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DIVERSITY OF MICROORGANISMS Chlorobi, all of which utilize photochemical reaction centers (a

complex of proteins in which energy from the sun is converted in a

● Microorganisms are ubiquitous. Microbiologists have located
series of electron transfer reactions). Slide #8
them almost everywhere on the planet. Roundworms, for
example, are more abundant animals, native even to
Antarctica. Considering the ubiquity of microorganisms,
finding microorganisms is not hard except for the fact that
they can only be seen under microscopes.
● Bacteria, fungi and other single-celled organisms have been
discovered in ordinary areas (like the bathroom in your
house, for example) as well as in extreme locations (like
hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean).
The Amazing Diversity of Morphologies
● Although we do not base bacterial and archaeal taxonomy
on morphology because of predominance of a few common
shapes, several bacteria and archaea do come in a variety of

● A New Discovery in One of the Original Eleven:

● Novel classes can still be discovered within phyla that have been
known for decades, as evidenced by the discovery of the
● Comparison of the three domains Zetaproteobacteria by Emerson et al. (2007). These curved rods,
cultured from the Loihi Seamount, form “filamentous stalk-like
structures of iron oxyhydroxides” during their growth.

● Aquificales: Some Like It Very Hot!

● Thermophilic organisms are found not just within the Archaea but
also within the Bacteria. The phylum Aquificae, which branches
● Fundamental differences, as well as similarities, occur
deeply within the Bacteria, contains the most thermophilic
among the three domains Eukarya, Archaea, and
bacterial genus, Aquifex, an obligate chemolithoautotrophic
Bacteria. These similarities and differences have
bacterium. As electron donors, Aquifex uses sulfur, hydrogen, or
helped decipher the relative position of the three
thiosulfate, and uses either nitrate or oxygen as electron
domains to each other in the tree of life. (Slide #5)
Diversity of Bacterial Groups ● Some theories of the origin of life suggest that early life was
thermophilic and used reduced substrates such as hydrogen.
● Expansion of the Number of Bacterial Phyla
Organisms such as the Aquificae that are thermophilic and utilize
✔ Our knowledge of the diversity of bacteria has made hydrogen may shed light on lifestyles on early Earth.
substantial leaps since the 1980s, from the 11 phyla in
● Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria
Woese (1987) to the approximately 36 phyla
(Hugenholtz et al.1998; Hugenholtz 2002) to the 52 ● Nitrogen-fixing bacteria can participate in obligate or
phyla identified by Rappe and Giovannoni (2003). facultative symbioses with a wide variety of eukaryotic hosts
across the animals, fungi, and plants. The diversity of
nitrogen-fixing bacteria is extensive and spans the
● Phototrophs: Critical Ecosystem Players
cyanobacteria, four subdivsions of the proteobacteria,
● Photosynthesis is critical to life on Earth, and many microorganisms actinobacteria, firmicutes, Chromatiales (purple sulfur
are phototrophic. Five bacterial phyla contain phototrophs:
Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, and

bacteria), Chlorobiales (green sulfur bacteria), and
● The method Woese used to identify this “third form of life,” which
spirochetes (Kneip et al. 2007). Slide #11
involved comparing the sequences of a particular molecule
● The cyanobacterial partner in the lichen symbiosis (Section central to cellular function, called ribosomal RNA
6.4.2) brings nitrogen-fixing abilities to the partnership, as
● Woese’s experimental discoveries were made in the context of his
well as photosynthetic capabilities. Cyanobacteria, such as
search for a deep understanding of the process of evolution.
Nostoc spp. that live as symbiotic partners in lichens, have
more heterocysts as symbionts than as free-living bacteria.
Archaeal Diversity
Archaea are most ecologically diverse of the three domains
● Psychrophiles- are organisms capable of growth and reproduction
in cold temperatures and are often xerophilic and halophilic as
● Hyperthermophiles - are defined as microorganisms that
optimally grow at temperatures above 80°C (Stetter, 2013) or that
can grow at temperatures above 90°C (Adams and Kelly, 1998).
● Halophiles - are microorganisms that require certain
concentrations of salt to survive, and they are found in both
Eubacterial and Archaeal domains of life.
● Acidophiles or acidophilic - organisms are those that thrive under
highly acidic conditions (usually at pH 2.0 or below).
● Interestingly, all nitrogen-fixing bacteria use the same ● Methanogens - are microorganisms that produce methane as a
enzymatic reaction, based on the nitrogenase enzyme metabolic byproduct in hypoxic conditions. They are prokaryotic
complex, in a wide variety of symbiotic relationships and belong to the domain Archaea. ... In marine sediments, the
that provide eukaryotes with the key element, biological production of methane, also termed methanogenesis, is
nitrogen. These symbioses in plants are key to our generally confined to where sulfates are depleted, below the top
agricultural success and therefore can have large layers.
economic impacts.
● Archaea are also abundant in moderate habitats. - Open ocean,
● At least 44 legume species in 12 genera have symbiotic soil, and surface of plant roots Surprisingly, the archaeal domain
nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Sawada et al. 2003). lacks pathogens.
Additionally, nitrogen-fixing bacteria illustrate several Archaeal Traits
important ecological concepts: a range of obligate to The Archaea have unique key features, as well as traits shared by other
facultative symbiotic mutualisms across many domains. Distinctive features of archaea, sometimes called “archaeal
eukaryotic groups, nutrient cycling (i.e., nitrogen), signatures,” include:
widespread diversity, and the importance of
microorganisms in the ecosystem. ● Cell membrane lipids

● Epulopiscium: A Case of Extreme Polyploidy ● Cell wall components

● One of the largest bacteria known, Epulopiscium spp., ● Certain metabolic pathways
some of the largest bacteria known, occur as ● Certain genome features
symbionts of surgeonfish and are famous for their size Archaea Traits
(>600 μm) and mode of reproduction. This cigar-
● Archaea domain contains single-celled organisms.
shaped bacterium reproduces multiple offspring
intracellularly, a phenomenon that Angert (2005) ● Archaea are prokaryotic organisms and do not have a membrane-
suggests evolved from endospore production. bound nucleus.
● Many bacteria are small in size in order to increase ● Lack internal cell organelles
their access to environmental nutrients. If your ● Archaea reproduce by binary fission
surface-to-volume ratio is high, then most of your
cytoplasm is always close to the source of the ● One circular chromosome
nutrients, and diffusion is an effective tool for ● Use flagella to move around in their environment as do bacteria.
distribution of needed resources. Archaea Lipids
● Mendell et al. (2008) suggest that the observed ● Are different from those of bacteria and eukaryotes
extreme polyploidy may have evolved as part of the
symbiosis with the surgeonfish; larger Epulopiscium ● Use L-glycerol, not D-glycerol
cells are able to move more efficiently within the gut ● Have ether (R–O–R) not ester (R–COO–R) links
to feed and also are able to escape ciliate predation
● Are branched chains of lipid
more effectively.
o -Made from isoprenoid units
o -No unsaturations in lipids
● Can be more exotic in form
- Macrocyclic diether
- Tetraether – makes a single layer
- Cyclopentane rings
● Differ from Bacteria and Eukarya in having branched chain
hydrocarbons attached to glycerol by ether linkages polar
Discovery of Archaea as a Separate Domain phospholipids, sulfolipids, glycolipids, and unique lipids are also
● In 1977, Carl Woese overturned one of the major dogmas of found in archaeal membranes
biology Archaeal Cell Walls and Other Characteristics
Archaea show distinctive versions of the cell wall.
Pseudopeptidoglycan in methanogens
- N-acetyltalosaminuronic acid

- b(1,3) linkages instead of b(1,4) - Methanogens, halophiles, acidophiles, alkalinophiles
Phylum Crenarchaeota
▪ -Are therefore resistant to lysozyme
● Different types of cross-bridges
- Are therefore resistant to penicillin
● Other Archaea possess no cell wall at all.
- -Only an S-layer composed of protein
● Cell envelopes
- varied S layers attached to plasma membrane
- pseudomurein (peptidoglycan-like polymer)
- complex polysaccharides, proteins, or glycoproteins
found in some other species
- only Ignicoccus has outer membrane
● Chromosome - single (closed circular) molecule of double-
stranded DNA (one-third to one-half as much DNA per cell as
found in bacteria such as E. coli)
● Plasmids - these pieces of extrachromosomal DNA may make up
as much as 25-30% of cellular DNA ● hyperthermophiles (hydrothermal vents)

● Endospores - not formed ● most are strict anaerobes

● flagella- very long protein (flagellin) polymers that provide ● some are acidophiles
motility ● many are sulfur-dependent
● for some, used as electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration
● Pili- long thin protein polymers that act as cell "anchors" to
● for some, used as electron source
various surfaces and can assist in attaching archaeal cells to
facilitate DNA transfer from ● Grow throughout the ocean
Archaea Metabolic Pathways ● Abundance varies according to season and increases with depth
● Glucose is catabolized by several variants of the Entner-Doudoroff ● These uncultivated organisms are likely the predominant
(ED) and Embden-Meyerhoff-Parnas (EMP) pathways that rarely crenarchaeotes on Earth.
occur in bacteria.
● Psychrophilic species also grow in sea ice off Antarctica and in the
● The process of methanogenesis is unique to Archaea. marine benthos, or seafloor, sediment.
Archaeal Genomes
Unique features of Archaea ● The name Crenarchaeota means “scalloped archaea.” Are often
irregular in shape All crenarchaeotes synthesize a distinctive
● “Reverse gyrase” of hyperthermophiles tetraether lipid, called crenarchaeol. two best studied are
- Maintains positive supercoils Sulfolobus and Thermoproteus
● Similarities to bacteria
- Circular genome Genus Thermoproteus
- Gene size and density
- Presence of operons (what is an operon?)
● Similarities to eukaryotes ● long thin rod, bent or branched
- Presence of introns (what are introns?) ● thermoacidophiles
- RNA polymerase has TBP and TFIIB
- Presence of histone homologs ● cell walls composed of glycoprotein
Archaeal Taxonomy ● 70–97 °C pH 2.5–6.5
Two phyla based on Bergey’s Manual
● anaerobic metabolism
● lithotrophic on sulfur and hydrogen
● Euryarchaeota
● organotrophic on sugars, amino acids, alcohols, and organic acids
using elemental sulfur as electron acceptorautotrophic using CO
- Shows a wider range of temperature diversity or CO2 as carbon source
- Hyperthermophiles, thermophiles, mesophiles, and
Genus Sulfolobus

● Crenarchaeota
● irregularly lobed, spherical shaped
● thermoacidophiles
- Shows a greater range of metabolism.
● cell walls contain lipoproteins and carbohydrates
● 70–80°C pH 2–3
● lithotrophic on sulfur using oxygen (usually) or ferric iron as
electron acceptor
● organotrophic on sugars and amino acids

Phylum Euryarchaeota

Habitats for Haloarchaea- Different kinds of hypersaline habitats support
● Consists of many classes, orders, and
different species of haloarchaea.
● Euryarchaeota means “broad-ranging
archaea.” ● Thalassic lakes
● Are dominated by methanogens ● Athalassic lakes
● All are poisoned by molecular oxygen and ● Solar salterns
therefore require complete anaerobiosis.
● Brine pools beneath the ocean
● Alkaline soda lakes
Euryarchaeota: Methanogens
● Antarctic brine lakes
● Underground salt deposits
● The methanogens include four classes.
● Salted foods
- Thermophiles and mesophiles are found in all.
Euryarchaeota: Thermophiles

● They display an astonishing diversity of cell forms.

● Thermococcales
- Rods (single or filamentous), cocci, and spirals
- Include Thermococcus and Pyrococcus
- Most are anaerobes. Use sulfur as a terminal electron

● Archaeoglobus
o -Archeoglobales fulgidus
o -Reduces sulfate to sulfide
o -Runs methanogenesis in reverse

Euryarchaeota: Acidophiles

● The methanogens have rigid cell walls made up of ● Thermoplasmatales

pseudopeptidoglycan, proteins, or sulfated sugars.
● Include acidophiles (as well as thermophiles)
● Filamentous methanogens form chains of large cells.
● Have no cell walls and no S-layers
● Thermoplasma acidophilum
- Methanosaeta performs key functions in the treatment
of sewage waste. ● Metabolism is based on S0 respiration of organic molecules.
- Traps bacteria into residual sludge ● Ferroplasma species
● Oxidize sulfur to sulfuric acid
Anaerobic Habitats for Methanogens
● Generate pH values below pH 0

● Methanogens grow in: Protist Diversity

- Anaerobic soil of wetlands PROTISTS

- Especially rice paddies  Protists represent a diverse group of unicellular eukaryotic
- Landfills organisms, or multicellular eukaryotes that lack specialized
- Digestive tracts of animals tissues. They are widespread, but most require liquid water.
- Termites  Protist is the informal name of the group of mostly unicellular
- Cattle eukaryotes, but there are some colonial and multicellular species.
- Humans  Formerly classed in the Protista (or Protoctista) kingdom, protists
- Marine benthic sediments have now been dispersed within eukaryotic classification and the
term protist is an informal group name. Protozoa, which most
Euryarchaeota: Halophiles people think of as the animal-like protists, are heterotrophic,
motile, single-celled organisms.

Main inhabitants of high-salt environments are members of the class Nutritional Methods of Protists
o Protists that contain chloroplasts.
● Their photopigments color salterns, which are used for salt
production. ● HETEROTROPH

● Most are colored red by bacterioruberin, which protects them

o Protists that absorb organic molecules of an aerobic
from light.
● Halophilic archaea require at least 1.5M NaCl ● MIXOTROPH
o Protitsts that combine photosynthesis and
heterotophic nutrition

each year. T. vaginalis travels along the mucus-coated lining of
the human reproductive and urinary tracts by moving its flagella
PHYLOGENETIC TREE OF PROTIST and by undulating part of its plasma membrane.


● Protists called euglenozoans belong to a diverse clade that

includes predatory heterotrophs, photosynthetic autotrophs,
mixotrophs, and parasites. The main morphological feature that
distinguishes protists in this clade is the presence of a rod with
either a spiral or a crystalline structure inside each of their

 Protists called kinetoplastids have a single, large

mitochondrion that contains an organized mass of
DNA called a kinetoplast. These protists include
species that feed on prokaryotes in freshwater,
marine, and moist terrestrial ecosystems, as well as
species that parasitize animals, plants, and other
 For example, kinetoplastids in the genus
Trypanosoma infect humans and cause sleeping
sickness, a neurological disease that is invariably
fatal if not treated. The infection occurs via the bite
of a vector (carrier) organism, the African tsetse fly.
Trypanosomes also cause Chaga’s disease, which is transmitted by
bloodsucking insects and can lead to congestive heart failure.

● ARCHEAPLASTIDA  A euglenid has a pocket at one end of the cell from

which one or two flagella emerge. Some euglenids
● UNIKONTA are mixotrophs: They perform photosynthesis when
sunlight is available, but when it is not, they can
EXCAVATA become heterotrophic, absorbing organic nutrients
from their environment. Many other euglenids
engulf prey by phagocytosis.
● Some members of this supergroup have an “excavated” groove SAR
on one side of the cell body.

● Two major clades (the parabasalids and diplomonads) have ● This supergroup contains (and is named after) three large and
highly reduced mitochondria; members of a third clade (the very diverse clades: Stramenopila, Alveolata, and Rhizaria.
euglenozoans) have flagella that differ in structure from those
of other organisms. ● SAR was proposed recently based on whole-genome DNA
sequence analyses. These studies have found that three major
● Excavates include parasites such as Giardia, as well as many clades of protists— the stramenopiles, alveolates, and
predatory and photosynthetic species. rhizarians—form a monophyletic supergroup. This supergroup
contains a large, extremely diverse collection of protists.

● Diplomonads have reduced mitochondria called mitosomes. ● Stramenopiles include some of the most important
These organelles lack functional electron transport chains and photosynthetic organisms on Earth.
hence cannot use oxygen to help extract energy from
carbohydrates and other organic molecules. ● One major subgroup of SAR, the stramenopiles, includes some
of the most important photosynthetic organisms on the planet.
● Structurally, diplomonads have two equal-sized nuclei and Their name (from the Latin stramen, straw, and pilos, hair)
multiple flagella. Recall that eukaryotic flagella are extensions refers to their characteristic flagellum, which has numerous
of the cytoplasm, consisting of bundles of microtubules covered fine, hairlike projections.
by the cell’s plasma membrane.


● Parabasalids also have reduced mitochondria; called

hydrogenosomes, these organelles generate some energy
anaerobically, releasing hydrogen gas as a by-product.

● The best-known parabasalid is Trichomonas vaginalis, a

sexually transmitted parasite that infects some 5 million people

Diatoms host species for completion. For example,
Plasmodium, the parasite that causes malaria, lives
 A key group of photosynthetic protists, in both mosquitoes and humans.
diatoms are unicellular algae that have a unique
glass-like wall made of silicon dioxide embedded in Ciliates
an organic matrix.  The ciliates are a large and varied group of protists
named for their use of cilia to move and feed. Most ciliates are
 With an estimated 100,000 living species, predators, typically of bacteria or of other protists.
diatoms are a highly diverse group of protists. They
 A distinctive feature of ciliates is the presence of two
are among the most abundant photosynthetic
types of nuclei: tiny micronuclei and large macronuclei. A cell has
organisms both in the
one or more nuclei of each type.
ocean and in lakes: One bucket of water scooped
from the surface of the sea may contain millions of
 The rhizarian subgroup of SAR includes many species of amoebas,
these microscopic algae.
most of which have pseudopodia that are threadlike in shape.
Golden Algae
Pseudopodia are extensions that can bulge from any portion of
the cell; they are used in movement and in the capture of prey.
 The characteristic color of golden algae results from  Many species in this group are amoebas, protists that move and
their yellow and brown carotenoids. The cells of feed by means of pseudopodia, extensions that may bulge from
golden algae are typically biflagellated, with both almost anywhere on the cell surface. As it moves, an amoeba
flagella attached near one end of the cell. Most extends a pseudopodium and anchors the tip; more cytoplasm
species are unicellular, but some are colonial. then streams into the pseudopodium.
 Many golden algae are components of freshwater Radiolarians
and marine plankton, communities of mostly  The protists called radiolarians have delicate, intricately
microscopic organisms that drift in currents near the symmetrical internal skeletons that are generally made of
water’s surface. While all golden algae are silica. The pseudopodia of these mostly marine protists
photosynthetic, some species are mixotrophic, radiate from the central body and are reinforced by bundles
Brown Algae of microtubules.
 The microtubules are covered by a thin layer of cytoplasm, which
 The largest and most complex algae are brown engulfs smaller microorganisms that become attached to the
algae. All are multicellular, and most are marine. pseudopodia.
Brown algae are especially common along Forams
temperate coasts that have cold-water currents.  The protists called foraminiferans (from the Latin foramen, little
They owe their characteristic brown or olive color to hole, and ferre, to bear), or forams, are named for their porous
the carotenoids in their plastids. shells, called tests.
 Foram tests consist of a single piece of organic
 Moreover, morphological and DNA data show that material that typically is hardened with calcium
these similarities evolved independently in the algal carbonate. The pseudopodia that extend through the
and plant lineages and are thus analogous, not pores function in swimming, test formation, and
homologous. feeding.
Cercozoans- Cercozoans are a large group of amoeboid
and flagellated protists that feed using threadlike
● Alveolates also include pseudopodia. Cercozoan protists are common inhabitants of marine,
photosynthetic species, as well as important freshwater, and soil ecosystems.
pathogens, such as Plasmodium, which  Paulinella chromatophora, is an autotroph, deriving its energy
causes malaria. According to one current from light and its carbon from CO2. Paulinella appears to
hypothesis, stramenopiles and alveolates represent an intriguing additional evolutionary example of a
originated by secondary endosymbiosis eukaryotic lineage that obtained its photosynthetic apparatus
when a heterotrophic protist engulfed a red alga. directly from a cyanobacterium.
● Members of the next subgroup of SAR, the alveolates, have Archaeaplastida - This supergroup of eukaryotes includes red algae and
membrane-enclosed sacs (alveoli) just under the plasma green algae, along with plants. Red algae and green algae include unicellular
membrane. species, colonial species, and multicellular species (including the green alga
● Alveolates are abundant in many habitats and include a wide  Many of the large algae known informally as “seaweeds” are
range of photosynthetic and heterotrophic protists. multicellular red or green algae.
 Protists in Archaeplastida include key photosynthetic species that
The cells of many dinoflagellates are reinforced by
form the base of the food web in many aquatic communities.
cellulose plates. Two flagella located in grooves in this
 Volvox, a multicellular freshwater green alga. This
“armor” make dinoflagellates (from the Greek dinos,
alga has two types of differentiated cells, and so it is
whirling) spin as they move through the waters of their
considered multicellular rather than colonial. It resembles a
marine and freshwater communities.
hollow ball whose wall is composed of hundreds of
Periods of explosive population growth (blooms) in
biflagellated cells (see inset LM) embedded in a gelatinous
dinoflagellates sometimes cause a phenomenon called
extracellular matrix; if isolated, these cells cannot reproduce.
“red tide
Red Algae - Many of the 6,000 known species of red algae (rhodophytes,
 Nearly all apicomplexans are parasites of animals—and virtually
from the Greek rhodos, red) are reddish, owing to the photosynthetic
all animal species examined so far are attacked by these
pigment phycoerythrin, which masks the green of chlorophyll.
parasites. The parasites spread through their host as tiny
 Red algae reproduce sexually and have diverse life cycles in which
infectious cells called sporozoites.
alternation of generations is common. However, unlike other
algae, red algae do not have flagellated gametes, so they depend
 Most apicomplexans have intricate life cycles with both sexual
on water currents to bring gametes together for fertilization
and asexual stages. Those life cycles often require two or more


Green Algae ribosomes and cytoplasmic streaming.

 The grass-green chloroplasts of green algae have a structure and  Heterotrophic metabolism: enzymes are secreted from hyphal
pigment composition much like the chloroplasts of plants. Green tips to break down complex organic matter that is then absorbed
algae can be divided into two main groups, the charophytes and from the environment through the cell wall and membrane.
the chlorophytes. The charophytes include the algae most closely  Growth as filaments, which increase in length at their tips, as
related to plants. single-celled yeasts, or as both.
 The second group, the chlorophytes (from the Greek chloros,  Chitin and glucan containing cell walls.
green), includes more than 7,000 species. Most live in fresh  Haploid genome in many fungi.
water, but there are also many marine and some terrestrial  Asexual and sexual reproduction and the production of spores.
species. The simplest chlorophytes are unicellular organisms such
as Chlamydomonas, which resemble gametes of more complex Phylogenetic Tree of Fungi
 Zygnema, a common pond alga. This filamentous charophyte
features two star- shaped chloroplasts in each cell.

 Ulva, or sea lettuce. This multicellular, edible chlorophyte has

differentiated structures, such as its leaflike blades and a rootlike
holdfast that anchors the alga.

Caulerpa, an intertidal chlorophyte. The branched filaments lack crosswalls

and thus are multinucleate. In effect, the body of this alga is one huge”

Unikonta - This supergroup of eukaryotes includes amoebas that have lobe-

or tube-shaped pseudopodia, as well as animals, fungi, and non-amoeba
protists that are closely related to animals or fungi.
 According to one current hypothesis, the unikonts were the first CHYTRIDS
eukaryotic supergroup to diverge from all other eukaryotes;  The fungi classified in the phylum
however, this hypothesis has yet to be widely accepted. Chytridiomycota, called chytrids, are ubiquitous in
lakes and soil, and as described in several recent
Amoebozoans - The amoebozoan clade includes many species of amoebas metagenomic studies, more than 20 new clades of
that have lobe- or tube-shaped pseudopodia rather than the threadlike chytrids have been found in hydrothermal vent
pseudopodia found in rhizarians. Amoebozoans include slime molds, and other marine communities.
tubulinids, and entamoebas.  Molecular evidence indicates that some
chytrid lineages diverged early in fungal evolution.
Slime Molds - Slime molds, or mycetozoans (from the Latin, meaning “fungus The fact that chytrids are unique among fungi in
animals”), once were thought to be fungi because, like fungi, they produce having flagellated spores, called zoospores,
fruiting bodies that aid in spore dispersal. supports this hypothesis
 Chytrids, such as Batrachochytrium
Algal Diversity dendrobatidis, have been suggested to be the
Algae cause of the rapid decline of many amphibians
 Algae perform oxygenic photosynthesis, contain (Rodder et al. 2008)
chlorophyll, and are eukaryotes. It is estimated that 50%
of the oxygen produced in the world today is produced by ZYGOMYCETES
oxygenic phytoplankton, of which the algae are a major  There are approximately 1,000 known
part. species of zygomycetes, fungi in the phylum
 One scientist estimates that the oxygen in one out of Zygomycota. This diverse phylum includes
every five breaths that a human draws is from one species of fast- growing molds responsible for
particular alga, Prochlorococcus, which is very abundant in the causing foods such as bread, peaches,
oceans. strawberries, and sweet potatoes to rot during
 Two major groups are included within the algae: the red algae storage.
(Rhodophyta) and the green algae (Chlorophyta).  Pilobolus aiming its sporangia. This
 The green algae are most often found in freshwater habitats, but zygomycete decomposes animal dung. Its
are occasionally found in soil that is moist, in marine habitats, or spore- bearing hyphae bend toward light, where there are likely
as part of some lichens. to be openings in the vegetation through which spores may reach
 The bulk of red algae are marine, but some are found in fresh grass.
freshwater and terrestrial habitats. In contrast to green algae, the
red algae lack chlorophyll b, but do contain chlorophyll a and GLOMEROMYCETES
phycobiliproteins (which green algae lack)  The glomeromycetes, fungi assigned to the phylum
Glomeromycota, were formerly thought to be zygomycetes. The
Fungal Diversity glomeromycetes are an ecologically significant group in that
Fungi - The number of fungal species is estimated to be > 1.5 million--of nearly all of them form arbuscular mycorrhizae.
which 75,000 have been described.  Arbuscular mycorrhizae. Most glomeromycetes form arbuscular
 Fungi decompose and recycle organic matter, breaking down mycorrhizae with plant roots, supplying minerals and other
lignocellulose and other recalcitrant compounds. nutrients to the roots. This SEM depicts the branched hyphae—
 Wainright et. al (1993) suggested that fungi are more closely an arbuscule—of Glomus mosseae bulging into a root cell by
related to animals than to plants. pushing in the membrane (the root has been treated to remove
What defines fungi as a group? the cytoplasm).
 Their eukaryotic nature, including a membrane-bound nucleus
and cytoplasmic organelles, sterol-containing membranes, 80S ASCOMYCETES


 Mycologists have described 65,000 species of ascomycetes, fungi

in the phylum Ascomycota, from a wide variety of marine,
freshwater, and terrestrial habitats. The defining feature of
ascomycetes is the production of spores (called ascospores) in
saclike asci (singular, ascus); thus, they are commonly called sac
 Tuber melanosporum is a truffle species that forms
ectomycorrhizae with trees. The ascocarp grows underground.

 About 30,000 species, including mushrooms, puffballs, and shelf
fungi, are called basidiomycetes and are classified in the phylum
Basidiomycota. The club-like shape of the basidium also gives rise
to the common name club fungus.

Viral Diversity
 Viruses can be defined as obligate, intracellular parasites that
utilize the host cell machinery to manufacture proteins in order
to replicate. They are usually classified according to their nucleic
acid content, which can be double- or single-stranded DNA or
RNA, but not both, and by morphotype.
 Viruses can be lytic, resulting in lysis of the host cell; lysogenic,
where the viral genome is incorporated into the host genome,
creating a prophage; or pseudolysogenic, a less active lytic state
in which a nutrient-limited host cell still grows and divides.

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