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Power » Dark

Table of Contents
Darkness [Core]
Meld [Core]
Dark Talents
Clinging Darkness
Dampen Light [Apoc]
Dappled Shadows [Apoc]
Dual Darkness [Apoc]
Flowing Darkness
Gaze into the Abyss
Greater Darkness [Core]
Click Here To Back
Lingering Darkness [Core]
Ultimate Spheres of Power
Mass Meld
on Kickstarter
Quick Meld [Core]
Ranged Darkness [Apoc] Visit the Starfinder 3PP Wiki
Rolling Blackout
Shadow Coterie
Shadowing Darkness [Apoc] Legal & OGL | About |
Shifting Shadows [Apoc] Contact
Sinister Surprise
Umbral Burst [Apoc] Tags | Edit | Source | Print
Wall of Darkness [Core]
Blot Talents Links
Creeping Lethargy (blot, darkness)
BB Code Profile Template
Flat Black (blot)
How to Build a Champion
Intoxicating Darkness (blot, darkness)
How to Build a Practitioner
Numbing Darkness (blot, darkness)
How to Build a Spherecaster
Obscure Passage (blot)
Shadow Slick (blot, shadow) Systems
Shadow Tag (blot, darkness, shadow)
Tenebrous Legerdemain (blot, darkness) Akashic Mysteries
Darkness Talents Cthulhu Mythos
Black Lung (darkness) Gonzo
Creeping Lethargy (blot, darkness) Heroes of the Jade Oath
Directional Darkness (darkness) [Core] Mythic Rules
Disorienting Darkness (darkness)
Darkness (darkness) [Core] Share on
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Hungry Darkness (darkness) [Core]
Intoxicating Darkness (blot, darkness) Spheres of Power
Looming Darkness (darkness) [Core] Strange Magic
Numbing Darkness (blot, darkness) Other Options
Pure Darkness (darkness) [Core]
Shadow Tag (blot, darkness, shadow) House Rules
Silent Darkness (darkness) [Core]
Snagging Darkness (darkness) [Core] Deific Talents
Tenebrous Legerdemain (blot, darkness) Gestalt Rules
Thick Darkness (darkness) [Core] Recharge Sphere Magic
Meld Talents
Magic Spheres
Clearsight (meld) [Core]
Dark Slaughter (meld) [Core] Alteration
Darkvision (meld) [Core] Conjuration
Feed on Darkness (meld) [Core] Creation
Hide In Darkness (meld) [Core] Dark
Step Through Darkness (meld) [Core] Death
Stygian Immersion (meld) Destruction
Shadow Talents Divination
Blindfold (shadow) Enhancement
Shadow Lurk (shadow) Fate
Shadowed Mien (shadow) Illusion
Shadow Slick (blot, shadow) Life
Shadow Stash (shadow) Light
Shadow Tag (blot, darkness, shadow) Mind
Dark Feats Nature
Advanced Dark Talents Protection
Dark Drawbacks Telekinesis
Archetypes Specializing in Darkness Time
-Darkshaper War
-Invidian Warp
-Nocturnal Predator Weather
-Shadow Boxer
-Skulk Blood
-Talent Thief Fallen Fey
-Void Gazer
Wild Magic Combat Spheres
Wild Magic Generator
Wild Magic Table Alchemy
You may create and manipulate Barroom
darkness. Beastmastery
Darkness [Core] Boxing
Dual Wielding
As a standard action, you may create a
sphere of darkness with a radius of up to
10 ft + 5 ft per 2 caster levels, centered
anywhere within Medium range. This
darkness radiates from a central point,
and cannot extend through walls. You
Spheres Lancer
must concentrate to maintain this
of Power Open Hand
sphere, but you may always spend 1
$19.99 Scoundrel
spell point as a free action to make the
darkness last for 1 minute per level
without concentration. You must remain
within Medium range of the darkness
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through concentration.
In this darkness, bright light (including daylight)
becomes dim light, imposing a 20% miss chance to Page tags
attacks. Normal light and dim light become absolute
darkness. Sources of normal light only produce dim
light in a 5-foot radius, and sources of dim light
disappear. This is not subject to Spell Resistance, but
creatures with Darkvision may see in this darkness as
normal. You may always dismiss one of
your darkness effects as a free action.

Talents designated as (darkness) add

additional effects to a sphere of
darkness. Only one such talent may be
applied to an individual sphere of
darkness, but areas of darkness with
different effects may overlap. Individual
darkness effects do not stack with

If a Light sphere effect is created inside The

a darkness effect, the creator of the Nyctomancer's
Light sphere effect must pass a magic Handbook
skill check against the creator of the $4.99
darkness effect. If the check succeeds,
the Light sphere effect functions
normally. Otherwise, it functions as any other light
source, as described above.


Masters of the Dark sphere aren’t limited to creating

globes of murk. Instead, they can spread pools of
darkness to deliver their magic. A blot is a darkness
effect created on a two-dimensional surface, such as
the ground or a wall, appearing as an inky coating
rather than a volume of decreased illumination. Blots
do not affect the light level of the area. The Clearsight
meld functions on blots the same as it does on areas
of darkness.

Dark talents listed with the (blot) tag can be applied

to an area of darkness to add additional effects and to
cause it to manifest as a blot. Only one such talent
may be applied to an individual blot, but blots and
darkness with different effects may overlap.
Individual blots do not stack with themselves, nor do
they stack with similar (darkness) talents.

If a talent is labeled as (blot) and (darkness), the

caster may decide whether to manifest an area of blot
or darkness when the sphere effect is created. This
decision cannot be changed. In order for a blot to
affect a target, it must be in contact with the blot.
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effects and talents.

Meld [Core]

Meld talents allow the caster to grant himself and others the ability to interact with
darkness in new ways. The caster must touch a target as a standard action to grant
them the benefits of a meld talent.


Dark talents listed with the (shadow) tag manipulate the target’s own shadow directly,
without manifesting an area of darkness at all. Unless otherwise indicated, a shadow
may be applied to a target within medium range as a standard action. Only one shadow
may be applied to any one target at a time. An unwilling target is allowed a Will save to
negate a shadow. The duration of each shadow is specified in its description. If a shadow
can be maintained through concentration, you must remain within medium range of the
target to do so.

Shadows function normally within areas of glow, neither suppressing nor being
suppressed by areas of glow simply by entering them. If a Light sphere effect and
shadow are cast directly upon the same target, however, the caster of the Light sphere
effect must pass a magic skill check against the MSD of the shadow’s caster. If the check
succeeds, the the Light sphere effect functions normally and the shadow is suppressed.
If it fails, the shadow functions normally and the Light sphere effect is suppressed. Time
spent suppressed counts against the duration of the effect in either case.

Dark Talents
Clinging Darkness

You may center an area of darkness or blot on a creature or item rather than an area. If
targeting a creature or its attended item, that creature may attempt a Will save to
negate the effect initially and again each round at the end of its turn. A successful save
ends the darkness or blot immediately.

Dampen Light [Apoc]

You can dampen light in an area. This functions similarly to creating darkness, using the
same range and area, but it lasts for 1 minute per caster level without the need for
concentration and only lowers light levels by one step within the area. In addition, you
cannot apply (darkness) talents to these areas, though (meld) talents function within
them as if they were an area of darkness. You may also apply talents that would change
the area or duration of your darkness (such as Greater Darkness or Eternal Darkness) to
use of this talent.

You may take this talent twice; when taken a second time, you may choose to lower
light levels by two steps when you use this talent.

Dappled Shadows [Apoc]

You may reduce the radius of your darkness in 5 ft. increments to create a second
sphere of darkness with a radius equal to the subtracted amount. You may do this
multiple times to create multiple areas of darkness. These spheres may be placed
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Dual Darkness [Apoc]

By spending a spell point you can apply two (darkness) talents to a single area of
darkness. The effect of each talent is resolved separately, and you must pay the spell
point costs of each one individually, though other costs (such as metamagic or other
talents) are only paid once. This talent may not be used in conjunction with the Midnight
advanced talent.


You may opt to instantly extinguish all non-magical light sources within your areas of
darkness, not merely suppress them. This includes fire, incandescence, and alchemical
sources. Coals turn cold, glowing-hot metal is made cool, and luminous chemicals are
rendered inert. Additionally, your darkness can be used to dispel sources of magical
flame (such as an Energy Wall consisting of fire) with a magic skill check. This is an
instantaneous effect that occurs when the area of darkness is created. Creatures made
of flame or other luminous materials or energies are not harmed by this talent.

Flowing Darkness

Your areas of darkness and blot flow through cracks and crevices like a viscous liquid,
allowing them to extend around corners and pass through small cracks and crevices to
reach their full radius. Your blot and darkness can flow through porous obstacles such as
the gaps around a typical door, a wall rife with rodent holes, or ill-fitting masonry, but
not through sealed structures like a ship’s hull, a secure safe, or a properly mortared

Gaze into the Abyss

You tap into a well of blackness so deep that it extends beyond the merely visible,
threatening to draw in anyone attempting to examine your spellwork with magically
enhanced vision. Anyone attempting to divine or determine magical, alignment, or
psychic auras of a person or object under the effect of your (blot), (darkness), or
(shadow) talents must make an MSB check against your MSD or becomes stunned as if
viewing an overwhelming aura. Those who fail this check gain no information and
automatically fail any further attempt against any target protected by the same caster’s
Gaze into the Abyss for 24 hours.

Greater Darkness [Core]

When creating an area of darkness, you may spend an additional spell point to increase
the affected area. This allow you to create a sphere of darkness with a radius of up to 20
ft + 5 ft per caster level. If combined with the Wall of Darkness talent, this allows you to
create six 10-ft cubes, + 2 cubes per caster level.


You are skilled at slipping your magic into the natural surroundings, subtly manipulating
natural murk and shadows to fit your purpose. You may overlap an area of blot with the
natural shadows in an area in such a way that it is indistinguishable without magically
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may be imbued with a Dark sphere talent as normal, though talents with obvious or
harmful effects will immediately reveal the ruse. If the lighting in an area is such as to
eliminate the casting of any shadows, then insinuate cannot be used. Otherwise, a blot
created using this feat covers its normal area of effect.

Lingering Darkness [Core]

When you cease concentrating on a darkness effect, you may choose to have the
darkness remain for two rounds before dissipating.

Mass Meld

When using a (meld) talent, you may spend an additional spell point to apply the same
(meld) to an additional target. You may use this ability more than once in the same


Creatures and items within your area of darkness or subject to one of your (shadow)
talents are treated as if shielded by a veneer of lead, and any attempt to locate them via
scrying fails. Divination talents benefiting from a single instance of Penetrating
Divination may bypass obfuscation with a successful MSB check. Those benefiting from a
second instance of Penetrating Divination bypass Obfuscation automatically.

You may take Obfuscation a second time, increase protection to the equivalent of 1 ft. of
lead. Scrying attempts using a single instance of Penetrating Divination automatically
fail. Attempts using two instances of Penetrating Divination require an MSB check.
Obfuscation does not affect the caster’s own divinations.

Quick Meld [Core]

You may use (meld) talents on yourself as a swift action instead of a standard action.

Ranged Darkness [Apoc]

You may create darkness anywhere within Long range instead of Medium range, and
may sustain any darkness within Long range through concentration instead of Medium

Rolling Blackout

You gain the ability to move your areas of darkness or blot. You can move one instance
of darkness or blot up to 25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 caster levels as a move action, within the
maximum range of the effect. If moving an area of darkness or blot causes a creature to
leave its area of effect, any ongoing effects the creature is under related to that area of
blot or darkness end immediately.

Shadow Coterie

You’ve learned to manipulate a target’s shadow more efficiently, allowing you to apply
one additional (shadow) talent to a target for every 5 caster levels, up to 5 at 20th
caster level. You may not apply the same (shadow) talent to a single target more than
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inaccessible unless you wish it to.

Shadowing Darkness [Apoc]

When creating an area of darkness you can choose to have your darkness cling to
anyone who passes through it and trail from them like smoke. Anyone who leaves the
area of your darkness treats areas of bright light as areas of dim light and all other light
levels as total darkness for the purposes of determining concealment when it would not
be beneficial to them. In addition, they continue to be affected by any (darkness) talents
as if they were still in an area of your darkness. These lingering effects last for one
round after a creatures leaves an area of your darkness.

In addition, you may increase the effects of this talent by spending a spell point when
you create an area of darkness. If you do so, the effects of this talent linger for an
additional round per two caster levels, though a creature can attempt a Reflex save at
the end of each of these turns to remove the clinging shadows.

Shifting Shadows [Apoc]

As a free action at the beginning of your turn or when you first create an area of
darkness, you can alter the area of your darkness. You may remove up to one 5-ft.
square plus an additional 5-ft. square per 2 caster levels from anywhere within the area,
and may add one 5-ft. square plus an additional 5-ft. square per 2 caster levels to an
existing area of darkness, so long as the addition is contiguous. At the beginning of each
turn, you may change which squares are removed or added, but may never add or
remove more at one time than your caster level would allow.

Sinister Surprise

When spending a spell point to create an area of darkness or blot that persists without
concentration, you may opt to create a darkness or blot effect that remains dormant
until triggered by a creature entering the 10 ft. square area at the center of your
dormant darkness or blot effect.

A sinister surprise can be spotted and disabled as a magical trap, with a DC for both of
25 + 1/2 your caster level. You may also trigger the sinister surprise as an immediate
action as long as it is within medium range. You may have multiple sinister surprises
active, but their trigger areas may not overlap. An untriggered sinister surprise persists
for 1 hour per caster level or until disabled or dismissed. A triggered sinister surprise has
the duration of a typical area of darkness or blot.

You may take this talent a second time to add extra conditions to the trigger of your
Sinister Surprise. You may trigger it yourself from up to long range as an immediate
action. Additionally, you may choose any of the following additional conditions: You may
allow a number of specific individuals up to your caster level, designated at the time of
the casting, to pass through the sinister surprise without setting it off. You may set it to
be triggered only by a certain creature type or specific individual with whom you are
familiar. You may set your sinister surprise to go off at a specified time within the
effect’s duration.

Umbral Burst [Apoc]

You may spend a spell point to create an area of darkness as a swift action. This
darkness is temporary, lasting only for one round before the effect ends. You cannot
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or Eternal Darkness) cannot be applied to areas of darkness created by this talent.

Wall of Darkness [Core]

Rather than create a sphere of darkness, you may arrange your darkness as up to three
10-ft cubes, +1 cube per caster level. These cubes must be arranged contiguously, but
otherwise may assume any shape. You must be able to perceive all areas your darkness
will inhabit.

Blot Talents
Creeping Lethargy (blot, darkness)

Your darkness fogs the mind, causing those within to slip towards slumber. By spending
a spell point you may create a darkness or blot effect that forces creatures within it to
make a Will save or become staggered. Creatures that fail this save and remain
staggered must make another Will save at the beginning of your next turn or fall asleep
for 1 round per caster level or until the darkness expires, whichever happens first. A
successful save negates all effects and the target is immune to that instance of Creeping
Lethargy. Leaving the area of darkness automatically rouses the creature and removes
the staggered condition, but does not render the creature immune should it re-enter the
area of effect. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Flat Black (blot)

Your blot causes its area of effect to appear as a flat, featureless plane of blackness,
masking any terrain, traps, or unattended objects within at the time it is cast. Some
types of terrain may easily be deduced from context (e.g., a river flowing in one side
and out the other). This talent does not hide creatures or hamper attempts at non-visual
detection. The DCs for all vision-based perception checks to find something obscured by
Flat Black are increased by 10. Darkvision does not pierce Flat Black unless augmented
with the Clearsight meld.

Intoxicating Darkness (blot, darkness)

You may create a darkness or blot effect that erodes the mental capacity of those inside.
Any creature inside the darkness must pass a Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of Wisdom
damage. Creatures who remain within this area of darkness must save at the end of
your subsequent turns or suffer another point of Wisdom damage.

If a creature enters this area of darkness or blot after it is created, they must
immediately save or also suffer this damage. A creature may only be affected by
Intoxicating Darkness once per round, regardless of how many times they enter or exit
the area that turn.

Numbing Darkness (blot, darkness)

You may create a darkness or blot effect that subtly anesthetizes those inside. Any
creature inside the darkness must pass a Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of Dexterity
damage. Creatures who remain within this area of darkness must save at the end of
your subsequent turns or suffer another point of Dexterity damage. If a creature enters
this area of darkness or blot after it is created, they must immediately save or also
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Obscure Passage (blot)

By spending a spell point, you modify your blot to serve as a portal through a surface,
passing through up to 5 ft. of material per caster level. Obscure Passage can not
penetrate a surface with a hardness greater than 5 plus its caster level. Attempting to
create an obscure passage through a target that is too thick or too hard causes the spell
to fail and all spell points spent to be lost. An Obscure Passage has a maximum diameter
of 1 ft. per caster level, and leaves the surface whole and unmarred when it expires.
Light does not pass through an obscure passage, nor do low-light vision or darkvision
allow a creature to peer through it, though Clearsight and see in darkness do. A creature
standing above an obscure passage as it opens may attempt a Reflex save to avoid
falling in.

Shadow Slick (blot, shadow)

Your blot takes on a slick, nearly frictionless quality. Any creature attempting to move
more than half their speed through the blot must make a Reflex save to avoid falling
prone. If used as a (shadow) talent, the target must also make a Reflex save to avoid
dropping what is in its hands, and must spend a full-round action to retrieve stored or
dropped items as they fumble with compromised grip, but gains a +10 bonus to CMD to
avoid a grapple and on Escape Artist checks and CMB rolls made to escape a grapple.

Shadow Tag (blot, darkness, shadow)

Anyone passing through your area of darkness or blot picks up a bit of your magic in
their shadow, allowing you to know their relative direction and status (alive,
unconscious, dead) for 1 hour per caster level. If used as a (shadow) talent, you cast
this ability directly upon a creature instead, gaining the same benefits. You may track up
to 1 creature per caster level in this way. If you are at this limit, you must cease
tracking an old target in order to begin tracking a new one that passes through your
darkness or blot. The effect immediately ends for a target that moves more than one
mile away from you.

Tenebrous Legerdemain (blot, darkness)

You create an area of darkness or blot which you may manipulate to perform minor feats
of legerdemain. Once per round as a free action you may make a pickpocket attempt or
a Steal combat maneuver against a target that is within your darkness or blot. You may
use your own Sleight of Hand modifier or Steal CMB or your caster level + your casting
ability modifier, whichever is higher.

You may instead retrieve one unattended item that is within your area of blot or
darkness once per round as a free action. Whether the item is retrieved or stolen, it
appears in your hands or in the nearest adjacent space if your hands are full. An item
retrieved or stolen cannot weight more than 5 lbs. per caster level.
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Black Lung (darkness)

Your darkness takes on a foul, miasmic quality that causes creatures to choke and retch.
Creatures within must make a Fortitude save or become sickened until they leave the
area of Black Lung. Creatures who succeed at this save but remain in the darkness must
save again at the end of their turn. If any creature enters this area of darkness, they
must save or immediately become sickened. Creatures with the Verbal Casting drawback
suffer 50% spell failure while they are sickened by Black Lung. Creatures that do not
breathe are unaffected by Black Lung.

By taking this talent a second time, you may imbue your Black Lung with a dose of
contact or inhalation poison held in your hand. Using this ability consumes the dose of
poison. Any creature that fails its save against the Black Lung talent must make an
additional Fortitude save against the poison’s DC or suffer its effects. Those immune to
your Black Lung are also immune to the poison. There is no chance of accidentally
poisoning yourself when using this ability.

Creeping Lethargy (blot, darkness)

Your darkness fogs the mind, causing those within to slip towards slumber. By spending
a spell point you may create a darkness or blot effect that forces creatures within it to
make a Will save or become staggered. Creatures that fail this save and remain
staggered must make another Will save at the beginning of your next turn or fall asleep
for 1 round per caster level or until the darkness expires, whichever happens first. A
successful save negates all effects and the target is immune to that instance of Creeping
Lethargy. Leaving the area of darkness automatically rouses the creature and removes
the staggered condition, but does not render the creature immune should it re-enter the
area of effect. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Directional Darkness (darkness) [Core]

Your area of darkness only blocks the light from one vantage point. If your darkness is in
the form of a wall, it hampers vision from one side and appears clear from the other. If it
is spherical, the caster may choose either for those within the area of darkness to see
outside of it clearly or for those outside to see within clearly. The boundaries of the area
of darkness remain obvious to those who can see through it unhindered.

Disorienting Darkness (darkness)

You may create a darkness effect that has a chance to disorient anyone who enters it.
When a creature within this area attempts to move, or when a creature first enters this
area, they must pass a Will save or become disoriented. A creature must attempt this
Will save every time they enter the area of darkness. If the creature fails this saving
throw, they must roll a d8 to determine direction: 1 is their intended direction, with 2-8
rotating around the creature in a clockwise direction. The target moves that direction as
if it were their intended course. The target does not realize they are off-course until their
next turn or until they leave the area of darkness.

Investing an additional talent in Disorienting Darkness allows you a modicum of control

over your targets’ delusions. When a creature that has failed it save against your
Disorienting Darkness and become disoriented attempts to move, you may spend an
immediate action to choose their direction of travel instead of rolling randomly.
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Disorientating Darkness makes an attack, casts a targeted spell or spell-like ability, or

uses a supernatural or extraordinary ability with a specified target, the attack or ability
is randomly directed to another legal target within range. If there is no other legal target
within range, the attack or ability is not affected. If the affected spell or ability has more
than one target, all its targets are randomly chosen from among the legal targets within
range. Alternately, you may select the new target or targets as an immediate action
instead of determining them randomly. Chosen targets must be legal and you must be
able to perceive them.

Fearful Darkness (darkness) [Core]

You may create a darkness effect that plays with the fears of any who enter it. Creatures
within this area of darkness must pass a Will save or become shaken. Creatures who
succeed at this save but remain in the darkness must save again at the end of your
subsequent turns. If any creature enters this area of darkness, they must immediately
save or become shaken. When a creature fails their saving throw, they remain shaken
for as long as they remain within the area of darkness. This is a mind-altering effect.

Hungry Darkness (darkness) [Core]

You may create a darkness effect that saps away the lifeforce of those inside. Any
creature inside the darkness must pass a Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of Constitution
damage. Creatures who remain within this area of darkness must save at the end of
your subsequent turns or suffer another point of Constitution damage. If a creature
enters this area of darkness after it is created, they must immediately save or also suffer
this damage. A creature may only be affected by Hungry Darkness once per round,
regardless of how many times they enter or exit the area that turn.

Intoxicating Darkness (blot, darkness)

You may create a darkness or blot effect that erodes the mental capacity of those inside.
Any creature inside the darkness must pass a Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of Wisdom
damage. Creatures who remain within this area of darkness must save at the end of
your subsequent turns or suffer another point of Wisdom damage. If a creature enters
this area of darkness or blot after it is created, they must immediately save or also
suffer this damage. A creature may only be affected by Intoxicating Darkness once per
round, regardless of how many times they enter or exit the area that turn.

Looming Darkness (darkness) [Core]

You may create a darkness effect that erodes the resolve of those who enter it.
Creatures within this area of darkness must pass a Will save or suffer a -1 penalty to all
saving throws so long as they remain within this area of darkness. This penalty increases
by 1 per 5 caster levels. If any creature enters this area of darkness, they must
immediately save or suffer this penalty. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Numbing Darkness (blot, darkness)

You may create a darkness or blot effect that subtly anesthetizes those inside. Any
creature inside the darkness must pass a Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of Dexterity
damage. Creatures who remain within this area of darkness must save at the end of
your subsequent turns or suffer another point of Dexterity damage. If a creature enters
this area of darkness or blot after it is created, they must immediately save or also
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Pure Darkness (darkness) [Core]

You may create a darkness effect that negates low-light vision. Darkvision is reduced to
5 ft. In addition, all other senses (blindsight, scent, etc.) are reduced by half.

Shadow Tag (blot, darkness, shadow)

Anyone passing through your area of darkness or blot picks up a bit of your magic in
their shadow, allowing you to know their relative direction and status (alive,
unconscious, dead) for 1 hour per caster level. If used as a (shadow) talent, you cast
this ability directly upon a creature instead, gaining the same benefits. You may track up
to 1 creature per caster level in this way. If you are at this limit, you must cease
tracking an old target in order to begin tracking a new one that passes through your
darkness or blot. The effect immediately ends for a target that moves more than one
mile away from you.

Silent Darkness (darkness) [Core]

You may create an area of darkness that dims sound as well as light. All Perception
checks made to hear noises originating from within the area of your darkness suffer a
penalty equal to your caster level.

Snagging Darkness (darkness) [Core]

You may create a darkness effect filled with dark tendrils that snare anything that
passes. Creatures within this area of darkness must pass a Reflex save or become
entangled. Creatures who succeed at this save but remain in the darkness must save
again at the end of your subsequent turns. If any creature enters this area of darkness,
they must immediately save or suffer the effects. An ensnared creature can attempt to
escape its entanglement by making a Strength or Escape Artist check as a move action,
with a DC equal to the Reflex save DC.

Tenebrous Legerdemain (blot, darkness)

You create an area of darkness or blot which you may manipulate to perform minor feats
of legerdemain. Once per round as a free action you may make a pickpocket attempt or
a Steal combat maneuver against a target that is within your darkness or blot. You may
use your own Sleight of Hand modifier or Steal CMB or your caster level + your casting
ability modifier, whichever is higher. You may instead retrieve one unattended item that
is within your area of blot or darkness once per round as a free action. Whether the item
is retrieved or stolen, it appears in your hands or in the nearest adjacent space if your
hands are full. An item retrieved or stolen cannot weight more than 5 lbs. per caster

Thick Darkness (darkness) [Core]

You may create a darkness effect that counts as difficult terrain. Creatures move at half
speed through your darkness, cannot run or charge, and cannot make 5-ft steps.
Meld Talents
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Clearsight (meld) [Core]

You may spend a spell point to grant a target immunity to all negative effects from your
(darkness) talents for 1 hour per caster level. This does not grant the target the ability
to see in your darkness if it does not already possess the means to do so, but it does
allow creatures with Darkvision to see in Pure Darkness.

By investing a second talent, you may choose to have your Clearsight apply to
(darkness) and (blot) talents cast by allies. If you or your ally gains the benefit of
Clearsight from another source, you may choose to allow it to it apply to your own
darkness and blot effects as well. Status as an ally is determined at the time Clearsight
is cast and does not change for its duration.

Dark Slaughter (meld) [Core]

You may spend a spell point to grant the target the ability to make precision strikes for 1
hour per caster level. Whenever the target attacks a creature it is flanking, that is denied
its Dexterity bonus to AC, or that is not able to perceive the creature (such as through a
successful Stealth check), it deals an additional 1d6 points of precision damage to the
target. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit, but it does stack with a rogue’s
sneak attack. This only functions while within an area of your darkness.

Darkvision (meld) [Core]

You may spend a spell point to grant the target Darkvision 60 ft for 1 hour per caster
level. If the target already possesses Darkvision, this instead increases the range of their
Darkvision by 30 ft. You may gain this talent multiple times. Each time this is taken
beyond the first, it increases the range of the granted Darkvision by 30 ft.

Feed on Darkness (meld) [Core]

You may spend a spell point to grant a target fast healing 1 for 1 minute per caster
level. This only functions so long as the target remains within an area of your darkness.

Hide In Darkness (meld) [Core]

You may spend a spell point to grant the target the ability to make Stealth checks to
hide in areas of dim light or darkness even while being observed. This lasts for 1 hour
per caster level, and only functions when within an area of your darkness.

Step Through Darkness (meld) [Core]

You may spend a spell point to grant the target and up to a heavy load of carried
equipment the ability to step into one patch of darkness and emerge in another. As a
move action, the target may teleport up to 30 ft. This lasts for 1 hour per caster level.
Both the location they are in and the location they are teleporting to must be within an
area of your darkness.

By investing a second talent you increase the maximum teleportation distance of your
Step Through Darkness meld talent by +10 ft. per 3 caster levels, minimum +10 ft. Any
target you cast this talent on benefits from the additional range.
Stygian Immersion (meld)
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You may spend a spell point to force a target to treat your blots as if they were a pool of
water for 1 round per caster level. Unwilling creatures receive a Will save to negate this
effect. This volume of liquid is a extradimensional space 5 ft. deep per caster level, and
does not damage the surface the blot has been cast upon. If the target possesses the
ability to breathe underwater, it can breathe within the blot. Light does not pass through
the blot liquid, and those within have their senses limited as if by the Pure Darkness
talent. Creatures are deposited safely on the surface of the blot directly above their
position when the duration expires. Stygian Immersion does not function on a blot
imbued with the Obscure Passage talent.

Shadow Talents
Blindfold (shadow)

By spending a spell point, you concentrate a target’s shadow into a band of supernatural
darkness across their eyes, rendering the target blinded. The blindfold lasts as long as
you concentrate or, if you spend an additional spell point as a free action, 1 round per
caster level. A creature under the effects of a blindfold receives a new Will save to end
the effect every round at the end of its turn. Darkvision has no effect on Blindfold, but
creatures with the see in darkness ability are immune.

Shadow Lurk (shadow)

As a standard action you may spend a spell point to have a target’s shadow split off from
them and form a shadow lurk that acts as an independent creature unwaveringly loyal to
you for 10 minutes per caster level. A shadow lurk appears as a shaded, obviously
spurious version of the target. It is weightless and its equipment is entirely illusionary. It
has the same skills, feats, and attributes as the target, except that its Strength score is
3, and only has a number of hit points equal to your caster level. The shadow lurk
cannot attack, use extraordinary or supernatural abilities, cast spells or use spell-like
abilities, or employ its target’s class features, though it can manipulate objects and use
skills. A shadow lurk must remain within long range of its original source or it ceases to
exist. The target lacks a shadow while this effect is active.

Retracting a shadow lurk is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Either the target or the shadow lurk may spend this action. If a shadow lurk is killed or
exceeds its range, it winks out of existence and the target’s shadow returns to them with
a surge of energy that causes them to be stunned for 1 round. In either case, the target
immediately gains the knowledge of everything their shadow lurk observed and did while
it was detached.

By investing a second talent in Shadow Lurk you master the art of weaving shadowstuff
into your shadow lurks, giving them and their equipment increased substance. Your
shadow lurks use the full Strength score of their source, have 2 hit points per caster
level, and possess non-magical versions of their sources’ equipment. It may flank,
threaten, and make a single attack per turn using non-magical versions of whatever
weapons or natural attacks its source possesses. It attacks using its source’s full base
attack bonus, Strength score, feats, and proficiencies, but deals only half damage. A
shadowstuff-imbued lurk may not attempt combat maneuvers, cast spells, or use its
source’s class features. Alchemical Items created as part of your lurks do not function.

Normal: A shadow lurk has a strength score of 3 and may not make attacks, flank, or
threaten. Its equipment is entirely illusory.
Shadowed Mien (shadow)
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As a standard action you cloak the target in an aura of menacing shadow that conceals
its appearance, subtle movements, and intentions behind a curtain of disconcerting
murk. This dark aura hides distinguishing features from observers and grants a
competence bonus of 1/2 your caster level to Bluff checks to lie or feint, as well as to
Intimidation checks to demoralize. Sense Motive checks to get a hunch about Shadowed
Mien’s target have their DC increased by your caster level. The target has no problem
seeing out of Shadowed Mein, but the effect cannot be penetrated by darkvision.
Clearsight and see in darkness allow the target of Shadowed Mein to be seen clearly.
Shadowed Mein lasts for as long as you concentrate or, if you spend one spell point at
any time as a free action, ten minutes per caster level.

You may spend an additional spell point as part of the action to initiate Shadowed Mein
to grant substance to the shadowy aura. The target gains a number of temporary hit
points equal to your caster level for the duration of the effect. Exhausting these
temporary hit points does not end the other effects of Shadowed Mein.

Shadow Slick (blot, shadow)

Your blot takes on a slick, nearly frictionless quality. Any creature attempting to move
more than half their speed through the blot must make a Reflex save to avoid falling
prone. If used as a (shadow) talent, the target must also make a Reflex save to avoid
dropping what is in its hands, and must spend a full-round action to retrieve stored or
dropped items as they fumble with compromised grip, but gains a +10 bonus to CMD to
avoid a grapple and on Escape Artist checks and CMB rolls made to escape a grapple.

Shadow Stash (shadow)

You may stash items in your shadow, storing each as a move action. The items appear
on your shadow as if you were wearing or using them. A small item (a ring or a key)
might be unnoticeable, while a larger item (a greatsword, a tower shield) would be quite
obvious. You may store up to 5 lbs. of non-living material per caster level. Items have
no weight while stashed and can not be used, activated, or provide passive bonuses.

You can retrieve an item as a move action at no cost, or spend a spell point to retrieve
an item as an immediate action. Items stored in your shadow stash cannot be the
subject of pickpocket attempts, Sunder attempts, or the Steal combat maneuver unless
the creature attempting the maneuver also has the Shadow Stash talent. If your shadow
is removed or animated, such as by shadow theft class ability or Shadow Lurk talent,
you may not access your shadow stash until your shadow returns. If you die or enter an
antimagic area, the contents of your shadow stash immediately appear in the nearest
unoccupied space.

Shadow Stash may be used in conjunction with other (shadow) talents.

Investing a second talent in Shadow Stash allows you quicker access to your stashed
items, allowing you to withdraw them as free action. Furthermore, your shadow gains
the ability to don items in your place.

For instance, you may store a cloak of resistance in your shadow, and you yourself gain
the benefit as if you were wearing it. This does not increase your number of magic item
slots. If you and your shadow don an item in the same slot, you only gain the benefit of
the item your physical body is wearing. You may activate magic items worn by your
shadow as normal. This does not allow your shadow to wield weapons or shields, or to
activate hand-held magic items.
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weight limit of Shadow Stash. Your shadow does not have actions of its own, and uses
your actions to don and activate items. You may withdraw un-donned items from your
shadow stash as a free action at no spell point cost.

Your shadow can only don items in slots that your physical body possesses. If you are
subject to a polymorph effect, armored donned by your shadow mannequin does not
provide any benefits and you may not activate magic items that would otherwise meld
with your body.

Shadow Tag (blot, darkness, shadow)

Anyone passing through your area of darkness or blot picks up a bit of your magic in
their shadow, allowing you to know their relative direction and status (alive,
unconscious, dead) for 1 hour per caster level. If used as a (shadow) talent, you cast
this ability directly upon a creature instead, gaining the same benefits. You may track up
to 1 creature per caster level in this way. If you are at this limit, you must cease
tracking an old target in order to begin tracking a new one that passes through your
darkness or blot. The effect immediately ends for a target that moves more than one
mile away from you.

Dark Feats
Click the header above to visit the Sphere-Focused Feats page. This section includes
feats that directly improve or rely upon this sphere.

Advanced Dark Talents

Click the header above to visit the Advanced Talents page. This page includes talents
that are more powerful than the ones presented on this page - but remember, Advanced
Talents are only available with GM permission.

Dark Drawbacks
Click the header above to see the Sphere-Specific Drawbacks for this sphere. If you're
using the optional Casting Tradition rules, Drawbacks allow you to acquire one or more
bonus talents in a sphere in exchange for a limit on using this sphere.

Archetypes Specializing in Darkness

The Darkshaper is an archetype for the Armorist that focuses on animating and
manipulating their shadow.

The Invidian is an archetype for the Symbiat draws power from a shadow demon.
-Nocturnal Predator
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The Nocturnal Predator is an archetype for the Shifter that helps them with striking down
foes from the shadows.

-Shadow Boxer
The Shadow Boxer is an archetype for the Unchained Monk that allows them to use their
shadow to strike foes that are further away.

The Skulk is an archetype for the Fey Adept that trades some of their power over
illusions for added strength with shadows.

-Talent Thief
The Talent Thief is an archetype for the Unchained Rogue that allows them to steal
shadows (and powers) from their targets.

-Void Gazer
The Void Gazer is an archetype for the Thaumaturge that gives them shadowy new
invocations - and a curse on their sight.

Wild Magic
Wild Magic Generator

Trigger Dark Wild Magic

Wild Magic Table

d100 Result
The target or creatures in the target area when the effect gain the see in
darkness monster ability for 1 minute per caster level. The creature can see
perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by the deeper
darkness spell or the Pure Darkness talent.
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their shadow for 10 minutes per caster level.
An area out to long range of the caster is shrouded in magic darkness as the
3 Pure Darkness talent until the start of the caster’s next turn. The Clearsight
talent has no effect against this darkness.
Roll twice and choose the result. Ignore any results that require rerolls. If
both rolls thus ignored, there is no effect.
5 The casting time decreases by 2 steps.
The caster becomes afraid of the dark, taking a -2 penalty on saves against
6 fear effects while in areas with less than normal light for 1 hour per caster
An area of darkness affected by every (dark) talent the caster possesses
appears centered on the caster and follows the caster at a rate of 20 ft. per
7 round, plus 5 ft. per 2 caster levels. The Clearsight (meld) provides no
protection from this darkness to the caster. This effect persists for 1 round
per caster level.
For 1d6 rounds, the caster leaves an area of darkness in all squares he has
occupied since the start of his last turn. No (darkness) talent may be applied
8 to this effect and the caster is unable to perceive any creature or object in an
affected square (unless that creature or object also occupies unaffected
squares that the caster can perceive).
The caster’s shadow performs mocking pantomimes of nearby creatures for 1
hour. This imposes a -5 penalty on all Diplomacy checks against a creature
that can see the shadow (DC 5 Perception check to notice). If the caster
lacks a shadow, one is created for the duration of this effect.
For 1 minute per caster level, the caster suffers a bout of photophobic
10 vertigo, suffering the sickened condition in areas of normal light and the
nauseated condition in areas of bright light.
For 1 minute per caster level, all effects of the Light sphere or with the light
descriptor originating from hostile creatures within long range of the caster
have their caster level increased by 1. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4
caster levels of the triggering effect.
(Combat) Black tendrils of semi-solid darkness cover an area out to close
range of the target or center of the target area for 1d6 rounds, creating
12 difficult terrain and granting all creatures within partial concealment. Any
creature within the effect must succeed on a Reflex save each round or be
entangled until the start of their next turn.
The spell point cost of the effect increases by 1d4. If the caster does not
have enough spell points, he is instead dazed until the end of his next turn.
The target or creatures in the target area must succeed on a Will save or
14 gain an additional shadow at 180 degrees from their normal shadows for 10
minutes per caster level.
Any light source in the possession of the target or creatures in the target
15 area when the effect is cast has its effect on illumination inverted for 1 round
per caster level.
A shadow twin of the caster appears adjacent to the caster. This twin
possesses all of the caster’s abilities and equipment, though only 1 hit point.
This twin aids the caster for 1 minute per caster level or until slain. The twin
and all its equipment disappear when the twin is slain or the effect expires.
Any non-instantaneous effect originating from the twin end when it
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an area, though retains line of effect through such areas.

18 (Combat) The caster is stunned for 1 round.
(Combat) The caster’s shadow attempts to blind nearby creatures,
performing a dirty trick combat maneuver on an adjacent creature each
round for 1 minute per caster level. This maneuver uses the caster’s CMB (or
caster level + casting ability modifier, if higher) and bonuses and provokes
attacks of opportunity against the caster as normal for the maneuver, though
benefits from Improved Dirty Trick and similar feats if the caster possesses
them. If the caster lacks a shadow, a shadow is created for the duration of
this effect.
The caster takes untyped nonlethal damage equal to caster level. This
20 damage does not force concentration checks to cast or maintain sphere
effects or spells.
For 1 minute per caster level, all effects of the Light sphere or with the light
descriptor cast within long range of the caster have their caster level
increased by 1. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 caster levels of the
triggering effect.
(Combat) For 1d6 rounds, the caster absorbs all light, appearing perfectly
black and is blind.
For 1 minute per caster level, the caster gains a 20% miss chance while in
areas of less than normal light.
24 The caster is fatigued.
25 Effect receives a -4 penalty to caster level (minimum 1).
The caster takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage even if he would
26 normally be immune to ability damage. Creatures without a Constitution
score instead take Charisma damage.
Creatures subject to the effect receive the half of any damage the caster
receives for the duration of their time subject to the effect. This damage is
27 redirected from the caster, reducing the amount he is damaged by an equal
amount. Resistance and immunity apply to this damage. Multiple affected
creatures divide this damage equally.
The spell point cost of the effect decreases by 1. If the effect did not require
28 any spell points, the caster instead gains 1 temporary spell point that expires
at the end of his next turn.
The caster becomes afraid of the light, taking a -2 penalty on saves against
29 fear effects while in areas with greater than dim light for 1 hour per caster
30 (Combat) The caster is nauseated for 1 round.
Any light source in the caster’s possession has its effect on illumination
inverted for 1 round per caster level.
The target or any creature in the area of the effect when it is cast must
32 succeed on a Fortitude save or begin to absorb all light, appearing perfectly
black and be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
For 10 minutes per caster level, the caster gains the light blindness monster
ability. Creatures with light blindness are blinded for 1 round if exposed to
bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spell. Such creatures are dazzled
as long as they remain in areas of bright light.
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lengthened as if exposed to a sunset.
The caster gains knowledge of one talent of his choice from this sphere for 1
The caster becomes blind in any area with greater than dim light for 1
minute per caster level.
The caster’s shadow attempts to pilfer items from nearby creatures,
performing a steal combat maneuver on an adjacent creature each round for
1 minute per caster level and storing any items successfully stolen in the
caster’s gear. This maneuver uses the caster’s CMB (or caster level + casting
ability modifier, if higher) and bonuses and provokes attacks of opportunity
as normal for the maneuver, though benefits from Improved Steal and
similar feats if the caster possesses them. If the caster lacks a shadow, a
shadow is created for the duration of this effect.
The caster’s shadow takes on a sinister appearance for 10 minutes per caster
38 level, granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks but imposing a
-2 penalty on Bluff and Diplomacy checks.
Affected creatures or those within the effect’s area receive the caster’s
39 casting drawbacks for the duration of their time in the effect or for as long as
they are affected by it.
The ambient light level with the caster’s Dark sphere range is reduced by one
40 step unless this reduction would make it darker than dim light. The effect
remains centered on the caster for 1 minute per caster level.
Any creature within long range of the caster that is in an area of dim or lower
41 illumination takes 1 point of negative energy damage per caster level each
round for 1 round per caster level.
(Combat) For 1d6 rounds, all creatures other than the caster can see
normally in regular and magical darkness within medium range of the caster.
43 The effect fails and the action is lost. Spell points or spell slots are lost.
(Combat) for 1 round per caster level, the caster becomes an area of
darkness. The caster generates an area of darkness in his space as if he had
cast darkness. The caster may move with his normal movement speeds, but
may not otherwise take any actions other than to change his choice or
44 (darkness) talents active in this area and to concentrate on any ongoing
effects. The caster may not be targeted or effected by anything other than
effects that would dispel the darkness. Any effect that dispels this darkness
causes the caster to reform and take 1d6 points of untyped damage per 2
caster levels of the dispelling effect.
For 1 minute per caster level, all effects with the dark descriptor cast within
45 long range of the caster have their caster level increased by 1. This bonus
increases by 1 for every 4 caster levels of the triggering effect.
Darkness sweeps outward from the caster, reducing light levels by 2 steps in
a long range emanation for 1 round. Make a single magical skill check and
compare it with the MSD of all Light sphere effects in range; success means
the Light sphere effect is dispelled as with the Counterspell feat.
47 The caster is exhausted.
Roll twice and take both results. Ignore any results that require rerolls. If
both rolls thus ignored, there is no effect.
49 The target or creatures in the target area when the effect is cast must
succeed on a Fortitude save or gain the see in darkness monster ability for 1
round per caster level but is blind in anything brighter than dim light.
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creatures, performing a steal combat maneuver on an adjacent creature each
round for 1 minute per caster level and storing any items successfully stolen
in the caster’s gear. This maneuver uses the caster’s CMB (or caster level +
casting ability modifier, if higher) and bonuses and provokes attacks of
opportunity against the caster as normal for the maneuver, though benefits
from Improved Steal and similar feats if the caster possesses them. If the
caster lacks a shadow, a shadow is created for the duration of this effect.
For 1d6 rounds, the caster leaves an area of darkness in all squares he has
51 occupied since the start of his last turn. A (darkness) talent may be applied
to this effect as normal.
All creatures within close range of the target or center of the target area
must succeed on a Fortitude save or gain the light blindness monster ability
52 for 1 minute per caster level. Creatures with light blindness are blinded for 1
round if exposed to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spell. Such
creatures are dazzled as long as they remain in areas of bright light.
The caster gains an additional shadow at 180 degrees from his normal
shadow for 10 minutes per caster level.
The caster’s active Dark sphere effects flicker randomly, having only a 50%
54 chance of functioning each round (rolled immediately and again at the
beginning of the caster’s turn) for 1 round per caster level.
The target or creatures in the target area must succeed on a Will save or
become blind in any area greater than dim light for 1 minute per caster level.
The caster gains the see in darkness monster ability for 1 minute per caster
56 level. The caster can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that
created by the deeper darkness spell or the Pure Darkness talent.
Any creature within close range of the target or center of the target area that
57 is in an area of normal or brighter light takes 1 point of untyped damage per
caster level each round for 1 round per caster level.
(Combat) Black tendrils of semi-solid darkness cover an area out to close
range of the caster for 1d6 rounds, creating difficult terrain and granting all
58 creatures within partial concealment. Any creature within the effect must
succeed on a Reflex save each round or be entangled until the start of their
next turn.
For 1 hour per caster level, the caster absorbs all light, appearing perfectly
60 The casting time decreases by 1 step.
(Combat) Black tendrils of semi-solid darkness cover an area out to close
61 range of the caster for 1d6 rounds, creating difficult terrain and granting all
creatures within that area partial concealment.
The effect fails, but the action is not lost. Spell points or spell slots spent are
The caster’s shadow gains a color of the GM’s choice for 10 minutes per
63 caster level. This tint extends to all Dark sphere abilities originating from the
caster during this time but has no other effect.
The target or creatures in the target area must succeed on a Will save or
64 become blind in any area with less than normal light for 1 minute per caster
65 (Combat) The caster’s shadow attempts to trip nearby allied creatures,
performing a trip combat maneuver on an adjacent creature each round for 1
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opportunity against the caster as normal for the maneuver, though benefits
from Improved Trip and similar feats if the caster possesses them. If the
caster lacks a shadow, a shadow is created for the duration of this effect.
The caster takes a number of points of ability damage to his casting attribute
66 equal to the effect’s caster level/4 (minimum 1) even if he would normally be
immune to ability damage.
A shadow twin of the caster appears adjacent to the caster. This twin
possesses all of the caster’s abilities and equipment, though only 1/2 his hit
points and attempts to harm the caster and the caster’s allies to the best of
its abilities for 1 minutes per caster level or until slain. The twin and all its
equipment disappears when the twin is slain or the effect expires. Any non-
instantaneous effect originating from the twin end when it disappears.
68 The casting time increases by 1 step.
Any creature within long range of the caster that is in an area of normal or
69 brighter light takes 1 point of untyped damage per caster level each round
for 1 round per caster level.
70 Roll again on the Universal wild magic table.
71 The caster casts no shadow for 10 minutes per caster level.
Any creature within long range of the target or center of the target area that
72 is in an area of dim or lower illumination takes 1 point of negative energy
damage per caster level each round for 1 round per caster level.
The ambient light level with the caster’s Dark sphere range is reduced by one
73 step unless this reduction would make it darker than dim light. The effect
remains centered on the target or target area for 1 minute per caster level.
(Combat) The caster’s shadow attempts to blind nearby hostile creatures,
performing a dirty trick combat maneuver on an adjacent creature each
round for 1 minute per caster level. This maneuver uses the caster’s CMB (or
caster level + casting ability modifier, if higher) and bonuses and provokes
attacks of opportunity against the caster as normal for the maneuver, though
benefits from Improved Dirty Trick and similar feats if the caster possesses
them. If the caster lacks a shadow, a shadow is created for the duration of
this effect.
The caster is unable to detect any creature currently affected by his Dark
sphere abilities or spells with the darkness descriptor for 1 round per caster
level. This includes special senses such as blindsight and tremorsense. If the
caster is included in the effect, the caster cannot see or hear himself,
imposing a 25% spell failure chance on any effect requiring somatic or verbal
All creatures within close range of the caster must succeed on a Fortitude
save or gain the light blindness monster ability for 1 minute per caster level.
76 Creatures with light blindness are blinded for 1 round if exposed to bright
light, such as sunlight or the daylight spell. Such creatures are dazzled as
long as they remain in areas of bright light.
The caster’s shadow attempts to trip nearby creatures, performing a trip
combat maneuver on an adjacent creature each round for 1 minute per
caster level. This maneuver uses the caster’s CMB (or caster level + casting
77 ability modifier, if higher) and bonuses and provokes attacks of opportunity
against the caster as normal for the maneuver, though benefits from
Improved Trip and similar feats if the caster possesses them. If the caster
lacks a shadow, a shadow is created for the duration of this effect.
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(Combat) Black tendrils of semi-solid darkness cover an area out to close
79 range of the target or center of the target area for 1d6 rounds, creating
difficult terrain and granting all creatures within partial concealment.
The target or any creature in the area of the effect when it is cast must
80 succeed on a Fortitude save or begin to absorb all light, appearing perfectly
black for 1 hour per caster level.
The caster gains the see in darkness monster ability for 1 round per caster
level but is blind in anything brighter than dim light. The creature can see
perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by the deeper
darkness spell or the Pure Darkness talent.
For 1 minute per caster level, all effects of the Light sphere or with the light
descriptor originating from allied creatures within long range of the caster
have their caster level reduced by 1. This penalty increases by 1 for every 4
caster levels of the triggering effect.
83 Effect receives a +2 bonus to caster level.
For 1 minute per caster level, all effects of the Light sphere or with the light
descriptor originating from allied creatures within long range of the caster
84 have their caster level reduced by 1. This penalty increases by 1 for every 4
caster levels of the triggering effect. Effect’s with their caster level reduced
to 0 or below by this effect are suppressed.
The spell point cost of the effect increases by 1. If the caster does not have
enough spell points, he is instead staggered until the end of his next turn.
86 (Combat) The caster is dazed for 1 round.
(Combat) The caster’s shadow attempts to trip nearby hostile creatures,
performing a trip combat maneuver on an adjacent creature each round for 1
minute per caster level. This maneuver uses the caster’s CMB (or caster level
87 + casting ability modifier, if higher) and bonuses and provokes attacks of
opportunity against the caster as normal for the maneuver, though benefits
from Improved Trip and similar feats if the caster possesses them. If the
caster lacks a shadow, a shadow is created for the duration of this effect.
An area out to long range of the caster is plunged into darkness as the Dark
88 sphere with both the Pure Darkness talent and the Midnight advanced talent.
This effect remains stationary and persists for 1 minute per caster level.
(Combat) The caster’s shadow attempts to pilfer items from nearby hostile
creatures, performing a steal combat maneuver on an adjacent creature each
round for 1 minute per caster level and storing any items successfully stolen
in the caster’s gear. This maneuver uses the caster’s CMB (or caster level +
casting ability modifier, if higher) and bonuses and provokes attacks of
opportunity against the caster as normal for the maneuver, though benefits
from Improved Steal and similar feats if the caster possesses them. If the
caster lacks a shadow, a shadow is created for the duration of this effect.
Creatures other than the caster subject to the effect receive the half of any
healing the caster receives for the duration of their time subject to the effect.
This healing is redirected from the caster, reducing the amount he heals by
an equal amount. Multiple affected creatures divide this healing equally.
The caster loses knowledge of any of the talents used in the effect (but not
the base sphere) for the length of the effect (minimum 1 round).
The caster becomes blind in any area with less than normal light for 1 minute
per caster level.
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(Combat) For 1 round per caster level, all creatures within areas of dim light
or lower within medium range of the caster take half damage from all
sources except for force effects as their bodies partially discorporate into
living shadow.
The caster’s shadow is animated and immediately absconds with any items
held in the caster’s hands. It flees for 1 round per caster level, at which point
95 it drops the items. The shadow cannot be targeted or damaged in any way
and possesses the movement speeds of the caster at the time this result is
96 The casting time increases by 2 steps.
(Combat) The caster’s shadow attempts to blind nearby allied creatures,
performing a dirty trick combat maneuver on an adjacent creature each
round for 1 minute per caster level. This maneuver uses the caster’s CMB (or
caster level + casting ability modifier, if higher) and bonuses and provokes
attacks of opportunity against the caster as normal for the maneuver, though
benefits from Improved Dirty Trick and similar feats if the caster possesses
them. If the caster lacks a shadow, a shadow is created for the duration of
this effect.
98 The effect fails and the action is lost. Spell points or spell slots are not lost.
The caster’s shadow attempts to hinder the caster, entangling him for 1d4
rounds. A successful Reflex save each round negates the entanglement for
that round. If the caster lacks a shadow, a shadow is created for the duration
of this effect.
For 1 minute per caster level, all effects of the Light sphere or with the light
descriptor cast within long range of the caster have their caster level reduced
100 by 1. This penalty increases by 1 for every 4 caster levels of the triggering
effect. Effect’s with their caster level reduced to 0 or below by this effect are

Spheres of Power by Drop Dead Studios

Armorist Elementalist Eliciter Fey Adept
Hedgewitch Incanter Mageknight Shifter
Soul Weaver Symbiat Thaumaturge Wraith
Prestige Classes
Bokor Forest Lord Tempestarii Waking Sleeper
Alteration Conjuration Creation Dark
Death Destruction Divination Enhancement
Fate Illusion Life Light
Mind Nature Protection Telekinesis
Time War Warp Weather
Other Spheres
Blood Fallen Fey

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