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Name: Ruby R.

Santillan BSN-2C

Reflection Paper on Bioethics and Research

Dr. Chanell Conception spoke on Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). This video
assisted me in better understanding and deepening my knowledge of research and EBP in nursing.
Though we had already discussed this issue in some ways, Dr. Chanell provided new concepts,
acronyms, and phases and scales in EBP that were completely unfamiliar to me.

Research is unavoidable in any field. Even as students, we are required to comprehend and do research
responsibly. Looking back in nursing research history, Florence Nightingale was the first to methodically
gather data throughout her studies. Crimean War Using such evidence, a policy choice was taken that
resulted in substantial breakthroughs in health care delivery. It served as a steppingstone in the EBP as
well. Since this was partly about research, I'd want to mention that near the conclusion of WWII,
thousands of concentration camp captives were subjected to medical experiments without their
consent. As a result, the Nuremberg Code was created with the intention of protecting human beings in
medical research. Furthermore, the Helsinki Declaration underlined the need of informed consent.
Finally, the Belmont Report highlights the Commission's ethical principles and standards for human
subject protection during research. Experimenting on humans as a result, ethical guidelines have
evolved. Up till now, these have made a significant contribution to doing research in a more ethical
manner. I'd also want to include Evidence-Based Practice, which is frequently referred to as an
important component of health care. Personally, I believe that EBP is critical to providing high-quality
care. I learned that with EBP, scientific evidence, clinical knowledge, and patient preferences are all
included into everyone’s care.

It is necessary to instill in our thoughts the importance of research and EBP from the start. Because it is a
necessary aspect of nursing practice and incorporating ethics into it is strongly promoted.

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