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This chapter discussed the result, conclusion, and recommendation of

entrepreneurial skills and its significant relationship to business performance of

Maco night-market vendors.

Summary of the findings

The main problem and objective of the study was to determine how

entrepreneurial skills anticipate the business performance of night-market

vendors. Its objective also to know the level of entrepreneurial skills and business

performance of Maco night-market vendors. The study has been conducted at

the night-market of Maco, Davao de Oro with 63 respondents.

The result of the study shows that the overall mean of entrepreneurial

skills of Maco night-market vendors shows high. The leading skill is the business

management skills which means the night-market vendors are highly

knowledgeable in managing their business. However, human resource

management skill is the least skill, it is understandable as almost night-market

stalls in Maco has only few employees.

Furthermore, the result for sales is low. It shows that monthly income of

night-market vendors of Maco is low based on the monthly average scale of

MSME in the Philippines as released by the Department of Trade and Industry.

The low monthly sales could be the result of many factors geographically and


Moreover, the result of the data’s that have been calculated tells that there

is no significant relationship between entrepreneurial skills and business

performance. The result is almost identical to the study of Zin and Ibrahim (2020)

where entrepreneurship training is both significantly and negatively correlated

with business performance. Their study shows the significant of entrepreneurship

training of skills and business performance are significant but are not correlated.

The result of the study also shows that there was a very weak collective

nonsignificant effect between the domains of entrepreneurial skills and the

business performance.


The researchers were able to formulate the result of the study based on

the gathered and analyzed data. In the first problem, it resulted that the level of

entrepreneurial skills was interpreted as high. In the second problem, the overall

mean for the indicator of business performance was interpreted as low. However,

the third problem shows that there is no significant relationship between

entrepreneurial skills and the business performance which means that

entrepreneurial skills cannot influence business performance. The result

suggested that there may be other factors that can affect the business

performance of the night-market vendors, not just the entrepreneurial skills.


The fact that the study resulted to a non-significant relationship between

the two variables, it can open more doors for more study about the relationship of

entrepreneurial skills and the business performance of the night-market vendors.

Factors such as geographic and economic might influence the business

performance and it must be considered in determining the variables that affects

the business performance of night-market vendors.

Future researchers are encouraged to conduct the study in other night-

market in the province of Davao de Oro or in any progressive cities of Davao

Region. They are also encouraged to have a big sample of respondents. To

explore more about the relationship of entrepreneurial skills and business

performance, they are encouraged to study a different population or look at a

different set of variables.


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