Python Currency Converter Output PDF

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File - currency converter 1 C:\Users\Hp\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\ Scripts\python.exe "C:/Users/Hp/PycharmProjects/ pythonProject/currency" an ####HH THIS CONVERTER IS ONLY USED TO CONVERT CURRENCY TO INR OR VICE-VERSA ###itit#t# 4 5 PRESS 1 TO START! 6 PRESS 2 TO UPDATE CONVERSION RATE! 7 PRESS 3 TO EXIT! 8 9 Enter your choice : 1 10 COUNTRY : CURRENCY CODE 11 Indian Rupee : INR 12 US Dollars : USD 13 British Pounds : GBP 14 Euros : EUR 15 Canadian Dollar : CAD 16 Chinese Yuan : CNY 17 Russian Ruble : RUB 18 Enter the currency from which you want to convert: INR 19 20 US Dollars : USD 21 British Pounds : GBP 22 Euros : EUR 23 Canadian Dollar : CAD 24 Chinese Yuan : CNY 25 Russian Ruble : RUB 26 27 Enter the currency to which you want to convert: USD 29 Enter the Amount you want to convert: 100 30 Conversion rate is : 0.012422 32 Converted Amount is 1.2422 33 PRESS 1 TO START! 34 PRESS 2 TO UPDATE CONVERSION RATE! 35 PRESS 3 TO EXIT! 37 Enter your choice : 2 Page 1 0f3 File - currency converter 38 39 CURRENCY CODE Indian Rupee : INR US Dollars : USD British Pounds : GBP Euros : EUR Canadian Dollar : CAD Chinese Yuan : CNY Russian Ruble > RUB Enter the currency from which you want to convert: INR US Dollars : USD British Pounds : GBP Euros : EUR Canadian Dollar : CAD Chinese Yuan : CNY Russian Ruble : RUB Enter the currency to which you want to convert: CAD Enter updated rate : 0.016 PRESS 1 TO START! PRESS 2 TO UPDATE CONVERSION RATE! PRESS 3 TO EXIT! Enter your choice : 1 COUNTRY : CURRENCY CODE Indian Rupee : INR US Dollars : USD British Pounds : GBP Euros : EUR Canadian Dollar: CAD Chinese Yuan : CNY Russian Ruble : RUB Enter the currency from which you want to convert: INR US Dollars : USD British Pounds : GBP Euros : EUR Canadian Dollar : CAD Chinese Yuan : CNY Page 2 of File - currency converter 77 Russian Ruble : RUB Enter the currency to which you want to convert: CAD Enter the Amount you want to convert: 100 Conversion rate is : 0.016 Converted Amount is 1.6 PRESS 1 TO START! PRESS 2 TO UPDATE CONVERSION RATE! PRESS 3 TO EXIT! Enter your choice : 3 Exit Process finished with exit code 0 Page 3 0f3

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