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Communicable Disease

傳 染 病 處

本署檔號 Our Ref. : IO-RBG100002949041714171 in CDB

電 話 Tel. : (852) 2125 1122
傳 真 Fax No. : (852) 2477 2770

Isolation Order

Section 23 of the Prevention and Control of Disease Regulation (Cap. 599A)

本人為衞生主任,有理由相信你盧子诺 (S0820700) 受到 2019冠狀病毒病(屬《預防及控制疾病條

I, a health officer, have reason to believe that you LO TSZ NOK, (S0820700), are infected with
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (a specified infectious disease under the Prevention and Control
of Disease Ordinance) (“the Ordinance”). Pursuant to section 23(1) of the Prevention and Control of
Disease Regulation (the “Regulation”), I hereby order that you are required, with immediate effect, to be
isolated at designated premises or designated isolation venues* as ordered by the Government, until

根據《規例》第23(3) 及23(4) 條,你不得離開上述用作隔離的地方(據本隔離令條款所容許外出求診

者除外) ,亦須遵從本命令所指明的隔離條款。《規例》第23(5)條規定,凡未能遵守上述第23(3) 或
23(4) 條,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第3級罰款及監禁6個月。本隔離令的條款訂明,你只可因求診而
According to section 23(3) and 23(4) of the Regulation, you must not leave the above said place of
isolation (except for the purpose of medical consultation, which is allowed as a term of this isolation
order), and must comply with the terms specified in this isolation order. Failure to comply with the said
section 23(3) or 23(4) is an offence under section 23(5) and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 3
and to imprisonment for 6 months. It is also a term of this isolation order that you are only allowed to
leave the place of isolation for the purpose of medical consultation using point-to-point transportation
and you must wear a well-fitted surgical mask, a KN95 mask, a KF94 mask, or a respirator (such as
N95 mask) during the journey.

Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health 147C, Argyle Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Communicable Disease
傳 染 病 處

You may conduct rapid antigen tests (RAT) on the 4th and 5th day of isolation period (2023-01-03
being the 1st day). If you obtain negative RAT results on these two successive days (or any other
subsequent two successive days), you may be deemed as fulfilling the condition of ending your
isolation early after obtaining the second negative results on the day of the second negative RAT, and
this isolation order can be deemed as finished.

* 指定隔離地點包括社區隔離設施、社區治療設施、醫院管理局轄下的隔離設施或暫託中心
* Designated isolation venues include Community Isolation Facility, Community Treatment Facility,
Isolation Facility under Hospital Authority or holding centres

Health Officer
Dr. Albert Au
日期/Date: 2023-01-03

Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health 147C, Argyle Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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