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Lesson 2

Introduction to RSLogx5000

In this Lesson you will become familiar with the

Objective: RSLogx5000 Software

Why this Lesson is Important

This is an important Lesson because the software has many

tools to help troubleshoot a faulted controller or module.
Being familiar with the software also makes program
interpretation much easier

RSLogix5000 Software
The RSLogix 5000 software is a product of Rockwell

Software and the Controller is a product of Allen Bradley,

both divisions of Rockwell Automation

Launching the software

To launch the software, simply double click the

desktop icon:

Alternately, you may wish to launch the software

from the Start Button.
Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software

Allen Bradley RSLogix5000 Software

A splash screen will be display while the software is being


After a brief pause, the software is loaded

Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software 13

Opening a Project file

Mouse Click the “Open” folder in the toolbar or click on

File, Open, or Alt F, O

The default directory for projects is


Default Online Screen

Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software 14

Toolbars include:

• Standard Windows toolbar

• Online Toolbars

Navigate through the different online toolbars by

placing the cursor on the category to the left, as
shown above.
Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software 15

Toolbars include:
• Standard Windows toolbar
• Online Toolbar
• Path Toolbar

You may also launch RSLinx from the Online

Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software 16

Toolbars include:
• Standard Windows toolbar
• Online Toolbar
• Path Toolbar
• Language Element Toolbar

The Project Tree

1. Expands by clicking on the + Boxes

2. Shows Task, Program, and Routine Hierarchy
3. Displays I/O Faults in the Quick View Pane
Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software 17

The Watch Window shows Program Errors Status

Configuring the Software Display

Workstation Options may be accessed from the pull

down menu, Tools, Options. This dialog window
will allow the user to select the default program
directory for Projects. It also will enable Ladder
Editor Options, Ladder display screens to display
different colors, 3D type instructions, different
address dispalys, etc.
Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software 18

Using the RSLogix5000 HELP Screens

The help pull down menu offers an index of help

topics under Contents. The Instruction Help lists all
of the available instruction sets in Ladder,
Structured Text, and Function Block. Online Books
has Instruction, Reference and User Manual in .PDF
file format. The Help system is a very
comprehensive tool for troubleshooting.

Demonstration To Perform the fowllowing Tasks:

: 1. Launch the RSLogix5000 Software
2. Open a Project
3. Navigate through the Logix Screens
4. Expand the Project Tree
5. Explore the Help Screens

Follow along as your Instructor Demonstrates these

Exercise: Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software 19

Exercise: Lesson 2 - Introduction to

RSLogix 5000 Software

In this exercise you will launch the RSLogix 5000 Software,


Exercise A open and navigate through the various screens in a project

file. For the

1. Start the RSLogix 5000 Software.


A splash screen will open while the software is loading.

This generally takes a few minutes. After the software is
loaded, you will be at the main default screen.

2. Open the File: FT125_Lesson_2_V16.ACD

Select the Open icon on the Windows Toolbar, or select

File, Open, or <alt>F, O. The default directory for
project files is C:\RSLogix 5000\Projects. Place the
cursor over the desired filename and click the mouse.
The filename is highlighted, now click “Open”. The
Project will now load into the Application Software. This
may take a few minutes, depending upon the size of the

3. Open the Controller Properties dialog box.

Click on the icon in the Online Toolbar. You can

also open the Controller Properties dialog box by
selecting the Edit pull down menu and then selecting
Controller Properties. Additionally you may open the
Controller Properties by selecting <alt>e, n.

4. Click on the Major Faults Tab.

IF you were online, and the processor was faulted, here is

where you can get a description of the fault and fault
code. Click on other tabs to navigate through the
Controller Properties. Close the dialog box by selecting
Exercise: Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software 20

5. Navigate through the Controller Organizer.

On the left side of the display, open and expand Task

folders by clicking on the “+” sign in front of the
program UCP_TC1_Main

Double click the ladder folder called

HMI_Pushbuttons. Now double click the Structured Text
folder called ASC_Constants. Notice now that you
can toggle between the two routines by clicking on the
tabs at the bottom of the display.

6. Toggle the Controller Organizer.

Now, go to the top of the Windows toolbar and click on

the symbol, which is the Controller Organizer

toggle button. This allows you to see the routines in a
full screen display.

7. Configure the Display.

Configure the Display options by selecting Tools,

Options, from the Windows toolbar.

The categories are listed on the left of the display and the
options are on the right of the display. As you select
different categories, you will notice the options on the
right change accordingly.

Select Ladder Editor Font/Color in the Categories

Column. Now select Ladder window under the Items list.
Change the background and foreground colors of the
display and click on Apply. Did the display change
colors? Now double click the Reset Category button and
Exercise: Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software 21

click Apply again. Does the screen return back to the

default colors? Close this dialog box by clicking Cancel.

8. Using Help

Click the Help pull down menu and select Contents.

Click on Index and type in “Major Faults”. Click on
“types and codes” and hit Display. A list of Major fault
codes, Cause and Recovery Methods will be displayed.
This may be helpful for you while troubleshooting
processor problems.

Now click Help Topics again and type in “Electronic

Keying”, then click on Display. The dialog for firmware
revisions is displayed. This information may be helpful
when replacing modules in the chassis.

Close these dialog boxes to return to the Default display.

Click on the Help pull down menu again and select

“Instruction Help”. Descriptions for all of the
instructions, including structured Text and Function
Block are displayed. Close this dialog box.

Now using the Help pull down menu, select Online

Books. This will launch a display where you can open
Reference and User manuals in .PDF file formats. Open
one of the books and explore its contents. Close the file
and the Online Books window (the innermost window,
but not the RSLogix5000 application software).

9. Determining Software Revision

Using the Help pull down menu, select “About


If you ever call Rockwell Technical Support about your

software, you may be requested to supply the licensing
and version information to them.

This now concludes this exercise.

Exercise: Lesson 2 – Introduction to RSLogix5000 Software 22

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RTWoods.Rev004 May 2012

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