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Student, ECE Student ,ECE Student ,ECE

Abstract—This project proposes automatic fault identification foremost a limited amount of hardware redundancy in the
and alerting system to improve the reliability of vehicle. In form of multiple sensors measuring the same quantity. To
general, due to its less reliable nature, they are not being achieve good performance, and at the same time minimize the
deployed in populated areas. The low reliability in vehicles is
due to the high failure rates in the operations. Most of these need for expensive redundant hardware, model-based FDI is
failures can be avoided if the operator is alerted in time about often adopted. A model-based FDI-system typically comprises
the faults in the vehicle. The proposed system will identify fault detection by means of the two essential steps; residual
faults in vehicles and alert the operator, wherein he can take generation and residual evaluation. In the first step, a model
the required action to avoid the damage to the vehicle. The of the system is used together with measurements to generate
system fetches the real- time parameters of the vehicle and
gets a sense of equipments using external detecting sensors. residuals, i.e. signals that indicate whether there is a fault
These parameters are analyzed by the processing arduino nano in the system or not. In the second step, the residuals are
microcontroller. The parameters displayed in a web application evaluated with the aim to reliably detect changes in the residual
where the live status of the vehicle can be monitored and all behaviour and make a decision whether the change is caused
the parameters are stored in a database for future analysis. An by faults in the system and immediately send the analog
alert is sent to the operator on the web application in case of
any damage or early signs of faults detected by the algorithm. signal to the Analog Digital Converter who further converts
it to digital signal and send it to the computer system which
Index Terms—fault detection system(fds),arduino nano micro- display the various fault detected in the automotive device. The
controller,real time parameters inherent properties of complex real-world systems in general
and automotive systems in particular, pose several difficulties
I. I NTRODUCTION and challenges when it comes to design of model-based FDI-
Faults occur in vehicles or automobiles very often than system.
not. This can be due to several reasons. Faults can range .
from simple to complex problems such as radiator leakage
or overheating, tyre pressure problems etc. to gearbox prob-
lem, electrical, clutch, turbo, brakes, alternator, cylinder head II. LITERATURE SURVEY
gasket, air-conditioner condenser problems, etc. The ability to [1] From ”An intelligent diagnostic tool for electronically
detect and isolate these faults in complex technical systems controlled diesel engine” , Junxi Wang et al.,Shanghai. It is
such automobile is important in order to fulfil dependability observed that a diagnostic tool was designed and developed
requirements . Fault detection and isolation in automobiles based on KWP2000.It implemented physical connection
is very important because it helps to maintain high vehicle and translation between personal computer and electronic
operational efficiency, low exhaust emissions, high vehicle control unit(ECU).The software and hardware were chosen
uptime, fuel consumption reduction or fuel economy, high for after sales service aftermarket characteristic. The tool
vehicle safety and it guarantees efficient repair. These factors has been successfully used in high pressure common rail
are very important because they help to reduce overall life- electronically controlled diesel engine. The diagnostic tool
cycle cost of a vehicle. Computer system can interface with software implemented GSS function and fundamental function
other hardware devices such as Analog-to-digital Converter module with six intelligent tests and four functions. The
(ADC), sensors, etc, to detect and isolate faults but the tests showed that the diagnostic tool could perform accurate
software is very important so that the detected faults can be and quick data communication, online DTC management
converted from analog to digital format and be displayed as etc. It significantly improved the efficiency and convenience
information. This information can also be conveyed to the of diagnosis, and shortened the diagnosis and maintenance
auto mechanics digitally online as email or sms alerts via period.
mobile phones. According to , complex technical systems
aimed at commercial use are often designed for low cost [2] ”A new strategy for automotive off-board diagnosis
and high functionality, and not primarily to facilitate FDI. based on a meta heuristic engine” , A.Azarian,France. It
In particular, this means that there are few sensors and is observed that there is a lack of solutions for accurately,
comprehensively and efficient fault localization. Model based with advanced driver assistance system (ADAS). The ADASs
diagnostics are very accurate but time and labor demanding are outfitted with sensors for acquiring various information
and therefore too expensive to be comprehensively applied about the vehicle and its surroundings. The sensors are sensi-
in workshops. The different subsystems are more and more tive to faults. The FDI system is comprised of three parts:
interconnected so that they can share information therefore a a detection part, a decision part, and a fault management
higher risk of multiple faults. part. The detection part applies a generalized observer scheme
(GOS). In the GOS, there is bank of extended Kalman filters
[3]From ”Simultaneous-fault-detection based on a (EKFs), each excited by all except one sensor measurement.
qualitative symptom descriptions for automotive engine The residual generated from the measurement update of each
diagnosis”, Chi Man Vong,Macao. It is observed that a modern EKF is therefore sensitive to all sensor faults but one. This
automotive engine consists of complex electromechanical way, the fault sensitivity pattern of the residual makes it
components. Possible malfunction may occur on different possible to detect a fault and locate the faulty sensor. devel-
engine components which is not easy to detect. In this oped a sensor and process fault detection system to detect
paper a fuzzy framework of simultaneous fault diagnosis wrong suspension for vehicle tyre pressures using Hitachi
is introduced. Signal based diagnostics is the most popular SH7055 microcontroller. The design included fault detection
method because it is suitable for laboratories and the algorithms which are proven using real measurements of tyre
development of automotive scan tools, engine condition pressures. Moavenian proposed and designed a mechanism
monitoring and off-board diagnostic systems. The decision for investigating, identifying and determining the position and
tree approach by Gelgele and Wang makes diagnosis through size of defects in the vehicle power transmission system. This
a sequence of questions and answers. system is based on the patterns of the residual signal, obtained
from a simulated model of the system using Neuro-fuzzy
[4] From ” Sensor fault diagnosis for automotive engines networks.
with real data evaluation” , M.S.Sangha,UK. it is observed
that a new fault diagnosis method using an adaptive neural
network for automotive engines is developed. Real engine
data of five sensors is acquired from one-litre Volkswagen
car engine test bed under different operating states, on which
ten faults re superimposed. The RBF network with its width
and weights on-line adapted is used in this search to classify
sensor faults. The sensor faults as small as 2percent are
clearly detected and isolated for different data sets.

[5]From ”Sparse Bayesian extreme learning committee ma-

chine for engine simultaneous fault diagnosis”, Pak Kin Wong,
Macau. It is observed that because of the complex structure
and running conditions of the engine, vehicle failure is usually
caused by the occurrence of engine fault. The engine fault
diagnosis faces problems because of thee existence of simul-
taneous faults which are multiple single-faults. Engine fault
diagnosis is mainly classified into Model based, Knowledge
based and Data driven. The research paper proposes a frame-
work based on data driven methods which rely on signal based Fig. 1. The program flowchart design
analysis techniques.
A. Existing System:

The design of model-based Fault Detection and Isolation

(FDI) systems. The developed methods are aimed at sup-
porting an automated design methodology so that there is
a minimum human interaction. By means of an automated
design methodology the overall design process was meant to
be more efficient and systematic, which also contributes to
higher quality. These aspects are of particular importance in
an industrial context. Designed a fault detection and isolation Fig. 2.
(FDI) system for an intelligent vehicle; a vehicle equipped

A. Module 1:

1) Step 1:Collection of Data by using Microcontroller:

The parameter data of the vehicle is collected by using
microcontroller Arduino Nano and the sensed data where
send to NodeMCU via I2C communication.

2) Step2:Sending the Data to Cloud: The Data from

Arduino Nano is send to the firebase dataset via internet and Fig. 4.
the auth key is used to send the data from nodeMCU to cloud
The vehicle fault detection software was developed, tested
and implemented successfully according to the specification
B. Module 2: of the system model. This software was designed to have
five forms which interact with the users in every possible
1) Step1:Create a web Based Application: A web Based way to display faults that has been detected by the FDI. The
Applications is created by using flask technology which computer system is able to understand digital signal coming
has developed with HTML,CSS,Jquery in VS code,python from the ADC and manipulate the signal and translate them
IDLEtool. to high level language. Every activity of faults concerning
the vehicle can be tracked and also be generated by the log
2) Step2:Fetching Data from cloud: The Data is fetched form for observation and decision making. After development
from firebase database to live monitor the parameter data’s. of the system, maintenance is required to be carried out to
increase and maintain the working efficiency of the software
as described in the system implementation. Every activity
begins with the starting up of the vehicle because that ignites
V. RESULTS the battery and send power to the system, so an individual just
need to press the on button of the system . The design and
implementation of this automated software became necessary
because the manual diagnosis method is inefficient. By using
Firebase database the data’s are stored and users can monitor
the faults in their device. .

Fig. 3.
[1] H. Zhang, J. Liu, R. Li, and H. Le, “Fault diagnosis of body sensor
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[2] H. Zhang, J. Liu, and N. Kato, “Threshold tuning based wearable

sensor fault detection for reliable medical monitoring using
Bayesian network model”, IEEE Systems Journal, 2017. DOI:

[3] Professor CS Shankar Ram, IIT Madras, and his PhD student VS
Kesavan who have explored various strategies to study and incorporate
the effect of different dynamic characteristics of ‘friction brake’ and
‘regenerative brake’.

[4] Ananchai Ukaew (November 5th 2019). Model Based System Design
for Electric Vehicle Conversion, New Trends in Electrical Vehicle
Powertrains, Luis Romeral Martı́nez and Miguel Delgado Prieto,
IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.77265.

[5] Carl Svärd, ”Methods for Automated Design of Fault Detection and
Isolation Systems with Automotive Applications”, Final year project
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[9] S. Yang, and Z. H. Liu, “Anomaly Detection for Internet Of Vehicles: A

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