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English Grammar & Composition

Class 1

With Teaching Aids and Complete Solutions of

Textual Exercises
Candid English Grammar and Composition is a prestigious series of nine books. These books have been
thoroughly revised and updated in view of the increasing demand of students. The emphasis, in this series,
is more on language than on grammatical terminology. The main aim is to improve children’s ability to use
language effectively and accurately. The series helps the learners to find their way slowly but steadily to
gain knowledge and confidence.
Each book of the series has been divided into different sections. The grammatical items deal with important
topics such as Parts of Speech, Tenses, Clauses, Articles, Punctuation, Voice and Narration. These
chapters have been explained exhaustively and supported by meaningful and suggestive illustrations.
The main objective of the series is to help the students learn English in an easy and interesting way. The
students are to be motivated not only to learn English but also to interact with others in English. The series
contains sufficient material to arouse interest and curiosity.

It is universally acknowledged that there can be no learning without a teacher. A teacher is the sparking
plug to start in motion the learning process among the students.
The teacher is humbly requested to approach these books from a new angle. The teacher should :
• play a positive and interesting role in teaching-learning activities,
• read out important things from the book,
• understand and evaluate the standard of the students,
• create confidence among those students who face difficulty in understanding English,
• revise teaching methods according to the reception of the students,
• use blackboard/white-board or smart-board in explaining technical things,
• co-operate and co-ordinate various scholastic and co-scholastic activities for the holistic development
of the personality of the young learners,
• give examples from local and day-to-day life to make English more useful,
• develop the habit of identifying and understanding different uses of grammar and words after reading
newspapers and
• encourage the students by giving them a good credit.
The teacher is requested to explain these basic items of grammar :
The teacher should use certain words having different meanings as different parts of speech like :
Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition and Interjection :
1. Noun : The teacher may use some items available in the classroom as Nouns i.e. table, chair etc.
2. Pronoun : A word used in place of a Noun. An example can be taken from the class itself.
3. Verb : A verb is a ‘doing word’. The teacher can draw the attention of the students with this sentence : Our
teacher is writing on the white-board. Draw the attention of the students on writing (a verb).

2 Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1

4. Adjective : An adjective is a ‘describing word.’ Such an example can be given :
Ramnik is an intelligent student. Lay stress on intelligent. The word in bold is an Adjective.
5. Adverb : An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb ; as,
(i) Students listen to the teacher attentively (qualifies the verb listen)
(ii) She is a very intelligent student. (qualifies the Adjective intelligent)
(iii) The teacher spoke very clearly. (qualifies the Adverb clearly)
6. Preposition : A preposition establishes relationship with the word that comes near to it.
The teacher can give interesting and practical examples from the classroom :
(i) The students are sitting on the desks.
(ii) The students are sitting in the classroom.
(iii) The students are listening to the teacher.
(iv) The students rushed into the canteen.
(v) The teacher is proud of the students.
7. Conjunction : A conjunction is a joining word. It is also called linker or connective.
Such examples can be easy :
(i) Sumedha is intelligent and sincere.
(ii) She is nice but careless.
(iii) He is working hard because he wants to stand first.
(iv) Take rest if you are tired.
8. Interjection : Interjections are words like Hurrah, Alas, Hello, Bravo, Oh, etc. These words are
used to express strong emotions only :
(i) Hurrah ! I have stood first. (joy)
(ii) Alas ! We have lost the key. (sorrow)
(iii) Bravo ! You have done well. (praise)
B. Articles
The teacher should give introduction to the students that there are three Articles : A, An, The.
The teacher is requested to give suitable and sufficient examples of these Articles with the help of
some sentences;
An apple, a banana, the vegetables, an M.P., a one-eyed man, etc.
C. Tenses
Tenses play an important role in reading, writing and speaking correct English. The teacher is requested
to make Tenses interesting by using easy and useful sentences. These sentences may be taken from
the daily activities :
(i) I go to my school at 7 a.m. (Present)
(ii) My father believes in God. (Present)
(iii) We liked the dinner yesterday. (Past)
(iv) She will help you in this matter. (Future)
(v) We are preparing our assignments. (Present Continuous)
More examples of other Tenses can also be given.
D. Voice
First the teacher should explain the Transitive and Intransitive verbs. Thereafter the teacher should
explain how the voice is changed. If the stress is to be laid on the subject, Active voice is used
otherwise Passive voice is used. See these two sentences :
(i) Aunik sang a song. (Active voice)
(ii) A song was sung by Aunik. (Passive voice)

Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1 3

E. Reported speech
The teacher is expected to explain the two ways of reporting something : Direct and Indirect reporting.
If the original words of the speaker are to be quoted, Direct Speech is used otherwise it can be Indirect
Speech ; as,
(i) The teacher said, “I love my students.” (Direct)
(ii) The teacher said that she /he loved her/his students. (Indirect)
F. Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension is an item that is very important in almost all the examinations held in India. It
needs more and more practice. It is suggested that the teacher should give a variety of passages to the
students. These passages should be related to different fields like literature, science, geography etc.
Questions which are purely objective and which are semi-objective should be given as a drill-practice.
Composition :
In this series the students will find different types and levels of composition. If the Grammar Section
teaches the students “what is English structure,” the Composition Section enables the young learners
the art of using English to convey their thoughts.
The teacher is requested to make the students capable of writing effectively. The students may be
informed regarding the following flow chart :

Collecting the relevant material

Planning the material


Rough Draft


Final Draft
In this series the students will be exposed to a number of composition items – story writing, letter-
writing, essay-writing, dialogue-writing etc. Some of the topics are fully solved so that the students
can learn the art of composition. Sufficient items are given in the Exercises so that the students can,
themselves, compose their thoughts in a logical way and sequence.
The teacher can provide the following structure of writing :
1. Style : The style of writing varies according to the personal taste of the writer but clarity is a must. It
should have plain style; without high sounding words, complex and unnecessary long sentences.
2. Length : The student should read the instructions given by the paper-setter. Brevity is soul of wit.
Don’t exceed the word-limit.
3. Consistency : Consistency of thought is a must. If there is a debatable topic, the student should think
properly which side he/she has to follow. Once the stand-point is chosen, the same should be stuck to.
‘Turn-coat’ approach is very dangerous.
4. Conclusion : If introduction is catchy, conclusion should be impressive. Students should know that
conclusion is the logical ending of a composition.
All the tips and suggestions mentioned here are not an advice to a capable teacher but an assistance
in rendering the solemn and sacred duty of grooming the young minds of the country.

4 Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1


1. O 2. D 3. J 4. Z 5. V 6. R


Picture 1 : Gardener
Picture 2 : Peon
Picture 3 : Painter
Picture 4 : Farmer
Picture 5 : Tailor



I. Picture 1 : Classroom
Picture 2 : Church
Picture 3 : Mosque
Picture 4 : Gurudwara
Picture 5 : Circus
Picture 6 : Library
Picture 7 : Den
Picture 8 : Red Fort
II. 1. Road 2. Hotel
3. Shop 4. Bathroom


I. 1. Plate : Picture 3
2. Top : Picture 4
3. Car : Picture 2
4. Jam : Picture 1

Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1 5

II. Picture 1 : fork
Picture 2 : Brick
Picture 3 : Ring
Picture 4 : Tree
Picture 5 : Axe
Picture 6 : Box
Picture 7 : Banana
Picture 8 : Bell



1. Picture 1 : Tiger 2. 1. Hen

Picture 2 : Owl 2. Dog
Picture 3 : Monkey 3. Sheep
Picture 4 : Bear 4. Crow
Picture 5 : Crow 5. Giraffe
Picture 6 : Cow
Picture 7 : Giraffe
Picture 8 : Duck


II. 1. Sarita Roy is a teacher.
2. The Gateway of India is in Mumbai.
3. The Red Fort is in Delhi.
4. Jatin Sen is a Doctor.
5. Balu is a driver.
6. Seema is a dancer.
7. Max is a dog.
8. Amit is a singer.


I. 1. Farmer 2. Nurse 3. Cobbler 4. Dancer 5. Teacher
6. Peon 7. Painter 8. Swimmer 9. Doctor 10. Hunter
11. Baker 12. Postman 13. Soldier 14. Tailor 15. Driver

6 Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1


I. 1. Village 2. Singer 3. Park 4. Market 5. Temple

II. Persons Places Things Animals
1. Clerk River Desk Donkey
2. Clown Road Coat Elephant
3. Grocer Zoo Clock Monkey
4. Friend Park Brain Snake
5. Butcher Garden Top Parrot
III. 1. Shoot 2. Run 3. Come 4. Shut 5. Arrive

IV. 1. Bus 2. Milk 3. Ink 4. Monkey 5. Cartoon


I. 1. writes 2. shines 3. sings 4. dances 5. cuts
6. drinks 7. walks 8. cooks 9. rings 10. play
II. 1. The stars shine in the sky.
2. Teacher punishes the late-comers.
3. Monkeys live in the trees.
4. Birds build nest.
5. Mother cooks food.
6. My uncle reads a newspaper.
7. We go to school by bus.
8. A horse runs very fast.
III. 1. hits 2. cuts 3. sails 4. stitches 5. makes


I. 1. Rohan is running a race.
2. Amit is eating bread.
3. He is drinking milk.
4. Ramu is driving the bus.
5. The teacher is writing on the blackboard.
6. Sonu is brushing his teeth.
7. John is riding a horse.

Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1 7

8. Vijay is swimming in the river.
9. Mohan is crying.
10. Sonal is laughing.
11. The baby is sleeping.
12. Akshay is walking on the road.
13. Heera is washing the clothes.
14. Beeru is catching the ball.
15. Sunil is hitting the ball.
16. Johnny is shooting the bird.
17. Vikram is reading a book.
18. Ajay is jumping into the river.
19. Deepu is opening the door.
20. An aeroplane is flying in the sky.


I.1. a poor beggar 2. a rich man 3. a sunny day
4. a fat hen 5. a red rose 6. a tall tree
7. a small car 8. a sharp knife
II. 1. The box is light. 2. The hut is small. 3. It is a rainy day.
4. The leaf is green. 5. The house is big.
1. grass green
2. sugar sweet
3. sky blue
4. rose red
5. tea hot
6. ice cold
7. hair black
8. knife sharp
9. gourd bitter
10. banana yellow
II. 1. Grass is green. 2. Sugar is sweet. 3. Sky is blue.
4. Rose is red 5. Tea is hot. 6. Ice is cold.
7. Hair is black. 8. Knife is sharp. 9. Gourd is bitter.
10. Banana is yellow.

8 Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1

I. 1. Book : Books 2. Top : Tops
3. Plate : Plates 4. Ant : Ants
5. Egg : Eggs 6. Bus : Buses
7. Fox : Foxes 8. Torch : Torches
II. 1. There are lions in the cages.
2. The girls are making garlands.
3. The mangoes are in the baskets.
4. The books are in the bags.
5. Sarita likes red roses.
6. The hunters killed birds.
7. The lions are wild animals.
8. The men sleep under the trees.
9. The soldiers are riding horses.
10. The poor men live in huts.
III. This room has two chairs, one table, four benches, six charts, three stools, five fans and one door.


I. Father : He is a pilot.
He flies aeroplane.
2. Mother : She is a teacher.
She teaches in a school.
3. Son : He is a student.
He studies in class IV.
4. Daughter : She is a dancer.
She attends dance classes.
5. Grandfather : He is an old man.
He is loving and caring.
6. Grandmother : She is a religious lady.
She tells stories.

I. 1. I am a painter.
I paint pictures.
This picture is for you.

Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1 9

2. I am a pilot.
I fly aeroplane in the sky.
How do you like my work ?
3. You are a singer.
You sing very well.
I love your songs.
4. You are a cook.
You are very good.
I like your dishes.
II. We are neighbours. But we do not live like good neighbours. I find many faults in you.
You are a liar. You are a dishonest person. You have bad habits. You shout at us. You abuse us.
You are very selfish. Therefore, nobody likes you.
Look at me. I am a good neighbour. I love you. I always try to help you. I am always honest. I
am sweet and sincere. But you are no good.



I. City life is good. It is fast. My family lives in a big city. We like big buildings in a city. We have
a car. We go to the market everyday. We visit hotels. We attend parties. We meet friends everyday.
We find life very comfortable. It is great fun.
Many people live in villages. They live a simple life. They are very honest. They are loving.
They live in small huts. They work in fields. They are very happy. They help one another. They
sing and dance. They enjoy their life.
II. 1. I love my Papa and Mamma.
I respect my grandparents.
I have a sister.
We are a small family.
We live in a small house.
We are very happy.
We enjoy our life.
2. Look! These are students.
They are very smart.
They are going to their class.
They learn many things.
They play games.
They respect their teachers.
They are very loving and caring.

10 Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1

I. 1. The girl is opening the door.
2. The baby is sleeping in the bed.
3. Birds are flying in the sky.
4. Amit is drinking milk.
5. The soldier is riding a horse.
6. The player is kicking the ball.
7. She is reading a book.
8. I am driving a car.
9. The man is swimming in the river.
10. You are brushing your teeth.
II. Picture 1 : a thin man
Picture 2 : a black car
Picture 3 : a small ant
Picture 4 : a fat lady
Picture 5 : a small plant
Picture 6 : a sharp knife
III. Picture 1 : four pencils
Picture 2 : two books
Picture 3 : one table
Picture 4 : five flowers
Picture 5 : three teddy-bears
Picture 6 : six stars
IV. 1. She 2. He 3. They 4. Him 5. Her
6. You 7. She, her 8. They 9. He 10. They

CHAPTER – 15 : A, AN
I. Picture 1 : a cup Picture 2: an onion Picture 3: a doll
Picture 4: an ear Picture 5: a jug Picture 6: an igloo
Picture 7: a mouse Picture 8: a pan Picture 9: an axe
Picture 10: an engine Picture 11: a bag Picture 12: a horse
Picture 13: a lock Picture 14: an owl Picture 15: a gate
Picture 16: a kite

Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1 11

II. Picture 1: This is a van. Picture 2: This is a dog. Picture 3: This is a table.
Picture 4: This is a zoo. Picture 5: This is a queen. Picture 6: This is an elephant.
Picture 7: This is an ox. Picture 8: This is a teacher.


I. 1. are 2. is 3. are 4. am 5. are 6. is
II. 1. am 2. are 3. am 4. are 5. are 6. is
7. is 8. are 9. am 10. is
III. 1. is 2. are 3. are 4. is 5. is


I. Picture 1 : He is painting the wall.
Picture 2 : She is eating an ice cream.
Picture 3 : The aeroplane is flying.
Picture 4 : The dog is running.
Picture 5 : He is reading a book.
Picture 6 : They are watching the TV.
Picture 7 : You are brushing your teeth.
Picture 8 : We are playing football.
II. Visitors are coming to the zoo. Some are standing at the booking window. Children are
watching the cage of monkeys. They are offering bananas to them. Some are going near the
cage of lions. Others are enjoying the elephants. Two persons are sitting on the bench. Children
are eating ice cream.


I. 1. Amit has a horse. 2. Akshay has a dog. 3. Sheela has a parrot.
4. Nancy has a cat. 5. A camel has a hump. 6. A horse has four legs.


I. Picture 1 : It is Saurav’s room. He is sitting on a chair. His books are on the table. A cup is in
the tray.
II. Picture 2 : It is Principal’s office. The Principal is sitting in the chair.
The peon is standing near the door. The dustbin is under the table.

12 Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1

III. Picture 3 : This is a school building. The school is very good.
A girl is standing between the pillars. A boy is hiding behind the pillar.
I. 1. An 2. a 3. an 4. An 5. a
II. 1. is 2. am 3. is 4. are 5. are
III. 1. have 2. has 3. have 4. have 5. has
IV. 1. in 2. under 3. on 4. near 5. in


I. 1. B. loved 2. C. bad 3. C. apples 4. A. rotten 5. B. away

II. 1. Ramu and Shamu lived in a small village.
2. On day they both decided to visit a nearby city.
3. They were frightened to see the huge bear coming their way while passing through the
4. Shamu climbed up the tree.
5. Ramu saved Shamu’s life by throwing himself on the ground pretending to be dead.
III. 1. A. lion’s 2. C. braying 3. B. befooling
4. A. angry 5. B. true self

I. Class Activity.
II. Picture 1 : She is a teacher.
1. She teaches English.
2. She is writing on the blackboard.
Picture 2 : He is a postman.
1. He is in khaki uniform.
2. He is delivering letters.
Picture 3 : Look at these children.
1. They are flying kites.
2. They are very happy.
Picture 4 : This is my pet dog.
1. He is running.
2. He is very faithful.

Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1 13

Picture 5 : It is a beautiful park.
1. There are many slides.
2. There are flowers everywhere.
Picture 6 : This is a lion.
1. He is the king of the forest.
2. He lives in a den.
Picture 7 : This is a cow.
1. It has four legs.
2. It’s colour is brown.
Picture 8 : He is my grandfather.
1. He is very old.
2. He is reading a newspaper.

Class Activity


1. There is big rush in the park.

2. There are plants and flowers.
3. There is a joy train.
4. There is a pond.
5. There are slides swings.
6. There is a fountain in the centre.
7. There are ducks in the pond.
8. There is an ice cream parlour.



I. 1. My class teacher is Ms. Gogia.

2. I play in the park.
3. I keep my books in the bag.
4. I sleep in my bedroom.
5. I eat sandwiches.

14 Candid Teacher’s Handbook on English Grammar and Composition-1

Picture 1 : This is a duck.
Picture 2 : This is a hut.
Picture 3 : This is a leaf.
Picture 4 : This is a frog.
Picture 5 : This is a rainbow.
Picture 6 : This is a zebra.
Picture 1 : He is a doctor.
Picture 2 : He is a postman.
Picture 3 : She is a nurse.
Picture 4 : She is a painter.
Picture 5 : She is a dancer.
Picture 6 : He is a policeman.
Picture 1 : The ball is in the box.
Picture 2 : The cat is on the bed.
Picture 3 : The dog is under the table.
Picture 4 : The stars are in the sky.
Picture 5 : The monkey is on the tree.
Picture 6 : The watchman is sitting at the gate.
Picture 1 : I get up at 6 in the morning.
Picture 2 : I take bath at 7 o’clock.
Picture 3 : I take my breakfast at 7:30 a.m.
Picture 4 : I go to school at 8:00a.m.
Picture 5 : I play at 6p.m.
Picture 6 : I watch TV at 8p.m.

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