Dialog Inggris

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Perawat 1 : aul

Perawat 2: gita

Perawat 3: meisa

Pasien : lulu

Family : dea

Famili 2 : nanan

Dokter : ghany

Perawat 1 : good afternoon mis, my name is aulia rusliyandana You can call me
ners aulia I m from nurshing academy fatmawati . my i check the
indentity bracelet first, can you state your name and date of birth?

Pasien : my name is ...... and my birth ......

Perawat : how are you today ?

Pasien : I think, i feel fever

Family : yes ners , my daughter complaining of since last night, and cant

Pasien : yes ners, i cant sleep since last night. Because my body has a fever

Perawat : Okay, here I will check your body temperature to find out your
current condition, do you agree?
Pasien : yes ners
Perawat periksa suhu tubuh pasien

Perawat : for a temperature of 39, your body is very fever

Familiy : is there any medicine to lower my child's body temperature?
Perawat : For the medicine, I will collaborate with the doctor first, miss
Family : oke ners.
Perawat : Sus, please confirm with the doctor what fever medicine should be
given to the patient?
Perawat 2 : oke ners.

Perawat 2 menelpon dokter

Perawat 2 : hallo dokter, good afternoon
Dokter : hallo sus, Is there anything I can help?
Perawat 2 : I am nurse Anggita, to inform you that a patient named Lulu has a
fever. for 39 results, what medicine should be given?
Dokter : how many days has the fever been?
Perawat 2 : the patient has had a fever since last night, and the patient cant’s
Dokter : Give paracetamol 500 mg to lower the patient's body temperature
Perawat 2 : ok doctor, I instructed nurse meisa to give paracetamol medicine
Perawat 2: thank you dok
Perawat 2 : nurse meisa, I ask you to give paracetamol medicine to a patient named
Perawat 3 : oke sus
Perawat 2: thank you, ners meisa

Perawat 2 memberikan obat pasien Ny. Lulu

Perawat 3 : good afternoon mis, my name is meisa delima You can call me ners
meisa I m from nurshing academy fatmawati . my i check the indentity
bracelet first, can you state your name and date of birth?
Pasien : my name is ...... and my birth ......
Perawar 3 : how are you today ?
Pasien : my body has a fever, I feel tired
Family 2 : sus, has the doctor instructed what medicine to give my sister?
Perawat 3 : already mis , here I will give paracetamol according to the doctor's
Family : what are the side effects of this medicine?
Perawat 3 : slight nausea, but nothing harmful mrs.
Family : oke
Perawat 3 : Okey, here''s the medicine, finish it
Pasien : yes nurse
Perawat 3 : well, i'll be excused to go back to the nurse's officeoffice
Pasien : thankyou nurse.
Perawat 1 : aul

Perawat 2: gita

Perawat 3: meisa

Pasien : lulu

Family : dea

Famili 2 : nanan

Dokter : ghany

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