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deZpkjh Hkfo"; fuf/k laxBu

Employees' Provident Fund Organisation

¼Je ,oa jkstxkj eaa=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj½
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India)
vkWapfyd dk;kZy;@Zonal Office
Hkfo"; fuf/k Hkou] 59] vjsjkfgYl] Hkksiky&462011
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 59, Arera Hills, Bhopal – 462011
nwjHkk"k%0755-2570867, 2550383, 2570567
osclkbZV:, bZesy:
No.EPFO/ZO/Bhopal/Exemption/CA Panel/ Date :-

To, By name to:

The Regional P.F. Commissioner-I Sh Rajesh Pandey
National Data Centre, RPFC-I (IS)
NDC, EPFO Complex,, Dwarka
New Delhi-110075

Sub: Empanelment of Chartered Accountant Firm for audit as envisaged at

condition No. 24 of Appendix-A under Para 27AA - reg.

Enclosed please fnd a notice inviting Expression of Interest issued by
Zonal Ofce, Bhopal alongwith enclosure for circulation of the advertisement
towards empanelment of Chartered Accountant Firm for audit as envisaged
at condition No. 24 of Appendix-A under Para 27AA for a period of initially
three years, which may please be uploaded in the EPFO, website urgently.

[This issues with the approval of ACC (MP&CG)]

Yours faithfully

Encl: As above.

(Debi Prasad
Regional P. F. Commissioner-I
deZpkjh Hkfo"; fuf/k laxBu
Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
¼Je ,oa jkstxkj eaa=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj½
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India)
vkWapfyd dk;kZy;@Zonal Office
Hkfo"; fuf/k Hkou] 59] vjsjkfgYl] Hkksiky&462011
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 59, Arera Hills, Bhopal – 462011
nwjHkk"k%0755-2570867, 2550383, 2570567
osclkbZV:, bZesy:
No.EPFO/ZO/Bhopal/Exemption/CA Panel/ Date :-

इच्छछा कक अ्भभिव्यकक तह ततु आममंत् ण ससूचछा

कमरसूछाार भिकवि्य भचभधध णंंगच (श्रम एवं ारोजंछाा मंतछाल्य, भिछाात णाकछाा), आमंसूभलक कछा्यछारल्य ¼eiz ,oa Nx½]
Hkksiky] Hkfo"; fuf/k Hkou] 59&vjsjk fgYl] Hkksiky & 462011 छ सट पछा् णंंसछाचन ंा टंटन कह
पतुचलरखछापारीछा कह भलए सूछाटर रर एकछाउं टट ट फरम् कह पैचल तह ततु इच्छछा कक अ्भभिव्यकक आममंकतत कातछा तै ।

कवष्य सूछाटर रर एकछाउं टट ट फरम् कह पैचल कह भलए इच्छछा कक अ्भभिव्यकक

आमवहदच भिाचह कक पछाां भि भतभस ईपपीएफरओ कह वहबणछाईट पा फरछामर कक उपलबधधतछा कक भतभस
आमवहदच जमछा काचह कक अ्ंभतम भतभस 31.03.2023 (upto 11:00 AM)
पतछासूछाा कछा पतछा अ्पा कहन्र्य भिकवि्य भचभधध आम्यतुक,
कमरसूछाार भिकवि्य भचभधध णंंगच,
आमंसूभलक कछा्यछारल्य, ¼eiz
,oa Nx½] Hkksiky,
Hkfo"; fuf/k Hkou] 59&vjsjk fgYl] Hkksiky & 462011

अ्पा कहन्र्य भिकवि्य भचभधध आम्यतुक

आमंसूभलक कछा्यछारल्य, Hkksiky

deZpkjh Hkfo"; fuf/k laxBu
Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
¼Je ,oa jkstxkj eaa=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj½
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India)
vkWapfyd dk;kZy;@Zonal Office
Hkfo"; fuf/k Hkou] 59] vjsjkfgYl] Hkksiky&462011
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 59, Arera Hills, Bhopal – 462011
nwjHkk"k%0755-2570867, 2550383, 2570567
osclkbZV:, bZesy:
No.EPFO/ZO/Bhopal/Exemption/CA Panel/ Date :-


Employees Provident Fund Organisaton (Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt.

of India), Zonal Offe (MP&CG), Bhopal invites Expression of Interest for
Empanelment of Chartered Accountant Firms for re-audit of Exempted
establishment and Trusts.

Subjeft: Expression of Interest (EOI) for empanelment

of Chartered Affountant Firms
Date of fommenfement of Date on whifh Forms are available on EPFO
filing Applifatons: website.
Last date of filing applifaton: 31.03.2023 (UPTO 11:00am)
Date of opening of EOI: 31.03.2023 (AT 3.00 PM)
Address for Communifaton: The Addl. Central PF Commissioner,
Employees' Provident Fund Organizaton,
Zonal Offe – Madhya Pradesh & Chhatsgarh
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 59-Arera Hills,
Bhopal – 462011 (MP)

Addl. Central P. F. Commissioner,

Zonal Offe (MP&CG)
deZpkjh Hkfo"; fuf/k laxBu
Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
¼Je ,oa jkstxkj eaa=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj½
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India)
vkWapfyd dk;kZy;@Zonal Office
Hkfo"; fuf/k Hkou] 59] vjsjkfgYl] Hkksiky&462011
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 59, Arera Hills, Bhopal – 462011
nwjHkk"k%0755-2570867, 2550383, 2570567
osclkbZV:, bZesy:
No.EPFO/ZO/Bhopal/Exemption/CA Panel/ Date :-


Empanelment of Charterer Affountant Firms for
Employees' Provident Fund Organizaton (EPFO)
Zonal Offe, Bhopal.
The Employees' Provident Fund Organizaton (EPFO) is an autonomous body under the
aegis of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. The main
objeftve of the organizaton is to provide old-age sofial sefurity to the subsfribers as
per the provisions at EPF & MP Aft, 1952 and the three sfhemes framed there under.
For further informaton about EPFO, one may visit the website

2. EPFO, Zonal Offe, Bhopal proposes to form a panel of eligible top Ten Chartered
Affountant Firms (10 CA firms), for Regional Offes under Madhya Pradesh region (i.e.
Bhopal, Indore, Ujjain, Jabalpur, Gwalior and Sagar) on the basis of points system
mentoned at Sl. No.4. The panel will be formed for an inital period of three years whifh
may be extended for another two years on mutual fonsent.

The proposed fhartered affountant firm if empaneled is to (A) - assist the EPFO,
Regional Offes under Bhopal Zone to fomply with various Tax Laws to Finalize the
Books of Affounts; to fonduft Spefial Audit; System Audit; Performanfe Audit &
Refonfiliaton of Dues & Refeipts and (B) for farrying out the Third Party Audits/ Re-
audit of books of Affounts of the Exempted establishments as well as the Provident
Fund Trusts of the Exempted establishment as fonditons spefified in Appendix-'A' to
Para 27-AA of EPF Sfheme 1952 as and when required by the EPFO, Regional Offes
under Madhya Pradesh region and to submit a report in the Proforma presfribed for the
same within the tme spefified as per the terms of referenfe.
3. Eligibility:
(i) Applifant firm should be in existenfe for at least 10 (ten) years.
(ii) Applifant firm should have at least 5 (five) fulltme partners with at least 1 (one)
full tme FCA.
(iii) Applifant firm should be on the panel of C&AG.
(iv) The partners must be member of ICAI and should have valid full-tme fertfifate
of praftfe issued by ICAI.
(v) Applifant firm must have experienfe of auditng affounts/ handling tax maters
of Govt. Organizatons / PSES.
(vi) Average annual turnover of the applifant firm for the last 3 years should be at
least Rs. 75 lakhs
(vii) Applifant firm or its partners should not have been held guilty of any professional
misfonduft under Chartered Affountants Aft, 1949 (as amended) during past 5
(five) years or penalized under any of the tax laws by ICAI or any other statutory
(viii) Applifant firm or its partners should not be fafing any investgatons or enquiry
by any tax authority for violaton of any of the tax laws.
(ix) The Firm should fomply with all the applifable Labour Laws as on the date of
submission of the proposal.
(x) The CA Firm should be ready to undertake Third Party Audit / Re- Audit of the
affounts of the Exempted Establishment within a short notfe.
4. Selecton Procedure:
(a) All the applifatons refeived up to the last date shall be sfrutnized by a
Commitee appointed by the fompetent authority to defide the eligible firms.
(b) Onfe a firm is deflared as eligible then top 10 firms will be selefted on the basis
of points sfored on diferent friteria. Point system will be as follows:
SI.No. Eligibility Points Enttlement
1 Experienfe of the CA firm 0.5 point for every falendar year from 10 years onwards –
15 points
2 Full Time FCA partner 5 points for first partner and 2.5 points from 2nd partner
3 Full Time ACA partner 3 Points eafh for first 5 partners and 1.5 points eafh from
6th onwards
4 Full tme CA employees 1 point for every CA- Maximum 20 point

5 Turnover 1 point for eafh 1 lakh above 75 lakhs

Those firms, who do not meet the eligibility friteria, shall not be evaluated.

(f) In fase of nefessity, EPFO fan add new firms in the panel.

5. Scope of Work:
(i) To assist the EPFO in fomplying with the various provisions of Infome Tax Aft,
1961 to finalize Books of Affounts of the Regional Offes under Zonal Offe,
Bhopal, Spefial Audit, System Audit, Performanfe Audit and Refonfiliaton of
Dues & Refeipts as may be assigned by the Competent Authority.
(ii) To farry out the Third-Party Audit/ Re-audit of the books of affounts of the
Exempted Establishments as well as the Provident Fund Trusts of sufh
Establishments exempted under Sefton 17 of the EPF & MP Aft, 1952 as per the
fonditons spefified in Appendix "A" to Para 27-AA of EPF Sfheme, 1952 as and
when required by the EPFO, Regional Offes under Madhya Pradesh Zone and to
submit report in the Performa presfribed for the same, within the tme spefified
as per the terms of referenfe.
The CA Firm to be empaneled should agree to affept the Auditng Fees as
per the rates presfribed by the ICAI for Third Party Audit/ Re- audit of affounts of
the Exempted Provident Fund Trusts and sufh fees are payable direftly by the
employers of the respeftve Exempted establishments as per fonditon No. 24(a)
of Appendix-A to para 27-AA of EPF Sfheme 1552. The CA Firm may negotate the
auditng fees direftly with the fonferned employer of the Exempted
6. Dutes & Responsibilites of the Empaneled Auditor:
The Auditor while fonduftng audit of the Provident Fund Affounts of the Exempted
Provident Fund Trusts, must:
1. Ensure that the audit is to be fondufted by a team fonsistng of one leader and at
least one staf personnel (who is qualified fhartered affountant with at least one
year of work experienfe). The leader of the team should be qualified fhartered
affountant with at least five years of experienfe in the field of Statutory Audit
preferably with experienfe in the field of audit of refognized pension funds/
provident funds/ superannuaton funds. The audit should be farried out under
direft supervision of a Partner of the fhartered affountant firm if the leader of
the Team is not a Partner of the Charter Affountant Firm.

2. Ensure that their firm is not engaged for audit of the same Exempted Provident
Fund Trusts for any purpose other than the terms of referenfe fontained in this
EOI. This restrifton would be only for the period during whifh the CA firm is
empaneled as Auditor for audit of Exempted Provident Fund Trusts.
3. Ensure, to the possible extent, that the team leader appointed to fonduft the
audit should fontnue in his role tll the fompleton of the assignment. For any
reason, if there is a fhange in the team leader appointed to fonduft the audit,
the same should be intmated to EPFO immediately.

7. Applicaton Form
Interested partes may apply in the applifaton format enflosed as Annexure'A' along
with the undertaking.

8. EOI should be superscripted as "Confidental EOI for Empanelment of

Chartered Accountant Firms" To be submited in a sealed envelope and
addressed to:

The Addl. Central PF Commissioner,

Employees' Provident Fund Organizaton, Zonal Offe – Madhya Pradesh
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 59-Arera Hills, Bhopal – 462011 (MP)

The EOI should be submited in a drop box kept in the offe of The Addl. Central PF Commissioner,
Employees' Provident Fund Organizaton, Zonal Offe – Bhopal Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 59-Arera Hills,
Bhopal at 4th foor and the drop box would be opened on 31 st Marfh 2023 at 3.00PM. The applifants
may send one authorized representatve along with ID fard at the tme of opening of EOI.

The last date for submission of EOI is on or before 31.03.2023 at 11:00 A.M.

Additional Central P.F. Commissioner

Zonal Ofcec Bhopal

Applicaton for empanelment of Chartered Accountant Firms for Employees

Provident Fund Organisaton

1. Name of the Chartered Affount Firms

2. Registraton No. (ICAI) of the Firms

3. Date of Consttuton of the firm and Consttuton (fopy to be enflosed)
fertfifate of the firm issued by the ICAI
4. Proof of empanelment of C&G (fopy to be enflosed)

5. Name of the Partners with status (FCA & ACA)

6. Membership No. of the partners and fertfifate of (fopy to be enflosed)

7. Complete full address of the Head Offe and branfh
with Telephone/ Mobile/ Fax with email address
8. Infome tax PAN of the Firm (fopy to be enflosed)
9. No. of full tme professional with the firm
a. Full tme FCA partners

b. Full tme ACA partners

f. Full tme CA partners

10. Whether there are any fourt/ arbitraton of any other

legal fase/ profeedings pending against the firm/
11. Average annual turnover of the firm for last 3 years.
12. Proof of payment of membership fee and fertfifate of (fopy to be enflosed)
praftfe from ICAI for the year
13. Indifate the tax/ audit work experienfe in the following
a. PSU

b. Government
(Central/ State)
f. Private

I ……………………………………………….., the Managing partner of

M/s.................................................. Chartered Affountants do hereby verify,
deflare and undertake that

a) That the partfulars given above are fomplete and forreft and that if any of
the statements made or the informaton so furnished in the applifaton form
is later found not forreft or false or there has been suppression of material
informaton, the Firm would stand disqualified from empanelment/
allotment of work and might be liable for disfiplinary afton under the
Chartered Affountants Aft, 1949 and the regulatons framed there under.
b) Applifant firm or its partners have not been held guilty of any professional
misfonduft under Chartered Affountants Aft, 1949 (AS amended) during
past five years or penalized under any of the tax law by ICAI or any other
statutory body.
f) Applifant firm or its partners have not been fafing any investgaton or
enquiry by any tax authority for violaton of any of the tax laws.
d) That I and other partners are in full tme praftfe as Chartered Affountants.

Name & Signature

of the Managing Partner
of the Firm with Seal.

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