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Chapter # 2

Feedback Oscillators

The Colpitts Oscillator

The Hartley Oscillator

Dr. Amr El-Gendy

1. The Colpitts Oscillator
The Colpitts Oscillator
Closed loop gain for positive feedback
Avf = Av/(1 – B Av) = Vo/Vin

The oscillator produce sinusoidal wave

without input Vin, or Vin = 0

When Vin = 0, the closed loop gain Avf is

In order to satisfied the above condition, must be let

B Av = 1 in closed loop equation

B Av = 1
The Colpitts Oscillator
B Av = 1 This condition not used in op-amp, why?

Because the open loop gain in op-amp of 105 to 106

So, we can neglected 1 (one) w.r.t (B Av) in

closed loop gain equation

Closed loop gain for positive feedback

Avf = Av/(1 – B Av) = Vo/Vin

Then, B Avf = 1
In op-amp
The Colpitts Oscillator
The positive feedback network of LC circuit
must be satisfied two conditions:

1. Av x B ≥ 1 in (BJT), or
Avf x B ≥ 1 in (Op-Amp)

2. All the LC works a phase shift

by 180o between Vin and Vo

a) If taken B = 1, and Av around from -100 to -300

The Colpitts Oscillator
the value of Av is large value
We can neglected 1 w.r.t Av, then
Avf = Av/(B Av) = 1/B or Avf x B ≥ 1

Closed loop gain for positive feedback

Avf = Av/(1 – B Av)

b) All the LC givens decay oscillation when the response

is under damping, or (ωr > α) or the roots is complex

For RLC series circuit resonance

ωr = 1/√LC, α = R/2L
The Colpitts Oscillator

c) in order to LC circuit oscillates sin wave

without damping must be make a positive feedback
with amplifier until obtained the constant amplitude
for the output signal

1. The calculation of frequency (fr)

The Colpitts oscillator consists of two capacitors

connected in series with inductor, then
The Colpitts Oscillator

Where: CT = C1//C2
CT = (C1 x C2)/(C1 + C2)

b. The calculation of
attenuation factor (B)

From the Figure

will be noted that:

B = Vo/Vin (1)
The Colpitts Oscillator
Vo = ZC1 x I = 1/jwC1 x I (2)

Vin = ZC2 x I = 1/jwC2 x I (3)

B = Vo/Vin (1)

Sub. From equation (2),

and (3) in equation (1) we get
B = C2/C1

If Av is very large, then

Avf x B ≥ (RC/RE) x 1
The Colpitts Oscillator


Design a Colpitts oscillator operate

at frequency of 250 kHz,
if the value of inductor L is 10 µH, and
the amplifier has the following parameters:
VCC = 9 V, Av = - 173, RE = 1.5 kΩ,
R1 = 10 kΩ, R2 = 5 kΩ, and βdc = βac = 200.
The Colpitts Oscillator

Check on the stabilization condition

RB ≤ (βdc x RE)/10
10 kΩ//5kΩ = 3.33kΩ ≤
(200 x1.5 kΩ)/10 = 30 kΩ
3.33 kΩ < 30 kΩ, then the condition is satisfied
VB = [VCC/(R1+R2)] x R2
VB = [9/(10 kΩ +5kΩ)] x 5kΩ = 3 V
VE = VB – VBE = 3 – 0.7 = 2.3 V
The Colpitts Oscillator
IE  ICQ = VE/RE = 2.3 V/1.5kΩ = 1.53 mA
re = 26 mV/ICQ = 26 mV/1.53mA = 17 Ω
Av = - RC/re
173= RC/17
RC = 3 kΩ

CT = 0.04 µF, Avf = RC/RE =3/1.5 = 2,

C1 = C2 = 2 CT = 0.08 µf then
B = C2/C1 = 1 Avf x B = 2 x 1 = 2 > 1
2. The Hartley Oscillator
The Hartley Oscillator
a. The calculation of frequency (fr)

The Hartley oscillator consists of two inductors

connected in series with capacitors, then

Where: LT = L1+L2

b. The calculation of attenuation factor (B)

From the Figure will be noted that:

B = Vo/Vin (1)
The Hartley Oscillator

B = Vo/Vin (1)

Vo = ZL1 x I = jwL1 x I (2)

Vin = ZL2 x I = jwL2 x I (3)

Sub. From equation (2), and (3) in equation (1) we get

B = L1/L2
The Hartley Oscillator


Design a Hartley oscillator operate

at frequency of 50 kHz,
if the value of capacitor C is 0.05 µF, and
the amplifier has the following parameters:
VCC = 10 V, Av = - 173, RE = 1.3 kΩ,
R1 = 15 kΩ, R2 =10 kΩ, and βdc = βac = 200.
The Hartley Oscillator

Check on the stabilization condition

RB ≤ (βdc x RE)/10
15kΩ//10kΩ = 6 kΩ ≤
(200 x1.3 kΩ)/10 = 26 kΩ
6 kΩ < 26 kΩ, then the condition is satisfied

VB = [VCC/(R1+R2)] x R2
VB = [10/(15 kΩ +10kΩ)] x 10 kΩ = 4 V
VE = VB – VBE = 4 – 0.7 = 3.3 V
The Hartley Oscillator

IE  ICQ = VE/RE = 3.3 V/1.3kΩ = 2.5 mA

re = 26 mV/ICQ = 26 mV/2.5 mA = 10.4 Ω
Av = - RC/re
173 = RC/10.4
RC = 1.8 kΩ
The Hartley Oscillator


LT = 0.2 mH,
LT = L1 + L2 = 2L1 = 2L2 = 0.2 mH, then
L1 = L2 = LT/2 = 0.1 mH
B = L1/L2 = 1, then

Avf = RC/RE =1.8/1.3 = 1.38,

Avf x B = 1.38 x 1 = 2 > 1
Thank You

Dr. Amr El-Gendy

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