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Future of the world

Mankind has been through evolutions, massive ones. The world around us continues to change
till date. We are witnessing changes previous generations could never imagine of. Alongside all
this, arise some critical issues as well, ones which could lead to disasters.
The biggest problem is the rapid population growth. We stand at 8 billion today as
compared to 5.28 billion in 1928. This is huge considering the number of resources being
consumed by this demographic change. More population is directly linked with increased
consumption and this if not dealt with, could lead to serious consequences. Where are we
headed though?
With all the advancement it may seem like the world is going to be a better place in future
but that is not what everyone sees. There are two sides to every image.


With the huge increase in population, developed countries are facing a massive influx and
the migration rate has been at its highest in history. Urbanization in selective countries
motivates more and more people to migrate to those specific parts. This causes lack of
development and human resources in other parts of the world thus nullifying the potential of
equity and quality of life. The underdeveloped countries stay the way they have been, and
world operates as it is right now. More forests are cleared to accumulate housing societies
which cause floods and global ecosystem is disturbed.
The lack of family planning and education leads to this demographic change. The inequality
of wealth distribution causes this as there is no incentive in third world countries for qualified
professionals. Whereas developed countries have a family control planning program that is
followed and acted upon as well.
All the world depends upon natural resources. Majority of the dependency is on non-
renewable resources which cannot be recycled, such as coal and petroleum. These, as statistics
show, would end nearly and the needs of masses would only increase. With the depletion of
these resources, many professionals have been trying to switch to renewable energy resources
which could be recycled or simply are available in an infinite amount. These include water,
sunlight and wind. This way the world would not have to worry about limited supply.
Lastly, the resources being consumed by 7 billion people are in literal terms destroying the
world. Technologies and inventions cause harmful emissions. Industries, cars, locomotives and
machinery all cause pollution and have adverse impacts on the environment. The recent floods
in Pakistan owe to the fact of global climate change which has ultimately resulted from these
emissions as they destroy the ozone. This polluted air has resulted in numerous health concerns
as the life expectancy graph shows the depleting curve.


One may wonder what some possible solution could be to these scenarios. The three
possibilities are to let the world continue as it is, a fortress world guided by authoritarians and a
transformed eco-friendly world, respectively.
In my opinion, the near future will most probably be a state of conventionalism. With the
increased migrations, demographic changes and consumption of energy resources, the world
will most probably end up in that state of total mess. Even today we have such glimpses of
authority whereby a country is prosperous, and the quality of life is impeccable.
Simultaneously, a country in this very world is deprived of necessities where even security is
not guaranteed. Where one has a life expectancy well beyond average and some country has
people dying due to starvation. These are due to unequal wealth distribution.
Despite the clear differences, people continue living as they have been, not wanting a change
for upcoming generations. The climate changes affect third world countries the most as they do
not have the infrastructure to deal with them whereas the shift results from massive emissions
from industries in developed countries who are to be blamed.
All this can cause economic collapses as the growing differences reduce technology and
productive institutions. The huge migrations causing problems increase too. As of today, every
other Pakistani wants to migrate in search of better life quality and rightly so. This is the impact
of global media coverage that we have had. We have students in every other corner of the
world and this number is only going to increase in future.
One method to amend such situations is through balanced approach of production and
consumption, equal distribution of technology and laws which enforce better living conditions
for everyone. This would result in less environmental damage and more balanced society.


The lack of resources could lead to countries acquiring them with only the privileged having
exclusive rights towards these resources leaving the rest of people in a state of misery. This
could lead to barbarization eventually resulting in a fortress world. Causing immense decrease
in demographic growth and lowered productivity of the world. It could also lead to break down
situation causing scarcity, violence and massive immigration levels. Also increasing lack of
productions and creating chaos.
Another alternate scenario is that of a transformed world but that requires countries to
sacrifice their own benefits which is obviously not favorable thus this possibility is very unlikely.


Although, if the current trends are allowed as they are, with a few tweaks, the world
could surely be a better place. If the technology and wealth is distributed equally while
everyone has equal opportunities with a balanced life with respect to quality, humanity could
surely be better off.
Equal wealth distribution provides incentives to the residents as they have access to the best
facilities and technology. A balanced approach does not deprive anyone of their rights and
every person leads a quality life. The population could be controlled through education and
incentives as well such as providing insurances to small families. Climate changes could be
slowed down by using energy efficient mechanisms and starvations could end by producing and
consuming according to the needs.
These are some of the solutions that are hard to implement but could help in revolutionizing
the world in some way.

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