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Original Research Paper

Natural Product Communications

Volume 18(3): 1–12
Antioxidant Effect of Jatropha dioica Extract on © The Author(s) 2023
Article reuse guidelines:
Immunoreactivity of Claudin 2 in the Kidney of
DOI: 10.1177/1934578X231157183
Rats with Induced Diabetes

Agustina Ramírez-Moreno1, Rubén García Garza2, David Pedroza Escobar3,

Adolfo Soto Dominguez4, Erika Flores-Loyola1, Irais Castillo Maldonado3,
Hady Keita5, Ibrahim Sharara Núñez2 and Dealmy Delgadillo Guzmán2

Introduction: Diabetes is related to different complications, such as nephropathy. In kidneys, the tight junctions (TJ) regulate the
paracellular transport of solutes and water. The claudins are the most significant component in the TJ and are expressed throughout
the epithelium and modulated permeability. Objective: To evaluate the antioxidant effect of Jatropha dioica (JD) extract and claudin 2
(CLDN 2) in the kidney of rats with induced diabetes. Methods: It is an experimental, explanatory, prospective, longitudinal, and
analytical study. The effect of hydro-alcoholic extract from JD root on the presence of CLDN 2 in rats with induced diabetes was
evaluated. The experiment lasting 21 days, treated 40 rats with and without induced diabetes by an intraperitoneal (IP) injection of
alloxan. The study groups were exposed to JD extract at 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg. There was no significant morphological difference
in the renal tissue morphology of the treated and control groups. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that JD extract at 50 mg/
kg ameliorated the tubular damage induced by diabetes, and the mechanism might be related to the CLDN2 expression. Finally, JD
could also increase total antioxidant capacity to protect the kidney from oxidative stress.

Polyphenols, claudin 2, diabetic nephropathy, kidney histology, plants extract

Received: July 8th, 2022; Accepted: January 27th, 2023.

Introduction Various reports indicate that G officinalis is useful as an adjuvant

treatment for diabetes mellitus, with a known origin from the
Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by the fact that the Middle Ages.4,6 It has been identified that G officinalis contains fla-
pancreas is insufficient to produce insulin due to an autoimmune vonoids, tannins, saponins, glycosides, resins, and steroids with
process, type 1 diabetes (T1D), or the body does not effectively antioxidant properties.6
use the insulin secreted by the pancreas, type 2 diabetes (T2D).
The elevation of blood glucose manifests in both T1D and
T2D. T1D is also referred to as insulin-dependent or juvenile
and requires the daily administration of this hormone. It has 1
Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Torreón,
been postulated that T1D has a genetic origin and cannot be pre-
vented. On the other hand, T2D, also called non-insulin-depen- 2
Departamento de Farmacologíaa, Departamento de Histologíab, Facultad de
dent, occurs in adulthood, represents 90% of diabetes cases, Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Torreón, Mexico
and can be prevented or, in some cases, reversed via treatment.1 3
Departamento de Bioquímica, Facultad de Medicina, Centro de Investigación
High glucose levels in diabetes cause severe damage and micro- Biomédica, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Torreón, México
Departamento de Histología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de
vascular complications such as retinopathy, heart disease, and neu-
Nuevo León, Monterrey, México
ropathy.2,3 Medicinal plants may be essential in managing blood 5
División de estudios de posgrado, Universidad de la Sierra Sur, Miahuatlán de
glucose through different mechanisms. For example, Galega offici- Porfirio Díaz, Oaxaca, México
nalis could be beneficial for treating diabetes and reducing fast
blood sugar by improving the serum level of insulin and prevent- Corresponding Author:
Dealmy Delgadillo Guzmán, Departamento de Farmacología, Facultad de
ing kidney tissue damage by antioxidant features.4 G officinalis is Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Morelos #900. Col.
known as Galega belonging to the Fabaceae family. It is known Centro. C. P. 27000, Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico.
to grow in the Middle East and southeastern Europe.4–6 Email:

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License
( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission
provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (
2 Natural Product Communications

At the renal level, the functions of blood filtration are per- Jatropha dioica (JD) is endemic plant of South United States
formed in the glomerular capillaries. There, the reduction of (Texas) and most of Mexico. It grows in dry and semi-dry
liquid volume and modification of the composition by the phe- climate. This plant belongs to the Kingdom Plantae, the
nomenon of tubular resorption and tubular secretion forms the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) and is commonly known as
urine that enters the renal pelvis.7 The glomerular and tubular leatherstem, leatherwood or sangre de drago (“dragon blood”
epithelial cells have as their primary function the handling of within Spanish speaking area). It owes its common name to
organic and inorganic solutes. Therefore, the homeostasis of the presence of a colorless liquid that changes to red in
extracellular fluids depends on their efficient functioning. contact with oxygen. The bush typically grows to the height
Renal tight junction proteins (TJ proteins) are involved in para- of 50 to 150 cm.22,23 The presence of terpenoids compounds,
cellular solute and water transport. flavonoids, reducing sugars and alkaloids are possibly responsi-
These proteins are adhesion complexes that form a contin- ble for the antioxidant effect observed using model radical scav-
uous belt around the circumference of the cells8 allowing a good enger (1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH) for the root
diffusion through the paracellular route that includes TJ pro- extracts of JD The presence of terpenoid compounds, flavo-
teins located in the apical portion in the epithelial cells.9 noids, reducing sugars, and alkaloids has been identified by
There are different integral proteins, such as claudins and occlu- observing their antioxidant activity that counteracts FRs in JD
dins. The claudins are the most abundant proteins, constituting root extract.24
large chains of TJ proteins, and expressed throughout the mod- In our previous work it was determined that the ethanolic
ulation of epithelial permeability.10 extracts (70%) obtained from JD were not toxic.25 Similarly,
The TJ proteins are responsible for the size and charge selec- aqueous extracts do not have genotoxic or cytotoxic effect as
tive conductance properties of paracellular pathways.11 The shown in analysis of micronucleus in mouse peripheral
ocludins are expressed along the segments of the epithelial blood.26 Also, it has been reported that this plant extract exhibits
tubular nephrons.12 a protective behavior on mouse hepatocytes, renal and medulla
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) manifests by reduction of the bone cells.27 The JD extracts contain phenolics which are bioac-
glomerular filtration13 where creatinine clearance values tive compounds displaying antioxidant function.28 In addition,
decrease to values below 60 mL min/1.73 m2. The primary other properties of this plant extracts have also been reported
marker of renal damage is a urinary albumin excretion.14 In such as an antibiotic,22 anti-hyperglycemic,29 and antiviral.30
addition, the pathogenesis involves various elements, such as Previous research studied the antioxidant properties of the
decreased nitric oxide production, increased protein kinase hydroalcoholic extract of JD from the plant, stem, and root
activity, overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). aerial parts. We resulted in the latter with the highest quantifica-
Although the generation of free radicals (FRs) is a normal char- tion of polyphenols.31 Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate
acteristic of cell function, excessive generation or insufficient the effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of the JD root on the
removal of FRs can cause oxidative stress and lead to injury morphology of renal tissue in diabetic rats. In addition, the
or destruction of the tissue. There are innate defense mecha- immunoreactivity of claudin 2 (CLDN 2) within the same
nisms to counteract the high production of FR or ROS, pre- tissue was evaluated since it is believed that the extracts of JD
dominantly the action of enzymes such as catalase, have a protective behavior on the cells.
superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase.15 On the
other hand, Syzygium (S.) aromaticum is a dried flower bud
belonging to the Myrtaceae family native to the Moluccas Materials and Methods
islands in Indonesia, also cultivated on different continents Extract Preparation
for its gastronomic utility.16,17 Recently, it has been shown
that medicinal plant extracts such as S aromaticum exert a protec- The plant material was collected in May 2015 locally in Torreon,
tive action on kidney tissue against oxidative damage and Coahuila, Mexico (103°26 33” W and 25°32 40” N). It was
decrease urea and creatinine levels, kidney weight, glomerular cleaned, cut into small pieces, and dried. In an amber jar, 2 g
diameter, and thickness of the glomerular basement mem- of the dry powdered root of JD was placed in 50 mL of a hydro-
brane.18 As external help, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, alcoholic solution containing 75 wt% of water and was stirred
β-carotenes, and other carotenoids, as well as selenium, have for 48 h at room temperature (RT). Then, it was filtered and
been helpful for their complementary antioxidant effect to condensed on a rotary evaporator at low temperatures, and
combat ROS. Likewise, the secondary metabolites present in the concentrate was placed in an oven at 60°C until full
roots and plants such as curcumin, flavonoids, terpenoids, phe- dryness was achieved. The collected powder was resuspended
nylpropanoids, tannins, coumarins, and lignins capture FRs due in water at the required concentrations.
to their high metal-reducing and chelating capacity. In addition,
these mechanisms neutralize ROS.19,20 It has been proposed
that the antioxidants present in medicinal roots such as curcu- Study Groups
min could help in the preventive treatment of pathologies To determine the dose to be administered to the animals, a toxic
such as serum lipoperoxidation and liver and liver diseases.21 activity lethality test of the extracts in Artemia salina larvae was
Ramírez-Moreno et al 3

carried out in a lethal dose of 2183.84 ppm. At 2183.84 ppm of trend of the animals. The animals were sacrificed by cardiac
extract, half of the brine shrimp were exposed to a vegetable puncture following anesthesia with 30 mg/kg of pentobarbital
test with an LC50 value greater than 1000 ppm. Therefore, this IP kidney samples were then collected for histopathological
extract is not considered toxic.32 The concentrations examined and immunohistochemical analysis.
were 25, 50, and 100 mg/kg, according to Araujo Espino 2017. 26
In this study, 40 young female Wistar rats, 7 to 8 weeks old,
and weighing 180 to 260 g were used. They were maintained at Histopathological Analysis
RT (25°C ± 2°), and with 12 h light/darkness cycles. The com- The kidney tissue was fixed in 10% v/V formalin solution
mercial food and water were ad libitum access. The animals (100 mL of 37%-40% formaldehyde with 900 mL of 0.9%
underwent a 7-day adaptation period before starting the treat- saline solution) to preserve the tissue structure during 48 h.
ment. Also, the animals were cared according to the Mexican Then, kidney samples were cut crosswise, and processed by
standard NOM-062-ZOO-1999, after getting the approval the conventional histologic technique: washed in PBS 1X, dehy-
from the Bioethics Committee with reference number drated in gradual ethanol solutions, xylene treated to remove the
01-04-16 of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous alcohol, and embedded in paraffin blocks. Next, histological
University of Coahuila. slices of 5 to 7 µm thick were obtained with a microtome
Leitz 1512®, placed directly in a water bath at 40°C with
0.01% of egg albumin, and dewaxed in an oven at 56°C for
Diabetes Induction 1 h. Most reagents used were purchased from Merck®.
The diabetes was induced by an intraperitoneal (IP) injection of
alloxan (Sigma)24–26 at 125 mg/kg of weight (0.5 mL/100 g of
body weight) by IP. The rats included showed values higher than Staining with Hematoxylin and Eosin
200 mgdL−1 of glucose in blood for 14 days. After 2 weeks of Dewaxed sections were placed in xylene, xylene: ethanol solution
being induced to diabetes, without reversing hyperglycemic state, (1:1), and absolute ethanol; then were rinsed in distilled water and
the rats received a dose administration daily of 25, 50, 100 mg/ immersed in the hematoxylin according to Harris formula
kg−1 extract diluted in purified water, without feeding between (Golden Bell). Next, the sections were washed (water, acid
7:00 and 10:00 AM The treatment of all groups lasted for a period alcohol, water) and immersed 6 times in eosin solution
of 21 days. Weight and glucose levels were measured at the beginning (Harleco Dade de México S.A.; 0.25% w/V dissolved in
and at the end of the experiment to observe animals’ behavioral ten- ethanol 80% with 0.5% of glacial acetic acid). Following, they
dencies. Blood samples were taken by cardiac puncture with a previ- were washed according with the next order: ethanol 96°, absolute
ous use of 30 mg/kg−1 anesthesia, then the samples were ethanol, ethanol: xylene solution (1:1), xylene, and finally the sec-
centrifuged and conserved at −70°C (until needed for the antioxi- tions were mounted in synthetic resin. They were allowed to dry
dant capacity and lipid peroxidation quantifications). at RT for 48 h. The samples were observed with an Olympus®
Glucose was measured with a glucometer (brand: optical microscope under 40x magnification.
Accu-Chek®). The treated animals that showed fasting glucose
levels larger than 250 mg/dL after a period of 14 days were used
for the following experiment. Glucose measurements were per- Preparation of Samples by the Technique of Tissue Array
formed with a glucometer (Accu-Chek Nano Performa®, Roche). Once the areas of interest were identified in the H&E
kidney-stained slides, they were collected from the donor
blocks to prepare the tissue arrays according with techniques
Administration of JD Extract already described by our research team.33 Briefly, the tissue
Two weeks after diabetes induction, and without presenting cores from the donor blocks were inserted into the perforations
hypoglycemic shock, the animals were administered daily made in the acceptor blocks. Later these blocks were placed in
doses of 25, 50, or 100 mg of extract in purified water/kg the stove to melt the paraffin and to cover the wells. Once the
weight, in fasting conditions between 7:00 and 10:00 AM The tissue arrays were ready, they were cut by microtomy to 5 µm
animals (n = 35) were divided into 7 groups (n = 5): CN: neg- slices thickness.
ative control; CD: diabetic control treated with only water ad
libitum; D + E 25 mg/kg: diabetic rats treated with 25 mg/kg
of JD extract; D + E 50 mg/kg: diabetic treated with 50 mg/ Immunohistochemical Method
kg of JD extract; D + E 100 mg/kg: diabetic rats treated First, the slides were covered with a 10% poly-L-Lysine adhe-
with 100 mg/kg of JD extract; E: rats without diabetes sive solution (Sigma-Aldrich®) in distilled water for 15 min,
treated with 50 mg/kg of JD extract; O: rats without diabetes then were dried at 56°C, and stored until their use.
treated with olive oil; and D + VE: diabetic treated with For the immunohistochemistry analysis for the detection of
100 mg/kg of vitamin E. All the groups were treated for a CLDN 2, tissue slices of 5 μm were deparaffinized and rehy-
period of 21 days. Weight and glucose levels were measured drated, and immunolabeling was performed according to the
at the beginning and end of the study to observe the behavioral manufacturer’s protocol. Briefly, slices were incubated for 1 h
4 Natural Product Communications

in a solution of Target Retrieval Solution (TRS) high pH, 1x at both by the hydroalcoholic route and by infusion, to determine
100°C for the antigen recovery, and then slices were washed 3 the anatomical area with the highest polyphenol content, whole
times in tris-buffered saline + Triton X-100 0.1% (TBST) (TRS plant matter registered the presence of flavonoids. In contrast,
and TBST solutions were purchased in Dako Cytomation Inc.). the triterpenes were not identified in the hydroalcoholic extract
After that, slices were incubated in 3% H2O2 in methanol at RT of the stem. When quantifying the concentrations of polyphe-
for 10 min, followed by incubation with 10% horse serum in nols in the extracts, statistically significant differences were
PBS 1x at 37°C for 30 min. Later, the sections were incubated found (ANOVA: P< .001). The concentration range found in
with monoclonal specific antibody mouse anti-CLDN 2 the 4 extracts was from 23.0 to 44.03 µg/mL of ac. gal., with
(MA5-11711, 1:50 dilution, Thermo Scientific Pierce a mean of 35.32 ± 7.85 (95% CI 30.32 to 40.31). The values
Antibodies) at 4°C overnight. Then, slices were washed 3 for the mean and standard deviation (SD) of polyphenol con-
times with TBST at RT, and were incubated 1 h with the centration in descending order were EHR > IR > IT > EHT
Mouse and Rabbit specific HRP/DAB/ABC detection (43.44 ± 0.723; 40.56 ± 0.446; 33.24 ± 1.02; 24.05 ±
system (ab64264 Abcam®) and 3,3′ diaminobenzidine were 0.927 µg/mL ac. gal., respectively). The EHR extract showed
used to visualize antibody staining. Finally, sections were coun- the highest concentration of 43.67 ± 0.72 µg/mL ac. gal.
terstained with Harris’ hematoxylin (Sigma Chemical Co). For (95% CI 41.65 to 45.24) while the EHT extract presented
negative controls, primary antibody was omitted, and sections the lowest concentration of 24.05 ± 0.92 µg/mL ac. gal.
were incubated with TBST alone. (95% CI 21.75 to 26.35) (ANOVA P < .0001); therefore, the
High-resolution digital images were obtained using an concentration of polyphenols in EHR is 44.64% higher than
Eclipse 50i microscope (Nikon Tokyo Japan) with an that of EHT.
NIS-Elements software system. All samples were evaluated by
3 independent specialists in Morphology using previously pub-
lished criteria.34 Induction of Diabetes
The diabetes was induced by an IP injection of alloxan
(Sigma)24–26 at 125 mg/kg of weight. After 2 weeks, the
Morphometric Analysis animals without hypoglycemic shock and fasting glucose
In this study, a morphometric analysis was performed in the levels larger than 250 mg/dL were considered as with diabetes
immunolabeling method by light microscopy, at a 40x magnifi- and chosen for the subsequent experiments. In Table 1, the
cation in 8 representative fields scattered in the preparations as results of rat weight and blood glucose levels are shown.
follows.34 These parameters were determined at the beginning and the
The color parameters, hue distribution, saturation, and lumi- end of the experimental treatment period of 21 days. These
nance were established in the capture software and were the results show homogeneous glucose values from the beginning
same for all the images obtained. From the images obtained, to the end of the treatment in all the groups. On the other
the brown hue of the positivity to CLDN 2 was manually hand, the weight data in the diabetic group show a significant
selected, and the program (with the detection threshold of the decrease, with an extract dose of 25 mg/kg (P<.05) is compared
control sample pre-calibrated) converted the interval color to with the initial weight. However, with doses of 50 and 100 mg/
grayscale and the other tissue components to white. Then, the kg of the extract, weight tended to increase, without and statis-
processed images were automatically analyzed to determine tical significant difference.
the percentage of the area and intensity of the density (Int
Dent) of elastic fibers in each sample. Quantitative analysis of
positive area was performed in triplicate sections using Determination of Histological Parameters
ImageJ v1.51 (NIH).35 In the kidney sections of the negative control group, we
observed the specific features of the tissue: glomerulus,
urinary space, proximal and distal tubules. The structural
Statistical Analysis dimensions of the urinary space, glomerular capillaries, and
For the analysis of the comparison of weight results, glucose renal capillaries are shown in Figure 1. No statistically signifi-
levels, histopathological, and morphometric analysis, a cant differences were observed in the structural dimensions
one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) was performed consider- between the study groups. All of these with normal morpholog-
ing a statistical significance value of 95% and to compare the ical characteristics (Figure 2A). In contrast, in diabetic groups
significant differences P < .05. The Student’s t-test for paired (Figure 2B), diabetic + 25 mg/kg of extract (Figure 2C), dia-
samples was used. betic + 50 mg/kg of extract (Figure 2D), diabetic + 100 mg/
kg of extract (Figure 2E), single extract (Figure 2F), only olive
oil (Figure 2G), and diabetic plus 100 mg/kg of vitamin E
Results (Figure 2H), also no morphological alterations were observed.
A qualitative analysis of flavonoids and triterpenes was per- Only some areas with mild to moderate vascular congestion
formed after pulverization and preparation of the extracts were observed in a few cases.
Ramírez-Moreno et al 5

Table 1. Blood Glucose Levels and Body Weight at the Start and end of Treatment in the Different Groups.
Blood glucose (mg/dL) Body weight (g)
Initial Final P Initial Final P
CN 111.75 ± 4.5 104.25 ± 5.05 .15 223.3 ± 4.86 224.8 ± 6.39 .456
CD 507.25 ± 96.64 450 ± 22.53 .28 204.50 ± 9.67 214 ± 7.8 .360
D+ E 25 mg/kg 591.5 ± 9.84 581.25 ± 37.5 .67 195.48 ± 9.85 167.4 ± 15.26* .022
D+ E 50 mg/kg 436 ± 69.75 398.8 ± 40.88 .17 196.20 ± 12.91 216 ± 38.89 .327
D+ E 100 mg/kg 443.25 ± 74.47 367 ± 60.55 .47 197.25 ± 24.67 206.5 ± 22.45* .022
E 98.75 ± 9.56 98.25 ± 2.75 .91 210.75 ± 0.95 216 ± 7.62 .247
O 112 ± 10.42 98.75 ± 14.66 .11 209.5 ± 10.9 211.5 ± 15.8 .566
D+ VE 449 ± 48.15 416.75 ± 145.63 .64 175.5 ± 19.87 182.34 ± 24.55 .177
The data are presented as average with standard deviation.
D + E 25mg/kg: diabetes treated with 25 mg/kg of JD extract.
D + E 50 mg/kg: diabetes treated with 50 mg/kg of JD extract.
D + E 100 mg/kg: diabetes treated with 100 mg/kg of JD extract.
*Significant difference P < .05. Student’s t-test paired samples.
Abbreviations: CN, negative control; CD, diabetes control without treatment, only water ad libitum; D VE, diabetic treated with 100 mg/kg of vitamin E; E, extract; O,
olive oil.

Figure 1. Structural dimensions of the urinary space, glomerular capillary, and renal corpuscle. NC: negative control. Kruskal–Wallis test and
Dunn’s multiple comparisons test and DC group. *P < 0.05.
Abbreviations: DC, diabetes control without treatment, only water ad libitum; D + E 25 mg/kg: diabetes treated with 25 mg/kg of JD extract. D + E
50 mg/kg, diabetes treated with 50 mg/kg of JD extract. D + E 100 mg/kg, diabetes treated with 100 mg/kg of JD extract; D VE, diabetic treated
with 100 mg/kg of vitamin E; E, extract; NC, negative control; O, olive oil.
6 Natural Product Communications

Figure 2. Histological micrographs of the kidney. Treatment time: 21 days. (A) CN: negative control; (B) CD: diabetes control; (C) D + E 25 mg/
kg: (D) D + E 50 mg/kg; (E) D + E 100 mg/kg; (F) Extract; (G) olive oil, and (H) D + VE. The cuts were paraffin-soaked and stained with
hematoxylin and eosin. Magnification: 40x.
Ramírez-Moreno et al 7

Immunoreactivity of CLDN 2 in Renal Tissue In addition, a study by Storz in 2020 showed that beta cells are
susceptible to damage from exposure to diets rich in saturated
In the negative control group, the presence of immunoreactivity
fat while the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids exerts a protec-
to CLDN 2 was observed in distal and proximal convoluted
tive effect on beta cells.40 Not only animal models have the effect
tubules, the glomeruli did not exhibit reactivity (Figure 3A).
of polyphenols on the recovery of pancreatic cells. For example, a
In contrast, in the diabetic group, an apparent decrease in
study in patients with T2D given infusions of Somarinus officinalis
immunoreactivity of CLDN 2 was observed in distal and prox-
for 90 days found decreased percentages of glycated hemoglobin,
imal convoluted tubules (Figure 3B).
insulin resistance, and improved pancreatic β-cells function.
In the diabetic group with 25 mg/kg of extract, also an
Currently, the use of drugs such as sulfonylureas, whose site of
apparent decrease in CLDN 2 immunoreactivity in distal and
action depends on the ability of the pancreas to secrete insulin
proximal convoluted tubules was visible (Figure 3C). Here,
and, therefore, requires functional beta cells to exert a therapeutic
the presence of cytoplasmatic inclusions was observed.
effect, is still being considered. However, in the long term, it gen-
In the diabetic group with 50 mg/kg of extract, cytoplasmic
erates pancreatic damage due to overexploitation of the insulin-
inclusions were observed, but also a greater reactivity of the
secreting function by the pancreatic beta cells.41 The active ingre-
CLDN 2 in distal and proximal convoluted tubules compared
dients present in vegetables, such as JD, can be an alternative
to the diabetic group with 25 mg/kg of the extract was detected
treatment for hyperglycemic states resulting from damage to
(Figure 3D). The diabetic group treated with 100 mg/kg of
the pancreatic beta cell, which allows restoring the physiology
extract (Figure 3E) showed less reactivity to CLDN 2 compared
of glucose transport.
to the other diabetic group with extract treatment which deter-
The results of rat weight and blood glucose levels shown that
mines this dose as overdose. The nondiabetic group that admin-
diabetic animals with the treatment of 50 and 100 mg/kg
istered only extract (Figure 3F), only olive oil (Figure 3G), and
showed a decrease in glucose levels and a weight gain without
diabetic plus 100 mg/kg of vitamin E (Figure 3H) presented
a significant difference versus diabetic control. On the other
immunoreactivity of CLDN 2 in distal convoluted tubules and
hand, the weight data in the diabetic group treated with an
proximal convoluted tubules like the negative control group.
extract dose of 25 mg/kg showed a decrease in the significance
We performed an analysis of the densitometry resulting from
(P < .05) compared to the initial weight. The treatment group of
the immunohistochemical assay, which showed a statistically
25 mg/kg showed no change in glucose levels. Weight decrease
significant difference between the groups (P = .02). In the mul-
could suggest a positive influence of the treatment with 25 mg/
tiple comparisons, the group ND has differences with D +
kg of the JD extract. However, due to lack in visible trend in the
E50 (P = .003) and D + E100 (P = .0003), decreasing the
other groups studied that conclusion cannot be proved. In
densitometry of the anti-CLDN2 antibody significantly in the
similar research21 lack of trend was also observed and it was
groups that were administered the JD extract. No differences
suggested that it might be due to the length and levels of treat-
were observed between the ND group and the rest of the exper-
ment. Here, we add that absence of a trend might be as well
imental groups (Figure 3).
attributed to the low number of subjects in each group.
Compared to the DC group, the densitometric analysis of
Various mechanisms are associated with impaired pancreatic
claudin reactivity in renal tissue shows a statistically significant
secretion and insulin resistance in T2D, for example, vitamin D
difference between the groups treated at different doses with
deficiency,42 or oxidative phenomenon in the cell membrane. In
JD (25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg). On the contrary, the groups
the case of polyphenols, they improve insulin resistance by
treated with vitamin E and the vehicle (olive oil) did not show dif-
inhibiting the phosphorylation of IRS serine proteins, which
ferences in the densitometry concerning the DC group (Figure 4).
increases the phosphorylation of protein kinase B (Akt), a
protein that promotes the translocation of GLUT4 to the cell
membrane. Likewise, due to its high reducing capacity, it
Discussion sequesters ROS superoxide. In summary, some polyphenols
In this study, supplementation with an extract from JD was have been shown to enhance gene expression of proteins
administered to healthy nondiabetic rats and rats with involved in insulin signaling.43
induced diabetes. The diabetes was induced by an IP injection In other hand, no change in the renal structure was
of alloxan (Sigma) at 125 mg/kg of weight.36–38 After 2 observed, which indicates that the extract does not cause
weeks, the animals without hypoglycemic shock and fasting damage to the studied organ. Chandran et al. reported44 that
glucose levels larger than 250 mg/dL were considered diabetic. the polyphenolic compounds from plant extracts have protec-
The treatments included a daily dosage of 25, 50, and 100 mg/ tive ability in organs such as kidney, liver, pancreas, and heart,
kg of JD extract, 50 mg/kg of vitamin E. Control groups were due to their antioxidant capacity. In this work, although no
negative group, diabetes group, nondiabetic rats treated with morphological changes were observed in tissues of extract
50 mg/kg JD extract, and nondiabetic rats given olive oil. exposed animals, there were areas of mild to moderate vascular
Previously, we have shown that the damage caused to the islets congestion visible on diabetic groups with the treatment of 25
of Langerhans induced by alloxan is due to damage to the beta cell, and 100 mg/kg of extract. On the other hand, the diabetic
causing dysfunction that manifests with hyperglycemia and diabetes.39 group that was treated with dose of 50 mg/kg of JD extract
8 Natural Product Communications

Figure 3. Immunoreactivity of claudin 2 (CLD2) in renal tissue. Treatment time: 21 days. (A) CN: negative control; (B) CD: diabetes control; (C) D
+ E 25 mg/kg: (D) D + E 50 mg/kg; (E) D + E 100 mg/kg; (F) Extract; (G) olive oil, and (H) D + VE. The cuts were paraffin-soaked and stained
with hematoxylin and eosin. Magnification: 40x.

did not show any damage or vascular congestion. This leads to Hyperglycemia causes a high production of ROS. In
suggest that this is a suitable concentration to induce cell response to oxidative stress, numerous modifications are man-
protection. ifested at the cellular and molecular level. Kidney damage
Ramírez-Moreno et al 9

Figure 4. Densitometric analysis of claudin. D + E 25 mg/kg: diabetes treated with 25 mg/kg of JD extract. D + E 50 mg/kg. diabetes treated
with 50 mg/kg of JD extract. D + E 100 mg/kg, diabetes treated with 100 mg/kg of JD extract. Kruskal–Wallis test and Dunn’s multiple
comparisons test and DC group. **P < .001, ***P < .0001.
Abbreviations: DC, diabetes control without treatment, only water ad libitum; oilD VE: diabetic treated with 100 mg/kg of vitamin E; D + E 25 mg/
kg, diabetes treated with 25 mg/kg of JD extract. D + E 50 mg/kg, diabetes treated with 50 mg/kg of JD extract. D + E 100 mg/kg, diabetes
treated with 100 mg/kg of JD extract; E, extract; O, olive.

resulting from hyperglycemia and oxidative stress is the result of immune reactivity of the CLDN 2 was observed in the negative
the activation of immunological pathways, including the inflam- control group, in the diabetic group exposed to 50 mg/kg of
matory process, fibrosis and apoptosis.45 The polyphenols or extract and in the diabetic group treated with vitamin E. On
bioactive compounds present in plants considered medicinal the contrary, the diabetic group showed the lowest immune
improve the pathological conditions of chronic diseases, such reactivity of CLDN 2, followed by the diabetic group exposed
as DM.45 These data suggest that polyphenols can modify the to 25 mg/kg and the group subjected to 100 mg/kg. In the neg-
progression of DN by modulating premature cell aging, reduc- ative control group, the presence of immunoreactivity to CLDN
ing oxidative stress, the inflammatory state, apoptosis, and 2 was observed in distal and proximal convoluted tubules. In a
therefore the production of collagen in fibrosis. Resveratrol, a similar study were vitamin A (retinoic acid) was administered to
polyphenol, has been shown to prevent kidney damage diabetic rats decreases of CLDN 2 and occludins in the proxi-
caused by oxidative stress, enhance antioxidant capacity, and mal tubules and lowering of CLDN 5 in the glomerulus were
attenuate inflammatory and fibrotic responses.46 The main showed.53 The nondiabetic group that was administered
function of the kidney is the elimination of xenobiotics, includ- extract, olive oil, diabetic rats exposed to 100 mg of vitamin
ing drugs and environmental toxic agents. Due to the mecha- E, presented immunoreactivity of CLDN 2 in distal and prox-
nism of secretion, the cells of the proximal tubules are the imal convoluted tubules like the negative control group.
main site of accumulation of toxic materials and location for Comparable levels of CLDN 2 in the nondiabetic group
primary damage of the nephron. Subsequently, damage pre- exposed to JD extract and negative control show that this
sented in glomerulus, distal tubules, and loop of Henle extract is not hindering the correct kidneýs functions.
produce alterations in renal function. It is important to empha- The diabetic group treated with 50 mg/kg of extract JD dis-
size that the oxidative stress that occurs in the kidney can start played typical renal tissue morphology and increased CLDN 2
as an alteration of the thigh junction function. Thus, identifying immunoreactivity suggesting that this dosage is the most bene-
the role of antioxidants in preventing oxidative stress could be ficial in the treatment of diabetes.
useful in preventing damage to the JT structure.47–49
In diabetes, the increase in glucose decreases the expression
of gap junctions, a phenomenon that explains the presence of Conclusions
microvascular complications of diabetes.50,51 A study with The histological parameters analysis of kidney tissue shows that
Zucker rats demonstrated that hyperglycemia enhanced oxida- the extract of JD is not toxic. There was no morphological
tive stress. This result in the malfunction of gap junctions in the damage observed in the kidney structure in any of the
juxtaglomerular apparatus. Finally, the observations from groups, with only mild to moderate vascular congestion
molecular biology experiments suggest that the maintenance observed in the diabetic groups. The diabetic group treated
of the gap junction is fundamental in the autoregulation of with 50 mg/kg of extract JD displayed typical renal tissue mor-
the filtration processes and exchange of glomerular-tubular phology and increased CLDN 2 immunoreactivity suggesting
solutes, which is altered in diabetes.50,52 Here a greater this dosage is the most beneficial in the treatment of diabetes.
10 Natural Product Communications

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Validation: Ibrahim Sharara Núñez, Hady Keita, and David Pedroza All-trans retinoic acid prevents oxidative stress-induced loss of
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