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Energy value of food is determined by using an instrument called

Bomb calorimeter is used to measure the changes in a systems
internal energy due to a reaction.
The basic principle is a chemical reaction heats a quantity of water in
an insulated container.
The reaction takes place inside a sealed container, called as bomb.
The food stuffs ( carbohydrates, fats and protein ) on combustion by
oxygen produces heat. This amount of heat can be measured in a
bomb calorimeter.
This instrument used to measure the calorific value of food stuffs.
In this instrument the bomb contain a calorimeter, stirrer,
thermometer and ignition box.
The energy will be supplied through electric wire and known amount
of sample is kept inside the bomb.
By using the electrical energy, the energy present inside the food
material is completely reduced and converted as heat energy
through complete oxidation process.
Release of heat energy will increase the temperature of the
surrounding water.
The temperature should be constant throughout the surrounding
water which is maintained with the help of thermometer.
By this method the energy present inside the carbohydrate ,
proteins and fats are analysed.
Similar conversion process takes place in every cell of human body.
Carbs , fats are completely oxidized in the body to CO2 and H2O but
proteins are not completely burned because urea is the end product
of protein metabolism. Still contains some energy which is not
available to the body.
Therefore the energy value of proteins in the body is loss than that
obtained in the bomb calorimeter.
Formula :
The heat evolved by 1g of food can be calculated by the following

W × ( T2 - T1 )
H = ____________ K Cal / g
M × 1000
Where W – water equivalence
M – Amount of food burn in gram
T1-T2 - Increase in temperature in C

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