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Jhon Alexander Estrada Hincapié

Martín Uribe Henao

● Setting: public school

● Population: 7th grade
● Students´ age: 13-15 years
● English level: A1-A2

Based on an environment analysis, we carried out, we found that most of the students had
been learning English through the Grammar Translation Method, and most of them are not
interested in learning English, because the unique purpose to learn English is to get a score.
However, they like to face challenging activities as well as to work on topics that are
connected with their surrounding and experiences. On the other hand, one of the constraints
regarding the situation is the amount of students per classroom, so, in order to avoid this, it is
important to propose cooperative and collaborative work in the classroom and one of the
strategies to promote it is that the most proficient students leader the groups in order to
support their classmates. Besides, the institution has excellent technological resources;
therefore it allows the teacher to bring audiovisual material for his students in order to
increase the amount of input. Another positive aspect that must be highlighted is that in the
institution the hours of English per week are 6 or 8 depending on some situations. Finally,
there is one negative aspect, which is the few opportunities the students have for practicing
English out of the school, thus, it is so important to include large quantities of input in the
classroom and also give them many spaces in where they can produce English and put it into
practice what they have learned.

Established goal: construyo textos dirigidos a diferentes tipos de personas o situaciones.

Transfer Goal: Students will be able to describe the people and the context that surrounds
them through an infographic.

Meaning Goal: Students will understand why it is important to address others using ethical
and moral language and giving real and proper information.

Acquisition Goals:

Linguistic: Students will know how to produce accurate short sentences that have a proper
meaning according to the context.
Pragmatic: Students will know when to use a descriptive layout regarding its characteristics.

Sociolinguistic: Students will know how and for whom a text is aimed.


· Assessment task: Infographic for showing to the class their own family and neighborhood

Assessment criteria: Writing

o Use appropriate words for family

o Use appropriate words for neighborhood
o The text keep relation with its respective images
o Descriptions expresses attitudes about family
o Descriptions expresses attitudes about neighborhood
o Words are placed correctly within the sentences
o Appropriate use of transitional words in the text
o Each short text are composed by a minimum of 3 sentences.
Appropriate use of prepositions of place.

Other evidence
● Quiz on simple present.
● Written Quiz on family members
● Oral Quiz on descriptive adjectives.
● Quiz describe what you see orally/written


Class 1

Instruction Teacher: Explain the simple present

through short descriptive sentences.

Ss: Exercise 1 (Matching: divide the class

into team of 4 students, so they have to
link an image with a descriptive sentence)

Development Exercise 2 audio about family descriptions

and students must complete some
Activity 1 Listening and reading
comprehension: students must get into
teams and they must organize a text
according to the listening provided by the
teacher. Finally, they are going to discuss
about it.

Closure Students describe an image by writing a

short sentence.

Class 2

Instruction Flashcards (vocabulary on family

Exercise 1 Crossword puzzle (family

Development Provide cut images to Ss, they organize

them and write the member they have.
Video (adjectives) Then, describe the
previous pictures using the adjectives
watched in the video.

Closure Hangman: (Adjectives and family

members) The group is divided into teams.

Class 3

Instruction The teacher describes different familiar

photos through a short descriptive text on
the board. (Collage)

Development Based on the example, the ss will describe

their own familiar photos.

Closure Students will share one another what they

Note: Students will prepare for presenting
the task number 1.

Class 4


Development Task 1: Students make a collage about

their families. (the works will put on the
walls around the classroom)

Closure General feedback is provided. Besides, the

teacher gives each student personal
comments (positive and negative aspects
and recommendations) about his/her

Class 5

Instruction Teacher: flashcards about preposition of

Brings a picture of a neighborhood's’
block to describe it to the class.

Development Wordsearch: *Places of the neighborhood

*Follow the instructions (preposition of

*Students will draw their blocks.

Closure Students describe with short sentences

their drawings supported by the previous
explanations and exercises.

Class 6

Instruction Regarding the examples of short

descriptive texts provided in classes 1 and
3, the teacher highlight the transitional
words, and then he will explain each one.

Development *Exercise: Students should complete a

paragraph fill in the blanks with the right
*Multiple choice: play an audio made by
the teacher, where any neighborhood will
be described, so then they must choose the
correct answer.

Closure According to the drawings made by the

students in class 5, they will write a short
descriptive paragraph using at least 4
Next class: Bring materials to elaborate a

Class 7

Instruction Review: Simon says: Prepositions of place

Matching: pictures and descriptive
Video: How to make a poster in 20 min

Development In teams of 5, students will make a poster

about a neighborhood and a family
assigned by the teacher. They must write
at least two short texts.

Closure Share posters with the rest of the class.

Class 8


Development Final Task: Infographic

Closure General feedback is provided. Besides, the

teacher gives each student personal
comments (positive and negative aspects
and recommendations) about his/her


● Stage 1
Established goal: Write short texts about familiar actions, experiences and plans.

Transfer goal: Students will be able to express their families experiences through short
written narrative texts.

Meaning goal: Students will understand why it is important to share and value their families’

Acquisition goals:
Linguistic: Students will know how to write short stories and anecdotes using the simple past

Pragmatic: Students will know how to write short texts using a narrative layout.

Sociolinguistic: Students will know how to narrate their families experiences using a
informal register.

● Stage 2

Assessment Evidence

Assessment task: Travel journal where students narrate their two most appealing travel
family experiences.

Assessment Criteria:
❏ Has a proper use of the simple past structure.
❏ Appropriate word order within the sentence.
❏ Appropriate use of irregular and regular verbs.
❏ The text expresses feelings towards the experience.
❏ Appropriate use of transitional words.
❏ Appropriate use of capital letters.
❏ The text has connection with the images.

Other evidence:
Quiz on irregular and regular verbs.
Quiz on simple past sentences.
Journal draft

Class 1

Instruction Teacher:
Explain the simple past through past

Exercise 1: Students will read a short text

provided by the teacher in which they
must write the proper verb in past because
they are in present.

Development Activity: Using some pictures provided by

the teacher, students must complete a story
in past. this activity will be carry out in
teams of 3-4 students

Closure Exercise: Students share what they have


Class 2

Instruction Word search upon irregular verbs.

Development Video about someone talking about his/her

vacation experience,
Students write a short texts upon the video
using at least 5 verbs mentioned in it.

Closure Students write a short texts upon the video

using at least 5 verbs mentioned in it

Class 3

Instruction Teacher brings to class some drawings

about his vacation experiences and in front
of the class write about each drawing.

Development Students bring some pictures about

traveling experiences and then write short
narrative texts upon the pictures.

Closure Teacher explains How to do a timeline and

the most common connectors of
sequence(later, after, then, before, after

Class 4


Development Task: students create a timeline using the

materials teacher asked them to bring.

Closure General feedback is provided. Besides, the

teacher gives each student personal
comments (positive and negative aspects
and recommendations) about his/her

Class 5

Instruction Show students how to do a travel journal

using some pictures.

Development Teacher and students create a sample of a

journal using newspaper images and also
they can use an informal register.

Closure the activity continue till this stage

Class 6

Instruction Memory game: verbs in present and

irregular ones.

Development Interview: students will interview 4

classmates and write their answers.
E.g. what did you do last vacation?
Where did you go? Who did you go with?
Teacher will write the questions on the

Closure Share what they have done.

Class 7

Instruction Teacher share a travel journal to the class

and ask questions to students.

Development Review all worked in previous classes.

Closure Exercise: divide the class into 5 teams,

teacher will ask a member of each team
for performing a verb, then the teacher
will ask one member of the team the
student belong to” what did he do” and the
member must give the right answer using
simple past.
Class 8

Instruction Task: Travel journal where students

narrate their two most appealing travel
family experiences.


Closure General feedback is provided. Besides, the

teacher gives each student personal
comments (positive and negative aspects
and recommendations) about his/her


Established goal: Gives and follows instructions, recommendations and suggestions about
topics related to his/her immediate context.

Transfer goal: Students will be able to follow and give instructions, recommendations and
suggestions regarding people and daily situations through short conversations.

Meaning goal: Students will understand that give and follow instructions, recommendations
and suggestions allow them to keep the order and promote interactions with others.

Acquisition goals:

Linguistic: Students will know how to provide commands, suggestions and advices through
simple sentences.

Sociolinguistic: students will know the importance of giving suggestions, commands and
advices using formal and informal registers depending on the situation and the person.

Pragmatic: Students will know how to provide the right comments to help the others to fulfil
the different situations.


Assessment task: role-play about daily situations (go to the hospital, traveling, cooking, etc.)

Assessment criteria:
❏ Use of the different modals( can-could-should-may-might-etc)
❏ Proper use of connectors of sequence( later, after, then, before,)
❏ Each modal verb is used in a proper way.
❏ The message is clear and easy to understand.
❏ Use expressions and exclamations.
❏ Appropriate tone of voice.
❏ Words are well pronounced.
❏ Use of contractions is allowed.
❏ There is eye contact.
❏ Provide the right advices/suggestions/comments according the situation needed.
❏ Ask different types of questions.

● Other evidence
● Quiz on modal verbs.
● Students’ audios
● Oral quiz using pictures(modal verbs)


Class 1

Instruction The teacher explains the use of different

modal verbs through different sentences
use in daily situations.

Development *Fill in the blanks: Students have a 10

sentences each one with a missing verb, so
they should listen an audio in order to
complete each sentence with the correct
modal verb.
*Case: teacher provides a case to students,
so then they must find a solution to the
case choosing the right
suggestions/advices/comments. Then, they
will share the answer in the in front the

Closure Simon says: Students must follow each


Class 2

Instruction *Video about the different ways of using

the modals to express suggestion.
*Students must recognize the use of
informal and formal language through
some short written conversations.

Development *I am sick: Students must give some

advices to someone. students must take a
piece of paper from a bag in which there
are different people (the mom, a president,
the brother, a businessman, a teacher)and
illness, so what they have to do is to
provide advices/ suggestions in order to
help the person to get better. In written
and oral form.

Closure *Chinese whisper: using different modal

sentences and words.

Class 3

Instruction The teacher shows students a video with

some actors performing a mini-play.
*Listening exercise: Students listen an
audio in which a person is giving
instructions for getting relaxed, so they
must follow all of them.

Development *The teacher ask for students to get in

teams of five, and then he will provide
each team a short script, each student has a
character. The teacher will choose the
most proficient students to leader each
team as well as to perform a part of the
script with him as an example for the

Closure The development activity continues here.

Class 4

Instruction The teacher will give 20 min for the teams

to get prepare for the mini-play.

Development Task 1: My heart is broken: Student will

get in teams of 5 students, so each student
will have a different role (1 broken heart
girl- the cheater- the psychology-
psychology#2- the lover-)
Each performance will take between 5 and
7 min.

Closure General feedback is provided. Besides, the

teacher gives each student personal
comments (positive and negative aspects
and recommendations) about his/her

Class 5

Instruction Audio about a person who is planning his

next vacation, so he is listening for
different advices. The teacher will write
on the board the sentences.

Development Dialogue: in peers students must prepare a

short dialogue based on a situation
provided by the teacher.

Closure *Students share their dialogues in front of

the class. (30 seconds per presentation)

Class 6

Instruction *I find a treasure, but I do not know what

to do: playing hot potato, so the student
who loses in the game must give some
advices to the treasure founder.

Development *Treasure map: The Captain (teacher)

have hidden his treasure in a place at the
school, so in order to find it, the pirates
(students) must follow a set of instructions
given by the Captain.

Closure *The previous activity continues here.

Class 7

Instruction *Students will watch a video about

someone who goes to the doctor for
suggestions and recommendations.
*The teacher will present the students a
cooking recipe with some images.

Development The students will be divided, some of

them will be doctors and chefs, the other
part will be patients and kitchen assistants.
So, they will ask for help to the doctors
and chefs.

Closure The students will prepare for the final task.

They will decide their characters in the
role play and they will begin to create a
script based on a situation provided by the

Class 8

Development *Final task: role-play about daily

situations (go to the hospital, traveling,
cooking, etc.) Five students per team.

Closure General feedback is provided. Besides, the

teacher gives each student personal
comments (positive and negative aspects
and recommendations) about his/her

Stage 1 Desired Results:

Established goal: Describe actions related to a subject in his/her family or school


Transfer Goal: Students will be able to express what they experience in terms of natural
environment care in school and home every day by writing letters

Meaning goal: students will understand that it is important to do actions that benefit the
natural environment.

Acquisition goals:

Linguistic: students will know how to produce accurate compound sentences.

Sociolinguist: students will know the different expressions regarding the environment.

Pragmatic: Students will know how to use an informal letter layout.

Stage 2-Assessment evidence

Assessment task: Write a letter to the Mother Nature in which you describe what actions you
carry out to protect her.

Assessment criteria:
❏ Use descriptive adjectives.
❏ Use appropriate vocabulary regarding the natural environment.
❏ Words are placed correctly within the sentence
❏ Use capital letters correctly
❏ Appropriate use of transitional words in the paragraph.
❏ Appropriate use of coordinating conjunctions. "FAN BOYS":
❏ Appropriate use of punctuation.
❏ Use of an informal letter layout
❏ Appropriate use of simple sentences
❏ Accurate compound sentences are in the text
❏ The text expresses attitudes toward natural environment.

Other evidence:
Quiz on vocabulary regarding natural environment.
Letter draft


Class 1

Instruction *Teacher: Compound sentences


*Students: Word search: Students must

identify different words related to natural
environment care

Development *The students must complete some

compound sentences using the vocabulary
in the word search.
*In a reading students must identify
positive as well as negative actions
humans carry out in daily life- everyday

Closure Hangman about the vocabulary taught in

the class.

Class 2
Instruction Teacher: Explanation of some
coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but,
for) through different examples.

Example of an informal letter layout as

well as the explanation of its

Development *The teacher put on the walls many

pictures with people doing some actions,
so the students must describe what the
people are doing.


Class 3

Instruction *Video about how we must take care of

our planet.
*Example of an informal letter written by
the teacher to one of his friends.

Development *write a letter (draft) to your mother: Each

student must write a letter to their
mothers /fathers in which they provide
advices about what to do for taking care
the planet: e.g. dad you should avoid
wasting too much water at the moment of
washing your car.

Closure Students share part of their letters drafts

Class 4


Development In peers students will write a letter in

which they address to their classmates
about what would they do to help the
Closure General feedback is provided. Besides, the
teacher gives each student personal
comments (positive and negative aspects
and recommendations) about his/her

Class 5

Instruction Feedback upon the last task

Development Students must read a new about the

consequences of some bad habits humans
have against the nature, So, based on that
they can propose some good habits.

Closure Hacer un cadaver, Where the will put their

opinion and thoughts about the situation,
the planet is facing. Bear in mind the
previous reading.

Class 6

Instruction Teacher shows and explains a mind map

to students about global warming.

Students must do a matching between

images and short sentences.

Development Students must make two drawings in peers

and then write a short sentences upon it
(regarding global warming)

Closure Share their drawings in a round table


Class 7

Instruction Teacher teaches to the students the

difference between a formal and informal
letter and also the different connectors
could be used.

Development Each student writes an informal message

to one of his classmates.

Closure Share their messages

Class 8

Instruction Students write a letter to mother nature


Closure General feedback is provided. Besides, the

teacher gives each student personal
comments (positive and negative aspects
and recommendations) about his/her

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