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ARTIFACTS https://labweeks.


1. Red Blood Cells

- Giemsa-stained blood smears may show red blood cell abnormalities such as
Howell-Jolly bodies or Cabot’s rings. Because of their different staining
characteristics, these abnormalities can be easily distinguished from malarial
2. White Blood Cells
- Polymorphonuclear white blood cells (WBCs), which have an average size of 15
m, are frequently confused with amebic cysts, particularly those of Entamoeba
histolytica, which have an average size range of 12 to 18 m.
- WBCs are commonly found in patients with ulcerative colitis, bacterial dysentery,
or intestinal amebiasis. In addition to being amebic cyst-sized, these WBCs have
a two-to-four-lobed nucleus that resembles the nucleus of E. histolytica. These
WBC lobes appear to be separate nuclei, but they are linked by thin chromatin
bands. WBCs lack protozoan nuclear inclusions such as karyosomes and
peripheral chromatin.
- Mononuclear WBCs, also known as macrophages or monocytes, can range in
size from 28 to 62 m (less on permanently stained preparations) and closely
resemble the E. histolytica trophozoite, which can range in size from 8 to 65 m.
Red blood cells (RBCs) and debris can be consumed by both structures, but only
macrophages consume polymorphonuclear WBCs. The macrophage has one
irregularly shaped nucleus that is frequently missing when examined. Although
the size range of macrophages overlaps that of E. histolytica, macrophages can
be significantly smaller (5 to 10 m). The macrophages may have red-staining
round bodies.
3. Vegetable Cell
- Vegetable cells can be mistaken for helminth eggs. These cells are typically large
and roundish oval to irregularly round in shape, with a diameter of up to 150 m.
Cell walls are typically thick. The interior of vegetable cells is disorganized and
appears to be mostly made up of large vacuoles.
4. Vegetable Spiral
- Vegetable spirals have the shape and size of helminth larvae. Vegetable spirals,
unlike helminth larvae, do not have a head or tail region. The ladder-like
appearance of vegetable spirals distinguishes them from parasitic forms. The
ladder is made up of rungs that are closely spaced together.
5. Plant Hair
- Plant hair has the size and shape of helminth larvae. Furthermore, plant hair may
appear to have an uninteresting internal structure. Further examination reveals
that plant hair lacks diagnostic structures such as a buccal cavity, esophagus,
intestine, or genital primordium. There is no such thing as a head or tail region.
6. Starch Cell
- Round to irregular round-shaped starch cells, also known as starch granules,
measure less than 10 m and may appear to be protozoan cysts at first glance,
especially those of E. hartmanni and E. nana (both measuring 5 to 12 m).
Because they lack internal structures, these cells easily differentiate from
parasitic forms. A nondescript mass inside the cell that may resemble a nucleus
is frequently present. Further examination of this structure reveals the absence of
a karyosome or peripheral chromatin. Furthermore, starch cells can be
distinguished from parasites by their dark blue black appearance when stained
with iodine.
7. Pollen Grain
- Pollen grains with thick walls resemble Taenia spp. eggs but are smaller,
measuring 12 to 20 m. Pollen grains can be round or lobed symmetrically. In
contrast to Taenia, there are no notable interior structures.
8. Yeast
- The round to oval yeast cells range in size from 4 to 8 m and can be confused
with protozoan cysts, particularly those of Entamoeba hartmanni (5 to 12
m), Entamoeba nana (4 to 12 m), and Entamoeba hominis (3 to 10 m).
Furthermore, there is a strong resemblance between a yeast cell and a
Cryptosporidium oocyst (4 to 6 m). Yeast cells, like the other artifacts and
confusers, typically lack definite internal structures. However, small granules
resembling karyosomes may be seen on occasion. When yeast is in its budding
stage, it is easy to distinguish it from parasites.

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