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John Arnel E.

Alvar Section 1 - CMBS

1D-MLS May 6, 2022

First of all, I would like to have my gratitude to NSTP and the professors who

handled it. It gave me the wisdom to have value of each of my Mother’s garden.

Not only that I gave them value, I also identified their importance in our

household. Aside from its beauty, it also provides us a healthy food to eat. From

my 19 years of living in this household, I really don’t pay attention on what I see
in my surroundings. There was also a time when I pee one my Mother’s

ornamental plant. Little did I know that it could be useful in the future. The garden

helped my mother to fight against her illness. She was diagnosed back then with

an illness called “nervous”. This illness will corrupt your mind until you will no

longer think straightly and worst, you can get suicidal thoughts. Throughout my

Mother’s battle for this illness, the doctor advised her that she must do things that

could let her mind calm. That is when she started talking to her garden. She

mentioned that whenever she’s around them, she felt like she’s in peace and

calm knowing that her garden is in her safe hands. After years of battling the

illness, my Mother managed to overcome it. She even expanded her garden that

makes our house look like a forest in Amazon. Kidding aside, I was very thankful

that mostly Filipino moms had this kind of hobby. A hobby to collect plants and

this hobby saved them. Especially my Mother, she was in her critical mind but

she managed to overcome it. Honestly, I didn’t really help much to expand our

garden, I only water them whenever my mother is not around. Lastly, the lesson

of this project is to give value on things that the others valued. We will never

know how much important it is to them, it stood to the point when it will help you

save yourself and also to save others.

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