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Computer Networking – Activity 3

Name : Lim Wuan Lu

Student ID : 19000420


(a) ping

- act as a test to see if a networked device is reachable

How does Ping work :

(i) ping command sends several echo requests

(ii) result of each echo request is displayed
(iii) showing whether the request received a successful response
(iv) how many bytes were received in response
(v) the Time to Live(TTL)
(vi) how long the response took to receive
(vii) statistics about packet loss and round trip times

Reference :

(b) ipconfig
- display all current TCP/IP network configuration values and refreshes Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol(DHCP) and Domain Name System(DNS) settings.

- display IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for all adapters

Reference :
(c) tracert

- a network diagnostic tool

- to track in real-time the pathway taken by a packet on an IP network from source to


- reporting the IP addresses of all the routers it pinged in between

- records the time taken for each hop the packet makes during its route to the destination

Reference :

(d) nslookup(name server look up)

- to find the IP address that corresponds to a host/ the domain name that corresponds to an
IP address(Reverse DNS Lookup)

Reference :

(e) route

- to display and modify the entries in the local routing table

- allows user to view and alter the path that the network traffic on a particular system
follows to get from one place to another

Reference :

(f) netstat

- delivers basic statistics on all network activities

- informs users on which portsand addresses the corresponding connections(TCP,UDP) are
running and which ports are open for tasks.

Reference :

(g) telnet

- used to virtually access a computer

- to provide a two-way, collaborative and text-based communication channel between two


- follows a user command Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)

networking protocol for creating remote sessions.

- through Telnet, users can log on as a regular user with the privileges they are granted to
the specific applications and data on that computer.

Reference :

(h) arp

- a simple Windows network command-line utility used to view and manage the arp cache

- a collection of IP and MAC addresses of devices on local network that your computer
knows about.

- used in troubleshooting network issues.

Reference :
(i) getmac

- a simple Windows network command-line utility used to find the physical address of the
network adapters(NIC) in a computer

- troubleshooting network issues

Reference :


a. What is/are your ip addresses ?

b. What is your connection speed ?

c. How many intermediate node between you and ?

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