Soal Bahasa Inggris Pas Kelas V SDN Walantaka 1

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TAHUN PELAJARAN 2022/2023 Sekolah :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 5 (Lima) Nilai :
Waktu : 60 menit
Tanggal :

I. Answer the following questionscorrectly !

1. “ White Board “ in Indonesian language is… 8. “ Dapur “ in english language is …

a. Papan Tulis c. Kursi a. Sitting c. Field

b. Meja d. Buku b. Bathroom d. Kitchen

2. “Chair” in Indonesian Language is…

a. Papan Tulis c. Kursi 9. Raka : Is today we have a dhuha praying?

b. Meja d. Buku a. Saturday c. Monday

3. “ Jam “ in English language is… b. Friday d. sunday

a. Pen c. Clock
10. Elephant breathes with …
b. White Board d. Window a. Skin c. Gill

4. Look at the picture below!

b. Trachea d. Lung

11. “penghapus” in English language is…

a. Pen c. eraser
What is the activity in the picture?
A. Cycling
b. Chair d. ball
B. Run
C. Walk
D. Jump
12. Fruit that have lots of water is ...
5. Refan: Is today we have a flag ceremony?
a. Watermelon c. Banana
a. Monday c. Thursday
b. Jackfruit d. Apple
b. Friday d. Sunday

13. “ Healthy food ” in Indonesian language is

6. Ini adalah sebuah buku in English …
language is…
a. Makanan sehat c. Makanan enak
a. This is a book c. There is a book
b. Makanan baik d. Makanan gurih
b. it’s a book d. Here is a book

14. “ Sehat ” in English language is …

7. Teacher : How are u today ?
Student : … a. Health c. Nice
a. Yes, we are Fine c. yes, and you ?
b. Good d. Poor
b. yes, we are nothing d. keep silent
15. “ Baik ” in English language is …

a. Health c. Nice

b. Good d. Poor
II. Answer The Question
16. Look at the picture below!

1. Write five vocabulary in classroom…



Fazril : “do you like playing …….. ?” ________________________________

Aqil : “yes, I do “
a. Football c. Swimming
b. Volleyball d. Basket Ball
2. Translate this sentence…
“Ibu pergi menuju Dapur”
17. are – there – twelve – months
the correct sentence is….

a. Are Twelve months c. twelve months are

there there 3. Translate this sentence…
b. there twelve d. there are twelve “Saya Upacara di hari Senin”
months are months
18. this day is sunday _______________________________
In indonesian sentence is……
4. Who is your religious teacher…
a. kemarin adalah c. kemarin adalah
jumat minggu
b. hari ini adalah d. hari ini adalah
minggu jumat
5. I go to school for…

19. January is the first of …… _______________________________

a. day c. month

b. week d. year

20. Ini adalah sebuah penggaris

The English sentence is…….

a. this is a coat c. This is a shorts

b. This is a ruller d. This is a book

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