Filipino Political Thought

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Filipino Political Thought: Its Foundation and Substance

A Written Output Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in Filipino Political Thought

Pangan, Maria Socorro Cabrini C.

University of Perpetual Help System DALTA

January 22, 2021

I. Summary of learnings in our course for the entire semester

The general overview of the succeeding topics shall be first presented exclusively, and
the context of its entirety shall be later on elucidated after its separate depiction per theme;
classified based from the following criterion: time context, and the date in which the topic per
se was undertaken.


The primer of the course, Filipino Political Thought is steered by recapitulating the
respective political theories that existed throughout the millennium, which is still being applied
even in the contemporary politics; relation of these political theories to the public policies that
is being crafted by the legislative; the pre-colonial politics; as well as the socio-political
occurrence even before the Spanish colonization.

The Pre-Colonial political system in the Philippine context already comprises the
Executive, Legislative, and the Judiciary Branch that is being implemented from the respective
Barangays throughout the locality. The Datu or Raja of Barangays is the one who exercise the
given political powers to preserve peace and order throughout the progression of their ruling.
This political power as stated in the aforementioned paragraph consists of the Executive power,
legislative power, and even the judicial power. This entails that even before the colonization of
the Spaniards, the Philippines already recognizes the concept of a political system that is being
mandated from the established local authorities to instill the idea of society.

The consecutive lessons now focus on the overview on how these political thoughts are
instituted in the Philippine setting.

Specifically, these are:

The Spanish Colonial System

There is no legislative branch prior to this time period, which is why the appointed
Governor General is the one who crafts the said political policies that is being amended and
approved by the King of Spain. The Royal Decrees and Laws are rendered also from the
colonizer’s state (e.g. Spain).

Political policies of Spain in the Philippines include the forced labor or the Bandala
System, collection of taxes or tribute, Galleon Trade, and Polo or forced labor.

Unequal rights possessed by the Spanish and the Filipinos, inexistence of the freedom of
speech, race or ethnic discrimination, abusive friars, no Filipino representations in the Spanish
Courts or Courtes, corrupt government officials, including assimilation are some of the socio-
economic and political occurrences in the Philippines during the Spanish regime, which highly
favored the ruling of the said colonialists, and highlights the injustice that transpired.
Political Ideologies of Filipino Ilustrados

Some of the national heroes and reputable Filipino Ilustrados, namely Rizal and Del Pilar
embody the contrasting political ideologies crafted through distinct socio-political observations.
Although, there are also similarities in their ideas such as individual rights, secularization of the
Church and the State, involvement of the public to governmental affairs; to mention some of
the interconnections in regards to their political ideologies.

Del Pilar is considered to be more radical in terms of expressing his political views
compared to Rizal. The reason is primarily because Rizal is more skeptical with his political
beliefs compared to Del Pilar who is more firm and decisive with his principles. The latter is also
the one who is more likely to resort to an armed revolution than the former (e.g. Militant
approach, which later on influenced Andres Bonifacio for an armed mutiny).

The Revolution and Ideology of Katipunan

The Decalogue and the Kartilya instigated a moral, ethical, and individual perspective in
the society. It established that in order to reconstruct the community, one must start from his
reformation. The Decalogue and the Kartilya also intend to promote internal reflection by
interrelating it with the love for our nation, and it is hereby reasonable that it must resonate
from within. It became one of the pillars of the social and political beliefs of the Filipinos. Both
the Decalogue and the Kartilya necessitates the moral standards and the code of conduct that
one must apply. It sets out guiding principles in the social context within the collective.

Mabini’s Political Thought and Malolos Constitution

Mabini’s political thought mainly revolves around the concept of the separation of
powers, checks and balances, as well as the substance of one’s authority and reason. Mabini
opted for the amendment for the Malolos Constitution; for he believes that there are some
articles as stated in the aforementioned law, which disrespected the recognition on Aguinaldo’s
power or authority as a President. He had given pieces of advice to Aguinaldo, if he pursues to
enact the Constitution per se.

One is that he can change the representatives thereof as appointed by the national
government; he can veto the Malolos Constitution, given his presidential powers; or he may
accept it but he must change the council of the government. He firmly believes that to denying
authority is also denying reason. It is also because of his opposite view in terms of the
implementation of the Malolos Constitution at the time, which made some of members of the
cabinet despise him. But despite such hatred, Mabini became subordinate with his own
principles, and his ideals reflect the mindset that must be maintained and established,
especially in terms of the political systems and whereabouts, which can affect the entirety due
to the power that it clutches.
Quezon and His Political Regime

Former Philippine President, Manuel L. Quezon is a political pragmatist as per defined to

the first strand of his political philosophy. Three historical events that will support such claim
are his conversations with McIntyre on 1913-1914, the Fairfield Bill on 1924, and the dominion
status of the Philippines. During his political regime, the trait of political pragmatism in terms of
fulfilling his role in the political sector is highly evident. There are also criticisms to Quezon that
he is a double-faced politician as described by some of the most prominent historians, but by
analyzing the actuality of his political strategy, the idea of pragmatism is the one that is being
enhanced given the social and political conditions of the Philippines back then.

Quezon will settle for a compromise, rather than to gain nothing at all that will help him
attain the Philippine independence back then, that can neither be immediate, complete, and
absolute independence, for political instances (i.e. The Woodrow Administration) prefers an
ultimate independence; therefore, making the Quezon Administration settle for the bill that
would be accepted by former President Woodrow, than to have no prior legislations at all.

Jose P. Laurel’s Ideas and the Japanese Sponsored Government

The previous Executive head of the Philippine state, specifically Jose P. Laurel also
shares his ideas in regards to the political concepts that contributed to the foundation of the
contemporary Philippine Government. His concept of man involves the physical, spiritual, and
the socio-moral standard. He supports the idea of righteousness of a leader, influenced by the
ideals of Kant. He believes than an ideal citizen must be moral in nature. The three features of a
prevalent state include representation, renovation, and popular control. Laurel supports the
equilibrium idea of the duty of each and every individual to fulfill his allegiance and obey the
established local authority to ensure proper governance.

Post War Philippine Government and History of Political Parties in the Philippines

The state of the Philippines attained independence after the Second World War. During
its commonwealth period, under the Quezon administration, the nation has suffered inflation
of physiological supplies under its economic sector. In 1946, on the first course of attaining its
independence, the Church became the cradle of stability of the country. Still, economic factors
remain as a salient issue. Military Assistance between the United States of America and the
Philippines developed.

It is also after the previously stated war when the Hukbalahap (e.g. Filipino insurgents
who was once anti-Japanese government, but later on took offensive assaults to the Philippine
government) emerged. The Ramon Magsaysay Administration presented rural reforms in the
society, and the consecutive former President, Diosdado Macapagal established Philippine
foreign policy aiming to promote closer relation to the other Asian state.
Ferdinand Marcos and His Rule

One of the most controversial Philippine Head of state is the late President Ferdinand
Marcos who supports the idea of a constitutional authority. He visualizes a reformed society,
the Bagong Lipunan, or the New Society. Areas under Marcos ideology of society consist of the
peace and order, land reform strategies, education, labor, including the economic reforms,
reorganization of the Philippine government per se, and pioneering social services to the public.
The Developmentalist Economic Model of Marcos is also scrutinized under this topic, pertaining
to his foci in the economic exports of the state. But the proceeding historical occurrence would
entail that the Marcos Administration failed to be consistent with the presented Economic
Developmental Model. Marcos wanted to exterminate the oligarchs in the country, resulting to
a centralized power of control, but instead he instituted a Cacique democracy in the Philippine

Political Ideology of Ninoy Aquino

In accordance to the documentary, the Last Journey of Ninoy, one of the most
celebrated Philippine Heroes, Ninoy Aquino, highlights the duty as a citizen to one’s own
principle to righteousness which does not only concerns oneself, but also the community. He
was imprisoned for seven years, and he had no choice but to stare at the corners of his small
prison and to twiddle his thumb. He was given a choice to ask for Ferdinand Marcos clemency,
but he was determined to stick up with his principles, and he perseveres. When he was
suffering an illness, he needed to travel to the United States to have his operation. He had a
formal discussion with the then First Lady Imelda Marcos, before the departure on a series of
flight, from Boston to Los Angeles, towards Taipei, then back to the Philippines, until he was
assassinated. His political ideologies concern social justice and the same with Mabini’s
emphasis to one’s own reason.

The Filipino Political Thought throughout the Semester

The Filipino Political Thought Course as enumerated in the aforementioned paragraph

consists of discussions regarding the political ideologies, and how it was applied by the
prominent political figures, primarily in the Philippine setting.

These ideas are being perused and analyzed in order to understand the foundation and
substance of a political thought that is still persevering even in the modern times. By
understanding these key concepts and historical occurrences, one will be able to grasp the
entirety of how these respective political thoughts were established, by reiterating past events
to justify its formation.
II. Your view regarding the development of Filipino political thought from the Spanish
Period up to the political thought of Ninoy Aquino

My personal perspective, regarding the progression of Filipino Political ideology

from Spanish era towards the time period of Ninoy Aquino, is that, though there are some
interrelations on some of their concepts (i.e. Rizal and Del Pilar), there are also contrasting
viewpoints which would later on portray the differences on their standing that is crafted
through various socio-political observations within the society. These distinct foci of their
principles is what strengthens the core foundation of the political system per se; for one,
such various concepts will illustrate and provide distinct outcomes that will give prior idea
to the scholars and other political figures to also establish their political strategies, aiming to
promulgate the effectiveness of a social welfare, and two, different perspectives will also
contribute in the degree of comparisons, which will deepen the roots of the political
philosophies per se.

I also perceive that the social, economic, and political situations on the several time
events is also a substantial influence to the propagators, since it aided them to mold their
own ideologies, sharpen with reason, aiming to contribute to the socio-political issues that
they wanted to reform on the status quo of the society during their epoch.

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