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And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered into one place, so that
the dry land may appear.” And it was so. God called the dry land “earth,” and
the gathering of waters He called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. –
Genesis 1:9-10

In ancient times all the continents where grouped together in
a circle, forming the giant supercontinent. As Genesis 1:9-10
indicates there was one huge ocean and one huge piece of land.

This supercontinent has taken many forms in the past through

the shifting and migration of the tectonic plates of the earth.
Scientists have striven to envision the various forms taken by
this supercontinent. The supercontinents have been given such
names as Vaalbara, Ur, Kernoland, Artica, Gondwana and
Pangaea, amongst others.

Even in their current positions it could be observed from the

boundaries of the continental regions that they fit into each
other notwithstanding being separated by seas. This writer

This is the first chapter of THE GEOMORPHOLOGICAL CLOCK: A
Treatise in Esoteric Geomorphology Volume 1: The Geometry of Earth
Tectonic Plates - Kindle edition by Abruquah, Carl John Ekow Tawiah.
Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

posits that it is possible putting the current land masses
together to obtain the original round supercontinent which he
calls the embryo of the earth.

Figure 1 Gondwanaland and Laurasia

Source: (New World Encyclopedia, 2017)

Two of the supercontinents Laurasia/Gondwanaland are

posited to have been in the following shape which is close to
the shape of a circle as shown in Figure 1.

This treatise examines the principles that have operated to

divide the original supercontinent circle into its constituent
parts. It is the view of the author that the arrangement of the
constituent parts which geomorphologists have termed
tectonic plates is a product of natural geometric forces that
have divided the original circle of super continent into

hemispheres, quadrants and ultimately dodecahedral sections.
It is also the view of the author that the movement of these
tectonic plates have been governed ultimately by the law of
balance which dictates that a particular tectonic plate moves in
such a manner that it contributes to the overall balance of the
corporate super continental unit.

Another aspect that this treatise considers is the political and

cultural relationships between civilizations of the respective
regions. It tries to use geometric principles to explain the
nature of the following relationships:

 Dodecahedral – e.g. Europe Versus Northern Asia (Russia,

Kazakhstan etc)
 Quadratic e.g. North West Versus North East etc
 Hemispheric regions e.g. East/West Hemisphere

Chapter One examines the principles that have dictated the

hemispheric boundaries, quadratic boundaries, tectonic
boundaries and the shape of the respective regions. Effectively
this chapter postulates that the center of operation of these
geometric forces is the Pyramid of Giza, a relic of a lost
civilization. This points to the fact that the principles
enunciated in this treatise are principles familiar to an earlier

Chapter Two provides details of the twelve tectonic groupings

of the earth super continent, clearly delineating their

Chapter Three outlines the nature of geometric factors

impinging on inter-regional (inter-tectonic) relationship
between nations on the different tectonic plates of the earth.

Chapter Four explores another manifestation of the principle
of twelve in the twelve major longitudinal or if you like
meridional ridges and spherical crescents running from north
to south, and pole to pole and giving the earth the shape of an
orange and its subdivision into lobes or segments.

Chapter Five gives an illustration of how the original

configuration of the super continental Circle has shifted over
time. This chapter points out a slight disagreement with current
models of Gondwanaland, namely the position of
Antarctica/Australia Tectonic Group and its movement over
time. It is the view of this author that the position ascribed to
Antarctic/Australia on the east coast of Africa with its
northern boundary embracing the Indian Sub-continent
should have rather been ascribed to South East Asia. It is the
view of this author that Antarctic/Australia Group originated
between South America and Nubia and was subsequently
wedged out or displaced by the merger between South America
and Nubia Plate. This caused Antarctic/Australia to move
southwards with Australia breaking off, crossing the south pole
to the opposite longitude where the movement changed into a
northward movement eventually almost merging with South
East Asian tectonic association.

Chapter Six moves the Treatise from a mathematical/

geometric perspective to a more esoteric perspective taking the
view that the overall shape of the earth super-continent apart
from its original circular configuration is that of a Lioness. On
this basis the author has named the original circular
configuration as Super Continent Leonia (from Lioness).

Chapter Seven provides a summary of the Treatise and serves

as a rallying call to world unity on the basis that all nations

belong to one corporate unity and must necessarily strive to
establish harmonious relationship and thereby foster sustained
mutual peace and development for all constituent units.


This treatise postulates that one principal esoteric
mathematical law that has governed the movement and
position of the continental and subcontinental regions is the
principle of the number twelve.

The number twelve is an essential mathematical principle in

nature. It has been established that the number of balls of equal
shape needed to hide a ball of the same size is twelve. The
Chinese have recognized that energy in the human body flows
through twelve channels and utilized this knowledge in

The principle of twelve is illustrated in geomorphology in the

following ways:

1. The twelve geometric configurations or tectonic plates of

the Earth – The twelve major and Minor Tectonic Plates
of the Earth
2. The twelve meridional (longitudinal) chains of mountains
running from pole to pole that cover the earth’s surface.
This, in effect, gives rise to the 12 spherical crescents or
segments lying in between the twelve meridional rings of
mountain chains.


An examination of the earth mass and application of the
principle of twelve has revealed that the circular
supercontinent may be partitioned into twelve geometric

configurations positioned around a center located at the Great
Pyramid of Egypt.

These twelve (12) tectonic groupings are as follows:

1. North Asia- Russia and Kazakhstan and possibly Ukraine

roughly east of Dneiper River.
2. Amur Plate group - (Amur Plate, Mongolia, Dzungaria,
Koreas and Japan),
3. China Proper (North and South China Plates), and possibly
Tarim Basin
4. South East Asia (Including Burma)
5. India Plate
6. Arabia Plate and Somali Plate Group (Including Arabian
Peninsula, Arabian Nubian Shield, Somali Plate and
7. Nubia
8. Antarctic-Australia group
9. South America
10. North America
11. Greenland
12. Europe

The partition of the twelve tectonic plates is governed by the

following principles of geometric configuration:

1. The Dodecahedral Configuration – The twelve tectonic

Regions of the Earth.
2. The Quadratic Configuration
3. Hemispheric Configuration
a. North versus South Hemisphere
b. West Versus Eastern Hemisphere

An exposition on the various ways in which a circle may be
configured into twelve parts is first presented followed by an
identification of the twelve-part geometric configuration of the
twelve tectonic plates of the earth.

A circle may be geometrically partitioned into twelve parts in a

number of ways including:

1. Sectorial Partition (Pie Partition)

2. Longitudinal Partition (Orange Partition)
3. Diamond Partition
4. Mixed Diamond/Sectorial and Longitudinal Partition

Under the sectorial partition, a circle is divided into twelve
sectors with each sector originating from one center. This
configuration is similar to the configuration of the fact of a

Figure 2 Sectorial Partition of a Circle

This is a partition according to lines drawn north-southward
direction from the poles. This also gives us twelve parts of the
circle. Chapter Four of this book illustrates that there are
longitudinal mountain ranges that run from North to South
along twelve major meridians situated at 30 degree intervals.
These include the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, The Great Rift Valley
and the Urals.

Figure 3 Longitudinal Partition of a Circle

In the case of a diamond partitioning, the middle four parts of
the circle are shaped like a diamond. This partition was
developed from the arrangement of the North-western
quadrant of the earth landmass that incorporates North
America, Greenland and Europe.

Figure 4 Diamond Partition of a Circle


Observation of the arrangement of the earth’s continents and
subcontinents shows that the landmass is arranged according
to a mixed partition consisting of the sectorial, longitudinal and
the diamond partitioning. Whilst the Western Hemisphere
shows a diamond partition, Eastern Hemisphere shows a
sectorial classification. Also, the South Eastern Quadrant
rather exhibits a longitudinal partition. This is illustrated in
Figure 5 below:

Figure 5 Mixed Sectorial, Diamond and
Longitudinal Partition

The Mixed Partitioning of the earth shows a four-fold variation
in the type of partitioning.

The North East Quadrant comprising North Asia,

Amur/Japan and China indicates a sectorial partition projected
from the center of the circle

The South East Quadrant comprising Arabia/Somalia, India

and South East Asia shows a longitudinal partition projected
from the Original South Pole (now positioned around the 60
degree south latitude, 30 degree east longitude due to a crustal
migration of the super continent by an aggregate figure of close
to 30 degrees).

The North West Quadrant comprising North America,
Greenland and Europe is arranged according to the diamond

The South West Quadrant comprising South America,

Antarctic/Australia and Africa follows the diamond partition
of the North West.

It is observed that Australia (belonging to the Antarctic

Tectonic Association) has moved drastically from where it
should have been, according to the diamond partitioning –
originally between South America and Africa. The
Antarctic/Australia group has moved southward with
Australia breaking off Antarctic and passing through the South
Pole and entering into the South Eastern Quadrant, and almost
converging with South East Asia (Sunda and Philippines).

The writer postulates that South America wedged

Antarctic/Australia out of its original zone (between South
Africa and Nubia Plate) and converged with Nubia. Later on
during the breakup of the Southern Hemisphere
(Gondwanaland), South America moved westwards leaving a
gap where Antarctic/Australia should have been.

The map below (Figure 6) shows that notwithstanding the

crustal migration of the western hemisphere plates, the twelve
regions of the earth have maintained the mixed partitioning.
The only deviation is the Antarctic/Australia tectonic group
which has strayed “far from its home” between South America
Plate and Nubia Plate.

Figure 6 Partitioning of Earth Tectonic Plates
Under a Mixed Partitioning Overlay and coloring
on Original Map by Author (Carl J. E. T Abruquah)
Map Source: (World Map Blank, 2022)

In Figure 6, I have extended China’s sector to include cover

the Cimmerian equatorial orogeny comprising Anatolia Plate,
Iran Plate, North Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tibet (explained
below), a former equatorial orogeny that demarcates the
northern and southern hemispheres. This is because the China
Terrain is configured as a sector proceeding from the center of
the earth “circle”. Essentially, from the model, and to all
intents and purposes, this terrain has subducted under the
equatorial orogeny.


The twelve tectonic sectors are distributed into two

hemispheres – the western hemisphere and the eastern
hemisphere. The hemispheric boundary is located on the thirty
degree east meridian which indeed is the true prime meridian
and can be labelled as the “Mirror Meridian” separating eastern
and western hemispheres. This meridian was also used by the
founders of the Egyptian civilization as the prime meridian. We
can therefore refer to it as the “Ancient Prime Meridian”. It
would therefore be true to suggest that the Great Pyramid was
built to serve as the marker of the Ancient Prime Meridian.

Starting from the eastern hemisphere, which for the purposes

of this exposition may be termed as Asia, the six sub
personalities are:

1. North Asia- Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and

Uzbekistan and Eastern Part of Ukraine possibly roughly
east of Dneiper River.
2. Amur Plate group - (Amur Plate, Mongolia, Dzungaria,
Koreas and Japan),
3. China Proper (North and South China Plates), and Tarim
4. South East Asia (Including Burma)
5. India Plate and
6. Arabia Plate Group (Including Arabian Peninsula, Arabian
Nubian Shield, Somali Plate and Madagascar).

The western hemisphere also comprises the following tectonic

sector groups:

1. Nubia

2. Antarctic-Australia group
3. South America
4. North America
5. Greenland
6. Europe West of Mirror Meridian (The ancient Prime

Figure 7 East/West Hemispheric Partition

Source: (World Map Blank, 2022)

The planet is also partitioned into a north and south

hemispheric partition at the original ancient equator, which is
now roughly around the 30 degree north latitude.

The tectonic plates in the Northern Hemisphere are:

1. North America Plate

2. Greenland Plate
3. Europe Plate – west of 30 degree east longitude: the
original prime meridian.
4. North Asian Plate
5. Amuria/Mongolia/Dzungaria/ Japan Plate Association
6. North and South China Plate Association.

The tectonic plates in the southern Hemisphere are:

1. South America Plate

2. Antarctic/Australia Plate Association
3. Nubia Plate – Africa west of the ancient prime meridian.
4. Arabia/Somali/Madagascar Plate Association
5. India Plate
6. Sunda Plate Association –Sunda/ Philippines Island

Figure 10 features an illustration of the North South

Hemispheric Partition

Figure 8 North South Hemispheric Partition
Source: (World Map Blank, 2022)


The grand cross is made up of a vertical line running from
north to south that divides the earth’s land mass into eastern
and western hemisphere and a horizontal line that divides the
earth’s land mass into a northern and southern hemisphere.

Indeed, the true Prime Meridian or Mirror Meridian, should be

the 30-degree East Meridian, which divides the earth into two
equal hemispheres – Western Hemisphere – Occident and
Eastern Hemisphere – Oriental – Asia. The mirror meridian,
which is more or less a mirror line separating the earth into east
and west, is tectonically embodied by the Great Rift Valley, the
Black Sea, and approximately by River Dnieper.

It must also be noted that, due to a catastrophic (or gradual)
shift in the earth’s axis and crust (about 30 degrees) the equator
is not in its equilibrium position. The true equator is the line
that divides the earth mass horizontally into two hemispheres,
the North Hemisphere – Laurasia from the Southern
Hemisphere (Gondwanaland).

This original equator like the original prime meridian (now 30

degrees east meridian) passes through the Great Pyramid of
Egypt which in effect is the Ground Zero of the Earth
Regions, or the focal point of the landmasses of the earth. The
Great Pyramid is essentially the “hub” around which the 12
tectonic regions are positioned. This catastrophic shift may
have been caused by the melting of the ice caps of the earth
following the end of the recent ice age around 10,000 BC.
There are other views that this process of the migrating equator
took millions of years to reach its current position.

The horizontal line is shown in black in Figure 10 and it is

observed to be distorted due to geomorphologic changes
which occurred over time. It is also thickened on the east due
to the following events

There existed a chain of mountains between the northern and

southern hemispheres when the continents were amalgamated
into a circle.

This is the equatorial bulge that formed in ancient times due to

the pressure of the northern and southern hemispheres against
each other. This resulted in a horizontal chain of mountains
that run from east to west in between the two hemispheres.
Following the

Sometime in the past millions of years, the north eastern
quadrant of continents broke off this chain of mountains
which remained attached to the southern continents and begun
a migration northwards.

This migration of the North eastern plates namely, North Asia,

Amuria and China from the merger with Gondwanaland,
turning the earth circular continent into a C instead of a circle
– creating the supercontinent Pangea. Within the open part of
the C the Tethys Ocean resulted.

Later, the eastern portion of the equatorial chain of mountains,

now called Cimmeria broke off the southern continents and
begun a migration northwest following the path of the
northern continents, Russia, Amur and North and South
China, eventually slamming into them. Later on again the south
eastern continents, the eastern half of the southern continents,
Arabia/Somalia, India and Sunda group followed suit and
slammed into the equatorial orogeny distorting it further.

Geomorphologists have labeled this chain of mountains that

separates the North Eastern Continents and the south eastern
continents as the Cimmerian terrains.

Figure 9 The Grand Cross
Source: (World Map Blank, 2022)

It is observed that Arabia has pushed the Anatolia Plate

(Turkey) further up northwards from the original equatorial
line around 30 degrees North Latitude.


What then happened on the western side of the equatorial
orogeny, over time? Whilst the eastern continents were
converging, the western continents were dispersing. There was
however, no migration of the equatorial orogeny (chain of
mountains) now represented by the Alpine Orogeny, Atlas
Mountains, Ancient Adriatic and Balkanalia Continents
(beneath the Mediterranean Sea).

It is interesting to note that there is a book entitled Conan the
Barbarian refers to “Cimmerians” as descendants of the
Atlantis whose home island sank beneath the waters. Who
knows? Was it the force of the dispersal of the western
continents that sank Atlantis, on the old equatorial mountain

As a result of this dispersal of the western continents, the

author surmises, a significant portion of the equatorial
mountains have largely disappeared under the sea, though
some still remain. Some have also merged with the European
plate – Balkanalia and Adria, whilst some are still attached to
the Nubia plate – the Atlas Mountains. A greater part of
Azores along the equatorial mountains also sank – which is
remembered in the myths of Atlantis, also known in mystical
circles as the island that governed the world. They are also
known as “the builders”. Other parts of this chain of
mountains includes the West Indies.


The issue of geopolitics of nations situated on the equatorial
orogeny (Alps/Cimmeria) is that as they form the boundary
between north and south, they find it difficult integrating with
either of them. They also have inborn determination to oversee
the world since they are more or less in the middle of the earth
land mass. This is the underlying mystery behind the attempts
of Ancient Atlantis to conquer the world in the recent ancient
past, (perhaps before 10,000 BC) which was thwarted by
Athens, which incidentally lies on a mountainous chain caused
by the convergence of Europe (Northern Hemisphere) and
Nubia Plate (Southern Hemisphere).

The position of the original ancient equator is corroborated in
the diagram of Laurasia/Gondwanaland below:

Figure 10 Ancient Supercontinents

Map Source: (, 2017)

The treatise would not be complete without ending with an
exposition regarding the central hub around which the twelve
tectonic plate groups are positioned – the GIZA/SINAI twin
sub-tectonic island plates. This explains the mystery regarding
why Israel is considered a Holy Land. The crux of the matter
is that God has intervened in history through the central hub
of the earth and bestowed blessings from the center to the
periphery of the Circle which represents the earth.

Figure 11 Central Tectonic Plate (In Yellow) - Giza

Plateau/Sinai Micro tectonic Plate
Source: (World Map Blank, 2022)

Isaiah Chapter 19:19-20 states as follows:

“In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of
the land of Egypt, and a PILLAR to the LORD at its
border. And it will be for a sign and for a witness to
the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt”

The Pillar or (Monument – NIV Version) still stands on the

Giza Plateau and was constructed around 10,000 BC after the
fall of Atlantis by the survivors of Atlantis, members of the
Good Lodge of Magicians and servants of God, who are
known in scripture as “THE BUILDERS”. Isaiah was here
prophesying that this monument would still be existing in
perpetuity because it was a monument built in honour of God
for future generations. It is a mathematical and
geomorphological monument honoring God, the Ultimate
Mathematician of the Universe. It is an altar which represents
the center of the twelve tectonic plates of the earth. It is an
altar which marks the boundary between the western and
eastern hemispheres and the southern and northern
hemispheres of the earth’s land mass. It is the original ground
zero of the planet, the point at which the X and Y axis meets.
It is the point at which the original ancient equator meets the
original ancient prime meridian.

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The author is a retired banker, legal practitioner and chartered

accountant and esoteric geomorphologist. He is a poet and
author and has published an anthology of poems entitled
“Drumbeats of Time”. He has also published a textbook in
Bank Credit Management. His literary interests are primarily
science fiction. He is has an avid interest in geomorphology
which has spurred him on to write this book on ideas he
developed about the subject.


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