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IB WHAT CAN YOU SEE? Students A + B INNOVATOR = Spontaneous + Ideas + Heart + Extrovert
How they see them selves imaginative, sociable, sympathetic
L o o k a t t h e p ic tu r e b elo w . W r it e d o w n o n a p ie c e o f p a p e r What they are like energetic, sensitive, creative, sometimes illogical,
w h a t y o u se e. A llo w y o u r s e lf a b o u t 3 0 s e c o n d s f o r th is . rebellious, unfocused
LEADER = Planner + Ideas + Head + Extrovert
How they see them selves bright, independent, logical
What they are like organized, good at solving large-scale problems,
can be critical and aggressive
MASTERMIND = Planner + Ideas + Head + Introvert
How they see them selves logical, thorough, bright
What they are like efficient, independent, rarely change their minds,
critical of those who don't understand them
MENTOR = Planner + Ideas + Heart t- Extrovert
How they see them selves intelligent, outgoing, sensitive
What they are like articulate, warm, lively, extremely sensitive to
people's needs, may become overbearing
NURTURER = Planner + Facts + Heart + Introvert
How they see them selves gentle, conscientious, mature
What they are like caring, may have trouble making decisions that could
p . 8 a n d c o n ti n u e c h o o s i n g y o u r a n s w e r s . hurt others, tend to avoid conflict, others may take advantage of them
PEACEMAKER = Spontaneous + Facts + Heart + Introvert
IB WHO AM I? Students A + B How they see them selves steady, gentle, sympathetic,
What they are like sensitive to the feelings of others and the world
a F o r e a c h s e c tio n , fin d o u t w h ic h p e r s o n a lity t y p e y o u a re .
around them, can be self-critical, often difficult to get to know
1 m o r e a a n d b = planner 3 m o re a a n d b = head
PERFORMER = Spontaneous + Facts + Heart + Extrovert
m o re c a n d d = spontaneous m o re c a n d d = heart
How they see them selves enthusiastic, sociable, sensitive
2 m o r e a a n d b = facts 4 m o re a a n d b = introvert
What they are like fun-loving, outgoing, often good motivators, can
m o re c a n d d = ideas m o re c a n d d = extrovert be unreliable
b W i t h y o u r f o u r ty p e s , fin d o u t w h ic h o f t h e c a te g o r ie s b e lo w PROVIDER = Planner + Facts + Heart + Extrovert
y o u fit in to . T h e n re a d th e d e s c r ip tio n o f y o u r p e rs o n a lity ty p e . How they see them selves sympathetic, easygoing, steady
What they are like warm, caring, traditional, tend to avoid conflict,
c N o w fin d o u t w h a t y o u r p a r t n e r ’s p e r s o n a l ity t y p e is, a n d re a d not afraid to express their beliefs
t h e d e s c rip tio n .
REALIST = Planner + Facts + Head -t- Introvert
BIG TH INK ER = Spontaneous + Ideas + Heart + Extrovert How they see them selves mature, stable, conscientious
How they see them selves talkative, curious, logical, self-sufficient What they are like loyal, straightforward, good at meeting
What they are like ingenious, bored by routine, can be rude, rebellious, deadlines, respect facts and rules, can be obsessed with schedules,
critical of others critical of others, may not have faith in other people's abilities
COUNSELOR = Planner + Ideas + Heart + Introvert RESOLVER = Spontaneous + Facts + Head + Introvert
How they see them selves gentle, peaceful, cautious How they see them selves understanding, stable, easygoing
What they are like relaxed and creative, deeply private, can be What they are like independent, rational, good at finding solutions,
difficult to get to know natural risk takers, they enjoy an adrenaline rush, often focus on short-term
GO-GETTER = Spontaneous + Facts + Head + Extrovert results, sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture
How they see them selves inventive, enthusiastic, determined, alert STRATEGIST = Spontaneous + Ideas + Head + Introvert
What they are like resourceful, tough-minded, may become frustrated How they see them selves bright, logical, individualistic
by routines and constraints What they are like quiet, easygoing, intellectually curious, logical, may
IDEALIST = Spontaneous + Ideas + Heart + Introvert be critical or sarcastic, can be insensitive to the emotional needs of others
How they see them selves bright, forgiving, curious SUPERVISOR = Planner + Facts + Head t- Extrovert
What they are like generally easygoing, flexible, can be stubborn, may How they see them selves stable, practical, sociable
refuse to compromise What they are like natural organizers and administrators, irritated
when people don't follow procedures, other people find them bossy

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