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March 15, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President, Pat Kier, at 12:36 PM. Council members in
attendance were: Father Grubba, Pat Klier, Rebecca Van Scyoc, Steve Schultz and
Joyce Pindel (Paula Pfaller attended via phone), Trustee, Kevin Fitzgerald; and Religious
Education/Evangelization Coordinator, Pam Springstroh.

Father Grubba offered an opening prayer.

Secretary’s Report – Minutes from the January meeting were approved electronically
and filed.

Correspondence - Pat Klier reported that St. James received a thank you letter from
Eleanor Zahn and Reyna Zahn, the two girls who received a scholarship to attend
Camp Gray this summer.

Treasurer’s Report - Kevin Fitzgerald reported January and February heat and snow
plow bills were high. He made a correction to the budget report that showed $0.00 for
the column for Missalettes; it should be $1,200 for the year. A Motion was made by
Steve Schultz and seconded by Paula Pfaller to file the Treasurer’s Report after the
correction. Motion carried. Filed as reported after change was made.

Building and Maintenance - The lights and vents were vacuumed and cleaned at
St. James Place. The floor scrubber was repaired and new batteries were installed.
We passed our annual Fire Inspection of all buildings. There was discussion because one
of the computers was no longer working in the office. Lots of snow plowing and salting
recently will probably put us over our budget.

Religious Education - Pam Springstroh, our Religious Education/Evangelization

Coordinator, reported that religious education for families has been going well. A request
was made for supper for the Wednesday evening group on April 13. St. James and Paula
Pfaller will again supply pizza for the group. “Love Begins Here” is a 3-day trip to
Wisconsin Dells for middle school children. There is still room for one more person. For
more information, contact Pam Springstroh at (920) 229-6843. Pam also reported there
is a booklet: “A Guide to Go Make Disciples”. This is a 7-week study in small groups or
by individuals.

Council of Catholic Women - The CCW will be supplying flowers for the Easter

Liturgy - We have a need for another Lector for the Saturday evening service.

Music - Things are running smoothly.

Food for the Needy - We currently are helping two families and the Blessings
Food Pantry. There have been no new requests for help at this time.

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The Parish Council electronically approved sending two children to Camp Gray this
summer. There was discussion about the merger happening July 1, and Father Grubba
appointed Kevin Fitzgerald and Joyce Pindel the liaisons for St. James Church.

• St. James Parish Council approved scholarships to five St. James Parish children to
attend All Saints Catholic School for the 2023-2024 school year. A Motion was made
by Rebecca Van Scyoc and seconded by Steve Schultz to support the education.
Motion carried. After some discussion, a Motion was made by Rebecca Van Scyoc and
seconded by Steve Schultz to offer college scholarships (undergraduate school) to
children of active participating parishioners. Motion carried.
• St. James Parish children college scholarship applications will be available in the
future. Discussion on the scholarship applications for both grade school and college
were discussed. Kevin Fitzgerald will enlist the aid of a lawyer to review the
application/contracts for scholarship. A Motion was made by Joyce Pindel and
seconded by Steve Schultz to include the yearly renewability for the scholarships for
the grade school children for up to eight years and up to four years for the college.
Motion carried.
• After some discussion, a Motion was made by Joyce Pindel and seconded by Steve
Schultz to have a going away/thank you party for Father Dale Grubba with invitations
going to all parishioners and friends of Father Grubba. Motion carried. Funds for the
party will be taken from the Picnic account. Patrick Klier reserved the church
basement, Monday March 20, at 6:30 PM for a committee planning meeting for the
event. All are welcome to attend.

Father Grubba reported the State Historical Society wants to put Our Lady of Guadalupe
of Endeavor on the Registry for Historical Religious sites. There is also interest on the
national level. Father Grubba stated that work on the Shrine to the South American
Martyrs will begin soon.

Next meeting date - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2023, AT 12:30 PM.

Father Grubba closed the meeting with a prayer.

A Motion was made by Joyce Pindel and seconded by Paula Pfaller to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 1:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce A. Pindel, Secretary

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