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Remember the Titans - Writeup

On a basic level, the movie is about a football team and their journey
from training, playing, coaching and winning at the end. But the major
theme of the movie is about fighting racism implanted in the minds of
immature people and how a Leader (or 2) can bring this team of
people with mixed races (color in this movie) together with excellent
leadership. The two coaches Herman Boone and Bill Yoast are the
leaders in this movie, very different kinds of leaders. Actually my
favorite scene of the movie and the other great scene shows their
leadership. First is the run to the Gettysburg National Cemetery and
the emotional speech that is delivered by Herman Boone. We first see
him coaching very rigorously. The other coach also mentions to him
that there is a thin line between being hard and crazy. He takes a very
authoritative style of leadership. He had to choose that because of the
immature people in the team who fight all the time about race, a
matter that doesn’t concern the game. While Bill Yoast takes a
completely opposite laissez-faire approach in the final game where the
referee was biased so that Bill will get his award. He knows that the
people of his team are now matured and they have a good coach. So
he does what he should to keep Boone’s position as a coach. He does
it without others noticing and keeps the organization intact.

We also see the concepts of Followership, Empowerment, Power

through the characters of Herman Boone and Bill Yoast. We also see
what a level 5 leader brings to an organization, as the most basic
theme of the movie itself. Boone didn’t just win the cup, he made the
immature people mature by clearing their minds about color. The
coaches and teammates were friends for a lifetime despite being from
different colors in a sensitive time. A Level-5 leader changes the
organization and makes a positive impact towards the society like
what Herman Boon did.

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