Customer Billing System

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The customer billing system is a software application designed to handle the

billing process of a retail store. This system automates the entire billing
process, from displaying the available items to the payment mode. The aim of this
project is to create a billing system using C language. The project consists of
five modules, each with a specific function. In this pre-submission report, we will
discuss each module in detail.

Module 1: Displays the available items

The first module of the billing system is to display the available items in the
store. This module will display the item name, code, and price. The user can select
the desired item by entering the item code. If the entered code is not valid, an
error message will be displayed, and the user will be prompted to enter the correct

Module 2: Show the price/Add the item

The second module of the billing system is to show the price or add the item to the
cart. This module will display the price of the selected item. If the user wants to
add the item to the cart, the quantity of the item will be prompted. The price of
the item will be calculated based on the quantity entered. If the item is already
added to the cart, the quantity will be updated, and the price will be

Module 3: Delete the selected item

The third module of the billing system is to delete the selected item from the
cart. If the user wants to delete an item, the item code will be prompted. If the
item is present in the cart, it will be removed, and the cart's total price will be

Module 4: Discount if applicable

The fourth module of the billing system is to calculate the discount if applicable.
If the total cart value is above a certain amount, a discount will be applied. The
discount percentage will be prompted, and the total price will be recalculated
based on the discount applied.

Module 5: Payment mode

The fifth module of the billing system is to select the payment mode. The user can
select the payment mode from a list of available options such as cash, credit card,
or online payment. If the user selects the credit card option, the card details
will be prompted, and the transaction will be processed.


In conclusion, the customer billing system is an essential application for any

retail store. The system automates the billing process, which saves time and
eliminates errors. In this pre-submission report, we have discussed the five
modules of the billing system, which includes displaying available items, showing
the price/add the item, deleting the selected item, calculating the discount, and
selecting the payment mode. The successful implementation of these modules will
result in a fully functional billing system.

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