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Function description and documentation for

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Function block


for the PC WORX control system

Function description and documentation for

Phoenix Contact system blocks
Software created by:
Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG
Flachsmarktstraße 8
32825 Blomberg, Germany
Phone: + 49 5235 3-00

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Table of contents

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 General ................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Block data ............................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Block call ................................................................................................................. 3

2 Block description ......................................................................................................... 4

2.1 General ................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Input parameters ..................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Output parameters .................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Diagnostics ............................................................................................................. 7
2.5 Startup .................................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Note .......................................................................................................................11

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1 Introduction
1.1 General

The AXL_RTD block uses the process data from the input terminal blocks of the Axioline
product range for temperature recording to calculate standardized data values for further
processing by the control program.

1.2 Block data

Block name: AXL_RTD

Version: 1.00
Environment: PC WORX 6.20 SP2
Controller types: Class ILC 3xx PN, RFC 4xx PN, PC WORX RT, and AXC controllers
Module types: Terminal blocks such as AXL RTD 8 (Order No. 2688077),
AXL RTD 8-ME (Order No. 2688190), etc.

1.3 Block call

Figure: AXL_RTD block

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2 Block description
2.1 General

This block provides support in the processing of signals from terminal blocks for temperature
recording in the Axioline product range. The analog input channels can be in the local bus of
a class AXC controller or in PROFINET stations after an AXL BK PN bus coupler.

To standardize the analog values, create a global variable for linking the block to the process
data of the analog terminal block and connect the variable using the iAnalogIn input. In
addition, when accessing an analog terminal block within a PROFINET IO station, the “PNIO
Data Valid” status of the bus coupler can be transferred to the block. This status enables the
block to also monitor the PROFINET connection and the validity of the incoming process

As well as linking the global variables, various parameters are transferred to the block. For
the preparation of process data at the iResolution input, the block expects information about
the selected resolution. The configuration of the resolution of the analog channel can be
found in the “Bus Structure” of PC WORX in the “Device parameters” view for the terminal
block. The iSubstitute parameter can be used to determine how the block should deal with its
rValue output in the event that an abnormal operating state is detected.

Once the block has been configured and connected to the hardware, the real value is
available directly at the rValue output, which can be used in your calculations. Each block
call processes the current value of the global process data variables and transfers it to the
data value at the block output. If the block does not detect an error, the xValid output is set to
True. Invalid input parameters for the resolution of the substitute value behavior are indicated
by the value False and a corresponding diagnostic status at the xValid output. This is also
used to indicate that the bus coupler is not providing valid process data (possibly due to a
connection error) or that the terminal block is indicating an error. In the event of a hardware
error message, the wStatus output provides diagnostic information directly according to the
description in the terminal block data sheet.

In the event of an abnormal operating state such as a communication error or a sensor error,
the rValue output is typically set to the value REAL#0.0. To hold the last valid value, select
the value Integer#1 for the iSubstitute input.

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2.2 Input parameters

Input parameters
Name Type Description
iAnalogIn REAL Process data value of the analog input.

xPnioDataValid BOOL Status PNIO_DATA_VALID for the connection between

controller and PROFINET IO bus coupler. When accessing
an analog channel in the local bus of an AXC type
controller, set this input to the value BOOL#true.

iResolution INT Resolution of the analog channel:

INT#0 – 1
INT#1 – 0.1 (default value)
INT#2 – 0.01
This parameter must correspond to the parameterization of
the analog channel.

iSubstitute INT Substitute value behavior for the rValue output in the event
of invalid block parameterization:
INT#0 – output value REAL#0.0 (default value)
INT#1 – last valid output value is held

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2.3 Output parameters

Output parameters
Name Type Description
rValue INT Data value depending on the selected resolution.

xValid BOOL Status for the standardized input value:

BOOL#true – input value is read in by the block, prepared,
and output.
BOOL#false – PNIO communication error, sensor error or
invalid input parameters at the block.
In the event of an error, the wStatus output provides
additional information.

wStatus WORD Information for diagnostics of the internal block function,

process data communication, and signal acquisition.
See overview in the diagnostics section.

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2.4 Diagnostics

Status Meaning
0000hex No information available.

0C03hex The entry for the substitute value behavior (iSubstitute) is invalid.

0C06hex The entry for the resolution is invalid.

0C20hex The process data of the PROFINET IO device is invalid (“PNIO Data Valid” status).

8001hex Sensor error – measuring range exceeded (overrange)

8002hex Sensor error – open circuit

8004hex Sensor error – no valid measured value available

8010hex Sensor error – parameter table invalid

8020hex Sensor error – supply voltage faulty

8040hex Sensor error – channel faulty

8080hex Sensor error – below measuring range (underrange)

80xxhex For other sensor errors, refer to the data sheet for the analog terminal block used.

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2.5 Startup

To integrate the AXL_RTD block, proceed as follows:

1. Create your bus configuration and specify the parameterization for the channels for
temperature recording. During parameterization, make sure that the data format is left
as “Inline”.

Figure: Channel startup parameterization

Figure: Startup parameterization behavior

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2. Instantiate the AXL_RTD block for each analog channel. The value at the iResolution
input must correspond to your parameterization of the resolution in the “Device
parameters” view.
To link the process data, create a global variable at the iAnalogIn input. A second
global variable can be created for the “PNIO Data Valid” status of a PROFINET bus
coupler as an option. Otherwise, set the xPnioDataValid input to True.

Figure: Instance of the block for an analog input

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3. Now link the global variables to the process data of the analog terminal block and the
“PNIO Data Valid” status of the bus coupler (optional).

Figure: Process data linking for an input channel

4. Compile your project and transfer it to your controller.

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2.6 Note

This function block can be used for temperature recording terminal blocks which use the
distinctive values listed below in Inline data format according to their data sheets.
At the time of writing this documentation, these are terminal blocks AXL RTD 8
(Order No. 2688077) and AXL RTD 8-ME (Order No. 2688190). Please note that the use of
the AXL_RTD block could only be tested using these terminal blocks.

Figure: Significant values in Inline data format

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