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Name: Ruby R.

Santillan BSN-2D Date: 03-23-20

Medicating infants and children is one of the nurse’s most important responsibilities, the nurse has a
legal responsibility to administer medications safely and accurately. Safe administration of medications
to children requires an understanding of dosages of medications used for children and expected actions,
possible side effects, and signs of adverse reaction or toxicity. It’s difficult to administer a medication
that has unpleasant taste to a child as a nurse I would mix the medicine with a small amount of food
that have a strong flavour. It helps hide the taste of medicine. Or it can also put in a small amount of
juice or sugar water. Or squirt a medicine slowly toward the inside of child’s cheek using syringe.

Tonsillitis is a common medical condition that affects the tonsils, which located at the back of the throat
caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Assess for signs and symptoms of inadequate oxygenation. Early
signs of hypoxia include confusion, irritability, headaches, pallor, tachycardia, and tachypnea. For
nursing intervention place the patient prone or side lying- position it promotes the drainage of blood
unswallowed saliva from the mouth that can potentially be aspirated, encourage the patient to drink
adequately hydrations loosens thick secretions or maintains the secretion moist to facilitate easy
removal. Teach and demonstrate breathing exercises. Promotes lung expansion, enhanced air exchange
and prevents the risk of pneumonia lastly administer medication as prescribed

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