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Kelas 8 Chapter III (Multiple Choice)

1. You still have a toothache. You ... go to the nearby dentist.

a. should
b. have to
c. must
d. can

2. Today is Monday. We will have a flag ceremony. So, You ... put on a
complete uniform.
a. should
b. have to
c. must
d. can

3. You are about to ride your motorcycle on the road.

a. You have to put on your helmet
b. You should have a driving license
c. You ought to bring your driving license
d. You must put on your helmet

4. The sky is cloudy.

a. We should not bring an umbrella.
b. We should bring our raincoats.
c. We need to bring your bag.
d. We ought to take a rest.

The text is for number 5-6

Ela : I will have my final examination next week.
Anto : You should not go for nothing. You have to study hard, Ela
Ela : You’re right Anto.

5. Who will have an examination?

a. Ela
b. Anto
c. Elan and Anto
d. Elas’s friends

6. What does Anto suggest to Ela?

a. She has to take care of her health
b. She must stay at home
c. She should prepare for the examination
d. She ought to go outside
The text is for number 7-10
Faisal : Today is Monday, isn’t it?
Dela : Yes, it is. Why?
Faisal : It seems that you don’t bring your cap, do you?
Dela : Oh my God, I forget it.
Faisal : You must have it, otherwise you’ll be punished for not being
Dela : I’ll return home. I hope I won’t be late.

7. Who is Dela? She might be ...

a. Faisal’s uncle
b. Faisal’s classmate
c. Faisal’s father
d. Faisal’s teacher

8. What does Faisal advise to her?

a. She must not wear a hat
b. She has to go home to avoid getting punishment
c. She ought to have a flag ceremony
d. She must put on a cap.

9. You must have it. The underlined word refers to ...

a. uniform
b. bag
c. cap
d. flag

10. What will happen if Dela ignores Faisal’s warning?

a. The teachers will punish her.
b. She will get a reward
c. The teachers will be proud of her
d. She will get nothing

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