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Carlos buys a new car.

kɑrloʊs baɪz ə nu kɑr ( Carlos mua 1 chiec xe moi )

It's a very expensive car. It's a huge, blue, fast car. While driving down the street,
Carlos sees (saw) a girl on a bicycle. She has long blond hair and is (was)

. ɪts ə ˈvɛri ɪkˈspɛnsɪv kɑr. ɪts ə hjuʤ, blu, fæst kɑr. waɪl ˈdraɪvɪŋ daʊn ðə strit, ˈkɑrloʊs siz 
ə ɡɜrl ɑn ə ˈbaɪsɪkəl. ʃi hæz lɔŋ blɑnd hɛr ænd ɪz ˈbjutəfəl.

Đó là một chiếc xe rất đắt tiền. Đó là một chiếc xe khổng lồ, màu xanh lam, nhanh
chóng. Trong khi lái xe trên đường, Carlos nhìn thấy một cô gái đi xe đạp. Cô ấy
có mái tóc dài màu vàng và xinh đẹp

He yells to her, "What's up?"

hi jɛlz tu hɜr, "wʌts ʌp?"

She ignores him.

Co ay phot lo anh ta.

ʃi ɪɡˈnɔrz hɪm.

He yells, "How's it going?"

Anh ta het : moi chuyen the nao roi

hi jɛlz, "haʊz ɪt ˈɡoʊɪŋ?"

She keeps going and ignores him.

Co ay cu tiep tuc va phot lo anh ta.

ʃi kips ˈɡoʊɪŋ ænd ɪɡˈnɔrz hɪm.
He yells, "Hey, why won't you talk to me? I want to go to dinner with you. I'll take
you to an expensive restaurant."

hi jɛlz,"heɪ, waɪ woʊnt ju tɔk tu mi? aɪ wɑnt tu ɡoʊ tu ˈdɪnər wɪð ju. aɪl teɪk ju tu ən ɪk
ˈspɛnsɪv ˈrɛstəˌrɑnt. "

anh ay het len : tai sao ko noi chuyen voi toi ? toi muon di an toi voi ban. Toi se dua
ban den nha hang dat tien

The girl turns, gets off the bike, and looks at him. She says, "I don't want to go to
dinner. But if you give me your car, I will give you a sur-prise."

Finally ( cuoi cung) co gai quay lai, xuong xe, nhin anh ay. Co ay noi : toi ko muon
di an toi. Nhung neu ban dua toi xe, toi se cho ban 1 bat ngo.

ðə ɡɜrl tɜrnz, ɡɛts ɔf ðə baɪk, ænd lʊks æt hɪm. ʃi sɛz,"aɪ doʊnt wɑnt tu ɡoʊ tu ˈdɪnər. bʌt ɪf j
u ɡɪv mi jʊər kɑr, aɪ wɪl ɡɪv ju ə sɜr-prise."

Carlos says, "OK!"

He jumps out of the car. He gives her the keys and says, "Here are the keys."

kɑrloʊs sɛz, "ˈoʊˈkeɪ!"

 hi ʤʌmps aʊt ʌv ðə kɑr. hi ɡɪvz hɜr ðə kiz ænd sɛz, "hir ɑr ðə kiz."

Anh ta nhảy ra khỏi xe. Anh ta đưa cho cô chìa khóa và nói, "Đây là chìa khóa."

The beautiful blond takes the keys and then kisses Carlos on the cheek. Then she
jumps into the car and drives away.

Co gai toc vang xing dep lay chia khoa vas au do hon anh ay vao ma.

ðə ˈbjutəfəl blɑnd teɪks ðə kiz ænd ðɛn ˈkɪsəz ˈkɑrloʊs ɑn ðə ʧik. ðɛn ʃi ʤʌmps ˈɪntu ðə kɑr 
ænd draɪvz əˈweɪ.

Carlos stands ( stood) on the sidewalk. Now he has no car and no girl. He says,
"That's it, just a kiss on the cheek?"
Anh ay dung tren duong pho. Bay h anh ta ko co xe va ko co co gai. Anh ay nói : la
no sao, chi la mot nu hon tren ma.

ˈkɑrloʊs stændz ɑn ðə ˈsaɪˌdwɔk. naʊ hi hæz noʊ kɑr ænd noʊ ɡɜrl. hi sɛz,"ðæts ɪt, ʤʌst ə 
kɪs ɑn ðə ʧik?"

He gets on her bike and rides home.

hi ɡɛts ɑn hɜr baɪk ænd raɪdz hoʊm.

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