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Date- 1st January 2022 to 15th January 2022

Head Mistress’s message

World Family Day starts the New Year with a positive message of unity to the world,
celebrated every year on January 1.We are all one! Cultures and religions across the
world may be different but, the truth is, all of mankind is a large family that can
survive and succeed only if united. And yes, this is a goal that can be achieved — all
that is required is spreading the message of peace and unity through the World
Family Day. It’s an international day celebrated to promote world peace. It reminds
us that we are one big family. It works towards ending discrimination. It can ensure
World War III never takes place.
Smita Ugale
Topic: Positive Beginnings
Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of
yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.
Happy New Year and All the best for the positive beginning.
Prepared Link
by: Ms.
Harshita Sehgal

Library Link
Friends forever
Advising a Fool
The Open window
Performance Link
Shree Mehta
Creativity of our class- 6F
Family is not just a set of people,
not just people living under one
roof. It is something where people
live for each other, where there is
love between them. It is about
unselfish acts. This is not just an
article or a paragraph, it is the
true meaning of a family. It is a
true bond and the greatest thing
gifted by god. Be happy with your
By Rohini Maji

By Avanika Mishra

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