Environment Law Pyq 2019

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ENVIRONMENTAL Law (2019) {on how the international envi 1. Comment “fom Stockholm to Riot20 continent! Conferences {0 trate rt tient goveranc or achieving sk a em mate change and bioivesiy pes ‘persue unde consideration evelopment tine ‘est Te formetl la wih particular emphasis on te ot cae omen conferences anne i a parce y Vind eon 82 : Monica Protocol, 1987 for protection of czane layer q LUN conference on Environment and Development, 1992 (Rio Sune + LUN Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 + LUN Convention on Climate Charge, 192 c Kyoto Protocol, 1997 + Jotwasburyg Convention, 2002/World summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), 2002 (Rio+10) 4 LUN Conference on sustainable development / Rio + 22012 + Paris Agreement, 2015 10s QCA UL Sete Pages of Dy ney selineo eT °F rational Environmental lw (EL) been defined by Sands and Peele in thei w Events sme has aes ee i ie ive me ay te be pa (en yal enon oan ew of eee emp ton e ree ren a a pe oii ol ce om ane oa maa te ye reece ornare a Sos ee weplge om em th scenic ed ty the ey cae gees el poe oe eee ee ws rain Spl Be em tod at era cel pian i wl etre ak int fe at eet hg als ene a oa Be icon baal one sy re era poco enn i a se ee ee eae ceca eee eee ene Te rereceisas oto Looe the raz thee as 9 Ft Of pressure on the the ery forse stalegy fr protection of tye ee community eye Unied Nations respond 10 this by we wmence on the Human Envir wesing grime woe eS ene pater ama Goa clr oe : ee eer cei eee miele ie re sol tceeree tare Peer cam nt ee ae Te iene Seen pmo ted ite pelea ey ae ee een cee een eee ene Cone rnep nen ee ek i on ees en fee ree (er eater eerie see ge caer aes pein eee aoe acer eee tet pairey pr Note: Principle 21 was later incorporated into Principle 2 of he meee re ‘international law regarding liability and compensatio® eee es a tnd ea ant soreia mene eeichseamaaes States to Sress beyond thee jursdition. (The "pout _— AL. Si 4 «Principle 23 ~ “Without prejudice to such ete i" be agreed upon by the’ international cence ™Y 2 aoe a wit hve Been Winnett wae ea prevailing in each county, and the enient of te sept goes {Sd hh rar mee ‘but which may be inappropriate and of ‘unwarranted so ‘cost for the developing countries”. aaa ncn map cameo anette UN OR td ecg poe Mn ssi inpiny iret oa a tS npn efor a ea a ne In 1982, the UN General Assembly adopted the word charter foc nature i sot out principle of conzervation on the bars of rat SHould be respected. It states thatthe unigue areas should have ‘al proecion. The charter emphases tha the nature conservation ‘oud be integrated into socal and economic planing ‘The charter recognized that mankind is 2 part of nature and ‘hat man must acquire the knowledge to maintain and enhance the ability to use natural resources in manner which and store the preservation of the spices and the ecosystem forthe Benefit of the Present and future generation, Although it does not have legal force, the charter has standing die to strong suppor from developing countries, which is 18 ‘ost with the Stockholm declaration tat was mostly supported by developed countries, 3 World Commission on environment and development (WCED) 'n 1983, the UN General Assembly established WCED to provide 2cical analysis ofthe relationship between envisoraent objectives ‘nd development "Our Common function” In 1967, the commission Published the famous Brundland Report, over commen fture am after its Norwegian chairwoman, Gro Harlem Brinda “This report define sustainable development as “development hat et the need of the present without ability of future generation 'o read their own needs" ment ts (209) a fod the UN 10 convene the » roe sod oy 8 era Peet 8 192 cae ence on environmental and 46velopment (yy uN an ‘ee wie ncofernes 1 once was eld 8Ri de Taco, Ban ‘This 2 wer fine 1992 wherein 172 stale Participated, The" Sad June to 1h oMsvonal organisation and 2400 represen Me ren at merational gathering re ete as he Earth Wemakes a major develop Soir oe oe free influential non bindi ‘The conference adopted f ing instrmen, aan on cient nd Sevlpmen Agenda 2 © aly dig euoy slams of inp © Ne pe ence oh he maagennt, conser SE aratpeane cf ol ryan al bow te Coneereraltelled 1 C00 Iporan My oe atin on Bolg on Divers odes Foe, we (@) UN amewerk Convention on Climate Change CUS, ve (oi Desaraton aiengh at Voding, se 7 pci whch wad verdana ert ational of ratte Sree tances be patcly competing inlets developed ans up dmaping! tots’ ware fo ewe od Segond aan aon. Se of hee pring Pancpes 2 ~ sirowleges the sovereignty of ste © lolow thrown cnvsonmena end development pls we rnpsing 2 duly of eae to prven ne Boundary =n © Crvfonm Ti Pind based on the nator ema tea sated In spe 2 of stok holm Dearatin + Pines 3 nd ae sen proviso ofthe Ri Dean. Ppl ® antes of tt the rig 1 deveapme a Cualy mat developmental. enonmenl the future generation. Principle 4, on the otet and Provides Sua devlopment ean oly Be me en _—_—- 6A LL, Sant i of a tn the integration of environmental protection at as ft of development 3 an inherent wept 7 EOP the of pric Sent spe of A drar cfgte bt Shuntres. This © & principle uty br mee OE Sherein it recognises the disparate. views mgt! aw eno deep nem oe principle 15 confirms the precautionary e Penal evra by my Sen sing oad soreness o oe eermt ey Agenda 21 ‘iis a non-binding comprehensive plan to promote and. ‘estunabie development tough the implementation of tel see, plans policies, el, with inematonal suppor Wa Seed no sectors ‘section I= Social and economic development =I focuses on nnemotions! cooperation: poverty alienation, corcumpton pttase ator, human settlement, integration of the environment end Tecopment in decision-making ‘Section IL ~ Convocation and resource management for development ~ It focuses on atmospheric protection. panning hd menagement of land resources, deforestation, desertion protection and drought, Sustarable development of tage onjsems such a mountains, management of toxic chemical, cardous wastes as well as of radioactive waste Section III ~ Strengthening of important intrest groups for fg hldren, women, indigenous peoples, NGOs, et i decision king Secton-IV Means of implementation — It covers nal resources, technology, transfer, institution and legal instruments and mechanism. (UN Convention on Biodivesity: Iehas three main goal (0) Conversation biodiversity 2) Sustainable use of bologcal resources (9) Sharing the benefits received frm gene stock Semen On met dns gta etn iid not set Lo any targets ih Se ym However id not tf any target or que for the same Sx Prot 1997 ES ie lott Ne Be tes ect ci eevee UNFCCC: 9 cunts water alse he concent o HN eae Sang ected eh 1 con oad nd Gown inthe UNSC rere sonata Swtisble Develop! Be, stan epee cla clr wo tl sp ee femeroary Sea ee eet ee os maar were oe ees pce Dace esse Denopeed WSS Iaplementaton Plan he ar ta eee wcrc «Mu er Bare cee re Se artospmens in conenaecarge ce as eoiereta fesua: eee oh Se cy ce seemed crriemncsa toa ca nana Sides” WSSD stored he dere SEY Si atlas iy gre mere pores oa Saeed we rar hen fe ehronment Are Wad Shtves modal ses on he evelopment of chon ‘UN CoferneeonSusuinable Development / Ro #2302 Teva hed in Ri de Jani form om June 2182 28 ‘he Ror eutone decent led te fate we wat ane the key issues and challenges inthe path of achieverent ofthe go ‘tous devdopmet Ths cere was 8 comin ab inthe ms ef eae dacorse ay 8 coved me Peraning ts development sch since and Spl eon Boh Ssh’ managemont of natural sources Se6 Sandra ving equiale cal Sewdopment ee GEA LLB Set Pa of DN tery Te earn and aio nana Meet a nn Ago Se ta esha aed Wl be agai Be Soci Aged halt neem ct art Sete pe “ania ren ty min cries aw eine (Sei he reer es caer er bs ‘i ir a, ern a ee git co St ee ae "rc fan apreg oh ina dl nee sonata in nes reeenagcenat pn stein erento eee mi moneng eae ea are Sov crise; ert! eee ye ser ee ata Pecan mene saris oman cue te Ferry eration and ted, While some of thse Bevlopowaat rage al i ete Str Ere Pt org reo See hese sees ane erin lear re ics 2. [Wihere the effect on ecology of envionment of setting up ‘of an industry is known, what as to be seen i that if the ‘nvironment Is like to suffer, then what mitgaive steps can be taken to offset the same. Merely because there will bbe a change is no reasons to presume that there will bean cologieal disaster Critically examine the above observation in light of the scope and application of precautionary principle in ‘environmental cases, Substantate your answer with the help of decided cases and statutory provisions Neer arestait tw of it novo b eae ont PrOAetON Act vironment rOtetiOn Act, 1986 Was cae U/5 25 of ‘te Eee the mal oe po SS vei a te env nd ene men Siege med eae hepa at rth ne an oe leh oe Scio 25 Scand on robes oe PY EI ae ute legulaon tnd pods a A fos reat meme epee Se Sn hc We he nan ee ei 2 con nda a's pds, Ain objectives ofthe Act Tro implement the decisions made tthe UN conference on Thaman Environment eld at Socom. 2. To crate a government authority to regulate indus Ty ave altel order induding Gosure onder” 4. To coordinate activities of diferent agencies that ar porting under the existing Iw 44 To provide for deterrent punishment and pele in cases where the polluter endangers the environment, sty and rth 5. To-engage sustainable development ofthe environment 6 To provide for subordinate and delegated legislation on cologially sensitive topics auch as protection of coal fre, regulation of hazardous acivies/subsanss and ‘envionment impact assessment Saint features ofthe Act 1. This Aet not only provides (or protection of environment but also empowers the Central Goverment to take all 'ppropriate measures to esabish an efletive mohinery to achieve the objectives ofthe Act. 2 The Act enables the Central Govemment to take all ich Measures as it deems fit or expedient for the purpose of eon i (0 eee scing te Soy of Yh wing Winans also empovtered o one ca om oe re a 2 et lien can tha 60 days of the alleged environ na ene compl gel ee cag gen a ee : Sect eT ga ie sh er tata Dement ity powers rested ini and yt act Sarr hin a Bee ets ti a 1 CU inl Goan hrm pra vo : oe ee eee and arene ourement These power ndade = ergs eee eee ae a a eee Cr ee Raper Nea telstra ene at asocpetona ee oo ctl aris fe guy 3 et [ese Teeemiopegh pmb ee eee a eee arenes 5) ie pots Cog Comma a din tel peer teed nla eee Pans a ees rao ua roan en eh Sire Nile ee See ee pe nial rere ee the same. It further directed that while considering the degrading Spee hie, Socata le cease ee ee eee EA LL Sted Pape 1 grower to appoint offices x. wie give dete ~ W ports tag 5 5 em he exerci of powers date ty gt Cal tons nin 0 npn len ro Ge dirs ted to comply wah ce Ree Soa trad he poner dat Bo. Face re re probit O epee of ay indy, operat Poets rip Stoppage oF Tepulation Of SUPPLY of electrcty water ang re ervices rs shall ave an overriding ef eee fot over the ‘se fpataion Con! Basra essed oe eens sa er at lenient wean cc ee Se ae ee ncn se ee ee eset sauce ened os ol creer as eae The Eocene Big ee ae we se a pseucan sea ae een ee oe Ce ee eet ear (9 procedure and safeguard required to handle haardous — (stn ed ple nhndng mde eceien p)pseiovianl spss esos ce wet ea en perpen Pisuued au pateie a eae wee Reins rae ee pee nen ene Sey er eae ee ees oe 0) Rian he feightiof Coat beac nagar emeprpetiectenpr eee meeieates fe oS eee ane wan sony feet sana scp et Sd errno is oe ent ip! Neen - ere ntzation ofthe power. Tis At © Compe ie cote and m0, power a fe et sede pes 0 eae tobe ted Govern Cel Coverment ss iption = The At Sen oa py oo pul Ps ot einen pr Fr et ol fondue aan ond et ‘hc an ny tows the cvironet fee emerge of plants The Act doa nq ci nope event of el cc se sts cm es whch ae st 8 ar ae 2 eSomungervtonment 1 en ronmental av is exensive ols md gan eet i ie oe ng wth engthy prose un rover ofthe cent Goverment under EPA, 186, Wp adden to he powers discussed above he Cae iain to Empeered ner 25, BPA toma eT cipect of Speed matters is Thus, unde 8 se SEPA. te cna government has nt Following Rakes (0) Tre Environment Protection) Rules, 1986 (2) The Hazardous wastes (management Handing RH Be (6) The Haardous Microrgpaloms Rules, (4) Nation Enviromental Teibunal AC Green Tabara At 200, 6) Munkipal solid waste (Management Handing the followin Dawbacks of EPA 1988 1995 & ratio! i Re The Central Government has also. issued [Notifications under EPA: OCA 1M Ses ye Ctl Rey Ze Nitsa iy, acta Kexltin Zone Noten any wenunertal INpat ASN of Deepen, ny fie ana 9 Union of India 197) te Md noliealion Ia 1991 unde Ra re iment of ae ye eae ee a oat peice ye le eae se Ud ele ee ‘ay ane Constal Regulation Zone. The notion ae aa cine aa hecten ae epg etn tne ae ent inn wo rr ee ce et reer ne anno me pein cone tet Cea oe per siete ote oct a eae Le ey ae eee eee eee ons et egemunieeraaoneee ee Government was exam ibid Activites. The lowing activites are declared probit win he RZ, samy (0 seing up of new industes and exparsion of exiting inl except the diely reed to wala! of init heating foreshore faites ‘8 manutature or handling o storage or disposal of ares subsiances as spectied By the Govemment fis (9 seting up of and expansion of fh uni incing warehousing excluding hatchery and waa dig ® rested ea) Seg pee oct 7 df te i fm sioner pa aaa sea soa ee ol a is Si sel tae toes ©) 2 Vellore Citizens Welfare Form v. Union af India (196) In this, case the cout observed as follows: “The main pues of the Environment Prot Act is to create an autho & authorities under 5.33) ofthe At with adequate power ocx Pollution and protect. the environment. thigh time tat Cenizal Goverment should realize is responsibility and $4 duly to protect the degrading environment in the coun: ‘The Cental Covemmen accordingly constituted loss of Ee Prevention &e Payment of Compensation) Authority fr the seo Tamil Nadu which was ako principle conferred with the pow’ Implement the polluter pays principle and the precaution: 641.8 Se ey ne cone further cvtred ta he Cn ejections and ROUACARONS, has to balance we Eon, eeloecl Socal and eins” (aie tes ke esment should Rot be allowed 19 take fag Nt, >nOMC sec anes ‘attr deersing he iment a em O eaet ve thy ted ora . mca dence ene oa tape Ac Meh Union of nia 956) th cas, the exablshnent of av stn &Conlr Authorty for NR i} 18 as challenged toe the cout me Sore ot ih atmo the Cental Goverment a as eget ‘is'by he Covemment k-appoprate asd eta {ice teal wih the cote terran enh iain the National Copal Teor Rep omen & Ptstin by the Cena Gon {a MC Mehta 6: Union oF tain (2000) The Supreme Court eld that the directions given by the Ieee olaton "(reveton Cont Abety rate 1/5) of the EPA ate ial and binding on a pees rman concerns ad ey ae Bnd fa “tne I further held that the Cenieal Goverment on dacharg ts ‘tga to protect. and improve the environment by cvateing Satori all he Stakes and Union Tere Coacusion = Although the powers vested in the Cental meme under the EPA are the same 38 power and functions site Hands under the water and Ai Act, (hres 3 consdebly erate of centralization af power nthe central Covernen co i authorities under EPA. This absolute concentration of Fewer a the hand of the Central Goverment has on several ‘wurons ben criticized on the ground that the declan of the ‘veroment may be influenced father by polical ensigns ‘han ncieonmental factors. Furthermore, the bigs drawback ub 0! EPA i tack of public patcpation, which could ctherwse Thc aor tol to check the arbitrary exercise of Is powers by myo Government. For ilanc, he Ac allo bi bs nt she entra Government to obtain reports, sais 2 [3] es nlormation in ration os uncon under At "officer, state government or eter authori %Y ersin ee ee een a et ounce “0 There ae sever the notation © posts her be ‘itcsments ate below ) taker exhaive clog and sc-eon0m dy rea ow a) ebiheaings arena coated fr thes ge hi, ©) bi ar ce at ter ges of rect date mI mn 1 projcts which have been exempted fg van trough they have significantly age vase they are not listed therein or ‘the limits provided in EA notte ‘Assess the need for establishment of the National Gren aes ce id Elaborate your answer onthe following aspect: (i) Jurisdiction of NT Ui) Principles of be followed by NGT while deciding he Ans 6. (2) The issues under consideration have been provide Below ) Need for National Green Tribunal (NGT) Act, 2010 6) Justin of NGT 1B) Principles tobe followed by while deciding cases (Need for NGT Act 2010 “Te Siocthon Declaration of 1972 recognised the neces the formation of central specialised body to resolve enorme iSsus in a timely manner. The declaration was approved sf Incorporated in the UN conference on Environment and Developme document Rio Declaration, 192. The Summit concinded that wat necessary to etabish nationalised cours tribunals to appr handle the sue of environmental protection In India, this necessity was addresed forthe frst time Case of MC Mehta v. Union of India & Ors (1987), also OW 45 Oleum gas Teak Case. As a consequence of this, the Me) Government enacted the national Environmental Tribunal 14 1995 to provide for strict habilty for damages arising out 5) accident occurring while handing any hazardous substance and ‘establishment of a National Environment Tribunal for exped 6A ULB. Solerd © gene pst Costing dch a anttel and compensation for damage to pera prea {Ff ewironment- aad er de 10 Tied mandate, NGT However so tabi 1 2 PO oe ath the eed ‘on ee eibunal was related in thet of he ea Se pven by the Spree Court in ele ctaee nie aeccpor (999) wherein the sapere Count ase the Maes sewn fo const 2 Creen Bech oir and de wi 11 envioneent nthe year 2010, the Nationa Green Tuna wasabi “rage ate ded weit med Yo the expeditious disposal of dips reting bet ental protection and conservative of nal rouse “he main objectives ofthe NGT Act, 2010 are (p To ensue that environment elated awe ad obeyed: Ai) To give effect to the interational obligation arsing ot of Various decisions ~ adopted atthe inematorl Conferences tp which Inia has been a Party, {iy Toensure safety and conservation of forts and athena tures ining eoemen fay pl ph eg, (s) For the elective and expeditious disposal of exes rating to ewonmental protection (60 for giving elie and compensation for damage person and property, and (vi) for matters connected there with and incidental there (0 Jurisdiction of NT (Original Jurisdiction an QUINGT Act, provides thatthe NC stl haven ve Col ass were a substantial question rating io evinemen, {ing enforcement of any legal ight eating © eke 1 {fther provides that the NGT shall have juisicton owt I cases where such questions arse cat of implenenaton TAERCIMENIS specific in Schedule of the NGT Act They ar = —___ rio ne 209) roventon and contol of Pollution) Act 1 Control of Pollution) Cs (Te water (Prevention a {The water (Prevent 7, Fr rorest Conservation Ac, 1980; (ay The Forest tot oe an A. tn Te en we eet cy Homer mi et clam Peed pay 'a sufficient cause. sata SS se ret age) Sten Cn a sete eee compensatory json Sec) cnpowers the NGT 10 provide forthe ree ad cone oe vcims of potion and ther entre Sree under tne eroceentspeiied In Sched fw Same ato property damage ov resiaton or restrain of ‘Sionment of sch ate $150) provides thatthe rele and compensation refered sas) satfoe an addon tothe ee pid or payable under be pu hii neurone Ac, 189.5150) provides ine it 3 yeas rom th dao cus faction eth hich the appison islet of reel or raion of property /enernment und this Ston shal te entertind by NO provides that NCP ay Slow’ fer pei of days eid hat the pp sto prevented by sulk cause o file the aplication win Be lmston period Compensation and rele con be chimed under the flowing head EA Lat Sotod Popes of Den be Uniety rt Oe eevee ela ret ae oor ee ee oie ee tpt (rene of ues Me pte Per, te act hy COMO png agri eaten beste eee earl oot ot oe wn Be csonmen pee Sener eee icone NC ep an err et 98, EPA oR and Bop eas sine et, EPA a8 Sl Dry pris 2 pe et of i we apm fa to allow the appeal tobe led within a further period not orci reat et ce a it a ek ere ieee a pepe Se a ee TS ee ee eee nanan pane ee poe ne reediers ofa mies heey eee Pie ett eet eocrigesetass cra al hoe pgm be =n apply the principles of sustainable development, the Precautionary principle and the polluter pays principle. ey’ ug re ror eecke _ } }~=3—t—OM mn i (29? a rr ye towing rcp Hat 9 Be lowe TRONS hte dec 85 ~ by My piles tr fe er al ty /bsole Hbiy Gi Principle of appoint «aie of Sustainable development {0 Prenton rine (Pee oe estes greatly on the princles of susbinbl seem EO yn ae eat ep, 0 enouse ta he NGF stated Ih covet eionmentl ss bro bon iret ensue a sustainable tre “palate pays princile is important or determin pit ea mage rom evtonmental vlton ene Fr oe tis. appli by NCT 10 ensure tt 2 ind igting environmental damage are intemal by ee ality fund ble as wll serena be ‘Bt vnaione of environmental laws (06 (6) What kind of Habiity law will be applicable in cae of damage arising out of hazardous and inherently dangers Stites? Discuss your answer with the help ofthe Oler Gas Leak Case (MLC, Mehta v. Union of India, AIR 187 SC 1086). Will polluter pays principle apply in such exes? ‘Ans (the question rates to the flotng principles {Pipe of asc bility {i Patter Days Pipe (0) Principle of absolute ability “Absolute liability refers tothe principle of finding an individual industry engaged i some hazardous or dangerous acti, 83 teu of whith they case harminjury to the environmen! 24 ‘public, absolutely liable for their acts and actions, in respective thr ntenton to commit» wrong or/and he Knowledge ts act would lead to the commsion ofa wrong Tos prince Ya developed in India, rom the ud expaneton of the cone strict aby. QCA 140, Sted Pap of ten ciple of trlt ability evolved in - Zin se he ceo yt priidaa). It states that any person nd reer 0 emis willbe held reapenabe ances 0 Ponsble euch subse ne ont the water rom the reservoir exaped fe vi mines owned BY R ae toe court held that If person brings on this land an "eco te a res to inn ce ali 2 hari ese wenger cane Tnout that person's wilful act default or a = Po ened wi court invoked Yor theft ine, be Pcp o ery ee ea eer cae eae ah rere Com tes epee ST cae nee ae ates nme ei Ne het Ue ot ea omic ea oe ec set cae, enone re ad SEAS MG Me cpt oe es rotate ee od tnt densely populated area. Asa coincidence during the pendency ete Pept A tO na hare causing one death and several other injuries. ae a gn tar afi in hazardous activities, The cout evolved 2 ne Pec ruc Tab, cated the absolute Ulisse at mead he et a sched a a vime when science and technology hal 0% woth a oh mf aw cm) 6 The fw must esp OWE include nd beg trae Te ovr Gang comers calopa 2 pd na cont ke nin ~ PN Baga Cs el a aE pe view hat an enerpse Which sng ne ae ey dangers dusty WR pat acct esl a8 ally oe ey 2 pt and etd he soon oe, org fanned 10 he commany owes nasa esl ane OF ac of to rer ta Toy dangerous Tauro the ay aa ey an fay harm Yess on scm a renter mat be abst Tae faa eet an tld eo ove Comper yu had undertaken all asec 2 et os tecued without a elec on pe Te futher tld at he ule of abot bit as at oe aan ne the rl of St Kai, ie Se talwing son: ye eerpie volved in hazardous ard inher Be ceerrscamies “has. 9 socal cngatan of cng pol sling def he ind €@) Ine cnerpe alone has the power and reso Pen 8 ta stun ogists Rade ad Moos ‘te eof ssl lability was aso followed by the AR coun esc th Bhopal Cs Tegey ese. To eer een agra et auc wel rough isu POW omen the Publ hniy Trance et 15). Se Sette PA T99icrprats there of aba Habity 8 inthe Olea Cas kak te. (uy titer Pays Pipl This principle sates thatthe financial costs of preventing remedying domapecatsed by the polio te wih te undeiabg, ‘Teepe whic cause the politon under and i804 Gf the govemment to meet the cst ole in eer prev Se ap at rumen sacar bo ‘het ofthis woul be tsi the Burden ofthe plistion we tothe tx payer com cid practices Q6A LLB, Sted Pa of ey shape as develope and promt by te Orpen rom pain td Ope Fg wh eon at nee $a commany ay a 2 4M ae t play apt inal he pois of hc comma s tion is to be taken according to the eee it ng he te pcp pe ned fo preventive acton Oe ned for environment darag p (0) Surce, and ae, ened uy tthe polar should py. the pole Gprelajaeset ‘exposes the polluter to absolute sn rt the envrnment Rte copes Ly latin Bat ao for festa oe eco “ci it naneportedin Pcl tte Dern aia ce tat Tata aborts hal nour (pre te eran eee poate (i) the ie of economic narumens, Accping mind the approach hat the pole oul itil Sar he cot of pelton wih de td the pie th ndan Council for Envisoepal Action . Union of nia Le nn as Bi ilo tse te Bevan Rly fri the slo abot lablty a down in lun Bt ‘Ree 967 and justified ths laity of tens / pole ‘soing the Potter pays pene The court reed 1 te ‘tern mode in Olu a ak cv, tae asunder Be ie permed to cary on the hades ot hey ington acy for pro the ow mat pene Bt ition" condone the entepe ating ok “yee sng om acount fs rs {Rept em of overheads Such ey gem cles ty fr pe poo oa > Sona he enterprise ngage i ah ‘hows onrcont a he crngon toch i Sibel dings sty reds omer 6 fly orn S 1 oul aot to point out tat hemes of ong Sgiyetienrgt ttateer ees dean pacity othe enterprise because =P ic re ccc te 1986 to impose the tot A conte an aihonity u/s 3 of EP conc ts of the alendng Nt 3 well 8 the amoung ‘erin ne ay Tn Cryostat Pac Come palin ts pg ale ity wel pag Se ee enon Gata sy discos the legal fame work f6r protection of Peet pd under the Indian Forest ACU and Fo Tr aon ac Tot permisibe to use the Forest ands {Comet purposes? Explain your answer wth the hep a eevant cae la ‘Ans: 7. (The kes under consideration a: {0 legal ramework fr forest protection under the Indin {eka ae 1927 and Fost Corsrvation Act 1980 (a) Ver offre land for noforest purpose (0 Indian forest Ac 1927 ws largely based onthe previous Indin Foret Acs implemented under the British Rule tn ind, Tot nay the non forest Act of 187%, by Wich foes Wee Tas ito sere, preted ke vllage forests. “The objective Behind enacting the Indian Forest Act 127 wat to make the 118 At mor lecive and comprehensive: The FA 1927 repented all the previous laws and lgiation. conse 3 Baptem and 86 scion. The 1927 Act aed toe €) Const the ows pertaining forests (i) regulate anit of fret produce (3) empomer the Government to create diferent els of {ore for he elective usage for the clonal puro (6) defn he proce ob llowed fr delaring 289 2 Reser frst, Protected forest or vlge foe (0) Te define forest fences or ats probe the Reseed Forest and penalties vale on the viola 7s) Brie QA LL Sted Papers of ty " Unrty 8 gcoms no freon 2 September se tm Spent. Under, sO oes = 5d ergata oa ty Reser a ih Be proper See sca fore: ae oery the 1927 Act promotes that whenever the Gove stl anda evel ona taal ine sca ee ad al ppon Foea a slid Sem tn mae 0) ged etn favour fy pen These 27 ns of ighis Dang fo goes orion, sang mcg nlnaton of he gh scone dr. 18 by «a dit ae, ese mortgage ee wit he aig Se Jprement, except where such sight is appended tothe land or ss provies at certain a ae pred ah reed GES rancecag noneey meas a ee ed civ expan eae ee Mi ie ay acta op oe eae tt Reopen ae ‘aan 1 Vilage foes ~ S28 provides tat te Sat Greranent sajmign hs toy vlog or oneal err bend woah Dyin ta comittd a Reseed ret br tw yt ‘Shay rhe provides ta the Cerne! maya ‘Se erlng 10 raplation and manpenct of gy oe ‘Sprain te cottons under hike comma eng Soy bprvied wi ore pris, wal er not |i Goverment shal ao pesbe tr tes or picin 'improverent of sch fread ay eel ech pret fa the condita prs ae ley Be cera (9 Poteced forents 5,29 provides tha oct any ota rw incor Conca trace nokta pay Conmenent ay be deca ote soy» natant Whssile Goverment the ofl Cate, Chop 1 of Be E74 das wih protect ests and pov at 3 ato shal be mae by he a Gove nese rere L (2019 tf 7 4 nature and scope ofthe sights ofthe Goverment oF of any pr, parson hove Ban ngied ino Pie "S30 provides tha the Sate Goverment, by ntction, regulte o prohibit the lain of land for agraian ate ‘Bvation, ging of Cal, ee It may ao oly proses eran rev and provide polis of egal ing cl fr removing ores tse and produce without obaning's eens rom the sate Goverment See eee eee eee nee ee ky een neato terenea cecmcreat thane aes oe oe Senet drone heecaea Spore aerate Se ee Cae ral cases Seer areas Sa voe aaa See enamels ey coe ape arene ee a oe apa anol a ietak ste Thm A soe tt een! Cart pin po rr Beef lager led oon Ege erect le nha oer tara Saar eee tae eS ee fs ‘This section restricts the state Government and other authori perpetrate Saray or ora oY pin Sema Ra cie Sseean mae purpose O64 18 Ste Pe $00 tn tplmtion $2 ses hal te pupae see, bre pup ar baking ww Cae ln son there for ay purposes et tn) Scion desl with Const of Advan Ce oul Coveroment 1 ais In the mac” meMey he wh got of approval u/s $2 (2 ny other mater connected with the cose {elerred to it by the Central Government so! frets Sections Power to make Rules be Cea Gover sy notfestion inthe ofc Gaeta provisions of the Act. v for carying out the Us of forests for non forest purposes ‘As discussed above, 5.2 ofthe Forest Conservation ssh Sate Goverment obtin pm peta ese, Gemnnent to make ls to declare ht any fost nd ors prion ‘hcl may’ be Used for non-fret purpose. The expanaog $2 ins the term non forest purposes. I means ding Landon is portion for the purpose of = iar planting tes, coffee, spices, ribber pal, ol bearing or redial plants for any other purpose than afforestation, but it should nat lncude any work relaed to preservation, evoiton and Adminstration of forests and wide Thescope of. 2, FCA was discussed in the following ase ws (Taran Bhaat Sangh v: Union Of India 992 canis 8 the petion was fle under Arie 3 of te Gustin against the illegal mining cated on in there SE,8 Alwar Dist: Despte the fact Ba he ares was fered wir the Act the state Goverment had granted andes of "es fr mining marble os:IB Supreme Court held that whenever an ac dean ica halted (reserved ara, it comes within the purview of te tuts a result the tale Goverment could ot have id ema morest activity in the served re wot the pit "sn ofthe Central govemment gg sa now forest activity the sae Go v1 gayle for mining without cbaiing th Po 2 "Co Goverment ada Be ei > ernst po moore (201) % oa and accordingly 2 direction 8 PASE 10 SP the iy Bing acti in the reserved ae (2) TN Godavarman Thiramulkpa v- Union of India (1956 vale known. a forest Conservation Case I this nda uit Supreme Court observed thatthe FCA, 198) wg adam se to chek deforestation which wkimaily age Seed wy olance, Therefore, the provision therein fr he eee of frets must apply 10 al forests, respective of te ‘Sure of ewrership o easifeaton there. Te hld that the term forest and in $2 wll not only ince forts understood nthe English diclonay but also thos ey (edad as forests inthe Government record, inrespectve of be owner. Therefore the Court removed the artifical itnction ered by the 157 Act beeen dfleentfyps of forests forthe purposes of 5 thus giving 2 wider scpe of operation. Inthe presen ay, the cout need thatthe Sate government of Nagaland had found Iropotes inthe laws and Supreme Court order that wood Dad ingustres formed on the bass of Consulation with the Cental Goverment woul be relocated by the state Government. tt ‘td, the sate Governments were directed to identity Indust Sate within 5 days ofthe Date ofthe order, and to develop ard felts them However, inthe blatant misuse of is power, he State Goverment of Nagaland designated the whole of the fehl ress of Nogland and all oveas within 1 km of National and se itighoays as Industri Estates forthe sald relocation, wiboa ‘blaningthe clearance from the Central Government Ths as Severely ertized by the Supreme Court and the action af he Sale avert of Nagaland ws held tobe legal and in velaton 52 of FCA, 1960 6.7. ) What ate the objectives of the Biological Dives Act? Explain the thre sier mechanism rented nde Biological Diversity Act fo aiitatng acento bloga resources and associated knowledge, and for determining Benet sharing ‘Ans. 7b). The Biodiversity Act, 2002 was enacted to give effet #8 the objectives stated in’ the UN Convention on Biologic Diversity, 1992 adopled at the Rio Conference / Es Summit. ‘The UN CED for the first time introduced ** QA 1.8. Seto 90 a Une inematon orm reomrising the ned to pager Fomote traditional knowledge ascited with geod peor aid Oa tne bac a smd etre knowledge evocated wit ee aint hte ie ng ee Oy sng tir sovereign QM te bog Sa devise # method to safeguard and implement ths nigh Saat the Parlament enacted the Bllopeat Drag sai ete sees To pene mutes whic pent 2 © nade scoot with hem ‘pete ofthe biological Divert Ad 202 Se preamble othe 2002 Act stats An Act povie for Conservation fill Dventy ‘Ac, 200 sustainable se of 1 component ad ro shin sharig fe ble rng oh ‘blogs! rescues, Inowlcdge and ff sates eed therewith. - ‘The main objectives ofthe Act are (Conservation of biological reoures (8) Managing its susainbe we (i) enabling fate and eqtable benef sharing ag ot of the sand know of boil ots Wh Se eal communis «DS At tines biodversty and biog deity ters $20 biologial diversity means the varity among rng GEREN rom ll sources and the etal compos ohh eae Bate and includes diversity within species or btwexn is an of ecosystems Heegat®, “biological resources” means plants, animal, and mpaisms of pars thereof ther gece ae and Y Res scluding value added produce) with actual or eet ale but doesnot incl human geet mater cemufblory Stier structure under the Act ~The 202 det ws hetes ore MUTA to faite the implementation of comet La (2019) i cy_The National Hctveriy Authority (NBA) = ations fy one ne Biodiversity Boards (SHB) = sae evel (i) The Sate . Ai The Diversity management Commies (BMC) «ogy level Ce eae oe ots fate Ne (either based ir aoe (olga resourges oectireng in, or obtained frm Ind eee ee eee errr ae eee acpeate aha aues eae seneeey ee ei ae eet nee eee pce ee pero mane eee ences ec ete erie emir ee Lote Pineal dircbinte teers arses ae ene ieee ee See eee carte a ey Saat oe nll ee ce enna eae aera Satopia oe tem tes ce Sosa ees EAL. St a 7 De Uncety san sin tote an enabling envionment opm 0 TOF aimble se Of Blodiversy. © POE creat a" gdise the Contral Covernment, ja To eaguidelines for access to biologi Tove guideli 0 biologie aaa snd equitable benefit sharing mn squint for fa one tthe Ace Monee wh the. Act PrOV18% forthe etbistneny 2% 1y Boars to perform the following fancione ‘vise the Slate Government sje ty oy [Saad by the Cental ovement on an (Conservation, sustainable use and’ shane ry recom 0g of equa uy To regulate BY granting approval or otherwise (8 7 rc ican obo sone nia AS sy biological rerouce by the peopl in Divya Pharmacy ¥. Union of India 2010, the Unuaband uigh'cout observed the Nistor! background of be bese Inay Act, 202 as well as several inenstonls snd es ined as indr- “Ini and equitable bene sharing (FEBS) has not teen precy defined, but lay red in ont of dense Ex1@) ofthe Act where”paymentof monetary campenase is one ofthe ways of grant ofthis benefit Bele NBA grns approval u/s. 19 or 20 of the Ach ih to ensure tte terms and conditions for granting the approval are sth which secure equilable shoring of Bnei arin oto use of “Biological resources”. S aa With egard tothe isues ato wha i fia equitable Beet storing according to the Act, the court held— The conservation of biological divers has 3 plas or siectives Conservation of biological divey, state use of is components and far and equible sharing of the bereits arising out ofthe ulation of genetic moots NBA ‘ ate activites and of Sate ce Peeve oy at oe SAA Camper fr 2 a pone ea a eat Os aed ‘The preamble of Nagoya protocol, 2010 recognised the py aed siete In Hegetaton O rovides and tee af nd vapor tog sara ce en Teerhe Biological Diversity Act, 2002 is a follow UP to the gis co te gsats of 2018 tamed undo ont of Re Ngye Pec ay Be At son pms ptl wn ot Ege ue e207 At = eld (ons eR cial na ntiouncommarn ae fed ne en cy ana Fhe hac nde ee ae ay Ta a sal oc neg SAS Sneha ewan thre nie oo Rote ar ea sn gene sa of pag et re Tete aaa oer ele aon el fe 8 se emp at See ee tee Suthg feta car clpeene a ee a ae beset eed ee sa gee anes ane Repos tBeeset keg ope PES on S08 (08, Write short notes on any two of the following, (a) Environmental Inspect Assessment (EIA) ‘Ans. () EIA isa process of evaluating the likely envionment impacts of a proposed project or development werk, {aking into accbunt inter-related Socio economic eu {and human heath impacts - both beneficial and adverse IA has been defined by the UN Environment Programme 33 too! to identify the environmental, social and eeonomie impacto 3 project prior fo decision making . I aims to predict environmental Fimpact an early slge in planning and desig, find meons 10 reduce potential adverse effets and adapt the designs to suite local envionment and present the said predictions and optens the decision maker. It has been given legal recognition under te Environment Protection Act, 1985 and the EIA Notation, 205 Which makes it mandatory. For various projects for e.g. mining, thermal power plants to get environmental clearance before proceeding further = Stages of EIA 1. Sereening = The project plan is screened for sale of ‘nvestment, location and type of development and wie the projet requires environmental clearance QCA 1.8, Sot . fie eta oe scoping = The potent imps of 2 PA gation pst and eh POR. og np a ths sage nt he eno ton of Bascine 481. evirnen pat prediction ~ wether he input i rene Pacem oe enn Pt Sncerstanding ofthe project by the aaah 2 beter gion measures aed EIA Rape Me a en ieee vel oe at ig tte orhableenlronmntl damage me «, Pic heing On comping Ja envronmenial group ning debe ie atormed and consulted, © 1% 100% Prete may Bean making "EIA Autorty song th be een ssl er stp rach eeping in mind the EIA report as wll he Ev Nonogement Pan (EMM, aan 1. Manitoring and Implement Othe projec. 4. Assessment of Allein, Declination of mitigate ‘mesures and EIA repo fr crap ese ee “ematives should ede se 7 evra aes ‘ompare. After his a miligaton plan shoulaie sso the slected alleratve an supplemented vik eae, fide the proponent towards Guoanestlinptee ee 11 Rsk sessment Inveriry analy, hard pos index eso constitute apart of BA process” HA 2006 has decentralized. he Exvenens Clone Poet by categorising them a5 * A Category ~ national evel appraisal = aco pal = by IAA aed EAC + BCalegory = national level appa - by SEIAA and SEAC They ave luther etegorund {BY Projet ~ require EIA mando * 82 project ~ do not rquite €1A- ‘mma of 1A Link environment with development fr envio ment with development for envvonnentl ‘ele and sustainable developmen. ton of OF EMP at various sages cme La (2009) : c inating oF minimising avery i (8) Cost effective fn timinating = Of development projets. "a Gin Enables ely. analysis of the llets of developmen pctvties on the enorme iv) etective implementation of Une Precautionary principe Demerits of BIA process Ty Tha exempted several projects With Serious environmen lmpacts i) ae of expertise in Committeas on Various elds such gp wilde, anthropology, ele. (ii) Public hearing conducted at afer stage leads 0 9 con tthe air stage of project clearance (i) Data collectors do not acknowledge the indigenass Knowledge of local people. (0) Lack oferty of EIA reports ‘Ans. 80) Inter-generationa equity and intergenerational equity “inter generational equity eters fo infer generational fim, the present generation should not look at the earth and is rescues fs mere investment opportunity but a trst passed on to them by their ancestors to be enjoyed and passed on to the future generations For ther use iuhas been recognised in Principles 1 and 2 ofthe Slockhakn Declaration 197238 follows Principle 1- Man has the findamenta right o freedom eualty that permis lle of dignity and well-being and he beats 9 sole responsiblity to pote! and improve the environment for xe peso nd future generations. Principle 2- The natura resources of the earth including the ait, water, land, flora and fauna and especially representative Samples natural ecosystem must be safeguarded forthe benelit ofthe presen and fature generations Uwough arefl planning or management 3 Spproprise It was als incorporated in Principle 3 of Rio Declaration, 192 Burland Hand Report on Sustainable Development, 1987 a8 wll as the Johannes bura Declaration on Sustainable Development 202. A ‘combined reading ofthese documents proves that tere are tt principles of intergenerationalequily ~ Conservation of options i.e, each generation must conser the diversity of natural and cultural resources 0 that docs not unduly restret the options avaiable to the fate 6A LS « Pf eh 1 eyeratonsto solve het robles ormeetiey gn ys. This may be accomplished by tech ay lo create substitutes: peal innova frorder bales of exiting reoy in oleic en, seat energy ae UC ach ring heat and cect. © SME ot servation of Gually = Exch gener © Serqualty ofthe various resources wats tain We they are not passed out tothe ue on, Plant ‘Sn condion than n Wh thy eB Caneraton of aces «Each gen ae ‘eines wh ata gh a ee tee post generations and conserve thi cf ae Fenertions infu Litigation and Eileen Kenda Sato ela ncognbed the pile oie ese a= The natural reoures hve Sr obese Of soll development bt one cna eps a ‘hat pping of resources has tobe dene wah cps ane [Feb ha ecology and environment may et ate ‘Rysenous way these are permanent ass of mania ase ‘oval tobe exhanted in oe generation int-generational equity refers to theeqly withnand betwen canis It 9 condition precedent to athcwe itegreneten styl has abo been recognised in Pincpes nds ot Declaration as well as the Brundtland Report, 1987. = The rundhand. Report addressed the neq Rerween top and developing countries and aseed that hegre Indowerhip structs cn nd oovrpnte es theses holdings with hanna enct on bot sens and development, = ‘Tis Pipl requires that developed countries sould provide onnent friendly” technology an funds to te delopng ‘wate to build thelr Capacty’ 10 prot! the ervirmone jar gernelple has also been recognised by assigning Common Ifillerentited responsibilities (CBDR) 10 the developed and SSTEPing counties in he Pare Agreement, 215 whi as tsponsbliies ofthe tte to pre he eone ae Ne other respective economies o as

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