Compare and Contrast Essay Rubric

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Compare & Contrast Essay Rubric

Distinguished (4.0) Proficient (3.0) Satisfactory (2.0) Unsatisfactory (1.0)

Criteria Points
Superior Performance High Performance Basic Performance Low Performance
The script presents There are frequent
The script has no or The script has some (3
several spelling and spelling and
few (0 – 2) spelling – 5) spelling and
punctuation errors (6 punctuation errors
and punctuation punctuation errors but
Writing Mechanics – 8) that hinder (9+) that cause /4
errors. The essay is don’t interfere with
understanding. The difficulties when
well-written, and it is understanding. The
essay could be better reading. The essay is
easy to read. essay is well-written.
written. not well-written.
Uses a wide range of Uses sufficient
Uses a wide range of Struggles to use basic
vocabulary accurately vocabulary to address
vocabulary with some vocabulary and only
and coherently and develop the task.
minor slips in compares/contrasts
develops the topics Only
accuracy. Coherently one topic. Their ideas
Content they chose to compares/contrasts /4
compares and are not coherent, and
compare and some topics and is
contrasts their chosen the type of audience
contrast, taking their sometimes incoherent
topics and is aware of is not taken into
audience into and unaware of their
their audience. account.
account. audience.
The essay follows a
clear outline: an
The essay follows a
introduction with a Attempts to follow the
clear outline: an
thesis statement, essay structure learnt
introduction with a Struggles to follow
three body in class but makes
thesis statement, the essay structure
paragraphs with topic errors that hinder
Essay Structure three body paragraphs learnt in class, making /4
sentences, and a understanding. The
with topic sentences, the essay difficult to
concluding structure of the essay
and a concluding follow.
paragraph. The is not always
paragraph. with some
structure is identifiable.
minor errors.
consistently and
smoothly followed.
The essay clearly
The essay shows a The essay shows a
references the novel
connection to the connection to the The essay does not
and the movie. It is
novel and the movie. novel and the movie. correctly refer to the
evident that they
The The book or movie. The
Harry Potter Reference aware of the /4
comparisons/contrasts comparisons/contrasts differences and/or
differences and
are not always clear, are not always clear similarities are not
similarities between
but do not hinder and hinder evident.
the book and the
understanding. understanding.
The essay adheres to The essay adheres to The essay adheres to The essay doesn’t
all (6) of the essay most (4) of the essay some (2) of the essay adhere to any of the
specifications specifications specifications essay specifications
previously specified previously specified previously specified previously specified
Following Instructions /4
(word count, title, (word count, title, font (word count, title, font (word count, title,
font type and size, type and size, spacing, type and size, spacing, font type and size,
spacing, and and document and document spacing, and
document format). format). format). document format).
Total Points / 20

Compare & Contrast Essay Oral Presentation Rubric

Criteria Distinguished (4.0) Proficient (3.0) Satisfactory (2.0) Unsatisfactory (1.0) Points
Superior Performance High Performance Basic Performance Low Performance
The student presents
The student presents The student presents The student does not
a summary of their
a complete summary some information present information
essay in an organised
of their essay in an from their essay but from their essay. They
manner but lacks
Content organised manner. lack organisation. lack organisation and /4
some information.
They show a full They show a lack of show a lack of
They show a good
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
understanding of the
topic. topic. topic.
The tone, pace, and
The tone, pace, and Enunciation is choppy
intonation of the Enunciation is unclear
intonation of the and/or monotonous,
speaker are smooth and sometimes
speaker are smooth showing a lack of
and reflect adequate confusing to the
Delivery and well-rehearsed. preparation and /4
enunciation. Some listener. Expressions
Expressions used only fluency. The audio is
expressions enrich are not appropriately
strengthen language unclear and difficult
their language used.
proficiency. to understand.
The student’s facial The student’s facial The student’s facial
expressions and body expressions and body expressions and body Very little use of facial
language generate a language are language are rarely expressions or body
Attitude and Audience
strong interest and sometimes used to used to generate language. They do not /4
enthusiasm about the generate enthusiasm, enthusiasm in their generate an interest
subject matter in their but sometimes feel peers and seem to be in the subject matter.
peers. forced or inauthentic. forced.
The student is
The student is clearly The student is rarely The student is never
sometimes in sync
in sync with their in sync with their in sync with their
with their partner(s)
partner(s) and shows partner(s) and is not partner(s) and works
and shows some
Collaborative Work a clear understanding aware of what they mostly independent /4
understanding of
of what they are both are both doing. Some of the rest of the
what they are both
doing. No conflict is tension is evidenced group. Tension is felt
doing. No conflict is
evidenced. between them. amongst the group.
Students do not
Students adhere to Students do not
Students smoothly adhere to the time
the time limit adhere to the time
adhere to the time limit previously
previously specified limit previously
limit previously specified (3-5
Time Management (3-5 minutes), specified (3-5 /4
specified (3-5 minutes) but no more
although some minutes) and go 1+
minutes) without than 1 minute
stalling or rushing can minutes less/more
rushing or stalling. less/more than the
be evidenced. than the time limit.
time limit.
Total Points / 20


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