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Child Day of the week Content: Strengths Additional Thoughts:

and/ or Weaknesses (i.e.: observed learning

(Content area and state style, S/E). You may now
only what you observed) add some personal
interpretation here.

Observation 1
Child 1 (Avaliese) Th (2/2) LA- Writing story IEP:
about weather
Weaknesses: Student talks very
-Needed to be called quietly and sounds
on to answer almost like she is
-Didn’t write anything questioning what she
down when given is saying. Not
personal choice but completely confident
copies off board in her answer. Baby
-Needs directions talk almost.
spoken again one on Goes to Intervention
one from teacher Specialist room for
-Repeating details certain parts of daily
Strengths routine.
-Thinking of creative
thoughts such as
(foggy during
Child 2 (Eliza) Th (2/2) LA- Story about Student enjoys this
weather lesson and is proud
Weaknesses of answers. Calls
-Spelling teacher over to show
-Not any concerning and explain why they
weaknesses or wrote what they
anything that is wrote.
behind peers
-Very detailed in
-Longer details than
-Using real life details
such as locations
-Adds transition
words early on.
Observation 2
Child 1 Th (2/2) Math- Turning our The IS that this
subtraction problems student normally
into addition to check works with coteaches
our answer Math in her
Weaknesses classroom
-Not responding when Student confidently
teacher asks whole took the subtraction
class questions problem that Mrs.
-Sometimes Craiger wrote and
completes simple turned it into an
addition incorrectly addition problem so
during regrouping that another student
-Needed word could check the
problems read to work.
them Student seems much
Strengths more confident in
-Seems engaged with math as opposed to
instructions on the Writing
-Was the first student
to try an example on
the board and was
Child 2 Th (2/2) Math- Turning our This student is
subtraction problems confident in her work
into addition to check and usually corrects
our answer her own mistakes
Weaknesses when she rereads or
-started getting says aloud
slightly frustrated
when she had to work
alone at her desk to
find the answer.
-A little overwhelmed
with the multi-step
-always raising hand
to volunteer
-doesn’t need to be
redirected to copy
work of teacher
Observation 3
Child 1 T (2/7) LA- Presenting Heart This student is very
project- Working on shy in general. I knew
using expressive that she would be
language pushed out of her
Weaknesses comfort zone for this
-Very shy with activity, but she did a
presenting nice job in
-Back to other completing her
students presentation she just
-Talks in baby voice needs more comfort.
-Was excited to talk
about project
-Shared what her
family helped her with
-Listens nicely and
engaged to her
Child 2 T (2/7) LA- Presenting Heart I knew that this
project- Working on student would not
using expressive have a problem with
language this activity. She was
Weaknesses showing me her
-said “Mom drawed” heart and explaining
instead of “Mom what was on it
drew” before she turned it
Strengths in.
-very comfortable
talking in front of
-Proud of her work
-creative in her
-Expressive in her
description and
Observation 4
Child 1 Th (2/9) Math- Simple This student’s best
Solutions (100 day subject is math so
lesson so students she enjoys this
are unfamiliar with lesson, but she is still
many concepts so the behind in other
MT is going over it as developmental ways.
a group after Usually needs
students had time to redirected but was
work on what they better today as the
knew independently) teacher was writing
Weaknesses on the board in front
-Sometimes struggles of her. She is able to
to stay on task or properly copy what
process what the the teacher is giving
teacher is saying to her.
the whole class, so
the teacher reiterates
to this student
-She completed all the
questions that were
appropriate to her
-She attempted
questions that she
was familiar with
-Didn’t need
redirected today as
she sometimes does.
Child 2 Th (2/9) Math- Math- Simple This student
Solutions (100-day attempted most of
lesson so students the problems that
are unfamiliar with she knew she was
many concepts, so familiar with. When
the MT is going over the teacher started
it as a group after to go over the
students had time to concepts, they
work on what they weren’t familiar with,
knew independently) she related it to
Weaknesses lessons they do know
-Student completed and this student was
concepts that were smiling, realizing that
developmentally she can complete
accurate to what she these higher level
knew so no concepts using her
weaknesses shown. prior knowledge.
-Only weaknesses
were in concepts she
wasn’t expected to
know yet.
-Student loves to raise
hand and be called on
-Usually excels in
math and is
comfortable with
what the teacher is
-Doesn’t show
confusion on topics
that are being
Observation 5
Child 1 Th (2/16) LA- Students are This is student on
typing their “I Love” academic IEP. The
story that they have a student sat at the
revised rough draft back table with
of. teacher for extra
Weaknesses support while typing.
-Student needed a Teacher did take her
final copy written by rough draft revision
teacher to type off piece and wrote it in
-Student works slower clean handwriting
than others so needs with proper spaces
extra time to work and periods, so the
Strengths student had a correct
-Student was focused model. The student
during her typing has struggles with
-Completed work with auditory processing,
assistance so she wore
headphones while
typing. When she
types a letter, the
headphones repeat
the letter to her so
she can hear it as she
types. She has fine
motor struggles so
typing takes her
longer than
Child 2 Th (2/16) LA- Students are This student was one
typing their “I Love” of the first done with
story that they have a her journal and
revised rough draft revision processes
of. because she does like
Weaknesses to be creative in her
-Student did not show writing, so she didn’t
any weaknesses in need much
comparison to her redirection in the
classmates beginning process.
-works in a timely
-very details writing
and has good fine
motor skills so has no
trouble typing
-proud of her work
and was on task the
entire time
Observation 6
Child 1 Th (2/16) Math- Skip counting -Student is on
by 5s 10s and 100s academic IEP but
Weaknesses excels in math.
-Student was absent Tries harder for math
when workbook sheet lessons and activities
was introduced so she because she enjoys
worked in a small it. Student does
group with struggle with speech
intervention specialist so doesn’t answer
-Student loses track of developmentally
numbers appropriate when
-gets confused when called on, would
switching to a new rather point to her
hundred (ex: 895, answer
900) -IS worked with
Strengths student using
-Student was sent to manipulatives to
general ed room to do assist her
individual work and -hundreds chart used
grasped concept
Child 2 Th (2/16) Math- Skip counting This student enjoys
by 5s 10s and 100a math and usually can
Weaknesses understand her
-Confusion slightly mistake before it is
when switching to asked.
new hundred (890, Does well with self-
895, 900) assessment
-Was able to use what
she knew about
skipping 5s and 10s
and how this relates
to counting by 15
-Stays on task always
-Proud of work and
wants to do it correct
Observation 7
Child 1 Th (2/23) LA- Writing letters MT brought student
with questions over to back table
Weaknesses and had her verbalize
-Student struggles to her ideas. MT wrote
come up with it down on paper for
questions her so she could copy
-spelling but also hearing
-Fine motor skills what she is saying.
-Struggles with MT prompted her
creative or coming up with question
with the base which is sentences.
information about
-setting up the letter
-enjoys this
assignment so was
not getting frustrated
-can understand what
teacher is asking of
her once she is
Child 2 Th (2/23) LA- Writing letters This student is one of
with questions the higher in the
Weaknesses class. Excels with
-Spelling (Student creative writing and
asked how to spell enjoys the activity of
words or had to copy writing other
off of board) students letters.
-Student is very
creative with writing
-Creative questions
doesn’t just ask
“What is favorite
-Letter set up
Observation 8
Child 1 T (2/21) Math- Filling in blank This student is on IEP
spaces in a hundreds and is typically shy.
chart of 601-700 She struggles in
Use place value to language
find missing numbers development.
-Student struggles to
follow along verbally.
The teacher was
having students chant
aloud and this student
knows the answer but
isn’t speaking
-Not raising hand
when teacher asks
who knows next
missing number
-Teacher asks
students to raise hand
if they know what is
next so student not
raising hand is
showing she isn’t
listening, doesn’t
know, or doesn’t want
to answer
-missing a zero in the
ones place
-Student can easily
decipher between
questions that are
asking her to count by
ones and questions
that are asking to
count by tens
-Understands tens
and ones place values
Child 2 T (2/21) Math- Filling in blank Student excels in
spaces in a hundreds math and is
chart of 601-700 confident in her
Use place value to work. Knows how to
find missing numbers assess her own work
Weaknesses and see mistakes in
-This student shows her answers.
no serious or
weaknesses in this
-Student always raises
hand, showing she is
paying attention and
is alert in lesson
-Student is first to
hold up 10 or 1 finger,
indicating that the
tens place or the ones
place is changing
Observation 9
Child 1 (A) Th (3/1) LA- Heggerty- Student is on IEP and
Phonemic Awareness sees speech therapist
(rhyming, blending. for her mumbling
Syllables, final sound) quiet voice
Weaknesses -student on IEP with
-student struggles auditory processing
with speaking out goals so she typically
loudly which is what has directions
this lesson entails reiterated to her
-student struggle with individually.
auditory processing -Heggerty is done by
which makes phonics a woman teaching on
difficult the Smart Board and
-segmenting syllables students have to be
when blended word is vocal and do hand
spoken to her movements to
-Taking final syllable participate.
off of a word and
repeating the shorter
-student does well
segmenting words
with her hands when
modeled by the video
but does not speak
clearly when doing
-does the motions
correctly with final
sound punch
- adding new syllables
to the end of a word
to make a new word
Child 2 (E) Th (3/1) LA- Heggerty- This student does a
Phonemic Awareness good job with being
(rhyming, blending. loud during this
Syllables, final sound) lesson. Heggerty is
Weaknesses on the computer
-Changing one sound screen in the front,
in a word to a and they follow the
different sound and instructions of a
stating the new word woman on the board.
(say They need to vocalize
Strengths most and do hand
-annunciation and movements to show
clarifying final sound participating, this
-segmenting words student excels with
that are said blended lessons like this.
-adding new syllables
to the end of a word
to make a new word
Child 1 M (3/13) Math- Looking at This is IEP student,
different coins for and she struggles
money lesson with ELA and speech.
Weaknesses Excels in math and is
-Teacher includes not behind in math
background so she enjoys these
knowledge of skip lessons.
counting by 5s 10s
and 25s to engage
students in adding
coins and student is
not speaking out
when class is skip
-Raising hand
-using background
knowledge to know
value of coins
Child 2 M (3/13) Math- Looking at Student is one of
different coins for four of students in
money lesson the class that are
Weaknesses higher in skill level.
-no weaknesses in this Helpful in lessons
-alert in lesson
-always engaged
-fluent in skip
counting chants
Child 1 T (3/14) LA- Compass opinion This student typically
writing journal entry has a scribe partially
Weaknesses and sits at a back
-needed directions table getting direct
reiterated to her one feedback from IS or
on one teacher. She did well
-walked through each with this assignment
sentence “okay you and only needed
have the first redirected or assisted
sentence done, what a few times at her
does your second desk just as the
sentence need to be whole classroom.
-Needs sentence
prompting. Doesn’t
start a sentence with
the statement then
because and a
-Had solid opinions for
herself on which
compass she liked
better with cohesive
-had interest in the
activity and showed
that she gathered
new knowledge on
how a compass works.
Child 2 T (3/14) LA- Compass opinion This student typically
writing journal entry does well with
Weaknesses creative writing but
-student was was distracted today
distracted with a new seating
-took twice as long as arrangement, so she
normal needed more
-spelling when words redirection than
were spelled correctly normal.
for her on board
-journal entry was
cohesive, and she is
creative in writing
-good writer in
-starts sentences off
properly and gives
good reasoning for
her opinions.
Child 1 F (3/17) Math- First to Gold Needed assistance
counting money from teacher to find
game board coins. IEP student
-Wanted to use most
coins (7 cents would
give 7 pennies instead
of 1 nickel and 2
-Didn’t have same
total as teacher
- Correctly found
value or each spin
-Set up paper
-added her coins
correctly to find a
Child 2 F (3/17) Math- First to Gold This student was
counting money higher skill level for
game board this activity and did
Weaknesses very well.
-Sometimes confused
nickels for quarters
- Always found
smallest amount of
coins for the amount
-Was closer to total
that the teacher had
when adding up the
-quickly found the
collection of coins
that made the value
-was able to condense
coins (turn in 5 dimes
for 2 quarters)
Child 1 F (3/17) LA- Journaling about IEP student that gets
what their stuffed a scribe for some
animal thought of writing, but she did
school (answering not need one for this
who, what, where, journal. The teacher
when how questions) checked the journal
Weaknesses then sent her back to
-Spelling fix her writing and
-Needs prompting/ she does improve it
sentence starters when given
-has the idea for a directions.
detailed sentence but
struggles to make it
make sense in her
motor skills
-can verbalize good
-works hard
-stays on task
Child 2 F (3/17) LA- Journaling about This student is at a
what their stuffed higher skill level of
animal thought of the classroom.
school (answering Enjoys talking about
who, what, where, her stuffed animal so
when, how did not struggle
questions) coming up with
Weaknesses details to write
-Didn’t follow about.
directions and turned
in the wrong paper
-very strong in
creative writing
-works quickly
-stays on task
-detailed writing and
elaborates on base
questions or prompts
Child 1 T (3/21) Math- When given a IEP student
price tag, students Intervention
must use their coins specialist coteaches
to show two different math with this
collections of coins classroom so she was
that give this value. assisted when
Weaknesses needing directions
-slow moving reread.
-can come up with
one example but
struggles to
manipulate coins to
make another
-rarely uses the
smallest amount of
-does find the correct
-can add and skip
count once she finds
the coins that are
Child 2 T (3/21) Math- When given a This student did well
price tag, students last week on TCs
must use their coins money activity (first
to show two different to gold). She
collections of coins practices with money
that give this value. at home.
-no apparent
weaknesses with this
-utilizing her concrete
materials (taking the
coins out of the bag
instead of just
-quickly works
-efficiently finds two
collections of coins
that equal the value
on the price tag
-observing the coins
and paying attention
to each side
-uses the smallest
number of coins
Child 1 T (3/21) LA- Reading aloud This student goes to
article about an speech therapy but
animal her reading aloud is
Weaknesses improving.
-silent e makes vowel She has to practice
sound long speaking aloud and
-articulation voicing her thoughts
-guesses what the rest and that has helped.
of the word is once
she reads the first
-knows sight words
-attempts to sound
-can chunk sounds
-phonemic awareness
Child 2 T (3/21) LA- Reading aloud This student is at the
article about an higher reading level
animal among 5 other
Weaknesses classmates. She
-no seen weaknesses enjoys reading aloud
Strengths so her articulation
-follows along and emphasis on
-stays words are good.
-comprehends what
she read aloud
-self corrects
-articulates words
-reads with clear,
exciting voice
Child 1 Math-Adding more Student excels in
than 2 2-digit math. IS wasn’t
problems present today to
Weaknesses work with IEP
-confusing simple student but she still
facts which when completed her work
make her big problem well and took
wrong correction.
-rushing Uses a number line
Strengths on her desk to assist.
-place values are
organized so she does
not get confused
Child 2 Math- Adding more Didn’t have much
than 2 2-digit trouble with math at
problems all. Usually is first to
Weaknesses be done.
-word problem did
not add the first two
-highlighting key
details in word
problems to build a
number sentence
-Stays focused
-works quickly
-understands place

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