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Aleczander Xavier A.

Pamatian 10-Santos
English 10 Quarter 2 Week1
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C

What are the most essential learning competencies developed in Quarter 1? Were you
able to achieve them all? Why? why not?
- The most essential learning competencies that were developed in Quarter 1 are the
o Using information from news reports, speeches, informative talks, panel
discussions, etc. in everyday conversations and exchange
o Determining the effects of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear
illustrations, etc. On the understanding of the text
o Appraising the unity of plot, setting and characterization in a material viewed to
achieve the writer’s purpose
o Compare and contrast the contents of the material viewed with outside sources
of information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness
o Employing analytical listening in problem solving
o Evaluating and making judgements about a range of texts using a set of criteria
o Evaluating listening texts in terms of accuracy, validity, adequacy and relevance
I could personally say that I was able to achieve all of them with the use of the
modules and with the help of the lessons given to us by our teacher.

Discussion of Activity
What are the different forms of advocacies? How do they differ from each other?
- Some forms of advocacy include: Social justice advocacy, Budget advocacy,
Bureaucratic advocacy, Health advocacy, Mass advocacy, Media advocacy, Special
education advocacy. They all differ from each other in the way that they advocate for
different things, in different ways, and in different pacing, but they are all the same in
the way that they all aim for a better future.
Enrichment Activities
What steps should you follow to write a compelling advocacy campaign? What are the
language devices/features you can employ in persuasive writing?
- According to Cleo Dan, the steps in writing a compelling advocacy campaign are to
identify the issue and challenges, monitor the issue environment, advocate
discovery, determine advocacy campaign goals, and to establish the campaign’s
core message. Some techniques we can use to better our persuasive writing are
using alliterations, using allusions, appeal to the audience, using personal
anecdotes, having an expert’s opinion, and using imagery.

Can a person as young as you are, be an advocate? Why? Why not?
- Yes, because any person, no matter their age, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender,
is able to publicly support causes or policies.

Activity 3
The video was about the “Earth Hour,” which is a worldwide movement that encourages
people from all around the world to turn off non-essential electric lights for one hour,
every March 28, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm in local time. This movement’s goal is to raise
awareness about energy consumption, it’s impact on the environment, and climate

Activity 4
Poster/paragraph/both idfk (aaaaaaaa)

Poster 1:
The poster is advocating for people to help in stopping seabed mining, as it has a
negative effect on seas. It also makes us almost accountable for not helping stop
seabed mining by saying that the seas future is in your hand.
Poster 2:
This poster is advocating for people to plant trees, or at the least to spend more time
with nature rather than electronic devices.

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