Trọng tâm kiến thức ôn thi THPT Quốc Gia 2022 môn tiếng anh

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TRANG ANH TRONG TAM KIEN THUC CR bine teen 2022 MON TIENG ANH LOINOIDAU Mu?i hai nim hoc tap, rén luyén va trau ddi kién thitc la m6t ching dung dai ma dich dén la c4nh cira ciia cdc tru’ng dai hoe, cao dang, cdc trudng dao tao nghé hay don gidn la mét te gidy ching nhén tét nghiép THPT, Trén hanh trinh dé, mdi ngwdi c6 mt cach di khdc nhau nhung Jai cé chung mét dinh ndi 4 chinh phuc. D6 chinh la ky thi THPT Quéc gia! ‘Tiéng Anh cé thé coi la mét trong nhiing thir thach ma cdc em cAn vugt qua dé c6 thé chinh phuc dinh ntii 4y. Dd ban dau suy nghi clia céc em vé mén tiéng Anh I gi, mén chinh hay mén phy, can thiét hay khdng can thiét cho ban than, thl cling Kh6ng thé phi nhan rang ky thi THPT Quéc gia s4p téi cé sw gép mat cia tiéng Anh, Vay, cdc em hoc sinh da trang bj cho minh nhirng gi va trang bj tai dau dé cé thé vugt qua mon tiéng Anh trong ky thi nay mt cdch dé dang nhat? V6i hi vong chuén bi cho céc em mét tam thé s&in sang va ty tin budc vao ky thi, cuén séch tham kh4o “Trong tam kign thtrc 6n tap THPT Quéc gia 2021 m6n Tiéng Anh” dugc soan nhim hé théng lai nhimg ndi dung kién thttc can thiét voi da dang cdc bai tap 4p dung dng thdi cung cap mét s6 dB phat trién tiv d8 tham khdo nim 2022 cia BO Gido Duc va Dao Tao dé cdc em cé thé ty danh gid duoc nang lye cla ban than trong giai doan muéc nit. N6i dung cu6n sdch gdm cfc phn chinh sau: Phan 1: Hé théng kién thttc trong tam Phan 2:5 dé minh hoa luyén thi THPTQG ty luyén + tu sdu truéc thi Phan 3: Dap an Cu6n sdch duoc bién soan rat ky cang, dé hoc, dé hiéu voi mong mun day sé 1 cuén tu liu tham khéo hitu {ch cho cac ban déng nghiép va cc em hgc sinh trong qué trinh ging day, hoc tp va 6n luyén. Chic cdc em hoc sinh chinh phyc dinh ndi thanh céng, két thtic mét chang duong gian khé va mé ra nhiing cénh civa méi - Canh cia cia nhting giéc mo! Tac gia MUCLUC Tén dé muc Trang LPhatam-trong | 1. Phat 4m 7 4m 2. Trong am 10 Il. Chon dap 4n 1. Cau héi dudi 13 ding 2. Phan tir hién tai va phan tir 18 hoan thanh 3. Thi va sw phéi thi 20 4, Cau bi déng 33 Phin I 5. Gidi tir 36 - 6. Cum dng tir 54 Hé 7. Cau tao tir 75 Thong 8. Lién tir 81 Kién 9. Luong tir 86 There 10. Ménh dé trang ngit chi thoi 92 Trong gian Tam 11. Tw vung 96 +Kéthop tir 104 + Tir cig truong nghia 106 + Tix ving nang cao 116 12. Cum tir cé dinh 124 13. So snh 151 14. Trat ty tinh tir 153 15. Ménh dé quan hé 157 II]. Dong nghia - trai nghia 159 IV. Tim li sai 1. Sai vé cch ding tir 179 2. Sai vé céch dig ciia dai tir 234 3. Sai vé thi dong tiv 237 5 V. Tinh huéng giao tiép 241 VI. Cau déngnghia | 1. Cau trong thuat 260 va két hop cau 2. Dién dat cau 272 3. Dong tir khuyét thiéu 277 4. Dao ngit 288 5. Thite gia dinh 302 VIL Doc dién 305 Phan Il- Cac dé twluyén | Dé sé 1 309 DE sé 2 319 DEsé3 329 De sb 4 339 DEséS 350 Tu sau tréc thi 360 Phan Ill - Bap 4n 368 PHANI HE THONG KIEN THU’C TRONG TAM 1. PHAT AM - TRONG AM A. PHAT AM Cdch lam bai tap chon tir cé phiin gach chan dwg'c phat dm khdc so véi cdc tir con Iai ~ Chon doc % tir c6 trong cdc dap an A, B, C, D. Tuy nhién, khéng cin doc Fan rot tty ddp an A dén D ma nén chon doc nhting tty minh ch4c nhét v8 cAch phat am. - Sau mbi tir duoc phat am, cn than ghi xudng am cia phan gach chan trong mdi th. - Chon dap an cé phan gach dwoc phat am Kkhac so véi cdc tix con lai, Vidu 4: A. land /lend/ B. sandy /'seendi/ C. many /‘meni/ D. candy /‘keendi/ => Ta thdy phan gach chan cla cdc dap Gn A, B, D dwoc phat dm Ia /z2/, ddp dn C.c6 phiin gach chan dugc phat dm la /e/. Do dé, ddp dn Ia C. * Céch phat am ctia dudi-s “3” duoc phat am la: + /s/: khi am tn cing truéc-s la /p/, /k/, /f/, /9/, /t/. + /iz/: khi truéc-s la: ch, sh, ss, x, ge, ce, se + /2/: khi am tan cing truéc -s 1 nguyén 4m va céc phy 4m cdn lai. Vi du 2: A. listens /‘lisnz/ B reviews /ni'vjuzz/ C. protects /pre'tekts/ _D. enjoys /in'dgo1z/ => Phin dug gach chan & cu C dug phat am la /s/, con lai dwere phat am la /z/. Do dé, dép dn lac. * Cach phat dm cia dudi-ed “- ed” duge phat 4m la: + /t/: khi 4m tn cling true -ed la /s/, /t//, /S/, /k/, /p/, /f/- + /id/: ki truéc-ed Ia /t/ va /d/. + /d/: khi am tan cling truéc -ed la nguyén am va cdc phy am cén lai. Vidu3: A. toured /turd/ B. jumped /d3ampt/ C. solved /svlvd/ D. rained /remd/ => Cau B “ed” dug phat dm la /t/, cdc ddp dn con Iai “ed” duoc phat am la /d/. Do 6, dap dn Ia B. BAI TAP AP DUNG 1 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. L.A. suggested B. applied C. appeared D. remained. 2. A. supported B, avoided C. accepted D. explained 3. A. returned B, remembered C. looked. D. impaired 4. A. kissed B, matched C. washed D. performed 5. A. proceeded B. assisted C. extended D. revealed 6. A. attracted B. recalled C. adopted D. demanded 7. A. helped B. desired C. entailed D. condemned 8. A. suspended B. laughed C. imported D. contended 9. A. despaired B. confided C. refined D.annoyed 10.A. laughed B. imported C. stopped D. looked 11.A. collapsed —_B. redeemed c. succumbed, D. endangered 12.A. subscribed _ B. retrieved C. embarked D. reformed 13. A. reserved B. renewed C. endured D. conceded 14.A. stops B. misses C. causes D. changes 15.A. studies B. supplies C. belongs D. hearts 16.A. 17.A. 18.A. 19.A. 20.A, 21.A. 22. A. 23.A. 24. A. 25.A. 26.A. 27.A. 28.A. 29.A, 30.A. rains oranges attends listens systems learns sugars enjoys houses rulers addicted charity bride summer hurry 31. A. around 32.A. 33. A. 34.4. 35. A, 36. A. 37. A. 38. A. 39. A. 40.A. 41.A. 42.A. 43.A. escape lend confide plan team heavy mood complete child bury command near B. dreams B. learns B. appears B. cats B. pictures B. parks B, husbands B. reviews B. hates B. pens B. advent B. casual B, require B. sunrise B, pressure B. amount B. slave B. trend B. install B. base B. head B. head B. moon B, penalty B. mind B. hunt B, comment B. clear C. describes C. boxes C. accepts 2 values C. apples C. plays C. secrets C. protects C. faces C. books ¢C. asthma C. campaign C. obliged C. shut C.under C. counter C. gave C. legal C. limit C. game C. lean C. weather C. bload C. bedroom C. beside C. stunt C. compose C. heart 5 SSeS eFF ss sv esse Psy seso9g090 wishes garages complains questions plants calls journeys approves places markers attitude change intend business rush country hat leg chill chase megan easy fool medal charity run complain appeal 44.4. allow B. accept D. awake 45,A. similar B. alike C.wide 46.A. talk B. take D. walk 47.4, clap B. lake C. face D. save 48. A. night B. bike C. spring D. price 49. A. dive B. shine C. lift D. fight 50..A. fold B. score C. close D. phone B. TRONG AM Cééc quy tac dénh trong am 1. Trong 4m theo phién 4m - Trong am khéng bao gid roi vao am /a/ hogic la Gm /au/, Néu nhu trong mét tiv c6 chia cd hai loai 4m Ja /9/ va /au/ thi trong 4m roi vao phn c6 chia 4m /au/. Vidu4: +mother/‘made/: tiy nay c6 trong 4m roi vao 4m tit thér nhat vi am thét 2 c6 chita am [pe]. + hotel /hou'tel/: tir nay cé trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét ther hai vi 4m thir nhat cé chira am /au/. + suppose /so'pouz/: trong 4m roi vao 4m thtt hai. - Trong Gm thuéng ro! vao nguyén dm dai hodic nguyén am déi hojic dm cudi két thiic voi nhiéu hon mét phu dm. Vidu 5: + disease /dr'ziz : tiv nay c6 trong Am roi vao 4m tiét ther 2 vi am thtr 2 cé chtra /. + explain /ik'splem/: tir nay cé trong Am roi vao Am tiét thir 2 vi am thir 2 06 chita nguyén am déi /e1/. nguyén am dai 10 + comprehend /kpmprt'hend/: tir nay cé trong am roi vao am tiét thir 3 vi am thir 3 két thiic v6i 2 phu am /nd/. - Néu tdt cd cdc dm ma ngdn hét thi trong am roi vao am tiét thé nhat. Vi du 6: + happy/hpi/: tiv nay cé trong 4m roi vao 4m tiét dau, vi c& /ze/ va /i/ déu 1a nguyén am ngan. 2. Trong 4m voi hau t6/dudi a, Hau t6/duéi nhdén trong am -€F, -€@, -00, -00n, -ese, -ette, - esque, - ade, - mental, - nental, - ain b. Hau t6/duéi lam trong ém roi vao trréc dm a6 - ion, - ic, - ial, - ive, - ible, - ity, - graphy, - ious/eous, - ish, -ian . H@u t6/dudi lam trong 4m dich chuyén ba dm tinh tir cudi len -y, - ce, -ate, - ise/ ize, - ism/izm d. Hau tékh6ng anh hwéng dén trong am cia tir - ful, - er, - or, - ist, - ous, - ly, - hood, - ship,- ment,- al, - less,- ness, - age, - ure,- ledge,- ing, - ed, - able, - dom, -some, - ent/-ant... BAI TAP AP DUNG 2 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. 1.A. police B. advent C. mother D. custom 2. A. disease B. drama C. clutter D. figure 3.A. lifestyle B. leaflet C. website D. mistake 4.A. people B. cartoon C. mindset D. media 5.A. hobby B, luggage C. market D. machine 6. A. downside B. sugar C. advice D. freedom 1 7.A. brochure 8.A. arrive 9.A. burden 10. A. pressure 11. A. childcare 12. A. museum 13. A. music 14. A, degree 15. A. cancel 16, A. absorb 17. A. comprise 18, A. emerge 19. A. expand 20, A. enter 21.A. forbid 22. A. maintain 23. A. bury 24. A. recruit 25. A. capture 26. A. achievement 27. A. effective 28. A. natural 29, A. adequate 30. A. candidate 31. A. diagnose 32, A. company 33. A. intervene 34. A. introduce B. career B. accept B. casual B. inner B. extinct B. flashy B. viewpoint B. value B. attend B. achieve B. consult B. endow B. follow B. compare B. govern B. supply unite suffer prevent addicted cultural organic ambition dealership demonstrate B, demolish SPO ODO ow B. interfere B. disconnect 12 C. hacker C. include C legal C. campaign C. hairstyle C. fracture C. vision C. pretty C. conflict C. broaden C. detect C. finish C. preserve C. invest C. involve C. support C.align C.dispose C. pursuit C. attitude C. dominant C. employment C. applicant C. extinction C. centralize C. contribute C. entertain C. apprehend D. lifelong D. practice D. hotel D. charter D. healthcare D. grateful D. precise D. visual complain provide happen control afford donate begin answer PpypoyeES survive D. attain D, promote D. combustion D. habitat D. upmarket D. automated D. paperwork D. overload D. imitate D. concentrate D. celebrate 35.A. malfunction —_B. potential C. probation D. relevant 36,A.rewarding —_B, determine C. motivate D, temptation 37. A. tedious B. ultimate C.vulnerable D. accessible 38, A. colourful B. romantic C. difficult D. positive 39, A. argument B. assistance C. attitude D. barrier 40, A. benefit B. cognitive C. community D. confident 41.A.compassion —_B. counsellor C. decisive D. protective 42, A. disabled B. respectful C. elegant D. eternal 43, A. interact B, recommend C.understand D, motivate 44, A.encourage —_B. replenish C. remember D. guarantee 45, A. educate B. activate C resurrect D, specialize 46. A. advertise B. reference C. advocate D. expensive 47. A. graduate B. amplify C. formalize D. deliver 48. A. financial B. pollution C. identity D. motivated 49,A.impairment —_ B. accordance C. dependent D. principle 50. A. physical B. objection C. official D. respectful Il. CHON DAP AN DUNG 1. CAU HOI DUO! COng thie: $+ V¥ wy tro tir +S? ~ Néu cau néi truéc d&u phy 12 cu kh&ng dink, cu hoi dudi phai & thé phi djnh (viét tat), ~ Néu cu n6i truéc du phy A cau pha dink, c4u héi dudi phai & thé khang dinh. *Luuy: ~ CAu hi duéi cia “Tam” IA “aren’t I”. - Cau héi duéi cia “Let's” 1a “Shall we”. - Let trong cau xin phép (Jet us/let me) thi khi thanh lap héi duéi sé ding “willl you”. 13 ~ Let trong cau d8 nghi gitip nguéi khac (let me) th) khi thanh l4p hdi dudi sé ding “may I’. - Chii ngtr la “Everyone/Everybody, Someone/Somebody, Anyone/Anybody, No one/Nobody,...” cau héi dudi la “they”. - Chii ngir la “nothing, everything, something, anything” thi cau héi duéi ding “it’. - Trong c4u cé cdc trang tir pha dinh va ban phti dinh nhw: never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, little,... th) cdu dé dugc xem nhw 1a c4u phit dinh - phn héi dudi sé & dang khang dinh. - Khi th4y had/'d better ta chi can muon tr déng tir “had” dé lap cu héi dui. - Khi thay would/'d rather ta chi can muon trg dong ti “would” aé lap cau héi dudi. - Cau dau cé It seems that + ménh dé th) ta dy ménh dé 1am cu hai dudi. - Chui tly A ménh dé danh tir, ding “it” trong cau hdi duéi. = Sau cfu ménh lénh cach (Do.../Don’t do v.v...), cu hoi dudi thong 18 ... will you? - Cau dau 1a I wish, dimg “may” trong cau hdi dudi. - Chit tly 14 ONE, ding you hodc one trong cau héi dud - Cau dau cé MUST, must cé nhiéu céch ding cho nén tiy theo cach ding ma sé c6 cau héi duéi khac nhau: + Must chi sy can thiét thi khi thanh lap hdi dudi ta dang “needn't”. + Must chi sw cfm doan thi khi thanh lp hai dudi ta ding “must”. + Must chi sy dy dodn 6 hién tai thi khi thanh lap héi dudi ta dya vao d6ng ty theo sau “must”, + Must chi sy dy doan & qué khit (trong cong thtrc must +have+ Vp2) thi khi thanh lép héi dudi ta ding “have/has” cin cir theo chii ngtt ciia cau. - Cau cam than, laéy danh ti trong cau déi thanh dai tir cing voi dung is, am, are. 14 - Cau dau c6 I + cdc dGng tir sau: think, believe, suppose, figure, assume, fancy, imagine, reckon, expect, seem, feel that + ménh a phu: + Lay ménh dé phu lam cau héi du6i, Néu ménh dé chinh cé “not” thi van tinh nhw & ménh d® phu. + Cig mu nay nhung néu cht tiv khong phai 1a “I” thi lai dang ménh d@ chinh dau lam cau héi duéi. - Cau ¢6 c4u trétc neither...mor th) cau héi duéi Ia s8 chia & s6 nhiéu, - Cau c6 ought to thi ta sir dung phan duéi la shouldn't. - NEED viva lam déng tir thwong, vita lam d6ng tir khuyét thiéu, nén: + Néu need la déng tty thudng thi khi thanh l4p héi duéi ta phai mugn tro dong tir. +Néu need la déng tir khuyét thiéu thi khi thanh lép héi dudi ta dig luén need. BAI TAP AP DUNG 1 1. You could sell it on the Internet, 2 A.didn'tyou B. couldn’t you C. could you D.didyou 2. The house must be worth millions, 2 A needn't it B.isn'tit, C. must it D. haven't it 3, He's working asa tour guide, ? A.was he B. wasn’t he C.ishe D.isn’the 4, We mustn't go into the garden, 2 A. must we B. need we Care we we 5. Don’t shout, ? can hear you perfectly well. A.won'tyou B. shall you C. would you D.will you 6, She buys all the latest fashion magazines, ? ‘A. does she B. didn't she C. doesn't she D. did she 7, He worked as.a cleaner at the hospital, ? A. did not he B. did he C. didn’the D. does he 8. You were at Kim's party, ____? 15 A.are you B.aren’tyou C. weren't you D. were you 9. What a memorable day, ? Aisn'tit B. was it Gist D. wasn’t it 10. [think that I've met you before,__? A. have B. don’t I C.dol D. haven't 1 11. They believe that all children are born with equal intelligence, A.don't they B.aren’t they C.are they D. do they 12, I can’t believe she is the finest violinist in the world, 2 A.canI B.can’tI C.isn't she D. is she 13. The shops don't open till 9.30, 2 A.did they B. does it C.doesn’tit D, do they 14, You must be hungry after all that walking, 2 A.aren'tyou B.are you C. mustn't you D, haven’t you 15. She must have had a heart attack, 2 A. has she B. isn’t she C, mustn't she D. hasn't she 16. We'd better go to sleep before 11p.m, ? A. wouldn't we B. hadn't we C, haven't we D. don’t we 17, My hair doesn’t need cutting for at least another month, ? A. doesn’t it B. does it C.needn't it D. need it 18. You need not spend a lot of money on presents, ? A. need you you C needn't you D.don’tyou 19. [don't think they did anything much, ? Adol B. didn’t they C.did it D. did they 20. Your mother is cooking in the kitchen, 2 A. is she B. isn't she C.are you D.aren’tyou 21. When you were walking in the park, there was strange man attacking you, ? A. weren't you B. wasn’t he C.wasthere D. wasn't there 16 22. Let us take photographs inside the theatre, ? A shall! B. won'tyou C may! D. willyou 23, He seldom sees a child with so much talent,_? ‘A does he B. doesn’t he C.didhe D. didn't he 24, Let me use the restroom for aminute,__? A.mayI B. will you C. won'tyou D.don't you 25, Don't open the oven door until the cake is cooked, 2 A. willyou B. can'tyou C. would you D. are you 26, Everyone involved in the accident has been questioned by the police, ? A. did they B. didn't they C. haven't they D. doesn’t he 27. He never gets up until at least 11.00 am. on a Sunday, 2 A.can'the B. does he C. doesn’t he D. can he 28, lam the worst salesperson in the company, 2 A.amI B.dol C.aren't] D. am not I 29, We needn't spend much time on this topic, 2 A.need we B. must we C.don't we D. mustn't we 30. Everything in the capital is now quiet, ? Avisn'tit B.isit C.are they D. aren't they 31, She successfully completed the London Marathon in April, ? A. hasn't she B. didn't she C.has she D. did she 32. The office has never been run so well, ? A. has it B. hasn’tit C.doesn’tit D. does it 33. He won't go without me, ? A.can he B. may he C, won’the D. will he 34, Let's go out to dinner,__? A. shall we B. won't you C.will you D. may I 35. She hardly buys any new clothes at all, 2 17 A. does she B. has she C. hasn't she D. doesn’t she 36, Let me help you organize the party, 2 A willyou B.won’tyou CmayI D. shall I 37. They had considered it before they reached the final decision, 2 A. did they B. had they C. hadn't they D. didn’t they 38, What handsome men, 2 A.ishe B, isn't he C. aren't they D,are they 39, We ought not to order so much food, ? A. don’t we B, should we C. needn't we D. shouldn't we 40. I'd rather drive than take the train, 2 A.wouldn’tI B. would I Chad I D.hadn’t I 41. There'll be trouble when she finds out, ? A. does she B, doesn’t she C. won't there D. will there 42, It seems that he isn't the right person for the job, 2 A. doesn't it B.ishe C.isn’the D. does it 43, What we need to do is to make a list of useful phone numbers, 2 A. don’t we B. needn’t we C. is it D. isn’t it 44, What they have just said seems unreasonable, A. haven't they B. don’t they C.doesn’t it D. has it 48, He wishes to see his family again, ? A. doesn't he B. will he C.can he D. may he 2. PHAN TU HIEN TAI VA PHAN TU HOAN THANH * Luu y: Khi hai ménh d@ dng chi ngit, ta cé thé bé chu ngtr cita ménh 48 dau va d6i déng tir chinh vé dang Ving hoc Having + Vp2 (vi ménh d@ mang nghia chi a6ng). - Dua dOng tir chinh ca ménh d@ dau vé dang Ving khi hai hanh d6ng xéy ra ndi tiép nhau. 18 Vidu: Feeling tired, she went to bed. ~ Dua déng tir chinh cia ménh dé dau vé dang Having + Vp2 khi mudn nhén manh mét hanh dong xay ra xong truéc rbi méi ti hamh dong khdc. Vi du: Having finished my work, I went out with my friends. BAI TAP AP DUNG 2 1 that her father was angry, she left the room quietly. A.Feeling _B. Having felt C.To feel D. Felt 2. school, he worked in a restaurant, A. Having left B. Leaves C. Left D.To leave 3. the report to the manager, she decided to take a rest. A. Having handed in B. Handed in C. Handing in D. To hand in 4,____ from Harvard, she applied for a position in a big company. A.Graduated B. Being graduated C. Having graduated D. To graduate 5. this movie last week, I don’t want to see it again. A. Having seenB. Being seen C. Having been seen. Seeing 6.______the book again and again, | finally understood what the author meant. A. Have been reading B. Have been read C. Have read D. Having read 7. in this town for a long time, Mary doesn’t want to move to another place. A. Living B. To live C. Having lived D. Lived 8. all the papers already, Sarah put them back in the file. A.To have photocopied B. To photocopy C. Photocopying D. Having photocopied 9. his composition, Louie handed it to his teacher. A. Having written B, Having been written C. Being written D. Writing 19 10. ‘A. Looking iL A.Finishing _B. To finish 12. B, Having looked A. Picking B, Having picked 13. A.Towork — B, Working 14. A.Spending _B. Having spent 15. A.Rushing — B.Torush C,To look repairing the car, he took it out for a road test. D. Finished C. Having finished up the phone, Mitchel dialed a number. C.To pick hard all day, Sarah was exhausted, C. Having worked all his money, Danie] couldn’t afford a new jacket. down from the tower, we saw many people walking in the streets. D, Looked D. Being picked D. worked C. Having been spent D. To spend to the hospital, Daisy didn’t see Peter waving at her. C. Having rushed 3. THI DONG TW VA SU’ PHOI THI 3.1, Tém tat cdch dig ctia cdc thi dong tir D. Being rushed Th Cach ding, Cong thite Tw nhan biét dong tir Thi | -diénté hank (bare): 1/ sO nbiéu | - Seldom/ hién | ang thuimg S+ Zwaan 36 it rarely/ tai don | xuyén xy ra. 1 hardly = didn t& théi be Cis: $6 it = sometimes/ quen. ve: sO nhigu. | occasionally - dign ta thdi gian + often/ bigu lich trinh, | Thanh lép phil dinh va nghi van: | usually/ thong bao. *V (do/does): frequently - din ta sy that, | ():S+do/does+not+V(bare) | - always/ chan It (7): Do/does +5+V (bare? _| constantly 20 = dién ta ngh® * Be (am/ is/are): > ever nghiép, sé thich, | (-):S+am/is/ are + not + - never nguon géc, binh_ | (7): Am/is/are + S+..s0.? = every pham. 2. Th |-dién thank Yed/V (cot 2) = ago qua dong da xéy ra va ~ last kine | aa chm dirt S+V ras: sO ft - yesterday don trong qua khi, - in+métméc khong con lién Be‘’— were: sé nhiéu | thi gian quan téi hign tai. | Thanh ldap phi dinh va nghivdn: | trong qué - dién ta hanh *V (did): khtt (in dOngxay randi_| (-): S + did+ not+ V(bare) 2000...) tip nhau trong | (2): Did + $+ V (bare) +? qué khit. * Be (was/were): - dién tA hdi tee, kd | (-): S+ was/were + nott...u niém. (?): Was/were + S+ ......? 3.Thi | - dién ti nhing = tomorrow tong | hanh déng sé xay | $ + will + V(bare) -next lai don | ra trong twong Thanh lap phii dinh va nghivdn: | - soon lai. ():S + will + not + V(bare) -in+mét din tanhéng — | (2): Will +S +V (bare)? khodng thoi dy doan, gian (in an - dién ta 101 htta. hour...) 4,Thi | - dién tahanh -now hién | dOngdangxdy ra_| S+am/is/are + V-ing - at the tal tiép | tai thdi diém néi. | Thanh lp pha dinh va nghi van: | moment dién - dién ta hanh (): S$ +am/is/are + not +V-ing | - at present dng sé xdy ra (?): Am/ is/ are+ $ + V-ing? -rightnow 21 trong twong lai - look /hear (!) (c6 ké hoach tir truéc). -dién ta sy thay 46i cia théi quen. -dién ta syca than, phan nan, 5. Thi | -dién ta hank ~ gid + trang tir qua dng dang xay ra qua khtt (at 3 khit tai mét thoi diém pm ulép x4c dinh trong yesterday...) dién qua khir. + at this/that - din ta hanh S + was/were + Ving time + trangtlr déng dang xay ra | Thanh lap phi dink va nghi van: | qua khit (at thi cé hank d6ng_ | (-): $+ was/ were +not+V-ing | this time last Khac xen vao, (2): Was/ were + S+ V-ing? week...) hanh dOng nado xdy ra truéc chia thi qué khit tigp dién, hanh d6ng nao xdy ra sau chia thi qua khir don, 6. Th | -diéntahanh ~ gid + trang ty twong | dng dang dién ra tong lai (at 3 lai tiép | vao m6t thei pm dién diém cu thé trong tomorrow...) twong lai. 22 - dién t4 hanh Ong sé dang xay ra trong twong lai thi cé hanh déng khdc xen vao, hanh d6ng nao xay ra tric chia thi tuong lai tiép dign, hanh dng nao xy ra sau chia thi hién tai S+ will + be + Ving Thanh lp phu dinh va nghi van: (2:8 + will + not +be + Ving (2): Will + $ + be + Ving? ~at this/that time + trang ty tuonglai (at this time next week...) don. 7. Thi |- dién ta hank “for hién | dOngxay ra trong = since tai qué kh nhung -ever hoan | khéngré thoi -never thanh | gian. ~ so far -diéntahanh | S + have/ has + V(pp) recently dOng lap di lap lai | (have: I/ s6 nhitu -lately nhigu in trong | Has: s6 ft) - before (ding qua khit. cudi cau) -diéntahanh | Thanh ldp phi dinh va nghi van: | - up to now/up dng xay ra trong | (-): $+ have/has+not+V(pp) _| to qua kht nhung | (?): Have/ Has +S + V(pp)? present/until 8 lei dau higu now hofc hu qua & ~yet hiéntai. = just - already 23 - dién ta nhiing trai nghiém. - din té nhing hanh d6ng x4y ra trong qua kh nhung kéo dai toi hién tai va van con cb kha nang sé tip dién trong tuonglai. 8. Thi | - dién ti nhing ~ before/by qué —_| hanhddngxayra the time kht va hoan thanh $+had + V(pp) (trwéc chia oan | tréchanh déng | Thanh lép phi dinh va nghi van: | qué khit hoan thamh | khdctrongqué | (-):$ + had + not + V(pp) thanh, sau chia khtt. (2): Had + $ + V(pp)? qua khir don). - after (truéc chia qua kh don, sau chia qué khit hoan thank). 9.Thi | -dién ta hanh S + will + have + V(pp) trong | dong sé duge Thanh Ip phil dinh vé nghi van: Tai hoan thanh truéc | (-): $+ will + not + have + V(pp) hoan hi mét hanh (2): Will + $ + have + V (pp)? thanh | dng khdc xay dén. 24 10. Thi | -nhénmanh S+have/has + been + Ving -all hién | khoangthdi gian | Thanh lap phi dinh va nghi van: | day/week... tai cia mét hanh (): $ + have/has + not + been + | - almost every hoan | déngdaxdyra | V-ing day this thanh | trong qua kh va | (7): Have/has + $+ been + V-ing? | week... tiép tiép tuc téi hién -in the past dién | tai (c6 thé tiép year... dign trong twong lai). 11. Thi | -nhan manh S+had + been + Ving - until then qué —_| khoangthigian | Thanh Idp phui dinh va nghi van: | - prior to that kh | cia m6t hanh ():S+had+not+been+Ving | time hodn | dOngdax4yra__| (2): Had + S+been + Ving? thamh | trong qué khtrva tiép két thc truéc dién | méthanh dong qua khit khac, 12. Thi | -nhanmanh S + will + have + been + Ving tong | khoang thdigian | Thanh dp phd dinh va nghi van: lai cia mot hanh (3: S + will + not + have + been + hoan | déngsé dang xay | Ving thanh | ra trong twong lai | (2): Will + $+ have+ been + Ving? tiép va két thc trwéc dién mét hanh déng twong lai khéc. 3.2. Sw phéi thi Trong QUA KHU: 25 dién ta WHEN + S + V (qua khit don), S + V (qué kh don) hanh dong | Bg: When he saw me, he smiled at me. xay andi | Trong TUONG LAL: tip nhau | WHEN +S + V (hién tai don), S + V (twong lai don) Fg: When I see him, I will remind him to call you. Trong QUA KH@: dign ta mét_| WHEN +S + V (qué khtr don), S + V (qué kh tiép WHEN | hanhd6ng | dién) dang xay ra | Eg: When! came to see her, she was cooking dinner. thicéhanh | Trong TUONG LAI: dongkhac | WHEN +S + V (hién tai don), $ + V (twong lai tiép xen vao ign) Eg: When you come in, your boss will be waiting for you there. Trong QUA KHU: dién ta mot | WHEN +S +V (qua khér don), S + V (qua kh hoan hanh dGng | thanh) xay raxong | Eg: When I arrived at the airport, the plane had taken truécmat | of hanh déng | Trong TUONG Lal: khac WHEN + $+ V (hién tai don), S + V(twong lai hoan thanh) Eg: When you return to the town, they will have finished building a new bridge. Trong QUAKHU: AS SOON AS SOON AS +S + V (qua kkhtr don), $ + V (qué kh AS don) 26 dién ta Eg: As soon as she saw a mouse, she shouted and ran hanh dng | away. xay ra néi Trong TUONG LAI: tiépnhau | AS SOON AS + S$ + V (hién tai don/hién tai hoan thanh), S + V (tuong lai don) Eg: 1 will call you as soon as I have finished/finish the work, SINCE S+V (hién tai hoan thanh) + SINCE + S+V (qua kh dién ta don) nghia “tly | Eg: We have known each other since we were at high khi” school. Trong QUA KHU: diénta BY + trang tir ca qué khit +S + V (qua khit hoan BY hanhdéng | thanh) TIME | kétthic Eg: By last month, we had worked for the company for 9 tinhdén | years. métdiém | Trong TUO'NG LAI: nao dé BY + trang tir cia tong lai + $ + V (twong Jai hoan trongqué | thanh) khit/tuong | Eg: By next month, we will have worked for the company lai for 9 years. dién ta Trong QUA KHU: hanh déng | AT THIS/THAT TIME + trang tir ciia qua khir + S$ + AT dang xay ra | V (qua khit tiép dién) THIS/ | tai mOtthdi | Eg: At this time last week, we were preparing for Tet. 27 THAT | diémxéc | Trong TUONG LAI: TIME dinh trong | AT THIS/THAT TIME + trang tir cai twong lai +S + qua V (tong lai tiép dién) khit/twong | Eg: At this time next week, we will be having a big party lai in the garden. Trong QUA KHU: BY THE TIME +S + V (qua khir don), S + V (qua kh hoan thanh) BY THE| diénta Eg: By the time she got home, everyone had gone to bed. TIME nghia“vao | Trong TUONG LAI: lic” BY THE TIME + S + V (hién tai don), S + V (twong lai hoan thanh) Eg: By the time she gets home, everyone will have gone to bed. dién ta Trong QUA KHG: hanh déng | AFTER+S+V (qué khir hoan thanh), S + V (qué kit AFTER | x4yraxong | don) rdiméitéi | Eg: After she had done her homework, she went out for hanh déng | awalk. khac ‘Trong TUONG LAL: AFTER + S + V (hién tai hoan thanh), S + V (hién tai don) Eg: After she has done her homework, she goes out fora walk. Trong QUA KHU: dién ta BEFORE +S+V (qua khir don), S + V (qua khi hoan hanh déng_ | thanh) BEFORE | x4y raxong | Eg: Before she went to bed, she had locked all the doors. 28 truéc khi c6 | Trong TUONG LAI: hanh dng | BEFORE+S+V (hién tai don), $+ V (twonglaihoan khéc t6i thanh) Eq: Hurry up or the film will have ended before we go to the movie. UNTIL/ ‘S + V (twong lai don)/ V(bare)/DON'T + V(bare) + TILL dign ta UNTIL/TILL + S + V (hién tai don/hién tai hoan nghia “cho | thanh) toi khi” Eg: ! willwait for you until it is possible. Wait here until I come back, BAI TAP AP DUNG 3 1. Only after she. from a severe illness did she realize the importance of good health. A. would recover B.has recovered C.hadrecovered _D. was recovering 2. The children___ to bed before their parents came home from work, A.wereall going B.hadall gone _C. had all been going_D. have all gone 3, Paul noticed a job advertisement while he along the street. A.was walking B. would walk C. walked D. had walked 4. [haven't met him again since we__school ten years ago. A. have left B. leave C. left D. had left 5. When he us go in, we. outside the exam room for over half an hour. A. let-are standing C.let- had been standing 6. When I her, I ‘A. met/was sending C. met/had sent B, let - have stood. D. let - have been standing her your regards. B. meet/will send D. meet/sent. 29 7, When we enter the room, our boss for us here. A. will walt B. will be waiting C. was waiting D. will be waited 8, When | got home, my father trees in the garden. watering B. was watering —_C. willbe watering _D. had been watering 9. Quyen in the supermarket when she saw her old friend. ‘A.was shopping B. shops shopping D. has shopped 10. Mike his favorite program on TV when the lights went out. A.was watching watching —_C. watched D. watches 11. When the first child was born, they__ for three years. A. have been married B. had been married C. will been married D. will have been married 12. We in silence when he suddenly __me to help him. A. walked - was asking B. were walking - asked C. were walking - was asking D. walked - asked 13. By the time the software ___on sale next month, the company __ $2 million on developing it. A. went ~ had spent B. will go - has spent C. has gone - will spend D. goes - will have spent 14. When Carol last night, |______ my favorite show on television. A. called/was watching B. had called/watched C. called/have watched D. was calling/watched 15. I'll call you as soon as] in Paris. A. will arrive B. am arriving C. arrive D. will have arrived 16. The students the topic when the bell rang. A. discuss B. were discussingC. have discussed _D. are discussing 17. Jane ___ her homework when her friend asked her to do his as well. A.did B. would do C. was doing D. had done 18, Mr. Pike English at our school for 20 years before he retired last year. 30 A. was teaching B. had been teaching C. is teaching D. has been teaching 19. When I return to my hometown, everything alot. A changes B. will be changing C. will have changed D. will change at primary school. 20. My parents have left for English since I A-havebeen —_B.was C.had been Dam 21. I was angry when you saw me because I with my sister. A have been arguing B. had been arguing C. argued D. would argue 22. By the time | finish the final term exams, 1__ my first two years’ study at university. A have completed B. will be completed C. will complete D. will have completed 23. | wanted to say goodbye to Jerry, but he when L arrived. A. was already left B, already left C. had already been leaving D. had already left 24. [saw a terrible accident while [____on the beach. A.amwalking B. walked C. was walking D. had walked 25. When we see Mr, Minh tomorrow, I him of that. A.willremind B.remind C.have reminded —_D. reminded 26. His English has improved a lot since he. an English course by Mr. John. A.wastaking —B, takes C. took D. will take 27. When I last saw him, he in London. living B. hasbeen living C. was living D. lived 28. When | to the airport, | realized that I my passport at home. B. got/left C.had got/had left —_D. got/was left 29.1 along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. A.waswalking B.amwalking —C. walk D. walked 31 30. The boy fell while he down the stairs, Arun B. running C.was running D.runs 31, She hurt herself while she __ hide-and-seek with her friends. Aisplaying B.hadplayed —C. played D. was playing 32, While I____ at the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direction. A.was waiting B. waited Chad waited D. were waiting 33. By the end of last March,1___ English for five years. A had been studied B. had been studying C. will have been studying D. will have studied 34, By the end of next March, 1___ English for five years. A had been studied B. had been studying C. will have been studying D. will have studied 35. Linda took great photos of butterflies while she. in the forest. A.washiking hiking C.hiked D. had hiked 36. When I for my sister in front of the supermarket, a strange man came to talk with me. A.was waiting B. waited C. had waited D. were waiting 37. When I came to visit her last night, she a bath. having B, was having C.has had D. had had 38. John in the same house since he left school. A. lived B. had lived C. was living D. has lived 39. The phone suddenly while Joanna was doing the housework. A.rang B.wasringing C. had rung D. is ringing 40. A fire-fighter was injured severely while he. to put outa fire. A.wouldhelp —_ B. helped C. has helped D. was helping 32 4. CAU BI DONG * Cong thie Cach chuyén tir cau chil déng sang cau bj déng Chit dng: $+ V(chi dong) +0 BidOng: S + V(bi ddng) + by +S O(diing & cudi céu bj dong hoc ding trvée trang ti thoi gian) pitte ba “by people/by someone/by somebody /by noone/by nobody” Note: \ C6 thé bé “by me/by you/by them/by us/by him/by her” Bang chia chi déng - bi dong Thi dong tr Chi dong Bj dong 1. Thi hién tai don S+V(bare}/V(s/es) | S+am/is/are + Vp2 2. Thi qua khut don $+ Ved/V(cot 2) S + was/were + Vp2 3. Thi tong lai don S+ will + V(bare) S+ will + be + Vp2 4. Thi hign tgi tiép dién | S+am/is/are + Ving | $+ am/is/are + being + Vp2 5. Thi qua kit tigp dién | S+was/were + Ving | S+was/were + being + Vp2 6. Thi hién tai hodn thanh | $+ have/has + Vp2 $+ have/has + been + Vp2 7. Thi quad kh hoan thanh S+had + Vp2 S+ had + been + Vp2 8 Thi twong lai hodn| S+will+have+Vp2 | S+will+have + been + thanh Vp2 33 9. Thi trong lai gain S+am/is/are+going | S+am/is/are + going to +V(bare) to+be +Vp2 10. Dong tirkhuyét thiéu | S+modalverbs+ | S+modal verbs +be + V(bare) Vp2 BAI TAP AP DUNG 4 1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire__ by ] K Rowling. A. written B. was written Cc. wrote D. were written 2. Only half of the exercises __ so far, but the rest__ by next Saturday. A. are being done/will be finished B. were done/are going to be finished C. have been done/will have been finished D. have done/will be finished 3. The house yesterday. A.paints _B. was painted C. was painting D. has painted 4. The prize to Xuan yesterday. A.awards _B. hasawarded C.was awarded D. was awarding 5. The medicine __ ata high place where the children can't reach, A.mustbe kept B.must keep C.mustbe keeping _D. must not keep 6.Nothing because it was very foggy and raining heavily. seen B. could be seen C. haven't been seen D. wasn't seen 7. When Jack arrived to the workshop his car A. still being repaired B. was still repaired C. was repairing D. was still being repaired 8. English __at state schools as a compulsory lesson for 20 years until last year. A. is being taught B, was being taught C.had been taught D. has been taught 34 9. The flood victims A. is provided B. were provided C. were providing _D. provide 10. On September 9th, 1850, California to the United States as the thirty- with food and clean water by the volunteers, first state. A.was admitted B. has been admitted C.admitted D. isadmitted 11. The colourful wearings __ together with the white colored wearings. A, should not be washed B. should have been washed C.could wash D. should not wash 12.1 don't know why this class is always so dirty because it__ every morning ‘A.was cleaned B, cleans C.cleaned D. is cleaned 13. Anew supermarket. in the city center, A.isbeingbuilt —_B, being built C.arebeingbuilt —_D. be built 14. The graduation party___ off due to bad weather. Avhas called B.hasbeen called C. are called D. called 15. A school ___ in this area by the government next year. going tobe built B.arebeingbuilt C.isbuilt _D. is goingto build 16. Iam sorry, I can't come with you. I___ to that party. A.wasn'tinvited _B. invited C.are invited D. don't invite 17. William Shakespeare ___ as one of the greatest writers in English literary story. A knew B. has known C. was known D. is known 18. 1'll have to go by bus as my car. A, was being repaired repaired C. is being repaired D. will be repaired 19. Because all hotels in this city___ in advance, we were unable to find a hotel. A. have been booked B.had been booked C. were booked D. booked 35 20. Most of the e-mail accounts at our company ___ by a virus last week. A. have been affected B. were affected C. affected D. was affected 21. The Minister proposed that the book__. A.should be baned —B. should be ban C.shouldban D. should be banning 22. Your phone ___ off before you enter the exam room. A.mustbeturned B. mustbeturning —C. must turn D. be turned 23, Many issues___ at the meeting by the time you arrived. A.hadbeen raised B.have beenraised C. raised D.are raised 24, Many important but rare animal species in the Amazon. found B. are finding C.are found D. finds 25. Twenty civilians ___in the bomb explosion. A. killed B. be killed C. were killed D. was killed 5.G161TU Gidi tir Cach siy dung ON | - thé trong tuain - ngay trong théng/nim - chi vj tri trén mét bé mat (trén/é trén) - chi vi tri trén cde ting nha IN | - thang /nim/mia - budi trong ngay - ding trong mot khu vue, khoang khOng (mang nghia la trong) - ding truéc c4ch dja danh nhw thj tran, thanh phé, quéc gia - ding truéc céc danh tiy chi phwong huéng AT | -trudc che ngiylé - cho cuéi tun = truée gid 36 ~ ding trwéc cdc dia diém cu thé (&/tai) Nhitng cau tric giéi tir thong dung - To be brilliant at - To be good/clever at st - Tobe efficient at st Gidi tir Cau tric Nghia ABOUT | - Tobe sorry about st + ly lam tide, hii tide vé cai gi - To be curious about st + td mé vé cai gi - To be careful about st + can than vé cai gi - To be careless about st + bat cn vé cai gi - To be confused about st +nham lin vé cai gi - To be doubtful about st + hoai nghi vé cai gi - Tobe excited about st + himg thi va cdi gi - To be enthusiastic about st + nhiét tinh, hao hing vé cai gi - To be sad about st +budn ve cdi gi - To be serious about +nghiém tic vé -Tobereluctantaboutst (orto) | + ngan ngai, mién cuwéng voi st cdi gi - To be uneasy about st + khéng thoai mai - To be worried about st +lo ling v8 cAi gl AT = To be amazed at st + kinh ngac, sing sot vi cai - To be amused at st + thich tht voi cai gi - To be angry at sb + tite gin vél al - To be annoyed at sb + bye minh véi ai -Tobe bad at st +yéu kém va cai gi + théng minh, cé tai + gidi/sdc sdo vé cai gi +c6 ning hc v8 cdi 37 = To be expert at st - To be mad at sb - To be present at ~ To be skillful at st - To be surprised at st = To be quick at st + thanh thao ve cai gi + tire dién lén véi ai +c6 mat + khéo léo chi gh +ngac nhién voi + nhay bén vé cAi gi/nhanh chéng lam gi FOR - To be available for sth - To be bad for - To be good for - To be convenient for - To be difficult for - To be dangerous for - To be eager for - To be eligible for - To be late for - To be liable for sth - To leave for - To be famous/well-known for - To be fit for - To be greedy for - To be grateful for sth -To be helpful/useful for -To be necessary for - To be perfect for - To prepare for - To be qualified for + c6 san (cai gi) +xdu cho + t6t cho + thuan Igi cho... +khé... +nguy hiém... + hao hire cho + di tw cdch cho +tré.., +6 trach nhiém vé phap ly +rdi khdi dau +néitiéng + thich hop vei + tham lam... + bigt on va viéc... +06 ich /c6 loi + can thiét +hoan hao +chudn bj cho +6 pham chat 38 - To be ready for sth - To be responsible for sth - To be suitable for -To be sorry for - To apologize for st/doing st - To thank sb for st/doing st + san sang cho viéc gi + cé tréch nhiém ve viéc gi + thich hop + xin 1di /lay lam tiéc cho + xin 18i vi cdi gi/vi da lam gi +cdm on ai vi cai gi - To be useful for + c6 ich, hitu dung FROM __| - To borrowst from sb/st + vay mugn cia ai /cai gi - To demand st from sb + doi hdi cal gi 6 ai ~ To draw st from st + rut cai gi - To emerge from st +nhi lén cai gt - To escape from + thoat ra tir cai gi -To be free from + khong bi, khong phai - To prevent st from + ngan can ai cdi gi -To protect sb/st from + bao vé ai /bao va cAi gi -To prohibit sb from doing st | + cémailam viéc gi - To separate st/sb from st/sb | + tach cdi gira khdi cai gi /tach ai ra khdi ai - To suffer from + chju dung dau khé -To be away from st/sb + xa cdch cAi gi/ai - To be different from st + khac vé cai gi - To be far from sb/st + xa cach ai/cdai gi -To be safe from st +an toan trong cai gl -To save sb/st from + ctu ai/cai gi khdi - To be resulting from st + do cai gicé két qua IN = To be absorbed in + say mé, say sua 39 -To believe in st/sb - To delight in st ~ To be engaged in st - To be experienced in st + To include st in st - To indulge in st - To be interested in st /doing st: - To invest st in st - To involved in st -To persist in st - To be deficient in st - To be fortunate in st - Tobe rich in st - To be successful/succeed in + tin twéng cai gi/vao ai +hd héi v8 cdi gh + tham dy, lao vao cuéc +c6 kinh nghiém ve cai gi + gop cdi gl vao cai gl + chim dam trong cdi gi + quan tam cai gi/viéc gi + dau tur cdi gi vao cai gi + dinh liu vao cai gi + kién tri trong cai gi + thiéu hyt ci gi + may man trong cai gi + dbi dao, phong phi + thanh céng OF - To be ashamed of - To be afraid of - To be ahead of - To be aware of + To be capable of - To be confident of - To be certain of - To be doubtful of - To be fond of - To be full of -To be hopeful of - To be independent of + xdu hé vé... +59, engal.. + truéc +nhan thttc +6 kha nang +tytin + chac chan vé + nghi ng’ + thich + day + hy vong + ddc lap 40 -To be proud of - To be jealous of - To be guilty of - To be innocent of - To remind sb of - To be sick of ~To be scared of - To be short of - To be suspicious of -To be joyful of - To be typical of -To be tired of -To be terrified of + ty hao + ganh ti véi + pham tdi vé, 6 ti +6 tl + goi cho ai nhé téi + chan nan vé +sqhai * + thiéu 4+ nghi ngové +vul ming vé + tiéu biéu, dién hinh + mét mdi + khigp sev ON - To be dependent/depend on | + lé thuéc vao cai gi /vao ai st/sb - To be keen on st +mé cdi gh - To be based on st + dua trén; dya vao - To be hooked on st + nghién cai gi TO -To be able to +6 thé - To be acceptable to +06 thé chp nhan - To be accessible to +6 thé két ndi, ti€p can - To be accustomed to + quen véi - To be agreeable to +c6 thé dingy - To be addicted to +nghién cdi gi - To be available to sb + san cho ai - To be clear to +rérang 41 - To be contrary to - To be delightful to sb - To be equal to - To be exposed to - To be familiar to sb - To be favorable to - To be grateful to sb - To be harmful to sb/st - To be Important to - To be indifferent to - To be identical to - To be kind to sb To be kind of sb -To be likely to - To be lucky to - To be loyal to - To be necessary to sth/sb - To be next to - To be open to - To be opposed to - To be pleasant to - To be preferable to -To be profitable to - To be responsible to sb - To be rude to ~ To be similar to - To be useful to sb + trai lai, déi lap + thd vi déi véi ai +tuong duong véi + phoi bay, dé 16 + quen thuéc déi véi ai + tan thanh, ang hd + bist on ai +.c6 hai cho ai (cho cai gi) + quan trong + ban quang, tha 0 + giéng hét + tot vGi ai + long tét cia ai +c6 thé +may man + chung thily véi + cn thiét cho viée gi/cho ai +kébén +coime + phan d6i + hai long + dang thich hon +06 lgi + c6 trach nhiém véi ai + thé 16, c6c cin + gidng, twong ty +c6 ich cho ai 42 - To be willing to + sn long WITH | -To be acquainted with + quen biét, quen than - To be angry with sb + tire gidn voi ai - To be busy with st + ban véi cai gi - To be bored with = to be fed up | + chan ngan, chan ngdly with - To be consistent with st + kién tri chung thuy véi cai gi - To be content with st = to be | + hai long véi satisfied with - To be crowded with + day, dong dic - To be covered with +bao phit voi - To cope with + duong dau v6i - To deal with +xiklf, gil quyétvéi - To be disappointed with + that vong véi - Tobe friendly to + than thién vi - To be patient with st +kién tri véi cai gi - To be impressed with/by +6 4n tuong/mic dong voi ~ To be popular with + phé bién quen thudc - To be wrong with +c6 van dé BAI TAP AP DUNG 5 1. 'mtruly sorry your son. I hope he will leave the hospital soon. A. about C. for D. from 2, She was amazed how calm she felt after the accident. A. about C. for D. from 3. We're really bad predicting future costs, A. about C. for D. from 43 4, Itry to keep meat separate___other food in the fridge. A, about C. for D. from 5, She was very amused your comments. A. about B, for C. from, 6. You're mad__ walk home alone at this time of night. A. about B. for C. from, 7. Clearly we need to come to an arrangement that is acceptable __ both parties. A. to B. for C.on 8. Babies are curious everything around them. A. to B, for C.about 9. He's ina really foul temper so be careful what you say to him. A. to B, about C. from 10. We only deal companies which have a good credit record. A to B. for C. with D.on 11. For all our narrow-minded talk of honor, we are careless__ our children's safety A. about B, with Con D. from 12. ’'ma bit confused the arrangement for tonight - what time are we meeting? A. about B. with C.on 18. He wasannoyed____ the way she tried to take over the whole meeting. A. for B.on C. with Dat 14, He's really angry me for upsetting Sophie. A. at B.on C. for D. from 15. The teacher is doubtful ___ having parents working as classroom assistants. A. from B, about C.on 16. lam really excited______ the opportunity to work with her. A. from B. with C.on D. about 44 17. You don't seem very enthusiastic _ the party - don't you want to go tonight? A, about B, with C. for 18. We are very sad your news and hope things are going better for you. A. from C. about D. for 19, The region is rich _________ minerals and coal deposits. A. from B, with C.on 20. She quickly became accustomed his messy ways. A. for C.on 21, He fell in the river but his friend saved him drowning. A. from B. with C.on 22. Richard succeeded ___ offending just about everybody in the room! A. with 23. My brother always delights telling me when I make a mistake. A, with Bin C.on and want to take it all the way 24, This is something I am really serious through. A. with B. at C.on D. about 25. Whooping cough is most dangerous infants. A. with Bin C. for 26. Is merely being present the convention sufficient? A. with Bat C.on 27. We need to find a compromise that is agreeable___both sides of the party. A. with Bat Con 28. Many students are worried A.about B.on C. from 29, She ought to be thoroughly ashamed ____ herself - talking to her mother like that! A. with B. at Gon D.of the coming exam. 45 30. Motor vehicles are prohibited driving in the town centre. A. from B. for 31, They don't believe___living together before marriage. A. from B, for Din 32. It's important to protect your skin the harmful effects of the sun. A. from Bon Di at 33. He's addicted __coffee and cannot do anything in the morning until he's had some. A. from B.on D. at 34, He could see that the road ahead him was clear, A. from B.on Cof D. for 35, Maria was so involved her work that she didn’t hear me come in. A. from Bat 36. The slow cooker is very useful people who go out all day. A, about B for Gin D. at 37. Were you aware the risks at the time? A. from Bof Din 38. I've always been afraid flying. A. of Boon Do at 39. Adiet deficient vitamin D may cause the disease rickets. A. for B.on Din 40, Breathing in other people's cigarette smoke is bad you. A. for B.on 41. She was quick, understanding what we wanted her to do, A. from B.on 42. Our neighbors have always been very friendly, us, A. from Bion C. to D. at 46 43, Butto be brilliant it, [have to work hard at it, and I don't actually like it. A, from Bon Dat 44, There's no money available an office party this year. A. from B.on C. for Diat 45. Ifwe lose the case we may be liable the costs of the whole trial. A. for B.on 46. You'll be late your flight if you don't hurry up. A. for B.on 47. Trains may be subject to delay - we apologize __ any inconvenience caused. A. for Boon Dat 48. Contrary all our expectations, he found a well-paid job and a nice girlfriend. A. from B.on 49. He didn't seem very interested what I was saying. B.on D. at 50. He became internationally famous his novels, A. for B. from 51. His parents were bitterly disappointed him. A. for Bon ¢C. with 52. It is rapidly becoming clear___ me that I'm not suited to being a teacher. A. from Bon D. at 53. It's not like you to behave like this, Alice - I'm surprised you A. from Boon 54. He is skillful organizing the parties. A. from B.on 55. My brother is fond pointing out my mistakes. A. of B.on AT 56. When she looked at him her eyes were full tears. A. of B. about Dat 57. I'mconfident his skills as a manager. A. from B, about D.of 58. What time would it be convenient me to come over? A. for C, about 59. He is good swimming, He won the gold medal last year. A. for Bin C. about 60. He's greedy power. A, for Bin C. about Dat 61. Fiona isvery clever_____ physics. A. for C. about 62. This kind of hot and spicy food is very typical _ the food in the south of the country. A. of C, about: 63. When she's drunkshe'scapable____ saying awful, rude things. A. for C. about D.of 64, His disability prevents him driving. A, for Bin C. from, D. for 65. That song was popular people from my father's generation. A. with Bin C. about 66. They were hopeful a successful agreement. A, for B.of C. about D. at 67. What's wrong you today? A. for Bin C. with 68, Your mother was clearly not impressed our behavior in the restaurant A. by C. about D. for 48 69. He had always been very jealous his brother's good looks. A. for Bin Cof 70. I'm so grateful you for all that you've done. A. for Bin C.about 71. Be patient, her - she's very young A. for C. with Diat 72. | feela little uneasy asking her to do me such a big favor. A. from B, about C.on 73. Many things make it difficult women to reach the top in US business, A. from B, with C. for 74, They all made the same comment, quite independent each other A, from Con D. of 75. They indulged ____alcohol and maintained an attitude of defiance to the norms. A. from B. with Cin D.of 76. In Australia, the prime minister and the Cabinet are responsible__ the House of Representatives, A. from Cin D.of 77. We're particularly proud our company's environmental record, A. from B. with C.of Dat 78, Four groups of ten is equal___two groups of twenty. A. from B. with 79, It's rude you not to say "Thank you" when you are given something. A. about B. from D. of 80. He's rather keen a girlin his school. A. from B. with Con D. at 49 81, This approach may be helpful people with very severe symptoms. A. about B, for Con 82. They've been engaged __a legal battle with the council for several months. A. about B, for Con 83. I'm terrified the dark, A, from C.on D.of 84, I'm scared telling her what really happened. A, of B. about Con D. for 85. The jury has to decide whether a person is guilty or innocent acrime, A. from B. with Cof Dain 86. I bought some new shoes which are very similar a pair I had before. A, about: Con 87. The weather's just perfect. swimming. A. for B. about C.on Dat 88. Anna reminds me her mother. A. of B. with 89. Residents are fed up the disturbance caused by the nightclub. A. from B. with C.on Deat 90. He was getting bored doing the same thing every day. A. from B. with C.on 91. I'm sick him whining about money. A. to B, with Cof D. about 92. Ifyou're willing fly at night, you can get a much cheaper ticket. A, for B. about 93. You can thank John the mess we're in. A. for B. with Con D. at 50 94. The restaurant is well known its friendly atmosphere and excellent service, A. from B. with Cin D. for 95. This group of chemicals is known to be harmful people with asthma, A. in B. with Con 96. After the earthquake we felt grateful be alive. A. for B. with C.on 97. 1am not personally acquainted the gentleman in question. A. from B. with Gon 98. Idon't have very much to feel joyful awards at the moment. A. of B. about Con 99. The kids are busy their homework. A. from B. with Con 100. She was utterly indifferent his irritation. A. about B. with Con 101. All these new products were based___extensive market research. A. from B. with Con Dat 102. This place is very familiar my old house. A. from B. with Con 103, 1 think his career is more important. him than Iam. A. about B. from Dat 104. They are deeply suspicious each other's motives, A. from B. with C.of 105. Alion has escaped its cage. A. from B. with C.on 106. As Christmas gets closer, the shops get more and more crowded. people. A. from B. with Con $1 107. The army are said to be ready action. A. for B. with Cin Dat 108. The operators of the rides must keep customers safe personal injury. A. from B. with Con Dat 109. The tests are identical those carried out last year. A. from D. with 110. Emily is entirely different her sister. A. from B. with Con 111, How much of the earth's surface is covered ‘water? A. from B. with Con Dat 442. Training programs encourage workers to remain loyal__ their employers. A. for Con Dat 113. Isitnecessary all of us to be present at the meeting this afternoon? A. from Bin C.on D. for 114. Tax and service are included the bill. A. from B. with Cin 115. His shirt was open the waist revealing a very hairy chest. A. about B. with Con 116. Simon was so absorbed ___ his book that he didn't even notice me come in. A, from C.on 117. What makes you think that you are qualified this job? A. about B. for C.on Din 118. Doyousuffer____ any allergies? A. from B. with c.on 119. His view of the situation is diametrically opposed mine, A. about B. with 52 120, Itmustbe really hard to cope three young children and a job. A. from B. with C.on 121, He wasborn a Monday of May. Bat C.on D. with 122, Nam's family has been living. Ha Noi for twenty years. A.over Cat D.on 123, She wrote her first cookery book 2017. Avat C. with D.on 124. The body was lying. the kitchen floor. A.on Bat Cin D. of 125.1 prefer coffee the morning. Aat Bin C. with D.on 126. The next SEA Games will be held Viet Nam. Ain Bon Cat D.up 127, People usually visit their families Christmas. Aat C.with D.on 128, We have breakfast on the balcony___ summer. A. over D.on 129, We go out once in a while after work and the weekend. Avat ¢. for D.on 130. We spent our holiday the south of France, A. from Bat D.on 131. Look at all the books ___ your desk! A.on Bat Cin D.of 132. [enjoyed my three years university, Aat C. for D.on 133, School starts__3 September. Aat C. with D.on 53 134, My parents got married December. Ain B.on Cat D.up 135, For me, Venice is easily the most beautiful city Europe. Aat Con Cin D. from 6. CUM BONG TU” STT Cau trae Nghia 1 | Actout Dong vai, dong kjch 2 Account for Chiém bao nhiéu %, gidi thich 3 | Askforst Xin edi gi Ask after Héi thim ‘Ask sb out Mai ai do di dn/dixem phim dé hen ho 4 Break down Chia nha ra, héng héc, ngat xiu Break into D6t nhdp vao Break out NOra Break up Chia tay 5 Bring sb up Nuéi nding ai Bring out Lam ndi bat Bring about Gay ra, mang lai Bring back Mang lai, ggi nh 6 Blow out. Théi tat 7 | Buildup Ting lén, ca nggi 8 Breathe in = take in = inhale Hit vao 9 Calm down Binh tinh 10 Catch on Tré lén phé bién Catch up with Duéi kip, theo kip 54 11 | Clear out Cudn xéo, don sach 12 | Care for Chim séc, thich Care about Quan tam 13 | Cleanup Don dep 14 | Call for Can, doi hdi, yeu ctu Call out Goi to, hét to Call off Hay Call up Goi cho ai/goi di linh 45 | Carry on Tiép tuc Carry out Tién hanh, thyec hién Carry away Phdin khich, kich déng Carry over Chuyén vao, di vio 16 | Cutdown chat/aén Cut off c&t, ctip, ngig cung cp (ign, Cut in gas... Cut down on xen vao, ngt loi cat giam 17 +(| Cropup Xdy ra mét cdch bat nge 18 | Come up with = hit on/hit upon | Nay ray trong Come into Thita ké Come up Xayra Come out L6 ra, I6 ra, tung ra, phat hanh Come on Th6i ndo, tiép tuc nao Come off Thanh céng Come across Tinh co-gap Come in Bu6éc vao Come in for Chuéc ly, nhan lady Come around Tinh Iai 55 Come upto Dat tdi 19 | Dipinto Doc lwét 20 | Die out Tuyét ching Die of Chét vi bénh gi 21 = =| Dressup Cai trang, dong gid 22 | Drop out of B6 cudc Drop in on = pay a short visit Tat qua, ghé qua 23 ‘| Fallover Dé sup xuéng, nga, phd san Fall for Mé tit, yéu ai Fall behind Tut Iai, cham lai Fall back on Phal clin t61, phdi ding t6t Fall out with Cai co voi 24 Fillin Bién vao mau don Fill up D6 day, lam diy Fill out Map ra, béo ra 25 | Growup Lén len 26 | Gothrough Trdi qua Go ahead Tién hanh Go on with st = continue with st Tiép tue vei cai gi Go out Mat dién, ra ngodi, di choi Go on = continue Tiép tuc Go away Dixa, di di, cuit di Go back Quay lat Go back on That htea Go beyond Vurot qud Go off D6 chuéng, né tung, thiu théi, mat ting 56 Go over Xem lai, 6n lai Goby Tr6i qua, tuét mat Go up >< go down Téing lén>< tat ‘Turn up = show up = arrive Dén Turn into Bién thank Turn out Hoa ra Turn down Tw chéi, van nha 62 =| Try out=test Kiém tra Tryon Thit dd 63 | Throw away Viet di 64 | Wipe out X6a 56 65 | Wakeup Thite gide 66 Wind down = relax Thw gian 67 =| Wait for sb/st i 68 | Wash away Wash up Gidt, rita 69 | Use up=run out Dimg hét, can kiét BAI TAP AP DUNG6 1. Unless we do something now, hundreds of plant and animal species will A. bring up B. fall over C.die out D.come into 2. The doctors did all they could, but he finally cancer, A. died of B. asked for ¢. fell back on D. came into 3. You should ask your accountant some financial advice. A. off B. for C. after D. over 61 4. Alice ___ her daughter, Mungo's mother, and complained about the price of bread, A. asked after B. fell for C. came up with D. went back on 5, Bill still hasn't me. —maybe he doesn't have romantic feelings for me after all. A.brought-about _B, asked - out C.went-beyond —_D.cut- off 6.We the puppies carefully and sold them fora good profit. A.came up B. brought up C. fell over D. went through 7. Lfeel so inadequate and jealous around my sister—ugh, she always the worst in me! A. brings out B. comes into C. cuts off D. gets into 8, The CEO said he was determined to bring changes, that would ensure the companies viability well into the future, A.on B.up D. about 9. Peter is an ambitious man who will never till he gets what he wants. A. put on B. give up C.turn down D, take back 10, That song such fond memories of my childhood. ‘A.comes back B, brings back C. falls behind D. comes in 11, [don't know what happened—one minute, she was talking to me, and the next minute, she just fell__._! A.on B.out C. over D.up 12. The moment I met my wife, | her completely. A. fell for B. came across C. went back on D. handed in 13. I've ‘with that show—can you tell me what happened in the latest episode? A dropped out B. fallen behind C. gone down D. kept pace 14. With all of these medical bills, I just don't have any more money to 62 A. fall back on B. cut down C. get off D. run off 15, Apparently, Gina Dave last week, and now they're not talking to each other at all, A.came up with —_B. fell out with C.wentonwith —_D. went back on 16. The board must a plan to put the city back on its financial feet, A.godownwith B.comearound —C.comeupwith —_—D. drop out of 47. [think she all of that money when her grandmother died. A. came into B.came round C.came off D. came on 18, There are job vacancies from time to time. I'll let you know if anything . A. gets by B. puts on. C. comes up D. carries out 19. It’s that several ministers received payments from the company. A. made for B.come out C. carried on D. set up 20. Tom's brother asked him to the music so that he could sleep. A. close down B.goup C. turn down D. stand up 21. The performance on the first night. pretty well. A. made out B. fell out C. came off D. put up 22.1 him in the library after work, and we had a great conversation about Hemingway. A. came into B. came across C. got into D. carried out 23.1 while the meeting was in progress, so [ waited in the back, in B.came in C. made out D. set off 24, Those boys are going to have to for a punishment after starting the food fight. A. carry out B. put off C. come in D. put aside 25. After Lily fainted, we used smelling salts to get her to A.come around —_B. setup C. put aside D. make up 26. My electric car doesn't sports cars in terms of speed, but I'd rather have one that doesn't require gasoline. 63 A. make up for B. make away with C. come up to D. take out 27. I'm so sorry that you had to such a traumatic experience. A. take out B. look down C. go through D.turninto 28. [t snowed so much that the event couldn't. as planned, unfortunately. for B. fill up C.give out D. go ahead 29. Oh, we're our weekend plans—I refuse to leta little rain stop us! A.goingonwith —_B. holding back C. showing off D. filling in 30, After the power I spent the night reading by candlelight, A. held back B. went out. C. called up D. broke out 31. Well, the party must. whether we have caterers or not! A. break out B.goon C. hold back D. give off 32. only, for a few minutes—how did I miss that key detail in the episode? A. tried on B. held on C. went away D. gave in 33. I can't believe you're_______ school after all these years. A. going back to B.tryingon C. holding up D. caring for 34, People are beginning to worry that the president is going to his campaign promises. A. hold over B. break into C. account for D. go back on 35. The report concluded that the governor had the purview of her office in the way she handled the incident. A.looked forward to B. turned down C. gone beyond D. called out 36. The whole building had to evacuate because the smoke alarm . A. filled in B. gave off ¢, tried out D. went off 37. Canyou these instructions again? I'm still a little confused. A. show off B. care about C. go over D. break down, 38. You shouldn't let this great opportunity __ just because you're mad at your sister. A. break down B. account for C. look up to D. goby 64 39. House prices in our neighborhood have significantly, so we're thinking of selling. A.take on B, gone up C. called for D. filled in 40. Stocks in the company have for the third straight week in a row. A. made up B. gone down C. stood up D. taken up 41. Oh boy, both kids have_____the stomach flu? We're doomed. A.gone down with — B, stood in for C. take after D. looked up to 42.1 cycling to work at the beginning of the summer, and I haven't been healthier! A. put up with B, went in for C.kept pace with —_D, handed-out 43. I'm too tired to____ the details right now, but I'll give you the full story tomorrow. A. get through B. get off C. go into D.runon 44, Volunteers will come around and pamphlets before the lecture, A. give out B, pass out C. hand out D. come out: 45. The committee finally handed the proposal___to the mayor. A. off B. over Con Din 46. I'm going back to school because | always regretted college. A. dropping out of B, catching up with C. going down with D. going backon 47. Ever since we gave your mother that key, she keeps us, A. passing down B, cutting down on C. dropping in on D. going back on 48, That senator needs to the times and stop saying things that are wildly inappropriate in today's world. A. keep up with B. cut down on C.go in for D. go on with 49. When | I don't want an elaborate funeral. A. pass away B. go back C. cutoff D. get around 65 50, Due to new regulations to us from our managers, I'm no longer authorized to give refunds for any reason other than defective goods. A.droppedinon B.passeddown —_—C. turned down D.cut off 51. They're always going to pass you___ for promotions if you don't set yourself apart Ain B.on C.over D.up 52. Unfortunately, we'll have to__ that old tree because the inspector thinks it could fall on our house ina bad storm. A. cut down B. turn down. C. pass down, D.come down 53. Ifthe schoo] board funding for the arts, then what will become of the theater program? A. passes down B. cuts off C. hands out D. gets around 54. Mom is always using the phone in her office to on my conversations! A getin B. cut in C.turn in D. pass in 55. My doctor told me that I need to eating fried foods in order to improve my cholesterol. A.cut down on B, get around C. hand out D. go backon 56. Itis hard to town without a car. A.getaround B.tumon C. pass over D. go beyond 57. It took her nearly four months to that bout of pneumonia. A.make over B. make up C. get over D. goon 58. Once I my last year of school, I'm taking a long vacation, that's for sure! A.make out B, put down C. go back on D. get through 59. My daughter has sports all of sudden. A brought out B. handed out C. gotten into D. passed down 60. Ever since my husband lost his job, we've been just A. getting by B.cuttingdown —_C, handing out D. going by 66 61. We're in the last row, so it’s going to take us a while to the plane. A. goby B, come in C. go out D. get off 62, Will you get Uncle Joe the bus? He isn't sure where the stop is. Ain B. over C.on D. by 63. I've been working 14-hour days for the last two months, and Iam seriously fumes at this point. A.puttingacross —_B.gettingthrough —_C. coming into D. running on 64, Are you boys looking for Mike? He just. toward the creek. A. took off B. put on C.ran off D. carried on 65. The store bottled water and canned food after the government issued the hurricane warning. A. put up B. ran out of C. carried on D.seton 66. | really like my job, for the most part, but I do have to alotof tedious busywork. A.make up for B. go back on C. put up with D. make for 67. The most important thing when you are speaking in front of an audience is to make sure you put yourself well. A. off B.on C.out D. across 68. I don't really feel like going out tonight. Let's just stay in and acheesy action flick. A.carry on B, make for C. account for D. put on 69. Why did I keep _ working on this essay? Now I'll be up all night writing it. A. running on B. getting up C. putting off D. getting around 70. [recommend you your bonus as a rainy-day fund for the future. A.go by B. get off C. putaside D. hand out 71. Idecided to all the decorations right after the party so I didn't have to do it the next day. A.come into B. fall backon C.goon with D. put away 67 72. No, put the chocolate ! You can't have any until dinner. A. over B. off C.on D. back 73. You'll need to speak to the sales department about that issue, Would you like me to put you ? A. beyond B.on C. through D.up 74. They're high-rise apartments all over town. A. putting up B.goingthrough —_C. bringingback D. falling over 75. We're Jen's brother for a couple of weeks while he looks for a new apartment. A.fallingon B. putting up C. making for D. coming up 76. The rescue services are still trying to the fires. A.go through B. come out C. put out D. go backon 77. My mom's family always got up at midnight on Christmas morning to open presents, and she has carried that tradition with us. A. over B. off C.on 78. This project has been floundering for a while, but with your shared passion for it, I'm confident that you two can carry it A.on. C. out D. over 79. Sorry to ramble for so long—the subject of art just carriesme_! A.over B. away D.on 80. We need some more chairs in here—can you guys carry those ones__to the table? A.on C. over D. off 81. At the conference, the new president her plan for reducing the carbon footprint of the country. A. make up B.carry away C, set out D. stand out 82. Can you believe he set the charity when he was just 15? A. off Bon Gin D.up 68 83. I'm for New York tomorrow to attend a business meeting. A. setting off B. making out ¢. standing up D. taking on 84, We all had to do extra work to Harry, who was very tired from being out late the night before. A. carry up B. make up for C. get on with D. pick up 85. A: “How did you come up with that character? Is he based on someone you know?" B: "No, I just made him " A.out B. for C. off D.up 86. The committee is scientists and politicians. A. made up of B. put up with C. run out of D. stood up for 87. The fearsome beast the princess, We've called on all able-bodied knights to mount a rescue. A. took on B. made up for C.made away with _D. looked after 88. The boys the swimming pool as soon as the coach blew the whistle. A.made for B. looked up C. stood up for D. turned on 89, There, in the background—there's someone talking. If we turn up the volume we may be able to what they're saying. A. call off B, stand out C.come into D. make out 90. It was decided that I would__ my sister at the head of the company while she took her sabbatical. A.stand in for B.lookforwardto C. pickup D. give away 91. She had been sitting for so long that it was a pleasure to A.come out B, stand up C.make for D. show off 92. A: "What do your company's initials Fa B: "Mason, Baxter, and Aiken. They're the three founders." for B. account for C, stand for D. hold back 69 93. The picture's red frame makes it against the green wall. A, stand out B, take over C.look up D. come into 94, We'll never make any progress if we don't have anyone in congress our cause. A. looking forward to B. going back on C. making up for D. standing up for 95. Percy was changing so rapidly that no one could tell whom he would eventually A. put on B. run off. C.take after D. geton 96, Mimi became jealous when Jack's career started A. dropping in B. going on C. taking off D. coming on 97. [had to read the letter twice before J could take it all A.on B. off C. out 98. They had to___two of his teeth. A. go through B. go back on C. take out D. come into 99. Take these chairs ~ we don’t need them. A.up Boon C. away D. over 100. Don’t too much work - the extra cash isn't worth it, A. get on B. take on C. go through D. come by 101. We're pleased to announce that Mr. Schmidt will be as Executive Director. A.running off B. putting away C. carrying on D. taking over 102. Peter will the management of the finance department. A. stand up for B, take up C, make up of D. take out 103. If you don't know what it means, look it in the dictionary. A.on B. over D.up 104. He believes the inspector should ensure children are reasonably well not change a school's culture. 70

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