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Orientation Note

Which Part of Syllabus is Covered in this Chapter?

• In this chapter, we will be covering the following part of the syllabus (highlighted in pink box):

What will you Study in this Chapter?

To cover the syllabus topic as given above, you will be studying following things in this chapter -

• Agronomy: definition, meaning and scope of Agronomy

• Introduction to Field Crops
• Various types of Field Crop Classification

• Factors affecting Crop Production

• Crop Production Introduction

• Steps in Crop Production

• Tillage Classification and Tillage Systems

How to Approach this Chapter?

• Importance – Importance is High. Many questions have been asked from this chapter in the previous
years as shown below in the table. For the actual questions check out the document containing PYQs
of this chapter.

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• Difficulty Level – The chapter contains basic concepts that are easy to understand. So, difficulty wise
it’s an easy chapter.
• Conceptual/Factual – The chapter is conceptual; however, factual questions can also be asked. For
Type of Question Question
Conceptual The growing of grass or legumes in rotation with grain or tilled
crops as a soil conservation measure is termed as?
(Previous Years Question; Answer: Ley Farming)

Factual Which of the following is a salt tolerant rice variety grown in water
logged coastal regions of Kerala?
(Previous Years Question; Answer: Pokkali)

• Relevant for Descriptive Writing - This chapter is highly relevant for descriptive writing. Questions
can be asked which are either purely static or which are little dynamic.
Type of Question Question
Static What are the different types of Agronomic practices/ Tillage
practices followed in India?
Dynamic What is the current status of agronomic practises followed in
India? Is there any scope of improvement?

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