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STAT 1430 Recitation 3B SD and Boxplots

Hot Dog Eating Contest

 Log into MyStatLab
 Click on the Stat 1430 course
 Click on StatCrunch on the left side menu.
 Click on “Visit the StatCrunch website”
 Click on “OPEN STATCRUNCH” on the menu bar at the very top. This will open a
blank spreadsheet for you to enter data into.
 Enter the numbers from the results section of the following WIKI site to create
a data set showing the year, gender, and number of Hot Dogs eaten by the
Winner of Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest, from 2011-2019.'s_Hot_Dog_Eating_Contest

The first rows of your data set should look like this (click on the top row of the
StatCrunch spreadsheet to change variable names):


2011 M 62
2011 F 40


1. Using Statcrunch, find the 5-number summary (STAT/Summary

Statistics/Columns) for MEN ONLY. Then do it for the women. Do you see any
differences? (Units are number of hotdogs)

MEN 5 # Summary:

WOMEN 5 # Summary:

2. Make boxplots from your data that are side by side on the same graph that compare
the women to the men. Use the directions below:


-SELECT COLUMN (variable) to make your boxplot out of (#hotdogs)
-GROUP BY: the gender variable
STAT 1430 Recitation 3B SD and Boxplots

3. Interpret the boxplot for men in terms of shape, center, and variability. Use language
that a non-statistician would understand. Do the same for the women.

4. Describe the differences between the results of the men vs women by comparing
your boxplots.

Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest Official Website:


5. Suppose at the end of the year everyone at Bob’s restaurant gets a $5.00 raise per
hour to their existing wages. How does this raise affect the standard deviation of
their wages?
a. SD is larger than before
b. SD is smaller than before
c. SD is same as before

6. Suppose at the end of the year everyone at Bob’s restaurant gets a 5 PERCENT raise
per hour to their existing wages. How does this raise affect the standard deviation of
their wages?
a. SD is larger than before
b. SD is smaller than before
c. SD is same as before

Next 3 problems: The starting salaries (in dollars) of a random sample of all graduates
from OSU from the year 1970 were analyzed. The results are shown below.

Variable Count Mean St.Dev. Variance Min. Q1 Median Q3 Max.
Salary 125 24329 2164 4683459 18958 22663 24461 26155 28123

7. Why would you say this data set is fairly symmetric?

a. The mean and median are close
a. The standard deviation is small compared to the mean and median
b. Both a and b
c. Not enough information to tell

8. What units is the standard deviation in?

d. No units b. Dollars c. Years
STAT 1430 Recitation 3B SD and Boxplots

9. Suppose after taking the sample, the program finds that their next graduate starts at
$35,000 per year. Which of the following statistics will be the least affected by
adding this graduate to the data set?
a. The mean
b. The median
c. The standard deviation
d. All of these will be affected the same amount

10. A small data set was summarized using statistics software; the output is below.
Which of the following data sets matches these descriptive statistics?
Descriptive Statistics: Quiz Score
Variable Count Mean St.Dev.
Quiz 6 1.0000 0.00000000

a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
b. 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
c. 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
d. Could be more than one possible answer

For the next 3 problems: The number of robberies each year was recorded for each of two
banks over a 20-year period. The boxplots are shown below.

11. Which of the following statements must be true?

a. Bank B had more robberies in general than bank A over these 20 years.
b. Bank B had fewer robberies in general than bank A over these 20 years.
c. Both banks had the same number of robberies over these 20 years.

12. The amount of variability in number of robberies based on these boxplots must be:
a. The same for both banks
b. Smaller for bank A than for bank B
c. Larger for bank A than for bank B
d. Not enough information to tell.
STAT 1430 Recitation 3B SD and Boxplots

13. Based on the information above, which of the following statements is true?
a. During 50% of the years bank A had 3 or more robberies
b. For 10 of the years bank A had between 2 and 4 robberies
c. Both a and b are true
d. Both a and b are false

Next 4 problems: A taxi cab company takes a random sample of 50 of its taxis and notes
their miles per gallon (mpg) on a test run. The computer output is shown below.

Descriptive Statistics: MPG

Variable Count Mean St.Dev. Min. Q1 Median Q3 Max.
Mileage 50 19.78 3.093 13.30 17.800 20.000 21.82 26.000
4 0 5

14. The number of miles per gallon that marks the 75th percentile is 21.825.
a. True
b. False

15. What is the IQR for this data set? _______________________

16. 75% of the taxis have a MPG higher than what value?
a. 26.000
b. 17.800
c. 21.825
d. None of the above

17. When skewness is present in a set of data, which of the following descriptive
summary measures are most appropriate?
a. Mean and standard deviation
b. Maximum and minimum
c. Interquartile range and median
d. Mean and interquartile range

18. Which of the following descriptive statistics based on the above data is in units of
a. Mean
b. Median
c. IQR
d. Standard Deviation
19. Suppose everyone at Bob’s restaurant gets a $5.00 raise per hour to their existing
wages. How does this raise affect the Interquartile Range of the salaries?
a. It will be larger than before
b. It will be smaller than before
STAT 1430 Recitation 3B SD and Boxplots

c. It will be the same as before

20. Suppose at the end of the year everyone at Bob’s restaurant gets a 5 PERCENT raise
per hour to their existing wages. How does this raise affect the Interquartile Range
of their wages? (Hint: what are you doing to the data when you give a 5% raise?)
a. It will be larger than before
b. It will be the same as before
c. It will be smaller than before

Next two problems: A survey of 15 randomly selected employees from Bob’s factory was
taken to find out how many sick days they took due to colds and flu last year. A boxplot and
some descriptive statistics for the data are shown below.

Variable N Mean SE Mean St.Dev. Min. Q1 Median Q3 Max.

Sick Day 1 6.00 1.10 4.28 0 3.00 5.00 9.00 15.00

21. The 25th percentile is:

a. Around 5
b. Around 3
c. Around (9-5)/2 = 4.5
d. Around 9

22. According to the boxplot above, the shape of this data set is:
a. Skewed right
b. Skewed left
c. Symmetric
d. Can’t tell

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