

You should use the command shutdown -r -y 0

-r means reboot,
-y implies 'yes' for each system question, so the system will not wait for replies,
0 stands for waiting time =0, this means that it will be rebooted immediately.
Remember that the mouse must be plugged when booting.

Boot single user mode

If you cannot boot multi user mode, you can try single mode, e.g. to control /etc/inittab.
You should interrupt booting with ESC immediately after switching power on.
Then you boot from the boot disk (SCSI 6) the initial system loader:
b scsi.6.0 isl
For new HP workstations HP B180/132L the command is
b fwscsi.6.0 isl
Then you initialize HP-UX with single user mode:
hpux -is /stand/vmunix
If even this is not successful, you can try to boot the backup kernel:
hpux -is boot /SYSBCKUP

Get Hardware information, IDs and HP-UX software release

/etc/lanscan shows network-info (important for ES680 license)

uname i shows ID of the station

uname a gives the HP-UX software release; you get the license condition and release,
e.g. B.10.20

dmesg shows several hardware-problems and information's: You'll find Memory-Size / HPUX-
version and problems with Hardware-components.

Hard disk information

Harddisc-Mountpoints are in the file /etc/checklist

bdf shows mounted Harddiscs and used / free space

du s <directory> shows the used disc-space of files and directories

du s /* for example shows all files and directories / (Size). (Attention: Shows Blocks / not

ES not handable

Manifestation: You cannot operate the ES, no keyboard operation, no mouse operation
possible. You can remote login from another ES, but there is no vuesession you can kill.
Reason: /etc/inittab is destroyed!

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Solution: Copy inittab from another ES or (better) from /etc/newconfig and restart the
graphic interface HP-VUE:

ES master crash

a) searching for the reason

If the master crashed, you should explore for the reason. Perhaps a core file will help a
specialist to find out the error source.
You should create the directory /tmp/syscore. When it exists, the system will place the core file
there, when there is a crash. But the system will write this core file only, when the crash is
caused by the software. When there is lost power, the system will not be able to place the core
file in /tmp/syscore.
Another possibility to look for the reason of the crash is PIM_INFO. When the system is booting
again after crash, interrupt the booting with ESC. Then you can request for PIM_INFO.

b) disk crash

The master goes down. When checking file system, there is the error message:
... fsck -P and the computer stops working.
Try to check the file system with fsck -y
If this was successful, reboot: reboot -n
If the file system check for the second hard disk was not successful and you don t need it, you
can delete the file system on the second hard disk with sam ( Disks and File Systems - Local
File Systems )

Installing second hard disk

a) Build in the second hard disk

Put the jumper to SCSI address 5.

Build in the hard disk and switch power on.
In HP-UX SR 10.20 the hard disk will be recognized automatically.

b) Configure the hard disk with Logical Volume Manager

Login as root
Disks and File Systems
Disk Devices
select SCSI 5
Using the Log. Volume Manager
Create a Volume Group
Volume Group Name: vg01
Add New Logical Volumes

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Logical Volume Name: lvol1

Logical Volume Size (MB): 2044
Mount Dirictory: /win1
Modify Defaults
File System Type Journaled

After configuring you have to mount the new file system lvol1 /win1.

c) Create new project directory

After mounting the second hard disk create the new project diectory, e.g. /win1/data/wkc.
Login as root.
cd /install/txpes/data
cp -rp wkc/.* /win1/data/wkc

d) Set new link

cd /install/txpes/data
mv wkc wkc.orig
ln -s /win1/data/wkc wkc

e) Export new hard disk access

Extend /etc/exports at the master with a line for the new hard disk, e.g. after
/ -root=hpa4078:w01es4:w01es5:w01es6:nhp201:hp1920 insert:
/win1 -root=hpa4078:w01es4:w01es5:w01es6:nhp201:hp1920

Export the file system with

/usr/etc/exportfs -av
After this the slaves must be rebooted.

Hard disk error

In the TXP installation of HP workstation no diagnosis are activated. But when booting the
workstation, read/write errors will be recognized. They will be reported in the file
If there are error messages like file system inode ... had a write error at offset ... you should
think about changing the hard disk.

Kill ES680 session

Suppose ES680 stops working. Perhaps Ingres is broken down or the system is very slow.
First control, whether the process is still working or not: top
A table of processes will be listed with the CPU time used.

If you want to stop the ES680 session, but the user cannot leave the program, the process must
be killed. Then look in a xterm window for the process .xsession the user possesses: ps -ef
Kill this process by typing in the process ID: kill -9 <process ID>

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If it is even impossible to open a xterm window, you must enter the workstation, which is not
working, by rlogin from another workstation.

File-link for TXP-ES680 if you use more than one software-release

If you use more than one software-release of ES680-software on a server, the links (to library-
files) should always point to the latest version. (Clients and servers). For example:
/usr/lib/ You can do it by hand or call the es680-install script. With later versions
there is also the link to /usr/local/perl5 ==> $SW/install/perl5.inst

Project Home Session

The monitor display, e.g. colors or background, you can modify with the Style Manager. If you
want to fix this configuration for being loaded when logging in, you can save it with Startup.
You should modify the Home Session only, if there are no processes running and ES680 is

When loggin in always the Home Session should be started!

Bad performance

The graphic in the HP VUE Front Panel shows you how busy the computer is, how many
processes are running. There should be no more than 3 lines.

First make sure, that the server has enough memory (RAM). See Memory Information:

If you read file table full, you should reboot the system.

ES master will not react

If you cannot activate any action at the ES and NIS master, try to login remote from another
workstation. Call top. If the most active process is ypserv, NIS does not work properly. Then
check the whole NIS configuration. Perhaps one of the slaves will produce the problem.
Incorporate one slave after another.

Inode table is full

If you get at the ES master the operating system messages

inode: table is full
something is wrong with your kernel parameters of HP-UX. You will see the error messages
also, if you call /etc/dmesg.
IEZ raised the number of users from 32 to 64. Then the number of inodes raised from 608 to
894. After modifying the kernel parameters the ES master must be rebooted.

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No operation possible

The screen at the ES is dark, you cannot operate.

First check the hardware.
Then login remote from another ES in the network. Look for the HP VUE processes. Perhaps
you can and must kill vuesession for logging in again.
Try to start logging in with graphic interface as root: /usr/vue/bin/vuelogin
Check /etc/inittab. This file is responsible for starting processes and the whole system.
Take care when modifying it. You can copy it from an other ES.

hpterm with white background

In HP-UX SR 10 normally the hpterm window has dark background. This is bad for making
hardcopies. If you want to get white background, do it in the following way:
source .login
Close the hpterm window. If you now open hpterm windows, they will have white background.

For getting hpterm with scroll bar, many (e.g. 3000) saved lines, foreground (text) black and
background white you can use these options:
hpterm sb sl 3000 fg b bg w

Configuring keyboard

Assume the keyboard driver and the connected keyboard don t match. For example an US
keyboard is connected, i.e. left beside the right shift button there is the /? button.
But a German driver is installed.
Then remove the file for the language specific keyboard: rm /etc/kbdlang
and boot again.
When booting you will be asked for the keyboard driver. Then answer:
PS2_DIN_US_English (46)

Filetransfer (TCP-FTP)

login at host1
syntax: ftp host2
put /dir/filename /dir2/filename copies the file /dir/filename from host1 to host2
in dir2/filename (Your ftp-login must have the write-rights for the target-directory in host2)
get filename filename gets from host2 the file filename.
mput / mget copy with directories.
Before using get and put you can change to the suitable directory at hosts2 by cd or at host1
(local host) by lcd.

If there is the file /etc/ftpuser (data-security) like in back-office network on the server in
Offenbach and Erlangen, and the ftp doesn't work, you should rename /etc/ftpuser to for
example: /etc/ftpuser.orig. Don't forget to rename into original-filename (/etc/ftpuser) after ftp.

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Using floppy disk drive

The floppy disk drive must be configured by sam (Kernel Configuration Drivers).
Current State and Pending State for fdc and/or pfloppy must be In.
Check the floppy drive with ioscan f:
Floppy must be claimed.

DOS file writing file to floppy:

doscp file /dev/floppy/c0t1d0:/file
Listing the contents of the floppy:
dosls /dev/floppy/c0t1d0:/

Changing the IP address

If you want to change the IP address, it is not enough to do it in /etc/hosts and NIS.
You have to modify also the parameter IP_ADDRESS[0] in the file /etc/rc.config.d/netconf

Solving LAN problem

When you have a network problem, first check whether it s a hardware error or a SW
configuration error:
If the Hardware State for lan0 is DOWN, you must take care about the hardware.
If the Net-Interface State for lan0 is DOWN, it can be caused by hardware or software as well.
First check the hardware. Go away from the network and try with Thin Ethernet Transceiver. If
this is not successful, you can try with anotherone.
Or reset LAN:

Install Hardcopy in the front panel

a) Under HP VUE with ieztool

Normally at a Slave ES workstation there is no Hardcopy Icon in the front panel.

Get the files /usr/ieztools/ and /usr/ieztools/p.hardcopy from the master.
These files will be called by $HOME/.vue/vuewmrc. If the part CONTROL Hardcopy ... is
missing, copy it from a workstation with hardcopy function or insert:
TYPE button
HELP_STRING START hcopy application
IMAGE /usr/ieztools/
PUSH_ACTION f.exec /usr/ieztools/p.hardcopy

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Also check in the file $HOME/.mwmrc under Menu PlanWindowMenu and

MenuDefaultRootMenu the existence of the line:
Hardcopy _H f.exec /usr/ieztools/p.hardcopy

b) Under SCO-Unix

The hardcopy is activated in the menu opened with left mouse button. The hardcopy procedure
will be started by $HOME/.mwmrc. In this file there is under DefaultRootMenu the procedure
call, e.g.
f.exec $TXP_HOME/sw/sw6.3.SCO/bin/hardcopy_pc &
Pay attention that the software path is correct.

In Version 7.4.
You have to add in section Menu DefaultRootMenu the line
ES Hardcopy f.exec /tmp/tools/HC &

Printing with prfps

In the pathes $TXP_HOME/$Sw/etc and $TXP_HOME/sw there is the tool prfps (print file
postscript) to print a file with special options to a postscript printer
options are:
-point <point> ==> lettersize (Default: 6.5)
-landscape ==> landscape (Default: normal)
-font <fontname> ==> Fonttype
-lpi <number> ==> lines per inch
-lines <number> ==> Count of lines (prior to lpi)
-pr <printer> ==> printer-select (Default:lp)
-format <A4,A3> ==> Papersize (Default:A4)
-top <inch> ==> Upper margin (Default:0.4inch)
-bottom <inch> ==> Lower margin (Default:0.4inch)
-left <inch> ==> Left margin (Default:0.4inch)
-right <inch> ==> Right margin (Default:0.4inch)
-kurzoff <mm> ==> Move middle short page in mm
-langoff <mm> ==> Move long page in mm
-p <printeropt> ==> will be sent directly to the printer.

example: prfps -landscape -point 4.5 log

prints the file named log in landscape and font size 4.5 points to the default
postscript printer

For errorfree printing, this script needs also a Perl-Skript "skipFont.perl" which is normally in the
directory $TXP_HOME/$Sw/etc. So you have to add this path to the path in the .login and
.cshrc. After the next login, it should work.

Avoid banner page

You can start every printing task automatically with a banner page.

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For the printer EsPrint this is configured at the print server for this printer in the file
You can avoid the banner page, when you activate the line banner=

Or login as root and change in the script

/usr/spool/lp/interface/model.orig/PRINTERNAME on the print server the line: (in
the middle of the script)
banner="yes" to
# banner="yes" (Comment-sign )

File system full

Is the computer dead or will it accept input commands?

If you an operate, try to delete files. First look for core files:
find / -name core -print
When the system crashes, it will write core informations into the swap area. When it goes up
again, these informations will be transferred from the swap area to the directory
/tmp/syscore, if it exists. The file hp-core.0 (e.g.) in the directory /tmp/syscore
will increase with each system crash (e.g. 200MB!).
You find the big files and directories with the command du (disk usage), e.g.:
du -s /tmp/*

Export file system

The ES master has two hard disks, file system / (system) and /win1 (project data).
The ES slaves use the system and the project data. Therefore they must be able to access /
and /win1 at the master.
/etc/exports at the master exports both file systems to the slaves (contents: 2 lines with / and
/win1 respectively)
ES workstations installed by IEZ contain additional entries (e.g. -root=w01es1) in /etc/exports.
You can cause the master to export the file systems with:
/usr/etc/exportfs -av
If it is not successful, try to unexport before exporting again with the option -uav .

Changing Mouse and Keyboard at ES workstation

You should not change the mouse or keyboard, when the ES workstation is in process.
First shutdown: shutdown -h -y 0
When the system is down, you can change.

Append files to DAT tape

You can append files at the end of the tape with the command (e.g. the directory listen)
tar rv listen

External Streamer

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At ES workstations without tape drive you can use the external streamer of the OM system. But
at HP-UX computers the SCSI address must be 3 (instead of SCSI address 2 at SCO
system!). The SCSI address you have to adjust at the back of the device.
You see the provided drives with ioscan. And you see the tape drives with drivers:
ioscan fnC tape

At workstation type HP B180L use the narrow SCSI socket!

Command for saving a complete hard disk:

tar cvf /dev/rmt/1m `ls 1`

Saving ES hard disks

All ES Workstations should to logged off.

As prevention: Clean the DAT tape drive with the Cleaning Cartridge or use a new tape.
Otherwise perhaps you will get the error message "end of tape" after saving for one hour.

login root
/etc/shutdown -r -y 0
ESC when the system is booting

Boot from hard disk (SCSI-ID 6) with loading the initial system loader isl, at HP 9000 715:
b scsi.6.0 isl

At HP workstation B180L/B132L the name of the SCSI boot hard disk device is fwscsi.6.0. So
you boot as:
b fwscsi.6.0 isl
You will be asked Interact with IPL (Y,N) . Answer with Y. Otherwise you cannot start single
user mode.

At HP workstation B2xxx the boot command is:

b pri isl
You will be asked Interact with IPL (Y,N) . Answer with Y.
Then start the operating system HP-UX in single user mode:
hpux -is /stand/vmunix
insert DAT tape
logged in as root
cd /
tar cv `ls -1` (` is the character at the left top of the keyboard and the second
parameter is minus one!)

If you cannot write to DAT tape, assure that the DAT device has the scsi addresse 3!
Search for boot device before booting. You should see e.g. P2 scsi.3.0 or PCI1.3.0
Ohterwise shutdown ES workstation and power off. Make sure that scsi addresse is set to 3 at
the back of the DAT device and switch off the power for the DAT device, switch it on and boot
the workstation again.

For saving the second hard disk booting in single user mode is not necessary. Because you
save to the DAT tape a logical backup of a hard disk device, which is not needed for booting.
Therefore you need not mount explicitely and it is enough, if you do like this:
login root
insert DAT tape
cd /
tar cv /win1

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Restoring ES hard disk at HP B2000

For restoring you shutdown as usual and boot from Install Tape:
login root
/etc/shutdown -r -y 0
ESC when the system is booting

For HP 9000/7xx boot from tape (SCSI-ID 3):

b scsi.6.0 isl

For HP Bxxxx you should first search for the suitable boot command:
e.g. P0
P1 scsi.6.0
P2 scsi.3.0
b P2
Interact with IPL> N

The initial system loader ISL will not be started.

The computer will be booted and will go to single user mode.
login root
insert DAT tape with saved data
cd /
tar xv

Give date and time:

date <month><day><hour><minute><year>
(e.g. date 0317011698 for 17.3.98 1:16)

Restore ES on a new boot disk

a) Preparation

There must exist a DAT tape with a saved boot disk and an Install Tape.
Ask for the parameters of the new disk, e.g. IBM DCAS-32160:
sectors per track: 23
tracks per cylinder: 17

b) Boot in installation mode

Insert Install Tape.

Power on
Interrupt with ESC
b scsi.3.0

c) Installing HP-UX at 2 GB disk

acknowledge with <Return> EISA configuration completed

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acknowledge with <Return> the welcome menu

select 1 for boot disk scsi.6.0 and acknowledge with <Return> the ROOT Destination
acknowledge with <Return> There may be an HP-UX system already on this disk
acknowledge with <Return> three times
acknowledge with y and <Return> at ROOT Filesystem Type Selection
select 4 for Change Filesystem Parameter and acknowledge with <Return>
Type in the parameters for Swap: 199000
sectors per track: 23
track per cylinder: 17
select 1 for Install Process and acknowledge with <Return>
acknowledge with y and <Return> after Do you wish to continue?
A new file system will be installed and the computer will be booted.
<CTRL> C after Select keyboard ...
Remove the Install Tape

d) Restore the boot disk data

Insert the DAT tape with the saved boot disk data
cd /
tar xvf /dev/update.src
Remove the DAT tape

e) Define date

Login as root
give actual date: date <month><day><hour><minute><year>
(e.g. date 0317011698 for 17.3.98 1:16)

Time controlled cron jobs

crontab -l ==> shows if the if the cron-job for the Night backup is running.
crontab -r ==> stop the cron-job
Hint: crontab has to be started always on the master-machine (Database-Server) and you must
be logged in with the ES680-administration login in $HOME:
syntax: crontab txpes.cron
Remark: If crontab is started with root-login, unloaddb will not run ==> In the protocol of the
nightjob there will be the warning: You (root) have no rights to unloaddb.
Help: look in /var/spool/cron/crontabs if there is more than one crontab-line from
different owners. (e.g. root and $PROJECT) ==> If so, remove both with crontab -r
(remove-option) and restart in $HOME with crontab txpes.cron. (Project-login)
(Hint: If other users should be able to run their own cronjobs, you have to insert the login in
/usr/lib/cron/cron.allow (as root))

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Time controlled at jobs

First the user must be allowed to use at jobs. Therefore login as root, change directory
/usr/lib/cron and authorise (e.g.) user nehu:
at.allow nehu or insert nehu in at.allow.

Now user nehu can start e.g. the job time controlled at 23:00 in two different ways:
at 23:00 <
at 23:00 <Return>
<Ctrl> D

We use the at command by calling a specific at job as file: (e.g.)

at 8:00 sunday
Take care, that the script in the at job is executable!

Giving the at command the system will respond a job number,

at -l lists all actual jobs
at -r <job no.> removes the job with the dedicated job number
You will find the protocol of the at job in mail.


Part of the operation system HP-UX is the program mail.

You will use it for example, when you start time controlled at-jobs. The protocol of the at job you
will find as mail message. You start mail program, when you type mail.
You will get the last mail message.
Often used mail commands are:
+ next
- previous
d delete
p print
q quit

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OT with one monitor

An OT with only 1 monitor have a special graphic board inside and no graphic server. The
monitor is directly connected to the graphic board of the PC.

You switch the console x by <Ctrl><Alt><Fx>.

OM you should start at console 2.
SCO-PC: Immediately after Om.Start you should switch to console 1.
Compact OT (Linux): Immediately after Om.Start you should switch to console 7.

Also keyboard and mouse will be connected directly to the PC, not to the graphic server.
The mouse should not be a Microsoft mouse! It should be a PS/2 mouse with round plug
(Logitech or Compaq).
For changing the mouse at the OT, it is not necessary to shutdown the PC (like HP), but you
should stop OM first (Logoff and Om.Stop).

OT monitor connected to PC and graphic server

If the monitor has D-SUB socket and four or five BNC sockets for colors, you can operate
OM650 and Unix as well.
Connect VGA cable to D-SUB socket at the PC for UNIX handling and
RGB cable with colors to BNC sockets going to the graphic server for graphic.

You can switch between UNIX and graphic at the monitor by pushing D-SUB or BNC
For UNIX handling you can switch the console x by <Alt><Fx>.
You must shutdown UNIX (init 0 or init 6) at console 1.
Om.Start and Om.Stop you should do at console 2.
After Om.Start you should switch to console 1 (SCO) / console 7 (Linux).

Installing a Linux barco graphic server

First check the cable to the monitors, you have to use the analog cable set.
Use the install CD and install the extended safety boot mode
Give the network information needed
After installation login as root password may be barco, eos or root

Enter linuxconf to setup the network configuration and routes

In linuxconf Networking->client tasks->Host name and IPnetwork devices
Enter hostname ex: mxg01o50.TXP.OM650.scn
Use manual
Give alias ex: mxg01o50
IP address ex:
Netmask ex:

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And Network adapter

In linuxconf Networking->client tasks->routing and gateways
Gateway IP ex:
Activate routing
Save configuration
Login as root
Cd /opt/MMT2686/config

In EOSconfig use following configuration:

Config EOS multi screen server [1]
Customized Configuration [no]
For Mouse
Enter a protocol number[4] PS/2
Emulate 3 Button [no]
Magnification Factor[1]
Graphic Adaptor
Enter the graphic card type [3] AGX 3000
Enter the output signal [3] analog
Enter the resolution [4] 1280 x 960
Enter the refresh rate [1] 60Hz
Enter the x Server screen mode [1] Multi screen
Enter the multi screen arrangement [2x1] if you heve 2 screens
Enter the depth resolution [8] 256 colors
If you want to change the BG Color [y]
use a color like blue [40 40 200]
Do you want to start the server with xdcmp [no]
Font server [no]
do you want to proceed[no]
Enter the firewall policies [3] no firewall
and yeah, you really want it [y]
save configuration with [2]

after reboot and save to backup with

Ctrl + Alt + Backspace
take care the x server doesn´t run
service eosxs backup


Using mMT graphic server

The monitors will be connected by VGA cable. The left one will go to the upper socket.

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The serial mouse will be connected to COM.

To start the server use command service mmtserv

System Console

a) Electronic switching box

If the system console switches electronically from one OM computer to another, you do not
switch manually but via keyboard:
Push together <Shift> <Alt>, release both buttons; the monitor will become dark.
Push <Fx> to select the associated OM computer.
The permanently lightening LED will indicate the selected computer.

b) Manual switching box

At the manual multiplexer there is the LED LD with a corresponding button SWD.
LD must be dark!
If the monitor will not react, when selecting an other OM PC by pushing a button, pull the plug at
keyboard input K/IN at the system console.

Preparing remote login for the TXP system

The communication between the TXP components include, that there must be possible, logging
in from one computer in the TXP network to another without asking for a password. Therefore
this is to be allowed as it is necessary for the TXP software.
This must be done on the OM-computers in the files .rhosts in the home directories of the TXP
users txpproj and txpom. The files must have the access rights 644.

User txpproj:
Mention in the file .rhosts all members of the terminal bus; you will communicate with all.
If you mention at the OT all ES workstations with user project and user txpproj you can
transfer MMI from every ES workstation.
If you mention at the SU all ES workstations with user project and user txpproj you can
transfer BDM from every ES workstation.
If you mention at the PU all ES workstations with user project and user txpproj you can
transfer fbx.mel and ASR from every ES workstation.
For loading the redundant PU, you should add the hostname of the redundant PU with the user
project .

User txpom:
In the file .rhosts add the hostnames of all OM computers.
And at the SU and OT add the hostname of the ES master with the user txpom .

Now you can make for example rlogin s02p1a -l txpom from the PU to the OT3 without a

Since OM release 5 at all OTs in .rhosts under txpproj there should be mentioned after every
hostname of OT the user txpproj. Because the leading OT should have access right without
password to every OT.

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And at all PUs in .rhosts under txpproj there should be mentioned after every hostname of PU
the user txpproj. Because the PU should have access right without password to the redundant
PU (load redundancy), e.g.:
l01ot1 txpproj
l01ot2 txpproj
l01spa txpproj
l01spb txpproj
l01es1 txpproj
l01es1 loer1
hp01 txpproj
hp01 loer1

Checking /etc/hosts

There is the tool OmProj.Check. It will tell you, if there are any inconsistencies in the
infrastructure or the system files files of all OM computers (e.g. double internet-address or
double name in /etc/hosts)
The result will be written to /tmp/OmProj.Check.out

FB in the OM system

In the ES system as well as in the OM system there should exist only those FB you need.
If there are unused FB in the OM system, erase them in the following way:
1. delete them with FUP Editor under "Defaults" and "FC data"
2. Transfer BDM to both SU
3. When calling at the SU Fb.Read, you should see only the used FB.

Create the OM infrastructure files

At the PU in $OmProjData/inf already exists the file InfOmk.proj.

It contains a table with all OM components and their corresponding instances. These instances
the TXP system uses for internal address calculations, e.g. ro_ot3 has the instance 3000 and
ro_spa the instance 21000.

In the file InfFb.proj there is described the usage of the FBs

InfFb.proj you have to build up with information from InfOmk.proj and FbList.txt.
You have to create one row for each FB, beginning with the FB-ID (see FbList.txt).
Look into the topology diagram and see, on which component the FB will be processed
respectively. For the concerning component put the corresponding instance into the row of the
Remember that the modules BDM, LZA, PRT, NTB will be processed at the SU or SU/PU,
the modules ASR, MAC, ARC at this computer, which will process the corresponding FB,
according to the asignment in the FUP Editor.
The first row is reserved for the functional complex OM.
Distribute both files to all OM components, to the directory /txpproj/proj_std/inf, by preference
with File.Copy, e.g.:
File.Copy v InfFb.proj

Since OM650 release 7 generating and transferring OM infrastructure can be done by ES680
menu function Administration OM System Data.

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Only the OM infrastructure file InfDevInst.proj cannot be generated by ES680, because printer,
UPS and MOD are not mentioned in the topology diagram.

You can check the consistency of the OM infrastructure with the tool Net.Check.

Distributing files in the OM network

a) File.Copy

With the administration tool File.Copy you can copy a file or a path from the actual path to all
OM components, e.g.:
File.Copy -v InfOmk.proj

Option -v means verbose .

With option -a you copy all files, which are known for infrastructure and which are projected.

b) dcp

With the administration tool dcp you can copy a file or a path from the actual path to one or
some OM components,
e.g. copying the infrastructure to the redundant PU:
dcp -h pu01b -v $OmProjData/inf

Suppose $OmProjData/prt is the actual path at su01a; you want to copy to the redundant SU:
dcp -h su01b -v PrtProj

Provide OM files

a) for data storing (archive)

You have to provide two files for short time archiving (arc) and long time archiving (lza)
At the ES you will find in the directory $HOME/om/arc the example file Arc.proj.ex
Use it as sample. Insert there the FB-IDs for the FBs, which are handle by the PU respectively
(e.g. Arc.proj.PU1 and Arc.proj.PU2) and save it as Arc.proj. Then transfer these files to the
according PU into the directory /txpproj/proj_std/arc.

For long time archiving you have to create at the SU the file Lza.proj in the directory
/txpproj/proj_std/lza. The FB-ID for all Function Complexes must be mentioned.

Since OM650 release 7 also these projecting data files can be generated and transferred by
ES680 menu function Administration OM System Data.

b) for printing

For printing you have to create at the SU the file PrtProj in the directory /txpproj/proj_std/prt. All
printers with the host name of the corresponding OT and the correct interface (e.g. ser01/par01)
must be provided.

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Controlling connection between OM and AS

When the LAN code is transferred also to the PU, watch the program rdb at the PU (we prefer
to do it at console 4).
Function 2 offers to you information about the communication between OM and AS.
You should see "fc000710", when the communication is okay. For each AS you see one line at
the screen.
Function 24 tells you, which line corresponds to which AS:
If there are 'un-generated functions', because they are 'new or changed (not newest code)', you
are asked, if you want to nevertheless continue, you may try by answering with 'y'.
But you should make a single SW generation for these functions (KKS).

Console use at the OM

For each OM computer you can use up to 12 consoles with <Alt> <Function key>.
It is useful to use these consoles always for the same purpose.
Console 1 (<Alt> <F1>) use only for the operating system (init 6 or init 0)
Console 2 (<Alt> <F2>) for stop (Om.Stop) or start (Om.Start) of the OM software
Console 3 (<Alt> <F3>) for status information of the TXP OM system (txpom): PL
Console 4 (<Alt> <F4>) for controlling the connection to the AS systems (txpom): rdb
Console 5 (<Alt> <F5>) for ASR messages;
the system generates message file, e.g. DiagMld.0, in the path /txptest/asr at the PU and
SU/PU; you can control the newest messages e.g. with the command: tail -f D*0
'loe' deletes messages
Console 6-11 (<Alt> <Fn>) use for your administration work

PU without existing AS

If at the testing place there exist no AS for a PU, you will have problems when starting OM
software at this PU. ASR will be stopped and starting the OM software will not be continued.
Therefore you must modify the installation and the infrastructure for this PU.
The object manager ASR must be disabled (#) in InfObm.inst.
And this PU should not be a time server. Therefore set
TimeServer % false and TimeClient % true in Install.Para.
Re-install the PU.

OM Hardcopy color printer

There are two kinds of printing OM hardcopys:

1. the old HCX method
2. the OHAco method since OM650 release 7.4

A German printer manual you find in the Intranet as Notice of Change 1/2003 BM-019.

a) Installing HCX method

First of all the printer is installed as local printer at the OT by scoadmin defined with the correct
model (e.g. HPDeskJetPlus).

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Now the printer is to be connected to the parallel line of the OT PC.

The hardcopies will be written to the directory /txpproz/mmi/hc_spool at the OT.

If there is no hardcopy server, but the hardcopies are printed by software, running on a OT, the
hardcopy jobs (....hc) are stored at this OT in the directory /usr/hcx/spool

If not already installed, you have to install it by the script /usr/hcx/etc/

The script will ask you for typing the printer type, e.g. deskjet.
For representing the blinking symbols correctly delete a comment mark in three lines starting
with blink in the file

The OT, where the hardcopy printer is connected, will poll all OTs in the network for print
requests. All these OTs must be mentioned in the file with their IP addresses.

The polling will be activated by the script (sh &). It will be started
when booting again (init 6).
When booting you must see, that hcx_run is started. The script starts the program S90hcx.
If the program is not started, perhaps it is not activated, because the name is s90hcx instead of
S90hcx. Then rename it:
cd /etc/rc2.d
mv s90hcx S90hcx

In the directory /usr/hcx/etc there is a log file HCX.lgf1. There you can find information
about problems.

b) Printing OM Hardcopies via diskette

From the spool directory hc_spool automatically all registered hardcopy files will be printed.
If there is no OM hardcopy printer connected, the hardcopy files will not be used and deleted.
Copy the hardcopy files to a diskette: tar cv *.hc
Transfer them to a OM computer, where the hardcopy function is installed:
cd /txpproz/mmi/hc_spool
tar xv
They will be printed automatically.

c) Installing OHAco method

The OT, which is print server for hardcopies, must be defined for all OTs in the file
/etc/hosts, e.g.: a01ot1 PRINT_SVR

On the print server the logical printer name must be defined correctly in the files
$OmProjData/mmi/Ot.frappl and $OmProjData/mmi/Ot.conf:
HPINK for parallel local printer
HPLJ for network printer, e.g.:

In the file $OmProjData/mmi/Ot.conf there must exist the line:


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Using a network printer the hostname of the printer with its IP address must be mentioned in
the file /etc/hosts for all OTs.
The hostname of HP LaserJet 2500 is HPLJ2200 or HPLJ2200B.
This host name must be used in /etc/hosts, e.g.: HPLJ2200

Installing Line printer

Normally the line printers will be used by serial interface (ser01) at OT.
So it must be configured in InfDevInst.proj.
And printing will be controlled by the SU.
So the printers must be configured in PrtProj and the SU.

Also in the directory /txpproj/proj_std/prt at SU there is the file Prt.proj. This file is important, if
you want to use more than one online printer. In the file Prt.proj normally onlinedrucker_1 D1 is
activated. If you will use three online printers D0, D1 and D2 must be activated (without
command mark).
Restart SU. Then you will get at the OT a menu offering three online printers. Now you can
select one of these printers. So you can use different online printers for different FC activated at
different OTs.

The printer must be connected to the serial line and defined by scoadmin with spool name
at the OT (e.g. p01ot4) as Local Printer
and at p01ot4 in /etc/hosts.equiv the SU must be mentioned, to allow access.
ser01 must be configured on host p01ot4
to accept remote jobs:
Printer Manager
Add Local
Accept New Remote Jobs (activated by space)
Set To Defaults
at the SU (e.g. p01spa) as Remote Printer
ser01 connected to p01ot4 must defined at the SU as remote printer
Printer Manager
Add Remote
at both (OT and SU) remote UNIX printer services must be enabled:
Printer Manager
Print Services
Remote UNIX Printer Services Enabled (at both)
Local UNIX Printer Services Enabled (at OT)

If you use a laser printer as line printer, you have to select the Model PrtIfPcl.

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Because you will not use A3 format, you have to activate a smaller font for printing at the laser

Color plotter (Lexmark) for curves

The plotter must be connected to the parallel line and defined in PrtProj and by scoadmin with
spool name par01.
There are no SCO drivers used. The graphic data send to the plotter have HPGL format.
The plotter is able to handle this format without installing any driver.
Select at the plotter menu Plotter GL:
select with button Menu the Main Menu,
select with button List+ Emulation/Mode,
select with button Select Plotter GL.

Paper size A3 you have to arrange also at the menu:

select with button Menu the Main Menu,
select with button List+ Paper Size
select with button Select A3

Install message handling with ladmv

You can install a standard message handling with the tool ladmv at the PU:
cd $OmProjData
mv mac mac.old
Om.Start Now the MAC will remain anf
cd /txpsys/mac/bin
PL -l You get the used FBs with their corresponding FB-IDs
(e.g.) ladmv 2 3 mentioning the FB-IDs
Now the MAC will go fue , but missing the project specific message
cd $OmProjData
cp mac.old/Meld.proj mac
cp mac.old/fb2.mel mac
cp mac.old/fb3.mel mac
Om.Start MAC will be started ( fue ) with the complete message handling

Automatic Start of OM software

In /etc/inittab the automatic start of OM is suppressed.

Eliminate the suppression (#) in line: #om:2:once....

Installing horn board

After installing the horn board into the OT, the driver must be configured:
Login as root

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cd /txpsys/drv
sh install.drv
You must define the I/O address 220
The second board should get the address 240, but it has not been verified in working with two
horn boards in one OT!
Pay attention to the address switches and bridges on the board:
Switches S1 must be set:
1 off
2 on
3 off
4 off
5 off
6 on
7 off
8 off
The briges at X114 must be set for 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 at X115 for 1-2.

Restart: init 6

Test the horn signals with Hrn.Test in the path /txpsys/swi.

You can test the horn by giving the number and the number of seconds, it should be switched
on. If horn no. 1 should be switched on for 30 seconds, the command is:
Hrn.Test n 1 t 30


a) Starting CU-OM/ES

Using OM and ES, first OM650 must be started and afterwards ES.
SCO login should not be enabled, otherwise disable it:
Go to console 3 (<CTRL>+<ALT>+F3)
Login as root
scologin disable

Go to console 4 (<CTRL>+<ALT>+F4)
Login as txpom
Immediately go to console 1 (<CTRL>+<ALT>+F1)
When OM is completely started, you can start ES680 from the OM650 menu:
Login at MMI interface.,
select ES680 in the MMI System menu
(The ES680 button must be activated in /txpproj/proj_std/mmi/Ot.frappl)

For stopping you must first stop ES680.

You stop ES680 by using the Exit button in the ES menu.

When ES680 is completely finished, you can stop OM650:

Go to console 4 (<CTRL>+<ALT>+F4)
Go to console 1 (<CTRL>+<ALT>+F1)
Wait for the complete stopping of OM processes.

If you want to start only ES680, without OM650:

Go to console 3 (<CTRL>+<ALT>+F3)
Login as root
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scologin enable
Go to console 2 (<CTRL>+<ALT>+F2)
Now you see the SCO login window and you can login as project.

b) Transferring Processing Functions to redundant CU-OM/ES

Problem: You have a redundant CU; b01cu2 is a CU-OM, b01cu1 is a CU-OM/ES.

OM650 is started at b01cu2 and all object managers are fue (leading).
So you can transfer processing functions from ES at b01cu1 to b01cu2.
For transferring processing functions to the redundant CU b01cu1, MAC must be at least
anf and ES680 must be started. But remember, that OM650 will be stopped at the
redundant CU when loading redundancy. So you get a conflict: OM650 will be stopped,
while ES680 is started under OM650!
Solution: Stop OM650 at b01cu1 and copy the directory mac from b01cu2 to b01cu1:
Login as txpom at b01cu1
cd $OmProjData
mv mac mac.old
rcp r b01cu2:/txpproj/proj_std/mac .
Om.Start (scologin disable is done!)

c) Create a new ES project

Creating a new ES project will be similar to working at HP workstation:

1. create user with scoadmin
2. create ES project and login with install_txpes680 (Point 2.1, 5.1, 5.2)
using accessdb and netu
3. install the database with destroydb, createdb and
4. the OM pictures you cannot transfer directy. You must transfer the serialized containers
(xdr) and deserialize them
5. ....

The ES system will be started in the OM system. Therefore the OM system must make known
the ES project. This will be done as txpes by /usr/add_omes/es/AddToES

Using two CU

a) Connecting two CU

Configured properly two CU can communicate via plant bus instead of terminal bus.
Proper configuration includes providing /etc/hosts and /etc/tcp.
You can check the configuration with:
ifconfig a
The parameter sea2 must contain the correct IP address.
If the CU is an OM-ES-CU, also a LAN card net1 is installed only for satisfying the ES license, it
will not be used for the terminal bus.

b) Processing the same function area

Assume you have two CU, one OM-ES-CU and one OM-CU. There are two symbols in the
topology diagram and they are redundant only in this meaning, that they should operate and
monitor the same function area.
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Both CU have their own separate OM infrastructure, mentioning only itself: InfOmk.proj,
InfFb.proj, InfDevInst.proj.
To get access to the unique FB at its APs to both CU Asr.proj and LAN must be transferred.

In the ES system the function area is associated to only one CU, e.g. PU ID 2.
Because there are two CU symbols in the topology diagram, for both CU LAN code will be
generated. But only for that CU, which is associated to the FB, real LAN code for OM will be
created (e.g. 0002_res_conf.dat). For the other CU, which is not mentioned in the ES menu FC
data, only dummy information ( SERVER ) is generated.
To get real LAN code for the redundant CU, you must create a dummy FB with an
executable function diagram (e.g. with only an OR symbol).
So you can get process connection at both CU:
- generate AP with dummy FB
- generate LAN
- transfer AP code and LAN
- generate and transfer Asr.proj

For processing functions you have also the problem, that only for one PU ID the information
will be generated. So you will not get ASD messages at the second CU.
If the common function area is associated to PU ID 2, the processing funftion information will be
placed to $HOME/om/vf/NEW/PU-200. The directory for the other CU (PU ID 1)
$HOME/om/vf/NEW/PU-100 will be empty. But the same information must be transferred also
to the second CU. Therefore we set a link to generated VF information:
ln s PU-200 PU-100
Before transferring the code for processing functions to the second CU, we have to synchronize
from the ES menu:
- Transfer Processing functions
- Synchronize
- Load projecting data

Installing XU

A normal XU is defined in the file Install.Para as XU .

Integrating it into the network it must be added in /etc/hosts and /etc/hosts must be distributed.
Similar .rhosts under txpom and txpproj must be extended and distributed.
In InfObm.inst only object manager OXU is activated.
InfDevInst.proj and InfFb.proj must be transferred to XU.
In InfOmk.proj XU must be added.
Then you should stop all OM components.
Distribute extended InfOmk.proj to all OM computers: File.Copy a InfOmk.proj
Start all OM computers with the new infrastructure including XU.

The foreign systems must be added with their IP addresses in the file /etc/hosts.
They (e.g. DIGEST) must be projected and activated as XU clients in the file
(link from /usr/madamxenv/project)
The data which will be transferred must be defined in the file

Starting OM at XU, some processes must be started (wila, fasia_input, ...).

Controlling the processing check the log file

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Installing XU as MMI gateway

If you want to install a XU with function MMI as gateway (Mainz-Wiesbaden), you have to define
it in the file Install.Para as OT .
But in InfObm.inst vou must deactivate MMI.
Distribute the infrastructure as described above.

Starting MMI or XU software will be controlled by a link:

/txpsys/mmi/MmiInit linked to /txpsys/mmi/OOMinit.Inf or

The foreign systems must be added with their IP addresses in the file /etc/hosts.
They (e.g. DIGEST) must be projected and activated as XU clients in the file
The data which will be transferred must be defined in the file

Controlling the processing check the log files

/txpproj/txp-xu/proj/madamxenv/errorlog and (e.g.)

Large OT screen

There are two kinds of large screens: the 4 quadrant screen of Dr.Seufert and the one-screen
solution of WKF.
The screen of WKF you can connect to the graphic card inside the OT or to a configured
graphic server mX terminal. The graphic server generates graphic normally in the resolution of
1280x960 pixels. For the large screen you need a resolution of 1280x1024. You can get this
resolution, when you put the turning switch to position 9 at the front of the mX terminal.

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TXP OM650 Problem Solutions

OM object manager identification

In the diagnosis message files, e.g. /txptest/DiagMld.0, you get information about the OM object
manager, for example when they are cancelled (e.g. Objektmanager TKomp -50 ist
abgebrochen ).
If you want to know, to which object manager the message concerns, call:
or see TxpOmTypen.h
For example if TKomp -50 is cancelled, the MAC is broken.
ASR: -20
ARC: -30
BDM: -40
MAC: -50
PRT: -60
LZA: -70
MMI: -80
NTB: -90

Inspecting diagnosis message file (DiagMld)

In error case it is helpful to inspect the diagnosis message file DiagMld.0 in the directory
/txptest or DiagMld.0 and DiagMld.1 in the subdirectory for the concerning object manager.
The two diagnosis message files will be written alternately. If one file is full, the other file will be
deleted and then created and written again. The file with the smaller size is the actual one.
Searching for the reason, you should inspect the actual diagnosis message (DiagMld.0 or .1),
login as txpom
cd /txptest/asr
vi D*.0
:$ (go to the end of the message file, lastest messages)
?LTF (searching for the line with the string LTF)

Or you can see the actual messages comming in:

tail -f D*.0

Problems in communication between OM and AS

a) Establishing LAN

If the communication between OM and AS is okay, you get from rdb for the AS a string starting
with fc... .
If the first character is 0 the LAN is not working.
For a working LAN the following conditions must be fullfilled:
1. The AS code must be correct
2. The AS code must be tranferred offline to the AS
3. For CP1430 Transfer LAN to the AS (started and loaded)
4. For CP1413 Transfer OM LAN to PU successfully
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5. Generate Asr.proj by

6. Transfer ASR data (Asr.proj, R_BstTypen) to PU
(e.g. d01p1a, started from $HOME/om/asr)

b) STF-Fehler

Watching rdb at the PU, you see that the communication transfer is not erected (not "fc000710"
or initialising the "Instanzlisten" is not finished correctly).
First you should look into the messages in /txptest/asr (e.g. DiagMeld.0).
If you see the error message STF-Fehler ... just after starting ASR, probably you have
forgotten Transfer OM LAN.
After the first LAN transfer to PU you must reboot (init 6) the PU.

c) Help by ikzcheck

With rdb function 10 you can once more start initialising the transfer of the "Instanzlisten".
If this does not have any effect, control the "Instanzlisten" at the ES with the tool ikzcheck.
You find it in the path $TXP_HOME/$Sw/bin.
If ikzcheck presents you heavy errors, you should load again the cleared AS with new code:
cleanas - HW generation - LAN generation - SW generation - LAN generation - Transfer LAN -
Transfer AS code complete.
Perhaps modifications in the LAN system (e.g. in the topology diagram) will make it necessary
to transfer the LAN data and ASR data to the PU again.

Watch PL for the status of the OM processes (console 3). If the PU is not running, you should
stop OM at the PU: Om.Stop
After transferring LAN and AS code, you will start OM at the PU again with: Om.Start.

d) Permanently GA

You see at system console with rdb permanently GA ( General-Abfrage ).

e.g. there is a line: ... ASR_..._LTF ... AS_index=5 ... Instanz=5574
To get more detailed information about the instance (e.g. Instanz=5574), you should use the
tool Descr.Read. As parameters you have to type the FB-ID and the instance No., e.g.:
Descr.Read 1 5574

e) cycle time problem

You see at system console with rdb many messages telling, that cycle telegrams are missing,
e.g. ... SS00032 ... Zyklustelegramm 6460 fehlt seit 3000 msec ...
Reason: In AS32 there is something wrong in projecting the cycle times.

f) Test signals

If you have problems with the connection between PU and AS, you can test dedicated signals
with Sig.Attach, e.g:
Sig.Attach 10LAA10EZ002 XV01
If the error code is 0060, a hardware error is the reason.

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Problem with Simulator

Everytime, when the simulator is reset, you loose connection between OM and AS and you
have to transfer the instances in the OM system once more: (e.g) rdb - function 10 - AS

PU doesn t work correctly

a) LAN/ASR changed

Manifestation: There is correct connection between OM and AS (rdb: fc...710). You see blue
measure values at the OT. But you cannot handle sub windows: there is no reaction pushing
Execute .
Reason: LAN-Code transferred to the PU or ASR-Code has changed.
Solution: Stop OM at both PU (Om.Stop)
Generate again Asr.proj ( and transfer it to both PU,
Transfer OM LAN to both PU,
Transfer OM ASR to both PU.

b) starting ASR will be stopped (abg)

Manifestation: You start OM at the PU (Om.Start). ASR will be stopped (abg).

Look into the diagnostic messages at the PU in /txptest/asr.
There are some error messages, e.g. ... Fehler in Instanzlisten AS 3 ... or
... keine Leittechnik-Hierarchie in AS 3 ...
Reason: Transferred to the AS is code, which is not without errors.
Solution: Switch power off at the incorrectly loaded AS or correct the code and generate and
transfer again.

c) missing links in release 7

Manifestation: ASR will not start.

Reason: In the directories $OmProjData/asr/RES, $OmProjData/asr/ROS and
$OmProjData/asr/RSS there are missing two links
Solution: In all three directories there should exist the link
ln s $OmProjData/asr/Asr.stf_conf.dat stf_conf.dat
ln s $OmProjData/asr/RES.red_conf.dat red_conf.dat
and ROS and RSS respectively.

Starting MAC manually

a) MAC does not start

Manifestation: Starting PU the object manager ASR will be started but MAC will remain anf .
In the diagnosis file /txptest/mac/DiagMld.0 you will see only one line with the message
Reason: In the file Mac.Proj the function for starting MAC ist not activated.
Solution: You must activate the MAC starting function with Mac.Proj:
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If the program Mac.Proj is installed german (Mac.Proj deutsch) the function is
Typing ? you get a list of functions.

b) Error when loading processing data

Manifestation: There is the error message

Error while loading the MAC!
Please check the following line in file .
Error line
Reason: The data in the directory mac on PU are damaged.
Solution: If there is a redundant PU, you can copy the correct MAC data from this OM
If there is no redundant one, you must create a new MAC directory:
first stop OM (Om.Stop)
cd $OmProjData
mv mac mac.old
mkdir mac
cp mac.old/fb*.mel mac
cp mac.old/Meld.proj mac
cp r mac.old/leda mac
Start OM (Om.Start), MAC will go to anf
then synchronize (Transfer OM Processing data Synchronize)
and load (Transfer OM Processing Data Load projecting data)
MAC will go to fue

No execution in sub window at OT

Manifestation: In sub windows at the OT Execute will not cause any action.
At the related PU rdb indicates like ec...710 , i.e. the highest bit is not set. Normally this means,
that there is no operation or for a long time there was no operation.
Reason: may be in the LAN code at the PU.
Solution: Transfer LAN OM to the PU

Multiple access to messages

Manifestation: Normally you get messages of a dedicated FB only at one OT. But here for one
FB you get the messages at every OT.
Reason: The module for message handling meld has an entry mfa_mehrfach for multiple
access. If it is not configured, you get the messages for the FB only at one OT. Here it is
configured (Z=1H).
Solution: Since release 5 you can activate the function in the FUP Editor.
In the diagram with type YOR there is for module MELD the module parameter MFA_MEHRF.
To get multiple access you must push the button and set the parameter to 1.
Then you must generate processing functions, then transfer. OM must be stopped and

Messages will not vanish

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If you select at the OT messages not for all FB, the following beheaviour is normal system
A message is coming, you acknowledge and you will see the gray going message. The
messages will vanish only, if you change to a new screen.

Messages without text

a) coming from AS

If there are messages without text (e.g. 4-3569-1), control first whether BDM is generated and
transferred to SU or not.

If you want to find out the source of the message, use the test tool TESTMFA:
First you must see such a message at the OT screen
Then login at this OT as txpom and do in the following way:
cd /txpsys/mmi
Then a file will be created for the actual data for these messages.
cd /txptest/mmi
vi MMIa.stdtmp
You will find in this file a line with index for each message, containing the IKZ with
FB-ID AP Instanz EA-Nummer Baustein-Typ
(e.g. 4 61 0 [3569 1] 109)

Baustein-Typ you will find in bpr_typ.dat and bpr_typea.dat.

If the messages are comming from OM, perhaps an OM component is not connected. For
example a component does not exist, but it is mentioned in InfOmk.proj.

Perhaps they are messages, which must be first acknowledged in LT-MFA.

Or there is a DMZ not projected.

To find out the KKS, where the message is comming from, use the tool ikzcheck.
Go to the AP path, where the message is comming from, concerning the FB-ID,
e.g. cd $HOME/listen/as/ag0061
ikzcheck -A 61 -D -K -T -U -P poolbeg

b) OM internal

Manifestation: There comes an OM internal message, e.g. 8-11101-31 without text,

after stopping OT11 (instance number 11101).
Reason: In bpr_typea.dat there is provided the requested message event, e.g.
49152| 31| 20201| -3|v|OMK_TSYNC | 1| OM-Component System Time |OMKT ....
But control the generated messages with Descr.Read, e.g.:
Descr.Read 8 11101
No message can be shown, when you see no entries, ea_anzahl=0 (not 31 !)
Solution: Correct the file bpr_LTK.dat

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Messages coming into the OM system

In the testing phase there will be produced very many messages. But when making progress
you should control, whether the number of messages will decrease or not.
If you have still too many errors, you should look for engineering errors.
Controlling the messages entering OM, you get by Fb.Statist FB,
e.g. Fb.Statist -i 60 -n 30 -l DI shows you for 60 seconds the 30 most frequent
signals of function complex DI.

If the buffer for the messages is 90% full, the messages will be acknowledged automatically.
The limits are:
2000 messages for the operator,
600 messages for I&C.
You can control the level by $OmProjData/mac/Meld.proj

Reset messages in ASD

To reset you first have to know which functionblock you have to reset:
give on SU following comand: Fb.Read
This is for example the result
FA FA-ID FA-name
G1 2 Gasturbine 11
OM 3 OM System
G3 4 Gasturbine13
To reset Gasturbine 11 for example use Mv.Reset in this way:
Mv.Reset sync G1

Reset the LZA Archive

To reset the LZA System you have to call on SU the program /txpsys/lza/cleanup.lza

Problems with ASD Counter

Manifestation: The ASD Counter is counting up and up, every coming message is counted,
every going also
Solution 1: check the files /txpproj/proj_std/rights.usr on all OT´s, if you have anywhere
not ab=1
Check also on ES, log in as project, cd om/mmi.

Solution 2: Generate MAC again. Shut down redundant PU!

stop M (Om.Stop)
cd $OmProjData
mv mac mac.old
mkdir mac
cp mac.old/fb*.mel mac
cp mac.old/Meld.proj mac
cp r mac.old/leda mac
Start OM (Om.Start), MAC will go to anf
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then synchronize (Transfer OM Processing data Synchronize)

and load (Transfer OM Processing Data Load projecting data)
MAC will go to fue
again synchronize (Transfer OM Processing data Synchronize)
load redundancy
restart OM on redundancy partner

Problem with processing functions

Manifestation: Synchronization the data of PU fails and you have no access to processing
functions at OM.
When synchronization you get at ES the error messages
rcp: /txpproj/proj_std/mac/aktproj/XE.dat: No such file or
directory .....
Reason: Bugfix 25 is missing.
Solution: After the bugfix is installed, you must
- login as txpom and start /usr/txpom/Om.Install
- login as root and start /usr/txpom/Root.Install
- init 6
- Transfer LAN to PU
- Transfer BDM to SU
- Transfer MMI to OT
- Om.Start
- Synchronize PU at ES
- Transfer Processing functions to PU
First synchronize PU, then tranfer processing functions to PU.
Test: You want to see the instance number at the PU.
Therefore take FB-ID and instance number at ES from FUP diagram (e.g. YOR
__MBY10EP801, module GT_BET1, CPU reference: FB-ID=2, instance no=24007)
Login as txpom at PU.
>beob #2_24007
If STEBOS can access, the instance is loaded.

OM Line Printer

a) Enable Print Services

The OM log printers are used by serial interface.

If at the OT the LP print service isn t running, enable the print service at the OT:
Login root
Printer Manager
Print Services
Enable Local Print Services (*) with blank bar

control print services with lpstat -t

You can test the log printer by printing a <file> in the operating system:
cat <file> | lp -d ser01 or (e.g.) lp -dser01 /etc/hosts
If you want to access directy to the printer without printer queue, test

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cat /etc/hosts > /dev/tty1a (for ser01) or

cat /etc/hosts > /dev/lp0 (for par01)

b) Cancel print job

Manifestation: You cancel a print job (e.g.: cancel par01-45), but it does not work.
You still see the job, when you give the command lpstat t. Even with scoadmin you cannot
delete it.
Reason: A print job, given to the spool system, you cannot cancel.
Solution: Login as root and stop the print service:
cd /var/spool/lp/temp
There you see files concerning this print job and delete them, e.g. rm 45*
Then start the print service again:
Now the print job is canceled and gone.

c) Kill print jobs

Kill the print jobs for the printer (e.g. ser01) at the corresponding OT:
Spool.Kill ser01

d) Correcting Online Log

Replace /txpsys/prt/PrtFglgo.Inf at both SU with the corrected one.

chmod 700 PrtFglgo.Inf as user txpom.
If the file itself or the access mode is not okay, the object manager PRT cannot be started.
PRT will go down ( abg ) and OM will go completely down ( abg ) for the SU.

OT unable to print Log

Manifestation: You select in the OT menu the icon for activating logs. But no log window will be
Reason: The log window will be opened at the OT by a remote process started at the leading
SU. Remote process without password between OT and SU must be able in both
directions. This means the files .rhosts under txpom must be provided. At the SU in the
file /etc/tcp there must exist a route entry (route add ...) for OT and graphic server. You
check it at SU with the command
netstat r
All OT with graphic server must be mentioned with their address in the list.
Solution: If the routing entry in the graphic server is wrong, you correct it at the mMT.
With <Ctrl><Alt><Backspace> you get the prompt at the mMT.
Login as root.
Routing and gateways
Default gateway (IP address of the OT PC)
activate Enable routing

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After booting you should check the gateway address with netstat r.

Printed LOG´s are stored in the folder /txp/om650/txpproz/prt as ASCI file

Problems with hardcopy

a) Hardcopy delay

Manifestation: You activate hardcopy at OT, but print out spends 3 minutes.
You use a hardcopy server and the printer HP DeskJet 870Cxi, which normally does not cause
a delay.
Reason: Activating hardcopies at the OT, the print jobs will be written to the directory
/txpproz/mmi/hc_spool. The hardcopy server will poll every 10 seconds all OT, which are
members of the infrastructure. If there is one OT mentioned as member of the infrastructure but
not existant, there will be a timeout after 90 seconds. If two of these OT do not exist, there will
be a delay of 3 minutes.

A hardcopy as file is stored i folder /txpproz/mmi as *.png picture

b) HP DeskJet 1600C with Primergy PC

When using HP DeskJet 1600C as hardcopy printer, connected directly to an OT with

Primergy PC, perhaps you will wait for a long time till the activated picture at the OT is printed.
You have to modify the configuration of the parallel interface at the OT referred to in this way:
login as root
init 1
in single user mode you have to respond the root password
check /etc/hwconfig -h | grep parallel
as output must appear: parallel 0x378-0x37a 7 - unit=0
vi /etc/conf/node.d/pa
you must replace the lines
pa lp0 c 0 bin bin 600
pa lp l lp0
pa lp0p c 64 bin bin 600
pa lp0 l lp0p
cd /etc/conf/cf.d
touch /etc/.new_unix
answer Rebuild Environment? with y
init 6

c) Two OTs with hardcopy server function

If you use hardcopy service controlled by software at the OT, only one OT in the network should
provide this control function, if you have only one hardcopy color printer.
This OT askes (polls) all OTs in the network for hardcopy prints. At this OT hardcopy jobs will
be transferred to the directory /usr/hcx/spool.
If there is a second OT in the network installed also for hardcopy printing and without a
hardcopy printer connected, this OT will also poll and store hardcopy jobs in /usr/hcx/spool.But
these jobs cannot be printed.
Transfer the hardcopy jobs to the OT, which is able to print, and move away the path /usr/hcx at
the other one.

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Plotter problem

Manifestation: The plotter is working offline (test plot). It is ready.

You can start plot jobs. You see them typing: lpstat -t
But the plotter does not plot the plot jobs.
Reason: You started a plot job, when the plotter was switched off.
Do not plot, when the plotter is switched off!
Solution: Delete the plot jobs with scoadmin.
Switch off the plotter and restart it.
Repeat plotting.

Changing the color

If you want to change the color in MMI pictures at the OT, you must do it at the ES with MMI
Editor. Then the standard container ODYroot.cnt will be modified. Because the standard
container will not be transferred from the ES to the OT by MMI Transfer you must do it
To get the modified color, the administrator must do the following steps:
1. Move away the old serialized container ODYroot.xdr at the ES for saving purpose:
cd $HOME/om/mmi/cnt
mv ODYroot.xdr ODYroot.xdr.old
2. Serialize the container ODYroot.cnt at the ES:
$DYX/etc/serialize ODYroot ODYroot.xdr 1024
when you see at the screen begin serialization and end serialization , then
the new file ODYroot.xdr is created again.
3. Transfer the serialized container ODYroot.xdr to all OTs, e.g.:
rcp ODYroot.xdr txpproj@p01ot4:/tmp
4. Deserialize the container ODYroot.xdr at the OT:
login as txpproj
cd /tmp
chmod 664 ODYroot.xdr
$DYX/etc/deserialize ODYroot ODYroot.xdr 1024
5. Activate the new color with the modified container:
Logoff at the OT
cp ODYroot.cnt $OmProjData/mmi/cnt

Finally you should save the container ODYroot.cnt, e.g. into the path $OmProjData/mmi:
cp $OmProjData/mmi/cnt/ODYroot.cnt $OmProjData/mmi
Because when upgrading OM650 the path $OmProjData/mmi/cnt will be overwritten in opposite
to the path $OmProjData/mmi.
After upgrading OM650 the procedure described above must be done for all OT again.

Problems with curves

a) No values

Manifestation: There are configured signals for curves but no values. You see the values of the
signals in the MMI pictures but not in the curve table.

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Reason: The curves will be generated with the values in the archive. Therefore something is
wrong with the archive.
Solution: Inspect the file /txpproj/proj_std/arc/Arc.proj at PU
Perhaps the ID of the corresponding funtion area is missing.

b) white curves

Manifestation: There are curves, which are not colored but white.
Reason: The curves are white, when the quality code of the signal indicates an error.
E.g. the quality code is 80, when the time is not correct.
Solution: Inspect the quality code with Arc.Read at PU, e.g. Arc.Read DMYA00 XQ21
If the time is really wrong, provide a correct time at AS, tough SET_TIME and restart PU.

c) no time synchronisation

Manifestation: You can see the flow values, but if you go back the values are vanishing.
Reason: the timesynchronisation of SU isn´t correct

Changing online-trends to white background

The information for the background color is stored in the standard container ODYconf.cnt.
The delivered and released container has dark background. If you want to use white
background, you must replace ODYconf.cnt by that one with white background.
Because the standard container will not be transferred from ES to OT (e.g. t01ot1) by MMI
Transfer you must do it manually.
Remember that after upgrading you get a new ODYconf.cnt with black background.

copy ODYconf.cnt with white background to container directory

login at ES as project
cd om/mmi/cnt
save original online trend container: mv ODYconf.cnt
copy ODYconf.cnt with white background to working directory: cp .../ODYconf.cnt .
serialize container ODYconf.cnt
$DYX/etc/serialize ODYconf ODYconf.xdr 1024
copy container ODYconf.xdr to OT (e.g. t01ot1)
rcp ODYconf.xdr txpproj@t01ot1:/tmp
login at OT as txpproj
cd /tmp
chown txpom ODYconf.xdr
logout as txpproj
deserialize container ODYconf.xdr and copy to OT s OM container directory
login at OT as txpom
cd /tmp
$DYX/etc/deserialize ODYconf ODYconf.xdr 5000
cp ODYconf.cnt $OmProjData/mmi/cnt
wait until OM stopping is finished
save container ODYconf.cnt on OT (in case of upgrades of OM software)
cd $OmProjData/mmi/cnt
cp ODYconf.cnt ..

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When upgrading the OM software the directory mmi/cnt will be overwritten mmi not!
After completing the upgrade just copy container ODYconf.cnt (located at mmi) back to cnt.
If container ODYconf.cnt has been modified in the new version, then the procedure above has
to be repeated.

Serializing and deserializing MMI pictures

If you serialize a MMI container, you should see the messages:

Serializer: begin serialization
... Mod: 10000 Msg: 15 m ...
Serializer: end serialization
Serializer: synchronous termination
Serializer: end

15 m indicates, that the serialization was working correctly.

For deserializing it s the same.

If an error occured when deserializing, you get error messages: e.g.

Serializer: begin deserialization
... Mod: 10000 Msg: 11 m ...
... Mod: 10000 Msg: 2 f ...
Serializer: synchronous termination
Serializer: end

f indicates, that a fault occured, 2 f indicates, that the container, which should be
generated, already exists.

Time synchronisation

Since ES release 4.00.52 the time of the clock will not automatically be provided.
Before starting PU and SU/PU you should login as txpom.
Then type in: > $HOME/SET_TIME
When you start the OM computer (Om.Start), it will set the time from the clock and the empty file
SET_TIME will be erased.
For synchronisation you should stop all OM computers (Om.Stop), create SET_TIME at all Pus
and start first PU (Om.Start) and than SU and OT, one after another.
If your SU like it to have an other time change Timezone and reboot.
To control use Compare Date at OT
If you have Problems with timesynchronisation on a SU check the timezones on all PU´s
To check the timezones use Poll echo $TZ
to check the time use Poll date

Summer time handling

In the AS/OM system only winter time is used.

Changing to summer time will be done only for the display.
This is managed in the OM system because of the entries in the files /etc/TIMEZONE and

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The important line in /etc/TIMEZONE is (e.g. for 1998):

TZ= MEZ-1MESZ-2,M3.5.0/02:00,M10.5.0/03:00
Here the switching dates are defined as: in the 3rd month in the 5th week at sunday (0) at 2
o clock and in the 10th month in the 5th week at sunday (0) at 3 o clock.
For the week you define the index of the week in the month containing the specified day d. The
5th week of the month is always the last week containing day d (here d=0=sunday), whether
there are actually 4 or 5 weeks containing day d.

Defining summer time switching at the clock (time sender) is also only for the display.

Wrong time on Red Hat OT

Manifestation: The PL-Script on PU says time is in synchronisation but the OT has an other time
Reason: Wrong timtzone in OT
Solution: Change the timezones in all OT´s:
vi /etc/sysconfig/clock
according to the zone file under /usr/share/zoneinfo/
change the entry ZONE=<Filename>
exp: ZONE= Africa/Lagos
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/<Filename> /etc/localtime
init 6;exit
Wait for synchronisation

Wrong summer time display in curves

Manifestation: At summer time in curves OM release 6 the actual time is not displayed as
summer time.
Reason: The Dynavis configuration file for summer time switching DYXTZ.CN at the OT is not
Solution: Get the correct file from $OmConfData at all OTs:
cp $OmConfData/mmi/DYXTZ.CN $OmProjData/mmi
Start and stop OM at the OT (Om.Stop Om.Start)

Diagnosis of system error

One OT stops working several times, all processes are killed without any reason, which can be
There is the tool SAMPLER in the path /txpproj/pro_std, which collect information for the
development to detect the error reason. The information will be put into sampler file, which
should be transferred to or fetched via teleservice by Hotline.

Enabling OT login

Manifestation: You cannot login at an OT

Reason: Transfer MMI to this OT was not completely finished. The locking of the OT is not

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Solution: At the OT there is a program OINfo.Inf in the directory /txpsys/mmi for informations
and functions, for information about logging:
OINfo.Inf info
for giving the OT free:
OINfo.Inf freein

OT windows fixed

Manifestation: You cannot move windows at the OT

Reason: The system is blocked by the keyboard. Take care of the keyboard, even if the
keyboard will not be used, avoid blocking the keyboard, e.g. by putting a file on it.
Solution: Unblock the keyboard by typing some keys.

Problem when stopping OM

Manifestation: You cannot start OM

Reason: OM is not stopped correctly. There is still the process /txpsys/inf/TStart running.
Solution: You must kill (kill -9) the process /txpsys/inf/TStart by hand.

LZA is stopped

a) Object manager is stopped

Manifestation: With PL you see that LZA is stopped ( abg ) but the other object managers of the
SU are working
LZA is working at the redundant SU and in the diagnosis file DiagMld.0 you see the
Sohnprozess LzaKt ... abgebochen Ende
Reason: In OM650 release V6.1.13 the object manager LZA will be stopped, when the SU got
no signal at all for 35 minutes.
Solution: Stop and start OM at the SU again.

b) OM650 is stopped

Manifestation: With PL you see that all OM object managers are stopped ( abg ).
But LZA is working at the redundant SU and in the diagnosis file /txptest/lza/DiagMld.0
you see the message
...TestWatchdog ... 26 Min fuer LzaSp
Reason: In OM650 release V6.3.13 the object manager LZA will be stopped, when the SU got
no signal at all for 26 minutes.
In $OmConfData/lza/Lza.conf there is defined
MaxSpTimeout 15
AddSBTimeout 11
Solution: You should set MaxSpTimeout to 35 minutes and stop and start OM at the SU again.

H1 data base missing

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Manifestation: Error message SCP_mon process not running when transferring LAN to PU
Reason: The data base /usr/scp/H1tools/h1.ldb is missing at the PU
Solution: Login as root
mkdev sca
4 (enable)
init 6
When booting you should see: Datenbasis /usr/scp/H1tools/h1.ldb downloaded

No access to plant bus by CU-OM/ES

Manifestation: You cannot transfer LAN:

SINEC-H1 communication for this machine not prepared !
Reason: The MAC address for the plant bus is not provided
Solution: Login as root
Provide local_mac_addr in /usr/scp/H1tools/h1.txt
cvh1tf h1.txt h1.ldb
The owner of h1.ldb you have to change to txpproj.
Also provide ethernet_addr in /usr/scp/startup/scp0_conf.dat
init 6
When booting you should see: Datenbasis /usr/scp/H1tools/h1.ldb downloaded

Problem when booting CU-OM/ES with scologin enabled

Manifestation: Scologin is enabled and you login and start ES680 immediately, when the login
screen appears at the monitor after booting. Then ES680 will not be started because of
an ingres error: ... GCA protocol service (GCA_REQUEST) failure ...
Reason: The login screen appears before booting is completed and ingres is started!
After booting you should wait logging in for about one minute!
Solution: You must start ingres manually.
Logout, login as ingres and stop and start ingres:

Conflict when starting TXP computer

You should start TXP computers one after another, i.e. you should start the next one only
when the previous one is up. at the redundant one.
This concerns to the ES and the OM computers.
If you get the message "Could not start print processes", when you start the ES workstation with
ES680, probably it is a conflict with another starting workstation.
If you start some OT at the same time, perhaps a started OT, which was already "fue" will
switch to "abg" again.

OM650 at XU will be cancelled

Manifestation: You start OM650 (Om.Start), but after some time OM650 will be automatically
cancelled. In /txptest/oxu you will not see any reason, because the directory is empty.
Reason: There are some conflicts in the OM infrastructure.
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Solution: Distribute the OM infrastructur files InfFb.proj, InfOmk.proj and InfDevInst.proj from a
running OM component to the XU with File.Copy.

No space on hard disk left

Control as root the space use in the file systems:

In the root file system / should be available at least 50 MB.
Big files you find in the directory /usr/adm: messages, syslog
You can reduce (e.g.) syslog with:
> syslog
After reducing you should restart the OM software with init 6.

If you get the error messages No space on dev hd and Error log overflow very
frequently, you cannot operate the PC.
Try to login remote. If you cannot do even this, try to use rcmd.
You should delete files (messages, syslog) in /usr/adm and in /tmp.

In release 4 and SCO OS 5.0.4 perhaps the process table is the reason for the problem.
You must delete at all OM computers the file /tcb/files/audit/audit_dmninfo
After this you should shutdown all OM computers (init 0).
And then start all computers with OM one after another.

Usually the space problems you will have it s reason at the OT, where the hardcopy printer is
Check the following line in the file /usr/hcx/etc/
../bin/hcx -d0 2>&1 > $PREFIX.hcx.out &
Restart OM at this OT.

Install Bugfix 021 for OM650.

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Upgrades / Extensions

Upgrading OM650 release 4.00.52 to release 4.00.61

For upgrading to OM650 release 4.00.61 the DAT tape must be read only one time to a cpio
archive file. From there the new OM software will be read to every OM computer.
Continuous processing can be arranged by switching to the redundant PU.
In the following we started with upgrading the redundant PU ne_p1b.
Important is the user you logged in.

a) Reading the software OM650 release 4.00.61 from DAT tape

login txpom
Read at ne_p1b from DAT to cpio archive file:
dd if=/dev/rStp0 of=/txpproj/Om650_v04.00.61.dd

b) OM650 Shutdown

login txpom

c) OM650 Clean

login root
cd /usr/txpom/install

d) Prepare configuration file

login txpom
cd install
vi Install.Para
modify the Host, where the cpio archive file is stored
modify the name of the cpio archive file (change "4.00.52" to "4.00.61")

e) Read the OM650 software

login txpom
cd install

f) Installation (user txpom)

login txpom
cd install

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here you should take care of the time synchronisation: > $HOME/SET_TIME

g) Installation (user root)

login root
cd /usr/txpom/install
init 6

h) Change the leading PU

Start OM at ne_p1b: login as txpom and call Om.Start

Stop OM at leading PU ne_p1a: login as txpom and call Om.Stop
Now ne_p1b with OM650 release 4.00.61 will be the leading one.

i) Upgrade SU/PU to OM650 release 4.00.61

You can use the same procedure like for PU

But for BDM you must add one step between e) and f):
In the file /txpsys/bdm/tool/c_projtab.sql you must change the line "pro_id smallint," to
{"pro_id smallint,"}

j) Upgrade OT to OM650 release 4.00.61

The OT should be upgraded without interruption of usage. But this is not true.
The OT must be upgraded in the way described above (b) - g)) before started again with

Upgrading OM V4.0.61 --> V4.1.22

First you must read the DAT tape for the new release to the hard disk. Here we read it to the
hard disk of OT1.
Before installing the DAT drive, you stop OM at OT1 and switch power off.
SCSI number at the back of the DAT drive is 2. After installing you switch power on at the DAT
drive and then at OT1.
Login at the OT1 as txpom.
Read from the tape with: dd if=/dev/rStp0 of=/txpproj/om_V04.01.22.dd
If you can install in the evening, when there is no operating, you can stop OM at all OM
They you can install one computer after another (see B.3, 31). At every computer you must
modify Install.Para with /txpproj/om_V04.01.22.dd.
You can clean and install OM two computers at the same time, but you can start OmTape.Read
only for one computer.
After installing you must transfer MMI Pictures and MMI FUP to the OT, BDM and Protocols to
the SU. When installing PU and SU you can already transfer to the OT.

For starting OM the order is important:

First Om.Start PU, then SU, at the end OT.

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Upgrading Linux COT

Upgrading Linux COT will be performed like SCO OT, as descibed above.
But the device name of the DAT tape is changed to /dev/st0. So the command for reading the
DAT tape is different, e.g.:
dd if=/dev/st0 of=/txpproj/OM650_V07_05_24

Changing SU to PUSU

The software at a server unit SU is already prepared for usage of the computer as PUSU. You
must only modify the hardware and change the software configuration in the following way:
1. Insert the LAN board CP1413 into the PC.
2. login txpom
cd install
vi Install.Para change Component from SU to PUSU,
TimeServer true, TimeClient false
3. complete new installation of OM (see above Upgrade OM650 )
4. Modify the infrastructure file InfObm.inst decommenting ASR, MAC, ARC
5. Modify the topology diagram:
- connect the new PUSU to the plant bus,
- add the function complexes (FB) in the module parameters (e.g. 5A 6A) of the PUSU
6. LAN Generation
7. Transfer ASR data from ES to the new PUSU:
generate Asr.proj, perhaps split it concerning the function complexes and transfer it to the
PUSU and perhaps another Asr.proj to a second processing system, if it exists.
Transfer R_BstTypen to the new PUSU.
8. Transfer OM LAN to the new PUSU

Configure returning to previous pictures

With the button at the left bottom of the screen at the OT you can return to the previous picture.
Since OM release 5 there will be offered to you a number of previous pictures. This number is
configurable in the file $OmProjData/mmi/Ot.conf
Provide the value of the variable &IMG_HIST_LEN. The value should be greater then 1, e.g.

Re-install the OT

To change a German installation to an English one, you must re-install the OT.
You must do it in 2 steps (see Installation TXP OM650 ):
1. Login txpom
cd /txpsys
sh -ivl engl 2>&1 | tee inst_om.lgf
2. Login root
cd /txpsys
sh install.root -ivl engl -c 2>&1 | tee inst_ro.lgf
Then you must reboot the PC: init 6
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Transfer MMI again to the OT

Now you will see the English user interface at the OT

Install an additional monitor at an OT

a) Insert an additional board into the mX Terminal

If the OT is installed with mX Terminal and only one monitor (CRT0), you can insert only one
additional monitor at position CRT2. Don t trouble about the number, CRT2 will be the right

b) Modify the OT configuration

In the file /usr/FSX2561/etc/mxterm/xserv.load there is a parameter for the screen
Login as root.
If the OT is installed with mX Terminal and only one monitor, there is the parameter set:
-screens 1
If you add to this OT a second screen, you have to change -screens 1
to -multiscreen 1

c) Install the new OT configuration

init 6

d) Start OM and load MMI pictures

Transfer OM MMI Pictures

Temporary installation of an OT

a) Joining a temporarily used OT to the terminal bus

An OT (here: OT5) prepared by IEZ or coming from another project is suitable for joining the
terminalbus. But some operations are left, which can be done only in the plant configuration:
At the ES master: add OT5 with hostname and IP-address in /etc/hosts
add OT5 with hostname in /etc/hosts.equiv
At all OM computers: add OT5 with complete hostname (with aliases
e.g. ne_ot5.TXP.Nehuenco.scn) and IP-address in /etc/hosts

At all OM computers including OT5 add entry for OT5 in .rhosts for user txpproj and txpom

Copy infrastructue files InfDevInst.proj and InfFb.proj to OT5.

OT5 must be included into the OM infrastructure. All OM computers must work with the same
extended infrastructure. Therefore OM must be stopped at all OM computers: Om.Stop.
Then add OT5 in the file InfOmk.proj. It must be distributed to all OM components.
OM must be started again at all OM components: Om.Start one after another.

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Transfer MMI from ES to OT5

b) Problem with temporarily used OT in the network

Manifestation: /etc/ping to another computer in the terminal bus is not successful

/etc/hosts is okay.
Cable is okay, because cable is changed.
Star coupler port is okay, because port is changed. But:
ifconfig net1: ioctl no such interface
Reason: Network interface was changed from Drop cable (coax) to THIN Ethernet
Solution: Change interface to AUI by netconfig

Change OTs

Assume there are two OTs, h01ot3 with graphic server mMT for two monitors and h01ot2 with
mMT for large scren. The names and addresses should be changed.

Modify at PC in Install.Para the screen definition, e.g. mMT_GBW to mMT and viceversa.

Modify the names and addresses at mMT, e.g. at mxh01ot3 to mxh01ot2:

Get prompt with <Ctrl><Alt><Backspace>
Login as root (password eos)
Reboot and make the following modifications in the backup partition:
after LILO Boot type Backup
Get prompt with <Ctrl><Alt><Backspace>
Modify names and addresses in LINUX:
Basic host information
mxh01ot2 (with Delete key you can delete previous characters)
Routing and gateways
Activate the changes

vi .rhosts
h01ot2mx txpom

vi /etc/hosts h01ot2mx mxh01ot2

at PC: Om.Install
the communication to mMT will be tested and not work at this time
Now the communication will work, repeat Om.Install and Root.Install

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Shift an OT from one project to another

The file /etc/hosts must be extended by the new OT at all members of the terminal bus.
Take care that the IP address is unique!

If unfortunately the IP address already exists, you have to change it for the one one with
Select for HW 3COM Etherlink and SCO TCP/IP
under Protocol and Modify protocol configuration IP address and domain.
init 6
Check /usr/txpom/install/Install.Para. If it is an OT with graphic card and without mX terminal,
you should see in the line ... Screen ... the entry X11 . Then you need no IP addresses for mX
terminal in /etc/hosts.
After modifying the IP address and domain name with netconfig and in /etc/hosts, you must:
Login as txpom
cd /install
Login as root
cd /usr/txpom/install
init 6

Then the video manager must be activated at the OT:

Video Manager
5 times OK (without any modification!)

Perhaps you must activate scologin:

console 3: scologin enable
console 2: Login window and scologin disable.

Start /usr/etc/yp/ypmake at the ES master.

The files .rhosts must allow access without password. For all users and bus components this
must be arranged.
You must add in file .rhosts one line for the new OT under user txpom and txpproj:
The extended files must be distributed to all OM components including the new OT.

The OM infrastructure must be identical.

At the OT copy first InfDevInst.proj and InfFb.proj to a saving file.
Then copy InfDevInst.proj and InfFb.proj from the new infrastructure (e.g. c02spa) to the OT
InfOmk.proj must be extended by the OT and distributed to all OM components:
File.Copy a InfOmk.proj
Before this you should save the old file InfOmk.proj. And before transferring InfOmk.proj to all
OM computers, at all OM computers OM must be stopped. Then Start OM with the new

Pay attention that the new OT is working with the same OM software version as it is used in the
OM network.

Then you have to transfer MMI to the OT. Ot.pwd and Ot.hrn must have the access rights 664.

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Change an OT from one block to another

Assume you will use an OT instead of an OT (here hu1ot5) with great monitor wall, which is not
used, in another block. You will use it with the already known name hu1ot5, so that the
infrastructure must not be changed.
1. rename the OT computer: uname s hu1ot5
2. give it the new network address:
Modify protocol configuration
3. Get /etc/hosts and .rhosts for txpom and txpproj of the new block
4. Om.Install
5. enable graphic interface:
scologin enable
Video manager
scologin disable

Change language to English for OT

1. Modify as user txpom installation file Install.Para

cd install
vi Install.Para
% Language ... % engl ...
2. Install again OM:
3. Install again as user root:
cd /usr/txpom
init 6
4. Transfer OM all pictures to the re-installed OT

Add additional OT function

At OT there is available the function EP (event protocol) in the menu. This function must be
activated otherwise it will not be in effect.
In the file /txpproj/proj_std/mmi/Ot.frappl the application functions are activated by character
& , e.g.:

Modify rights for OT user levels

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At any OT the rights for the user levels are defined in the file rights.level in the directory
The function, which is allowed to be used by the mentioned OT user class, is marked in a table
with the sign + .

Change CU from using mX-Terminal to using graphic card

For the mX-Terminal you use the 3COM-board as BNC interface. If you use the graphic card,
you can use the 3COM-board for the terminal bus as AUI interface.
In this case you have to configure the network for Coax with netconfig.
Login as root.
Modify hardware configuration
Select HW 3COM ... with Tab
Select COAX
select SCO TCP/IP
Modify protocol configuration

In /etc/hosts the IP-address will be used for 3COM.

In /etc/tcp for sea2 there should be an IP address different to

After network configuration you have to install OM again:


In the environment env you should see: e.g.


You must configure the graphic card (e.g. MATROX MILLENIUM II) with scoadmin:
Video Configuration Manager

The mouse connected directely to the computer must be a PS/2 mouse (e.g. Logitech M-S30)
The mouse must be configured with mkdev:
mkdev mouse
select 3 (PS/2)
and configure High Resolution Keyboard Mouse

After configuration of the mouse the UNIX Kernel must be rebuilt and restarted:
init 6

You should test the mouse by the SCO login: type before rebooting with init 6:
scologin enable
Then you should see the graphic screen with the SCO login window and with the mouse cursor.
If it s okay, disable the SCO login and reboot again:
scologin disable
init 6

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Extend OT spool for hardcopy

If the OT hardcopy spool is controlled not by hardcopy server but by software, there exist a
hardcopy spool at the OT, to which the printer is connected. The spool is administrated by
In this file there exist one line for each OT, from where hardcopy printing should be allowed,
containing the IP address, e.g.
If you want to add an additional OT, you must insert one line for this OT.

Distribute MMI from one OT to another

In the directory /txpsys/swi there exist the tool Mmi.Distr to distribute MMI code from one OT to
e.g. at ne_ot1 call /txpsys/swi/MmiDistr ne_ot5

Configure international keyboard settings

You want to use a language specific keyboard, e.g. portuguese, at a SCO-PC:

International Settings Manager
Language keyboard
portuguese_portugal ps.850.por

Implement serial interface to line printer

When installing the serial interface card you should check the DIP switches (see manual).

After installing the serial interface, you must modify at the device the print mode Interface
Selection 1C.

The interface ser01 must be defined in all files concerning printing messages: InfDevInst.proj,
PrtProj and in the printer specification defined by scoadmin.

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Support / Tools


rdb Funktion 2 : Status der ASen lesen

Es werden folgende Angaben in Tabellenform wiedergegeben :

ASindex Index des AS

Status Status des AS (Belegung des Statuswortes s. u.)
Anz UebSeg Ist-Anzahl der übergebenen Instanzlistensegmente
AnzInst ListTei Soll-Anzahl der übergebenen Instanzlistensegmente
AnzUeb Instanz Ist-Anzahl der übergebenen Instanzen
Anz Instanz Soll-Anzahl der übergebenen Instanzen
Anz GAanf Anzahl anstehender GA-Anforderungen
Anz UpdateToSS Anzahl Synchronisationanforderungen für das Abbild an den

Belegung des Statuswortes und Bedeutung der Merker.


DMZ_STARTED 00000100
DMZ_CHECK 00000200
DMZ_OK 00000400
DMZ_NOSEQ 00000800
DMZ_NO_CHECK 00008000

GA_STARTED 00010000
GA_RUNNING 00020000
GA_ENDED 00040000
GA_ABORTED 00080000
GA_MASK 00FF0000
NEG_QUITT_SS 02000000
POS_QUITT_SS 04000000
STATUS_ES _VERF 40000000
STATUS_AS _VERF 80000000

Der Merker wird bei Start einer Instanzlisten-Übertragung gesetzt (von AsrEsStartSyncList() ).

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Ist der Merker gesetzt, so wird der Empfang der Instanzlisten-Telegramme geprüft. Innerhalb
der Überwachungszeit für Instanzlisten-Telegramme (INST_WAITING_TIME) muß mindestens
ein Telegramm empfangen werden. Der Merker wird von der Funktion, die den Empfang der
Telegramme prüft ( AsrEsCheckStatus() ) gesetzt, nachdem zum 1. Mal ein gesetzter Merker
INSTLIST_STARTED oder INSTLIST_RUNNING erkannt wurde. Der Merker wird gelöscht,
nachdem eine Instanzliste von einem AS ordnungsgemäss übernommen wurde (von
AsrEsSyncAsProj) oder die Übertragung wegen eines Fehlers abgebrochen wurde (von
AsrEsSyncAsProj, AsrEsCheckStatus).

Der Merker wird gesetzt, nachdem das 1. Telegramm (Segment) einer Instanzliste übernommen
wurde (von AsrEsSyncAsProj). Der Merker wird gelöscht, nachdem eine Instanzliste von einem
AS ordnungsgemäss übernommen wurde (von AsrEsSyncAsProj) oder die Übertragung wegen
eines Fehlers abgebrochen wurde (von AsrEsSyncAsProj, AsrEsCheckStatus).

Der Merker wird gesetzt, wenn die Übertragung einer Instanzliste wegen eines Fehlers
abgebrochen wurde (von AsrEsSyncAsProj, AsrEsInstListError, AsrEsCheckStatus) oder bei
der Bearbeitung einer GA oder einer Parameter-Änderungs-Liste ein Fehler erkannt wurde.
Ist der Merker gesetzt, so wird die Übertragung der Instanzlisten initiiert (von
AsrEsCheckStatus). Der Merker wird bei Start der Übertragung einer Instanzliste (von
AsrEsStartSyncList) oder bei Empfang des 1.Segmentes einer neuen Instanzliste (von
AsrEsSyncAsProj) wieder gelöscht.

Der Merker wird nach ordnungsgemässem Empfang und Bearbeitung einer Instanzliste gesetzt
(von AsrEsSyncAsProj).
Der Merker wird bei Start der Übertragung einer Instanzliste (von AsrEsStartSyncList) oder bei
Empfang des 1.Segmentes einer neuen Instanzliste (von AsrEsSyncAsProj) wieder gelöscht.

DMZ_STARTED 00000100
Der Merker wir bei Start der DMZ-Übertragung gesetzt (von AsrEsStartAll).

DMZ_CHECK 00000200
Ist der Merker gesetzt, so wird der Empfang der DMZ-Telegramme geprüft. Innerhalb der
Überwachungszeit für DMZ-Telegramme (Projektierungsdatum Eu_Zeit in Datei Asr.conf) muß
mindestens ein Telegramm empfangen werden. Der Merker wird von der Funktion, die den
Empfang der Telegramme prüft (AsrEsCheckStatus() ) gesetzt, nachdem zum 1. Mal die
gesetzten Merker DMZ_STARTED und DMZ_OK erkannt wurde. Der Merker wird gelöscht,
wenn in der Überwachungszeit kein Telegramm empfangen wurde (von . AsrEsCheckStatus() ).

DMZ_OK 00000400
Der Merker wir bei Start der DMZ-Übertragung gesetzt (von AsrEsStartAll).
Der Merker wird gelöscht, wenn in der Überwachungszeit kein Telegramm empfangen wurde
(von AsrEsCheckStatus() ).

DMZ_NOSEQ 00000800
Der Merker wird gesetzt, wenn in der Überwachungszeit kein DMZ-Telegramm empfangen
wurde (von AsrEsCheckStatus() ).
Der Merker wird bei Start der DMZ-Übertragung gelöscht (von AsrEsStartAll).

DMZ_NO_CHECK 00008000
Hilfsmerker für Test-Zwecke. Wenn gesetzt, wird die Prüfung der DMZ-Telegramme
Der Merker wird von der Funktion AsrEsDebug gesetzt, wenn von der gleichen Funktion die
Übertragung der DMZ-Telegramme an einem AS abgebrochen wird (durch Bedienung von
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Der Merker wir bei Start der DMZ-Übertragung gelöscht (von AsrEsStartAll).

GA_STARTED 00010000
Der Merker wird bei Start einer GA für das ganze AS, entspricht dem Start der DMZ-
Übertragung, gesetzt (von AsrEsStartAll). Der Merker wird ebenfalls bei Start eines Teil-AS
gesetzt (von AsrEsGAstart)
Der Merker wird nach Empfang der Auftrags-Quittung GA_ENDE gelöscht (von

GA_RUNNING 00020000
Der Merker wird nach Empfang der Auftrags-Quittung GA_ANFANG gesetzt (von
Der Merker wird nach Empfang der Auftrags-Quittung GA_ENDE gelöscht (von

GA_ENDED 00040000
Z.Z. nicht benutzt.

GA_ABORTED 00080000
Z.Z. nicht benutzt.

Der Merker wird bei Start einer GA für das ganze AS, entspricht dem Start der DMZ-
Übertragung, gesetzt (von AsrEsStartAll).
Der Merker wird nach Empfang der entsprechenden Auftrags-Quittung GA_ENDE gelöscht (von

Wenn dieser Merker gesetzt ist, wird ein Start einer GA für das ganze AS initiiert. Der Merker
wird gesetzt (von AsrEsDmzBearbeiten) wenn für ein AS mehr als MAX_GA_ANF GA-
Anforderungen für Teil-Hierachien anstehen. Der Merker kann auch durch die Funktion
AsrEsDebug nach Bedienung von RDBG gesetzt werden.
Der Merker wird bei Start einer GA für das ganze AS gelöscht.

NEG_QUITT_SS 02000000
Der Merker wird gesetzt (von AstEsUpdateEndSS) nach Empfang einer negativen Quittung vom
Zustands-Server für einen Update-Auftrag nach GA-Ende oder nach Empfang einer Instanzliste
im laufenden Betrieb.
Der Merker wird auch gesetzt (von AsrEsInstCheckEnd) nach Empfang einer negativen
Quittung vom Zustands-Server für einen Update-Auftrag nach Empfang einer
Parameteränderungsliste im laufenden Betrieb.
Der Merker wird bei Start einer Instanzliste (von AsrEsStartSyncList) und vor Übergabe des
Update-Auftrags nach Empfang einer Parameteränderungsliste (von AsrEsInstCheckEndSS)

POS_QUITT_SS 04000000
Der Merker wird gesetzt (von AstEsUpdateEndSS) nach Empfang einer positiven Quittung vom
Zustands-Server für einen Update-Auftrag nach GA-Ende oder nach Empfang einer Instanzliste
im laufenden Betrieb.
Der Merker wird auch gesetzt (von AsrEsInstCheckEnd) nach Empfang einer positiven Quittung
vom Zustands-Server für einen Update-Auftrag nach Empfang einer Parameteränderungsliste
im laufenden Betrieb.
Der Merker wird bei Start einer Instanzliste (von AsrEsStartSyncList) und vor Übergabe des
Update-Auftrags nach Empfang einer Parameteränderungsliste (von AsrEsInstCheckEndSS)

Anzeige des Zustands der Bedienverbindung aus dem ASU-Objekt. (1 entspricht vefügbar)
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Anzeige des Zustands der Zustandsverbindung aus dem ASU-Objekt. (1 entspricht vefügbar)

STATUS_ES _VERF 40000000

Anzeige des Zustands der Ereignisverbindung aus dem ASU-Objekt. (1 entspricht vefügbar)

STATUS_AS _VERF 80000000


0 0 = 0
0 1 = 0
1 0 = 0
1 1 = 1

Diagnosis messages with rdb

Function 1 of rdb enables to set a mask for generating diagnosis messages. The default mask
is 00000006 (messages concerning GA and instance lists).


At the OM computers there exist a monitor function, activated like this:

login as root
The program tells you the system load, e.g. how the memory is used. The most important and
critical parameter is swp used. If the core memory is fully used, the swap space will be used.
Data will be transferred from the core memory to the swap space. This spends some time. If the
swap space is used for many data, the performance will go down.
mem used=99% is only critical, if the swap space is used.
swp used=2% is acceptable, but if swap used>10%, you should extend the core memory
(standard is 64 MB).

Diagnosis tool at PU

For APRED there is the diagnosis tool diag in the directory /usr/scp/redtools at the PU.

Reset the time

When you reset the time to an earlier time, take care of the data in the long term archive.
In the test period before operation you can reset the time and the long term archive.
You should do it in the following way:
1. Stop all OM components (Om.Stop)
2. on both SUs reset the log term archive:
rm /txparc.00.00/lza/0_buch

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and, if MOD is already used:

rm /txparc.00.00/lza/g_in_pda
3. correct the time at clock (e.g. SICLOCK)
4. touch SET_TIME on all PUs
5. start PU, SU, OT one after another (Om.Start after the previous one is fue )
6. reset the messages:
Processing Functions
BF reset for all function areas (corresponding FUP diagrams)

Delete MOD

If you want to delete a MOD, insert it into the not leading SU or deactivate MOD at OT.
Login as txpom at the SU.
cd /txpsys/lza

Copy of MOD

Assume that the source (original) MOD is in se_spa to a blank MOD in se_spb.

Deactivate leading MOD from OM and remove current MOD from leading sp
Put MOD to be copied into se_spa and blank MOD into se_spb.
On se_spa
Login as root
mount /dev/mod00 /mnt >Will mount MOD to file system
mount >Confirms mounted file systems

On se_spb
Login as txpom
se_spb_txpom:> cd /txpsys/lza > Changes to the archive directory
se_spb_txpom:> sh >Creates a file system on blank MOD
Login as root
mount /dev/mod00 /mnt >Will mount MOD to file system
mount >Confirms mounted file systems

Login as txpom
se_spb_txpom:> cd /mnt >Changes to the MOD
se_spb_txpom:> rcp r se_spa:/mnt .. >Copies information across
network from original MOD to blank MOD.

Will take approx 30 minutes will be finished when prompt reappears

se_spb_txpom:> cd / >Changes to the root directory

Login root
umount /mnt >Un-mounts the MOD from
On se_spa
Login as root

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umount /mnt >Un-mounts the MOD from


Remove MOD s from both drives, reinsert current archive MOD into master sp and reactivate
the MOD from the OM

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UNIX Solutions (SCO Unix)

Copy files to DOS diskette

Login as root.
At a OM computer you can copy a file in a DOS format to floppy:
doscp <file> /dev/fd0 or
doscp <file> :a

Attention: DOS-conventions (max 8 letters and 3 letters file-extention.)

The table of contents you get with

dosdir /dev/fd0 or
dosdir <file> :a

If you want to read a file from floppy in DOS format:

doscp /dev/fd0:/<file> . or
doscp a:/<file> .

Using LINUX on a Compact OT you don t copy to floppy disk by doscp but by mcopy:
mcopy <file> :a
as well reading:
mcopy a:/<file> .

Read DAT tapes

Especially at a ES-CU you will get DAT tapes. You can read them with the command:
tar xv8 or
tar xvf /dev/rStp0

Changing host name

After you modified the host name with netconfig, you still get the old host name at the command
To get the new name you must give the following command and reboot: (e.g.)
uname S s2_xu
Note, that changing the host name might be very dangerous, especially for a CU.

Duplicate SCO License

First of all the SCO computer have a default SCO license. If you get the warning Duplicate
SCO License Number have been detected ... , there is forgotten to replace this default license
number by the delivered license for the customer.

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You have to do it now:

Login as root
License Manager
Remove License
License Product license number, code and data

Modifying resolution

If you have a very bad resolution and want to change it:

LOGIN: root Password: roots1
Type in: scoadmin
After the manager appears, go to menu Video Configuration Manager
Go to Modify
Here you have to choose Matrox G100/G200/G400 Series Graphics Adapter
Now go to Change Resolution
Here choose 1280x1024 256-color Vesa 85 Hz
Restart the PC

TCP/IP Not licensed

If you get one of the error messages

LOGIN: Product not licensed or
TCP/IP Not licensed or
LOGIN: ERROR - Failed to initialize policy manager ...
probably a wrong system time will be the reason.
You can modify the system time with asktime.
The BIOS clock you can set by the BIOS setup with <F2>, Passwort:txptxp.

UPS shutdown

When loosing power supply, the UPS will shutdown the OM computers after 120 seconds.
You can configure this time delay. But pay attention to the power consumers, so that the UPS
will not go down before this configured time.
The configuration parameters you will find in the file /usr/lib/powerchute/powerchute.ini at the
[ LineFail ]
NotifyDelay = 5
NotifyInterval = 30
NotifyRepeat = Yes
ShutdownDelay = 120
Actions = LUS

For ShutdownDelay you can choose a higher value, e.g. 420 for 7 minutes.

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Saving and restoring OM hard disk

AC created a easy way to save OM hard disk to a DAT tape:

login root
init 0
computer power off
adjust SCSI address 2 at the back of the DAT drive.
connect DAT tape drive to the computer
insert Boot Floppy
computer power on
DAT drive power on
<Return> after "boot :"
insert Root Filesystem Floppy and <Return>
insert DAT tape (normally you need 120m tapes for using Om.Backup)
remove floppy

For saving hard disk with 8680 MB or more you should use DAT tapes with 120m length. Saving
great hard disk with 90m tapes, you need two volumes and you must do it in two steps with two
procedures from floppy disk: Om.Backup1of2 and Om.Backup2of2.

You will restore the data with Om.Restore (or Om.Restore1of2 and Om.Restore2of2
respectively) in the same way.

For Celsius PCs the procedures are called Txp.Backup and Txp.Restore.
For the saving procedure using Txp.Backup 90m tapes are long enough, even if you use a big
hard disk.

If the DAT tape drive is not connected correctly, you will get the error message
"no device /dev/rStp0".
Check the DAT drive and the cable.

At the PU and at the SU you will get the message "NOTICE: Sdsk: Unrecoverable error reading
SCSI disk 0 dev 1/0 - block=4226688"
You can ignore it, when it comes after writing to the tape. The reason is, that the hard disk size
does not match with the number of records, which should be saved.

If the Root Filesystem Floppy doesn t work, you can do a normal disk boot, login as root and
copy to tape with command explicitely:
dd if=/dev/rhd01 of=/dev/rStp0 bs=64k

For Linux COT you need separate floppies with the procedures Txp.Backup and

Create Emergency Boot-Floppies for Celsius C442

Floppy Filesystem Manager
2. Emergency Boot
2. .. 1,44 Mb
1. Root Filesystem

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Do you want to place extra files [n]

2. Boot Filesystem
1 System specific boot

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LAN connection

DIP switch on star coupler board

Network built by fibre optic cable and star coupler is a pseudo ring, i.e. a ring which is
interrupted at one position. For getting redundancy at OYDE-S boards a DIP switch must be set
for one pair of boards. Set DIP switch 7 on (see manual)
On ECAUI board DIP switch 1 and 3 at the upper switch line must be set on.


Using a HUB for getting more ports for terminal bus and plant bus, consider some points.
SQE-Test should be set OFF.
Pay attention, when it is possible to select remote mode or local mode.

Loading of the CP at the AP with the MAC addresses ( Knotentaufe )

Transferring of the MAC addresses that we got from the file (e.g.)
$HOME/listen/lan/NET_ADR_35.ASC, is to be done in the following way:
Required equipment / steps:
1) PG 740 (Loaded with S5 software)
2) Cable to communicate with the CP
3) Batteries must be inserted in Power supply of the APs
4) Turn the CP ON with the help of the switch.


Turn ON the PG
Select option 2 ( This will take you to the S5 prompt)
Then give (e.g. for English language) E as an option
Then type S5 at the prompt (S5 will start running and you will see three windows opened.
Press ESC twice and then use the right arrow key and go to
Go to option FURTHER (You will see options for selecting drive: Select drive C.
Select CP1430 (Here you will see a window in which you have to put the PG in ONLINE mode)
Type name of the DATA BASE file at this prompt e.g. AG01 (important! 4 or 5 characters)
Press ins key
Choose STOP (The CP goes from RUN to STOP)
Go to EDIT menu
Choose CP INIT (In this window , you have to give the MAC address, z.B 080006018011)
at 'Basis-SSNR' give for CP-A: 232 and for CP-B: 236
Press F7 when you are finished

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Choose START
The CP goes to RUN mode

When giving the MAC addresses to the APs, you should also give the correct date and time to
the AS system.
The delivery state is: 1st of January 1994!
In the plant bus clock master is CP-A of the AS with the lowest number in the topology
Substitute is CP-B of the AS with the highest number in the topology diabram.
You define date and time with the PG in the menu Utilities Clock Functions.
Remember that in the plant bus we have no summertime switching!
In the plant bus we have only winter time. Summer time switching is handled only for display in
ES680 and in the OM system.


Installing time sender

The installation is described in the manual TXP Bussystem.

The clock must exist as member of the plant bus in the topology diagram.
Take bus addresses from the module properties of the clock symbol.

Installing HOPF clock

The radio controlled HOPF clock will give the exact time to the SINEC clock sender.
For this purpose at the menu of the SINEC clock sender you must configure:
Eingang: Zeittelegramm
Control the jumpers and switches at the HOPF 6021 board (see description).
Connect HOPF clock (TTY) and SINEC clock sender (Synch. Telegr.) with data cable.
Fix the antenne to the HOPF clock and direct it to Frankfurt.
SINEC clock sender will synchronize, when HOPF clock gets a time signal.
For getting the complete time, the HOPF clock must receive two times after another a correct
one minute radio time signal.
There are 3 LEDs at the back of HOPF 6021 board:
F (Funk): must be on, when receiving radio time signal
Q (Quarz): is permanently on, when the clock is using it s internal quarz
D: must be blinking

Time synchronization without clock

If there is no clock and no time sender and no clock is defined in the topology diagram, the CP-
A of the AP with the lowest number (e.g. CP-A AP11) and CP-B of the AP with the highest
number (e.g. CP-B AP62) will be defined by the system as clock master. When transferring

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LAN to this CP, it will become time master. The time for the plant bus will be controlled by this
Therefore at first you must provide this CP with the correct time. You do it like Knotentaufe
with the PG.
Connect the PG to the CP1430.
Select at the PG in the CP1430 menu instead of CP-FUNCTIONS
Clock Functions
F2 (SET)
Data today
Current time
(Clock master=Yes will be set by LAN Transfer)

If you are testing and both CP do not exist (CP-A with the lowest number as well as CP-B with
the highest number), you can define the clock master manually:
Stop CP
Clock Init
CP1430 as Clock master
Start CP
Pay attention: After every LAN transferring this manually given information will be lost.

You must set the current time as winter time! The TXP system handles only winter time.
Summertime switching is only used for the display at the OT.

If you want to modify the time at the CP1430, you can do it only if the CP1430 is clock slave.

Connection GPS Receiver in CCR to GPS Clock in Fault Recorder

GPS Receiver in CCR : 7001


7015 7020 7201 H3

GPS Clock in Fault Recorder: 6855


H3 6855

7015 GPS receiver (conn. To antenna)

7020 synchronization for H1

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7201 transmits signal via internal RS422

6841H3 Receive signal from internal RS422 and send via FO to
6841H3 in Fault Recorder.

6841H3 must be spatially prepared.

Look in 6841Hx_an_7201_e.pdf file. Pin 11a, plug-in slot board 7201 --------- Pin 11a, plug-in
slot board 6841Hx. Plus connection on 6841Hx board !!


1 ON Output UTC/LOCAL (Only with SW3/6 off)
2 ON Data word length 8/7 bit
3 ON Parity (no parity)
4 ON
5 ON Stop Bit 1/2
6 OFF Baudrate 9600
8 ON

1 OFF Type of Data String: Master/ Slave-string
2 ON
3 ON
5 ON
6 ON Transition with control character ETX
7 ON Transition every minute (on the minute change)

1 ON Data output on request from RS422
2 OFF For RS422 SW3/2,3 must be OFF (used only for RS422)
4 OFF EXT on second change, without delay, in advance
5 ON (above settings must be for Master/Slave string)
6 OFF Used together with SW1/1

Using time senders with bridge

If you have multiple blocks connected by bridge and time sender in each block, the time
telegram must be filtered in the bridge, because there should not exist two different time
telegrams in the network.
The filtering of time telegrams in the bridge is described in the manual TXP bus systems . You
should use the solution with private filter, using destination address 09:00:06:01:FF:EF and
Port in and Port out set for all ports.

This configuration should not be lost. Therefore it should be saved into Flash EEPROM:
save config.

For loading the configuration from the Flash EEPROM at restart, you must configure:

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load config.
Server IP-Adresse: IP address of the bridge

Problem solutions

Cutting the network connection

a) ES Slave

If there is no terminal bus connection to the master, the slave will go down with No server
responding .

b) Terminal bus OM computers

If there is no terminal bus connection, OM will be stopped (all object managers will go to abg ).
This is the normal consequence for all OM computers.

c) Plant bus PU

If there is no plant bus connection, the consequence depends on the IBS mode in Asr.proj.
IBS 0: ASR and all object managers will go to abg
IBS 1: ASR and all object managers will not stop.

d) Switching to redundant SU

You should stop OM for leading ( fue ) SU only if the redundant one is completely up (all object
managers must be akt )
This is important especially for the LZA. If the leading SU is going down, the redundant one
takes the LZA task. But if it is not up ( akt ), the LZA (HD archive and MOD archive) is in an
undefined state.
If both SU are down for a short time, the messages are going to the short time archive at the
PU. The LZA will be filled from there, when a SU is up.

e) SINEC time sender

If there is no plant bus connection, there will be the red fault LED. It will be still there, even when
the clock is at the plant bus again.
You can switch off the light by turning the key.

OM component going down

Manifestation: OM650 will be stopped at one or more OM components. You will find diagnosis
messages in /txptest, e.g.:
Time OMK INr 21302 von OMK INr 22301 als abgel. erkannt ( SPa by XU1 realized

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as refused ),
OMK INr 21302 von OMK INr 22301 als abgebr. erklaert ( SPa by XU1 declared as
broken off ),
Abbruchmeldung ueber OMK INr 21302 wiederholt ( Message concerning breaking
off via SPa repeated ),
Lok. OMK abgebrochen erklaert von OMK INr=2301 ( the local OM component was
declared as broken off by OT2 )
Reason: In a running OM system permanently the infrastructure will be controlled. The order is
given by the infrastructure file InfOmk.proj and listed by PL, e.g.:
m01ot1, m01ot2, m01spb, m01spa, m02xu1, m01xu2
In this order the OM components control each other, if they are responding and still
alive or not.
If an OM component, e.g. CU-OT, will not answer, it will be declared as broken or
stopped and OM will be stopped. If in the controlling mechanism a time out is reached,
the requested OM component will be declared as dead. In this way nearly all OM
components will go down, when one network module looses network connection, e.g.
one star coupler or one OSM. In this case not only the OM components, connected to
this network module, will go down, but also some more OM components, if the
controlling order in the file InfOmk.proj is unprofitable.
Solution: If you use for example two OSMs, you should use an alternating order in
InfOmk.proj. This means, the listed components should be connected alternating to the
two OSMs. If two successive components are connected to the same OSM, and if this
OSM leaves the network, then in the controlling action the request to two components
fails, a time out will be reached and the next component will be declared as dead.
In the example above
m01ot1, m01spa, m01xu2 are connected to OSM1 and
m01ot2, m01spb, m01xu1 are connected to OSM2.
If OSM1 is switched off, not only m01ot1, m01spa, m01xu2 will go down, but also
m01xu1, controlled by m02ot2, will probably get a time out.
For avoiding this situation, modify the connetion to OSM, following InfOmk.proj
this means: m01ot1, m01spb and m02xu1 should be connected to one OSM1,
or modify InfOmk.proj following the connection to OSM considering the alternating order:
m01ot2, m01ot1, m01spb, m01spa, m02xu1, m01xu2
The components written in bold letters should be connected to one OSM.

Modifying the time

When you modify the time to a earlier date (e.g. to (20)00), you will get problems. In the archive
the events will be brought to an accending time order. The SU will spend very much time for this

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Installing DS670

SCO Unix and Ingres is already installed at the DS670.

a) Include in the network communication

DS670 must communicate with all OM components and with the ES (master).
Therefore for all these computers there must exist entries in /etc/hosts.
And on the other hand entries for DS670 must exist in the OM computers.

b) Remote access without password

For access from DS670 to the ES without password the hostname of DS670 must be mentioned
in .rhosts at the ES master in the home directory of ds670, e.g.:
p01ds1 ds670

At SU insert in .rhosts under user ds670 the DS670 (e.g.):

p01ds1 ds670
p01ds1 txpom
localhost ds670
localhost txpom
And at all OM computers insert in .rhosts under txpom the DS670, too (e.g.):
p01ds1 ds670
p01ds1 txpom

c) DS Server Installation

The DS data base must be installed. Call the script db_inst. Specify like this:
E (English)
2 (OM release 4)
ne_es1 (host ES)
ne_es1::nehu (ES data base)
/install/txpes/data/nehu (project home)
H (HP)
3 (ES release 3)
/1ds670 (password)
The protocol will be written to /ds670/dshome/server/ds_install/proto

d) DS Client Installation

The DS client must be installed. Call the script dc_inst. Specify like this:
1 (local DS client)
0 (End)
The protocol will be written to /ds670/dshome/server/dc_install/proto

e) IP address for OM components

Provide the OM components in the topology diagram with their IP addresses.

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f) OM infrastructure at DS670

The OM infrastructure files InfFb.proj and InfOmk.proj should not be placed in the directory
/txpproj/proj_std/inf at the DS670. They will be read from the SU and stored at the DS670 in the
sub directory om_ring.
DS670 is not allowed to appear in the file InfOmk.proj.
In InfObm.inst all lines for OM modules must start with comment mark (#)

g) Load the diagnostic system

Start in the graphic interface by mouse:

Module tag (German: "Etikett")
(When reading the topology diagram from ES, the LAN data and the OM
infrastructure will read and transferred, too.
For loading of the topology correctly the topology diagram must completely
match with the physical hardware, e.g. if redundancy is described, the
hardware must be redundant!)
All AS

Install DS670 Hardcopies

In the menu of the DS client there is under System operations the function "Hardcopy".
Here you can get a hardcopy at the laser printer of the ES, if you send the hardcopy file to the
ES (e.g. d01es1) and print it there (e.g. at EsPrint) by remote access.
Complete the file $DC_ROOT/HARDCOPY in the following way:

xwd -xy -out $DC_ROOT/run_c/druck.xwd -root

xpr -device ps -gray 2 -output $DC_ROOT/run_c/druck.xpr $DC_ROOT/run_c/druck.xwd
rcp $DC_ROOT/run_c/druck.xpr d01es1:/users/ds670/druck.xpr
rcmd d01es1 -n lp -d EsPrint /users/ds670/druck.xpr

LAN diagnosis by DS670 via MIKE

a) Define the location of the star couplers

In the topology diagram you should define the location of the star couplers (e.g. cabinet ID
B1CKF20), so that you can distinguish the star couplers in the topology picture of the DS

b) Define addresses of the star couplers

Each star coupler must get an IP address. First you define this address in the topology
diagram. In the terminal bus the first three parts of the IP address should be the same for all
star couplers and the first two parts should correspond with all existent members of the terminal

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In the topology diagram all CP1413 of PU, SU/PU and DS must get and IP address. For DS the
IP address in the topology diagram must correspond with the IP address of sea2 or net1/net2
(release 7) in /etc/tcp. The IP addresses of all CP1413 must correspond in the first two parts.
And the IP addresses of the star couplers must start with these two values, followed by an
unique value for all star couplers. You number the star couplers with the third value.

c) Put the star coupler addresses to the MIKE board

The MIKE board is the intelligent link of the star coupler to the TXP network. Similar to the
Knotentaufe at the AS CP you have to put the address of the star coupler to the MIKE board
via PG.
Connect COM2 of PG by MIKE cable with the V24 socket of the MIKE board.
Open under Windows Assessoires Communication HyperTerminal
Set the parameters: 9600 Bit/sec 8 Bits Parity None - 1 Stopbit Xon/Xoff
Save the configuration, e.g. with the name MIKE.
Now you can get connection to the MIKE board.
With Return you get the login menu for mike with Password mike and you get the pull down
menu bar. Do it for all MIKE boards:
type in local ip-address (e.g.
the same address to ip-address default-tftp-server (position with TAB)
(after a while type Return and control the configuration)
community access
no 2 (position with cursor down and enable input with Enter) hirma
access read-write

After Knotentaufe you get access to the star coupler at the DS topology diagram.

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Problem solutions

Error when starting OM

Manifestation: In the protocol of OM-Start you see the error message falsche OM-Version oder
Fehler beim Lesen
Reason: Data base access by Ingres failed
Solution: login as ingres and start

No access ES master

Manifestation: When you will read AS data from ES by Engineering, you get the messages
remshd: Login incorrect and No AS s present to read DX
Reason: Normally not the login is incorrect, but you cannot access ES without requiring a
Try to login from ds670 to the ES master (e.g. rlogin ds670). If a password is
required, access without password is missing.
Solution: Create at ES master in the home directory of ds670 the file .rhosts with hostname of
the DS670 and login ds670, e.g.: c01ds1 ds670
The file must have the owner ds670 and the access rights 644.
After creating the file .rhosts you should reboot DS with init 6.
If this has no effect, try to shutdown with init 0 and power off.

No access to ES data base

Manifestation: When transferring Module Tags, you get the message

Error reading from label in ES680 and transferring will be finished immediately.
Reason: When starting Engineering the data will be fetched from ES680. This access failed.
There may be two reasons:
1. The ES680 data base is not known to DS680
Testing access to ES data base (sql $ES_DATENBANK) failes.
2. DS670 is not allowed to access ES680 data base
Solution: 1. In the home directory of ds670 there is the file profile.ds with definition of ES host
name and ES data base.
2. At the ES the DS670 must be allowed to access. This must be done with the program

Error when reading topology

Manifestation: When reading topology, topology you get the message

InfOmk.proj/InfFb.proj cannot be read by any OM host and reading will be finished
Reason: When reading topology, the OM infrastructure will be read from OM component to the
directory om_ring.
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There may be two reasons:

1. DS670 cannot access to OM components without password.
Testing access to OM components by rlogin under ds670 or txpom without
password failes.
2. IP addresses of the OM components are missing in the topology diagram.
Solution: 1. At every OM component the DS670 host name must be mentioned in .rhosts under
txpom and ds670.
2. For every OM component the IP address must be defined in the TB-CP in the
topology diagram.

DS client does not start

Manifestation: When you start DS client, starting will stop at 80% and terminated.
In the log file ds670.log you see the error message
Client not known to server
Reason: After dc_inst without modifications, the client number is set to Client-Nr=-1 in the
file client/run_c/cl_info.proj
Solution: logged in as ds670
cd $HOME/server/projekt/files/proj
rm *
Read Topology (Engineering topology)
Now starting DS client should work

Log Files

In the DS670 menu you can read and delete DS670 log file and projecting log file. For printing
the log files you should know their names:
/ds670/dshome/server/run_s/ds670.log and /ds670/dshome/server/dsproj.log

In release 7 the home directory has changed to /txp/ds670.

So the log files are
/txp/ds670/server/run_s/ds670.log and

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Upgrades / Extensions

DS670 Update V4.1.10

For updating the DS670 it is necessary the installation of the DS server system and installation
of the DS client system.
Login as ds670.
Read the DAT tape: cpio -icduv -l/dev/rStp0
Set the environment variable LANG=english_us.8859
dc_inst as local client
Before using DS670 again, repeat Engineering: Topology, Module Tag (Etiketten), All AS

Getting the OT screen as Diagnostic Terminal (OT/DT)

Since OM release 4 at the OT one monitor can be used for diagnostic purposes.
The DS client can be started at the OT. But the DS server must be started at the DS670.

a) Prepare the OT at the ES system

The OT must be declared in the topology diagram as application OT/DT.

b) Load actual topology to DS670

At DS670:
cd server/project/files/proj
rm ds_info*
Engineering - Topology

c) Enable access between DS server at DS670 and DS client at the OT

At OT for user ds670 create .rhosts with users ds670 and txpom at hostnames of DS670 and
OT itself.

d) Install the OT button for the diagnostic terminal

At the OT insert in file $OmProjData/mmi/Ot.frappl one line:

&FRPROZ ds670 /txpproj/ds670/ & or
&FRPROZ DiagSystem Global /txpproj/ds670/ POSI &

Stop and start OM at the OT, and you will see the button DS670 for diagnostic terminal under

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see also files Web4TXP OT.pdf, Web4TXP SCO.pdf and

Web4TXP FirstAid.pdf including on the CD


Preparation of the OM-Components for using Web4TXP

a. Prepare file /etc/hosts on all OM-computers

b. Prepare files .rhosts for user txpom

On web4txp server / HMI server (e.g. p01o11) with all OM components on

e.g.: p01ot3 txpom
p01poa txpom

On all OM components:
e.g.: p01o11 txpom
p01o11 web4txp

c. Create the .rhosts files for user txpes both on the HMI server and on the ES680 (e.g.
copy of .rhosts file from the user: txpom change owner and rights). At least following
entries should be included:

On HMI server (e.g. p01o11)

e.g.: p01es1 txpes

On ES680 server:
e.g.: p01o11 txpes
p01o11 web4txp

.rhosts for user txpproj is handled for HMI server like OM component.

d. Include HMI server in the Topology-Diagram as OT an generate LAN

e. Include the web4txp-server in the OM-Infrastructure file and transfer this file to all
OM computers ($OmProjData/inf). The PU s/SU s have to be rebooted to activate the

f. If the HMI server should be use also with local OT application, the file
$OmProjData/inf/InfObm.inst on the HMI server must include following entry:
MMI mmi
This entry allows to start the locale OT with the command Om.Start.
The monitor has to be connected to the HMI server with grafic interface, if the locale
OT is enabled, otherwise the OM software on the HMI server will stop after 5 minutes.

g. Transfer all OM-Data from ES680 to HMI server:

OM/MMI colors
OM System Data
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OT Usernames
OM Licences
OM Pictures

h. Now OM can be started on HMI server (Om.Start).

First call of the ES680-Application over web4txp

For the first call of ES680-Application over web4txp the following steps have to be carried
out (naturally the HMI server must be registered in the file /etc/hosts on all computer at the
terminal bus):

a. Examine with user txpes, whether remote copy of some file with command rcp from
HMI server to the ES-server/client can be executed:
e.g. rcp .rhosts p01es1:/tmp

b. Run following commands on the HMI server with user root

cd /txp/web/install
Select item: 3 : Install web4txp ES680 application componets

Now you can access ES680 over web4txp.

Configuration file w4.Install.Para including the IP-addresses of the Thin Clients

a. With user root

cd /txp/web/install
vi w4.Install.Para

Prepare the configuration file w4.Install.Para according to the example

(red, bold marking)

b. Run ./w4.config
Select item 6 : Set up web4txp server database

c. Reboot: init 6

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Upgrades / Extensions

Change the TCP-/IP-address of HMI server

a. With user: root

->Network->Network Configuration Manager
Change TCP-/IP-address

b. Prepare file /etc/hosts (on all OM-computers)

c. Change the TCP-IP-address of HMI-server in the file w4.Install.Para

d. Run: ./w4.config
Select item u : run web4txp uninstall routine
Select item 1 : uninstall complete web4txp server software

e. Unpack product file:

cd /txp/web/install
tar xvf ../product/w4_product_020001_SCO.tar (for Version 2.00.01 of

f. Run: ./w4.config
Select item : 1 : Install web4txp product (install OM-components)

g. Run: init 6

Downgrade of OM-version on the web4txp-server

a. With user: txpom


b. Preparation for the downgrade (user: txpom)

cd $OmProjData
mv drv drv.old
mv inf inf.old
mv mmi mmi.old
mv swi swi.old

c. Read in of the required OM-Version from the DAT-tape (user: txpom)

Stop HMI server (init 0), connect DAT-drive and restart the computer.
Check with the command: /etc/dfspace for a directory on the hard drive with
required free space of approximately 300MB and change to this directory (cd
Read in the data from DAT-tape with command: tar xv

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Prepare configuration file:

cd install
vi Install.Para (modify the directory with the OM-Version file and the name of
the OM-file)

d. OM Clean (user: root)

cd /usr/txpom/install

e. Read in the OM-software (user: txpom)

cd install

f. Installation (user: txpom)

cd install
$HOME/SET_TIME modify (if required)

g. Installation (user: root)

cd /usr/txpom/install
init 6

h. Preparations (user: txpom)

cd $OmProjData/inf
chmod 664 OPT.conf
chown txpproj OPT.conf
cp ../inf.old/InfOmk.inst .
cd ../mmi
cp ../mmi.old/CopyFile.proj .

i. Transfer all OM data from ES680 to HMI server:

OM/MMI colors
OM System Data
OT Usernames
OM Licences
OM Pictures

j. Now can OM be started on HMI server (command Om.Start).

Modify monitor settings on the HMI server (for local OT)

With user: root

-> Video Configuration Manager
Select a required monitor: e.g. TFT Siemens ... , set the resolution to 1280x1024 and the
frequency to 60Hz.

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Arc.proj 114
ASD Counter 129
Automatic Start 119
cannot start OM 137
Checklist 8
Distributing files 114
Enabling OT login 137
Installation of TXP 8
LZA -abg 137
nightrun 19
OM Hardcopies 116
OM hardcopy 132
OM problems - Log file 124
Print the whole project 75
Printing to postscript 77
processing functions 80
Provide OM files 114
Reset the ASD 129
Reset the long term archive 155
Reset the LZA Archive 129
reset the messages 155
SCO to HPUX Database transfer 78
SU go down(abg) 131
system error 137
Wrong summer time 136
Wrong time 136
Wrong time on OT 136

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